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#lang racket
;; Filter function: Generates possible coordinates that can be visited
(define (filter-coords coords visited-coords min max)
(lambda (coord)
(let ((x (car coord))
(y (cdr coord)))
(not (or (member coord visited-coords)
(< x min) (< y min) (> x max) (> y max)))))
;; Function will generate all possible moves of length one from the current position and return list of them
(define (gen-coords curr-coord)
(let ((x (car curr-coord))
(y (cdr curr-coord)))
(list (cons x (+ y 1))
(cons x (- y 1))
(cons (+ x 1) y)
(cons (- x 1) y))))
;; Random Coordinate function: Generate a random coordinate from the list of filtered coordinates
(define (random-coord coords)
(if (= (length coords) 0)
(let ((random-val (random (length coords))))
(list-ref coords random-val))))
;;Calucluate the distance
(define (distance start end)
(let ((x (abs (- (car start) (car end))))
(y (abs (- (car end) (cdr end)))))
(+ x y)))
(define (minNmax coord1 coord2)
(define (minhelp x y)
(if (< x y) x
(define (maxhelp x y)
(if (> x y) x
(cons (minhelp (car coord1) coord2) (maxhelp (cdr coord1) coord2)))
;;Main function
(define (random-walk start-coord size max-steps)
(define (walk-helper coord visit-list steps size x-coord y-coord) ;Picks a move out of the filtered list
(let ((picked-move (random-coord (filter-coords (gen-coords coord)
visit-list (* -1 size) size))));Define local binding which picks random move from filtered list
(if (or (null? picked-move) (= steps max-steps))
(list steps (distance start-coord coord) (* (- (cdr x-coord) (car x-coord)) (- (cdr y-coord) (car y-coord))));If there are no moves return the number of steps
(walk-helper picked-move (cons coord visit-list) (+ 1 steps) size (minNmax x-coord (car coord)) (minNmax y-coord (cdr coord)))))) ;recursively call walker-helper to make next move
(walk-helper start-coord '() 0 size '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0))) ;function call to initiate random-walk
;;Run simiulation x times of size 100
(define (run-sim x size max-steps)
(define (run-sim-aux start end path-len)
(if (= start end)
(cons path-len (run-sim-aux (+ 1 start) end (random-walk '(0 . 0) size max-steps)))))
(run-sim-aux 0 x (random-walk '(0 . 0) size max-steps)))
;;Calculate the average
(define (avg-list lst)
(let ((x (foldr + 0.0 lst)))
(/ x (length lst))))
;;Calculate the standard deviation
(define (std-list lst)
(define (pred x y)
(let ((mean (avg-list lst)))
(+ y (expt (- x mean) 2))))
(sqrt (/ (foldr pred 0 lst) (length lst))))
;;Calculate the median
(define (median-lst lst)
(let* ((sort-lst (sort lst <))
(len (length sort-lst)))
(if (odd? len)
(list-ref sort-lst (floor (/ len 2)))
(/ (+ (list-ref sort-lst (floor (/ len 2)))
(list-ref sort-lst (- (/ len 2) 1)))
;;Prints out the average, median, variance, standard deviation as a list if you run the simulation 10 times
(display "Simulation ran 100 times, 100x100 lattice\n")
(display "List of steps, distance, lattice size: \n")
(define y (run-sim 100 100 +inf.0))
(define steps (map car y))
(display "Average, Standard-deviation: ")
(list (avg-list steps) (std-list steps))
(display "Simulation ran 100 times, 1000x1000 lattice\n")
(define x (run-sim 100 1000 +inf.0))
(display "List of steps, distance, lattice size: \n")
(display "Average, Standard-devation: ")
(define steps2 (map car x))
(list (avg-list steps2) (std-list steps2))
;;Part 2
(define a (run-sim 10 +inf.0 5000))
(display "Simulation ran 10 times, no bounds, 5000 steps\n")
(define dist-lst (map cadr a))
(display "Distance: Average, Median, Variance, Standard-deviation: ")
(list (avg-list dist-lst) (median-lst dist-lst) (expt (std-list dist-lst) 2) (std-list dist-lst))
(define lattice-lst (map caddr a))
(display "Lattice: Average, Median, Variance, Standard-deviation: ")
(list (avg-list lattice-lst) (median-lst lattice-lst) (expt (std-list lattice-lst) 2) (std-list lattice-lst))
;;100 times
(define p (run-sim 100 +inf.0 5000))
(display "Simulation ran 100 times, no bounds, 5000 steps\n")
(define dist-lst1 (map cadr p))
(display "Distance: Average, Median, Variance, Standard-deviation: ")
(list (avg-list dist-lst1) (median-lst dist-lst1) (expt (std-list dist-lst1) 2) (std-list dist-lst1))
(define lattice-lst1 (map caddr p))
(display "Lattice: Average, Median, Variance, Standard-deviation: ")
(list (avg-list lattice-lst1) (median-lst lattice-lst1) (expt (std-list lattice-lst1) 2) (std-list lattice-lst1))
;;1000 times
(define e (run-sim 1000 +inf.0 5000))
(display "Simulation ran 1000 times, no bounds, 5000 steps\n")
;;List of steps, distance lattice
(define dist-lst2 (map cadr e))
(display "Distance: Average, Median, Variance, Standard-deviation: ")
(list (avg-list dist-lst2) (median-lst dist-lst2) (expt (std-list dist-lst2) 2) (std-list dist-lst2))
(define lattice-lst2 (map caddr e))
(display "Lattice: Average, Median, Variance, Standard-deviation: ")
(list (avg-list lattice-lst2) (median-lst lattice-lst2) (expt (std-list lattice-lst2) 2) (std-list lattice-lst2))