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executable file 167 lines (137 sloc) 5 KB
from __future__ import print_function
# Imports
import sys
import getopt
# Defaults
# Functions
def Usage(msg=None):
cmerge [-d] [-s SEP] [-N KEY[/KEY/...]] KEY FILE1 FILE2 [FILE3 ...]
Read clauses from FILE1, FILE2, etc. Match clauses
between files according to the value field for KEY,
and merge all their fields.
Print results to standard out
-s SEP Character used to separate value in multi-valued fields. Default value is '%s'.
-N KEYSTR N can range from 1 to 9. KEYSTR contains list of
key values to read from file 1, or file 2, etc, up to file 9.
Values are separated by either a '/' or ','. Both can be
used in the same KEYSTR.
-d Multivalued fields within a record (that is, fields with with
identical keys) are listed separately. By default they are
joined together using a separator.
if msg:
raise SystemExit
# Read clauses and file cnt
def read_clauses(files,lower_case=False):
line_no = 0
for filecnt, fname in enumerate(files):
clause = []
# Open file
if fname=="-":
fin = sys.stdin
fin = open(fname,"r")
for line in fin.readlines():
line_no += 1
line = line.strip()
# End of clause
if not line:
if clause:
yield filecnt, clause
clause = []
# Add line to clause
if lower_case:
clause.append((line_no, line.lower()))
clause.append((line_no, line))
# Close file
if not fname=="-":
# return last clause in file
if clause:
yield filecnt, clause
clause = []
def get_clause_key_value(clause, keystr):
keystr += ':'
for lineno, clausestr in clause:
if clausestr.startswith(keystr):
return clausestr[len(keystr):].strip()
# No key instance found
return None
# Read clause, return all key,values in pairs[], and
# return value associated with the key 'keystr'
def get_split_clause(keystr,clause):
pairs = []
key_value = None
for lineno, fieldstr in clause:
if not fieldstr=='' and ':' in fieldstr:
k, v = fieldstr.split(":",1)
k, v = k.strip(), v.strip()
pairs.append((k,v) )
if k==keystr:
key_value = v
return key_value, pairs
def split_keystr(keystr):
keys = keystr.lower().strip("/").strip(",").split("/")
allkeys = []
for k in keys:
allkeys += k.split(",")
return allkeys # Keys delimited by either ',' or '/'
# Main
def main():
# Read options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'ds:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:N:')
if len(args)<3: Usage()
opts = dict(opts)
keystr, fnames = args[0], args[1:]
merged_clauses = {}
clause_key_value = None
separator = opts['-s'] if '-s' in opts else DEF_SEPARATOR
file_fields = 9*[None]
for n in range(1,10):
optkey = "-%1d" % n
if optkey in opts: file_fields[n-1] = split_keystr(opts[optkey])
for filecnt, clause in read_clauses(fnames):
# Empty clause, this marks end of previous clause
if not (len(clause)==1 and clause[0][1]==''):
key_value, pairs = get_split_clause(keystr, clause) # key_value is the value assoc with the primary key
# If this clause contains the request key field value,
# merge into merged_claues
if key_value:
if not key_value in merged_clauses:
merged_clauses[key_value] = {}
for k,v in pairs:
# Check key if we're filtering for keys (-1, -2, etc options)
if file_fields[filecnt]==None or k.lower() in file_fields[filecnt]:
if k in merged_clauses[key_value]:
if not v in merged_clauses[key_value][k]:
merged_clauses[key_value][k] = [v]
# Print merged clauses
for key_value in sorted(merged_clauses.keys()):
print("%s: %s" % (keystr, key_value))
for k,values in sorted(merged_clauses[key_value].items()):
if not k==keystr:
if '-d' in opts:
for value in values:
print( "%s: %s" % (k, value) )
print( "%s: %s" % (k, separator.join(values)) )