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# ationframework
[![Build Status]( Site - Staging)]( Site - Staging)
Putting this into wordpress.
## Vagrant/Docker
Choices for local development are Docker and Vagrant.
# Replace {env} with your desired environment, most likely "local"
docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml up -d
Wordpress development on [Vagrant](
vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
vagrant up
The above will create a local site at [http://ation.local](http://ation.local/) that points to the `www` folder.
<!-- ## Production
Using AWS at the moment. You will need to configure `aws` and `ecs-cli` to deploy. After making changes and appspec is good:
aws deploy push --application-name ation --description "Your description" --ignore-hidden-files --s3-location s3://dmd-ation/ --source .
Then you will have to deploy with CodeDeploy on the console. -->
## Development
Development started with [node]( v5, and also utilizes [composer](
cd www/wp-content/themes/ation2016
npm install
composer install
Then use `gulp` to develop, it watches the `src/images/`, `src/styles/`, and `src/scripts/` folders and compiles their production version to the `static/` directory.
## Navigating the Code
This site is based off the Timber (Twig x Wordpress) library. It seems a bit daunting at first but it is significantly easier than writing native Wordpress code into theme files. Any questions about Timber functionality can be answered in their [docs]( or in their [github wiki](
Our relevant project structure is as follows:
/docker-compose-{env}.yml # Docker Compose Files per environment
/wp-env # Holds environment specific wordpress variables (db)
/ation2016 # Holds all relevant theme files
/page.php # All logic for pages held here
/functions.php # Theme specific options, video shortcode, script loading
/package.json # Holds information for npm dependencies
/gulpfile.js # Holds information for gulp build tasks
/src # Asset images, styles, scripts for development
/static # Everything from /src gets compiled here for production
/templates # All twig page templates and partials
/views # Additional pluggable partials
## Syncing Media
From local machine to remote (replacing SSHALIAS with your ssh alias or user@host):
cd uploads/directory
# For mac/linux
rsync -avz --rsh=ssh ./ SSHALIAS:/var/www/
From remote to local machine (replacing SSHALIAS with your ssh alias or user@host):
cd uploads/directory
# For mac/linux
rsync -avz --rsh=ssh SSHALIAS:/var/www/* .
# For windows
scp -r SSHALIAS:/var/www/ /path/to/local/ationframework/www/wp-content
## Builds
We use BUILDKITE for managing deployments. See [](
## Contact