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% Example mesh generation
clc; clearvars
close all;
%% STEP 1: set mesh extents and set parameters for mesh.
S_bnd = shaperead('bnd_latlon.shp');
bbox = cat(2,S_bnd.X', S_bnd.Y');
min_el = 5.0; % Minimum resolution in meters.
max_el = 1e3;
dt = 0.5; % Ensure mesh is stable at a 2 s timestep
grade = 0.2; % Mesh grade in decimal percent.
R = 3; % Number of elements to resolve feature width.
%% STEP 2: specify geographical datasets and process the geographical data
%% to be used later with other OceanMesh classes...
coastline = 'Branford_0m_v2';
%dem = '~/Documents/DATA/';
dem = '/home/cliu/Documents/DATA/';
% %% The weirs input is a structure with the following options
% %load weirs_struct.mat
% % Weirs is an array of
% % structs each with fields:
% % X: [N�1 double] % x georgraphic coordinates of crestline
% % Y: [N�1 double] % y geographic coordinates of crestline
% % width: 5 % seperation of front and back face in meters
% % min_ele: 20 % minimum resolution along faces of weir in meters
% % crestheight: 5 % in meters
% % weirs(1).X = [
% % -73.9396
% % -73.9304
% % -73.9289];
% % weirs(1).Y = [
% % 40.5756
% % 40.5548
% % 40.5507];
% % weirs(1).width = 10;
% % weirs(1).min_ele = 100;
% % weirs(1).crestheight = 5;
% T=xlsread('../CSTWP001_with gis contours-full plan profile/Plan and Profile Combined-images/digitization.xlsx','coordinates');
% weirs(1).X = T(:,2);
% weirs(1).Y = T(:,3);
% weirs(1).width = 10;
% weirs(1).min_ele = 5;
% T=xlsread('../CSTWP001_with gis contours-full plan profile/Plan and Profile Combined-images/digitization.xlsx','m');
% weirs(1).crestheight = T(:,6)+0.165;
% NOTE: weirs are modeled as "inner" geometry or artifical islands. A thin
% knife edge is added to both tips of the weirs to avoid bad element transistions.
% to nearby non-weir elements.
gdatuw = geodata('shp',coastline,...
S = shaperead('features.shp');
for i=1:length(S)
pts{i} = cat(2,S(i).X', S(i).Y');
%% STEP 3: create an edge function class
fh = edgefx('geodata',gdatuw,...
'min_el_ch', 2,...
%% STEP 4: Pass your edgefx class object along with some meshing options and
% build the mesh...
mshopts = meshgen('ef',fh,'bou',gdatuw,'plot_on',1,'proj','trans');
% now build the mesh with your options and the edge function.
mshopts =;
%% STEP 5: Get fixed constraints and update gdat with overland meshing domain.
muw = mshopts.grd ;
muw = makens(muw,'auto',gdatuw) ; % apply so that extractFixedConstraints only grabs the shoreline constraints.
[pfix,egfix] = extractFixedConstraints(muw) ;
% 10-m contour extracted from the Coastal Relief Model.
coastline = 'Branford_5m';
gdat = geodata('shp',coastline,...
gdat.inpoly_flip = mod(1,gdat.inpoly_flip) ; % if the meshing domain is inverted, you can always flip it .
% Here we pass our constraints to the mesh generator (pfix and egfix).
mshopts = meshgen('ef',fh,'bou',gdat,'plot_on',1,'proj','lambert',...
% now build the mesh with your options and the edge function.
mshopts =;
m = mshopts.grd ;
%% STEP 5: Manually specify open boundaries and weir crest heights
m = make_bc(m,'auto',gdat,'both',[],0.5); % auto make_bc with depth_lim = 5 = []; % delete land bcs and replace with weirs below
%% STEP 6: interpolate bathy and plot and save the mesh
% gdat_ctdem = geodata('shp',coastline, 'dem','/home/cliu/Documents/DATA/',...
% 'h0',min_el, 'bbox',bbox);
m = interp(m,gdat,'nan','fill'); % interpolate bathy to the
% % mesh with fill nan option to make sure corners get values
% m1 = interp(m,gdat_ctdem,'nan','fill');
% m1.b = m1.b * 0.3048;
% dep = m.b;
% dep(dep<=0 & m1.b>0) = m1.b(dep<=0 & m1.b>0);
% dep(m1.b<0) = m1.b(m1.b<0);
% m.b = dep;
% %m = interpFP(m,gdat,muw,gdatuw,-0.1,1);
% fix bathymetry under bridge
innodes = inpolygon(m.p(:,1), m.p(:,2), S(1).X', S(1).Y');
m.b(innodes) = max(0.5, m.b(innodes));
innodes = inpolygon(m.p(:,1), m.p(:,2), S(2).X', S(2).Y');
m.b(innodes) = min(-1.9, m.b(innodes));
% % raise bathymetry on bridge bank
% S = shaperead('../Branford_mesh/beach.shp');
% for i = 1:length(S)
% innodes = inpolygon(m.p(:,1), m.p(:,2), S(i).X', S(i).Y');
% m.b(innodes) = min(-3.0, m.b(innodes));
% end
m = m.renum();
m = renumber_ob(m);
plot(m,'type','bmesh') % plot the bathy on the mesh
plot(m,'type','bd'); % visualize your boundaries
% plot(m,'bmesh'); % plot triangulation and bathy
caxis([-10 0]) ;
disp(['# nodes : ',num2str(length(m.b))])
disp(['# elements: ',num2str(length(m.t))])
disp(['# ob nodes: ',num2str(m.op.neta)])
[x,y] = my_project(m.p(:,1), m.p(:,2), 'forward');
% dep=m.b;
% dep(isnan(dep))=-999;
write_SMS_2dm('Branford.2dm', m.t, m.p(:,1), m.p(:,2),m.b)
write_SMS_2dm('Branford_xy.2dm', m.t, x, y, m.b)
patch('Vertices',[m.p(:,1),m.p(:,2)], 'Faces',m.t,'Cdata',m.b,'edgecolor','interp','facecolor','interp')
caxis([-3 0]) ;
hold on
triplot(m.t, m.p(:,1),m.p(:,2), 'linewidth',0.1, 'color','r')