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JessLi authored and JessLi committed Nov 5, 2015
1 parent e89d428 commit 1a1dcd8
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@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
* Created on Jun 22, 2005

import jopt.csp.solution.SolverSolution;
import jopt.csp.variable.CspIntVariable;

* Interface for a class that creates and returns common local search actions and objects
* that can be used to build searches
* @author Nick Coleman
* @version $Revision: 1.10 $
public interface LocalSearch {
* This action will browse a list of neighboring solutions based on an initial solution.
* The neighbor can define solutions to variables that should not be updated
* from the original solution as well as values to assign to variables not
* in the scope of the original solution. Each neighbor will be applied
* as an alternative solution to produce a set of choices.
* If you want to restore a neighboring solution to a problem so the
* exact solution is restored, you may want to refer to the <code>CspSolver</code> class's
* {@link jopt.csp.CspSolver#reset()} and
* {@link jopt.csp.CspSolver#restoreNeighboringSolution(SolverSolution, SolverSolution)}
* This action is not a replacement of the restore neighboring solution
* method in the CspSolver class. It is just a convenient way of calling
* the restore during a search.
* @param initial Initial solution related to neighbor
* @param neighbors Array of neighboring solutions to be browsed
public SearchAction browseNeighbors(SolverSolution initial, SolverSolution neighbors[]);

* Restores a neighboring solution to the solver
* @param initial Initial solution related to neighbor
* @param neighbor Neighboring solution to be restored
public SearchAction moveToNeighbor(SolverSolution initial, SolverSolution neighbor);

* Creates a neighborhood that is useful for flipping 0 and 1
* values on binary variables. For each variable defined, a
* neighboring solution will be defined that either assigns
* the variable's value to 1 or the variable's value to 0.
* @param vars Array of variables to be flipped to produce neighborhood
public Neighborhood flipNeighborhood(CspIntVariable vars[]);

* Creates a neighborhood where each neighbor selects two
* variables from the initial solution and swaps their values
* @param vars Array of variables to be swapped
public Neighborhood swapNeighborhood(CspIntVariable vars[]);

* Creates a neighborhood from a combination of several neighborhoods
* @param neighborhoods the neighborhoods to "combine"
public Neighborhood unifiedNeighborhood(Neighborhood[] neighborhoods);

* Creates a unified, randomized neighborhood from the specified neighborhoods
* @param neighborhoods the neighborhoods to "combine" and randomize
public Neighborhood randomize(Neighborhood[] neighborhoods);

* Creates a randomized neighborhood from the specified neighborhood
* @param neighborhood to be randomized
public Neighborhood randomize(Neighborhood neighborhood);

* Creates a unified, randomized, weighted neighborhood using the specified
* neighbors and weights. Note that the number of neighborhoods used must
* match the number of weights specified.
* @param neighborhoods the neighborhoods to unify and randomize
* @param weights the weights determining how frequently neighbors
* from the associated neighborhood are returned
public Neighborhood weightedRandomize(Neighborhood[] neighborhoods, double[] weights);

* This action will browse a list of neighbors produced from a {@link}
* and attempt to apply each in turn in order to locate other valid solutions to
* the problem. The application of a neighboring solution is very similar to
* restoring a solution. It does not reset any of the variables, but simply constrains
* them further to conform to the values of the currently selected neighbor.
* If you want to want to apply a neighboring solution to a problem so the
* exact solution is restored, you may want to refer to the <code>CspSolver</code> class's
* {@link jopt.csp.CspSolver#reset()} and
* {@link jopt.csp.CspSolver#restoreNeighboringSolution(SolverSolution, SolverSolution)}
* This action is not a replacement of the restore neighboring solution
* method in the CspSolver class. It is just a convenient way of calling
* the restore during a search.
* @param initial Initial solution related to neighbor
* @param hood Neighborhood of solutions, each to be applied as an alternative choices
* @param current Updated as neighbors are restored to solver to store the currently selected neighbor
* @see #browseNeighbors(SolverSolution, SolverSolution[])
* @see #selectCurrentNeighbor(SolverSolution, CurrentNeighbor)
public SearchAction browseNeighborhood(SolverSolution initial,
Neighborhood hood, CurrentNeighbor current);

* This action will browse a list of neighboring solutions with the guidance of
* a metaheuristic used to determine which solutions are acceptable.
* @param initial Initial solution related to neighbor
* @param hood Neighborhood of solutions, each to be applied as an alternative choice
* @param meta Metaheuristic used to guide the search
* @param current Updated as neighbors are restored to solver to store the currently selected neighbor
* @see #browseNeighborhood(SolverSolution, Neighborhood, CurrentNeighbor)
public SearchAction browseNeighborhood(SolverSolution initial, Neighborhood hood,
Metaheuristic meta, CurrentNeighbor current);

* Advises neighborhoods that the current neighbor is about
* to be made the new initial solution. This is preferable to the
* {@link StoreSolutionAction}
* since it will call the <code>neighborSelected()<code> method on the
* neighborhood that produced the solution before the initial solution is
* updated.
* @param initial Initial solution neighbor is based upon that will be updated
* @param current Current neighboring solution that is applied to the problem
public SearchAction selectCurrentNeighbor(SolverSolution initial, CurrentNeighbor current);

* Action that will post a constraint during searching that will require additional
* solutions located to be better than the solution given to this action. The constraint
* is based upon the objective expression and value stored in the solution.
* @param solution Solution that should be improved upon
* @param step Positive value indicating amount objective value should be improved
public SearchAction improve(SolverSolution solution, int step);

* Action that will post a constraint during searching that will require additional
* solutions located to be better than the solution given to this action. The constraint
* is based upon the objective expression and value stored in the solution.
* @param solution Solution that should be improved upon
* @param step Positive value indicating amount objective value should be improved
public SearchAction improve(SolverSolution solution, float step);

* Action that will post a constraint during searching that will require additional
* solutions located to be better than the solution given to this action. The constraint
* is based upon the objective expression and value stored in the solution.
* @param solution Solution that should be improved upon
* @param step Positive value indicating amount objective value should be improved
public SearchAction improve(SolverSolution solution, long step);

* Action that will post a constraint during searching that will require additional
* solutions located to be better than the solution given to this action. The constraint
* is based upon the objective expression and value stored in the solution.
* @param solution Solution that should be improved upon
* @param step Positive value indicating amount objective value should be improved
public SearchAction improve(SolverSolution solution, double step);

* Advanced action that performs all actions necessary to move to a neighboring solution during
* local search operations and will only return the first valid neighboring solution
* @param solution Solution that move is based upon and result will be stored in
* @param hood Neighborhood of solutions relative to initial
* @param meta Metaheuristic used to guide the search
* @param goal Search goal used to select neighboring solution
public SearchAction neighborMove(SolverSolution solution, Neighborhood hood,
Metaheuristic meta, SearchGoal goal);

* Advanced action that performs all actions necessary to move to a neighboring solution during
* local search operations and will only return the first valid neighboring solution
* @param solution Solution that move is based upon and result will be stored in
* @param hood Neighborhood of solutions relative to initial
* @param meta Metaheuristic used to guide the search
public SearchAction neighborMove(SolverSolution solution, Neighborhood hood, Metaheuristic meta);

* Advanced action that performs all actions necessary to move to a neighboring solution during
* local search operations and will only return the first valid neighboring solution
* @param solution Solution that move is based upon and result will be stored in
* @param hood Neighborhood of solutions relative to initial
* @param goal Search goal used to select neighboring solution
public SearchAction neighborMove(SolverSolution solution, Neighborhood hood, SearchGoal goal);

* Advanced action that performs all actions necessary to move to a neighboring solution during
* local search operations and will only return the first valid neighboring solution
* @param solution Solution that move is based upon and result will be stored in
* @param hood Neighborhood of solutions relative to initial
public SearchAction neighborMove(SolverSolution solution, Neighborhood hood);

* Tabu Search metaheuristic that tracks moves performed during a local search
* and maintains lists of moves that are forbidden.
* @param forbiddenUndoMoves Number of moves that will return a variable to a previous value that are not allowed
* @param forbiddenAlterMoves Number of moves that will alter a previously changed variable in any way that are not allowed
* @param objectiveGap Amount objective value of move must be within initial objective value
* @see #browseNeighborhood(SolverSolution, Neighborhood, Metaheuristic, CurrentNeighbor)
public Metaheuristic tabu(int forbiddenUndoMoves, int forbiddenAlterMoves, double objectiveGap);

* Tabu Search metaheuristic that tracks moves performed during a local search
* and maintains lists of moves that are forbidden.
* @param forbiddenUndoMoves Number of moves that will return a variable to a previous value that are not allowed
* @param objectiveGap Amount objective value of move must be within initial objective value
* @see #browseNeighborhood(SolverSolution, Neighborhood, Metaheuristic, CurrentNeighbor)
public Metaheuristic tabu(int forbiddenUndoMoves, double objectiveGap);

* Tabu Search metaheuristic that tracks moves performed during a local search
* and maintains lists of moves that are forbidden.
* @param forbiddenUndoMoves Number of moves that will return a variable to a previous value that are not allowed
* @see #browseNeighborhood(SolverSolution, Neighborhood, Metaheuristic, CurrentNeighbor)
public Metaheuristic tabu(int forbiddenUndoMoves);

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