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executable file 280 lines (229 sloc) 9.35 KB
from __future__ import print_function
import re, pwd, sys, ldap, time, getopt, subprocess
# Configuration
# Create file containing LDAP info
# formatted like this
# LDAP_HOST = "xxxxxxx"
# LDAP_BINDDN = "xxxxxxx"
# LDAP_BASE = "xxxxxxx"
# LDAP_BINDPASS = "xxxxxxx"
from get_inactive_users_config import *
# LDAP Functions
def _decode(bstrs):
return [ bstr.decode('utf-8') for bstr in bstrs ]
# Convert values in dict from byte to string
def _decode_dict(bdict):
return dict( [ (k,_decode(v)) for k,v in bdict.items() ] )
def Search_Netid(netid, attrs):
if type(attrs)==type(''): # Convert string to list of one
attrs = [attrs]
l= ldap.initialize("ldap://%s:389" % LDAP_HOST)
l.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
l.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)
l.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND, True)
l.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, 255)
filtr = '(samaccountname=%s)' % netid
results = l.search_s( LDAP_BASE, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filtr, attrs )
# Decode byte in dict values to strings
return [ (k,_decode_dict(v)) for k,v in results ]
# Check eduPersonAffiliation attribute to determine if NetID is active
# Calls Search_Netid() above
def Is_Netid_Active(netid):
results = Search_Netid(netid,'samaccountname')
return len(results)!=0
# Functions
def Usage(msg=None):
Usage: [-v] DAYS
Get list of netids, emails and name for users who have
not run jobs or logged into the cluster in the past DAYS,
*and* who are also inactive in ldap.
-v Print progress output to stderr
- It may take 2 minutes or more to return.
- Output is written to stdout
if msg:
# nckeck_output("ls -lt | sort -r")
# or
# ncheck_output(["ls -lt", "sort -r" ])
# or
# ncheck_output( [ ["ls", "-lt"], ["sort", "-r" ] ] )
# will all produce the same output
def ncheck_output(cmds, content=None, shell=False):
# Following will take either of these three arguments as cmds:
# "ls -lt | sort -r"
# [ "ls -lt", "sort -r" ]
# [ ["ls", "-lt"], ["sort", "-r"] ]
# and return the last form. This last form is used for the subprocess.Popen command
cmds = [ _split_if_string(cmd) for cmd in _split_if_string(cmds,"|") ]
ncmds = len(cmds)
ps = ncmds*[None]
for i,cmd in enumerate(cmds):
if i==0:
ps[i] = subprocess.Popen(cmds[i], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell)
# Note: stdin below is the stdout of the previously run command (ps[i-1])
ps[i] = subprocess.Popen(cmds[i], stdin=ps[i-1].stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell)
for i in range(ncmds-1):
# Return standard output: use decode to convert Python3's byte object to string (is Python2 compatible)
if content:
return ps[-1].communicate(input=content.encode())[0].decode()
return ps[-1].communicate()[0].decode()
# Return text from stderr and stdout: Not that only stderr from last command is returned, other stderr ignore
def ncheck_error_output(cmds, shell=False):
# Following will take either of these three arguments as cmds:
# "ls -lt | sort -r"
# [ "ls -lt", "sort -r" ]
# [ ["ls", "-lt"], ["sort", "-r"] ]
# and return the last form. This last form is used for the subprocess.Popen command
cmds = [ _split_if_string(cmd) for cmd in _split_if_string(cmds,"|") ]
ncmds = len(cmds)
ps = ncmds*[None]
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
for i,cmd in enumerate(cmds):
if i==0:
ps[i] = subprocess.Popen(cmds[i], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=shell)
# Note: stdin below is the stdout of the previously run command (ps[i-1])
ps[i] = subprocess.Popen(cmds[i], stdin=ps[i-1].stdout, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=shell)
for i in range(ncmds-1):
last_out, last_err = ps[-1].communicate()
return last_err, last_out
def _is_sequence(var):
return type(var) in (type([]),type(()))
def _split_if_string(var,sep=None):
if not _is_sequence(var):
return var.split(sep)
return var
# Print verbose text
def print_verbose(verbose, msg):
if verbose:
datetimestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
print("# VERBOSE: ", datetimestr, msg, file=sys.stderr)
# Get list of users who have submitted Slurm jobs in the past days_str
def get_slurm_users(days_str):
SECS_PER_DAY = 24 * 3600
secs = time.time() - int(days_str) * SECS_PER_DAY
date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(secs) )
# Sacct command to list all users for jobs submitted since 'date'
cmd = [ [ 'sacct', '-anX', '-S', date, '-o', 'user%16' ] ]
out = ncheck_output(cmd)
# Get set of users
users = set()
for line in out.split("\n"):
user = line.strip()
if user:
users.add( user )
return sorted(users)
# Get list of users who have logged into the cluster login nodes in the past days_str
def get_login_users(days_str):
cmd = [ [ 'clush', '-w', '@login', 'lastlog', '-t', days_str ] ]
err, out = ncheck_error_output(cmd)
users = set()
for line in out.split("\n"):
host, user, other = line.split(None, 2)
except ValueError:
if not user=='Username':
return sorted(users)
# Get name and email info for each users
def get_user_info(users):
userinfo = []
# Use set() to remove duplicates
for user in set(users):
entry = pwd.getpwnam(user)
except KeyError:
if entry:
name, email = entry.pw_gecos.split(" {",1)
email = email.rstrip(" }")
except (ValueError, KeyError):
userinfo.append( ( user, email, name ) )
return sorted(userinfo)
# Return true if netid format (AAA00000)
def is_netid_format(name):
return bool( re.match( '^[a-zA-Z]{3}[0-9]{5}$', name ) )
# Get list of all users - active and inactive
def get_all_users():
users = []
for record in pwd.getpwall():
if record.pw_uid>=1000 and is_netid_format(record.pw_name):
return sorted(users)
def check_inactive_ldap(users):
inactive_ldap_users = []
for user in users:
if not Is_Netid_Active(user):
return sorted(inactive_ldap_users)
# Main
def main():
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'v')
opts = dict(opts)
verbose = '-v' in opts
if not args: Usage()
# Check for valid day string
days_str = args[0]
days = int(days_str)
except ValueError:
Usage(" ERROR: Could not parse the number of days (%s)" % days_str )
# Get all users. This will include both active and inactive users.
print_verbose(verbose, "Reading list of all users (active and inactive)" )
users_all = get_all_users()
print_verbose(verbose, "Number of users (active and inactive) %d" % len(users_all) )
# Get list of users who have submitted slurm jobs in the past days
print_verbose(verbose, "Reading slurm users (this may take a minute or two)")
users_slurm = get_slurm_users(days_str)
print_verbose(verbose, "Number of slurm users %d" % len(users_slurm) )
# Get list of users who have logged into on of the login nodes in the past days
print_verbose(verbose, "Reading login node users")
users_login = get_login_users(days_str)
print_verbose(verbose, "Number of login users %d" % len(users_login) )
# Filter out users who have run jobs or performed logins
print_verbose(verbose, "Filter out active users (those who have run jobs or logged in)")
users_inactive = set(users_all) - set(users_slurm) - set(users_login)
print_verbose(verbose, "Number of inactive users %d" % len(users_inactive) )
# Check inactive users, return those with no ldap entry
print_verbose(verbose, "Filter out ldap-active users (those who are active in ldap)" )
users_inactive_no_ldap = check_inactive_ldap(users_inactive)
print_verbose(verbose, "Number of inactive users with no ldap account %d" % len(users_inactive_no_ldap) )
# Get user info (remove admin accounts)
print_verbose(verbose, "Get info for final inactive users")
userinfo = get_user_info( users_inactive_no_ldap)
# Print
print( "# List of users who have not used clutser in %s days and are not in ldap" % days_str )
for netid, email, name in userinfo:
print(netid, email, name)