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\newcommand{\question}[1]{\vspace{10pt}\noindent $\mathbf{#1}$}
\title{Computational Geometry: Fall 2016: Homework 2}
Your answers should be typeset in \LaTeX\ or some equivalent and submitted as a \textbf{pdf}.
The \LaTeX\ source of these questions may be found on the course website under ``homework''.
Name your files as ``2\_\emph{your\_last\_name}.pdf'', all lowercase letters.
For example, I would call mine \textbf{2\_sheehy.pdf}.
% Submission: Use the same repository that you used for your last submission. If you did not submit the last homework:
Create a \textbf{private} repository on and add me (userid: she13001) as a collaborator. Name your repository ``your\_last\_name\_compgeom'' (all lowercase).
\textbf{push your solutions to the repository before midnight on Monday, Nov 7. Remember that you have to both commit and push.}
\section*{PSLGs and the HalfEdge Data Structure}
Assume (unless otherwise noted) for all of the following problems that you are given a connected HalfEdge data structure that stores the faces implcitly.
That is, there are objects for vertices and edges, but a face can be represented by an arbitrary halfedge bounding that face.
Assume the definitions of the three classes Vertex, Edge, and HalfEdge as described in class.
\textbf{HalfEdge} supports the following operations.
\item origin() - Return the Vertex at the origin (tail) of the halfedge.
\item prev() - Return the previous (in ccw order) halfedge on the same face.
\item next() - Return the next (in ccw order) halfedge on the same face.
\item twin() - Return the halfedge on the same edge but the other face.
\textbf{Vertex} supports the following operations.
\item halfedge() - Return an arbitrary halfedge that has this vertex as its origin.
\item edges() - Return a list of the edges incident to this vertex in ccw order.
\item wedge(vector) - Return the halfedge $h$ that has this vertex as its origin and such that $h$ and $$ are on opposite sides of vector in ccw order.
\textbf{Edge} supports the following operations.
\item halfedge - Return an arbitrary halfedge on this edge.
\item vertices() - Return a list of the two vertices incident to this edge.
\question{1} \textbf{Adding Edges}
Give pseudocode to implement a method to add an edge.
The method \texttt{addedge(u, v)}, takes two vertices as input.
It should update all the appropriate halfedges.
\caption*{$ADDEDGE(U, V)$}
\STATE $U_{new}$ = new $HalfEdge()$
\STATE $V_{new}$ = new $HalfEdge()$
\STATE $U_{new}$.origin = $U$; $U_{new}$.twin = $V_{new}$
\STATE $V_{new}$.origin = $V$; $V_{new}$.twin = $U_{new}$
\STATE $U_{new}$.prev = $U$.halfEdge.prev()
\STATE $U$.halfEdge.prev().next = $U_{new}$
\STATE $U_{new}$.next = $V$
\STATE $V$.halfEdge().next().prev = $U_{new}$
\STATE $V_{new}$.prev = $V$.halfEdge.prev()
\STATE $V$.halfEdge.prev().next = $V_{new}$
\STATE $V_{new}$.next = $V$
\STATE $V$ = $V_{new}$
\question{2} \textbf{Removing Edges}
Give pseudocode to implement a method to remove an edge.
The method \texttt{removeedge(e)}, takes an edge as input.
It should update all the appropriate halfedges.
You may assume the graph will remain connected.
\caption*{$REMOVEEDGE(U, V)$}
\IF{$U[i]$.halfEdge().next().origin() === $V$}
\STATE $U[i]$.halfEdge().prev().next = $U[i]$.halfEdge.twin().next()
\STATE $U[i]$.halfEdge().next().prev = $U[i]$.halfEdge.twin().prev()
\IF{$V[i]$.halfEdge().next().origin() === $U$}
\STATE $V[i]$.halfEdge().prev().next = $U[i]$.halfEdge.twin().next()
\STATE $V[i]$.halfEdge().next().prev = $U[i]$.halfEdge.twin().prev()
\question{3} \textbf{Flipping Edges}
Use the previous methods and the \texttt{InCircle} predicate to give pseudocode for a method \texttt{DelaunayFlip(e)} that takes an edge e and flips it if it's not locally Delaunay.
\STATE let $(u, v)$ = $E$.vertices()
\STATE$U_{nextVer}$ = $U$
\STATE$V_{nextVer}$ = $V$
\IF{(incircle($U, V, V_{nextVer}, U_{nextVer}$) OR incircle($U, U_{nextVer}, V, V_{nextVer}$))}
\STATE $removeEdge$(U,V)
\STATE $addEdge(U_{nextVer}, V_{nextVer})$
\STATE return;
\section*{Walking through a triangulation} % (fold)
Point location in a triangulation is the problem of finding what triangle contains a given query point.
A popular algorithm for locating a point in a triangulation uses an idea very similar to the one we used for polygon membership testing.
Recall that for polygons, we intersected every edge of the polygon with a ray and counted intersections.
Now, we are not interested in the number of intersections, but we would like to return a halfedge on the face (triangle) containing the query point $q$.
If we start from a vertex $v$ of the triangulation, we can draw a straight line segment from $v$ to $q$.
We can then walk from triangle to triangle (using halfedge operations) so that the triangles visited in this process are exactly those intersecting the line segment $\overline{vq}$.
Implemented with a halfedge data structure, we really go from halfedge to halfedge.
\question{4} \textbf{Point Location by Walking}
Give pseudocode for implementing a walking based point location algorithm for triangulations.
You may make any convenient general position assumptions on the inputs and the query.
\STATE $v$ = arbitrary vertex in triangulation
\STATE $l$ = line $vq$
\STATE $start$ = $v$.halfEdge()
\STATE $current$ = $v$.halfEdge().next()
\WHILE {$true$}
\IF{$start === current$}
\STATE $return$ current
\IF {$intersection$(current, l)}
\STATE $start$ = $current$.twin()
\STATE $current$ = $start$.next()
\STATE $current$ = $current$.next()
\question{5} \textbf{Visibility Walk}
There is another version of the walking-based point location algorithm called the ``visibility walk''.
In this version, we still go from triangle to triangle (really halfedge to halfedge), but we are less strict about which will be the next triangle.
We are instead allowed to visit the next triangle through any edge that is ``visible'' to the query point.
By ``visible'', we mean that a straight line segment from the query point to a point on the edge (not the endpoints) can drawn that does not intersect either of the other two edges of the current triangle.
There are many cases, there are two possible next triangles and any of several heuristics can be used to choose between the two.
Find an example of a triangulation and a query (in general position) for which the visibility walk may not terminate.
That is, it will cycle without every reaching the triangle containing the query.
Is your example Delaunay?
Bonus: Can there be such a bad example that is also Delaunay?
\caption {An Example of an infinite loop in a Visibility Walk}
\textbf{This infinite cycle can be fixed by using a heuristic that makes random choices when there are two possible paths to take}
A visibility walk in a triangulation that is strictly Delaunay will always terminate}
% section polygons (end)