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% ME 3255 Computational Mechanics
% Peter Joseph Damian, Group 9
% Part 4 Rewritten for bonus problem
clear; clc;
%% Please see issue "Derivation" on github for the derivations of these equations
%% Equation 16: Setting up eigenvalue problem to solve for lowest natural frequency
%% Constants and Properties
% Material Properties
E = 70*(10^6); % Young's modulus, Pa
p = 2700; % Density, kg/m^3
% Geometry
b = 0.1; % base width, m
h = 0.01; % height, m
L = 1; % bar length, m
A = b*h; % area, m^2
I = (b*(h^3))/12; % second moment of inertia, m^4
% Frequency squared coefficient
EIpa = (E*I)/(p*A); % Inverse coefficient of omega^2
%% 20 Segment System of Equations
% Number of Segments
n20 = 20;
% Write Values of P
P = linspace(-1000,1000,2000);
omega = zeros(length(P),1);
for i = 1:length(P)
Q = P(i);
% Write w coefficient matrix (see above for details)
[ w20 ] = Coefficients( n20,EIpa,L,Q,E,I );
% Calculate eigenvalues of system
Lambda20 = eig(w20);
% Calculate natural frequencies of system
omega20 = Lambda20.^(1/2);
% Store lowest natural frequency for use outside of loop
omega(i) = omega20(1);
%% Plotting
title('Lowest Nat Freq vs Load P')
xlabel('Load P,[N]')
ylabel('Omega, [1/s]')