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# Extra Credit Assignment \#1
## Due 9/15 by 11:59 pm
Go to Mathworks [Matlab Onramp]( and create an account. Complete
Part 10 - "Review Problems" (Project - Electricity Usage) and (Project - Audio Frequency).
Save your progress report and put it in a repository called 'ME3255-Extra_Credit'.
# Extra Credit Assignment \#2
## Due 11/1 by 11:59 pm
Find a dartboard e.g. [Sports Bar]( And tack the
following [polar_graph.pdf](./polar_graph.pdf) to the dartboard. Throw 10 darts (that hit
the board) and record the radius and angle that the dart hit the target in a csv file
in your 'ME3255-Extra_Credit' repository called `data.csv`. Organize the csv file in
columns with your netid on each row as such,
| user | radius (cm) | angle (deg) |
|---| --- | ---|
|rcc02007 | 1 | 30 |
|rcc02007 | ...| ... |
|rcc02007 | ...| ... |
# Extra Credit Assignment \#3
## Due 11/17 by 11:59pm
**Nonlinear Regression - Logistic Regression**
[logistic regression of Challenger O-ring failure](
Use the Temperature and failure data from the Challenger O-rings
[challenger_oring.csv](./challenger_oring.csv). Your independent variable is temperature and your dependent
variable is failure (1=fail, 0=pass). Create a function called `cost_logistic.m` that
takes the vector `a`, and independent variable `x` and dependent variable `y`. Use the
function, ![sigma](./equations/sigma.png) where ![t](./equations/t.png). Use the cost function,
and gradient
where ![x](./equations/x.png) is the k-th value of temperature raised to the i-th power (0, and 1)
a. edit `cost_logistic.m` so that the output is `[J,grad]` or [cost, gradient]
b. use the following code to solve for a0 and a1
% Set options for fminunc
options = optimset('GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', 400);
% Run fminunc to obtain the optimal theta
% This function will return theta and the cost
[theta, cost] = ...
fminunc(@(a)(costFunction(a, x, y)), initial_a, options);
c. plot the data and the best-fit logistic regression model
plot(x,y, x, sigma(a(1)+a(2)*x))