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(*This allows the current file to access the env file*)
use "env.sml";
Control.Print.printDepth := 32;
exception NotAnInt;
exception InvalidCondition;
exception NotAFunction;
datatype Expr = Bool of bool
| Int of int
| Add of Expr * Expr
| If of Expr * Expr * Expr
| Ident of string
| Let of (string * Expr) list * Expr
| Def of string * Expr
| Fun of Expr * Expr (*First Expr will be Ident*)
| App of Expr * Expr
| Seq of Expr list
| Disp of Expr
| Clos of Expr * Expr * Expr Env
| String of string
| Nothing;
(*This function converts an Expr to a string for ease of printing*)
fun e2s (Bool b) = "Bool(" ^ Bool.toString b ^ ")"
| e2s (Int i) = "Int(" ^ Int.toString i ^ ")"
| e2s (Add (x, y)) = "Add(" ^ (e2s x) ^ "," ^ (e2s y) ^ ")"
| e2s (If (cond, conseq, alt)) = "If(" ^ (e2s cond) ^ "," ^ (e2s conseq) ^ "," ^ (e2s alt) ^ ")"
| e2s (Ident s) = "Ident(" ^ s ^ ")"
| e2s (Let (l, e)) = "Let([" ^ (e2s_let_helper l) ^ "]," ^ (e2s e) ^ ")"
| e2s (Def (s, e)) = "Def(" ^ s ^ "," ^ (e2s e) ^ ")"
| e2s (Fun (x, y)) = "Fun(" ^ (e2s x) ^ "," ^ (e2s y) ^ ")"
| e2s (App (x, y)) = "App(" ^ (e2s x) ^ "," ^ (e2s y) ^ ")"
| e2s (Seq s) = "Seq[" ^ (e2s_seq_helper s) ^ "]"
| e2s (Disp d) = "Disp(" ^ (e2s d) ^ ")"
| e2s (Clos (x, y, _)) = "Clos(" ^ (e2s x) ^ "," ^ (e2s y) ^ ")"
| e2s (String s) = "String(" ^ s ^ ")"
| e2s (Nothing) = "Nothing"
and e2s_let_helper ((s, e)::[]) = "(" ^ s ^ "," ^ (e2s e) ^ ")"
| e2s_let_helper ((s, e)::t) = "(" ^ s ^ "," ^ (e2s e) ^ ")," ^ (e2s_let_helper t)
| e2s_let_helper [] = ""
and e2s_seq_helper (h::[]) = (e2s h)
| e2s_seq_helper (h::t) = (e2s h) ^ "," ^ (e2s_seq_helper t)
| e2s_seq_helper [] = "";
(*This function evaluates the given Expr in the given environment and returns both the expr and the env*)
fun eval env (Ident i) = (env, env_lookup env i)
| eval env (Add (x, y)) = let val (env1, val1) = eval env x;
val (env2, val2) = eval env1 y;
eval_add_helper env2 (val1, val2)
| eval env (If (cond, conseq, alt)) = let val (env1, newVar) = eval env cond
if (eval_if_helper newVar)
then (eval env1 conseq)
(eval env1 alt)
| eval env (Let (l, e)) = (env, #2 ((eval (eval_let_helper env l) e)))
| eval env (Seq s) = eval_seq_helper env s
| eval env (Def (s, e)) = let val (env1, newVar) = eval env e;
in (env_bind env1 s newVar, Nothing)
| eval env (Disp d) = let val (env1, newVar) = eval env d;
val _ = print (e2s newVar ^ "\n");
in (env1, newVar)
| eval env (Fun (x, y)) = (env, Clos(x, y, env))
| eval env (App (x, y)) = let val (env1, param) = eval env y
val (env2, f) = eval env x
eval_app_helper env1 (f, param)
| eval env expr = (env, expr) (*constants evaluate to themselves*)
(*This helper function adds the two operands if both are Ints. Otherwise it raises an exception*)
and eval_add_helper env (Int a, Int b) = (env, Int(a + b))
| eval_add_helper env (_, _) = raise NotAnInt
(*This helper function raises an exception if the given condition is not a Bool*)
and eval_if_helper (Bool b) = b
| eval_if_helper (_) = raise InvalidCondition
(*This helper function binds the variables in the list to the current env*)
and eval_let_helper env (h::[]) = #1(eval env (Def h))
| eval_let_helper env (h::t) = let val (env1, newVal) = eval env (Def h);
#1(eval (eval_let_helper env1 t) newVal)
| eval_let_helper env [] = env
(*This helper function evaluates each Expr in the list and returns the value of the last one*)
and eval_seq_helper env (h::[]) = eval env h
| eval_seq_helper env (h::t) = let val (env1, _) = eval env h;
in eval_seq_helper env1 t
| eval_seq_helper env [] = (env, Nothing)
(*This helper function ensures that App is being applied to a Fun*)
and eval_app_helper env ((Clos (Ident a, b, _)), y) = eval env (Let ([(a, y)], b))
| eval_app_helper env (_, _) = raise NotAFunction;