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116 lines (99 sloc) 3.33 KB
(ns ulysses.utils
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ulysses.config :as config]))
;; general ----------------------
(defn map-subels
"reagent util: apply f to each item in collection,
associating :key metadata (first tries :id of each el;
defaults to default-key-i where i is position in coll)"
[f coll]
(fn [i el]
^{:key (or (:id el) (str "default-key-" i))}
[f el])
;; classes ----------------------
(defn classes-vector
"same as classes, but a vector instead of a space-sep string"
[& args]
(fn [final h]
(nil? h) final
(map? h) (into final
(apply classes-vector
(->> h
(remove (comp false? second))
(map first))))
(coll? h) (into final (apply classes-vector h))
(keyword? h) (conj final (name h))
(string? h) (conj final h)
:else (conj final (str h))))
(defn classes
"make a string of classes intelligently.
takes: string/keyword args or [recursive] seqs
or maps (for switching).
ex. (classes 'btn' :brown) => 'btn brown'
ex. (classes ['btn' 'brown']) => 'btn brown'
ex. (classes {['btn' 'blue'] true 'brown' false}) => 'btn blue'"
[& args]
(string/join " " (apply classes-vector args)))
(defn classes-attr
"same as classes, but places in {:class CLASSES}"
[& args]
{:class (apply classes args)})
(defn btn-classes
"make string of bootstrap button classes
ex. (btn-classes \"sm\" \"block\") => \"btn btn-sm btn-block\""
[& classes]
(->> classes
(apply classes-vector)
(map (partial str "btn-"))
(cons "btn")
(string/join " ")))
;; dom event handling -----------------
(defn d-p
"default-prevent a click handler (and forward event)"
(fn [e] (.preventDefault e) (f e)))
;; dom info ---------------------------
(defn window-size []
"get the :width and :height of the current window"
{:width (.-innerWidth js/window)
:height (.-innerHeight js/window)})
(defn document-size
"get the :width and :height of the current document"
(let [d js/document
body (.-body d)
de (.-documentElement d)]
{:width (max
(.-scrollWidth body) (.-offsetWidth body)
(.-clientWidth de) (.-scrollWidth de) (.-offsetWidth de))
:height (max
(.-scrollHeight body) (.-offsetHeight body)
(.-clientHeight de) (.-scrollHeight de) (.-offsetHeight de))}))
(defn window-scroll-position
"get the :y (scrollTop) and :x (scrollLeft) of the current window"
(let [w js/window
de (.-documentElement js/document)]
{:x (or (.-pageXOffset w) (.-scrollLeft de) 0)
:y (or (.-pageYOffset w) (.-scrollTop de) 0)}))
;; misc helpers ------------------------
(defn mechanism-to-contextual
"mechanism to contextual (as keyword) helper
ex. :nsf => :info"
(mechanism config/mechanism-contextuals))
;; data filtering ----------------------
(defn filter-grant-ops
[grant-ops filters]
(let [{:keys [search mechanisms]} filters
search-lower (string/lower-case search)]
(->> grant-ops
(filter #(get mechanisms (-> % :funding-mechanism :name keyword)))
(filter #(-> % :company string/lower-case (string/includes? search-lower))))))