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/* JAT: Java Astrodynamics Toolkit
* Copyright (c) 2003 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of JAT. JAT is free software; you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* NASA Open Source Agreement
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* NASA Open Source Agreement for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the NASA Open Source Agreement
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
//package thesis;
package jat.application.AttitudeSimulator.animation;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Label;
import java.awt.Panel;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JSlider;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.vecmath.Color3f;
import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Quat4f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseRotate;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseTranslate;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseZoom;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.SimpleUniverse;
* <P>
* AnimationWindow creates a pop-up Java3D animation window
* @author Daniel Quock
* @version 1.3 (03/09/2004) Modification since the last version Removed: import
* java.applet.*; import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.*;
// ************************************************************************
// *
// * AnimationWindow class
// *
// * Written by: Date:
// * Daniel Quock December 2001
// * Original AnimationWindow
// * Daniel Quock July 2002
// * Moved the AnimationWindow class into it's own file
// *
// * Description:
// * This routine creates the pop-up Java3D animation window
// *
// * Global Variables:
// * theAnimWindow (HelpWindow) = instance of itself
// * animFrame (JFrame) = frame displayed in theHelpWindow
// * i_xaxes (float) = location of reference x-axis
// * i_yaxes (float) = location of reference y-axis
// * i_zaxes (float) = location of reference z-axis
// * axeslength (float) = length of graphical axis lines
// * xcolor (Color) = color of x-axis
// * ycolor (Color) = color of y-axis
// * zcolor (Color) = color of z-axis
// * mtx (float) = initial model translation x-axis
// * mty (float) = initial model translation y-axis
// * mtz (float) = initial model translation z-axis
// * modelScale (double) = scale of model
// * xlength (float) = length of satellite, x-axis
// * ylength (float) = length of satellite, y-axis
// * zlength (float) = length of satellite, z-axis
// * time_values (float array) = array of time values
// * quat_values(float arrayx2) = double array of quaternions
// * ixx (float) = satellite principal moments of inertia
// * iyy (float) = satellite principal moments of inertia
// * izz (float) = satellite principal moments of inertia
// * simType (String) = string of simulation type being run
// * curr_pt (int) = current point in animation
// * tot_pts (int) = total number of points in animation
// * start_button (Button) = start animation button
// * stop_button (Button) = stop animation button
// * reset_button (Button) = reset view axis button
// * timeLabel (Label) = label of current time
// * animSpeedLabel (Label) = label of "Animation Speed"
// * plus_button (Button) = Plus Button (increase animation speed)
// * minus_button (Button) = Minus Button (decrease animation speed)
// * animControl (Timer) = timer for controlling animation
// * nf (NumberFormat) = NumberFormat
// * modelTrans(TransformGroup) = Java3D transform group of model
// * sattlTrans(TransformGroup) = Java3D transform group of satellite
// * iner_axisTrans(TrnsfrmGrp) = Java3D transform group of inertial axis
// * axislabelTrans(TrnsfrmGrp) = Java3D transform group of inertial axis
// * labels
// * SatTrans (Transform3D) = Java3D transformation
// * satellite (..geometry.Box) = Java3D shape (box)
// * inertial_axes (LineArray) = line array of points to draw
// * inertial axes
// * body_axes (LineArray) = line array of points to draw
// * body axes on satellite
// * satelliteApp (Appearance) = appearance of satellite
// * GraphicPanel (Panel) = graphical panel containing 3D scene
// * CtrlPanel (Panel) = panel containing animation interface
// * anim_slider (JSlider) = slider to show time in animation
// * delayvalue (int) = shows delay between frames in animation
// *
// ************************************************************************/
public class AnimationWindow extends JPanel implements ActionListener,
ChangeListener {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3712882429670450841L;
private static AnimationWindow theAnimWindow;
JFrame animFrame = new JFrame(" ");
// Location of Inertial Axes
final float i_xaxes = -7.0f;
final float i_yaxes = -7.0f;
final float i_zaxes = 0.0f;
final float axeslength = 2.0f;
// Assigns the inertial and body axes' colors
Color3f xcolor = new Color3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Color3f ycolor = new Color3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Color3f zcolor = new Color3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Initial model translation
final float mtx = 0f;
final float mty = 0f;
final float mtz = -10.0f;
// Model Constants
final double modelScale = 0.5d;
// Lengths of Satellite
float xlength, ylength, zlength;
// Time values
float time_values[];
// Quaternion values
float quat_values[][];
// Satellite principal moments of inertia
float ixx, iyy, izz;
String simType;
int curr_pt; // Current point in animation
int tot_pts; // Total number of points in anim
Button help_button;
Button start_button, stop_button, reset_button;
JCheckBox repeatBox;
Label timeLabel, animSpeedLabel;
Button plus_button, minus_button;
Timer animControl;
// Set Number of digits right of decimal
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
// Initialize The transformationGroups
TransformGroup modelTrans;
TransformGroup sattlTrans;
TransformGroup iner_axisTrans;
TransformGroup axislabelTrans;
Transform3D SatTrans = new Transform3D();
// Initialize Box
com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Box satellite;
// Initialize LineArray for inertial and body axes
LineArray inertial_axes;
LineArray body_axes;
// Initialize Appearance attributes
Appearance satelliteApp;
// Panel for the buttons
Panel GraphicPanel;
Panel CtrlPanel;
// Slider at bottom of window to display animation
JSlider anim_slider;
// Delay value for animation
int delayValue;
// **
// *
// * Description:<br>
// * This routine creates the pop-up animation window<br>
// *
// * Inputs:<br>
// * title (String) = title that goes in window title bar<br>
// * ixxt (float) = temp principal moment of inertia, x-axis<br>
// * iyyt (float) = temp principal moment of inertia, y-axis<br>
// * izzt (float) = temp princiapl moment of inertia, z-axis<br>
// * pts (int) = number of animation points<br>
// * tvars (float arrayx2) = array of values<br>
// * tsimType (String) = temp type of simulation<br>
// * (e.g. "Gravity Gradient")<br>
// * Outputs:<br>
// * None<br>
// *
// * Local Variables:<br>
// * frameWidth (int) = width of frame<br>
// * frameHeight (int) = height of frame<br>
// * content (Container) = Container of objects<br>
// * c (Canvas3D) = Java3D canvas<br>
// * scene (BranchGroup) = Java3D branchgroup<br>
// * u (SimpleUniverse) = Java3D simple universe<br>
// *
// */
* Creates the pop-up animation window
* @param title
* (String) title that goes in window title bar
* @param ixxt
* (float) temp principal moment of inertia, x-axis
* @param iyyt
* (float) temp principal moment of inertia, y-axis
* @param izzt
* (float) temp principal moment of inertia, z-axis
* @param pts
* (int) number of animation points
* @param tvars
* (float[][]) array of values
* @param tsimType
* (String) temp type of simulation (e.g. "Gravity Gradient")
public AnimationWindow(String title, float ixxt, float iyyt, float izzt,
int pts, float tvars[][], String simTypet) {
int frameWidth = 800;
int frameHeight = 600;
Container content = animFrame.getContentPane();
content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
animFrame.setBounds(50, 100, frameWidth, frameHeight);
delayValue = 100;
// Assign passed parameters into frame class
tot_pts = pts;
curr_pt = 0;
// Time Array
time_values = new float[tot_pts + 1];
// Quaternions array
quat_values = new float[4][tot_pts + 1];
// Assign the time and quaternion values
for (int index = 0; index <= tot_pts; index++) {
time_values[index] = tvars[0][index];
quat_values[0][index] = tvars[1][index]; // e1
quat_values[1][index] = tvars[2][index]; // e2
quat_values[2][index] = tvars[3][index]; // e3
quat_values[3][index] = tvars[4][index]; // e4
// Assign the principal moments of inertia
ixx = ixxt;
iyy = iyyt;
izz = izzt;
// Assigns the simulation type
simType = simTypet;
// Creates JSlider with points 0 to total points
anim_slider = new JSlider(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL, 0, tot_pts, 0);
// Fills the slider as it is finished
anim_slider.putClientProperty("JSlider.isFilled", Boolean.TRUE);
GraphicPanel = new Panel();
GraphicPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
GraphicsConfiguration config = SimpleUniverse
Canvas3D c = new Canvas3D(config);
// Create a simple scene and attach it to the virtual universe
BranchGroup scene = createSceneGraph();
SimpleUniverse u = new SimpleUniverse(c);
// This will move the ViewPlatform back
GraphicPanel.add("Center", c);
content.add("Center", GraphicPanel);
// Adds a Panel with all the control buttons on it
CtrlPanel = new Panel();
// *** GridBagLayout Routine ***
// Sets up the GridBagLayout to add into Panel
GridBagLayout anim_gbl = new GridBagLayout();
// Sets up the GridBagConstraints
GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
// Sets variables to determine which line the fields appear in
int buttonline = 0; // Button Lines
int scrolline = 1; // Scrollbar Line
int animline = 2; // Animation Speed Line
stop_button = new Button("Stop");
buildConstraints(constraints, 0, buttonline, 1, 1);
anim_gbl.setConstraints(stop_button, constraints);
start_button = new Button("Start");
buildConstraints(constraints, 1, buttonline, 1, 1);
anim_gbl.setConstraints(start_button, constraints);
if (simType == "Gravity Gradient")
timeLabel = new Label("Time: " + nf.format(time_values[0])
+ " orbits ");
timeLabel = new Label("Time: " + nf.format(time_values[0])
+ " secs ");
buildConstraints(constraints, 2, buttonline, 3, 1);
anim_gbl.setConstraints(timeLabel, constraints);
reset_button = new Button("Reset Axes");
buildConstraints(constraints, 5, buttonline, 2, 1);
anim_gbl.setConstraints(reset_button, constraints);
buildConstraints(constraints, 0, scrolline, 7, 1);
anim_gbl.setConstraints(anim_slider, constraints);
minus_button = new Button("-");
buildConstraints(constraints, 1, animline, 1, 1);
anim_gbl.setConstraints(minus_button, constraints);
animSpeedLabel = new Label("Animation Speed");
buildConstraints(constraints, 2, animline, 3, 1);
anim_gbl.setConstraints(animSpeedLabel, constraints);
plus_button = new Button("+");
buildConstraints(constraints, 5, animline, 1, 1);
anim_gbl.setConstraints(plus_button, constraints);
repeatBox = new JCheckBox("repeat");
help_button = new Button("Help");
// Adds Panel to BorderLayout
content.add("South", CtrlPanel);
// Parameters for animation control
// 100 = 1 sec
animControl = new Timer(delayValue, this);
} // End AnimationWindow constructor
// ************************************************************************
// *
// * buildConstraints
// *
// * Description:
// * This sets the constraints for a cell in the Grid Bag Layout
// *
// * Inputs:
// * gbc (GridBagConstraints) = Grid Bag Constraints
// * gx (int) = grid x-location
// * gy (int) = grid y-location
// * gw (int) = grid width
// * gh (int) = grid height
// *
// * Outputs:
// * None
// *
// * Local Variables:
// * None
// *
// ************************************************************************/
* Sets the constraints for a cell in the Grid Bag Layout
* @param gbc
* (GridBangConstraints) Grid Bang Constraints
* @param gx
* (int) grid x-location
* @param gy
* (int) grid y-location
* @param gw
* (int) grid width
* @param gh
* (int) grid height
void buildConstraints(GridBagConstraints gbc, int gx, int gy, int gw, int gh) {
// Location of field in the layout
gbc.gridx = gx;
gbc.gridy = gy;
// Number of cell widths and heights field requires
gbc.gridwidth = gw;
gbc.gridheight = gh;
// ************************************************************************
// *
// * stateChanged
// *
// * Description:
// * This routine handles events caused by the JSlider
// *
// * Inputs:
// * e (ChangeEvent) = ChangeEvent
// *
// * Outputs:
// * None
// *
// * Local Variables:
// * new_point (int) = new point in slider with changed loc
// * jslider1 (JSlider) = temp slider with changed location
// *
// *
// ************************************************************************/
* Handles events caused by the JSlider
* @param e
* (ChangeEvent) ChangeEvent)
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
int new_point;
JSlider jslider1 = (JSlider) e.getSource();
// Find the new point of animation if slider is used
new_point = jslider1.getValue();
// Assign the current point to the new point
curr_pt = new_point;
// Stop the animation if the current point is at the end
if (curr_pt == tot_pts) {
if (repeatBox.isSelected()) {
curr_pt = 0;
} else
// Updates the control panel and graphic if animation is not running
if (animControl.isRunning() == false) {
SatTrans.setRotation(new Quat4f(quat_values[0][curr_pt],
quat_values[1][curr_pt], quat_values[2][curr_pt],
if (simType == "Gravity Gradient")
timeLabel.setText("Time: " + nf.format(time_values[curr_pt])
+ " orbits ");
timeLabel.setText("Time: " + nf.format(time_values[curr_pt])
+ " secs ");
// ************************************************************************
// *
// * actionPerformed
// *
// * Description:
// * This routine handles any button presses and the animation
// * of the satellite by drawing the next frame and updating the
// * slider
// *
// * Inputs:
// * e (ActionEvent) = ActionEvent
// *
// * Outputs:
// * None
// *
// * Local Variables:
// * modTrans (Transform3D) = Java3D transformation
// *
// ************************************************************************/
* Handles any button presses and the animation of the satellite by drawing
* the next frame and updating the slider
* @param e
* (ActionEvent) ActionEvent
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// Transform3D for satellite and model
Transform3D modTrans = new Transform3D();
if ((e.getSource() == start_button) && (curr_pt >= tot_pts)) {
curr_pt = 0;
} else if (e.getSource() == start_button)
else if (e.getSource() == stop_button)
else if (e.getSource() == reset_button) {
modTrans.setTranslation(new Vector3f(mtx, mty, mtz));
modTrans.setRotation(new Quat4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
modTrans.setScale(new Vector3d(modelScale, modelScale, modelScale));
} else if (e.getSource() == minus_button) {
if (delayValue < 1000)
delayValue = delayValue * 5;
} else if (e.getSource() == plus_button) {
if (delayValue > 5)
delayValue = delayValue / 5;
} else if (e.getSource() == help_button) {
"Left mouse button drag : rotate\nMiddle mouse button drag : zoom\nCTRL-ALT-Left mouse button drag: zoom\nRight mouse button drag: translate ");
} else // Run animation
SatTrans.setRotation(new Quat4f(quat_values[0][curr_pt],
quat_values[1][curr_pt], quat_values[2][curr_pt],
// Increment to next point
curr_pt = curr_pt + 1;
// Moves the slider as the animation is changed
// Updates the timeLabel
if (simType == "Gravity Gradient")
timeLabel.setText("Time: " + nf.format(time_values[curr_pt])
+ " orbits ");
timeLabel.setText("Time: " + nf.format(time_values[curr_pt])
+ " secs ");
// Stop animation at end
if (curr_pt >= tot_pts)
if (repeatBox.isSelected()) {
curr_pt = 0;
} else
} // End actionPerformed
// ************************************************************************
// *
// * createSceneGraph
// *
// * Description:
// * This routine creates the scene graph of the universe, populates
// * it with lights, the initial camera location, and allows
// * mouse interaction with the scene
// *
// * Inputs:
// * None
// *
// * Outputs:
// * objRoot (BranchGroup) = Java3D BranchGroup
// *
// * Local Variables:
// * objRoot (BranchGroup) = Java3D BranchGroup
// * bounds (BoundingSphere) = Java3D BoundingSphere
// * light (DirectionalLight) = Java3D light source
// * trans (Transform3D) = Java3D transformation
// *
// ************************************************************************/
* Create the scene graph of the universe, populates it with lights, the
* initial camera location, and allows mouse interaction with the scene
public BranchGroup createSceneGraph() {
// Create the root of the branch graph
BranchGroup objRoot = new BranchGroup();
// Create light source
// first bound its influence
BoundingSphere bounds = new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
// now make the light itself
DirectionalLight light = new DirectionalLight(new Color3f(1.0f, 1.0f,
1.0f), new Vector3f(0f, 0f, -1f));
// TransformGroup that moves the whole model
modelTrans = new TransformGroup();
// Transform3D
Transform3D trans = new Transform3D();
// Initially move it away from camera
trans.setTranslation(new Vector3f(mtx, mty, mtz));
// and shrink everything so it fits in field of view
trans.setScale(new Vector3d(modelScale, modelScale, modelScale));
// Allows mouse to alter scene
// Create Mouse Rotate
MouseRotate modelRot = new MouseRotate();
// Create the Zoom
MouseZoom modelZoom = new MouseZoom();
// Create the translate
MouseTranslate modelTranslate = new MouseTranslate();
return objRoot;
} // End createSceneGraph
// ************************************************************************
// *
// * generateAxes
// *
// * Description:
// * This routine creates the inertial reference axis in the
// * animation
// *
// * Inputs:
// * None
// *
// * Outputs:
// * iner_axisTrans (TransformGroup) = Java3D TransformGroup
// *
// * Local Variables:
// * iner_axisTrans (TransformGroup) = Java3D TransformGroup
// * origin (Point3f) = origin point
// * trans (Transform3D) = Java3D transformation
// *
// ************************************************************************/
* Creates the inertial reference axis in the animation
public TransformGroup generateAxes() {
Point3f origin = new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
iner_axisTrans = new TransformGroup();
Transform3D trans = new Transform3D();
trans.setTranslation(new Vector3f(i_xaxes, i_yaxes, i_zaxes));
inertial_axes = new LineArray(6, LineArray.COORDINATES
| LineArray.COLOR_3);
// X-Axis
inertial_axes.setCoordinate(0, origin);
inertial_axes.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(axeslength, 0.0f, 0.0f));
inertial_axes.setColor(0, xcolor);
inertial_axes.setColor(1, xcolor);
// Y-Axis
inertial_axes.setCoordinate(2, origin);
inertial_axes.setCoordinate(3, new Point3f(0.0f, axeslength, 0.0f));
inertial_axes.setColor(2, ycolor);
inertial_axes.setColor(3, ycolor);
// Z-Axis
inertial_axes.setCoordinate(4, origin);
inertial_axes.setCoordinate(5, new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, axeslength));
inertial_axes.setColor(4, zcolor);
inertial_axes.setColor(5, zcolor);
iner_axisTrans.addChild(new Shape3D(inertial_axes));
return iner_axisTrans;
} // End generateAxes
// ************************************************************************
// *
// * generateAxesLabels
// *
// * Description:
// * This routine creates the labels for the inertial reference
// * axis in the animation (The white "X", "Y", and "Z")
// *
// * Inputs:
// * None
// *
// * Outputs:
// * axislabelTrans (TransformGroup) = Java3D TransformGroup
// *
// * Local Variables:
// * axislabelTrans (TransformGroup) = Java3D TransformGroup
// * font3d (Font3D) = Java3D Font3D
// * xfont (Text3D) = 3D "X"
// * xshape (Shape3D) = Java3D Shape3D of xfont
// * yfont (Text3D) = 3D "Y"
// * yshape (Shape3D) = Java3D Shape3D of yfont
// * zfont (Text3D) = 3D "Z"
// * zshape (Shape3D) = Java3D Shape3D of zfont
// *
// ************************************************************************/
* Creates the labels for the inertial reference axis in the animation (The
* white "X", "Y"m and "Z")
public TransformGroup generateAxesLabels() {
axislabelTrans = new TransformGroup();
Font3D font3d = new Font3D(new Font("Display", Font.PLAIN, 1),
new FontExtrusion());
// X-Axis Label
Text3D xfont = new Text3D(font3d, new String("X"), new Point3f((i_xaxes
+ axeslength + 0.5f), (i_yaxes - 0.25f), 0.0f));
Shape3D xshape = new Shape3D(xfont);
// Y-Axis Label
Text3D yfont = new Text3D(font3d, new String("Y"), new Point3f(
(i_xaxes - 0.25f), (i_yaxes + axeslength + 0.5f), 0.0f));
Shape3D yshape = new Shape3D(yfont);
// Z-Axis Label
Text3D zfont = new Text3D(font3d, new String("Z"), new Point3f(
(i_xaxes - 0.5f), (i_yaxes - 0.5f), (axeslength + 0.5f)));
Shape3D zshape = new Shape3D(zfont);
return axislabelTrans;
} // End generateAxesLabels
// ************************************************************************
// *
// * generateSatellite
// *
// * Description:
// * This routine creates the box shape of the satellite using the
// * principal moments of inertia.
// *
// * Inputs:
// * None
// *
// * Outputs:
// * sattlTrans (TransformGroup) = Java3D TransformGroup
// *
// * Local Variables:
// * sattlTrans (TransformGroup) = Java3D TransformGroup
// * black (Color3f) = color black
// * origin (Point3f) = origin point
// * trans (Transform3D) = Java3D Transform3D
// *
// ************************************************************************/
* Create the box shape of the satellite using the principal moments of
* inertia
public TransformGroup generateSatellite() {
// Assigns colors
Color3f black = new Color3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Point3f origin = new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Quat4f init_quats = new Quat4f(quat_values[0][0], quat_values[1][0],
quat_values[2][0], quat_values[3][0]);
sattlTrans = new TransformGroup();
Transform3D trans = new Transform3D();
trans.setTranslation(new Vector3d(0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d));
// Set initial Quaternion Values
satelliteApp = new Appearance();
satelliteApp.setMaterial(new Material(black, black, new Color3f(1.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f), black, 0f));
// Find the satellite dimensions
satellite = new com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Box(xlength, ylength,
zlength, satelliteApp);
// Places body axes on satellite
body_axes = new LineArray(6, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
// X-Axis
body_axes.setCoordinate(0, origin);
body_axes.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(xlength + 1.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
body_axes.setColor(0, xcolor);
body_axes.setColor(1, xcolor);
// Y-Axis
body_axes.setCoordinate(2, origin);
body_axes.setCoordinate(3, new Point3f(0.0f, ylength + 1.5f, 0.0f));
body_axes.setColor(2, ycolor);
body_axes.setColor(3, ycolor);
// Z-Axis
body_axes.setCoordinate(4, origin);
body_axes.setCoordinate(5, new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, zlength + 1.5f));
body_axes.setColor(4, zcolor);
body_axes.setColor(5, zcolor);
sattlTrans.addChild(new Shape3D(body_axes));
return sattlTrans;
} // End generateSatellite
// ************************************************************************
// *
// * findDimensions
// *
// * Description:
// * This routine finds the normalized lengths of the satellite
// * based on the principal moments of inertia
// *
// * Inputs:
// * None
// *
// * Outputs:
// * None
// *
// * Local Variables:
// * x_temp (float) = temp length along x-axis
// * y_temp (float) = temp length along y-axis
// * y_temp (float) = temp length along y-axis
// * max_length (float) = maximum length of temp lengths
// * largest_length (float) = length of largest side
// *
// ************************************************************************/
* Finds the normalized lengths of the satellite based on the principal
* moments of inertia
public void findDimensions() {
float x_temp, y_temp, z_temp;
float max_length;
final float largest_length;
largest_length = 3f;
// Assuming that the satellite is rectangular-shaped
// and homogeneous, then the equations for inertias are:
// Ixx = (m/12)*(b^2 + c^2)
// Iyy = (m/12)*(a^2 + c^2)
// Izz = (m/12)*(a^2 + b^2)
// drop the (m/12) and we can solve for a, b, and c:
// a^2 = Iyy - 0.5*(Ixx + Iyy - Izz)
// b^2 = Izz - Iyy + 0.5*(Ixx + Iyy - Izz)
// c^2 = 0.5*(Izz + Iyy - Izz)
x_temp = (float) Math.sqrt((double) (iyy - 0.5f * (ixx + iyy - izz)));
y_temp = (float) Math
.sqrt((double) (izz - iyy + 0.5f * (ixx + iyy - izz)));
z_temp = (float) Math.sqrt((double) (0.5f * (izz + iyy - izz)));
// Find the maximum between a_temp, b_temp, and c_temp
max_length = Math.max(x_temp, y_temp);
max_length = Math.max(max_length, z_temp);
// Set max_length so that you will get
max_length = max_length / largest_length;
// Divide each length by max_length for the largest length
xlength = x_temp / max_length;
ylength = y_temp / max_length;
zlength = z_temp / max_length;
} // End findDimensions
} // End AnimationWindow