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<header> <h1>Chelsea's Intro</h1> </header>
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<p>Hi everyone!</p>
<p>My name is Chelsea Kurasz.</p>
<p>I am 21 years old, and I am a senior at UConn. I am majoring in Digital Media & Design with a concentration in Web Design. I am minoring in Communications. </p>
<p> I was born in Norwich, CT, and have lived there my whole life. </p>
<p> After college, I hope to work in marketing as a designer. </p>
<p> I am a writer/contributor to Her Campus UConn, as well as the marketing chair on their executive board.</p>
<p> Here is a few of my favorite things:</p>
<li>The color yellow</li>
<li>Netflix Originals</li>
<li>Val Kilmer in "Tombstone"</li>
Here is a few of my favorite web pages:
<li><a href="">Her Campus UConn</a></li>
<li><a href="">Pinterest</a></li>
<li><a href="">Design Shack</a></li>
Thanks for visiting!
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