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executable file 193 lines (159 sloc) 6.25 KB
# Todo
# (_) user_notify.user_notify should return whether email was sent
# (_) Have wait_notify log whether email was sent
# About
# Print squeue job info in my preferred format, along with
# info from sacct
from __future__ import print_function
# Imports
# Standard modules
import pwd,sys,time,getopt,subprocess,sqlite3
# Custom module
import user_notify
from wait_notify_config import *
# Constants
# squeue command: -h no header -o custom output
SQUEUE_CMD_STR = [ 'squeue', '-h', '-o', '%r %i %u' ]
SCONTROL_CMD_STR = 'scontrol -o show job '
# Functions
# Used for to make Python < 2.7 work like newer versions
def _check_output(command,shell=False):
if type(command)==type(''):
command = command.split()
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return p.communicate()[0]
# Print error message to stderr and quit
def print_error(msg):
print("ERROR: ",msg,file=sys.stderr)
def get_scontrol_info(jobid):
output = _check_output(SCONTROL_CMD_STR + jobid).strip()
info = {}
for part in output.split():
k,v = part.split("=",1)
except ValueError:
info[k.lower()] = v
return info
def print_reason(jobid,user,reason,would_send_mail):
scontrol_info = get_scontrol_info(jobid)
mailstr = "SendMail" if would_send_mail else "NoMail"
if reason in ('PartitionTimeLimit'):
def get_reason_msg(reason,scontrol_info):
template = REASON_TEMPLATES[reason]
return template % scontrol_info
def Usage(msg=None):
Usage: wait_notify [-Icx] [-n N] [-t ADMIN_EMAIL]
Read Slurm's sinfo output to determine which pending jobs are in a stuck
state that will not run, and email the jobs's owner so they can
cancel them and re-run if desired.
Each email is logged in an SQLITE3 database, and emails will not be sent
if an email has already gone out in the previous week.
-h Show this help.
-I Run the first time to initialize Sqlite3 database
that records emails.
-x Email users with stuck jobs.
-c Check only. List jobs that are in a cancelled state
-t ADMIN_EMAIL Useful for testing. Use only with -x. Emails will be
sent not to users, but to the ADMIN_EMAIL instead.
-n N Only email for first N users.
-f Force email, even if one was sent in past week
if msg:
def get_eventid(useracct,jobid,reason):
return "%s-%s-%s" % (useracct,jobid,reason)
# Main
def main():
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'t:hxvfcIn:')
opts = dict(opts)
admin_email = opts['-t'] if '-t' in opts else None
count_limit = int(opts['-n']) if '-n' in opts else 0
except ValueError:
count_limit = 1 # Play it safe
verbose = '-v' in opts
force = '-f' in opts
Check, Execute, Initial = '-c' in opts, '-x' in opts, '-I' in opts
if Check + Execute + Initial == 0:
if Check + Execute + Initial > 1:
Usage(" ERROR: You cannot use -c, -x, or -I options together")
if admin_email and not Execute:
Usage(" ERROR: You can only use an admin user with the -x option")
# Inititize Sqlite3 database - only needs to be done the first time program is run
if Initial:
result = user_notify.create_table()
# Get list of jobs that cannot run
data = {}
for line in _check_output(SQUEUE_CMD_STR).split("\n"):
reason, jobid, user = line.split()
except ValueError:
# These reason always indicate an OK job
if reason in ("None","Priority"): continue
# Find bad jobs
if reason in REASON_TEMPLATES.keys():
if not user in data:
data[user] = []
# List found jobs to console
if Check:
for useracct in sorted(data.keys()):
for jobid, reason in data[useracct]:
eventid = get_eventid(useracct,jobid,reason)
would_send_email = force or user_notify.need_new_notice( [ eventid ], NOTICE_AGE_DAYS )
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
print_error("SQLite DB file does exist. Rerun with the -I option to create it.")
elif Execute:
log = user_notify.LOG(LOG_FILE) # Initialize log file
for count,useracct in enumerate(sorted(data.keys())):
if count_limit and count>=count_limit: break # Limit number of users for testing purposes
username, email = user_notify.get_username_email(useracct)
msg = MAIL_TEMPLATE % {'username':username} # Start mail message
eventids = []
for jobid, reason in data[useracct]:
scontrol_info = get_scontrol_info(jobid) # Info from scontrol util.
msg += get_reason_msg(reason,scontrol_info)
eventids.append( get_eventid(useracct,jobid,reason) )
should_send_email = force or user_notify.need_new_notice(eventids, NOTICE_AGE_DAYS)
# Send email and log
if should_send_email:
#user_notify.send_mail(username,'',MAIL_SUBJECT,msg) - testing
user_notify.send_mail( username, admin_email or email, MAIL_SUBJECT, msg )
# Log email if sent to user
if not admin_email:
log.write(" ".join(eventids)) # Write to user log