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A module of helper functions for our final project.
import numpy as np
import math
# get_aspect_ratio(ax)
# Returns the aspect ratio of a given matplotlib axis (ax).
# Useful for adjusting the aspect ratio of our plots
# Source
from operator import sub
def get_aspect_ratio(ax):
# Total figure size
figW, figH = ax.get_figure().get_size_inches()
# Axis size on figure
_, _, w, h = ax.get_position().bounds
# Ratio of display units
disp_ratio = (figH * h) / (figW * w)
# Ratio of data units
# Negative over negative because of the order of subtraction
data_ratio = sub(*ax.get_ylim()) / sub(*ax.get_xlim())
return disp_ratio / data_ratio
# score_classifier(clf, x, y)
# For a classifier (clf), and data x, y
# compute various performance metrics.
# Returns (p, l, m) where:
# p -> predicted class
# l -> prediction label (true pos, ...)
# m -> dict of metrics
# Prediction labels:
# 1 -> true positive
# 2 -> true negative
# 3 -> false positive
# 4 -> false negative
def score_classifier(clf, x, y, cutoff = None):
score = clf.score(x, y)
(m, _) = x.shape
if cutoff is None:
p = clf.predict(x)
probs = clf.predict_proba(x)
cutoff_array = np.full_like(probs, cutoff)
p = np.greater(probs, cutoff_array)[:,1].astype(int)
true_pos = 0
true_neg = 0
false_pos = 0
false_neg = 0
labels = []
for i in range(0, m):
x_i = x[i]
y_i = y[i]
y_h = p[i]
if y_i == y_h and y_h == 1:
true_pos += 1
if y_i == y_h and y_h == 0:
true_neg += 1
if y_i != y_h and y_h == 1:
false_pos += 1
if y_i != y_h and y_h == 0:
false_neg += 1
# Metrics from Table 2 of paper
tnr = 0
if true_neg + false_pos != 0:
tnr = true_neg / (true_neg + false_pos)
tpr = 0
if true_pos + false_neg != 0:
tpr = true_pos / (true_pos + false_neg)
fpr = 0
if false_pos + true_neg != 0:
fpr = false_pos / (false_pos + true_neg)
g_mean = math.sqrt(tnr * tpr)
precision = 0
if true_pos + false_pos != 0:
precision = true_pos / (true_pos + false_pos)
f_measure = 0
if precision + tpr != 0:
f_measure = (2 * precision * tpr) / (precision + tpr)
metrics = {
"tp": true_pos,
"tn": true_neg,
"fp": false_pos,
"fn": false_neg,
"tnr": tnr,
"tpr": tpr,
"fpr": fpr,
"g_mean": g_mean,
"precision": precision,
"f_measure": f_measure,
"score": score
return (p, labels, metrics)
# metric_stats(ms)
# Compute metric statistics for a list of metric dicts,
# as computed by score_classifier
# Returns a metric stats object
# that has the same keys, by now each value is a tuple
# (mean, std)
def metric_stats(ms):
n_m = float(len(ms))
result = {}
for k in ms[0].keys():
values = []
for m in ms:
mean = np.mean(values)
std = np.std(values)
result[k] = (mean, std)
return result
# filter_points(x, l)
# Filter data points x by their prediction label
# (from score_classifier).
# Returns four datasets.
# Useful for making labeled scatter plots
def filter_points(x, labels):
x_tp = x[[i for i, l in enumerate(labels) if l == 1],:]
x_tn = x[[i for i, l in enumerate(labels) if l == 2],:]
x_fp = x[[i for i, l in enumerate(labels) if l == 3],:]
x_fn = x[[i for i, l in enumerate(labels) if l == 4],:]
print(f"tp: {x_tp.shape}, tn: {x_tn.shape}, fp: {x_fp.shape}, fn: {x_fn.shape}")
return (x_tp, x_tn, x_fp, x_fn)
# find_best_index(measurements, metric_name)
# Find the index of the metric stat dict in with the best
# mean value for metric_name.
def find_best_index(metric_stat_list, metric_name):
m_metrics = len(metric_stat_list)
indices = [i for i in range(0, m_metrics)]
indices.sort(key=lambda i: metric_stat_list[i][metric_name][0], reverse=True)
return indices[0]