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Copyright 2022 Anike Braun
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software
and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
portions of the Software.
from Election_Simulation import *
from math import log, ceil
from shutil import copy2, rmtree
def readCVR(cvr_file):
Function to read CVR file
Returns: total number of ballots, ballots for winner, ballots for runnerup, margin
#open file, skip headers
readCVR = open(cvr_file, mode = 'r', newline = '')
CVRreader = csv.reader(readCVR)
for i in range(4):
numBallots = winnerBallots = runnerupBallots = 0
#count number ballots total, winner, runnerup
for ballot in CVRreader:
numBallots += 1
if ballot[8] == '1' and ballot[9] == '0':
winnerBallots += 1
elif ballot[8] == '0' and ballot [9] == '1':
runnerupBallots += 1
elif ballot[8] == '1' and ballot[9] == '1':
#is this possible?
winnerBallots += 1
runnerupBallots += 1
#calculate margin
margin = ((winnerBallots / numBallots) - (runnerupBallots / numBallots))*100
return numBallots, winnerBallots, runnerupBallots, margin
def readManifest(manifest_file):
Function to read manifest file
Returns: total number of ballots
#open file, skip header
readManifest = open(manifest_file, mode = 'r', newline = '')
manifest_reader = csv.reader(readManifest)
numBallots = 0
batchNames = [] #list of batch names
batchSizes = [] #list of batch sizes
ballotsPerBatchTotal = {} #dict of batch names: ballots per batch
#count number ballots
for ballot in manifest_reader:
numBallots += int(ballot[3])
ballotsPerBatchTotal[ballot[2]] = ballot[3]
return numBallots, batchNames, batchSizes, ballotsPerBatchTotal
def readTabulation(tab_file):
Function to read tabulation file
Returns: total number of ballots, ballots for winner, ballots for runnerup, margin
#open file, skip header
with open(tab_file, mode = 'r', newline = '') as readTab:
tabReader = csv.reader(readTab)
numBallots = winnerBallots = runnerupBallots = 0
#count number ballots total, winner, runnerup
for batch in tabReader:
numBallots += int(batch[2])
winnerBallots += int(batch[3])
runnerupBallots += int(batch[4])
#calculate margin
margin = ((winnerBallots / numBallots) - (runnerupBallots / numBallots))*100
return numBallots, winnerBallots, runnerupBallots, margin
def selectBatches(manifest_file, numToAudit, seed):
Parameters: manifest, number of ballots to audit, seed
Summary: selects batches for audit weighted to account for num ballots per batch
Returns: set of batches to audit, dicts with num ballots per batch total/to audit
numBallots, batchNames, batchSizes, ballotsPerBatchTotal = readManifest(manifest_file)
batchWeight = [] #list with batch weights based on election size
ballotsPerBatchAudit = {} #key: batch name, value: num ballots in batch to audit
for i in range(len(batchSizes)):
batchWeight.append(batchSizes[i]/numBallots) #calculate weight per batch
#There are two different SEEDs read in by a lazy RLA, the first to select batches and the second to
#select ballots. This code is deterministic if one repeatedly audits an election. However, the
#infrastructure for setting up an election is non-deterministic. To verify deterministic
#behavior one needs to conduct multiple audits
batchesToAudit = random.choices(batchNames, weights=batchWeight, k=round(numToAudit))
#check to see if duplicates allowed
print(str(len(batchesToAudit)) + ' ballots to audit')
print('ballots selected from ' + str(len(set(batchesToAudit))) + ' different batches')
#intialize values at 0
for i in batchesToAudit:
ballotsPerBatchAudit[i] = 0
#determine how times batch was selected = how many ballots per batch to be audited
for i in batchesToAudit:
ballotsPerBatchAudit[i] += 1
#store set of batches to audit, dict of ballots per batch to audit, dict of ballots per batch total
batchSelect = {'batchesToAudit': set(batchesToAudit), 'ballotsPerBatchAudit': ballotsPerBatchAudit, 'ballotsPerBatchTotal': ballotsPerBatchTotal}
return batchSelect
def correctTabulation(tabulation_file, manifest_file):
Check if tabulation consistent with manifest, if not, adjust accordingly
Write any changes to electionTabulationChanges.txt
#write contents of files to lists to make changes
tabList = []
manList = []
with open(tabulation_file, mode= 'r', newline = '') as readTabulation, open(manifest_file, mode = 'r', newline = '') as readManifest:
tabulationReader = csv.reader(readTabulation)
manifestReader = csv.reader(readManifest)
next(tabulationReader) #skip header
for row in tabulationReader:
for row in manifestReader:
#open file to write any changes to
with open('electionTabulationChanges.txt', 'w') as writeChanges:
changes = False
#compare the lists, if total num ballots different, then change tab total to match man total
for row1, row2 in zip(tabList, manList):
if row1[2] != row2[3]:
writeChanges.write(row1[1] + ' had total ballots changed from ' + row1[2] + ' to ' + row2[3] + '\n')
row1[2] = row2[3]
changes = True
#if winner or runnerup size larger than batch size, change winner or runnerup size to batch size
for row in tabList:
if int(row[3]) > int(row[2]): #check winner size
writeChanges.write(row[1] + ' had winner ballots changed from ' + row[3] + ' to ' + row[2] + '\n')
row[3] = row[2]
changes = True
if int(row[4]) > int(row[2]): #check runnerup size
writeChanges.write(row[1] + ' had runnerup ballots changed from ' + row[4] + ' to ' + row[2] + '\n')
row[4] = row[2]
changes = True
if not changes:
writeChanges.write('No changes were made to the tabulation.\n')
#write corrected information back to tabulation file
with open(tabulation_file, mode='w', newline = '') as writeTabulation:
tabulationWriter = csv.writer(writeTabulation)
tabulationWriter.writerow(['Town', 'BatchNum', 'Size', 'Winner', 'Loser']) #write header
def batchSelect(manifest_file, tabulation_file, seed, overvotes1 = 1, undervotes1 = 1, overvotes2 = 1, undervotes2 = 1):
Summary: takes input from "user", returns batches to be audited
Parameters: manifest, tabulation, seed, over/undervotes (optional)
Returns: list of batches that CVR needs to be generated for
#correct tabulations before tabulation is used
correctTabulation(tabulation_file, manifest_file)
#read information from tabulation
numBallots, winnerBallots, runnerupBallots, margin = readTabulation(tabulation_file)
print('numBallots, winnerBallots, runnerupBallots, margin')
print(numBallots, winnerBallots, runnerupBallots, margin)
gamma = 1.1
riskLimit = 0.05
#determine how many ballots need to be audited
dilutedMargin = (winnerBallots - runnerupBallots) / numBallots
a = riskLimit
o1 = overvotes1
u1 = undervotes1
o2 = overvotes2
u2 = undervotes2
margin = dilutedMargin
numToAudit = max( o1 + o2 + u1 + u1,ceil(-2.0 * gamma * ( log(a) +
o1 * log(1.0 - 1.0 / (2.0 * gamma)) +
o2 * log(1.0 - 1.0 / gamma) +
u1 * log(1.0 + 1.0 / (2.0 * gamma)) +
u2 * log(1.0 + 1.0 / gamma)) / margin ))
#if sample size greater than election size, raise error, go to full hand recount
if numToAudit > numBallots:
raise ValueError('Sample is larger than population or is negative. Go to full hand recount.')
selectedBatches = selectBatches(manifest_file, numToAudit, seed)
#returns dict:
#'batchesToAudit': set of batches that need CVR, 'ballotsPerBatchAudit': dict w num ballots per batch to audit,
#'ballotsPerBatchTotal': dict w num ballots per batch total
def lazyCVR_gen(batchesToAudit):
Summary: generate CVRs for selected batches
in a real audit, this wouldn't be necessary, as the files would come from user
Returns: Files for batches to be audited
lazyCVR_files = set() #set of files names for lazy RLA CVRs
#check to see if dir exists, if not, create dir
path = 'lazy_rla_cvr'
isdir = os.path.isdir(path)
if not isdir:
CVR2 = str(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'electionCVR2.csv'))
with open(CVR2, mode = 'r', newline = '') as readCVR2:
#open file, skip headers
CVR2reader = csv.reader(readCVR2)
for i in range(4):
for ballot in CVR2reader:
batch = ballot[2]
if batch in batchesToAudit:
save_path = 'lazy_rla_cvr' #save files to own directory
filename = batch + 'CVR.csv'
completeName = os.path.join(sys.path[0], save_path, filename)
file_exists = os.path.exists(completeName) #check to see if file exists yet
lazyCVR_files.add(completeName) #add filename to set
writeBatchCVR = open(completeName, mode = 'a', newline = '')
batchCVRwriter = csv.writer(writeBatchCVR)
if not file_exists:
#write headers if file does not exist yet
batchCVRwriter.writerow(['','','','','','','','','Contest 1 (vote for = 1)','Contest 1 (vote for = 1)'])
batchCVRwriter.writerow(['CVRNumber','TabulatorNumber', 'BatchID','RecordID', 'ImprintedID','CountingGroup','PrecinctPortion','BallotType','',''])
batchCVRwriter.writerow(ballot) #write ballot to batch CVR
return lazyCVR_files
def ballotSelect(lazyCVR_files, ballotsPerBatchAudit, ballotsPerBatchTotal, seed):
Select ballots for audit using random seed, weighted based on batch size
Return blank CVR for each batch with ballots that need to be audited
auditCVR_blank = [] #list of blank cvr filenames
for batch in ballotsPerBatchAudit:
path = 'lazy_rla_cvr'
filename = str(os.path.join(sys.path[0], path, batch + 'CVR.csv'))
new_filename_blank = str(os.path.join(sys.path[0], path, batch + 'CVR_blank.csv'))
#add filenames to list
ballotsTotal = int(ballotsPerBatchTotal[batch])
ballotsAudit = int(ballotsPerBatchAudit[batch])
#determine which ballots to audit per batch using recordID (with replacement)
#There are two different SEEDs read in by a lazy RLA, the first to select batches and the second to
#select ballots. This code is deterministic if one repeatedly audits an election. However, the
#infrastructure for setting up an election is non-deterministic. To verify deterministic
#behavior one needs to conduct multiple audits without setting up another election
ballotsToAudit = random.choices(range(1, ballotsTotal+1), k=ballotsAudit)
#open CVR for batch
with open(filename, mode = 'r', newline = '') as readCVR, open(new_filename_blank, mode = 'a', newline = '') as writeCVR:
CVRreader = csv.reader(readCVR)
#skip headers
for i in range(4):
CVRwriter = csv.writer(writeCVR)
#write headers
CVRwriter.writerow(['','','','','','','','','Contest 1 (vote for = 1)','Contest 1 (vote for = 1)'])
CVRwriter.writerow(['CVRNumber','TabulatorNumber', 'BatchID','RecordID', 'ImprintedID','CountingGroup','PrecinctPortion','BallotType','',''])
for ballot in CVRreader:
if ballot[3][0] == "n":
elif float(ballot[3]) in ballotsToAudit:
#then write to new CVR with only ballots to audit, excluding vote information
CVRwriter.writerow([ballot[0], ballot[1], ballot[2], ballot[3], ballot[4], ballot[5], ballot[6], ballot[7]])
return auditCVR_blank
def ballotSelect_check(lazyCVR_files, ballotsPerBatchAudit, ballotsPerBatchTotal, seed):
Write "manual interpretation files" to be checked during audit
if files not input by user.
This function does not need to be called if manual interpretations
are actually uploaded by user.
auditCVR_check = [] #list of correct vote cvr filenames
for batch in ballotsPerBatchAudit:
path = 'lazy_rla_cvr'
filename = str(os.path.join(sys.path[0], path, batch + 'CVR.csv'))
new_filename_check = str(os.path.join(sys.path[0], path, batch + 'CVR_check.csv'))
#add filenames to list
ballotsTotal = int(ballotsPerBatchTotal[batch])
ballotsAudit = int(ballotsPerBatchAudit[batch])
#determine which ballots to audit per batch using recordID (with replacement)
#This intentionally selects the same ballots as in ballotSelect function. Recall
#that this function will not be called in a real audit, as manual interpretations will
#be input
ballotsToAudit = random.choices(range(1, ballotsTotal+1), k = ballotsAudit)
#this creates the cvr files the user would return with the correct/manual interpretations of votes
CVR1 = str(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'electionCVR1.csv'))
with open('electionCVR1.csv', mode = 'r', newline = '') as readCVR, open(new_filename_check, mode = 'w', newline = '') as writeCVR:
CVRreader = csv.reader(readCVR)
#skip headers
for i in range(4):
CVRwriter = csv.writer(writeCVR)
#write headers
CVRwriter.writerow(['','','','','','','','','Contest 1 (vote for = 1)','Contest 1 (vote for = 1)'])
CVRwriter.writerow(['CVRNumber','TabulatorNumber', 'BatchID','RecordID', 'ImprintedID','CountingGroup','PrecinctPortion','BallotType','',''])
for ballot in CVRreader:
if ballot[2] == batch and float(ballot[3]) in ballotsToAudit:
return auditCVR_check
def calculateRisk(interpretation_files, lazyCVR_files, tabulation_file, manifest_file):
Summary: takes in files from user with manual interpretation of audited ballots,
compares with tabulated interpretations
Returns: risk level
#get values from tabulation to calculate dilutedMargin
numBallots, winnerBallots, runnerupBallots, margin = readTabulation(tabulation_file)
dilutedMargin = (winnerBallots - runnerupBallots)/numBallots
observedrisk = 1
gamma = 1.1
o1 = u1 = o2 = u2 = 0
#sort files in alphabetical order so that they are compared properly
lazy_list = list(lazyCVR_files)
#log any forceConsistent changes
with open('forceConsistentChanges.txt', mode = 'w') as cvrChanges:
cvrChanges.write('Batches that were forcedConsistent will be logged here. \n')
forced = False
#go through each batch
for batch1, batch2 in zip(interpretation_files, lazy_list):
with open(batch1, mode = 'r', newline = '') as readManualVotes, open(batch2, mode ='r', newline = '') as readTabulationVotes:
manualVotesReader = csv.reader(readManualVotes)
tabulationVotesReader = csv.reader(readTabulationVotes)
#skip headers
for i in range(4):
#returns True if consistent, False if not consistent
batch_name = os.path.basename(batch2)
batch_name = batch_name.replace('CVR.csv', '')
#batch_name = batch2.replace('lazy_rla_cvr/', '').replace('CVR.csv', '') #get batch name from filename string
consistent = checkConsistent(manifest_file, tabulation_file, batch_name, batch2)
#since batches forced consistent, it doesn't matter that this is where checkConisistent is called
#because audit will always be able to run
if not consistent:
print(batch_name + ' forced consistent.')
forceConsistent(manifest_file, tabulation_file, batch_name, batch2)
consistent = checkConsistent(manifest_file, tabulation_file, batch_name, batch2)
forced = True
#go through each ballot in each batch
for ballot1 in manualVotesReader:
for ballot2 in tabulationVotesReader:
#find correct ballot to compare based on CVR number
if ballot1[0] == ballot2[0]:
randomBallotError = "none"
#if files consistent, proceed as normal
if consistent:
if ballot2[8] == '0' and ballot2[9] == '0': #tabulation shows undervote/no vote
if ballot1[8] == '0' and ballot1[9] == '1': #manual interpretation shows loser vote
randomBallotError = "overvote"
o1 += 1
elif ballot1[8] == '1' and ballot1[9] == '0': #manual interpretation shows winner vote
randomBallotError = "undervote"
u1 += 1
elif ballot2[8] == '1' and ballot2[9] == '1': #tabulation shows over vote
if ballot1[8] == '0' and ballot1[9] == '1': #manual interpretation shows loser vote
randomBallotError = "overvote"
o1 += 1
elif ballot1[8] == '1' and ballot1[9] == '0': #manual interpretation shows winner vote
randomBallotError = "undervote"
u1 += 1
elif ballot2[8] == '1' and ballot2[9] == '0': #tabulation shows winner vote
if ballot1[8] == '0' and ballot1[9] == '1': #manual interpretation shows loser vote
randomBallotError = "overvote2"
o2 += 1
elif ballot1[8] == '1' and ballot1[9] == '1': #manual interpretation shows overvote
randomBallotError = "overvote"
o1 += 1
elif ballot2[8] == '0' and ballot2[9] == '1': #tabulation shows loser vote
if ballot1[8] == '1' and ballot1[9] == '0': #manual interpretation shows winner vote
randomBallotError = "undervote2"
u2 += 1
#if files not consistent, every ballot in batch has dicsrepancy 2
elif not consistent:
print(batch_name + ' ' + 'not consistent')
randomBallotError = "overvote2"
#calculate risk
if (randomBallotError == "overvote"):
elif (randomBallotError == "overvote2"):
elif (randomBallotError == "undervote"):
elif (randomBallotError == "undervote2"):
observedrisk = observedrisk * (1-(dilutedMargin/(2*gamma)))/(1-(discCounter/(2*gamma)))
#if no batches were inconsistent, log in file
if forced == False:
with open('forceConsistentChanges.txt', mode = 'a') as cvrChanges:
cvrChanges.write('No batches were forced consistent.')
return observedrisk
def checkConsistent(manifest_file, tabulation_file, batch_name, batch_file):
Check that manifest, tabulation, and cvr are all consistent in size,
check that cvr has unique identifiers
#check that manifest, tabulation, cvr all have same batch size
manBatchSize = getManInfo(manifest_file, batch_name)
tabBatchSize = getTabInfo(tabulation_file, batch_name, 'batch size')
cvrBatchSize, cvrWinnerBallots, cvrRunnerupBallots, margin = readCVR(batch_file)
if manBatchSize != cvrBatchSize or manBatchSize != tabBatchSize:
print("Size mismatch "+str(manBatchSize)+", "+str(cvrBatchSize)+", "+str(tabBatchSize))
return False
#check that CVR winner == tab winner, CVR loser == tab loser
tabWinnerBallots = getTabInfo(tabulation_file, batch_name, 'winner size')
tabRunnerupBallots = getTabInfo(tabulation_file, batch_name, 'runnerup size')
if tabWinnerBallots != int(cvrWinnerBallots) or tabRunnerupBallots != int(cvrRunnerupBallots):
print("Tabulation mismatch "+str(tabWinnerBallots)+", "+str(cvrWinnerBallots)+", "+str(tabRunnerupBallots)+", "+str(cvrRunnerupBallots))
return False
#check to make sure all identifiers unique in CVR
unique = uniqueCVR(batch_file)
if not unique:
print("Identifiers are not unique")
return False
return True
def forceConsistent(manifest_file, tabulation_file, batch_name, batch_file):
Fix any failures found in CVR in checkConisistent so that audit can run
#log forceConsistent changes
with open('forceConsistentChanges.txt', mode = 'a') as cvrChanges:
cvrChanges.write(batch_name + 'CVR.csv was forced consistent. \nCheck ' + batch_name + 'CVR_original.csv to see CVR before forced consistent. \n\n')
#copy inconsistent CVR to new file
batch_name = os.path.basename(batch_name)
#batch_name = batch_name[13:]
copy2(batch_file,os.path.join('lazy_rla_cvr', batch_name+'CVR_original.csv'))
#read contents of cvr into list to make changes
cvrList = []
addedBallots = 0
with open(batch_file, mode= 'r', newline = '') as read_cvr:
cvrReader = csv.reader(read_cvr)
for i in range(4):
next(cvrReader) #skip headers
for row in cvrReader:
#if manifest, tabulation, cvr don't have same batch size, make equal
manBatchSize = getManInfo(manifest_file, batch_name)
tabBatchSize = getTabInfo(tabulation_file, batch_name, 'batch size')
cvrBatchSize, cvrWinnerBallots, cvrRunnerupBallots, margin = readCVR(batch_file)
if manBatchSize != cvrBatchSize or manBatchSize != tabBatchSize:
addedBallots = forceTotal(cvrList, manBatchSize, cvrBatchSize)
#if CVR winner != tab winner, change to make equal
tabWinnerBallots = getTabInfo(tabulation_file, batch_name, 'winner size')
tabRunnerupBallots = getTabInfo(tabulation_file, batch_name, 'runnerup size')
if tabWinnerBallots != int(cvrWinnerBallots):
forceWinner(cvrList, tabWinnerBallots, int(cvrWinnerBallots))
# if CVR loser != tab loser, change to make equal
if tabRunnerupBallots != int(cvrRunnerupBallots):
forceRunnerup(cvrList, tabRunnerupBallots, cvrRunnerupBallots)
#if all identifiers not unique in CVR, change to make unique
unique = uniqueCVR(batch_file)
if not unique:
addedBallots = forceUnique(cvrList, addedBallots)
#write corrected information back to cvr file
with open(batch_file, mode='w', newline = '') as writeCVR:
cvrWriter = csv.writer(writeCVR)
cvrWriter.writerow(['','','','','','','','','Contest 1 (vote for = 1)','Contest 1 (vote for = 1)'])
cvrWriter.writerow(['CVRNumber','TabulatorNumber', 'BatchID','RecordID', 'ImprintedID','CountingGroup','PrecinctPortion','BallotType','',''])
for i in range(len(cvrList)):
def forceTotal(cvrList, manBatchSize, cvrBatchSize):
Change cvrList so that manBatchSize = cvrBatchSize
#while cvrBatchSize greater than manBatchSize, delete last row in CVR
if cvrBatchSize > manBatchSize:
while len(cvrList) > manBatchSize:
del cvrList[-1]
addedBallots = 0
#add ballot with null identifiers, 0-0 vote until cvr batch size matches manifest batch size
if cvrBatchSize < manBatchSize:
while len(cvrList) < manBatchSize:
addedBallots += 1
cvrList.append(['nullBallot'+str(addedBallots), 'TABULATOR1', 'Avon0', 'nullRecordID'+str(addedBallots), 'nullImprintedID'+str(addedBallots), 'Pilot', 'Avon', 'BallotType', '0', '0'])
return addedBallots
def forceWinner(cvrList, tabWinnerBallots, cvrWinnerBallots):
If cvr winner not equal to tabulation winner, change until equal
#if cvr winner greater than tabulated winner, change winner votes to 0 until equal
if cvrWinnerBallots > tabWinnerBallots:
for ballot in cvrList:
if cvrWinnerBallots > tabWinnerBallots:
if ballot[8] == '1':
ballot[8] = '0'
cvrWinnerBallots -= 1
#if cvr winner less than tabulated winner, change 0 votes to winner votes until equal
if cvrWinnerBallots < tabWinnerBallots:
for ballot in cvrList:
if cvrWinnerBallots < tabWinnerBallots:
if ballot[8] == '0':
ballot[8] = '1'
cvrWinnerBallots += 1
def forceRunnerup(cvrList, tabRunnerupBallots, cvrRunnerupBallots):
If cvr runnerup not equal to tabulation runnerup, change until equal
#if cvr runnerup greater than tabulated runnerup, change runnerup votes to 0 until equal
if cvrRunnerupBallots > tabRunnerupBallots:
for ballot in cvrList:
if cvrRunnerupBallots > tabRunnerupBallots:
if ballot[9] == '1':
ballot[9] = '0'
cvrRunnerupBallots -= 1
#if cvr runnerup less than tabulated runnerup, change 0 votes to runnerup votes until equal
if cvrRunnerupBallots < tabRunnerupBallots:
for ballot in cvrList:
if cvrRunnerupBallots < tabRunnerupBallots:
if ballot[9] == '0':
ballot[9] = '1'
cvrRunnerupBallots += 1
def forceUnique(cvrList, addedBallots):
Change any repeated identifiers so that all are unique
Any repeated IDs get assigned 'null' + number
recordID_set = set()
imprintedID_set = set()
#check to see if any recordID or imprintedID is repeated
for ballot in cvrList:
unique = True
if ballot[3] in recordID_set:
ballot[3] = 'nullRecordID'+str(addedBallots)
unique = False
if ballot[4] in imprintedID_set:
ballot[4] = 'nullImprintedID'+str(addedBallots)
unique = False
if not unique:
addedBallots += 1
return addedBallots
def uniqueCVR(cvr_file):
Check that each ballot in batch has unique recordID, imprintedID
with open(cvr_file, mode = 'r', newline = '') as readCVR:
cvrReader = csv.reader(readCVR)
#skip headers
for i in range(4):
recordID_list = []
recordID_set = set()
imprintedID_list = []
imprintedID_set = set()
#add each ballot's recordID and imprintedID to respective list, set
for ballot in cvrReader:
#list containing repeats would be longer than set
if len(recordID_list) != len(recordID_set) or len(imprintedID_list) != len(imprintedID_set):
return False
return True
def getManInfo(manifest_file, batch_name):
Returns number of ballots in specified batch from manifest
#open file, skip header
with open(manifest_file, mode = 'r', newline = '') as readManifest:
manifest_reader = csv.reader(readManifest)
for ballot in manifest_reader:
if ballot[2] == batch_name:
numBallots = int(ballot[3])
return numBallots
def getTabInfo(tabulation_file, batch_name, info_needed):
Returns number of ballots total, winner, or loser in specified batch from tabulation
#open file, skip header
with open(tabulation_file, mode = 'r', newline = '') as readTabulation:
tabulation_reader = csv.reader(readTabulation)
if info_needed == 'batch size':
for ballot in tabulation_reader:
if ballot[1] == batch_name:
numBallotsTotal = int(ballot[2])
return numBallotsTotal
if info_needed == 'winner size':
for ballot in tabulation_reader:
if ballot[1] == batch_name:
numBallotsWinner = int(ballot[3])
return numBallotsWinner
if info_needed == 'runnerup size':
for ballot in tabulation_reader:
if ballot[1] == batch_name:
numBallotsRunnerup = int(ballot[4])
return numBallotsRunnerup
def tests(jsonFile):
Control setup/audit/simulation from terminal
#call readInput (needed for any audit/simulation run)
numBallots, overvotes1, undervotes1, overvotes2, undervotes2, riskLimit, num, margins, gamma = readInput()
print('Select using number: \n 1) set up election \n 2) audit election \n 3) set up and audit election \n 4) run simulation')
input1 = input()
if input1 == '1':
electionSetup(numBallots, margins, overvotes1, undervotes1, overvotes2, undervotes2, riskLimit, gamma, jsonFile)
elif input1 == '2':
elif input1 == '3':
electionSetup(numBallots, margins, overvotes1, undervotes1, overvotes2, undervotes2, riskLimit, gamma, jsonFile)
elif input1 == '4':
collectData(jsonFile, numBallots, overvotes1, undervotes1, overvotes2, undervotes2, riskLimit, num, margins, gamma)
print('Invalid input. Try again.')
def electionSetup(numBallots, margins, overvotes1, undervotes1, overvotes2, undervotes2, riskLimit, gamma, jsonFile):
Set up files for audit
#set margin manually
margin = 5
print('Election setup:')
#create election object to base files on
E1 = Election(numBallots, margin, overvotes1, undervotes1, overvotes2, undervotes2, riskLimit, gamma, jsonFile)
#call _createCVR1, _createCVR2 to write cvr1, cvr2, manifest, tabulation files
E1._createCVR2(overvotes1, undervotes1, overvotes2, undervotes2)
def removeWorkingDir():
#remove files from previous run if dir exists
path = 'lazy_rla_cvr'
isdir = os.path.isdir(path)
if isdir:
def electionAudit():
Audit election
print('Election audit:')
#manifest, tabulation and seed will be given by user on Michael's end
seed1 = 2368607141
tabulation_file = str(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'electionTabulation.csv'))
manifest_file = str(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'electionManifest.csv'))
selectedBatches = batchSelect(manifest_file, tabulation_file, seed1)
#returns a dictionary:
#'batchesToAudit': set of batches that need CVR, 'ballotsPerBatch': dict w num ballots per batch to audit,
# 'ballotsPerBatchTotal': dict w num ballots per batch total
#in a normal election this would not be needed as the CVRs would come from user
lazyCVR_files = lazyCVR_gen(selectedBatches['batchesToAudit'])
#returns set of CVR filenames to pull batches from
#function to make sure all requested files are present
fileMissing, missingFiles = checkInputFiles(selectedBatches['batchesToAudit'], lazyCVR_files)
if fileMissing:
#if any files missing/incorrectly named, print message, then stop audit
print('The following files are missing or incorrectly named. Please fix, then start audit again.')
for i in missingFiles:
seed2 = 9113645654
#seed should actually be generated by user in a real invocation, this is just test code
auditCVR_blank = ballotSelect(lazyCVR_files, selectedBatches['ballotsPerBatchAudit'], selectedBatches['ballotsPerBatchTotal'], seed2)
#auditCVR_blank is list of files for user to enter manual vote interpretations into
auditCVR_check = ballotSelect_check(lazyCVR_files, selectedBatches['ballotsPerBatchAudit'], selectedBatches['ballotsPerBatchTotal'], seed2)
#auditCVR_check is list of files with correct 'manual interpretations' filled out
#this step not needed if user inputs own files
#this is needed to pause audit halfway to alter files if desired
#for example, to test forceConsistent
#if files are coming from user (not generated by program), comment this out
pause = input('If desired, make changes to files now. \nThen press ENTER to continue. ')
#give manual interpretations, set of CVR files, tabulation and manifest
riskLevel = calculateRisk(auditCVR_check, lazyCVR_files, tabulation_file, manifest_file)
#get back risk level
print('risk level: ' + str(riskLevel))
def checkInputFiles(filesRequested, filesReceived):
Check that all requested files are received
missingFiles = []
fileMissing = False
for cvr in filesRequested:
#filename = expected name of CVR file
filename = str(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'lazy_rla_cvr', cvr + 'CVR.csv'))
if filename not in filesReceived:
fileMissing = True
return fileMissing, missingFiles