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# ME 3255 Final Project
## Part A
#### Problem Statement
Create a central finite difference approximation of the gradient with 3-by-3 interior nodes of w
for the given membrane solution in terms of P and T. `[w]=membrane_solution3(T,P);`
#### Approach
function [w] = membrane_solution3(T,P)
% Central finite difference approximation of gradient
% with 3x3 (um^2) interior nodes in terms of P & T.
% Input:
% T = tension per unit length (uN/um)
% P = pressure (MPa)
% Output:
% w = displacement vector for interior nodes
od = ones(8,1);
od(3:3:end) = 0;
k = -4 * diag(ones((3^2),1)) + diag(ones((3^2)-3,1),3) + diag(ones((3^2)-3,1),-3) + diag(od,1) + diag(od,-1);
y = -(10/4)^2*(P/T)*ones(9,1);
w = k\y;
% Find displacement vector w
% which represents 2D data set w(x,y)
[x,y] = meshgrid(0:10/4:10,0:10/4:10);
z = zeros(size(x));
z(2:end-1,2:end-1) = reshape(w,[3 3]);
% Plot gradient of membrane displacement
title('Gradient of Membrane Displacement')
zlabel('Displacement [um] (micrometers)')
## Part B
#### Problem Statement
Solve for w given a pressure, P=0.001 MPa and tension, T=0.006 uN/um. Plot the result with
`surf(X,Y,W)` where X, Y, and W are the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of each point on the
membrane from 0-10um.
#### Approach
T = 0.006 uN/um
P = 0.001 MPa
[w] = membrane_solution3(0.006,0.001);
![Fig. 1](./figures/PartB.png)
## Part C
#### Problem Statement
Create a general central finite difference approximation of the gradient with
n-by-n interior nodes of w
for the given membrane solution in terms of P and T. `[w]=membrane_solution(T,P,n);`
#### Approach
function [w] = membrane_solution(T,P,n)
% General Central finite difference approximation of
% gradient with n-by-n interior nodes in terms of P & T.
% Input:
% T = tension per unit length (uN/um)
% P = pressure (MPa)
% n = # of interior node rows/columns
% Output:
% w = displacement vector for interior nodes
od = ones(n^2-1,1);
od(n:n:end) = 0;
k = -4 * diag(ones(n^2,1)) + diag(ones((n^2)-n,1),n) + diag(ones((n^2)-n,1),-n) + diag(od,1) + diag(od,-1);
y = -(10/(n+1))^2*(P/T)*ones(n^2,1);
w = k\y;
% Find displacement vector w
% which represents 2D data set w(x,y)
[x,y] = meshgrid(0:10/(n+1):10,0:10/(n+1):10);
z = zeros(size(x));
z(2:end-1,2:end-1) = reshape(w,[n n]);
% Plot gradient of membrane displacement
title('Gradient of Membrane Displacement')
zlabel('Displacement [um] (micrometers)')
## Part D
#### Problem Statement
Solve for w given a pressure, P=0.001 MPa and tension, T=0.006 uN/um with 10 interior nodes. Plot the result with `surf(X,Y,W)` where X, Y, and W are the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of each point on the membrane from 0-10um.
#### Approach
- T = 0.006 uN/um
- P = 0.001 MPa
- n = 10 nodes
[w] = membrane_solution(0.006,0.001,10)
![Fig. 2](./figures/PartD.png)
## Part E
#### Problem Statement
Create a function `SE_diff` that calculates the difference in strain energy (right hand side Eq.
4) and work done by pressure (left hand side Eq. 4) for n-by-n elements.
Use the solution from part **c** to calculate w, then do a numerical integral over the
elements to calculate work done and strain energy.
#### Approach
function [pw_se,w] = SE_diff(T,P,n)
% function that calculates the difference between
% strain energy and work done by pressure on the membrane.
% Input:
% T = tension per unit length (uN/um)
% P = pressure (MPa)
% n = # of interior node rows/columns
% Output:
% pw_se = Absolute value of difference between strain energy and work done by pressure
% w = displacement vector for interior nodes
E = 1e6; % 1 TPa ~= 10^6 MPa
t = 3*10^-4; % thickness [um]
h = 10/(n+1); % height [um]
v = 0.31; % Poisson's Ratio
% Displacement vector w found using Part C
w = membrane_solution(T,P,n);
z = zeros(n + 2);
z(2:end-1,2:end-1) = reshape(w,[n n]);
% Calculate average displacement, wavg, for each element by taking the displacement at each
% corner and then average the found values.
num = n + 1;
wavg = zeros(num);
for i = 1:num
for j = 1:num
wavg(i,j) = mean([z(i,j),z(i+1,j),z(i,j+1),z(i+1,j+1)]);
% final work done by pressure
pw = sum(sum(wavg.*h^2.*P))
% to find= change in displacement, find the change in displacement on
% the x-axis, dwdx, and the change in displacement on the y-axis, dwdy, and
% average the found values.
dwdx = zeros(num);
dwdy = zeros(num);
for i = 1:num
for j = 1:num
dwdx(i,j) = mean([z(i+1,j)-z(i,j),z(i+1,j+1)-z(i,j+1)]);
dwdy(i,j) = mean([z(i,j+1)-z(i,j),z(i+1,j+1)-z(i+1,j)]);
% Using dwdx and dwdy, calculate the strain energy, se.
se = (E*t*h^2)/(2*(1-v^2)) * sum(sum((1/4).*dwdx.^4+(1/4).*dwdy.^4+(1/4).*(dwdx.*dwdy).^2));
% Final value of difference between strain energy and work done by pressure, pw_se.
pw_se = pw - se;
## Part F
#### Problem Statement
Use a root-finding method to calculate the tension in the membrane given a pressure, P=0.001 MPa, and n=[20:5:40] interior nodes.
Show that the error in tension is decreasing with a table:
#### Approach
Root-finding Method used to find tension in the Membrane, given:
- P = 0.001 MPa
- n = [20:5:40]
|number of nodes |Tension (uN/um) |rel. error |
|3 |0.059 |n/a|
## Part G
#### Problem Statement
Plot the Pressure vs maximum deflection (P (y-axis) vs max(w) (x-axis)) for
P=linspace(0.001,0.01,10). Use a root-finding method to determine tension, T, at each
pressure. Use a cubic best-fit to find A, where, P(x)=A*dw^3. State how
many interior nodes were used for the graph.
#### Approach
Pressure v. Maximum deflection (MPa v. um)
## Part H
#### Problem Statement
Show that the constant A is converging as the number of nodes is
increased (Similar table to **f**).
#### Approach
## Part I
#### Problem Statement
If the square membrane sides are always equal, but have a tolerance of 0.1\%, what
should the depth of the sensor be if 2.5% of the sensors won't hit the bottom given a
maximum pressure of 0.01 MPa.
#### Approach