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%% This file generates features for GPS -
% Approach is as described in North Western study
clc, clear all, close all
% Load gps data cell
load 'data\gps_feature.mat' % Last cell represents the user ids
% Read data - change to loop later, for all users
for z = 1:(size(gpsData,2) - 1) % Last column has users id
userData = gpsData{z};
% Calculate how much time user spent on a perticular location
% Traverse through all location samples
% clear timeSpent
for i = 1:size(userData,1)
if i == 1
timeSpent(i,1) = 10; % At the start, time = 10 (sensing frequency)
else % See the previous long lat difference and current travel
latDiff =abs(userData(i-1,2) - userData(i,2));
longDiff = abs(userData(i-1,3) - userData(i,3));
if (latDiff < 1 & longDiff < 1 & userData(i,4) == 0) % Combine case
timeSpent(i,1) = (userData(i,1)/86400 + datenum(1970,1,1)) - (userData(i-1,1)/86400 + datenum(1970,1,1));
timeSpent(i,1) = timeSpent(i,1) * 24 * 60; % to get minutes
elseif (latDiff >= 1 | longDiff >= 1 | userData(i,4) == 1) % New ts
timeSpent(i,1) = 10; % 10 minutes here
timeSpent(i,1) = userData(i,4);
userData(:, end+1) = timeSpent;
% First feature - Location variance - that measures the variability in the
% subject's GPS location - For stationary user only
% Get the user data where state is stationary i.e 0
ind = find(userData(:,4) == 0);
userDataStat = userData(ind,:);
% Calculate statistical variance of longitude and latitude
varLat = var(userDataStat(:,2));
varLong = var(userDataStat(:,3));
locVar = (varLat + varLong); %Nautral Log
gpsFeatures(z,1) = locVar;
% Entropy - to measure the variability of the time the subject spent at a
% location cluster
% First identify clusters in location - use only stationary state data
LongLatStat = [userDataStat(:,2) userDataStat(:,3)];
kmax = 10;
for k = 1: kmax
[IDX, C, SUMD] = kmeans(LongLatStat, k); %returns the within-cluster sums of point-to-centroid distances in the K-by-1 vector sumD.
Sum (k) = sum(SUMD);
Sum2 = Sum; Sum2(1) = [];Sum2(kmax) = Sum(kmax);
Diff = Sum - Sum2;
Diff(kmax) = [];
[Y, I] = min(Diff); % I is the proper number of k-means
[idx, C] = kmeans(LongLatStat, I);
gpsFeatures(z, 11) = I;
% [idx,C] = kmeans(LongLatStat, 3);
% Add cluster number to data
clususerDataStat = [userDataStat(:,:) idx];
% Percentage of time spent in the cluster - ClusterLoc/Overall time
clus1Ind = find(clususerDataStat(:,end) == 1);
timeClus1 = sum(clususerDataStat(clus1Ind, 5))/sum(clususerDataStat(:, 5));
clus2Ind = find(clususerDataStat(:,end) == 2);
timeClus2 = sum(clususerDataStat(clus2Ind, 5))/sum(clususerDataStat(:, 5));
clus3Ind = find(clususerDataStat(:,end) == 3);
timeClus3 = sum(clususerDataStat(clus3Ind, 5))/sum(clususerDataStat(:, 5));
% Add user id with timeClusters
gpsFeatures(z,2:4) = [timeClus1, timeClus2, timeClus3];
% Calculate Entropy
ent = 0;
for i = 1:3
ent = ent + (gpsFeatures(z,i+1) * (log(gpsFeatures(z,i+1))));
ent = -ent;
gpsFeatures(z,5) = ent;
% Normalized entropy
gpsFeatures(z,6) = gpsFeatures(z,5)/(log(3)); % N = 3, the total number of clusters
% Home stay - cluster which have the time between 12am to 6am
gpsTime = datestr(clususerDataStat(:,1)/86400 + datenum(1970,1,1));
t = datetime(gpsTime, 'Format', 'dd/M/yy HH:mm:ss');
t = datevec(t); % 4th column have hour
col = size(clususerDataStat,2);
for i = 1:size(t,1) % Lets home = 0
if(t(i,4) >= 00 & t(i,4) < 6)
clususerDataStat(i, col+1) = 0;
clususerDataStat(i, col+1) = 1; %Not at home
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% As of now, our cluster 1 is major but there is an overlap i.e. both
% cluster 2 and 3 have the home stay time as well - probably because of
% small campus
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% To find the percentage of time = total time@Home/total tile
homeTime = find(clususerDataStat(:,end) == 0);
gpsFeatures(z,7) = sum(clususerDataStat(homeTime,5))/sum(clususerDataStat(:,5));
% Circadian movement ?
% Transition time = number of samples in transition/ total number of
% samples
movingSamples = size(find(userData(:,4) == 1),1);
AllSamples = size(find(userData(:,4) ~= 1),1);
gpsFeatures(z,8) = movingSamples/(movingSamples + AllSamples);
% Total distance traveled in km
sumdistkm = 0;
for i = 1:(size(userData,1)-1)
latLong1 = [userData(i,2) userData(i,3)];
latLong2 = [userData(i+1,2) userData(i+1,3)];
[d1km d2km]=lldistkm(latLong1,latLong2);
sumdistkm = sumdistkm + d1km;
gpsFeatures(z,9) = sumdistkm;
clear userData timeSpent latDiff longDiff ind userDataStat varLat varLong locVar LongLatStat idx C clususerDataStat clus1Ind clus2Ind clus3Ind timeClus1 timeClus2 timeClus3 i gpsTime homeTime t sumdistkm movingSamples col ent latLong1 latLong2 d1km d2km AllSamples
gpsFeatures(:,10) = gpsData{z+1};
% Write down the GPS Features