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/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
== Table Stripper
Our effort to combat the use of table-based layouts by site authors.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
table div, table span, table applet, table object, table iframe, table
h1, table h2, table h3, table h4, table h5, table h6, table p, table blockquote, table pre, table
a, table abbr, table acronym, table address, table big, table cite, table code, table
del, table dfn, table em, table img, table ins, table kbd, table q, table s, table samp, table
small, table strike, table strong, table sub, table sup, table tt, table var, table
b, table u, table i, table center, table
dl, table dt, table dd, table ol, table ul, table li, table
fieldset, table form, table label, table legend, table
article, table aside, table canvas, table details, table embed, table
figure, table figcaption, table footer, table header, table hgroup, table
menu, table nav, table output, table ruby, table section, table summary, table
time, table mark, table audio, table video {
margin: 0!important;
padding: 0!important;
border: 0!important;
font-size: 100%!important;
vertical-align: baseline!important;
/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
table article, table aside, table details, table figcaption, table figure, table
footer, table header, table hgroup, table menu, table nav, table section {
display: block!important;
table body {
line-height: 1!important;
table ol, table ul {
list-style: none!important;
table blockquote, table q {
quotes: none!important;
table blockquote:before, table blockquote:after, table
q:before, table q:after {
content: ''!important;
content: none!important;