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%% Script to batch bitmask-process images.
% Christian Schirmer
% Updated 21. Jan. 2021
close all; clear all;
%% Setup Batch Processing File Locations
% Define base project directory
base_dir = fullfile('C:\Users\cks11003\University of Connecticut\UConn DSCLab - General\Projects\ARM Inspection Stator Vanes\Image Data\UW_Validation_Images');
% Define Folder Location of Images to be Processed
% Note: Raw part image files should have the following format,
% corresponding to unique part ID and waypoint number:
% [part_(partID)_subregion_(waypoint#)]
% (Parenthesis should be excluded in the filename)
img_input_dir = fullfile(base_dir, 'Test Blade Images');
% Define Folder Location of Bitmasks
% Note: Bitmask files should have the following format, corresponding to
% bitmask section id: [POSE(bmskID).JPG], where (bmskID) is replaced with
% bitmask ID.
bmsk_input_dir = fullfile(base_dir, 'Bitmasks');
% Define Folder Location to Deposit Processed Images Into
% Note: Processed files will have the following format:
% [part_(partID)_region_(bmskID).jpg]
img_output_dir = fullfile(base_dir, 'Bitmasked Test Images\Unsorted_Test');
%% Calibration Setup
% Note: 'bitmask ID' and 'pose' are used interchangably here. Discrete
% positions of the blade/robot in front of the camera are referred to as
% 'waypoints'.
% Define mappings of waypoints to poses (bitmask IDs)
% poses_in_waypoints{waypointIdx} contains list of poses (bitmask IDs)
% corresponding to that waypoint.
poses_in_waypoints = {[], [1], [4], [5], [2], [3], [6 11], [9],...
[7 8], [10], [12], [21 22 23], [15 16 19 20], [14 18], [13 17]};
%% Aggregate Images
% Get list of images to load, as well as part number and pose number
disp('Aggregating list of images to process..');
imgs_2_process = {};
img_file_list = dir(fullfile(img_input_dir, '*.JPG'));
% Aggregate list of images to process, as well as corresponding waypoints
% and poses.
for i = 1:length(img_file_list)
imgs_2_process{end+1} = struct();
% Get Filename
imgs_2_process{end}.imgFile = fullfile(img_file_list(i).folder, img_file_list(i).name);
% Get Part ID
name_idcs = find(img_file_list(i).name=='_',2,'first');
imgs_2_process{end}.partNumber = img_file_list(i).name(((name_idcs(1)+1):(name_idcs(2)-1)));
% Get Waypoint Number
imgs_2_process{end}.waypoint = str2num(img_file_list(i).name(find((img_file_list(i).name=='_'),1,'last')+1:end-4));
imgs_2_process{end}.poses = poses_in_waypoints{imgs_2_process{end}.waypoint};
fprintf('%i images queued for processing.\n',length(img_file_list));
%% Load bitmasks
bmsk_file_list = dir(fullfile(bmsk_input_dir, '*.jpg'));
fprintf('Loading %i bitmask files...\n', length(bmsk_file_list));
bmsks = containers.Map('KeyType', 'uint32', 'ValueType', 'any');
for i = 1:length(bmsk_file_list)
bmsk_id = uint32(str2num(bmsk_file_list(i).name(strfind(bmsk_file_list(i).name, 'POSE')+4:end-4)));
bmsks(bmsk_id) = imread(fullfile(bmsk_file_list(i).folder, bmsk_file_list(i).name));
fprintf('%i ', i);
%% Process the images
% Create output directory, if it does not yet exist
if(~exist(img_output_dir, 'dir'))
fprintf('Processing %i Images..\n', length(imgs_2_process));
for i = 1:length(imgs_2_process)
% Load the image
raw_img = imread(imgs_2_process{i}.imgFile);
% Process with appropriate bitmasks
for pose = imgs_2_process{i}.poses
% Process Image
prcd_img = cropBitmaskedImg(applyBitmask(raw_img, bmsks(pose), 0));
% Write Processed Image Back to Folder
['part_' imgs_2_process{i}.partNumber '_region_' num2str(pose) '.jpg']));
if(mod(i,15)==0) fprintf('%i\n', i); else fprintf('%i ', i); end
fprintf('\n Complete. \n');
%% Helper Functions
function img_out = applyBitmask(img, bmsk, transparency)
bmsk = uint8(bmsk*255);
bmsk = cat(3,bmsk,bmsk,bmsk);
% Limit transparency value to [0..1]
transparency = max([min([transparency, 1]) 0]);
compositeImage = uint8(bmsk*(1-transparency) + img*transparency);
img_out = compositeImage.*(uint8(~logical(bmsk(:,:,1)))) + img.*uint8(logical(bmsk(:,:,1)));
function img_out = cropBitmaskedImg(img_bmsk)
xmmymm = getBitmaskBounds(img_bmsk);
xmin = xmmymm(1); xmax = xmmymm(2);
ymin = xmmymm(3); ymax = xmmymm(4);
img_out = img_bmsk(ymin:ymax,xmin:xmax,:);
function xmmymm = getBitmaskBounds(img_bmsk)
bmsk = uint8(img_bmsk*255);
img_bmsk = cat(3,bmsk,bmsk,bmsk);
xmin = find(max(sum(img_bmsk,3),[],1),1,'first');
xmax = find(max(sum(img_bmsk,3),[],1),1,'last');
ymin = find(max(sum(img_bmsk,3),[],2),1,'first');
ymax = find(max(sum(img_bmsk,3),[],2),1,'last');
xmmymm = [xmin xmax ymin ymax];