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#ifndef __DEPTH_OF_FIELD__
#define __DEPTH_OF_FIELD__
// Use separate texture/sampler objects on Shader Model 5.0
#define DOF_DECL_TEX2D(tex) Texture2D tex; SamplerState sampler##tex
#define DOF_TEX2D(tex, coord) tex.Sample(sampler##tex, coord)
#define DOF_DECL_TEX2D(tex) sampler2D tex
#define DOF_TEX2D(tex, coord) tex2D(tex, coord)
#include "Common.cginc"
#include "DiskKernels.cginc"
// Camera parameters
float _Distance;
float _LensCoeff; // f^2 / (N * (S1 - f) * film_width * 2)
float _MaxCoC;
float _RcpMaxCoC;
float _RcpAspect;
half3 _TaaParams; // Jitter.x, Jitter.y, Blending
struct VaryingsDOF
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
half2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
half2 uvAlt : TEXCOORD1;
// Common vertex shader with single pass stereo rendering support
VaryingsDOF VertDOF(AttributesDefault v)
half2 uvAlt = v.texcoord;
if (_MainTex_TexelSize.y < 0.0) uvAlt.y = 1.0 - uvAlt.y;
VaryingsDOF o;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord, _MainTex_ST);
o.uvAlt = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(uvAlt, _MainTex_ST);
o.uv = v.texcoord;
o.uvAlt = uvAlt;
return o;
// CoC calculation
half4 FragCoC(VaryingsDOF i) : SV_Target
float depth = LinearEyeDepth(DOF_TEX2D(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv));
half coc = (depth - _Distance) * _LensCoeff / max(depth, 1e-5);
return saturate(coc * 0.5 * _RcpMaxCoC + 0.5);
// Temporal filter
half4 FragTempFilter(VaryingsDOF i) : SV_Target
float3 uvOffs = _MainTex_TexelSize.xyy * float3(1, 1, 0);
half4 cocTL = _CoCTex.GatherRed(sampler_CoCTex, i.uv - uvOffs.xy * 0.5); // top-left
half4 cocBR = _CoCTex.GatherRed(sampler_CoCTex, i.uv + uvOffs.xy * 0.5); // bottom-right
half coc1 = cocTL.x; // top
half coc2 = cocTL.z; // left
half coc3 = cocBR.x; // bottom
half coc4 = cocBR.z; // right
half coc1 = DOF_TEX2D(_CoCTex, i.uv - uvOffs.xz).r; // top
half coc2 = DOF_TEX2D(_CoCTex, i.uv - uvOffs.zy).r; // left
half coc3 = DOF_TEX2D(_CoCTex, i.uv + uvOffs.zy).r; // bottom
half coc4 = DOF_TEX2D(_CoCTex, i.uv + uvOffs.xz).r; // right
// Dejittered center sample.
half coc0 = DOF_TEX2D(_CoCTex, i.uv - _TaaParams.xy).r;
// CoC dilation: determine the closest point in the four neighbors.
float3 closest = float3(0, 0, coc0);
closest = coc1 < closest.z ? float3(-uvOffs.xz, coc1) : closest;
closest = coc2 < closest.z ? float3(-uvOffs.zy, coc2) : closest;
closest = coc3 < closest.z ? float3(+uvOffs.zy, coc3) : closest;
closest = coc4 < closest.z ? float3(+uvOffs.xz, coc4) : closest;
// Sample the history buffer with the motion vector at the closest point.
float2 motion = DOF_TEX2D(_CameraMotionVectorsTexture, i.uv + closest.xy).xy;
half cocHis = DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv - motion).r;
// Neighborhood clamping.
half cocMin = closest.z;
half cocMax = max(max(max(max(coc0, coc1), coc2), coc3), coc4);
cocHis = clamp(cocHis, cocMin, cocMax);
// Blend with the history.
return lerp(coc0, cocHis, _TaaParams.z);
// Prefilter: downsampling and premultiplying.
half4 FragPrefilter(VaryingsDOF i) : SV_Target
// Sample source colors.
half4 c_r = _MainTex.GatherRed (sampler_MainTex, i.uv);
half4 c_g = _MainTex.GatherGreen(sampler_MainTex, i.uv);
half4 c_b = _MainTex.GatherBlue (sampler_MainTex, i.uv);
half3 c0 = half3(c_r.x, c_g.x, c_b.x);
half3 c1 = half3(c_r.y, c_g.y, c_b.y);
half3 c2 = half3(c_r.z, c_g.z, c_b.z);
half3 c3 = half3(c_r.w, c_g.w, c_b.w);
// Sample CoCs.
half4 cocs = _CoCTex.Gather(sampler_CoCTex, i.uvAlt) * 2.0 - 1.0;
half coc0 = cocs.x;
half coc1 = cocs.y;
half coc2 = cocs.z;
half coc3 = cocs.w;
float3 duv = _MainTex_TexelSize.xyx * float3(0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
// Sample source colors.
half3 c0 = DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv - duv.xy).rgb;
half3 c1 = DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv - duv.zy).rgb;
half3 c2 = DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv + duv.zy).rgb;
half3 c3 = DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv + duv.xy).rgb;
// Sample CoCs.
half coc0 = DOF_TEX2D(_CoCTex, i.uvAlt - duv.xy).r * 2.0 - 1.0;
half coc1 = DOF_TEX2D(_CoCTex, i.uvAlt - duv.zy).r * 2.0 - 1.0;
half coc2 = DOF_TEX2D(_CoCTex, i.uvAlt + duv.zy).r * 2.0 - 1.0;
half coc3 = DOF_TEX2D(_CoCTex, i.uvAlt + duv.xy).r * 2.0 - 1.0;
// Apply CoC and luma weights to reduce bleeding and flickering.
float w0 = abs(coc0) / (Max3(c0) + 1.0);
float w1 = abs(coc1) / (Max3(c1) + 1.0);
float w2 = abs(coc2) / (Max3(c2) + 1.0);
float w3 = abs(coc3) / (Max3(c3) + 1.0);
// Weighted average of the color samples
half3 avg = c0 * w0 + c1 * w1 + c2 * w2 + c3 * w3;
avg /= max(w0 + w1 + w2 + w3, 1e-5);
// Select the largest CoC value.
half coc_min = Min4(coc0, coc1, coc2, coc3);
half coc_max = Max4(coc0, coc1, coc2, coc3);
half coc = (-coc_min > coc_max ? coc_min : coc_max) * _MaxCoC;
// Premultiply CoC again.
avg *= smoothstep(0, _MainTex_TexelSize.y * 2, abs(coc));
avg = GammaToLinearSpace(avg);
return half4(avg, coc);
// Bokeh filter with disk-shaped kernels
half4 FragBlur(VaryingsDOF i) : SV_Target
half4 samp0 = DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
half4 bgAcc = 0.0; // Background: far field bokeh
half4 fgAcc = 0.0; // Foreground: near field bokeh
UNITY_LOOP for (int si = 0; si < kSampleCount; si++)
float2 disp = kDiskKernel[si] * _MaxCoC;
float dist = length(disp);
float2 duv = float2(disp.x * _RcpAspect, disp.y);
half4 samp = DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv + duv);
// BG: Compare CoC of the current sample and the center sample
// and select smaller one.
half bgCoC = max(min(samp0.a, samp.a), 0.0);
// Compare the CoC to the sample distance.
// Add a small margin to smooth out.
const half margin = _MainTex_TexelSize.y * 2;
half bgWeight = saturate((bgCoC - dist + margin) / margin);
half fgWeight = saturate((-samp.a - dist + margin) / margin);
// Cut influence from focused areas because they're darkened by CoC
// premultiplying. This is only needed for near field.
fgWeight *= step(_MainTex_TexelSize.y, -samp.a);
// Accumulation
bgAcc += half4(samp.rgb, 1.0) * bgWeight;
fgAcc += half4(samp.rgb, 1.0) * fgWeight;
// Get the weighted average.
bgAcc.rgb /= bgAcc.a + (bgAcc.a == 0.0); // zero-div guard
fgAcc.rgb /= fgAcc.a + (fgAcc.a == 0.0);
// BG: Calculate the alpha value only based on the center CoC.
// This is a rather aggressive approximation but provides stable results.
bgAcc.a = smoothstep(_MainTex_TexelSize.y, _MainTex_TexelSize.y * 2.0, samp0.a);
// FG: Normalize the total of the weights.
fgAcc.a *= UNITY_PI / kSampleCount;
// Alpha premultiplying
half alpha = saturate(fgAcc.a);
half3 rgb = lerp(bgAcc.rgb, fgAcc.rgb, alpha);
return half4(rgb, alpha);
// Postfilter blur
half4 FragPostBlur(VaryingsDOF i) : SV_Target
// 9 tap tent filter with 4 bilinear samples
const float4 duv = _MainTex_TexelSize.xyxy * float4(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0);
half4 acc;
acc = DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv - duv.xy);
acc += DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv - duv.zy);
acc += DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv + duv.zy);
acc += DOF_TEX2D(_MainTex, i.uv + duv.xy);
return acc / 4.0;
#endif // __DEPTH_OF_FIELD__