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135 lines (124 sloc) 4.01 KB
var fs = require('fs')
var gulp = require('gulp')
var path = require('path')
var sass = require('gulp-sass')
var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer')
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps')
var cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css')
var rename = require('gulp-rename')
var concat = require('gulp-concat')
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
var connect = require('gulp-connect')
var open = require('gulp-open')
var babel = require('gulp-babel')
var replace = require('gulp-replace')
var wrapper = require('gulp-wrapper')
var Paths = {
HERE : './web/',
DIST : './web/public/dist',
DIST_TOOLKIT_JS : './web/public/dist/toolkit.js',
SCSS_TOOLKIT_SOURCES : './web/public/scss/app.scss',
SCSS : './web/public/scss/**/*',
JS : [
var banner = '/*!\n' +
' * Bootstrap\n' +
' * Copyright 2011-2016\n' +
' * Licensed under MIT (\n' +
' */\n'
var jqueryCheck = 'if (typeof jQuery === \'undefined\') {\n' +
' throw new Error(\'Bootstrap\\\'s JavaScript requires jQuery. jQuery must be included before Bootstrap\\\'s JavaScript.\')\n' +
var jqueryVersionCheck = '+function ($) {\n' +
' var version = $.fn.jquery.split(\' \')[0].split(\'.\')\n' +
' if ((version[0] < 2 && version[1] < 9) || (version[0] == 1 && version[1] == 9 && version[2] < 1) || (version[0] >= 4)) {\n' +
' throw new Error(\'Bootstrap\\\'s JavaScript requires at least jQuery v1.9.1 but less than v4.0.0\')\n' +
' }\n' +
gulp.task('default', ['scss-min', 'js-min'])
gulp.task('watch', ['default'], function () {, ['scss-min']);, ['js-min']);
gulp.task('docs', ['server'], function () {
.pipe(open({uri: 'http://localhost:9001/docs/'}))
gulp.task('server', function () {
root: 'docs',
port: 9001,
livereload: true
gulp.task('scss', function () {
return gulp.src(Paths.SCSS_TOOLKIT_SOURCES)
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
gulp.task('scss-min', ['scss'], function () {
return gulp.src(Paths.SCSS_TOOLKIT_SOURCES)
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
.pipe(cleanCSS({compatibility: 'ie9'}))
suffix: '.min'
gulp.task('js', function () {
return gulp.src(Paths.JS)
.pipe(replace(/^(export|import).*/gm, ''))
"compact" : false,
"presets": [
"modules": false,
"loose": true
"plugins": [
header: banner +
"\n" +
jqueryCheck +
"\n" +
jqueryVersionCheck +
"\n+function () {\n",
footer: '\n}();\n'
gulp.task('js-min', ['js'], function () {
return gulp.src(Paths.DIST_TOOLKIT_JS)
suffix: '.min'