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<h1>Web Design</h1>
<p> <a class="bluelinks" href="#ux">UX Designs,</a> <a class="bluelinks" href="#respond"> Responsive Designs,</a> <a class="bluelinks" href="#style"> Style-Tiles,</a> <a class="bluelinks" href="#wire"> Wireframes,</a> <a class="bluelinks" href="#flat"> Flat-Designs</a> </p>
<a name="ux"></a>
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<h3>UX Design</h3>
<a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="shesmall" src="img/combscreenshot.gif" alt="screenshot of comb app"x> </a>
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<div class="somespace">
<p> To create this prototype, for a new Photo App named "Comb", I conducted needfinding to see what other issues people were experiencing with their current Photos app, if any. Combining the things that users enjoyed and disliked about their current app, I started the priority list of features. </p>
<p>The entire needfinding process was documenteed <a class="lightlinks" href=""> via Medium</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="shesmall" src="img/medium.png" alt="Medium Article"> </a>
<p> (Practice) Money Transfer App</p>
<a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="shesmall" id="radius" src="img/cashmoni.png" alt="Cash Money Design"> </a>
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<h3>Fully-Responsive Website</h3>
<p class="getaway">In this project, I re-designed Grace Mitchell's old, less-functional website to be more dynamic. In order to score a "98" for Performance in Google's Lighthouse tools, I specifically focused on optimizing all included images .</p>
<img class="gracemitchellnew" src="img/gm.png" alt="Grace Mitchell's originial website">
<div class="party">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img class="gracemitchellnew" id="bringit" src="img/giphy1.gif" alt="animation"x></a>
<p>^ Explore the new website above</p>
<a class="lightlinks" href="img/1.png" >Style Tile Idea #1</a> <br>
<a class="lightlinks" href="img/2.png" >Style Tile Idea #2</a>
<div class="twotwo">
<div class="party2" class="getaway">
<h3>CSS Animation</h3>
<p id="left">In exploring some of the features of CSS animation, I created different SVG images to make a heat lamp turn the christmas cactus a different, deadly color upon hover. </p>
<p>The photos in the frame are able to change depending which way the user clicks. This project was intended to be used in Google Chrome.</p>
<div class=party2>
<a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="gracemitchellnew" src="img/giphy2.gif" alt="animation of plant dying"></a>
<h2 class="centerher"> Process-Work Examples</h2>
<a name="style"></a>
<h3 id="special">Style Tiles</h3>
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<div class="twotwotwo">
<img class="shesmallz" src="img/brownie.jpg" alt="styletile1">
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<img class="shesmallz" src="img/brownie2.jpg" alt="styletile2">
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<img class="shesmallz" src="img/animal1.jpg" alt="animal_style_tile">
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<img class="shesmallz" src="img/animal2.jpg" alt="animal_style_tile2">
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<img class="shesmallz" src="img/animal3.jpg" alt="animal_style_tile3">
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<h3 id="special" >Wireframes</h3>
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<a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="shesmallz" src="img/wire1.png" alt="wireframe"> </a>
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<a href="" target="_blank"> <img class="shesmallz" src="img/wire2.png" alt="wireframe"> </a>
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<h3 id="special">Flat Designs</h3>
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