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function [sin_5] = denoising_wl_sin(A, n, initial_sin)
%% denoising the nth column of cell A by subsampling and wavelet filtering, then fit the data using sine function.
%% initial_sin is the initial parameters for sine function fitting. it is a
%% vector [a, b ,c, d] which a is the ampl, b is the frequ, c is the phase,
%% d is the intercept.
% view2(:, 9:12) = denoising_wl_sin(conv_feature, 2, [20 2 3 70]);
maxiter = size(A, 2);
b = cell(1, maxiter);
%% subsampling
for i =1 : maxiter
temp = A{1, i};
conv_d = temp(:, n);
Leng = length(conv_d)/5;
if Leng~= floor(Leng)
conv_e = zeros(ceil(Leng) * 5, 1);
for j = 1 : length(conv_d)
conv_e(j) = conv_d(j);
conv_d = conv_e;
Mat = reshape(conv_d, 5, []);
aver_5 = sum(Mat, 1)/5;
if Leng~= floor(Leng)
aver_5(ceil(Leng)) = sum(Mat(:, end))/(length(temp(:,3))-floor(Leng) * 5);
aver_5 = aver_5';
b{1, i} = aver_5;
%% wavelet filtering
c = cell(size(b));
for i = 1 : length(b)
s = b{1, i};
l_s = length(s);
[cA1, cD1] = dwt(s,'haar');
A1= upcoef('a',cA1,'haar',1,l_s);
D1= upcoef('a',cD1,'haar',1,l_s);
% subplot(1,2,1); plot(A1); title('Approximation A1')
% subplot(1,2,2); plot(D1); title('Detail D1')
[thr,sorh,keepapp] = ddencmp('den','wv',s);
[C,L] = wavedec(s,1,'haar');
clean = wdencmp('gbl',C,L,'haar',1,1e06,sorh,keepapp);
% figure;
% subplot(2,1,1); plot(s); title('Original')
% subplot(2,1,2); plot(clean); title('denoised')
c{1, i} = clean;
% c{1,32}= c{1, 32}';
clean_conv_5 = c;
%% sine fitting
lengc = size(c, 2); % Number of users
A = zeros(lengc, 4);
A_result = cell(1, lengc);
for i = 1 : lengc
days = length(c{1, i});
axis_x = 1 : 5 : days*5;
axis_y = c{1, i}';
fx =@(a, t) a(1) * sin(2*pi*t/a(2)+a(3))+a(4);
A(i, :) = lsqcurvefit( fx, initial_sin, axis_x, axis_y);
A_res = fx(A(i, :), axis_x);
A_result{1, i} = A_res;
sin_5= A;