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function [ dU, odL, odU ] = lu_tridiag( vector1, vector2, vector3 )
%Function makes a 3x3 matrix with three 1x3 vectors, then conducts an L U
%decomposition. Function also pivots matrix
% dU: upper matrix diagonal
% odU: upper matrix diagonals, order 4, 8, 7
% odL: diagonal of lower matrix, order: 2, 6, 3
matrix = [ vector1; vector2; vector3];
pivoted = [];
zeros = matrix == 0;
row_one_zeros = find(zeros(:,1) == 1); % gives row # where zeros are in first column
row_two_zeros = find(zeros(:,2) == 1); % gives row # where zeros are in second column
if isempty(row_one_zeros)
pivoted = matrix;
if isempty(row_two_zeros) == 0 && isempty(row_one_zeros) == 0
if sum(row_one_zeros == row_two_zeros) > 0 && length(row_one_zeros) > length(row_two_zeros) % begin pivoting sequence for a matrix with two zeros in a row
% Next see if there is a row with zeros in both first and second column
location = row_one_zeros == row_two_zeros; % logical vector where two vectors are equal
third_row_number = sum(row_one_zeros' * location); % row number where two zeros exist
pivoted(3, :) = matrix(third_row_number, :); % assigns row with two zeros to row three
% Next look to see which rows have a zero only in the first row
second_row_number = find(row_one_zeros ~= third_row_number); % finds whick row is not already used for row tree
pivoted(2, :) = matrix(row_one_zeros(second_row_number),:); % assigns this row to row 2
% Next assign last row to row one
row_num = 1:3;
first_row_number = sum(row_num - row_num .* ismember(1:3,row_one_zeros')); % finds first row
pivoted(1,:) = matrix(first_row_number,:); % assigns top row to pivoted
if length(row_one_zeros) == 1 && matrix(1) == 0 % begin pivoting sequence for only zero in first row
pivoted(1,:) = matrix(2,:);
pivoted(2,:) = matrix(1,:);
pivoted(3,:) = matrix(3,:);
if length(row_one_zeros) == 1 && matrix(1) ~= 0 % pivots if only one zero in first column
if matrix(2) == 0
pivoted(1,:) = matrix(1,:);
pivoted(2,:) = matrix(3,:);
pivoted(3,:) = matrix(2,:);
if matrix(3) == 0
pivoted = matrix;
if isempty(pivoted) && length(row_one_zeros) > 1 % brute force method for matrix with many zeros
row_num = 1:3;
first_row_number = sum(row_num - row_num .* ismember(1:3,row_one_zeros'));
if first_row_number == 1
pivoted = matrix;
if length(row_two_zeros) > 0
second_row_number = sum(row_num - row_num .* ismember(1:3,row_two_zeros'));
if second_row_number == first_row_number
second_row_number = 2;
third_row_number = sum(1:3) - first_row_number - second_row_number;
pivoted(1,:) = matrix(first_row_number,:);
pivoted(2,:) = matrix(second_row_number,:);
pivoted(3,:) = matrix(third_row_number,:);
vector1 = pivoted(1,:);
vector2 = pivoted(2,:);
vector3 = pivoted(3,:);
% begins the l u decomposition
l2 = vector2(1)/vector1(1);
row2 = vector2 - l2*vector1; % row 2 of upper matrix
l3 = vector3(1)/vector1(1);
row3 = vector3 - l3*vector1;
l4 = row3(2)/row2(2);
row3 = row3 - l4*row2; % row 3 of upper matrix
pivoted = [vector1; row2; row3]; % upper matrix
dU = diag(pivoted)'; % diagonal of upper matrix
L = [ 1 0 0; l2 1 0; l3 l4 1];
verify = L*pivoted;
if verify ~= matrix % makes sure L U decomposition is correct, else displays an error message
fprintf('An error has occured \n')
odL = [ l2 l4 l3 ]; % off diagonal of lower matrix, order: 2, 6, 3
odU = [ diag(pivoted, 1)', diag(pivoted,2)]; % off diagonal of upper matrix, order: 4, 8, 7