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672 lines (572 sloc) 27.8 KB
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.PostProcessing;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace UnityEditor.PostProcessing
using Settings = ColorGradingModel.Settings;
using Tonemapper = ColorGradingModel.Tonemapper;
using ColorWheelMode = ColorGradingModel.ColorWheelMode;
public class ColorGradingModelEditor : PostProcessingModelEditor
static GUIContent[] s_Tonemappers =
new GUIContent("None"),
new GUIContent("Filmic (ACES)"),
new GUIContent("Neutral")
struct TonemappingSettings
public SerializedProperty tonemapper;
public SerializedProperty neutralBlackIn;
public SerializedProperty neutralWhiteIn;
public SerializedProperty neutralBlackOut;
public SerializedProperty neutralWhiteOut;
public SerializedProperty neutralWhiteLevel;
public SerializedProperty neutralWhiteClip;
struct BasicSettings
public SerializedProperty exposure;
public SerializedProperty temperature;
public SerializedProperty tint;
public SerializedProperty hueShift;
public SerializedProperty saturation;
public SerializedProperty contrast;
struct ChannelMixerSettings
public SerializedProperty[] channels;
public SerializedProperty currentEditingChannel;
struct ColorWheelsSettings
public SerializedProperty mode;
public SerializedProperty log;
public SerializedProperty linear;
static GUIContent[] s_Curves =
new GUIContent("YRGB"),
new GUIContent("Hue VS Hue"),
new GUIContent("Hue VS Sat"),
new GUIContent("Sat VS Sat"),
new GUIContent("Lum VS Sat")
struct CurvesSettings
public SerializedProperty master;
public SerializedProperty red;
public SerializedProperty green;
public SerializedProperty blue;
public SerializedProperty hueVShue;
public SerializedProperty hueVSsat;
public SerializedProperty satVSsat;
public SerializedProperty lumVSsat;
public SerializedProperty currentEditingCurve;
public SerializedProperty curveY;
public SerializedProperty curveR;
public SerializedProperty curveG;
public SerializedProperty curveB;
TonemappingSettings m_Tonemapping;
BasicSettings m_Basic;
ChannelMixerSettings m_ChannelMixer;
ColorWheelsSettings m_ColorWheels;
CurvesSettings m_Curves;
CurveEditor m_CurveEditor;
Dictionary<SerializedProperty, Color> m_CurveDict;
// Neutral tonemapping curve helper
const int k_CurveResolution = 24;
const float k_NeutralRangeX = 2f;
const float k_NeutralRangeY = 1f;
Vector3[] m_RectVertices = new Vector3[4];
Vector3[] m_LineVertices = new Vector3[2];
Vector3[] m_CurveVertices = new Vector3[k_CurveResolution];
Rect m_NeutralCurveRect;
public override void OnEnable()
// Tonemapping settings
m_Tonemapping = new TonemappingSettings
tonemapper = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.tonemapping.tonemapper),
neutralBlackIn = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.tonemapping.neutralBlackIn),
neutralWhiteIn = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.tonemapping.neutralWhiteIn),
neutralBlackOut = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.tonemapping.neutralBlackOut),
neutralWhiteOut = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.tonemapping.neutralWhiteOut),
neutralWhiteLevel = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.tonemapping.neutralWhiteLevel),
neutralWhiteClip = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.tonemapping.neutralWhiteClip)
// Basic settings
m_Basic = new BasicSettings
exposure = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.basic.postExposure),
temperature = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.basic.temperature),
tint = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.basic.tint),
hueShift = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.basic.hueShift),
saturation = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.basic.saturation),
contrast = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.basic.contrast)
// Channel mixer
m_ChannelMixer = new ChannelMixerSettings
channels = new[]
FindSetting((Settings x) =>,
FindSetting((Settings x) =>,
FindSetting((Settings x) =>
currentEditingChannel = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.channelMixer.currentEditingChannel)
// Color wheels
m_ColorWheels = new ColorWheelsSettings
mode = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.colorWheels.mode),
log = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.colorWheels.log),
linear = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.colorWheels.linear)
// Curves
m_Curves = new CurvesSettings
master = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.curves.master.curve),
red = FindSetting((Settings x) =>,
green = FindSetting((Settings x) =>,
blue = FindSetting((Settings x) =>,
hueVShue = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.curves.hueVShue.curve),
hueVSsat = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.curves.hueVSsat.curve),
satVSsat = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.curves.satVSsat.curve),
lumVSsat = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.curves.lumVSsat.curve),
currentEditingCurve = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.curves.e_CurrentEditingCurve),
curveY = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.curves.e_CurveY),
curveR = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.curves.e_CurveR),
curveG = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.curves.e_CurveG),
curveB = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.curves.e_CurveB)
// Prepare the curve editor and extract curve display settings
m_CurveDict = new Dictionary<SerializedProperty, Color>();
var settings = CurveEditor.Settings.defaultSettings;
m_CurveEditor = new CurveEditor(settings);
AddCurve(m_Curves.master, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f), 2, false);
AddCurve(, new Color(1f, 0f, 0f), 2, false);
AddCurve(, new Color(0f, 1f, 0f), 2, false);
AddCurve(, new Color(0f, 0.5f, 1f), 2, false);
AddCurve(m_Curves.hueVShue, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f), 0, true);
AddCurve(m_Curves.hueVSsat, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f), 0, true);
AddCurve(m_Curves.satVSsat, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f), 0, false);
AddCurve(m_Curves.lumVSsat, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f), 0, false);
void AddCurve(SerializedProperty prop, Color color, uint minPointCount, bool loop)
var state = CurveEditor.CurveState.defaultState;
state.color = color;
state.visible = false;
state.minPointCount = minPointCount;
state.onlyShowHandlesOnSelection = true;
state.zeroKeyConstantValue = 0.5f;
state.loopInBounds = loop;
m_CurveEditor.Add(prop, state);
m_CurveDict.Add(prop, color);
public override void OnDisable()
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
DoGUIFor("Tonemapping", DoTonemappingGUI);
DoGUIFor("Basic", DoBasicGUI);
DoGUIFor("Channel Mixer", DoChannelMixerGUI);
DoGUIFor("Trackballs", DoColorWheelsGUI);
DoGUIFor("Grading Curves", DoCurvesGUI);
void DoGUIFor(string title, Action func)
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(title, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
void DoTonemappingGUI()
int tid = EditorGUILayout.Popup(EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("Tonemapper"), m_Tonemapping.tonemapper.intValue, s_Tonemappers);
if (tid == (int)Tonemapper.Neutral)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Tonemapping.neutralBlackIn, EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("Black In"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Tonemapping.neutralWhiteIn, EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("White In"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Tonemapping.neutralBlackOut, EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("Black Out"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Tonemapping.neutralWhiteOut, EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("White Out"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Tonemapping.neutralWhiteLevel, EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("White Level"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Tonemapping.neutralWhiteClip, EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("White Clip"));
m_Tonemapping.tonemapper.intValue = tid;
void DrawNeutralTonemappingCurve()
using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
GUILayout.Space(EditorGUI.indentLevel * 15f);
m_NeutralCurveRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(128, 80);
// Background
m_RectVertices[0] = PointInRect( 0f, 0f);
m_RectVertices[1] = PointInRect(k_NeutralRangeX, 0f);
m_RectVertices[2] = PointInRect(k_NeutralRangeX, k_NeutralRangeY);
m_RectVertices[3] = PointInRect( 0f, k_NeutralRangeY);
Color.white * 0.1f,
Color.white * 0.4f
// Horizontal lines
for (var i = 1; i < k_NeutralRangeY; i++)
DrawLine(0, i, k_NeutralRangeX, i, 0.4f);
// Vertical lines
for (var i = 1; i < k_NeutralRangeX; i++)
DrawLine(i, 0, i, k_NeutralRangeY, 0.4f);
// Label
PointInRect(0, k_NeutralRangeY) + Vector3.right,
"Neutral Tonemapper", EditorStyles.miniLabel
// Precompute some values
var tonemap = ((ColorGradingModel)target).settings.tonemapping;
const float scaleFactor = 20f;
const float scaleFactorHalf = scaleFactor * 0.5f;
float inBlack = tonemap.neutralBlackIn * scaleFactor + 1f;
float outBlack = tonemap.neutralBlackOut * scaleFactorHalf + 1f;
float inWhite = tonemap.neutralWhiteIn / scaleFactor;
float outWhite = 1f - tonemap.neutralWhiteOut / scaleFactor;
float blackRatio = inBlack / outBlack;
float whiteRatio = inWhite / outWhite;
const float a = 0.2f;
float b = Mathf.Max(0f, Mathf.LerpUnclamped(0.57f, 0.37f, blackRatio));
float c = Mathf.LerpUnclamped(0.01f, 0.24f, whiteRatio);
float d = Mathf.Max(0f, Mathf.LerpUnclamped(0.02f, 0.20f, blackRatio));
const float e = 0.02f;
const float f = 0.30f;
float whiteLevel = tonemap.neutralWhiteLevel;
float whiteClip = tonemap.neutralWhiteClip / scaleFactorHalf;
// Tonemapping curve
var vcount = 0;
while (vcount < k_CurveResolution)
float x = k_NeutralRangeX * vcount / (k_CurveResolution - 1);
float y = NeutralTonemap(x, a, b, c, d, e, f, whiteLevel, whiteClip);
if (y < k_NeutralRangeY)
m_CurveVertices[vcount++] = PointInRect(x, y);
if (vcount > 1)
// Extend the last segment to the top edge of the rect.
var v1 = m_CurveVertices[vcount - 2];
var v2 = m_CurveVertices[vcount - 1];
var clip = (m_NeutralCurveRect.y - v1.y) / (v2.y - v1.y);
m_CurveVertices[vcount - 1] = v1 + (v2 - v1) * clip;
if (vcount > 1)
Handles.color = Color.white * 0.9f;
Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(2.0f, vcount, m_CurveVertices);
void DrawLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float grayscale)
m_LineVertices[0] = PointInRect(x1, y1);
m_LineVertices[1] = PointInRect(x2, y2);
Handles.color = Color.white * grayscale;
Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(2f, m_LineVertices);
Vector3 PointInRect(float x, float y)
x = Mathf.Lerp(m_NeutralCurveRect.x, m_NeutralCurveRect.xMax, x / k_NeutralRangeX);
y = Mathf.Lerp(m_NeutralCurveRect.yMax, m_NeutralCurveRect.y, y / k_NeutralRangeY);
return new Vector3(x, y, 0);
float NeutralCurve(float x, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f)
return ((x * (a * x + c * b) + d * e) / (x * (a * x + b) + d * f)) - e / f;
float NeutralTonemap(float x, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float whiteLevel, float whiteClip)
x = Mathf.Max(0f, x);
// Tonemap
float whiteScale = 1f / NeutralCurve(whiteLevel, a, b, c, d, e, f);
x = NeutralCurve(x * whiteScale, a, b, c, d, e, f);
x *= whiteScale;
// Post-curve white point adjustment
x /= whiteClip;
return x;
void DoBasicGUI()
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Basic.exposure, EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("Post Exposure (EV)"));
void DoChannelMixerGUI()
int currentChannel = m_ChannelMixer.currentEditingChannel.intValue;
using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope())
if (GUILayout.Toggle(currentChannel == 0, EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("Red|Red output channel."), EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft)) currentChannel = 0;
if (GUILayout.Toggle(currentChannel == 1, EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("Green|Green output channel."), EditorStyles.miniButtonMid)) currentChannel = 1;
if (GUILayout.Toggle(currentChannel == 2, EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("Blue|Blue output channel."), EditorStyles.miniButtonRight)) currentChannel = 2;
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
var serializedChannel = m_ChannelMixer.channels[currentChannel];
m_ChannelMixer.currentEditingChannel.intValue = currentChannel;
var v = serializedChannel.vector3Value;
v.x = EditorGUILayout.Slider(EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("Red|Modify influence of the red channel within the overall mix."), v.x, -2f, 2f);
v.y = EditorGUILayout.Slider(EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("Green|Modify influence of the green channel within the overall mix."), v.y, -2f, 2f);
v.z = EditorGUILayout.Slider(EditorGUIHelper.GetContent("Blue|Modify influence of the blue channel within the overall mix."), v.z, -2f, 2f);
serializedChannel.vector3Value = v;
void DoColorWheelsGUI()
int wheelMode = m_ColorWheels.mode.intValue;
using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope())
if (GUILayout.Toggle(wheelMode == (int)ColorWheelMode.Linear, "Linear", EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft)) wheelMode = (int)ColorWheelMode.Linear;
if (GUILayout.Toggle(wheelMode == (int)ColorWheelMode.Log, "Log", EditorStyles.miniButtonRight)) wheelMode = (int)ColorWheelMode.Log;
m_ColorWheels.mode.intValue = wheelMode;
if (wheelMode == (int)ColorWheelMode.Linear)
WheelSetTitle(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), "Linear Controls");
else if (wheelMode == (int)ColorWheelMode.Log)
WheelSetTitle(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), "Log Controls");
static void WheelSetTitle(Rect position, string label)
var matrix = GUI.matrix;
var rect = new Rect(position.x - 10f, position.y, TrackballGroupDrawer.m_Size, TrackballGroupDrawer.m_Size);
GUI.Label(rect, label, FxStyles.centeredMiniLabel);
GUI.matrix = matrix;
void ResetVisibleCurves()
foreach (var curve in m_CurveDict)
var state = m_CurveEditor.GetCurveState(curve.Key);
state.visible = false;
m_CurveEditor.SetCurveState(curve.Key, state);
void SetCurveVisible(SerializedProperty prop)
var state = m_CurveEditor.GetCurveState(prop);
state.visible = true;
m_CurveEditor.SetCurveState(prop, state);
bool SpecialToggle(bool value, string name, out bool rightClicked)
var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(EditorGUIHelper.GetContent(name), EditorStyles.toolbarButton);
var e = Event.current;
rightClicked = (e.type == EventType.MouseUp && rect.Contains(e.mousePosition) && e.button == 1);
return GUI.Toggle(rect, value, name, EditorStyles.toolbarButton);
static Material s_MaterialSpline;
void DoCurvesGUI()
EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 2;
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(serializedProperty.serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects))
int curveEditingId = 0;
// Top toolbar
using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope(EditorStyles.toolbar))
curveEditingId = EditorGUILayout.Popup(m_Curves.currentEditingCurve.intValue, s_Curves, EditorStyles.toolbarPopup, GUILayout.MaxWidth(150f));
bool y = false, r = false, g = false, b = false;
if (curveEditingId == 0)
bool rightClickedY, rightClickedR, rightClickedG, rightClickedB;
y = SpecialToggle(m_Curves.curveY.boolValue, "Y", out rightClickedY);
r = SpecialToggle(m_Curves.curveR.boolValue, "R", out rightClickedR);
g = SpecialToggle(m_Curves.curveG.boolValue, "G", out rightClickedG);
b = SpecialToggle(m_Curves.curveB.boolValue, "B", out rightClickedB);
if (!y && !r && !g && !b)
r = g = b = false;
y = true;
if (rightClickedY || rightClickedR || rightClickedG || rightClickedB)
y = rightClickedY;
r = rightClickedR;
g = rightClickedG;
b = rightClickedB;
if (y) SetCurveVisible(m_Curves.master);
if (r) SetCurveVisible(;
if (g) SetCurveVisible(;
if (b) SetCurveVisible(;
m_Curves.curveY.boolValue = y;
m_Curves.curveR.boolValue = r;
m_Curves.curveG.boolValue = g;
m_Curves.curveB.boolValue = b;
switch (curveEditingId)
case 1: SetCurveVisible(m_Curves.hueVShue);
case 2: SetCurveVisible(m_Curves.hueVSsat);
case 3: SetCurveVisible(m_Curves.satVSsat);
case 4: SetCurveVisible(m_Curves.lumVSsat);
if (GUILayout.Button("Reset", EditorStyles.toolbarButton))
switch (curveEditingId)
case 0:
if (y) m_Curves.master.animationCurveValue = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
if (r) = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
if (g) = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
if (b) = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
case 1: m_Curves.hueVShue.animationCurveValue = new AnimationCurve();
case 2: m_Curves.hueVSsat.animationCurveValue = new AnimationCurve();
case 3: m_Curves.satVSsat.animationCurveValue = new AnimationCurve();
case 4: m_Curves.lumVSsat.animationCurveValue = new AnimationCurve();
m_Curves.currentEditingCurve.intValue = curveEditingId;
// Curve area
var settings = m_CurveEditor.settings;
var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetAspectRect(2f);
var innerRect = settings.padding.Remove(rect);
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
// Background
EditorGUI.DrawRect(rect, new Color(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1f));
if (s_MaterialSpline == null)
s_MaterialSpline = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Post FX/UI/Curve Background")) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave };
if (curveEditingId == 1 || curveEditingId == 2)
DrawBackgroundTexture(innerRect, 0);
else if (curveEditingId == 3 || curveEditingId == 4)
DrawBackgroundTexture(innerRect, 1);
// Bounds
Handles.color = Color.white;
Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(innerRect, Color.clear, new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.5f));
// Grid setup
Handles.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.05f);
int hLines = (int)Mathf.Sqrt(innerRect.width);
int vLines = (int)(hLines / (innerRect.width / innerRect.height));
// Vertical grid
int gridOffset = Mathf.FloorToInt(innerRect.width / hLines);
int gridPadding = ((int)(innerRect.width) % hLines) / 2;
for (int i = 1; i < hLines; i++)
var offset = i * Vector2.right * gridOffset;
offset.x += gridPadding;
Handles.DrawLine(innerRect.position + offset, new Vector2(innerRect.x, innerRect.yMax - 1) + offset);
// Horizontal grid
gridOffset = Mathf.FloorToInt(innerRect.height / vLines);
gridPadding = ((int)(innerRect.height) % vLines) / 2;
for (int i = 1; i < vLines; i++)
var offset = i * Vector2.up * gridOffset;
offset.y += gridPadding;
Handles.DrawLine(innerRect.position + offset, new Vector2(innerRect.xMax - 1, innerRect.y) + offset);
// Curve editor
if (m_CurveEditor.OnGUI(rect))
GUI.changed = true;
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
// Borders
Handles.color =;
Handles.DrawLine(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y - 18f), new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.y - 18f));
Handles.DrawLine(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y - 19f), new Vector2(rect.x, rect.yMax));
Handles.DrawLine(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.yMax), new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax));
Handles.DrawLine(new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax), new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.y - 18f));
// Selection info
var selection = m_CurveEditor.GetSelection();
if (selection.curve != null && selection.keyframeIndex > -1)
var key = selection.keyframe.Value;
var infoRect = innerRect;
infoRect.x += 5f;
infoRect.width = 100f;
infoRect.height = 30f;
GUI.Label(infoRect, string.Format("{0}\n{1}", key.time.ToString("F3"), key.value.ToString("F3")), FxStyles.preLabel);
@"Curve editor cheat sheet:
- [Del] or [Backspace] to remove a key
- [Ctrl] to break a tangent handle
- [Shift] to align tangent handles
- [Double click] to create a key on the curve(s) at mouse position
- [Alt] + [Double click] to create a key on the curve(s) at a given time",
EditorGUI.indentLevel += 2;
void DrawBackgroundTexture(Rect rect, int pass)
float scale = EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint;
var oldRt =;
var rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(Mathf.CeilToInt(rect.width * scale), Mathf.CeilToInt(rect.height * scale), 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);
s_MaterialSpline.SetFloat("_DisabledState", GUI.enabled ? 1f : 0.5f);
s_MaterialSpline.SetFloat("_PixelScaling", EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint);
Graphics.Blit(null, rt, s_MaterialSpline, pass); = oldRt;
GUI.DrawTexture(rect, rt);