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library(methods) # For Rscript per
## Configuration values.
file_db <- file.path("../results/cellprofiler/rnai-screen-tf.db")
files_plate <- "../data/DRSC_TF_Library_Distribution.xls"
## Plate 504 was run at the last minute, and so the controls are not
## reflected in the Excel spreadsheet provided by the core facility.
## Therefore below is the list of added wells, which we will later
## merge with the spreadsheet data:
wells_control <- tibble::tribble(
~well, ~symbol,
"I04", "BROWN",
"E09", "CAL1",
"L03", "FACT",
"E16", "Rho1",
"L16", "Thread",
"H21", "water") %>%
symbol = "LacZ",
well = c("C03", "C22", "D12", "D13", "E05", "E20", "F11",
"F14", "G07", "G18", "H09", "H16", "I09", "I16",
"J07", "J18", "K11", "K14", "L05", "L20", "M12",
"M13", "N03", "N22"))) %>%
rename(symbol_control = symbol) %>% # Prepare for join.
## FIXME: Need to confirm what type of control Thread is.
wells_layout <-
read_excel(files_plate, sheet = 3) %>%
setNames(tolower(names(.))) %>%
select(plate, well, `symbol(s)`, `fbgn(s)`, amplicon) %>%
rename(symbol = `symbol(s)`,
fbgn = `fbgn(s)`) %>% arrange(plate, well)
wells_layout %<>%
left_join(wells_control) %>%
mutate(symbol = ifelse(, symbol, symbol_control)) %>%
select(-symbol_control) %>%
mutate(control = ifelse(
symbol %in% c("CAL1", "FACT", "Rho1"), ## Rho1 gives binucleates
"positive", NA)) %>%
mutate(control = ifelse(
symbol %in% c("LacZ", "Empty", "BROWN", "water"),
"negative", control)) %>%
mutate(control = ifelse( &,
"unknown", control))
## List all controls
print(wells_layout %>% filter(! %>% .$symbol %>% unique)
## Connect to the database.
db <- src_sqlite(file_db)
## Read in objects table and summarize. Only consider cells with 1-2
## ectopic centromeres; assume other cells are bad.
cells <- tbl(db, "Per_Object") %>%
select(ImageNumber, ect_Classify_coloc, nuc_Children_ect_Count) %>%
filter(nuc_Children_ect_Count == 1 | nuc_Children_ect_Count == 2)
## The image table has metadata about well numbers, plate numbers,
## etc.
images <- tbl(db, "Per_Image") %>%
select(ImageNumber, Image_Metadata_Well, Image_Metadata_Plate)
## Create well summary from images and cells. `imagenumber` is a
## primary key.
wells <- inner_join(cells, images) %>% collect(n = Inf) %>%
replace_na(list(ect_Classify_coloc = 0)) %>%
group_by(Image_Metadata_Well, Image_Metadata_Plate) %>%
summarise(n = n(), n_coloc = sum(ect_Classify_coloc)) %>%
rename(well = Image_Metadata_Well,
plate = Image_Metadata_Plate) %>%
mutate(plate = ifelse(plate == "160415_015529-V", "504",
str_extract(plate, ".{3}"))) %>%
mutate(plate = as.numeric(plate)) # For subsequent merge.
# Check the controls.
controls_all <- merge(wells, filter(wells_layout, ! %>%
group_by(symbol, control) %>%
summarise(n = sum(n), n_coloc = sum(n_coloc), coloc = n_coloc / n)
## Apply statistical significance test.
## Prof. Mellone suggested aggregating all the RNAi well counts in the
## contingency table.
## Fisher's exact test for alternative = "greater".
## Extracted the relevant parts of the fisher.test() source code to
## optimize by >1000x per
p_value <- function(x) {
m <- sum(x[, 1L])
n <- sum(x[, 2L])
k <- sum(x[1L, ])
x <- x[1L, 1L]
phyper(x - 1, m, n, k, lower.tail = FALSE)
## Apply implementation of Fisher's exact test to large vectors
p_values <- function(x, y, x_total, y_total) {
contingency_matrix <- rbind(x, y,
x_total, y_total)
## Organize array to have 2x2 margin instead of 1x4.
dim(contingency_matrix) <- c(2, 2, length(contingency_matrix) / 4)
apply(contingency_matrix, 3, p_value) # nolint
## P-values for RNAi wells.
wells_all <- merge(wells, wells_layout) %>%
mutate(coloc = n_coloc / n)
cells <- filter(wells_all) %>% select(n) %>% unlist
overlaps <- filter(wells_all) %>% select(n_coloc) %>%
cells_all <- filter(wells_all, %>% select(n) %>%
unlist %>% sum
overlaps_all <- filter(wells_all, %>%
select(n_coloc) %>% unlist %>% sum
wells_all$p_value <- p_values(cells, overlaps, cells_all, overlaps_all)
## P-values for control wells.
cells_all_control <- filter(wells_all,
symbol == "LacZ") %>%
select(n) %>% unlist %>% sum
overlaps_all_control <- filter(wells_all,
symbol == "LacZ") %>%
select(n_coloc) %>% unlist %>% sum
wells_all$p_value_control <- p_values(cells, overlaps,
## Check repeated RNAi wells.
wells_repeated <- group_by(wells_all, symbol) %>%
summarise(n = n(), m = mean(coloc), sd = sd(coloc)) %>%
filter(n > 1)
write_csv(wells_all %>% arrange(p_value),