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<h1 id="about-title">Who is Alex?</h1>
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<h2>Early Life</h2>
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<p>I grew up in a small town in New Jersey called Florham Park. My father has always worked as a graphic designer, and from the start I was hooked. I started using the Adobe Suite at a young age, experimenting with the different programs and features. I was always captivated by brands and logos and knew that I wanted to be a designer.</p>
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<h2>High School</h2>
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<p>After becoming well acquainted with the Abode Creative Suite and diving into art throughout my childhood, I started to seriously think about my career in design. I took the graphic design classes my school offered and started trying to find people who needed some graphical work done. I started designing apparel for my school and even designed the playbill for our fall drama. On the side, I was extremely active in my school's music program and they even approached me about deisgning some artwork for them. I knew I had a talent and this was something I could do for the rest of my life. We live in and continue to experience the growing digital world, and I wanted to be a part of it. I soon started to become more interested in what was happening in the background when I was designing on a computer, and that is when I began my path to program I am in currently.</p>
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<p>I applied to and was accepted to the University of Connecticut's Digital Media and Design program, and I was thrilled. When I started my schooling, I was very interested in learning about web design. At the time I didn't know too much about it, other than taking a compiter science class in high school. After I finished the introduction class, I knew it was what I wanted to pursue. Now, as a second semester sophomore, I have declared the web and interactive multimedia deisgn concentration and have a great knowledge in front-end web, interaction design, and branding.</p>
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<p>Well, I guess that's up to me...</p>
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