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\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #2.}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\title{\textbf{Reusable Fuzzy Extractors}}
\author{Chloe Cachet}
Let $(Gen, Rep)$ be a fuzzy extractor, such that for all $\omega_i \in \mathcal{M}$, $(R_i,P_i) \leftarrow Gen(\omega_i)$.
Let $\Delta$ be a family of perturbations such that for any $\delta_i \in \Delta$, $\delta_i(\omega) = \omega_i$.
Calling $Gen$ generates a partition $Part$ which splits the set of all possible inputs, $\mathcal{M}$ into two subsets of equal size, $Part_1$ and $Part_2$.
An unbounded adversary can then compute all possible values for P, and build a tree of all the P values for each possible $\omega_i = \delta(\omega)$, with the corresponding winning probabilities.\\
Boyen proposes an adaptive adversary for the information theoretic model, with perturbations restricted to shifts.
Canetti proposes a static adversary for the computational model, with arbitrary perturbations.
Putting aside the difference in models, can we write:
\textbf{Boyen's adversary $\Rightarrow$ Canetti's adversary}
Note: equivalent to NOT Canetti's $\Rightarrow$ NOT Boyen's, meaning. \\
%\textbf{Question: Does an adaptive adversary have any advantage over a non-adaptive one ?} \\
In other words, does building the tree of $P_i$ values in an adaptive way, such that $P_i = Gen(\delta_i(\omega_{i-1}))$, improves the probability of the adversary winning the game over building the tree in a non-adaptive way such that $P_i = Gen(\delta_i(\omega))$.
We assume $\delta_i \in \Delta$ is a deterministic function of $P_i$ such that for an arbitrary adversary $\mathcal{A}_{Boy}$, we have $\delta_i \leftarrow \mathcal{A}_{Boy}(P_i)$.
%missing transition here!
\begin{definition} Universal Hash function \\
$h: U \rightarrow R $ is a Universal hash function if, $\forall x,y \in U, x \neq y$:
$$ \Pr[h(x) = h(y)] = \frac{1}{|R|} $$
$h$ is also pairwise independent if, $\forall x,y \in U, x \neq y$, $\forall a,b \in R$:
\Pr[h(x) = a \wedge h(y)=b] & = \Pr[h(x) = a] \times \Pr[h(y)=b] \\
& = \frac{1}{|R|^2}
\begin{definition} XOR-Universal Hash function \\
$h: U \rightarrow R $ is a XOR-Universal hash function if, $\forall x,y \in U, x \neq y$, $\forall c \in R$:
$$ \Pr[h(x) \oplus h(y) = c] = \frac{1}{|R|}$$
Let $W$ be the set of points such that $\forall \omega \in W, H(\omega) = a \textit{ mod } p$. The family of perturbations $\Delta$ is the set of perturbations such that $\forall \delta \in \Delta, \delta(x) = x \oplus c$. The partition is defined as follows:
Part_1 = 1 & \textit{if } H(x) \textit{ is odd} \\
Part_0 = 0 & \textit{if } H(x) \textit{ is even.}
According to definition, we have $\delta(x) \in Part_0$ if and only if $H(\delta(x))$ is even.
$$ H(\delta(x)) = H(x \oplus c) = H(x) + H(c) $$
$c$ is fixed and is either even or odd, as such, we can write:
\exists c_0, \forall x, \textit{ s.t. } x \oplus c_0 \in Part_0 \\
\exists c_1, \forall x, \textit{ s.t. } x \oplus c_1 \in Part_1
we then have the following probabilities:
Pr[x \oplus c_0 \in Part_0] = 1 \textit{ and } Pr[x \oplus c_0 \in Part_1] = 0 \\
Pr[x \oplus c_1 \in Part_1] = 1 \textit{ and } Pr[x \oplus c_1 \in Part_0] = 0 \\
Basing ourselves on this example, we ask the following question:
Given a partition with $|Part_0| = |Part_1|$, can we find a distribution such that
\forall c, \forall x, Pr[x \oplus c \in Part_0] \ngtr \frac{1}{2} \\
\forall c, \forall x, Pr[x \oplus c \in Part_1] \ngtr \frac{1}{2}
in other words, we want to find a distribution for which we cannot find $c_0, c_1$ such that :
\exists c_0, \forall x, \textit{ s.t. } x \oplus c_0 \in Part_0 \\
\exists c_1, \forall x, \textit{ s.t. } x \oplus c_1 \in Part_1
We consider an arbitrary distribution $B_{l,x}$ as a Hamming ball centered on $x$ and of radius $l$, such that:
$$ B_{l,x} = \sum_{i=0}^l \binom{n}{i} (q-1)^i = \sum_{i=0}^l \frac{n!}{i!(n-i)!} (q-1)^i \approx \binom{n}{l}(q-1)^l $$
with $q \geq 2$ and $n \geq r \geq 1$. %We then give an approximation of $\binom{n}{i}$, $\forall 1 \leq i \leq n $:
%$$ (\frac{n}{i})^i \leq \binom{n}{i} \leq 2^n $$
Let $\Delta$ be a shift such that $\Delta(x) = x + 1$, $\Delta$ then takes inputs in $B_{l,x}$ and its outputs are in $B_{l,x+1}$.
We then have:
$$ B_{l,x} \cap B_{l,x+1} \geq B_{l-1,x} $$
% \frac{B_{l-1,x}}{B_{l,x}} & = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{l-1} \binom{n}{i} (q-1)^i}{\sum_{i=0}^l \binom{n}{i} (q-1)^i} \\
% & \leq \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{l-1} 2^n (q-1)^i}{\sum_{i=0}^l 2^n (q-1)^i} \\
\frac{B_{l-1,x}}{B_{l,x}} & = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{l-1} \binom{n}{i} (q-1)^i}{\sum_{i=0}^l \binom{n}{i} (q-1)^i} \\
& \approx \frac{\binom{n}{l-1}(q-1)^{l-1}}{\binom{n}{l}(q-1)^l} \\
& \approx \frac{1}{(q-1)} \times \frac{\cancel{n!}}{(l-1)!(n-(l-1))!} \times \frac{l!(n-l)!}{\cancel{n!}} \\
& \approx \frac{1}{(q-1)} \times \frac{l\cancel{(l-1)!}\cancel{(n-l)!}}{\cancel{(l-1)!}(n-l+1)\cancel{(n-l)!}} \\
& \approx \frac{l}{(q-1) \times (n-l+1)} \\