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# This file contains default .gitignore rules. To use it, copy it to .gitignore,
# and it will cause files like your settings.php and user-uploaded files to be
# excluded from Git version control. This is a common strategy to avoid
# accidentally including private information in public repositories and patch
# files.
# Because .gitignore can be specific to your site, this file has a different
# name; updating Drupal core will not override your custom .gitignore file.
# Ignore core when managing all of a project's dependencies with Composer
# including Drupal core.
# core
# Core's dependencies are managed with Composer.
# Ignore configuration files that may contain sensitive information.
# Ignore paths that contain user-generated content.
# Ignore SimpleTest multi-site environment.
# If you prefer to store your .gitignore file in the sites/ folder, comment
# or delete the previous settings and uncomment the following ones, instead.
# Ignore configuration files that may contain sensitive information.
# */settings*.php
# Ignore paths that contain user-generated content.
# */files
# */private
# Ignore SimpleTest multi-site environment.
# simpletest
# Ignore core phpcs.xml and phpunit.xml.