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Created by Zebulun Arendsee.
March 26, 2013
Modified by Will Landau.
June 30, 2013
This program implements a MCMC algorithm for the following hierarchical
y_k ~ Poisson(n_k * theta_k) k = 1, ..., K
theta_k ~ Gamma(a, b)
a ~ Unif(0, a0)
b ~ Unif(0, b0)
We let a0 and b0 be arbitrarily large.
1) input filename
With two space delimited columns holding integer values for
y and float values for n.
2) number of trials (1000 by default)
Output: A comma delimited file containing a column for a, b, and each
theta. All output is written to stdout.
Example dataset:
$ head -3 data.txt
4 0.91643
23 3.23709
7 0.40103
Example of compilation and execution:
$ nvcc -o gibbs
$ ./gibbs mydata.txt 2500 > output.csv
This code borrows from the nVidia developer zone documentation,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <curand_kernel.h>
#include <thrust/reduce.h>
#include <thrust/device_ptr.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#define PI 3.14159265359f
#define CUDA_CALL(x) {if((x) != cudaSuccess){ \
printf("CUDA error at %s:%d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); \
printf(" %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError())); \
#define CURAND_CALL(x) {if((x) != CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS) { \
printf("Error at %s:%d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); \
printf(" %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError())); \
__host__ void load_data(int argc, char **argv, int *K, int **y, float **n);
__host__ float sample_a(float a, float b, int K, float sum_logs);
__host__ float sample_b(float a, int K, float flat_sum);
__host__ float rnorm();
__host__ float rgamma(float a, float b);
__device__ float rgamma(curandState *state, int id, float a, float b);
__global__ void sample_theta(curandState *state, float *theta, float *log_theta,
int *y, float *n, float a, float b, int K);
__global__ void setup_kernel(curandState *state, unsigned int seed, int);
__global__ void seqMetroProcess(int K, int nBlocks, int *y, float *n, curandState *state,
float *theta, float *log_theta,
float a, float b, int trials);
__device__ void sample_theta_seq(float *theta, float *log_theta, int *y, float *n,
float a, float b, int K, curandState *state);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
curandState *devStates;
float a, b, flat_sum, sum_logs, *n, *dev_n, *dev_theta, *dev_log_theta;
int i, K, *y, *dev_y, nBlocks, trials = 1000;
if(argc > 2)
trials = atoi(argv[2]);
load_data(argc, argv, &K, &y, &n);
/* starting values of hyperparameters */
a = 20;
b = 1;
/*------ Allocate memory -----------------------------------------*/
CUDA_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_y, K * sizeof(int)));
CUDA_CALL(cudaMemcpy(dev_y, y, K * sizeof(int),
CUDA_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_n, K * sizeof(float)));
CUDA_CALL(cudaMemcpy(dev_n, n, K * sizeof(float),
/* Allocate space for theta and log_theta on device and host */
CUDA_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_theta, K * sizeof(float)));
CUDA_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_log_theta, K * sizeof(float)));
/* Allocate space for random states on device */
CUDA_CALL(cudaMalloc((void **)&devStates, K * sizeof(curandState)));
/*------ Setup random number generators (one per thread) ---------*/
nBlocks = 500;
setup_kernel<<<nBlocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(devStates, 0, K);
/*------ Free Memory -------------------------------------------*/
* Sample each theta from the appropriate gamma distribution
__device__ void sample_theta_seq(float *theta, float *log_theta, int *y, float *n,
float a, float b, int K, curandState *state){
float hyperA, hyperB;
for ( int i = 0; i < K; i++ ){
hyperA = a + y[i];
hyperB = b + n[i];
theta[i] = rgamma(state,i,hyperA, hyperB);
log_theta[i] = log(theta[i]);
__global__ void seqMetroProcess(int K, int nBlocks, int *y, float *n, curandState *state,
float *theta, float *log_theta,
float a, float b, int trials){
/*------ MCMC ----------------------------------------------------*/
int i;
int start = blockIdx.x * K/nBlocks;
int lengthPerBlock = K/nBlocks;
//partition the data
int *yy = &y[start];
float *nn = &n[start];
float *sTheta = &theta[start];
float *sLogTheta = &log_theta[start];
printf("block id:%d\n",blockIdx.x);
for(int j = 0; j < lengthPerBlock ; j++) {
printf("%d ", yy[j]);
printf("alpha, beta\n");
/* Steps of MCMC */
for(i = 0; i < trials; i++){
//sample_theta<<<nBlocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(devStates, dev_theta, dev_log_theta, dev_y, dev_n, a, b, K);
sample_theta_seq(sTheta, sLogTheta, yy, nn, a, b, K, state);
/* Make iterators for thetas and log thetas. */
// thrust::device_ptr<float> theta(dev_theta);
// thrust::device_ptr<float> log_theta(dev_log_theta);
/* Compute pairwise sums of thetas and log_thetas. */
// flat_sum = thrust::reduce(theta, theta + K);
// sum_logs = thrust::reduce(log_theta, log_theta + K);
/* Sample hyperparameters. */
// a = sample_a(a, b, K, sum_logs);
// b = sample_b(a, K, flat_sum);
/* print hyperparameters. */
printf("%f, %f\n", a, b);
* Read in data.
__host__ void load_data(int argc, char **argv, int *K, int **y, float **n){
int k;
char line[128];
FILE *fp;
if(argc > 1){
fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
} else {
printf("Please provide input filename\n");
if(fp == NULL){
printf("Cannot read file \n");
*K = 0;
while( fgets (line, sizeof line, fp) != NULL )
*y = (int*) malloc((*K) * sizeof(int));
*n = (float*) malloc((*K) * sizeof(float));
for(k = 0; k < *K; k++)
fscanf(fp, "%d %f", *y + k, *n + k);
* Metropolis algorithm for producing random a values.
* The proposal distribution in normal with a variance that
* is adjusted at each step.
__host__ float sample_a(float a, float b, int K, float sum_logs){
static float sigma = 2;
float U, log_acceptance_ratio, proposal = rnorm() * sigma + a;
if(proposal <= 0)
return a;
log_acceptance_ratio = (proposal - a) * sum_logs +
K * (proposal - a) * log(b) -
K * (lgamma(proposal) - lgamma(a));
U = rand() / float(RAND_MAX);
if(log(U) < log_acceptance_ratio){
sigma *= 1.1;
return proposal;
} else {
sigma /= 1.1;
return a;
* Sample b from a gamma distribution.
__host__ float sample_b(float a, int K, float flat_sum){
float hyperA = K * a + 1;
float hyperB = flat_sum;
return rgamma(hyperA, hyperB);
* Box-Muller Transformation: Generate one standard normal variable.
* This algorithm can be more efficiently used by producing two
* random normal variables. However, for the CPU, much faster
* algorithms are possible (e.g. the Ziggurat Algorithm);
* This is actually the algorithm chosen by NVIDIA to calculate
* normal random variables on the GPU.
__host__ float rnorm(){
float U1 = rand() / float(RAND_MAX);
float U2 = rand() / float(RAND_MAX);
float V1 = sqrt(-2 * log(U1)) * cos(2 * PI * U2);
/* float V2 = sqrt(-2 * log(U2)) * cos(2 * PI * U1); */
return V1;
* See device rgamma function. This is probably not the
* fastest way to generate random gamma variables on a CPU.
__host__ float rgamma(float a, float b){
float d = a - 1.0 / 3;
float Y, U, v;
Y = rnorm();
v = pow((1 + Y / sqrt(9 * d)), 3);
// Necessary to avoid taking the log of a negative number later.
if(v <= 0)
U = rand() / float(RAND_MAX);
// Accept the sample under the following condition.
// Otherwise repeat loop.
if(log(U) < 0.5 * pow(Y,2) + d * (1 - v + log(v)))
return d * v / b;
* Generate a single Gamma distributed random variable by the Marsoglia
* algorithm (George Marsaglia, Wai Wan Tsang; 2001).
* Zeb chose this algorithm because it has a very high acceptance rate (>96%),
* so this while loop will usually only need to run a few times. Many other
* algorithms, while perhaps faster on a CPU, have acceptance rates on the
* order of 50% (very bad in a massively parallel context).
__device__ float rgamma(curandState *state, int id, float a, float b){
float d = a - 1.0 / 3;
float Y, U, v;
Y = curand_normal(&state[id]);
v = pow((1 + Y / sqrt(9 * d)), 3);
/* Necessary to avoid taking the log of a negative number later. */
if(v <= 0)
U = curand_uniform(&state[id]);
/* Accept the sample under the following condition.
Otherwise repeat loop. */
if(log(U) < 0.5 * pow(Y,2) + d * (1 - v + log(v)))
return d * v / b;
* Sample each theta from the appropriate gamma distribution
__global__ void sample_theta(curandState *state,
float *theta, float *log_theta, int *y, float *n,
float a, float b, int K){
int id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
float hyperA, hyperB;
if(id < K){
hyperA = a + y[id];
hyperB = b + n[id];
theta[id] = rgamma(state, id, hyperA, hyperB);
log_theta[id] = log(theta[id]);
* Initialize GPU random number generators
__global__ void setup_kernel(curandState *state, unsigned int seed, int K){
int id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if(id < K)
curand_init(seed, id, 0, &state[id]);