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Shader "Hidden/Post FX/UI/Trackball"
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#define PI 3.14159265359
#define PI2 6.28318530718
float _Offset;
float _DisabledState;
float2 _Resolution; // x: size, y: size / 2
float3 HsvToRgb(float3 c)
float4 K = float4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
float3 p = abs(frac( + * 6.0 - K.www);
return c.z * lerp(, saturate(p -, c.y);
float4 CreateWheel(v2f_img i, float crossColor, float offsetColor)
const float kHueOuterRadius = 0.45;
const float kHueInnerRadius = 0.38;
const float kLumOuterRadius = 0.495;
const float kLumInnerRadius = 0.48;
float4 color = (0.0).xxxx;
float2 uvc = i.uv - (0.5).xx;
float dist = sqrt(dot(uvc, uvc));
float delta = fwidth(dist);
float angle = atan2(uvc.x, uvc.y);
// Cross
float radius = (0.5 - kHueInnerRadius) * _Resolution.x + 1.0;
float2 pixel = (_Resolution.xx - 1.0) * i.uv + 1.0;
float vline = step(floor(fmod(pixel.x, _Resolution.y)), 0.0);
vline *= step(radius, pixel.y) * step(pixel.y, _Resolution.x - radius);
float hline = step(floor(fmod(pixel.y, _Resolution.y)), 0.0);
hline *= step(radius, pixel.x) * step(pixel.x, _Resolution.x - radius);
color += hline.xxxx * (1.0).xxxx;
color += vline.xxxx * (1.0).xxxx;
color = saturate(color);
color *= half4((crossColor).xxx, 0.05);
// Hue
float alphaOut = smoothstep(kHueOuterRadius - delta, kHueOuterRadius + delta, dist);
float alphaIn = smoothstep(kHueInnerRadius - delta, kHueInnerRadius + delta, dist);
float hue = angle;
hue = 1.0 - ((hue > 0.0) ? hue : PI2 + hue) / PI2;
float4 c = float4(HsvToRgb(float3(hue, 1.0, 1.0)), 1.0);
color += lerp((0.0).xxxx, c, alphaIn - alphaOut);
// Offset
float alphaOut = smoothstep(kLumOuterRadius - delta, kLumOuterRadius + delta, dist);
float alphaIn = smoothstep(kLumInnerRadius - delta, kLumInnerRadius + delta / 2, dist);
float4 c = float4((offsetColor).xxx, 1.0);
float a = PI * _Offset;
if (_Offset >= 0 && angle < a && angle > 0.0)
c = float4((1.0).xxx, 0.5);
else if (angle > a && angle < 0.0)
c = float4((1.0).xxx, 0.5);
color += lerp((0.0).xxxx, c, alphaIn - alphaOut);
return color * _DisabledState;
float4 FragTrackballDark(v2f_img i) : SV_Target
return CreateWheel(i, 1.0, 0.15);
float4 FragTrackballLight(v2f_img i) : SV_Target
return CreateWheel(i, 0.0, 0.3);
Cull Off ZWrite Off ZTest Always
// (0) Dark skin
#pragma vertex vert_img
#pragma fragment FragTrackballDark
// (1) Light skin
#pragma vertex vert_img
#pragma fragment FragTrackballLight