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/** :name=SVN - Commit Source File :description=Commit source file changes to SVN remote repository
* Commit source file changes to SVN remote repository
* Supported basic operations are shown in the next list.
* 1. svn add for manually added (unversioned) files/folders.
* 2. svn delete for manually deleting (missing) files/folders.
* 3. modified files.
* copy, move, merge or any other svn commands are not available.
* @author Yu Tang
* @date 2014-03-09
* @since 2014-03-03
* @version 0.4
import static javax.swing.JOptionPane.*
import static org.omegat.util.FileUtil.computeRelativePath
import org.omegat.util.Log
import static org.omegat.util.Preferences.*
import static org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth.EMPTY
import static org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth.INFINITY
import static org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNNodeKind.*
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNStatusHandler
import static org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision.WORKING
import static org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNStatusType.*
// constants (for v3.1.0 or later)
final def RET_VAL_COMMIT_NOT_EXECUTED = "Your commit is not executed."
final def RET_VAL_COMMIT_EXECUTED = "Your commit is executed. Wait a little while and see detailed information."
def repo = project.getRepository()
// abort when valid svn repository is not available
if (!availSvnRepo(repo)) {
def sourceDir = new File(project.projectProperties.sourceRoot)
def man = repo.ourClientManager
def WCClient = man.WCClient
def commitClient = man.commitClient
// SVNStatus[]
def (items2BAdded, items2BDeleted) = getStats2BAddedOrDeleted(man.statusClient, WCClient, sourceDir)
// SVNCommitItem[]
def packet = getPacket(commitClient, sourceDir)
// exit if no commit items
if (!items2BAdded && !items2BDeleted && !packet.commitItems) {
console.println "No commit items found."
// ask user for commit
def commitItemList = getCommitItemListString(items2BAdded, items2BDeleted, packet.commitItems, sourceDir)
int ret = askUserForCommit(commitItemList)
if (ret == CANCEL_OPTION) {
console.println "Commit operation has been canceled by user."
// svn add items
items2BAdded.each { status ->
WCClient.doAdd(status.file, false, false, false, EMPTY, false, false)
// svn delete items
items2BDeleted.each { status ->
WCClient.doDelete(status.file, false, false)
// commit
Log.logInfoRB "SVN_START", "upload"
mainWindow.showStatusMessageRB "TEAM_SYNCHRONIZE"
console.println "Now uploading ..."
Thread.start {
doCommit(man, sourceDir, repo, commitItemList)
// exit
// ===================================================================
// verify valid svn repository available
boolean availSvnRepo(repository) {
if (!repository) {
console.println "The project is not loaded yet or not a Team project."
return false
if (!(repository instanceof SVNRemoteRepository)) {
console.println "This repository type is not SVN."
return false
if (repository.readOnly) {
console.println "This repository is read-only. Could not upload."
return false
// Get statuses to be added or deleted to version control.
def getStats2BAddedOrDeleted(statusClient, WCClient, sourceDir) {
def added = [], deleted = []
statusClient.doStatus(sourceDir, WORKING, INFINITY, false, false, false, false, { status ->
switch (status.combinedNodeAndContentsStatus) {
// add
added << status
// delete
deleted << status
} as ISVNStatusHandler, null)
[added, deleted]
// Get packet
def getPacket(commitClient, sourceDir) {
[sourceDir] as File[], false, false, INFINITY, null)
// ask user for commit
def askUserForCommit(commitItemListString) {
def title = "Commit source items"
def msg = "Your commit includes these changes:\n" + commitItemListString
mainWindow.showConfirmDialog(msg, title, OK_CANCEL_OPTION, PLAIN_MESSAGE)
// commit item list string
def getCommitItemListString(items2BAdded, items2BDeleted, commitItems, sourceRoot) {
def ret = ""
def op = "Add"
items2BAdded.each {status ->
def kind = status.file.isFile() ? FILE : DIR
def path = computeRelativePath(sourceRoot, status.file)
ret += "\n$op ($kind) $path"
op = "Del"
items2BDeleted.each {status ->
def path = computeRelativePath(sourceRoot, status.file)
ret += "\n$op ($status.kind) $path"
commitItems.each { item ->
op = "Unk"
if (item.isAdded()) {
op = "Add"
} else if (item.isContentsModified()) {
op = "Mod"
} else if (item.isCopied()) {
op = "Copy" // just in case
} else if (item.isDeleted()) {
op = "Del"
def path = computeRelativePath(sourceRoot, item.file)
ret += "\n$op ($item.kind) $path"
// commit
def doCommit(manager, sourceDir, repository, commitItemList) {
def author = getPreferenceDefault(TEAM_AUTHOR, System.getProperty(""))
def commitMessage = "Changed source item(s) by $author"
try {
def client = manager.commitClient
def packet = getPacket(client, sourceDir)
def info = client.doCommit(packet, false, commitMessage)
if (info.errorMessage) {
throw new IOException(info.errorMessage)
console.println "Commit completed." + commitItemList
Log.logDebug SVNRemoteRepository.LOGGER, "SVN committed followed files into new revision {0}" + commitItemList, info.newRevision
Log.logInfoRB "SVN_FINISH", "upload"
mainWindow.showStatusMessageRB null
} catch(ex) {
Log.logErrorRB "SVN_ERROR", "upload", ex.message
console.println "Commit failed: ${ex.message}"
mainWindow.showStatusMessageRB "SVN_ERROR", "upload", ex.message
} finally {
manager.WCClient.doCleanup sourceDir, true