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238 lines (112 sloc) 5.75 KB
****&&&& ssc install iptATE (this is case-sensitive)
****&&&& ssc install estout
****&&&& change directory to be the same one where the .xlsx data are located
cd "C:\Users\jcohen2\Desktop\Bryan Graham Stata software\IPT-GWR_Application_SouthVan_Richmond_6-15-17-dumweighted\"
log using vanrich_log, text replace
import excel using "C:\Users\jcohen2\Desktop\Bryan Graham Stata software\IPT-GWR_Application_SouthVan_Richmond_6-15-17-dumweighted\data_for_application.xlsx", firstrow
* run through the list of observations that have gross building area data, from Jan 2006 - Sept 2007 for application
*FOCUS ON WHETHER A PROPERTY IS IN southern part of CITY OF Vancouver (treatment) after the flood, OR other (control), USING 1 CONTROL VARIABLE (lotsize_sqft)
*y is price per square foot of building area
local datasample= _N
gen id= _n
mkmat Long, matrix(weast)
mkmat Lat, matrix(wnorth)
*set bandwidth, h:
scalar h=0.03
forvalues i = 1/`datasample' {
scalar east`i'=weast[`i',1]
scalar north`i'=wnorth[`i',1]
gen dist`i' = (((Long-east`i')^2+(Lat-north`i')^2)^0.5)
gen paren`i'=exp(-0.5*(dist`i'/h)^2)
gen w_w_`i'=(paren`i')^0.5
gen y=sale_price/GR_BUILDING_AREA
gen lotsize_sqft_thous=LotSize_Sqft/1000
gen x1=EFF_AGE*lotsize_sqft_thous
gen x2=x1^2
label variable y "sale price per square ft"
label variable x1 "[effective age]x[lotsize(thous square feet)]"
label variable x2 "([effective age]x[lotsize(thous square feet)])^2"
label variable dum_treat "Treatment Dummy"
label variable lotsize_sqft_thous "Lotsize(thous sqft)"
label variable EFF_AGE "Effective Age"
estpost sum y EFF_AGE lotsize_sqft_thous dum_treat
esttab . using descrip_stats.rtf, replace label cells("mean sd min max count") noobs title(Descriptive Statistics, Vancouver Application)
eststo clear
label variable dum_treat "ATE"
reg y dum_treat x1 x2
eststo m1
esttab . using diff_in_diff.rtf, replace label title(Difference-In-Differences Results, Vancouver Application) stats(r2 N, fmt(3 0 1) label(R-sq)) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)
eststo clear
iptATE y dum_treat x1 x2, optroutine(e2)
eststo m2
esttab . using IPT.rtf, replace label title(Inverse Probability Tilting Estimation Results, Vancouver Application) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)
mat ATE_IPT=e(b)
mat ATE_variance=e(V)
scalar var_ATE=ATE_variance[1,1]
scalar b_ATE=ATE_IPT[1,1]
scalar v_ATE=(var_ATE)^0.5
eststo clear
*create absolute value of weights
file open applic_file using "C:\Users\jcohen2\Desktop\Bryan Graham Stata software\IPT-GWR_Application_SouthVan_Richmond_6-15-17-dumweighted\myfile.txt", write replace
forvalues i = 1/`datasample' {
*create w times x
gen x1_w_w_`i' = w_w_`i'*x1
gen x2_w_w_`i' =((w_w_`i')*x1)^2
gen dum_treat_w_w_`i' =(w_w_`i')*dum_treat
*run iptATE
iptATE y dum_treat_w_w_`i' x1_w_w_`i' x2_w_w_`i' , optroutine(e2)
*save coefficients and V-cov matrix
mat b_w_w_`i'=e(b)
mat v_w_w_`i'=e(V)
*note h_b and h_v is the column number where the ate is listed, in both the parameter vector and the vcov vector
scalar h_b=colnumb(b_w_w_`i', "ate:gamma")
scalar h_v=colnumb(v_w_w_`i', "ate:gamma")
scalar v_ATE`i'=v_w_w_`i'[h_v,h_v]
scalar b_ATE`i'=b_w_w_`i'[1,h_b]
*take the square root of the ate variance to get the standard error (se) of the ate
scalar se_ATE`i'=(v_ATE`i')^0.5
*write b and se to txt file
display `i', b_ATE`i', se_ATE`i'
file write applic_file ("`i'") _tab (b_ATE`i') _tab (se_ATE`i') _n
file write applic_file ("`i'")
file close applic_file
save vanrich_June2018_with_weights.dta, replace
label data vanrich_data_with_weights
import delimited "C:\Users\jcohen2\Desktop\Bryan Graham Stata software\IPT-GWR_Application_SouthVan_Richmond_6-15-17-dumweighted\myfile.txt"
gen id=v1
gen b_ATE=v2
gen v_ATE=v3
label variable b_ATE "ATE"
label variable v_ATE "Standard Errors of ATE"
drop v1 v2 v3
merge 1:1 id using "C:\Users\jcohen2\Desktop\Bryan Graham Stata software\IPT-GWR_Application_SouthVan_Richmond_6-15-17-dumweighted\vanrich_June2018_with_weights.dta"
export delimited "C:\Users\jcohen2\Desktop\Bryan Graham Stata software\IPT-GWR_Application_SouthVan_Richmond_6-15-17-dumweighted\final_output_file_with_ATEs.txt", replace
estpost sum b_ATE v_ATE
esttab . using GIPT.rtf, replace label cells("mean sd min max count") noobs title(Geographically-Weighted Inverse Probability Tilting Results, bandwidth=0.03)
eststo clear
*now make table of ATE's for each observation
gen tstat=(b_ATE)/((v_ATE)^0.5)
gen stderror=(v_ATE)^0.5
gen Significance=0
replace Significance = 1 if tstat < -1.96
putdocx begin
putdocx paragraph
putdocx text ("Estimates of ATE, Standard Error, and Significance for Each Observation")
putdocx paragraph
putdocx text ("Note that a value of 1 in the 'Significance' column indicates the ATE is statistically significant for that observation")
putdocx paragraph
putdocx text ("bandwidth = 0.03")
putdocx table tbl1 = data("b_ATE stderror tstat Significance Lat Long"), varnames
putdocx save mydata.docx, replace
*rename applic_file so that there won't be problems the next time this program runs
shell ren "C:\Users\jcohen2\Desktop\Bryan Graham Stata software\IPT-GWR_Application_SouthVan_Richmond_6-15-17-dumweighted\runs\myfile.txt" "C:\Users\jcohen2\Desktop\Bryan Graham Stata software\IPT-GWR_Application_SouthVan_Richmond_6-15-17-dumweighted\testfile.txt", replace
log close