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<h1>Business Website Redesign - Questers' Way</h1>
<h2>Presentation Page</h2>
<h4>By Ariff Jeff</h4>
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<a href="img/qw-siteMap.png" class="button">Proposed Site Map</a>
<h3>Why Questers' Way</h3>
<p>I choose to redesign the Questers' Way website since it is not user friendly. The site is in shambles despite the fact that it is a main source of bringing in new customers and therefore income. Questers' Way would greatly benefit from a website redesign in that user retention, new customer aquisition, and overall customer happiness would increase.</p>
<a href=""><img src="img/logos/qw-logo.png" alt="Questers' Way logo"></a>
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<a href="img/qw-wireframe-desktop@2x.png" class="button">Desktop Wireframe</a>
<a href="img/qw-styleTiles-both.png" class="button">Style Tiles</a>
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<a href="img/qw-flatDesigns-index.png" class="button mlr">Flat Design - index</a>
<a href="img/qw-flatDesigns-sneakPeek.png" class="button mlr">Flat Design - Sneak Peek</a>
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