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# Volumetric Processing
This repository contains sample scripts for doing multilevel analysis of task fMRI data following minimal preprocessing in fmriprep.
The scripts assume the following (container) paths:
- `/bids`: The BIDS folder for the dataset
- `/fmriprep`: The fmriprep output directory, containing subject level results.
- `/results`: The output folder for the statistics
# Level 1
The `` script is a minimal [Nipype]( workflow to model the hemodynamic response to the task in a single run.
usage: [-h] [--session SESSION]
[--fmriprep_confounds [FMRIPREP_CONFOUNDS [FMRIPREP_CONFOUNDS ...]]]
[--n_cpus N_CPUS] [--fwhm FWHM] [--hpfilter HPFILTER]
[--drop_trs DROP_TRS] [--motion6] [--motion6dt]
[--space SPACE]
bids_dir fmriprep_dir output_dir tcontrast_file
participant task run
First level models for volumetric fmriprep data
positional arguments:
bids_dir Full path to the directory with the input dataset
formatted according to the BIDS standard.
fmriprep_dir Full path to the fmriprep output directory, containing
subject level folders
output_dir Full path to the base directory for outputs
tcontrast_file Full path to T contrast specification
participant Participant label to process
task Task label to process
run Run label to process
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--session SESSION Session label to process
Additional fmriprep confound columns to include.
--n_cpus N_CPUS, --n-cpus N_CPUS
Number of CPUs/cores available to use.
--fwhm FWHM Smoothing FWHM in mm
--hpfilter HPFILTER Highpass filter length in seconds
--drop_trs DROP_TRS Number of initial TRs to drop
--motion6 Include 6 motion regressors as confounds
--motion6dt Include the first derivative of the 6 motion
regressors as confounds
--space SPACE fmriprep output space to use
## Contrast file
You must provide the path to a file describing the desired contrasts for the `tcontrast_file` argument.
This file should be tab-delimited with the following structure.
- a header row, with the first column named `contrast`
- subsequent column names must exactly match possible `trial_type` values from the BIDS `_events.tsv` file. Any event types not included will be ignored in the design
- the second and following rows define T contrasts, with the name specified in the `contrast` column
contrast | condition1 | condition2
1-2 | 1 | -1
2 | 0 | 1
## Example Cluster Use
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL # Mail events (NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, ALL)
#SBATCH # Your email address
#SBATCH --nodes=1 # OpenMP requires a single node
#SBATCH --ntasks=1 # Run a single serial task
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=2gb
#SBATCH --time=00:15:00 # Time limit hh:mm:ss
#SBATCH -e error_%A_%a.log # Standard error
#SBATCH -o output_%A_%a.log # Standard output
#SBATCH --job-name=level1 # Descriptive job name
#SBATCH --partition=serial # Use a serial partition 24 cores/7days
module load singularity
singularity run --cleanenv \
--bind /scratch/psyc5171/exercises/rhyme:/data \
/scratch/psyc5171/containers/nipype.sif \
/data/volume_scripts/ $SUBJECT $TASK $RUN \
--n_cpus 1 --fwhm 8 --hpfilter 120 --motion6 \
/data/bids \
/data/bids/derivatives/fmriprep \
/data/results \
/data/contrasts.tsv \
Job submission for sub-85\_task-VisRhyme\_run-01:
sbatch 85 VisRhyme 01
# Level 2
The `` will combine results across runs using a fixed effects analysis.
To run the script, supply the path to the `results` directory where the level 1 outputs are, the subject ID (without `sub-`) and task to process, e.g.
```shell /results 01 VisRhyme
# Level 3
The `` script will calculate a one sample t-test across level 2 results.
To run the script, supply the result directory and task to process e.g.
```shell /results VisRhyme
# Level 3 permutation tests
The `` script will calculate a one sample t-test across level 2 results, using permutation test and TFCE.
To run the script, supply the result directory, task to process, and number of permutations e.g.
```shell /results VisRhyme 5000