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#include <iostream>
#include <subprocess.hpp>
#include <internal/exists.hpp>
#include <internal/simple_parse.hpp>
#include "buildlist.hpp"
#include "question.hpp"
TEST_CASE("Assignment 2") {
const auto question = GENERATE(
Question { .id = "q1", .desc = "Q1: References" },
Question { .id = "q2", .desc = "Q2: Pointers" },
Question { .id = "q3", .desc = "Q3: Exception" }
DYNAMIC_SECTION(question.desc) {
DYNAMIC_SECTION("Compile " + {
// I'm not sure if running make before running our tests is a good idea or
// not yet. We'll see what responses are like. -Brandon
subprocess::popen make("make", {"-C",});
const auto make_exit_status = make.wait();
CHECK(make_exit_status == 0);
DYNAMIC_SECTION("Test a simple phrase for " + {
INFO("Make sure that the output is dumped one word per line");
*question.exec("Vim is better than emacs").disjunction({}),
Catch::Equals(std::vector<std::string>({ "Vim", "is", "better", "than", "emacs" }))
DYNAMIC_SECTION("Check a simple phrase with valgrind") {
INFO("Check that valgrind passes on your input and returns with no memory errors.");
CHECK(question.passes_valgrind("Emacs is better than vim"));
DYNAMIC_SECTION("Check that buildList (in " + question.wlist_path() + ") meets question criteria.") {
if (!exists(question.wlist_path())) {
FAIL("File not found: " + question.wlist_path());
const auto w_list_file = simple_parse(question.wlist_path());
if (w_list_file == nullptr) {
FAIL("Failed to parse wList.cpp file. Check the file's syntax and make sure it compiles.");
const auto build_list = find_build_list_fn(*w_list_file);
if (!build_list.has_value()) {
FAIL("Make sure the \"buildList\" function exists in \"asgn2/q1/WList.cpp\"");
// Ew... casting. (The first-party example uses it too, so this may be
// required by the cppast API design.)
auto& build_list_fn = static_cast<const cppast::cpp_function&>(*build_list);
if ( == "q1" || == "q3") {
INFO("\"buildList\" needs to take an \"std::list\" as a reference for q1.\"");
if ( == "q2") {
INFO("\"buildList\" needs to return an \"std::list\" pointer.\"");
if ( == "q3") {
SECTION("Output should be different if non-alphabetic character is entered") {
INFO("Have buildList throw an exception, then output an error (instead of the user input). The non-alphabetic characters should not be printed back out.");
*question.exec("Vim = emacs").disjunction({}),
!Catch::Equals(std::vector<std::string>({ "Vim", "=", "emacs" }))