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135 lines (122 sloc) 6.68 KB
import random # need the random library to generate random port numbers
import math
from . import packet
class attacker:
def __init__(self, connectionToServer, connectionToRouter, client_IP,
server_IP, fileGen, packetSize, bandwidthToMserver,
ipAddress="", packet_ID_prefix="A-", attackType=0,
self.clientIP = client_IP # client's IP
self.serverIP = server_IP # IP of server used for SYN-ACK Flood
self.curTime = 0 # Tracks the current time of the simulation
self.counterPacketsSent = 0 # Counter for the summary file
self.connectionToServer = connectionToServer
self.connectionToRouter = connectionToRouter
self.curTime = 0
self.packetsSent = 0 # Counter For Packets sent
self.packetsReceived = 0 # Counter for logging purposes
self.packetsDropped = 0 # counter for packets dropped
self.packetsGenerated = 0 # Counter for number of packets generated
self.packetsDroppedOnConnection = 0 # Number of packets dropped
self.fileGen = fileGen # File management object
self.packetIDPrefix = packet_ID_prefix # Used for packet IDs
self.ipAddress = ipAddress
self.packetSize = packetSize
self.bandwidthToMserver = bandwidthToMserver
self.transmissionDelay = (self.packetSize / self.bandwidthToMserver) * 1000
self.sendingPacket = None
self.timeToNextIteration = 1
self.attackType = attackType
self.reflecting = reflecting
self.openPort = None
self.checkOpenPorts = 0
def processPackets(self):
if(self.sendingPacket is None):
self.timeToNextIteration -= self.transmissionDelay
if(self.timeToNextIteration >= 0):
self.packetsGenerated += 1
packet = self.generateSYN() # generate SYN packet
self.sendingPacket = [packet, self.curTime]
self.timeToNextIteration += self.transmissionDelay
self.packetsGenerated += 1
packet = self.generateSYN() # generate SYN packet
self.sendingPacket = [packet, (self.curTime + self.transmissionDelay) - (self.timeToNextIteration)]
self.timeToNextIteration -= self.transmissionDelay
elif(self.sendingPacket is not None):
leftoverTime = self.sendingPacket[1] - self.curTime
self.timeToNextIteration -= leftoverTime
def sendPackets(self): # Puts packets onto the connection
if((self.sendingPacket[1] - self.curTime) < 1):
if(self.sendingPacket[0].dstIP == self.serverIP):
self.packetsSent += 1 # increment counter
self.connectionToServer.transferPacketOut(self.sendingPacket[0]) # place packet on connection
self.sendingPacket = None
self.packetsSent += 1 # increment counter
self.connectionToRouter.transferPacketOut(self.sendingPacket[0]) # place packet on connection
self.sendingPacket = None
def generateSYN(self):
packetType = "SYN"
destinationIP = self.serverIP
sourceIP = self.clientIP
if (self.reflecting == 0):
packetType = "SYN"
destinationIP = self.clientIP
sourceIP = self.ipAddress
if(self.attackType == 0):
portNumber = random.randint(0, 500) # generate a random port number
npacket = packet.packet(sourceIP, portNumber, destinationIP, 80,
packetType, random.randint(0, 10000), 0,
self.packetIDPrefix + str(self.packetsGenerated),
self.packetSize, self.ipAddress) # return the packet
self.fileGen.addToLog(npacket.packetID, "Generated at Attacker",
npacket.sequenceNumber, npacket.ackNumber,
npacket.packetType, self.curTime)
return npacket
if(self.openPort is None):
portNumber = random.randint(0, 500) # generate a random port number
npacket = packet.packet(self.ipAddress, 20, "", portNumber,
"PING", random.randint(0, 10000), 0,
self.packetIDPrefix + str(self.packetsGenerated),
self.packetSize, self.ipAddress)
self.fileGen.addToLog(npacket.packetID, "Generated at Attacker",
npacket.sequenceNumber, npacket.ackNumber,
npacket.packetType, self.curTime)
return npacket
elif(self.checkOpenPorts >= 10):
npacket = packet.packet(self.ipAddress, 20, "", self.openPort,
"PING", random.randint(0, 10000), 0,
self.packetIDPrefix + str(self.packetsGenerated),
self.packetSize, self.ipAddress)
self.fileGen.addToLog(npacket.packetID, "Generated at Attacker",
npacket.sequenceNumber, npacket.ackNumber,
npacket.packetType, self.curTime)
self.checkOpenPorts = 0
return npacket
npacket = packet.packet(sourceIP, 20, destinationIP, self.openPort,
packetType, random.randint(0, 10000), 0,
self.packetIDPrefix + str(self.packetsGenerated),
self.packetSize, self.ipAddress) # return the packet
self.fileGen.addToLog(npacket.packetID, "Generated at Attacker",
npacket.sequenceNumber, npacket.ackNumber,
npacket.packetType, self.curTime)
self.checkOpenPorts += 1
return npacket
def receivePacket(self, packet):
self.packetsReceived += 1
if(packet.packetType == "PONG" and self.openPort is None):
self.openPort = packet.srcPortNumber
# print("One open port found: "+ str(self.openPort))
elif(packet.packetType == "PONG-RST"):
if(packet.srcPortNumber == self.openPort):
self.openPort = None
def updateTime(self):
self.curTime += 1
self.timeToNextIteration = 1
while(self.timeToNextIteration > 0):