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package main
import (
var socketClient = &_socketClient{ // Our global client
make(chan map[string]int),
make(chan map[string][]StampedReading),
make(chan Packet),
type _socketClient struct {
// Client struct definition
conn *websocket.Conn // The websocket connection
connLock sync.Mutex // Lock to manage concurrent writing
wait sync.WaitGroup // Waitgroup to manage connection (re)initialization
statusSend chan map[string]int
dataSend chan map[string][]StampedReading // Channel to accept incoming data to send
packetResend chan Packet // Channel to accept packets that need resending
sendBuffer map[string][]StampedReading // Buffer to store data to be sent
bufferLock sync.Mutex // Lock to control concurrent access to send buffer
func (c *_socketClient) start() {
c.wait.Add(1) // Make sure other loops don't do anything without a valid client
go c.connect() // Do the connecty thing
go c.handlePackets() // Loop to handle incoming packets from send and resend channels
go c.readIncoming() // Loop to read incoming messages from the gateway
func (c *_socketClient) connect() {
c.connLock.Lock() // Shouldn't matter because the other processes will be waiting, but I'm gonna do it anyways
defer c.connLock.Unlock()
rootCAs := x509.NewCertPool() // Initialize a cert pool
rootCert, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("rootCA.pem") // Read our root CA cert
rootCAs.AppendCertsFromPEM(rootCert) // Add it to the pool
config := &tls.Config{RootCAs: rootCAs} // Trust our root CA
dialer := websocket.Dialer{ // Create a websocket dialer with our tls config
TLSClientConfig: config,
for { // Do this until we succeed
conn, _, err := dialer.Dial(websocketEndpoint, getHeader()) // send our dial request with a header containing id
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error getting websocket client: %v\n", err)
fmt.Println("Retrying in 5 seconds...")
// TODO: back off after repeated failures
// TODO: read data less frequently after repeated errors
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
c.conn = conn
c.wait.Done() // Now that we have a connection, let communication proceed
func (c *_socketClient) addReadings(readings map[string][]StampedReading) {
defer c.bufferLock.Unlock()
for metric, value := range readings { // Put our data in the buffer
if record, found := c.sendBuffer[metric]; !found {
c.sendBuffer[metric] = value // If there are no readings for this metric yet, add a new map key
} else {
c.sendBuffer[metric] = append(record, value...) // Otherwise just throw them in at the end
func (c *_socketClient) handlePackets() {
for {
select {
case readings := <-c.dataSend: // Data packet from the send channel
case packet := <-c.packetResend: // Packet to be resent
switch packet.Kind {
case kindData:
var readings map[string][]StampedReading
if err := json.Unmarshal(packet.Message, &readings); err != nil { // Pull data out of the packet
fmt.Printf("Error unmarshalling data from packet %v to resend: %v\n", packet.ID, err)
} else {
case kindStatus:
var statuses StatusUpdates
if err := json.Unmarshal(packet.Message, &statuses); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error unmarshalling status updates from packet %v to resend: %v\n", packet.ID, err)
} else {
func (c *_socketClient) sendPacket(p Packet) {
fmt.Printf("Sending %v packet with ID %v\n", p.Kind, p.ID)
c.connLock.Lock() // Lock to send
if err := c.conn.WriteJSON(p); err != nil { // Try to send
fmt.Printf("Error sending %v packet %v: %v\n", p.Kind, p.ID, err) // If we fail, try to reconnect
c.wait.Add(1) // Prevent client things from happening
go c.connect() // Reconnect
c.connLock.Unlock() // Unlock after
responseManager.addPacket(p) // Wait for a response -- also requeues the data if sending it failed the first time.
func (c *_socketClient) sendData() {
c.wait.Wait() // Make sure client is connected
c.bufferLock.Lock() // Lock to grab and replace buffer
buffer := c.sendBuffer // Grab all the stuff there is to send
c.sendBuffer = make(map[string][]StampedReading) // Clear the buffer
c.bufferLock.Unlock() // Unlock after
byteMsg, err := json.Marshal(buffer) // Send data as a byte slice for easy unmarshalling on the gateway side
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error marshalling data: %v\n", err)
fmt.Println("NOT RETRYING") // TODO: probably something
p := Packet{nextId(), kindData, byteMsg} // Wrap it into a packet
func (c *_socketClient) sendStatusUpdates(u StatusUpdates) {
byteMsg, err := json.Marshal(u)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error marshalling data: %v\n", err)
fmt.Println("NOT RETRYING") // TODO: probably something
p := Packet{nextId(), kindStatus, byteMsg}
func (c *_socketClient) readIncoming() { // Read messages from gateway
for {
c.wait.Wait() // Wait for the client to be ready
var packet Packet
if err := c.conn.ReadJSON(&packet); err != nil { // Get a packet
fmt.Printf("Error reading from websocket: %v\n", err) // Connection is screwed
go c.connect() // Reconnect
} else {
switch packet.Kind {
case kindResponse: // Got a response
go responseManager.received(packet) // Tell the response map
fmt.Printf("Got unknown packet type: %v\n", packet.Kind)
func getHeader() http.Header {
h := http.Header{}
h.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
h.Set(headerUUID, "0000000000000004") // TODO: get this from somewhere
h.Set(headerTimestamp, strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10))
return h
var idManager = packetId{0, sync.Mutex{}} // One ID manager to rule them all
type packetId struct {
_id int
lock sync.Mutex
func nextId() int { // Make sure we get a different number every time this is called
defer idManager.lock.Unlock()
return idManager._id