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1089 lines (918 sloc) 45.7 KB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
using TeamDBAwesome.Models;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TeamDBAwesome.SqlService
public class MySqlService
private MySqlConnection SqlConn;
private string server, database, uid, password;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an instance of the MySqlService
/// </summary>
public MySqlService()
/// <summary>
/// creates the actual connection, keeping things private
/// </summary>
private void Init_Connection()
server = "localhost";
database = "chinook";
uid = "root";
password = "";
string connectionString = "SERVER=" + server + ";" + "DATABASE=" + database + ";" + "UID=" + uid + ";" + "PASSWORD=" + password + ";";
SqlConn = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
private string GetDBString(string SqlFieldName, MySqlDataReader Reader)
return Reader[SqlFieldName].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? String.Empty : Reader.GetString(SqlFieldName);
private DateTime GetSqlDate(string SqlFieldName, MySqlDataReader Reader)
return new DateTime();
/// <summary>
/// opens a connection to the DB
/// </summary>
/// <returns>a bool representing the success or failure</returns>
private bool OpenConnection()
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// closes a connection to the DB
/// </summary>
/// <returns>bool for success or failure</returns>
private bool CloseConnection()
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a new User into the DB
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newCust">a new customer object</param>
/// <returns>a 0 on success, 1 otherwise</returns>
public int AddNewUser(Customer newCust)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
//do the update into person
string update = "INSERT into chinook.Person(LastName,FirstName,Address,City,State,PostalCode,Country,Phone,Fax,Email)" +
" VALUES (\"" + newCust.LName + "\",\"" + newCust.FName + "\",\"" + newCust.Address + "\",\"" + newCust.City + "\",\"" + newCust.State +
"\",\"" + newCust.Post + "\",\"" + newCust.Country + "\",\"" + newCust.Phone + "\",\"" + newCust.Fax + "\",\"" + newCust.Email + "\");";
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(update, SqlConn);
//now we need to get the primary key from that recent update
string pk_query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()";
command = new MySqlCommand(pk_query, SqlConn);
string newPersonID = command.ExecuteScalar() + "";
//it turns out that CustomerID isn't an auto incrementing value because people suck, so we need to get that
string cust_pk_query = "SELECT CustomerID FROM customer ORDER BY CustomerId DESC LIMIT 1";
command = new MySqlCommand(cust_pk_query, SqlConn);
string nextCustIDstring = command.ExecuteScalar() + "";
int next_custID_int = int.Parse(nextCustIDstring);
next_custID_int = next_custID_int + 1;
nextCustIDstring = next_custID_int.ToString();
//now we can put into Customer
if (newCust.Company == "" || newCust.Company == null)
update = "INSERT INTO chinook.Customer(CustomerID,Company,SupportRepID,PersonID) VALUES (" + nextCustIDstring + ",\"" + newCust.Company + "\",\"" + newCust.SupportRepId +
"\",\"" + newPersonID + "\")";
update = "INSERT INTO chinook.Customer(CustomerID,Company,SupportRepID,PersonID) VALUES (" + nextCustIDstring + ", NULL" + "," + newCust.SupportRepId +
"," + newPersonID + ")";
command = new MySqlCommand(update, SqlConn);
//close the connection
return int.Parse(newPersonID);
return 0;
public int addToPlaylist(int trackid, int playlistid)
bool connect = this.OpenConnection();
if(connect == true)
string insert = "INSERT INTO PlaylistTrack (PlaylistId,TrackId) VALUES (" + playlistid + "," + trackid + ")";
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(insert, SqlConn);
return 0;
return 1;
public int addToCustomPlaylist(int trackid, int playlistid)
bool connect = this.OpenConnection();
if (connect == true)
string insert = "INSERT INTO MyPlaylistTrack (PlaylistId,TrackId) VALUES (" + playlistid + "," + trackid + ")";
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(insert, SqlConn);
return 0;
return 1;
public int removeFromCustomPlaylist(int trackid, int playlistid)
bool connect = this.OpenConnection();
if (connect == true)
string insert = "DELETE FROM MyPlaylistTrack WHERE PlaylistId = " + playlistid + " AND TrackId = " + trackid;
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(insert, SqlConn);
return 0;
return 1;
public int removeFromPlaylist(int trackid, int playlistid)
bool connect = this.OpenConnection();
if (connect == true)
string insert = "DELETE FROM PlaylistTrack WHERE PlaylistId = " + playlistid + " AND TrackId = " + trackid;
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(insert, SqlConn);
return 0;
return 1;
public int createOrder(int custId)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if(open == true)
string insert = "INSERT INTO Orders (CustomerId) VALUES (" + custId + ")";
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(insert, SqlConn);
string pk_query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()";
command = new MySqlCommand(pk_query, SqlConn);
int newOrderID = int.Parse(command.ExecuteScalar() + "");
return newOrderID;
return 0;
public int createInvoice(int custId, int payId, int orderId)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if(open == true)
//first get all of the customer info
string personQuery = "select person.Address as billAdr, " +
"person.City as billCity, " +
"person.State as billState, " +
"person.Country as billCountry, " +
"person.PostalCode as billPost " +
"from person " +
"left join customer on customer.PersonID = person.PersonId " +
"where customer.CustomerId = " + custId;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(personQuery, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
string Address = "", City = "", State="", Country="", PostalCode = "";
while (reader.Read())
Address = GetDBString("billAdr", reader);
City = GetDBString("billCity", reader);
State = GetDBString("billState", reader);
Country = GetDBString("billCountry", reader);
PostalCode = GetDBString("billPost", reader);
//get the order total
float total = 0;
string costQuery = "Select UnitPrice from track left join ordertracks on track.trackid = ordertracks.trackid where orderId = " + orderId;
cmd = new MySqlCommand(costQuery, SqlConn);
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
total = total + float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader));
//get the next number for invoiceId
string nextInvoiceQuery = "Select invoiceid from invoice order by invoiceid desc limit 1";
cmd = new MySqlCommand(nextInvoiceQuery, SqlConn);
int nextInvoice = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar() + "") + 1;
//get current date time
DateTime dateValue = DateTime.Now;
string NowTime = dateValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
//now do the insert
string insert = "Insert into invoice (invoiceid, customerid, invoicedate, billingaddress, billingcity, billingstate, billingcountry, billingpostalcode, total, payid) " +
"(" + nextInvoice + "," + custId + ",\"" + NowTime + "\",\"" + Address + "\",\"" + City + "\",\"" + State + "\",\"" + Country + "\",\"" + PostalCode + "\"," + total + "," + payId + ")";
cmd = new MySqlCommand(insert, SqlConn);
return nextInvoice;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// adds a payment type to the database
/// </summary>
/// <param name="payment">an instance of the Payment Model</param>
/// <returns>0 on success, 1 on error</returns>
public int AddPayment(Payment payment)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
string new_payment = "insert into chinook.payment(CustomerId,IsDefault) VALUES (" + payment.CustomerId + "," + payment.is_default + ")";
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(new_payment, SqlConn);
//now we need to get the primary key from that recent update
string pk_query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()";
command = new MySqlCommand(pk_query, SqlConn);
string newPayId = command.ExecuteScalar() + "";
string PayTypeInsert;
if (payment.Type == "CC")
PayTypeInsert = "insert into creditcard(PayId,CreditCardNumber,ExpirationDate) VALUES (" + newPayId + "," +
payment.cardnum + ",\"" + payment.expr_date + "\")";
else if (payment.Type == "AP")
PayTypeInsert = "insert into applepay(PayId,ApplePayToken) VALUES (" + newPayId + ",\"" +
payment.token + "\")";
else if (payment.Type == "GP")
PayTypeInsert = "insert into googlepay(PayId,GoogleEmail,GoogleToken) VALUES (" + newPayId + ",\"" + + "\",\"" + payment.token + "\")";
return 1;
command = new MySqlCommand(PayTypeInsert, SqlConn);
return 0;
public int AddTrackOrer(int OrderId, int TrackId)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
string insert = "INSERT INTO ordertracks (OrderId,TrackId) VALUES (" + OrderId + "," + TrackId + ")";
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(insert, SqlConn);
return 0;
return 1;
public List<Track> getOrderTracks(int orderId)
List <Track> trackList = new List<Track>();
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if(open == true)
string query = "select track.TrackId as TrackID, track.Name as trackname,track.Composer as trackcomposer, " +
"track.Milliseconds,track.Bytes, track.UnitPrice, Album.Title as albumtitle,MediaType.Name as mediatype, as artist, " +
"Genre.Name as genre " +
"from track " +
"left join ordertracks on track.TrackId = ordertracks.trackid " +
"left join Album on track.AlbumId = Album.AlbumId " +
"left join mediatype on track.MediaTypeId=mediatype.MediaTypeId " +
"left join genre on track.GenreId = genre.GenreId " +
"left join artist on album.artistid = artist.artistid " +
"where ordertracks.orderid = " + orderId;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Track track;
while (reader.Read())
track = new Track();
track.TrackId = int.Parse(GetDBString("TrackId", reader));
track.TrackName = GetDBString("trackname", reader);
track.Composer = GetDBString("trackcomposer", reader);
track.Milliseconds = int.Parse(GetDBString("Milliseconds", reader));
track.Bytes = int.Parse(GetDBString("Bytes", reader));
track.UnitPrice = float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader));
track.AlbumTitle = GetDBString("albumtitle", reader);
track.MediaType = GetDBString("mediatype", reader);
track.Genre = GetDBString("genre", reader);
track.artist = GetDBString("artist", reader);
return trackList;
public List<int> customerOrders(int custId)
List<int> id_list = new List<int>();
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if(open == true)
string query = "SELECT OrderId from orders where CustomerId = " + custId;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
id_list.Add(int.Parse(GetDBString("OrderId", reader)));
return id_list;
/// <summary>
/// Update a Customer Object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customer">A customer object</param>
/// <returns>0 success, 1 otherwise</returns>
public int UpdateCustomer(Customer customer)
string update_person = "Update person SET FirstName=\'" + customer.FName + "\', LastName=\'" + customer.LName +
"\', Address=\'" + customer.Address + "\', City=\'" + customer.City + "\', State=\'" + customer.State +
"\', Country=\'" + customer.Country + "\', PostalCode=\'" + customer.Post + "\', Phone=\'" +
customer.Phone + "\', Fax=\'" + customer.Fax + "\', Email=\'" + customer.Email + "\' WHERE PersonId=\'" +
customer.PersonID + "\'";
string update_customer = "Update customer set Company=\'" + customer.Company + "\', SupportRepID=\'" +
customer.SupportRepId + "\' WHERE CustomerId =\'" + customer.CustomerID + "\'";
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(update_person, SqlConn);
command = new MySqlCommand(update_customer, SqlConn);
return 1;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a Customer from the DB
/// </summary>
/// <param name="PersonID">a personID related to the customer</param>
/// <returns>A customer object</returns>
public Customer GetCustomer(int PersonID)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
Customer customer = new Customer();
if (open == true)
string customer_query = "select * from `person` left join `customer` on person.PersonId=customer.PersonID where Customer.CustomerID = " + PersonID.ToString();
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(customer_query, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
customer.FName = GetDBString("FirstName", reader);
customer.LName = GetDBString("LastName", reader);
customer.CustomerID = int.Parse(GetDBString("CustomerID", reader));
customer.Address = GetDBString("Address", reader);
customer.City = GetDBString("City", reader);
customer.State = GetDBString("State", reader);
customer.Post = GetDBString("PostalCode", reader);
customer.Country = GetDBString("Country", reader);
customer.Phone = GetDBString("Phone", reader);
customer.Fax = GetDBString("Fax", reader);
customer.Email = GetDBString("Email", reader);
customer.Company = GetDBString("Company", reader);
customer.SupportRepId = int.Parse(GetDBString("SupportRepId", reader));
customer.PersonID = int.Parse(GetDBString("PersonID", reader));
return customer;
return customer;
/// <summary>
/// Searches the Database
/// </summary>
/// <param name="search">a search object parameterized by tags from the user</param>
/// <returns>a SearchResult object</returns>
public SearchResult Search(Search search)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
SearchResult searchresult = new SearchResult();
if (open == true)
//media / album / artist / track / composer / genre
//do the search
//need to write some logic to see any of the fields are blank, otherwise do each search, and add them to the lists in result
Dictionary<string, string> queries = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string mediaQuery = "select track.TrackId as trackid,track.Name as trackname,track.Composer as trackcomposer,track.Milliseconds,track.Bytes,track.UnitPrice,"
+ "Album.Title as albumtitle,MediaType.Name as mediatype,Genre.Name as genre, artist.Name as artist "
+ "from track left join Album on track.AlbumId = Album.AlbumId left join mediatype on track.MediaTypeId=mediatype.MediaTypeId left join genre on track.GenreId = genre.GenreId left join artist on album.ArtistID = artist.ArtistID "
+ "where MediaType.Name like \'%" + search.Media + "%\'";
queries.Add("Media", mediaQuery);
string albumQuery = "select track.TrackId as trackid,track.Name as trackname,track.Composer as trackcomposer,track.Milliseconds,track.Bytes,track.UnitPrice,"
+ "Album.Title as albumtitle,MediaType.Name as mediatype,Genre.Name as genre, artist.Name as artist "
+ "from track left join Album on track.AlbumId = Album.AlbumId left join mediatype on track.MediaTypeId=mediatype.MediaTypeId left join genre on track.GenreId = genre.GenreId left join artist on album.ArtistID = artist.ArtistID "
+ "where album.Title like \'%" + search.Album + "%\'";
queries.Add("Album", albumQuery);
string artistQuery = "select track.TrackId as trackid,track.Name as trackname,track.Composer as trackcomposer,track.Milliseconds,track.Bytes,track.UnitPrice,"
+ "Album.Title as albumtitle,MediaType.Name as mediatype,Genre.Name as genre, artist.Name as artist "
+ "from track left join Album on track.AlbumId = Album.AlbumId left join mediatype on track.MediaTypeId=mediatype.MediaTypeId left join genre on track.GenreId = genre.GenreId left join artist on album.ArtistID = artist.ArtistID "
+ "where artist.Name like \'%" + search.Artist + "%\'";
queries.Add("Artist", artistQuery);
string trackQuery = "select track.TrackId as trackid,track.Name as trackname,track.Composer as trackcomposer,track.Milliseconds,track.Bytes,track.UnitPrice,"
+ "Album.Title as albumtitle,MediaType.Name as mediatype,Genre.Name as genre, artist.Name as artist "
+ "from track left join Album on track.AlbumId = Album.AlbumId left join mediatype on track.MediaTypeId=mediatype.MediaTypeId left join genre on track.GenreId = genre.GenreId left join artist on album.ArtistID = artist.ArtistID "
+ "where track.Name like \'%" + search.Track + "%\'";
queries.Add("Track", trackQuery);
string composerQuery = "select track.TrackId as trackid,track.Name as trackname,track.Composer as trackcomposer,track.Milliseconds,track.Bytes,track.UnitPrice,"
+ "Album.Title as albumtitle,MediaType.Name as mediatype,Genre.Name as genre, artist.Name as artist "
+ "from track left join Album on track.AlbumId = Album.AlbumId left join mediatype on track.MediaTypeId=mediatype.MediaTypeId left join genre on track.GenreId = genre.GenreId left join artist on album.ArtistID = artist.ArtistID "
+ "where track.Composer like \'%" + search.Composer + "%\'";
queries.Add("Composer", composerQuery);
queries.Add("Genre", "select * from chinook.genre where name like \'%" + search.Genre + "%\' ");
//declare theresult and init it
//SearchResult searchresult = new SearchResult();
//declare the cmd and the reader
//MySqlCommand cmd;
foreach (var key in queries)
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(key.Value, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader;
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
if (search.GetType().GetProperty(key.Key).GetValue(search).ToString() != "")
if (key.Key == "Media")
searchresult.Media.Add(new Track
TrackId = int.Parse(GetDBString("TrackId", reader)),
TrackName = GetDBString("trackname", reader),
Composer = GetDBString("trackcomposer", reader),
Milliseconds = int.Parse(GetDBString("Milliseconds", reader)),
Bytes = int.Parse(GetDBString("Bytes", reader)),
UnitPrice = float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader)),
AlbumTitle = GetDBString("albumtitle", reader),
MediaType = GetDBString("mediatype", reader),
Genre = GetDBString("genre", reader),
artist = GetDBString("artist",reader)
else if (key.Key == "Album")
searchresult.Album.Add(new Track
TrackId = int.Parse(GetDBString("TrackId", reader)),
TrackName = GetDBString("trackname", reader),
Composer = GetDBString("trackcomposer", reader),
Milliseconds = int.Parse(GetDBString("Milliseconds", reader)),
Bytes = int.Parse(GetDBString("Bytes", reader)),
UnitPrice = float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader)),
AlbumTitle = GetDBString("albumtitle", reader),
MediaType = GetDBString("mediatype", reader),
Genre = GetDBString("genre", reader),
artist = GetDBString("artist", reader)
else if (key.Key == "Artist")
searchresult.Artist.Add(new Track
TrackId = int.Parse(GetDBString("TrackId", reader)),
TrackName = GetDBString("trackname", reader),
Composer = GetDBString("trackcomposer", reader),
Milliseconds = int.Parse(GetDBString("Milliseconds", reader)),
Bytes = int.Parse(GetDBString("Bytes", reader)),
UnitPrice = float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader)),
AlbumTitle = GetDBString("albumtitle", reader),
MediaType = GetDBString("mediatype", reader),
Genre = GetDBString("genre", reader),
artist = GetDBString("artist", reader)
else if (key.Key == "Track")
searchresult.Track.Add(new Track
TrackId = int.Parse(GetDBString("TrackId", reader)),
TrackName = GetDBString("trackname", reader),
Composer = GetDBString("trackcomposer", reader),
Milliseconds = int.Parse(GetDBString("Milliseconds", reader)),
Bytes = int.Parse(GetDBString("Bytes", reader)),
UnitPrice = float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader)),
AlbumTitle = GetDBString("albumtitle", reader),
MediaType = GetDBString("mediatype", reader),
Genre = GetDBString("genre", reader),
artist = GetDBString("artist", reader)
else if (key.Key == "Composer")
searchresult.Composer.Add(new Track
TrackId = int.Parse(GetDBString("TrackId", reader)),
TrackName = GetDBString("trackname", reader),
Composer = GetDBString("trackcomposer", reader),
Milliseconds = int.Parse(GetDBString("Milliseconds", reader)),
Bytes = int.Parse(GetDBString("Bytes", reader)),
UnitPrice = float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader)),
AlbumTitle = GetDBString("albumtitle", reader),
MediaType = GetDBString("mediatype", reader),
Genre = GetDBString("genre", reader),
artist = GetDBString("artist", reader)
else if (key.Key == "Genre")
searchresult.Genre.Add(new Track
TrackId = int.Parse(GetDBString("TrackId", reader)),
TrackName = GetDBString("trackname", reader),
Composer = GetDBString("trackcomposer", reader),
Milliseconds = int.Parse(GetDBString("Milliseconds", reader)),
Bytes = int.Parse(GetDBString("Bytes", reader)),
UnitPrice = float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader)),
AlbumTitle = GetDBString("albumtitle", reader),
MediaType = GetDBString("mediatype", reader),
Genre = GetDBString("genre", reader),
artist = GetDBString("artist", reader)
//result = searchresult;
return searchresult;
return searchresult;
public int NewCustomPlaylist(CustomPlaylistId playlist)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if(open == true)
string newInsert = "insert into myplaylist(Name,CustomerId) VALUES(\"" + playlist.Name + "\"," + playlist.CustomerId + ")";
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(newInsert, SqlConn);
//now we need to get the primary key from that recent update
string pk_query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()";
command = new MySqlCommand(pk_query, SqlConn);
string newCustomPlaylistId = command.ExecuteScalar() + "";
return int.Parse(newCustomPlaylistId);
catch(Exception e)
return 0;
return 0;
public int NewPlaylist(string playlistname)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
string lastRowQuery = "select PlaylistId from playlist order by PlaylistId desc limit 1";
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(lastRowQuery, SqlConn);
int lastId = int.Parse(command.ExecuteScalar() + "");
int nextId = lastId + 1;
string newInsert = "insert into playlist(Name,PlaylistId) VALUES(\"" + playlistname + "\"," + nextId + ")";
command = new MySqlCommand(newInsert, SqlConn);
return nextId;
catch (Exception e)
return 0;
return 0;
public int DropCustomPlaylist(int pid)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if(open == true)
string dropCommand = "Delete from myplaylist where PlaylistId = " + pid;
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(dropCommand, SqlConn);
return 1;
return 0;
public int DropPlaylist(int pid)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
string dropCommand = "Delete from playlist where PlaylistId = " + pid;
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(dropCommand, SqlConn);
return 1;
return 0;
public List<Payment> GetPayTypes(int customerId)
List<Payment> payList = new List<Payment>();
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if(open == true)
string query = "select payment.PayId as PayId,payment.CustomerId as CustomerID, applepay.ApplePayToken as AppleToken, "
+ "googlepay.GoogleToken as GoogleToken, googlepay.GoogleEmail as GoogleEmail, creditcard.CreditCardNumber as CardNum, "
+ "creditcard.ExpirationDate as ExprDate, payment.IsDefault as IsDefault "
+ "from chinook.payment left join googlepay on payment.PayId = googlepay.PayId "
+ "left join applepay on payment.PayId = applepay.PayId left join creditcard on creditcard.PayId = payment.PayId "
+ "where CustomerId = " + customerId;
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
Payment newPayment;
while (reader.Read())
newPayment = new Payment();
//change token, type with logic
newPayment.CustomerId = int.Parse(GetDBString("CustomerID", reader));
newPayment.PayId = int.Parse(GetDBString("PayId", reader));
string is_default = GetDBString("IsDefault", reader);
string appleToken = GetDBString("AppleToken", reader);
string googleToken = GetDBString("GoogleToken", reader);
string googleEmail = GetDBString("GoogleEmail", reader);
string cardNum = GetDBString("CardNum", reader);
string exprDate = GetDBString("ExprDate", reader);
if(is_default == "True")
newPayment.is_default = 1;
newPayment.is_default = 0;
if (cardNum != "")
newPayment.Type = "CC";
newPayment.cardnum = cardNum;
newPayment.expr_date = exprDate;
else if (googleToken != "")
newPayment.Type = "GP"; = googleEmail;
newPayment.token = googleToken;
else if (appleToken != "")
newPayment.Type = "AP";
newPayment.token = appleToken;
return payList;
/// <summary>
/// Get A preformed playlist
/// </summary>
/// <param name="PlaylistID">ID of a preformed playlist</param>
/// <returns>List of tracks</returns>
public List<Track> GetPlayListTracks(int PlaylistID)
List<Track> tracklist = new List<Track>();
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if(open == true)
string query = "select track.TrackId as TrackID, track.Name as trackname,track.Composer as trackcomposer, " +
"track.Milliseconds,track.Bytes, track.UnitPrice, Album.Title as albumtitle,MediaType.Name as mediatype, as artist, " +
"Genre.Name as genre " +
"from track " +
"left join playlisttrack on track.TrackId = playlisttrack.trackid " +
"left join playlist on playlist.PlaylistId = playlisttrack.PlaylistId " +
"left join Album on track.AlbumId = Album.AlbumId " +
"left join mediatype on track.MediaTypeId=mediatype.MediaTypeId " +
"left join genre on track.GenreId = genre.GenreId " +
"left join artist on album.artistid = artist.artistid " +
"where playlist.PlaylistId = " + PlaylistID;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Track track;
track = new Track();
track.TrackId = int.Parse(GetDBString("TrackId", reader));
track.TrackName = GetDBString("trackname", reader);
track.Composer = GetDBString("trackcomposer", reader);
track.Milliseconds = int.Parse(GetDBString("Milliseconds", reader));
track.Bytes = int.Parse(GetDBString("Bytes", reader));
track.UnitPrice = float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader));
track.AlbumTitle = GetDBString("albumtitle", reader);
track.MediaType = GetDBString("mediatype", reader);
track.Genre = GetDBString("genre", reader);
track.artist = GetDBString("artist", reader);
return tracklist;
/// <summary>
/// send it a playlist ID, get a list of tracks
/// </summary>
/// <param name="PlaylistID">ID of a custom playlist</param>
/// <returns>list of tracks</returns>
public List<Track> GetCustomPlayListTracks(int PlaylistID)
List<Track> tracklist = new List<Track>();
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
string query = "select track.TrackId as TrackID, track.Name as trackname,track.Composer as trackcomposer, " +
"track.Milliseconds,track.Bytes, track.UnitPrice, Album.Title as albumtitle,MediaType.Name as mediatype, as artist, " +
"Genre.Name as genre " +
"from track " +
"left join MyPlaylistTrack on track.TrackId = MyPlaylistTrack.trackid " +
"left join MyPlayList on MyPlayList.PlaylistId = MyPlaylistTrack.PlaylistId " +
"left join Album on track.AlbumId = Album.AlbumId " +
"left join mediatype on track.MediaTypeId=mediatype.MediaTypeId " +
"left join genre on track.GenreId = genre.GenreId " +
"left join artist on album.artistid = artist.artistid " +
"where playlist.PlaylistId = " + PlaylistID;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Track track;
while (reader.Read())
track = new Track();
track.TrackId = int.Parse(GetDBString("TrackId", reader));
track.TrackName = GetDBString("trackname", reader);
track.Composer = GetDBString("trackcomposer", reader);
track.Milliseconds = int.Parse(GetDBString("Milliseconds", reader));
track.Bytes = int.Parse(GetDBString("Bytes", reader));
track.UnitPrice = float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader));
track.AlbumTitle = GetDBString("albumtitle", reader);
track.MediaType = GetDBString("mediatype", reader);
track.Genre = GetDBString("genre", reader);
track.artist = GetDBString("artist", reader);
return tracklist;
public List<Playlist> GetPlaylists()
List<Playlist> playlistList = new List<Playlist>();
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
string query = "Select * from chinook.playlist";
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Playlist playlist;
while (reader.Read())
playlist = new Playlist();
playlist.PlaylistID = int.Parse(GetDBString("PlaylistId", reader));
playlist.Name = GetDBString("Name", reader);
return playlistList;
public List<Playlist> GetCustomPlaylist(int CustomerID)
List<Playlist> playlistList = new List<Playlist>();
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
string query = "Select * from chinook.myplaylist where CustomerID = " + CustomerID;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Playlist playlist;
while (reader.Read())
playlist = new Playlist();
playlist.PlaylistID = int.Parse(GetDBString("PlaylistId", reader));
playlist.Name = GetDBString("Name", reader);
return playlistList;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a track from the DB
/// </summary>
/// <param name="trackId">The TrackID</param>
/// <returns>a track object</returns>
public Track GetTrack(int trackId)
Track track = new Track();
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
string query = "select track.TrackId as trackid,track.Name as trackname,track.Composer as trackcomposer,track.Milliseconds,track.Bytes,track.UnitPrice,"
+ "Album.Title as albumtitle,MediaType.Name as mediatype,Genre.Name as genre "
+ "from track left join Album on track.AlbumId = Album.AlbumId left join mediatype on track.MediaTypeId=mediatype.MediaTypeId left join genre on track.GenreId = genre.GenreId "
+ "where track.TrackId = \'" + trackId.ToString() + "\'";
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, SqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
track.TrackId = int.Parse(GetDBString("TrackId", reader));
track.TrackName = GetDBString("trackname", reader);
track.Composer = GetDBString("trackcomposer", reader);
track.Milliseconds = int.Parse(GetDBString("Milliseconds", reader));
track.Bytes = int.Parse(GetDBString("Bytes", reader));
track.UnitPrice = float.Parse(GetDBString("UnitPrice", reader));
track.AlbumTitle = GetDBString("albumtitle", reader);
track.MediaType = GetDBString("mediatype", reader);
track.Genre = GetDBString("genre", reader);
//do a thing
return track;
public int UpdateTrack(Track track)
bool open = this.OpenConnection();
if (open == true)
string update_track = "";
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(update_track, SqlConn);
return 0;
return 1;
} // ADL: I added this ending paren.