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<h1 class="blur-sat-text">ARIFF JEFF</h1>
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<li><a href="">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="">Artwork</a></li>
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<img id="portrait" src="img/selfie-ridiculous.jpg" alt="Ariff selfie">
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<div id="about">
<p>I’m Ariff, a Digital Media and Design major at the University of Connecticut.</p>
<h4>What I do</h4>
<p>3D & 2D Animation // 3D Design // Motion Design // Computer Science</p>
<h5>Available for freelance </h5>
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<section id="title-IntFav-adjust"><h2 class="align-right">Interests</h2></section>
<ul class="align-right">
<li>3D animation // VFX</li>
<li>Fencing (the sword fighting kind!)&#x200E;</li> <!-- "&#x200E;" fixes "direction: rtl;" abnormality -->
<li>Cadbury's chocolate</li>
<li>Advanced web design of course!&#x200E;</li> <!-- "&#x200E;" fixes "direction: rtl;" abnormality -->
<div class="column" style="background-color:#afa578;">
<section id="title-IntFav-adjust"><h2>Favorite Websites</h2></section>
<ul id="padding-fix">
<li><a href="">My personal website - Portfolio and all!</a></li>
<li><a href="">YouTube - Great source of learning</a></li>
<li><a href="">Apple - Stellar visual advertising</a></li>
<li><a href="">NASA - Looking into the cosmos</a></li>
<h4>Site produced by Ariff Jeff</h4>
<p>DMD 3470 - Advanced Web Design and Development</p>
<section><a href="#">Back to Top</a></section>
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