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513 lines (450 sloc) 14.7 KB
(ns ulysses.utils
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop]])
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.walk :refer [keywordize-keys]]
[clojure.set :refer [rename-keys]]
[cljs.core.async :refer [chan put! <! close! timeout sliding-buffer]]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame :refer [dispatch]]
[ulysses.config :as config]
[ulysses.lib.moment :as m]
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; general
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn noop
"do nothing; return nil"
[& args]
(defn boolean? [x]
(or (true? x) (false? x)))
(defn ptr
"print x, then return it. useful for
debugging inside threading macros or map"
(println x)
(defn ptr-first
"print (first x), then return x. useful for
debugging sequences inside threading macros"
(println (first x))
(defn remap
"map the values of a hashmap"
[f m]
(into {} (for [[k v] m] [k (f v)])))
(defn remap-k
"map the keys of a hashmap, given key and value"
[f m]
(into {} (for [[k v] m] [(f k v) v])))
(defn remap-v
"map the values of a hashmap, given key and value"
[f m]
(into {} (for [[k v] m] [k (f k v)])))
(defn hyphenate-keys
"given a map, turn all underscores in keys into hyphens"
(remap-k (fn [k v] (-> k name (string/replace #"_" "-") keyword)) m))
(defn map-subels
"reagent util: apply f to each item in collection,
associating :key metadata (first tries :id of each el;
defaults to default-key-i where i is position in coll)"
[f coll]
(fn [i el]
^{:key (or (:id el) (str "default-key-" i))}
[f el])
(defn str->int
"string or integer to integer; nil if not possible"
(if (integer? s) s
(when (and (string? s) (re-find #"^\d+$" s))
(js/parseInt s))))
(defn clj->json
"clojure data to json string"
(.stringify js/JSON (clj->js a)))
(defn json->clj
"json string to clojure data. include :keywords to keywordize keys"
[s & args]
(-> (.parse js/JSON s)
((if (some #{:keywords} args)
keywordize-keys identity))))
(defn url-encode-component
(js/encodeURIComponent (str s)))
(defn truncate-with-ellipsis
"truncate a string if it's longer than n, and append ellipsis"
([s n]
(truncate-with-ellipsis s n "..."))
([s n ellip]
(if (>= n (count s)) s
(-> s
(subs 0 n)
(str ellip)))))
(defn find-by-id
"find a map by :id within a seqable (of maps)"
[id seqable]
(let [id-int (str->int id)]
#(when (= (:id %) id-int) %)
(defn merge-by-id
"merge multiple seqables of maps by :id; the rightmost having the highest preference"
([a b]
(let [new-ids (map :id b)]
(remove #(-> % :id hash-set (some new-ids)) a)
([& seqables]
(reduce merge-by-id seqables)))
(defn remove-by-id
"remove a map by :id within a seqable (of maps)"
[id seqable]
(let [id-int (str->int id)]
#(= id-int (:id %))
(defn to-id-map
"convert a list of maps with :id into a hashmap with :id keys"
(fn [a e]
(assoc a (:id e) e))
(defn new-id
"generate a new integer id, given a list of maps
containing existing integer ids"
(->> existing
(map :id)
(cons 0) ; default pre-inc
(apply max)
(defn map-lookup
"map ids to elements retrieved from map,
removing if not found"
[m ids]
(->> ids
(map (partial get m))
(remove nil?)))
(defn valid-request-id?
"determines if either positive integer
or positive integer string"
(->> id
(re-find #"^\d+$")
(defn throttle [ms f]
(let [c (chan (sliding-buffer 1))]
(go-loop []
(apply f (<! c))
(<! (timeout ms))
(fn [& args]
(put! c (or args [])))))
;; this is not a windowed debounce, it is a paused debounce
;; (the timer is reset on each non-timer value)
(defn debounce [ms f]
(let [in (chan)
out (chan)]
; debounce in channel - based on
(go-loop [last-val nil]
(let [val (if (nil? last-val) (<! in) last-val)
timer (timeout ms)
[new-val ch] (alts! [in timer])]
(condp = ch
timer (do (>! out val) (recur nil))
in (if new-val (recur new-val) (close! out)))))
; call debounced function on the given function/handler
(go-loop []
(let [val (<! out)]
(apply f val)
;return in event channel
(def debounce-standard
(partial debounce config/request-debounce-time))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; classes
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn classes-vector
"same as classes, but a vector instead of a space-sep string"
[& args]
(fn [final h]
(nil? h) final
(map? h) (into final
(apply classes-vector
(->> h
(remove (comp false? second))
(map first))))
(coll? h) (into final (apply classes-vector h))
(keyword? h) (conj final (name h))
(string? h) (conj final h)
:else (conj final (str h))))
(defn classes
"make a string of classes intelligently.
takes: string/keyword args or [recursive] seqs
or maps (for switching).
ex. (classes 'btn' :brown) => 'btn brown'
ex. (classes ['btn' 'brown']) => 'btn brown'
ex. (classes {['btn' 'blue'] true 'brown' false}) => 'btn blue'"
[& args]
(string/join " " (apply classes-vector args)))
(defn classes-attr
"same as classes, but places in {:class CLASSES}"
[& args]
{:class (apply classes args)})
(defn btn-classes
"make string of bootstrap button classes
ex. (btn-classes \"sm\" \"block\") => \"btn btn-sm btn-block\""
[& classes]
(->> classes
(apply classes-vector)
(map (partial str "btn-"))
(cons "btn")
(string/join " ")))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; dom event handling
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn d-p
"default-prevent a click handler (and forward event)"
(fn [e] (.preventDefault e) (f e)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; dom info
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn window-size []
"get the :width and :height of the current window"
{:width (.-innerWidth js/window)
:height (.-innerHeight js/window)})
(defn document-size
"get the :width and :height of the current document"
(let [d js/document
body (or (.-body d) #js {})
de (or (.-documentElement d) #js {})]
{:width (max
(.-scrollWidth body) (.-offsetWidth body)
(.-clientWidth de) (.-scrollWidth de) (.-offsetWidth de))
:height (max
(.-scrollHeight body) (.-offsetHeight body)
(.-clientHeight de) (.-scrollHeight de) (.-offsetHeight de))}))
(defn window-scroll-position
"get the :y (scrollTop) and :x (scrollLeft) of the current window"
(let [w js/window
de (.-documentElement js/document)]
{:x (or (.-pageXOffset w) (.-scrollLeft de) 0)
:y (or (.-pageYOffset w) (.-scrollTop de) 0)}))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; misc helpers
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn mechanism-to-contextual
"mechanism to contextual (as keyword) helper
ex. :nsf => :info"
(mechanism config/mechanism-contextuals))
(defn update-db-pagination
"update db :page-current and :page-last given paginated response"
[db {:keys [current_page last_page]}]
(-> db
(assoc :page-current current_page)
(assoc :page-last last_page)))
(defn faculties-pool-params
"make a pool request params map with titleSet[0..n] and yearsUconn"
(->> [:builder-filters :faculty-title-set]
(get-in db)
(fn [i t]
(vector (str "titleSet[" i "]") t)))
(into {})
(merge {:yearsAtUconn
(get-in db [:builder-filters :faculty-years-uconn])})))
(defn metric-maxes
"given metrics builder filters (0-100) and faculties,
return the maximum values for each metric"
[metrics faculties]
(let [fm (map :metrics faculties)]
(fn [metric _]
(->> fm
(map (fn [f] (get f metric)))
(filter integer?)
(apply max)))
(defn verify-user-poll-response
(-> response :user :netid string/blank? not))
(defn validate-builder-filters
[{:keys [faculty-title-set faculty-years-uconn metrics] :as filters}]
; general
(map? filters)
(= (-> filters keys set) #{:faculty-title-set :faculty-years-uconn :metrics})
; faculty title set
(set? faculty-title-set)
(every? string? faculty-title-set)
; faculty years uconn
(integer? faculty-years-uconn)
; metrics
(map? metrics)
(= (-> metrics keys set)
#{:publicationCount :grantCount :grantFunds
:recentGrantCount :recentGrantFunds})
(every? (every-pred integer? (partial <= 0) (partial >= 100)) (vals metrics))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; data transforms
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn parse-int-id
"convert :id to an integer if it's a string-integer"
(update e :id
#(if (string? %) (str->int %) %)))
(defn clean-incoming-grant-op
"keywordize keys, rename some keys, parse some dates,
supplement with some fake data, etc"
(-> grant-op
(rename-keys {:foa_num :foa-num
:posted_date :posted-date
:open_date :open-date
:loi_due_dates :due-date
:application_due_dates :application-due-dates
:created_at :created-at
:update_at :updated-at})
; parse id as int
; parse dates as moment instances
(update :due-date #(-> % (m/moment "MMMM D, YYYY")))
; NOTE they're all nih now, but remove this line eventually
(assoc :funding-mechanism {:name "nih"})
; NOTE fake initial team for now
(assoc :initial-team (->> (
(take (+ 3 (rand-int 3))) ; between 3 and 6
(map-indexed #(hash-map :id %1 :name %2))))))
(defn clean-incoming-grant-ops
(map clean-incoming-grant-op grant-ops))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; requests
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn request
"make an api request, with progress tracking"
[db endpoint & {:keys [method
:or {method :get
params nil
require-user? true
progress? true
handler noop
error-handler noop
finish noop}}]
; only allow requests if logged in or check is bypassed
(when (or (not require-user?) (:user db))
(let [progress-id (when progress? (:next-progress-id db))]
(when progress?
(dispatch [:progress progress-id 1]))
(string/join "/"
(cons config/api-endpoint
#(if (keyword? %) (name %) %)
(when params
(remap url-encode-component params))
:with-credentials true
:format :url
:response-format :json
:keywords? true
:handler handler
(fn [e]
(dispatch [:bad-response e]) ; general error handler
(error-handler e)) ; user
(fn [e]
(when progress?
(dispatch [:progress progress-id 100])) ; complete progress
(finish e))}))) ; user
db) ; (no direct db change)
; grant ops requests
(def request-grant-ops-channel
(fn [db page]
(let [filters (:home-filters db)]
(request db
:params {:page page
:mechanisms (->> filters
(filter #(-> % second))
(map (comp name first))
(string/join ","))
:search (:search filters)
:sort (:sort filters)
:sortDirection (:sort-direction filters)}
:handler #(dispatch [:receive-grant-ops %]))))))
(defn debounce-request-grant-ops
[db [_ page]]
(put! request-grant-ops-channel [db page])
; faculty requests
(def request-faculties-pool-channel
(fn [db]
(let [grant-op-id (-> db :route-args :grant-op-id)]
(when (valid-request-id? grant-op-id)
(request db
[:faculty :pool]
:params (merge {:fundingOppType "NihRfa"
:fundingOppId grant-op-id}
(faculties-pool-params db))
:handler #(dispatch [:receive-faculties-pool %])))))))
(defn debounce-request-faculties-pool
[db _]
(put! request-faculties-pool-channel [db])
; workspace updates
(def request-workspace-save-channel
(fn [db]
(if-let [current (:builder-workspace db)]
(request db
[:workspace (:id current)]
:method :put
:params {:faculties (clj->json (or (:faculties current) []))
:filters (clj->json (:builder-filters db))}
:handler #(dispatch [:workspace-receive %]))
(defn debounce-request-workspace-save
[db _]
(put! request-workspace-save-channel [db])
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; direct dom mutations
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn scroll-to [y]
(.scrollTo js/window 0 y))