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executable file 354 lines (302 sloc) 12.7 KB
from __future__ import print_function
import os, gzip, pwd, sys, copy, time, getopt, collections
DEF_AGE = 120 # 120 days
DEF_MIN = 1024**4 # 1 TB
DEF_BLOCKSIZE = 1 # 1 byte
MAX_ROWS = 1000000 # Maximum number of table rows for rowformat
CNT_DATE_ERRORS = 0 # Count number of date errors on input
# Record object of directory information
class DirRecord:
def __init__(self):
self.size = 0
self.cnt = 0
self.mindate = '9999-99-99'
self.maxdate = '0000-00-00'
def update(self,cnt,size,mindate,maxdate):
self.cnt += cnt
self.size += size
self.mindate = min(self.mindate,mindate)
self.maxdate = max(self.maxdate,maxdate)
def combine(self, dirrecord):
self.cnt += dirrecord.cnt
self.size += dirrecord.size
self.mindate = min(self.mindate,dirrecord.mindate)
self.maxdate = max(self.maxdate,dirrecord.maxdate)
def is_as_old(self,olddate):
return self.maxdate<=olddate
def is_as_large(self,size,blocksize=1):
return blocksize*self.size>=size
def get_tuple(self):
return self.size, self.cnt, self.mindate, self.maxdate
def __repr__(self):
return "%s %s %s %s" % (self.size, self.cnt, self.mindate, self.maxdate)
# Print single error message and halt the program
def print_error(msg):
print(" ERROR: ", msg)
# Print verbose text
def print_verbose(verbose, msg):
if verbose:
datetimestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
print(datetimestr, msg)
# Pad text
def pad(s,width,left=False):
if left:
return (s + width*' ')[:width]
return (width*' ' + s)[-width:]
# Padd and justify rows, like Unix command 'column -t'
def rowformat(rows):
if len(rows)>MAX_ROWS:
print("ERROR: Number of rows (%d) exceeds MAX_ROWS (%d)" % len(rows), MAX_ROWS)
# get maximum width for each row
widths = []
for row in rows:
# Extend lenght of widths if necessary
if len(row)>len(widths):
widths += (len(row)-len(widths)) * [0]
widths = [ max(width,len(str(item))) for width,item in zip(widths,row) ]
for row in rows:
line = ' '.join( [ pad(str(item),width,True) for width,item in zip(widths,row) ] ).rstrip()
yield line
# Read config file that describes reports
def read_config(fname):
config = []
with open(fname) as fin:
for lineno, line in enumerate(fin):
sline = line.strip()
if not sline or sline.startswith("#"):
age, mindir, fname = sline.split()
except ValueError:
print_error("Wrong number of arguments on line %d of config file %s" % (lineno, fname))
datestr = age2date(age)
config.append((datestr, read_human(mindir), fname))
return config
# Convert integers to number of KB, MB, GB or TB
def write_human(n):
for symbol,size in ('T',1024**4), ('G',1024**3), ('M',1024**2), ('K',1024):
if n>=size:
x = n/float(size)
if x<10:
return "%.1f%s" % ( x, symbol )
return "%.f%s" % ( x, symbol )
return "%d" % n
# Given string like 2.1T or 17G, etc, return integer
def read_human(nstr):
last_chr = nstr[-1].lower()
if last_chr.lower() in ('t','g','m','k'):
factor = 1024**{'t':4, 'g':3, 'm':2, 'k':1}[last_chr]
nstr = nstr[:-1]
factor = 1
return int(float(nstr)*factor)
def age2date(daystr):
days = int(daystr)
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(time.time()-3600*24*days))
# Process command line arguments and return to main
def process_args():
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'm:a:c:b:vF:')
opts = dict(opts)
opts['age' ] = age2date (opts['-a']) if '-a' in opts else age2date(DEF_AGE)
opts['blocksize' ] = read_human(opts['-b']) if '-b' in opts else DEF_BLOCKSIZE
opts['min' ] = read_human(opts['-m']) if '-m' in opts else DEF_MIN
opts['dateformat'] = opts['-F'] if '-F' in opts else DEF_DATE_FORMAT
# Sanity check
if '-c' in opts and ('-a' in opts or '-m' in opts):
Usage("You cannot use options -a or -m with -c")
file_in, top_dir = args[:2]
col_name, col_size, col_date = [int(x)-1 for x in args[2:5]]
return opts, file_in, top_dir, col_name, col_size, col_date
except ValueError:
# Read lines from file list
def read_line(fin, col_name, col_size, col_date, opts):
if opts['dateformat']:
num_date_cols = len( opts['dateformat'].split() )
max_col = max(col_name, col_size, col_date + num_date_cols - 1)
max_col = max(col_name, col_size, col_date)
for lineno, line in enumerate(fin):
parts = line.decode().split(None,max_col+1)
if len(parts)>=max_col:
# Convert date field(s) to standard date format YYYY-mm-dd
if opts['dateformat']:
# Join adjacent date fields into one space-delimited strings
date_field = " ".join(parts[col_date:col_date+num_date_cols])
before = date_field
# Convert string to time-array using strptime
date_field = time.strptime( date_field, opts['dateformat'] )
except ValueError:
print_verbose(VERBOSE, "Cannot parse date field from line %d: (%s)" % (lineno+1, date_field))
date_field = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d", date_field )
# Assume date field already in standard date format
date_field = parts[col_date]
yield parts[col_name], int(parts[col_size]), date_field
# Remove tailing file name from file path, leaving just directory
def truncate_dir(fname):
# Note: This is 20% faster than using os.path.dirname(fname)
# and it is called *a lot* (about 400 million times)
pos = fname.rfind("/")
return fname[:pos] if pos>=0 else fname
# Adpated from
def find_owner(filename):
return pwd.getpwuid(os.stat(filename).st_uid).pw_name
except (OSError, KeyError):
return "N/A"
# Return directories that are either 'home', 'shared', or 'neither'
def get_dir_group(group_name,fnames):
home_str = "/gpfs/scratchfs1/home/"
shared_str = "/gpfs/scratchfs1/shared/"
if group_name=='home':
return [ fname for fname in fnames if fname.startswith(home_str) ]
if group_name=='shared':
return [ fname for fname in fnames if fname.startswith(shared_str)]
if group_name=='neither':
return [ fname for fname in fnames if not (fname.startswith(shared_str) or fname.startswith(home_str)) ]
return fnames
# Get component directories in name, except for top_dir and above
# Example:
# top_dir = /gpfs/scratchfs1
# name = /gpfs/scratchfs1/CREST/Blue/stat/snapshot/8.err
# Returns:
# /gpfs/scratchfs1/CREST/Blue/stat/snapshot
# /gpfs/scratchfs1/CREST/Blue/stat
# /gpfs/scratchfs1/CREST/Blue
# /gpfs/scratchfs1/CREST
def get_upper_dirs(top_dir, name):
# Remove trailing slash from top_dir
if top_dir.endswith("/"): top_dir = top_dir[:-1]
while True:
yield name
name = truncate_dir(name)
if name==top_dir or not name: break
def Usage(msg=None):
FILELIST - File with list of file system info. Each line contains the name
of a file and its directory path, size of the file, and the age of the file.
FILELIST can be a plain text file, a gzip'ed plain text file if FILELIST
ends in .gz, or standard input if FILELIST a hyphen (-)
TOPDIR - Directory or directories to strip off from the top of each file path, when
displaying information in the output
COL_NAME - Which column contains the file names. Columns numbered starting with 1.
COL_SIZE - Which column contains the file size. The units are determined by -b option.
Default is bytes.
COL_DATE - Which column contains the date. Default format is YYYY-mm-dd (e.g. 2010-12-05).
You can use the -F option to specify a different data format.
-a AGE_DAYS Only print directories older than AGE_DAYS: default is %d days
-m MIN_DIRSIZE Minimum directory size: default is %s. You can use K,M,G and T suffixes.
-c CONFIG Read AGE_DAYS, MIN_DIRSIZE, and output file name from CONFIG file
Each line produced separate output.
-b BLOCKSIZE Size of blocks used in COL_SIZE. Default is 1 byte.
You can use K,M,G and T suffixes.
-F DATE_FORMAT Date format for date in COL_DATE. Default is %%Y-%%m-%%d. See 'date'
command for allowed formats.
Config Example:
# Comments begin with '#'
7 1T dtree-007.out
30 1T dtree-030.out
60 1T dtree-060.out
90 1T dtree-090.out
120 1T dtree-120.out
""" % (DEF_AGE, write_human(DEF_MIN)) )
# Print error msg
if msg:
print(" ", msg)
# For group_str of directories, return formated table string ready to print
# Table columns are right? justified by rowformat
def format_table(group_str, top_dir_names, all_tree, blocksize):
rows = [
( "========", "========", "=============", "===========", "=========", "================" ),
for dir_name in get_dir_group(group_str, top_dir_names):
d = all_tree[dir_name]
# Save: directory size, file count, avg file size, newest file date, directory owner, directory name
size = blocksize*d.size
rows.append( (write_human(size), d.cnt, write_human(size/d.cnt), d.maxdate, find_owner(dir_name), dir_name) )
return "\n".join ( rowformat( rows ) )
def main():
global VERBOSE
# Get arguments
# col_name,col_size,col_date are the column position of file name, size and date.
opts, file_in, top_dir, col_name, col_size, col_date = process_args()
# Set config
if '-c' in opts:
config = read_config(opts['-c'])
config = [ (opts['age'], opts['min'], '-' ) ]
VERBOSE = '-v' in opts
print_verbose(VERBOSE, "Starting to read file listing")
# Store data for each folder in a dict of DirRecord objects
bottom_tree = collections.defaultdict(DirRecord)
# Read from stdin, or gzipped file, or plain text file
fin = sys.stdin if file_in=='-' else if file_in.endswith(".gz") else open(file_in)
for lineno, (fname, size, datestr) in enumerate(read_line(fin, col_name, col_size, col_date, opts)):
if VERBOSE and (lineno % 1000000)==0:
print_verbose(VERBOSE,"Reading line %d" % lineno)
bottom_dir = truncate_dir(fname)
bottom_tree[bottom_dir].update( 1, size, datestr, datestr )
if not file_in=='-': fin.close()
if CNT_DATE_ERRORS>0: print("WARNING: Number of lines with unparseable date fields: %d" % CNT_DATE_ERRORS)
# Combine data about folders
# Process every bottom directory
print_verbose(VERBOSE, "Collecting bottom directory info into higher directories")
all_tree = collections.defaultdict(DirRecord)
for bottom_dir in bottom_tree.keys():
# For every full dir path, get paths for each upper directory
for upper_dir in get_upper_dirs(top_dir, bottom_dir):
# Combine bottom directory with upper direcgtory info
all_tree[upper_dir].combine( bottom_tree[bottom_dir] )
# Do each report from config
blocksize = opts['blocksize']
for nreport, (age, mindir, fname) in enumerate(config):
print_verbose(VERBOSE, "Collecting directories old enough and large enough")
# Remove young and small directories
eligible_names = []
for name, props in all_tree.items():
if props.is_as_old(age) and props.is_as_large(mindir,blocksize):
# Remove sub-directories which are included in higher directories
print_verbose(VERBOSE, "Keeping only top directories")
top_dir_names = []
prev_name = None
for name in sorted(eligible_names):
# This directory is a subdirectory of the previous one
if not (prev_name and name.startswith(prev_name+"/")):
prev_name = name
# Sort remaining directories by size and print
top_dir_names = sorted(top_dir_names, reverse=True, key=lambda k: all_tree[k].size)
# Print this report
print_verbose(VERBOSE, "Printing list of quailifying directories to file %s" % fname)
fout = sys.stdout if fname=='-' else open(fname,"w")
print("#SCRATCH DIRECTORIES", file=fout)
print(format_table("neither", top_dir_names, all_tree, blocksize), file=fout)
print("\n#HOME DIRECTORIES", file=fout)
print(format_table("home", top_dir_names, all_tree, blocksize), file=fout)
print("\n#SHARED DIRECTORIES", file=fout)
print(format_table("shared", top_dir_names, all_tree, blocksize), file=fout)
# Close file
if not fname=='-': fout.close()