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<h1>why we fly</h1>
<h3>2020 bfa senior thesis film<br> by allie marsh</h3>
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<h5>In 2017, women only made up 7.1% of all pilots. <em>Why We Fly</em> is a celebration of the lady aviators who make up the 7.1% and a tribute to the brave women of the past who showed the world that the cockpit belonged to them, too. I want to open the eyes of girls of all ages to the possibility of becoming a pilot. I also want to raise awareness and curiosity about the general aviation community.
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<h3 id="april-2020">coming april 2020</h3>
<h3 class="hide-mobile show-desktop">coming april 2020</h3>
<h3 class="hide-mobile show-desktop">coming april 2020</h3>
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