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Latest commit befd8e4 Aug 25, 2021 History
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executable file 1563 lines (1347 sloc) 49.9 KB
Graph Rep:
N^2 = number of nodes (nodes {1-n^2})
Assume a square grid, so each node is connect0 to i-1, i+1, i+n
A set T |T| >=2 {1,n^2} Union {i} such that node i are trusted nodes
from __future__ import print_function
from ortools.graph import pywrapgraph
import random
import collections
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from math import log2
import math
import networkx as nx
# global balance
# global prio_a
# global prio_b
# global prio_last
prio_last = None
prio_a = prio_b = 1000
prio_timer = 0
balance = False
filt = None
prio_counts = {}
# global CAD
CAD = False
from Graphs import *
import contextlib
class DummyFile(object):
def write(self, x): pass
def nostdout():
save_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = DummyFile()
sys.stdout = save_stdout
def check_and_determine_balancing(balance_info, G):
#create graph from balance_info, call R2 on it, for each edge do DFS from A to B based on updated balances
# Do we balance?
# right now we balance if max edge is 1+ sigma times min edge, but this will usually be true
#delta for NearA observations:
# .2 is best found so far, ith sigma .2. 0 is worse than .2
# .2, .1 is worse than .2 .2 but almost equal to simple balancing
# real question is how/why we do better than the simple balancing. seems like we filter baad things with delta?
delta = 0.2 #check if y/x is high enough aand worth balancing .2 best so far for Near A .0766
max_dist = G._paths[G._Alice][G._Bob]*.75 # max distance between candidate balance paths
sigma = .15 # 1+sigma is min ratio between between min aand max keypool
global prio_timer
global prio_last
# if prio_timer != 20:
# prio_timer +=1
# return prio_last
# print(balance_info)
if not "Sigma" in prio_counts:
print(f"Prio counts reset to {prio_counts} in starting balance")
prio_counts["Sigma"] = sigma
prio_counts["Delta"] = delta
pools = [balance_info[i][j] for i in balance_info for j in balance_info[i] if balance_info[i][j] > 0]
if not pools:
prio_counts[(False, "No Pools")] = prio_counts.get((False, "No Pools"), 0) + 1
return False
balance_flag = (1+sigma) * min(pools) < max(pools)
max_diff = max(pools)-min(pools)
# print(max_diff)
# if we balance, find constraining edges, and then most constraining edges
if not balance_flag:
prio_counts[(False, "No Sigma")] = prio_counts.get((False, "No Sigma"), 0) + 1
return False
bottlenecks = find_bottleneck_edges(balance_info, G._Alice, G._Bob)
# print(f"Bottleneck edges: {bottlenecks}")
if not bottlenecks:
prio_counts[(False, "No bottlenecks")] = prio_counts.get((False, "No bottlenecks"), 0) + 1
return False
#with bottlenecks, we want to filter/sort
# TODO: need a good way of picking m
boost = amt_constraining(balance_info, G, bottlenecks)
dist = lambda edge: G._paths[edge[0]][edge[1]]
# candidate = lambda x: dist(x[0]) * 1 if x[1]/max_diff >= delta and dist(x[0]) < max_dist else 0
# # print("boost", boost)
# print([(x[0],candidate(x)) for x in boost])
# best_edge = max(boost,key = candidate)
# Question: which is better! Better ratio on longer paths or shorter paths with worse ratio? switch order of filtering
# print(boost)
## print([(x[0],x[1]/max_diff) for x in boost])
# filter_delta = [cand for cand in boost if cand[1]/max_diff > delta]
# print([(x[0],x[1]/(balance_info[x[0][0]][x[0][1]] if balance_info[x[0][0]][x[0][1]] else .000001) ) for x in boost])
filter_delta = [cand for cand in boost if cand[1]/(balance_info[cand[0][0]][cand[0][1]] if balance_info[cand[0][0]][cand[0][1]] else .000001)> delta]
# print(filter_delta)
filter_length = [cand for cand in filter_delta if dist(cand[0]) < max_dist]
# print(filter_length)
#now filter_length has only candidate bottlnecks that boost by enough and are eshort enough, take most boosting shortest edge
if filter_length:
shortest_len = dist(min([x[0] for x in filter_length], key= dist))
# print(shortest_len)
filter_length2 = [cand for cand in filter_length if dist(cand[0]) == shortest_len]
# print(filter_length2)
best_boost = max(filter_length2, key= lambda cand: cand[1])[1]
# print(best_boost)
filter_boost = [cand for cand in filter_length2 if cand[1] == best_boost]
filter_boost = []
if filter_boost:
best_edge = random.choice(filter_boost)
# print("Balance info: ", balance_info)
# print("Bottlneck edges: ", bottlenecks)
# print("Boost flow by:" , boost)
# print("Filtering for delta and lenght:", filter_boost)
# print(" ", best_edge)
# print ("----\n\n")
prio_last = best_edge[0]
prio_timer = 0
return best_edge[0]
# if best_edge[1] != 0 and candidate(best_edge) != 0:
# return best_edge[0]
prio_counts[(False, "no candidate")] = prio_counts.get((False, "no candidate"), 0) + 1
return False
def get_maxflow(balance_info, source,sink):
start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities = [],[],[]
for i in balance_info:
for j in balance_info[i]:
if balance_info[i][j]: #chnaged from K to kb, hopefullt fixes keybit error
if start_nodes:
with nostdout():
flow = maxflow_ortools(start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities, source, sink)
return flow.OptimalFlow()
return 0
def amt_constraining(balance_info, G, bottlenecks):
# returns an array of tuples containing constraining edges and the number of bits that can be added to the flow
#if we add x keybits to that edge
pools = [balance_info[i][j] for i in balance_info for j in balance_info[i] if balance_info[i][j] > 0]
# print(balance_info)
# print(pools)
max_diff = max(pools)-min(pools)
baseline = get_maxflow(balance_info, G._Alice, G._Bob)
new_flows = []
for edge in bottlenecks:
new_flows.append((edge, get_maxflow(balance_info, G._Alice, G._Bob) - baseline))
balance_info[edge[0]][edge[1]]-= max_diff
return new_flows
def find_bottleneck_edges(balance_info, source, sink):
#create flownetwork with balanceinfo capacities, run Ford fulkersons.
# on residual graph, for each edge run DFS(source) and DFS(sink), any edge (u,v)
# where u is reachable from source and v from sinik is a bottleneck
# print("Looking for bottleneck edges")
#first, get a flow from ortools
start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities = [],[],[]
for i in balance_info:
for j in balance_info[i]:
if balance_info[i][j]: #chnaged from K to kb, hopefullt fixes keybit error
# print(capacities)
if start_nodes:
with nostdout():
flow = maxflow_ortools(start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities, source, sink)
return [] # no keybits yet
flow_dict = {s: {e:0 for e in end_nodes} for s in start_nodes}
for i in range(flow.NumArcs()):
flow_dict[flow.Tail(i)][flow.Head(i)] = flow.Flow(i)
# residual graph should have 2 components, 1 with sink and 1 with source
# any edge that has one endpoint is each is a bottleneck
G = nx.Graph()
for i in flow_dict:
for j in flow_dict[i]:
if i >= j:
if balance_info[i][j] - flow_dict[i][j] > 0:
# print(G.edges())
from_source = [i for i in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, source)] # nx.dfs_edges(G,source)
# from_source_comp = set([e[0] for e in from_source_edges]+[e[1] for e in from_source_edges])
from_sink = [i for i in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, sink)] #nx.dfs_edges(G,sink)
# from_sink_comp = set([e[0] for e in from_sink_edges]+[e[1] for e in from_sink_edges])
bottlenecks = []
for i in balance_info:
for j in balance_info:
if i in from_source and j in from_sink and i < j:
# print("Got bottleneck edges: {}".format(bottlenecks))
return bottlenecks
def generate_network(n,T, p, q, d, l, alpha , shape = "grid"):
# print(shape)
if shape == "ring":
G = RingGraph(n,T)
elif shape == "braid":
G = BraidedRingGraph(n,T)
elif shape == "wheel":
G = WheelGraph(n,T)
elif shape == "bwheel":
G = BraidedWheelGraph(n,T)
G = GridGraph(n,T)
L = {i:{j: l for j in G.get_nodes()} for i in G.get_nodes()}
P = {i:{j: p for j in G.get_nodes()} for i in G.get_nodes()}
D = {i:{j: d for j in G.get_nodes()} for i in G.get_nodes()}
Q = [q for i in G.get_nodes()]
K = {i:{j: 0 for j in G.get_trusted()} for i in G.get_trusted()}
Kb = {i:{j: [] for j in G.get_trusted()} for i in G.get_trusted()}
if l is not None and alpha is not None:
if "b" in shape or "wheel" in shape:
theta = (n-2)*180/n
for i in P:
for j in P[i]:
if "b" in shape and j == i+2 % n:
L[i][j] = l*math.sqrt(2-2*math.cos(math.radians(theta)))
P[i][j] = 10**(-alpha*L[i][j]/10)
D[i][j] = d*(L[i][j]/l)
if "wheel" in shape and j == n:
L[i][j] = l/(2*math.sin(math.radians(180/n)))
P[i][j] = 10**(-alpha*L[i][j]/10)
D[i][j] = d*(L[i][j]/l)
print("Didn't get l and alpha!! UNIFORM NETWORK")
for i in P:
for j in P[i]:
L[i][j] = 0
return (G,L,P,Q,D,K, Kb)
def pair_ent(G, P):
G1 = type(G)(G.get_dim(), G.get_trusted(), G._weight, G._Alice, G._Bob)
G1.set_edges([e for e in G.get_edges() if PRNG_gen.random() < P[e[0]][e[1]]])
return G1
def R1_find_best_links(G,G1,K,node, dumb, het_dist):
neighbors = G1.get_neighbors(node) #these nodes are connected by ent channel to our noe
trusted = G1.get_trusted()
dist = lambda x: G._paths[x[0]][x[1]]
kmdist = lambda x: G._realpaths[x[0]][x[1]] if het_dist else 1
Pt = []
if len(neighbors) <=1:
return [] # coudn't add any
#We have a list of neighbor nodes and unique trsuted nodes, and the distance between them
neigh_trusted1 = [(u,T) for u in neighbors for T in trusted]
#print("Node:", node)
#print("Dists1: ", neigh_trusted1)
best_dist_1 = dist(min(neigh_trusted1, key=dist)) #this gives us the best distance
Poss1 = [p for p in neigh_trusted1 if dist(p) == best_dist_1]
best_kmdist_1 = kmdist(min(Poss1, key =kmdist))
Poss1 = [p for p in Poss1 if kmdist(p) == best_kmdist_1]
(v1,t1) = PRNG_gen.choice(Poss1)
neigh_trusted2 = [(u,T) for u in neighbors for T in trusted if T!=t1]
best_dist_2 = dist(min(neigh_trusted2, key=dist)) #this gives us the best distance
Poss2a = [p for p in neigh_trusted2 if dist(p) == best_dist_2 ]
best_kmdist_2 = kmdist(min(Poss2a, key =kmdist))
Poss2a = [p for p in Poss2a if kmdist(p) == best_kmdist_2] # TODO should this go before or after smart check, prob before
Poss2 = [p for p in Poss2a if abs(node-p[0]) == abs(node-v1)]
if dumb or not Poss2 : #if dumb flag is set dont try and maintain direction
Poss2 = Poss2a
(v2,t2) = PRNG_gen.choice(Poss2)
if v1 == v2:
next_nt1 = [p for p in neigh_trusted1 if p[0] != v1 and p[1] != t2]
next_nt2 = [p for p in neigh_trusted2 if p[0] != v2 and p[1] != t1]
next_best_1 = dist(min(next_nt1, key=dist))
next_best_2 = dist(min(next_nt2, key=dist))
next_poss1 = [p for p in next_nt1 if dist(p) == next_best_1]
next_poss2 = [p for p in next_nt2 if dist(p) == next_best_2]
(nv1, nt1) = PRNG_gen.choice(next_poss1)
(nv2, nt2) = PRNG_gen.choice(next_poss1)
if dist((v1,t1)) + dist((nv2, nt2)) < dist((nv1,nt1)) + dist((v2,t2)):
v2,t2 = nv2,nt2
elif dist((v1,t1)) + dist((nv2, nt2)) >dist((nv1,nt1)) + dist((v2,t2)):
v1,t1 = nv1,nt1
which = PRNG_gen.choice([0,1])
if which:
v1,t1 = nv1,nt1
v2,t2 = nv2,nt2
if v1 == v2:
raise RuntimeError("Error, trying to link same node to itself")
Pt.append([min(v1,v2), node, max(v1,v2)])
if len(neighbors)==2:
Pt.append([min(neighbors), node, max(neighbors)])
return Pt
def local_R1(G, G1, K, dumb, balance_counts, het_dist):
global balance
global prio_a
global prio_b
global prio_last
prio = None
trusted = G1.get_trusted()
dynamic = True
# G1.show_graph()
""" simple balancing
if len(trusted) == 3 and balance and balance_counts and not dynamic:
sigma = .15
prio_counts["Sigma"] =sigma
prio_counts["Delta"] = "SIMPLE"
#if K[trusted[0]][trusted[1]] > balance * K[trusted[1]][trusted[2]]:
if balance_counts[trusted[0]][trusted[1]] > (1+ sigma) * balance_counts[trusted[1]][trusted[2]]:
if prio_last != "B":
G._paths = None
for node in G._paths:
for n2 in G._paths[node]:
if n2 == trusted[0] and G._paths[node][n2]:
G._paths[node][n2] = float('inf')
prio = "B"
prio_b +=1
prio = (trusted[1], trusted[2])
prio_counts[prio] = prio_counts.get(prio, 0) + 1
#elif K[trusted[1]][trusted[2]] > balance * K[trusted[0]][trusted[1]]:
elif balance_counts[trusted[1]][trusted[2]] > (1+sigma) * balance_counts[trusted[0]][trusted[1]]:
if prio_last != "A":
G._paths = None
for node in G._paths:
for n2 in G._paths[node]:
if n2 == trusted[2] and G._paths[node][n2]:
G._paths[node][n2] = float('inf')
prio = "A"
prio_a += 1
prio = (trusted[0], trusted[1])
prio_counts[prio] = prio_counts.get(prio, 0) + 1
if prio_last:
G._paths = None
prio = None
prio = False
prio_counts[prio] = prio_counts.get(prio, 0) + 1
if balance and dynamic:
prio = check_and_determine_balancing(balance_counts, G)
if prio:
prio_counts[prio] = prio_counts.get(prio, 0) + 1
if not prio:
if prio_last:
G._paths = None
elif prio_last != prio:
G._paths = None
for node in G._paths:
for n2 in G._paths[node]:
if n2 not in prio:
G._paths[node][n2] = float('inf') #TODO can this be better to account for others? not sure dont think so OTOMH
prio_last = prio
Pt = []
for node in G1.get_nodes():
if node in trusted:
for neighbor in G1.get_neighbors(node):
if neighbor in trusted:
Pt.append([node, neighbor])
G1.remove_edge(node, neighbor)
if node not in trusted:
result = R1_find_best_links(G,G1,K,node, dumb, het_dist)
#print("best links for ", node, result)
if result:
#print("Result," ,result)
#print("Path", Pt)
for add in result:
added = False
#print("new", add)
for path in Pt:
#print(" add, path", add[:-1], path[-2:])
if add[:-1] == path[-2:]:
added = True
elif add[::-1][:-1] == path[-2:]: #checks if we have a reverse connection, like in a ring
added = True
if not added:
#raise RuntimeError
ret = [p for p in Pt if p[0 ] in trusted and p[-1] in trusted]
for path in ret:
for pathi in range(len(path)-1):
G1.remove_edge(path[pathi], path[pathi+1])
return ret
# global balance
# global prio_a
# global prio_b
# prio_a = prio_b = 0
def R1(G,G1, L,K, balance_counts, het_dist):
global balance
global prio_a
global prio_b
global prio_counts
trusted = G.get_trusted()
Pt = []
first_flag = False
if not G._paths:
prio = None
old_prio = None
dynamic = True
# print("---")
Simple balancing
if len(trusted) == 3 and balance and balance_counts and not dynamic:
sigma = .15
prio_counts["Sigma"] =sigma
prio_counts["Delta"] = "SIMPLE"
#if K[trusted[0]][trusted[1]] > balance * K[trusted[1]][trusted[2]]:
if balance_counts[trusted[0]][trusted[1]] > (1+sigma) * balance_counts[trusted[1]][trusted[2]]:
prio = (trusted[1], trusted[2])
prio_counts[prio] = prio_counts.get(prio, 0) + 1
prio_b +=1
# print("Prioritizing B")
#elif K[trusted[1]][trusted[2]] > balance * K[trusted[0]][trusted[1]]:
elif balance_counts[trusted[1]][trusted[2]] > (1+sigma) * balance_counts[trusted[0]][trusted[1]]:
prio = (trusted[0], trusted[1])
prio_counts[prio] = prio_counts.get(prio, 0) + 1
prio_a += 1
#print("Prioritizing A")
prio = False
prio_counts[prio] = prio_counts.get(prio, 0) + 1
if balance and dynamic:
prio = check_and_determine_balancing(balance_counts, G)
# print(f"Balanced: prio {prio}")
if prio:
prio_counts[prio] = prio_counts.get(prio, 0) + 1
# print("No prio")
# prrio = False
# print(prio)
while True:
# print("in whiile True in R1")
shortest_paths = []
if not balance or not prio:
for TN1 in trusted:
for TN2 in trusted:
if TN1 < TN2:
# shortest_paths += G1.all_shortest_paths(TN1, TN2)
# elif prio == "B":
# shortest_paths += G1.all_shortest_paths(trusted[1], trusted[2])
# elif prio == "A":
# shortest_paths += G1.all_shortest_paths(trusted[0], trusted[1])
# shortest_paths += G1.all_shortest_paths(prio[0], prio[1])
adds = [p for p in shortest_paths if len(p)!=0]
#print("lens ", [[x[0],x[-1],len(x)] if x else "" for x in shortest_paths])
#print("Paths", adds)
mina = min(adds, key = lambda x: len(x)) if adds else []
#print("mina =", mina)
adds = [p for p in adds if len(p) == len(mina)]
# Further find mindist and filter off that first QUESTION/TODO: should this go before or after ABpath
if het_dist:
adds_dists = []
for p in adds:
d = 0
for i in range(len(p)-1):
print(p, i, i+1, p[i],p[i+1])
adds = [adds[i] for i in range(len(adds)) if adds_dists[i]== min(adds_dists)]
# Checking if their are any minimal A-B paths, only pick from them if true
ABpath = False
for path in adds:
if path[0] == G._Alice and path[-1] == G._Bob:
ABpath = True
if ABpath:
adds = [p for p in adds if p[0] == G._Alice and p[-1] == G._Bob]
if type(G) in (WheelGraph, BraidedWheelGraph):
ringpath = False
for path in adds:
if max(G._nodes) not in path:
ringpath = True
if ringpath:
adds = [p for p in adds if max(G._nodes) not in p]
#print("chosing from", adds)
# print("T", trusted)
# print("adds",addcs)
add = PRNG_ran.choice(adds) if adds else []
# print("adding", add)
# print("add",add)
#add = adds[-1] if adds else []
#print("chose", add)
# print("")
if add:
#print("{} -> {} len {}".format(add[0],add[-1], len(add)))
#print("Adding", add)
#if len(add) != 7 and ((add[0],add[-1]) == (0,24) or (add[0],add[-1]) == (24,48)):
# print("Added so far:", [(x,len(x)) for x in Pt])
# print("Paths", adds)
# print("mina =", mina)
# print("chose from", adds)
# print("Adding", add, len(add))
# G1.show_graph()
# add = adds[-1] if adds else []
for j in range(len(add)-1):
G1.remove_edge(add[j], add[j+1])
if prio:
#print("Looking for all")
old_prio = prio
prio = None
#print("Added ", Pt)
prio = old_prio
return Pt
def path_ent(G, Q, D, Pt):
# print(Pt)
G2 = type(G)(G.get_dim(), G.get_trusted(), G._weight, G._Alice, G._Bob) #GridGraph(G.get_dim(), G.get_trusted())
edges = []
pathinf = []
for p in Pt:
prob_suc = 1
prob_dep = 1-D[p[0]][p[1]]
for i in range(len(p[1:-1])):
pi = p[i]
pi2 = p[i+1]
prob_suc *= Q[pi]
print(prob_suc, Q, pi)
prob_dep *= (1-D[pi][pi2])
print(pi, pi2)
raise RuntimeError
prob_dep = prob_dep + (1-prob_dep)/2
rand = PRNG_ent.random()
if rand <= prob_suc and p[0] in G2.get_trusted() and p[-1] in G2.get_trusted():
edges.append((p[0],p[-1], int(PRNG_ent.random() > prob_dep)))
pathinf.append(1 - prob_dep)
# print(f"Added edge {p[0]} {p[-1]}")
# print(edges)
G2.set_edges([(e[0],e[1]) for e in edges ])
# G2.print_graph()
return G2, edges, pathinf
def attempt_QKD(G, Ed, Pz, Px, K, Kb, pathinf, balance_inf = None):
# print("edges", Ed)
for x in range(len(Ed)):
edge = Ed[x]
path = pathinf[x]
if PRNG_qkd.random() <= Pz*Pz+Px*Px:
i = min(edge[0], edge[1])
j = max(edge[0], edge[1])
K[i][j] +=1
## Reverse:
K[j][i] +=1
G3 = type(G)(G.get_dim(), G.get_trusted(), G._weight, G._Alice, G._Bob) #GridGraph(G.get_dim(), G.get_trusted())
return G3, K, Kb, balance_inf
def R2_regular(G,K,Kb,finite = False, thresh = None):
old_K = deepcopy(K)
old_Kb = deepcopy(Kb)
for i in K:
for j in K:
if not K[i][j]:
errors = Kb[i][j].count("1")
Q = float(errors/K[i][j])
#K[i][j] = max(0,int((1-2*binary_entropy(Q))*K[i][j]))
K[i][j] = cad_EC(Q, K[i][j])
Kb[i][j] = "0"*K[i][j]
print(" {} - > {} had {} bits and {} errors, error rate of {} resulting in {} secret key bits".format(i, j,old_K[i][j],errors,Q, K[i][j]))
print(" {} - > {} had {} bits and {} errors, error rate of {}".format(k, kb, k_errors[k][kb][0],k_errors[k][kb][1],0))
while True:
#print("-------------------- Loop {} ------------".format(c))
# print(K)
start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities = [],[],[]
for i in K:
for j in K[i]: #chnaged k to kb
#if Kb[i][j]:
# print(start_nodes)
# print(end_nodes)
# print(capacities)
if not (start_nodes and end_nodes and capacities):# or not min(K) in start_nodes or not max(K) in end_nodes:
return 0, 0, old_K, old_Kb
flow = maxflow_ortools(start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities, G._Alice, G._Bob)
##error stuff
flows = []
for i in range(flow.NumArcs()):
for j in range(i,flow.NumArcs()):
if flow.Head(i) == flow.Tail(j) and (flow.Head(i)!=flow.Tail(i)) and (flow.Flow(j) and flow.Flow(i)):
print(' %1s -> %1s %3s / %3s' % (flow.Tail(i),flow.Head(i),flow.Flow(i),flow.Capacity(i)))
print(' %1s -> %1s %3s / %3s' % (flow.Tail(j),flow.Head(j),flow.Flow(j),flow.Capacity(j)))
flows.append([flow.Tail(i), flow.Head(i), flow.Head(j), min(flow.Flow(i),flow.Flow(j))])
# print("Flows is ", flows)
if len(flows) <= 1:
print(" Breaking flows")
for f in flows:
# print("consiering at", f)
if True or not (f[0] == G._Alice and f[1] == G._Bob):
new_str = "".join([str(int(Kb[f[0]][f[1]][i]) ^ int(Kb[f[1]][f[2]][i])) for i in range(f[3])])
# print("Looking at", f)
except Exception as e:
print("Flow", f)
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[0],f[1]), Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[1],f[2]), Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
raise RuntimeError
# print("1", Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("2", Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("xor" ,new_str)
# print("old", Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
Kb[f[0]][f[1]] = Kb[f[0]][f[1]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[1]][f[2]] = Kb[f[1]][f[2]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[0]][f[2]] += new_str
K[f[0]][f[1]] -=f[3]
K[f[1]][f[2]] -=f[3]
K[f[0]][f[2]] +=f[3]
# print("old1",Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("old2",Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("new",Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
if flows:
f= flows[0]
new_str = "".join([str(int(Kb[f[0]][f[1]][i]) ^ int(Kb[f[1]][f[2]][i])) for i in range(f[3])])
# print("Looking at", f)
except Exception as e:
print("Flow", f)
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[0],f[1]), Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[1],f[2]), Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
raise RuntimeError
# print("1", Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("2", Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("xor" ,new_str)
# print("old", Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
Kb[f[0]][f[1]] = Kb[f[0]][f[1]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[1]][f[2]] = Kb[f[1]][f[2]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[0]][f[2]] += new_str
K[f[0]][f[1]] -=f[3]
K[f[1]][f[2]] -=f[3]
K[f[0]][f[2]] +=f[3]
# print("old1",Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("old2",Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("new",Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
errors = Kb[G._Alice][G._Bob].count("1")
# print("Error string is " ,len(Kb[min(Kb)][max(Kb)]))
##reset K, Kb
for i in range(flow.NumArcs()):
# print("Flows", flows)
# print("maxflow", flow.OptimalFlow())
# print("HERE")
return flow.OptimalFlow(), errors, K, Kb
def R2_regular_all(G, K_all, Kb_all, finite= False, thresh = None):
K = {i:{j: 0 for j in G.get_trusted()} for i in G.get_trusted()}
Kb = {i:{j: "" for j in G.get_trusted()} for i in G.get_trusted()}
for x in Kb_all:
for y in Kb_all[x]:
if not K_all[x][y]:
keys = dict()
for keybit in Kb_all[x][y]:
if keybit[1] in keys:
keys[keybit[1]][0] += 1
keys[keybit[1]][1] += int(keybit[0])
keys[keybit[1]] = [0,0]
# print("{} -> {} decoherence rate: Keybits,error".format(x,y))
# print(keys)
for rate in keys:
Q = keys[rate][1]/keys[rate][0]
Q = 0
#K[x][y]+= max(0,int((1-2*binary_entropy(float(Q)))*keys[rate][0]))
keys[rate].append(cad_EC(Q, keys[rate][0]))
# K[x][y] += cad_EC(Q, keys[rate][0]) #+= becuse we are adding to the keypool for each rate !
K[x][y] += keys[rate][-1]
Kb[x][y] = "0"*K[x][y]
if x < y:
print(" {} - > {} had {} bits and resulted {} secret key bits".format(x, y,K_all[x][y], K[x][y]))
for rate in keys:
Q = keys[rate][1]/keys[rate][0]
Q = 0
print(" {} bits had expected error rate {} and real error rate {}, produced {} secret key bits,".format(keys[rate][0], rate, float(Q) , keys[rate][-1]))
while True:
#print("-------------------- Loop {} ------------".format(c))
# print(K)
start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities = [],[],[]
for i in K:
for j in K[i]: #chnaged k to kb
#if Kb[i][j]:
# print(start_nodes)
# print(end_nodes)
# print(capacities)
if not (start_nodes and end_nodes and capacities):# or not min(K) in start_nodes or not max(K) in end_nodes:
return 0, 0, old_K, old_Kb
flow = maxflow_ortools(start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities, G._Alice, G._Bob)
##error stuff
flows = []
for i in range(flow.NumArcs()):
for j in range(i,flow.NumArcs()):
if flow.Head(i) == flow.Tail(j) and (flow.Head(i)!=flow.Tail(i)) and (flow.Flow(j) and flow.Flow(i)):
print(' %1s -> %1s %3s / %3s' % (flow.Tail(i),flow.Head(i),flow.Flow(i),flow.Capacity(i)))
print(' %1s -> %1s %3s / %3s' % (flow.Tail(j),flow.Head(j),flow.Flow(j),flow.Capacity(j)))
# flows.append([flow.Tail(i), flow.Head(i), flow.Head(j), flow.Flow(j)])
flows.append([flow.Tail(i), flow.Head(i), flow.Head(j), min(flow.Flow(j),flow.Flow(i))])
# print("Flows is ", flows)
if len(flows) <= 1:
print(" Breaking flows")
for f in flows:
# print("consiering at", f)
if True or not (f[0] == G._Alice and f[1] == G._Bob):
print("Looking at", f)
new_str = "".join([str(int(Kb[f[0]][f[1]][i]) ^ int(Kb[f[1]][f[2]][i])) for i in range(f[3])])
# new_str = "" # this was cuasing errors, maybe because we cant figure out where flows come from, dont need for regular
# print("Looking at", f)
except Exception as e:
print("Flow", f)
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[0],f[1]), Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[1],f[2]), Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
print("len[{}][{}]".format(f[0],f[1]), len(Kb[f[0]][f[1]]))
print("len[{}][{}]".format(f[1],f[2]), len(Kb[f[1]][f[2]]))
raise RuntimeError
# print("1", Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("2", Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("xor" ,new_str)
# print("old", Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
Kb[f[0]][f[1]] = Kb[f[0]][f[1]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[1]][f[2]] = Kb[f[1]][f[2]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[0]][f[2]] += new_str
K[f[0]][f[1]] -=f[3]
K[f[1]][f[2]] -=f[3]
K[f[0]][f[2]] +=f[3]
# print("old1",Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("old2",Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("new",Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
if flows:
f= flows[0]
print("Looking at", f)
new_str = "".join([str(int(Kb[f[0]][f[1]][i]) ^ int(Kb[f[1]][f[2]][i])) for i in range(f[3])])
# new_str = "" # same as above, dont need for regular tn and causing errors
except Exception as e:
print("Flow", f)
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[0],f[1]), Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[1],f[2]), Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
raise RuntimeError
# print("1", Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("2", Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("xor" ,new_str)
# print("old", Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
Kb[f[0]][f[1]] = Kb[f[0]][f[1]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[1]][f[2]] = Kb[f[1]][f[2]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[0]][f[2]] += new_str
K[f[0]][f[1]] -=f[3]
K[f[1]][f[2]] -=f[3]
K[f[0]][f[2]] +=f[3]
# print("old1",Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("old2",Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("new",Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
errors = Kb[G._Alice][G._Bob].count("1")
# print("Error string is " ,len(Kb[min(Kb)][max(Kb)]))
##reset K, Kb
for i in range(flow.NumArcs()):
# print("Flows", flows)
# print("maxflow", flow.OptimalFlow())
print("HERE1", G._Bob)
return flow.OptimalFlow(), errors, K, Kb
def R2_simple(G,K,Kb, finite = False, thresh = None):
while True:
#print("-------------------- Loop {} ------------".format(c))
# print(K)
start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities = [],[],[]
for i in K:
for j in K[i]:
if Kb[i][j]: #chnaged from K to kb, hopefullt fixes keybit error
# print(K,Kb)
# print(start_nodes)
# print(end_nodes)
# print(capacities)
if start_nodes:
flow = maxflow_ortools(start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities, G._Alice, G._Bob)
#raise RuntimeError
return 0, 0, K, Kb
##error stuff
flows = []
for i in range(flow.NumArcs()):
for j in range(i,flow.NumArcs()):
if flow.Head(i) == flow.Tail(j) and (flow.Head(i)!=flow.Tail(i)) and (flow.Flow(j) and flow.Flow(i)):
#print('%1s -> %1s %3s / %3s' % (flow.Tail(i),flow.Head(i),flow.Flow(i),flow.Capacity(i)))
#print('%1s -> %1s %3s / %3s' % (flow.Tail(j),flow.Head(j),flow.Flow(j),flow.Capacity(j)))
flows.append([flow.Tail(i), flow.Head(i), flow.Head(j), min(flow.Flow(j), flow.Flow(i))])
# #print(flows[-1])
# print("Flows is ", flows)
if len(flows) <= 1:
# print("Breaking flows")
for f in flows:
# print("consiering at", f)
if True or not (f[0] == G._Alice and f[1] == G._Bob):
new_str = "".join([str(int(Kb[f[0]][f[1]][i]) ^ int(Kb[f[1]][f[2]][i])) for i in range(f[3])])
# print("Looking at", f)
except Exception as e:
print("Flow", f)
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[0],f[1]), Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[1],f[2]), Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
raise RuntimeError
# print("1", Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("2", Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("xor" ,new_str)
# print("old", Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
Kb[f[0]][f[1]] = Kb[f[0]][f[1]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[1]][f[2]] = Kb[f[1]][f[2]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[0]][f[2]] += new_str
K[f[0]][f[1]] -=f[3]
K[f[1]][f[2]] -=f[3]
K[f[0]][f[2]] +=f[3]
# print("old1",Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("old2",Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("new",Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
if flows:
f= flows[0]
new_str = "".join([str(int(Kb[f[0]][f[1]][i]) ^ int(Kb[f[1]][f[2]][i])) for i in range(f[3])])
# print("Looking at", f)
except Exception as e:
print("Flow", f)
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[0],f[1]), Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
print("Kb[{}][{}]".format(f[1],f[2]), Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
raise RuntimeError
# print("1", Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("2", Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("xor" ,new_str)
# print("old", Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
Kb[f[0]][f[1]] = Kb[f[0]][f[1]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[1]][f[2]] = Kb[f[1]][f[2]][f[3]:]
Kb[f[0]][f[2]] += new_str
K[f[0]][f[1]] -=f[3]
K[f[1]][f[2]] -=f[3]
K[f[0]][f[2]] +=f[3]
# print("old1",Kb[f[0]][f[1]])
# print("old2",Kb[f[1]][f[2]])
# print("new",Kb[f[0]][f[2]])
errors = Kb[G._Alice][G._Bob].count("1")
# print("Error string is " ,len(Kb[min(Kb)][max(Kb)]))
##reset K, Kb
#for i in range(flow.NumArcs()):
# print(flow.Tail(i), flow.Head(i), flow.Flow(i))
# K[flow.Tail(i)][flow.Head(i)]-=flow.Flow(i)
#print(K, flow.OptimalFlow())
if finite:
return flow.OptimalFlow(), errors, K, Kb
def maxflow_ortools(start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities, source, sink):
"""MaxFlow simple interface example."""
# Define three parallel arrays: start_nodes, end_nodes, and the capacities
# between each pair. For instance, the arc from node 0 to node 1 has a
# capacity of 20.
#start_nodes = [] #[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]
#end_nodes = [] #[1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 4, 2, 4]
#capacities = [] #[20, 30, 10, 40, 30, 10, 20, 5, 20]
# Instantiate a SimpleMaxFlow solver.
max_flow = pywrapgraph.SimpleMaxFlow()
# Add each arc.
for i in range(0, len(start_nodes)):
max_flow.AddArcWithCapacity(start_nodes[i], end_nodes[i], int(capacities[i]))
# Find the maximum flow between node 0 and node 4.
if max_flow.Solve(source,sink ) == max_flow.OPTIMAL:
# print('Max flow:', max_flow.OptimalFlow())
# print('')
# print(' Arc Flow / Capacity')
# for i in range(max_flow.NumArcs()):
# print('%1s -> %1s %3s / %3s' % (
# max_flow.Tail(i),
# max_flow.Head(i),
# max_flow.Flow(i),
# max_flow.Capacity(i)))
# print('Source side min-cut:', max_flow.GetSourceSideMinCut())
# print('Sink side min-cut:', max_flow.GetSinkSideMinCut())
print('There was an issue with the max flow input.')
raise RuntimeError
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError
print("Tried to find a flow from {} to {} on {} {} {}".format(source, sink, start_nodes, end_nodes, capacities))
print("Got {}".format(max_flow.OptimalFlow()))
return max_flow
def finite_process_regular(K,Kb, K_fin, finite_block, override = False):
eps_bar = 1e-6
for k1 in K:
for k2 in K[k1]:
while K[k1][k2] > (finite_block if not override else 0):
print("nodes", k1,k2)
bits = int(min(finite_block, K[k1][k2]))
print("bits", bits)
K[k1][k2]-= bits
err_string = Kb[k1][k2][:bits]
shared_str = random.sample(err_string, int(finite_block/3))
print("errstr", "".join(shared_str))
print("errors", "".join(shared_str).count("1"))
QBER = shared_str.count("1") / float(len(shared_str))
print("calculated", QBER)
worst_case = math.sqrt((2*math.log(1/eps_bar)+2*math.log(1+(finite_block/3.)))/(finite_block/3.))
print("confidence interval", worst_case)
key_rate = max(0,1 - 2 *binary_entropy(QBER+worst_case))
def cad_opt(noise, cad):
#print("Doing CAD level {}".format(cad))
decs = []
x = 0
step = .00001
while x < noise:
x = min(x+step, noise)
maxkey = 5
QC = noise**cad
ec= QC/(QC+(1-noise)**cad)
minval = None
for l4 in decs:
Leq = ((1-3*noise+2*l4)/(1-noise))**cad
Ldiff = (abs(noise - 2*l4)/noise)**cad
# print("noise", "cad", "Leq", "Ldiff", "l4")
# print(noise, cad, Leq, Ldiff, l4)
# print(1-binary_entropy(ec)-(1-ec)*binary_entropy((1-Leq)/2) - ec*binary_entropy((1-Ldiff)/2))
#key = (1-binary_entropy(ec)-(1-ec)*binary_entropy((1-Leq)/2) - ec*binary_entropy((1-Ldiff)/2))
key = ((1 - noise)**cad + noise**cad)*(1/cad)*(1-binary_entropy(ec)-(1-ec)*binary_entropy((1-Leq)/2.) - ec*binary_entropy((1-Ldiff)/2.))
# print("WARNING, CAD_OPT FAILED FOR NOISE {} AND CAD {} and l4 {}".format(noise, cad, l4))
key = 0
if key < maxkey:
minval = l4
l4 = minval
Leq = ((1-3*noise+2*l4)/(1-noise))**cad
Ldiff = (abs(noise - 2*l4)/noise)**cad
# print("\tnoise = {}, \n\tcad = {}, \n\tl4 = {}, \n\tleq = {}, \n\tldiff = {}, \n\tec = {}, \n\trate ={}".format(noise, cad, l4, Leq, Ldiff, ec, maxkey))
# print(((1 - Q)**cad + Q**cad)*(1/cad)*(1-binary_entropy(ec)-(1-ec)*binary_entropy((1-Leq)/2) - ec*binary_entropy((1-Ldiff)/2)))
return maxkey
# global CAD
def cad_EC(noise, bits):
if not CAD:
return int(max(0,1-2*binary_entropy(noise))*bits)
# print(" Doing CAD on noise {} with {} bits". format(noise, bits))
maxcad = 20 if CAD else 1
maxcad = maxcad if noise not in [0,1] else 1 # if the noise is 0 or 1 we would error in calc
keyrates = [max(0,1-2*binary_entropy(noise))]
for cad in range(2, maxcad+1):
keyrates.append(cad_opt(noise, cad))
# print("At CAD_level {} got keyrate {}".format(cad, keyrates[-1]))
#print("keyrates", keyrates)
# print(" Did CAD on noise {} with {} bits got {} at CAD = {} getting {} more bits".format(noise, bits, int(max(keyrates)*bits), keyrates.index(max(keyrates))+1, int(max(keyrates)*bits) - int(keyrates[0]*bits)))
return int(max(keyrates)*bits)
def binary_entropy(Q):
if abs(Q - 0) <= .000000001 or abs(Q - 1) <= .000000001:
return 0
return -Q*log2(Q)-(1-Q)*log2(1-Q)
except ValueError:
# print("Value error!")
# print(Q)
raise RuntimeError
seed1 = "gen"
seed2 = "ran"
seed3 = "ent"
seed4 = "qkd"
PRNG_gen = None
PRNG_ran = None
PRNG_ent = None
PRNG_qkd = None
# global filt
# filt = None
def main(N, n, T, p, q, d, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=False, dumb=False, simple = False, finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "grid", l=None, alpha= None, het_dist = True, CAD_flag = True, balance_flag = False):
#print(N, n, T, p, q, d, Pz , Px , glob, dumb)
if T is None:
print("T=", T, "Aborting")
return -1,1
global PRNG_gen
global PRNG_ran
global PRNG_ent
global PRNG_qkd
PRNG_gen = random.Random(uuid.UUID(seed1) if type(seed1) is str else seed1)
PRNG_ran = random.Random(uuid.UUID(seed2) if type(seed2) is str else seed2)
PRNG_ent = random.Random(uuid.UUID(seed3) if type(seed3) is str else seed3)
PRNG_qkd = random.Random(uuid.UUID(seed4) if type(seed4) is str else seed4)
global prio_a
global prio_b
prio_a = prio_b = 0
global CAD
global balance
CAD = CAD_flag
balance = balance_flag
global prio_counts
prio_counts = {}
print(f"Prio counts reset to {prio_counts} in main")
print(f"Balance Flag is {balance}, Cad flag is {CAD}")
#Set Up
if p is None:
if l is None or alpha is None:
print("Error!! Need p or l and alpha")
p = 10**(-alpha*l/10)
(G,L,P,Q,D,K,Kb) = generate_network(n,T,p,q,d,l, alpha, topog)
print(f"Lengths = {set(L[0].values())}")
print(f"Ps = {set(P[0].values())}")
print(f"Ds = {set(D[0].values())}")
print(f"Qs = {set(Q)}")
if finite:
K_fin = deepcopy(K)
print(f"Trusted Nodes: {G.get_trusted()}")
#print("Network Graph")
#Ma in Loop
pathlength1 = 0
path_counts = {}
paths1 = 0
i = 0
channels = 0
decohered = 0
path_lengths ={}
discarded = 0
data_str = "Data for {} iterations, dim={} {}, L = {}, Q = {}, E = {}, Pz = {}, Global Info = {}, TN Type = {}"\
.format(N, n, topog, round(p,3), q, d, Pz, glob if glob else "{}, Smart = {}".format(glob, not dumb), "regular" if not simple else "simple")
balance_inf = {i:{j: 0 for j in G.get_trusted()} for i in G.get_trusted()}
old_prioA = old_prioB = 0
while i < N:
# print("here1")
#if i % 1000 == 0:
# print(' {0}\r'.format("Completed {} out of {}".format(i,N)))
if i % (N/20) == 0 :
if i == N:
# print("-------Entanglement Graph-----------")
G1 = pair_ent(G,P)
# print("-------Routing Ent-----------")
#G1b = deepcopy(G1)
G2 = deepcopy(G1)
Pt = R1(G, G1,L,K,balance_inf, het_dist) if glob else local_R1(G,G1,K,dumb, balance_inf, het_dist) #for two trusted nodes old global R1 is actually better.
# print("here2")
# Pt2 = R1(G, G2,K, None) if glob else local_R1(G,G1,K,dumb) #for two trusted nodes old global R1 is actually better.
Pt2 = []
Pt = sorted(Pt, key = lambda x: len(x))
Pt2 = sorted(Pt2, key = lambda x: len(x))
# print(Pt)
# print(Pt)
# print(Pt)
if (Pt or Pt2) and (prio_a > old_prioA or prio_b > old_prioB) and Pt != Pt2 :
old_prioB = prio_b
old_prioA = prio_a
# print()
# print("Pt1", ["{} - > {} len {}".format(x[0],x[-1], len(x) - 1) for x in sorted(Pt, key = lambda x: len(x))])
# print("Pt2", ["{} - > {} len {}".format(x[0],x[-1], len(x) - 1) for x in sorted(Pt2, key = lambda x: len(x))])
discarded += len(Pt)
if filt:
if filt == 1:
Pt = [x for x in Pt if .5*(1-(1-d)**(len(x)-1)) <=.11]
if filt == 2:
Pt = [x for x in Pt if len(x)-1 <11]
discarded -= len(Pt)
pathlength1 += sum([len(x)-1 for x in Pt])
paths1 += len(Pt)
for path in Pt:
path_lengths[len(path)-1] = path_lengths.get(len(path)-1,0) + 1
path_counts[tuple(path)] = path_counts.get(tuple(path),0) + 1
(G2, Ed, pathinf) = path_ent(G, Q, D, Pt)
decohered += sum([x[-1] for x in Ed])
(G3, K, Kb, balance_inf) = attempt_QKD(G2, Ed, Pz, Px, K, Kb, pathinf, balance_inf)
# print("here3")
if finite and not simple and not i % finite_block/2:
print("Checking for post-processing")
if max([max(x.values()) for x in K.values()]) > finite_block:
K_fin = finite_process_regular(K,Kb, K_fin, finite_block)
if finite and not simple:
K_fin = finite_process_regular(K,Kb, K_fin, finite_block, True)
new_Kb_low = {i:{j: "" for j in G.get_trusted()} for i in G.get_trusted()}
new_Kb_high = {i:{j: "" for j in G.get_trusted()} for i in G.get_trusted()}
new_K_low = {i:{j: 0 for j in G.get_trusted()} for i in G.get_trusted()}
new_K_high = {i:{j: 0 for j in G.get_trusted()} for i in G.get_trusted()}
Kb_all = deepcopy(Kb)
K_all = deepcopy(K)
for x in Kb:
for y in Kb[x]:
counter = 0
acc = 0
se = dict()
for keybit in Kb[x][y]:
counter +=1
acc += keybit[1]
if keybit[1] in se:
se[keybit[1]] +=1
if counter:
#print("Average for ",x,y, "is", acc/counter)
#print("{} to {} average error rate was {}, counts were {}".format(x,y,acc/counter, se))
for keybit in Kb[x][y]:
if keybit[1] < acc/counter:
newlist = [keybit[0] for keybit in Kb[x][y]]
Kb[x][y] = "".join(newlist)
#print("Standard Processing")
# print(K)
# (maxflow, errors, K, Kb) = R2_simple(G3, K, Kb) if simple else R2_regular(G3,K, Kb)
(maxflow, errors, K, Kb) = (0,0,{},{})
if simple:
print("Error, how to do segmenting with simple")
#print("High Error Rate Bits")
(maxflow_low, errors_low, new_K_low, new_Kb_low) = (0,0,{},{}) #R2_regular(G3,new_K_low, new_Kb_low)
#print("Low Error Rate Bits ")
(maxflow_high, errors_high, new_K_high, new_Kb_high) = (0,0,{},{}) # R2_regular(G3,new_K_high, new_Kb_high)
print("Individual Error Rates PROC")
(maxflow_all, errors_all, K_all, Kb_all) = R2_regular_all(G3, K_all, Kb_all)
# print(maxflow_all, maxflow_low, maxflow_high, maxflow)
# print("COMPARE", maxflow_all, maxflow_low+maxflow_high, maxflow)
print(f"Balacing info")
print(f" Sigma = {prio_counts['Sigma']} Delta = {prio_counts['Delta']}")
del prio_counts["Sigma"]
del prio_counts["Delta"]
print("Couldn't get balancing values")
for bal in prio_counts:
print(f" Prioritized edge {bal} {prio_counts[bal]} times or {prio_counts[bal]*100/N}%")
print("Final Stats: {} rounds resulted in {} {} key bits with {} errors with {} TNs at {}".format(i, maxflow, "secret" if not simple else "raw" , errors, len(G.trusted)-2, G.trusted))
print(" Results in {} secret key bits".format( max(0,int((1-2*binary_entropy(float(errors/maxflow)))*maxflow)) if maxflow else 0 ))
print(" Total connections ", paths1)
print(" Average connections ", paths1/i)
print(" Average connection length ", pathlength1/paths1 if paths1 else 0)
print(" Total established channels", channels)
print(" Total decohered channels", decohered)
print(" Average channels", channels/i)
print(" Average decohered", decohered/channels if channels else 0)
print(" Path lengths and counts:")
# print(path_lengths)
for path in path_lengths:
print(" Length {}, Count {}, Expected E = {}".format(path, path_lengths[path], .5*(1-(1-d)**path)))
print(" Discarded {} paths".format(discarded))
print(" Expected total error {} paths".format(sum([path_lengths[path]*.5*(1-(1-d)**path) for path in path_lengths])/sum([path_lengths[path] for path in path_lengths])))
# for k in k_errors:
# for kb in k_errors:
# if k_errors[k][kb][0]:
# try:
# print("pre- {} - > {} had {} bits and {} errors, error rate of {}".format(k, kb, k_errors[k][kb][0],k_errors[k][kb][1],k_errors[k][kb][1]/k_errors[k][kb][0]))
# except:
# print("pre- {} - > {} had {} bits and {} errors, error rate of {}".format(k, kb, k_errors[k][kb][0],k_errors[k][kb][1],0))
print(" Overall had {} bits and {} errors, error rate of {}".format(maxflow, errors, errors/maxflow if maxflow else 0))
print(" Overall had {} bits and {} errors, error rate of {}".format(maxflow, errors, 0))
print(" Path Information:")
total_paths = sum(path_counts.values())
new_paths = deepcopy(path_counts)
for p in path_counts:
if path_counts[p]/total_paths < .005:
del new_paths[p]
path_counts = new_paths
for p in sorted(list(path_counts.keys()), key = lambda path: (len(path), path[0], path[-1])):
print(f"Path {p} count: {path_counts[p]}")
print("Key rate without segmenting was {} with {} errors".format(maxflow/N, errors))
print("Key rate with half segmenting was {}".format("{} +{} = {}".format(maxflow_low/N, maxflow_high/N, (maxflow_low+maxflow_high)/N)))
print("Key rate with all segmenting was {}".format(maxflow_all / N))
print(maxflow_all, maxflow, maxflow_low+maxflow_high)
print("\nBEST KEY RATE WAS {}".format(max(maxflow_all, maxflow, maxflow_low+maxflow_high)/N))
return maxflow_all, errors
# print("not using pooling")
# return maxflow, errors #no pooling
import sys
import uuid
seed1 = uuid.uuid4()
seed2 = uuid.uuid4()
seed3 = uuid.uuid4()
seed4 = uuid.uuid4()
print("seed1 = \"{}\" ".format(seed1))
print("seed2 = \"{}\" ".format(seed2))
print("seed3 = \"{}\" ".format(seed3))
print("seed4 = \"{}\" ".format(seed4))
# seed1 = "54219335-ce3a-4f61-858d-44b7869a5cb4"
# seed2 = "45842154-d04d-4d61-86ff-d10f2a07d5e2"
# seed3 = "e9fb24b2-0e63-464f-bc37-8a284260a3e6"
# seed4 = "93e752b7-cf58-411b-9d64-128222b408da"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# (G,L,P,Q,D,K,Kb) = generate_network(24,[],1,1,.01,1, .15, "bwheel")
# print(f"Lengths = {set(L[0].values())}")
# print(f"Ps = {set(P[0].values())}")
# print(f"Ds = {set(D[0].values())}")
# print(f"Qs = {set(Q)}")
# x1= main(1000, 12, [0,12,6], None, .85, .03, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=True, dumb=False, simple = False, finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "bwheel", l=30, alpha= .15)
# x2= main(1000, 12, [0,12,6], None, .85, .03, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=True, dumb=False, simple = False, finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "bwheel", l=30, alpha= .15, het_dist = False)
# x3= main(1000, 12, [0,3,9,6], None, 1, .03, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=True, dumb=False, simple = False, finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "bwheel", l=30, alpha= .15)
# x4= main(1000, 12, [0,3,9,6], None, 1, .03, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=True, dumb=False, simple = False , finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "bwheel", l=30, alpha= .15, het_dist = False)
# print("Central TN")
# print(x1,x2)
# print("Side TNs")
# print(x3,x4)
# balance = True
# x1 = main(N=100, n=5, T=[0,12,24], p=1, q=1, d=0, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=True, dumb=False, simple = False, finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "grid", l=None, alpha= None, het_dist = False)
# balance = True
# x2 = main(N=1e2, n=9, T=[10,70], p=.96, q=.85, d=.02, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=True, dumb=False, simple = False, finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "grid", l=None, alpha= None, het_dist = False, balance_flag = balance)
balance = True
x2 = main(N=1e4, n=9, T=[10, 20, 49,70], p=.96, q=.85, d=.02, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=True, dumb=False, simple = False, finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "grid", l=None, alpha= None, het_dist = False, balance_flag = balance)
# G = generate_network(9,[10,20,49,70], .96, .85, 0, None, None , shape = "grid")[0]
# print(G)
# G.add_graph()
# G.all_paths()
# balance_info = {10: {10: 0, 20: 5549.631493626309, 49: 25.056440688284056, 70: 0.13029864370309951}, 20: {10: 5549.63149362631, 20: 0, 49: 1977.9240052514697, 70: 0.24913228325294767}, 49: {10: 25.056440688283814, 20: 1977.9240052514183, 49: 0, 70: 2018.4298145493901}, 70: {10: 0.13029864370320943, 20: 0.24913228325195735, 49: 2018.4298145493242, 70: 0}}
# print(check_and_determine_balancing(balance_info, G))
# print(prio_counts)
# balance = False
# x2 = main(N=1e4, n=9, T=[10, 20, 49,70], p=.96, q=.85, d=.02, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=True, dumb=False, simple = False, finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "grid", l=None, alpha= None, het_dist = False, balance_flag = balance)
# print(x1)
# print(x2)
# balance = True
# x1 = main(N=100, n=7, T=[0,20,48], p=1, q=1, d=0, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=False, dumb=False, simple = False, finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "grid", l=None, alpha= None, het_dist = False)
# balance = False
# x2 = main(N=100, n=13, T=[0,168], p=1, q=1, d=0, Pz = 1/2, Px = 1/2, glob=False, dumb=False, simple = False, finite = False, finite_block = 1e5, topog = "grid", l=None, alpha= None, het_dist = False, CAD_flag = True)
# print(x1)
# print(x2)