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70 lines (57 sloc) 1.76 KB
(ns ulysses.components.basic
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent]
[ulysses.utils :refer [d-p]]
[re-frame.core :refer [dispatch]]
[clojure.string :as string]))
;; links -----------------------------------
(defn link
"regular link"
[href attr & body]
(into [:a (assoc attr :href href)] body))
(defn hink
"handled link (prevents default and calls handler on click)"
[handler attr & body]
(into [:a (assoc attr :href "" :on-click (d-p handler))] body))
(defn rink
"router link (sets :active-page)"
[page attr & body]
(partial hink
#(dispatch [:set-active-page page])
;; bootstrap helpers -----------------------
(defn label
"bootstrap label"
[contextual & rest]
(let [classes ["label" (str "label-" (name contextual))]
cname (string/join "." (into ["span"] classes))]
(into [(keyword cname)] rest)))
(defn nav-item
"bootstrap nav item"
[href & rest]
(into [link href {}] rest)])
;; css transition group --------------------
; adapt CSSTransitionGroup to reagent
(def ^:private css-transition-group-native
(reagent/adapt-react-class js/React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup))
(defn css-transition-group
"transition group"
[attr items]
(into [css-transition-group-native attr] items))
(defn css-transition-group-standard
"transition group using tran- prefix, appear, and 300ms time"
{:component :div
:transition-name "tran"
:transition-appear true
:transition-appear-timeout 300
:transition-enter-timeout 300
:transition-leave-timeout 300}
;; misc --------------------------------------
(defn no-results []
"Sorry, your search didn't return any results."])