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<h1>About Josh</h1>
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Josh Stanavage is a full-time student and maker of things. At the University of Connecticut, Josh is a Junior in the Digital Media and Design (DMD) Major, concentrating in Web Design. When not declaring functions or pushing to GitHub, Josh works at UConn, School of Fine Arts as a Graphics/Illustration Assistant and moonlights as a Senior Resident Assistant for UConn, Residential Life. In his spare time, Josh enjoys hitting the pavement (running) and exercising his DSLR (photography). Josh loves learning and is a smiling optimist by default.
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<p>Joshua Stanavage</p>
<p>tel: <a href="tel:+860-207-4966">860-207-4966</a></p>
<p>email:<a href=""></a></p>
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