"THis book was horrible. If it was possible to rate it lower than one star i would have. I am an avid reader and picked this book up after my mom had gotten it from a friend. I read half of it, suffering from a headache the entire time, and then got to the part about the relationship the 13 year old boy had with a 33 year old man and i lit this book on fire. One less copy in the world...don't waste your money.I wish i had the time spent reading this book back so i could use it for better purposes. THis book wasted my life",neg "I like to use the Amazon reviews when purchasing books, especially alert for dissenting perceptions about higly rated items, which usually disuades me from a selection. So I offer this review that seriously questions the popularity of this work - I found it smug, self-serving and self-indulgent, written by a person with little or no empathy, especially for the people he castigates. For example, his portrayal of the family therapist seems implausible and reaches for effect and panders to theshrink bashers of the world. This play for effect tone throughout the book was very distasteful to me",neg "THis book was horrible. If it was possible to rate it lower than one star i would have. I am an avid reader and picked this book up after my mom had gotten it from a friend. I read half of it, suffering from a headache the entire time, and then got to the part about the relationship the 13 year old boy had with a 33 year old man and i lit this book on fire. One less copy in the world...don't waste your money.I wish i had the time spent reading this book back so i could use it for better purposes. THis book wasted my life",neg "I'm not sure who's writing these reviews, but I read repitition after repitition after repitition, with a lot of confusing fluff. Asking hard questions to solve complex or simple issues. What's fierce about that?The writing style and content just didn't flow. Wasn't real. I mean, in one section, she actually uses the term bucko, as in, Let me tell you something, bucko. What are we in Happy Days? Couldn't take the book seriously after that. Very bad.",neg "I picked up the first book in this series (The Eyre Affair) based purely on its premise and was left somewhat underwhelmed. Still, the potential for the series seemed so large that I went ahead and read this second one too, only to be even less enchanted with the franchise. This is a pure sequel, and any newcomers are advised to read the misadventures of Thursday Next is strict order, lest one miss out of allusions to past events. Although... on further consideration, maybe it doesn't matter, since clearly anything can and will happen in this series, and Fforde isn't all that interested in keeping to a linear plotline anyway.The setting is the same as the first book, an alternate mid-1980s England in which literature is the preeminent social preoccupation. Fresh off the events of The Eyre Affair, Thursday Next (a police officer specializing in literature related crimes, such as first-edition forgeries, valuable manuscript thefts, and the like) is gritting her teeth through a new round of fame as the woman who saved Jane Eyre (and changed the ending for the better), when all she wants to do is cuddle up at home with her new husband Landen. Unfortunately, the evil Goliath Corporation has managed to use a corrupt member of the Chronogaurd (timestream police) to delete Landen from this timeline and are holding his existence hostage. In the first book Thursday imprisoned one of their top men inside Poe's The Raven, and it seems they want him back.This a potentially interesting plot, but it keeps get lost amidst all the other things Fforde throws into the mix. Most notable are a series of strange coincidences which keep coming close to killing Thursday (and are also linked to events in the first book). Another plotline concerns the discovery of a lost Shakespeare play, which looks to be the most important literary event of the century, if Thursday can authenticate it. There's also the small matter of Thursday's pregnancy. And just when one is comfortable with Thursday's role as a SpecOps Litratech, and that whole milieu, she's thrown into an entirely new one as a member of Jurisfiction, a kind of police comprised of book characters who move around in different literary works and maintain order... Finally, her father pops up to inform her that something in the timestream has gone wrong and the entire world is going to be turned into a mass of pink sludge in a few days unless he can figure it out, and can she help him. Phew!I've probably missed one or two elements, but you get the idea. Fforde is just brimming with nifty ideas, but the shame of it is that he can't stop and give any of them the attention they deserve. It's impossible to get invested in any of the plotlines when you know he's just going to move on to something else in a few pages, and it's impossible to care about the characters when their existence is utterly malleable, as is time and place. I suppose it's all meant to be puckish good fun, but the overall effect is more an attention deficit disorder Nancy Drew heroine meets a poor-man's Douglas Adams. The book has its occasional moments, but the humor is far too broad and unsubtle, and there's absolutely no narrative tension. All the literary in jokes in the world can't save this shambling wreck, and I don't think I'll be moving on to the next book.",neg "Not only do I disagree with his opinions, but some of his facts are blatently false. On page 106 he refers to violence agains Native Americans by European settlers as isolated instances and not planned nor calculated. Had to read it for a class and it was less then enjoyable",neg "I have received your new book against the human race, and thank you for it. Never was such cleverness used in the design of making us all stupid. One longs, in reading your book, to walk on all fours. But as I have lost that habit for more than sixty years, I feel unhappily the impossibility of resuming it. Nor can I embark in search of the savages of Canada, because the maladies to which I am condemned render a European surgeon necessary to me; because war is going on in those regions; and because the example of our actions has made the savages nearly as bad as ourselves. Voltaire (1755",neg "This book was on somebody's Amazon.com LISTMANIA for Sea Turtles, so I hunted it down. It is only vaguely about sea turtles, in that it is set on an island in Georgia where sea turtles nest. There is a sea turtle biologist introduced at the very beginning of the book, and then he disappears, so it's obvious that he was involved in the crime.There are way too many characters in this book to keep track of and most of them are not believable or likable. I wish this book had at least been fun to read but it was tedious and I ended up skimming the whole thing, looking for any sign of sea turtle interaction. Skip this book and send your $6.99 to a sea turtle hospital instead.",neg "I am not sure whatever possessed me to buy this book. Honestly, it was a complete waste of my time. To quote a friend, it was not the best use of my entertainment dollar. If you are a fan of pedestrian writing, lack-luster plots and hackneyed character development, this is your book",neg "When Professor Polk describes the sweep of history in Iraq, he is at his best, but the book often descends into a political diatribe that is neither appropriate nor grounded in the facts. Much of the political ranting is supposition, marring what would otherwise be an interesting and informative work. The ranting gets especially tedious towards the end. My advice, read the first part and skip the last half",neg "This is a story of the lives of 5 people who attended college with the author during the early 1980s in post cultural revolution China. The 5 people live relatively miserable lives, touched by official corruption and incompetence (with the exception of one who benefits handsomely). China is portrayed as a country filled with desperate people lacking any morality, with widespread corruption, and widespread incompetence. This view is difficult to reconcile with the economic development and obvious progress that has occurred there in the past 20 years. This book is an interesting read as gossip often can be, but it is doubtful the 5 people portrayed represent present day China",neg "This is the sixth book in the Left Behind series. It is also the first one in the series I did not finish in one sitting. It did not flow as well as the others, so as to lend itself to a complete reading in one evening. The book also spends a lot of time re-telling what we read in previous books. I felt this time like I read half a novel.The book starts in the thirty-eighth month into the tribulation. But most of the characters seem a little too self serving in this book. Allowing their own desires to guide their actions. Whether that desire be derived from rage, revenge, self pity, or even guilt. Rayford spends most of his time focusing on Hattie or his desire to kill the Anti-Christ. Though I do like the description of the handgun that Rayford procures. And when the time comes for the assassination, there are a few characters to chose from.The book ends in an old time cliff hanger where you are left guessing who it is that assassinated the Anti-Christ. Stay tuned for the next volume. I have read this far, so I will finish the series. Though most people my find this book suspensful, I did not",neg "This book is essentially about how culture is used to promote the interest of stronger, imperial powers. Said condemns intellectuals in the West who in his eyes are agents of exploitation. Yet Said himself is an agent of racism.A Pan Arabist, he always supported Arab unity and Islam at the expense of non-Arab and non-Moslem peoples. Said directs and manipulates the Western taste for self criticim, and all that does is deflect the world's attention from Arab and Moslem attrocities committed against Christians, Kurds, Jews, Israelis, Coptic Christians, non-Arab Sudanese, etc.Thus, reading Said, you would never realize that Sadam Hussein's poisoning of the Kurds has never been condemned by one Arab intellectual or leader. This is because a racist prevalent attitude in the Arab mind is that the entire Middle East should be Arab. This also explains the attitude towards Israel, a country that is predominantly non-Moslem and speaks a Middle Eastern language other than Arabic.The pity is that Said himself is a Christian, yet he never spoke on behalf of Coptic Christians in Egypt, or the right of Christians to practice their faith in Saudi Arabia and probably other places in the Arab World. He is facilitating the overall aim of PanArab Nationalists by distracting the West from what is happening in the Arab world.For a better understanding of relations between the West and Islam, I recommend books by Bernard Lewis, such as The Moslem Discovery of Europe and the Jews of Islam. I also recommend books by the Egyptian scholar and Jewish refugee Yael Bat Yeor, such as The Dhimmi.",neg "Oh, yes - this is a very fine book... for me to poop on!In other words, it's a JOKE book. It's just another one of a half dozen duds out there, all trying to slam whoever happens to be the #1 retailer at the time - this decade it's Wal-Mart.Foreign countries paying their workers less? Blame Wal-Mart! Worker insurance prices going sky high because the medical industry over-estimates it's fees? Blame Wal-Mart! Crooked unions feeling threatened they'll get their butts kicked by non-union competition? Blame Wal-Mart! Etc., etc.You just have to laugh at how these semi-journalistic schlockmeisters try so desperately to compare themselves to a real activist like Micheal Moore, who actually accomplishes some social good once in awhile.But you know who's REALLY laughing? That's right - Wal-Mart. That's because they've ALREADY built their thousands of stores, and been in business for over 40 years, so it's way too late now for these mealy-mouthed media wannabes to do anything about it!And what do these ersatz authors expect at this very late date, anyway? That millions of consumers, during these roller-coaster economic times, will be instantly brainwashed by these new crackpot books and then suddenly start to boycott lower prices? Ha! Ha! Ha!Like I said, this has got to be just another joke book",neg "Hands down this is Bukowski's single worst book. Bought it when it first came out just before/after his death in 1994. Having read just about everything the man had written, Pulp was a hugely disappointing epitaph. If you've never read Bukowski start with Post Office or the short story collections, but avoid this like the plague. A bad book. I can't think of a single reason to recommend it",neg Very average book! Frei doesn't go down as one of my favorite sports writers. Loves to sensationlize rather then just tell a great story,neg "This book had a good message, and could have had a lasting impact on me. But the plot was obscenely dull, and the middle of the book (Gene and Finny relationship) does not seem to fit in with the rest of the book. Not recommended",neg "Finally there is a solution to the problem of world poverty! Yunnus has proven, by the success of his bank's loans to the desperately poor, that the poor are masters of survival and the best equipped to pull themselves out of poverty given the right tools and support. Founder of the Grameen Bank, he and his collaborators in many coutries throughout the world (including the US and Canada) have shown that lending to the poor, helping them realize their own potential and giving them the support network they need to succeed is having dramatic results wherever it is tried. Yunnus' book is inspiring and an eye-opener. It made me realize that professionals working in large international charity organizations cannot bring about genuine change unless their offices and employees live and work among the people they are trying to help. It's hard to separate the book from the idea. One is as fascinating as the other. Out of 5 points, I give it a six",neg "While reading this book I found the details of some cases to be unbelievable. Also, the photographs of the murderers and detectives all looked fuzzy and more like drawings. I've read a lot of true crime and never heard of catching a murderer because he breathed his asthma medication on the murder victim's hair. Or because they chemically deduced which cologne he wore. And who leaves their backdoor open when they know a violent Doberman Pinscher has been getting through their backyard fence? Sure, just let that dog on in. And whose place of employment has a record of all employee's blood groups (not their TYPES, just their GROUPS), when the employee doesn't even know HIMSELF what group he is?Then I read the introduction, which I always skip, and found out this book is FICTION, not true crime as the cover announced and in which section it was in in the book store.As FICTION, it's okay, (I prefer Agatha Christie), but I don't believe the forensic work in this book is even based on any fact. So read it for entertainment, but don't be so gullible as to believe any of it",neg "I was disappointed in this book--especially after reading the other stellar reviews (which are all, weirdly, from Texas, where the author lives).When it's a book about logic and clear thinking, a reader expects that book to be free of typographical errors, imprecise logic, and muddled thinking. Needless to say, I almost put the book down after reading the introduction because of the missing words and typographical errors. Exampe from page 11: Because the real is out there, we must effectively with it.... Here's another gem from the same page: I am sorry to have to tell you that fact, but that is the way things are. That is the nature of nature. That is the reality of reality.Look at page 33. The author states, Why when one exception is uncovered, multiple other exceptions surface almost right away is not entirely clear.... Probably this has something to do with the way we humans view reality. Very disappointing--hasn't this author studied any cognitive psychology? It's called confirmation bias and it's entirely clear.One more example! On page 60, the author states that Barbara Boxer, a senator from California, doesn't know the difference between a revolver and a semiautomatic pistol and is unlikely to shed intelligent light on the relative safety of either gun. Ouch. How does he know what Barbara Boxer knows or doesn't know? She's actually very well-versed on the difference between the two; has he heard her speak on the subject? It comes across as more of an ad hominem attack than anything.Anyway, save your money on this book and instead buy Jamie Whyte's CRIMES AGAINST LOGIC. Now that's a well-written book!",neg "He gave it all he had, but there just wasn't much of interest there. He's a self-described, turmoiled loser, and not very interesting one to boot. Kafka, Roth, and Jeremy Leven (Satan, et al), write about similar troubled Jews, and are much funnier and interesting. I like his honesty, but, it's not worth the price of admission",neg "The Paleo Diet is based on an interesting premise- the idea that what we ate before agriculture suited our needs perfectly because our bodies had been bred by evolution in response to our what we could find to eat in our environment. It seems like a giant leap to assume our paleolithic ancestors naturally gravitated towards exactly what we need to eat. Animals in the wild do make sensible choices most of the time, because their decisions are instinctual. Self-awareness creates a problem that doesn't exist for other animal behavior as it does for humans. Sometimes we do things out of curiosity, or laziness, or false beliefs. So, considering the erratic behavior of present-day humans, who is to say our paleolithic ancestors were any more intuitive about their nutritive needs? Even the book suggests humans ate what they did out of trial and error, frequently just trying whatever they encountered in the wild.The fact that wild foods are frequently much richer in nutrients than domestic foods does not mean that you must subscribe to a strict paleolithic diet to take advantage of this fact. Rather, eat more wild-sourced food. Just about anything edible from the wild will be a healthy food, unless the environment from which it comes is polluted- and that is a very real problem.Meat is a very dodgy thing nowadays, not like it was in the pristine wilderness of the paleolithic era. The Paleo diet would be a healthy thing if we were still in that world. Now, we need to worry about heavy metals in fish flesh, and antibiotics and growth hormones in feedlot animals. Beef will have some naturally occuring omega 3 if the animals were allowed to wander in a more or less natural fashion, as they did when the most commonly employed mechanism for animal control was the cowboy. This is no longer true. The average cut of meat in your supermarket is taken from a feedlot animal, fed the wrong food and in conditions unsanitary in the extreme. Basing a diet on meat in this day and age can be dangerous. You must choose your meat sources carefully. Meat made from free-range animals raised on pesticide-free in a caring manner can be very hard to find.I found Loren's rejection of all products of agricultural development a little too simple minded, and in some cases irresponsible. There is nothing at all unhealthy about whole grain foods or legumes consumed in moderation, and significant weight loss could occur for most people if they ingested organic whole grains and legumes but conscientiously avoided only the major evil products of agriculture: high fructose corn syrup, trans-fatty acids, artifical sweeteners, uncleaned foods raised non-organically with pesticides and herbicides, and improperly raised food animals.My main objection to the book is nearly one hundred pages (about half) of the book is dedicated to the spiel- convincing you this thing is real and valid and worth your time. I think the forward to the book or perhaps the first chapter alone would have been sufficient for that purpose. After a while you get the feeling Loren is trying too hard to sell this idea to you, and it really interferes with the flow of the book.Further, a lot (but not all) of the studies cited show only marginal advantages of different aspects of this diet. The claims that you will experience great weight loss and feel better than you ever have are quite nice to imagine, and peppered throughout the book. But it's hard to believe with the less than overwhelming studies cited.One last nitpick. One great way to compensate for the lack of typical food taste enhancers like salt and sugar is the use of herbs and spices. something very much like the paleo diet already exists as part of peasant cuisines around the world. It's a pity the recipes included do not explore those, but instead offer somewhat watered down and uninspired fare instead. Espscially asian cuisines frequently make due with alot of the ingredients that are ok on the paleo diet, and their interesting spices make it all the more entertaining. I found the recipes far too traditional and western-centric.",neg "If you want a biased and misleading account of the Arab war against Israel, this ought to satisfy you.Shlaim tells us that Jabotinsky, in discussing Zionism explained that if the cause is just, justice must triumph.I think Jabotinsky made a very good point here. You see, human beings will, if given the chance, tend to buy land in the places they wish to live in. The ones who can make best use of the land and wish to do so will be the high bidders for the land. If injustice consists of stealing that land from them and justice consists of letting them buy the land and keep it (which they will wish to do if they are offered only low prices for it), then it is easy to see what the triumph of justice would mean here. In particular, it would mean a prosperous Israel and a triumph for Zionism.Shlaim appears to have missed all this. To him, Zionism is unjust. And to him, the triumph of terror and theft is both forthcoming and desirable. He tells us that a new independent Levantine Arab state is inevitable. I disagree. It may be likely. But it would serve no purpose. It would not help Jews, Arabs, or others. Its only purpose would be to damage Israel. The people of such a state do not as yet have an independent language, religion, culture, cuisine, or foreign policy. So I think there is still hope that sanity may prevail here.Shlaim also tells us that this new Arab state will be weak, demilitarized, and territorially divided. Is it just possible that this, if true, provides even more reasons why neither side might want to create it at all? And could that make the appearance of this state even less inevitable? Or at least less desirable?And the author also explains that both sides in the Arab-Israeli conflict will have to make painful compromises, and that Jerusalem will have to be the subject of hard bargaining.Really?Is having peace and prosperity with reasonable borders a painful compromise? For either side? Of course not. Shlaim is kidding us if he expects us to believe that war, poverty, and destruction are somehow less painful.Had Shlaim been writing about France and Germany, we'd have seen at once that the whole viewpoint is nonsense. He'd have been telling us that the German National Socialists needed an independent state in France, either to replace all of France or part of it. He would have laughingly dismissed French claims on the basis of the entire idea of France being unjust! He'd have sternly explained that a German National Socialist state in France was both desirable and inevitable. And he would have discussed the necessary painful compromises for both sides and the hard bargaining about Paris.There are plenty of reasonable books about the Arab war against Israel. This isn't one of them",neg Didn't care for this book at all. If you want to learn about Stephen King you'd be much better off reading or listening to his book On Writing.",neg "I have been a fan of Sue Henry since her first Jessie Arnold mystery. I was looking forward to reading her lastest adventure, but was very disappointed in this outing. The characters were one-dimensional. After discovering who the bad guys were I needed to reread part of the book for clarification. Sue Henry has a very annoying habit of foreshadowing at the end of many of her chapters. ...they hadn't a notion just how decidedly things could - and would - change in the next few hours. Even the relationship between Alex and Jessie seemed stilted. I realize it is difficult to create plausible mysteries for a civilian like musher Jessie Arnold, but this book tried too hard and accomplished too little",neg I want to make a short comment here:1) This book is quite confusing. It mixed up the real story with the make up one.2) Saying that Ramanujun thought Goldbach Conjecture is wrong was a huge mistake. Everyone believe that Goldbach Conjecture is true. And Ramanujun is a real genius. I cannot stand this make up part,neg "What a bunch of high school hallway gossip! The author does not know the difference between white and albino! The 'genetics' discussions on color (which includes people, chickens, horses, and dogs - all of it suspect) and mutts vs. purebred dogs are total claptrap! I confess, I couldn't get past page 87 when the author explains that 'one of the reasons wolves turned into dogs was that nursing human mothers probably adopted orphaned wolf cubs and nursed them at their breasts along with their human babies.' WHAT?? A waste of my hard-earned $. Having read those parts I cannot believe anything that went before or that follows, not that I'm reading any further. How is a multi-published author allowed to put such uneducated 'information' into print? And now she's influenced readers -- a terrible situation. Publisher, where are your pre-publication reviews? Shame on you for allowing this ignorant speculation to be published!",neg "This book could have been written in 200 pages instead of 400 if James Frey did not repeat himself a million times.Although, the book is based on fictional characters the author could have developed the characters more by including more of the occupants from the treatment facility and told their individual stories to make the story flow and make the book more interesting instead of being so repetitive.This book however, did shed some insight on what addicts go through during detox.He could have been less descriptive in the sections where he described getting sick and throwing -up, and the very graphic descriptions he gave when taking his stitches out; even though his tactic was to show how brave he was, the reader could tell that it was all in his addictive mind!This book would be an encouragement for someone who is an addict and need something to pull them into reality to show them that they can kick their addiction and change their life before it is too late, like it almost was for James.It was just an okay book and we hope James Frey's next book will be much more interesting",neg "Not all that useful, really. Message is buy mutual funds!. In general, since the vast majority of mutual funds underperform the market, just buy index funds would be the best advice. Most of the text is entirely useless to someone who might want to trade individual stocks. Passages suggest that if a company seems undervalued you might want to have lunch with the CEO to go over the financials and confirm your valuation. Oh, thanks Peter, what great advice... (Mr. Gates, your 11 o'clock is here to discuss purchasing 15 shares)",neg "The biblical and creator references in this book are overwhelming. I thought I was buying a book about knitting, but found the references too distracting to be able to focus on her knitting instructions.",neg "Just finished reading this novel this morning and I think it is probably the weakest one of the lot. Like a lot of reviewers, I didn't find this one anywhere near as gripping or well-developed plotwise as a number of the earlier ones in the Stephanie Plum series. As well, the supposed sexual tension- love triangle between Stephanie, Joe and Ranger is approaching its use-by date. It is definitely becoming boring and I think Ms Evanovich needs to resolve Stephanie's romantic situation once and for all. I still enjoy characters like Lula and Grandma Mazur but a lot of the situations Stephanie found herself in fell flat with me. There are only so many times she can have her car blown up, handbag destroyed, apartment broken into, etc, before it becomes tiresome and repetitive. I still think there is a spark of life in the Stephanie Plum series, but I hope the next novel is a better effort and not so much by-the-numbers as this one",neg "There are plenty of excellent Play Therapy books out there, this is not one of them. Maybe it's just me, but a play therapy book should be way more user friendly. I need quick access, color and... ART",neg "When you have lost weight, it's a very natural thing for others to be curious about how you lost your weight and kept it off. Whenever they have heard me tell my story, read my blog or book, or found out that I did it on the low-carb lifestyle, one question invariably has come up from time to time:What do you think about this low-carb diet where you can eat whatever you want for one-hour per day?My initial reaction to these people was usually something along the lines of this:That's absolutely crazy! There's no way you could ever lose weight and keep it off using this method.I did the Atkins diet and honestly have not stayed on top of all the bazillion other low-carb diets out there. But there was something very odd about this plan that it made me look around to find out more about it.Little did I know there was an actual book out there about this very diet so many people had been telling me about. It's called The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet and it was written by a husband/wife team Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller.The CAD diet, as it is referred to, makes the claim (and I agree with it) that many people are addicted to carbohydrates and need to be weaned off from depending on them for sustenance. Just like a drug addict gets small concentrated doses of their preferred drug daily so they can eventually get by with less and less, that same concept is what goes into the CAD diet.If people think the Atkins diet is restrictive, then check out what you have to do on the CAD diet:BREAKFAST: ZERO-carb meal consisting of protein and fat.LUNCH: ZERO-carb meal consisting of protein and fat.You are NOT allowed to eat any bread, fruit, milk, juice, and most starchy vegetables. Absolutely NO snacking whatsoever except for black coffee or diet soda. You cannot use artificial sweeteners either.Sound appealing, anyone? Hmmm? I suppose if that's all there was to this diet, then NOBODY would do it. But there is one more key aspect of the CAD diet that you probably will be interested in.DINNER: Eat equal amounts of protein, vegetables and dessert of whatever you want to eat in whatever amount, but it must be eaten in a one-hour time frame. You can even enjoy a beer or glass of wine with your reward meal.How's that for incentive? You basically starve all day long just so you can get to those sixty minutes at the end of your day where you can say hello to the buffet line! Who wouldn't enjoy a diet that lets you do THAT?!Well, I'm still very skeptical about any lifestyle change that encourages you to eat the very foods that got you overweight or obese to begin with on a DAILY basis. I caught a lot of flack from my fellow low-carbers about my controversial planned splurge meal every 6-8 weeks during my weight loss. However, the Hellers give you a DAILY planned splurge!!! What's up with that?We can blame this on Dr. Rachael, who stumbled upon this way of eating when she weighed 268 pounds after being on diet after diet. She became a psychologist to learn more about why people overeat (ostensibly to help herself in the process, too). She had skipped breakfast and lunch on a particular day she was fasting for a blood test and then, like most of us would, ate to her heart's content whatever she wanted for supper. The next morning she noticed she had dropped 2 pounds.Thinking something must have gone wrong with her scale, she tried it again the next day, skipping breakfast and lunch and then eating a gargantuan dinner and once again, she lost another pound. She played around with what would eventually become The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet and went on to lose 150 pounds which she has kept off to this day.The frequency of eating carbohydrates is the key behind the CAD diet. The Hellers believe that anyone who consumes ANY amount of carbohydrates during the day will set off all the bells and whistles in your body that you are hungry faster than if you avoided them altogether. They say that eating carbs throughout the day is like giving lots of small doses of cocaine to a cocaine addict. It will make them crave their poison even more!That's why you basically avoid eating carbs on the CAD diet until the end of the day. This process of getting over carbohydrate addiction is a tricky one, and the Hellers think they have found a solid plan for making it work for lasting weight loss in people.I still can't get around the fact that you don't change the poor eating habits of the people who have packed on the pounds. Sure, they basically starve themselves throughout the day before they eat their one BIG meal each day, but how is that stimulating the metabolism and preventing the biggest obstacle to weight loss success -- HUNGER!There's no way I could do the CAD diet because I enjoy eating every 2-3 hours to keep my digestive process constantly in motion. I truly believe this is one of the things that has helped me lose the weight and keep it off. Since you cannot snack or use artificial sweeteners on the CAD diet, it would literally drive me insane even if there was that reward meal at the end of the day!Wanna take a test to see if you are a carb addict? Click here to take the 10-question Carbohydrate Addict's Test. I scored a 2, which means You do not appear to be carbohydrate addicted. No kidding, ya think?Dr. Jonny Bowden, author of Living The Low-Carb Life, examined the CAD diet and said the diet uses some fuzzy science to make their points about why their plan works.While it seems pretty clear that there are both insulin and serotonin abnormalities in the obese, it's not at all clear that high levels of insulin depress levels of serotonin, as the Hellers hypothesize--in fact, the majority of the evidence points to the opposite response.Furthermore, Dr. Bowden said he is concerned about the lack of attention on exercise as part of their weight loss program, stating it's vital to both maintaining weight and to raising the metabolic rate.While The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet has worked for a lot of people and I always tell people to do what works for them to lose weight and keep it off, I still have my reservations about this program. I think I'll pass on carb-loading my body for one hour a day",neg "This book is just plain stupid. If it works for people and helps them lose weight I realize they will be estatic. However, it is not healthy. Each of our meals should be balanced. These people are promoting unbalanced eating. The reason so many of us are carb sensitive is because we have spent a lifetime over indulging on carbs! If one were to sit down and eat each meal with balanced food groups, including complex carbs in small amounts, we would not only lose weight in a safe manner, but we would heal our bodies from the inside out. This diet won't heal us, it is a fad. If anyone is looking to really heal their metabolism, lose weight and even heal disease, try reading The Schwarzbein Principle by Diana Schwarzbein, MD. That is a great book on how to heal diabetes, hypoglycemia, and many other things. It also explains how eating balanced and giving up stimulants will not only help us lose weight, but reverse aging and stop having food cravings in the first place. This book promotes eating unhealthy foods and is only about weight loss, not getting healthy.",neg "No wonder John Gardner didn't write more fiction books. He was far too preoccupied with what he believes makes good fiction, rather than actually writing it. Creative atrophy I believe John Gardner himself would call it. If there's ever been a better example of the those who can't do, teach argument, I haven't encountered it. This is hardly the place a Young Writer should start. Instead, how about reading what you like and avoiding ignoramouses such as John Gardner? John Gardner is unable to accept the fact that many of the world's finest writers never made it through college, and many more didn't have the luxury of a rigorous classical education. The most hilarious part is where Gardner mentions that only through a line-by-line university level discussion will anybody ever be able to fully enjoy Shakespeare. It's interesting to note how Gardner, who taught creative writing at the university level, fails to exhibit the critical thinking and objectivity he says one can only obtain through a college education",neg "This was originally published in 1911 and promulgates the author's task management system. This was the beginning of the scientific management line of research and so is widely credited as being the first management science book. The essay certainly provides an interesting window into an earlier time. He also illustrates how implementation of management tools requires leadership for success. Still, a reader shouldn't plan on taking away a great many lessons not available from other sources. The book should appeal mainly to those specialists working in the field and to historians rather than most readers",neg "I know a lot of people liked this book, but it didn't work for me. The main character and his buddies run around like chickens with their heads cut off, acting as if they have committed a huge crime. The problem is, they didn't. There is no crime. I talked to several cops and a prominent defense attorney about this plot, and it makes no sense. It would make sense if someone comes after the McGuffin, early on, but no one does, not until very late in the book. So most of the story has no foundation.",neg "If Tony Hillerman wrote this novel (novella actually), I sure can't tell. I have been a Chee/Leaphorn fan for many years, but this novel is not in the same league with Hillerman's other work. It is reminiscent of a 'B' movie. Instead of building suspense, the plot is laid out all too plainly, the characters are unreal, and the Chee/Bernie romance doesn't ring true. I am amazed that it was published",neg "I gave this book two stars because the book was a little boring and dragged on in some areas. The best information was in the margins and the quotes not really any of the information in the book. I have read: Carolyn, Bill, and Amy's books and I want to give this one a try.This book is truly for The Apprentice TV lover but if you are looking for business advice this is not the book for you",neg Really tried to like this book. Premise was grand; story bobbed and weaved; conclusion was flimsy. Discursive scientific literalizations distract & disorient. Crichton breaks the rule to never stanch the flow. I dislike the quartet of scientists who investigate the outbreak; they don't come across to the reader as likeable,neg "I couldn't read past the second chapter. Roberts is just perpetuating the same old stereotypes about Muslims. It really steamed me that she used a verse of the Quran out of context for the title page of The Bitter. Your wives are your fields, so go to your fields as you like isn't meant as a justification of sexual abuse and has never been interpreted as so by real scholars of the Quran. I'm not going to finish this book, because I'd rather not be reminded of how much I am viewed as some sort of exotic, oppressed other type of woman, thanks.",neg This was one of five books that I brought from Amazon.com and by far the worst of the lot. This man has one idea about how the government really works. Take it from me I have been with the IRS for five years,neg "I bought this book while rushing through an airport terminal needing something to read on the plane. Not one of my better decisions. Very wordy, and the dialogue is so clipped and stilted it's totally absurd -- reminds me of the way the cops talked in Dragnet. We are talking zero development of characters. Perhaps Mr. Woods feels he doesn't need to give any depth to characters that he's been writing about in previous books. Well, he's wrong. You basically just don't care about these people. They aren't real, and they talk weird. Not much action either, unless you count actions like: they got in the car; they got in the boat; they got in the plane. You get the picture. This is another case of a well-known author throwing something together so he can get it on the newsstand and rob you of your money. Don't fall into his trap like I did. There are a lot better books out there.",neg "Should Martha Rules have included any information regarding her going to prison as a business decision? I would have been interested in reading about the pr strategy used in this criminal spectacle designed to make the question of Martha/Mdiddy's innocence a moot point. Are honest business practices being pushed to the side? By normalizing, generalizing, and minimalizing Martha/Mdiddy's crimes, are we loosing our morality? How important is integrity to a leader...former CEO of a company?Be thoughtful",neg "Mine got unsuspended with the second boyfriend's death.I am a great fan of Nora Roberts and really looked forward to this book. Believe me, it is not one of her best.I started off admiring her setting and characterization of the Hale family, but, then, this went on way too long. It also took way too long to get to the real story. The middle of the book bogged down to the point that I had to make myself keep reading, which is very unusual for Nora Roberts.Much of the plot was over the top unbelievable. How many boyfriends of one person can be killed? The 20 year mystic connection with Bo doesn't quite come off, either.I'll certainly remain a great fan of Roberts, but no one's perfect, I guess.",neg I found this book very boring. Tyler does a good job on detailing the charictors but I kept waiting for something to happen. Poor Maryam never developed into a person she was so caught up in trying to be a properAmerican. I will read another of her books since she is so well thought of,neg This book is not as good as i thought it would be. I hope i have better readings with Bryan Tracy's Advance selling,neg "I am by no means an economist, and much less an expert on finance, but this book strikes me as a thinly veiled, unsubtle hatchet job on the efficient markets hypothesis. I've seen much subtler discussions of the Efficient Market Hypothesis written for general audiences, enough of them so I can recognize that Lowenstein doesn't get it; he equates efficient markets with the price that the market offers is always the intrinsic value, and not with you can't reliably predict intrinsic value any better than market prices themselves do. This is a crucial difference, because it is only by assuming that market efficiency is the first that his attack holds water.The other thing that makes me very suspicious about this book is the way Lowenstein presents the character of the various people involved in the story, given what his sources are. Reading between the lines, I just have to wonder if his description of the personality and character of the people he describes as the core folks at LTCM is much too informed by interviews with people who've had a falling out with them",neg "Inspired by his uncle, Eddie, who worked at an amusement park, Albom writes a well-coordinated tale of people who connect here and in the afterlife, which is described by him as a very materialistic ambience. The concept is old: a better life beyond and a reason for the people with whom you cross paths. There are concepts to be learned from the five people. The story is delightful and cavalier.Trish New, author of The Thrill of Hope and South State Street Journal",neg This is a moderately well-spun book about the No Spin Zone. Should be called the Know Spin Zone since really nothing in it is objective. O'Reilly is a case-study in the typesubjective journalism that is prevalent in the media these days and the book shows this. In other words it's a must read for everyone with the ability to see through it. If you can't see through O'Reilly's bias then this book is poison,neg "One of the blurbs I read on the book jacket compared this book to Into Thin Air and The Perfect Storm. No way!. Those two books were edge-of-your-seat reading experiences. This account of a kayaking expedition is just plain boring. The action doesn't start until about halfway or more into the book and even then, the cliched writing and deification of Balf's subjects make this book very hard to get through. Unless you are a serious kayaking fan, I would not recommend this book",neg "Hey here's an idea. What if Hitler was right all along, only it is men, not jews, who are to blame for all the woes of the world. We should build a new Auschwitz and exterminate them all. Right Andrea? In my opinion, this is just as bad as any misogynist. It's ridiculous garbage like this that has set the women's liberation movement back for so long",neg "The Glorious Cause is the sequel to Rise to Rebellion, and since the first novel was so good I eagerly dove into this one, but was disappointed to find it had nowhere near the same depth and quality of characterization. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 4, as compared to the 8 I would give Rise to Rebellion.The events recounted in Rise to Rebellion involving the lead up to the Revolutionary War seemed so much more detailed and interesting, with a vast array of characters that were so colorful; John Adams, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, Ben Franklin, and others. The Glorious Cause was not without its merits, but it seemed so much drier and less appealing, with a more narrow focus. It was far too long in some parts, to the point my attention wandered, and getting through it was a chore in some sections, unlike the preceding novel which seemed to turn its own pages. I listened to this book on audio tape during my commute, and often found myself impatiently trying to keep my focus upon the narrative while controlling my urge to fast forward to a livelier scene.One element I felt truly slighted by was the coverage of Benedict Arnold and his defection to the British cause. I assumed this would be one of the lengthier and more rewarding sections of the book, but it zipped by fairly rapidly with little genuine immersion into the subject material.A mark of a good book is how I feel when I have finished reading it - if I am disappointed I have reached the end of the story, then I know it was time well spent. Getting to the end of The Glorious Cause felt more like finishing some particularly grueling outdoor project; it was uncomfortable work, and now that I'm done I feel I can do something a bit more interesting. Because Shaara did such a good job with Rise to Rebellion I don't feel my lack of appeal for this book is his responsibility; perhaps the subject matter didn't complement my taste as well. I prefer interesting historial detail over tepid, droning battle descriptions, and I feel the differences between those two categories represent perfectly the differences between Rise to Rebellion and The Glorious Cause.",neg do yourself a favor - don't waste your time with this book,neg "If you're thinking of reading this book, let me save you some time--don't. I like a good literary read as much as the next guy (really), and make it a point to read all the Pulitzer winners, but this book, in perfectly plain English, sucked. There is no plot, no beginning, middle or end, and is so tedious and boring that I actually started reading it from the back forward. It didn't help, but it didn't make a wit of difference either. Do your self a favor and skip it",neg "Not as good as Entre Nous - less fun and more acedemic. But even then it is not a well written essay. The few good salient points are repeated too often, and with not much creativity or development",neg "The Other Boleyn Girl and The Queen's Fool are two of the best books I've ever read--and I've read a LOT of books, especially about this period, which especially fascinates me. They were gripping to the end, and my involvement with the characters was complete--true masterpieces. So whenever a new book by Philippa Gregory comes out, I buy it, hoping to have the same experience, and lately have been sorely disappointed. The Virgin's Lover fell flat, and now I am trying to read this book but not finding myself engaged, must give it up. One reviewer suggested the books were being written too quickly--that is always an easy guess, however it depends on the writer. Anthony Trollope, for instance, was able to turn out amazing book after amazing book with incredible speed. That may or may not be the case with Gregory. I know, as a writer myself, that there are times when the work flows out, feeling almost as if it's channeled from another source, and times when it's harder, more mechanical. The more challenging situations are those when I'm not entirely convinced or in love with my subject. So to me, neither of these books feels as if they spring from a natural impulse. They feel forced, constructed. I'm going back to Trollope",neg "I listened to this as an audiobook. This is the worst book I've ever listened to from Audible. The worst. The narration is just too, too cutesy sweet and the writing is junior high quality at best. Unfortunately, I keep hearing Emperor Franz Josef in Amadeus saying, It has, well, too many notes. Barr describes everything (including clothes, hair, shoes, etc) with multiple metaphors, a plethora of adjectives, and, well, too many notes. I kept yelling at the author to just shut up and tell the story.I tried three times to listen to it and just wanted to scream after 10 minutes. I've heard this woman read other books and quite liked them, but her voice and this story just don't add up to anything other than ear pain and a case of diabetes.Where's Michael Connelly when you need him",neg "I am a Nevada Barr fan and was unfortunately disappointed with High Country. The story takes place in a restaurant (boring). The characters were dull and I kept getting them confused. Anna's constant thinking of how old she feels is tiresome. I also missed Anna's sister, Molly, who is only mentioned a few times in the book.Sorry, but I really can't recommend this book as a good read. If you want to get a feel for a real Anna Pigeon adventure, pick up Track of the Cat or Liberty Falling.",neg "This is the same old tired suggestions for cleaning up your clutter. The suggestions given are to install custom made draws that double and triple pull out. The suggestion for the pantry was to organize cans from little to big (duh) and then group like items together (duh) that's in every single organizing book published so this one is not different than any other. Also the other suggestion was to install a pull out swinging triple door pantry system. Oh is that affordable? If I had $75,000 to redo my kitchen I would install the fancy garbage bin that pulls out of the cabinet and the double drawer pot rack with side lid bins. Come on, don't waste your money on this book or it's suggestions. Very few pictures and all for the rich. I thought Good Housekeeping was for the everyday family. Get it at the library and then return it after you don't read it.",neg "Hmm, quite a disappointment, especially after splurging on the hardcover edition. Set as a kind of Rockies Rear Window, this is one slow story. Endless pages of crazy-making when I'd already guessed the outcome about halfway through. Finally skipped ahead to finish the book. I had really looked forward to Angels Fall, too :( If you are a Roberts fan, don't spend the money on the hardcover, wait for the paperback, go to the library, or borrow from a friend. Not worth the price.",neg "It was Mark Twain who popularized the aphorism of Benjamin Disraeli that there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. I kept hearing all these marvelous things about FREAKONOMICS, a book by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, so when I ran across it at 25% off, I did a stupid freakin' thing and bought it. I thought, What the freak, I've got a pretty inquisitive mind and I'm open to seeing things differently, to discovering new viewpoints.The doubt started early when I got the book home and I first noticed the glowing comments on the dust jacket from the likes of Time, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Los Angeles Times. When all of the liberal news agencies are lining up to tell me how wondrous a certain publication is, I'm immediately going to be freakin' suspicious. Author Malcolm Gladwell tells us on the cover, Prepare to be dazzled. Well, evidently Ol' Malcolm is dazzled a whole lot easier than I am. (I won't even mention the smug mug of Stephen Dubner that taunted me from the book's dust jacket because I don't want you to get the idea that I judge a book by its cover. Or in this case, a writer by his physiognomy. So I won't mention that.)If you're the kind of person who is amazed to learn that 70% of auto accidents occur within 10 miles of a driver's home, then you just MIGHT be dazzled by FREAKONOMICS. If I tell you that the company that issues its 5-day-a-week employees only 3 uniform shirts, thinking that it is cutting costs, is probably increasing its overhead, and this fact astounds you - if you must ask But how? - then yes, buy FREAKONOMICS and be dazzled. Mostly what FREAKONOMICS offers (when its conclusions can be trusted) is just what we used to call common sense. But since America has been reduced to a bunch of corpulent, brain-dead zombies staring vacuously at that box of SURVIVORS, and AMERICAN IDOLS, and LOST knuckleheads, good old-fashioned common sense now appears to dazzle the dead (when you can sever them from that box and put a real book in their hands, that is).I dove into FREAKONOMICS hoping to find my purchase worthwhile. I got no further than page 13 when my fears were realized: everything would require second-guessing and verifying. On that page, Smug Mug tells us (based on a single report by the Institute Of Medicine) that drinking eight glasses of water a day has never actually been shown to do a thing for your health. Fortunately, I read YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER by Doctor F. Batmanghelidj over a decade ago so I already knew what a bunch of bunk that was.In chapter 4, Smug Mug proves that legalizing abortion in 1973 with the Roe v. Wade decision was responsible for a national drop in the crime rate. This represents the centerpiece of his book, both literally and ideologically. The first thing the reader must accept is that there really has been a significant drop in crime since the early 1990s. On page 92, the author acknowledges that the police in Atlanta were discovered to be underreporting crime in the early `90s in hopes of landing the 1996 Olympics. Well, would police forces nationally have an incentive to underreport crime generally if it has actually dramatically increased since the `90s as predicted? True, being honest might be means to an increased budget, but it sure would make your department appear inept and unable to maintain control. And surely the Chamber Of Commerce and the big business interests would frown on that public perception. Let me ask, do YOU actually feel you're less likely to be the victim of a crime now than you did in the early 1990s? That's funny, me neither. There's so much crime now that some of what was once reported to the police agencies goes unreported, and recently, an ex-police officer friend told me that cops can no longer engage in some of the micro-policing they were able to do in the `80s and `90s because crime is so out-of-control now.In dismissing other possible factors responsible for the huge drop in crime (if this claim is a verity), Dubner states that increased police personnel accounts for only 10% of the drop. Having a bit more insight into the nature of police work than does the average civilian, it's funny that I find myself even contending with the stats Smug Mug uses that actually WORK AGAINST his theory: I believe the wide-scale hiring of police officers since the early `90s could have impacted the crime rate only minimally - less than the 10% - while actually increasing the municipal coffers via traffic citations significantly. And Dubner concludes that right-to-carry firearm laws simply don't bring down crime. (Be sure to read the utterly fascinating book, GUNFIGHTERS, HIGHWAYMEN & VIGILANTES by Roger D. McGrath, for a decidedly different and scholarly viewpoint!)In dismissing all explanations for the unexpected drop in crime except legalized abortion, I didn't notice any mention of the tremendous increase in homeschooling and the proliferation of private schools since the early `90s, and I wonder if that might have some statistical bearing. Ya think? Yes, I think Smug Mug is selective. He calls some abortions a crude and drastic sort of insurance policy. Not immoral. Not sinful. But then I didn't expect Smug Mug to call a sin a sin.And even if Levitt and Dubner's hypothesis is correct, that abortions have lowered crime, the fact remains that not every aborted child would have eventually murdered an innocent person, but every aborted child was an innocent person murdered. So why are we even discussing this? I'll tell you why: because the pro-choice folks can feel a slightly shifting consensus, and now they're pulling out all the stops, trying to statistically convince the masses that they're safer with all those unborn potential criminals missing. I find this repulsive! (And there are studies indicating that those missing people have, and will continue to have, a negative economic impact on society.)I won't even go into chapter 5, What Makes A Perfect Parent? Suffice to say that as usual (surprise! surprise!) all the statistics Dubner employs nearly always seem to confirm the rightness of the liberal dogma on each issue. Funny how those crunched numbers always crunch conservative beliefs. Just know that if you're a working mother, you haven't cheated your child in the least, but if you're a dad who thinks that an occasional spanking is in order, you are unenlightened. If your kid is watching lots of TV, it isn't turning the child's brain to mush. (No word on whether or not it's turning his/her morals to mush though.) And the studies (that we are called to pay attention to) show that a child's character wasn't much affected whether or not he was sent to day care, whether he had one parent or two, whether his mother worked or didn't, whether he had two mommies or two daddies or one of each. (I've often wondered what might have happened to me if my Mom, who was home most of the time, hadn't been there to hammer the dangers of drugs into my head day after day, year after year, while I was growing up in the `60s and `70s.)I've given FREAKONOMICS two stars because I did find the section on the naming of children very interesting, as well as the story of Stetson Kennedy's fight against the three Ks. But if you're smarter than I am, you'll borrow this book from your library rather than paying money for it. Economically speaking, that's just common cents.",neg "The back cover to this book was intriguing, and captured me immediately. The writing, however, was so plodding, so inconsistent, and so non-sequential that it was painful to get through to the end. This is aside from the fact that this man appears to be socially inept and unable to manage his affairs from day to day. I can't believe that this book made it past the editors. In one paragraph Jon Katz tells how Rose is the only dog for the job of helping him capture his runaway herd of sheet, and in the next he says that Rose is too young to herd sheep. In one paragraph he can't live without his wife, she gives his very existence meaning, and throughout the book he describes how he lives apart from her in order to...what was it again? Oh, right, herd sheep! At one point the dog he loves the most is also the one he can't connect to and finally gives away. And then can't stop visiting, even though everyone knows how confusing that would be to a dog. And why is he wondering why the world looks at grown men funny when they hang around too much with teenage boys - there's a reason, Jon!If you care at all about literarure, stay away from this book",neg "From the remarks at this site, people either love this novel or hate it. I hated it. I hated it for the reason that it represents all that is bad about MFA program writing in the last 30 years. The emphasis is entirely on STYLE. Forget story. Forget that your reader needs some reason to be reading the narrative. Just throw out and string together wonderful language and the reader will follow you anywhere. Some of this thinking goes back to Henry James, some of it goes back to Virginia Woolf who was so terrified of books with plots or dominating conceits (like H.G. Wells' THE TIME MACHINE). The first 100 pages of this novel are about a real estate deal and the people to whom Frank Bascombe is trying to sell a property. It's brilliantly written. In fact, it's so brilliantly written that I had a lot of problems seeing a former sportswriter being so introspective and articulate about his life, his loves, and the region of the country he inhabits. This book has no driving plot. In fact, it's an arbitrarily chosen conceit: what happens on July 4th in the life of one guy. It's not James Joyce's ULYSSES nor is it trying to be, but EVERY thought this man has is in this book. And none of it is related to a plot or story or any reason whatever why a person--any perso--should pick up the book.Indeed, that seems to be the crux. I read this book because it was by Richard Ford, a man whom all of my colleagues in the mainstream fiction world revere. You must read this book, they said. So I did. And I consider it an extraordinary waste of my time. To be sure, this is a judgment call, but I'm allowed to make it. EVERY reader is allowed to make that call. But I know I'm in the minority in this. This book is supposed to be one of the greatest American novels of the last 25 years. But will it be so in another 25 years? Are novels now only to be interior monologues (which Virginia Woolf preferred and said so in her essay Modern Fiction)?Perhaps our values are changing. Perhaps the MFA programs in this country are correct in only cultivating style rather than story. But what it eventually evolves into is a form of narcissism, wherein the author writes at length, putting on the page all of his or her thoughts about whatever and we're supposed to . . . what? Applaud it?I believe that the authors we'll remember will be the natural storytellers. I don't think Richard Ford is one of them. But, man, he sure can write",neg "This was the first Hard Case publication book that I have tried. It won't be the last, but I was hardly impressed with King's story.I don't so much mind having a story with no ending (I got the point even without the author's afterword that was obviously meant to propitiate his regular readers who he correctly feared would be disappointed by this latest work), but couldn't King have given more of a mystery? That is, after all, what is expected of a crime-mystery book. I can't believe that I was asking too much. Instead, I was treated to 178 pages of Welcome to Maine!",neg "I'm an avid reader of history, as well as processing a degree in the subject. So imagine my surprise when, after receiving this book from a friend of mine for Christmas, I read the erroneous account of the Children's Crusade of 1212. I had done research on this topic, so I was horrified to read the completely inaccurate account of what occurred. Had the author not read any historical analysis on the subject from the last 50 years? If he had, he would have realized that there were actually two crusades - one consisting of mainly French people led by Stephen of Cloyes who, when told to turn back by King Philip II, did so. That ended that crusade. The other one, led by a shepherd from Germany named Nicholas, led a group across the Alps into Italy. Some left for home while others continued on to Rome. It's interesting to note that in Rome, many received dispensations from their crusading vows because these children were either too old or because they were pregnant. Perhaps until relatively recently, people believed in the Children's Crusade because it represented a morality play or because some historians gave too much credit to chronicles (like Chronica Albrici monachi Trium Fontium) which were written long after the crusade supposedly occurred, rather than relying on more contemporary sources. Nor did they realize that the latin word pueri used in the chronicles can have several meanings (such as unmarried men rather than children).In the final analysis, you just can't rely on books like these to really teach you history. The best you can do is read what they tell you and then try to verify it. If only the author had bothered to check the History Channel's own account of the Children's Crusade on their website, or perhaps read the excellent paper done by Peter Raedts in the Journal of Medieval History, or even just checked out the brief but accurate entry online in wikipedia. The book gave two pages to this event, and sadly got it completely wrong.For this gross oversight, I am compelled to give it one star. Readers of history, never just believe what you read - verify",neg "The bottom-line on Brainless is that one has to be brainless to take time to read Coulter's writings, and even more brainless to waste the time to read an analysis of them.Yes, it is mildly interesting to learn of Coulter contradictions (eg. bashes the elite, then takes on Harriet Miers - partly because she didn't go to an elite law school, and I believe everything I say, vs. Most of what I say, I say to amuse myself and amuse my friends. And then there are the infinite number of brainless Coulterisms and unsupported assertions - eg. public schools have more sex scandals per year than Catholic priests - thirty times more, Liberals lie about the science on stem-cell research because they warm to the idea of destroying human embryos, I've never seen people enjoying their (9/11) husbands' deaths so much. On the other hand, Maguire really doesn't have that much to say that IS INTERESTING!On the other hand, if you hadn't figured out already that there is someting seriously wrong with Ann Coulter - this book won't help. Save your money and your time",neg "...are incorrect and that his fractal models are much better. Of course if his models were worth more than the paper they're written on Mandelbrot wouldn't have to write books like this because he'd be cleaning out everyone else's wallets on the stock market. In particular, if it's true that extreme events are more unlikely than most people think then he could easily exploit this with a suitable derivative. But the fact is, Mandelbrot doesn't know anything that countless other traders don't already know. So instead Mandelbrot is forced to resort to telling people how smart he is through his books rather than actually being smart enough to make a killing on Wall Street.But I am glad I read this book. Having seen Mandelbrot 'on tour' a few years ago I developed a strong prejudice against him. But reading this book has convinced me that my prejudice is entirely justified. He can never just state a fact. Instead he always has a to phrase it as my work shows that... or I demonstrated that... even if he makes the same claim again and again. If he can try to take credit for other people's work he'll do so. He even managed to find someone to write an introduction for the book who was prepared to refer to the Levy distribution as the Mandelbrot-Levy distribution. The most egregious example of self-aggrandisement has to be the caption to a picture of the Brooks-Metelsky-Mandelbrot set where he mentions that two mathematicians only scaled part way up his 'Everest' of this set and received Fields medals for this work - the implication of course being that Mandelbrot has actually seen the view from the summit. Disgustingly he doesn't even deign to mention the names of these mathematicians.One time I criticised Mandelbrot publicly and someone responded by pointing out how many peer reviewed papers he had published so he can't be all bad. But in this book Mandelbrot actually reveals to us how he used his social network to work around the peer review system. Astonishing!I think it's also worth pointing out that there are some interesting ideas in this book and so it's not completely valueless. But I found the discussion of multifractal time methods (which make up a large part of the book) to generate plausible looking but fake price charts to be a bit pointless. I work in computer graphics and use similar methods to generate random surface detail all the time, but it doesn't mean I have a deep understanding of the statistics of random surfaces. It just means I know how to fool the eye",neg "To cover all the problems with continuity, logic, theology, geography and plain common sense in _Left Behind_ would take a whole book. One hardly knows where to start.Perhaps it is too early to assess the damage that will be done to Christian religion by this trashy novel. As such, it isn't even a decent trashy novel; instead of steamy sex scenes, we get sanctimonious sermonizing. Worse than that, what the authors have done is to turn the powerful imagery of the Bible into a cheap comic book, ignoring its spiritual messages in favor of promoting a self-centered preoccupation with getting a ticket to heaven before it's too late.The comic book aspect can not be overemphasized. Even if you suspend disbelief enough to accept the rapture scenario (an idea with virtually no scriptural support), little in the characters' actions, thought processes or dialog rings true. One gets the impression that the book was hastily thrown together by a junior high school student. God ends up looking like the ultimate villain, demanding that you hurry up and get yourself and your friends on his side Or Else.Whatever happened to the inspiring Christian writers of yesteryear? Who is the present-day equivalent of C. S. Lewis, or Catherine Marshall, and why aren't they getting more attention? These were writers who actually made you THINK. LaHaye and Jenkins seem to believe that thinking is the last thing God wants us to be doing; they hardly miss a chance to put down anyone with any hint of intelligence or independent thought. They show no interest in answering the sort of hard questions that surviving non-believers in such a world might ask. One wonders if they have ever met a non-believer at all, or witnessed the aftermath of a disaster for that matter.These days, it seems as if all the media attention is on the likes of Ann Coulter or Pat Robertson, whose mission seems to be to turn Christianity into a twisted, bigoted caricature of what it once was. Perhaps all the great religious thinkers really have been raptured. If _Left Behind_ is an example of the sort of writing that we can expect from Christian writers, then it is the church itself that is in danger of being left behind",neg "While this book contains a ton of data, don't get it if you want calorie counts on anything homemade. If you look up french toast, for example, it only gives information on name brand items. Much of the information in the book is available on the packaging of the products. I suppose that if you wanted to check it before shopping, or use it before eating out, it would be helpful. But if you want to find out the caloric content of any homemade items, you are out of luck with this book",neg "This book was selected by my book club. I had never read Anna Quindlen before. Rise and Shine was a disappointment to me. I kept hoping that Meghan would somehow be redeemed, but that did not happen. She is really not very likeable. I thought there would have been more of a dialog between the sisters concerning Leo's tradgedy. Meghan blamed her sister in one line and then it was never brought up again. The book left me with an empty feeling. It was not a satisfying read",neg "In addition to the fact that I, too, felt that I was enduring a commercial for DFA, I was annoyed by the fact that this book is nothing more than a rehash of The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You'll Ever Need: Index Mutual Funds and Beyond - The Way Smart Money Invests Today, Swedroe's May, 1998 book. He introduces a small number of new studies and illustrations, but if you've read the first book, there's no reason to look at this one",neg "American Pastoral was repetitious to the Nth degree. I read the Human Stain a few years ago, and it was good. But, in Pastoral, the reader is put through a zillion permutations of possible dialogs between the Swede and a psychoanalyst, and between his daughter Merry and a psychoanalyst, but absent the psychoanalyst: Roth is our psychoanalyst. What he misses, however, is that we simply have to realize that interpersonal dynamics are sometimes beyond our control. The Swede never failed as a father; rather, he failed because he couldn't let go of his sense of responsibility for her",neg "I received a book that I didn't even order. The one I ordered is yellow and white ( 3th edition). THis isn't the one I ordered; therefore, I need a refund.I sent the book back and I know the seller received it on 8/19",neg "It is sad that this is what passes for political commentary now. Coulter's work demonstrates exactly the potential danger for degrading society and disdain for thinking that people like Ms. Coulter piously/hypocritically rail against. She will happily take the same formula to the bank time and again. Why must political discussion turn to childish name calling in order to convince self-selected audiences of something they already want to believe. Pitiful rants here. If you are in it for fun or don't care that you are getting a skewed, sensationalist opinion, maybe you should read a few paragraphs of this in the book store. But for something better, why not go for an intelligent book that takes an even handed, analytical approach, rather than buy into the opinions of a new breed of political analyst (on both right and left) that race to produce the most extreme charactures of any political philosophy they do not happen to agree with.",neg "I had to read Jared Diamond's Pulitzer prize winning book because of the rave reviews and acclaim. The thoughts that he introduces in the book are certainly interesting and he presents us with a new way to interpret history which is certainly important. However, there is much overkill in making points about the development of each civilization - crops are the major topic with little discussion on guns, germs (more than the other 2), and steel. Of course the arguement for this focus is that the domestication of crops is how civilizations develop guns, germs and steel. I enjoyed parts of the book considerably, but you would have to have a strong interest in horticulture and botany to truely appreciate the book. I guess I was spoiled by first reading his sequel to GGS, Collapse - a terrific read that should be of interest to everyone -it relates our industrialization to every aspect of the environment and show historically how this has shaped history. It has major rammifications for our situation on this earth right now. -RK",neg When the truth about 911 is known he must not escape justice. He is a criminal and must be treated like one. Christian Peper,neg "Hal Abelson is responsible for a famous epigram, If I haven't seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing on my shoulders.This book is solidly enough written, but it's a cut-down, shallow rehash of a few justly famous functional programming textbooks. The first is Abelson and Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs; the second, Bird and Wadler's Introduction to Functional Programming.If you want to really learn deep truths about programming, go buy those two books. If they leave you scratching your head about how to transmogrify what you learn into Perl, buy Schwartz's Perls of Wisdom",neg "Author La Guardia mentions how the Lemba of Africa have the Jewish gene. Fine! But when he deals (in several pages mind you)with the Falashas (also of Africa) he never mentions that genetic studies have positively shown these Jews NOT to be descended from the 12 Tribes of Israel despite the Falashas's longtime rep for possibly being a Lost Tribe of Israel which, again, has now been 100% disproven through genetic studies",neg "Just a reminder that this guy cheated on his wife around the same time Clinton was being pounded for his indiscretions.Sean Hannity, early in his book Let Freedom Ring reminded us of how Bill Clinton tainted the office of the presidency and then not two paragraphs later noted how Morris was a good friend of his (Hannity's) and then led into negative opinions on Morris of Clinton. Didn't bother to mention anything about Morris doing the exact same thing- and this little worm woulda lied with his palm on the Ark of the Covenant so don't give me (...) about the lame@ss lying under oath Republican punk. (...) hyprocrite!",neg "I first read passages from this book in college. I can now see how liberal professors very much enjoy using this book to influence young minds. Professor Zinn is a far left author. He uses the usual lines: America generally bad, communism generally good. Obviously Mr. Zinn has the right to write whatever he wants, and his writing style is very convincing. However, if the reader investigates the facts, many holes become visible in his theories. Those who agree and disagree with his writings should explore opposite viewpoints. A good example is Intellectual Morons : How Ideology Makes Smart People Fall for Stupid Ideas by Daniel J. Flynn which gives the reader a good profile of Mr. Zinn.",neg "Poorly proof read and obfuscatingly written, this book had the potential to clarify for the many the importance of Black's contributions. It was a frustrating read due to lack of clarity and lack of simple explanations about the significance of Black's work",neg "I agree with the reader(s) who said this book totally contradicts itself and seems thrown-together, as if no one proofread it. In one chapter she'll recommend something; then later on she'll tell you it's ineffective and/or dangerous! She gives a long, long list of herbal supplements that are supposed to aid weight loss -- but she just repeats all the advertisers' claims without any comments, recommendations or opinions of her own. Personally I think most natural/ herbal supplements are a ripoff, but if she had given any testimonials by people who've found them to work, I might consider trying them. On the whole, this book is a waste of money",neg What a complete and utter waste of time. Its obvious how these guys got dubbed the nutroots,neg "I've been a fan of Heinlein's SF for just about as long as I've been an SF fan at all (somewhere around thirty-five years). But when I read this collection some twenty-odd years ago, it nearly turned me off to the old man altogether.The fiction is pretty good (although even that isn't Heinlein's best). But to describe the nonfiction accurately, I'd have to use words that Amazon will remove from the review anyway.For the most part, the pieces collected here represent a side of Heinlein I strongly dislike. Though I respect _Starship Troopers_, it's never going to be my favorite Heinlein novel no matter how many times we quibble over the precise definition of fascism -- and I'm not going to have much respect for the nonfiction in this collection.And mind you, it's not because I disagree with Heinlein's opinions; it's because he gave bad arguments for them and called other people nasty names when they differed. Some of the stuff collected here is tendentious to the point of being propagandistic. (At least in his fiction, he was able to create characters with points of view that differed from his and get into their heads well enough to present them sympathetically -- in short, to grok them. Not here, boy.)Heinlein (who bought into the Korzybski/General Semantics fad pretty early on) spent a lot of years dismissing philosophers as tailchasers who derive their premises from their conclusions. But his own attempt at philosophy, as represented here in e.g. The Pragmatics of Patriotism, is very nearly the worst writing on ethical philosophy I've ever seen.Then, too, people who knew Heinlein report that despite his overall gentlemanly demeanor, he could be pretty churlish toward people who disagreed with him. Well, he's certainly unpleasant here; anybody who doesn't agree with him on the need for massive nuclear buildup is dismissed as a poltroon or a custard-head. Even in the unlikely event that I thought he were _right_, I wouldn't find this a very helpful approach.Perhaps more surprisingly, his popular writings on _science_ aren't very good. Asimov's reputation as the great explainer is in no danger here.This volume is second only to _Grumbles from the Grave_ in cementing Heinlein's posthumous reputation as a rather mean-spirited fellow whose fictional characters were generally much better company than he was. When I want Heinleinian company, I'll stick to D.B. Davis, Manuel Garcia O'Kelly Davis, and (maybe) Lazarus Long.And when I want to read some humane nonfiction by an SF master, I'll still turn to Asimov. I credit Heinlein with three magisterial novels, several imperfect-but-great ones, and a good number of brilliant short stories. But the stuff in this book should have stayed in his drawer",neg I have to say I truly hated this book. The premise sounded interesting so I decided to give it a try. I've read all her other books in the series and found the characters to be quirky. This time I found her usual friends and co-workers to be boring and self involved caricatures. The groundwork was there for an interesting serial killer with complex motivation but it never developed that way. The constant head hopping was annoying and the ending came out of nowhere. Cromwell has obviously gotten bored with her characters and it shows. This is my last Cromwell,neg "There isn't anything in this book that you won't find in Warren Buffett's annual letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway (available for free at the Berkshire Hathaway website). If you've not read those letters then I suggest you get right to it - they clearly lay out Mr Buffett's approach to investing and are written in a very easy to read, humorous and homely style.This book pulls many of the highlights from those letters together in one place and lays out some major tenets and themes that could be said to make an investment Buffett like.If you're not familiar with Warren Buffett and have not read his letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway - then you will likely find this to be a good introduction to Buffett. Anybody else should probably steer clear as there isn't anything new here.",neg "The Last River - The Tragic Race for Shangri-la.......Tragic. Yes I'd agree that this book is tragic.Tragic that I bothered reading it.....tragic that I paid for it in order to read it.....tragic that Todd wasted his time writing it......tragic that I disliked it so much that I can be bothered writing a review.The warning should have come upon examination of the back of the dust jacket. Advance praise for The Last River it reads. In retrospect this means no one is prepared to recommend the book after they have read it.It seems that Todd had a vision of how big a book needs to be, and went to great lengths to flesh out the story to reach his goal. So much of the content has so little relevancy to the story, that you soon tire trawling through it.This was my third Tsango experience. I do recommend the Outside documentary on the Lindgren expedition. Hell or High Water is not outstanding, but is worth a read, but on this book, my advise to Todd is please make this the Last River that you drag through the wringer",neg "This books should be called The random thoughts of a rich old man. It appears to me someone followed Mr. Buffet around and wrote down what ever he said then thought how do I present this is a book?, oh how about a random collection of dis-jointed thoughts! yea that's it!!",neg "This book is great! Assuming you already have a Ph. D. in Political Science. Otherwise this book is best reserved for drop quoting, or light reference. The author shows bias towards the United States' form of Democracy, as is to be expected in such a book. The simplistic nature makes the reader annoyed more than informed. The childish approach is suited for school children, but not as appropriate as other books for real analysis",neg "In his book, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz, embodies four principles for experiencing personal freedom in life. He says that we should be impeccable with our words, not to take anything personally, don't make assumptions, and to always do our best. The basis for some of the agreements we make with ourselves stem from early childhood training through a series of rewards and punishments from our parents. He calls this process domestication (p. 6). Ruiz says that 95% of the beliefs we hold are nothing but lies and that most of our agreements are based upon the fear of rejection. The agreements that he gives are meant to free us from the emotional bonds that get in the way of our personal energy and to transform our lives.While there are various nuggets of truth throughout the book, some of it goes off into the abyss where he takes a thought and carries it to what I would consider to be to be an illogical conclusion. In some instances he uses biblical scripture to support his claims; however, in looking further, he takes some of the passages from the Bible out of context. Some of his ideas are presented as if they were new ideas, but I would think most of us by a young age, should already an understanding of these principles. Although his book has been highly rated, I hold the position that Mr. Ruiz lacks credibility and logic as a writer, therefore, losing good standing with me as a reader.According to Ruiz, as children we are not given the opportunity to choose our own beliefs. When we go against the rules we are punished (or rewarded for compliance). The fear of rejection leads us to agree with, or become something that we are not. In essence, we become a carbon copy of someone else, such as our parents. He says our normal tendencies are lost and we judge other people based upon these agreements. He boldly states, lacking statistical data to back it up, that 95% of our beliefs are based upon a lie (13).The implication is that we are merely nothing more than a society of mindless, domesticated individuals, hurting ourselves, judging and victimizing other people along the way. This kind of thinking negates the teachings associated with parenthood and the positive aspects they bring to our lives. By his interpretation, if 95% of what we believe is a lie, then 95% of what our parents taught us is also a lie. I would disagree. There are many people who exist today as viable, productive members of society who I'm sure would point out they too became a copy of someone else's beliefs and values. If these role models are only filling our heads with lies and teaching us how not to be ourselves, by his interpretation, we don't need parents, teachers, or leaders. He undermines our personal paradigms and omits that as adults we do have the ability to choose a different path, which I believe is our right of passage. By his rational we lose the ability to choose our own destiny. Instead, we become victims of it.One of the few things we agree upon is his first agreement, be impeccable with your word; however, he misquotes the bible (John 1:1) when he says In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God. He uses it to epitomize the use of word as in what one speaks (26). Looking a little further down in that passage, it also says The word was made flesh and dwelt among us. This passage is not talking about a form of speech, or speaking, but rather Jesus Christ. Christ became flesh and dwelt among us. In that same chapter he says that sin begins with rejection of yourself (31). However, in Christianity it says that sin is a transgression of the law (1 John 3:4) and that sin is neglecting to do God's will (James 4:7). It's not about self, but about disobeying God's ordinances. While I agree that watching what we say is something we all need to strive for, this is not a new concept. Most children have learned by the age of 6 that if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all.In his second agreement, don't take anything personally; he says that nothing people do is because of you. While this is true to some degree, he leads the reader down a path of illogical extremes when he says that even if someone took a gun and shot you in the head, it was nothing personal. So in essence, when Mary Jo Buttafuoco was shot by Amy Fisher, her expression of displeasure regarding Amy's behavior was nothing more than a fundamental form of projection because according to Ruiz you are dealing with yourself, not me (51). No, realistically, Mary Jo Buttafuoco was shot because Amy Fisher wanted her dead. This kind of logic encourages victims to remain in dysfunctional relationships and perpetrators to continue abusing victims. As an American, I'm glad that someone took 9/11 personally.According to Mr. Ruiz he takes neither destructive nor constructive criticism. It seems arrogant to place myself so far above reproach, that I would turn a deaf ear to all forms of criticism. When my College writing professor, gave me his opinion regarding my work, if I were following the authors line of reasoning, I would believe that my professor was trying to poison my mind and was feeding me his emotional garbage as Mr. Ruiz suggests (49). I would rather believe that my instructor has my best interests at heart and is seeking to teach me how to become a better writer.Another agreement is about not making assumptions in life. He says when we make assumptions, in essence, we create unnecessary drama. Unfortunately we live in a world where that is not entirely possible. Assumption is a necessary part of a thought and reason; even within the scientific community a hypothesis (or assumption) is formed in order to test a theory. In order come to school each day I must make assumptions that my instructor has a college degree, and that he or she must be reliable enough in life to make it to work everyday.In his forth agreement, always do your best, he claims it is based upon the actions of the other three agreements, stating they will only work if you do your best. Again, these are fundamental principles that almost any child has learned.While Ruiz does indeed present some viable ideas, his concepts begin to unravel when he doesn't back up his statements with facts, but instead takes a basic concept and follows an illogical line of reasoning to reach his final conclusion. I can't completely discount everything that he says, but he lost credibility with me by some of his assumptions and weak rationalizations.",neg Hart disputes O'Reilly's claim that the US gives far and away more tax money for foreign coutries than anyone else..... by countering that per capita the U.S. is near the bottom of the list. O'Reilly wasn't quoted as saying more tax money per capita.More goofy reasoning by someone who ought to know better.,neg "After two weeks on this diet plan I could bearly lift my head up. I nearly fell asleep driving home from work nights...not to mention hardly staying awake while at work. I thought it would be a pleasant change from the restrictions of Atkins, but I was never tired on Atkins. I don't know if it had something to do with insulin from the sudden onslaught of carbs...or what the problem was. All I know is I am happily following Atkins and losing much more rapidly than I did on this CAD plan. In two weeks I lost 6 lbs. on CAD...14 on Atkins. You figure it out",neg "This book, above all others, reveals the breakdown of classical (libertarian) liberalism into the statist liberalism of today. Although the first part of the work, being a refutation of Edmund Burke's silly nonsense, is stellar, and is well worth reading. Regardless, the second part, the chapter on Ways and Means in particular, is composed of the most despicable, anti-liberty doctrines that one can find. What Paine basically proposed was a late 18th century form of the welfare state, replete with progressive taxation, subsidies for child birth, and other fine statist amenities. Thus, as all of these things are, in his words, to be claimed as rights, the title of this book comes to mean nothing whatsoever. It is indeed sad that Thomas Paine has gained such an enduring legacy as a friend to liberty. In truth, he is actually one of its worst enemies, as he combines a just zeal for resistance to oppression, revolution, and reason, he sabotages his entire political philosophy",neg "I enjoy reading books of trivia and fun facts, but I didn't even make it through the first chapter before I put this book down in disgust. Almost every entry had to do with sex or male endowments. As I was flipping through the book, I found x-rated pictures and drawings that I would hate to have to explain to my children if they were to pick up this book. I never would have bought this book if I had seen it in a bookstore, and I regret throwing it in the trash before I could see if I could get my money back",neg "Anyone that knows anything about Milken knows that the guy created millions of jobs, and contributed much more to society than people like James Stewart, who often act like parasites at the expense of others.And what about Milken's life after this whole affair? I wonder what Stewart will write about in the sequel, since Milken has taken on a life of philanthropy basically unrivaled, and certainly contributes more to this country than most. Milken's creation of a liquid market for junk bonds allowed credit risk to be redistributed throughout the capital markets, effectively creating more capital, more jobs, and more wealth creation.Anyone up and coming in IB, or looking to inform themselves of the 80's capital movement, please at least check out some other perspectives on the era.Note: These comments don't apply to Boesky or the arbs who were doing nothing but breaking the law. I would argue a strong distinction between Milken and most of the other characters in this book",neg "I recently saw this book on the bargain bin. This book was pure garbage, by two arrogant 20-somethings in clown suits. Basically they are saying valuations don't matter. Since they wrote the book, it has been prooven that their philosophy, approached over the long term, produces some great damaging losses. The book may be useful during the next bubble, which if history serves, will occur well after these clowns pass on to the big three-ring circus in the sky. To the dungeon with these two knaves",neg "Our book club read this last month and not a single member had anything good to say about this book. As the facilitator, I was surprise by the consensus since we usually have at least one or two members who love the monthly selection. The writing is disjointed to the point that Ms. Krauss loses her reader. Then when she introduces the potential that many of the chapters might just be imaginary interactions between the characters, the reader is left extremely frustrated. I really cannot imagine how Ms. Krauss' novel has garnered so many stellar reviews",neg "I am having a hard time understanding why people have raved about this book. I guess everyone is entitled to have loyal fans, but I just don't see what was great, or even good, about this story.Two teenagers enter a school and end up killing seven people. They are caught, they confess, and the Grandmother of one of the killers hires Spenser to prove the boy's innocense. We are given the impression a great mystery, with possible red herrings, is about to entertain us. Alas, it is not to be. The kids did it, plain and simple. Why they did it is so stupid. The story reads as though a sixth grader has written it. The plot is lame, and even as lame as it is, it isn't executed well at all.The characters are boring and 2 dimensional. The banter which takes place between the main character and others, while it seems to be trying to be witty, is just dumb and unbelievable. I just can't say enough about how stupid this story is. There are too many wonderful mystery authors out there writing gripping, intense works of fiction to waste your time on this one. This is the first novel I have read by this author and will most definitely be my last",neg "Before purchasing Made in Detroit I read the reader reviews. The reviews were so mixed that I decided against buying the book and checked it out of the library instead. As it turns out I made the best decision. All I can say is `thank you fellow reviewers'; this book was definitely not worth the purchase price. My statement has nothing to do with the author's writing skills, he is a skilled writer. It has everything to do with his lack of insight. That Paul Clemens could live in a city and have such a skewed view of it is downright scary. I read the book, waiting for Paul to have a revelation that would help him put the pieces of his life together and make peace with them. But after 241 pages he was no more enlightened than he was on page one. Blacks are caricatures whose sole role in life is to make Paul's life hard. Women are peripheral characters who are barely given a voice. He finds a way to put down and demean everyone who is not a white male in his book.If you are a white male who harbors secret racist feelings you will enjoy this book and it will validate your feelings. If you are anyone else your reaction will no doubt range from mild boredom to outrage. As I read this book I felt sadness, a profound sense of dismay and had some of my worse fears confirmed. (There are white folks who actually still think like this.) My hope is that the light comes on for Paul, he is still young. If it does maybe he will share his insights with us.",neg "The book jacket for The Ruins offers a can't-miss premise: a group of post-grad American tourists at play in Mexico jump at the chance for a little adventure among Mayan ruins but find but then find themselves in unimaginable danger. It's the stuff of great Summer thrillers ready to be taken to the beach. But 319 pages later, the reader is left to wonder whether or not the publisher put the wrong book in the jacket.Almost immediately, you'll notice that Smith's writing is as dense as the jungles that make the setting. However, despite the endless stream of words, his descriptions are often threadbare. Plus, there are no chapter breaks, which eventually pushes the pace until it feels like an assignment to continue.Next, the characters themselves begin to fall flat. There are only really two couples to keep track of, and yet it's difficult for the first third of the book to distinguish them. There is little to keep you interested in what they're doing or why they might be doing it. Smith's attempts at developing these four as characters come in fits and spurts. This seems obviously haphazard and hurried - the author is jamming in backstory whenever needed to explain characters' actions as if he were patching leaks in a dam. By the end of the book, the foursome seems to be as disinterested in each other as the reader is in them.And for the readers who are hoping to discover something of interest in the setting such as Mayan mythology or archeological lore, forget it. Aside from language barriers with the locals, there is no reason why this fantastical story couldn't have been set in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains, the Saharan desert, or anywhere else. The danger posed has nothing to do with Mexico, archeology or mythology at all.Ah yes, the danger posed. Well, I can't say much at all because anyone could give away the entire book with one line of explanation - that's how thin the plot is. The numerous other reviews that fault this as a short story masquerading as a novel are exactly right. Suffice it to say that when you do realize what the danger is (and you'll realize it well before any of the well-educated characters do), it's a real eye-roller, as if to say I read this many pages for THIS?.By the time the story concludes, it's more irritating than suspenseful. The characters take so long to blithely undertake any course of action at all that you'll start rooting against them. Eventually scenes of gore start piling up in an obvious and lazy attempt to interject some action, but even aside from being misdirected, it's too little too late.This book could have been an adventure, a supernatural thriller, a survival tale, or a horror screenplay. It could have even taken the high road as an examination on people's reactions to situations of extreme stress: some take the lead, even enjoying the challenge, while others whither into a shell of hopelessness. But none of the possibilities ever come to fruition in this disappointing effort.",neg "The book THE LOST CONTINENT is an amazing captivating read. Bryson is truly brilliant in his descriptions. This CD totally KILLS that. First of all the narrator reads at a mile a minute, sometimes to the point where you can't understand him. And second, they abridged the CRAP out of it, cutting some of the most interesting commentary and actually cutting the entire SECOND HALF of the book! While the book is amazing, this particular recording of it should be avoided at all costs",neg I found this book very boring. Tyler does a good job on detailing the charictors but I kept waiting for something to happen. Poor Maryam never developed into a person she was so caught up in trying to be a properAmerican. I will read another of her books since she is so well thought of,neg What a waste of time. This was like sitting through a very boring business course. I was never interested in turning the page. I would have liked to see more of Carly personal side and maybe some human aspect to this story.Instead I felt like a robot was telling this story.Very much of how great her business style was and very little about anything else. I forced myself to finish this. A huge diaappointment.Don't waste your money,neg "I am a huge fan of Kathy Reichs' novels and of the TV Series, Bones. However, this book was quite a disappointment to me. I did not care for the way the author wrote dialogue -- Brennan's dialog is not that simplimatic on the TV program, and she certainly would never say, Where at!? The author way overused the joke where Brennan did not know what that means.All I could think of was how much better this novel would have been if written by Reichs herself.I started to jot down the holes in the story but quit after a while",neg "This is a badly written, repetitive and self-serving account, largely, of the foolishness of portflio insurance. That things which are just like something else may not be so in reality, and that magic fixes in the market (which after all fly in the face of the rational-expectations/efficient-market hypotheses which often are built into the view of the market being relied on) I guess needs to be pointed out regularly, since hope of quick, uninformed, and painless fixes seem to reoccur with each new wave of financial charlatans and the greed they feed on. Jacobs does point out such problems for a particular, rather bizarre episode, and suggests, not too coherently, that such scams are still prevalent. However, He does this in a horribly repetitive and self-laudatory way that is not really very clearly argued",neg design of book is very poor--pictures totally unclear and print is crowded making it impossible to focus on the story. The translations are not bad but there is no effort to organize the material and put it in contex,neg "AGELESS BODY is Deepak's attempt to neutralize the word old as in old age. The writer has a knack for making common words, like body, mind and self, into profound concepts. His technique is to overlay his abstract ideas with suggestive experimental studies. But ambiguity in interpreting these studies abound. If you like poetry, Deepak may be your read: The billions of changes occurring in our cells are only the passing scenery of life; (P. 36) Or try to interpret this one: The emptiness at the core of every atom is the womb of the universe; in the flicker of thought when two neurons interact there is an opportunity for a new world to be born. (P.40) At times he attributes to cells and DNA a creative intelligence to direct their own construction and at other times his designer is invisible. He would make a great spokesman for the current hocus pocus over intelligent design. He can't accept the growth of any cell, even a plant cell, without an intelligence involved. He mentions and attacks evolution only one time on P. 115, asserting that the growth of a cell could never be a random process. Deepak ends up in the very same thought circle as every other writer who tries to explain life in scientific terms: Intelligence is a self organizing entity and every cell evolved is only intelligence having a conversation with itself. Whether your word game tosses in the word quantum or not doesn't change much. What a solipsistic thought; what a solipsistic world. I wonder if his readers who actually experienced the oneness Deepak speaks of wouldn't, after awhile, go insane",neg "This book is so full of misinformation that I shudder to think (since it is in the dummies series), that this may be the only information that many people will read before they embark upon a very serious commitment with a dog. It is poorly researched, full of dogma and nonsense. If you have to read a quick book find one written by an expert - a veterinarian, or anyone with a track record in animals. Instant info can be found on bulletin discussion boards, magazines etc",neg "...you can waste your time and save your money by checking this out of your local library.If you want to get an inside view of the inner workings of Wall Street during the excessive gyrations of the '80s, then read Den of Theives - that book is well written and well worth the money!What turned me off about this book was the structure and the writing style. The first half of the book was essentially the author relating fortuitous circumstances that were the product of Serendipity. He was simply in the right place at the right time, had virutally no idea how he got there, felt out of place the whole time (even when he was raking in the Big Bucks in NY and London), and so now he thought he'd wwrite a book about it. I also got the sense that he was trying to assuage some guilt from his association at Salomon Brothers. He was there, he made a lot of money, good for him - get over it!I was also pretty disappointed because the subject matter has A LOT more potential. I might have actually enjoyed it - had I not read Den of Theives 7 years earlier, and already had some idea of how things took place. But, if you can get it for $5 or less (including shipping), and you have little to no knowledge of what an investment banker's life is like (and you haven't also seen the movie Wall Street (which covers the same highlights in this book)), then it's probably worth it.I did like the wrap up he did towards the end of the book, relating where he had heard everyone from the firm ended up...althought that seemed a little rushed..",neg "I'll preface this by saying I'm a cryer. I cry at movie previews when they simply look entertaining. I cried all the way through Superman Returns. I did not, however, shed one tear during Message in a Bottle.In English class, I always learned to show, not tell when writing. When that is your rule of thumb, you'll write a moving piece of literature, even if you're not completely skillful. Sparks is the master of telling without showing.I'm honestly baffled by all the good reviews it gets. The story is somewhat engaging, but with no payoff. But the work is filled with passages like (and these are from memory; if I picked up the book to look for verbatim examples I'd have to type the entire thing), He went to the refrigerator, opened the door, and took a beer. After opening it, he sat down on the back deck. Or, Though she was overweight, she moved quickly around the table. She got out of the shower, dried off, and put on khaki shorts and a white cotton shirt. Have you read enough yet?I'm new to the romance genre. My mother-in-law recommended Sparks because -- I think she was trying to imply -- his sex scenes aren't too graphic. They were to me, but then, I'm new to romance, and spoiled by the masterful, unequaled storytelling skill of Stephen King.Please hold your New York Times bestsellers to a higher standard. Let's hold on to whatever quality control we can in music, movies, and literature",neg more hate books. How could anyone write anything so wrong,neg "I started reading this book expecting to like it - it's historical, related to Little Women, won the Pulitzer, doesn't feel like fluff, etc. However I had a really difficult time getting into the book.For one, the language sounded much more pretentious than historically accurate. I've read other works from the time period she's supposed to be writing in, and rather than feeling in keeping with that era, this book felt indicitive of someone who makes full use of her thesaurus.Also, I haven't read her other book so i didn't enter this novel with a trust for the author. Consequentally, I found that as she mentioned connections to Little Women, I became defensive. She had not proven to me that she had the right to use this work. In some of her character choices, such as one of the first encounters between March and Marmee (I'm not going to go into details so as not to spoil the scene), I believe that she made a radical departure from anything that Alcott would have written of her characters, and that Brooks really did not stay true to the original.The first half of the book is also really dry. This could just be my personal taste, but the first half moved so slowly! The book started to pick up about half way through. Overall, the story being told and the Civil War aspects weren't bad, and could be a decent story in their own right if she'd just speed things along at the beginning.However, I think Brooks did the book a major disservice by linking it to Little Women. I bristled every time she mentioned an individual from the book, because she was really changing their characters (other than Aunt March). The choices that Brooks' characters made were not in keeping with choices they may have made in Alcott's book.In the afterward, Brooks discussed her research and how she actually based the March family and particularly Mr. March more on the Alcott family itself than on the characters from Little Women, even commenting how the March Family in Alcott's book isn't very interesting, and how Nobody in real life is such a goody-goody as that Marmee. If she felt that way, then why use them as the basis for her book? Seen in that context, her earlier *huge* liberties with Marmee's character seem to just be a way to stick it to Alcott: ha ha, look how much more realistic Marmee is now!",neg "While I found the writing style good and the information interesting, the actual diet was unrealistic, too restrictive and lacking fun basics that make other diets tolerable. I found myself longing for spices (how bad could pepper really be?) and questioning the validity of their restriction. I couldn't stand the ground-up flax seeds in my cranberry cocktail - the texture reminded me of trying to drink mud with little bugs in it (or what I imagine that to be).I'm not writing this to disparage anyone from trying the diet - if you can handle the restrictions and you have the self-control required, you might find this diet doable and rewarding. I tried the Fat Flush with a group from work - inspired by one woman who is able to do the flush again and again every year (she always gains the weight back). The rest of us, while successful for varying degrees of short periods, found the diet unrealistic for any long-term results - all of us gained the weight back and spurred by instant weight loss, some even picked up worse habits than they began with.The funny thing is I found much of the health information useful or interesting, but I got rid of the book b/c sitting on my shelf it reminded me of unrealistic goals and failure - not what I want out of a get-healthy plan.I'm writing this review so that others don't get sucked in by all of the positive reviews hoping for lasting results - 3 of us didn't have any",neg "Author La Guardia mentions how the Lemba of Africa have the Jewish gene. Fine! But when he deals (in several pages mind you)with the Falashas (also of Africa) he never mentions that genetic studies have positively shown these Jews NOT to be descended from the 12 Tribes of Israel despite the Falashas's longtime rep for possibly being a Lost Tribe of Israel which, again, has now been 100% disproven through genetic studies",neg "As many have stated before me the book starts off with great promise for people who like historical fiction, however midway it turns into a romance novel. I give it 3 stars for holding my attention. A good beach read that can get you thinking (a little) about a time past. The one star is a mistake and I cannot seem to change it. 3 *** stars",neg "Being a student of photojournalizm in Moscow, Russia, I looked for the most complete book on photographic composition that is available. I had studied one book on the subject by the russian author, but knowing that photography in the US is much more developed and professional I was striving to get a book by a professional photographer.I was disappointed by the book Photographic Composition by Tom Grill for a number of reasons:1. It does not cover all important compositional elements, and those that it covers are not explained in full detail. It does not explain:- how elements with the similar shapes, similar sizes or similar tone interact with each other,- the reverse perspective effect and its uses,- why right and left sides of the photograph differ and why, how it can be used on practice,- how to balance weight of different elements of the photograph, it touches it briefly and furthermore provides an incorrect example,- difference between compositional center and the center of interest, how to balance them if they are in different parts of the photo (does not match each other)- all signs of perspective, it does not say anywhere that overlapping of objects is a clear sign of perspective (trivial as it may sound, it still should be marked in any complete work, especially when the author covers other three elements)- and much much more.2. It does not use photographs of the best masters to illustrate the topic, neither does it show how composition works in art, which I believe is very important.3. Most examples are in color, while most ideas on composition are best explained using B&W photographs.4. Last but not least, composition is about meaning, making a message, not just how to balance different elements within a frame. The book makes this statement, but in my opinion fails to provide poverful examples, while you can fully appreciate the power of composition only by studying powerful photos with good explanation why precisely this photo is good.OVERALL: I believe that if you want to study composition you want to know all important considerations, not just a few and briefly explained how-to-quickly-improve-any-photo-you-take. This books fails to provide complete approach to composition and at times can be misleading.I'd be very grateful if you could recommend me (and other folks that look at our reviews) a more thorough book on composition, I'm sure there must be a good book in english on that subject. Thanks!P.S. For those who can read in russian I advise a book by A. Lapin Fotografiya kak.., which compared to the book by Tom Grill explains composition in full",neg "Although Dead Soul begins quite decently and surprisingly for Doss, who has a tin ear for dialogue, dearly loves a cardboard character, and has no sense of plot, it rapidly and unsurprisingly disintegrates into a mangle of missed opportunities.Since most plot reveals take place off scene, you have no idea what's going on until the end where Charlie tells all. Is this supposed to create suspense? Does Doss even realize how ridiculous this is? Does he have an editor? Can the editor read English? Now these are real questions for Charlie to answer",neg "The Winner and Absolute truth made me continue reading Baldacci books.His last few books Christmas Train and Split Second were awful.Now Baldacci takes his left leaning anti american feelings and tries to shove it down our throats.That was the last money I ever spend on a Baldacci book,I even threw out his good books. Shut up Baldacci and write fiction books. Your ideas do not get through in this non fiction world",neg "A friend going through the same problems as I am was strongly recommended this book by her therapist and she bought it for me, as well. I was enthusiastic to read it and at least understand these emotions. If I could actually use the information to help myself, all the better. I was warned that the beginning was a bit slow and hard to get through, so I struggled through it, expecting it to get easier to read. It didn't. It's been sitting by my bed for months with the bookmark at page 104 and I'm really sorry because I'm sure that the contents are useful and interesting, but I just can't get past that page 104. I normally refuse to leave a book half unread, but this just has to be an exception because every time I pick it up I fall asleep within 3 or 4 pages.I agree with some of the previous reviewers that there is way too much emphasis on the actual workings of the meetings. I feel like I'm watching a video of it, as every minimal thing is described in incredible detail. But I wanted to read this book to understand the views and conclusions of the group, not to become an expert on the tea breaks they had. Also, I felt lost as the scientific tests they had previously carried out were explained in such detail, I ended up having to skim over some sections.This may be a great resource for those who have great patience and/or a scientific background, but too much for a regular Joe like me",neg "This is the worst, most depressing piece of fiction I have ever read. There is no real protoganist and not one singular character worthy of admiration--and after a while, their actions just become inexplicable. The author's soul must truly be an ugly one to have devoted so much time and energy to using his mind to generate so many casual acts of evil throughout the book. It starts out promising but by the time you get to about halfway through the book or so you get a nagging sense that your very own soul might be sucked out of you and permanently stolen by the heart of Neil Gaiman's darkness or one of his minions. Additionally, the characters' motivations change like the shifting sands, nothing they do makes any real sense except some inexplicable movement towards doing greater and more evil en masse like some sort of coagulating bacteria or disease. What is so creepy about this book is the casualness of it all. Unlike some of Stephen King's work (ie: The Stand), there is absolutely no redeeming thread here--no rallying or marshalling the troops to combat the emerging evil. It's evil in evil vs. evil surrounded by evil. All I can say is that this book is ugly, ugly, ugly. At least writers like Joyce Carol Oats and Joseph Conrad's intentions when writing about such things is to effectively demonstrate the ill effects of such darkness, but to make heroes of characters one should avoid is unconscionable. The choices the supposed protoganist makes make no sense--and you do root for him in the very beginning but you find he is just like one of them after all. I suspended my doubt and disbelief as long as I could but finally became so incensed by the audacity of both the literary critics and the author to pass this off as excellence, I literally stopped mid-sentence and chose to never read this author's work again. It's a shame too because he has allied himself in other incarnations with a truly gifted artist, Dave McKean, who maybe hasn't completely gone over to the dark side like Neil has. His association with Dave McKean is the only reason I even opened-up the book--and maybe a little because the title intrigued me. But it's unfortunate that the industry rewards clever works such as Mr. Gaiman's with undue praise. I've never so strongly disliked a book. Have you ever found yourself getting angry because you felt robbed or duped by a book? Well, don't believe the hype, this is the one to throw in the trash or disintegrate with X-men eyeball laserbeams before all your humanity is sucked out of you",neg "If Julia Glass had not set the bar so high with Three Junes, I would have given the book 3 stars instead of 2. There are sentences, paragraphs, even pages of brilliance in this book, but it is as if winning the National Book Award gave Ms. Glass unconditional confidence in her writing, and character development in particular. She seemed out of touch with the major demographics the narrative slings around. As another reviewer wrote, the writing process seemed transparant. Reading the book, you get the feeling that the characters are what Ms. Glass (a privileged white woman of a certain age) imagines teenagers, or New Mexicans, or black chauffeurs, or Hispanic nannies, or even gay people to be like. She is like a tourist who voyeuristically delights in other cultures without really understanding them. The teenagers and the Santa Fe inhabitants are the most painful examples of caricatures. Greenie might be the most believable, and although I understood why she was falling out of love with her gloomy Alan, I wasn't sucked along with her when she falls in love with the other Charlie. He was only very mildly interesting and certainly not worth (even temporarily) losing your child over. With Saga, she manages to develop her most sympathetic character, but Saga's life is left floating and unresolved at the end. Even the brief appearance of Fenno, who I loved in Three Junes, lacked intensity and seemed gimmicky. All and all, a very disappointing second novel. You have to wonder, since most reviewers are pointing out all of the same problems with character, what good is her editor?",neg "I heard all of these great things about this book etc...... So I got a copy and let me tell you it was a huge let down. I can honestly say it had loads of disgusting passages that I did not find at all entertaining. The bowel movement chapter was totally repulsive. I found it self indulgent, he had a crappy upbringing, that does not make for a good book",neg "When I read this, I was not expecting to become a commie, but at least I was hoping for something more compelling than the pure hatred of people who have more than others and the racist concsipracy theories (especially re Jews) that the authors came up with.I understand that people accord this book some respect because it has influcenced many people. But that is what hate litterature does. This book is especially powerful in its attempt to find sharp class lines to allow the masses to hate",neg This seemed too long and too drawn out,neg "Simple arithmetic and you know it's stupid to expect much from a 227 content book that attempts to tell the success stories and forumlas of 55 business leaders. Definitely everyone of them deserves its own biography instead of an average 4.13 pages. So I had lowered my standard before I read it. Still I had been quite disappointed. All passages were columns published previously on IBD written by different reporters that not only the writing style but the focus on individual leaders fluctuated much between hard data/history and success formula, primarly on the former. I am sorry that I could gain little knowledge/insight (that I really wanted to learn how they succeeded) during the reading. I felt even worse after reading from the previous reviewer that the content had been available on the net. In short, please give this book a pass!",neg "The Most Anticipated Book in the History of Poker! exclaims a blurb on the cover. Well, if so, I can tell you that a lot of people have been, or are going to be, VERY disappointed. Comparing the classic Super/System from 1978 with this book is, to paraphrase Mark Twain, like comparing lightning to the lightning bug.This book is more of a tribute to Doyle Brunson than it is A Course in Power Poker. Johnny Chan writes a fairly vacuous Preface in which he lauds Brunson, but doesn't say anything about how to play. Then we have Brunson's Introduction in which he tells us mostly about the contributors to the first Super/System. Next there is an autobiographical sketch by Brunson entitled, My Story. (If you want a book that gives the real flavor of Brunson's story, get a copy of According to Doyle (1984). It contains 47 chapters in which Brunson recalls his early days and life on the road.)Following My Story is a short history of Texas Hold'em by Crandell Addington which isn't much, and then there is the first chapter that could actually be considered part of a course in power poker. This would be 43 tips from Mike Caro cribbed from his lectures and books. However the tips are hardly exclusive for SuperSystem2 as claimed. Beginning with Caro's cute but now very familiar, In the beginning, everything was even money, most or all of the tips have been recycled. For example, Tip #18, page 146, WHEN A FREQUENT BETTOR CHECKS TO YOU...don't bluff is just about the same as Tip #10 Seldom bluff if frequent bluffers have checked into you found on page 137 in Caro's Fundamental Secrets of Winning Poker (1996). In fact Caro even recycles his exclusive tips in this very book. Tip #31 says that PLAYERS STARING AWAY...are almost always more dangerous than players staring at you, while Tip #40 says in part that OPPONENTS ARE MORE LIKELY TO BET OR RAISE IF THEY ARE: ...(3) staring away.Jennifer Harman's chapter on limit hold'em is so ordinary that it's remedial. There's not even a hint of anything new. There are a number of books on the market that cover the same ground much more thoroughly. I especially recommend Small Stakes Hold'em: Winning Big with Expert Play (2004) by Ed Miller, David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth or anything by Sklansky. Also her insistence on referring to hands backwards, 6-7 (e.g., on p. 252) instead of 76 is annoying and contrary to a well-established convention.And the caricatures by Russ Braun! They are so bland and flattering that each may have passed prior inspection by the subject's mother. Comparing these to the witty and sharp work by Stan Hunt in the original is like comparing a cliche to something alive and vital. Brunson doesn't even look like himself. Here he's just a generic, smiling, dough boy kind of guy--except in the small, clever, lifelike drawing gracing page 7 which WAS drawn by Stan Hunt, copied from the first book.Good are the chapters on Omaha and Stud Eight-or-Better. However, although Brunson has Bobby Baldwin billed as his author of the Omaha Eight-or-Better chapter, actually it was written (as acknowledged) by Mark Gregorich. He does a good job of introducing the game and giving some of the strategies, and I'm sure he is a fine player, but what about Bobby Baldwin? Well, as CEO of Mirage Corporation and President of the Bellagio Hotel and Casino, Bobby is far, far too busy to write the chapter himself. So he just lent his name and his supervision. Can you spell R-I-P-O-F-F?Perhaps the most embarrassing part of the book is Doyle's chapter on no limit hold'em. It is little more than a reprise of the same chapter in the first book published 28 years ago.Also recycled is the section on Colorful Names of Various Hold'em Hands on pages 628 and 629. The dated references to Raquel Welch (38) and Broderick Crawford (10-4) seem more than a little out of touch. Indeed, this book is nostalgic tribute to Brunson and the great success he and the original book achieved. And that is a shame, because this book is billed as an exciting event in the history of the publication of books on poker when in fact it is something hastily put together to flatter Brunson and, hopefully, the pocketbook of those involved.One final thing: there is a Glossary, suitable for beginners, which is okay as it defines such things a Deuce, Flush, Four of a Kind, etc., but seems a little basic for A Course in Power Poker. Worse though is this definition of a Cold Deck: A term often used to describe the deck by players who feel they're not getting enough playable or winning hands. Players may indeed remark that the deck is cold, but the origin of the term comes from the fact that a stacked deck used by cheaters that is switched into the game tends to be cold to the touch since it has not been handled since it was stacked.Bottom line: pass",neg "I'm in a good mood today, and feeling generous -- hence the two stars. Secrest learned that Rodgers could be a rotten person, that he drank and was a womanizer. She then proceeds to beat us over the head with it at great length. I didn't count the words, but it seemed like she spent more time on that then she did on Rodgers and Hammerstein -- not to mention the post-Hammerstein years. We learn nothing about how these shows came about and what happened to them beyond the most cursory; it's if her research there was limited to the notes on the cast albums. I've kept most of my theater books, except for this one. It went to the used book store",neg "Someone reported all my 3 negative reviews of Daniel Silva books and got them removed! Hmm, I wonder who that could be.I am rather annoyed at this because I spent quite a lot of time detailing why I didn't like one of the books, reasonably, I thought. Apparently, someone had decided that they did not follow the review guidelines. I used no profanities. OK, there were some spoilers, but not more than I usually read in other reviews. Not single worded, no phone numbers, no solicitations, etc. Maybe whoever it was just didn't like my negative review. Well, the last time I checked, the 1st amendment still applies in this country.OK, so let me try to post another review of why I didn't like this book without violating any review guidelines, and I'm not going to spend 30 mins on it like last time.I thought the book was very poorly written and very boring. I struggled through 1/3 of the book but the author could not capture my attention and I decided not to continue to the end. I've read a couple of other Daniel Silva books, but neither one of them could change my mind that he is an author that I don't like. I will not be buying any more of his books",neg "I've always been a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks, and I couldn't wait to read Dear John. Well, there was no reason to rush. It starts out okay, but then just gets more and more depressing. The main girl character is annoying and you hope that John will find someone who deserves him, instead of just pouting over her for most the book.I cannot wait for another Nicholas Sparks book, but only because I want to know that he hasn't lost his touch, and that this novel was just a fluck",neg "I'd heard the buzz (both pro and con) and thought I'd take an independent read. I was dismayed with this book.James Frey has insulted anyone who has gone through a real experience with substance addiction by trivializing the truth of whatever experience he really had. One of the hardest things an addict has to grasp is the TRUTH so that he can take ownership of his actions and take the 12 steps or whatever is necessary to save his life and often the lives of loved ones tangled up in the mess with him. Lies are what enable slips and enabling and denial and those other catch words that describe continued misery and failure. Recovery is nearly impossible without honesty. So, can we look at this man's memoir and expect it to offer anything of value? It's poorly constructed, repetitive, and narcisitic. Even if Oprah hadn't exposed him, the writing takes the tone of whoppers like Frey's account of the drug house visit in which he rescues Lilly. Other reviewers and Smoking Gun have written about the fantastic episodes one by one, and I can't improve on that.Suffice to say this mockery of misery and hope is no more real than a daytime soap opera. Story lines in a soap may look like real life to one who is isolated from real life, the same way A Million Little Pieces might look to someone who has not been touched by real addiction. A real addict with typical delusion could be misdirected from a true course of treatment with tragic result.I was left with the impression he thinks institutions and people who help others with substance recovery are pitifully misdirected or inept. Like a joke of some kind. I'm not laughing.",neg Every book by Jodi Picoult grabs you by the heart and doesn't let go. Mercy stands out from all the rest. You will not forget this book or the people in it for a long time,neg "Of the 7 or so Grisham novels Ive read this one is my least favorite.It's not a bad story at all but it's just way too long, about 150 pages longer than it needed to be.It also just lacked credibility in many spots. Grisham is normally quite good at presenting characters and situations that are at least plausible, if not really interesting. Most of his books give the layman some insight into the workings of the law that Ive always thought were fascinating. This book, however, plods along and doesnt bring anything new to his body of work.The other thing that really got me was the dialogue he wrote for Mark Sway, the 11year old protagonist. He sounds more like a street-wise 30year old, using words like wonderful and phrases that have been out of use since the 70's. I think Grisham forgot he was writing the words for a young boy and not one of his more typically older characters.This isnt a bad book if you just want to escape for a few hours a day but most of his other ones are far more enjoyable",neg "If you want to be scared and paranoid through your first pregnancy, then this is the book for you. This book has no insight on anything. It is vague. It doesnt explain anything in detail. It talks about every possible thing that could go wrong but probably wont. Each chapter lists all the symptoms you might be expeiriencing, but that is as far as that goes. Its not a very good book to turn to you if you have concerns because it will just make you have more! You might as well ask your doctor because this book constantly refers you to your doctor. It has no insight or answer for anything unless you have a high-risk pregnancy",neg "I find some parts of Didion's book very relatable, at least when she's exploring her feelings of shock, the superstitious feelings, and the obsessive re-living of her husband's last few days and death. But these sections become less and less frequent as the book continues, and it all seems to devolve.But pertaining to the audiobook: What is with the music they insist on playing in the background at the end of sections? The first time it came on, I took out my earphones to see if someone in my office was inexplicably blaring piano solos. It's weird and invasive and distracts from the reading",neg "Beware of the Everyman's Library edition of this book (green hardcover, ribbon marker, isbn # 0-679-40564-X). Book V dealing with the revenue of the sovereign has been completely ommitted. According to the introduction, this was to limit the book to one volume and keep the price low. I wish I had known this BEFORE I ordered the book since now I have to buy a different edition in order to read Book V. What a ripoff",neg "This guy's box is missing a few tools.Most of the stuff he quotes as fact is not supported in real life. He's full of crap. Everybody knows walking is good for you, but kevin T. starts his chapter on walking by saying that 'when you take your dog for a walk, he (or she) poops............well la-de-f_____ing-da....isn't that WHY you take your dog for a walk....because you don't want him (or her) to poop in the house. Then there's his statement that if you put your teflon pan on high heat and have a parakeet on your shoulder, the bird will keel over dead because of the poisonous gasses.......and another thing, who ever heard of an acidic body??? I think I know what planet Trudeau came from....URANU",neg " Dawn written by Elie Wiesel is a story about two men who aremeant to be killed at the same time, at dawn. David Ben Moshe isJewish and will be killed by the English at the same time as Elisha; a Jewish man will kill an English man John Dawson.Elisha and his friends wait all night for dawn, the book takes place with them in one room, thinking about what they have to do, they have little conversation between each other. I did not find the book Dawn very interesting,I found it to move very slow, because Elisha and his friends stayed in one room during the whole story, and while one man was thinking about what he should do or how he felt, the reader did not know how the other people where feeling at that time. The part I found the most interesting was when there wouldbe conversation between Elisha and his friends, especially when they talked about their pasts, which was one of my favorite parts of the book, it wasinteresting because there was more action happening when they when explaining their past. Although I found this book boring for the most part it was very descriptive and therefore I would recommend it to anyone who likes very descriptive books.",neg "I really liked Suzanne Summers. I've read all her other books and have her tai chi exercise video. When I saw her on the Today show advertising this book I couldn't wait to get it.She promotes the Schwarzbein Principle which states that being a vegetarian is unhealthy. Suzanne has an entire chapter dedicated to someone named Wendy who after 10 years of being a vegetarian was convinced to start eating meat again! Just because Wendy's particular diet was unhealthy, that doesn't mean that all vegetarians are unhealthy. There are meat eaters that have unhealthy diets. Look at all the Hindus in India, they're lifetime vegetarians and are healthy.I know that soy has been a controversial subject recently, but it's the pill form of soy that is questionable, soy it it's natural form is healthy for you. How can you say that soy is bad for you when millions of East Asians eat soy as part of their daily diet? I've read countless books and research that supports the benefits of soy.I eat a balanced vegetarian diet and get all the nutrients my body needs. Just because one doctor doesn't believe that a vegetarian diet is healthy, doesn't make it a fact. Suzanne you've really gone too far to tell everyone to stop being a vegetarian. With that misinformation in your book, I have a hard time believing that anything else is true and fact.",neg "I had to read Jared Diamond's Pulitzer prize winning book because of the rave reviews and acclaim. The thoughts that he introduces in the book are certainly interesting and he presents us with a new way to interpret history which is certainly important. However, there is much overkill in making points about the development of each civilization - crops are the major topic with little discussion on guns, germs (more than the other 2), and steel. Of course the arguement for this focus is that the domestication of crops is how civilizations develop guns, germs and steel. I enjoyed parts of the book considerably, but you would have to have a strong interest in horticulture and botany to truely appreciate the book. I guess I was spoiled by first reading his sequel to GGS, Collapse - a terrific read that should be of interest to everyone -it relates our industrialization to every aspect of the environment and show historically how this has shaped history. It has major rammifications for our situation on this earth right now. -RK",neg "When our book club selected this novel, I was enthusiastic ~ the premise appeared to leave so much room for the development of great characters and a great story. However, after the first chapter or so, I kept waiting for the big wow factor...and it never came. I found most of the characters unsympathetic and not very well-developed. Like other readers, I finished it out of obligation, but never gleaned any enjoyment from reading it.",neg "While I enjoy adventure stories for the casual reading they are and have read all of Cussler's, I was disturbed by a lot of the assumptions in this and other of his recent books. This is transparently hawkish; an ultra-conservative defense of the questionable actions of the very furthest right of the political spectrum. (One could even suspect it was commissioned or at least underwritten by these elements.) It reflects the current culture that decrees all means justify the end - as long it benefits the right people. Cussler's recent books portray that it's OKAY for Americans to go into other countries - with which we are not at war - and kill its citizens for some secret government agenda. That it's OKAY for our US government to hire out black ops in secret because it's against our laws to do so openly. Through the years, I've tolerated Cussler's blatant sexism, juvenile writing style, improbable exploits of cartoonish heroes. However, he has veered into political territory that offends me but even more, terrifies me that it may be the truest part of his stories",neg "Using this book and CD-ROM depends upon being able to download the customized settings, so that the reader's PhotoShop, for example, behaves the same way as the author's PhotoShop. However, my system repeatedly hung up on that section of the download from the CD-ROM. Furthermore, this author doesn't start at a dummies level by defining the terms that he uses throughout the lessons, so I had trouble following along. Overall, this wasn't much help for me in my quest to learn PhotoShop from a baseline of complete ignorance",neg "Horribly disappointing.These manufactured dialogues are evidently Stephen Law's way of dealing with his personal problems with religion.For example, in one chapter Law manipulates his teaching by having God contradict the Bible (the assumption being God's the author) in a dialogue with a conservative religious person. Law even sarcastically concludes the chapter by saying this dialogue is only a dream, the real God would probably respond differently.Good idea for a book, ruined by the authors distorted logic. There are numerous ad hominen and circular reasoning errors.The title and premise fooled me into reading it.Mr. Law, how will you pay back the readers for wasting the time they invested in your philosphical rant against religion",neg "Huge disappointment. Trace wasn't that good either. Having read all Scarpetta's previous storiesbut I was hoping Trace would be only bad one. However, the downhill trend seems to continue. These two books are not the usual intelligent plots Cornwell is capable of writing. Save your money, don't buy it. I completely agree with all the reviews posted so far, so I won't go into the plot -or rather lack of a real plot -details",neg "The book is manipulative and unrealistic. I felt the author was blatantly trying to persuade the reader to believe that infieldey, betrayal and lack of morals is acceptable if you have a self absorbed best friend. Definitely one of the shallowest books I have ever read. I bought the book as it was rated as a best seller , and I was stuck in an airport for hours on end. The entire plot is hideous as the burned best friend makes up reasons why it's accept able to betray her best friend. If I was not completely bored, I would have given up on the book after the first 20 pages.",neg "My mother in-law was actually responsible for Billy Milligan while he was in the Athens State hospital in Ohio. I've had a chance to read this book, and although very good, what my mother-in-law tells me is much, much different.She cared for him during his entire stay there. She said that he had more psychology and parapsychology books in his room than she could have ever imagined. She also said that his IQ was off the charts. She believes (and she has a doctorate in psychology) he only has FOUR distinct personalities. Raven being one of them. Billy had the abilitiy and knowledge to manipulate his condition, making it appear much more severe.Of course, she can't write anything about this, because Billy's publicist made everyone caring for him sign a waiver saying they wouldn't. Yes... Billy Milligan has a publicist.He also was a millionaire (because he exploited his disease) and drove a corvette on the weekends they let him go home.... yep... they let Billy Milligan have weekends.This book is a very good interpretaion on what could possibly been going on in Billy's head. However, after talking with someone who was actually there, and knew him well.... makes me second guess the validity of it",neg "A very disappointing book, and again, makes me very wary of any item on a New York Times Best Seller List or any other list, and really any big name reviewer recommendation.This book has one 50 page chapter which is excellent - the recap of the Thompson Shot heard around the world homerun. If you are a baseball fan as I am, that (barely) made the book worthwhile. The other 700 pages are disjoint, incomprehensible, and really trivial. You come away thinking I really don't care bout this stuff - I don't care about the dynamics of trash, about J Edgar Hoover's bathroom habits, Klara Sax's artistic depression and annoying infatuations about roof tops, about characters that just don't have much depth to really care about. At the end, even potentially interesting characters like Albert (the one on the baseball quest) become hard to bear. The whole book in fact had the feel of going to a senior citizen home.I read this book, as perhaps others did, expecting a book about the mafia or about other figures in the underworld. What I got was a book with a good first chapter, some interesting tidbits here and there about how life used to be in the 50's (fear of nuclear weapons, duck and cover classroom exercies), and a lot of knowledge about the trash business.The masterful epilogue, as other reviewers call it, really does no justice to a reader who has spent so much time toiling over Delillo's ragtag story telling. I am ok with stream of consciousness writing, or nonchronological chapters, or even random chapters, but the methods used in thsi book served no purpose other than to further make the reading difficult.Was this book about how mundane our lives are versus the bigger things that occur around us? Or how each of us is on an individual quest? Or that the 50's-60's-70's-80's were just years of fear, and the 90's are years of greed? I am still unsure, I still don't think any of these themes came across well.Please - not pretending to be a sophisticate, intellectual, or professional critic - but this book is really not worth the time or effort. You can be staisfied by a number of other books, including the The Corrections by Franzen or The Cold Six Thousand by Ellroy which cover a similar period or similar themes and do not make you so frustrated or disappointed at the end.Read the first chapter, then put the book down or you will be sorely disappointed and have wasted an awful lot of time.",neg "Dr. Northrup provides women with practical information about their bodies, stages of life and medical procedures. However, I was appalled by her bias against Western cultural heritage and Christianity. Her views on those topics were extremely unbalanced, with no acknowledgement of their positive contributions to culture and women. As a Catholic whose best teachers were strong-minded, compassionate religious sisters, I felt offended by her slur against nuns. I am aware that not everyone feels the same way about their religious upbringing, but I would expect an academic to strive for some balance in their research.",neg "The whole concept of this book as well as the honesty of the undertaking: I'm not buying it. The author's effort is half-a**ed at best.Besides the musings and excessive self-praise, it is downright preachy.Their effort might pass as non-consumerism for New Yorkers, but would never pass in the rest of America.Don't buy it",neg "This book is the reason I've read only one John Updike novel. I was so disgusted by the people, the plot, and the very boring and unrelated technical passages that I never read another Updike. I thought the characters were completely unrealistic",neg "I usually read Stephen King for his interesting ideas and imagery and expect his books to read fast and well. I've read three previous King books that have had the occasional long passages with overstated depictions of horror, doom, and grotesquery in order to immerse his readers into the tone of his story. This one takes the cake because what is meant to read as terror and horror is really ridiculous and unimaginative. And this is exactly what Insomnia is. This isn't a spoiler, just the author's note: at the end of the book we read Sep. 10, 1990- Nov 10, 1993- three years in which King took to write this book. Three years which were evidently wasted.The other King books I've read were engrossing for their characterizations and character identification. Insomnia's Ralph Roberts is certainly a character the reader could identify with. He is strong, kind, has traditional gentlemanly views on aiding women in distress and regards them as beautiful and respectable. His counterpart Lois Chasse doesn't come across as identifiable. Instead she serves as a secondary character who has no real flair or identity other than being in love with Ralph. King doesn't usually do that with his secondary characters. Other characters with much smaller roles in this book come across as real and identifiable, like Ed and Helen Deepenau, the three bald doctors, and Ralph's numerous confidantes.Then there's the whole abortion mess. This central political issue crumbles midway thru and seems to serve no purpose at all in the story. Though King does provide an interesting and seemingly objective commentary on the issue via Detective Leydecker (albeit with a tranparently pro-choice slant), it serves no relevance to the theme of the story but just hangs there on display used for no more than a story device.I gave the book two stars because I am an inspiring writer and reading this provided me with some of the devices that are important to utilize as part of a writer's arsenal. The devices were obvious and all thru the reading I asked myself, 'How is King going to get through this?' His weapon of choice was most often Ralph Robert's narration (via third person) that analyzed the events of the story and interpreted its meaning and significance. It seemed whenever King was in trouble in the story, he would use Ralph as his solution and let him think it out and guide it for him. This is a useful tool for a beginning writer, but King used it as a crutch to tell a story that had no pulse from the beginning.One last thing, the villians just don't work. They are not frightening, they are not demonic, they are not vicious or malign. Three little bald doctors with scalpels and scissors? Their defining characteristics are being small and bald- does that really frighten anyone? The real villian among them dances around and jump ropes to reveal his evil madness. Then there's the Crimson King, the evil supernatural mastermind we read about from page 100 who finally enters the story on page 550 as a Catfish in one of the most terrible, anti-climactic scenes ever rendered. I rest my case.",neg "I bought the book on the basis of the reviews and on a quick read of a copy a friend owned. It looks really good on the surface and does have a lot of useful information.One problem I found is that many of the example photos seem to be inserted only to increase the photo count. Also, because of printing limitations, I find it very difficult to see the differences between before and after examples.I have edited this review to fix an error. However, I can not figure out how to change my rating from 2 stars to 4 stars. Consider this a 4 star review.",neg "This novel is set in the 40's, when Elizabeth Short (the Black Dahlia) was found murdered, her body cut in two. The characters revolve around the investigation of this incident, altnough her name is changed. The chapters go back and forth between the views of two brothers: one, an amoral cop, the other, a Catholic priest, Monsignor, businessman, whatever you want to call him. Neither one is likable, the 40's cop jargon is incomprehensible, and the Catholic politics/building programs are boring. However, the murder is solved and the end is neatly tied up with a bow.If old cop stories appeal to you, you might like this, but I'm sure you could find better. Double Indemnity, for instance, is superior",neg "I have loved each and every one of Jane Hamilton's other novels and highly recommend them: The Book of Ruth, A Map of the World, Short History of a Prince and Disobedience. This book, sadly, does not rank among them. It feels forced and uninteresting, with outlandish and unrecognizable characters and scenarios. I've already paid for it, so I'll probably try to finish it, but don't waste your time or money. Read another Hamilton instead",neg This is a great book if you have the right teacher. The book is very informative yet if you have no back ground in abnormal psych you might want to make sure the teacher for your course is capable of explaining it to you. I also recomend that you make sure your copy has a CD rom. The study guide and website are great tools too. They help a lot,neg "this book was very disappointing. i LOVED her 1st two books. so when this book came out i was very excited. after reading it, i found it was rather dull and not very funny. there were very few parts that actually made me laugh, unlike her 1st two books",neg "I read exactly half the book and stopped. Based on all the criticisms of the unlikely ending, that was a good decision. As it is there went hours of my life I won't get back! The book is silly and laughable. The premise sounded great - but the book is bad. Really bad",neg "Robert Kiyosaki's books are all the same thing re-packaged over and over again. This book could have been condensed into a couple of paragraphs and saved it's readers a lot of time. He writes in an arrogant, condescending manner that is hard to stomach. I would hate to have been his real dad. It's obvious that he despises him and worships at the alter of Rich Dad. It's offensive and disturbing.Read the first review of this book and you'll have the essence of the whole thing. Don't give this guy any more money for putting out this drivel",neg the author lives in a dream world and is not in touch with the business work environment of today. Her advice is old-fashioned and out-of-date. Many better textbooks on Ethics available,neg "I had this one figured out by the second chapter. Too predictable and shallow. Hopefully, the next Stone book will actually be worth reading",neg "A disappointing book about a fabulous story. The book reads as if it was pasted together from press cuttings and, if you look at the chapter notes, this appears to be how it was researched.There are little irritants, such as referring to Steve Jobs as Steve as if he's a close friend, but the big problem is that it recounts a number of interesting incidents in Steve Jobs' career while missing the main story. And what a fantastic story that is. I hope that someone has written a decent account of Steve Jobs' life because I would like to read it.One thing is certain: iCon sure ain't it.",neg "Even with the questionable veracity, I enjoyed Frey's first book, A Million Little Pieces, since it stayed true to an addict's experience. Leonard, on the other hand, came off as pure fantasy, with very little substance. Even the description of Frey's struggle was too contrived to be believable. It was not even interesting as fiction.",neg " At the height of socialist popularism in England, cir. 1944, George Orwell, a leading proponent of socialism, believing in its promises as did many,if not most of Eurpose's leading intellectuals and politicians, wrote a review of Hayek's famous book, The Road to Serfdom. Orwell wrote the review in the Observer, London April 9,1944. Hayek, mentions this fact as a footnote in chapter 17 of his classic book, The Constitution of Liberty published in 1960, as evidence of the disillusionment of socialist intellectuals, when they were confronted with the observation that individualism and socialism were mutually exclusive. Those same intellectuals had not accepted the proposition when advanced by Karl Mannheim in his book, Man and Society in an Age of Reconstrucion (1940). Mannheim had been a long opponent of socialism, but Orwell had only been converted after being exposed to The Road to Serfdom. By 1960, when Orwell had become a world renowned author and staunch opponent of Big Brother doublespeak, Hayek recognized that the political proponents of socialsm which was dying as a political ideal, were now introducing the concept of the welfare state. While virtually everyone alive today have been effected by Orwell's works and his prescient warnings about Big Brother, how many of us are aware of Hayek's infulence on him? The Constitution of Liberty provides its readers with an enormous wealth of knowledge, of which this one footnote is only a small example. Each reader is bound to be effected in one way or another by the knowledge imparted to them, and this is one of the main lessons to be learned about liberty which requires the rule of Law to exist in today's society, but that Rule of Law must be understood. The failure of today's inteligencia is to fail to fully comprehend the meaning of liberty and its necessity in a world full of confusion from the confrontation of competing civilizations. Unfortunately, Hayek is no longer alive to help guide us through the new millenium. Fortunately, he has left us a large volume of work, perhaps more relevant today than it was when written years ago. While The Constitution of Liberty is voluminous in itself, it should be kept as a reference book. Hayek's other works, The Road to Serfdom and his last published volume, Fatal Conceit-the Evils of Socialism published in 1980 is a magnificent continuation of Hayek's life long discertation on the evolution of mankind's growth from a tribal, familial society which did not require man to understand or protect Liberty, to a group of city-states that prospered because of the Liberties protected in Athens, but only moderately understood, so that such a great and wise philosopher as Aristotle would believe that freedom could only exist as far as a man could yell. Hayek's understanding that Western Civilization has prospered from individualism, that it has grown and prospered from the freedom to travel, to trade, to exchnge property, material, real and intellectual. He explains why man must be humble, that humans progress from trial and error, not from conceited belief that one way or another way is correct. That to be free and liberated is to be free to make mistakes and government should exist to protect individuals'rights to make mistakes while they attempt to profit in their own ideals and beliefs.",neg "This has to be one of the most ridiculous books I have ever read. At one point the authors ask: if money equals security, wouldn't you feel safe walking through a major American city at midnight with a suitcase full of cash handcuffed to your wrist? If money really did equal security, you would! I stopped reading after that.I will say, however, that this book cured me of all of my bad financial habits. I never want to be so bad off as to look to a book like this for advice again.",neg "if you have fond memories of ms steele, or no memory at all because you're new to her, please... don't read this book.liam looks like a child with his long blond hair; he acts up because no one can control him since that's what his parents tried to do to him; he sees any no as a slap in the face because once again, that's what his parents did to him.sasha looks like a cold woman with her pale skin and dark hair always pulled back; she is totally concerned about her reputation: but what will they think of me? and can't stand up for her needs; she refuses to lower her standards, but when liam leaves, she falls into a morbid depression and goes back to him.repeat for 300 pages...careless, self-indulgent, filler are three words i'd use to describe it",neg "I heard about this book growing up but didn't read it until just recently (a middle-aged adult) and I have to agree with so many other reviewers who feel its popularity largely stems from the time period in which it was written, i.e., it was SO SHOCKING AND DISGUSTING! Such filth! I mean, that's why I heard about the book when I was growing up. But as so many others have already pointed out, it is tame by today's standards. I also have to agree with another reviewer who wrote that the female protagonist is completely a male fantasy. The book's message is simply that men like women who are able to climax at the same time as their partners without any need for foreplay or other effort on the man's part... Now, you see, what struck me about Sir Clifford's situation, and Lady Chatterley's, for that matter, is if they really loved each other, his paralysis from the waist down wouldn't have had to put a stop to his supplying her with orgasms; there ARE other things that can be done, yes? In fact, quite possibly Connie would have had an orgasm for the first time! (Ahem, women readers will know what I mean.) But Clifford treated Connie poorly. With or without the lack of sex issue, I think she would have been emotionally open to an affair anyway. Which to me, just goes to show that a man wrote the book...a man totally out of touch with what really makes a woman tick.",neg I bought this book on a friend's recommendation. If I had been in a book store and could have read a page or two I would have known immediately it was not the type of book I would read. I'm sure it's wonderful for those who like it. I passed it on to a friend,neg "This story was about a young brother trying to make it in life.I have to admit that I was excited to read this book, and it let me down. I didn't like how Bobby let Pearl walk all over him. I don't think Bobby Dallas was portrayed as a Do Right Man at all, but rather a wimp. During the first half of the book, I waited for him to get a back bone, which he never did. From there on the whole story was slow. I was bored about continually reading about him and his radio job. This was a slow read for me, I skipped a few chapters just so I could find out what finally happened in the end",neg This book is filthy. I had to take a shower after I read it. Why doesn't he get a job? Why does he have to live in France? Why doesn't he save his money instead of investing it in alcohol and hookers? So many questions. People just think this book deserves a place on the same shelf as say James Michenier because it was banned. It was banned because it's a bad book,neg "I enjoyed the first 3 books of the Women's Murder Club. Didn't like too much the 4th (of July), but the 5th is just BAD ! What's the plot ? There is no plot ! 2 serial-killer stories try to share the pages of this not-such-a-page-turner, the 1st mystery (Car Girls) get solved mid-way throught the book and I bet plenty of readers won't remember it by the end of this painfull read... By trying to develop 2 stories, Patterson gets our interest for none. The most sad thing of all is that I used to like to Women's Murder Club members, but now they all seem so unreal, remote from anything actually likeable. And it's been the case since one of them died and another one joined the club, in the most stupid, artificial way really. Not much to save this book, it's even badly written. Don't know if Patterson thinks about writting a 6th, but don't count on me next time",neg "I bought this off of the New York Public Library website. What an utter waste of $40. The book that comes with the software is somewhat helpful, but honestly there is no new information to anyone who has been collecting books for a while. The worst part is the software that you are supposed to use to catalog your books. First of all, it is difficult to install--this is always a sign of a inferior product: no product that was properly QA'd would be released in such condition. Second of all, the product is just a fancy version of a spreadsheet. I could literally use Excel or MS Access to catalog my books just as well as this software. You actually have to input EVERY piece of data associated with a book. There is no excuse for anyone with an Internet connection to have to manually input book data. I state again: it is very surprising that the New York Public Library would include this product in their stores. It is a major, major rip off and there are far superior cataloging products out there.The product I finaly ended up using is one called Readerware (http://www.readerware.com/). Readerware, for the same amount of money ($40), allows you to scan in the barcodes of your books--the software comes with its own CueCat scanner. Then the software looks up the barcodes you entered, (using the Internet), and updates each barcode with all the available info on the book. I scanned 800+ books in about 4-5 hours. BTW, you can also use Readerware to scan in all of your DVDs and CDs, (you have to pay more to get the full version of Readware that supports books, DVDs, and CDs).Of course, you don't have to take my recommendation to buy Readerware, but please don't waste your money on Your Home Library.",neg I like the idea that Michael Lewis wrote this book/article to defend a man whose coaching techniques are clearly out of style in todays world of my child this and my child that. Having said that I did not like this book:1) the writing was chopping and hard to follow at times. i had to re-read many sentences to understand lewis' point.2) the story lacked the depth of lewis' other wonderful books - where's the who/why/what that lewis used to moneyball (and others) educational - i wanted the story behind the story.3) who were all the pictures of? i found them distracting...i'll continue to read lewis' books bu thope the next one is bette,neg "I bought this book with big aspirations of another Joy of Cooking with a little upscale to it. While I must say the design of the book is fabulous (I am a graphic designer and truly love the cookbook's design), the recipes leave much to pine for. I don't like that most of the ingredients are nothing I normally keep in the house and I am not likely to use often enough to warrant purchasing them. I have yet to actually cook a meal from it for this reason and I have owned the book for over a year. I will stick to Joy of Cooking for it is much more of a tool in the kitchen.",neg "Maybe it is me but this novel was about as exciting as watching the grass grow. It is the first mystery novel that I have read by a female author and I hope that it is not representative of the gender. But, by the reviews here, all by women, I can see that Jance writes to that crowd. Her readers seem to like being taken down the aimless boring pass of relationship drible. If you want to spend 10 pages with the main character sitting and talking about nothing in her mothers house or on her friends porch talking about their health than this book is for you. It is amazing that Jance can start great with the murder scene and then 200 pages later start uncovering her first clue, the insulin bottle. Jance gives no indication that Oak Vista or the stranded stranger are even remotely related to the story. Do not start this book it is absolutely a total waste of time. If you want a good mystery read Coben, Crais, Patterson or Michael Connely",neg "Al Gore is making a good road to tell us the facts on Global Warming , but he is missing the fact that in 3-4 years we will have the New Ice Age coming and Billion of people on Earth will die and he is missing 40-60 % of the cause of the Global Warming. The book is good and bad. We can stop this Global Warming in one month. But we cant' do it untill we will expose the real cause of it. Think about: in one month we can stop it. Each month ( in the next 2 years )we will postpone the truth is just bad.The movie is good and bad.Is bad in 90% and good in 10%. He put enormous work in it , so many government agencies he is using for this ( mostly) But he is missing the main point.He will need to change that in the next movie and this is the main point. As a government employee he will never be able to tell the truth. is going to be all the time wixh wash....We will need to get this work from this stage and do it under an independent ( no government involvement) study.Adria",neg This book has a bad habit of being weak and juvenille. Very weak and ordinary.G,neg "I have read some memoirs of the 2nd WW from a German standpoint and this was not one of the better. Although very fascinating at times it was also oddly detached and some of the stories about his sniping seemed made up. It sometimes read as a fiction novel where he was alittle too much superman to be belivable.I also found it very strange that he very seldomly refered to other members in the squad, i do recognise that sniping surely is lonesome work but still, it was like nobody left an impression or if he held back with intent.Another thing that is getting tiresome is that is always the russians that are the bad guys doing grizzly things, but he didnt stand for a minute to think what his own country had got himself involved in.Still a good read but these factors didnt allowed me to be gripped by the story as other memoirs have.",neg "The Kite Runner gets off to such a good start, with its blend of history, observations about daily life in Kaboul, and a compelling story of two boys growing up together. The second half goes badly astray, as the novel becomes more and more manipulative and sentimental. By the end of the book, the author is willing to put his characters through all sorts of hell just so he can follow up with a teary reconciliation. I wish an editor had convinced him to tighten it up, stay focused, and resist the urge to tug at the heartstrings with such a heavy hand",neg "I have read all of the Artimis Fowl Books and loved them until nowI was disapointed with this one, and not found Artmis unusaly irritating, but felt the whole book was the lacking the charm and wit that had made the other three so good.Truth be told I was younger when I read the first three, but still I can reread them and enjoy them (as I did after reading the fourth and being very disillusioned with the whole seris) so if you want my advice then I suggst you don't buy this book and let the magic of the first three live in peace",neg "I purchased this book to gain a better insight about Aspergers. Instead, it left me with many unanswered questions. The book is the equivalent to a boring, monotonous `Dear Diary' that gets stuck in one era: His college years and his interest in music. (This is understandable as the author is terrified of life outside of college, & music is all he knows.) Yet I craved more details, I wanted to know more about Mr. Shores' childhood, his parents, the stims, and the chaos...DETAILS!It felt as if the author was trying to prove how intelligent he is, boasting of his accomplishments and how he's almost neurotypical. His failures were blamed on other people out to get him for unknown reasons. Lets say it for what it is: A man who looks kind of disheveled and a bit `odd' (Unabomber) gets a job in a financial institution, he rides his bike in, hangs out in the shadows getting dressed, doesn't socialize - and no one wants him around. It's BECAUSE HE'S WEIRD! Yet the author blames his co-workers.I'm sorry but the reality is, the author probably can't see and understand that he IS different because he has Aspergers! I mean, most typical people can spot someone that is odd/weird/different a mile away. They avoid them not because they're being hurtful, they just can't relate to that person.I wished he had focused in much greater detail about his feelings, emotions and behaviors when he was younger-to gain a better understanding of what shaped him into the person he is now. The book was written as if he fast-forwarded through his entire youth and got stuck on `pause' when he got to college. While this is obsessively interesting to him, it was tiring reading page after page of redundant accounts of his college days.There is no depth to the book, it was shallowly written and there is not enough elaboration to make me understand, (or want to for that part) what makes Stephen Shore the person he is. While this may be due in part to his disorder, it left so much to be desired.I'm sorry to anyone who takes offense to this review, as this is not my intention. I applaud Mr. Shores accomplishments and the hurtles he's overcome. He must be MUCH more dimensional than the book conveys. I wanted to know more about HIM and not what he's done in his life.I'd suggest a better read would be one of Temple Grandin's books. I got a true feeling of who she is and an understanding of how she got there and how autism fits in. She goes into details about what she was thinking as a girl, teenager and adult. Her pranks, her temper, the metaphors and their importance..everything.I bought this book based on reviews, and I felt it necessary to give mine.",neg "The story opens well and hooks the reader. However, the ending is a disappointment and comes across as cliche and predictable. I gave it two stars because there was not a category for a 1 and a half",neg The audio is delivered in a monotone that almost puts you to sleep. Not a good thing while drivin,neg "If you want to spend 4 times as much money, 8 times as much time, and 12 times as much frustration trying to serve something that your guests will ultimately politely refuse--THEN BUY THIS BOOK! The author clearly has NO CLUE that less is often more.",neg " I originally bought this title when it came out as a four-part mini series in 1997 and it is still one of the favorites in my collection. Kingdome Come is an Elseworlds (what if) story set approximately ten years after the retirement of Superman and subsequently nearly every other super hero. As the story unfolds, the reason Superman quit is revealed. A rival hero named Magog killed the Joker and was put on trial for murder. When the public cried out for his aquittal and it was granted, Superman quit in disgust. The results of the public choosing a hero that would kill are very apparent in the future. The children of the super heroes we know are everywhere. They hold society in a state of terror as they enforce justice and fight each other in the way they see fit, destroying property and causing chaos. Wonder Woman approaches Superman in his self-imposed exile in the nuclear wastleland that is Kansas and asks him to return and lead the former heroes in returning order. When Superman returns to the public eye in issue #2, it sets into motion an Apocalypse as described in the Bible, but with Superheroes being the catalyst. The new Justice League rounds up every violent super human and puts them into a prison designed by Mister Miracle(The world's greatest escape artist) called the Gulag. All this is shown from the viewpoint of Norman McCray, a disillusioned pastor and friend of the Golden Age Sandman. He is led on his journey by the Spectre (DC's Angel of Death) I absolutely love this story by Mark Waid, the way he wraps comic characters and events into a Biblical epic is brilliant. The painted art by Alex Ross is jaw-dropping in it's realism. The re-imagined characters are god-like in their depiction, especially the Flash- a red blur wrapped in lightning wearing a winged Greek helmet. Issue #3 ends in a cliff-hanger with all the villains rioting and breaking out of the Gulag. As Superman races to the scene, he is thrown to the ground by the only person that could, Captain Marvel. I still remember waiting for issue #4 to come out. The fight scene between Captain Marvel and Superman was voted #1 all-time by Wizard magazine and is worth the price of this trade alone. Even without this fight scene, I would rate this as one of the ten greatest mini-series ever, but with it Kingdom Come is #1. The only possible negative to this series is that you have to already know something about comics to fully appreciate all the subtleties Waid and Ross weave into this story. Nearly every DC character is pictured at least once.(A geek's paradise I guess) After reading this I actually liked Captain Marvel, who I had always seen as an even cheesier version of Superman. The fear the other heroes have of him and his power level make him hard to laugh at, despite Jerry Ordway's Power of Shazam monthly series to the contrary. I hope my description of the story has led any undecided mind to pick this up. Fabulous art and incredible writing. (This should be 5 stars, but I can't seem to edit my rating",neg "I did not like the book. It did have some interesting points to consider, but it did not seem like discipline to me. I am more of a Love and Logic fan. I think kids cannot always see the natural consequences of their own behavior (or don't care) until far into the future and must sometimes have consequences imposed upon them, which this book says not to do. I just don't agree with it",neg "Myth #1: American women live under patriarchyMyth # 2: America's the World's leading threat to the environmentMyth # 3: America is a racist nationMyth # 4: The Untied States is an imperial power.Myth # 5: The rich get richer, the poor get poorerALL FACTS.Plus, The higher the IQ the more liberal someone is. Ben Franklin, Einstein, our founding forefathers like Thomas Jefferson...all liberals. The lower the IQ the more conservative because it is easier to not think for yourself.I love America, but changes need to be made.Rome fell too eventually from bad politics",neg "I just finished listening to as much of the book on CD as I could stomach. The minutia and lack of knowledge of police terminology and tactics was nauseating. The words forhead, perp, peruse, crim, and finger were repeated over and over and over. What might have been a good story in half the words was ruined by descriptions of everyone's clothing, spouses, children, and thinking",neg "This book is so outdated. All the techniques listed in this book are from the 1980's and earlier, which means that most of the things you can learn from this book are already learned by you from the past. There are much more recent interesting researches and discoveries of human nature you can find in other books",neg "Its a good book to draw examples of idustries in different stages of technology evolution. However it is lacking in theoretical content,",neg "and I suspect this is what has happened to James Lee Burke. The Dave Robicheaux series has been floundering sadly for several books now - and that is tragic, considering the promise of the early books, which peaked in the hauntingly beautiful In The Electric Mist With Confederate Dead.I grew up in southern Louisiana, and Burke captures a culture that many people have no experience of. But the series is becoming repetitive and stale, culminating in this book, which is just awful. Burke's characters, with the exception of the always funny and touching Cletus Purcell, are wearing thin and becoming less and less sympathetic. Dave Robicheaux becomes more priceless and preachy in each novel. His anti-alcohol tirades would make any Prohibition era preacher proud.Burke has fallen into a trap of using the same imagery and phrasing again and again, and it makes the reader wonder if he isn't cutting and pasting entire paragraphs repeatedly. If I read one more time in a Burke book that Leadbelly strung his twelve stringed guitar in octaves, I will be sick (hey, Mr. Burke? Twelve stringed guitars have always been strung that way, Leadbelly didn't invent that tuning, okay?) If I read the word phallus in a sex scene in one of Burke's books one more time, I think I will just give up. The phrases are getting old - really old. The preaching about political corruption and alcohol got old many books ago.One thing to be thankful about in this abysmal wreckage of what was once a great series - Bootsie, Dave Robicheaux's wife, is dead, though that doesn't keep her out of the story. But at least the reader is spared another element that has been repeated to death - the moment in every book with Bootsie in it where she gets up in the night, angry with Dave, and goes to sleep on the couch. I've had bets with other readers as to what page Bootsie will do this inevitable stunt (which then opens up the opportunity for another sex scene with the phallus when they kiss and make up) in each Burke novel where she is a character. Thankfully, also, Alafair, Dave's adopted daughter, is far away at college, and we are spared her teenaged brattiness which became tedious in the earlier books and yet another repetition of the story of how Dave came to adopt her, which is included in every book since the introduction of the Alafair character.It's time for Mr. Burke to let the series go. It's a travesty of its former self. Reading this book is like visiting a relative who has lost their mind to dementia - you see a hollow, nearly unrecognizable shell of a formerly vital and beloved person. It's painful",neg "I am newly preg too. I went out and got this book without reading any reviews. I sum it up this way: a pompous composition of contradiction and condescension. I can't stand the tone and the constant jabs seemingly mocking you and having a GREAT OLD TIME enjoying those pains you will be feeling! IE ..And all those trips to the bathroom to hug the toilet. Ha ha ha...Last night, I'm reading her stupid book and I get some good advice on what to do with your friends who are smokers. I would just not be near them while they smoke. Period. She says to threaten them with the law that protects non-smokers. Good idea...If that doesn't work, Ask them ALL TO QUIT because YOU are pregnant. And if that doesn't work try being nice. I don't know many smokers but I don't know even one who would smoke in a house or one who would smoke outside and blow the smoke in my face. Another comment that really got me..Take a good look at your slim waistline because won't see it for a LONG TIME! (Implied: OR Ever!) I take pride in keeping myself fit. I am a little freaked about the weight issue. I find that comment insensitive to a point of being twisted. What about the first-timers who are also former eating disorders --like me.Even the woman on the cover of this book looks like a Stepford Wife.",neg "Dr. Rieux, the main character of the novel, moves throughout the book in a detached surreal hopeless manner. He goes thru the motions of doing his job while death surrounds him from a wide spread and accelerating plague.I find Jose Saramago's Blindess to be a far superior book to The Plague. Similar theme and concept but more descriptive and moving. The Plague was clinical in its approach - almost bloodless.I found this highly acclaimed book to be very difficult to re-read, often having to re-read many pages over and over. I would pass on this book",neg "Not very scary, too long, and poor character development. There are a lot of good reviews about the book. Maybe I missed something",neg "F this self-help industry crap. Quasi-astrological poppycock at its worst. I can tell this book clamps on to the mind and squeezes it to death merely by reading the cliched title. Humans are far more complex than the hack Man-Warrior/Female-Maiden title what's-his-name gives them. And remember, this doctor, is quietly making mucho mucho bucks off your poor purchase. Your goddamned ancestors never needed a book to run their lives, so why do you? Let's push all the life coaches off cliffs and put the self-help industry to the torch. That's a great start to a sane life",neg "This book shows how Robert has been lying all along. He talks about how he bought his dream car while being homeless. Ok then, how did Robert make the monthly payment? Why would he be stupid enough to sleep in a Porsch as a bum? This guy is such a liar and is trying to con the masses. He is a conman and a good one. Thats why hes a motivational speaker. It takes a good speaker to con you out of your hard earned money. Don't fall for this conman! This book contradicts what Robert has been preaching in previous books. Robert says pay off your debt while he says he bought his dream car while being homeless. That would be odd but it isn't odd because Robert is a professional liar",neg This was the first book by Danielle Steele that I have read and it will be the last I read by her. I was truly disappointed and believe she is a highly over-rated author. The story was VERY drawn out and I caught myself dozing off a few times because the book was so boring. If you want to fall asleep quick then this is the book for yo,neg "I have very mixed feelings about this book and can't say I enjoyed it all that much. I love the story of Sappho, what little is known of it, and so I picked up this book expecting to see a historical fiction novel cut with realism, research, and certainly the unavoidable necessary lewdness of the celebrity of Lesbos. But monsters? Centaurs? I mean, the story of Sappho's life is not the story of The Odyssey and for the life of me I don't understand why author Erica Jong decided to give her readers a combination of Greek heroine and Clash of the Titans.Once I was able to get past the fantasy elements, I realized that I was not being pulled into the story on its own merits. There wasn't enough emotional dimension -- for all her travels, we're shown pretty landscapes and scary oceans but we don't see enough of a real character. I read Sappho's poems in college and the talented mind behind those words is NOT present in this book.I'm not saying the book is without its good points. Jong has certainly done a lot of research and her enthusiasm is many times contagious. But I found the whole bit a little odd... like picking up a book about Cleopatra and seeing her encounter dragons, unicorns, and the goddess Isis. If Jong had written about Ariadne, this all might have worked. The blend of fantasy just didn't add up to a palatable meal for me",neg "I usually enjoy Ms. Maron's Deborah Knott books very much. The characters are well drawn and give deep insight into Southern life. This one, however, is very flat and the characters are poorly drawn and one dimensional. The first murder doesn't seem to contribut anything to the storyline and is just there. The second one involving Dwight's son (who is a very poorly developed child character) and his ex wife is not very interesting.I devoutly hope this was the nadir of the series and it will improve after this. Probably not, though-I foresee several storylines involving husband/stepmother/stepchild conflicts. Glad I checked it out from the library and didn't purchase it outright..do the same and don't waste your money",neg "I've read a lot of the books in the series, and Hillerman is one of my favorite mystery writers, but I have to say this one fell way short of his other mysteries. My main complaint is the presence of several plot gaps and inconsistencies not characteristic of the author--his well-crafted mysteries almost always hold water, but not this one. I whole-heartedly recommend most of Hillerman's other Jim Chee/Joe Leaphorn novels, but if you want a good entrance into his captivating style and skill, this is not the book to pick up.",neg "The story was slow, predictable and boring. I am still amazed I hung in there and finished reading it. It's a dud in my opinion",neg "The sub-header to this book could very well be: All Work & no Play makes Jack a Dull Boy.Basically, Tom Stanley's scholarly treatise on American wealth comes down to this mind-ripping, continent-blasting conclusion:Millionaires, you see:1) Save more than they spend;2) Don't spend anything.That's it. Page after page, chart after chart, graph after graph, anecdote piling up on anecdote, all of it boiling down to the same conclusion: don't spend more than you save. Clip coupons. Hang on to your wife `til Death you do Part. Buy a rambler for 80 grand, and cling to it like a rat clutching a Big Mac in a hurricane.To wit: if you're a good little Bob Cratchit, and burrow down in your suburban Dacha, drive the Civic, eat Top Ramen, and take your vacations at the State Museum of Knitting & the Fine Arts, you'll die loaded!Sound like fun?Didn't think so. Look: you've got one life, and after death all bets are off. Sure, you could be hauled up by the angels to Paradise, or it could just be one plate of linguini too many, a nasty flatline and one vast inky void of non-consciousness. Either way, you're looking at one single trip on this not-so-flat Earth, so you might as well live large.It's true, now: you can haul in major bank in whatever profession you choose: eremetic horror-writer, Wall Street tycoon, Railroad baron, small-town librarian, legal eagle defender of the Criminally Insane, whatever. And you can always outspend it. That is the source of endless tragedy and Dickensian woe throughout the ages, without a doubt.But there pitfalls at the other extreme. Listen: I live next door to one of these McMillionaires. The guy is this enfeebled little wizened gnome of a critter, used to be a bank Vice President and got bought out because he was a dingus. Total skinflint. Miser. Goes on his own hunting trips and brings back venison, deer meat, which he forces his family of---jesus, I think 12---to eat for months. Lives in a shacky little rambler, buys used Crown Vics from the local police department and bargain basement prices.The guy, no doubt, is high net worth. But he's also a loser.This is a guy who didn't want to cough up a few hundred bucks to help build a joint fence between our properties---so there's a fence, even a fence that abuts his property---but beyond my house and demesne, he elected not to build a fence. Instead, he got a plastic Jersey Barricade (orange and white) and went with that. Is that any way to live? Is that really what it means to be a `millionaire'?I think not. Half the glory of the Age of Great American Consumption is buying stuff you don't need, but want. Desire. Demand. What else is work for? Find a way to creative bliss, work at something you're good at, that you have a real passion for, and the money will follow.But for the Love of God, it's only Money: spend it! What is money for, if not to indulge yourself?Sure, get a pace---plan to the end---set a budget. But how many of you want to be that newspaper column on page A3, the 95 year old dowager pauper who begged for alms on the streetcorner, ate catfood out of a tin, and scrounged for quarters by the bus stop, then was found rigid and cold in the urine-stiff sheets of her dirty bed, sprawled atop a fortune estimated at 20 million bucks? Sound like a plan? I think not. Money may not buy happiness, but it sure as hell can get you a Rolls-Royce Phantom.Millionaire Next Door might have it right in its sociology---and for what it is, Stanley's thesis is meticulously researched, mustered like a well-trained army, and capable of marshalling its teeming forest of facts like a well-drilled martinet---but it's off the map when it comes down to the point of the whole thing: if you've got it, flaunt it.Millionaire Next Door isn't a bad book: it's scholarly, and plods along its own hand-me-down lodestar towards its prophesied conclusion (be cheap! Die loaded!), and perhaps some folks will be astounded to discover there are some real richies down the block who in another day would have been called skinflints.But as a map to your stars, this one is a little cramped, cribbed, dank, and stinks of mothballs. I think I'll take first class---scratch that, how much did you say that Learjet was going for, again?JS",neg "One can't be sure that this book isn't deliberately exploiting a cynical belief that most business books are so bad, that if this weren't crappy, it wouldn't sell. Even for someone who believes in Csik's theory of flow, this book is a no-win blow-out. Instead of making clear statements backed by evidence, the book's tone and presentation are mere editorializing assertions. There is no reason to read this, when his original popularization, Flow, more carefully and clearly summarizes Csikszentmihalyi's interesting research.",neg I was expecting a substitute for the classic Photoshop Channel Chops by Monroy and friends. It trivializes the subject with How to unlock the hidden power of channels ... blah blah.If you want a better understanding of channels be prepared to wade through a lot of fluff with this one. Infomercial.,neg "I don't get the impression from reading the book that the authors have even tried to analyzed the financial holdings that was set up. It is the thinnest book on Enron that I read, for very good reason.",neg "The storyline is way over-the-top, the plot is very poor, the red-neck-America-knows-best attitude of the writer is funny and sometimes annoying. Still, I've red worse books. But not many.",neg "Having read Clive Cussler adventures for over 10 years, i was totally disgusted with the redneck and narrow minded attitudes expressed in the book. The father, who does not stay with his son, decides to revenge his son fighting a war trying to kill people in someone else's country. That is perfectly justified!The book mentions Hindu mercenaries who have not been seen anywhere in the world in any century much less this one. This is a direct insult to all Hindus as being one I am astonished at the insensitivity of the author. How come Hickman is not a Christian mercenary or for that matter the Corporation as they seem to be in this for the money. The justifications are ridiculous. India and Hindus of India have been terrorized, jailed, colonized and robbed by Christian and Muslims alike over the last 1000 plus years. You don't find us calling people by religion and we have all major religions in our secular country. We have grown spiritually to accept everyone, and I would like the authors to read more than a 2 page synopsis on religions before writing books. The book smacks of jingoism and is a pathetic display of the authors minimal knowledge of religions and global affairs",neg "I'll put my opinion first, so there won't be any doubt in your mind. I don't believe that you can write useful books about national character. Is there really such a thing as national character? People are just too different, too unpredictable. How well can you predict the behavior of the people closest to you ? How well can you predict what people in your own country will do ? Would every Italian, if they could write well, have written the same book as Mr. Barzini ? I seriously doubt it. So what we have in THE ITALIANS is one man's views on the conglomerate nature of 50 million Italians. After reading it, I felt even more strongly that such books, though possibly entertaining, are a waste of time. An informative book about unicorns--but do they exist ? Anthropologists have been concerned, for many years, in getting the inside view--the view of a culture as seen by the person within it. While Barzini is indisputable Italian, he tries to visualize Italians as seen by foreign visitors, then explain to those of us not lucky enough to travel there, why they are as visitors see them, or why they are not as foreigners may think. This is not a successful gambit. Cultures are based on many general factors--like history, socio-economic patterns, religion, family, etc.---but the specific results are just that, specific. Barzini covers many topics--the importance of spectacle and giving an illusion of something rather than actually having that quality; the family vs. the state; Italian modes of achieving success; the north-south split; Sicily and the Mafia; and last, the tragedy of Italy's long domination by foreigners. But nothing really connects. There are only superficial, scattered impressions, nothing very concrete to grasp. The reader is left with a handful of stereotypes. Barzini is at his best when describing the lives and modus operandi of particular characters in Italian history. These sections were well-written and interesting. But his portrayal of Italian character is fuzzy, contradictory, and ultimately, unconvincing. Finally, if you are a lover of lists, you will thrill to this book, because there is a list on nearly every single page. Myself, I got pretty tired of those lists. If you want to know something useful about Italy, read another book. If you just want entertainment, which might support any stereotypes you have about Italians, then this book could be for you",neg "I agree with one the comments posted below. The main problem with this book is Mitch is a totally one-dimensional character and it's impossible to find any depth in him. Over the course of the book he doesn't change, he's unsympathetic, and by the time we've reached page 500, we don't know anything more about him than we did on page 10. I found myself dying to get to the end of this book, just so I could start another book with some substance and some well-drawn characters.Another major problem is that most of the characters in this book use the same wise-cracking speaking style so there is no sense of the characters being different from each other in any way.Overall, I thought this was mediocre and a bit of a waste of time",neg "You'd be better off using the internet to figure the game out. The guide feels super cluttered, it's almost hard to read and it doesn't tell you everything at the right time. I think it feels cluttered because there's too many pictures in it. Every page has at least 7 or 8 images on it. The best thing about the guide is the production value but I didn't buy for that",neg Book is out of date with modern economic thought. Essentially restates classical economics and provides little in the way of acceptance of the need for balance between government and the markets.,neg "Really not sure why this book received such good reviews, because it had nothing new. Expected from the cover some reviews of outfits worn by different individuals pictured.Very disappointed ... and any (and all) of the what not to wear books are so much better. Oh, Sam, did mention it's better to hand wash cashmere, oh yeah, I already know that.",neg "If you haven't read anything on e-commerce at all, or if you're a total newbie, the latter half of this book may offer some useful advice on how to start an online business. For someone who is already in the business or has already done some research, this book merely repeats a lot of well-known tips. Even then, some of the tips, like in section on affiliate programs, are just theoretical assumptions and projections with very little practical information on how to actually attract sales and traffic.As for the first part of the book where Allen demonstrates how he could earn $24k in one day, I find it totally unrealistic and it certainly won't happen to anyone reading the book unless he has Robert Allen's background to begin with. Even then, this sort of strategy won't cut it with today's wise and cynical netizens anymore.",neg "This book is built around the idea I wish it were true = it is true. While this book has innate appeal to those looking for meaning in their lives, if you're looking for a firm foundation for understanding coincidences in your life (i.e. intellectual integrity), you'd be better off buying an introduction to probability",neg "Compared to his other superb books, this is one is tedious and boring. The overall thesis is a stretch - trying to find equivalences between pre-industrial (and pre-printing press) 13th century price paterns and those of the industrialized and post-industrial 20th century requires ignoring far to many factors. At a minimum comparing a world in which 90% of the population are attached to agricultural production and illiterate to world where almost precicly the reverse holds is just too big a leap to swallow.Sadly, one suspects more than a little political axe-grinding is involved.Enjoy Fischer's other books where he excells, but you won't miss much if you neglect to read The Great Wave. Besides, the subject has been better treated elsewhere by authors not so obviously out of their depth",neg "Bill is very boring typically talks about business tips you already know. The show was much better, you should buy that. Kwame is much smater and deserved the job. I can tell that this book is another promotional tool. Don't waste even a cent on this book",neg "My introduction to Borges was through the collection Labyrinths. I immediately fell in love with the stories, the prose, the poetry, and so went on to buy this complete volume. While it is nice to have all Borges's stories in one place, and at a reasonable price, the language doesn't really hold up for me. The translation is... well, not sloppy, but too simple, like those childrens' versions of classic novels they pressed on you in 5th grade. I have nothing against Andrew Hurley, but his translation of Borges leaves me cold. I'd give Borges 5 stars out of 5, but Hurley? No more than 2.",neg "Found recipes dated, layout makes it difficult to use and although some of the how-to is useful, its generally from another era. Bought Gourmet cook book instead",neg "When I bought this book, I didn't realize it was mostly just a consolidated writing of Friedman's collumns in the Times. I think Friedman is a great author with lots of great insights, but he isn't able to go into his ideas in depth as much as I would have liked in a bunch of detached 750-1000 word segments. Since the sections are arranged chronologically, there also isn't the opportunity to tie the themes together.If you really like Friedman, then it's worth a read, but if you are in it for just one, I'd read The Lexus and the Olive Tree first. It is by far his best",neg "The very title for the book - I Con - despite its cleverness, should reveal the lack of any objectivity, or class for that matter, from the authors, Jeffrey S. Young & William L. Simon.I could best describe this book as a shoddy pastiche of ambiguous-sounding facts, poor research, colored by a palpable disdain for [arguably the most interesting legend of our time] Steve Jobs.What is really distasteful is that this antipathy of the authors towards Steve Jobs, seems 'personal'; which, in a democratic sense, may be alright i guess, [but only] UNTIL facts begin to wear thin, and the research seems doctored, leaving the rants sounding hollow, unsavory and shrill.And the facts aren't well-strung together either!From the very opening description in the book, which overdramatizes and harps on about the return of a reformed Steve Jobs, to Apple in 1997 (as though the most unfathomably impossible phenomenon in the history of humankind had occurred), to the careful selection of maliciously undertoned quotations, and quite often blatant slanders about Jobs, the book appears to be a collation of 'hate diaries' maintained by two wannabe authors, whose sole purpose in writing this book seems to be to fuel an anti-Steve sentiment among its readers!If you happen to be one of those people, who finds some twisted pleasure in those idle conversations that involve scandalmongering [especially Steve Jobs], then this book should provide ample fuel for your negative energy",neg "Like most great diplomatic moments, successes and failures alike, decades will pass before anything approaching a full history of the Camp David debacle can appear. Even then, disagreements on the apportionment of blame will likely continue on for decades after. Given the wide interest in the Israeli-Arab conflict and the complex nature of the negotiations, new works exploring the crucial climax at Camp David remain welcome. Some dismiss Mr. Swisher's work because he was not in fact part of the negotiating team, but instead was responsible at Camp David only for negotiations. That seems to me unfair. Clayton Swisher clearly did considerable leg work to prepare this text; sadly both his rather obvious bias and almost juvenile desire to settle scores renders what could have been an important work at best suspect.Mr. Swisher's book follows on the heels of Dennis Ross's interesting The Missing Peace and, given Mr. Ross's direct involvement in the negotiations; no one could be blamed for looking at other works as well. However, Mr. Swisher spends much of his time looking to lay the blame at Mr. Ross's feet, even when he makes claims that others at Camp David, many more central then Mr. Swisher directly contradict his statements. Much for example is made in this work of Mr. Ross's change of municipal Jerusalem to greater Jerusalem in a draft as if this caused the breakdown of the agreement. Unfortunately, Ross's change in fact was a return to an earlier draft after being changed by Robert Malley, a member of the US team and now often a talking head representing the Palestinian point of view, who made the alteration without consulting any of the parties. Malley has never denied this. Moreover, days would pass before the negotiations actually broke down.Swisher's target, perhaps seeking to sell books by putting forward a contradictory point of view, shifts the blame wherever he can to Israel and the US negotiating team. While such an effort might well be reasonable, Mr. Swisher often twists facts, making excuses for Palestinian gaffs while blowing minor facts out of all proportion. For example, Mr. Swisher brushes aside the days lost when Mr. Arafat and the Palestinian team insisted that Jews had no historic link to Jerusalem or the Temple Mound -- a position farcical on its face -- as mere posturing. However, he never mentions that such ideas, undermining the Jewish people very claim to the Land, serve only to inflame the parties and make agreement almost impossible. Nor does Swisher ever consider the Palestinians failure to negotiate in good faith, treating every Israeli offer simply as a new base line, rather than offering any proposals of their own. Again, even Robert Malley concedes that this disingenuous strategy by the Palestinians likely doomed Camp David from the start.Swisher's dismissal of all Israeli concerns reaches a crescendo when he simply casts aside as silly Israel's interest and the Palestinian's refusal of any compromise for the so-called right of return, or the claim that all Palestinian who left the area of modern Israel and all their descendants must have a right immigrate to Israel, a right held by no other people. As to the simple fact that this would lead to the destruction of the Jewish State and that the Palestinians are thus expecting Israel to commit national suicide, on this problem Mr. Swisher remains silent.Lastly, one cannot help but marvel at Mr. Swisher's odd coverage of the events after Camp David. That Yasser Arafat led a bloody war against Israel rather than offering an alternative proposal for peace is dismissed. Mr. Swisher combs through events searching for, magnifying, and twisting any event that will make Israel look bad, while at the same time minimizing or even ignoring the waves of suicide terrorists who have murdered hundreds of Israeli civilians in cold blood. Mr. Swisher even parrots points of Palestinian propaganda so thoroughly disproved that even Palestinian leaders no longer mention them, such as the claim of massacres during Israeli operations in Jenin, which exhaustive study long ago proved to be nothing more than a fabrication.Curiosity will cause readers to ask why Mr. Swisher takes this extremely biased view. Fortunately, he lays out his rather simplistic point of view at the very beginning of the book by writing the following, The primary reason for Arab and Muslim anger against America has been and remains unbridled support for Israel's oppression of the Palestinians. Again, one can only muse as to why Mr. Swisher does not take Osama bin Laden at his word when he spoke shortly after 9/11 that his hatred manifests from the presence of American Christian soldiers in the heart of Islamic holy lands like Saudi Arabia and later Iraq. Surely neither the bombings in Madrid or more recently in London had anything to do with Israel, but it seems for Mr. Swisher's simplistic world view, it is at the door step of the Jewish state where all blame is to be laid.",neg "The religion of peace is at it again! In response to the popes words, muslims all over the world respond with violence, destruction, rage, hatred, burning down buildings, burning papal effigies, issuing fatwas against the pope, and even shooting a 70 year old nun in the back. Wow, such peace from a religion of peace. If Islam is a religion of peace, then all the guns in the world are pink flowers, and every nuclear bomb, a soft feathery pillow. Violence for words. Destruction for speech. PLEASE! This is a religion of war, and bereft mindless 70 year old bags like Noam have begun to lose a lot of mental function with age. This old bag of a man gives Muslims free passes and blames America.Question: When will the world start holding to account the actions of Muslims, and stop blaming others, such as Bush, America, the Pope, or God knows who else? How many more innocent people will die at the hand of Muslims before the western world finally, and for the first time, holds the Muslims accountable for their own actions, rather than someone else? Well Im sick of the left defending this vile cesspool of Islamofacism. Im tired of the leftist media beating up on Israel and coming to the side of middle-eastern tyrants who shoot 70 year old nuns in the back in response to spoken words. And then these radical leftists have the audacity blame the pope! Can you believe it?!! Yes, idiots all over the western world actually blame the pope for the mindless violence and destruction that followed from a spoken word. Its unreal! A grown man got a gun, deliberately aimed it at a 70 year old woman's backside, and deliberately pulled the trigger, purposefully killing her in cold blood....and yet according to socialist America-hating leftists, he couldn't help it. Its not his fault...its the Pope's fault guys! Respond to words with violence, and then blame the speaker, absolving the person who actually commits the violence of responsibility. As absurd as that sounds, I'm sad to say there are actually people all over the world who think that. And they are idiots (like Noam)",neg "Very little plot, which is boring.The reader should be paid by the page, if not by the word, to read this book!",neg "I bought this book this weekend as we're doing the pre-five in a Row w/our preschooler and I don't much like it. I've got a mother w/borderline personality disorder and who doesn't observe personal boundaries of other's what-so-ever (if I need a break away, she hunts down my poor husband, all my relatives and friends- ugh) and so this book just kind of made my stomach turn as I could see her reading this to me and justifying her 'stalker mom' mentality.In the end, I think if a person is from a semi-normal household w/proper respect for a child's boundaries and need for space away from their parents, then this book is okay. I just find some moms are too smoothering- even ones w/o personality disorders- and this book doesn't send a message about love as much as 'I own you'. I like 'Mama Do You Love Me?' better for explaining to a child a parent's unconditional love.'Good-Night Moon' by Margaret Wise Brown, however, is by far my children's all time favorite book. I was reading that one to them ineutero and still every night before they go to bed. They love it and so do we as parents. But this one even creeped my hubby out and he's from a fairly 'normal' family.Take it w/a grain of salt",neg "Aside from the 1958 Championship Game and the 1968 Super Bowl, the actual football games got very short shrift. The 1964 Championship Game didn't even get a MENTION! Whole years are virtually ignored. Very, very little discussion of Unitas' career and his impact on the game: mostly just anecdotes about family, friends, and teammates, and way too much space devoted to post-mortem comments from same. I think I learned way more about Johnny Sample and Gino Marchetti and Jim Parker from this book than I learned about Unitas. And that's not saying much. There's a lot of padding in this book but precious little information. And a lot of the anecdotes will be familiar if you're a football fan. Wait for the paperback if you're a Unitas devotee; otherwise don't bother.",neg "This is the first book by Shaara I have read. And, if his other works are like this, it is also the last.On the cover, J. Persico is quoted as saying Shaara makes literature read like history and history read like literature. He goes on to claim that Shaara brings the war to pulsating life. I have even read a review that claimed this book was better than Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front.I must have been reading a different book. The first chapter, The Replacement, is a great short story. After reading it, I had hight expectations for the book. Unfortunately, it falls apart after that great beginning and it is a dull affair that completely lacks any sense of a coherent narrative from a literary point of view. And, the history reads like an 8th grade textbook.His narrative style is unable to give life to people that actually lived. They are flatly presented and there is no sense of really caring about what happens to them.After the dislocated short story of the first chapter, the book delves into a long-winded story of the flying aces, interspersed with summaries of historic events that do little more than ruin the flow of the story. It frequently feels like the book is written for people who are unwilling to read a real history book.Shaara doesn't even begin dealing with the trench warfare of the war until the 1918's, when the Americans arrive, focusing, as I noted before, primarily on the air war that occurred in the first years of the war. I should point out that the air war would be interesting reading in a book of its own. Here, however, it seems more to reflect that the author did not deem the ground warfare fought by non-Americans worthy of a story. Or was too lazy to research the events enough to write about the ground war from the British or French perspective.And, I have no particularly problem with him focusing on the American perspective on the war, but then why bother with writing anything prior to our entry? I suppose a smaller book doesn't sell as well.For those interested in historical fiction, I would recommend Bernard Cornwall's work. And, perhaps, Shaara can learn a bit from him",neg "This book is an nice collection of differing points of views about latinos/hispanics. However it's primarily philisophical. It's more confusing than inspiring. It's great for those studying for a phD, but will not inspire average latinos to action. This book tilts slightly more towards the assimilationist point of view, although a few writers do express some pan-latino thoughts.",neg "J.K. Rowling successfully put me off this book series within the first two chapters of this book. The characters personalities were wavering in book 5, in this they completely vanished or mutated. I'll only be getting the 7th one because it's the last one and I've read this far so I might as well go the whole way.In books one through four the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione were loveable characters tenaciously and cleverly seeking out the answers to the mysteries that came up each year and saving the day. Book 5 had them doing more angsting and screaming than mystery solving, and more whining than day saving. Book 6 made them stand in paper doll doing a bad job miming the motions the real characters would have done.This book Harry seemed to care more about romance. A very poorly done romance littered with cheezy phrases and romantic moments on par with the worst of bad fanfiction; which had no background or build up from previous books. A female character from the background, whom Harry barely even notices all through the past five books, is suddenly the most perfect and beautiful girl in the school in mary-sue fashion. Several other characters in both the foreground and background were also unfortunately treated to Rowlings amature attempts at romance, none of which bore any revelance to plot or story.Harry also had a significant decline in morality and intelligence. The clever boy who put clues together with his friends now cheats in one of his classes and makes one stupid mistake after another. The image of Harry that stuck with me and seemed to glare off the pages every time he spoke or did anything was of him lying, frozen in a curled position on the floor of the train with blood coming out of his broken nose, under his invisibility cloak and rolling around with the trains motion after a particularly stupid episode with Malfoy.As to the general plot of the book. Poorly done. Continually backstaged by sickeningly done romance and angst it barely made an impression on me. Most of the 'revealations' in the book revealed nothing not already known or obvious from old information, and the culmination of what Harry was not-quite-solving didn't amount to anything.My final opinion: Don't bother to read past book 4 if you're just starting the series and care anything at all about characterization. A very disappointing book",neg "The premise of this story started off smartly. I was drawn in as a reader as Case set up an unusaul plot where the protagonist is in Russia to cover a minor story only to be pushed aside while his sources of information are taken away. But from this point onwards the story becomes painfully predictable as time after time Case takes the predictable rout. Finally the story completely falls apart and it was like when you watch one of those really bad action flicks where the hero saves the day time after time and its so stupid that you get a bad headache.I have read one other Case book I think, his Kingdome Come that was written under a psudo name, or maybe Case is the psudo name, I'm not sure. But what I am trying to say here is that 'Kingdome Come' was much better than 'First Horseman.' Its still a little corny, but it reads like a more contemporary Ludlum",neg "Keynes was no doubt an influential economist. His theories and 'expertise' on economics influenced the post-New Deal economic policies of the United States and the internationalist wealth redistribution schemes like IMF. However, his ideas on economics failed miserably and it was application of Keynesian ideas that wrecked so much havoc on the U.S. particularly in the 1970s with the stagflation (an inflationary recession with unemployment which was theoretically impossible accordingly to Keynesism.) We have Keynes to thank for budget deficits and the nebulous idea that we can spend ourselves into prosperity through the largesse of the federal government. Read Planning for Freedom or Socialism by Ludwig von Mises instead",neg "I was really disappointed with this book. A lot of the recipes are identical to one another, with just one ingredient - eg a different type of vegetable - substituted. With no pictures and not much more content, I really regret buying it.",neg "I read this short novel because I greatly admired Shaara's Pulitzer Prize winning Killer Angels, and because I'm a baseball fan. The novel feels more like an outline or first draft than a completed work about an aging pitcher. It's a bit shallow and predictable in its plot. The characters are what one expects in all too many sports novels and short stories. The feel or atmosphere just isn't quite there.Any baseball fan will see flaws in the book right away, flaws that distract and damage the work. Shaara sets most of the novel in Yankee Stadium with the Hawks playing the Yankees. Why the author chose to have one real team against a fictional team is unclear. The Hawks apparently are from Atlanta, but an Atlanta team, Braves or Hawks, whichever, would not be playing the Yankees interleague on the next to last day of the season. Finally, when a visiting pitcher goes out to warm up before the game, he does so in the semi-hidden bull pen down the left field line in Yankee Stadium--not on the mound on the field.This book was published posthumously and Mr. Shaara perhaps never had a chance to polish his prose--prose that was excellent in Killer Angels. It's unfortunate.There are glimmers of interest in the book, but not enough to recommend it to baseball fans or fans of the author's other book",neg "Lies, half truths, spin and glitz. Of course there is some truth sprinkled in. Self promoting TV stars are more interested in being self promoting TV stars than truth. Theres just not enough time for both. At best it's entertainment, at worst it misleads the children. And finally they are all biblically illiterate. So be careful...especially with TBN.",neg "Because you wait and wait, and then three don't turn up at once",neg This book is not as good as i thought it would be. I hope i have better readings with Bryan Tracy's Advance selling,neg "Wright presents no new information about Al-Qaeda, leaves out plenty of information about Al-Qaeda and neglects the USA side of the road to 9/11. Understanding Qutb's radicalization of Islam is important to understanding why Ayman al-Zawahiri and Usama exist and also why they failed at creating theocracies and were lame ducks until the USA found a use for them as an enemy. What cannot be neglected is the myths spread about the United States by the Neoconservatives and followers of Leo Strauss. The United States is not a unique and beautiful snowflake. The liberal idea of individual freedom was decried by Strauss as destructive of the society of the USA and he told his followers to keep the public in line with grand myths about US exceptionalism. After the the Soviet Union was kicked out of Afghanistan, both Qutb and Strauss' followers believed they were the cause of it. Since the Cold War the US has been working off of the friend and enemy model of policy formulated by Carl Schmitt and 9/11 presented the US with what Schmitt called a state of exemption. If you think jihad was the cause of 9/11, ask yourself why Richard Clarke found Bush and his advisors saying find a way to tie this to Iraq hours after 9/11. See the BBC documentary, The Power of Nightmares or From Secularism to Jihad: Sayyid Qutb and the Foundations of Radical Islamism by Adnan A. Musallam or the Political Ideas of Leo Strauss by Shadia Drury for a better analysis of Qutb and Strauss than Wright has in his book. If you prefer to stick with fiction about the road to 9/11, check out Patrick S. Johnston's novel Mission Accomplished.",neg "If you've read one Gary Null book, you've read them all. He is no doubt highly knowledgeable and dedicated to his subject, but when I buy two books with different titles by Gary Null and find they are the same, I'm pretty annoyed. His early books were taken directly from Herbert Sheldon's Natural Hygience material, which I assume must not have been copyrighted, and I felt ripped off then, in the 70's as I did recently when Amazon was good enough to give me a refund for one of the books.",neg "Unfortunately, instead of an thorough analysis of the genesis, justifications, and problems with overarching property rights, DeLong acts as a mouthpiece for other property rights activists. DeLong covers some of the same ground as Congressman Richard Pombo in his 1996 This Land Is Our Land, simply emphasizing anomalous examples instead of practicable solutions. DeLong's denial of the externalities resulting from uninhibited development leave his analysis unbalanced and ill-founded. DeLong's politics overcome his analysis. This book is similar to his condemnation of industry for their recognition to the denial of carbon dioxide emissions. (...) His political agenda overwhelm his rational",neg this was certainly not one of Cornwell's best works. IT was almost like a couple of possible novels rolled into one. It read like a draft for a novel rather tahn a complete novel,neg "This book really irritated me. I loved Mayes's previous books and was really looking forward to reading this one. The concept, a year of traveling to different locations, seemed like it would be really interesting combined with Mayes' fresh perspectives, enthusiasm for discovery, feisty opinions and poetic descriptions. But somehow it didn't work.I get the sense that her heart wasn't really in this book. Maybe because the trips were taken over a span of five years, and cobbled together? Or because there's so much `padding' - endless quotes from her own or other people's writing. When she liked the place, her descriptions feel artificially enthusiastic, almost as if the book was paid for by the chamber of commerce. I got tired of reading that she could live there, or could imagine taking her grandson there, or wishes she was born there, or that it's SO much better than San Francisco. Where she doesn't live anymore, and hasn't for years. There are also too many stories about refreshing local characters who think Frances Mayes is the nicest, most tasteful, most interesting person they've ever met. Especially since these people tend to be waiters, cab drivers, rug salesmen or others whose business depends on charming the tourists.Most of the book consists of sneering at her fellow Americans, or talking about people's personal appearance. This is boring and clich�d - and if you like that kind of thing, Bill Bryson does it better. There's also way too much name dropping (she's always mentioning my friend so-and-so, the famous ____). What happened to the ordinary, financially stretched, middle-aged college professor? She seems to be taking on the persona of a celebrity. She doesn't want to be crowded in with a group, doesn't want to associate with ordinary tourist types - now she deserves the VIP treatment. This is definitely a change from her previous books.I think when it comes right down to it, there's too much Frances Mayes in this book. I thought I liked her, but what I really like is her writing style. It can still be magical - when she gets her ego out of the way. But when she puts herself front and center, she becomes more tedious and pretentious than interesting. Now I'm sorry I read this book, because I'm afraid it will spoil my enjoyment of the earlier ones.",neg "The work of a 12 year-old without talent. Phrases are tediously cobbled with clumsy, inappropriate similies. Story line is absurd. If this were Koontz's first novel, no publisher would touch it",neg "Hateful liberals once again undermine their so-called ideology by promoting the hatred of over half the US population. They claim to be tolerant and open-minded toward all lifestyles,religions, races etc... but that open-mindedness obviously shouldn't apply to people who disagree with them. Throughout the book, Moore also demonstrates his racism towards caucasians and thin people. If you like this book, I also recommend Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. Both books are jam-packed full of hate.",neg "Who published these weak translations? Yup, they are on newsprint and get smudged immediately. How about using real paper? B&N needs to stop thinking opportunistically and start thinking about quality",neg "I bought this book because of the 4 star rating by readers. Let me be candid....what the hell were they reading? This book is simply insipid, implausible and a waste of time. Get this for a premise....rich, geeky guy buys a major league baseball team called the Connecticut Nutmegs! Nutmegs for a major league team??!! Yeah, right. It gets better....he has an incredibly sexy girl friend who stars in the C-list movies he produces....ok hold on to your seats, here comes the good part....she is going to be his star player on this MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL team!! Why, because in college she was an excellent athlete. So some buxom starlet who ran track in college is going to play major league baseball!! Am I the only one who thinks this is plain stupid. Oh, yeah there's a murder along the way. Parker (author) must have pictures of the publisher having sex with a goat otherwise I can't think of a reason why it got published.",neg "Having read The Millionaire Next Door, as well as most if not all of the classics in this category, I expected life-altering experiences with this book.There were too many statistics, and statistics that contradicted one another, not to mention generalizations about various subgroups that, try as I did, I had to put my copy down and use it at first for a door stop, then because the cover art is great, I decided leaving it on the coffee table makes a great conversation piece.",neg "Most books that set out to explain why organisms behave as they do describe observations of behaviour on almost every page. The books of Richard Dawkins, whom Rose selects as his special target, illustrate this well: readers can reject all of his interpretations while remaining fascinated by the purely factual information that they contain. How one can hope to convince anyone of the truth of a theory without supporting it with abundant facts? Yet hard biological information is extremely sparse in Rose's book. There is a great deal about what he thinks of other biologists' opinions, but almost no observations from behavioural biology. Nonetheless, in his preface he aligns himself with the practising biologists who spend a significant part of every working day thinking about and designing experiments, dismissing Dawkins and Daniel Dennett as people who either no longer do science or never did it. What a pity, therefore, that he chose to include so little of the experimental basis of his ideas in his book. There are a few vague remarks about how chicks behave, and that's about it.",neg "The first twenty pages of the book quickly sparks your interest but soon after that, the story drags until it picks back up again toward the last third of the book. I think the story would have been more credible if Barr would have thoroughly explored the inner workings of her fictional religious sect and offered more details about it. Without those details, the book seemed unfinished. It was like watching a movie and only viewing the actions of the good guy without being exposed to villain. Boring in my opinion.",neg "I'll put my opinion first, so there won't be any doubt in your mind. I don't believe that you can write useful books about national character. Is there really such a thing as national character? People are just too different, too unpredictable. How well can you predict the behavior of the people closest to you ? How well can you predict what people in your own country will do ? Would every Italian, if they could write well, have written the same book as Mr. Barzini ? I seriously doubt it. So what we have in THE ITALIANS is one man's views on the conglomerate nature of 50 million Italians. After reading it, I felt even more strongly that such books, though possibly entertaining, are a waste of time. An informative book about unicorns--but do they exist ? Anthropologists have been concerned, for many years, in getting the inside view--the view of a culture as seen by the person within it. While Barzini is indisputable Italian, he tries to visualize Italians as seen by foreign visitors, then explain to those of us not lucky enough to travel there, why they are as visitors see them, or why they are not as foreigners may think. This is not a successful gambit. Cultures are based on many general factors--like history, socio-economic patterns, religion, family, etc.---but the specific results are just that, specific. Barzini covers many topics--the importance of spectacle and giving an illusion of something rather than actually having that quality; the family vs. the state; Italian modes of achieving success; the north-south split; Sicily and the Mafia; and last, the tragedy of Italy's long domination by foreigners. But nothing really connects. There are only superficial, scattered impressions, nothing very concrete to grasp. The reader is left with a handful of stereotypes. Barzini is at his best when describing the lives and modus operandi of particular characters in Italian history. These sections were well-written and interesting. But his portrayal of Italian character is fuzzy, contradictory, and ultimately, unconvincing. Finally, if you are a lover of lists, you will thrill to this book, because there is a list on nearly every single page. Myself, I got pretty tired of those lists. If you want to know something useful about Italy, read another book. If you just want entertainment, which might support any stereotypes you have about Italians, then this book could be for you",neg "It has the potential to be a great book if the author had taken some time to actually look into each breed. The Canadian Eskimo Dog is now referred to as the Canadian Inuit Dog out of respect for the Inuit people. He has the dog's height wrong, and the weight range is much too high. This leads me to conclude that if there were that many errors on one dog breed, who's to say that it's not wrong on other breeds too?I was quite disgusted and mad to see the designer dogs put as purebred dogs. Labradoodles, Bichon/Yorkies, Cockerpoos, and Bull Boxers are NOT purebred dogs. They are mixes given a fancy name and sold for staggering amounts of money.The first few chapters on the history of the dog is quite fascinating though, and the pictures are nice. If you need an all-in-one book and don't mind many errors, this is a great book for you. If you're like me, go down the road of buying a better dog encyclopedia and different books on different subjects rather than this faulty all-in-one",neg "Two main comments. Firstly, the book is mistitled or I misread the meaning of the title and I would be delighted to return it. This is a book devoted primarily on how to make your dog perform tricks with much on showmanship. I have no interest in that but I do have an acute interest in dog obedience relative to the master's care of their puppy and mature dog. Problems handlers encounter in greeting of your dog with other dogs and people.Secondly, the book, as written, talks down to the reader and unless you have had some professional experience with dogs, you feel very unqualified to read on. I felt intimidated by it.",neg "I've read only a few of Hillerman's previous Leaphorn/Chee novels. I've enjoyed what I've rtead, though they are an acquired taste, and I don't indulge in them very often. I tend to enjoy the earlier, more active years of Joe Leaphorn more interesting than his ' semi-retired unofficial advisor to Jim Chee' phase.From what I gather, 'Skeleton Man' continues a recent trend of disappointment with Hillerman's last few novels. Even without having read the books immediately prior to this one, I can understand that sentiment.'Skeleton Man' starts off with a rather risky premise, tying the story in with the real life collision over the Grand Canyon in 1956. While an author can occasionally pull off a good story with a strong connection to 'real life'(See Nelson De Mille's 'Night Fall'), Hillerman fails here.The story is bogged down with bland and unlikable supporting characters, flimsy motivation, and very little that could really be called 'action'.Chee ends up joining Leaphorn in the background for much of the story.The spiritual and ritualistic aspects of Hillerman's earlier books are, for the most part, glossed over here. Even what should have been a major plot development (Chee's wedding) is overshadowed by Chee have to rescue Manuelito, in the manner of far too many contrived 'Superman rescues Lois' situations.Better to stick with Hillerman's earlier novels. The 'aging athlete past his prime' analogy suits Hillerman, I'm afraid",neg "This book is 'oragnized' into sections - Getting Started, Organizing Room by Room, Organizing Finances, Organizing Time, Organizing Home Life, and Organizing Transitions.Who needs an entire section telling you the benefits of being organized - isn't that why I bought the book? The author takes 'plain and simple' to new heights...for example - To organize your refrigerator, start by uncluttering it.I was hoping for something with more substance. There was nothing in this book that I didn't already know. If you're looking for something very basic as far as what to do in your home...you will like this book",neg "I like looking at old pictures and old letters, but I thought when I bought the book that I would actually be looking in the history of someone's life with pictures to go with it but that was not the case. It is just a random bunch of pictures and a random bunch of letters put together in a book. The pictures aren't necessarily the pictures of the people who wrote the letters, so you know nothing of the authors, no explanation of the times they lived in or the place they lived in or anything. In other words, no story behind it whatsoever. Just a disappointing collection",neg "In my usual perusal of the thrift shops for 25 cent novels, i came across this interesting find summer of 2005.from the very first page, the book had me hooked. merricat blackwood is a girl i could relate to on first degree. in her family, she's a bit of a misfit, and as a consequence, finds herself and her older sister constance locked away in their large old house as the town freaks after the *mysterious* death of their entire family at dinner on night.everyone hates them and wants them gone. merricat braves walking to town to buy groceries for her sister with cash from the vast amount of wealth they keep hidden in the house. the towns people sneer at merricat and ask her to leave and she, head lifted, tries bravely to remain unafraid.it is an all together marvelous book for anyone who enjoys the cryptic events that go on behind the scenes of creepy old houses.",neg "I will be brief: Penroses writing is mediocre, his drawings obfuscate more than clarify.The vast majority of the book is devoted to completely and utterly extraneous topics, and seems to largely be a platform for Penroses new quantum theories.His arguments are unclear, weak and largely dependent on philosphers like Lucas and Searle, while his idea of quantum effects is improbable and surely in the end irrelevant (cannot computers tap into quantum effects?) and his knowledge of computer science deeply, deeply suspect.For example, I quote here from the final sections which actually have something to do with his ostensible reason for writing the book:Neverthless, one still might imagine some kind of natural selection process being effective for producing approximately valid algorithms. Personally, I find this very hard to believe, however.The entire flourishing, commercially succesful field of evolutionary computing begs to differ here, Mr. Penrose. SUch bonehead errors compells me to point out that this mathematician has no clothes",neg "Perhaps this book appeared to be a futuristic medical thriller when it first came out, but now it seems like a bad 1950s horror movie. The story involves brain surgery gone bad, with a mix of artificial intelligence and mind control. The end of the story was very predictable and played out exactly as I suspected from the very beginning of the book.",neg "Many reviewers on this site read TLGPE in the 70's, when we were young and impressionable. (I happened to be 13 when I read it.) If one could be sued for intellectual forgery, Lindsey would certainly be found at fault.Most of us, thankfully, have gotten past our fears that plagued our teenage years. After all, when we read TLGPE, we were young. We were searching and seeking. We didn't have all of the facts. There were wolves who knew this, and they preyed upon us. Many people who were older, yet still intellectually undeveloped, read this book and were moved to 'believing'.For most of us, our minds matured. We began to see the vast chinks in Lindsey's pompous Christian armor. We began to realize that fear is a weapon brandished by madmen, by people who use a subtle, gentle cloth of manipulation to control others.This is beyond dangerous. It is beyond extreme, as most of us have now found out.I love a good horror novel. I love a good 'true crime' thriller. But the fact that people read Lindsey's books and take them at face value is, perhaps, one of the scariest notions I have ever imagined.That, dear reader, is beyond horrific . . . and far more terrifying than anything you'll find in the bible or any of Lindeys 'books'. The only thing scarier is that Mr. Lindsey is still receiving royalties from an outdated, silly, contradictory and completely barbaric book penned over thirty years ago. Please don't be the next sucker. Please don't add this one to your cart.",neg This was a less than stellar sequal to The Women of the Silk but it did finish the story of Pei to some extent. I found the historical aspect of the novel the most interesting and the story of the women the least believabl,neg "The story was slow, predictable and boring. I am still amazed I hung in there and finished reading it. It's a dud in my opinion",neg "The title grabbed me because I have been noticing for, oh about 14 years now, the decline of the truth in this country. Unfortunately, this book is written precisely by the kind of person who has lost touch with reality and what truth is (definition of irony I believe).The reason it is #1 on the bestseller list is because there is a ready audience out there, of similarly detached people, who want anything (and I mean anything - a website with a good conspiracy story and a glass of warm milk before bed everynight is their ideal) that backs up their point of view.It is precisely why the truth is so out of fashion. New media streams like the internet, blogs, etc. offer up news without accountability. They allow this segment of society to avoid confronting the truth and instead construct their own alternative realities. It makes people like Frank Rich, rich, with very little effort. Why bother checking facts, his core readership doesn't care whether it is true or not, just tell them Bush is evil",neg "Who better to write a book about morons than Flynn? An abyssmally miserable book with so little substance I was surprised it didn't float out of my hands. It's a great resource for those looking for a plethora of examples of pitifully poor logic; Two wrongs don't make a right, non-sequiturs galore, red herrings - they're all there.It seems apparent the goal was to scoop up the easy money from the thin thinkers in our world. It certainly wasn't to write a scholarly treatise where the reader came away enlightened in the slightest way.I guess I have fallen into the category of moron by spending money on it and worse yet, reading it to completion. I'm embarrassed. Flynn should be too",neg "I wanted to like this book. It's a great size for carrying around to dip into. However, I'd say about a third, or maybe more, I haven't counted, are anonymous. Here's an example: Life is filled with possibilities p31. Now I don't know about you, but I'd hardly class that as great stuff from great minds. Then I read Decide what is worthwhile and follow through with it and I'm beginning to yawn. When I came to Above all, life should be fun and Always keep a window open in your mind for new ideas and I'm just about ready to throw the book into the garbage. Also, the format of the book is terrible. Someone decided to put every quote into a little frame, so you get four quotes on a page.Still, for the price, it's not that bad. No, on second thoughts it's pretty dire. There's just too many pathetic jingles in here for me, which only motivate me to demand a refund! If I were you, I'd save my money and put it towards something else - The Book of Positive Quotations has 7000 quotes and I wouldn't be without my copy",neg "The Kite Runner gets off to such a good start, with its blend of history, observations about daily life in Kaboul, and a compelling story of two boys growing up together. The second half goes badly astray, as the novel becomes more and more manipulative and sentimental. By the end of the book, the author is willing to put his characters through all sorts of hell just so he can follow up with a teary reconciliation. I wish an editor had convinced him to tighten it up, stay focused, and resist the urge to tug at the heartstrings with such a heavy hand",neg "I remember reading The Chamber distinctly. Somehow, this book doesnt even near that standard. The story line is vague with unnecessary twists and turns. The characters have been strongly depicted but none of them turns out to be standing out",neg "...Uldrich makes big bucks on the public speaking circuit discussing nanotechnology...I suspect this book was published for no other reason than to provide some credentials to support the speaking engagements...his most recent books published since this one have been one about George Marshall and another about Lewis and Clark -- real cutting edge technology there!...nope, don't buy it",neg The ghost writer was probably afraid to put his own name on the book. It was totally predictable without any of the depth found in real Ludlum books,neg "I have been a devoted Hiaasen fan from the beginning and awaited all his novels which are few and far between with much excited anticipation. Although his writing remains flawless and some of his lines are hysterical, the story is just so silly I found it hard to keep my attention focused. I compare reading this book with watching a sponge bob cartoon which I do with my children on occasion. Sorry, I just couldn't finish it",neg "I wavered awhile between three stars and two stars, because a company and entrepreneur as brilliant as Sony and Akio Morita seem to deserve at least three. However, in the end, the book's errors just piled too high. It opens well, with the story of Sony's founding and rise from leaking offices in a half-wrecked department store just after World War II, to becoming one of the world's great companies. This is a fascinating and inspiring story, and Morita tells it with flair.Then, unfortunately, the downward spiral begins. Morita consistently takes his experience at Sony and assumes that every other Japanese company operates the same way, which is a fantastically wrong assertion (as the last thirteen years of Japan's seemingly endless recession have shown). He also frequently takes good basic management techniques, like trusting employees and giving them creative leeway, and tries to brand them as somehow uniquely Japanese.Then there are all the claims which are simply out-and-out false, such as Japan supposedly having the world's best construction technology. (It actually has perhaps the worst in the industrial world, as the Kobe earthquake unfortunately demonstrated.) Or how Japan is supposedly a nation fanatically devoted to not wasting anything. (Yet it only recently discovered the concept of second-hand goods, instead of throwing nearly-new furniture and clothing away. Plus, Japanese garbage trucks groan under the weight of the world's worst overpackaging.)Reading between the lines, a person can see the roots of so many of the problems that Japan faces today. For example, Morita spends a good deal of words attacking the excess of lawyers in the United States. While this can, of course, sometimes be a serious problem, it also gives U.S. consumers a way to protect themselves. Japan's consumers, on the other hand, without an accessible court system, are almost completely at the mercy of bureaucrats and executives. Complaints about dangerous products or chemicals in drinking water are simply ignored, because they lack any threat of legal action. In another example, Morita praises the trust and agreements without contracts that exist among Japanese corporations. In reality, this trust is a death pact, as bankrupt inefficient companies are propped up by their buddies, instead of letting them fall and create openings for fresh and innovative entrepreneurs.Other than the glimpses into Sony's history and corporate culture, this book is only interesting as a museum piece - yet another in the flood of Japan is going to take over books that came out in the Eighties. Although, of course, considering all the Internet companies are going to take over books that came out in the Nineties, not even this is a uniquely Japanese phenomenon.PS: Anyone wanting a healthy reality check about the current state of Japan should read Dogs and Demons by Alex Kerr.",neg "[Joshua 6:23,21]Joshua said to the people of Israel, The Lord has given you the city of the all silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated unto the Lord: They shall come into the treasury of the Lord.The people utterly DESTROYED ALL THAT WAS IN THE CITY, BOTH MAN AND WOMAN,YOUNG AND OLD, AND OX AND SHEEP, AND ASS, WITH THE EDGE OF THE SWORD.Deuteronomy 17:3-5 And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, .....and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die.Romans 1:20-32 ....32. Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.Numbers 31: And the Lord said unto Moses, Avenge the children of the Mid'-an'ites.. They warred against the Mid'-i-an'ites, as the Lord commanded Moses, and they slay all the males. And they took all women as captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods. And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire. Moses said, HAVE YOU SAVED ALL THE WOMEN ALIVE? NOW KILL EVERY MALE AMONG THE LITTLE ONES, AND KILL EVERY WOMAN that has known a man by lying with him, but all the young girls who have not known a man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves.[Quran-60:8-9] GOD does not enjoin you from befriending those who do not fight you because of religion, and do not evict you from your homes. You may befriend them and be equitable towards them. GOD loves the equitable. GOD enjoins you only from befriending those who fight you because of religion, evict you from your homes, and band together with others to banish you. You shall not befriend them. Those who befriend them are the transgressors.",neg "I was more upset with this book than anyother. I've loved every book in the series , but this one was more dissapointing. I pictured EVERYTHING the sasme as in the movie though... thatrs just telling you how welll it's written and described. But, it was more about the Triwizard tournament the whole entire time. Still, i am addicted to the series . Either way you should read the story just to understand whats going on. I just wish it would have been more exciting and less predictable",neg "Galbraith's insight on society unfortunately gets lost in a maze of double negatives and confusing sentence structure. His ideas are sound, though he has a very off-putting pompous delivery. In fact, his verbosity and poor structure is so bad, that it turns what should be a slim read into a fairly mind-numbing experience. The book really needs to go back to an editor",neg "Mr. Galbraith is smart, accomplished, and learned man who knows what is best for all us. His view of a good society differs from past visions of societal utopia. Rather than a completely coercive state directing the actions of its citizens to some hirer calling, Mr. Galbraith aims to be `practical' and just further defines the third way. Nonetheless, his proposal of what makes a good society is not the classical liberal view and it is more attuned to the European model of society. Many of his proposals are so silly you won't take them seriously. But sadly, he is quite serious. For example, Mr. Galbraith states that in a good society everyone should have a rewarding life. Of course, he never defines the standard by which society should judge whether or not a life is rewarding. Neither does he address what one should do if their life is un-rewarding and what the obligation is of society to fulfill that vision of a rewarding life. And, of course, who is the `rewarding life judge' and does this judge have the authority of the state to take something from someone (who has a life that is deemed too rewarding) for someone who has life that is too un-rewarding. Mr. Galbraith fails to convince the reader of the practicality of his proposals and ends up straddling a line between socialism and capitalism, and saying nothing new",neg "Even the avid trekie reader of the Star Trek science fiction novels, movies and television series must suspend disbelief, when he finds Captain Kirk saying Beam me up, Scotty. But the biblical literalist reading this book need make no such effort, when he reads in this book that Jesus will effectively beam millions of true Christians up to heaven in the world-wide Rapture. Though the characters and their roles are fictitious, the book specifically references the relevant biblical passages for the believer.The story line opens with the chaotic moment of discovery after the historic mass Rapture event, and the remainder is a moral melodrama concluding with emotional born-again conversions.In the September/October 2006 issue of Foreign Affairs Walt Mead writes that fundamentalists are not hospitable to the idea of gradual progress toward a secular utopia driven by technological advances and the cooperation of intelligent people of all religious traditions.Instead fundamentalists separate themselves from the world and have a premillennial pessimism about prospects for social reform. Billy Graham's biography by Strober notes that they criticized Graham's new evangelism for its inclusiveness and for its involvement in addressing social problems. Yet their separatism does not preclude proselytizing as portrayed in these novels by the Tribulation Force or as exemplified by Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority.They are also committed to an apocalyptic vision of the end of the world and are hostile to international institutions such as the United Nations. Mead notes that it is no coincidence that the Left Behind novels show the Antichrist rising to power as the secretary-general of the United Nations.The U.S. Statistical Abstract reports that the per capita numbers of fundamentalists are growing exponentially, while evangelicals and liberals - e.g. Southern Baptists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists - and Catholics are continuing their per capita declines. Such data and the reported popularity of these Left Behind novels indicate fundamentalism's growing appeal in reaction to contemporary American society.I see the readers who seriously respond to this book as the left behind in the backwash of the tidal flows of cultural change in modern American society, and as conservative Christians who believe it is better to stay behind. And in not just a few respects, they may be wise to do so.Thomas J. Hickey",neg "My problem was that these books were missing chunks of pages! We didn't notice it until book 4 of 6, but 80+ pages were gone! Now, Amazon was great about replacing the set adn paying for me to return the messed-up set. This is just a warning to check your boxed set when it gets in for missing chunks of pages!Of course, the Harry Potter series is great, adn we love having them in paperback",neg "While the author rehashes some basic business writing theory, she consistently fails to follow her own rules:- The text is full of fluff- The style is flippant instead of useful- The lecture style puts you to sleepThere are much better books on the subject. A textbook approach is necessary for this subject. Not this dopey-run-on-crap.",neg "If you walk into B&N and flip through (not even buy!) the other well known/recommended pregnancy books you'll get much more information than what Douglas offers.If you're lazy/want a quick read, this book is for you.If you're looking for a comprehensive tell-all (which the title and reviews lead you to believe), this is *not* the book for you.This was a total waste of money! If I had know it was this bad I would have just used my money to buy diapers instead.",neg "Hmm, quite a disappointment, especially after splurging on the hardcover edition. Set as a kind of Rockies Rear Window, this is one slow story. Endless pages of crazy-making when I'd already guessed the outcome about halfway through. Finally skipped ahead to finish the book. I had really looked forward to Angels Fall, too :( If you are a Roberts fan, don't spend the money on the hardcover, wait for the paperback, go to the library, or borrow from a friend. Not worth the price.",neg "There were several good scenes, but they didn't make up for the rest of the book. Not worth reading.",neg "This book was easy enough to read, it just wasn't what I expected from Quindlen. I usually find her writing style and her way of thinking about things so captivating, in this book I really did not find either of those traits to stand out. The back-and-forth from current day to the past was somewhat confusing, and sometimes I was in the middle of a paragraph before I realized this paragraph was a jump to the past, whereas the previous paragraph was present time. Although I got used to that writing style, I always found it annoying. The storyline itself never sold me either: a typical, young sew-your-wild-oats boy finds a baby and decides to keep it and is the perfect father. I just did not find such an occurrence likely. And, as a mother myself, all the times he either left the newborn alone or took it with him while he labored on the land just made me squirm. Anyway the whole story seemed far-fetched and disjointed to me, and a disappointment especially since I have been a Quindlen fan for many, many years",neg "just awfulsave your money, this book is not worth it. The pictures are dull and lifeless, boring composition. Mann hasn't captured anything here but a bunch of worthless photos. Any 10th rate amateur photographer could have done better.",neg "I was recommended Borges' works by one of his innumerable over-educated sycophants and I will never forget the tremendous time I wasted attempting to grasp the supposed value of his life's work (when I should have been writing my dissertation). Each time I read one of his pedantic, mediocre peices of short fiction, I was convinced by these elite book review troglodytes that I would like other examples of his work if I continued reading since all of his stories are so unique. I found the exact opposite to be true. One story after another about mazes, mirrors, mystical mathematical formulas and books, books, books. The ideas were transperant, the language boring in the extreme. His poetry is trite. Who needs this? Borges reads like a petulant graduate student at University of Chicago who failed repeatedly to get his/her short fiction published in _The Atlantic Monthly_. Particularly among academics, literary elites and like people, many seem to cite Borges and worship his genius more than read him--and certaintly _no one_ reads him critically. I read most of his work, and I can tell you, outside of a few interesting turns of phrase, you'd be better off reading a Yale dissertation on the semiotics of self-superiority. People incessantly talk about how imaginative Borges is. The vast majority of popular SF and fantasy writers are more imaginative. Even many of the despicable magical realist geniuses make Borges look rather plain. Borges merely litters his works with elite literary references and a kind of faculty cocktail party wit to make it more palatable to the kind of people who never step foot out of Manhattan or Cambridge. If you're this kind of pompous fellow, you'll want to sleep every night with a portrait of Luis by your side and a series of mirrors, as it were, slowly attempting to seek some kind of trans-substantiation with this benighted old librarian. If you're the kind of person who prefers reading about interesting characters, enjoying nuanced use of language, and grasping subtle, daring ideas that transcend purile academic banter, run far, far away from Jorge Luis Borges. Even top authors from all over the world and every historical period get bad reviews. The adulation of Borges merely underlines the fact that this is more about a cult of personality among (those who think themselves) intellectual elites than a serious attempt to evaluate his fiction. I think his fiction is better considered a kind of academic experiment, relegated to quirky local fiction publications and coffee house poetry slams, and not an example of literary genius. In that sense, 30min spent on one of his short stories gets you the drift of his entire body of work, and that's about as much attention as he deserves",neg "I read exactly half the book and stopped. Based on all the criticisms of the unlikely ending, that was a good decision. As it is there went hours of my life I won't get back! The book is silly and laughable. The premise sounded great - but the book is bad. Really bad",neg "I have read a bunch of poker books and play regularly. There are a lot of good books out there, Dan Harrington's the very best, but this isnt one of them. Too much ego here and not enough helpful information",neg "I use The Notebook and A Walk to Remember as optional films in my upper division sociology courses. After hearing many positive student responses, I was curious about Sparks as an author--one of the few males writing commercially successful romance novels. After a slow start with True Believer, I was more satisfied with The Rescue. Taylor's friendship with Mitch and his emotional growth add dimension to an otherwise standard tale of boy meets girl, etc., etc.,",neg "Ann Coulter is unbelievable in her unrelenting hatred of anyone not in aggreement with her warped sense of reality. To her there is no middle ground. I am an educated, well travelled adult who while born in the United States, spent a good portion of my childhood living overseas and consider myself to be fairly open minded. To be called a communist, a traitor, and an enemy of America just because I don't buy into the ultra conservative mind think is an insult to the freedom that this country was founded on.I have never in my life considered buring or destroying a book because of it's evil, until I read this one.Be afraid, be very afraid of these people",neg "The is by far the weakest Grisham novel I've ever read. The first two hundred pages creep along at a glacial pace as the protagonist (Joel Backman; more about him later) wanders Italy for nearly 200 pages, learning to speak the language and spending way too much time sipping espresso in quaint trattorias with Italian carictatures that would make Chico Marx cringe. When Grisham finally rachets up the action and suspense, it's all for naught, as the story eventually limps and staggers to a completely listless and anticlimactic ending.As for Joel Backman, I can't think of a more unlikeable and unsympathetic protagonist in recent memory. A disgraced lawyer, lobbyist and traitor that plowed through life in a meaningless quest for wealth and power, all the while causing numerous deaths, and alienating numerous wives and children is supposed to be someone we care about? Does this character redeem himself in any meaningful fashion? You read the book and decide..",neg Not a bad beach read but nothing in this story is unexpected. I didn't really connect with the main characters. I was interested by the description in the supernatural aspects (the lights) it seemed like a mystery/love story that may have been unique but instead was a way too predictable love story.,neg "If the Kranks really did what they set out to do and skip Christmas, that would have been a good story. The end.Instead, they end up having to scramble to try & make Christmas happen for their daughter unexpectedly coming home. In other words - a typical stressful material holiday, instead of a celebration of friends, family, or even, gasp! Christ's birth. I agree - if you don't want to celebrate Christ's birth, if you don't want presents and holiday decorations and family time - skip it. Why torture yourself?It would have been a good story if they did this. Instead, the plot deteriorated into a very stupid, ridiculous and unrealistic dash to the finish line of making Christmas happen.A completely unsatisfying and unfunny read. Threw it away so others wouldn't have the displeasure of reading it",neg "...you can waste your time and save your money by checking this out of your local library.If you want to get an inside view of the inner workings of Wall Street during the excessive gyrations of the '80s, then read Den of Theives - that book is well written and well worth the money!What turned me off about this book was the structure and the writing style. The first half of the book was essentially the author relating fortuitous circumstances that were the product of Serendipity. He was simply in the right place at the right time, had virutally no idea how he got there, felt out of place the whole time (even when he was raking in the Big Bucks in NY and London), and so now he thought he'd wwrite a book about it. I also got the sense that he was trying to assuage some guilt from his association at Salomon Brothers. He was there, he made a lot of money, good for him - get over it!I was also pretty disappointed because the subject matter has A LOT more potential. I might have actually enjoyed it - had I not read Den of Theives 7 years earlier, and already had some idea of how things took place. But, if you can get it for $5 or less (including shipping), and you have little to no knowledge of what an investment banker's life is like (and you haven't also seen the movie Wall Street (which covers the same highlights in this book)), then it's probably worth it.I did like the wrap up he did towards the end of the book, relating where he had heard everyone from the firm ended up...althought that seemed a little rushed..",neg "it is juust a copy of the frist book. if you read the frist the world is flat, then don't waste your time.jo",neg "What a disappointment! Based on reviews, I couldn't wait to get this book. Don't let the 48 pages fool you...half of the pages are pictures, and the half with writing on them are double-spaced with wide margins. Took me all of 20 minutes to read (and only that long because of all the page turning). Nothing wrong with being concise....except that the philosophy here is overly simplified. Quindlen goes to great lengths to equate Pefection with Conformity and condemning it as inauthentic. I do believe that women tend to set unrealistic expectations for themselves (i.e., wanting to be the perfect mother, perfect daughter, perfect wife, perfect businesswoman); therefore, it creates warm, fuzzy feelings to hear someone criticize perfection as being boring. Unfortunately, to claim that [well-behaved women] don't make good lawyers....or businesswomen just doesn't follow. This is not deep reading. 20 minutes? Don't waste your time.",neg "My understanding is that this book is an accessible summary of the ideas Catsells presents in his three volume magnum opus, the Information Age (which starts with the Network Society). If this is so, I am definitely not missing much by not having read the trilogy. This is a really bad piece of sociology, characterized by a technologically deterministic analysis. Why did I give it two stars instead of one then? Well, it does have some OK parts. Catsell's analysis of the origins of the internet is an interesting bit of the sociology of technology and what saves the book from pure technological determinism. He also presents some convincing data (gathered by other people) that use of the internet for socializing does not suck people into an on-line world, alienating them from the world of face-to-face interaction; this happens in the case of a few troubled people, but most people use the internet to enhance their already existing off-line relationships. The rest of the book basically argues that the network format of the internet is reshaping the rest of society in its image, with everything from big business to governments to social movements adopting a network form in response to the rise of this new technology. This is, frankly, ludicrous reductionism. It doesn't even stand up to a simple test of chronology--a lot of the developments that Castells argues are driven by the internet predate the explosion of ist usage in the mid-1990s. As Castells himself admits, businesses were already taking on more of a network form before the internet appeared big time on the scene, and social movement scholars have shown the same is true of transnational social movements. On top of this, Castells shows an effusive enthusiasm for all things networked, whether they be transnational corporations or the transnational social movements that oppose these same corporations. I'm really at a loss to understand how one can enthuse about both of these opposed phenomena. Castells does see some of the problems with the new network society--loss of job security and the digital divide, for instance--but he tends to downplay these. And his solution to these problems tends to come down to more of the same--more internet access, more network social organization. Talk about a narrow vision",neg "This novel would be better suited for the stage. It reads like a play, often.It's not realistic as the author goes overboard in depicting high drama within a family. They suffer a tragedy that would certainly affect a family but to the extent the author has them changing is not realistic at all.There are far too many scenes of shouting, histrionics. The father goes from being Ward Cleaver to a verbally abusive monster. If I had to see the mother one more time with her calling Robin! I was going to scream.The author needs to understand that high drama and a climax will be inferred by the reader after seeing the conflict. This author forces the climax onto us in every scene. He's desperate for this end result of angst, high drama and shock.It's overkill. I don't believe that a 14 year old would become this promiscuous. Sure it happens but this was the Leave it to Beaver family at first. It just doesn't make sense that because of ONE incident, all members of the family devolve into sordid disasters.In short, the author needs to be focused more on telling a story, allowing the reader to infer. Instead, he thrusts high drama and climax onto us at every turn. It's ironic, actually, as he's trying to make us feel drama but he did it so much that I just felt tedium.Very, very contrived and forced novel. Not believable. I do not recommend",neg "Please take the time to consider what kind of reader you are. I hated this book. It took me at least 6 months to read this because I could not force myself to read it. But that being said I also hate stream of consciousness and now wished that I had looked at some reviews and realized that was what I was getting myself into. I read 'As I Lay Dying' in High School and hated it too. There is no plot, and no point. I hated it.",neg "It still amazes me that anyone takes Gould seriously. He is an admitted Marxist, and he allows his social beliefs to influence science. That is not science. Science is a dispasionate search for the truth. I get the feeling reading this book that Gould doesn't like what the truth is, so he wants to shape the way we see the truth. They used to do that in the middle ages when it started to look like the earth revolved around the sun.Gould tries to claim that Samuel George Morton fudged his data on measuring skull sizes. This is not true. Morton conducted his tests with integrity, and only one error was found which actually benefited the measurements of a non-Caucasian group (Kevin McDonald, Culture of Critique, 36). General intelligence is not a statistical artifact as Gould wants to promote.Gould or any other scientist who wants to take Darwin out of biological sciences should be viewed with extreme skepticism",neg "J.K. Rowling successfully put me off this book series within the first two chapters of this book. The characters personalities were wavering in book 5, in this they completely vanished or mutated. I'll only be getting the 7th one because it's the last one and I've read this far so I might as well go the whole way.In books one through four the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione were loveable characters tenaciously and cleverly seeking out the answers to the mysteries that came up each year and saving the day. Book 5 had them doing more angsting and screaming than mystery solving, and more whining than day saving. Book 6 made them stand in paper doll doing a bad job miming the motions the real characters would have done.This book Harry seemed to care more about romance. A very poorly done romance littered with cheezy phrases and romantic moments on par with the worst of bad fanfiction; which had no background or build up from previous books. A female character from the background, whom Harry barely even notices all through the past five books, is suddenly the most perfect and beautiful girl in the school in mary-sue fashion. Several other characters in both the foreground and background were also unfortunately treated to Rowlings amature attempts at romance, none of which bore any revelance to plot or story.Harry also had a significant decline in morality and intelligence. The clever boy who put clues together with his friends now cheats in one of his classes and makes one stupid mistake after another. The image of Harry that stuck with me and seemed to glare off the pages every time he spoke or did anything was of him lying, frozen in a curled position on the floor of the train with blood coming out of his broken nose, under his invisibility cloak and rolling around with the trains motion after a particularly stupid episode with Malfoy.As to the general plot of the book. Poorly done. Continually backstaged by sickeningly done romance and angst it barely made an impression on me. Most of the 'revealations' in the book revealed nothing not already known or obvious from old information, and the culmination of what Harry was not-quite-solving didn't amount to anything.My final opinion: Don't bother to read past book 4 if you're just starting the series and care anything at all about characterization. A very disappointing book",neg This was the first book by Daniel Steel that I laid my hands on....Really could not make out how she strikes the chord with the readers. There are so many open ends in the story...chartacters are not distinctly outlined...Tremendous scope of improvement on the story is there,neg Woolf's style of writing (changing between several characters' thoughts) causes difficulty for one to follow this novel on audio. The paperback proved to be easier for me.,neg "This book is not what I thought I bought. I was expecting information useful to left handers. Instead I found out why society belives left-handers are evil and research on how left handers are formed. I enjoyed reading the encylopedia more than this book. By the way, it was written by a right-handed person",neg "When I picked up True Believer, I was anticipating a good mystery as well as the chance to empathize with sensitively drawn characters. Neither panned out. This book is boring. The characters are one-dimensional and there is no mystery. Too much detail and not enough substance. Not sure what the point of the story was as I didn't get it",neg "This book proves once again, that you don't necessarily have to be a good writer to make lots of cash and sell huge quantities of books to the mass market. True Believer is an all-star team of cheap, shallow cliches. There is no plot. No one really believes anything, and everything is a contrived, superficial mish-mash. The dialoge has no depth, and when you've had too much dialoge, there's paragraph after paragraph of the main characters, thinking to themselves. Wow, is this bad. Message in a Bottle was a great plot idea, but its been a slow, steady descent since then. You might have a good laugh at it like I did, but otherwise I was very disappointed.",neg "I have 50 pages to go and I can't wait to finish this boring waste of time. Very predictable, sappy, sweet and quite meaningless. I give it a minus 1",neg "The number poses an interesting question but provides no helpful answers. A four percent draw on invested assets is as much an old wives' tale as a piece of scientific wisdom, even if it is a number. Eisenberg's number is the inverse of that draw down, or twenty-five times.... well, there's the rub, twenty-five times what? income? expenses? income less savings? projected discretionary spending? Post-mortgage payoff and college tuition expenses? The proverbial bottom line is clouded by conversations with an eclectic collection of consultants, experts, philosophers, and casual acquaintances. Eisenberg, a former Esquire editor and short-timer with Lands End, ruminates about a simple question: How much money do you need to feel secure? The problem is that security comes in multiple forms: happiness, comfort, excess consumption, ego. And the accuracy and stability of those measures and outcomes is compounded by key assumptions about how long you will live and how healthy those years will be. Constructing a one-year budget is hard enough. Constructing a thirty-year budget is nearly impossible.Eisenberg doesn't help his case by the offbeat and idiosyncratic examples and profiles he chooses. Doctors, divorcees, `downshifters', and very little real data shed little light on the real issues. Maybe I knew too much going in. Maybe I expected too much from a few positive references from other sources. In the middle I was confused. By the end I was simply disappointed. And I have my own number, and it changes every day",neg "This is, without question, the WORST book ever written on one's financial life. To begin with, it's useless: ZERO information, ZERO new analysis of old information, ZERO advice, ZERO interesting anecdotes. Additionally, it's rambling--meandering from summaries of old data, to poorly written schmaltzy 'new age' feel-good blathering. What exactly is this guy's point? No way to tell.Seriously, this book is SO BAD that all the people who allowed their names to be associated with blurbs on the cover have, in my opinion, lost all remaining credibility.What a waste of my $16 and 4 hours.I want my money and time back.",neg "This book has a lot of names. I'll give it that. But, there are some relatively common names that are missing. And so many invented names. My favorite of the invented names are Schmoopie and Poogie. As if these names will show up on a birth certificate!!The definitions/origins of the names are poorly researched and confusing.For the name Cowboy the book tells you it means country for the name Country it tells you it means western.Not that either of those is a standard name, but, for words as names aren't you going to pick it because it has meaning to you?Also, the lists are totally false, something the author (if you can call her that) made up while sitting around drinking with her buddies. And some of the names on these lists aren't even found later in the book. (ex. Lynus on the Party animals list)I wish I had held out for a trip to the bookstore instead of just picking up the first book I saw at Walmart. I figured with so many names I would find one I liked, but I am just so distracted by all the junk that I will never find a good name here.",neg "I thought the title was interesting so I bought this book. Wow, what a disappointment. This is sappy and poorly written. How does Mitch Albom keep getting on the best sellers list",neg "The trouble starts early. There is an apologetic preamble which states that the author(s) would not dedicate precious space to titles that are well known and well documented beyond the gaming community. This is an enormous assumption about the general public's knowledge - both of video games and more-so it's history of design. Many people that have heard of these games or seen their children watch the TV-spinoffs, most likely would not be able to identify what the games actually look(ed) like or anything about their play dynamics in a gaming environment.Even though Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Defender, Asteroids, Missile Command, Frogger, etc. are mentioned briefly there are no images of reference for these classic games for us to (a) review and recognize, and (b) learn from. If this is supposed to be a sort of retrospective of the graphic art of game design (this is not about studies of techniques for rendering) then why not show some of these all-time classics as well as the 'new-time' classics? The latter are better represented throughout the book but some of the choices are omissions are questionable. The brief smattering of 'classics' that are shown tend to be more human-looking figurative than 'iconic' which seems lacking to me in breadth and style of representation.Beyond this much of the work - but not all - feels and looks rather 'same-y' to me. Lots of brooding dark scene-scapes and characters clearly inspired by countless horror/goth/fantasy masters such as Boris Vallejo or much of the work seen in Heavy Metal. When there is mention of games that are actually considered modern art on display at world-famous museums, such as Rez, -- we are not shown any images of it because space was taken up by two nearly identical renderings of Lara Croft(!) in the same spread. One has to ask oneself: what was the author/picture editor thinking?The fact of the matter is that for all the long-winded talk in the intro there is little to graphically show us where the industry came from verses where we are now. And from what I can tell, there is absolutely no mention of the explosion of games and utterly unique designs being done in FLASH. Arguably one of the largest and least expensive/complicated environments for making a unique game. Furthermore, all the games covered and talked about (that I can tell) are from very large corporations and as such tend to be slanted and biased in a number of regards.My biggest problem with this book was the editing - particularly with regard to choices of art. Far too many examples if things that look the same versus examples of unique design concepts and forms as well as proper representations for an historical analysis. Very nice printing, some nice layouts, and some interesting topics are raised with relation to character conception versus form, versus environment - but I would not recommend this for critical graphic design analysis or critical anything",neg "If you are a man, you will not like this collection of feminist essays. This book is worse than bad. It is an abomination",neg "This is the book Dan Brown's bestseller The Da Vinci Code is based on. Indeed, Michael Baigent et.al. have even sued Brown in court, charging him with plagiarizing their book. The ideas behind The Da Vinci Code have been exposed as completely bogus by many real historians. Obviously, this exposure affects Holy Blood, Holy Grail as well.This book is methodologically flawed. It claims that Jesus survived the crucifixion and sired children with Mary Magdalene. But if this happened, there should be ancient documents telling us about it. There are essentialy only three ancient views of Jesus: the Christian, the Judeo-Christian and the Gnostic. None of them includes the notion that Jesus married and had children with Mary Magdalene. It simply isn't serious to reject the ancient documents in favor of modern texts of questionable value, as Michael Baigent does. Of course, a conspiracy theorist might claim that the ancient documentation is lacking due to a massive cover-up. But such an argument, compelling as it may sound, is worthless to the historian, who must work with the real evidence, meager as it may be. A claim that can neither be proven or disproven is of little help. Besides, how many sects or cults have managed to keep their esoteric secrets? Very few indeed. There is always a defector or infiltrator somewhere. The idea that the biggest secret of all times was revealed by a confused French right-wing extremist only 40 years ago is very hard to take seriously. Indeed, the fact that not even heretical groups like the Gnostiscs claimed that Jesus had sired children, is good evidence against the claim. The Gnostics, after all, made all kinds of peculiar statements. But not this one. Why?Why are books like Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Da Vinci Code so popular? Perhaps they say what many people want to hear. That in itself is somewhat damning, I think. For how many people want to hear the truth?",neg "Eve Dallas is a cop in the future, chasing drug dealers, killer and being a badge heavy bitch in general. Her foster mother shows up and tries to get money out of Eve's rich husband and ends up dead.I hated this book, the characters are all unlikeable and the story drags",neg "Much repetition and too little of artists neither western nor white...or male for that matter. Though the sections are a lovely idea the same art is used in each. A not terribly risky venture, this",neg "Buy a Girls Gotta Do What a Girls Gotta Do instead. Snortland's book is more of a feminist's political treastise on how males and females are raised and nurtured versus a pragmatic approach on skills to identify potential threats and strategies to deal with them. She does hype Impact training which sounds like a beneficial program. I bought it for my daughter, but read it first. Actually, I tried to read it; halfway through the book I decided to toss it.",neg "Although I really do like Ripley's writing and her stories, this one was shameful what she did to the memory of GWTW. I have to blame this on the editors. Scarlett was not the colorful character as in GWTW in this so called sequel. Publishers and editors should know there is no sequel worthy of the original great classic",neg "This is a revolutionary book. It introduces the stage metaphor into sociology; all of social interaction is a performance on a stage. It's questionable how novel this metaphor is, but this is certianly its first explicit statement. The language used to present the ideas of the author is, like most sociological writing, unecessarily complicated. There are some problems with clarity and structure; the book just doesnt have a holistic feel for me. No sociological background is presupposed, there is extensive quoting from other sociological sources, many footnotes, and various other ways to enter sociological literature throught the book. So if you are interested in reading sociology, this is probably a good place to start (again, the language is unecessicarily thick and this may be it's bane as an introduction).However, the book is misguided. The idea of viewing social interaction as a performance on a stage is unecessary. The authors motives for saying this will make my position clearer.(The following is a charicature of the author's argument). There is certianly a large amount of social behavior which is directed towards other people (the audience) in order for the audience to build an impression of the actor. Well, if it can happen here we can draw a parallel with other situations, infact all situations and therfore all of social interaction is like a performance on a stage, All the world is not, of course, a stage, but the crucial ways in which it isnt are hard to specify (p 72). The performances can either be with individuals, or groups of people, and they can be performing conciously or unconciously. (end of charicature)There are other arguments, obviously, and the statement we can draw a parallel with other situations is most of the content of the book, which i dont like to gloss over with a sentence. But the real question here is, is the view worthwhile? My answer: No. Social interaction is a complex phenomena that cant possibly be summed up with a signle metaphor. Yes, some social interaction is like a performance, where indivudals are intentionally making impressions on one another. Yes, some social behavior can arise from unconcious beliefs. However, most social interaction is exactly the way we see it, conciously controlled, meaningful, purposeful interaction with individuals; it is not some kind of performance with the purpose of creating a reality.I hope my view of the book is clear so that the biases on the final part of my review can be sorted out: the book is a waste of time. Where the author is right, the statement is little more than common sense. Where the author goes outside of common sense, he's wrong, sometimes plainly so. This book is part of the tradition in sociology of thinking that society pulls the wool over each individuals eyes, that reality is a social construct with no purpose other than social control (here the wool is the performance, and the control has to do with impressions ... but this quickly degenerates into an obscure mess of assertions). There is no real empirical support given for most of the claims. Where evidence is given, the evididence is so heavily intepreted that it fails to correspond to facts in the world but rather to facts about the views of the reporter. Where there is no correspondence to the world there is no truth. Various sources of sociology are cited, but this is more like intellectual bullying. Saying that some author, which also didnt have any empirical support for his claims, agrees with you is just to bully your reader into acepting your claims. The claims in the book have no practical application in the world, but only serve to intepret situations differently, and in personal opinion, less correctly. Nothing said here will lead to better predictions about social behavior or a better understanding of psychology. In short, this isnt a scientific study at all.My final qualm with the book deserves its own paragraph, the use of language. The best example is the definitions given at the end of the introduction A performance may be defined as all of the activity of a given participant on a given occasion which serves to influence in any way any of the other participants (15). This is a curios definition. Me breathing while i work is a performance, it changes the percentages of O2 and CO2 in the atmosphere near my co-workers. Me staring into space is a performance, other people see me stare into space and are therefore influenced. Infact, me simply existing is a performance, since my existance causes a gravitational effect on the other participants, as well as influencing them to create beliefs about me existing. Its as if Goffman created a definition for performance which included all possible actions taken by any person, and then wrote a book about how all possible actions taken by any person fall under the category of performance. He didnt. He used a word that we associate with controlled behavior (performance) and defined it in a way no one is used to. Then he used alot of word play to show that behavior has no substance, its all for the purpose of maintaining social reality. I hope this very limited example shows the terrible use of language that is endemic to Goffman and sociology more generally.So an ode to sociology is in order ... actually no it isnt. Why wont this subject go away? This book is an integral part of sociology, and it espouses the methods and style of sociological researchers and writers by being an archetypical work within the tradition. The methods are questionable; the style is obscure. Like it or hate it, sociology is a part of modern thought. Read the book to be an educated person and keep in mind its intellectual failings",neg "I'm surprised that someone so seemingly intelligent does not know that stories and specific examples are what make a book interesting. This book was totally devoid of them, but instead used vague generalizations from beginning to end. I read the whole book and was waiting for it to get good. It never did. Don't waste your time or your money. Any positive review must have been written by the author's friends. I would rather eat cardboard that read this book again.",neg I do not think the man who translated the Koran here is a true Muslim. One cannot shuffle and reorder the Suras to suit one's own taste. This man does not have the right to mess up our Holy Book in this way. Plue the style of writing is not nearly as engaging as the Ali version. I have not been in a Mosque yet that had this version of the Koran on its shelves. You can go into any Mosque in this country and pick up a copy of the Ali Tranlation for free. Why waste your money on this Infidel sham version?,neg "I would love to read a neutral book on Barry Bonds, I hate cheerleader type books about players but I also hate one-sided ones as well. The only good things he really has to say about Bonds are about his baseball brain and his relationship with the famous Marge (whom he then sarcastically remarks that Bonds was only her second favorite player).The book covers a wide variety of topics, some are puzzeling. While most of the book bashes Barry Bonds is also bashes his ex-wife for being an exotic dancer. I was pretty upset to read that, I was a fan of Pearlman but I thought he had more class then that.This book came out right after (or because of) Game of Shadows. This book here actually praises Game of Shadows while bashing Bonds for illegal activities when 3 weeks after the book came out the writers of Book of Shadows are being subpeoned for illegally optaining information, guess that backfired Pearlman. In fact Game of Shadows may be taken off the shelves soon as well.The book uses many annoymous sources (there is a reference sheet in the back, most of those articles all include quotes from many unidentified sources), so its really hard to take alot of the harsh quotes that Bonds says seriously because it is heresay.The book pretty much discredits itself at the end when Pearlman proclaims that sports writers do not actually try or want to dig up dirt on people, they like to find good stories. That quote alone will have any Bonds hater rolling thier eyes at the sheer stupidity of it. Sports writing has became essectially a tabliod now. Even Skip Bayless publically admitted that most writers do that.So once again, the biggest problem is that it fails to stay on neutral ground. This would be like writing a book about Babe Ruth and only mentioning that he beat up umpires, ran into the stands to attack people, slept with hookers, drank all the time, was mean to Lou Gherig, etc.While that may be true it would also only tell one part of the story and would be a waste, just like this",neg "I was disappointed with this purchase. If you read the book jacket, you have gotten about all of the information out of it that's coming.",neg "Wow, I was expecting a fun, light read, and in the first chapter already had to skim over a couple of paragraphs relating to mishaps that happen to animals in Zippy's life. Well, I thought, next chapter will be better. NOT. The next chapter included a graphic scene of chickens being slaughtered by shovels! Every chapter so far has had something very disturbing about animals in it! If you are sensitive to these things, I would not recommend the book. I'm not sure I'm going to finish it at this rate. Granted, I AM super-sensitive to any animal suffering, but this is really overload. I'm halfway through and so far this is the list: The aforementioned chicken slaughter, a neighbor stealing her cat and starving it in the basement, another neighbor looking to poison her cat, dog-sitting for friends and losing the dog and not worrying about it that much and finding him dead days later, her father going out with a shotgun to kill the dogs who massacred Zippy's pet chicken, joking about a neighbor enjoying puppy stew, keeping her two dogs penned up, torturing a raccoon by holding in front of 30 braying hounds.... I mean, does that seem like a lot to you??? For a light-hearted tender memoir???? Jeez louise! I can't sleep at night from this book",neg "I picked this book up after reading both Books in the Bartimeus Trilogy and was excited to see what else Jonathan Stroud could conjure up. This book was a let down. I just couldn't get into the plot. I even found the story somewhat disturbing and eerie, especially for young children to read. There are very evil characters in this book who would be much better suited for an adult sci-fi novel, rather than a book marketed for children and young teens. The characters were unlikeable, and the plot just never seemed to grab my attention. I was very dissapointed that this is from the same author who wrote the amazing Bartimeus trilogy books! Well, I figured I would add my two cents in and let people know I just didn't like this book",neg "I have to preface this by saying that I absolutely love eating at the candle. So delicious.before we moved from NYC, I thought we HAVE to get this book. We've tried several of the recipies, following them to the letter, and have been really dissapointed everytime - with the exception of the hummus. I think that they must be leaving out some key ingredients in a lot of these recipies, because all of the ones we have attempted have been either completely flavorless, or tasted like salt. Don't even bother with the soups unless you are a gourmet cook and can figure out how to punch them up somehow after following these directions, because they all end up runny and bland. so sad",neg "Don't be excited about this book's small size and light weight, the text needs more examples to support you while doing homework. Breif chapter explantions caused me to nearly fail my class. Was NOT a gret book, in fact many students complained to the Dean regarding this book. Good luck",neg "My husband has a theory that Danielle Steel has a dart board and each circle surrounding the center is labeled either, falls in love, loses family member, has death of loved-one,fights for life of herself or loved one, loses partner,business or spouse. He feels when she is at a loss she justs throws off a dart and whatever she hits becomes the outline for her next book.I have been a loyal fan for many many years and take his kidding with a smile and secretly pray he's not right.This book proved me wrong and he was right all these years.It was so obvious from the first few pages what was happening that I was certain I had read this story before somewhere. After having waited long time to get this book from my local library I was so disappointed that it was so poorly written and so badly not thought through I couldn't even read it completely, but skipped sections to finish it, knowing what was going to happen before I got to it.",neg All over the place.Confusing. Poorly organized.I was unable to read this book and would love to return it.Bad very bad.,neg "You have to ask yourself, Why did William Grimes think there was the need for another culinary dictionary?. As you read the book, the answer comes quickly, before you're even very far into the A's... apparently he didn't.I was repeatedly disappointed by the cursory, often puerile definitions which accompany most of the 2000 culinary terms Grimes presents. The simplistic line or two of text each are accompanied by are often incomplete and sometimes down right misleading.The introduction builds up the book as a necessary tool to help we little folk through the growing complexities of modern food buying and eating. In a world no longer dominated by a few French terms we are led to believe that this book will bridge the gap between old-school cooking books (say, from before 1990) and the current state of culinaria. Why then are so many of the terms defined in an out-dated, even archaic mind-set?Take the term brown sugar. This book says it is unrefined or partially refined sugar, a definition all well and good perhaps 200 years ago. Today brown sugar is almost always made from refined sugar with a special molasses syrup and colorings added back to it - a very different thing indeed, and Grimes should know the difference. The are innumerable other examples available in the same vein.Additionally, Grimes give us food lists scattered periodically throughout the book but provides only sporadic support for the words used in them. For example, there is a list of Varieties of Apples. 48 varieties are listed but when one wants more information on them it is often lacking. Sure Red Delicious apples have an insipid definition in the R section but what about the more interesting varieties like Sundowner, or Lodi apples? No further mention of them can be found in the book. There is also a huge list of Fish and Seafood but if you are intrigued by what the Geoduck or Sprat listed might be, you're out of luck (without running to a REAL culinary dictionary).The bright (if limited) spots in the book are the articles on food etymology and history. There are 7 of them (reprints from other publications and various authors) that are each informative and interesting. Grimes would have done much better to have put together a collection of these little insightful gems and left the definitions to those more inspired by the subject.My guess is that the brevity of the definitions (leading to rampant deficiencies) was, perhaps, an attempt at simplicity but the effective dumbing-down of the book is insulting to anything but the most elementary reader. I know that Grimes, a former restaurant reviewer for the New York Times, must know a lot more about food than this book makes him sound. Grimes is listed as the editor of this work (along with a number of others) and it defies logic why he would allow his name used as the primary.Unfortunately, my copy of this book is destined for re-gifting or a permanent place on a dusty shelf somewhere while my venerable, dog-eared Larousse Gastronomic retains it's place of honor near my desk.Bon appetite, ex libris, and caveat emptor. DH",neg "I had expected an insightful analysis of the motivations behind modern terrorism. Instead I got a diatribe against western liberalism. Lee Harris is the poster child for the modern John Birchers, people who believe our way is not only the best way, its the only way. In an increasingly global economic and political system, his view of the world can be said to be outmoded, at best quaint, at worst pathological for if we are truely to address the problems facing humanity over the next 100 years, we will need tolerance and inclusivness.",neg "I enjoy this work, lots of fresh observations and connections.... but having read it in the light of recent trends in the e-biz world, it sounds thin and delusional...a lot like Tom Peters after way too much espresso. There ARE consequences from CONTINUALLY embracing change...and, in my experience ALL of them are BAD. I wonder on what real-world EXPERIENCE Mr. Kelly bases his thinking. My advice, embrace chaos and change, but do it VERY CAREFULLY...because it will definitely have consequences. Truth & Beauty! -Bv",neg "The only explanation is that James Paterson churned this dog out to make a buck. I've read a number of James Patterson books and while I'm not a hard core fan, I've enjoyed most of them. I know this will outrage some Patterson readers but I'm not much of a fan of Alex Cross who frankly I find boring as hell.As mediocre as Patterson often is as an author, readers should beware, London Bridges is especially bad. The novel reads like an abridgement, moving at a frantic pace without ever generating any suspense. The premise is ridiculous - super criminals with silly names join forces to blackmail world leaders (sounds like the plot for an Austin Powers movie - without any of the humour).Patterson is not remotely qualified to enter the international terrorist thriller market. An author who churns out 3 or 4 novels a year doesn't have time to do the kind of research that is needed to produce a plausible terrorist thriller.The twists at the end - he's the wolf - no, he's the wolf - no, she's the wolf - no.... by the end, I just didn't care.James Patterson has written some decent crime novels but his fans should beware. Quantity, not quality seems to be Patterson's priority these days. London Bridges is a mess from beginning to end.",neg "Not his best book,I Thought Waldo Lost in New York is more authoritive. I mean who honestly belives that someone who is always lost can be trusted to help other people become self reliant, when he can't even rely on himself",neg "Mark Twain once said that (and I paraphrase)the definition of a classic is something that everyone wants to have read and no one wants to read. That is my experience with this book. For some reason, A Tale of Two Cities never made it onto any of my high school reading lists, and I figured it was one of those books I should have under my belt. So I picked it up. What a slog! A book that might have been fascinating due to its French Revolution subject matter was a mass of rambling descriptions and melodrama. We were supposed to shed tears for Sidney Carton, a character who you barely get to know, and root for Lucie Manette...the highly unrealistic paragon of unspoiled goodness. The only thing I liked about this book was how Madame Defarge knitted a list of people on which she planned to take revenge. An admittedly cool concept. Maybe this book speaks to another era, maybe it's past its prime, maybe I don't have the required literary sensibilities, or maybe I couldn't relate, but A Tale of Two Cities bored me to tears.",neg "While it is true that Brandenburg is a tremendous photographer and the majority of photos are simply breathtaking. I returned my copy because the datebook also contained disturbing photos of dead wildlife. I'm very tender when it comes to wildlife, and while I know that death is a natural part of the life cycle, I am disturbed by dead wildlife and would never chose a book or datebook containing such pictures. For anyone who is animal sensitive and dislikes any death photos, then this IS NOT the book for them. Otherwise, I would recommend it",neg "I saw this book at a friend's shortly after seeing the movie. I asked her if I could borrow it. She said I wouldn't want to. She'd been trying to read it for awhile, and didn't like it. I decided to try anyway. Unfortunately, my friend was right. This is a definite case of a movie being much better than a book. I really liked the movie. However, the book is too long and boring. There are so many tangents in it that have nothing to do with the central story. I can't believe I even finished it. Rent the movie-don't waste your time on the book",neg "While this is a well researched and thought-provoking piece of literature, I do have some critical comments to make.Firstly, it is apparent that the author's own holocaust experiences (or more specifically, those of his family) have left him with a vested interest in how the material in this book is presented.Secondly, there is a LOT of content to trawl through to get, in my opinion, a few pieces of interesting material.Finally, the underlying theme or accusation that without IBM the holocaust may not have happened, or would not have been so sever, is (again in my opinion) flawed. As the book shows, IBM certainly made it much easier for the Nazis to locate and identify Jews, it would not have been impossible without IBM.Having said all this - it was an interesting read and although overly wordy is certainly worth reading",neg "There are two things which tickle me about this book. One is the sample Zack's report at the back which has a strong buy #1 rating on a -.3% return on equity stock. The other is the section on practical use of the system. It, of course, is for any type of investor including long term investors even though the effects that the system measures lasts only for 1 - 3 months. And don't forget about growth investors and value investors either. This section is so short as to be laughable. Also notice that in the 2002 A list there were 216 stocks. Most are going to have to buy a subset. But what subset? No info is provided on the performance of typical subsets for each investor class. Perhaps an MVO addict or a Monte Carlo hack would have the answer",neg "I zipped through the first 100 pages of this book unable to put it down. Unfortuneately the author seems to run out of gas after that. The main character just goes on a big, boring sight seeing tour. It reminded me of that show on the Travel Channel where that girl visits hotel after hotel fawning over the interior design. There is not a hint of conflict until the final pages and then it's very short-lived and quickly followed by one of the worst non endings I've ever read. The book just stops. Not a hint of resolution or even a cliff hanger pointing to a sequel.It's a shame because Grimsley had some great concepts to work with. In my experience novels that mix technology with magic usually fail at both, but Grimsley had a workable foundation he could have developed into something unique if he had focused on the SF concepts instead of minutiae.Once in a while the characters stop admiring the drapes long enough to notice the GIANT FREAKIN' PORTAL BETWEEN TWO WORLDS--but enough about that.Gee, what a lovely sofa..",neg "This book contains some useful historical information and some insights into the mass psychology of booms, bubbles, and busts.Prechter should have left it at that. Instead, he offers up predictions. Big mistake. This guy bases his forecasts on Fibonacci numbers and so-called Elliott wave counts. He labels all market patterns so that they fit the preordained Elliott Wave 5-up, 3-down pattern. If you see more or fewer waves than he does in any given market move, you just don't understand that there can only be 5 waves to the top of a bull market. He's imposing his theory on the market, but surprisingly enough, the market doesn't care. It does whatever it wants, in however many waves it wants, and Bob has been very frustrated at the market's aberrant behavior lately. He got lucky early in his career, but it seems he's been fairly consistently getting the market wrong since missing the '87 crash.Any superstitution can seem to work if you only look at its happenstance apparent accuracies and disregard its abundant failures. Keep looking for certain numbers of waves and Fibonacci ratios and you'll find what you're looking for. Pick any set of numbers or patterns or wave counts, and you'll find those too. The market doesn't care about any of those things, though. It's nothing more than an aggregation of billlions of individual choices, which are influenced by an infinite number of factors none of us can ever understand fully. University studies of various investing methods have found that Elliott Wave, like most, is no better than random stock selection.If Prechter had chosen the random method, he and his followers would at least have a good chance of keeping pace with the market. Unfortunately, he has been getting everything from the Dow, to oil (he thought it was going to $10), to gold (he didn't think it could break $400), to deflation (the deflation scare ended shortly after this book came out) WRONG in the past couple of years. He apparently STILL believes that the Dow will go to 400 (not 4,000 but FOUR HUNDRED) because his charts tell him it should (they've been telling him that since about 1990, actually). Prechter doesn't understand demographics or economics or markets or the monetary system, all of which render Dow 400 among the goofiest of forecasting absurdities -- unless you believe a giant asteroid will hit and wipe out two thirds of the population (I don't think Prechter is counting on that).Our debt-heavy economy may have a significant crisis soon, perhaps by the end of the decade. It will most likely be spurred on by inflation and rising interest rates. But it's not happening now and it's not happening in the way this author has been prematurely forecasting for over a decade.This book came out near the bottom of the 2000-2002 stock bear market, just in time for a reader to short stocks as they began a new bull market. How typical. While promoting the book, Prechter said it was definite that stocks would crashin 2003. He said that 2003 would be the best year yet for bears (short sellers). Late into 2003, when it was clear that the market had proven him wrong, Prechter declared on a radio show that by the end of 2004, the Dow would certainly fall below 5,000. Wrong again! Since his Fibonacci turn dates and Elliott wave counts fail to portend the future, maybe next he'll tell us he's found the secret code to the stock market from the text count of Nostradamus' writings.Bob Prechter couldn't call the market if it was listed in the Yellow Pages. This guy couldn't time the market if you gave him a stopwatch. He's throwing out guesses and misleading people by describing them as definite and certain. He's either a liar or a true believer in his own irrational superstitions. In either case, he's not credible.Here's all you really need to know: Buy dividend stocks. Buy short-term bonds. Buy gold. Hang on to them. Do that and you'll do better than you will trying to follow the prognostications of market gurus. Plus, you'll have a lot more time to devote to family, fun, and productive activities",neg "This is truly a disappointing book. It starts incredibly slowly and I found it very hard to become interested in the plot. Another disappointment is Koontz's recycling of elements from other novels: (1) plucky, highly intelligent disabled girl (the young female protagonist in The Hideaway had almost identical deformities and personality), (2) devoted, super-powered canine companions, (3) bad guys driving around in ultra pimped-out RVs, and (4) evil bioethicists.The Leilani character is patently ridiculous. She conveniently has a genius IQ, but that does not make the absurdly adult manner in which she speaks any more believable. I found it so disconcerting as to detract from the plot. Koontz clearly has trouble writing for children, and this book is no exception. Almost all the children featured in his books are either autistic/MR or genius wunderkinds; the latter, however, does not justify his habit of making smart children talk like genius adults. Dean heaps the hardships on poor Leilani, with all the subtlety of an episode of Walker, Texas Ranger. In case you miss the anvils, you are supposed to really, really like her and fear for her safety.I don't know how or where Dean Koontz learned about bioethics, but he has a terribly misguided view of the field, taking an extreme sect of it to represent the main viewpoint of the field. Further, he states multiple times that these eugenic bioethics principles are being taught to medical students at major universities (who will have to pay for their involvement with evil bioethics) -- as a medical student, I can assure you that this is patently untrue. That Koontz could be so off-base on a topic that directly relates to the central motive is disconcerting and makes an already weak book even harder to swallow.The final issue is Koontz's near-deification of dogs, particularly Golden Retrievers, which is a common motif in his more recent works. It is ridiculous and unintentionally funny to an almost painful degree. His obsession with dogs and their mystical powers borders on the psychotic (and I like dogs). This novel probably features the most egregious example of Koontz's tendency to create overly sappy, sugary-sweet endings.Dean Koontz has written many books better than this one. Spend your money on one of his stronger efforts",neg "McKnight's concerns about communities' dependency on professional assistance are legitimate, but disturbingly overstated in this book.In the end I felt McKnight's trashing of the already well-trodden government provision of social services may not be altogether helpful to distressed communities. He sidesteps concerns of capital mobility and exploitation and the pernicious effects wrought by years of discrimination. Any debate over when and where and how social programs can be effective is cast aside as well, since in McKnight's picture, social programs and the professional service providers are, in fact, the vilains and culprits for most of what ails society.One of the damaging fallacies that seems to be perpetuated in this book is that service professionals are not able to be both professional and caring - the two are deemed mutually incompatible. Mcknights views resonate with employers' caring rhetoric - conveniently invoked every time a healthcare worker tries to claim she does care about patients but is still entitled to a living wage or, perhaps, health insurance.What is further implied is that communities will readily and ably take up the reign of providing for themselves and their members when denied more institutionalized professional services. It seems implied that communities had no problems before the social programs to solve them came into being. In this, I think I see McKnight is invokeing an idealized notion of an society at an earlier time; maybe his argument would have seemed more reasoble in a time when families were less geographically mobile and may have constituted an economic unit, when the elderly lived shorter lives and were less numerous themselves with more children to care for them, and the local economic activities were more functionally interdependent.But McKnight's model for today's cure doesn't seem to fit today's conditions. On the other hand, McKnights solutions may be the only ones available in a society where budget cuts and elimination of social services seem the prevailing trend.",neg "........from reading Danielle Steel. Here's the book: three bachelors meet three women. They all break up, they all end up happily ever after. BORING, not one single exciting thing about this book. I was happy when my lunch break ended so I could go back to work and stop reading.Yes - we keep reading her because we feel obligated and hope for a better book someday, but I think I'm at the end of my rope with Danielle Steel. My librarian told me last night they aren't even going to carry any new books of hers. THAT'S sad",neg "While this book contains a ton of data, don't get it if you want calorie counts on anything homemade. If you look up french toast, for example, it only gives information on name brand items. Much of the information in the book is available on the packaging of the products. I suppose that if you wanted to check it before shopping, or use it before eating out, it would be helpful. But if you want to find out the caloric content of any homemade items, you are out of luck with this book",neg "While entertaining, I found several times that the story slowed down and got a little preachy about the politics of drug money. While probably true it distracted from the story by being repeated and heavy handed. I also found the timeline hard to believe. Maybe because I have lived in the area and understand the distances (and traffic) travelled in short periods of time. I am a big Elizabeth Lowell fan (as well as Ann Maxwell) but this was not one of her better books",neg "I was very disappointed in this book even though it was a miniature. Some of the pages were blank, having not even been printed. I figure the book was a total loss of money spent",neg "Gary Zukav states in his introduction I had never studied physics. In fact I didn't like science and I had no mathematical aptitude.On Opra (TV) he admitted that he does not have a TV which may explain his lack of contemporary physics let alone any depth.I noticed that some reviewers refer to the New Physics is that like New Age or voodoo physics?90% of the matter must be missing from this book. Or else how can he take physics out of context and make such fantastic leaps to religions parallels that he knows little of. He even twists the religion around to serve some unknown purpose.Many people say they did not understand physics until this book; Surprises, you still do not. You now know what Zukav wished physics was. Take anti-mater for instants that does not mean the opposite of mater. And the relationship between particles has no correlation with the relationship of dogs and cats.At least get it straight before mixing it up. Try reading some of these:The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski. The book available everywhere the DVD's available from the UK.The Upanishads by Eknath Easwaran (Editor), Michael N. Nagler (Photographer)Or just about any mainstream material on physics and religion.Then if you still want to mix worlds into one read someone saner:The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism by Fritjof Capra.Also on the fringe but not as radical as Zukav is a series called What the Bleep. (both in books and on video)",neg "My first Grisham novel, and it reminded me of why I seldom read fiction. The plot has numerous barely-believable twists, the most ridiculous of which is the protagonist's attorney assisting him in eluding authorities after escaping a juvenile detention facility. Said lawyer then drives from Memphis to New Orleans with the little delinquent in her car basically at the kid's mere suggestion. Absurd! No attorney in his/her right mind would do such a thing!The storybook endingjust prior to the boarding of the FBI Director's private jet is implausible as well as gratuitously sappy. Also, I highly doubt that the FBI Director gets personally involved in many -- if any -- such cases.Thankfully, I paid only 25 cents for this book in paperback form at a garage sale 2 weeks ago. Given that it's written at about a 4th-grade reading level (and I have no children), it'll make good fireplace kindling next fall.First Grisham = LAST Grisham",neg "I was disappointed with this novel which is set in my hometown of Chicago. I had hoped that the author would have taken advantage of this setting, but it really seemed as if he had just read one of our gay newspapers and pulled out a few names to function as place names. The plot is trite as are most of the characters. Characters change their stripes at the drop of a hat. The book has a certain fairy tale, and they lived happily ever after quality that I found really disconcerting. I would have been more satisfied if Dean (the main character) had turned out to be an ax murderer! Just kidding of course or am I? If you can pick this book up used for a couple of bucks, okay but don't you pay a penny more",neg "I ordered this book and read most of it in the hope that I would learn something about Familiars . In the interval between ordering and receiving my sixth sense made me begin to have doubts about Ms Little . Had she flown about the battlements of an old castle in the form of an Owl? Had she entertained A Hyrax or a Feral Cat as a house guest ? Had she ever had a pet Bat living behind a picture in the living room ? Was she acquainted with the properties of Henbane and twylight sleep and did she number Hecate among her close friends? The kindest thing , I thought was to suggest that Ms Little Knew as much about Familiars as I know about Conveyancing or Futures Trading , and let it go at that",neg "Now that Hannity has gone on the record as a pedofilia apologist and defender of child molestation.Thank God for Hannity!-Lee Krock, founder of NAMBL",neg "I am a teacher at an inner-city school that struggles with the same issues presented by Kozol. That said, this is the fourth of Kozol's works that I have read, and I came away just as disappointed with The Shame of the Nation as I did with the rest of them. I am so incredibly sick of him shouting from the mountaintops that there is a problem with public education. He acts like we don't already know. He acts like there is some unseen solution out there that should be obvious to everybody. Instead of pointing fingers and and complaining about it, why doesn't he use his experience and know-it-all knowledge to offer real, concrete and practical solutions? Kozol is a classic Monday-morning quarterback pointing out the flaws in what everybody else is doing - but he doesn't get his hands dirty anymore. If he is really as educationally omnipresent as he thinks he is, the least he could do is offer some solutions. I've made four mistakes. I will not make a fifth. I have 150 underpriveleged kids to teach, and I can't afford to waste my time on another volume of complaints while he points out the obvious",neg "What a disastrously bad and unfunny novel. The self-involved main character is pathetic and whiny, the plot is see-through and cliched, and the writing style is far below what can be found on any mediocre blog.When people criticize chick lit, this is exactly the kind of book they're talking about. It's shallow to such a shocking degree than when it tries to take itself seriously, or stretches for a literary flourish, it's absolutely cringe-worthy. I find it hard to believe the people who've praised it here actually read the same book.This was given to me by an acquaintance shortly after my engagement. She said she didn't really like it but thought it would be more my kind of thing. Obviously not a person who knows me well. Thankfully, it doesn't appear the author is terribly prolific, so readers don't need to worry about trying to stumble through page after page of show-offy navel-gazing.I wouldn't say it's one of the worst books I've read, but it's certainly one of the most useless",neg "Prof. Gardner's book is disappointing. He tries to be all things to all people saying both that he believes in basic competencies but wants to put inquiry first. Also, his language is inflated, and lacking in philosopical specificity. For example, he believes in building up the inner world of mental representations [unexplained term] yet insists on performances of understanding [another unexplained term].Also, he has respect for the individual learner and individual differences, yet he is concerned about the position or situation or social class dynamics in which the learning takes place. Thus, he fails to do justice either to the individual or to class, race, or gender. The role of leadership in learning is wholly ignored; and responsibility is not explored. In short, it is extremely difficult to pin down Prof. Gardner. It would be kind to say he is eclectic. I hope it's just not fuzzy thinking.However, we can discern that he has a romantic obsession with beauty, truth, and goodness. Imagine -- the Holocaust is reduced to being an illustration of what goodness is or is not! His treatment of these ideas is superficial and banal. I don't like to be so judgmental, but his writing about them does not deserve a detailed analysis.When attacking E.D. Hirsch whom he calls the main speaker for cultural literacy, he sets up a straw man. He says that Hirsch's school of thought has an underlying belief in the Lockeian tabula rasa. Yet, I find nothing in Hirsch's writings to indicate that he believes in a tabula rasa.Further, is Prof. Gardner really less elitist than Hirsch as some have claimed? I have found that the Harvard elite spend their entire lives trying to achieve and learn everything, and be on top. Their lives are marked by ambition to the Nth degree; yet, he debunks time-honored and experience-honored content areas that traditionally have defined literacy at its best. Thus, I find a certain inherent dishonesty in Gardner's presentation.Believe me, friends, I have taught students who have many ideals, Greek ideals and other ideals, but know very little, nor do they aspire to learn. If they have those ideals, and if they are facile and glib, will they be the leaders of tomorrow who are embraced by Prof. Gardner?I find a tendency on Prof. Gardner's part to oversimplify certain issues like the Holocaust, and to overcomplicate certain others like the nature of intelligence.The world is not waiting for the concept of intelligence to be re-written. Am I oversimplifying when I think that there is something very awkward about saying that there is no fundamental difference in intelligence between Einstein and the custodian of my school? Is this awkwardness because I am an elitist putting down the custodian? Is it because of lack of intelligence that I am still in the grip of a univocal definition of intelligence? I don't think so. Rather, we all know we are dependent on each other, and that everybody has some unique aptitudes or gifts they can express and be respected for, but trying to elevate this understanding to a higher level of truth or intellectual significance seems to me to be illegitimate.Lastly, his writing style is a bit too fond of adjectives, and the book reads as a whole like It Takes A Village by Mrs. Clinton. The Disciplined Mind has a mellifluous style that presents itself as being highly sophisticated and, at the same time, as down-to-earth, with balanced common sense. Yet, ultimately, the book is boring. As one Amazon reviewer states, Prof. Gardner is full of himself.In this book, there is no straightforward discussion or emphasis placed on knowledge, justice, Judeo-Christian values, persistence, responsibility, or character development...words which I find essential for a true philosophy of education.",neg "BECOMING A MASTER MANAGER, the textbook currently used in my Introduction to Management class, does not effectively convey the important fundamentals of business management. The book is structured around eight 'roles' of an effective manager, and each role is further broken down into a number of competencies that are functions of that particular role. While I appreciate the effort to organize a relatively broad subject, I do not feel that the book is necessarily easy to follow. The reading is constantly being interrupted by assessments and applications for each competency, and while meant well, they are usually skipped over in an attempted to finish the reading and they seem to me to be a large waste of paper. Furthermore, BECOMING A MASTER MANAGER stresses models and theories of management that I find useless without the necessary fundamentals of management, which are not adequately presented in the textbook. Some of the models and theories have merit and should be discussed more in depth, but in a more advanced level of business management. And while BECOMING A MASTER MANAGER is the official textbook for my management class, I have relied heavily on a different textbook for my information, and only the eve of a test do I bother to look over BECOMING A MASTER MANAGER, I do not recommend this textbook for an introductory class at all",neg "I'm not a fan of mysteries to begin with. However, my public library has a limited selection of audio books, so I take what I can get. I am a voracious reader, and I listen to audios to get more reading in, as you can listen and do other things. I much prefer the Lillian Jackson Braun cat books, at least there is some humor, and I like the mystery part of these books better than Deaver's. Sorry to all the Deaver fan's out there...I HAVE enjoyed a few of his books, but I get tired of the same ole-same ole",neg "I bought this book because it was listed with Ellen Miller's Like Being Killed, a brilliant and complex book about a woman's love affair with heroin, her best friend Susie, and her best friend's duplicitous HIV positive boyfriend. The protagonist herself was brilliant and complex. So naturally, I expected the same thing out of Swimming Sweet Arrow. Man, was I disappointed. This was yet another trashy tale about a pathetic woman's masochistic sex life, pathetic obsession with brutal men, and pathetic quest for attention. Her entire life is a meta-existence: rather than desiring, she desires to be desired. Rather than enjoying, she enjoys being enjoyed. The male characters and the female characters are written by someone who has never met a male or female who didn't exhibit the most common stereotypes; in her world, all men are sensation-craving brutes, and all women are attention-craving doormats. The men want drugs, fun, and sex, and the women whine and cry and enjoy nothing--not the drugs, not the sex, just being a victim due to the attention it provides. This book made me really miserable to be perceived as part of this gender.",neg "I have read all twelve of these books and hoping there will be more. The language is pretty graphic but they are so funny you can usually ignore those words. These books can cause you embaesment, since I read where ever I have to sit and wait and you burst out laughing people do stare and wonder if you are losing it. Please we would all like to see more of these",neg "On the plus side, this book is fairly easy to understand and contains sufficient pictures of the exercises. I was very excited at first, but unfortunately none of the exercises, massages, meditations, etc I tried seemed to help any of my health problems, even after a month. The book contains inspiring stories of people who have quickly recovered from serious illness or injury, yet leaves me crying in disappointment. I will probably keep trying a few of the exercises and methods for awhile, but I don't hold any hope of them suddenly starting to work at this point",neg "This is a nice enough board book, but be advised that it is NOT the full version of Dr. Seuss' book! They've left out several (charming!) pages of text and illustrations for the Board Book... What a disappointment to loyal fans, and how unfair to the newest generation of fans-to-be",neg "For decades, many male professors have made the same excuses for sexual exploitation of their students--to the fury of feminists. To read a feminist using the same rationalizations is both nauseating and infuriating",neg This book was suggested reading as if THE GREAT SECRET to PERSONAL FREEDOM was going to be revealed. It spoke of a self-centered mindset that seemed to suggest that I was to live my life how I wanted and not consider how my actions would affect others around me. A very simplistic and selfish point of view,neg " I read a good short story by Franzen in The New Yorker a couple years ago, but this book is lame, lame, lame. The essays contain little to no humor or insight- they are just lengthy, boring opinions on various subjects. Imagine if you can a duller, less-relavant Andy Rooney. If I wanted to read some loser's uninspired musings, I would get on the internet and start reading weblogs. I hereby declare this book Unreadable",neg "Sorry for the sarcastic title. I've read most of this book. I'm still reading the last chapter which is actually the most hopeful chapter.I'll start with what I liked. Harris lays out some good suggestions on handling the pyhsical aspects of a dating relationship (or courtship if you get caught up in semantics)However, Harris offers nothing else except a rudimentary courtship model that involves physical boundaries and guarding against things moving too quickly.I think this is good wisdom, but the book completely lacks in many other apects of pursuing a relationship. He talks very little about communication skills. Also you won't find much on personality traits or compatibility.When I began a relationship with my girlfriend I read this book. I don't regret reading it, but it lacks in a lot of areas. Part of this is due to the fact that I don't know what credentials Joshua Harris has to make his claims. He is not a Phd, or a relationship or family counselor. He had two substantial romantic relationships in his life. One with the girl who inspired him to write his first book, and the other with his current wife. When it comes to relationships, I would hardly call Joshua Harris and authority on the subject. He has no more experience or wisdom that the average person who would pick his book up off the shelf.I support the crux of what Harris talks about. I respect the fact that him and his wife Shannon waited to their wedding day for their first kiss. The book is chivalrous and romantic. It is a hopeful book.But it paints only a partial picture of how to persue a relationship. If you are into reading relationship books, just be sure this isn't your only resource.",neg "This is my 3rd McDermid novel, I previously read 'Mermaids Singing' and 'Wire in the Blood.' McDermid writes good prose but in this 3rd novel I see dangerous repetitions in character types which, if repeated in the next Tony Hill/Carol Jordan book will make that one my last purchase. Generally McDermid paints female police officers as brighter, more diligent and more intuitive than their male counterparts, as well as more often homosexual. The men, with the exception of leading man Tony Hill, are mostly all egotistical, back-stabbing, power-hungry morons of the lowest order, while Hill is rendered impotent -- a redundant bit of emasculation since all the other males are castrated of their moral fiber. The slow mating dance between Hill and Jordan gets a lot of buildup and little payoff. And in this book, the serial killer and the surrounding hunt for him are as limply portrayed as Dr. Hill. The emotional connection between Hill and the killers in the two previous books is missing here, making the entire killer plot read like an afterthought. And the real villain -- not the serial killer but a drug-pushing / illegal-immigrant smuggler loses character focus as the reader is given reason to sympathize with him as well as with the killer. The climactic scenes involving the capture of one villain and the death of another are without any sense of thrill or danger. I was extremely disappointed with this book",neg was worthless...was not the correct match for my class book requirement. Never used it...if someone wants it you can have it for free,neg "While this book may give some basic ideas that are useful to keep in mind while you are trying to understand your relationships with others, in the end it is just another attempt to give people answers they want even though such answers don't exist. I'll admit that being a first or second born might have a general effect on your personality, but just how far can we take this kind of analysis? The author of this book goes so far to offer that by knowing your own birth order and that of your same-sex parent, he can determine the birth order of your ideal match. My father was 3rd and I was 2nd, thus I should pair with a 4th born. Anyone who thinks about that for five seconds should realize that it is totally bogus pseudo-science. There are too many factors involved to be able to make such predictions. Not every Nth born is the same, and no relationship between Nth and Mth borns can be analysed this way. As with astrology, the only thing this book can do is unnecessarily deter you from pursuing relationships with people just because they are the wrong sign. Who's to say I won't get along with a 2nd born? Rather than relying on voodoo like this, we are better off just paying attention to how we actually get along with other individuals",neg "I was looking for a book with practical advice on how to handle real-life situations. I felt most of the book talked about how to parent, i.e. cosleeping, wearing baby, etc, but did not give advice on how to handle a specific situation. What do i do when my child runs away from me toward the street and then hits and bites me when I pick him up? I don't want to spank, but a 24-month old just doesn't take to a talk or timeout like Dr. Sears says he should. The Sears Birth Book was amazing, I recommend it to anyone, but this book did not help me answer my questions",neg "I'm usually a sucker for just about any kooky theories backed up by barely-there evidence. Even trying very hard to be generous (hey, I'm a Christian and I think it would be fabulous if the stuff in this book were true), I think I could poke a hole in every page. And that's after perhaps 12 months of formal Mandarin study and a similar amount of Cantonese.Don't buy it. It's embarrassing to Christians that this sort of thing gets passed around as scholarship. If they'd wrapped it up with a plot around it, it'd make a great work of fiction",neg "This entire movie could have run in only 20 minutes and you wouldn't miss anything and might even enjoy it. Unfortunately it ran 88 minutes too long and I couldn't wait for it to end. I saw it in the theater and the people all around me were all complaining how boring it was. At least a quarter of them walked out before the end. It's that bad. It's a shame, I love a good suspense/horror movie and the decent actors in this movies were waisted",neg "If you are looking for a good movie to buy for your child, pass on this one. This movie has so many drug references, i can't even begin to explain.(trust me, I just so happen to have taken acid before) This is a movie that NEVER should have been directed toward children. If you want your child to be drug free when he/she grows up, do not buy this",neg Fun to watch but my 9 1/2 yr. old daughter could not follow the moves. Neither could I for that matter. We tried to learn the moves through breaking it down but there is just not enough repetition. Too complicated.,neg "Every review I've read about this movie pops and fizzes with praise and I just don't get it. No one speaks until practically 10 minutes into it, and by then you're so confused by the random scenes thrown together and the cyrilic letters, it makes it hard to enjoy what comes next. If you like extremely BROAD slapstick humor and find that totally charming, then I guess I can see the appeal. Everyone talks about how this movie spawned so many catch phrases. I have to wonder what they could be: Damned Melon! or I passed out when I broke my wrist, and when I woke up, the cast was already on!??? I will say listening to the dubbed english and having the english subtitles on at the same time does add some humor, because they say completely different things, or omit speech altogether. In sum, don't waste your time",neg "The acting was very good. The pace was adequate. However, the plot was predictable. The movie just reeks of the intelligent thriller syndrome. Clive's character kept calling this the perfect robbery. The characters talk about the relative intelligence of the other characters or how the other characters can't possibly know what is going on. I'm still not sure what Jody Foster's character brings to the plot.Any way, they do stupid things. The bank robbers dig a latrine in a storage closet. You don't know the hole is a latrine until the end of the movie. However, they do call it a s--thole during the movie. They spent hours on this hole. Why not use a bucket instead of a hole in the floor for a latrine? They even brought buckets in with them. They were disguised as painters. Why couldn't Clive's character use a bucket with chemical treatments instead of a hole in a floor of a bank for a latrine.Finding plot holes in this movie is like shooting fish in the barrel. Furthermore, the plot is so predictable that it made the movie drag. I have to be honest, I didn't guess the ending. I kicked myself for they gave plenty of clues. For example, a big one is the title of the movie. However, the lame clues (the s--thole) acted like red herrings. They threw me off the scent.",neg "Wedding Crashers is the kinda film alot of people will love because it is stupid but alot of others like myself, won't enjoy. two womanizers fall in love, one because he finds out that his gf is not actually a virgin, like first off, what does virginity have to do with love? & second, who would actually believe that she was telling the truth when she said that she was a virgin? & then Owen Wilson's character fall in love with Rachel's McAdams character and well, that's the usual predictable romance plot. the problem with this film is it's not that funny. it seems to think it's better then it is. I don't think I hardly laughed during this film. the part about the supposive gay guy like people think he is gay so therefore of course, because it's this kind of film, he ends up being gay and of course, he tries to hit on Vince Vaughn's character in a scene that is beyond creepy. lets just say that gay guy is prob one of the worst actors I've seen. & then we get a cameo from Will Ferrell, alot of people I know find this guy so funny. but I don't get it. it just wasn't funny to me. u know, I loved the classic, American Pie that was just stupid for its own good but it delivered the goods to make it a great comedy! this film wasn't so much funny as stupid. & for the most part, I'm not going to remember this film in 5 years from now because it's just an average film",neg "It's amazing how Hollywood and the publishing industry have bent their knees to Secession mythology, from Birth of a Nation to the present example of melodramatic falsification. This is a very dull, shapeless, stilted movie. I wouldn't bother to denounce it on artistic grounds, but since it is above all a piece of propaganda, I'm compelled to condemn it as history. What it presents is the War between the States version of the Civil War, in which the gallant Southerners defend their homes,their beloved hills and dales, their cultured lives from the inexplicable invasion of the rude hordes of the North. There are only two Black characters, both sentimentally loyal to their Southernness and their masters; otherwise, slavery is beside the point. The generalship of Lee and Jackson, of course, is idolized, while the Northern officers above the rank of colonel are portrayed as fools. The battle scenes are perfectly predictable; guys charge on foot, other guys shoot, the fields are littered with bodies. Wouldn't a little exposition of the logistics of those battle been more interesting? How real is it to show only one train, and that Southern, in a war won more by transportation than by musketry? If you are a believer in the myth of the Lost Cause and the justice of Secession, if you have ever cottoned to the notion that the War wasn't really about slavery, then I challenge you honor! I defy you to read just one heavy, scholarly book, Arguing About Slavery by William Lee Miller, a professor at the University of Virginia. It retells the debates that occurred in the House of Representatives, over slavery, in the 1830s, twenty-five years before the election of Lincoln. The uncompromising sectional hatred expressed in those debates will surely convince you that the Civil War had deeper roots than you thought, and that slavery Was indeed the central issue for both sides, Blue and Grey",neg "Maybe for some people, to spend 40 days without sex is not big deal, but in Matt Sullivan's case, it could be a total nightmare.After his girlfriend Nicole leaves him, Matt spends about six months devouring girls, until he starts to hallucinate. Advised by his brother, Matt decides that celibacy is the answer to his problems, and proposes to go through lent without sex.For Matt's friends, this odyssey is as absurd as impossible, and immediately they take advantage of the situation to make bets about how long will last Matt's abstinence. He doesn't have it easy, as many temptations will make him suffer, and even smell the possibility of a new love.40 days and 40 nights is a movie that tries to get the most comedy possible out of the sexual frustration of his leading character. In a similar way that other grotesque comedies have try to explode in the past years, this film tries to sell us the idea that relationships based only in sex are less satisfactory than those based on love. OH. WHAT A SHOCKING DISCOVERY!",neg Great movie but CD not perfoming in the last few scenes. It gets stuck or restarts itself. Very frustrating and more frustrating to have to return new CD,neg "Editorial ReviewsAmazon.com essential videoAfter initially rejecting the role as too sentimental, Ginger Rogers found the title character of Kitty Foyle to be an Oscar winner and a career breakthrough. Released in 1940, only a year after her nine-picture partnership with Fred Astaire ended, Kitty Foyle helped establish Rogers as a nonmusical box-office star. The film portrays a white-collar working girl who receives a warm and welcome marriage proposal from Mark (James Craig), a kindly but humble doctor. As soon as she accepts, however, she receives a different proposition, this one from her former love, wealthy socialite Wyn (Dennis Morgan), who plans to flee his life and his wife and asks Kitty to join him and live in unwedded bliss in South America. Kitty then recounts her life in flashback to help her choose which man to love. Rogers gives an appealing performance as the feisty yet vulnerable Kitty, who makes up in moxie what she lacks in social status. Did she really deserve the Best Actress Oscar over Bette Davis in The Letter, Joan Fontaine in Rebecca, Katharine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story, and Martha Scott in Our Town? Well, evidently Rogers had real-life moxie too. --David HoriuchiProduct DescriptionKnown for light comedies and her partnership with Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers stepped off the dance floor and into 1940's Oscar spotlight with her Best Actress turn as Kitty, an indomitable working-class girl who endures the rejection of Philadelphia society, makes her own way as a single woman and ultimately chooses between an unmarried arrangement with Main Line scion Wynnewood Strafford VI (Dennis Morgan) or marriage to a struggling physician (James Craig). Rogers' deserved Academy Award confirmed she was more than a dance star - a fact humorously underscored when she returned to the studio and was greeted by staffers and actors in top hats and tails. Jane Wyman won the Best Actress Academy Award for her sensitive portrayal of Belinda, capturing the girl's affecting isolation, awakening desire to learn and ultimate triumph. Directed by Jean Negulesco and co-starring Lew Ayres, Charles Bickford and Agnes Moorehead (all four Oscar nominees* for their fine work), Johnny Belinda (nominated for a total 11 Oscars including Best Picture) blends atmosphere, nuance and high drama into a heartbreaking classi",neg "I'm surprised by all the praise this movie gets here at Amazon and beyond. There really wasn't much here I liked. The soundtrack was the usual pap you'd expect from a family friendly movie, though the sets were nice. It seems this movie was just miscast. Mel just doesn't do comedy all that well, at least for a lead role. Jame Garner, the reason I bought this seems more like a bystander. And Jodie is Jodie and I never bought for a moment she was her character.Although the cast is a powerhouse (on paper), sadly the chemistry never really works and the jokes are just cornball. An example: There was a sequence when Bret asks his friends (who are standing behind him) to whistle to reveal themselves to some bandits he was confronting; which as it turns out they are unable to do. Instead Jodie and James, blow madly, just like the movie.This movie reminds me a HELL of a lot like ''The Three Amigo's''; on paper you would think it couldn't miss, but on film it's painful to watch",neg "this has got to be the WORST film I've ever seen. its not sad. Its not funny, jest over blow mellow dramatic garbage. I don't have any sympathy toward nick in this movie, because he does give you anything to work with or want to keep him. the actor is the worst of all. i cant tell if he's sad in some seens, or angry or jest retarded. I've seen some sad movies but this one jest sucks, I guess its aimed at a different time of homosexuals instead of the present. it probably worked better back in 96'. but this movie is SO SO SO BAD. its embarrassing. do not rent it or buy it or view it on television.NOTE'S: THIS FILM HAD SOME GREAT TALENTA song from Olivia Newton Jon, and (one of my most personal favorites) Mila AND my favorite comedians Margaret Cho. She's to good but...why this film, she (and Mila ) are to good for some want to be tearjerker movie like this.",neg "I was very excited about this film as a fan of both the book and Ghibli Studios previous works. All the greater the disappointment then, when less than half way through, the story becomes something utterly unrecognizable from the original, several key characters are lumped together most confusingly, and others lose all their complex charm. What a shame.If you have never read the book and are a fan of Miyazaki, by all means buy this. You're very likely to enjoy the excellent animation and yet another unusual story from him.If you are a fan of the book, steer well clear. You're likely to want to poke Miyazaki with a stick and see if his head turns into a turnip or his turnip into a head.",neg "Along with the nanny, the stepdad, the cable guy, the 14-year-old girl with a crush... we now have the PHOTO PROCESSING CLERK to fear! Yes, everyone is out to get us.. or at least that's what Hollywood would have us believe.I am getting sick of films like this that constantly contort normal healthy human interaction and community relations into perverse horrors that are far from reality. No wonder we live in a culture of such exagerrated suspicion, mistrust, fear (and the resulting isolation) when we have films like this constantly stoking these fears of people around us.Yes, films like these have their place. However, I think Hollywood has taken it a bit too far and needs to pull itself back into reality.",neg "Well, I sure could have skipped this one. I well remember the critics raving over this on television, but why is beyond me. Mostly, I was just plain bored. There simply was no depth at all, just bunches of short takes and wise cracks. Bush was just downright dirty, making insults and slurs all over the place, something I do not consider an appropriate attitude in a man who would be President. And it is interesting that in one of the reviews it was noted that Mary Matalen, the deputy manager of Bush's campaign and very acid-tongued (maybe she wrote some of the slurs Bush used), is now the wife of James Carville, top strategist for Clinton's campaign, and basically the star of the movie. But all the scenes were focused on the funny quip, the bon mot, no long scenes of the nitty-gritty work, or any answers to any questions about Clinton either, for that matter.",neg "So I bought this movie because some of the reviews said that the acting was terrible but the dancing was amazing.Well, anyone who thinks that the salsa dancing in this movie is amazing, awesome, good, or ok, has never actually SEEN salsa dancing!!I am a salsa dancer, and this movie was HORRIBLE!!! I have seen amazing dancing, and good dancing. This was TERRIBLE dancing! And there was hardly any salsa!It was 80s dancing to salsa music! That's IT. The only time there was actually salsa dancing was when the main character was training with the club owner. Other than that, it was just 80s dancing to salsa music. That's it.If you want to see salsa dancing, I DEFINITELY DO NOT recommend this movie.If you want to see horrible acting, and old 80s dancing, then I recommend this movie...There was only one thing that I liked about this movie. The appearances made by Tito Puente and Celia Cruz. That was great to see, but not worth buying the movie for....Oh, and the story line? What was it again????Yeah...I love movies, good ones and bad ones.But this one??? The WORST movie I have seen so far...To the best of my knowledge, there aren't actually any movies with really good salsa dancing.Hopefully, someday, there will be",neg "From start to finish a total waste of time. I viewed this movie with some of the single women from my church including a recently married woman, we were all appalled at how desparate this Pamela was note to the director not all women waiting on God are that desparate. The so called Christian principals in this movie were laughable. At the end of the movie I found myself apologizing to my guests for wasting their time",neg " This movie was so horrible I don't know where to start. Maybe I could start with the fact the actors were so horrible it was as if the director picked them randomly off the street. Or maybe he just casted his own family...at any rate they were untrained and stale. Secondly, I had a serious issue with this movie not following basic christian principles. If Tyler Perry manages to tone down the swearing in his semi-christian plays, why wouldn't this movie director have enough sense to follow suit...If you're trying to actually sale to a christian audience. Furthermore, I thought the bible said a little something against divorce; like it wasn't permitted unless your spouse commits adultery/fornication. This movie seems to say it's okay to go against the word of God if you're in love. In fact, christianity was more of a theory in this movie than it was a practice....by even the protagonist! I laugh as I think of the scene where Ce-Ce Peniston's character says seductively, I'm looking for a man with his mind on Jesus Yet she's dressed like a hooker. Speaking of clothing, why did Ce-Ce seem to change outfits even in the middle of scene. They go on a date and she's dressed one way, by the time they come home she has on something different; with no logical explanation. And please explain why they had someone's grandfather playing the role of Rico Suave. Maybe the movie would have actually been worth while had he looked more like the man of any woman's dream. I felt more like telling him about AARP than I did falling in love with him. In addition, the soundtrack, IT-WAS-JUST-ANNOYING. At some parts it was even hard to hear what the characters were saying because of the music. I just wanted the maddness to stop! Lastly, It seems as if the director tried to portray single church women as being overwhelmingly desperate (although some are) However, having pamela fall so quickly for bryant was just, well, almost juvenile...perhaps even a disrespect to women at large. Overall, this movie made me want to puke. PASTOR Larry Flash Jenkins really needs to get some true insight on the conditions of the church and maybe even go back and read the bible for himself for clarity",neg "this has got to be one of the WORST, most unrealistic movies to date. i never have high expectations for lesbian flicks--rarely are they done well. this one, however, takes it to a whole new level. what was courtney love thinking?!you'll regret wasting your money on this. i can't even fathom why it's gotten decent reviews so far",neg This movie didn't do anything for me...Didn't care for the characters or the plot. The ending was disapointing also.,neg "Cheap Trick is undoubtedly one of the best live acts around today.They have such great stage charisma, top notch talent, and they consistently get better with age! What other band sounds better 30 years later?After my disappointment with the Special One CD, I was excited to hear about this DVD; I heard most Special One songs live, and couldn't understand why they translated to tape poorly. Having these songs stripped and performed live would be exactly the hot product to put out. And the songs DO sound much better now, such tremendous intensity Robin has live, the guitars and bass sound great, and there's a great build up to the climax of each song.However, what's really the downer about this DVD is that although you get fun fictious anecdotes and silly interviews of the band between every track, you then get 2/3 of each live song. NOT A SINGLE SONG APPEARS HERE IN ITS ENTIRETY. It's like a Behind the Music (without drama or drugs) based around a new live show. The banter is great, but this clip-show format KILLS the replay value of this disc.The closest comparison I can give is the 2-DVD version of Silver, how the second DVD has fun clips and chat between tracks and then overlays into the songs. That's exactly what this is like, however, you do not get the benefit of the complete uncut show.Bonus features are fun, with the band and their families visiting Japan, although the two live special appearances they played are again not shown in their entirety.Perhaps someday we'll get the Budakan show on DVD or an updated Every Trick in the Book DVD.Update 6/14/05: Exactly a year later, I've still yet to pop this into my DVD player for a second watch, and Cheap Trick's still my favorite band.",neg "This DVD gives documentary coverage concerning such DA VINCI CODE topics as Rosslyn Chapel, the Priory of Scion, the Knights Templar, the Gnostic Gospels, Le Dossier Secrets, Da Vinci paintings, and Opus Dei.This DVD, BEYOND THE DA VINCI CODE seems to bend over backwards, measuring every narrated word, to try to support and be sympathetic towards the Dan Brown allegations made in his novel--despite the evidence and expert interviews that they themselves provide in this documentary, they still seem to be in favor of what Dan Brown has written in the DA VINCI CODE.Out of a half dozen expert interviewees, the most notable are two big names who are MAJOR influences on THE DA VINCI CODE book. Margaret Starbird, author of THE WOMAN WITH THE ALABASTER JAR; and Richard Leigh, one of three authors of HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL, (which was a NY Times Bestseller in 1982), both appear throughout this program.These two are probably the biggest proponents of the Jesus/Magdalene conspiracy today, after Dan Brown himself. So it is especially meaningful when Richard Leigh and Margaret Starbird disagree with what Dan Brown has written!According to expert interviewee Richard Leigh, though THE DA VINCI CODE book says that the Knights Templar found documents to prove the Jesus/Magdalene conspiracy, in reality, NOBODY knows what, if anything, was found by the Knights Templar in Solomon's Temple.Leigh also says the whole business about the pentagram, pentacles, 5-pointed stars as mainly representing the sacred feminine is NONSENSE--that symbol has been used throughout history to represent other things just as often!Richard Leigh also explains that the original Priory of Scion was last referenced in 1619, but the modern day Priory of Scion people from the last 50 years are bonkers, trying to present a hoax of the LE DOSSIER SECRETS, to try to gain political influence for themselves.This LE DOSSIER SECRETS, which appears on the bogus FACT page at the beginning of THE DA VINCI CODE book attempts to show a traceable genealogy of descendents of Jesus, but has been debunked for decades in France. It does NOT belong on a page titled FACT in the DA VINCI CODE book! That is very misleading, not factual. Brown says the LE DOSSIER SECRETS were discovered, but leaves out the fact that they are commonly known to be phoney!Margaret Starbird, another major influence on the Dan Brown novel, says that even though she believes in the Jesus/Magdalene bloodline, there is NO PROOF of the bloodline lasting into the French Merovingian line of kings, circa the first millenium A.D.The documentary, using other expert interviewees and location footage, goes on to debunk the ridiculous claim of the Rose Line alignments being found in significant locations throughout THE DA VINCI CODE novel; as well as showing there is no evidence that Leonardo Da Vinci was a member of the Priory of Scion, let alone the Grandmaster; the rose is NOT the symbol for the Priory of Scion; and Opus Dei has NO INTEREST in the secret bloodline of Jesus/Magdalene because they don't believe it even exists.Sadly, most of the debunking occurs towards the end of the show, in brief statements, before quickly moving on to the next topic; while most of the screen time is spent romanticizing and retelling what Dan Brown's DA VINCI CODE book claims about the Jesus/Magdalene conspiracy.Overall I was disappointed by this HISTORY CHANNEL DVD for presenting such seemingly wishful support while showing that so much just ain't so in the DA VINCI CODE book--though I am not surprised, the HISTORY CHANNEL usually sides against Christianity on issues to support atheism in their shows, in my opinion.A much better DA VINCI CODE debunking DVD is BREAKING THE DA VINCI CODE, which more clearly presents the evidence without romanticizing the novel's lies about history and Jesus",neg "I saw this at the library and brought it home, thinking it might be interesting to watch. I very rarely watch films made after the 1950's, but this one looked as if it could be enjoyable. It ended up being only mildly enjoyable, and a bit boring. I felt that within all the time it ran, we didn't really get a good understanding of the inner being of the main characters; seemed to remain in shallow waters all along. The film was sort of good...pretty photography,and for the most part it seemed like the costumes, hair, way of speaking, etc. were accurate for the time period (so often such movies are so obviously modern people dressed up and pretending to be from way back when) but something just wasn't quite right, and it is hard to know exactly what it was. I was surprised and disappointed that there was quite a long scene with male nudity which to me was quite unnecessary and inappropriate. I think the whole swim scene could have been done effectively without showing full nudity. I am grateful the women in the film remained properly clothed. So I would not recommend this film for families with young children, because of the nudity.",neg "I'm a language teacher and I have a number of DVDs that I use at school as language tools. DVDs are great because they're inexpensive teaching aids when it comes to foreign languages...but only when the DVDs actually have other tracks than English. Nowadays practically every released movie has language tracks and sometimes subtitles in other languages but this DVD seems like a hearkening back to the dark ages when people were lucky just to get a movie on this format and no extra effort whatsoever was put into a movie's release on DVD. I was pretty disappointed to discover just as the DVD was shipping that it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I suppose it's my fault for assuming, but I feel ripped off just the same",neg "The most interesting part of this action movie is the centrality of the cell phone. The movie is a Nokia product placement, highlighting what awful danger you are in if you are not connected and, conversely, what a phone can do for you if you have one. The plot centers on Jessica (Kim Basinger) who is abducted because the bad guys think she has something that they need. Mystery #1: What is it?After lots of running/driving in various parts of L.A. the bad guys round up Jessica's family, while on the other end a pretty guy turned superhero and a would-be day spa owner cop are trying to help them. Mystery #2: how will the cell phone save the day?Mystery #3. Watch for the credits at the end of the film. They show up on a...? Yep, you got it",neg "This is the WORST transfer of a movie (that is not a tape-to-tape before DVD bootleg) that I have ever seen. Many scenes in the daylight show a jiggling reflected lights, or so it appears, and lines dance around with the sound. It was so bad I thought it was in individual damaged DVD, until I read other reviews here and on IMDB.This is far worse than most cheapie transfers that are no longer owned but are in the public domain. At least in those instances they usually have the excuse that the print they are working from is old and worn. I have a much better video of Exodus on VHS tape in EP!And this movie is currently being offered at Amazon for $14.95. Don't bother! Tape it off TCM and you'll have a far higher quality visual record.As for the movie itself, despite good actors and one of the most wonderful music scores, it's very flat. Kirk Douglas would have been a far better choice than Newman, who acts like he just came off a binge after a losing pool streak. Nonetheless, it should not be sold with in lousy visual copies",neg I unfortunately bought 4 of the ramtha dvds at the same time.. this was the best of them.. the others were pure wastes of money. While this one didnt answer many questions and ramtha takes forever to make a point. if you've seen what the bleep dont waste your time or money on these ramtha dvds.,neg "Wow! Practice a few vapid platitudes and wield some handy aphorisms and woo-woo sounding phrases, change your voice, and you, too, can be a CHANNELER! For money! I'm definitely in the wrong occupation. Has anybody ever thought to question Ramtha on a few specifics that a 35,000 year old being from Atlantis should know? Did Ramtha's ancient society speak Indian-accented English? What an amazing stroke of luck! What did Ramtha's people do for agriculture and diet, how was his/her society structured, what tools did they use, and where was Atlantis precisely located? I'm certain that archaelogists and anthropologists could benefit from such knowledge that such a wise being could impart after miraculously surviving 35 millenia--or how many years precisely, and in what reckoning? Could Ramtha show us some writing samples in Atlantean script? Linguists could help here. Or--is it just possible that JZ Knight and her kind are great at pulling one over on us because we WANT and NEED to believe? Isn't that a more realistic explanation? What does that say about those who buy into this?",neg "Even though I would agree that Erin Brockovich is an entertaining movie, Julia Roberts performance in it is no more Oscar-worthy than was her performance of a prostitute in Pretty Woman. I am second to no one in enjoying a good David and Goliath story, but this movie has such shaky roots in reality, it is more of a tall tale, than the true story of a historic class action suit that, I would imagine, left more unhappy plaintiffs, than it did satisfied ones. However, as the movie title implies, this is indeed Erin Brockovich's story, in the same way that the Xena character is the main attraction in Xena: Warrior Princess (though it should be noted that Xena's wardrobe is considerably more modest than that of the Erin Brockovich character).Erin Brockovich is a vain, brassy, boorish, single mother of three young children, with no marketable work skills, a transparently opportunistic manner, who dresses very much the same way as the prostitute character Roberts played in Pretty Woman (prior to Richard Gere's character taking her on the infamous Rodeo Drive shopping spree). The movie's beginning finds Erin unemployed and pursuing a personal injury lawsuit in connection with an automobile accident; her lawsuit is lost, primarily thanks to her own disastrous testimony (swearing, cursing and shrieking from the witness stand) while being questioned by opposing counsel. Unbelievably, Erin parlays the failed lawsuit into a job at her attorney's (played by Albert Finney) firm, mainly by pushing her way into the office and ensconcing herself at a desk. Later, while handling the paperwork for a run-of-the-mill, pro bono, real estate sale, Erin discovers the file contains the seller's medical records, that, for reasons she (correctly) does not understand, seem to be of particular interest to the buyer, the mega utility company, Pacific Gas and Electric. Erin independently embarks on her own personal investigation of the case and discovers that PG&E had (for decades) negligently contaminated the ground water (surrounding one of their power plants in/near Hinkley, CA on the edge of the Mojave Desert) with toxic, hexavalent chromium. This discovery leads to the queen mother of all class-action lawsuits (at least in terms of the award), in which hundreds of Hinkley residents sue PG&E (by and through the representation of Erin's boss) in a toxic tort action that eventually nets a 330 million dollar settlement for the plaintiffs.Roberts gives a photogenic, if not especially gifted, performance in her role as Erin. The movie contains a plethora of flattering shots of Roberts (literally gushing out skin-tight, low-cut, bustier-inspired work clothes that would never be permissible attire for any employee of a law firm on this planet) as she engages in warm and fuzzy discourses with the unsuspecting and unsophisticated Hinkley residents. While there is much to be said for Erin's apparent drive and tenacity as she pursues the plaintiffs in the suit, she is not an especially likeable character; rather, she is rude, verbally abusive and only conciliatory and kind when and if it serves her interests.Albert Finney is considerably more appealing and believable as Ed Masry, the aged and weary attorney who is Erin's boss. The bantering that occurs between the two is generally amusing; unfortunately thanks to the inept direction and camera work, the focus for these scenes seems to be more on Roberts (strutting about in short leather skirts and noisy, five-inched-heeled mules) than on the sometimes-interesting personality dynamics that seemingly exists between the two characters. Aaron Eckhart plays the affable, gentle biker and next-door-neighbor, George, who becomes Erin's boyfriend-by-convenience. The convenience factor is totally one-sided and for Erin's benefit exclusively; she unabashedly uses George for free, live-in childcare, thereby giving her the necessary freedom to assist Masry as they put together the historic case. Erin eventually winds up receiving a staggering two million dollar bonus check (from Masry) when the tort action case settles; contrastingly, George gets a thanks for his nanny services from Erin and his walking papers.The plaintiffs in the case are an assortment of simple individuals with unpretentious outlooks on life, who have been dealt a dirty hand by the utility giant. Though the Hinkley residents are sympathetically portrayed, make no mistake-this movie is about Erin Brockovich (indeed, I do not think there is a single scene in which the chacracter is not present) and less about the brave struggles with life-threatening, generation-spanning illnesses that the real-life plaintiffs were forced to face, due to the toxicity in their water source. Erin Brockovich is presented to the viewing audience (in typical Hollywood fashion) as a sort of heroine; but in fairness it would seem more accurate to say that she was a woman who indiscriminately used people, walked on others when necessary and seized opportunity after opportunity until she eventually struck it lucky and got rich. Is the movie entertaining-absolutely. Inspiring- not even slightly.",neg "This is the worst Workout tape that I have ever purchase, the trainer switches moves to quick and doesnt explain what she is doing like she expects you to know before hand what she is about to do. I am personally gonna smash my copy of it. Only reason I gave it 1 star is because the ratings dont go lower",neg "maybe because I didn't like Porco. Everything was sub-par for me. Animation is definitely not as good as his later movies. Not enough weirdness, tried too much for the plot. Everything was just too ho-hum. As if he tried to carry the whole movie on Porco's shoulders. But once you got past the fact that everyone else was human and Porco was a pig there wasn't anything else there.",neg " I really did give this a chance but I can't say I like the show. It focuses more on the police aspect and less on the science, which differentiates the CSI series from most of the other garbage out there. I know David Caruso has his fans but I just can't appreciate him in this vehicle...",neg "This was not very good, in my opinion. The Ring scared the bejeezus outta me. This was not scary. Two weeks afterwards, I still find my mind wandering about one thing...why the heck didn't they just kick that little boy in the head and send him accross the room? If I walk into my house and see a half-naked boy meowing and hissing at me, I'm gonna flip him over my knee and give him a good spankin",neg "While some movies require that you throw out your disbelief, I had a very hard time doing so with this movie. This movie was just plain stupid. They should have kept this film story in the states. Once everything moves over to Tokyo, the film plummets into inauthenticity the likes of which I haven't seen in a long time. I would have respected the film 1,000 times more had it ended when the main character goes to Japan.So let's get this straight, Japanese high school students act like American high school students? Lucas Black's character is simply told to go to a Japanese high school where he will simply pick up the language and make do? Everybody speaks English ? His father lives in a tiny apartment yet has a garage that's about double the size of his apartment?I would have much preferred subtitles and a story that felt, looked and sounded more Japanese. Japanese students are among some of the most polite students you will ever meet. The Japanese culture is steeped and immersed in being respectful, polite and dutiful. Real Japanese high school students would be embarassed by the way their culture was represented here. Actually they probably wouldn't be embarassed, they would laugh at the film's poor attempt in showing true or even remotely true Japanese culture. Japanese culture is not steeped in American hiphop and egocentric behavior and it's a pity so many Americans will see this film and actually think that Japanese students are just like American students. There would be nothing further from the truth. Japanese students do not act, look or sound like what was filmed here. Not by a long shot.Given my dislike of how the Japanese culture was handled in this film, it left me finding the plot irrelevant. The plot was OK but it would have been much better if they had either stuck to a more authentic representation of Japanese culture or kept the story in the states.",neg "I'm making an exception to my usual practice of not reviewing anything on amazon, due to the utter vileness of this movie. I saw it when it came out in theaters and hated it, and then a friend purchased the DVD and convinced me to give it a second chance... all in all, this movie ended up taking about four hours of my life that I will never get back.The performances are thin and uneven, the plot is inconsistent, and the dialogue sounds like it was pulled from fortune cookies made by the cast of Friends. To be fair, this movie does face several major obstacles. It has the misfortune to depend on the acting of glorified Ken doll Freddie Prinze, Jr. and the vastly overrated Julia Stiles, and in addition to trying to rise above these challenges, it also attempts to survive the intrusion of Ashton Kutcher. It fails on all counts.I do not hate the whole romantic comedy genre; nor do I hate the teen movie sub-genre, under which some would place Down to You. (In fact, Can't Hardly Wait is one of my favorite movies.) I simply hate BAD movies, and this movie is a true abomination. If you enjoy the experience of wanting to drill into your own skull, then by all means, buy this DVD. If, however, you value your sanity, then please do not make the same mistake I did; stay far, FAR away from this movie",neg Many of these shorts on this DVD (as well as the other DVD's in this series) have been on the treasures allready so i recomend passing on these DVD's besides all the dirt and the bad restoration you'll see on the cartoons,neg "This DVD exposes the Ultimate Warrior as 25% postitive and 75% negative.I do believe that Jim Hellwig does suffer from narcissm in relation to his ongoing identity crisis. Just another case of a wreslter who couldn't seperate himself from the character, and even still till this day as he is retired give speaches to colleges. The only thing that bothers me is that Jim Hellwig wasn't involved in this dvd to give his perspective and opinions. He was offered to participate and again offered to make his story heard before and after the fact. Jim Hellwig declined, & used it as another opportunity to initiate a lawsuit.This guy did make an impact in the wrestling world, but it was too shortlived. Fans can chalk it up as a cool memory, but unfortunately not one linked with any high level of respect like we can with Flair, Piper, Hogan, and the most respected of all The Undertaker",neg "Considering the sensational cast (Eli Wallach, Terrence Hill, Bud Spencer, Kevin McCarthy and Brock Peters), the Euro-western era it was made in and the locations where it was shot, Ace High is a major disappointment. The plot is uninvolving and incoherent, the cinematography is cramped and completely lacking in style, the music is weak during a time that spawned so many memorable soundtracks and the direction lacks any focus whatsoever. The editing looks like it was performed with a butcher's knife. After the first ten minutes, I knew I'd made a mistake buying it. A boring 120 minute piece of junk, Ace High is hopelessly outgunned by any number of great Italian westerns including Corbucci's The Mercenary or Parolini's Sabata series. Save your fistful of dollars for a better film",neg "Rather than give another general review as others have kindly done, my review focuses on one aspect of the film, indeed one character, that of Martha.Martha Dunstock is known throughout the film as Martha Dumptruck. Even the film credits include the nickname `Dumptruck' besides the character's surname (evidently feeling the need to labour the point). Portrayed as unattractive and pathetically grateful for any attention she is given, she unwittingly provides the Slater character with information enabling him to murder a student. Later, when the cult status of the `suicides' (that is, murdered students) becomes apparent, Martha attempts her own suicide by walking into the path of traffic. But her attempt is shown as a failure. At the end of the film Martha is bruised and now disabled, in an electric wheelchair. Ryder's character, having finished her voyage of self-realisation, rejects the school Prom night and instead invites Martha to stay in with a video and popcorn. Martha gratefully accepts and the closing scenes show Ryder walking along the corridor while Martha encircles her like a planet around the sun.The image of Martha in her wheelchair, an object of pity for Ryder and for the audience, signifies to us fears of being different, of not being beautiful, of not being loved and respected. Martha is the person we are all frightened of becoming. She is given no means of solving her predicament by the film maker. And though some of us in the audience may be fat, or disabled, or both, we may yet still fear Martha, and are invited to consider Ryder's protagonist's journey of self discovery as our own, even is in physical and social reality, we are more like Martha.For this reason, `Heathers' fails as an exploration of the `Hell' of High School ( a description often used by Buffy/Angel/ Firefly's Joss Whedon). Those in the audience NOT as thin and complying with Western standards of `beauty' as the protagonists (probably the majority of us) ultimately may find the so-called subversion of cruel hierarchy in this film just that little too shallow, leaving a bitter after-taste. The way `fat' people are portrayed in films such as these unfortunately often reflect the predictable, transparent and absurd fixations of the film makers. Sadly this is happening even today - in some ways it has gotten even worse since the Western World decided to wage a 'war on fat' (to quote Paul Campos) - and even at best it is lazy film-making.",neg "Those of you who remember Ryan Starr from American Idol know why she quickly became has been material for VH1's the Surreal Life. Ryan Starr also happens to be the worst actress I have ever watched on film, television and or commercials. The director must have agreed with me becaue there are very few shots of Ryan that last more than 10 seconds at a time. Her dialogue is kept short and simple, and when she does have more than 3 lines at once, the complete lack of feeling, expression & emotion in her voice makes you consider turning off the movie and doing something worthwhile, like cleaning out the fridge or picking at your hang-nails. That is all I can say, I would really like to put this movie behind me and never speak of it again",neg "Whatever else the GLTB community may find laudable about this waste of a video disk, the undeniable fact is that the cover blurbs coyly and disingenuously suggest that it is a comedy, and that is a boldfaced lie. Featuring world famous funny man Dom DeLuise, the movie is described as what happens when he casts real life lesbians in the roles of two on-stage lesbians...and sparks fly. As it is, the only sparks that probably flew occurred when someone with greater sense tried to set fire to the master reels and destroy this boring piece of tripe.From the movie's self-proclaimed description, and with DeLuise in a major role, the comic possibilities that suggest themselves to the potential viewer are endless: Does DeLuise KNOW that the actresses are lesbians? Do the production's other members? Does that derail the production? What mayhem ensues?In point of fact, however, the single attempt at comedy comes from DeLuise's portrayal of the director as a prissy, fastidious old queen, pampered and catered to by his boy-toy assistant each time he gets the vapors and overheats.The bulk of the movie is essentially dull documentary monologue, as the actresses explain to the camera their respective experiences in being cast in the roles of on-stage lovers. Unfortunately, there is nothing endearing or even slightly interesting about either character and the result is a great bore. The few flashback scenes where the viewer actually sees the two characters practicing their on-stage roles under DeLuise's fevered direction come across as uncomfortably voyeuristic. There is an inescapable feeling that the camera, the viewer, AND DeLuise, are intruders.About the only thing that CAN be said about this film is that Director Lee Friedlander mercifully eschewed the usual Hollywood practice of casting preternaturally beautiful women in the lead roles, thereby adding at least a touch of reality to this otherwise banal effort; the lead actresses look like just any two women off the street. Other reviewers have commented on the bad, infomercial level acting of the two lead characters. Whether or not that is accurate depends upon whether the leads, Robin Greenspan and Lacie Harmon, are actually lesbians simply playing themselves. If so, then this IS bad acting. If the women are straight, however, one has to at least give them credit for convincing performances. Sadly, there is not much other credit to be given to anything else about this film.",neg "Normally I love documentaries. I've watched hundreds of them and with one exception I have loved them all. However, OUTFOXED is the single most boring film I have ever seen.A relentless rant against Rupert Murdoch's cable news station, this film could possibly interest someone who is singlemindedly obsessed with Fox News, but I cannot imagine that anyone on earth is interested enough in Fox News to remain awake while watching this movie.Watching OUTFOXED makes me realize what a genius Michael Moore is. Whether you love him or hate him, whether you agree with him or not, you have to admit his films are entertaining. This film, however, is a major bore.- Regina McMenami",neg To be honest with you I thought the movie was really bad. the acting was ok but the only good part about the movie was that ricky (Rodney Eastman) was in the movie. (for about 5 mins) but i would not suggest renting this movie and waisting 4 dollars,neg "Con Express has lots of action in it, which is great because this hides the poor writing and uninteresting characters. Unfortunately, the action isn't enough, and in between stunt pieces and shoot-outs, the audience is tempted to doze off. City Heat Productions isn't really known for producing films of the highest quality, so usually I go easy on them. If this were a big-budget company producing this, I'd be inclined to pan it entirely. But I wasn't expecting much and got a little more than I bargained for. The action is, for the most part, pretty good but nothing competitive with your usual dumb action movie. Flanery and Vosloo are perfectly casted, but everyone else seems to stiff to add any more flow to the movie. Vosloo especially appears to be enjoying himself as an over-the-top bad guy hijacking a train containing deadly chemicals. The film moves fast and contains shades of better movies like Under Siege 2, Con Air, Spy Game, and Speed. If you liked those, you probably won't mind this one too much. Just go easy on it",neg "I was trying to think of the best short description of what this is. Sure it's a propaganda film but that doesn't mean much to most people. However, most people have seen attack ads around election time. That's what this is, a very long political attack ad, full of all the things we commonly see in such ads: distortions, sarcasm, scary close ups, mood music, mocking tone, glaring omissions, out of context quotes, etc.That said, the most rewarding review so far must be the one by AT DL (New York), who basically condemns Michael Moore as pro-Bush because Fahrenheit 9/11 doesn't say Bush engineered 9/11 himself. What's next? A review that condemns AT DL (New York) as pro-Bush because his review didn't say that Bush flew the planes himself? Or that Bush is an alien who gave birth to Saddam and Osama on a UFO?Just when you think you've seen the craziest conspiracy theory ..",neg "The DVD for The Golden Coach is for the most part fine, but the final minutes, which are crucial to the full impact of the film, are ruined by deplorable mastering. The scene appears to be out of focus and the colors are washed out to the point of barely being able make out what is happening. I believe Criterion made some kind of mastering error, because Martin Scorsese's introduction to the film explicitly refers to the wonderful restored ending of the film. Criterion should withdraw the DVD and offer a replacement",neg "I WAS VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH STEVE'S PERFORMANCE. EVENTHOUGH IT TOOK A LOT OUT OF HIM TO REFRAIN FROM SWEARING, HIS MATERIAL TOWARDS THE END OF THE SHOW BEGAN TO DWINDLE TO THE POINT THAT IT JUST BECAME PLAIN IGNORANT, ESPECIALLY IN THE PART WHERE HE WAS EXPRESSING HOW HE WOULD KILL SOMEONE, ETC., AND GLOATING BOUT IT. AFTER I BOUGHT IT, I LATER CAUGHT IT ON A CABLE NETWORK. GOD MAY NOT BE THROUGH WITH HIM YET, BUT IT WILL BE UP TO HIM (STEVE) TO REPENT ON HIS OWN. THIS MAY BE GOOD HUMOR FOR A MORE COMPLACENT CHRISTIAN AUDIENCE",neg Wasted talent. None of the characters are believable in the roles they are portraying. Some funny stuff. Craig Ferguson can do better. Charlotte Church should stick to singing as acting is not her forte. Every thing in this movie seems forced and there is no chemistry between the characters,neg "I have been a Le Carre fan until the end of the Cold War. I somehow still managed to follow him later for some time. But now it is over, definitely. I disliked this novel, and the movie is obnoxious. Rachel Weisz is quite ridiculous in her part. Which idiot nominated her for her Oscar is beyond the point. Zellweger got an Oscar for an even more horrible performance recently, in the otherwise quite acceptable Cold Mountain. And even the otherwise great Blanchett had to turn in an awful performance in The Aviator to get one. (Why can these nice girls not get one for one of their good movies?)My conclusion: this world is strange. It has no idea what is good and what not.",neg "Completey and utterly unfunny performances by Oldman and Roth. Stoppard may be a brilliant playwright but a filmmaker he is not, having botched a great potential for his play on the big screen. We get instead a literal and utterly uncinematic treatment of his much-touted play. Watching the first fifteen minutes of heads, heads, heads, heads, heads, heads, heads, heads, heads, is colossal torture, like status elipticus. It's suited to the stage maybe but can never play well on the big screen. Having hopes it might pick up, that was dashed as the entire film seem to lack any momentum or any type of cinematic sensibility whatsoever. A classic blunder of failing to recognize two different mediums. Don't take my word for it, watch it yourself and see.",neg " Susan Ward,coming out of daytime and primetime soaps on TV, gave movie acting a try with this rather lame picture from AOL Films. Director Mary Lambert tries and fails to give us a Basic Instinct story with zero script and while this was a studio pictures, it looks like Warners gave them a fairly low budget to work with. As the lack of film sets show. If you like Susan Ward, then give this a movie a try, if you want to hope that she gets better film roles in the future, DONT FIND IT HERE",neg "I ordered these, and several other movies from the Tyler Perry Collection, only to find that they were not actual movies but on-stage plays. I returned them and was charged a high restocking fee. Not OK! No where in the description was mention of them being stage plays. I will order my CD's and DVD's from another source in the future.",neg "This is a pure Rip-Off from the cover of Aerosmith's Live Bootleg album from 1978...Where's the shame? Too bad Twilight are not original enough to come up with their own cover.In another words, this DVD is pretty suck and the originality here is nowhere to be found...Especially on the cover art that they stole from a much bigger band.",neg "Shame on talented actors like Maura Tierney and Jerry Orbach for their involvement in this laughably bad mystery movie. Uninspired direction with a trite and convoluted script combine with terrible acting to make a movie that has little to recommend it. Star/co-writer John Romo is one of the worst leading men to come around the bend in some time, and this is his only film, and I can see why. He plays a private investigator who finds himself looking into the murders of several lingerie models whose underwear was designed by Tierney, who also works in a local factory run by Orbach. Dennis Christopher shows up as a seedy illegal alien investigator; and June Lockhart and Lyle Waggoner lend their names to supporting roles as Tierney's estranged parents. The movie professes to make some statement on the poor treatment of immigrants but it's so shoddily included, it makes no statement at all.Little heard of movie; I can see why",neg "Cesar Milan, the so-called 'dog whisperer', bases his training methods on a dog behavior model that is so out of date as to be archaic - from the dinosaur age. He teaches that dogs base all their behavior on their pack status, and that you need to use painful 'corrections' to convince them that you are Alpha. This idea hasn't the slightest shred of evidence going for it.Yes, dogs do have dominance roles, but that hasn't the slightest thing to do with problem behaviors. Dogs do 'bad' doggy behaviors because they work. Dog guards his food bowl? Dog wants to keep food and knows that growling keeps you away. Dog pulls on the leash? Dog wants to get somewhere faster and knows that pulling speeds things up. The dog doesn't care whether or not you're alpha; he only cares that what he's doing works to get him what he wants.Technically, Cesar's methods work. But they use force, fear, and pain to teach the dog, when you can teach the same things faster with the proper positive motivation and non-forceful techniques. I have three hyper, active, highly driven Border Collies, and they're all very obedient and mannerly. They don't haul me around the leash, nor do they leap at guests, nor do they ignore me when I tell them something. And I don't need to be 'Alpha' to get them that way; neither does anyone else.I strongly suggest that you don't buy this item. Good books to start with are Karen Pryor's 'Getting Started: Clicker Training for Dogs', Melissa Alexander's 'Click for Joy!' (also with a great problem solving section), and Jean Donaldson's 'The Culture Clash'. You can easily have a happy, obedient, well behaved dog without causing him fear and pain",neg "I agree, these were not used in the first two seasons for a good reason, they are not that good. OK, there is maybe one or two slightly funny sketches but it is not worth buying. I love Charlie Murphy and the Ashy guy and I think they could have done more with these guys to make it funny. Dave, come back to TV",neg "The sound on this DVD is absolutely horrible. The dialogue is at a much lower volume than the music and sound effects, making it impossible to view without constantly tinkering. I also have the VHS, on which the sound is perfect, so I can still watch this wonderful movie. But I would sure like to get my money back for the DVD",neg "This review is more about the SuperBit transfer of the movie to DVD than the movie itself. The movie itself is great and I highly recommend it.However, the transfer on to this 2002 SuperBit version is very lacking in several areas. The SUPERBIT idea is a good one that is poorly executed on this transfer. The original intent was to maximize video and audio quality by limiting or even eliminating extra features (like trailers, documentaries, featurettes, and Making-Of snippets) to reserve space such that the movie can be presented in the highest quality.They have failed to do that here. The video and audio quality are not what they could be.First, the movie is encoded onto a DVD-9 RSDL disc. This means the DVD is capable of storing 9.5 GB of data. However, not even 6 GB is used. As a result, the video and audio quality is not what it could be.Panic Room is a 112 minute movie. Any movie that is 2 hours long or less should be able to easily fit on a DVD-9 disc at maximum encoding rate, provided no extra features are placed on the disc. The maximum video encoding rate to fit a 2 hour (or less) movie onto a DVD-9 disc is 9.8 Mbps. However, this SuperBit version averages only 6.5 Mbps.This SuperBit version offers audio encoding in 3 types: Dolby 2.0 Surround 192kbps, Dolby Digital 5.1, and DTS 5.1. At first glance this is great news, until you discover that the DTS encoding isn't as high quality as it could be. The DD 2.0 Surround is presented at a bitrate of 192bkps as expected. So is the DD 5.1 at the expected 384kbps rate. DTS 5.1 can go as high as 1536 kbps, but on this disc is presented at only 768 kbps. This is unsatisfactory given the fact that one-third of the available disc space of the DVD-9 isn't even used. The DTS encoding rate should be at least 1024 kbps for a movie like this. This would represent a 33% increase in filespace for the audio portion, but a much larger increase in audio quality to the human ear. The filespace increase would be only about 256 MB, which is very reasonable when you have over 3 GB of space not even being used.If they had encoded Panic Room on this SuperBit disc at an average video bitrate of 9.5 Mbps, and removed the trailers and features, they would have had enough space to present all three audio encodings above, especially the DTS 5.1 encoding at the 1024 kbps rate I stated.Such an encoding process would have used 9.4 GB of the 9.5 GB of available space. A much better way to fill up the DVD-9 disc and adhere to the spirit of the SuperBit ideal. The result would have been a movie encoded to DVD-9 at a much higher video and audio quality than what was presented on this disc.I notice that they will be offering a repackaged SuperBit version in October 2006. Hopefully that version will fix the flaws I just mentioned and present the movie in the highest encoding rate both video-wise and audio-wise. It might even offer the better DD-EX 6.1 and DTS-ES 6.1 audio encodings for that extra rear center channel that many A/V receivers can process now.Another thing I am noticing is that many times, for popular movies, they are released them in 2-disc editions. The first disc contains only the movie and the second disc is all the extra stuff. If the movie contains both DD and DTS encodings on the first disc, with a very high video bitrate of 9.0 Mbps or greater, it is already in the SuperBit mold.",neg "I got nothing to say. Was this supposed to be intense? Was this supposed to be a thriller? It was boring. Horrible acting, except for Forest Whitaker: but even he couldn't save this one. Pure Fincher? Pure trash. Horrible, horrible, horrible. Quite possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I am just too upset to type, I can't believe I actually waisted my time with this",neg "Terrible direction, terrible writing, it almost feels like the director didn't know what he was working with. Although this movie wanted to be in the same race and quality of the movie CLUE, it fails to realize that the plot and characters are incredibly riculous and not funny ha ha but funny stupid. It was a total watse of good celluloid",neg "The film deserves 5 stars but the DVD only gets 1. Why: no letterbox format. After waiting years for this fabulous film to come out on DVD, why would they give us full screen / pan & scan? Yes, the quality and color are great but oh, what we're missing on the sidelines",neg "Many people had reccomended this movie to me but it failed to live up to its reputation. The quality of the film-making was aweful, the acting bad to the point of utter ridiculousness, and the script read like a cross between a psychotherapists analysis and one of those pulp romance novels about angsty teenagers. It gets some credit toward the end for showing some self-awareness of how silly and dramatic the whole thing was. There were some cute moments, and it was interesting to see the humble roots of one of the big L word ladies, but don't go into this movie expecting a highly polished end product",neg "I love Leslie Nielsen, but this movie is not funny. His better movies are Wrongfully Accused and the Naked Gun movies",neg "The Hospital as well-crafted as it is is a wholly unpleasant viewing experience. It is not so much a dark comedy but a mean-spirited one. I was a fan of Paddy Chayefsky's Network and at least that film had a little bit of light to compensate for the darkness. I'm led to believe that Chayefsky must have had a bad experience with the medical profession and this resulted in him skewering it as a whole. If George C.Scott's character is supposed to be the voice of reason why is it that when he's not brooding, drinking, or contemplating suicide he's off on some rant? Diana Rigg is completely wasted in this film. Her whole purpose here seems to be to sport a short mini-skirt and be ravaged by Scott's character. The film is also not helped by the lead-footed direction of Arthur Hiller. The medical profession can be lampooned but don't look for it in this uneven tirade of a film",neg "I live in South Africa where the series appeared 20 years ago.Thanks to Amazon I was able to relive the wonder of Archie Bunker where each episode provides laughs from one of the family,each of whom is brilliantly cast.I have series 3&4 and now want 1&2.Don't wait any longer,24 episodes of absolute delight await you",neg "Betty Hutton has a colossal amount of energy. She seems to be doing everything she possibly can to be entertaining. She's a good sport about a funny but unflattering getup in her early hayseed numbers. Her voice is sturdy, durable, indestructible.But oh my God, her acting choices ... She and the Indians are stampeding around with performances far too broad for the medium of film (whereas Buffalo Bill, allegedly a larger-than-life character, looks like a corpse by comparison, and Howard Keel, in only his second film, must manage to act like these are human beings he's relating to).Take a look at Betty Hutton's reaction upon seeing Howard Keel for the first time -- the mugging would be considered a bit much if seen from the back row of an amphitheater. At best, her performance is clownlike; at worst, it's apelike. Little of her performance overlaps with what we know as humanity. It's a magnificent effort, and a stunning testimony to her desire to please, but her comedy has no reality, no nuance, no connection to any sincere emotion. She seizes on hick and drives that into the ground, then she plays nothing but infatuated for a while before toggling to resentful and so forth ... It's a series of masks and set pieces, but it's not a character. Judy Garland was in sad shape at that point in her life, but even then she would have been able to find the vulnerability flickering behind Annie's rootin'-tootinest moments, and she wouldn't have neglected Annie's grit even in the melting sentimental scenes. Nobody can do vulnerability like Judy, and yet few are identified so strongly as survivors -- both qualities that would serve this character. Annie could be a wonderful character, a great self-conflicted mess of strength, longing, guts, femininity, skill, naivete and worldiness, all trying to cohere into a woman who can win her man -- but instead Betty Hutton makes her a pop-eyed, crude cartoon with the subtlety of an iron skillet. I am surprised that Hutton didn't insist on doing the role with a couple of teeth blacked out. Maybe they just wouldn't let her. The scenes where she tries to read out loud are compelling for the way they illustrate someone playing for a cheap laugh, oblivious to any further potential the character and situation might provide.I kept replaying scenes over and over in awe before moving on, and the memory of Betty Hutton's performance is branded on my brain, but it's because this performance seems like it's following the traditions of some other culture, some other world. It's like going to a sideshow.That said, the tunes are a non-stop parade of hits -- there probably isn't any other show in which the composer so successfully nails so many numbers one after another, in wildly different styles, with effective melodies worth remembering. The classic tunes just keep coming. The movie works as spectacle and songfest, and as a startling specimen of what audiences would swallow in the days before political correctness. But if you're looking for a portrayal of a woman with genuine feelings and motivations, you might be distracted by the gorgeous blonde chimpanzee who steals all her scenes.",neg "I have to disagree with the reviews above and say that I watched this movie on dvd having watched it as a kid twenty years ago. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything about this film I remember enjoying. It's a cross between The Blob, The Thing and a really crap detective movie. Moriarty's character is pretty smooth but the film culminates in a farce reminicent of an 80's kiddy movie. This film is definetly not for intelligent adults and you'll lose interest halfway through I guarantee it. No suspense, few laughs, and way to hokey to watch twice. If you love this movie you need to get out more.",neg "Michael Moriarity is my hero! He is just one of the coolest actors in my opinion. He has done such great B-movies as this, Q, and It's Alive 3: Island of the Alive. How awesome is he?? Anyways, I think that this movie was hilarious! I think a lot of people take this movie too seriously, thinking that it is going to be your typical movie. But you shouldn't because not only is this a B-movie, but IT IS supposed to be funny. My favorite part is when the stuff started bubbeling out of the ground and that old hick guy just starts eating it. Who would do that?? I just started laughing by butt off when that happened. So if you watch this movie, just sit back and enjoy it for what it's worth, don't be too critical on it.What I learned from The Stuff: Dairy products are evil! Especially if they come from with in the earth!If you like The Stuff, I recommend: Watching other B-movies, such as Island of the Alive 3, Zombi 3 and 4, etc",neg "I love Jeff Goldblum, but he didn't carry this film. The film was ruined for me the second Julane Moore (yuck!) and the ridiculous, lame token Black daughter of Goldblum showed up no doubt to satisfy nauseating political correctness in Hollywood all at the expense of this bust of a film. It's obviously too much to ask for a white protagonist to actually have a white daughter. What a concept. It just added to the disbelief of the characters (stay Goldblum), the storyline, and the ultimate letdown of this much anticipated sequel. Jurassic Park III wasn't much better",neg "I am a big fan of Frank Miller's work and I loved reading the graphic novels the movie was adapted from. When I saw this film I was blown away by the visuals. It had an amazing graphic style that was very different than anything I had seen in a movie before.Having mentioned it's good points I have to say I was enormously disappointed with the dialogue and some of the story adaptation to screen. It seems to me those involved in the screenplay and production were too concerned with adapting this in an overly faithful manner from the graphic novel to the big screen. For the most part the bad dialogue and some of the terrible acting in parts were just too painful to sit through. I had to keep checking to see if my ears were bleeding yet.Each extraordinarily bad line or horribly acted sequence made we wince like I was being mugged. What works in a graphic novel doesn't necessarily work as well when adapted directly to screen without a bit more adaptation than you'll see here. All the characters were severely and tragically 2-dimensional with none of the depth you get from reading the graphic novel and very little attention was paid to developing better dialogue suitable for a big screen experience. Also, many of the big name actors in this movie were capable of much better performances than they displayed here.Purists and rabid fans of the graphic novel may be capable of somehow finding a way to look past all the terrible acting and awful dialogue that is rife throughout the film. However, my bottom line opinion is it's a good film to watch for the visual look only, but you will almost certainly enjoy it far more if you keep the 'mute' button on. This film had the potential to be truly great but it is extremely disappointing that it fell so far short of that mark",neg "Incredible does describe this movie- incredibly bad! This movie doesn't know what it wants to be. At times one can see attempts to recreate and milk the genuine rage and drama of Mississippi Burning or the anger and impunity of Ghosts of Mississippi, or a hybrid of those and bits and pieces of other movies of this genre. At other times it looks like its just trying to draw from the sex appeal and cheesy interaction of 2 of its main actors, Matthew McConaughey and Sandra Bullock. As a result this movie picks up the rear in that genre's list of movies for lack of originality, and the scattered hodge podge statements it tries to make. Some of my favorite actors are wasted, either by being given cliched dialogue, over acting, or being put there merely for their brand name with no script to support their presence. If this script is considered a great adaptation of a great book, then I have no interest in reading the book. I'm sure the idea and the premise looked good on paper. But the direction doesn't guide the story with any coherence or identity of its own. Bullock is mere cheesecake and is unbelievable in her role, proving she's only worthy of b-grade Miss Congeniality type crud. McConaughey over acts so much (as can be said for Keifer Sutherland and others) that it can be said he balances out the under acting of Patrick McGoohan, Kevin Spacey and Donald Sutherland. Samuel L. Jackson should be ashamed of himself of not only his worst performance ever, but also easily his worst choice of movies to participate in. Even the extras in this movie are horrible. Enough can't be said about the terrible direction in this movie, equating elongated facial shots with drama to a fault, making Sergio Leone westerns look much more authentic by comparison. This is not a powerful film. It's a powerful attempt at using a big name cast, a brand name book and a capable director to use material that they know would easily jerk the emotions of its audience, and in doing that they resort to all the cliches of this genre scattering the story line in so many directions, culminating in an over the top, pleading hunk of cheese summation scene by McConaughey that wouldn't hold water in any real court of justice. Maybe people claim greatness to this movie out of guilt, or because they haven't seen quality comparisons and classics like Mississippis Burning, that has both a great script and fabulous acting. I don't know. All I know is it tugs from so many hokey directions it takes the final scene to remind everyone how it started. Among the top of my most over rated movies",neg "Unless you enjoy movies that are not funny, not scary, and have the worst actors this side of rodeo clowns, DO NOT WATCH this series of horrible flicks. Putrid! Not even so-bad-it's-funny. Absolutely the worst films in the history of mankind! Heed my warning! SUCKS!!",neg "i actually saw this movie when i was 7 and it freaked me out abit, but i mean the brother was basically a blob with a face and the story was as bad as the acting. The ending was garbage and it had nothing to offer in todays world.Dont even rent this, i dont even know why you are considering the film.I only give it a 2 star rating because t managed to scare a seven year old and i havent forgot how dumb the film was since.",neg "I read some good reviews about this movie. In adition, I respect french's cinema, they usually gives us interested and unconventional movies. So, I bought Spanish Apartment.A big dissapointment. Hughe one.It's candid, it's naive, it's boring, with poor ideas, poor acting, very predictable. There's a lot of good movies around you, don't waste your time in this one",neg Bette Midler and Woody Allen together would make one think of a movie that is very funny and pleasing. Instead here we get one that has more romance and drama than comedy as Bette and Woody play a couple who is celebrating their wedding annivesary as their children have both left for school. They also discover that they have been cheating on one another. The movie gets boring rather fast as Bette and Woody are the only ones we get to see as there are very few supporting characters. I would have expected better from these two,neg "....for several reasons. Apparently, the other online reviewers are extremely over-analytical in their critiques of this film. The DVD's jacket has a quote from Rolling Stone...Think 'Sex and the City' with men! Well, I say, Think again. As an avid watcher of Sex and the City, this film has little if any comparison to SATC. Firstly, this film is not a comedy. There were very small instances when I kind of chuckled, but could barely muster a real laugh. Actually, towards the end of the film there is so much constant screaming and fighting that I kept hitting FAST FORWARD on the remote (those of you who regularly depend on reviews for movie choices know exactly what I mean here!). The characters are presented in a confusing fashion with only snippets and glimpses into each person's life. These disjointed glimpses don't give the viewer time or depth to care what happens to any of the spoiled rotten characters. Yes, they are all bored whether they are in their 30's or their 50's. Yes, they all want to break away from the mundane by running away or having affairs. I usually enjoy movies with this breaking-away-from-boredom type of plot for example...Pane e Tulipani (Bread and Tulips), Facing Windows (also starring Giovanna Mezzogiorno and a MUCH better film), Under the Tuscan Sun, Shirley Valentine, A Month by the Lake, etc. The Last Kiss does not deliver anything near what these other films do, however. The viewer is left with no warm feelings about life's decisions, only a twist ending that will make you furious and sick for having spent two hours watching this film",neg "I was unfortunate enough to have stumbled across this in 2004. I was thinking it would be a good sit down and watch type of movie, but it was really lackluster.The acting is wooden, the script is very lame, and worst of all, the action isn't very exciting. I expected a much better movie from director Richard Donner. There is a battle scene, and there are action scenes, but they just aren't exciting. When the action isn't exciting, you better have a good story. The story here is alright, but certainly not enough to save the movie.I don't hate any of the actors, they are decent when they have something to work with. Here they had nothing to work with, so they obviously didn't do too well this time.This really isn't worth your time. I gave this to the thrift shop after I got it, and I feel sorry for the person who bought it there",neg "This movie was AWESOME! Ben Stiller is a comic GENIUS, he's the new Jerry Lewis! DeNiro, AWESOME! Hoffman, AWESOME! Streisand, AWESOME and still very sexy for an old liberal ho! I thought the sight gags were priceless, and the plot line serene! This was Hollywood movie watching heaven! This film should have won some Academy Awards! I mean if Marisa Torme can win for My Cousin Vinnie, these A-1 actors should've at least been nominated! This is a highly entertaining film, and I recommend it to every and anyone to see, but wear your Depends, because you might pee yourself from laughing so hard! Dubya 99, you don't know what in the FRIGGIN' H E L L you're talking about! Yeah like we're suppose to take the opinion of an anti-social loser, that complains about going out to the movies? Stay home, I'm sure Dateline NBC will be calling soon about that episode they had recently",neg "This truly is a horrible movie. 7 seconds, huh, yeah 7 seconds to realize I made a mistake in renting it. The acting is horrible, the plot is horrible, the filming is horrible... Everything is horrible! I was hopeful because of Snipes, which is why I rented it despite not ever seeing the movie anywhere before in the theaters. The guy at the store even told us that he was told it was a good movie! Snipes couldn't even do the fight scenes and make them look real. The ending is a car chase that ends so abruptly that you suddenly see them sitting next to a pond behind their house completely in love! Huh, they were a romantic interest? They hinted at it, but never showed this happening.Do not rent or buy this movie. Stay away, or you will be sucked into it shaking your head wondering why you rented this movie",neg "I loved the original movie, and I love Johnny Depp so I thought this movie would be awesome.Wrong wrong wrong!! First of all, the child actors were horrible, well the Charlie and Mike characters were ok, but the two girl actors were the worst I've seen in a long time. And what did they do to Johnny Depp? He was so creepy and weird. I took my nine year old to see it in the theater, and even she almost fell asleep. If you really want a treat watch the original with Gene Wilder",neg "The books are witty and charming. This, in stark contrast, is formulaic schlock. Americans -- and much of the world's consumers -- prefer their entertainment predigested so it doesn't require chewing, so they consume the same nutritionless movieland cliches endlessly.In the land of limitless equality, everything is reduced to equal tastelessness. If you want impart the capacity for discernment to your child, you could start by avoiding this twaddle. The Eloise books are special, while this movie is mere product",neg "When I purchased this DVD, I was hoping to get the complete picture- an unbiased presentation. From scratch I could sense what was to come. Bad presentation coupled with one sided propaganda forms the crux of this DVD. It is not well researched and very important issues have been completely omitted. What little was discussed appeared to be very tainted.I definitely did not expect National Geographic to come up with this kind of a DVD. I will definitely think TEN times before I purchase anything from them. Maybe they should just stick to wildlife/geography/ecology and leave history/religion/spirituality alone",neg "Though I'm still a big South Park fan, I do think that the quality of the show has progressively declined over the past three seasons. This season has its standouts, most notably the truly demented Christmas Critters episode, but it also has incredibly lame episodes like the dance off and election episodes.To make matters worse, Matt and Trey put next to no effort into providing any extras for fans who pony up top dollar for the dvd collections. A show like the Simpsons not only has more episodes per season and sells for the same price but the people involved in the Simpsons go the extra mile to satisfy fans: full episode commentaries with writers, producers, directors, voice actors, etc as well as deleted scenes and other special features. Matt and Trey provide generally uninteresting mini commentaries. No doubt about it, the boys are just generally phoning it in at this point, seemingly caring only about continuing their franchise and maximizing their profits for as little effort as possible",neg "I hear this is a good movie, but can't play it as the DVD is visibly damaged. So what about Quality control? This disc should never have gotten out the door, but the odd thing is, I ordered 2 DVD's from Amazon - different titles, both damaged. Are you guys buying 2nds and pawning them off on us? F",neg " I usually trust Amazon reviewers on movie reviews, but this time ....NO WAY! This silly, totally predictable film left us playing with the cat for our evening entertainment, hoping the movie would liven up. Sadly, it didn't. To those who rave about the film...you must be in another dimension or something. Thumbs DOWN.",neg I liked the shows when the 1st ran on tv; the unrated didn't quite live up to my expectations,neg "Another product of Hollywood's Karaoke Culture. In an age where we see cinematic remakes of every kind, we have in U-571 an outrageous attempt to borrow from the success and acclaim of Das Boot. But instead of a gripping war drama that reveals the tragic waste of war, we get a cheap flag-waving pile of Hollywood propaganda. The lighting, camera angles and claustrophobic set are obviously inspired by DB. But the bigoted innacuracies (German submariners machine gunning helpless sailors) and absurd scenarios (an incredibly lucky stern shot sinks a destroyer in hot pursuit) put this ridiculous movie in its own category. U-571 is just another thin, over-promoted, throw-away movie you'll forget the day after you see it",neg "Sat down and saw this one on televion.Only good service was that now I know buying the DVD would be a waste of money.What was actually achieved by the British is portrayed as an American achievement. Slanders the U-boat men portraying them as heartless marauders. Other than allied Propoganda pieces, There are no incidents of U-boats machinegunning people in lifeboats.The movie itself I have little respect. Basicly Plotless and unrealistic. Action scenes unbelievable. Characters Two Dimensional.This film Awful.",neg "Sure, this movie is a classic. But is it any good? Frankly, I found it to be tedious in the extreme.It's certainly pleasant to look at. The sets are quite amazing, and the cinematography is absolutely beautiful.The story (as described in detail in many other reviews here) has potential as both a thriller and a thought-provoking essay (ultimately it is neither).The acting is top notch, as are all of the special effects. Those of us who cut our teeth using teletype machines always get a kick out of seeing them in all their anachronistic glory. In fact, all of the computer stuff is believable for the era and pleasantly nostalgic.But the whole thing never rises to its premise. Its thriller aspect is artificial and not tied to the central plot line, and entirely predictable from the moment our friend is handed THE ONLY KEY THAT CAN STOP THE NUKE! The resolution is an afterthought (a quick fix in the extreme), and barely even mentioned in about two lines of dialogue after the artificial danger is (narrowly, whew!) averted. The characters are thin at best, and stock at worst.This movie is really a slow survey of what people in the early 70s thought technology would be like in the mid 70s. Yawn. (I must laugh at the whole bell/paper bit. It means nothing to the plot, and is the ultimate contrivance.)If a deadly virus actually came back from space, there would certainly be action on many fronts, with plenty of interesting conflict to go around. Some people would try to understand it, others would want only to kill it. There's some potentially interesting tension right there. Some people would argue to keep the danger hidden from the public, others would want to warn them. Again, that could have been a good source of tension. Someone would surely have suspected that the military wanted to harness it as a biological weapon (mentioned in passing, but never developed), while others would try very hard to prevent that. More tension.I'm just saying that this movie is littered with missed opportunities for something more than the collection of boring experiments and pointlessly slow-moving scenes which it actually contains. This movie is the poster child for boring science fiction, and it would not have had to be that way.I haven't read the book, but I bet it's a lot better. At its core, this movie is a boring dud.",neg " Not only was the dialogue of the film trite and the plot much like a pornographic after school special, but the movie unfortunately reinforces a worldview which anti-homosexual groups been touting for years--If you're thinking turning your female frienship into a relationship, don't. The lesbian always goes crazy and dies in the end. If you're interested in finding out what I'm talking about, Lisa Duggan explains how this ideology gets transimitted and reinforced in her book Sapphic Slashers. Also, If you're interested in watching a film about first-time lesbian love, please do yourself a favor and check out The Incredible True Story of Two Girls in Love or But, I'm a Cheerleader. Support movies that actually advance queer causes instead of making all of us look like freaks",neg "The shows themselves are wonderful, but the people who put together this DVD set should be ashamed of this paltry effort! There are NO cast or staff interviews about the ending of such a wonderful series. NO commentaries. No English sub-titles. NO John Spencer honorarium of any kind. They didn't even take the time to include the 1 hour re-showing of the original pilot they aired before the finale! The only extras are two not-special-at-all special features dealing with the debate. This DVD set is definately NOT worth the money to buy it brand new.",neg Unfortunately this MS collection is not compatible with European DVD players. The cover of the DVD actually tells you this as well as that it is 'not for sale or rent outside the US and Canada'. Save yourself a lot of trouble and don't buy this if you are from the EU!,neg "Cheesy instructorthe instructor's voice covers the music in the background which turns you off going on with the exercize, the music itself is monotonous and the beat is not inline with the moves. the instructor is too fast to follow..to cut it short i do not recommend this for anyone ..totally not professional",neg "I have always like Denise Austin, however; this was tape was way too fast for a beginner. I thought it was for beginner and on up. Denise went way to fast and she did not explain the poses at all. I will not be using this tape. I was disappointed because normally I love her videotapes and her.",neg "I hated this movie. SO unrealistic. Sure, maybe there are some little freaks running around raping and drinking and beating. But I AM a teenager in a city. NOBODY acts like this!What the hell is the point of this movie? To scare the crap out of parents?Also, the rape scene was vile. At first I respected the director for showing it and not shying away. A FULL MINUTE LATER, I started feeling awkward and uncomfortable. It wasn't even artistic, it was just disgusting and truly disturbing",neg "Margarett Mitchell must be rolling in her grave. She wrote a masterpiece in the 1930's, then Alexandra Ripley bought the rights to her book by conning Margaret Mitchell's heirs to sell out the legacy of their relative. Alexandra Ripley's novel was an embarrasing pile of mush, even worse than a Barbara Courtland romance novel.Beautiful costumes and a good cast - but the script is a soap opera and very poorly written with too many cliche's. The TV movie version is even worse than Alexandra Ripley's book. I would have given this movie zero stars - but gave it 2 stars solely for the world class acting of Sean Bean as the deliciously evil Lord Fenton.Sean Bean heats up the screen as a sexy, feral villian along the lines of The Man You Love to Hate as an unsafe sex symbol. Unless you are a Sean Bean fan, there is nothing worthwhile about this film. The script is trite, cliche'd and very slow moving. Sean Bean is only in Disc 1 and his character is eliminated and the movie slides downhill from there.Disc 2 is overwrought with very boring, drawn out courtroom scenes...I was almost rooting that Scarlett would be hanged for the murder just to see an end to this movie!I've always liked Joanna Whaley-Kilmer and Timothy Dalton. They are excellent actors wasted in this pile of mush movie. Ann-Margaret's performance as Belle Watling is so bad I wanted to slap her.Do yourself a favor and watch the original Gone With the Wind starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh if you want to see a wonderful film",neg I've loved this movie ever since I saw it on CBS years ago so I was really excited to own it on DVD. Unfortunately the experience was ruined when I discovered that there are big sound problems on the second disc. Loud popping sounds completely cover up the dialogue in an entire scene. I was very dissapointed.The movie is great but the sound problems aren't worth the purchase. Stay away,neg The only thing that kept this from being ABSOLUTELY predictable was that a dead bad guy did NOT spring back to life. I found myself saying Oh come on to one plot point after another (previous reviewers have covered these absurdities). The underlying scenario was unconvincing and un-involving (previous reviews in this thread provide details),neg "The plot to this movie or so called sequal is horrible. I rented this movie expecting something good and I end up falling asleep. I actually had to watch it several times just to find out what really happened. Don't even buy it, it is a waist of your money",neg "Whatever ills are in the world, it's all the fault of the corporations. That's the basic premise of this terribly misguided one-sided and totally non-objective movie. For example, instead of saying how terrible it is for companies paying people in the developing world peanuts for their work, they forget that these people's alternatives ARE EVEN WORSE and that's why they took that job in the first place! These jobs provide them with one of the few options they have and, if they chose that job freely, it must be their BEST option, no matter how crazy it seems to us. As people's skills rise, as opportunities increase over time (by having MORE corporations and not less, to create more competition for these people's labor), and as the country becomes wealthier, these people's wages will rise automaticaly and in fact, the wages of the whole country on the average. There are no shortcuts to his. A famous story comes from Nepal where anti-child labor laws, at the urging of the UN, turned thousands of kids overnight into prostitutes as those jobs, as sad as it may be, were their best options to avoid starvation and feed their families. It's a slow process, but all the industrialized nations went through that process. Government-mandated shortcuts usually produce results which are even worse. However, the results speak for themselves: in VERY short period of time, for example, HUNDRDS OF MILLIONS of people were lifted out of poverty in China, India and around the world thanks for the evil capalism & its corporations. No other system has ever done it so quickly as in the past 15 years in China and India alone. Also, cost of living is very low there, so these pennies really can go a long way, don't measure it to the cost of living in the West. What is the filmmakers alternative they offer for these people? I guess to let people starve to death, then the makers of this movie don't have have anyting to complain about!? Other examples of stupidity include showing that a company is like a person who's a psychopath. A corpoartion is a legal entity yes, and may act like a separate being as far the law in concerned, but does a corporation have a nose, feet, stomach? Can it eat apples or sneeze or have arthritis? Of course, not, than how can you attach a human idea like a psychopath to it?? Several of the main spokepersons in the movie, Chomsky, Michael Moore, Rifkin and others are renowned for their off-the-wall comments which frequently have NO basis in any kind of economics or reality. To correct the inaccuracies in the statements made by these and other people in the movie, you'd have to stop it every 5 minutes and explain to the audience how profoundly wrong the statements are. Throughout the whole movie, you're basically bombarded by one-sided arguments with VERY little of the other side presented, despite the director's claim of the opposite 9they claim 1/2 & 1/2, it's more like 80%-20%). Just look at Chomsky's comments about how the consumers are so stupid, they don't realize that all the things they buy they don't really need. I mean we don't need fashionable clothes (hey, let's all dress as boring as Chomsky!), DVD players, or any new gadgets that make life easier or more fun. Who is the judge of what you REALLY need? Chomsky, of course. He is the final arbiter of what you really need or what you don't. You're too stupid to know what you want, according to him. He says that you should do more important things, like...perhaps studying lingistics (which he teaches but which very few care about). The movie DOES make some correct and good observations, especially regarding polution, however, I'd say that 80% of the movie is factually and logically flawed. It's also FULL of economic fallacies. It's worth watching I guess, just to see how many errors one can make in just 1 movie. Despite all the ranting in the movie, it fails to mention THE biggest reason of most of the problems it brings up - too much governement interference is every facet of life. For examples, how could a Government of Brazil forbit the people of collecting rain water! How could the U.S. government do so many things for private companies with public funds? Just forbid the governments from playing favorites with companies, forbid government corporate welfare of ANY kind, forbid subsidies to companies, cut the suffocating red tape and regulation (esp. in developing countries but in the West too), cut corporate taxes to 5 or 10% (and see unemployment rate go to almost nothing, give people all around the world a better life, increase competition, etc.) If these and other governments (and not corporations') problems were eliminated, the vast majority of ALL the problems which the movie brings up will simply go away. An interesing film for anyone to see how the truth can be twisted by mindless people with an agenda to go back to 15th century rural lifestile (spoken about with much admiration), people with NO understanding about economics, how the world really works and how to REALLY raise the billions out of poverty who this movie does the biggest disservice for.",neg We saw the movie in the theatre and loved it. The DVD we just purchased was horrible. They chopped out so much of the movie it made it un-watchable. It is only good for a coaster under my drink now,neg She's built like a 12-year-old boy... give me Vida Guerra anyday,neg "I was thrilled when I first read that MLB Productions was finally issuing a DVD version of highlights of the Baltimore Orioles' three World Series victories. I already owned the VHS versions, one of which (the 1970 World Series) had a major flaw in the audio synchronization (watching the last third of the highlights was like viewing a badly dubbed foreign film). Finally, I could own all three highlights reels on one disc and without the sync error on the 1970 World Series.Much to my dismay, the MLB logo is permanently, and obtrusively, displayed on the upper right corner of all three programs. What's that all about? Does MLB Productions think I'm going to illegally copy and distribute stills? Thank goodness I don't own a plasma TV or I'd be staring at that stupid logo for the next five years!Sound and picture quality are okay otherwise. But....that logo is really annoying",neg "the movie directors in the ME, particularly Iranians, are responding to demands by the West for certain type of movies. They produce what is demanded from them; in turn, they receive awards. cultural industry empowers these demands; they are the ones who will ensure that such movies will be received the Western audiences and they are the ones who decide who is awarded. There is no single ME movie which depict the story of Western imperialism in the ME and then awarded for doing so. ME movies must show that ME women are in need of emancipation; ME cultures are presented as in need of getting civilized. civilization itself is presented in vertical sense; there is a civilization somewhere out there all MEasterners are expected to reach; yet, it was that same civilization that threw doll bombs on them. (no reference to who threw them doll bombs or who mined their country; who deprived them of education and knowledge. the West is represented by beautiful, blonde nurses, a nice American guy who just pretend to be a doctor and help them with his everyday Western knowledge of medicine in the midst of total ignorance, and the helicopters that threw on them fake legs. such a nice way to civilize!)the story of Afghanistan is real. however, the movie does not render a fair job in reflecting the background of it. rather, it does an excellent job in meeting the cultural demand; in producing a product that can sell well.the situation is miserable; but what caused such misery in Afghanistan? your answer after seeing the movie will be that it is Islam; it is that Islamic culture; that backward culture of those people with wonderful eyes. such a conclusion is strongly demanded in the absence of other factors. there is no single implying in the movie, a smallest reference, that Afghanistan has suffered centuries old imperialism at the hands of the British and then the Russian and now Americans who played their Great Game on the chessboard of Eurasia. There is a passage in the movie to the effect that somebody will come to liberate them. those imperialists came in the name of civilization; French did to Algeria, the British did to India; all in the name of bringing them civilization. It was White Man's Burden to do so. Yet Makhmalbaf needs more awards. he has to compete in the cultural circus and perform well for the pleasure of Western audiences, in order to continue to be in demand. you did a nice job, applauses; go on.(anyone who is interested in cultural imperialism should read Foucault's works and Edward Said's Orientalism.",neg "In the film commentary, Director Robert Altman said he thought a really good film should leave people saying, 'I don't know what it was about but I really liked it.' (That's a paraphrase). And I think that's the key to why this film is so bad: The director didn't know what it was about.The weird, atonal score by Gerald Busby was an annoyance throughout, often drowning out the dialog. It's the kind of creepy music that comes in most horror movies just before the space aliens are going to appear, or in a psychological thriller, just as the nutcase is transforming into a psycho. Only in this film, the creepy music played on and on. That was it. No nuances, no alteration, no variance, no imagination. Just the same creepy atonal 'psycho' music all the time.Duvall and Spacek did a good job but the writing and directing were abysmal. Lots of shots where the camera stays on the actor for a loooong time, and dream-like sequences, conveying... mystery? suspense? drama what? Ah..I got it, they convey CONFUSION! That's it! The writer/director was confused!A waste of talent, and a waste of my time watching it. It is one of those films I watched thinking it HAD to get better. It didn't.",neg "This was a wishy washy attempt at the truth. The facts are there in parts and pieces, but it was not really put together well. Some of the choices of material are questionable as being truly valuable to the topic. This DVD had an agenda and is not unbiased, and I think it failed at it's overall agenda. There is more than enough information pre-9/11 and post-9/11 to put together something more worthy and accurate than this DVD has attempted to do. If this is the best contrasting evidence to the bush administration that can be produced after all that has happened in the white house and beyond, we are truly in trouble. The truth is out there, and I think this DVD tripped over them and kept walking without looking down and gathering all the facts together. There were plenty of important facts and things said worth listening to on this DVD, but this DVD is maybe worth a glance, but not a long hard look.",neg "This man is like Michael Bay. Using high speed action sequences and terrible casting and script writing, the fact that Chris Tucker appears in this and almost every movie that the man makes signals a trend to do these as not so much movies as they are music video comedys only it's patheic and not funny, and that is also why the man who is now making X-Men 3 will cause that movie franchise to die a quick death at the movies. The man is a joke",neg "This movie is an insult to merely bad comedies. Gee, another movie with a fast-talking, potty-mouthed, black guy (hello Eddie Murphy) who, because it's perfectly fine in ultra-lib, pc Hollyweird, calls Charlie Sheen (and everyone else who is not Black) a host of nasty, racially-oriented names. The movie is a mess. Let's see. The protagonist (Tucker) plays a con men who after being falsely suspected of being a cop-killer, is chased around by cops and the bad guys. The McGuffin is a sack of diamonds. Sheen is supposed to be a co-star, but like most of his other movies, he sleepwalks through it. Clearly this movie is meant to be a vehicle for Tucker. The sceenwriters were obviously making it up as they went along. First screenwriter: Hey Bob, what will we have Tucker do next? Hey I know, let's have a car chase and have him call some people some names Second screenwriter Hey, great idea Fred, I sure don't have any ideas. Apparently there are many people who think this guy is funny even though the movie is a rip-off of Murphy the Trickster flicks. Basically the plot is Tucker runs around dodging bullets and calling everyone a name. If that's your idea of humor, I pity you.",neg "This movie is so freakin stupid. Yes its funny...but so very dumb. Not good dumb; bad dumb. Terribly, painfully stupid. Funny at times. Best avoided or taken in small doses",neg "I have only one question about this movie. And that is, Why in the world did they change so many things that were in the book?If you haven't read the book than you don't know what I'm talking about. But if you have, then you do.I can't even begin to explain how good of a movie this would've been if it had been adapted correctly. Half the time while watching this, I felt as if I was watching Teletubies or something, the colors were so bright.If this movie had been placed in the correct time period with correct costumes, locations, characters, and details from the story,then EVERYONE would love it. Not just 5 year olds.It makes me so angry when I watch this movie. Yes, its funny and charming but it is so embarrassing. Everytime I loan someone the book, I have to explain to them that it is nothing like the movie at all. In fact, it is a hundred times better. More even.I am really disappointed. I just don't get how Gail Carson Levine would agree to all the changes that were made. If someone ever gets the courage to adapt the book into another movie, than I suggest they do it right. And if they do, then I'll be very thankful.I just don't get it. The book is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better. You wouldn't believe how much better it is.I am truely ashamed that this movie is even related in any way to the book. Next time, please, please, do it right",neg "First of all, 1 hour worth of workouts is not sufficient for 20 bucks. Second of all, I missed the section that explained the requirement of a workout bench and dumbells to do most everything in the video so that was a pain. Also, regardless of the fact that one girl does a beginners version of the excercises, it is still moderately difficult",neg "Saw this as an inflight movie. Boy, did I pray for engine trouble, so we'd have to land and I could get away! Sucks or what? I liked Smith in 'I, robot', 'Independence day', etc, but this was awful. It's a one-joke movie. Problem is, the one joke was the one plastered all over the TV spots and trailers (the jet ski incident). The highlights involved the subplot of him teaching a guy to be cool - wish that'd been the main storyline instead - far, far superior! Will not be adding this to my wishlist",neg "i cannot get thru this one. i started fast-forwarding but there didn't appear to have any good spots. when i saw that christian cammpbell was in this, i thought, this has to be good. i had just finished a movie where he starred. can't remember the name of it. i guess a person should never buy a movie because of who stars in it. tori spelling is well known, but not to me. someone should have put her out of her misery right from the start. she does not play a flake very well, and i don't know what to call her except a flake. i stopped this dvd in about the first 1/2 hour and will go back and give it another shot, but with tori spelling as one of the leads, i already know this one does not have a prayer. i would say; save your money on this one unless you are under 13. i have a ton of straight and gay movies that tell a story and a couple or few that don't. this one falls into this category. one that came with this one was the broken hearts club and while not my cup of tea it was far superior to this piece of garbage.",neg "The Fridays gang steals some diamonds. Mike Epps is not Chris Tucker no matter how hard he tries to be. His constant whinning is enough to ride my last nerve. Plus, everything about the movie is just campy and just wholly unbelieveable that I don't know where to begin. Whatever you do don't buy or rent this garbage-wait to catch it on TBS or something",neg "Wow. It's rare I consider a movie absolutely horrendous, but this one qualifies. We are given absolutely no reason whatsoever to care for this guy, and halfway through this tedious excuse for a movie, I found myself yelling DIE already. When he doesn't kill himself in the end, all I wanted to do was shove him face down in the ocean and drown him. A dumb stupid awful indie movie that is a waste of film, time and effort",neg "im a huge fan of writer Sean Mcginly, his classics include Venomous starring Treat williams and Sonic Impact with Ice-T. Mcginly's films are the topic of discussion at film schools all across the world, he is a renowned talent and i have to say that i was appalled when i saw his latest film Two Days. i think he should stick to writing as the film was virtually without direction and the cast (which included hacks like Paul Rudd) was not in the same league as superstars Traci Bingham and Ice-T who have graced some of his previous work. Please Sean, stick to doing what you know best and stay away from the intellectual stuff, leave that to idiots like Capra, Wenders, Scorcese etc. They are not in your league.",neg "I rented this on a whim and it brought back a lot of memories from my 1970s days in elementary school. This video made its rounds in the public schools. The songs are catchy and the film quality is good.But make no mistake, this is propaganda aimed at children. I will not be showing it to my kids.Despite the freewheeling title, the message is that girls will find happiness only if they mimic boys.Case in point: Atalanta, a princess, finds happiness when she competes with men in a footrace and when she rejects marriage so she can travel the world (on her father's horse). She also designs and fabricates rocketships in her spare time.Juxtapose that story with another cartoon where a femine girl in a pink dress and curls is devoured by tigers when she follows the custom of ladies first. The tigers abide her request and throw her into a boiling cauldron. The narrator advises us that the boiling girl makes a very tasty meal.Our hosts, infant puppets voiced by Mel Brooks and Marlo Thomas, are revolting. There should be a law against using Mel Brooks' voice for a baby. Apparently, I repressed memories of these creatures, but seeing them again brought back the horror. Needless to say, I fast forwarded through the disturbing puppetry.Overall, this DVD is fun for thirtysomethings but should be kept away from children",neg "Saw the previews of the first movie, but I wasn't expecting too much from that. I tried to finish both the first and the second, but that didn't work out too well...I felt these films didn't deserved to be watched all the way to the end. I don't know how some of y'all were able to sit through this poor excuse of a movie, and that includes the first. All I really have to say is you if you like this movie or maybe a better version of it...Y'all should really consider watching Cops and those insane police chases shown on TV. After all this is just another episode of Cops with guest actors in it",neg "Can't remember when I've seen a film with more depraved and pathetic characters than this. A has-been silent screen star who lives in a sinister dark house surrounded by a gzillion of her own photos and a weirdo butler essentially kidnap a holiday screen writer, down on his luck. The writer wanders onto what appears to be deserted property, and hides his car trying to escape a Finance Co. The threesome make the creepiest trio you could ever imagine. In one early scene they have a funeral, casket and all, for a monkey. Yuk.Gloria Swanson was directed to play a woman who still thinks she can make a come back by writing her own script, though she despises movies that talk. She waves her hands about, and makes strange corny expressions with her face in every scene. She falls for the screen writer, William Holden, and won't let him out of her sight. The film was made in 1950, and Swanson is supposed to be playing a woman of only 50, not exacty over the hill (if we look at many of today's movie stars.) But she's treated in the film as though she much, much older. I thought she was supposed to be about 75 or so, but her age is mentioned towards the end of the film. My heavens, at 50 she could still be in movies, and from the amount of money she apparently had, didn't need to be living in such a dark, creepy house. Film didn't make sense.Sorry I bought it. It was ridiculous.",neg "I just opened a box with a Cesar Millan book and THIS DVD. Imagine my surprise. I don't like the pairing of this book with Cesar's stuff either! Now I have an extra errand and cost to ship back. If anything like this ever happens again, there are other sites to order from online. I don't want it to be too much work to browse and study the copy...I feel a bit cheated",neg "constips extremely easy on carpet and if you have a lot of cds stacked at the toppoorly designed, it is a vertical cd rack that doesnt have individual slots for cds, so if you want a cd from the bottom of a stack you have basically pull the whole stack to get to itputting it together was a pain, the one i bought i had to break a piece of metal just to fit it in its guide holes.again..poorly designed... doesnt even fit cds that well, there are gaps, and the cd casses are loose fittingpros..........i guess it can hold a lot of cds....",neg "It's a nice look, but it tips over very easily. It is not steady on a rug surface dispite what the picture on the box shows. My advice is if you need a CD rack that holds a lot of CD's? Save your money and invest in something nicer and more sturdy",neg "I have bought and returned three of these units now. Each one has been defective, and finally I just gave up on returning the system. The DVD player constantly gives Bad Disc errors and skips if there is even the slightest smudge on a disc. The sound quality is very nice for the price, but since the player doesn't work, it's essentially useless. This is a complete rip-off at any price point",neg "I knew these were inexpensive CD cases, but I can't even open one without it breaking into two pieces..",neg "I used a 25 pack of these doing DVD backups, and the last 5 or so failed. I thought it was my software, so I got new software. Guess what? My first disc out of the new package of 25 that I bought failed, too. It's not my burner (as another reviewer suggested, implying that people should learn to read), as it's brand new and doesn't require the firmware upgrade they mention. They just suck and have a high failure rate. So the consensus seems to be that TDK or Sony are best. I'm buying some now and save myself the frustration",neg "I bought these discs at CompUSA because I needed a few before I got the ones I ordered online. Well, I just wated a good 25 bucks because out of 5 discs, I got one that burned good. Not much bang for the buck. I have burned many discs but never Memorex, usually Verbatim or Ridata or MAM. Very disgruntled with these discs making coasters. Maybe my burners don't like them but whatever the case, I won't buy them ever again. I thought Memorex made good products",neg "The DVDs I burned successfully showed the movies in excellent quality. The only problem is that for every 3 good burns I get one bad one. I'm using the Plextor DVD burner (love it!!), but I'm going to try my luck with a different DVD brand. The failure rate for Memorex is unacceptable. It's less the cost that bothers me, but more the time wasted on burning coasters",neg "I hope it's live because if it's memorex, it's crap! that's my latest opinion after using this product. I have a LiteOn SOHW-802S and it hates Memorex. I rarely get a decent burn. More often than not I'll discover while watching my movies just how horrid the quality it. My movies will skip, stutter, or stop all together. So disappointing! Unfortunately I found out too late that Memorex uses CMC media, which only has a 0-50% success rate! [...",neg "While I read the reviews on this machine, it is clear to me that Lexar has some serious quality-control problems. For some people it worked, for others it was a miserable failure. I am in the latter group. Sigh.Mine was dead on arrival. I tried the device with *BOTH* of my Windows-XP machines and in both cases, it was unrecognized. Lexar tech support subsequently proved to be a contradiction in terms as they would not return my email requests for help",neg i knew the cash back offer sounded too good to be true...and sure enough they rejected my upcs (i kept copies) only have hounding them and contacting the better business bureau did they say 'whoops a mistake' i have a fleeting suspicion this was intentional,neg "Please don't expect to get the cash back from this purchase as promised! To date, I've been denied twice. The second time they said the U P C number was invalid. Only, it's the original U P C barcode! I was meticulous filing the paperwork, yet they state, All required products were not submitted. Meanwhile, I have phoned AMAZ0N to lodge a formal complaint.The product itself is average. I've used better and worse. That said, it's definitely not worth the full asking price",neg "No free lunch & you get what you pay for...is that the verdict on this product?Well, the poor rating given by those who have purchased this product has discouraged me from buying it. I need disc binders and the Case Logic brand, while being the original, is pricey. Low cost alternatives are needed, but not at the expense of quality and TCO (total cost of ownership). But the flap about poor customer service (rebates) and poor quality (zippers and sleeve binding) is enough to give me pause..... So, if someone from Xtreme's management is paying attention....fix it or be content to lose business. Price isn't everything to everyone in the markt for your product..",neg I have a collection of over 1500 disks so I have bought many cd/dvd cases over the years and this brand is the worst quality on any that I have purchased. I would avoid this brand.[...,neg "Bought this a month ago for use with my DX4330 kodak 3MP digital camera. It worked for 2 days.After that, everytime I on the camera, it wanted me to reformat the card,WTH is that?Now I can't use it at all....I'm always so confidence with my previous purchases from Amazon.One mistake I made,I threw away the shipping and product packages once I tested out the card, thought It worked and It would be OK.I can no longer return it now.Needless to say,I'm too over confident with LEXAR's products.Buyers beware...",neg "I purchased this game pad due to good reviews.Found it online for $15 with free shipping so had to try myself.Its true its built well and pretty comfortable in the hand.The programming software is alright as well, not as nice asthe Nostromo n50/52 software for example.But what i didnt like about it was much more relavant.Firstly there is a toggle lock shift button.This button is easy to press by accident and since it is nota momentary button you have to go back and press it off agian.Interupting game play.Also buttons 7 and 8 are not paddles but rather thumb, and quite far from normal thumb use. I had a hard time using those buttons quickly.Also the toggle and digital buttons cant be mapped for other uses so your limited to 8 total buttons rather than 10.And finally, for some reason there was no way to invoke fight in NHL06, i couldnt live with that so i had to ship it back, and ill soon go with the logitech",neg I've only got this thing to work for about 3 hours and that is not in a row. I've spent hours with this product on several machines and I can now say the hardware sucks.,neg "I purchased dvd express and it never worked. I spent endless time with tech support. The old story about, It must be your computer. did not fly either, my machine is a media type and it far exceeds the system requirements advertised by ADS. I exchanged the item and it was supposedly checked out before I got it. Same problems. Tech support told me I was the only person having trouble with this product. They need to check out a few websites that review products there are hundreds of bad reviews very few good ones. My only mistake was not reading them before I wasted my time and money. ADS also told me it would not work with Ulead's Movie Factory 3, some of the software it came bundled with, but that was Uleads problem. I should use Cap Wiz ( Their program ) DUH!!! Guess what, it did not work with their program either. Ulead said they had several complaints with ADS's product. Their final solution hold on to the product and maybe they will have a new version of cap wiz and that might work. Save yourself time money and aggravation buy another product! P.S. Since ADS doesn't consider the product defective they will not refund your money or allow you trade it in for an upgrade. I don't think they want a product like that either. The only reason I gave one star is.....it was packed well.JU",neg This SD would not work in my Nikon Coolpix S6 camera (but the Fuji and Sandisk product did,neg " Just purchased 3 units , thought they would work as well as the Novi units they were replacing however they have absolutely no range . My original Novi 2 channel units worked well from a distance of approx 110 ft from house to barn , these only work in the same room... I am attempting to return these currently.",neg I bought four of these and returned them immediately. Two were dead out of the box. A third had horrible sound.After searching the internet and reading a variety of reviews for similar products I finally settled on the 900 Megahertz Wireless Intercom from Radio Shack. (43-3102)Beautiful sound. Well made and about half the price of the Reporter. Pretty much the same featues but it only claims a range of 300 feet as opposed to 1000 feet. So if you need more than 300 feet for range it's something to consider. Better warranty than the Reporter as well and for 8 bucks you can extend that warrarnty for another year.Anyway I couldn't be happier with the RS intercom. I just can't recommend the Reporters given that 3 out of 4 units that arrived were faulty,neg "When I purchased these batteries, I was very pleased, but that wore off after a couple of months. I don't use my camera all that often, but when I do, I expect ther batteries to have some charge. I recharge them per instructions, and they do not hold a charge any longer.I know Monster makes good products, but I am a little disappointed in this one",neg I got this from JnR . This unit powers up but the computer fails to detect it. I tried this on multiple computers. MAy be this was just a lemon. I will exchange it to a better brand,neg "This bookstand, despite the description, is not suitable for heavy books. If you put heavy books on this, the stand that props up the whole unit is likely to snap off.",neg "Its made of flimsy plastic, and all the parts snap on. I'm afraid to put a heavy book on there, because I'm sure the parts will just snap off",neg "In the ten minutes since I've had it out of the box two pieces have fallen off. More importantly, It can't handle large manuals as advertised. (The reason I purchased this particular book holder) My 1000 page manual only fits if you happen to only want to read the middle chapter. Based on that I estimate that this is a totally worthless product to anyone needing to go through a manual or training book more than five or six hundred pages. If you don't anticipate needing it for a book that big then just glue the rubber feet on, keep an eye on the page retainers (these are the parts that fell off) and you should be ok. As for me, I'm off to read Amazon's return policy and see if I can get rid of this useless hunk of plastic",neg "I had to send this item back because it stopped playing cds. The sound quality was good, but the dependability of this item is questionable.",neg "I purchased this memory card for a camera I was also purchasing. It was listed as an accessory to the camera on the same page. When I received the card first and then the camera, I was disappointed that the card was the wrong shape and size for the camera and would not fit. Because I had opened the plastic package to the card, I was unable to return it. In fact, when I emailed the company who sent it, I never even received a response.",neg "I am the type of person that ALWAYS buys the extra warranty on whatever I purchase. However, I started reading the reviews on this company and many people reported that it was four weeks and counting and they still hadn't received their refund check. I was astonished. I contacted N.E.W. myself and asked them about this. With no shame or embarrassment on the part of the customer service reps, I was informed that if I did everything by email, it would take AT LEAST 15 business days (that's three weeks!) to receive my refund check AFTER I sent them the warrantied item. If I had them send me a pre-paid label for the defective item instead of using my own printer, it would take a week for me to receive and at least a week for them to receive the covered item. In other words, it would take no less than four weeks to receive the replacement check and possibly up to eight weeks! I cancelled the contract immediately. It is just not worth it when you really do the math to purchase this contract. I would recommend buying a product from a company that first makes a quality product and then back it up with a good warranty and gives good customer service such as Grado, Sennheiser or Koss. But stay away from these people; that's my feeling and my advice.",neg "DON'T BUY THIS PRODUCT. There, simple advice I wish someone had given me before I bought two of these. With the first one the battery died 13 months after purchase. Since it was 30 days outside the warrantly, apple support told me sorry, tough luck. I made the mistake of buying another one figuring I just got a bad one and there was no way I could have the same problem again. WRONG!Second ipod just died (same battery problem) - this one died within the warranty period but becuase it took me two weeks to get into the ipod store to see what was wrong and, of course, by the time I got in I was past the 12 month warranty period (who keeps track of the purchase date? I sure didn't).Other than the fact that your substnatial investment will be worthless in about a year - it is a fantastic product. I'm just sorry that it didn't last (twice!) cause otherwise I'd be a fan",neg "About three years ago, maybe four, I bought two Lexar CFII cards. One never worked, the other worked, but lost all data. I wrote to Lexar, that I had two bad cards, they sent me one new card of the same size. I gave that to my girlfriend & told her to only use it on pix she didn't care about losing. I still have my card, in a ziplock. None of the file removal programs will get the images off, & I've used all of them, & had their (file removal) tech help give up.In this day & age of just make the item I am upset. But you take your chances. Do you want the only picture of your great grand-mother lost because you used a Lexar? I wouldn't, I use an actual sandisk card, myself.If they ever (Lexar) made it right, I may have written a better review, but they haven't. So that tells me that they don't care.How important are your pictures to you?Frederic",neg "Most people buy a UPS, plug it in and never test it to make sure it works. I tested this device a number of times to make sure the software would at least shutdown the computer after an outage. I set it to shutdown Windows after 1 minute. Only the computer and a few small phone accessories are attached to it.After power was cut, it held the computer up and allowed it to shut down. Then I restored power to the UPS. AFter about 30 seconds, it beeped, clicked, and temporarily DROPPED power to the computer while it was rebooting! So when it switches back from battery power it causes power to be interrupted. That is unacceptable. A UPS should never drop power to the attached devices after power is restored to it.",neg "If you have a cable modem for broadband connection to the internet, your unit will not be covered by the APS warranty on this device. Lightning hit near our house and the motherboard plus router got fried. The cable modem stayed intact and we filed a claim with APS. They denied it saying backend surges through the cable may have caused the damage (even though the modem wasn't hurt?)",neg "I am still awaiting resolution of a problem I have with these drives. In writing DVDs I get verification errors. This proboem arises if the drives are used in an external firewire enclosure. The drive works fine if internal in your computer attached to the IDE bus, but there is an issue if attached to your computer by firewire",neg "also import a cd , money down the drai",neg "The drive arrived at the end of December, was quick to get up and running, and worked fine until yesterday. Then it got the machine equivalent of lockjaw and I've been unable to get the tray to release.So, it's a good drive while it operates, but I'll probably make sure I pay for at least a 1-year warranty on my next purchase.As far as my recommendation goes, it depends very much on how inconvenient it is when one's drive fails. Yesterday, I just went to a backup burner and kept working; if I had NEEDED to get the job done, and I had not previously developed a strategy of always keeping a backup device handy, I'd have been in a seething, hair-pulling rage. Computer hardware is never 100% reliable, but is it worth the risk to purchase a device that is known to fail in less than a year",neg I never even traveled with it. It just stopped working completely making me lose data.NEVER AGAIN I'll buy anything from this company. This drive is a piece of rubbish!,neg got it at walmart can't even remove a scuff. i give it -100 good thing i could return it,neg "i've given it 2 stars instead of 0 because after i used this CD, the sound from my system did seem to be a little better (the CD's were not skipping as much). but the bottom line is it didn't fix the problem as the CDs are still skipping noticeably, although not as bad as before. ... not sure if this has anything to do with the fact that my set has a 6-disk CD changer",neg "The is perhaps the lease durable item I have purchased in 40 years. It lights up just fine, and it is a reassuring led gold, but it refuses to do anything with my xd card. It worked just fine for 3-4 days, then erased about 100 photos, all of them irreplaceable. Cheap yes, but Cheap Junk.",neg "Great looking keyboard. Unfortunately all it takes is one minor spill and the keyboard is destroyed. That includes cleaning. And don't think you are ever going to take it apart and dry it. The keyboard self destructs after you have the, count them, 10s and 10s of screws.I called their customer support. They weren't like DELL, nobody is that bad, but their resolution was to buy a new one from them for 50% off their retail price. shipping was extra. So you save maybe $10 off street prices.All-in-all they are no longer the good company they were in the past. They need competition. So I'm pulling out my old logitech from retirement. Too bad they don't make those old keyboards anylonger",neg "I ordered this item after reading the positive reviews here. BIG MISTAKE. Upon setting everything up, it all worked great for about two hours... then the dreaded UNPLUG/PROTECT screen came up. Now it won't turn on but for a few moments before returning to protect mode. (and no, it's not a short in the wires or overheating... it protects even when stone cold, and with no speakers plugged in) I called sony and they say it is a short in the box. So now my two options are to unhook everything, repack EXACTLY the way it came to me and reship back to the online store I bought it from (with enormous hastle and expense) or take the receiver in to a sony authorized service center (which happens to be across town, and only open monday-friday, 9-5pm. So much for being convenient). This thing is brand new and already needs repairs!!On top of that, even out of the box, NONE of the video inputs worked. Audio was fine, but video was dead as a doornail, right from the start.And even on top of the fact that this machine CAME broken... it sucks even when it works right! The DVDs take forever to load, and it comes with HDMI out, but NO HDMI IN! So if you're an HDMI user, I hope you have multiple HDMI inputs on your television... one for your cable box, one for this crappy system.This is a piece of junk. For the love of god, don't waste your money",neg "Why would you want this item? Amazon is charging $50 MORE on this item than the 2nd Generation Shuffle! And, according to what I have read, THIS Shuffle isn't very derable. It doesn't even last a year! I don't know about you, but I'LL get a 2nd Generation Shuffle",neg One day it just stopped working. I got the dreaded orange and green flashing lights of death... the contents of the File space were un-recoverable... and I ended up just pitching it after extensive attempts to revive it.Apparently this is yet another one of the bad products that Apple likes to keep hush-hush,neg "My shuffle suffered the blinking green-orange lights so I took it into the Apple store. A salesman took 15 minutes to figure out that he couldn't do anything, and said I would have to sign up for a appointment at the Genius bar. At that appointment, the genius said he couldn't fix it, and because he said he didn't know anything about engineering he couldn't say whether the shuffle was not working because of a software or a hardware problem or both. Apparently being an Apple genius doesn't involve understanding how things work, though it does appear to require having a trendy haircut. The 'genius then offered a $10 discount on the purchase of a new shuffle - but couldn't answer the question of why anyone would want to waste money on such a poorly designed thing.Perhaps it should be retitled the idiot bar.",neg The extendable arm breaks very easily. I had two of them and they both broke within the first month. The company does have a 3 month warranty but you have to pay for shipping to send it back to them and I have been waiting over a month for my replacement. Very poor product. Do not buy,neg "I'm the consumer of SanDisk USB flash drives. I have used couple of sandisk flash drives (i.e. 512MB Mini, 256MB Mini) before I bought this product.Performance wise this particular product is not doing good. It's taking long time to copy files from my computers. Even it's taking long time to delete files from this disk. So I returned to Amazon and looking for Mini products from SanDisk.I doubt all the Micro products which is having capacity more than 512MB. Now I'm planning to buy 512MB or 1GB SanDisk Mini USB flash drive.Better buy some good one than wasting your time on this product",neg These disks would not work with my Sony brand DVD writer. I have tried several other brands and so far everything works but Memorex.,neg "To back up my personal DVD collection I burned 200 discs. 100 on these Memorex DVD+R's, 100 on Philips DVD+R's. EVERY Memorex had flaws during playback. EVERY Philips was flawless. I've been buying Memorex for years but I'll never buy Memorex again",neg "Overall the recorder worked OK. A moderate inconvenience was that once in a while the recorded DVDs could not be finalized for unexplained reasons.However, that is irrelevant now. A few weeks ago, the unit stop working. I does not turn on at all. What a waist! It is out of warranty now",neg "Here is the original review of this machine I wrote on June 17, 2006:We bought this machine just over a year ago (a year and two weeks, to be specific). We had another very similar Panasonic DVD recorder (DMR-E55) in a different room and wanted to be able to record and watch DVD-RAMs on both. For a long time, the ES10S recorder worked fine. Recently, though, it has begun making noises when starting up and shutting down, and now it occasionally has problems reading the disks, ejecting them, and even playing them. At first we thought this might be because we'd recorded over the DVD-RAMs so many times. But today we tested one of them in the other machine, which has never made any similar noises, and the E55 had no problems with it. Needless to say, we're not happy that the ES10S seems to be dying, especially since the 1-year warranty just ended. If you buy or own this machine, follow up on any strange noises as soon as you hear them if you're within the warranty period, because the noises and problems just get worse. Panasonic is usually a reliable brand, one we've used for many years, but this machine seems to be a lemon. We're actually going to write to Panasonic about it--I'll try to post again with the results.Here is my update, which I wrote November 3:This is a follow-up review to the one above, which I wrote on June 17. I wrote to Panasonic after my machine had stopped working just after the warranty ended. They sent me a nice letter authorizing a free repair, including labor, of the machine at one of three places they listed. The places were all within a half-hour drive of my home. After doing some research, I chose one and brought in the machine. They fixed it by replacing the entire internal mechanism (I don't know what that means). We got the machine back from the repair shop near the end of July; it's now the beginning of November. The fixed machine worked fine for a while, but in the past few weeks, we've been hearing the same old noises that were the beginning of the end for it before. I'm going to try writing to Panasonic again and asking for a refund, because this machine really seems to have something fundamentally wrong with it. It's still working, but I know from the last time with these noises and efforts to read the disks that soon it won't. Avoid this machine. Again, the previous Panasonic model (DMR-E55) we bought hasn't had any of these difficulties and continues to work great. We're still big Panasonic fans, but this particular model is a lemon.",neg "I would only recommend this product if you need something that only lasts six months. There is a reason the warranty is only 90 days. The performance (sound quality) steadily declines over time. The ihome worked great when it was new, but it won't play songs from the ipod anymore, and the radio is a static box",neg "So when I first got the iHome for Christmas, I loved it. Well, I loved it in spite of the glaring bright light, that even at its lowest setting has to be blocked for me to get to sleep. However, after awhile the iHome will not register my iPods existence at all. Today I was able to enjoy thirty seconds of a song before it fell into disgrace again. I would not recommend this product if you want something that lasts. This device has become nothing more than a nuisance that won't even pick up radio stations. So, the alarm can only be set to a vaguely annoying beep when these functions are disabled. Useless",neg "We have had ours for almost a year - it still works great, but there is one big problem - the display is a white/violet bright light. Great for visibility of the clock when you need it, but unfortunately, even when it's on the lowest setting, it lights up our whole room! My husband sleeps through it fine, but I need a dark room to fall asleep and I always have to throw a sweater or towel over it. We finally gave it up and switched back to our old clock radio",neg "I like the features. I'm satisfied with the sound. The user interface could be more intuitive.HOWEVER, my overriding complaint is that the docking port (as many other reviewers have mentioned) is not reliable. The connection is poorly constructed, so just walking by the table on which it sits is often enough to make it think the iPod isn't there any more. If they could fix this quality problem, it would be well worth the $100, but since it is very hard to get it to recognize the connection reliably you just can't justify it at any price",neg "I mistakenly believed the hype that this thing would PROTECT my computer from BEING KILLED, but instead, this thing has KILLED my computer FOR THE SECOND TIME IN 4 DAYS, EMITTING AN UN-STOPPABLE(i.e., CAN'T TURN THE FEATURE OFF) SHRIEK ALARM. How do smart, talented people idiotically convince themselves that a home product should have an ear-piercing shriek-alarm that can't be defeated / silenced?In addition to doing far, far more damage than it can ever prevent, ask yourself -- do you want this un-stoppable ear-piercing shriek alarm going off in your house at 2a.m.? I BOUGHT ONE APC PRODUCT, AND SO FAR, THEY'RE 100% DEFECTIVE AND 100% DELITERIOUS TO THE USE OF MY COMPUTER & IT'S A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE IT'S DELITERIOUS TO MY SLEEP.",neg "Let's be honest.This product ain't cheap. It's not something you can just throw away if it decides to stop working.I bought mine at cpenusa.com. Delivery was great, only took them a couple of days. However, my c-pen cable was damaged. The connector to the c-pen was, for some reason, cut in half. Without it, you can't recharge or connect the c-pen to the pc.I called their main office all the way in Sweden during the office hours. NO RESPONSE. I sent three e-mails to cpenusa. NO RESPONSE.I don't care if the product itself is great(I'll never know now, will I..). If you're unable to receive support when you need 'em, you're screwed.If you're just interested in electronic equipments, just want to try things out and don't really care if you're on your own, go ahead and try it. Let me know how this thing really is. Otherwise, buy a product that you can trust on with respect to after-sales support",neg I have been charged however I did not get a copy of the policy to date.,neg "I bought this item like 2 months ago, and now it's broken. I'm sooo frustrated.I 'd not recommend buying this item",neg "This was a great mouse for about the first year I owned. After one year is when all of the problems started. The mouse now loses connection sproadically and sometimes it doesn't want to connect at all. I have changed the battery quite a few times and that doesn't seem to help. It is very tempremental, and I have now given up and am shopping for a replacement.So, a word to the wise - in my experience the mouse will work great for a while, just be prepared to replace it in a year or so",neg "This is a good product - sounds great, gets good battery life, everything you'd hope for in an iPod dock. But it has one major flaw. The iPod docking port is really flimsy, and has no structural support aside from the actual electronics themselves. After a little bit of use, the connection between the iPod and the dock deteriorated to the point that the volume fluctuated up and down, and sometimes the sound cuts out all together.If they added some kind of simple support so that bumping the iPod wouldn't stress the electronics, I'd give this thing 5 stars. But without that, it simply breaks quickly, and no longer performs its only job - to sound good.",neg "This is a poorly designed remote. I have six devices connected to my HD television set. The software depends on the user assigning positions to the various inputs to the TV and, in my case, routinely activated the wrong device when I used the remote. I purchased a Logistics Harmony remote and it works perfectly. At this point the only thing that I use the remote for is to remotely turn on my satellite receiver at a certain time during the day to record to Replay TV (which cannot turn the TV on and off).",neg "With a full charge it does not last more than 10min, could not take more than more 15 pics in my camera Canon Pro1. The original battery works well more than 250 pics on each charge. Initially I thought this problem was because it was new battery but after several cycles it does not work at all. I'll try to get a refund and check their customer service too",neg "I am disappointed in this product.I was suppose to write to you from the weekend.My two rear speakers just stop working, and also myremote control. I have replace the batteries, but stilldoes not work.I don't have any other rear speakers to try on the system.Pleasy me what to do.Thank youEpiphane Flaviu",neg One out of every 4 discs would fail on me when I'd burn to this media at 4x. Slowing down the burn to 2x didn't help either! I own a Sony DRU500A with the latest firmware. Memorex isn't on their compatibility list. Lesson learned: check the compatibility list BEFORE buying,neg "I've got a LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1673S burner (Revision JS02) in my fast G4 Mac running OS X Tiger and burning with Toast Titanium 7. Although my burner is nominally 16X-capable, it only burns at about 6X in my setup, probably due to the slow (ATA 33) bus it's on. I've used a number of different brands of 8X and 16X disks, both +R and -R, and have had a verification failure rate of less than 2% -- so few, in fact, that I often don't bother verifying video DVD's anymore when burning TDK or Maxell discs. (I always verify data DVD's, since errors in those are not ignorable.) But with Memorex, I've gotten about 20% failures, including a couple of aborted burns! In one case, the disc had a blank band between two burned ones! The Memorex discs I'm referring to have Manufacturer ID CMC MAG, AM3. According to videohelp.com, these are sold under at least 7 different brand names. The reviews there are rather mixed, which is not IMHO good enough! I have not, BTW, have had any problems with the Memorex DVD+R discs I've tried. But I stopped using them because one of my players won't recognize the +R format",neg I did the research on this product and it was one of the best. I don't know that to be true due to the fact that the software that they sent me was a demo version that was outdated for use. I have to buy another software package to opperate the product that had stated in the description that the software was included. One if not the only reason I had purchased it. I e-mailed tiger.com and received no reply. If your going to sell something false advertisement is not the way,neg "This model was intended as a replacement for my not-very-old and yet quite functional Panasonic PM-series stereo. This is the kind of thing that happens when you browse Amazon while drunk late at night.Unfortunately, with the exception of a very slight advantage in audio quality, the Sony is in all respects inferior; ergonomics, appearance, and above all, FM reception, which is laughably poor. Do not buy this stereo if you expect a quality receiver. Hiss abounds, several local stations I heard previously are now unreachable, and to top it off, Sony has stuck with their time-honored habit of using proprietary connectors, so when I went to plug in an after-market antenna to get better reception, I found a weird little plug that I hadn't noticed when I put the damned thing together. Grrr. So now I'm going to sell this thing and buy a nice new Panasonic with the proceeds. Death to Sony",neg "I have owned five of these UPS units over the past four years. I purchased three for my Mac and PC at home. Then I had to purchase two replacements for units that simply quit. Currently only ONE still works! I have very infrequent power outages, perhaps three in the past four years. These units work well to allow you to save your work and shut down. My G5 mac was so power hungry that I had to use one for the computer and another for the 23 inch LCD. I can't comment on other UPS brands such as Belkin, but I have seen many competing brands on the web and at the computer stores. There seen to be quite a few dealers selling refurbished APC products but this may be a reflection of APC's popularity rather than the poor reliability of their brand. My experience over the past four years has been mixed. These are not inexpensive units and you have to decide how precious your data becomes. If you really fear the loss of data during a blackout then the answer is clear. I chose to switch to high quality surge suppressors and never work during potential storms. Many users do not have that flexibility so a UPS is essential insurance. The units I puchased were identical and only one unit is still operational after four years. I can accept the need to replace the battery every one to two years; three of the batteries failed and alarms beeped until I bought new batteries. Prices vary from $15 to $50 depending on the vendor. Battery life depends on many factors so I don't begrudge APC for wear and tear on the battery but to have 4 out of 5 units simply stop working is unacceptable. I bought APC branded batteries and can't explain why the recurrent failures. I'm frustated with my APC products but it may be a problem with this model. Just beware of the hidden costs of battery replacement when purchasing an UPS",neg "While the silicon used in the construction of the sleeve is very nice (feels grippy but not sticky if you know what I mean), some of the features are just wrong. For instance, the opening for the hold switch on top was apparently cut wrong and does not line up with the switch at all - requiring you to have to push the cover around so you can flip the hold on or off. Also, for whatever reason, the edge of the sleeve is right at the headphone jack which causes it to be somewhat difficult to keep some headphones seated during use (the sleeve can work its way in and pop the jack out).The armband is satisfactory at best - it's just a standard, no frills, velcro armband",neg "I was tempted by the cheap price and got myself a 10 pack. They are rated at 2000 mAh, but run out of juice after the digital camera has shot maybe 5 frames. My 2 year old Panasonic 1600 mAh in contrast can run the same camera for over a 100 shots. I tried these batteries in my MP3 player - and even there, it won't supply enough juice after an hr worth of playback. It is not that the battery does not hold any charge - that it has. But it just does not supply the peak current required by most digital devices. It seems to be all right for use in a flashlight. A set of batteries that will not power a camera will power a flashlight (a bit dimly) for hours (yeah - I tested it). For the test, I had charged the panasonics and the lenmars for the same duration (it is not a charger issue).I plan to complain to the state consumer affairs department regarding this brand and hope action is taken against shady products which are nothing but rip-offs.One last tip - nowadays, the best NiMH batteries are made by Sanyo. It is better to pay 2 - 4 times for them than for a Lenmar. Trust me",neg "This product is not for the heavy handedafter 2 weeks of use one of the slots was non functional because spring leaf to hold the card against the contacts some how managed to get bent into the path of the card, and seeing that the slot is for a flash card it is almost impossible to get any tool to fit to do any 'repairs'.on the bright side it did work with the stated flash types",neg "This GPS comes with US map on the SD card and Canada map on the included CD but never the twain shall meet.By car I'm a few hours from Canada and several days from the eastern US but I can't swap out the faraway eastern US part of the map on the TomTom Go 300 for a nearby Canadian map. It's either all Canada or all contiguous US. This is a major functional flaw if you live near the US/Canada border or live further away and like to take cross-border trips.Oh, and if you do decide to swap out the US map, be sure to save it on your computer first - TomTom doesn't bother to provide a backup on the CD so if you don't first make your own backup before changing to the Canadian map you can't later get the US map back",neg "The Tomtom has great features. But I returned mine. First, the maps are very dated. This makes it iffy at best. It has terrific potential, if it worked. You can use a PDA stylus on the map sitting at home outside on batteries to plan a trip. It's amazing. But I wanted to plan a 600 mile trip myself using it's internal maps and waypoints. But I tried a local test first. I used roads as waypoints, main roads. This way I can force the Tomtom to use MY routes. I did not like it's choices, since it is a dated map database. I set up a local route, and started to follow it. It took me to the first road/waypoint no problem. But it would not go past the first waypoint. I would go down the road (first waypoint) then it would tell me to take a u turn!. I did. Then it said take another u turn. It had me going in circles. Perhaps it's not made to use roads as waypoints, but all indications it gave were that it would. The manual was no help. Support was no help. So it went back. I have ordered a Garmin i2. Hope this is ok. I have taken the same trip from SE FL USA to SC USA with a Garmin C330. The Garmin has maps that you cannot update, but got me to my destination no problem.I don't recommend this TomTom. Do research. Go to manufactures websites and look at unit manuals.Hope this helps",neg "i have so for used inav iguidance,mapopolis,navigon navigator 5 and The Blue Logger & Street Atlas USA .out of all these The Blue Logger & Street Atlas USA is the worst and inav iguidance 2.1.1 is the best .blue logger gps hardware is good but v impractical to use bcuz of its strange onoff button....i will not recommend it to anyone....simply waste of time and mone",neg This is a complete waste of money for a number of reasons.1. This hub will not work with any USB powered devices. So forget being able to charge your phone or running an unpowered external disk through this hub.2. Extremely slow USB 1.1. This device is NOT USB 2.0 compliant3. It is clunky4. Does not comke with a power adapte,neg "I have owned this little hub for at least a year. I have an older PC which came without USB, so I added a PCI adapter. I soon realized that I needed more ports, and more convenience, than the two now located in the backplane of the PC on the floor.I shopped around, and this item looked appropriate. As for the short cord, I solved that issue by getting a USB extension cord at the same time. Besides solving the immediate problem, this approach gave me the option of moving the hub to my laptop at some point, and using the extension cord for some other purpose.For a long time it did exactly what it was supposed to do. I attached an external hard drive through it. I used it for a compact flash card reader, and a digital camera. I connected an inkjet printer. Everything worked, once the drivers were installed and everything was set up correctly. (This was all with Windows 98 SE.)But after a while, things started getting less reliable. The system would tell me that various drives (on the flash card reader, or the external hard drive) were not available. Or the digital camera would not stay connected to its software. And the printer even started disappearing.Playing with the cables and connectors would sometimes bring devices back to life, and eventually I deduced that there was something wrong either with the connectors themselves being too loose, or with wiring inside the device. Either way, it has finally become a big problem, and I am shopping for a replacement.Most of the devices I connected were self-powered, that is, they did not need to draw power from the hub or the PCI channel at all. The hard drive, camera, and printer were all powered by batteries or AC adapters of their own. And the flash card reader, which did draw power from the hub, used to work fine. It does not matter what combination of devices I try, sooner or later the connection goes bad.It is of course possible that there's something wrong in the PC -- but that would not explain why things are improved by messing with the connectors or the hub itself. So I have to recommend against buying it. I suspect it is discontinued and that this advice won't be necessary for much longer, but I want to prevent somebody from the bother I've been through, just in case",neg "This Amazon listing also suggests buying the Soundsticks along with Airport Express.If you're thinking of connecting them to the USB port of Express, Apple says it won't work.(Apple Airport Express FAQs",neg Install went smooth on my W2K/dell inspiron notebook. Everything worked fine for 24 hours then it just stopped. Worked with customer support for about an hour getting nowhere. This thing is junk. I'm sending it back,neg "From looking at the D-Link website and talking to five tech support staff, it appears that there are countless versions of this card, each with different driver software. The one I got came with a CD with the wrong drivers. With tech support, I finally found the 8 mb driver file I was supposed to download. However, they did not provide any instructions on how to install the new driver. The normal automatic approach did not work. And their instructions did not match the screens I was getting on Windows XP SP 2.So I called back again. And again. And again.Despite being given a case file, each time I was asked the same questions, including what, exactly, is wrong. And each time I was told to do the same thing: Install from the CD. Reboot. Remove the program. Reboot. Install from the new driver. Reboot. Remove the program. Talk to a senior tech support person.Install from CD. Reboot. etc.It would have been easier to send the card with the right files on the CD. A clearly designed website would be second best. And tech support that knows what they're doing and speaks intelligble English would be a nice last resort.I spent three hours calling D-Link technical support and speaking to five people, and they could not tell me how to install the software for this card!I am not alone in this experience; see cnet's web site user reviews of the DWL-G650.Another reviewer reports that this software damaged his operating system. I believe he is right. It appears to have damaged my screen font for Windows message boxes. I have been unable to repair it. The DWL-G650 is bad news.I give them two stars cause they actually have tech support, though in this case it was utterly worthless.Back it goes",neg "I would like to believe that this hub works well- but I wouldn't know. I bought it to reduce clutter on my desk from all my devices hooking into my powermac. I hooked up my printer, ipod and digital camera and nothing happened. I called Targus and they said I needed an a/c adaptor. It doesn't come with one and doesn't say anything about one in the manual or instructions, or their website. They said I could get it at radio shack and gave me the info (5 volt, 2.1 amp, center positive). I've been to two radio shacks and online- they don't carry it. I'm upset. Any advice",neg I have read all 181 reviews and decided that half the reviewers did not get the model that I did.Or else they wrote their review too soon.I bought mine in June 2006. It failed before the store warranty ran out. One down. The replacement lasted a month or two before it hung and wouldn't boot. Two down. Sandisk honored their 1 year warranty with a prompt free RMA. That one also failed. Three down. They replaced it with both a m230 AND a 2GB c150. The c150 hung after about 2 weeks. Four down. I have been using the m230 for two weeks now and hope it lasts until the c150 replacement arrives. I have gotten quite good at the RMA game and intend to keep playing it either until my warranty runs out or I get one of those that other people rave about.I don't think I'll buy another SanDisk - unless it is free and has a lifetime warranty.I suggest that everyone with a failed m230 to exercise thier warranty rights. Sandisk needs to know the true reliability of their products.,neg We have been unsuccessful with this e-reader attachment since we purchased it. Cards read once and never again. Doesn't matter if we use the GB SP or Advance. Still doesn't do anything. Don't recommend you waste your money,neg I just cam from Las Vegas and the sandisk has a disk error that doesn't allow for more photos after only using 40mb. I have tried to format the disk using the camera and through Windows XP. It doesn't allow it to be formatted. Bad investment!!! Would not recommend the product unless there is a way I can get a refund or an exchange,neg "The second disc in this package was faulty, which I did not discover until I spent two hours recording a movie. There was what appeared to be a half inch bare spot on the outer edge of the dvd+r. Not what I expected from Memorex which purports to be the best.I have switched to Maxell",neg Replaced first spindle and still junk. Will always stick with Verbatim from now on,neg I bought this same brand of discs sometime last year on this very site. I was very pleased with the purchase then. I didn't have one problem with the discs.I bought another pack recently and I've been using the pack I just bought. All of the discs are messing up for me. I can understand having a few problematic discs but this is insane to have a whole pack of discs and every single one of them messes up for you. I wish I could send these discs back and get a refund. This purchase has scared me away from anything else related to Memorex. I thought Memorex was a very reliable brand and they would make sure they were sending out top notch items to consumers. I guess I was wrong. And apparently you get what you pay for. Don't be fooled by the good price. You'll just be out of your money and stuck with discs that wouldn't even be worth using as a frisbee. Find another brand to use and avoid this brand,neg Was a little hard putting it together. You have to be very careful taking the cds out or it would fall apart. I am not happy with this product,neg "I have the older, larger version of this product. However, it uses the same software. The labels are great and the spring device that is used to apply the labels is great, but the software is awful. There is no direct Macintosh program; rather there are templates. They were written for old versions of software and really don't work right. The Windows side includes an actual Print Shop-style program which works awfully. If you do get this, make your own template on AppleWorks or PowerPoint",neg "They totally misrepresent this product. It does not work with Macs. I feel cheated and lied to by Memorex, shame on you",neg "After serveral months of use, Card Error was shown on my Canon Digital Rebel for my 512MB Viking card, which was half full with pictures. Fortunately, I just lost a few of pictures. I tried to format the file; Card Error kept occuring on my Rebel. This 512MB Viking card is now used for my data files.Probably, 512MB Viking cards are not designed for high Mega Pixel camera and taking many shots in a short period of time (i.e. 3 shots/sec.). My Canon A40 has no problems when used with the 512MB Viking card so far. Probably, I am going to buy a 512MB card from Sandisk or Simple Tech",neg "I purchased this and am not impressed. Note that works with all click wheel iPods isn't true. It does NOT work with photo iPods (at least the 60 GB model). I'm on vacation and had to remove the cover to get it to fit. I'm ordering a 'photo dock' since I can't see any way to get a cover that is made for the 60GB/photo model.If I'd known this, I'd purchased only the stereo cable and the photo dock separately, since I already have a charger (came with it...). Grr. :-",neg "Heres a new one....I have recently bought two spindles of these discs, and my computer (Imac w/ Intel chip-hardly outdated) simply doesnt recognize them-like I never put in a disc at all. The kicker is that this spring, I also ordered two spindles of these discs (exactly the same as far as I can tell), from which I burned one hundred discs (not a single faulty one!) for a freind overseas. I have no idea what the deal is, but have a feeling that the issue is not the quality of the discs. Anyone got ideas?",neg "The card works as advertised but SanDisk does not send in Mail-in-Rebate. Even though I mailed it in with the UPC Barcode, SanDisk sent me a post card stating that I needed to resubmit it with the barcode. How can I resubmit when they already have the barcode?In my experience with SanDisk, I got rebate back on one of two cards that I submitted - so you get mail-in rebate 50% of the time with SanDisk. I think mail-in-rebate is a big hoax perpetrated by these companies. Don't trust it!",neg "I purchased 2 sets of these earphones for a 2 hour flight. My husband and I both used them, and we both took them out of our ears after 20 minutes. They were great at first, but after 20 minutes they really started to hurt our ears. The inside of my ears were so sore I couldn't even adjust the earphones when they started coming out, that's how bad my ears hurt. I had the foam pad over them too, and it made no difference. I would not recommend these",neg "This was the worst purchase of any type of computer hardware that I have ever made. It felt very light and flimsy, the definition of cheap plastic. Not just the construction but the performance was terrible. It would work perfectly for about a half hour and then go on a break and do NOTHING for about 10 minutes. This was very very frustrating. Maybe I was just unlucky and received a defective one, but I wouldn't take that chance again.I wish I could give this device a worse rating, somewhere around -4 would be much more appropriate.",neg In each pack there have been several dvd's that aren't any good. Too many bad discs in my opinio,neg "I bought the ADS upconverter because I bought a HDTV only to find out that my cable co. didn't offer HDTV and after 3 failed attempts to switch to a satellite provider that did offer HDTV (too many trees around my house). I wasn't expecting the upconverter to magically turn my standard signals into an amazing HDTV picture, but for $550+ I was expecting the upconverter to do something that was actually noticable. When I first turned in on I asked my wife to look at the picture and tell me what she thought. She looked at the TV and said okay I'm ready turn it on. I said it IS ON!! This is pretty much the reaction I had also when I looked at it. The image I got for my digital cable was certianly different, but that's all it was, different. It was NOT noticably better. In fact, in some instances I though the picture was worse. I called ADS tech support and they kept insisting I try it with my DVD because that is what the product is best for (even though that's not what I got it for). So I did and to be honest I really preferred the picture I got directly from my DVD over the picture I got after running it thru the upconverter. It didn't matter what display format I put it in it just didn't do anything to improve the picture. Save your money. If you can't get HDTV don't expect this box to give you anything close to the next best thing",neg "I was impressed with the charger for about 1 month---than it stopped charging the NiMh batteries it came with. I took it back to Best Buy only to find that ALL of the Rapid Chargers on thier shelf did not work either. A sales person and I tested them all, hoping I would be able to exchange my broken one with one that worked.It was more disappointing after calling Kodak ---they were unable to replace it or get my money back. I thought purchasing a Kodak was a smart decision, however, they did not stand behind their product which was very disappointing.",neg "I did not read the prior reviews, I bought this item & loaded the software that came with it in the sealed box from Target.com. The MFG SOFTWARE disc contains TWO VIRUSES one in Quicktime & the other in Totally Hip files. Target has been notified that the software is CORUPT with viruses & that the MFG has gone out of business. This item is only useful as a drawing tablet thru other software programs like paint shop pro as there is no WEB SITE ACCESS or tech support available for this item",neg I just recently bought this and when I installed it Norton caught 2 viruses on the install CD.,neg "I purchased this item and was excited to get them, but burning my first DVDs.. they're all coasters! ARG.. pass Memorex and go for a more expensive media, like Verbatim",neg As far as I can tell this thing doesn't work at all. I have now tried it on 3 cds and it did not repair any of them. I should have just replaced the cds,neg "How do I assign a rating? As several other people have experienced, my unit is also DOA. I received it, plugged it in, pressed 'clean', and the motor started up. I popped open the cover, put in the disc I wanted cleaned, and pressed 'clean' again. Nothing. Terrible quality control.What's worse is the unit case is glued together -- no way to open it up to try to fix the electronics inside without mutilating it and voiding warranty",neg "It didn't work properly from the time it came out of the box. The carousel wouldn't make a complete rotation, so CDs and DVDs would get 'trapped' inside the unit. And occasionally, it would simply refuse to play a DVD altogether. Panasonic has directed us to a local repair shop, so maybe they can get it to function as it should. If you do purchase one, please read the warranty carefully; a defective unit will either have to be repaired or replaced with a refurbished one. Panasonic informed me that they do not replace malfunctioning units with new ones, under any circumstances.",neg "BAD DISC ERROR - possible fixAfter about 8 months just like the other reviewer it stopped working.I kept getting bad disc error on a new DVD I bought. I tried good discs that worked before but now got the same Bad Disc error.This is not the first time I had problems loading. Previously, unplugging and plugging it in again sometimes corrected the problem.This time after two weeks of Bad Disc errors, I was about to toss it when I decided what the heck, I'll check inside to see if it's dirty or something.FIRST I UNPLUGGED THE UNIT.I removed the 6 screws holding the cover. You may have to pull the sides out a bit if it catches to lift it off.With my expertise knowledge. *eyeroll* I nudged the lense mechanism. It apparently slides to read the discs.I plugged the DVD in and loaded a disc again to see what happens. The lense slid under the tray and started reading the disc. I'll take the elation of dumb luck over the satisfaction calculated knowledge any day! lolSo hopefully this will last a little longer. But at least I can use it again for now ...I am downrating it to 2 stars solely on the bad disc error. The viewing quality and performance is decent and covered by other reviewers",neg "Hi! I bought my Cyberhome 300 in April 2006, and was able to set the region code to 0 to watch all DVD's.After not using the DVD Player for a few weeks (and unplugging it), the region code has automatically set back to 1 and I cannot change it anymore! What happened?? When I try to change it now I can only choose between the settings 1 and -. Anyone who has the same problem? Thank yo",neg "This item worked for a while, but required fiddling (unplugging and replugging repeatedly) with the lighter socket each time I restarted my car. Eventually, however, it blew out the fuses in both my lighter sockets. Don't waste your money on this piece of crap",neg The product not only did not work but blew out fuses in my car. The mechanic who checked my car out said the device had a dead short in it. I have written to your customer service department and asked for money back but to no avail. I will not purchase another thing from Amazon until my money is refunded,neg "This unit failed to provide reliable power to my new Toshiba Satellite A60 laptop. It cycled on and off every 3 seconds. It powered a 100 watt lamp okay, but wouldn't start a 250 watt heat lamp at all. Product spec sheet says it can supply 400 watt surge and 200 watts for 2 min., and is rated at 140 watts continuous. My laptop power supply is rated at 2A input at 100-240 VAC, and if it drew 2A constantly I agree that it would need 200 to 230 watts, which exceeds the continuous rating of this inverter. However, even at that power demand the inverter should run it for 1-2 min., but only manages 3 sec. In addition, I doubt that the laptop power supply actually draws a full 2.0 amps continuously. I talked to Linksys support, and they suggested returning the unit for replacement or refund, so I did. It did not work for me. Maybe it would work for a laptop that only needs 100 watts, but I wouldn't recommend it for more than that",neg I didn't notice any change in the operation of my cd writer after cleaning. The cleaner was supposed to play music while it cleaned (30 minutes) It didn't,neg "When I first started using this, I loved it. It worked fine in my car cassette deck and had decent sound. In fact, I bought a second one for my wife. Then, after about two weeks, it stopped working. It would no longer play in my cassette deck, which ejected it as soon as I put it in every time. I tried contacting Coby's support on the Web, but they were unresponsive. Luckily, Amazon took it back for a refund. Note that they no longer sell these directly. Bet they had too many returns..",neg "When this adapter first arrived, I thought it was great. The sound quality was excellent, and free of all the distortion and interference I get from using an FM transmitter-style adapter (there are few open frequencies in the SF Bay Area). The first day, I used it for about 20 minutes total (didn't have far to drive), and it worked great. The second day I had a bit farther to drive. After about 30 minutes, it quit. Hasn't worked again since.I didn't expect it to last forever, but less than an hour?Yes, it has a 1 year warranty: just send the unit back with a money order ($6) to cover the return postage. Of course, then you're spending more in postage than you originally spent for the unit..",neg "This DVD player does play all types of DVDs no matter how you burn it. But like other reviews, it stopped working after 3-6 months. In my case, it was 3 months. It just doesn't turn on anymore. I unplugged everything and replugged it but it just went dead. I don't watch DVDs much, so it's not like I overused it. Go with another model. This one has problems. I thought mines would be the exception, but I guess not. And now I can't return it because it's been over 30 days.",neg "The Panasonic CD player has a good sound quality, but does not automatically change from one CD to the next. It requires manual switching via the remote control to change from one CD to another. This feature was not explicitly stated in the specifications, and is misleading to a buyer who is seeking continuous playing of all five CD's",neg "I've had the X2 for roughly 14 months. The X2 was used for watching movies (about once every 2 weeks) and big sports event (NCAA/NFL finals.. etc). The unit worked up to about 1200 hrs, then the lamp blew. I was hoping to get to at least 1500 hrs before the lamp went out.Good picture quality for the price (799) but short lamp life (get extended warranty). Check other units first",neg "I had this card for more than 6 months, and It worked super in my Canon Powershot A510. Transfers went well too. Then all of a sudden for no reason I kept getting card error on my computer and digital camera a week ago. My SD/USB converter couldn't find the card either. I had really good photos I wanted to transfer to my computer and now they are probably lost for good. What a joke",neg "I found that these DVD-Rs did not work well in my system, were unreliable and slow. I cannot recommend them",neg "I have tried these dvdrs with the burner i bought from amazon and they do not work, i will try them again and send an email to you. I bought a few imation to try in the burner to ensure it wasnt faulty and they worked!!! what is up with these dvds?",neg I plugged my Nano into this charger for about 10 minutes and picked it up to check it out - it almost burnt my hand. My Nano is now Toast! I hope it just toasted the battery and not the whole device,neg "I liked this when I first got it... very cheap, handy to travel with or leave at work, etc. After a couple months, it died completely... the little power light wouldn't even come on. I'm really disappointed all I have now is a charger that doesn't work.",neg "I purchased this wireless card based on the price, figuring that even if it didn't live up to the good reviews here, I would only be out ~$20. The set up was easy and smooth, but the card won't stay connected to my wireless network. I've got a Belkin wireless router. The Trendnet signal meter generally shows ~95% signal strength, but the connection only lasts for a few minutes, and I have to keep cycling the connection to regain network access--very annoying. I know there's nothing wrong with the network because my laptop's connection is stable. I purchased a D-Link card, and it has worked flawlessly. Unfortunately, I threw away the packaging when the Trendnet card arrived; if I hadn't, then this card would be on its way back to Amazon now. Like the title of my review says: you get what you pay for . . .",neg "I have many Linksys devices and this is by far the worst one. I love Linksys stuff, which is why eveything that i own involving networking is linksis. But this thing is a piece of crap and now i cant recover the 60 gigs of personal pictures that were on my hardrive because of this things format. Spend a little more money and get a dedicated Network Attached Storage hard drive",neg "My company supplies these cordless headsets to its employees so I have alot of experience using headsets. This is the latest upgrade and it is the worst unit I have ever used. It works great for about 3 or 4 months on average. After that, the voice unit stops working. I can hear others speaking to me but no one can hear me. I have gone through 4 of these units in 13 months and the longest lived unit lasted < 5 months. One broke after < 2 months. Other colleagues have complained about the same thing happening with their units. After the experiences I have had with this piece of junk, I would never buy anything from Plantronics with my own money. Avoid this rubbish",neg "I'm a cartoonist. I need to be able to print color images for clients. I bought this printer two years ago from Staples, for $2500! Worked great for a couple months, after which the toner cartridges started leaking and the print quality rapidly dimished.DO NOT BUY THIS PRINTER!I'm reluctant to buy anything else from HP, knowing that how it performs on the sales floor can be markedly different from how it will perform after a couple months of light use",neg We've had this printer at my office for about 2 1/2 years. It's a giant waste of money. Magenta cartridges spew toner everywhere. Cyan cartridges streak. It's even worse when you use the manual feed. HP has no answers because they deny all the issues. HP's support is lackluster at best anyway. The first time when this machine was under warranty it took me three weeks worth of phone calls to get anything accomplished with them. Stay away from this printer at all costs. If you own one it makes a nice doorstop or paperweight. This is totally unacceptable considering toner and printer costs. I expect more from a product with the HP brand stamped on the box. To bad you can't give 0 stars,neg Obviously HP has a design flaw on the magenta cartridges. I have also experienced leakage from only the magenta (why only this one?,neg Powder from the toner cartridges get all over the inside of the printer and then ruins every page that is printed. Every page that is printed from my printer has a greyish color due to the powder dirt inside. It is impossible to clean it since the powder is everywhere. The only way to get it clean would be to bring it to a car wash (obviously this would leave the printer with bigger problems than page color). What a waste of money!!! Good thing my office bought it and not me or I would be furious,neg "We travel quite a bit, both business and pleasure, domestic and international... so the idea of a pocket wireless router was a God send. We bought this one at the beginning of our annual leave (aka tour the US in a month). We'd heard good things about the D-Link but with the rebates, this one was practically free.... there was a reason it's always on sale.It took forever to set up. The old firmware is buggy, the new firmware is difficult and touchy to install. The router itself does not seem to be compatible with most personal cable/DSL modems. Out of the eight houses we were in, it would only work with one, although it appeared to connect with several others. It did work with the Ethernet connection of about 70% of the hotels... but that's not a great average. It also gets very very hot and than will quit working until it cools down again. Frustrating.After the first week we went out and got the pocket D-Link.. excellent- plug it in and it works EVERYWHERE: personal homes, questionable modems, hotels, etc... we have used it from Alabama to Bangkok and everywhere in between. It's also about half the size of the Netgear. Save the hassle and get it first.... also a tip, pick up a little usb wi-fi adaptor with your router. You will find that many people without a wireless router already, will only have a desktop, and you will need to make it wireless as you will be connecting their modem to your router.",neg "I hoping to use the WGR101 to provide wireless, encrypted access to two laptops from a wired ethernet connection in a hotel. It worked fine in single-user, no encryption mode but that is not what I needed. I experienced severe problems trying to use it in single user mode with WEP or in multi-user mode with and without WEP. One or both laptops would lose the ability to connect to the internet at seemingly random intervals. Sometimes cycling the laptop wireless radio would restablish the connection, sometimes I had to reboot the laptops, sometimes I had to reboot the WGR101, and sometimes I had to reboot the laptops and the WGR101. Stay away from this product unless single user, unencrypted access is what you need",neg "My Sangean DT200V pocket radio failed after 2.5 years of infrequent use. I kept it in a padded pocket of my briefcase where it experienced no significant shocks or temperature extremes. It worked perfectly on the few occasions when I used it over the 2.5 year period, until yesterday. The buttons, switches, and display still work perfectly, but only very faint white noise can be heard, whether via speaker or via earphone. The volumn of the faint white noise is not significantly affected by the volumn control. The batteries are new, and there is no corrosion from the previous batteries.",neg "Perhaps I got a lemon, but I feel wary of buying another DT200V for 2 reasons:1. From the day I got it, the power button was so sensitive that a tiny waft of air (no kidding) would turn it off (or back on) at whim. Right in the middle of a song, or talk, this shortly became maddening.Since this is unacceptable for a $50-range radio; and since I didn't want to spend as much money mailing it to and fro as it was worth, instead of sending it back -(OH looking back, how I should have!)- I opened it up myself, and had to physically shave down the plastic underside of the on/off button where it touched the internal power switch. As I couldn't conversely move the guts further from the button, this was the only solution.Thankfully this worked, and the on/off button did not give me further problems after this.However,2. Not many weeks or months of use in, the radio developed this habit of shorting out or something to where my pre-set stations just scanned as blank 'fuzz' (no station, not even 'intelligent' fuzz/crackle like it knew a station existed anywhere on the planet) and I could get zero stations of anything at all--not FM, not AM, and no TV.This would happen right after turning the radio on, and I should note that I always used headphones (not the ones supplied; as with most, throw them away, they're not worth it). It seemed to me through trial and error that just turning the radio on was fine, but the act of plugging in some headphones joggled some connection or shorted something out, and did this.I tried several different pair and types of headphones (some with noise cancelling switches, some without, and with these On and Off), and used the 'lock' switch on the radio both in the on and off position while plugging in my headphones (as the company I bought them from recommended turning the lock switch on when changing batteries, to prevent shorts), but nothing I have done has prevented this from eventually happening again...repeatedly.It is really annoying when it does, as removing the batteries (which always will lose all your presets, by the way) and waiting several minutes rarely clears the short.Weirdly, the thing I've found which clears the short or re-makes whatever connection is messed up correct itself, is opening up the back (screwdriver required) and kind of pushing the guts (board) one direction or another, kind of scooting it (there's minimal movement available, though), and saying a little prayer and putting the whole thing back together again. Most of the time, that has worked. Occasionally, I've had to repeat the process 3-5 times before it will.Sometimes it lasts several weeks before this'll happen again, other times, it happens multiple times a day. The day I can't fix it (I don't even know what I'm doing that's fixing it!), I'll throw it across the room, against a wall, and I probably _won't_ buy another one.(If I do, I'm keeping the receipt, NEVER opening up the back as it voids any warranty, and returning it (not for repairs--for a refund!) the split second it gives me any trouble of any kind.)For all this, I grudgingly say that it does have very good reception quality of FM (I almost exclusively listen to this), pulls the stations in nicely, and has very low amount of static. When one particular station does, it's usually more the fault of distance, or we're getting out of range, or the batteries are very low- that's at fault.Indoors in a computer-saturated office-cubby environment and not near a window, though, I'd have to say, it has had some significant problems pulling in any more than 3-4 strong-signal stations without major static. But your office environs may vary. (Some are more electrical field saturated than most.)The FM (musical) sound quality itself is good/decent, and I might say better than many...but my 1 criticism on it is a certain 'canniness' of sound quality (across various headphones I've plugged in). It's lacking some fullness of the midrange, and warmth. Also, the bass is not what it could be. I'm not sure given its overall sound quality signature if the addition of a bass boost button would have helped it or not.For me, clarity and volume have helped me ignore some of the lesser aspects of the DT200V's sound signature. However, shopping for my next purchase, that will move up higher in importance",neg "This has to be the worst keyboard I've purchased. It's my first wireless. I've used and sold several keyboards and none have fealt as cheap as this.With the added snap-on plastic palm rest it sets the base up too high. Without it there is a 'hump' where your palms go that puts your hands an an uncomfortable angle.The plastic is really bad. It feels really cheap and slick.Before I purchased this I had been trying to get in tough with Logitech about their products and compatability but they never bothered to respond.So, bad product....company on the slide.....doesn't add up to a good value.Logitech used to be the best company out there...or at least one of the best...",neg "Though I like the keyboard, I've found two serious problems with the mouse. First, it is very sensitive to movement. I've tried making some adjustments but it is still difficult to control. Finally and more importantly, the mouse burns a set of AA batteries about every 8 days. I only use the mouse about 6 hours a week so I should be getting a lot more battery life. I've bought other Logitech products and have been pleased with them but in this case I wish I had bought another brand.",neg "NOTE TO EVERYONE WHO IS HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THIS CARD--I reformatted it in my camera and it works fine now!!Initially I wrote:I was very disappointed in the shot-to-shot speed with this card (using a Minolta Xg). The Panasonic card that came with the camera, which I thought would be cheap, is THREE TIMES FASTER than this upgrade. This card is useless to me as it cripples the camera I bought it to work in. It takes FOURTEEN SECONDS from one shot to the next with this card. With the original card, it's less than four seconds. The claim that this is a high speed card is dishonest. This is the slowest card I've ever used. I will throw this card away rather than curse someone else with it.",neg "The first card I received was defective. Even after formatting it in a camera, the image files could not be transferred to any of 3 computers with 2 different O/Ses via USB cable to the camera or card reader. I'm waiting on a replacement. Hope it works",neg "After reading the detailed reports here for how to setup this Linksys gaming adapter unit, everything worked great for several days. I setup the fixed IPs, and all the rest of the settings through the web interface, all seemed well.Note: I'm a network engineer, so the dual-fixed-ip recommendation [one for each segment] is actually pretty normal in other network bridging appliances. I suspect the MS game adapter simply performs the DHCP handshake better than this unit and that is why it is so easy to setup.Then the weird stuff started.After having had this unit turned on for several days, I notice the connection would become slow and not quite as fast as when the Linksys is first turned on. Yet, the XBOX still shows the signal between 48 and 54 Mbps. Strange.I have reproduced this several times, booting the linksys device, then playing all kinds of games online for hours, running XBMC and playing media through the network perfectly. All is good for several hours, but come back the next day after leaving the Linksys on all day/night, turn on the XBOX, and the network connection is spotty again, but the link details show a full speed connection in the XBOX wireless interface details.A swift power cycle of the Linksys unit solves the problem immediately, but why should I need to do this? I suspect some NIC buffer is being filled on the Linksys and the power cycle clears out the unit's network buffers.If anyone has figured out what settings to use to keep this thing stable, I am ready to listen, maybe I should select a G-only network and set the speed at 54 or 48 fixed, maybe that will work?Anyway, I am getting tired of power cycling this thing every day.Good Luck,F.",neg "I purchased this device to add to my wireless network, which uses a Belkin wireless router. I had to connect the router directly to the game adapter since it could not be detected by my wireless router. After configuring it, I could never find it once it was disconnected from the ethernet cable from my wireless router. I made three attempts at customer service - my first call was disconnected after 20 minutes, the second call was working with a woman in India, who's headset had a ton of static to add to her accent. I had to end that session because we couldn't hear each other. I then used online chat, and after 90 minutes I still had not solved my problem, and that session was disconnected for unknown reasons. The lady from India did mention that mixing their product with any other wireless router would be a problem, and now I believe her",neg "DON'T BUY IT! I bought a KOSS DVD player and it broke in 6 months. I was told I was out of luck because the warranty is only 90 days. They do not do repairs. My only option is to buy a new one and wasn't even offered a discounted price for it. I have seen several complaints like mine about KOSS on the web. They make JUNK and they make it to last just to get past the warranty period and then it breaks. Oh, by the way I loved it until it broke",neg "I recently purchased a refurbished Toshiba Gigabeat F40 for about $150. Quite a bargain for a 40-gig MP3 player. However, upon reflection, I regret the purchase.The Gigabeat hardware seems to be OK, with good sound quality etc. The major failing is with the included software. As other reviews have pointed out, the Gigabeat will only play encrypted tracks. The Gigabeat is supplied with Gigabeat Room application software to provide the necessary encryption. Gigabeat Room starts automatically when connected to the PC via the USB port. From the time the Gigabeat is connected till the Gigabeat Room application is displayed on the screen is 30 minutes. If you switch from viewing the Gigabeat file directory to the PC file directory, the application hangs. If you try to update your track library, the application hangs. I have yet to get through a single operation from beginning to end without the program hanging. Every time the Gigabeat Room hangs, you have to restart the application, with yet another 30-minute wait to resume. The file directory on the Gigabeat is usually out of sync with what is actually present on the hard drive. Microsoft Media Player version 10 may also be used to synchronize the Gigabeat. I have a 35-gig library. It took Media Player 18 hours to encrypt and copy all 8100 tracks to the Gigabeat. In short, be prepared for a maddening and time consuming experience with this player. Software that gives error messages such as The Program Is Quitted and with such obvious fragility may have been expected in 1986 but is absolutely unreasonable in 2006.In my estimation you would be much better off purchasing an MP3 player, even at greater cost, that can play MP3 files directly, with file maintenance provided by Windows Explorer and or Media Player.",neg Even the slightest bump cause the casette to pop out and stop the CD. I will be returning this to Amazon for a refund,neg The picture shows the cassette feature along with the car kit. The cassette did not come with the kit. Very disappointed,neg "I purchased this to have a stereo for my iPod for primary use in my office, but to take with me other places. I have the 30 gig Video ipod - it fits loosly. The entire system seems cheaply made. As I mentioned, I wanted to use it in my office - well, at the lowest volume control, it is not very quite, so I would annoy my co-workers if I turned it on. Bottom line - Save your money!!",neg "I replaced a Siemens 8825 with the Motorola 7081 and was, unfortunately, really disappointed. The 8825 while rich in function, is quite lacking in quality. So what's good about the 7081 is:1. Great design and feel, especially the handset.2. Nice look to the unit.3. Well-lit displays.4. Easy to understand voice prompts when accessing remotely.5. Reasonable range.6. Nice feel to the buttons.7. Fairly easy to go through the setup.8. Ability to sort the phonebook alphabetically.9. Base has phonebook that can be shared by the handsets.10. Motorola customer support (excellent).Now what's not good:1. Even at maximum volume, you can barely hear the speakerphone on the base.2. Sound on the handset is distorted, fuzzy. The person on the other end hears a hiss. The volume is adequate, but barely.3. Cannot search the phonebook. If you sorted it alphabetically and need to access a name starting with Z you have to scroll through the entire phonebook.4. Can't record an outgoing message remotely.5. Battery level indicator on handset is useless. When the handset is in the charging cradle, it shows a charging indication at all times. When it is out of the cradle, it doesn't show anything.I really wanted to like this unit because it has such a nice look and feel to it but the poor sound quality is a showstopper.",neg "I have had this phone for 20 hours - and am returning it.There is static noise on the line when people talk on the other end. The echo of my voice from the earpiece is very distracting - I find it very disconcerting.The wall mount bracket causes the base to stick straight out from the wall - and as a previous reviewer mentioned, is usually up to your nose given the location of most wall mounts. This strikes me as an unexcusable oversight on Motorola's part. Either make it desk only - or do the wall mount right.The speaker for the speakerphone feature is in the back of the phone - while the microphone is in the front of the phone. Dumb design - I feel like I'm either not listening or not being picked up when talking.The volume on the base speakerphone is too low at highest setting.I'm very disappointed in this phone. Much like a previous reviewer, the 1 star is only because I couldn't give it a 0 star rating",neg "After using RCA and Creative (both suck), I decided to try an iPod--this one since only a moron watches video on a 3-4 inch screen.iTunes doesn't like M$ too much I guess. iTunes is really crappy software. If you have a big WMA audio collection, go elsewhere. Conversion causes sound quality loss especially if you ripped at 64kbps. Protected files can't be converted so you have to burn to a CD then let iTunes rip it.If you don't use iTunes to buy music, 5 stars. If you do, 1 star.The iPod, which I returned after discovering it would take months to convert to iPod compatibility, is flawlessly designed and takes a licking.Google itunes problems and you'll find a lot of hate for iTunes.My problem: why NOT support WMA files? iPod would grab 99% of the market if they did and kill the upcoming M$ MP3 player that will even play iTunes stuff",neg "When I put this device in my mp3 player, I espect listen the music but I need a room completly silent and obviusly that no was my intention.",neg "I was using this power cord in conjunction w/ the belkin fm transmitter during a recent 4 hour car ride. when I unplugged the ipod, it was incredibly hot, and now it does not work (I get the folder w/ the exclamation point on the display). I tried to restore the ipod, but it is toast",neg "I was extremely excited when I received this product and have had good success with Samsung products. However, when I made all the connections, the unit didn't work. I was disapointed and frustrated. All the connections and settings were correct, but it didn't work. I have an older DVI connection instead of the newer HDMI digital connection.I returned the product and bought the Humax brand HDTV tuner. I bought a DVI to HDMI cable and connected the unit. It works like a charm! I don't know what was wrong with the Samsung SIR-T451, but I wouldn't recommend this product to anyone. I'm also having second thoughts about Samsung products now. It seems like the reliability/quality factor of Samsung products has declined now that they are more mainstream",neg This player worked for 2 months. Then all of sudden it started failing with no disk message. Please do not go for cheap players,neg "I've had it for one week only and I'm using 3rd pair of Duracell batteries right now! I was using it for 3-4 hours per day (I have another mouse at work). Stayed switched off for the rest of the day in order to save batteries. Nice mouse when it works.. Mine is piece of junk, maybe the latest batch they've got was not up to standard. So I totally agree with Mr. Loftin.. And it's silver one in my case, not a black one I've ordered..",neg "I can use it for about 5 working days and Ka-Put! (Even though I switch it off when I'm not using it.) There is no intelligible low battery indication or warning either. Also when I changed batteries, the battery contacts fell out. Poor quality",neg "I wanted an original apple usb cord for my iPod, and the description said this is, but it isn't. So if you're like me and you want the original, don't buy this one",neg " This product is not very good. There is no display on the TV, just a black screen. The remote, which is just a pause button anyways with no menu functions, does not make a difference because you are unable to see your small Ipod screen from far away. The overall video quality is quite low, even with an s-video cable",neg "Avoid this product at all costs!!! I should've listened to the other reviews but NOOOO, I just had to see it for myself. This product worked (barely) for 2 weeks then just totally died. In the short time that it worked, the sound quality was just horrible. No matter what free channel you play it on. I have a good 40 mile drive one way (not city or metropolitan driving) and in that span, I'll have to switch channels between 3 to 5 times.Kudos to Amazon's hassle free return policy, I was able to return it and get the Belkin TuneBase FM which I highly recommend",neg "Not at all durable due to very, very cheap construction. I had to massage my batteries to get the speakers to play. A total waste of time to purchase, try to use and return. Couldn't even give these away",neg "I have a VOIP setup with voicepulse. This phone works great as long as I don't assign phone numbers to the presets. When I do it stops ringing after a few days. The lights flash indicating an incoming call and I can answer the phone if I notice the lights flashing but it doesn't ring. If I reset the phone to defaults, erasing all presets, then it works OK. I got a new one from AT&T and it does the same thing. I love the headset button to switch between speaker and headset. Let me know if you know a workaround",neg "callers can barely hear me, even with the mic right in my mouth (volume adjustment on cord doesnt affect it).and even worse, callers hear an echo of themselves, the mic picks up the caller in the earpiece enough to resend it! (echo!). Must be because its all on the same arm or something crappy. This makes it basically unusable, so waste of money, throw away, going to buy a better one",neg This Item is not described correctly. This ITEM is NOT for Garmin c550 or Any of the C line. I had to returned it at my OWN EXPENSE. AMAZON please correct the description of the ITEM,neg "On the back of the package it says - 1) Transparent sound and powerful bass. - The Transparent sound part is true and powerful bass part is totally untrue. 2) Metal stabilized system for high levels. - What was that again? Metal stabilized system?? It has antiroll crossbars I guess!!When companies start making vague claims about their product - thats when you know that there is a problem.These sounded terrible at first - no bass - period.The sound changed for the better once I put on the foam covers. I could hear some bass at that point but even after equalization, it was clear that this product is designed to deliver a lot of high frequency, decent midrange but little by way of bass - even though it claims to have frequency response going from 18Hz to 20kHz. It fits my ears properly, so that is not a problem.This product sounds far inferior to a pair of Aiwa ear-buds that came with a Made in Japan walkman purchased in 1990!I wouldn't even compare the sound of these MX400 to the excellent Koss over the ear headphones I purchased recently.Maybe they are better than the IPOD headphones (which suck even worse), and the reason people give this 5 stars. Really - no more than a 2 star product.Expected much better from Sennheiser. With this experience, I've decided not to go for their noise cancelling headphone and instead go with the one from Panasonic. Reputable companies should think twice before selling junk in the marketplace",neg "I agree with the previous review. This phone cord worked twice. Now, it only retracts about half way, and keeps getting worse. I'm returning it for a refund. Don't waste your time with this",neg If you have problems with your flash drive ( like I did) don't count on any technical support. Lines are all automated and wait is always over 20 minutes for live support. Not to mention that it disconects you when it is done telling you this. PNY tech support is a joke,neg I'm mad. I bought this one to replace my old one. This one and the other one are doing the samething. I had a chat with an HP service helper and they determined that it was broke. Their customer service is top notch thought! They are sending me a new one for free and apearently I get to keep the ink cartidges for free because of my troubles,neg "I like the Dish Networks technology and the potential that it could be. One DVR which covers two rooms is great. The picture is clear when it works. The menus/programming are intuitive. The pricing is reasonable.But, my complaint is RELIABILITY and SUPPORT...for the two years I have had Dish my TV picture seems to go out every 6 months or so. Everytime I talk to Dish customer service I get a different reason why it could be out. Several times I have gotten new DVR boxes mailed to me and there is always a dispute about who should pay. Several times I have had Dish Net come out to my house and they have always tried to make me pay until I told them I'm tired of the hassel and just cancel me. Now my dish is out again this weekend and I am missing the Ohio State / Michigan game because my TV says no Dish Signal (reason tbd).Anyway, if it worked consistently as advertised I would give it 4 or 5 stars. But due to reliability I give it 2 stars. And with Murphy's Law it always goes down when you want to watch that big event (prompting me to write this review instead of watching the game today)!! I may have to switch back to cable. - J.Clark / San Jose, CA",neg This product stopped working a few days after purchase. 5 phone calls and 2 emails were not returned by SanDisk. This product did not work as advertised and no technical support of any kind is available. I would not buy this brand again,neg "The Voice recorder meets all my expectations and moreEasy to use, easy to transfer great results",neg "All ports began running slow after just 6 months of use. Followed LinkSys RMA process and they sent me a hub in return by mistake. I followed yet another LinkSys RMA process and had to wait TWO MONTHS for the replacement switch covering their mistake. The replacement switch died after 1 week of use. The latest RMA unit ran excessively Hot until the smell of burning plastic left the air and then it would not power up. This is what I have learned about Linksys: #1) This should be a simple network pass-through device and it should not fail unless manufactured poorly - Linksys apparently cannot make a good one. #2) Do not even think about turning a broken unit into Linksys under their RMA process, they will simply send you a refurbished unit and it cannot be trusted. If these cheap switches fail they cannot be fixed and the original manufacture was flawed in the first place. #3) Choose a competitors product - I have had other brand switches running for years with no issues",neg "Purchased this for my laptop (it was supposed to match the Rangemax modem). The adapter was not being recognized by my machine, and I contacted customer service. The customer service rep was obviously from India (suprize!). Unfortunately my inquiry was not resolved and I returned the product back. Probably would explore other brands next time around.",neg I don't like it because it is always saying low power and I do every thing it said to trouble shoot the problem with out and luck fixing the problem,neg "I just purchased this mouse. It has a good feel. It does not scroll as smoothly as I would like. Contrary to what Microsoft says, the buttons are not programmable -- you have to select from a predefined list. I chose to use the small silver buttons on the side as copy and paste. Neither one works.Another irritation, I am already getting a popup that says the signal is weak -- about 18 away, yet the menu says it is fine I got a great buy on it at OfficeDepot (half price), otherwise I would return it",neg "Interference from other electronics is a severe problem - I had to return this item for a refund. If you can locate it several feet from any other electronics, it might work for you, but who wants a phone that you cannot place on your desktop, near a computer",neg I am a LONG TIME pc user and pc gamer.I wanted this for a1. tv2. pc gaming monitor3. xbox gaming monitor4. dvd veiwing device.Here is how I rate this monitor on these four levels on a scale of 1 to 5:1. tv = 22. pc gaming monitor = 23. xbox = 14. dvd = 3The ghosting for normal operations is almost too much to live with. I returned this item just so you know. The rca inputs gave me only black and white images. This could have been because my monitor was defective. I am not sure.Ghosting during gaming was very bad. Worse than that was it's lack of good brightness control.This is not for gamers,neg "The ONLY reason i bought this unit when I saw it in the store was for the iPod controller feature. I really looked forward to being able to control my iPod from the deck and hiding my ipod in my dash completely out of sight. Boy was I disappointed! The iPod adpater works and all... but barely. It takes FOREVER to scroll through the songs, artists or albums. Why the hell would Alpine put out a product that has an inferior scrolling mechanism and then lock you out of the iPod so you can't even select songs from the iPod itself? I have over 3000 songs on my iPod... by the time I scroll to the song I want I've already reached my destination... and that's if I even find the song at all! So now what I have to do is unplug my iPod, scroll to the song I want, then plug it back in. (Luckily the reciever continues to play whatever song was already playing when you plug your iPod in.) But again... that defeats the whole point of having the controls built into the deck. Bottom line, the iPod control feature flat SUCKS. The deck features a quick search function... but it is uselss... it isn't used to search through artsts or albums... only individual songs and there's no way to skip 10, 20, 30 or 100 songs at a time... only 1 by 1... What's quick about that? I have 3000 songs and hundreds of artists and albums and Alpine thinks I'm supposed to go through them 1 by 1???? Another annoying thing about this unit is that when you skip through songs while the iPod is playing, the display just says song up or song down instead of just showing the name of the damn song! Who thought of that? What possible help could song up be to anyone? Just show the name of the song while I'm skipping through... that makes more sense right? There are a bunch of other problems I have with the practicalness of this unit when used with the iPod adapter and iPod... but the sound quality is great which is the most important thing... but then again... who cares if the sound is great when it takes you all day to find the song you want to listen to",neg "I bought an Alpine 9847 and the Ipod interface. I works but it totally hijacks your Ipod. The beautiful intuitve, fast controls on the Ipod itself are locked out and you can ONLY control the Ipod from the car stereo. It is therefore very hard to deal with especially if you have a large music catalog on you Ipod. It is very slow, not at all intuitive. Even after getting used to it it is no good. The info on artist, album or song title imports from the IPod very slowly. Turning the volume knob is equivalent to circling on the Ipod but one turn eqauls about 3 spots on the list unlike one circle on the Ipod which equals dozens of spots on the list. Therefore if you have a large catalog you have to spin the volume knob 100 times to get thru a long catalog list which takes forever........Very annoying, very slow, very cumbersome. If only it did not deactivate the normal controls on the Ipod itself. A better and much cheaper solution is to find a car stereo with some form of line in, either stereo mini plug or RCA jacks. The just connect directly and use the IPods own controls which are infinitely better. I replace an old stereo to get the Ipod option and am very sorry I did so",neg "The only thing this item is good for is charging your ipod. The transmitter is so weak all you hear is static buzz with muffled music in the background. Don't waste your money. And, don't expect any help from the manufacturer who refuses to answer emails or accept a warranty return.",neg "Terrible Design did not fit my car's electical outlet, it does not work with my Jeep Liberty. The jack construction is defective does not even power on",neg "Mine worked pretty well for about the first 50 labels that I made. Then the font size got stuck ridiculously small so that the message only covers about 10 percent of the tape surface. If you want really small labels with a hard-to-read font size, you could use my PT-1750 to print them out and then cut down with scissors to eliminate all of the wasted label area",neg "I just purchased this product. In the instruction manual, it states that only the Brother AC adapter should be used and any other will invalidate the warranty. Why is it that only a Brother adapter can be used when AC adapters are supposed to be standard? A tactic to increase sales? The adapter itself costs an additional 15 to 20 dollars. In addition, I agree with some of the other reviewers that a significant amount of label is wasted with each printing due to the empty space on either side that must be cut off. The 2 line printing does look very nice. I have not used many of the other features and so cannot comment on those",neg "Don't even accept it as a freebie (as I did) unless you are prepared to pay $1.15 per sheet for color ink. That was my experience with the first color cartridge, which was fully consumed on a total of 20 sheets, 12 of which were heavy color, the others being mixed color and text or very light color. At $17.99 per color cartridge and $14.99 for black I calculate the outrageous, obscene $1.15 per sheet figure for ink. This is about six times greater than the average ink cost for my old HP720c, which unfortunately does not work with my new HP Pavilion PC (no printer port on this model, among other issues). I have vowed to not purchase any HP product in the future if I can possibly avoid it. I just ordered a Canon Pixima to replace this ink hog. On the positive side, the print quality is good, speed is excellent, and color fidelity is fair. The software installed without incident, and the machine is easy to operate, but the HP software is overbearing and constantly trying to sell you something--worse than daytime television",neg "Bought this all-in-one printer and the install disc was bad. Prints test page every time I turn it on. Won't print. Jobs get stuck and cannot cancel. Spoke with customer service for 1.5 hours! Yes, that long. They would not refund me and told me that I should have did a better job researching their products. They got that right. All I could get was a refurbished replacement that also performs like crap. HP has lost a customer forever, and I am making it my mission to share with everyone how terrible they are with products and customer service. Canon, meet your next customer",neg "This bracket will not fit the eTrex Vista CX. This is because the battery cover supplied with the bracket (replaces the original battery cover to provide attachement lugs) will not clear the microSD card socket. This is very frustrating because the Garmin website even shows this bracket, part number 010-10361-00, in the eTrex Vista CX accessories list. So if you have a CX, don't purchase this item",neg "The first few times it worked great, after that i haven't been able to use it, for some reason incoming audio is good but the mic does not work, i have to use my computer's which is anoying so i stopped using altogether. Waste of money",neg "We have bought 3 of these VTech Phones for our house. Since the begining we have had battery problems. It is really annoying when you have to make a phone call and your phone doesn't work because of the battery.At any point in time, at least one of the phones constantly reports a low charge or no battery message, which means you can't use that phone. Of course, you can hear the ring from the phone that is never at the same room that you are, so you have to run to pick up the other phone, since the one in your location has the no battery problem.As other reviewers have noted, this in spite of the fact that we make minimal use of the phones and leave them in the charger most of the time.On the beginning we used to take the battery out of phone and put it back in. That doesn't quite work anymore. I tried to get support but you can't get a live person at the VTech number. On their website they suggest replacing the batteries, but they are rechargeable, so how many times are we really supposed to buy new rechargeable baterries (I have already replaced it once)?I know we wont buy VTech products again.",neg "It's not often I find a product that's as disappointing as this. The interference problem is very serious and makes most conversations a pain. Moving around the house and outside of the house, standing on your head holding the phone at a 45 angle, etc., are part of the daily ritual in trying to hold a legibible conversation.But that's not the bad part. The bad part, as at least one other reviewer has noted, is that each of the phones constantly reports a low charge message or something similar. This in spite of the fact that we make minimal use of the phones and leave them in the charger most of the time. The only solution I've found is to take the battery out of phone and put it back in. Then it will work for a day or two. I suppose it could be just the batteries. But if so then we were shipped batteries that were already on life-support.I read a few good reviews of this phone, and of course there are a number right here. But out experience has been the opposite. The phones have been nothing other than a pain",neg "I picked up this headset telephone because I am spending more and more time on the phone.Almost immediately after plugging it in, everyone I called asked me to speak up, repeat what I said, and that they could not hear me very well.When I attempted to setup a new voicemail system, I found out why. The headphone is amplified, but the microphone is not. No matter how loud I spoke (or shouted) the audio is severely suppressed and barely audible.Simply stated, this product is not usable.",neg "I had this for approximately 2 years. It worked fine for couple of months but suddenely started to activate the alarm without any disturbances. One day I left my laptop attached the alarm in my office for about half an hour. During this period, the alarm was activated and I was embarrased to face my office workers. This is without increasing the sensitivity of the alarm. I sent it back to Targus and they were nice enough to give me a new alarm. But after several months, it started the same problem. So, now I am afraid to use this security system with my laptop. But I did not face problems like changing the combination by its own. You can use it without the alarm activation (i.e: without batteries) but the cable is so thin, it is not recommended to protect any valubles",neg "I bought this item after seeing the almost uniformly good reviews including the one that says there is good Macintosh support. Unfortunately the player does not work well with the Macintosh. The included software often crashes and does not seem to be able to import DSS files. The software can move the files between the recorder and the computer but the files do not appear in the software window. The use interface is also fairly crude and looks as if it was ported directly from Windows 3.1. The DS-2 appears to the finder as a standard USB disk and I have been able to copy the DSS files from the player to the compuer using the finder. It is then possible to play the DSS files by double clicking them, but it will only play one file. If you want to play another file it is necessary to completely quit the DSS player and relanch it. Exporting the files to a format usable by other software such as AIFF is also nearly impossible. There is an export function in the menu, when it is selected it asks were the new file should be saved but no file ever appears. Unfortunately there is no other Macintosh software available to read or convert DSS files as Olympus refuses to allow others use the the format on the Macintosh. Search of the internet reveals that others have found extremely painful ways of converting the DSS files such as playing the entire file and re-recording it with another program",neg "Great sound, but the build quality is just not there. On a recent trip to Europe, the left bud completely fell apart and the leads became disconnected from the bass driver. They are only two months old and I always keep them in the case! I had to solder it back together and then super glue the bud back together. Since then I've also had to superglue the right bud as well. Also, the cable sheath is fraying over one bud lead, revealing the fine speaker wire underneath. I don't expect these phones to last much longer which is too bad. They are great sounding and comfortable, but unfortunately they seem to have cut some important corners. Be warned",neg " These headphones are so expensive and they are aweful! I dont remember if it was the left or the right but one side of the cord is longer than the other; its very annoying! I tried to loosen it and the wire was showing, what a piece of s***. Its very annoying because the ear bud fell out when I listened to music and it doesnt feel comfortable. Also the rubber on the ear bud falls off very easily. They are too expensive for a piece of junk! The only reason I rate it two stars is because the sound is great on the headphones. Instead purchase the Sony SRF-HM01V S2 Sports Walkman Street Style Headphone Radio. I purchased those after these fell apart and they are much better :)",neg "I SO wanted to love this thing. I have an iPod that I am seldom without, and my car isn't iPod compatible. I bought a Monster Wireless FM Transmitter/Charger so I could listen to my music on the way to my class reunion. Unfortunately, the thing just didn't work for me.There are 8 preset stations (low on the dial) and if all of them are in use, you're out of luck. I don't live in a huge city (maybe 60,000 with farmland all around), but only two of these stations were available. Although I was able to tune in to my iPod, it wasn't crystal clear. In fact, it wasn't even plastic clear. The static sometimes overrode the music, which drove me nuts. This is like a fax machine - the original may be spotless, but the fax will be a little fuzzy.If you have a cassette player in your car, there are adapters that go through the cassette player and are much better. If your car isn't iPod compatible and you don't have a cassette player, you're better off just burning a bunch of CD's",neg " If all you want is a carrying case that is transparent and UNABLE to use the stylus with the case closed, then this is the perfect item for you(sarcasm). The Palm Z22 Air case states that you are able to use the sylus with the case closed, this was the selling and purchasing point for this item. Problem is, this feature does not work. Affortable, but what is the point if you can not utilize the item for it's selling feature...",neg "I bought this even with the bad reviews. I have one of it's predecessors, a black one and it worked fantastically for 5 or 6 years. It still does but the on/off button finally died. I figured... how bad could it be? The one I have worked great until now.It's BAD. It's AWFUL. It's WORTHLESS. I've had to enter the codes for my tv and vcr 3 times today. The batteries are brand new... that's the first thing I tried. DO NOT BUY THIS. I only gave it a 1 because you can't give it a zero",neg "Product is light duty, over time it will not hold up to being flipped and opened often, If longevity is your goal purchase elsewher",neg "From the photos and specs I thought this was the camera to have (both my wife and I loved the look of the camera from the photos we had seen). There's always exceptions to rules, and the rule, the more you pay, the more you get is the exception to the rule for this web camera. After getting it, I had difficulty in getting the software to load but eventually had success. I was very disappointed in the video quality. There seemed to be a lot of noise in the picture, and tweaking gave no improvement. I returned it to Amazon and took a lose in the return shipping cost, but considered it worth it just to get the price of the camera back. Amazon lived up to their part and refunded the price paid (less return shipment) with no hassle",neg "this webcam is not compatible with acer ferrari, with windows xp. I don't know why. I just returned it",neg "If you got a crappy brand TV like the Samsung the East Meadow guy got, you might need a super-expensive cable like this to make the image quality acceptable, but if you have a namebrand TV like Sony or Sharp or Philips or Toshiba or Panasonic, a $15 HDMI-DVI cable totally suffices. This Monster cable is no better than the $15 guy (also available on Amazon, just search for hdmi dvi cable). Don't waste your money",neg I have a Canon S2 and these batteries last almost as long as the cheap costco non-rechargable ones. They do take upto 8 hours to charge and Amazon is correct about that. Does anyone know of good long lasting 2500 Mah rechargable batteries?,neg "I HATE DESE KIND OF PHONES. DAY HAVE EM AT MI SKOOL N DA R TURRBLE. THEY HAV OK SOUND BUT DAY FEEL TURRBLE LIK PUTTIN TOO MUCH PRESSURE ON UR EARS. THEY F--KING HURT DOG. DON'T GET DESE, GET SONY H.EAR DOSE R ALWAYZ DA BEST",neg These seemed like good headphones at first - but problems with portablity were huge! The sound was good but 3 months into ownership one earpeice died so the phones are useless!! NOT worth spending time and money on these phones,neg "Not a particularly easy lock to use (combo part rotates freely when not in computer, making it difficult to set the combo). Also changing combo is very easy to do accidently. However this is usually not a problem because it is incredibly easy to figure out the combo. I am not a professional lock picker, and I am able to break the combo without any difficulty (which is a problem with many low quality combo locks, but this design try to avoid it at all).I've noticed a lot of people have a problem with the lock spontaneously changing combinations. It's probably not because the lock is defective. It's probably because they inadvertently changed the combination because the mechanism to change it is so easy to engage.I would definitely never suggest this product to anyone (unless I really wanted their computer)",neg Like other people here my lock spontaneously changed its combination on me....Surprise! My laptop is currently locked up at my desk at work which ruined my day and is ruining my night. Another stressor I do not need to deal with...do not get this lock if you value the mobility of your laptop over a theft deterrant,neg Wiring broke at interface box - poor design,neg "I read all of the reviews here and thought these would be the best option for easy transport AND low ambient sound i-pod headpohones without breaking the bank (I'm on a plane frequently). I wanted something that I wouldn't cry over breaking or losing during my many travels. I found that the uneven cord lengths are very irritating- especially if you like to use only one plug (like maybe at your desk at work). The weight of the shorter cord pulls on the longer cord and it is quite uncomfortable- even when sitting still. So then I thought these will be great workout headphones (won't be upset if I break or lose them), HOWEVER, the cords produce noise in the ear pieces everytime they rub on your clothing or your hand. The effect is very loud and disruptive to your music listening experience (even when you are sitting stationary at your desk). It is similar to wearing a stethescope, which defeats the point of wearing in-the-ear headphones (which are supposed to reduce the ambient noise). I do not recommend these headphones, because of this stethescope effect- I could get over the uneven cord lengths for certain uses (they are after all designed to wear behind the head). I'm on the hunt for better quality headphones",neg "I like this style of headphone radio (especially when I jog), and haven't found any similar models that I like. This is my third purchase of this radio. Each of the three have had problems. First died completely (although it was used a lot). Second still works, but last number doesn't show up on digital display. I wanted a backup in case second died, so I ordered another one. This third works least well of all. At times, entire display is off, radio doesn't work at all, or it won't change channels. Then other times it worked. Seems like might be affected by heat outside. However, I know have another persistent problem. That being, it won't let me program the preset stations. Again, I'm limited in my choices, and I use this type headphone a lot. So I suffer through poor quality",neg Agree with the prior reviewers. I can not get it to retract any longer and that was only after 3 uses!,neg "I agree with the previous review. This phone cord worked twice. Now, it only retracts about half way, and keeps getting worse. I'm returning it for a refund. Don't waste your time with this",neg "This mouse was barely functional. It did move the arrow across the screen, but it was in a very random fashion. I went to the Macally website and downloaded the latest drivers. Still no luck. I'm sending this back. Guess I'll have to stick with my reliable Kensington. Too bad it's so ugly and doesn't match my ice keyboard. Oh well... function over form",neg "The product description for these speakers is misleading. They do not plug directly into a DVD player or game console. Then, after buying the adapters and doing the initial setup, three of the five speakers did not work. Perhaps these speakers are a good solution for PCs, but that's not why we bought them, and we immediately sent them back",neg "Isolation:I had to use the foam inserts because the plastic ones were a little too large for my ears. With the foam, it completely sealed my ear canal and blocked out most noise. My commute home on the J train (light-rail) was quite silent. I was listening to classical music for the first time on the train. With earbuds, I had to put the volume level around 50%. With the Sony MDR-EX71 model, I could to keep it around 40%. The noise attenuation wasn't that good with the Sony model, but definitely better than earbuds (but the sound quality was quite terrible though.)Sound Quality:Superb sound. The partnership with Etymotic Research is evident. Everything sounded great: rock, grunge, classical. The Sonys sounded really muddy while these had a really bright sound with good bass (when the seal was good). Very balanced sound.Cord/Construction:I string my earphones through an REI One jacket, so this was more or less perfect length. The cord is symmetric so it's not weirdly strung behind your neck like the Sonys, and the connection to the ear pieces is solid, not fragile-looking like the ER6. The earphones connect to the replaceable eartips very tightly. The included case is ridiculous though; it's way too bulky for portability.Comfort/Fit:Sadly, this is primary reason I'm returning these. Both the flanged rubber tips and the included foam tips were too big. The foam models got the seal, but they were too big, so I felt an uncomfortable amount of pressure in my ear canals. Those were my only two options with the included package. The other problem is that I cannot find replacements that are smaller, anywhere on the web, including the Altec Lansing site.Documentation:Another reason I am returning these is the documentation. The manual says that I can get replacement ear tips and accessories at alteclansing.com/inmotionearphones, and I get a 404 error when I visit the link. That is pretty pathetic.Update: (1/19/2006)I emailed Altec Lansing regarding this issue on 1/10/2006, and I have yet to get a response from them.Bottom Line:If you have large ears, these may suit you. But if you know that you have smaller ears, then stay away from these, and go for something else",neg I bought these to replace the standard iPod and Sony ear buds. I was under the impression that I would get a much deeper bass response. I was wrong. The bass reproduction is simply horrid. I read somewhere there is a break-in period. I have found this not to be true. They sound just as bad after 50 hours of listening as they did brand new. This is my first pair of Sennheiser and am very disappointed. I know they are low-end headphones - but I expected more. My recommendation is to keep researching,neg "Cons: Defect: the backlight does not work. Shortcoming: has Palm OS 3.1, an early version for Handspring Visors.Neutral: (expedited) Shipping time: 5 daysPros: PricePS: Vendor customer support contacted me and provided a replacement unit with a working backlight, free of additional charge :)",neg "Item was advertised as white, but it was really grey. As a result we had to return item and assume the cost of mailing it back",neg "I bought this phone for use in my home office based on the rave reviews on this site for its speakerphone. Unfortunately, I have had nothing but repeated complaints that the voice is distorted or goes in and out, with the beginnings and ends of sentences frequently cut off. I am in the market for another phone after just 2 months",neg "During the installation of the software on my PC running Windows 2000 Server, the installation program froze my PC completely. I had to turn off the PC, and now it does nothing when I turn it on. The lights on the front light up, but nothing happens at all. I called Netgear, waited on hold for 15 minutes, and then was connected to a gentleman whose English was not very good. I explained my problem about 5 times before he seemed to get it. He told me that the problem is that the product is not compatible with Win 2000 Server. I told him that I had never before encountered a piece of software that ran on 2000 Pro, but not 2000 Server (perhaps there are some), but he insisted that this was the case. I explained that, typically, installation programs that encounter and incompatible operating system would display a message to the user, and exit, rather than freezing and disabling the computer, but he held firm, and advised me that there was nothing he could do to help, and that he recommended that I contact my computer vendor so that they could restore my initial configuration.I went around and around with this fellow, then finally asked for his supervisor. After another 15 minutes on hold, another guy came on the line, who was pretty fluent in English. He explained his understanding of the situation, which was still wrong, and I explained the whole thing again to him. He had me turn the computer on and off, which of course I had already done several times, and check the monitor connection. After this analysis, he determined that the situation could not possibly have been the result of the frozen software installation that occurred just prior to it, and must be some other problem with my PC that had previously been working perfectly, that, coincidently, occurred at the exact same time as the software freeze. I expressed skepticism towards this explanation, and asked him if he would believe that if it was his PC. He said that absolutely he would, and reassured me that there was NO POSSIBLE WAY, (emphasis his) that his software could have caused these symptoms.Since I understood that it would be difficult for him to actually fix a computer in this state over the phone, I suggested that I could take it to a local technician, and send Netgear the bill for repairing my system. He declined that offer.So, at the end of the day, I'm left with a dead PC, but, according to Netgear, a perfectly good wireless card and installation CD.No more Netgear for me, thank you!",neg "I am totally stunned that this could be sold as iPOD compatible. Nothing, absolutely nothing, works as you would intuitively think it would. Pause does not pause, forward arrow does not forward to the next track (just starts the same track over and over again), and heaven help you if you actually want to find a specific song or artist. There is no way to actually speed through a menu - you have to advance one artist at a time. This is fine if you love Aaron Neville but chances are you will be in a limb severing accident if you are trying to get to ZZ Top. I am taking this back tomorrow and demanding something that will allow me to control my iPod again from my iPod",neg "I guess for $50, this is an ok product. I am usually very against monster products, but I'd seen this for almost double at big box retailers, needed a surge protector for my new DLP tv, so figured what the heck. It arrived without incident, I hooked it up and so far so good. It basically a power strip with labels that also happens to be purple... for the neato effect I guess. Anyways, no idea if its worth more than your run of the mill surge protector. But the claims of independent circuitry to minimize cross-interference is what I was really interested in, as I have my reciever, cable box, DVD player, and subwoofer all connected... All in all a good buy I guess, at least you paid a lot less than retail... :",neg "I bought one of these a few months ago. It worked perfectly with my old Thinkpad, but not long thereafter I got a Thinkpad T60, thinking, Hey, universal means universal, of course it will work. But no: SIX MONTHS after the T60 was introduced, Kensington STILL hasn't gotten their act together to produce a SmartTip for it. They haven't even added Lenovo to the list of manufacturers on their web site! All Customer Service can say is that they don't have one, they don't know when or if they ever will, and they suggest that I check back on the website someday if I still hold out any hope. So, I have a $100 brick on my hands. Very disappointing, Kensington.It's really too bad: the unit is lightweight, sleek, and functional, and (unlike some reviewrs) I think the 5-inch cord was brilliant (and it doesn't get tangled up in my briefcase). The cables are much nicer than on my 70-watt iGo supply, and the connectors don't break like they did on the iGo. And it's not like there's some technical problem: the T60 needs 20 volts, 90 watts, well within the 24-volt, 120-watt capability of this unit. However, six months delay in supporting a major business computer brand is just unforgivable, so I can no longer recommend it",neg "I wanted to get something better than the standard earphones for my Ipod.I saw some good reviews and this brand has been known always for great headphones. Bought these and was shocked at the terrible sound quality. Yes, the sound is clean, but TOO clean. The highs are too high leading to tinny and over-brassy sound. Voices have too much hiss. There is virtually no low end bass of any type. Very disappointing",neg "dvds are less than 30 dollars now with 16x speedand look at amazon ,it is still selling then above 40 (only 8x speed",neg Then buy these Ridata Disc,neg Bought 100 DVD blanks - so far every one a coaster. Never had this kind of problems with any type of discs. Tried different software and burn speeds but nothing good. Very disappointed - at least they were cheap (...).,neg "I am looking for a system to replace a Siemens 8825.The 8825 has, in my opinion, the best set of functions of anythingcurrently available but I have some reliability issues with it. I first tried the Motorola 7081 and found that unsatisfactory.My next attempt was the Panasonic KX-TG6700B. This phone has decent volume and clarity at the base. The handset has good clarity and range but the volume could use a little help. The base layout is ok but the way you turn on the answering machine at the base is silly. The handset feels light and chintzy. The clarity of the outgoing messages on the answering machine is poor. The base is ugly; what were they thinking?Anyway, it ok, not wonderful. But since I couldn't get the answering machine to save messages on either line (it's defective) I sent it back. Back to the drawing board",neg it did not work at all and Amazon would not take it back saying it was my responsibility that it did not work. I would never buy this or any other product from this seller,neg "I was excited about consolidating 3 remote controls I regularly use plus my fan and light controls. However, the Harmony 890 has proved to be a big disappointment. I was much better off with the 3 remotes I was using before. It was much simpler than fooling with the Harmony remote which requires so many key presses for basic functions. I never have been able to get the Harmony to control the fan and lights.Some reviewers have said that you just need to take time to do the programming properly. Even if you do, in my case it's just easier to juggle my 3 remotes and press ONE button to do what it would take with SEVERAL key presses on the Harmony.My Harmony is now going to sit with the other remotes I never use and I'll just stick to the 3 that work for me",neg "Before you buy this drive, be sure to Google Cypress AT2LP RC42 and western digital.Until yesterday, I recommended this drive to everyone. Then my drive failed, prompting me for new hardware and to install a driver for Cypress AT2LP RC42. It appears that there is a chip in the drive housing manufactured by Cypress that is failing in drives left and right. (Class action suit anyone?)The Western Digital support staff is no help. Act like they have never heard of this error. Offer no option to just switch out the housing. Will replace drive- but you lose all the data. There are $30 replacement housings available - but you void your warranty.Bottom line - if you buy this drive, be prepared for it to fail. Keep everything backed up, because there will come a day that this drive will fail",neg "While convenient and a nice, lightweight unit, the voice pickup is very poor, regardless of how you adjust the set. This is not only with the set I have used, but with others I have talked to - you can tell if the person on the other end of the phone is using one of these units because they are so faint. I've gotten so I just ask if they're using a Plantronics CS50 when they are faint and the answer is invariably yes. Also, if you are in a building with a lot of exposed metal (window/door frames, high cubicles with lots of metal), the range deteriorates significantly",neg "For some years I tried this and other Monster products, to the tune of over $1000 in Monster a/v gear. The more you learn about video and audio, the more you'll avoid anything with the Monster label. Specifically, this s-video meets no NTSC, DVD or IEEE standard; it is common 30-ohm hookup wire with ineffective shielding and a poorly designed, low-conductance connect plug that can wreck your input jacks and gives poor grounding. Has a sharp image, but includes a catalog of chromatic aberrations from off-color skin tones to color blotching, dirty grays, burned highlights, murky shadows, noisy reds, and poor color balance due to impedance mismatching that results in cyan errors and bleeding reds. Makes video test patterns look great, but who watches test patterns all day? Amazon offers many other brands at good prices, why waste your $$ on this stuff? I removed every piece of Monster from my system and replaced them with AR, Belden, Viewsonics and others from Amazon. Result: vast improvement in every respect.",neg "I recently purchased this item from Sharper Image and was very disappointed.The video is faint, grainy (even in strong lighting), and out of focus once you are more than 2 feet away from the camera. Colors all but disappear. It's practically black-and-white video.The power supply weighs more than the device itself (one pound, including cord) and is HUGE. It also gets very warm after an hour or so.I've tested this product in every type of lighting situation and the results have been unsatisfactory in all cases. The only thing the device does well is detect motion.",neg "I bought this adapter along with the Linksys WRT54GL Broadband Router. I managed to set them up and install them properly. (The best advice I got from the Home Networking for Dummies book was to get a 100 foot Cat5e patch cable so that I could put my router in the place I where I wanted it, and hook it up with a wired connection first. I actually only needed a 50 foot cable, and got it for $20 from a local electronics supply store.)So I got everything up and running (remember to install your router first, and then your network adapter), surfed the internet for awhile, and then shut down my computer. Here's where the trouble started....As other reviewers have noted, the Linksys installation makes changes to your Windows XP configuration, de-activating the Welcome screen and the feature Microsoft calls Fast User Switching. This happens with no warning.When I went to turn on my computer again, I got a new start-up screen for Windows, demanding a password. I freaked out, because I don't remember ever setting a password for Windows. I called Linksys, and was extremely unimpressed with their customer support. The young woman seemed to be amused by my problem, and was actually laughing at me. She began to start me through the process of completely re-setting the router to the factory settings (this would NOT have helped).What finally helped was figuring out (with no help from Linksys) that if you never set a password for your Windows XP logon, all you have to do is hit Enter at the password prompt. That's all there is. Linksys could have told me this, or better yet, warned before installation that these changes to Windows XP would take place and suggest setting up a User Password in advance.Another gripe about this network adapter and the Linksys router--neither came with instruction manuals. There is a 60-page instruction manual on the CD rom that comes with the product, but you'll have to print it out yourself (Do it before you install or try installing the product). In the case of the router, I also had to do deep searching to actually find the instruction manual on the CD-ROM--it wanted to start up the Setup Wizard automatically and the instruction manual was not easy to access from the CD-ROM. I guess this may be the norm now with computer hardware, but it still stinks.I do not recommend the Linksys WUSB54GC, primarily because of the unannounced changes it makes to the Windows XP system, and because of Linksys' non-existent or non-functional and rude customer support",neg "I have owned the TomTom Navigator 5 for almost a year now. While the program is well thought out and provides a good function, it does not work well with my Tungsten T5. I have contacted customer service 4 times now and they have always been helpful in trying to fix my issues (listed below), but to no avail.Some of the issues I have had:Any time the software has to redirect or think, it locks up. If I stay on the original planned route, it sometimes works properly...In a 30 minute trip from Orange County to Long Beach, I had to pull over 7 times to reset my device after the software locked up.Voices lock up mid sentence giving a stuttering sound until you are able to pull your car over to reset the device.In a 20 minute trip from San Francisco to Oakland the device locked up 5 times. I finally gave up and called a friend to guide me.Bear in mind, I have had no problems with my T5 in the 1.5 years of ownership...it is only with this software. Customer service has acknowledged the problems and given solutions that have solved little to nothing.In summary, it's not worth spending the money to have to print out Mapquest directions to have when the device crashes...stick with Mapquest",neg " Essentially once TomTom has your money they're finished with you . . . until you want to spend more money with them. The product is okay. The map data is from TeleAtlas, a vendor to many of the map software producers. What makes TomTom different is its GUI (Graphic User Interface) that the user interacts with. It really is a work of art most of the time. The map presentations are rich and may be viewed as 3D or 2D. The planning interface is icon driven and easy-to-use. Unfortunately TomTom really didn't think it all the way through. There are several irritants, all of which vie for first place. One is that TomTom doesn't give you the option of using its maps without a GPS. There are many instances where I know where I am begining from and going to and I don't need a GPS fix. TomTom ignores such desires and annoyingly keeps prompting for you to start your Bluetooth connection. There is one mode that you can use to plan a route without a GPS and it simply doesn't work very well, often informing you that TomTom can't route you from a point beginning on an interstate to another point further along the same highway. That's just plain dumb. This is a mapping application. If I want to use these expensive maps for walking directions without a GPS, I should be able to. TomTom certainly doesn't think so. Another irritant is the documentation. Probably in an effort to make TomTom appealing to the casual user, the documentation is dog simple . . . and often wrong. It appears that they didn't update the documentation to the newest version. Although you can load maps by region, TomTom makes no allowance for travelling from one region to another. You have to calculate your route to the ending point within one region and then begin it anew in the next region. Again, this strikes me as a silly omission. If you are in Wisconsin, which is one region, and drive to Minnesota, which is in another, you have to create two routes. Not bright. There are a number of idiosyncracies, anomalies and bugs that drive me up a wall. However, overall, TomTom is still better than the competition. It computes routes quickly (when it is capable of figuring a route at all). Annoying, however, it tends to prefer expressways, regardless of your preferences. In a major metro area laced with expressways going in all directions, this can create some incredibly convoluted - and ridiculous - routes. Creating alternative and more logical routes is possible, but tedious. The worst part of the TomTom experience is its customer support. Well, perhaps support is the wrong word for it. I encountered two problems installing the software. It was obviously that the tech support person was clueless and was simply guessing and grasping at straws. (I had resolved the issues before the rep called and already knew what the problem was.) The TomTom rep didn't listen, kept interrupting and when it was pointed out that he was contradicting the manual, he just kept moving. (The manual in at least one instance was correct and the rep wrong.) The TomTom packaging itself arrived in broken condition. The rep denied it was their packaging, claiming that I must have bought a third-party repackaged product. Talk about insulting: I have the package in front of me with the TomTom labels, the whole works and this guy is telling me that my lying eyes are deceiving me? A fax to TomTom management about my experiences has gone unanswered more than a week later. TomTom is riding high right now but I suspect in a couple of years as competitors introduce better products with better support that TomTom will be history. It won't be the first company that offered a good-enough product without support and possesing contempt for its customers to disappear and it won't be the last. I know that if I find a marginally better product with adequate support, I'd abandon TomTom in a flash.Jerr",neg "The TomTom Navigator is a nice enough device, until you get to the Maps activation. The Maps activation? Why should I have to activate my maps if I have paid for the product? Good question, well, I activated these maps on one PDA, and within 2 weeks my PDA died and I had to obtain warranty service. Well, I decided that I would upgrade to a new device and then sell my old device when I got it back from the manufacturers (I tend to switch my PDA every 3-4 months anyway).So I installed the maps on the new device and it asked me to activate. OK, I figure...no problem, I will be able to activate it 1...2...3 because after all, only I have the activation card/code. No such luck, TomTom wants PROOF that I have brought a new device? what kind of nonsense is that? What if I lost my PDA in 2-3 months? What if I'm a nut who likes to change PDA's every 3-4 months? What, you mean I have to show you proof that I switched? Isn't the fact that I have the activation card proof enough? I don't know too many people who pay $269 for a product and let other people use the activation codes.Avoid them at all costs. You will regret your purchase if you change devices frequently.One other problem with this product...out of the box it is not 100% compatible with Windows Mobile 5 devices (most of the new Axims are WM5. You really have to break your back to install on these devices.Avoid",neg "I agree, this is a flimsy piece of plastic that will not hold the GPS unit over a few little bumps. I expected more from Garmin. Consider this: Touratech Mount for Garmin 60C series. Its a solid unit. It costs a little more but you won't be replacing your GPS unit due to it falling to the ground.",neg " My company car has a built-in GPS unit and I have gotten to like it, sort-of. I have gotten lost in a rental car trolling around Silicon Valley enough to get a portable GPS unit. After some research, the Garmin iQue 3600 is what I ended up with and I paid about $700. The unique feature of this portable GPS unit is that a PalmPilot comes integrated into the package. I use a PalmPilot, so this GPS unit replaces my PalmV. Installation was quite awkward, and getting it up and running was a chore. I got the thing synced up and some maps loaded and have been using it for several months now. It does do the job, fitfully, and has several glaring issues. Most irritating, the Palm function and the GPS function are not seamlessly integrated. If an address is entered in the Palm part and then route to this address is selected, the iQue 3600 makes you find the location. But the address from the Palm section doesn't transfer cleanly into the find section and you must retype the address. I'm left-handed and graffiti has NEVER worked for me all my letters are drawn backward. The GPS can be engaged as soon as it recognizes where you want to go, but my unit takes a good 5-10 minutes to find the satellites when first exposed to sky. This means that I must have a good idea what to do for the first 5-10 minutes. Sometimes I just drive randomly until the GPS locks in and starts to issue navigation orders. Also, the antenna must be deployed to get any GPS reception and must be forward enough in the windshield to see sky. This is OK, except that the iQue 3600 doesn't tell you that the antenna has not been deployed. The iQue 3600 does not work propped up on the passenger seat so a 5 pound holder is necessary to hold the unit on the dashboard. If the antenna is not deployed, the iQue 3600 simply doesn't navigate and doesn't tell you why. Worse, it acts stupid by going into a dangerous and unhelpful simulate mode. If I ever figure out what that means, Ill tell you in a future post. I figured out the antenna problem the hard way in an ice storm outside of Ottawa. I'm a fan of GUI design, and I must say that the UI here is very, very bad. Not the worse I have ever seen, but very bad: non-intuitive, inconsistent, and arbitrary. The FIND function/button has an entirely different function in the GPS section from the Palm section. Of course, the same icon is used. I cannot imagine grandma using this thing to navigate. What little there is of the very pretty documentation is atrocious. About 10 times more information is needed here. It shuts down randomly on occasion for no apparent purpose (Battery savings maybe?). The secure digital card is too small (max of 256MB), so you can't put more than a few California counties in the memory. Maps storage is managed with a rather hostile GUI. This is not fatal, but is irritating. I would rather put a 1GB SD card in the iQue 3600 and be done with it. The iQue 3600 burns too much power to be used as a portable, so it must always be tethered to the car or resting in the cradle. I don't find the power issue to be a problem. I understand that to get clear, bright screens it is necessary to use power. I agree with the tradeoff here.",neg "Summary........good idea, very poor implementation. Good software and easy to use, major problem is reception of radio stations. I live in a major metropolitan area and have to practically stand on my head to get the radio shark to get clear reception (even with a plug in antennae)",neg The price on the cases is cheap but you get what you pay for. I will never buy these cases again. Quite a few of them were broke when I got them. Even the ones that weren't broke are made of VERY flimsy plastic and I have a feeling they will break if I open them very often. They also don't open and shut very easy. Look elsewhere for good cases,neg I bought this and I'm sorry. It sounds horrible. Don't waste your money because you'll just have to buy another one anyway for any true enjoyment. This crap is barely good enough for my bathroom,neg "They sell these at almost every dollar store, sure the sound quality might not be quite as good, but you're going to have signal loss whatever you hook it up to. These things sell for $1.50 CAN at dollar stores and are worth every penny of THAT pric",neg "Alright before I begin let me just say I know quite a bit about wireless networking. I had already connected 2 wireless pc's to my 128 bit WEP encrypted router. I had initially set it up as WPA but opted to change it as this hunk of junk doesn't support WPA. This card will detect your network no problem, just try connecting to it. Apparently I am typing in the wrong WEP pass.... I can assure you I am not. Perhaps there is an issue between Micro$oft and D-link I am unaware of...go figure. I do not have the time nor patience to deal with Micro$oft's customer support regarding this issue. Back to the store this goes. Do yourself a favour and do not buy this",neg "Microsoft has never failed to disappoint me, (I suppose there is something to be said for consistency) and this carries on that somewhat dubious tradition. I bought this with a the MN-700 wireless router, and both worked fine for a couple weeks. However, they both conspiratively proceeded to stop functioning. This card was the most maddening of the pair, because it would find the wireless network every once in a while, yet refuse to connect. I've tried every channel, and made sure its on infrastructure mode, but it still refuses to work. I suppose I deserve it, though, expecting that a microsoft wireless card would connect to a microsoft wireless router with a microsoft operating system. Do yourself a favor and buy your wireless networking from a decent company that has some expertise in networking, like Linksys or Belkin. Whatever you do, give as little money as possible to this shoddy company",neg "I returned this product after a week - it was difficult to manage, the screen way too small to read (and I have 20/10 vision!) and just a very disappointing product overall. Do not waste your money. I ended up buying a Samsung and I couldn't be more happy",neg "I just purchased this printer last night at BestBuy and took it home. When I removed the contents of the box, I noticed that the USB cord was not in there. I read the directions and said that you had to buy the cord separately. I couldn't believe it. So, I went to the store and bought one. This cost me an additional $11. I went home, installed the software and plugged everything in. I printed off a few things and it looked great. Today, I went to use the printer again and the power woudn't turn on! I disconnected then reconnected everything and still no power! I tried several more things and still couldn't turn the power on. Now I have to return it to BestBuy. This was the first and last time I will ever buy anything from HP!!",neg "We purchased this system less than two years ago. It has seen light to moderate use. Several days ago, the speakers started intermittently cutting out. This afternoon, the subwoofer popped several times--then caught fire! Fortunately, my son was able to extinguish the flames before much damage was done. Beware!!!!",neg "I do not recommend Sennheiser's MX75 headphones.First, the good features:1. As with all Sennheiser products, these earphones deliver first rate sound for its price range.2. The earphones are very comfortable and easy to fit properly using the included pads.3. Once inserted in the ear, these earphones will not fall out due to vibration, movement or sweating.However, the cord has ugly problems:1. The cord is unusually stiff and consequently tends to be tough to manage. This is especially true when the phones are first removed from the package, as the cord maintains a sort of corkscrew shape for quite some time.2. The cord running to the right earphone is substantially longer than the one connecting to the left earphone. The result is annoying slack around the face and neck.3. The cord is the ugliest possible shade of green.All in all, should Sennheiser offer a new product using the same earphones, but with conventional wiring, I'll be a buyer. Until then, I've given up on using these lime green annoyances",neg "I bought this TV for my husband to take hunting but we can't get very many channels and the ones we do get have a terrible picture. The TV is an awesome size and the design is really nice with a good size screen. I didn't hook to cable so that may improve the picture but we don't have cable. I tried programming the channels from two different locations 20 miles apart from each other. I tried programming with the antenna on the TV and with separate rabbit ears. It would only pick up one of the three local network stations. It picked up maybe 8 other misc stations which aren't popular. I couldn't get a good picture on any of the stations and I tried adjusting all the menu items, brightness, hue, etc. It didn't even have a good black and white picture .... it was like a white screen with blurry images in the back. Sooooo, sooo disappointed because I wanted to be able to use this at work too.",neg "I wanted a keyboard that I could use in low light with both my PC and Mac, and this one is reasonably o.k. Those users who enjoy the backlight of a Mac PowerBook or MacBook Pro will be disappointed by the cheap approach Saitek used to illuminate the keys, though. On the Mac, each key has its own embedded light under the key. On the Saitek light is splashed under the entire keyboard, reducing the contrast and making it much harder to see the keys. But it's better than nothing, and is helpful in low light. It would have also been nice if they had an Fn key, but such is life",neg "I purchased my Fuji CompactFlash xD Card Adapter elsewhere and it doesn't work in my HP officejet 7130 all-in-one. It won't load in as it's supposed to but will fit correctly backwards. Except then I get an amber light that says there is a card error. This is supposed to work with my all-in-one but it doesn't. For that reason, I'd give it a zero star rating if such a rating existed. I'm going to take this CP version back and hope the more updated CPF version works. I'm a travel writer planning to take my own photos to go with my articles, but I'm getting nowhere fast with this card adapter that refuses to work properly. This one is definitely a thumbs down. However, this is my first dud Fuji product I've bought and I love Fuji digital cameras",neg "Mine worked fine for about a month before it stopped working. dealing with D-Link isn't a pleasure either.Don't get it. Get something better. Spend a little more, avoid the hassles",neg IF YOU HAVE A TEKXON DIGITAL CAMERA DO NOT GET THIS because when you put the memory card in and you turn the camera on the screen goes black!,neg "My brother got a Lexar for Christmas. He put it in his Tungsten C and for 30 stressful minutes the card did not work. The device recognized the card, but you could not copy, format, nothing... just got an error This card is read only and cannot be <whatever>. Then all of a sudden it started working. 2 stars for the stress and for the fear that it will stop working again",neg "Everything your read about the picture quality is true... however, this product just isn't reliable. Cost me another $600 to get it fixed and it isn't even 18 months old. I am sure I am not alone since you can see these on that famous auction site may with similar power issues. Customer service from this company is also very poor. If I had it to do over I would not have purchased this product and I probably should not have spent the money to get it fixed. I think it will be just a matter of time before some of these 5 star reviews begin to change their tune",neg "Like most have pointed out, it's a digital signal and there's no need for all the gas-injected, gold plated, shielded stuff monster cables hype. For analog signals this stuff absolutely makes a difference because analog cables are highly affected by outside EM interference.Some people have pointed out that monster cables are more durable. So yes, if you plan on swinging around on your cables it might matter. If, like most people, you plug the stuff in behind your equipment then leave it be for months and months, don't waste your money",neg "Bought this and plugged it in and backedup some files, went to transfer them to another computer and the drive was dead, I treid a few computers and no of them could regonize the drive. I guess I have one of the many bad ones..",neg "Others have written about this phone not holding the charge, and I agree! I can't tell you how many times a call has gone dead in the middle of a conversation, with no warning, no low battery message. I've only had the phone since November. There is not a quick, convenient way to redail numbers--you have to choose from a list of options, 1-plus number, or the area code without the 1, or no 1 and no area code. No easy way to speed dial. Range is disappointing. I'm looking for a new phone. Back to Uniden or Panasonic",neg "After burning one coaster, I thought, it's just a fluke. I'll burn my first DVD in no time. I was wrong. After updating the firmware on my new Plextor DVD burner and downloading the latest version of Nero 6, I burned two more coasters. Don't buy these unless you want pain and frustration",neg "Plays fine on the first layer. But picture will freeze during layer switch. I either have to stop or skip pass the chapter but picture will be jumping and pixellated, pretty much unwatchable.you have to skip at least couple chapter away from the layer switch to get a decent picture on your screen.don't waste your money. Buy verbatim instead. I never had any problem with that media.",neg "Dissapointing. The sping-loaded connectors at the back of the selector are not particularly strong, so thick or rigid cables under tension (e.g. twisted at odd angles) easily slip out. The depth of the connectors is also not great, so wires cannot be inserted very far to compensate for the lack of traction. Connections might be better using Monster Cables' own Angled Gold Pin connectors, but I didn't try those",neg "On the good side, it was easy to set up, and worked reasonably well if the phone (tried both cordless and corded) was plugged directly into unit. However, I could not get it to work on other phones in the house when I used the jack to plug it into the wall per the instructions (so it would work like a land line on any phone in the house). I do not have a land line, so it may just need a land line to work since you are supposed to be able to switch back and forth. I even tried disconnecting the line outside the house but that didn't work either.I experience sporatic dropped calls that were not present before installing this device. I contacted tech support and was sent a driver upgrade v 1.20 (not available from their website). This seemed to improve the dropped call situation a bit, but I still have more dropped calls than before.The dealbreaker for me was after I found out you had to be logged in as an administrator for it to work. With an always on internet connection, I was not willing to expose myself to that security risk",neg "I bought this a few weeks ago so that I could connect a cordless phone to my office computer and use Skype for my calling. When it works, it works well, and the sound quality is fine. Unfortunately, much of the time, it doesn't work. It drops calls at random. Customer support is dismal, I emailed them several days ago and didn't even get a response acknowledging the email, let alone a solution to my problem. Just now I have tried reinstalling the drivers but that seems to be failing.We have a VoSky Call Center at home that so far has been working much better. I bought the the DPH-50U because I was in a hurry and the store I was at only carried it, not the VoSky. I wish I had waited and bought a second VoSky",neg the connection keeps coming loose and now it doesnt work unless you hold it in place - useless and a waste of mone,neg I really wanted to like this mouse but so far it has given me nothing but grief. If you plan on leaving your computer on for extended periods of time and then coming back to it to do some work you may find that your scroll wheel no longer scrolls pages. I have had to on several occasions unplug and replug in my mouse in order to get the scroll wheel working again. This is absolutely UNEXCEPTIBLE Logitech! What happened to Logitech? You used to be able to count on them for quality products now I am wondering if I should switch back to Micro$oft products. I may give the Micro$oft Laser Mouse 6000 a try and take the MX 400 back,neg Like the forward/back buttons but they are located too far back on the body for comfort. Like the scroll wheel and side-to-side scroll ability. Pointer flickers a lot sometimes and often disappears over certain buttons. Logitech website gives no help.Comes with an installation CD for a Logitech MX320 !!! Be prepared for a 50MB download to install the MX400. Almost makes Microsot look good,neg "I have the same issue as Misleading Item Description below. The only reason I bought this is because I thought it was the complete set. What good is a headset without the base?WARNING! TigerDirect does not except returns on this headset; so now I must return the headset to TigerDirect, then buy the full unit from TigerDirect or I lose my $70. The headset with the base is about $35 more expensive than what I would have payed at BUY.COM.I expect a lot more from Amazon. Very, Very Disappointed",neg "I bought this Rikaline GPS 6010 a month ago. I tried to make it work for hundreds times, but it only worked once. Evertime when I turned on the GPS, it was always telling me it was initializing and then it just stopped working.I hate this thing because it embarrassed me before my friends.",neg "Mine actually works and I still hate it.I haven't had all the problems others are complaining about.---I run Windows XP SP2 had no problems compatability.---Signal strength is fine.---I had no problem installing on one computer....except that I installed the card before running the CD, just like every other card or peripheral I have ever installed. I've never seen one that didn't allow you to install hardware before drivers. So I had to take it out, run CD and put back in. Just a minor annoyance that cost 10 minutes. But c'mon Linksys why the special order? Most people that are willing to open the computer and install a card don't need instructions to know take card and put in slot and insert disc, so they don't look at them. At least they put a warning sticker about the installation order on the disk cover for us non-direction readers. Annoying but no stars deducted for this.---Told Mom to buy one (this was before I had installed mine). Installed easy and it worked fine at first. Now it connects to router but can't find internet (yes other computers connect to net through this router just fine). Would think maybe firewall setting issue??? but I used to work then just stopped. C'mon Linksys if your connected to the router how hard it is to find the internet. Deduct 1 star.---Stupid software only supports hexidecimal passwords. Of course my router also support standard alphabet and my password had some G-Z letters, so I had go change network password and update all devices attached to the network. C'mon Linksys how hard it is to support A-Z. Annoying but no stars deducted.---SLOW SLOW SLOW SLOW TO CONNECT!!!! On my other computers you hit connect and are online in 5-10 seconds. This thing takes 30 seconds to a minute. Impatient, yes. But still unacceptable. Deduct 1 star.---Can't hibernate or sleep computer or card disables. Only way to get it turned on again is to reboot. So it's either leave computer on all day long, or reboot everytime I want go online. Deduct 1 stars.--Overall bad product. Deduct one star",neg "I bought two of these cards to go alongside my wrt54gs. I though that they should work great together since they are from the same manufacturer. Oh boy was I wrong.Even the though I get full bars with these cards, I get very flaky connections with them. I've tried many different settings and firmwares to try to rectify the problem. Many hours have been spent trying to get a stable connection. No dice, very flaky.Other computers with different cards work fine with the wrt54gs and never dropout. So there is something about this card that just isn't right, and I can't imagine both cards being defective. I haven't tested them with another router, but if it can't work with a wrt54gs v3, then what's the point",neg "I got this toy for Christmas. Ilove it. I abanded this toy,and it got some brudle hits. It was still alive! Know I keep safe becuse I don't want it to die. I don't think this toy is a wast of money.Mine is ginger. It came with a silver/grey newborn kittin",neg "These speakers are o.k., but don't expect high sound quality (I bought these as refurbs, so maybe that is it, but when you turn up the volume, they don't sound good - I'd recommend going to a store and testing units before buying new). Also, probably the biggest failure in my opinion is that they appear to be line of sight - that is, they fade in and out when you walk around the room. This should not be a problem on this low bandwidth (but it is), perhaps the antenna needs a boost",neg Too much static with snapping and popping - even after making all of the adjustments possible. The speakers are ONLY 10 feet away from the transmitter but still poor-to-marginal sound quality. Don't see how these could work 300 feet away(?) I do NOT recommend this product,neg "Cheap piece of junk. Probably has 2 cents of electronic parts in it. I'm returning it to Wallmart. It might work OK if you live like right next door to the broadcast transmitter. Otherwise it's just too weak in its signal pulling ability. Also, when I turn the gain dials, they don't seem like they are really variable. I think they are really just on/off switches disguised as variable dials, because i don't see any difference between medium gain and high gain on any of the channels. I'm going to now go to a REAL, serious electronics store and look for some SERIOUS tv electronics hardware instead of Wallmart garbage. I'm going to work on improving my roof antenna and its cabling and I'm going to try using a variable gain preamp if I can find one (a high quality one, not junk). I tried a preamp from Wallmart (which wasn't adjustable at all) and it did help a lot with UHF channels, but the VHF channels were much worse because it made the signal too strong. So I need a variable gain preamp, assuming there is such a thing. I would advise everyone to go read the information available on the internet about tv antennas and how to get the best picture with them. I did yesterday and there's a lot of good stuff I never knew before.",neg "I live in a particularly bad spot for TV reception and have been forced to use cable. This antenna brings in several local stations but the quality of the picture is unsatisfactory. So, unfortunately, for me it's either back to cable or try an amplified outside antenna.Miles Kenned",neg "Yeah, they claim this thing works with MS Powerpoint. But what they do not tell you is that it only works with PART of Powerpoint. It only works in Slide Mode. It does NOT work in Presentation View mode. Of course, most of my presentations are run in Presentation View mode.SO the remote is useless. And they have no fix for it. They cannot even document that this is the case.I am going to look for something else. Maybe the Microsoft Remote.***UPDATE***It's true, this presenter has problems with PowerPoint's Presenter View because in that mode PgUp and PgDown keys are used to scroll the notes. However, here's a neat trick I discovered that makes it work again:- Start the presentation in Presenter View- Pres B on your keyboard to show a blank screen- Click the mouse (anywhere in the blank screen) once to resume the presentation and then AGAIN to advance to the next slide- Magically, from this point on the presenter buttons work flawlessly.",neg I wish the description had beem better. Somethimg like THIS PHONE NEEDS ANOTHER UNIT TO WORK! People who have never seen an expansion phone can be missled like I was. Returned item,neg The Antenna did not work at all! Save your money!,neg "I recieved this unit 3 bussiness days after I ordered it. Fast shipping.To bad when i recieved it it only worked for 2 minutes!!! Sending back tomorrow, not sure if i want another one. Only comes with usb charger, no wall charger",neg Phone seemed nice but I bought it to hang on a wall and it wouldn't due to manufacturing.,neg "All I wanted was something to make the incoming audio louder while listening to a call and typing during an interview. I couldn't find just a headset amp so I purchased this system based on Plantronics' good name.Instead of just plugging it into the wall phone jack, you have to use a regular phone, route the receiver/handset cord to this, then back out to the receiver/handset again, which makes this light unit basically hamstrung between the headset and handset and doesn't want to sit on the desk without taping it down. Then you have to take the receiver/handset off the hook, place it on the desk (assuming you have desk space, which I don't) then push a button to start up the headset.Most importantly, listening sound quality was muffled and not very loud. If I turned up the incoming sound volume, it immediately put a loud annoying squeal of feedback into the microphone, making it totally unusable.I went back to my regular, unampflied Plantronics headset which just plugs into the wall phone and is always on with no extra cords, ac adapter, or buttons to push. I'm not very thrilled with that, but for $15 it sounds MUCH better and much louder, without the feedback or the hassles. So for now I guess I'll stick with that until I find something else that just improves the incoming sound",neg I never even got a chance to listen to music through these headphones. I couldn't get them to stay in/on my ears. The loops that go around your ear are huge and just make them more cumbersome. These may fit men with bigger ears better but I wouldn't recommend them for females,neg "I like the color and sony's technology of the earphone itself.But the hanger that should be placed on your ear is worthless.When I put the earphone in the ears, the hanger part is just hanging in the air, not supporting the earphone to be placed in and steady.Because of that, the earphones easily pop out of your ear",neg "The device is well built but has one major flaw. The adhesive comes in 2 types, removable and permanent types. Neither adhesive would stick to the dash of my Jeep Liberty. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it now, it appears as though I'm going to either have to find a more permanent mounting solution or find another type of adhesive",neg "After two weeks of use, I returned the mouse because 3 out of 4 times I tried to make a right click, it would not work. I eventually got frustrated and decided to return it.I'm sure it has to do with the way I use the mouse but I'm not planning on changing my angle or whatever it is that makes it fail. I think a regular 2 button mouse is just perfect.I wish this mouse had a real mechanical right button because it would be perfect.I LOVED the scroll wheel and will miss it greatly",neg I had high hopes for this headset. I found that I could not hear anything when I attached it to my Treo 650. The Treo uses a standard plug. I verified that my Treo is working by attaching a stereo headset,neg "My friend bought one and I tried to set it up for him. Let me tell you, this thing is pure garbage. I spent a good hour and a half trying to get it to work. I tried to set it up using 2 laptops which were set up exactly how the booklet outlined. The direct ethernet connection wouldn't work and connecting to it through wireless was spotty at best. I could sometimes get into the setup page through wireless, but all of a sudden the setup page would stop working.Stay away from D-Link! All their products are cheaply made and difficult to configure",neg "I got this print server about a month back. Initially it took me 4 hours to get this thing installed and running in the wireless mode! After I got it setup, it worked fine for a week. But, then the wireless connection with the print server got flaky, so I switched to the wired mode. All was well again, but then after a couple of weeks the wired connection got flaky. It stopped printing and didn't recognize my HP-1200. After fiddling around with it for a few hours I finally got the contraption working again.But, now my latest problem is that the print server prints garbage to the printer! Plugging the printer directly in to a computer works fine, but the print service somehow corrupts the data going to the printer and I end up with pages of garbage and error messages.SUMMARY:This thing was a beast to set-up and every time something goes wrong, it takes a phenomenal amount of time to debug and correct. That's in addition to the questionable reliability of this device. I say steer clear of this thing. I'm now shopping for something better and never buying D-Link again",neg "This thing does a horrible job at detecting wifi networks. I have to be within 10 feet of my router to get a 50% signal (even though I can walk out tot he edge of my house and easily still get a good connection). If it does detect Bluetooth, which half the time it doesn't (regardless of it being active), it cancels out the wifi detection. So if you have a bluetooth headset, and you're talking, the thing will just let you know that yes, there is a bluetooth device around. Thanks. I was wondering",neg "My husband bought me this for Christmas because we were moving to a new city. He picked it out because unlike Garmin and Magellen it was created from the ground up for use on the road. The features are easy to use, the directions are great and when you need a new route because of roadblock or traffic - it really comes up with a great plan. However - my first one lasted 3 months before it died, I then replaced it with another one and it died 3 months later as well. I was very reluctant to buy a different brand - but had to for dependability. I still don't like my Garmin as much - but at least it works. Come on Tomtom - get the electronics working as well as the maps and directions",neg "I'm a longtime user of Wacom Intuos tablets and I was looking for something similar with wireless capabilities for my new dual 2.5ghz-G5. There were no wireless Intuos products available at the time of purchase, so I went with the Graphire Bluetooth. Unfortunately, the product leaves a lot to be desired and after a couple of weeks of use, I plan on returning it. The major problem lies with the pen--both in design and responsiveness.Design: the Graphire series is cheaper than the Intuos, and there's a good reason why: the Graphire pen is thinner, lighter, and has no grip. If you have very small hands this might be acceptable; in my hand this feels like a toothpick. It's very difficult to manipulate a tool effectively when it doesn't feel like it has any durability. Additionally, the Graphire pen stand is little more than a piece of transparent molded plastic and slides around the desk whenever I put the pen back into it.Responsiveness: There is a half-second delay whenever using the pen to click in any finder-related options--opening windows, selecting files, etc. 1/2 second may sound acceptable, but if you, like me, use the pen for everything, not just drawing, believe me it is utterly maddening. On the other hand, the mouse behaves perfectly with no delay at all, so I know it's the pen and not my computer.The tablet is attractive and the mouse works fine, but the bottom line is that it's more important for me to have a responsive, durable pen than a wireless tablet. If you've never used an Intuos you may not recognize the deficiencies, but for those who have, this is like going from a Mercedes to a Honda Civic. You'll get better gas mileage with the Civic but the Benz gives you the best overall driving experience. I need the driving experience, so I'm going back to the Intuos--wire and all.",neg "I know that everyone else seems to love this, so perhaps my complaint is more about Apple in general. My Ipod Mini (pink)is a lemon. The battery has never worked properly. It takes longer to charge than to discharge, and my current playing time per charge (no changing settings, not backlighting, nothing but hitting play and waiting till the battery dies) is about 2 hours. Apple will gladly sell me a new ($70) battery, but other than that tough. It is apparently my fault thet they're selling shoddy products. I'm not saying don't buy it. There aren't realistically any better choices out there than the Ipod, but buy it when you have a week to sit around and evaluate it and when they get around to opening a store near you. As for me, I think I'm going to dig out my old discman",neg "I returned this thing the day after I bought it.I should of been clued in when I purchased it at the store, ALL the Transpod models had a little sticker on them advising them about the store's return policy. I thought it a little unusual at the time, but after listening to the thing I understand why now. I'm sure a lot of people had been returning this model.The sound quality was really bad. You have to turn your stereo WAY up to hear the music, and even then it sounds almost as bad as AM radio. I'll add that the files I was playing were 192Kbps aac encoded files so they're decent quality too",neg "After only a couple of months of light use, the sub woofer started making loud thumping sounds and the system stoped working. As soon as power is connected to the sub woofer, the loud thumping starts. I exchanged the system and the second set had the same problem after 6 weeks!! A total piece of junk",neg "While a nice product packed with great features when it works, the bottom line is that it does NOT support TWAIN drivers, meaning you can not scan through ANY application other than ScanSnap. BIG MINUS.Second minus is JAMS, JAMS, JAMS. I have barely used this machine, but the double feeds are incredible (the rollers are new and the machine is clean). I even tried using high grade color laser copier paper, but STILL double feeds big time! Upon occasion, I get a good feed, and I am so thankful for that.If you are planning to do some serious office organizing with various types of paper, sizes and paper weights, skip this product and go for a ADF flatbed scanner. This baby will JAM up your day and consume all of your time with fiddling, reorganizing the misfeeds and clearing jams.Think deeply before buying this one. Also, with an ADF flatbed, you can scan books, and unusual documents (thin paper, very heavy paper) that an ADF (and the ScanSnap) won't process by simply lifting the lid of the ADF and taking the scan directly on the glass. With ScanSnap, you are screwed",neg "Just plugged it in and I'm ready to ship it back. Creates an annoying, high pitched buzz",neg "I was hoping that by getting this I'd get a decent flow of air and i'd be able to use it anywayer. But I was sorely dissappointed. It doesn't give much air and all the air you get you need to be close to feel... plus its too loud to use in most places...If you really need it, you can get it... but I can't use mine often because like I said its too loud. Not worth it, not enough air flowing",neg "The battery life for this phone after one short year is abysmal. After charging it all night, it dies after a few hours of nonuse.The redial button simply has never worked.It is not user friendly at all although I could live with this if the two issues above were resolved.I contacted AT&T and requested that they send me a new model that works since this phone is obviously defective.If they refuse then I won't ever buy an AT&T product again and neither will anyone I come into contact with.It's that simple.Update...AT&T refused to do anything about the phone despite the obvious flaws,. As a result, I will never buy another AT&T product again.AT&T, you are exhibiting the traits of a company that will go out of business.",neg "We bought a set of these phones because they looked nice, and because AT&T is a reliable company. But these phones are the worst. After having them for about 3 weeks, we began having terrible results with the volume/speakers in the phones. I took them back, and got a new set. These lasted about twice as long, before the battery life just became worthless. We are unable to leave these phones off the hook now for any extended period of time - say, 1 hour. And you can't talk on the phone for more than 30 minutes or so before the battery dies out, and takes 6 hours or more to get back charged again. And yes, we followed all the directions for letting the batteries charge, and all that kind of stuff. Still...I have never used a more frustrating phone, nor will I ever purchase an AT&T phone again. I bought a new phone today, and once fully charged, I will take these AT&T phones out back and smash them with a hammer",neg I have to agree with many others about the poor quality of this phone. The battery life decreased rapidly and after several weeks I was forced to keeps both phones on their chargers. Instead of gambling on replacement cells I bought a Panasonic phone as suggested by other disappointed AT&T model 2255 buyers,neg "I also was suckered in by the Monster name. I have an older Sony adapter that I've used in the past with no problems but couldn't locate it right before a road-trip, so I bought this one also. This actually sounds substantially worse than my actual cassettes (even though they're all over 10 years old).The sound is hiss-filled, very poor signal-to-noise ratio.Stay well away",neg "I attempted to use this product in my 2002 Chevy Tahoe factory audio system. As others here noted, the deck would quickly error and eject the Monster Adapter. The Monster Adapter did work in my 2000 Harley Davidson FLTRI factory audio system. The difference is that the Harley unit does not have cut-tape detection. The Tahoe does.I returned this Monster unit and picked up the Sony Sony CPA-9C.The Sony device is a bit different as it has small link of simulated audio tape within the tape path. This little bit of simulated audio tape effectively fools the tape unit not to think that there is an error and eject the Cassette Adapter. There are other reasons that these adapters will auto-eject (Google is your friend). But the Sony unit seemed to be the solution for me.The big reason for the zero star review is that Monster has ZERO information on their web site or product packaging regarding device compatibility or troubleshooting.",neg "I lost my adapter that came from Walmart and was a generic brand. It worked perfect. This thing was expensive and it didn't work at all. I'd have to turn the volume on both the ipod and stereo all the way up and then I'd get some sign of life, not anything you'd want to listen to. It's worst than even the worst RF transmitter I've ever tried. Don't waste your money, believe the reviews",neg "I bought this unit a couple of years ago based on its features, but soon discovered that it can't normally do the one thing that all GPSs should, tell you where you are. I used my e-Trex Vista for about a year and half and would estimate that I spent 10% to 15% of the time staring at some type of lost signal message. The unit is totally useless under any type of tree cover and often has trouble holding a signal anywhere on overcast days, which means about half the time in the Seattle area where I live. I would not recommend this unit to anyone but my worst enemy",neg "I had this GPS device for only 3 days and found it to be no better than mediocre.Although at one point I was able to track 6 WAAS satellites and the display claimed accuracy to 17 feet, while driving along a straight road for 5.5 miles, it indicated that I was traveling approximately 350 feet to the side of the road. On two occasions on this straight road, it said I actually crossed the road and traveled on the opposite side.I conducted a test by placing the unit where it would have an unobstructed view of the sky for 1 hour and leave it motionless. The trip computer reported that it had moved nearly a quarter-mile during that hour. I checked the accuracy at 15-minute intervals and it was constantly reporting accuracy between 12-24 feet.The base maps are crude and inaccurate - a major 4-lane road (Hwy 7) in Tacoma, WA stops at 38th street. Really?!? If I drive down Hwy 7, it goes a couple of miles farther than the unit shows.While using the compass you must hold the unit level in order to obtain accurate readings - understandable. There is even a little message that tells you to hold it level if you are off a little - nice. I tried and tried to find level according to the unit and after about 3 or 4 minutes was able to determine where level was. It was nowhere close to actual level. Now, if I am trying to navigate with the unit's compass while it is mounted to my bike, there is no way it is going to be level and accurate.At 5.3 ounces, it doesn't even pass off as a good paperweight.Fortunately I was able to return it to the seller with no problems for a full refund (Thank you REI!). I found out that Wal-Mart.com sells the unit for 50 bucks less than REI after I bought it though.Recommendation: If you need a paperweight, get a rock - if you need a GPS, get a different one.",neg "Garmin's devices are pretty good. Somewhat tempermental, but mostly reliable. It's connecting their software and dealing with Garmin support that is a nightmare. And, you will need to call them because their software has all kinds of bugs and an archaic key system. Customer service hold time: 30-35 minues. Response time for email tech requests: a staggering 5-7 working days. Clearly Garmin does not care about its customers",neg "When these headphones are working, they are great. I never have trouble receiving sound. They are amazingly comfortable. Great battery life, and batteries are rechargeable. Long distance is great too, I can walk throughout the whole house on multiple floors without any trouble.But... it's FAR to often that these are NOT working. As a matter of fact I've gone through FOUR pair in the last 2 years. The first pair didn't work out of the box. The second pair lasted two weeks and then the headset just would not turn on. The third pair lasted about eight months before the same thing happened, they just would not turn on. The forth pair lasted about a year and then yesterday the very same thing happened.",neg "After having an experience with slow startup speeds (and actually freezing a computer) with the 1GB Cruzer Micro with U3, I feel compelled to write this negative review. The mere existence of a software layer to access the flash drive defeats the main purpose of existence of flash drives: a fast and higlhly compatible interface. Any hidrance to this convenience makes the device a liability. I work at an educational institution wher I am responsibel for organizing presentation sessions in which speakers often bring their presentations in a flash drive. As a matter of policy, we will not allow speakers to plug in to our computers devices that run any kind of software in the background",neg "I bought the Cruzer Micro not knowing that it came with the U3 Launch Pad software preloaded. As soon as I tried to use it on my computer at work, the company's anti-virus/firewall decided it was an intruder, preventing it from working at all. I was ticked... I had almost given up on it and was actually shopping around for another USB drive that had no software on it, when I ran into a website that lets you download an uninstaller for the U3 Launch Pad. I downloaded it, ran it and it took no more than 15 seconds to clean out the offending U3 garbage! Now I like my Micro Cruzer all over again! Oh yeah... the website to uninstall yours at is: [...",neg "I wish I had read the reviews before buying this piece of junk. As another reviewer says, U3 ruins it. I have a Mac so that feature is useless, but even worse it cannot be disabled. Everytime I plug in the drive I get this cheesy CD image cluttering up my desktop and I have to eject it, along with the drive icon, before the unit can be removed. What clunky engineering. I'll be returning this and scratching Sandisk off my list of reliable companies. I also agree with the reviewer who complained about the packaging. It is impossible to open without tearing it apart, which is probably a strategy to reduce returns",neg Spare SD card slots molded into the lid of this case prevent it from closing completely around the Tungsten E. You will see a noticeable gap around the bottom edge of the closed case. Slight pressure on the latch side side will cause the case to pop open unexpectedly in purse or brief case. I returned mine to Amazon a few days after receipt; still looking for an alternative,neg "With a destructive toddler in the house I like to back up my DVD movies.Having recently purchased a 25 unit spindle, I recently tried backing up several DVDs with my sony DRU-710A 16x DVD recorder. Although the recording process initially did seem to work smoothly, when I attemped to play back the disks recorded at 16x speed, I would have read errors and lockups on DVD players usually towards the end of the film (the outside of the physical disk, where maximum recording speed is obtained.) I did have better reliability recording at 4x speed and suspect that 8x writes will work fine as well. Given the fact that I paid a premium for this new high speed media, I am disappointed. I have had nearly 100% reliability with Memorex 8x DVD+R, recently making 25 successful recordings in a row with this brand (ASIN: B0001MKU4S",neg "I bought this thing becuase I use voice recognition with my computer and I'm on the phone quite a bit. it was supposed to eliminate the need to for two head sets. With the amplifier and the plantronics headset to go with it The total cost came to around $200. Yay!The amplifier has a strong hum when used through the phone and when I use it witht eh computer it has such poor sound quality that it doesn't work with my voice rec. software. I called customer service and they said I should send the unit to them and they would send me a new one. Funny, I have read that in a few places online.I went out and bought the Labtec equivelent, the dialog-301 at a whopping $15 (headset included, the head set is cheap though) and it is chrystal clear for both the phone and my computer. Plus if you want to upgrade the head set you can buy any analog computer headset.Save yourself $185 and just buy the dialog-301 you will be happy.",neg Just a fair warning to all out there considering this card. After purchasing this card it worked great. Then in the middle of my friend's wedding the card no longer was readable by my camera. I could not believe it! When I got home I put the original card in the camera and it worked fine. I reformatted this card and still the camera could not read the card. Not worth the money for only one years use,neg "I have the Canon Rebel. I had the same problem where files were corrupted. Also, when clearing the card, some pics stayed filed. I am not happy with this flashcard at all.",neg It doesn't work properly. I can charge the Ipod but it doesn't let me sync. Sent an email to the seller but no answer so far!I am very disappointed with my purchase,neg "DO NOT BUY THIS CRAPPY PIECE OF JUNK!!I purchased this unit with faith in SONY. Well forget it!! after 4 months the unit failed and began reading disc dirty half way through each recording. I sent the unit back for repair. They claimed to have fixed it but when I received it back it STILL failed on each disc (note that these failures RUIN the disc!). They sent me a brand new unit. GUESS WHAT..?! It failed after 3 months with the SAME PROBLEM!! I sent it back for repairs. AGAIN they claimed to have fixed it. Well, it malfunctioned IMMEDIATELY!! I sent it back AGAIN!! This time they gave me a refurbished unit. I know you wont believe this...but the unit is WORSE than the other two!! They are currently sending me ANOTHER new unit. But I have no doubt this one will STILL be a piece of crap. They simply don't have this technology down. SONY should NEVER have put this junk on the market. BEWARE!! - UPDATE -They sent they new unit. Guess what? PIECE OF JUNK. Fails on discs writing and when reading written discs. After trying FOUR of these units I can assure you this is a LEMON. Please note these positive reviews are from buyer who had their units for two weeks or similar time periods. I have had four different units for ONE YEAR and can tell you THIS IS JUNK! Selling this crap on ebay and buying a REAL unit. NOT SONY!",neg "We needed to know if this unit (Philips DVD 782C) was compatible with DVD+RW disks so I Googled it and found this Amazon listing.We were totally amazed to find the reviews we found ... and wish we had done this years ago INSTEAD OF SPENDING ALL THIS TIME STRUGGLING WITH THIS POOR EXCUSE OF A DVD PLAYER. We have spent countless hours MR. Clean'ing and SkipDr'ing disks just to get them to play (and sometimes even that didn't work).Just in case anyone else comes along, take the excellent advice given several times in this collection of reviews ... RUN THE OTHER DIRECTION WITHOUT QUESTION IF SOMEONE OFFERS YOU THIS DVD PLAYER.Now, we do NOT believe this is a fundamental problem with Philips. We have, and have had, many fine products sold by Philips. We are guessing this particular DVD player was the result of some very poor product planning that went very badly before, during and after the fact. Hopefully the person(s) responsible has (have), per usual corporate practice, been promoted farther up the ladder where they can no longer inflict this kind of pain on Customers.P.S. We tried to give this product 0 stars but Amazon requires at least 1 star. Probably a quid pro quo agreement of some sort we imagine",neg "Unfortunately my wife and I purchased this product without reading the posted reviews here. ALL are entirely accurate! I cannot calculate how many hours I have spent trying to figure out what is wrong. No loading, skipping, freezing, not OPENING when it freezes, all down the line, combined with 100 trips to and from the video stores to exchange their defective DVDs. My wife was firmly of the belief the DVDs were just dirty but I finally decided (this agrees with one of the reviewers) there is a balance problem in the drawer. When there is a no-load, jiggling/adjusting the drawer sometimes (not always) fixes it, but only until the next time, and will not stop the freezing problems. If my wife had a dime for every time I said this thing is a piece of @&*! she would be a millionaire. This is very late but if this product is still on the market in ANY form stay many miles away. And Philips' arrogant lack of response (as reported; I have no personal experience here) is virtually criminal in this day and age",neg "For some years I tried this and other Monster products, to the tune of over $1000 in Monster a/v gear. The more you learn about video and audio, the more you'll avoid anything with the Monster label. Specifically, this s-video meets no NTSC, DVD or IEEE standard; it is common 30-ohm hookup wire with ineffective shielding and a poorly designed, low-conductance connect plug that can wreck your input jacks and gives poor grounding. Has a sharp image, but includes a catalog of chromatic aberrations from off-color skin tones to color blotching, dirty grays, burned highlights, murky shadows, noisy reds, and poor color balance due to impedance mismatching that results in cyan errors and bleeding reds. Makes video test patterns look great, but who watches test patterns all day? Amazon offers many other brands at good prices, why waste your $$ on this stuff? I removed every piece of Monster from my system and replaced them with AR, Belden, Viewsonics and others from Amazon. Result: vast improvement in every respect.",neg "~I bought the MVSV3-1m cable and put it between my Pioneer V555 DVD player and SONY WEGA tv KV-27FS12, I was unable to see with my naked eyes any improvement regading the visual quality, color, sharpness. Same as the result as I used the composite cable came with the box. I really don't know why. I have to say, my TV is a good one and the picture quality is already satisfactory even I don't use DVD player. Unfortunately my DVD player does not have component jack to let me try the next level video~~ experience. I don't want to say this expensive cable is a poor one, I was just unable to verify its alledged ultra high performance. we just don't have a benchmark to evaluate it.",neg "I bought these headphones based on the first couple of reviews I read here. I should have read further, because about two weeks after I purchased the earphones, the left side went out completely. There was nothing obvious on the outside of the unit and I didn't hear any rattling as described by other users. The darn things just quit! I must say, however, that the sound quality for those first two weeks was excellent, but all in all, not worth the money and frustration",neg " Cowon aka iAudio have the worst customer service of any other major company I dealt with. No phone support, they have an 800 number but when you call it they direct you to their website. Their website support gives you the option to submit a ticket or Live Chat. I waited over an hour on their Live Chat before I get a message saying that Live Chat is not available at this time. I submitted a ticket & guess how long before I heard a response. & the response was ship the item back for a refund. I also tried to download the latest firmware and the link was broken. I heard a lot about how bad their customer service was, but when I tried it myself it was even worse",neg These batteries are NOT sold by Amazon. They are sold by an Amazon re-seller called Electrogalaxy. Please read the reviews of this company before purchasing. I do not recommend this company due to their poor return policy and terrible customer service. You have been officially warned. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM ELECTROGALAXY,neg I went and got this keyboard after the first one broke. I found the keys were re-arranged. Instead of hitting home - I wound up deleting my work.This is a keyboard I cannot work with. Model Number 1 and 3's were better.,neg "Problem #1 - out of hte box, these units are assigned as an IP address. find if your network is on the .0 subnet. So I had to change my entire network over to this in order to get it configured.Problem #2 - once changed, now i have Ip address issues because of the existing clients picking up the .10 address.Problem #3 - If you incorrectly specificy the SSID/wep key or IP address, you have to put it back to the defaults and start over. there's no way to configure the unitProblem #4 - it just plain don't work as it should.Easily the most difficult unit i've ever had to configure. It's a shame that I'm swearing off linksys as their prices are good. Despite it's decent price, stay away from this one",neg "I have a D-link router, and I couldn't even get this thing to connect wirelessly. It works if connected with a ethernet wire, but that isn't really the point, is it?I called customer support, and the call dropped 4 TIMES!!!! Even when I was able to stay connected, they obviously weren't listening to me, and were of no use in the end. I'm off to go return. Save your time, money, and aggrevation. Avoid this like the plague",neg "I bought this unit over a year ago and still haven't figured out how to work it. I have used the D-link wireless router with no trouble, but no matter what I do, I can't get the print server to work properly. This is after hours with their customer service people and doing everytihing possible. Based on other people's reviews this unit actually does work. It just hasn't for me.",neg After 3 hours of banging my head against a wall I finally called Tech Support. They finally figured out that this is not compatible with multi-function computers. You can learn that on their support website but no-where in the standard documentation that comes with it,neg "Before you buy anything from Creative, google the words incompatible + legacy drivers + sounblaster + windows xpHuge compatibiltiy issues that will have Creative Tech help telling you to flash and update your system bios, chipsets, leaving an entire PCI slot between Sounblaster card and any other card, update drivers, yada, yada, etc. Read all of the issues from the aforementioned google, and ignore the Creative employee reviews (they are easy to spot). Creative ignores the fact that its products have huge conflicts with Windows operating systems",neg I bought this machine based on the good reviews I found here. I have had it for one month and it does nothing but jam. Now the two week return policy at the store has expired and I am left with a jamming piece o' junk.My advice - look for a different fax machine,neg "I am shocked by the amount of positive reviews on this site. Let me tell you about my experience. I bought this machine in June of 2005. In one year, I have replaced this machine THREE TIMES. All three times, I got error messages that the toner cartridge was out (Toner Life End) even when new toner cartridges were put in. I do give high marks to Brother for its customer service, though. Each time I had a problem, I called and they sent out a replacement by FedEx along with materials for me to send back the broken one. But when the fourth replacement arrived last week and I turned it on and got an immediate paper jam message, I had enough. I had a similar issue with a Brother mutlifunction machine I purchased around the same time. I am done with Brother products",neg "I ordered this keyboard/mouse combo and it turned out to not be blue tooth, so I returned it. I'm sure it would have been great if I had used it but my Mac has blue tooth and I thought I was getting a blue tooth kbd and mouse.I got an apple blue tooth keyboard instead and I found a logitech blue tooth mouse, which I also got. (Apple doesn't offer a decent blue tooth 2 button mouse in anything like an acceptably reasonable price range)",neg "I purchased this for my Intel iMac mainly because I was so frustrated with the Mighty Mouse. I wanted something with two separate buttons. I had tried the Logitech MX 610 (which I purchased as well for another computer) and thought that the ergonomic shape felt wonderful. So, I purchased this desktop set because I wanted it to match my Mac and so I could have a proper 2 button mouse. I figured the Mac keyboard could use improvement as well so the keyboard could come in handy as well. In fact, I thought I would get added convenience since this was a keyboard designed for a Mac and had extra shortcut buttons.Other than having 2 separate buttons on the mouse, this keyboard/mouse combo has been an utter disappointment.First of all, the white doesn't quite match. It's close, but just a touch too cream. Also, there's just too much silver. Especially on the mouse.Secondly, it doesn't have all the buttons the Mighty Mouse does. There is no button to switch to the Widgets. Luckily, you can press F12 on the keyboard. Not quite as convenient, but still possible. However, I have yet to find a button that allows you to switch between various open programs. This is especially necessary if you have multiple web browsers open.Thirdly, this mouse just doesn't work as well as other Logitechs. It is too light, lacking the feel and a bit of the comforting weight that the MX 610 has when you move it around. Also, the speed of the cursor is off. No matter how I try to adjust the speed, it doesn't quite match the speed of the original Mighty Mouse. It is either too fast or too slow. I think part of it is simply OSX's lack of adjustability compared to [gasp] Windows for cursor speed.Finally, the keyboard is simply atrocious. I don't even use it anymore. It's packed up in the box and I plugged the original Mac keyboard back in. The keys make a horrendous clatter when typing. The pressure is nonexistant making touch typing just a bit more difficult than normal. Also, the depth is quite shallow. This is a desktop keyboard. You can press the key down further on nearly all the laptop keyboards I've tried. Also, the texture of the keys is far too smooth and uniform. The raised dots to help you find the F or J buttons is too shallow. I can't find the asdf an jkl; rows by touch. I have to look. As a touch typist, this is an unforgiveable sin. It basically transforms you from a touch typist to a hunt and peck typer who has to visually find each key before you can hit it. I'm typing on a Thinkpad whose laptop keyboard is far superior to this Logitech.So, in short, save your money and avoid this keyboard/mouse combo. I rated it a two because the mouse did have 2 separate buttons, unlike the Mighty Mouse, which is why I purchased this in the first place. It hit my most basic requirement. Otherwise, it really deserves a 1 star rating",neg "Love this phone.....if only the Caller ID would work! It worked fine on day 1, day 2 worked on and off.....day 3 Caller ID not working. Tried moving the phone to different outlets, removing the batteries & putting them back in, tried new wire etc.... The phone works great otherwise. Loved the Caller ID when it was working--much larger than most and easy to read. Oh well",neg After having my old phone for 40 years I bought a new NWB phone due to remodeling. It lasted 5 months. You cannot get through on their help line and they do not answer their e-mail. Buy a NWB phone at your own risk. I had to buy another phone--AT&T and it works fine,neg I am comparing these transfers to the HP transfers for colored shirts. these require a reverse image and are just not user friendly. after three unsuccessful attempts I just went back to the more expensive HP's. The transfers did not adhere well and would flake off in little chunks even before you tried to wash them,neg These sound awful. I'm embarrassed to admit I spent 140.00 on these. The earphones from my 1989 sony walkman are far superior. If you like your music to sound as if it came from the bottom of a well then these are for you.,neg "Bought these pretty cheap, from woot.com.The good:- Great sound quality, all digital transmission so no hissing.- Look good- Decent battery lifeThe bad:- needs drivers (most USB headsets - granted, not wireless - don't)- Doesn't work on the Mac- If you are not playing music, they beep every 15 seconds or so. Then after a couple of minutes they turn themselves off. This drove me crazy and was not configurable.- Takes you ~15 seconds every time you turn them on and try to pair them.- Not terribly comfortable.After about a month of normal use, the headset cracked in the middle and stopped working. Bad quality o material. The Logitech people said they will refund whatever I paid for after I send them a copy of the receipt and the broken product. Too bad I get to pay for shipping and I'm not even sure they'll refund the ORIGINAL shipping. Lesson learned",neg "the toshiba vcr combo arrived, and was quite light in weight. it hooked up ok, but the orange (nice color) display, constantly stayed on zeros, and the vcr played tapes so bad, there was always a white static streak across the screen bottom. i sent it back after trying a few tapes (all tested poor.) better to get a good vcr for good vhs picture display quality",neg "I bought this unit because a DLink Sales Rep said it would be perfect for my application. Hah! It doesn't work at all (I hope Amazon will let me return it). The first thing I had to do was upgrade the firmware - no instructions on how to do this, but for the uninitiated: you have to download the .ftp file from Dlink, move it to the Dlink Firmware folder on your computer, then get the AP Manager to see your unit (that's another story involving IP addresses - again, no help from the install documents), and then you can install the update. I finally got the DWL-2100AP to see my network, but never could get it to talk back - it just sent gibberish. The Net tech and I worked on it for most of two working days, to no avail. Spent a lot of time on the phone with the DLink tech staff too, where everyone involved said we got some bad dope from the sales staff, but that we might get it to work, provided it is compatible with the existing equipment blah, blah, blah... My assessment of Dlink and the DLINK DWL-2100AP? Poor pre-sales support, poor post-sales support, confusing tech support, and poor documentation/install instruction for a product that may be (but then again, may not be) compatible with your existing equipment. What's up DLink",neg when i got the moniter i said it was cool and alright but whe i plugged it in it did nat work and i was angry.i tried again but it did not work so i tried to send it back but it was to much of a hassle.i decided t see what was the problem and send it to a electronics store and the told me the the ic was bad.the only thing i could have done is to buy a new adapter.so i paid 800 trinidadian dollars to get it to work.i was furious,neg "My family and I just relocated 3 states away from our extended family and wanted to get a good webcam to keep intouch with everyone and let our 2 year old see his grandmother once and a while. When I saw the Microsoft LifeCam at Target stores and that it was compatible with Windows Live I thought it would be worth the $100 price tag to be able to keep in touch with family.I purchased the software and started the installation process on my computer. Just so you know,my system is running a pentium 4 processor and has 8 active USB 2.0 connections, only 3 of which are being used for the keyboard, mouse, and this webcam, along with 512MB of RAM which is more than necessary for this product to function.The software took about 10 minutes to install which I thought was a little odd, then it askes for you to plug in the camera. My XP system recognized the camera but told me that the hardware had encountered an error during installation and may not function properly. I uninstalled the software and tried the installation again with the same result. I then tried a different USB port just in case there was a problem. Following a stepwise process I checked and updated all drivers for the USB hub, ports, etc. and I checked under the system manager tools to ensure that all were working properly. I then went to the microsoft website and downloaded the updates for the software (this took another 15 minutes and the site crashed twice).By now I was getting very frustrated but hoped that the software update would allow appropriate conectivity with the camera. I went into the software and found that it was recognizing the mic, but it said that there was no camera attached. I again tried to find the camera through other means with no results.For the price paid and the 3+ hours I spent trying to install the hardware I can say with all assurity that this product is not worth it. I will be returning it to Target for a full refund and will look into investing my money with another brand.As someone else said earlier in the reviews, does microsoft ever send their products through Quality Assurance before they release them?",neg "Dont microsoft ever send their software thru Quality Assurance checking? They asked me to install a windows update (KB something or the other) saying that it prevented the software from running at 100% CPU usage. Lo and behold, it still gets stuck!! Task Manager dutifully reports that it is after all consuming all resources",neg "I've found these headphones to be highly overrated.The noise cancelling is primarily from the snug fit in the ear. When the noise circuit is turned on, the background hiss becomes incredibly annoying. To be fair though, this model does remove some background low frequency sound, even in addition to the the noise reduction from the ear plugs.The frequency response during playback sounds like an old am radio",neg "In terms of sound quality, noise cancelling, and general comfort - thise headphones are top of the line. I absolutely love the way the sound and the ammount of noise cancelling that they provide. I used them regularly when mowing the lawn and when flying, and I always recieved the highest quality sound and noise cancelleation. I was even able to listen to drum-n-bass while mowing the lawn and hear all of the appropriate frequencies on the low end.However... inside of 6 months, I have gone through 2 pairs of these headphones because the right ear headphone has gone out on them. The worst part is - I can't even begin to imagine why it goes out. I keep my heaphones in a locked cabinet in my office every night. Last friday, I placed back into the nice little carry bag that they come with, and placed them into this cabinet. This morning when I pulled them out for use, the right ear bud is out again... no physical damage is apparent anywhere on the headphones, and there is not a broken wire anywhere. In fact, the wiring is perfectly fine and still functional. It is the physical earbud - the hard plastic peice - that has gone out. If i squeeze the earbud hard enough, it will turn on again.Something inside of the earbud is obviously designed improperly and I would highly recommend that noone purchase these headphones because of this",neg Someone previously pointed out that these earphones did not filter out the highs well. It may be the highs all I know is the only thing it seems to filter well is my wife and kids voices and allow in every other ambiant noise around.Now I may have gotten a lemon but the sound is poor. Volume cranked to high on any device I put this on comes out low at best. Put in any other set of earphones and it is painfully loud.The little inline triangle that has the on/off switch is cumbersome and is at a strange distance from the earphones. Just seems to far from the earphones or not far enough. Just doesn't seem to clip naturally anywhere. Either to much cord or not enough.I am not a music or sound expert by any means so it does not bode well that I think these earphones are poor at best,neg "I got Avaya RoadWarrior up and running on my computer to use when I work remotely. My co-worker told me to get a GN Netcom headset but I figured I'd save some money and get this one. Big mistake.There is a major problem with some laptops when the power cord is plugged in, the listener on the other end has what sounds like you in a an airplane during flight. The humming goes away when you unplug the power cord but that doesn't help me, I need to be able to use it when the power cord is plugged in or not.Anyway, I chatted with Plantronics support and then informed me that it's a known issue with no work around except to unplug the power cord while using it.So, it's getting returned.",neg "It failed Dragon Naturally Speaking's sound tests, tests easily passed by the cheapo mike included with the program. And just try to return it. Antonline stonewalls, Plantronics doesn't respond at all",neg "Gave it one star because there was no option for zero. Died after two days of use, would not turn on or reset. Previous Zen Nano, same thing after six months of use. I guess that would be my last Creative product",neg "The first warning sign is that the drivers are not Windows approved and unsigned. Their installation instructions advise you to ignore the warnings.Next, is the cheesy cool looking set-up program. Please forget about the groovy graphics and just provide a usable interface.Then, the drivers don't work. My cursor slides all around the screen after I stop moving the mouse. I tried calling customer support, but there is no telephone support. I then tried connecting with their online chat support. No one helped me after 20 minutes. Two days later, in response to an e-mail, they sent me 3 pages of instructions about how to adjust my system to accommodate their crappy software.Too bad, because the mouse itself is a nice piece of hardware. Solid-feeling, well-built, and comfortable.I'm sending mine back for a refund",neg "THE ROUTER CARD DOES NOT WORK, MY OLD ONE WORKS WITH THE NEW ROUTER BUT THE NEW CARD DOES NOT WORK AT ALL, SO I NEED A REFUND FOR IT, OR A REPLACEMENT, THANKS",neg "I bought it with my Linksys WRT54GS Wireless-G Broadband Router with SpeedBooster. The software installation procedure is really poor. When I ran the software first few times it constantly gave me error messages (can't remember what they were) so I had to reinstall it 2-3 time till it settled down finally. Then I set up the network settings with my router and scanned for the access point (Infrastructure) but it couldn't find anything even though the router was only 5-7 feet away! At one point it managed to connect to the router but it was still searching for the internet connectivity.. After several minutes it couldn't find anything and disconnected from the router. I knew there was nothing wrong the router or internet because I inserted my old Belkin adapter and it connected straight away!Don't waste your money on this. If you wanna get a router, get the one I've got which is quite good. If you want a WiFi Adapter then get Belkin F5D7010 Wireless 54Mbps Notebook Adapter. I couldn't find any 108g adapters by them but this one is really good.http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000085BCX/qid=1125546516/sr=8-5/ref=pd_bbs_unbuck_5/002-4891207-7082407?v=glance&s=electronics&n=17259",neg "This product keeps changing home addresses; none of which are the address I typed in the initial field. It does not stay charged so that it is actually able to function as advertised if you are gone from home any length of time and you put your dog in a yard. Additionally, gravity takes it down to the lower neck area in common use so that when the dog is doing normal dog things, the device sinks downward so that the antenna is pointing toward the ground. The pictures are misleading. We tried all of the advise the company gave us. It's just not a device that works when and where you need it to work. It was a lot to invest to have this many problems.",neg "... it's called a leash. Or a fence. How about keeping your pet safe the responsible-- not to mention cheap-- way.I've been a volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter for 5 years, and I'm still amazed at the lack of guardianship people show for their pets. So your dog has this $350-dollar doodad on its neck. It's not going to keep it from running out into the street and getting hit by a car, or picked up by somebody who wants to use it for dog-fighting bait or sell it to a lab (yes, these things happen-- often).Have some sense, people. This is ridiculous.",neg "A nice device, but Microsoft didn't include software that encrypts the fingerprint image. Although very difficult to do someone *could* steal your fingerprint. To be safe I would not use this fingerprint reader for password protected websites that contain sensitive information or for network admin or computer BIOS privledges",neg "This camera had some nice features like the ability to write to a network storage device, smart motion detection, etc. The recorded videos have their own codec so you can use it or d-vix. Some videos are unreadable and if you dig deep enough, d-link has a utility to make them readable.I upgraded the latest firmware 1.06, tried using the ability to write to a storage device and found it very hard to manage. Motion triggering is touchy but works once you set it up. The wireless caused 90% of my communication problems. Ran a wire and things were fine. Clock could not keep time for anything. Set USA EDT and it was fine and shortly after it feel back one hour. D-Link knows of this and the only solution was to use Atlantic time. It has all the right features and image is great but I have to vote thumbs down on this unit.One more thing, D-Link hard codes an IP address so if you try and factory reset remotely or of you happen to be using a different network addressing scheme, you're done. Why for the life of me they don't use DHCP by default is beyond me",neg Camera will not stay up on wireless network with Dlink router! Firmware has some serious issues. Dlink support was worthless. I returned the camera and bought a Panasonic and never looked back,neg "It would be really great if Amazon and other resellers did a better job outlining which accessories were compatible with which products. This is stated as a CF Type I card yet this does not work with a Nikon Coolpix 4300--another, more expensive Kingston card, must be used",neg "I have several pairs of portable speakers for my laptop but forgot to bring them on a recent trip and bought these based on the glowing reviews posted here. However, when I received the speakers I found that they are much larger in size and much lower in both quality of build and quality of sound than for example the Creative speakers. They have a huge and unstable footprint when opened (about 9 inches long and one inch deep) and are not particularly compact when folded either. The sound is not rich and they eat batteries amazingly fast, then begin to buzz. I do not recommend these speakers",neg "I bought this for my 5g Ipod. I drive a late model Subaru with the lighter switch inside of the ashtray console. Firstly the transmitter was completely dangerous to operate while driving. Its impossible to use in Park and Neutral in my car. The controls are bulky. The transmission cut out in mountains, on hills, and on the highway whenever I drove over 60mph resulting in my ipod starting and stopping because it shakes and wobbles in the console. In short, it hardly worked and I was afraid to touch it while driving, lest I'd knock my gear shift out of place. Its cheaply made and all in all a complete piece of junk.This is hands down the worst IPOD FM transmitter I have ever used. I've previously used a basic Kensington all in one model (stolen by wife, worked well but awkward) and ended up replacing this with a far superior Griffin Road Trip. I reccommend spending the extra $15 on the Road Trip.",neg "Worked well for a while ( 2 weeks) , the sound always had static, later the sound went really low and then it just died",neg "I have the same problem some other reviewers had: the audio was extremely low unless I manually adjust the cassette. It's not that easy - you have to stick your finger into the cassette slot while the adapter is in there, and wiggle it forward and backward until the audio adjusts. But that doesn't always work. If that doesn't work, you then have to turn your hand over and use your fingernail to catch a ridge on the adapter and lift it up a bit. I'd rather not have an accident on the highway by either (1) fiddling with the audio, or (2) smashing the adapter into little pieces while I drive.Hundreds of songs on the ipod and no way to listen while you drive...",neg "After using this sd card only twice, it can not be recognized by any of my card reader. Totally a waste of money and time. Do not buy pny brand",neg "I had DCS-900W from the same product line. It craped out after 9 months, and now I am on the fifth call to try to resolve the issue and get it shipped back. I don't know where their support is located, but the line quality is very bad, they ran the same drill over and over, but just don't want to issue you an order for you to ship back.This is the first D-Link product I own and probably the last. The resolution looks crappy even when it's new, and now it's totally dead, even reset won't work on it",neg "Yesterday was the annual Thanksgiving sale day. I got this 1G CF card from Staples by $40 after easy rebate. With this price, I think it is a great deal. However, it worked for my digital rebel only half an hour before it was DEAD. All my photos in the card were lost. I am a graduate student majoring in computer engineering, I know how to recover data if a hard drive fails. But this time, I find I simply can't help. Fortunately, Staples have a good return policy and I just returned it without hassle. Hopefully, this is only my case. My suggestion: make sure your dealer has a good return policy before you get this item.",neg "Of course as all things computer related, as soon as this was purchased the price dropped drastically. Unit works great but buy the 2 gig. More bang for the $",neg The card failed after 23 pictures. Amazon credited me with a full purchase price credit to my credit card account,neg "I was on hold 50 minutes, 52 seconds before anybody answered. I heard your call is important to us at least 100 times, which wasn't very convincing",neg "I bought this reader for my laptop since it didn't have USB 2.0.But to tell you the truth, I think this device is a little slower than USB 1.0! I am going to buy the Lexar 32Bit card and see if that improves the download speed, because this reader is so slow.It took me about 45min to download 2GB of photos from my Extreme III card. That is unacceptable",neg "Note: I am fully aware that compact flash cards have a maximum sustained upload speed which caps off the potential speed of the medium it is being transferred on.I purchased this product to use in conjunction with my SanDisk Ultra II compact flash cards. I thought that PC cards would be faster than USB 1.1 and 2.0, but thats not the truth.Whenever I try to upload files from my CF cards thru the PC card, it slows down the ENTIRE system. I can't do other tasks while the card is uploading files since everything is acting sparatic and slow.I'll admit, the card is a bit faster in uploading files than USB 1.1, but I can't do anything else on my computer while the card is working. Honestly, I would rather have a little bit slower performance with my USB 1.1 card reader and be able to work on my computer at the same time instead of having the card slow down my entire system.I believe this card is a 16-bit pcmcia card. I've heard good praise for Lexar's 32-bit pcmcia cards, but I have yet to try it out. I'm sure it costs more money than this PC card or a USB card reader, though...All in all, I suggest getting a USB 2.0 compact flash reader over this product if you want to work on your computer at the same time as you are uploading files.Otherwise, if your the kinda person who doesnt mind leaving the computer alone while the files are uploaded to your computer, this will work just fine for you",neg "and the worst part is that I'm actually glad about it!I bought this set to replace a [...]Logitech wireless mouse/keyboard combo that was about 3 years old when the mouse scroll wheel stopped working.I figured I'd treat myself to what looked like the best wireless set out there. Here's what I found:1) The keyboard is HUGE. I have Dell 19 flat panel and the keyboard looks ridiculous in front of it.2) Even though the USB dongle is plugged in the Dell monitor about 1 foot from the mouse/keyboard it still loses its connection and I get the message USB device has malfunctioned. I have to remove and replace the dongle and it starts again. This happens a couple of times a week, but of course at the most inconvenient times.3) The keyboard goes to sleep like the mouse after a few minutes to save battery life. The mouse will wake up after a slight delay and I'm used to that but I can't tell you how many times I pressed Ctrl-C to copy something into the buffer and then discovered that it didn't take because the keyboard was asleep. The keyboard should never go to sleep or this feature should have a way to be disabled!4) The keyboard died (stopped responding) at less than 6 months old. I still use the mouse but dug out an ancient Dell quietkey wired keyboard. Frankly I don't miss the behemoth MS monster at all, at least the old keyboard doesn't take up the whole desk and when I hit Ctrl-C it works every time.Microsoft has made some good keyboards and mice, but this set is not one of them. Buyer beware.",neg "I bought this keyboard/mouse set hoping to consolidate most of my wireless devices onto a single HUB and standard.Setting up the set was easy enough in Windows, but I immediately found that the mouse did not work well at all. The cursor would move in increments of around 10 pixels at a time. I even put the Bluetooth adapter on a USB extension cord and placed it within inches of the mouse, but that didn't help at all.The keyboard seemed to work well, but I didn't use it for very long because the mouse was unbearable to use. I have several wireless networks in my area, which may be causing interference with the Bluetooh though",neg "Speaking from real experience, don't waste your money buying this cable which makes absolutely no difference from a cabe you can find with half or less the price. I bought a few top of the line monster cables once I got the top of the line SONY XBR960 HDTV. Later on I switched cables around, with other brand, cheaper component cables such as Philips PTS1000 (the HDMI standard owner by the way), and also other HDMI cables (even no name brands coming with my DVD player). You know what? I see absolutely no difference even under close examination. The SONY XBR960 produces the finest pitch you can find on any TV. You think about what that means. Stop buying this ridiculously priced cables, and save your $$ and buy somethinfg else on your shopping list. Digital is digital. Don't let monster mislead you that their cables produce more 11010 ... than others.",neg "Basically a nice phone, BUT:A: I've had three of these phones, and sooner or later the little repositionable hang-up tab snaps off, rendering it useless as a wall-mount, andB:I can hear well with the speaker phone, but have to shout to be heard.",neg "I purchased the Kensington after my casette adapter developed an annoying wheel noise. I heard and read a lot about the problems with FM transmitters, like static and audio quality but the Kensington was the best rated unit.It arrived the day before I had to take a business trip and thought it would be a great test. The first day I used it, it seemed to work great. The next day on my return trip home, all I got was static and could barely hear the music from my iPod. I tried every station I could find with little or no transmission on it, but the audio quality remained extremely poor.I am not sure if there are just too many stations broadcasting in the NYC metro area or this particular unit is defective, but since my car has a casette player I will go with casette adapter for now.If you have lots of unused frequencies, it might work in your area. Just be sure you can return it if it doesn't work out for you.",neg I had a Monster iCarPlay for some time and had givben it to a friend. So when I was looking for a new one i thought I'd try the Kensington.Big mistake - my car couldn't pick the signal up without manually tuning - very painful. Go for the Monster products over this in a heartbeat,neg "Using this in my wife's Expedition is very annoying. For some reason the cord must be placed in exactly the right position or static will drown out the music coming from the car's speakers. Note that no other electrical devices in this car (and there are a lot of them; she got every option available with the car) misbehave at all. I would not repeat this purchase, not can I recommend anyone else buy one of these. I only gave it two stars because with continual minor effort it can be made to work acceptably - however, fiddling with the cord while driving is certainly NOT a safe practice",neg "NEW are notorious thieves in the consumer electronics repair industry. I personally submitted for repair both a $1,600 video camera (Sony DCR-PC5) and a car CD player (a Sony CDX-C90, a $1,200 in-dash top of the line unit. If you've heard of it, you know what I'm talking about). I was told that the warranty did not cover what was wrong with my video camera (some ambiguous statement about logic board, power unit, etc. failure followed), and would have to pay ~$780 to have it fixed. I naturally refused, and was forced to keep my dead 4 month-old handycam, an unfortunate testament to some of Sony's now widely publicized QC issues. The reason I did not send in the camera initially has to do with the fiasco involving my CD player. I was told, explicitly, that if NEW could not fix it, they would either return the unit or write me a check in the amount of $1,000 (not even enough to cover the cost of the player). As an added insult, when they indeed could not fix the unit, they KEPT it, and I NEVER received a check!!! Simply outrageous! Blatant theft, and I'm not the only one who will tell you a story about NEW and such an act. They are IMPOSSIBLE to get ahold of, and literally take your money and run/disappear. Don't expect to ever hear from them, should your camera stop working, and good luck getting ahold of them if you happen to send it in beforehand. Chances are, you will have to eat the loss, as I did. This product deserves a negative star and should come with an automatic refund. I seriously thought it was a gag when I saw NEW was in charge of the coverage. What a joke! Whoever runs your company, NEW, ought to be both ashamed of themselves and held liable for all the countless damages and losses they have caused. The whole lot of you belong in an unfriendly prison",neg "I originally placed my order with my a digital camera and this four year service plan. Three days after, I had to cancel my digital camera order for personal reasons. However the $161.80 total I spent on this warrant did not refund automatically and nor have I received a confirmation that it will be refunded. After several phone calls and emails of providing information for the requested refund. They finally tell me that it will take 8 weeks for my refund to process. That is two whole months. Horrible service I can't imagine how long it would take for them to either repair or replace my camera should it have faltered. I would not recommend this four year service plan or any other plan by N.E.W. Customer Service Companies to anyone",neg "The sound is really great, but there is one problem with this headphones they keep falling from my ears no matter what rubber caps (they come with 3 different sizes) I used. The design flaw makes them unusable for me",neg "The absolutely worst headphones I have ever had. Trying the different sizes, the earplugs just don't want to stay in my ears (even standing still). The headphones that come with the I-Pod, and the earlier version of lanyard headphones were both much better. The sound was fine, but not any better than the standard headphones. A poor product. I was very disappointed, as I have had good experiences in general with Apple in the past",neg "Ok, after reading the multiple good reviews on Amazon i persuaded myself to buy these speakers thinking some people were just pessimistic. Ok, i got these and immediately put a pair of batteries in. These things sound absolutely awful, it goes about the volume of someone quietly talking and the sound is distorted and fuzzy, forget about any bass. Absolutely do not buy these things. Oh yeah, whoever has been rating these things as good must be working for sony or something cu these things are terribl",neg "To anyone who may like these, I am sorry to learn about your hearing disability. The T33 looked like a nice little package, but I thought, How could it possibly sound even acceptable? I hoped for a Sony surprise, but it didn't happen. When I returned them later that day, the clerk asked,Is there anything wrong with them? I said, Yeah, they suck.She smiled and handed me a refund.",neg "I was excited about these headphones because Creative usually has great products.I was sadly disappointed.The connector is clunky and surely going to wear out it's flimsy wire on the jack.The bluetooth signal is weak, take a walk down the street and it begins to distort like crazy. It also distorts at high volumes which you will need to use anyway because the sound is so low.It runs out of power after only a few short hours.And worst of all, the headphones are impossibly tight, causing real discomfort. After only two days of using these headphones, I couldn't take it any more",neg "I really wanted to like the TomTom Navigator 5.The GPS itself is tiny, well-designed, and very sensitive. It worked fine from down in a underdash cupholder or in the glove compartment.The interface is attractive and easy to navigate. The voice prompts are clear and loud.The installation on a Mac was problematic. Search on TomTom OSX for details, but suffice it to say that the installer included on the CDs simply doesn't work and a new one must be downloaded. Once past that, it ran fine on my Treo 700p.Unfortunately there is one fatal flaw - the map database. In using the Navigator in both California and North Carolina, the maps regularly had misnamed streets, exits referred to by numbers where there were none, and directions that lacked critical information like heading (i.e. take the 101 instead of take 101N when approaching a complex interchange).Worse, the company seems to be actively hostile to updating these maps. If you go to the TomTom site, you can purchase maps on a city-by-city basis. Are they newer than the ones that came with your unit? Who knows? TomTom lists no version info and seems to expect you to buy and cross your fingers.There were just too many errors that I saw while traveling in areas that I'm familiar with to trust the TomTom maps for any unfamiliar territory. Everything else is great, but the whole point of a GPS is accurate navigation. And sadly, that's where the TomTom Navigator fails",neg "It is not as good as recommended. The image is really unclear when the light is not strong, and it's totally white under strong light. The contrast is low.It's not a good product, useles",neg "At the moment I am in the middle of a 3-day ordeal sorting out Outlook 2002, which comes with the ipaq. Outlook 2002 has many many many known bugs (which only now I find out) and I can't for the life of me figure out why HP would ship it with their hardware. DO NOT INSTALL OUTLOOK 2002 on your machine.The ipaq itself may be OK, but if this is a foreshadowing of the fun to come..",neg "I'll admit, I'm not the techno wizard some on this panel seem to be, but then again, I don't believe you should have to be to operate what should be something simple, like a handheld computer.In essence, the title of this review says it all. Almost $300 and several months later, I am unable to get this hunk of junk to even turn on. Let alone connect to a server. All of these things were supposed to be fixed by a 'patch' that if someone can download from the HP website, I'd love to see it. All downloads came back with an Error message when I attempted to download.Long story short, you'd be better off buying a laptop. HP is not known for their handhelds, do not buy this product or anything similar to this from HP. You will be sorry.",neg I like the light that goes on when the phone rings but that is about all I like about this phone. Friends tell me I sound like I am under water and I have had to terminate many conversations due to static and interference. One friend insists that I have a microwave running as we speak. I am actively looking for a new set to buy because these are worthless,neg "It looked flashy and well-conceived on the web shopping sites that featured it; however, after setting up Panasonic's KX-TG5576M, I'm underwhelmed... First of all, even in this day and age, it's not Mac-compatible (though the Pansonic Call Center Representative had assured me, after checking with her Superior, that it indeed was.) So, I cannot comment on downloading ringtones, wallpapers, etc. (Meanwhile, these mobile phone-like features were the main reason I wanted this particular cordless phone).Secondly, the built in digital message recorder is of the lowest quality. I was looking for an alternative to the monthly charge for voice mail through the phone company. This isn't it. If you prefer to record your own message in lieu of the generic built-in message options, your Callers will here something sounding like a worn-out Edison recording. It struck me as odd that with the included audio cable, you can connect the handset to an audio device with a headphone jack, to record custom ring tones, with good quality results. Yet, to record a message for the digital answering machine, you need to speak into the dinky little microphone hole on the base unit, with the aforementioned low sound quality.Finally, the battery life of the handset is rather short. This is despite the (too) low backlighting on the handset keypad. Oh, why no backlighting on the base unit?",neg "I cannot recommend HP to anybody anymore. The company introduced regional coding, which means printer cartridges from one region cannot be used in another. For most this is probably not an issue, for those busily traveling around it is. Also, it is an issue of principle, its bad enough for DVD, but printer cartridges? HP has introduced this rather secretely and if you don't read the box cover etc very carefully, you may not notice. The main issue is in Europe. I got caught out. I bought a 3 catridges overseas - I could not use them on my HP printer. I asked for a refund, HP Email Support (US) was nice but ineffective. HP Customer Support (Europe) was snotty and very rude. I think HP does not care about its customers and this cost me over US$75, almost 50% of my printer (my sixth and last HP). Don't buy HP",neg "I cannot review this item since I have not received it so far at the shipping address I gave Amazon when I did the purchase.I bought four items, and I only got two of them by mail.What happened to the other two items?-KOSS Stereo In Ear Ear Plugs - The Spark Plug (Purchased on 09/15/2006)-Apple iPod USB Travel Kit with Car Charger, Travel Adapter & Cable (Purchased on 09/15/2006)WHO KNOWS..",neg I agree with the viewer preceding me. Very tinny. The ones I was using from my old computer sound 100% better. These are a complete waste. Two stars because I do hear the music but it sounds awful,neg "These speakers were a major disappointment. I have speakers that are about 5 years old, and wanted to replace them. But these Sony speakers were AWFUL - the sound was tinny, the bass was almost non-existent, and the sound was probably worse than that coming from my built-in laptop speakers.And these weren't even the cheap speakers - there were many sets that cost less than this. If you care at all about the quality of the speakers, spend another $20-$30 and get a decent set... don't buy these..",neg "These Ear Buds are large and hard. They have sharp edges and hurt my ears. I have large ears and large ear canals and wear other earbud type headphones all the time which do not bother me. These were not only painful but did not enhance the sound, but actually reduced it. This product should be taken off the market",neg "Using Rechargeable AAA batteries, with the Battery Saver feature turned on, about two hours. Sometimes I get more using alkalines, but not much more. Honestly, this unit is worthless, because I can't trust the batteries.Order a Garmin Etrex Legend instead. It isn't much more expensive, larger or heavier, and it includes a base map of roads, towns, and shorelines. The Legend comes with a cable to transfer data from your computer. The Legend's screen is a bit larger, but shows much more detail. And - the batteries last hours and hours.",neg This did not live up to its price or my expectations. I walk to work and there was static on both AM and FM -,neg "Takes 3 AAA batteries that in our experience run out too quick. Other units we've owned have lower battery drain. Also the LCD display has poor contrast. All in all, I'd buy another one that costs a few bucks more",neg "I ordered this charger a month ago. Since, they've sent me three chargers all the same, all wrong. They've sent me the shuffle charger three times in a row. Don't waste your money on this product, for a few bucks more you can get a company that will actually send you the right product the first time",neg "Bought a cell phone battery that, of course, died one week past their return/refund deadline. Refused to refund or replace even though the product is CLEARLY defective. This company is a ripoff and will never do business with them again. Consider yourself warned",neg "I purchased a unit recently and after a couple hours tinkering with it, I couldn't get it to work. I called Actiontec/Vosky support and spent almost an hour on the phone with them. They advised me to uninstall their software and Skype and to try reinstalling each product. When that didn't work, they told me the product was defective. Unfortunately, they refused to take it back themselves and made me deal with the Seller (ANTOnline.com) first (not a very good seller, btw, as they gave me a terrible time when I tried to return the defective product).Hopefully you'll have better luck.Also, be sure to check out whether Vosky is officially supporting Skype 2.5. When I made my purchase, they did not",neg "If your cars Dash is curved or sloping, this mount will not work. Did not work on a 1988 Mercedes 300E or a Daewoo Lanos. It might work if you have a perfectly FLAT dash. I had to return the item as it did not sit properly. Even the slightest touch from a finger would make it slide down. Those of you who are clean freaks like me, BEWARE. Products like armour all which leave a protective coating on your dash will further reduce the grip of this stand! I would not trust a $800 piece of equipment on an unreliable stand like this when even a slight touch of a finger can make it slide down. What about jolts and bumps while normal driving? I did not wait to find out using my $800 GPS as an experiment",neg "I bought this to run ethernet into my daughter's room. The powerline etherernet works flawlessly, I've had it up and running for six months without restart or problem into three other rooms. The wireless module however tends to overheat and drops the network after 24-48 hours of operation, so she has to unplug it every time she is done with the network, and plugs it back in whenever she wants to connect. I am going to upgrade her to another wired powerline ethernet module",neg "I posted a review two weeks ago, but it hasn't appeared, so I'm trying again...I bought this lock two years ago. It has always been difficult to remove. (Note: despite what some other reviewers seem to think, it does NOT have a motion detector - that's a different lock.) Recently, the lock decided to remain firmly inside my iBook, despite my efforts to remove it. After a fruitless call to Targus's customer support, I finally got it out. That took over 30 minutes of struggle. My next step was going to be purchasing a hack saw. Apparently, the Targus lock is not a good fit for iBooks. I'm going to send mine back and demand compensation. If you own an iBook, I strongly suggest you buy a lock made by someone other than Targus",neg "We drink a lot of coffee all day, every day. So we decided to convert to a thermal carafe coffeemaker in order to keep our coffee hotter and fresher-tasting. We first bought the 10-cup Capresso MT-500 which we loved except for the carafe which leaked slightly. The coffee was perfect everytime and the taste great. Unfortunately the control panel burned out about a year and half after we bought it. So instead of another expensive Capresso replacement, we decided to try a Japanese model which we thought might be more reliable. We have been using the Zojirushi for 2 weeks now and it works perfectly. No leaks and it just feels more mechanically reliable than the Capresso. Unfortunately, there is no water filter system in this model compared to others (we had taken this for granted and not checked for it). And no reuseable metal mesh filter (that I could find on the market) instead of paper filters. The water also does not seem as hot when it goes into the coffee grounds. We are not sure why our coffee just doesn't taste very good anymore, but we definitely have noted a real sharp drop in taste quality. Today, we pulled out our very old Krups ProAroma model and have noted a definite taste improvement. We will use this and the Zojirushi thermal carafe until we get a new Capresso coffeemaker replacement. Don't waste your money on this Zojirushi model unless you don't care about taste. It was money thrown out the window as far as we are concerned. Even mediocre coffee beans are too expensive to use with this machine",neg "He just looks away from where the spray emits--and barks again!It also doesn't work 100% of the time...and we're not sure why. When we fill it, it seems to work fairly well right after but it either does not have as many sprays as it is supposed to, or it isn't working very long.It does work well for my other small dog who is not such a persistent barker. Terriers are just too stubborn to care if they're getting sprayed, I guess.",neg "Having read the other reviews of this product on this site, I decided to go ahead and give these collars a shot despite some of the problems other reviewers had encountered. I ordered three of these products from this site, and when they arrived, not a single one of them worked - at all. They were completely useless and despite trying everything other reviewers and the manufacturer suggested, these products are completely useless. Although I have contacted the manufacturer of this product about the defects, I would still like the buyer to be aware that if purchasing this product from this website, that if the product does not work, it can not be returned for a refund or even exchanged. Thus, your credit card will still be billed, your dogs will still be barking, and you may get stuck with products that are worthless.",neg "Sometimes it sprays when she barks, most of the time it doesn't. So I would say its effectiveness has been rather low. It's not the battery or the fill level - maybe it just depends on the dog. I can bark into it myself and it sprays just fine. (My children found this amusing.",neg "This item is cheaply made and I sent it back. The picture looks cool but it's deceiving. The minute hand was so loose that when it was on the right side, it flopped down to the right and then when it was on the left, it plopped down to the left. It couldn't keep the right time",neg "Initially, my dogs found the sound interesting and slowed down on barking, but after a couple of days they acted like they didn't even hear the sound. Now, they are back to bark all you want",neg "I bought this product hoping it would solve my problem with my barking terrier. He didn't even notice it was there. I put it near his crate and it still didn't stop him from barking. I pushed the manual button and still nothing. It promises to stop annoying barking, but it didn't stop my dog for one minute. It was a complete waste of my money",neg Our dogs didn't even notice it. We have three small terriers and I thought this would be a suitable device for a few house slippers. I was wrong - the kept on barking..,neg Read the description carefully. It states the speaker range is 50' not the microphone. My dog stood 10' away from it and even with the sensitivity on high and her barking right at the thing it wouldn't trigger. Matter of fact I never could get it to trigger with barking. The only time it did go off was when I put the batteries in for the first time and my husband was mowing the lawn on his big riding mower and he knocked into a chicken wire fence which made me run out to get it with the unit in my hand. Even then it didn't go off till I was about 4 feet from the mower.I also couldn't get it to just make the ultrasonic sound. Even when switched from audible to ultrasonic you still hear a noise. Not just me but my husband too so it's not a case of super human hearing on my part :-)Yes the timer option is very nice. This was actually why I purchased this one over the others as we only wanted to stop the night barking. But what good is the timer function if the microphone can't pick up the barking?So read these descriptions carefully when looking at these control units. Unless your dog always barks in the same spot and you can place this unit under 4 feet from them then pick something else.,neg "I have had my Super Bark Free for 3 years. Never really worked the way I hoped but I spent so much on it I keep trying. Well now it doesn't work. Can't turn it off and it doesn't cycle when the dog barks.I called Lentek and the pleasant young man on the phone told me if it was within the warranty period 1 year they would just replace it. I told him I was willing to pay to have it repaired. He said, We are just the distributor and don't support repairs of our product. That is the key, THEY DO NOT SUPPORT THEIR PRODUCT",neg "Super Bark Free didn't work in the least to stop my nextdoor neighbor's dog's extremely irritating ear-piercing loud barking - he merely ignored it (though fortunately my neighbor was good about trying to keep the dog quiet). I'm mad that I wasted a lot of money on a totally ineffective product.If you decide to purchase Super Bark Free, be sure it's returnable for a full refund if it doesn't live up to its claims. And in the meantime, shop around for a more effective product",neg "The one item in your house that you really wish would suck and it certainly doesn't! This thing blows more air than it sucks dirt. What a useless thing. I'm looking for one that will actually pick up the dirt from the recessed areas of my prefinished floor. This thing certainly doesn't do it! If you're looking to buy this thing, look again -- there MUST be something better if not just your regular broom",neg "The design for using the DC adapter with LED Booklight is extremely poor. It is possible that I missed the warning that tells you to remove the batteries before using the DC adapter. But, it must not have been very big. I combined the two and ended up with batteries that leaked all over inside the battery case. These were brand new batteries. There does not seem to be anything protecting the batteries from the DC adapter and so the power goes right into them. This is bad. Modern devices are expected to work with either battery or adapter without having to remove the batteries.I had assumed that I could leave the batteries in so that when I was at home I could use the adapter, but traveling I would use the batteries. Don't make this mistake",neg i got this fryer only yesterday i fryed some chicken wings and french fries the fries came out with so much oil and cooked for 10 min for a small batch i have been frying for about 10 years and know how to cook very well and i have to say this is just as bad as frying on the stove. i put the oil to the max fill line and with cooking the two things the oil went down to the min line do not buy.,neg "There are a lot of theoretically good ideas that fail when executed. This is one of them. 1/QUALITY:It's made cheaply, and even before it breaks, it's flimsiness does not inspire confidence. 2/RESISTANCE:The levels of resistance have nothing to do with real progression , as anyone who 'seriously' uses this will be too strong for the machine in a few weeks,(many will be unchallenged right from the beginning). The standard: If the set is longer than a minute and you still have strength to continue, you need more resistance. 3/COMPARED TO CRUNCHES: There's a reason why crunches are done lying down: The weight of the torso supplies a fairly heavy resistance, whereas when you crunch in an uptight position the weight of the torso actually helps the effort, as you are dropping your weight down instead of lifting it up. Much of what makes the Ab Crunch Machine 'work' is your weight dropping on it, not your muscles working. This little piece of plastic doesn't have springs strong enough to resist your bodyweight and strengthen your muscles besides. (You may achieve an isometric contraction that has some effect, but you can get -exactly- this effect, or -better-, without any equipment at all! Just tense up in seated crunch position for minute or so.)... Of course, by the time a product is appealing to the public by claiming how supposedly -huge- a hassle lying down (??) to do crunches is, we've reached the real problem: This thing is designed to AVOID EFFORT. It seems as though no one goes broke helping people avoid effort. Unfortunately, exercise IS effort, and the more you avoid effort, the less exercise you get",neg I have seen this online on other sites and in catalogs for $20 (not on sale either - regular price). Same siz,neg "The Corningware dish is great, my 1 star is not for the item, it is for Dynadirect. They are HORRIBLE! Item was backordered, but they never told me and charged my credit card. When I called they finally told me it was backordered and I ask that they cancel the order and refund my money. Bad, Bad Servic",neg "I was really hopeful about this product working. I have four dogs, ages 2 through 8. I tried and tried to teach them how to use this product, but they just never could make the connection of the bark to pushing the button. They just ignored the paw and wouldn't ever put their paw on it to even touch it",neg This is very misleading. this item is only half of the package. after its delivered you will find that you must also order more parts to make it work. very disappointed in amazon for allowing this,neg "As this is a consumable food product, I'd like to know what each color is made of. ???????????",neg "I am very disappointed. These flowers are worse than what you see at a grocery store. I ended up paying more from another vendor and getting flowers that she liked. I buy roses alot, and I know what a fair cost is for good quality. If you're paying less than $30, beware",neg "Being somewhat of an insomniac I read well into the hours of the night and a book light is essential to me. I therefore purchased the itty bitty booklight. If you do use this light it is essential to purchase the power supply for two reasons. Firstly, there is no auto shut-off so if you fall asleep reading your batteries wear down very quickly. Secondly, when using batteries, they start dimming rather quickly making it hard on the eyes and difficult to read resulting in the constant need for new batteries. This light is also extremely fragile. Over a couple of years I went through 7 of these! I would not recommend this light - for the amount you spend on the never-ending purchasing of batteries or the expensive power supply, and the constant new purchases after it breaks, you might as well splurge and buy a decent book light. I now have the Tri Lite by Capstone Enterprises (available at Barnes & Nobel - come on and get it in stock Amazon!) It is terrific! It has a clock with an alarm and a timer. You can set it to stay on for any period of time and once it reaches that time the light flashes. At that time you can extend the minutes. If you don't do so, for example you're sleeping, it will automatically shut off. It also produces much more light and is much brighter than the Itty Bitty Book Light",neg "Why does this light cost 30$? For this price and supposedly a bunch of design awards, I find this light to be of extremely poor quality. The connection between the chord and the a/c adapter is loose and tends to fall out with the slightest notion of tension. The chord is also very sensitive and needs to be jiggled to get the light to stay on. I am still looking for a better alternative, but for the price, this light isn't worth the investment.",neg "I bought this for my mother-in-law at her request. She has arthritis and saw it on TV. She also wanted the free gripper that came with it. I scoured the listings at Amazon looking for one that included the gripper, even paid a little more for it. She used the can opener once and it broke. The free gripper required sending away for it and an inflated S&H fee",neg "The can has to be 100% dent free for this to work. If you have even a tiny imperfection in the shape of the can, this thing won't open your product. A great idea, but this needed a little more refinement.Paper weight in my min",neg "I bought this electric kettle and while it did heat water very quickly, once I opened the lid the whole pot of water reeked of plastic. Needless to say, the water was not drinkable.I don't know if I was stuck with a bad unit but I would not recommend this electric kettle. Buyer beware",neg "I bought these towels to wash my car, so I wanted a thick soft 100% cotton nap. What I received was on par with the thin towels you'd find at cheap hotel - not thick or soft. On the plus side, the sewed in tag did say 100% cotton and it was made in the USA",neg This product does separate the fat BUT small bits of meat or vegetables will stop up the spout and the plastic is not heat resistant. Mine cracked the first time I used it and after the second use it had to go in the trash can,neg "Once upon a time, not too long ago, they made and sold fat separators that permitted the juice to flow out from the bottom of the separator. This meant that the cook could harvest all of the juice, plus the tasty bits, instead of, as with this product, having to strain the sauce first (for the bits) and then sacrifice some of the sauce (a small amount to be sure), lest the fat start to flow through the spout as well. This product is really just a step away from spoon and ice cube, and not a big step, considering that it's not a complete solution. If the cooks's purpose were to collect the fat--e.g., chicken schmalz--free from juices, it would present the same problems",neg "Works well on carpets not to well anywhere else. The hose attachment is horrible, the hose is about 4 ft long and stiff and is not permanently attached to the vacuum, and when you try to clean furniture the movement losens it and it comes off. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats and I need to be able to clean the furniture. Also when you could use the hose on something all the dirt piled up on the floor where the vacuum stood, it was not pulled into the bag. Very disappointed with it and would not recommend to anyone with pets.",neg "The International Eversharp line is Henckels low-end, stamped stainless line. It is not carbon steel. It is not hand-forged. It does not compare to the other Henckels lines which are. You get what you pay for. These are cheap knives.This is the first time I have seen a set of Henckels knives which could go in the dishwasher....but, that's because on this line, you do not get Henckels lifetime warranty (which is voided by dishwasher use)",neg "I decided to give this product a shot. Some reviewers said the bags would work properly if you don't overstuff them -- still not true! A Large bag re-inflated when I put 2 standard pillows in it. So I took out 1 pillow and tried again, and the bag was nowhere near being full. It seemed to work all right, but the next morning the pillow had re-inflated! And if you buy the bags with the zippers, the zippers come off easily, they make sealing more difficult, and one even tore a hole in the bag. I purchased straight from AsSeenOnTV.com, but their return policy looks a little weird. I'm not sure if I'll get a refund. Also be careful if you order straight from AsSeenOnTV.com -- I upgraded to express shipping and got my package 12 days later! I guess the product was just too good to be true.",neg "This is the worst basting brush I have ever encountered. At first countless bristles fell out in my food and every time I washed it. (Although it's dishwasher safe, it failed to come clean in there, even after a big squirt of dawn and much hand washing it isn't spotless, but I think I pulled most of the loose bristles out in the process.) It also doesn't stand up to any heat, I use it to lightly grease my griddle for pancakes and things (at about 375 degrees) becuase I don't like the residue left by Pam, and it shrinks and flakes bristle bits every time. I also don't like the Good Grips in general (these were a gift) the handles are too bulky and take up too much space in my utensil crock and limited apartment kitchen drawers",neg "The Fiestaware Scarlet mugs are beautiful but dangerous. The handle is much too small for this size mug. If you can get your finger through the small hole, your finger will soon be as scarlet as the Fiestaware. The first and only time my family used these mugs, two of us burned ourselves.Fiestaware really screwed up on this one, a shame given the beauty of the Scarlet Fiestaware",neg "Last year, I bought a Pizza Stone from Pampered Chef. It was a rousing success with my family. For the 5 of us, however, one stone was not enough and I wanted a companion that would help provide two delicious pizzas at one time. Sadly, the product did not come through. My pizza stuck to the stone and had to be scraped off. I tried going against the directions and didn't preheat the stone the second time. It stuck even worse! The pizza didn't get fully done in the middle, while the Pampered Chef pizza was perfect both times. I will be throwing the stone away and ordering the higher priced alternative from Pampered Chef. You get what you pay for!!",neg "I thought I was getting a true cooking stone - but it is only a bread stone. Cannot cook other foods on it. I thought I was getting something similar to pampered chef cooking stone where I could cook meat, cookies, etc. and it seasoned the stone as it was used. If all you want is pizza or bread this may be the item - but it is VERY limited in use for the amount of space it takes up in the cabinet.",neg Purchased the unit about 6 months ago and have never been happy with it. The heating plate under the pot started to rust; the pot leaks every time it's poured; it's almost impossible to pour water into the water chamber without spilling it; the handle of the coffee basket broke within a few months; and two days ago the entire top of the unit snapped off when we opened it to pour in the water. We purchased this unit because of the Cuisinart brand and the stainless steel carafe. We will not purchase another,neg "I have a Kitchenaid model K5SSWH Heavy Duty Mixer and they do not fit over my 5 qt bowl. I regrettably only read the editorial review and bought these covers thinking I can snap them on. I use them to loosely cover my attachments now, but I could have used anything for that",neg "As Shannon says, Kitchenaid mixer bowl covers are terrific for storing food and attachments. But be warned: these particular covers may not fit your mixer bowl! I purchased a new Artisan mixer & ordered these to go along with it, but they are too small. They do not fit the Artisan or KSM90 mixer bowls. Models they fit are KBC5N, K5SS, & KSM5 only",neg "Started having problems with hot water spraying out and burning those who stand in front. Contacted Melitta and they said they are aware of the issue and I have to purchase a pod holder adapter due to the pods are too thick. I questioned charging people for something they manufactured and were notified was defective, the dummy on the phone didn't have an answer. I do not recommend this product. Maybe a class action is due",neg "I ordered this after reading that it includes 6 18 ounce bowls. This is bad advertising. I ordered 2 sets and only received 2 bowls. After I wrote to customer service and asked for the additional 10 bowls per the offer. Amazon refused to send them and thanked me for pointing out an error. In 2 days Amazon has not even corrected the ad. Beware of this product and offer and know that Amazon has not made good on its offer. I have ordered many products from this site, but will be more skeptical in the future, and will only order an item if it is an individual item with a name brand that I can track",neg "I am a big fan of espresso and espresso drinks but needed to save money so I bought this to make it at home. Making espresso is easy enough if you follow the instructions (I didn't watch the video). The frother even works well. The problem I had was with the flavor. The manual suggests making two or four shots of espresso at a time, but when making four shots the espresso was badly burned by the time it was finished brewing. I had best results making just over one shot at a time, but the flavor was still burned and flat. In the end, I used the machine for a couple months but eventually put it away and went back to my regular drip coffee maker",neg "Everything sticks to these pans! I cannot get OFF the potato residue and I'm probably just going to throw them away.They are awkwardly heavy. They do not warp, but they do pop out of shape (this happens when the pans are in the oven and you'll hear a very loud, scary pop).Just awful.",neg "I have not received this item yet. I tracked this item and it seems that it was delivered Aug 12 to Phoenix, Az. I live in Oklahoma and that was the address on the shipment. What can be done about this? Thank yo. Please let me hear from you soon. L. Jackson",neg "I can't believe this is a Rowenta product! If you decide to disregard the reviews, here are some things from the owners manual (which I read before using the iron - and followed to the letter) to give you an idea how temperamental/high-maintenance this item is:*Do NOT use distilled water. You can use tap water - if it's not too hard (less than 12 grains - who actually knows this?). Softened water can also cause problems. Basically, if you use anything except bottled water, expect problems!*Empty the water from the iron after EVERY use. Failure to do so will result in leaking or spitting*Other than the Rowenta Soleplate cleaning kits (which run about $12), the only instructions/recommendations for cleaning the soleplate are what NOT to use.I had a very inexpensive Panasonic iron for years - given Panasonic is not really known for this type of item, my expectations were not high. It lasted 7 years with no problems and was low and/or no maintenance. Don't count on the Rowenta name to equate to higher quality on this one",neg "I just got one of these nifty looking Canisters, but mineseems to spell out Tea of Cowage ! LOL..It seems the script of the u merged with the r and thus made a 'w'..There is no space between the lower case u and r.Too funny!Thanks Pfaltzgraff! Good production Quality Control!If I could post a picture of it here in this review I Would!Edit: I did get a second one of these shipped from Amazon, and that one also had the misspelling.Will someone who has purchased one of these recently Please post a review and mention if this product Still says Tea Of Cowage?THANKS",neg the cofee carafe keeps brew hot for hours! I have had 4 spillages and alot of mess to clean up because the filter must be aligned properly or else! I also cannot figure out how to program... one of the most important features for me buying... I really wish I could send this back,neg "Despite my by-the-book care of these knives, I still get rust stains that are nearly impossible to get off. I do not have that problem with other knives in my collection, but these clean up like cheap steel. Not very attractive, and you don't want to eat with them",neg "Love those Irobot products and everything they're capable of doing. In fact, this was my third purchase, but my first remanufactured product. What a headache! The product worked correctly just three times, then died. Both technical support and customer service from Irobot were helpful and prompt, but still took weeks to resolve the issues. I tried a different way of recharging, which didn't work. Then they replaced the battery, but that still didn't solve the problem. Ultimately I had to send the product back, then waited more than a month for a replacement, which was on backorder. Finally, they substituted a different model, and which works just as advertised. I'd never buy another remanufactured model. But I still believe in Irobot.",neg Fiesta Scarlet is a beautiful color and the Sugar and Creamer with Tray is really great. Mine arrived broken and I had difficulty returning it so I remain disappointed and unwilling to try again.,neg "Please note that I have several Henckel knives that I really like, so this is definitely not a anti-Henckel biased review.There is really only one problem with this knife - the blade is way too thick. If there's only one problem - then why do I give it only one star? Well, this one problem completely ruins this knife. The 'eversharp' name I'm sure refers to the fact that the serrations are not the standard wave pattern you'd see on most bread knives. Instead, each serration has several smaller serrations and spikes built in. I know that this is supposed to ensure that the knife will never end up dull - but in the process it makes it horrible at doing any kind of delicate cutting. Plus, the blade is not flexible in any way due to the extreme thickness. Unless you are cutting the sturdiest bread out there, you'll crush it while trying to slice with this blade. Forget about cutting any kind of soft bread or pastry. I've found that some of our cheap steak knives work far better than this knife.I've come to the conclusion that this knife is horrible after comparing it to two other bread knives I now own. The first was a Paderno (small Canadian company) that we got for our wedding, and the second was a Global bought from Amazon. Both are considerably more expensive than this knife, but there are other, more economical options out there that are still far better. You want to find a nice, thin blade with even and sharp serrations. If you're looking to stay in this price range, you won't find anything forged - these will all be stamped or laser cut - but that's fine - the bread knife doesn't need to be strong like your chef's knife.Pros:-CheapCons:-Mashes your bread while it cuts-Hard to get started through crusts due to blade thickness-The 'spiky' serrations are dangerous to your fingers (think many tiny needles along the blade) - they tend to nick you easily - but they are useless for their intended purpose of cutting bread.Suggestion: Steer clear. If you can afford it, get a Global (or even a better Henckel). Otherwise, look for a the thin stamped blade",neg Terrible ergonomics! It was SO difficult and uncomfortable to keep the trigger engaged and carve at the same time. My hand was ACHING by the time I'd carved the brisket. I've never used a more awkward or uncomfortable appliance,neg "This grill is better in theory than practice. I'm not sure it heats to the temp it shows on the display and it really isn't practical for steaks except very thin ones. It's pretty handy for hamburgers and also makes good panini sandwiches. I haven't tried some of the other recipes so I can't really comment on anything else. It is easy to clean, so that's a plus",neg The only thing this juicer is good for is to find out if you will really be into juicing. This juicer lasted for 3 months while juicing 3 to 5 times a week (for two people). At 3 months the tray that holds the blade warped and started spitting plastic into the drink. I considered getting another one to have spare parts....then I scraped that idea and got a real juicer. Besides being cheaply made...it should also be priced cheaper. Also the blade takes a while to clean,neg "and when i requested a return amazon said they would send me a return label, but didn't. nor did they respond to my email advising i never received the return label. this is my last order from amazon",neg "I felt disapointed with the quality of this bake set. The grill cover started to desapair, and the last time I cooked a stek using this set, the paint sticked to the meat, leaving black spots. It started to show deteriorazion and everytime I washed I have to dried it up immediately otherwise mark of rust starts to show soon.The deep pan it is ok, perhaps because I did not used that piece with the same frequency.I never used metal utensills or harsh detergents durig the cleaning, I always leave it in hot water first and later do the cleaning, to avoid scratches.Thank you for your attentionNilda",neg "Purchased this set and on the first use the non-stick finish, started peeling off. Not worth buying",neg The temperature markings on this thermometer are not protected! Over time the markings get occluded by grease and if you try to wash the grease off the markings come with it. This means the thermometer has a short life span for people who rely on the markings for anything (which granted is not everyone). Last time I buy an oven thermometer in which the markings don't sit behind a glass face!,neg "I couldn't wait to get the Dyson Root 6 - I've had my Dyson DC 07 for 4 years and I LOVE it, so I figured the mini-version would be fantastic. I have 3 Dustbusters (one on each floor) and I was looking forward to the Dyson version, which I was convinced would be top notch.I'm so sorry to be wrong.First off, having to press the button continuously to make it work is a pain. And speaking of pain, the Root is so heavy and unbalanced - all the weight is in the back which puts a lot of strain on your wrist. I haven't noticed any difference in suction to a Dustbuster, but then again, I don't suck up bowling balls. A Dustbuster picks up lint and cat litter just as well.Save your money - this Dyson ain't worth it",neg "I was looking for a springform pan for a particular recipe that called for 3 sides. I was delighted when I saw that you had one so I ordered it. The item was misrepresented as the sides are like any other springform with 2 sides. I am sure it is a good pan , but it didnot meet my expectations",neg "I just bought this fan and it is too loud! Even on its lowest setting, the noise is a bit much. It does put out a stiff breeze, but I'm not sure it's worth it. My Black and Decker tower fan is better",neg "Had to return the first one because of a lock malfunction (it locked but would not unlock). Amazon was great about responding immediately and replacing it promptly. However, the lock on the second one does not work properly, either (it doesn't lock), though I will keep it, since keeping little hands safe is not an issue in my home. This item is a good way of storing blades and disks, but unless Cuisinart comes up with a more reliable locking mechanism, don't count on it to protect small hands from getting into it.",neg "I've heard of others complaining that these probes will end up failing under normal use... something goes wrong at some point, and they just don't read right anymore.I love my Taylor digital thermometer, and these probes seem to work with the Taylor, but I went through 3 probes very quickly. I use them in my Weber barbeque when doing indirect heat cooking. In spite of the fact that I took care to not route the cable over a burner, or anything of that sort, each probe lasted only 5 or 6 uses.I had ordered three at one time, and all of them failed in a similar way.THERE ARE OTHER PROBES AVAILABLE that are better! There is one available on the Internet that is sold as a Taylor probe replacement. These probes look the same (with the 90-degree elbow bend and the right-angle mini-plug), but they have a smooth grey silicone-rubber sheathed cable, instead of a metal braid sheath. I bought several of these (reasonably priced, around $12 or so), and so far, they have worked like champs with no failures and accurate readings from freezing to boiling.I would not recommend these probes based on my experience with very high failure rates.",neg "When our wonderful Cuisanart four-slice toaster finally died, we replaced it with this horrible piece of junk, because it seemed most similar to the old one. What a mistake!- Even on the lowest setting, this toaster burns the crust at the bottom.- It is not easy to tell if you have it set for two slices or four. With the old toaster, it was very easy to see.- The push-down slider does not move freely and sometimes has to be pushed down two or three times before it engages.- The old toaster let you select defrost and bagel at the same time. The new toaster lets you select one or the other.All in all, a big waste of money and a major disappointment.",neg "The toast was black on setting 4, black and dark tan on setting 3, and dark tan and untoasted on setting 2. This is appalling performance for such an expensive toaster, and not worthy of Cuisinart",neg I purchased one like this last December.On the 13th month I owned it it began to leak from the spout.I emailed Breville 2-3 times and they never even responded!Their web site states they always respond within 3 days.Don't believe them and don't buy a product from this company,neg "I ordered 3 (2x) sets of these so that I would have a full complement of 6 cookie sheets.When they arrived, I noted that they were a bit lighter than the commercial quality cookie sheets that I had used previously, but my thinking was that if they baked well, that was all that counted. I always bake with an Exopat silicone mat on my sheets.Upon the first use, when they were placed in the oven, the edges of the cookie sheets turned up about a quarter of an inch - an ominous sign that the sheets are too thin. The next thing I heard was the tap tap tap of sheets buckling in the oven. Lack of dimensional stability at 350 degrees F translates to poor heat conduction, and burned cookie bottoms. This symphony of metal buckling, courtesy of my new $15 cookie sheets.Even with the Exopat silicone sheets on them, the cookies were barely done when I decided to pull them from the oven to save the bottoms from getting burned - typical of cheap, thin cookie sheets that one knows one needs to double pan to prevent burning. What a wonderful situation Amazon has presented me with - $90 and a garbage can full of cookie sheets.Yes, into the garbage all six sheets went - no matter how costly, its even more so to live with poor quality baking implements and invent work-arounds to augment their performance. These are no better than inexpensive supermarket cookie sheets - actually they're worse - with the price-point of supermarket wares, one can infer the quality that one is getting.I used to believe brands like Calphalon stood for quality, and this translated into some assurance that products bearing premium names would be of, at least, mezzanine quality. When I buy on the web and cannot better scrutinize the items I'm choosing, I tend to favor trusted brands. As it turns out, these sheets did not have the Calphalon name on them anywhere - Calphalon apparently made the decision to buy up a bunch of cheap -Made in China- cookie sheets and sell them at a premium price by leveraging the Calphalon brand.With the holiday baking season upon us, what do I plan to replace them with? The Vollrath cookie sheets (not non-stick, but I use silicone mats, so do I care?) recommended in Cooks Illustrated magazine. They're in stock at Chef Resource - their price everywhere is $19 but most vendors are out of them. They're due to arrive via UPS day after tomorrow - Tuesday, 10/17. Holiday baking is much too sacred a tradition to be left in the hands of Calphalon, apparently.If I could give them no stars or provide an icon of 6 sheets going into the trash, I would so rate them.",neg "You truly get what you pay for in this case. We bought the red ones and they have left fuzzies all over the house. In the dryer, you need to check the lint trap frequently, as they shed like mad. They are not smooth and cozy, they have a very high coefficient of friction and it's sorta hard to scootch around on them. I would not recommend.",neg Product not even worth a penny. Impossible to use after the first wash..Wont recommend to anyon,neg "I thought it was a good deal to order a Factory-Reconditioned Roomba 4210 Discovery to save some money, however...It arrived! I excitedly opened the box. First impression... The unit was dirty, very heavily scatched and scuffed. Not exactly a good first impression.I then lifted the Roomba out of the box and I was immediately covered with dirt and dust. The bottom of the box was also filled with dirt and dust and hair. I flipped it over and discovered the brushes covered with dirt, dust and someones (or somethings!) hair.I was grossed out, but even worse, the other person in the room (who suffers from allergies) started to sneeze violently. I spent the next 20 minutes thoroughly vacuuming the entire room and all other horizontal surfaces I could reach.I think it is very obvious that NOBODY did anything with this Roomba since the previous owner returned it besides transfer the polystyrene packing box to a new cardboard box that says Remanufactured on it!In summary - BE VERY CAREFUL!!!If you ordered a Factory-Reconditioned, be aware that it might be pre-filled with someone elses dust, dirt, hair and who knows what else.I think I might have to bite the bullet and pay full price. I like the idea of this product, but not the pre-filled one I received",neg "When it works, this blender does a fine job, and looks great. However, our first one quit turning the blades in less than a year. We sent it in, after MANY calls to customer service, and they kept the darned thing for 3 months before deciding to send us a replacement. The replacement lasted only 2 years before the blades broke. During that 2 years, we figured out that our extra set of blades didn't fit in bottom ring properly, and allowed fluid to pour through the motor. Great. I should have save up to buy a vitamix instead",neg "On 8/15/06, I purchased and Irobot Roomba Scheduler. Within one month of purchase, it failed completely and would not work at all. On the Irobot website, it claims that their customer service department is open 24/7, and they guarantee a reply to an email within 24 hours. I sent an email, and I never heard anything back from them at all. After a week, I called their technical support line, and I waited on hold for 38 minutes before being able to speak to a technician, who swiftly determined that my unit was defective and needed to be replaced. I was told to mail in my defective unit and that another one would be shipped to me. It is now 11/9/2006 and I have received nothing and heard nothing from Irobot. DO NOT PURCHASE ONE OF THESE UNITS UNLESS THIS KIND OF PRODUCT UNRELIABILITY AND ABYSMAL TECHNICAL SUPPORT IS APPEALING TO YOU.",neg "At first I was pretty happy with the grater, but after a few days of use I started to notice that I was getting small shavings of metal as well as shredded cheese. I am no longer using it and would not recomend it to anyone",neg "Well, I'm not terribly impressed with this metal rotary grater. Yes, it will grate cheese, but the gap between the drum and compartment that holds the cheese is a little over 1/4 of an inch. This allows for the cheese to get 'gummed' up and eventually that large wad just falls through. Also, for harder cheeses this means you're constanty picking out chunks of cheese that should have been grated.I've yet to find a rotary grater I'm happy with. I've broken several plastic models within 2 days of owning them. While I've yet to break this metal model, it just doesn't perfrom very well. I'm still using my stand-up grater",neg "I bought this to replace my old Mouli grater which finally bit the dust. Big mistake. It is sturdy and reasonably well designed, but the grating surfaces barely work at all, or at least mine didn't. To get it to grate cheese takes a long time and a lot of muscle, so much so that you are likely to start wondering how badly you really want the grated cheese. I tried the grater drum on reasonably fresh Parmesan and later tried the shredder drum on Jarlsberg. Neither drum worked satisfactorily. That may be because it is made in China where hard western-style cheese is nearly unknown. Yeah I know it says MIU France but the box clearly says Made in China. I finally got so mad I threw it out in frustration",neg I HAVE THE ARTISAN KITCHENAID MIXER AND THIS COVER IS TOO BULKY FOR IT. IT IS TOO LONG AT THE BOTTOM AND JUST UNPLEASING TO THE EYE. WOULD RECOMMEND JUST LEAVING YOUR MIXER UNCOVERED. HOPE THIS WAS HELPFUL,neg "Well, I just got my blender, real excited to use it, filled it up with the ingredients, flipped on the switch , and within 5 seconds it started smoking, badly, and then died. I turned it off and tried to turn it on again, and all it did was make a grumbly noise. So I am sending it back and sticking with my old Hamilton that I have had for 9 years. Why did I quit using it in the first place. $20 blender and it made a perfect smoothie. $79 for this Waring and it crashed and burned on me. My advice is it looks nice, but it isn't worth the money, especially since it died right away on me. Oh well...",neg "When I bought this item I attempted to test it in hot water. My only comparison was another grocery store thermometer which wasn't accurate. It appeared to register better than the grocery store model. However, when using it to make chocolate fudge, by the time it registered 225 degree's, the fudge was thickening in the pan, not a pretty sight. I used it correctly and it has been stored according to manufacturers direction. It has a 5 year Limited Warranty for replacement. I don't feel it's worth the trouble to send back as I don't want another of this brands products, ever. It's going in the garbage as I attempt to find an accurate, well calibrated candy thermometer",neg "Got this product by mistake from Chef's tools. Grinding mechanism is made of plastic and it does not grind pepper. Have the Black Magnum and is the best peppermill ever, (thats why we wanted a second one for the kitchen). Our black peppermill did not come from Chef's tools",neg "Discount any review of a blender that reflects only several months of use. As a smoothie addict, shoveling a dozen or more ice cubes into the jar daily, I'm still looking for a machine that can go the distance (is a full year's use asking too much?). The Braun burned out in the first 90 days, faster than my Black and Decker, Oster, even Hamilton Beach (though it lasted longer than Back to the Basics). The best thing I can say for the Braun is that it doesn't have the impossible-to-clean push buttons (always look for a single switch, a knob, or a touch-pad). Otherwise, their shavers have served me better, mowing down whiskers more dependably than ice cubes.I'm going back to the beginning and giving the classic single-switch Oster another try, though I'm beginning to feel guilty about cluttering the landfills with more broken machinery and useless glass jars",neg "I use a blender to do two things: 1) make smoothies; and 2) stir batter for crepes.This device apprently cannot handle frozen fruit. The white, plastic teeth on the bottom of the blades, that mesh / connect to the motor's teeth, immediately started breaking. Three smoothies later only one plastic tooth remains and it is starting to fracture. (My smoothies were made of yogurt, O.J., some frozen mango... nothing extreme.)As far as the crepes go, even with only one tooth remaining, this baby still can stir eggs, milk, and a little flour (thank you for small miracles). But... the glass jug is a dribbler. When you pour batter or smoothies or whatever, some of the liquid will always (I mean always) dribble off the glass jug's lip, down the front of the jug, down the front of the control panel, and also into the recessed area where those teeth meet each other. So... you have to clean ALL the blender each time you use it (i.e., the jug, the control panel, the recessed area in which the jug sets) not just clean the jug. What a pain in the neck.Once the last tooth breaks, this baby is going in the garbage.",neg "This citrus juicer has a very good external design. The problem is that 30W is not enough power for doing the job well: normal orange presure stops de motor! The transmission of the power is done by cheap plasic parts, so they broke easily. These parts broke after a dozen of uses in my case, so I do not recommend this machine.",neg "Ok...so this isnt a review,but a question I have on this product. Where is the instruction manual to this thing? What do the lines above the alcohol names mean. There are two, three, even four lines above some of the alcohol names. Does it mean the amount of alcohol that is supposed to be put into that particular drink. Please answer...for it has left many of us flustered. thank you very muc",neg "This mixer runs too fast, even in it's lowest setting. The beaters tend to throw food out of the mixing bowl. Uncontrolable. Would not suggest purchasing",neg Warped badly upon receipt. Too much of a pain to return it. It is already in the tras,neg "While seeing this pasta bowl on sale for $4.99 here at Amazon.com, I didn't think twice to purchase several of them will all kind of color availalbe 2 weeks ago. What a great price! I was so excited and waiting on the door on the schedule delivery day. The packing is nice and secure. The color was so vivid at the first sight, but.... after I took a hard look, almost half of the bowls are defective!! Un-colored white spot, un-glazed bubble holes, black dots/stain inside of the bowl. Even defective spots are tiny, but they are so obvious. They just don't look good with those flaws on them! I was so....disappointed and frustrated as I went through all the 21 bowls I ordered. By the way, the BLACK bowl have no name or mark of the manufacturer on the bottom of the bowl. I will say those are probably the factory-secondary products. It turned out I have to return almost half of the bowls and keep those bowls with bearable defectiveness, such as vague stamp of the manufacturer on the bottom of the bowls. Of course, all the black ones are returned since they are no-name with the bad quality. No one will even believe they are Fiestaware!!",neg "Tired of exploring every possible way to ruin a pot of rice, I was looking forward to something that would do the job well and consistently. No such luck with this one! First, it uses a different measuring system for the rice (rice cooker cup)than it does for the water (regular measuring cup), so if you need more or less than the few amounts they list it's back to guesswork again! Worse though, is that the amount of water they call for is hugely more than is actually needed, so it boils very fast while pumping out all the excess water as steam. For those who might like to take a steam bath while they cook this would be great. One might figure out how to adjust the measuring, but there seems no way to slow the boiling down to lessen the steam output. Since water boils at the same temperature, fast or slow, it makes no sense.Yet another gripe is that it automatically goes into warm mode when it is finished. May be handy to have the warm option, but if you don't realize it's done and its left on warm for ten minutes the rice turns into a solid slab.It seems very well made, and handsome Bau-Haus design, but unfotrtunately I can't use it because of the above problems.Others' experience may vary. Keep in mind I'm very good at ruining rice. I just don't need help doing it!David",neg "I hardly ever write reviews but I felt the need to on this item. I bought the senseo deluxe last night, I wanted the deluxe model so that I could also make tea. The setup was quick and easy and the price was great compared to the competition. Here's the problem, I brewed a cup of coffee and this was the weakest coffee EVER and I'm not even a big coffee drinker. To make matters worse each pod only makes 4oz of coffee. Who drinks only 4 ounces of anything. You would need to use 2 pods just to make 8 oz and then the coffee is still weak. Which is wear the waste of money comes in. The senseo pods are the same price as the home cafe pods but you will go through them twice as fast. I personally ended up returning this machine and getting a tassimo this morning. I originally bought the Senseo because I didnt want to spend Tassimo money but in the end you pay for what you get. Now the tassimo is great. I've made hot chocolate for my daughter and tea for my son. Everyone likes it. Good luck everyone.",neg "This was an excellent item...for about 3 uses...then the mandoline would not hold to one thickness...it keeps opening up to maximum cut depth. MIU France says this is not their problem...just buy a new one. With an attitude like that...and product failure so quickly.....yes, I will buy a different brand...and avoid MIU France product",neg "It's too bad ... I really wanted this to work, since I love soft serve. But after using it twice I donated to Goodwill.It would be great if somebody brought out a home version of the drill thing they use in some frozen yogurt places. Until then the best bet is to let the ice cream or frozen yogurt thaw in the fridge for a few hours, then stir it up with a spoon until it's the preferred level of softness",neg "The Black & Decker IC200 Arctic Twister Ice Cream Mixer is a product that you must not purchase. It is a total waste of money. It's designed to make soft-serve ice cream at home. The are not enpough pro's and way too many cons. the only Pro: It makes soft-serve ice cream when ever you want.CONS1. It's LOUD and Noisy2. The ice cream you use in it must be as frozen as it is the second it comes out of the freezer which makes it very hard to scoop out.3. If not used correctly, it make a huge mess.4. It wastes ice cream. When you use this product, half of the ice cream gets stuck inside the machine.5. by the time its finished, ice cream is pratically melted.6. You ongly get about 1/3 of what you put in the machine. The rest gets stuck inside the machine.7. You have to hold onto the on switch while operating the machine.8. You have to hand pump the ice cream into soft-serve yourself.This Black & Decker IC200 Arctic Twister Ice Cream Mixer is such a waste of money. I So reccomend not buying this. Just going to Dairy Queen or Baskin Robins is a much easier and cleaner solutio",neg "I had a Black and Decker processor that I got as a wedding present over twenty years ago, and it never let me down once. When it was time to get a new one, I got this 1500 thinking that it's a B&D and I can't go wrong. Well as as soon as I tried to grate some cheese the plastic ring on the shredder/grater blade snapped off. The next time I used it a metal pin in the pastic cover that holds the blade securely broke the plastic groove it was in. Too bad B&D went down the drain through the years",neg " I received my food processor for Christmas. I had noticed the same processor at a different store that came with a bonus blade for fine shredding. I decided to see if I could buy accessories for mine online. I could not find any accessories or replacement parts for the Power Pro II. I was concerned about the number of unfavorable reviews I came across during my search. Despite the numerous negative comments concerning the motor going out, I decided to keep it. I used it for the first time tonight to make a sauce and was only halfway finished when it stopped working! I strongly recommend NOT purchasing this food processor",neg "I read the reviews after I purchased it. We made grated cheese (turned out so so) and *tried* to make hummus but it wouldn't even turn the blade and was very, very noisy. I'm returning it to Target tomorrow. If it can't stand up to crushing a few cooked beans then it's no good to me.Until I find a better one I'm using my 10 speed Osterizer blender I've had for 10 years. It made hummus easily",neg "I purchased this Black & Decker Food Processor on 12/30/04 at Target. I used it the first time to grate cheese and loved it. However, I used it tonight for only the 2nd time to chop some onion and celery and it started smelling hot. Smoke started pouring out the back. I will be returning to Target tomorrow and NOT purchasing another Black & Decker kitchen appliance",neg I LOVE THE COLORS AND THE HEAT RESISTANCE BUT FOUND THE WOODEN HANDLE ON ONE SPATULA ROUGH AND SPLINTERY. ALSO THE SPATULA IS SHOWING NICKS ON THE EDGES OF THE SILICON....DON'T UNDERSTAND BECAUSE I DON'T USE IT ON ROUGH EDGED BOWLS OR PANS,neg "If I could give this thing a negative number, I would. I just threw away 2 large bags of brown sugar because, after I had thrown away the bags the sugar came in, I could not get the Z845 to work. What a mess! I had brown sugar all over that part of my kitchen.On a couple of occasions the sealer has worked without creating a vacuum. This time it appeared to be trying unsuccessfully to pull all the air out of the bag, but the bag never sealed.I have watched the video several times and have read and re-read the instructions. At first I thought I was not operating it correctly, but now I believe the Foodsaver is the problem. The first time I used it, to seal a quantity of chicken for the freezer, it worked beautifully. It hasn't worked right since then.Another problem is that it wastes an amazing amount of plastic material. Is it possible this thing was invented for the purpose of selling refills, rather than to work as a sealer",neg "These dishes, first of all, are just beautiful. The white looks so wonderful on the table and the presentation is just fabulous. That said, be prepared to buy and buy and buy these if you like the looks of them. They break horribly easily and the cleanup, well, we just won't go there. I've had mine for 10 years and now I'm down to just two of the serving pieces. They break very easily in the oven, in the cabinet, you name it, it's gone. If you're looking for a better one, go for the Le Creuset La Poterie line, or just grab a Longaberger one. They're definitely worth it because you'll just have to keep buying these to keep them looking good and in one piece. I hate trying to clean these after using them so I just don't use them anymore for anything but to mix items. That way, nothing gets baked on them and I am not breaking nails scouring off the mess. I definitely recommend getting something else",neg "We registered for this as a wedding gift and were disappointed to find the large dish shattered in both the first AND second box we picked up. It's a very attractive set; too bad it can't actually contain food due to broken corners, can't be washed in a dishwasher, can't be used on the stove, and can't be used to broil! You can't use the ramikin dishes for creme brulee, which is why I wanted them. Additionally, Target doesn't allow you to open the box in the store to check the merchandise. I realize most of the other reviews complain about the shattering too, but I just thought I'd point out that the Corningware doesn't have to be shipped to you to arrive broken",neg "The blender part that holds the blade broke the second time I used it to crush ice. The food processor part works ok, but the major problem is it's extremely loud. It's beyond the pain level. It's so loud, I have to use hearing protection or my ears are ringing for 15 minutes afterwards. It's louder than my circular saw",neg "I picked this up recently and tried several varieties of loose tea in it. The bottom line is that tea does get stuck in the one that I own. I have tried a couple of methods to get the tea out to no avail. It might be hard to see from the picture, but the holes for the water are actually slits in the bottom around the bottom rim of the infuser. The slits are actually sickle shaped and the tea gets caught in the narrow areas. I imaging that differences in the cuts would either make or break this product. In my case they make me want to break it",neg "I had the unit for about 4 weeks before it broke completely. The rake would continually get clogged from the clumping litter, even with daily cleaning. Sometimes the unit would cycle on and off all night, very noisily, until I put a timer on it to turn off at night. It was very diffult to clean, even with daily inspection.Go the old fashioned way, with a tray and a liner",neg "Great idea, horrible execution. Disgusting to clean, rake gets clogged. There are much better options. Litter Robot is well worth the extra cost",neg "At first it looked like it was going to work great (when the litter was clean). After a day or so, it wasn't cleaning very well. I got better litter and it started working better, but still not great. Litter gets in the crevices and gets stuck to the rake. After about two weeks of use, the rake stopped moving backwards. I tried to fix it, but it just won't go in reverse. Overall, this was a big waste of time and money. I'm not even going to try to get another one. A good old fashioned litter box with good clumping litter is less work than trying to get this thing to work properly while keeping it clean. It's too bad as it had a promising beginning. DO NOT BUY",neg "I loved this bread machine, but it broke after owning it for about three years. My husband took it apart to try to fix it, but could not repair it. It was making bread and just turned off. We could not get it to turn back on and the manual was not helpful in trying to fix such a problem. We now have to replace it. It worked great until it just stopped working. I think a breadmaker should last longer then three years. Also, I did need to make sure the ingredients in the corners of the pan got mixed into the dough, so I couldn't just program it and leave the house",neg "I FOLLOWED BREAKIN INSTRUCTIONS AS WRITTEN ON PG 3.THE CLEAR SEE-THRU TOP WARPED.UNIT WORKS,BUT IS UGLY. I CONTACTED SALTON AND WAS TOLD MY UNIT WAS OUT OF WARRANTY,TOO OLD! I MAILED COPIES OF MY INVOICE. NO RESPONSE.I GAVE UP.I WAS VERY HAPPY WITH YOUR SERVICE,BUT WONDER IF DRIVING TO WALMART MIGHT HAVE BEEN BETTER. SINCERELY, JOHN C BENNET",neg "The information on the pages that pertain to this hose needs to be changed to reflect the fact that the hose DOES NOT fit Hoovers with a HEPA system. It only fits Hoovers with product #'s beginning U53.., U54.., U64.. I ordered it along with a new Windtunnel that has a Hepa system, since the product information stated that these 2 items were bought together by other people. Unfortunately, it does not state that these people (now including me) have to return the hose because it does not fit all Windtunnels. So be sure to check and doublecheck before you buy. ..",neg "Upon opening the box I found that the information given in the buying information for this product did not reflect the actural product. For one thing it only fits unright WindTunnel models that use bags. This hose is for models beginning with U53, U54 and U64 only",neg I bought this set and was very pleased until the grater just snapped at the handle. This implies that there is a support problem with the manufacturers design,neg "I use this rice cooker mostly for brown rice and it is a fiasco. You need to put in 1/2 the water that you are supposed to, wait until that is cooked in and then add the other half. Adding all the water up front causes the cooker to boil over - a real mess with rice. It looks OK, but it just isn't the quality item you would expect with the name Cuisinart. The price is also reasonable, so its not the end of the world - it might be better for things that don't require as much water or cook time (like white rice)",neg "Bought one recently from a Mervyns sale. Rice burned especially at the bottom (black & crunchy). So I returned and got another one in case the 1st one was defective. Nope, did the same thing. So next go around, I added more water, but still the rice tasted funny- a burned taste- although the rice didn't burn as much this time. For the cost and design, I was hoping this would be a great rice cooker. Design element is cool especially wiith the retractable cord, however, this cooker can't even perfom its main purpose- just plainly cook rice without burning it. Yes, I did add enough water and followed instructions and used the measuring cup. Hopefully they'll improve it. Better yet, maybe Krups can design a better abd sleek-looking yet working rice cooker",neg "I bought this in October, 2004 because I wanted something small for my kitchen. You cannot cook over 2 cups of rice without it spurting out all over the cooker. Now, it shuts off mid-way and I have to wait for it to cool down and try to reset it. Hopefully the powers that be will read these comments and make improvements",neg I ended up returning this because every time I tried it with brown rice it burned the rice. I even tried doubling the recommended water amt. for brown rice and it still burned.,neg "Air Purifiers were recently reveiwed by Consumer Reports Magazine. They are quite ineffective and can be dangerous to your health. For further info, read article in Consumer Reports",neg "I had a hard time with this product. The item does not cut the dough well and the ravioli kept opening as a result of this. In my opinion, I like the size of a 12 count ravioli maker better. This 10 count makes ravioli thats too large",neg "I have many fond childhood memories of making and decorating sprtiz cookies with my mother. She had an old copper and stainless steel cookie press and it turned out perfect cookies almost everytime. When I found the Kitchenaid cookie press on clearance for a mere $4.97 at my local Sears, I snatched it up with high hopes of recreating those fond childhood memories in the kitchen.It's not a bad cookie press, but it's definitely not the best out there, I'm sure...and it doesn't stack up at all to my mother's old-fashioned one. As stated in another review, many discs don't seem to work at all well with this press. I tried the tree, candy cane, and star discs and every single one just squirted out an uneven messy blob. Somehow the press pushed out the dough unevenly out of the press, so that one side of the shape was a blob while the other side was barely out of the press.The rosette, swirl, and ribbon shapes did fairly well, though they turned out much larger shapes than the older model I'm used to...hence extending the baking time of the cookies. I'm used to nice, thin, crispy ribbons, but this press turned out very thick ones.I was also not very fond of the ratcheting style of the press. It felt as though I had less control over it than the squeeze-gun type.If I'd paid full price for this press, I would have been a bit upset at the quality, but having paid only $5 for it, I'm just disappointed because I had thought Kitchenaid to be a better quality brand than what I've seen in this cookie pres",neg "I am a major fan of Le Creuset pots and have a number of them but I must say that their kettle is not up to par.Like the other lady said, it does spit out water (substantially at that) when it boils on the stove. I am finally throwing mine out to the garbage since I have had it for a while and the coating at the inside bottom of the kettle is coming apart and I have been boiling contaminated water since a while...I just noticed one day that there was this stuff floating on top of the water....I wonder what kind of chemicals I have been putting in my body???",neg "I have probably seen hundreds of tea kettles by now and still love the look of this one the best. Only problem is that they RUST!!! I had mine a few weeks when I noticed the rust spots on the interior. I don't imagine the enamel could have been chipped on the inside of the pot, so it must have happened simply because I leave water in my tea kettle at all times. The directions that come with this kettle say not to do so, but any serious tea drinker like me knows that's unrealistic.I threw mine out and am very disapointed that something that cost so much money didn't last long at all. I thought Le Creuset was supposed to be really high quality but I'm officially disillusioned thanks to this tea pot",neg "i have to echo what was said, cheap not up to what you would expec",neg These sheets are not quality. They are no way equal to the value that the seller has assigned to them. The jersey material is very thin and the construction technique is inferior. They are NOT a bargain,neg The colour is pretty but the sheets shrink quite a lot after washing (in cold water). I bought a queen set for a full bed and they still don't fit properly after careful washing . I would recommend buying a KING set for a full bed. This was my first experience with cotton jersey sheets so I didn't know what to expect but I wouldn't buy them again,neg This is NOT Caphlon!!! You can buy this at Bed Bath and Beyond for $10 !!,neg "In theory, this is a good machine. It did, in fact, work as advertised for a brief time - then it started to smell. All of the urine, drinks, vomit, whatever nasty stuff you just vaccumed up from your carpet, starts to pool under the holding tank. As it festers there, the exhaust fan takes that wonderful aroma and blows it all over your house. This, to an extent, is simply a nuisance - bad smell and extra clean-up of the machine itself - until it starts leaking all of that crap back into your carpet, making more mess than you started with. The first time this happened, Bissell customer service sent a replacement unit. We started having the same problems with it shortly after we received it. Bissell only wants to send us another (no doubt defective) unit - so unless you want to be stuck with a stinky, urine-leaking, mess-maker, don't buy this product !",neg "We purchased the Cuisinart SmartPower blender for smoothies and light duty blending duties. It's a nicely designed unit , very stable on the countertop, but very poor quality gear drive. After a couple dozen uses, the motor gear wheel broke, apparently a common problem on these Cuisinarts, as noted by other reviewers. Cuisinart customer service is worthless - it costs more to ship and repair the unit than to replace it.Replaced the worthless Cuisinart with a Kitchenaid. Would recommend avoiding Cuisinart blenders due to this gear design flaw",neg AirBake products are horrible! I have used the cookie sheets multiple times and I have had nothing but problems. There products over-brown everything you cook and the food sticks no matter how well you grease the pans. I have better luck using my old cheap non-stick bakeware than AirBake. Buyer beware! If you do choose to buy this brand of products grease the pans generously and cut the bake time and oven temperature,neg Awkward handles and lightweight feel. Bought as a gift and had to be returned. Chicago Cutlery has better lines.,neg "I used this press about 4-5 times during the 5 years I owned it. The cookie shapes came out well, but after a few uses, the plastic ring around the barrel cracked. This year that same plastic part broke entirely, making the press unusable-- a critical engineering materials defect. Like the other reviewer (Dec 2005), I too am now in the market for an all metal press",neg "I have had these dishes for only 1 year and they have ALL chipped and cracked and the glaze is cracked as well. I have re-ordered a set of bowls and several plates and had the same results. They say they are microwave safe but after the first few uses, the dish heats up to the point of burning your hand (or worse yet the unsuspecting hand of your child or guest!) and the food/liquid inside stays cold. I am SO disappointed and am now shopping for a new set of dishes",neg "The unique design of this dinnerware line is lost in the low quality earthenware body. This low fired clay body breaks easily, is bulky to handle and is just plain disappointing. Before you buy, beware. What is the dinnerware made of? If the dinnerware is not high fire stoneware, porcelain or a china clay body, forget it. If you plan to use it then you are wasting your money. Someone should be ashamed",neg "This item is metal and looks like an old fashioned ice crusher, but it is so small that it is useless. Its only 9 inches tall, so if you are expecting a nice big heavy duty machine, forget it. I bought it because I missed the ice in the door of my old fridge, but after trying it several times, I sent it back. It is so small that you rap your knuckles on the counter. I dont think there is a glass made that is small enough to fit in it, so you have to use the little tin cup that comes with it. I takes about three loads of ice to fill the cup, and about 2 cups to fill a glass. You need 4 hands to operate it: 1 to hold the lid, 1to turn the crank,1to keep it from bouncing all over the place, and 1 to hold the little tin cup in place (it slides out and then the ice lands on the base). Then when you finally get a cup fulll of ice, you have to try to get it out of the tin cup and into your glass. I broke the glass the first time i tried it. It hass little rubber feet that fall out and disapear, making it even more wobbly. But as I said in the begging, it IS cute",neg "the furniture itself is fine. or rather, it would be if it was shipped properly. before ordering anything from target, think long and hard about how willing you are to deal with damaged goods and their return. if you receive something damaged (and you will), be prepared for an extensive return process. chances are, the item they send you as a replacement will be damaged as well. this happened to me twice. if you're lucky, you will be able to piece something decent together from the multiple shipments. this, however, will take time. additionally, even if the piece is not cracked, you will need to make a trip to the hardware store to purchase stain to fix the discolorations in the wood. i bought the desk, the hutch and the bookcase - all of which had to be returned to replace cracked pieces and all of which had to be touched up with stain.also be advised that target does not make it clear that certain pieces will not be delivered at all if you do not make arrangements with the outside carrier. after waiting and waiting, and calling target on several occasions, someone will eventually relay the information that you need to call the carrier and make a delivery appointment - even though other pieces arrived without such complications.quite honestly, this has been far more inconvenient than it was worth. by the time you pay for the shipping and the tax, this is not so much a deal but a waste of time and money.",neg "This blender is frustrating. It offers good points, but in the end, the flaws outweigh the benefits. First the good:The heavy glass base is stable and easy to clean. The powerful motor hacks through most foods with ease. When the blender is started, the motor begins at a low speed for a second or two before turning on fully.The problems I found led me to toss the blender. If you plan on making blended soups, beware of the explosive force with which this beast turns on. Without a heavy hand on the lid, both the lid and your soup will hit the ceiling. Moderately thick, viscous liquids (a lemon cream was the latest such one I experienced) tend to get caught in the scalloped swoops in the jar. This leads to only the center portion of the liquid being actively blended, while the outer edges stagnate and remain clumpy. Deft work with a spatula is required to coax everything into the blending area.The above problems were annoying, caused occasional swearing, but were tolerable. What finally got me shopping for a replacement was worse. After several years of moderate use, the KitchenAid stopped working. The blades and motor are connected via a set of rubber teeth. These reduce operating noise, but over time, weaken. The problem first arose when making smoothies with chunky frozen fruit such as strawberries. A burning rubber smell came from the blender coupled with a strange noise and no action in the container. The rubber drive teeth slipped, and friction quickly heated them up. The result was hot, floppy rubber teeth that bent flat instead of turning the blades. When this happens, it takes 20 minutes or more before the teeth are capable of another round of use. Before long the blender could not even swirl water for more than a few seconds before the teeth slipped",neg "I thought it was me but every time that I lift the cover on this oven, there is this strange rotting smell. It doesn't seem to matter what has been in there, either. No matter what food...same rotting smell.In fact, whenever I lift the cover, my wife goes running from the room holding her nose, screaming about how disgusting it is.",neg "I've had my share of dutch ovens in my time, and I have to say that this is the foulest one yet. I thought I smelled a good deal when I got it, but boy was I mistaken",neg I just baked a loaf of banana bread in my loaf baker and the entire bottom stuck to the pan when I turned it over.I am throwing it out and will never buy another piece of it,neg "Received the bowls yesterday, and once again very upset to find 3 of the 4 broken. This has got to be costing a ton of money in refunds and shipping. I will not try again for a replacement, I didn't do well with the Sango mixing bowls either. Can't understand why these are shipped with such little packing material",neg "I purchased the Robinson Pyrex Candy Thermometer as a replacement for my old, cheap tube thermometer that was giving off readings.My experience was that the probe failed to register temperatures above 100 degrees celcius. It would get there and just freeze.Additionally, the design of the thermometer makes it difficult to read exactly where your temperature is. This makes it unsuitable for most candy-making where the difference of a degree or so could be critical.The physical design of the thermometer feels very sturdy and is a nice stainless. It is rather deceptive since you think you may be purchasing a higher quality tool than you are actually buying.All said and done, after you replace the sugar, flavorings, creams and other ingredients from your spoiled batches of candy...and pay for the gas to run these errands ...the cost of using Robinson's Pyrex Candy Thermometer goes way up.Use a cup of ice water. Or a more reliable brand of candy thermometer. It's much better to shell out the extra dollars and get beautiful consistent results",neg "The only positive thing I can say about this candy thermometer is that the design allows it to stay on the sauce pan relatively well. Other than that, it is difficult to discern temperatures between the 0 - 50 marks. Also, it tends to read low so that the candy is much warmer than the read out indicates. Since using this thermometer, I have ruined more batches of fudge than I care to think about. If you want a good candy thermometer, don't buy this one.",neg "The pan itself is fine, but it measures closer to 16 in diameter. The cooking surface is 12, but the pan has such a wide lip around it that it doesn't come close to fitting in my convection toaster oven",neg "I bought a set of these years ago, and used them almost daily...freezer to oven to table, on the range..never a problem, and wanted to replace the same sized casserole. As the previous reviewer stated,the rough and unfinished bottom of the dish was coarse and gritty, and scratched my table and counter. What a disappointment! I don't believe the older set I have was made in China, but here in the USA. Save your money",neg "The cooking set looks great. However, once you heat the pot/ pan, the steel material handles become super hot. I have to return the huge box",neg "Don't be fooled by this apparently well-designed grater. The hinge is weak and will break. The grater looks and feels great, but don't expect it to last",neg "to begin with..this pan heats up even and fast. i have a hard anodized circulon non-stick pot, a copper bottom skillet, and this calphalon pan. the heat distribution is excellent, and unlike the copper bottom pan, the calphalon is light and easy to use.BUT, the good stops here. the stick problem is bad, and my stainless steel copper bottom pan sticks less than this calphalon skillet.since it's not a non-stick pan, some sticking is expected, but clean up is just pain. regular soaking over nite will NOT help sometimes.if u cook vegitable and small amount of meat, this pan is good. but never fry egg or cook steak in this pan. avoid anything that will carmalize or contain high sugar.i once cooked some balsamic vinegar mushroom with brown sugar in this pan, and it took me forever to get it clean again since the sugar carmalization litterally stuck to the bottom.",neg "Absolute rubbish.Cheap, inferior product, don't waste your money.It doesn't hold in place while you mill anything. This product isguarenteed to make you lose your temper",neg "I can't believe someone uses this pan to cook eggs! I have tried several cooking oils and butter, and everything sticks to this pan, making it very difficult to clean. My husband won't even use it.I have reverted to my tried and true cast iron pan that never lets me down. Even the cheapo stainless pans I got at Ross are better than this.TERRIBLE",neg I placed two separate orders for this product and each order was received with one broken dish. The set s not packaged correctly by the manufacture. Ended by buying a different produce else where,neg "I have used this pan 3 times, twice to cook meat. It does not brown; the meat stick to the pan. I made stuffed artichokes last night and even though I used olive oil and water to begin the steaming process, the pan was a mess to clean. I have never had any problems with Myers anodized pans, 18/10 pans or,of couse, teflon. I'm not sure what this pan will be useful for but I believe I will only use it for vegetables or rice",neg this is a great cutting board if one able to removed all the sticker glue that stays on the cutting board forever.I tried to used what ever i can.the GLUE just keep staying on the board and it turns black,neg "I have always used Rubbermaid or Tupperware plastic storage, but I replaced all of them with Pyrex glass storage containers in May of 2005. I was worried that the plastic storage was seeping toxins into my food when I washed it in the dishwasher. Also, I liked the idea that glass does not stain and it gives a clear presentation of stored food in the refrigerator--making leftovers more likely to be eaten before they go bad.Unfortunately, I have not been happy with this product. The Pyrex lids must be pried off with a great deal of strength and diligence. This is not a task for a child, or even a standard adult. I have had to ask my husband on more than one occasion to take a lid off for me. I have even spilled food in attempts to take lids off.As an aside, I have also found that the Pyrex glass is heavy, which makes it less desirable to carry leftovers to work AND the containers do not nest, so they take up more space than they need to in the cabinet.I recommend Bormioli glass storage containers instead. They are lighter in weight, they nest, and the lids come off with the strength of a normal person.",neg "I'm actually having trouble sleeping on these sheets they are so uncomfortable and rough. They may be technically 320 TC, but they do not feel like more than 150! Strongly recommend against buying them. Mine are going to have a nice life as paint drop cloths.",neg "The rating I give this item relates to the lack of value. In a few more clicks, you can buy a service-for-eight of white corelle for less than what three of these dinner plates will cost you. That said, I have owned my Corelle (two services-for-four) for more than twenty-five years, using it regularly. All dishes are intact, they are light and stack nicely, and maybe I'm just not enough of a snob but I don't know why anyone would need any other dishes",neg After checking the Calphalon web site the Suggested Retail price for model R1384 14 Everyday Pan is $160.00.I am dissapointed that this is not a true discounted price.,neg "This sushi set is really nice. Unfortunately Amazon doesn't know how to ship ceramic properly.In my original order, they sent it in a medium-sized box, with air cushions only on one side. Of course several of the pieces were shattered. So I requested a replacement via the returns website.The second order was dispatched immediately and sent via next-day. That was impressive. What was not impressive was that this time it was sent in an even *smaller* box, packed so tightly that the air cushions had burst. Naturally this set was also shattered.Fortunately, I hadn't yet returned the first order, so I was able to cannibalize some good pieces from the first set to complete the second. I'm sure their returns department won't like hearing that, but as I see it I've saved them the cost of a refund.Needless to say I won't be ordering ceramic flatware from Amazon again.Once again, I like the style of the set itself, and think it's a great deal for the price. I just recommend that you buy it somewhere else.",neg "I purchased this product in a retail store. The packaging clearly states it is dishwasher safe. Then after you unpack it, and read that if you put it in the dishwasher you void the ten year warranty! Do not make the same mistake I did, avoid this product",neg "I have used Pyrex bakeware for over 20 years, and I was shocked when my fairly new 9x13 pan shattered. I figured I just got unlucky and got a bad one. I was going to buy a new one - thank goodness I read the reviews first! And yes, I did follow instructions - I baked my lasagne at 350 degrees, did not use an open flame or broiler, etc etc. I can't believe this safety hazard is still allowed to be sold! I am so mad! I am switching to Corningware now",neg "Well Im the newest victim of exploding pyrex. Last night I was cooking some salmon in my 3-quart pyrex that I've had for 3 years and used many times before. It was in my oven at 400 for only 25 minutes. I pulled it out and set it on the counter. Well I leaned in to check the salmon and as I pulled away the glass exploded! Not just broke but a full on explosion of glass flying everywhere. Thankfully I pulled away when I did because if I had pulled away 2 seconds later I would have had a face full of Pyrex shrapnel. I came away with only a few small cuts on my stomach...and from what I've heard I was lucky. Even though my boyfriend and I swept and vacumed our kitchen last night there was so much glass that in the morning light I could still see little pieces of glass all over the kitchen. Im not taking any chances, Im throwing out my other Pyrex dishes and switching to all aluminum trays. Please DO NOT USE PYREX! It is not worth the risk! You may have a few years of good use, but is it worth risking your safety or that of your children?Edit- I would just like to comment that I was using the dish within the guidelines. The oven was 400 and the dish was only in there for 25 minutes. The kitchen was rather warm and the surface I set it on was not hot but definately not cool...so there was no drastic temperature change. There were no scratches or cuts any where on the tray so I do not feel that the explosion was in anyway my fault. This explosion was purely the result of a poorly manufactured item",neg "I have been a chef now for seven years and have not ever had a problem with pyrex. Until now. Last night while roasting some potatoes in a 400F oven, my pyrex dish exploded. It rained glass all over the inside of my oven. It was a disaster. I am just thankful that nothing happened to me or my two year old who was in the room at that time. This sounds like a REAL PROBLEM!",neg "I was given this coffee maker for a birthday gift a couple of years ago and after I figured out how to make it work, loved it. After a while the latch on the top broke off and I had to hold the top down while it was grinding the coffee. That made the timer on it useless unless you propped something against it to hold the top down. It was a little inconvenient but I got use to it. Then the metal filter broke and I decided to get a new one. Luckily I put the old one in the garage for spare parts because not long after I started using the new one the side tab broke off and I had to grab a replacement off the old one. I will probably not purchase this brand again",neg if you want to buy this color buy anchor bakeware it is so good,neg "I owned a Rival crockpot for 20 years and was very happy with it. When it stopped working I therefore bought another (this one) from Rival. I've used it twice. The top doesn't seem to keep the liquid in, even on low, and it burned the food both times. I don't trust it now and am not sure whether I'll try it again.",neg "I bought this because it was well priced, good sized and looked better than many other slow cookers. I assumed it would work as well as my 10 year old slow cooker that I gave away. The first time I used it (as soon as it got up to tempurature) the lid started to rumble and slip around the top. Then came the spitting hot water and steam that went in my toaster down the side of the cooker and on the counter. The lid is the worst! At first I thought maybe I was missing a rubber seal or something on my lid. Now I realize this is the way it was designed! I made a pork roast in it which usually works great but in this slow cooker it seemed to cook quicker with no liquid left because it evaporated through the faulty lid. The only way to correct the spitting water and the rumbly,tumbly,bouncy lid is to put a paper towel under part of the lid but even this eventually fails because the towel gets soaked and then starts to drip on the counter. Not to mention its probably a fire hazard. I don't think my paper towel idea is what Rival had in mind when they designed this! I wish I could return this but I threw away the receipt.",neg The lid does not fit and is not heavy enough to keep it firmly on the pot.It allows liquids to escape.I think this could be a problem,neg "I have had this for 2years now and what a waste of money it has been. I have used this a few of times before I decided to toss them. This set was a disaster. The parer is dull period and the peeler peels off much more than just the skin, you lose almost 20%(no exaggeration) of the fruit or the vegetable",neg We have had this machine for about a year and it might have work right the first time we used it. We now have to borrow a friends Hoover Steamvac when we need to clean the carpet. We are getting ready to buy a different machine bcause this one would never work right. It never has any suction power and it constantly sprays soap everywhere even if you have it only on the water selection. I wouldn't buy,neg "I really thought I would like this product when I got it out of the box. It's looks well made and looked easy to use. I followed instructions and cleaned it throughly and put my recipe misture and miniture sausages in it to slowly heat and to use as an appetizer. I put the the heat setting on warm as I was not in a hurry and I left the room for about 5 minutes. When I came back there was mixture all over my cabinets, counters, etc. and what was left was boiling and sputtering like mad. I later found out that no matter what heat setting I used it would over heat. I cannot recommend this product to anyone I'm sorry to say",neg I've had to bring this back to Hoover 5 times in less than a year.The belt for the self-propelled motor comes off ever other time I use the vacuum. The on/off button has been fixed 3 times. It works when it wants to. Even the guy at the Hoover store admitted that this piece of garbage is known for problems with the belt coming off. I have nothing good to say about this. I'm a huge Consumer Reports fan but they missed the boat on this one. They need to update their testing over the long-term. I'm still pissed I blew $250 on this ridiculous excuse for a vacuum,neg "Like many others, I bought this because it came highly recommended by Consumer Reports. It worked great for a while, but after about a year the brush stopped spinning. I replaced the belt (twice!) but it still won't work. If I didn't read about so many others having similar problems, I would have guessed that I just got a bad vacuum - but after reading other reviews here at Amazon, I see that this is not a model that anyone should buy, despite the high rating from Consumer Reports",neg "The tea press works fine if you are planning on serving a crowd. For one or two people, it simply doesn't work. You must add an enormous amount of tea for the press to work properly. I once had a smaller tea press, and I thought that was what I was purchasing here.",neg "I have other Oxo items that I like very much, but these Stainless Steel Measuring Cups are a big disappointment. I also experienced the handle bending easily when packing in brown sugar. They will be in my next yard sale",neg "I really like OXO products. I have a number of their utensils in my kitchen and I enjoy that they have nice big handles. Since I started getting gadgets for my kitchen I always wanted these measuring cups. Well I finally got them. I was very excited to use them for the first time. Well I went to scoop some brown sugar and the handle started bending. I was very disappointed in how flimsy the handles are. I think I'll stick to my plastic ones from OXO, I had better luck with them",neg "Usually OXO produces well designed items that have you thinking They *really* thought about how this thing was going to be used (and abused)! Unfortunately the other reviewers are spot on -- very bendy handles. It's a shame, but you should pass on these",neg "I have been making ice cream in a Cuisinart machine for years but I wanted to regain my freezer space from the 2 canisters I had to keep ready.. I also wanted to make good gelato since I can't go to Italy all the time. I had first bought the Lussino 4080 by Musso. It was terrible. Too soft right out of the machine and full of ice crystals when put in the freezer for any amount of time. It didn't get firm, it became a rock. I returned it and got the Lello Gelato Pro instead. It is quieter, has a washable bowl, costs about half the money, weighs much less and makes 2 quarts rather than 1&1/2 quarts. There is no contest. The Lello is the superior machine",neg "I bought this piece of junk at Wal*Mart. I was actually surprised to see a food processor so cheap, so I decided to buy it.After going home and washing the product, I decided to try it out. I plugged it in and NOTHING. It didn't even budge!Anyway, I am going to have to drive ALL THE WAY back to Wal*Mart and return this...Save your money and go with a more expensive model that will last you..",neg The old OXO tea kettles had a train whistle sound. This new one has a single high pitch whistle that is so weak you couldn't hear it in the next room. Save your money and buy something cheaper. It will work as well if not better. I returned mine and got another brand and it works just fine and it was cheaper too.,neg "Unlike the other reviewers, my Kitchenaid cork screw worked fine for almost two years. It never quite pulled the cork far enough out of the bottle to suit me -- it didn't make cork pulling labor-free -- but I found it much easier than any previous such tool I ever owned. Alas, as in many of the other reviews, the screw finally broke off in a cork and the device seems irreparable. A cheap plastic cork screw had to be called into service. I just visited the Kitchenaid web page and they don't offer a cork screw for sale anymore. I presume that I will soon toss mine as well. Planning to buy one of these for $30? Clint would ask you: Do you feel lucky",neg "Like 7 of the 8 other reviews, this product broke with no way to repair it. For the price and apparent sturdiness, it is just one big failure and is to be avoided.",neg "HOOVER HAS A KNOWN PROBLEM WITH THE BELTS STRETCHING OUT ON ALL THE SELF PROPELLED VACUUMS, BUT WILL DO NOTHING FOR CUSTOMERS STUCK WITH THEM! WE MUST REPLACE THE DRIVE AND PROPEL BELTS EVERY COUPLE OF MONTHS. REDICULOUS POOR CUSTOMER SERVIC",neg "This torch just does not work. I won't stay lit for more than a couple of seconds. When it does stay lit, the flame is horrible. Please, for the love of God, do not waste your money on this",neg "I, too, bought this terrible piece of equipment. My complaint, aside from the odd taste, consistency and smell, was that you could not tell when the egg was done. It was still raw at 10 minutes. By the time it was cooked you could have used it for a nerf ball. What a waste of money. As far as thinking up other purposes for it, I suppose it could be a sacrificial camping outdoor firepit cook pan for something. You'll have to think of something, just don't put eggs in it",neg "its just a simple plastic tube that fits on the end of the grinder attachment so you can stuff sausage. So how did they manage to mess this one up? The flare at the wide end of the horn does not sit flat against the head of the grinder, so when you go to tighten the ring down to hold it into place, the collar can not screw on all the way. The result? A build up of meat in the front part of the collar. This eventually begins to drip down making a bloody mess of whatever is under the grinder attachment. How hard would it have been for Kitchenaid to design the horn so it fitted flat in place and the collar would have screwed on tight?",neg "Disappointed with the size of product, have not used it yet",neg I have ordered and returned twice and my third one they sent has the same result.After a few uses it seems to twist off stroke and stays that way.,neg "I purchased this handsome can opener in June 2004. Feels & looks substantial and promising. It worked ok for a couple of months, and now it's useless. I'll return to using my zyliss opener, and throw this in the trash",neg "To be fair, the design is great looking, size is ideal, and very functional. However, beware of quality and packaging. Whoever packaged this in Thailand did not take care, it has nicks and scratches everywhere..not to mention the dings in corners. Paint in all the panels is inconsistent..therefore, you can see different colorations throughout different panels. It is somewhat redish in stain tone, could be darker to be a true dark walnut. Manufacturing flaws such as missing drill holes, which makes it tough when assembling...got screws, just missing screw holes. I only recommend to those with a nack of wood handyman, not for the average person. Recommend you need the following tools: Drill with phillips screw heads and drill bits(just in case), small bottle of dark wood stain(to touch up painting the scratches), and some patience.To continue, beware when placing this table on a true flat surface, it may have uneven stance...ok on carpeting. And beware if displaying in bright lit areas...people may see the different paint tones, and difference between the two table. Lasting, it is not 100% solid wood, some panels have veneer over particle board. Heck, what do you expect for $69bucks..",neg "I was so excited to receive my DeLonghi Caffe Sorrento Bar4 4-Cup Espresso/Cappuccino Machine.Being an experienced expresso drinker I started to brew my expresso, needless to say the frother works so so good you do not even have to turn it on. Water and steam everywhere, also the frother does not turn off, I tried so hard that the knob came off. I was very dissapointed",neg "My Screwpull Lever model broke after opening roughly 40 bottles over 1+year. Locked up and when I pulled a little harder it stripped a gear (the notches into which the gear meshes are only plastic.)I suspect the lockup during the twist-cork-in -then-lift-up cycle was due to worn part within the screw housing.In any event, it's unacceptable for something this expensive to fail withsuch limited use. At the very least, the gear mechanism should be stainless steel vice metal-plastic to provide better wear.Plus, we just talking about a stupid corkscrew. How hard /costly would it be to build something decent vice a piece of overpriced yuppy crap??",neg My husband sweats a lot at night and I thought this would stop the problem. It didn't at all. It doesn't seems like it does anything for me either. It just feels like a normal mattress pad. Not exactly worth the price for a normal mattress pad,neg "Regardless of the setting you use, you will get half coffee powder and half coarse grounds. In addition, the feature that is intended to allow you to control the amount of grounds you make with a switch on the top ... does not work. Be prepared to grind more than you need, and then measure the grounds (somehow avoiding the powder) yourself.",neg In my case I can't even say it's noisy because the grinder didn't work at all! Manufacturing defect deprived me the chance to listen how it works,neg "I bought this thinking I would be able to regulate the size, (I have had my other coffee grinder for 10 yr. still works), to say it is loud is an understatement, & 1st thing in the AM. I had it about 2 weeks, when I noticed it was hot to the touch, and it no longer worked, mind you I had not used it in 2 days, and had moved it to clean. I have not contacted them at this point, but do not want a replacement, and a part of me is glad it broke, so I don't have to listen to the noise anymore",neg "I ordered the My Cafe from Amazon in early October and received it a few days later. On initial set-up, the unit failed to prime. I talked to Bunn's Service Dept. and was coached to try several steps, which did not work. I was given a return authorization number and told that I would be sent a brand new machine once they received the defective one. I have Fed Ex verification that the My Cafe was received by Bunn on October 18. I called Bunn on November 6 and was told that they would check on my replacement and call me back in a couple on minutes. No return call came. I called again on November 9th and was told that the My Cafe has been on back order and that I am in line with an unknown other number of customers awaiting shipment. They could not, or would not, give me any meaningful information on when I might expect to see if the replacement works any better than the original. My Cafe may be a great machine but Bunn's service is atrocious",neg "I got the machine yesterday and was so excited. I got it all ready to prime by following the directions, and it didn't work. After several attempts I called Bunn customer service thinking that I must be doing something wrong. When I talked to the customer service rep. he told me that the machine wasn't pumping hot water into the reservoir and that this was a common problem with the machine. I'm thinking for $200.00 this isn't right, and why hasn't the company fixed it? He was very nonchalant about it as if it didn't matter; just get a new one. This just isn't acceptable to me. There are many positive reviews so I'm sure if you get a working one than you'll probably be happy with it. As for me, I refuse to use something that has a known problem that the company isn't even trying to remedy. Therefore, I'm sending it back to Amazon for a full refund and buying the Simple Human coffee maker which has gotten great reviews",neg "The frother is great! Easy to use etc. The espresso temperature is 140 degrees F when measuring the stream of coffee coming from the machine after the machine has warmed up for 6 minutes. At that LOW temperature you can't extract the flavors and aroma required for a great cup of espresso. Other reviews stating it can take 5 minutes to brew a cup of espresso are accurate. This occurs when the grind is too fine. I've had this machine for over a year and it is NOT recommended. I use it mainly for the frother and make the espresso in another machine. To add insult to injury, the chrome like decal on the machine has an air bubble under it so it looks cheap. I thought it was chrome undil the decal started to get this bubble. Previously I had a Gaggia which is superior in every manner, and cheaper also. The only reason I rated it 2 stars is because of the frother.",neg "I bought the Capresso 114 last December (the difference being, the model 112 has chrome trim and a very questionable milk reservoir). This machine is unbelievably finicky; you must use an extremely coarse grind (according to the manual), and almost zero tamping pressure (again, according to the manual), otherwise you get unbelievably slow coffee flow (several minutes for a shot of espresso). Even when you get everything according to instructions (which includes, according to Capresso tech support, disassembling the machine every few days), it takes at least 5 minutes to pour a shot of espresso, which comes out weak, bitter, and with no crema. After two months of discussing this with Capresso tech support and getting nowhere, I returned the machine to Amazon. After that I bought a Krups XP 4000 -- bliss! The machine makes great espresso in about 25 seconds, even with a fine grind and firm tamp.",neg "This machine is sure to disappoint a seasoned European-style coffee drinker (coffee as in beverage made from coffee bean, not a tall cup of Sanka as the term is used in the US). Admittedly, I'm really picky about my coffee, but $250 for this machine is ridiculous. I've had coffee from a $40 Krups machine that is better than that made by the EspressoPro. I use high-quality pods with this machine (Molinari, Lucaffe, and Miscela d'Oro) which guarantees consistency in other machines, but doesn't help with this machine. Here are my issues with the machine.1. The thermoblock isn't effective. I HAVE to put water in my espresso cup and pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds before making an espresso or else my coffee will be lukewarm. Disgusting, even with high quality beans. Granted, unless your machine has a cup warmer, this is probably a good idea regardless of your machine, but with this machine, it is a REQUIREMENT, not an option, if you want hot coffee.Second, steamed milk is lukewarm on a good day. The same heating problem occurs with steaming milk. I called Capresso, and they said to check all the fittings. In fact, after much frustration (I'm not an idiot), I finally just sealed the connections with shrink tube, which leaves only two points where the connection could be weak. Still, I can't get HOT steam. What I do get is either lukewarm liquid milk, or cool, overly thick foam. In fact the foam is so unrefined and thick that it gives the impression that you could chew it. Nasty.2. The frothing mechanism is gimmicky and not effective. A standard frothing wand is much better. The mechanism on this machine is ineffective, lacks true control, and requires an extra step over a standard wand to clean.As explained above, the heat is not sufficient, and the quality of foam is irregular and bad. I'm embarrassed to serve coffee from this machine to guests, let alone drink it myself. I just can't get over the heat issue. Nothing kills a good coffee than lack of heat. This point is so important, if you take a gander at the Francis! Francis! X1 (and professional machines), there's a thermometer right on the front of the machine (and no, it's not purely an esthetic design issue since you can put several types of gauges/switches on an espresso machine--like a pressure gauge). The low heat generated results in really thick, solid foam. When I have guests, I just heat milk on the stovetop and use a handfrother instead of using the EspressoPro's lame mechanism.Second, the way you adjust the foamed milk to steamed milk ratio is not effective. A little gate is regulated by the user through a twisting tab. It's just not good design. Since the milk actually passes through the machine and is heated internally by the machine, you can't really work the milk. A wand offers direct control and offers immediate visual response to whether you're getting foam or hot milk.You know dried milk that collects on your steaming wand? Well, that's now inside your EspressoPro. With a traditional wand, you just wipe the wand with a wet rag. With this machine, you need to run hot water through the frothing mechanism (BEFORE you do this you need to wait for the block to heat up again). Plus, there's so many little pieces that need to be kept clean, it's a pain. What a bad design!3. 18 Bar? Yeah, right. This machine also doesn't generate enough pressure to develop nice crema. Granted, I use pods, but still, a certain amount of crema is expected. This machine produces a thin, insufficient amount of crema. The lack of sufficient pressure probably has to do with the poor thermoblock.I really can't recommend this machine. For $250, just go get a Krups or Braun. Better yet, spend $50 more and get an entry level Gaggia or Saeco. With this machine you're paying for looks and a gimmicky, ineffective frothing mechanism. This hunk o' junk is now buried deep in the back of my kitchen cabinet, as I truly would not feel right pawning this machine off on someone else. It is now appropriately retired from service, and I now enjoy perfect coffee every day from my Saeco Vienna Superautomatica. Now that's a machine, baby",neg "Inside this unit there are 2 cleaning trays, one for the cleaning solution and the other for water to rinse. Each tray has a cup coming out the bottom which is used to lock the tray into the device. After only 3 uses the base of the one cup cracked. After about 6 more uses the other bottom cracked. I would not recommend this product to anyone.",neg "This worked great...for 5 minutes. I tried everything to make it work again over three days. I finally contacted customer service and they said there is nothing else to do - send it to them and they will replace it. I'm glad they were responsive, but now I have to pay to ship the darn thing to Michingan",neg "I too have experienced the water tank caving in and not working properly if you forget to take the water tank out of the steamer unit, and mind you, you must also remove the cap from the water reservoir even after you remove it from the steamer. I have tried putting hot water in the tank in an attempt to regain its original shape to no avail. I would not recommend buying this steamer for this reason",neg "As another reviewer experienced, our Krups also leaks coffee all over the counter and subsequently the floor quite often, which is apparently related to having to have the carafe situated in just exactly the right place within a half a millimeter, and which place I have not yet discovered except occasionally by chance. Carafe positioning appears to be the problem, because it doesn't leak every time. Maybe my unit is defective, because other reviewers don't mention this, and believe me, you would notice this if it were occurring with yours.The opening to pour in water is relatively small, but I don't have a huge problem with it. Be aware there is no automatic shut off. It makes a fine cup of coffee for this non-coffee-gourmet, and I don't have a problem with spilling when I pour from the carafe into a cup. But the leaking is forcing me to find another machine.I wish I could find a reasonably-priced, non-leaking 12-cup machine with removable water reservoir, no-drip carafe, programmable, auto shut-off, easy-to-find replacement carafe and removable filter basket but alas, even on amazon.com, that machine does not appear to exist. My sister has such a machine (Mr. Coffee URX23), but that model has been discontinued.",neg "I had slightly older edition of the Krups Crystal Aroma for several years, until I lost one carafe too many - if you're careless, when empty they tend to roll like a bowling ball right off the countertop. But that's my fault. The Crystal Aroma carafe looks cool and the filter would probably help if you have unpleasant tap water, but overall, the quality of the coffee it produces is merely OK.The reason not to buy this coffeemaker is that Krups now makes a much better one. Aroma control is a poor description for the recent line of Krups coffeemakers by that name actually do. The Aroma Control machines have a simple, but ingenious mechanism for retaining the coffee in the brewing chamber for an extra minute before letting it drip through into the carafe. More than filters or an exotic shape that supposedly retains aromas, that extra minute of brewing makes all the difference in the world. Unless you're just in love with that round carafe, skip the Crystal Aroma and move on to the Aroma Control line.",neg "I ordered the Pro 5 Plus three times and recieved the wrong one 3 times. They kept sending the Commercial 5 mixer. In the meantime I have accumulated 2 shoping bags full of baking goods. I have ordered many cookie art books, along with many supplies as well as the Set of 3 Pasta Maker attachment for this mixer. This has been going on since the beginning of December. But no mixer!Calls end up in whatever country. All they do is placate you with polite rhetoric and pat answers. Which is their job. But this does not address the major problem. The problem is never kicked up to a higher level, researched, investigated and thus ending in a resolution.Now I see this model or its equivalent, in Costo. Very cheap but with the steel attachments (whip, dough hook etc) like the Commerical one. It looks like a combination of the Pro 5 Plus and the Commercial one. And the model no. is not listed in KitchenAde's website. There seems to be something amiss with this Pro 5 Plus model.This has been a frustrating experience. I now plan to order the Pro 6 instead, which Cook's Illustrated listed as number one. And it won't be from Amazon. Receiving the wrong one three times is a bit much. Dissapointed in the service.",neg I ordered these glasses 3 times and everytime they came in a million pieces. I would not waste your time purchasing these,neg "My first Cuisinart 4-slice toaster developed a dangerous problem after the 3-month warantee period: it started heating when not turned on, and made strange clicking sounds. It never had toasted very well, and only toasted lightly on the darkest setting. To their great credit, Cuisinart replaced the toaster for the shipping cost alone (although it took 3 months). The replacement toaster also toasts very lightly, very slowly, but at least it's not an immediate fire hazard",neg "I saw many good reviews for this toaster and a few bad ones too. I took my chances and ordered one anyway.Cuisinart is not testing these toasters. It took 10 seconds for me to see that the inner elements are not heating up. They are cleaning them, possibly changing the elements, and shipping them. My guess is that it is just cheaper not to test them. Big mistake. It's harder to win back customers than to keep them.",neg This sifter broke a month after I got it. It seems sturdy but it actually requires carefull handling. The sifting is somewhat slow but good (excercise!!!),neg "The Amco sifter broke during the second time I was using it and the first time I used it it took a long time and the handle kept sticking. Also my hand, wrist and arm were hurting so bad from all the work it took just to get four cups sifted. It also leaks flour where the handle is at the bottom",neg this item is too big and very difficult to operate. it is the worst breville product purchased. the panni press does the same thing without the difficult cleaning. i would NOT recommend this item...too much money...definately NOT worth the cost,neg "Brass rivets expand and contract. Wood expands and contracts. Together these elements are a bad concept from the word go, because they will ultimately separate because someone will at one time or another put them in the dishwasher. The metal is only tempered 4 times leaving the metal soft, meaning there is a lot of sharpeing to do. Henckel, cutco, trident are expensive and chefs all over the world use them because the are used everyday and they retain their sharpness because they are tempered 7 times (the maximum amount before metal becomes so hard that it becomes brittle)Wood is pourus and is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. You don't just wipe off knives and put them in a wood butcher block? What moran came up with that great concept? Utensils need to be sterilzed through a dish washer and very hot water with good cleaning agents.Why woould you buy a knife that you can't put in the dish washer? Why would you ever purchase a knife that requires maintenance. There's no moving partsWood handle and stainless steel spells disaster. Learning to sharpen your own knives is not easy, chefs don't even do it. Reading direction from a pamphlet and attempting to sharpen your knives for the first time spells disaster. Your knives will never be the same if you attempt this. Companies sell sharpening tools to inexperienced knife sharpeners (like yourself) so they wreck their own knives and buy new. You buy clothes that require dry cleaning, correct? bring your knives in and have them professionally sharpened and protect your investment. You should only buy one pair of knives in your lifetime and they can be handed down from generation to generation.A dull knife is a dangerous knife. A dull knife will require more pressure which will lead to a person cutting themselves.Take it from me. I was a CEO with a company who marketed these knives to people like you and we made alot of money too. These knives were never designed to be passed on from generation to generation",neg I purchased this blanket because I loved the color. That is the only thing it has going for it. There were feathers all over the place and I keep finding random ones in rooms on different floors! It is now stored in an airtight bag because I can't toss it- I paid good money for it,neg "Be aware, if you are looking for bonechina stay away from this piece. It is made in China and very low qualit",neg I had bought this vacuum because of the good reviews. I wanted a cordless vac to take care of the quick jobs -- not heavy cleaning -- but the primary job was to do to take care of daily kitty litter cleanup (rescued mother cat and 4 kittens). It does a good job for lint and hair but doesn't work on kitty litter. It spits it around or keeps in roller section. I thought I was using it wrong and tried it every way -- but it only picks up a small percentage of the kitty litter and rest is just blown around or drops out when it's turned off. I'm going to have to buy another cordless vaccum,neg "I received the 14.4 volt vacuum for Christmas 2004. After a full charge, it lasts less than a minute. It would be great if the battery lasted, but it doesn't. Go with another product and save your money on this piece of junk",neg I bought this product about a year ago and for a while it worked great. Then I noticed that the unit was starting to shut off faster and faster until today when I finally decieded to toss her. Overall in the beginning yes there is alot of power but what is the good of it when the battery's life is only about a year before she goes. I wouldnt recommend one especially since Dirt Devil came out with a cyclone one which I will try with hopefully longer lasting results.,neg "First of All I was abt to buy this product... but cancled my purchase as I found the same kind toaster with less price in the market..But same time I bought one kitchen utensils set.. and I am sorry to say it is just usable not good one like I they shown.. I saw many utensils set with same number of item atleast 500% times better than what I got,Second thing, I wanted to cancle the order immidiately but I tried to find out the customer care no on the amazon site.. but I could not find one :o((any way thats why I have decided not to buy from this site anymore...as now I can't rely on the pics only..",neg "Easily the worst toaster ever. Brendaa the 5 star above must have gotten the single toaster in the whole production series that actually worked. There are just not enough words in the English Language to describe this utterly useless peice of junk that will not hold toast down etc. etc.. Well, maybe not useless, if you are looking for something to bring about a cathartic welling of emotions that has you standing in the yard with a maul and and a toaster at your feet. I'd give it a minus 5 stars, but they do not even have a 0 star vote",neg This grinder grinds well but failed after just 2 months of operation. Don't buy it unless you want to waste your money,neg This pricey toaster is not worth its weight in bread. For the first few weeks it seemed to evenly brown the bread but since then it has become the worst toaster I have ever owned. It is impossible to get evenly browned bread instead you get burnt crust and blotches of brown randomly scattered over the bread. SAVE YOUR MONEY. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT,neg "Stop Be For You Buy!!!! Should have saved my money. Making pasta with this machine is disappointing. The recipe given with the instructions is way to sticky to run through the extruder. I redid the dough 3 times before I was able to extrude it, and still it stuck together. I should have listened to the rest of the reviews, but having owned a pasta maker/extruder before I thought it would be a piece of cake. If I were you I would invest in the roller pasta maker for you mixer. On the bright side though...The food grinder is wonderful",neg "I have not tried this pasta attachment a second time - I'm afraid of harming the motor. The mixer became VERY hot and oil even leaked out. I going to get the mixer checked/serviced and not risk damage again. One thing missing from these reviews is the mixer models used. Perhaps those with the heavier motors work better? I have the smaller motor (250 W) K45SS mixer. Surely KitcheAid must read these reviews. I would expect some additional user information for this product on their website, but see nothing. Very disappointing product and consumer support. Come on KitchenAid - give more info and/or offer to give $$ credit for return of this questionable product",neg "The only 2 foods it grates well are parmesan and chocolate, as long as the chocolate is cold, not worth the money, I think I'd rather use my small hand held gater. It was a good try, but I won't buy another one",neg "I've purchased several different rotary graters and this one had the same result as many of it's other plastic siblings. It too broke within 2 days of use. These plastic graters just aren't built with much strength and should not be used with harder cheeses, or by someone who has a strong grip. The common defect I'm finding in plastic graters is how the rotating arm is attached to the drum. The tiny amount of plastic there isn't desined to withstand shearing forces which is what rotates the drum.When I find a good rotary cheese grater, I'll write a review on it",neg "The first Dolce item I purchased was the wine tower and I have been very happy with that piece. However, the coffee table and end tables all arrived with cracks. The coffee table was not glued together properly and was misaligned. Not pleased at all and way too costly to ship back",neg "I purchased this as a Christmas gift for my mother. I was very excited when it arrived much sooner than I had anticipated. I opened it up, so that I could give it to my mom assembled. Unfortunately, an entire corner was broken off and the other corner was cracking and splintering. The packing materials are insufficient to say the least. I immediately called target's customer service, and the operator very graciously assisted me in returning my table. Despite my dissapointment about the broken table I was glad that Target did the best they could to resolve my issue without any hassle. <br /><br />",neg "It looked like a great Idea, just what I needed to get my older golden in and out of my jeep. Problem is, there is a serious crush hazard because of the weight and design. There is a finger crush area near the hinges where a user would most likely grasp the ramp to fold it. I have mashed fingers several times and sustained a moderately serious crushed finger the last time I used it. If I can't make it safe with a saw, then out it goes. It's too dangerous for anyone in my family to use",neg "I splurged on this pan because I was tired of the wobble my cheaper pans developed on my smooth glass cooktop. This pan warped severely after only 4 months, not any better than pans a fraction of the cost. I plan on returning it for replacement, and will use the new one for low temperature sauces only",neg I had a littermaid a couple of years ago that lasted me for a year and did great. I am not sure what is wrong with this type we had it for a whole week then it stopped working. Do yourself a favor and do NOT get this,neg "When I bought my first LitterMaid box, I thought it was a miracle -- no more scooping! Hooray! It worked so well for my four cats that a few months later, I bought a second one. Unfortunately, the second box quit working after just a couple of weeks (and I'd thrown the receipt away, so I couldn't get my money back). Soon after that, the original box quit working, too. So, within about 6 months, I spent close to $200 on electric boxes that no longer functioned.After researching better and more reliable options, I've settled on the Omega Paw box that you roll to clean. I now have three of them -- no electric parts to break, and, actually, less mess than the LitterMaid",neg "The Littermaid Mega is absolutely one of the worst purchases I have ever made. In less than two months time, the unsubstantial motor has burned out completely. Litter Maid claims that the boxes should need to be emptied every five days for one cat. Well, I have two cats and had to empty the box two times daily. The Litter Maid is good for controlling odors when it works, but it constantly jammed and then shut down (and I used a recommended brand of premium cat litter). After a few weeks of this load, the tiny (and very loud) motor simply gave up. I'm waiting to hear from Litter Maid regarding warranty repair/replacement, but I suspect I'll end up returning to a traditional $5.00 litter tray. The overall concept of the Litter Maid is good, but without sturdier components, it ends up being trash in no time",neg " I VERY MUCH ENJOYED THIS UNIT WHEN IT WAS NEW IT DID EVERYTHING THAT WAS STATED ON THE BOX.However, I now need to replace the IFD filter due to the accumulation of nicotene on it and can not find one anywhere. I purchased two units at once for around $450.00.If I had used them in a dust atmosphere they would still be great! Honeywell should have tested on Nicotene and smoke odors before touting the phrase permanent in reference to smoke and nicotene. I am sadly disappointed in a company, who over the years, I have purchased many of their products",neg "The machine is easy to use and makes great espresso ... when it's working!Mine broke down within the first year. I spent $80 dollars to fix it the first time, but it broke down again after another two months of use (water wouldn't heat up). It would cost me another $200 to fix it. I'm now looking for a more reliable machine.",neg "We have nothing but Henckels in our kitchen, as we love to cook, and everyone who cooks knows the value of good knives.I bought these without a second thought as I am used to Henckels quality. What a surprise we got! Made somewhere in Asia at bargain basement prices, I'm sure...While these probably do cut steak as well as any cheap serrated knife would, if you are buying them because they are Henckels and you expect a certain quality - don't.We returned these promptly",neg A little less than so-so. You think it is a bargain because of the name. It's not. Get some good steak knives at your grocer's,neg I have had this kit for 3 1/2 months and still no seeds have sprouted. The package does say it may take a few months though. You might consider getting a starter kit/set instead with potted plants,neg "I bought both this and the similar version from Brookstone this year. I was expecting a lot from the metrokane, but it turns out the Brookstone is much better. It's $60, but the Brookstone version will last you MUCH longer than the $45 metrokane.Among the differences: The metrokane is made of plastic, the Brookstone is metal. The Brookstone model comes with two bottle sealers, and it's case is made of very high quality leather-like material instead of cheap plastic. Finally, my metrokane is brand new, and I've already managed to scratch the finish, since it's so cheap.If you're looking to get a new wine opener, do yourself a favor and BUY ANOTHER BRAND",neg "My Salter 1001 scale started having problems within 3 months and broke within 10 months. I am sending the scale back to Saltier for replacement. A good scale while it worked, but what pain this has become",neg "the thread count & softness of the sheets met my expectations, however the top sheet was the wrong size, it did not even fit across my queen size bed. I had to return them.The holidays are coming up and I am very reluctant to shop Amazon.com. I was previously a happy customer",neg I've owned Black and Decker's predecessor to this unit - the ShortCut - for about 25 years. It was a well designed Mini food processor. So I had high hopes for the Black & Decker MFP200 MiniPro Plus Food Processor. What a disappointment!The problem is slicing. The slicing disk *MUST* be used in conjunction with a redirection disk that redirects whatever your slicing out the ejection chute. Well this chute ejects alrighty - all over the kitchen.It goes back to Target tomorrow. And to the design folks over at B & D: you should really test out your designs before going to production with them.Do yourself a *HUGE* favor and pass on this unit.I have to go now; I have mushroom slices all over my kitchen.,neg "I bought one of these to make Bagna Cauda, and upon loading the necessary ingredients and depressing the high button, it sparked and died. Well, ok, I guess it only *half* died, as the pulse button would still work, if I leaned on it with my entire weight, but both the high and low switch settings did nothing. So I'm thinking next time I'll spend a little more; meanwhile, this little guy goes back",neg "I only used mine once, then tossed it. Wish I would have read these reviews first! Thought it looked good at Kohls. I liked that the grates can be seperated to wash... they do, but it takes a lot of force. Feels like you're going to break them. I should have returned it but I was mad at it and trashed it.. at least it was marked 15% off (still higher than here though).I've been trying to find one like we have. A simple one with a handle. No plastic. I feel they work the best. I think it's an Ecko, but I can't find it anywhere. Target and walmart don't have it",neg Really nice bowl with cover. It mushed up the tomatoes and the safety handle you hold on to broke on the second use. It does however make very thin slices,neg "Great while it worked, though a little large. But, it broke after 4.5 month",neg too slow to give reading almost never changes,neg "I have purchased these plates from Amazon in the past and the earlier plates were made in England. So, I ordered more to go along with my current set to find that now they are made in India and were not of the same quality as those made in England. I sent them back. I will say that had I not already had the more detailed & colorful items, I might have appreciated these of lesser quality more than I did.",neg I was dissapointed that this item arrived broken and I needed to send it back for a refund,neg "cThis is my second bread maker. I bought Cuisinart's one last year and had used it for about a year. I had no idea how different each bread maker was at that point.Cuisinart's one has obviously some problems: 1. Bread tends to be darker so quickly and becomes hard. 2. It is very noisy during kneading cycle as I can not hear the music from the audio. 3. Paddle is caught in the bread and hard to remove it if you do not remove it before baking cycle starts. 4. Some basic cycle have no Pre-heat cycle. It means I need to prepare exactly appropriate temperature water to make yeast work nicely. But it is very hard and sometimes I fail. 5. The design of the case is not great. Some unmixed ingredients are left on the corners and baked as it is if I do not mix it using a spatula.One of my friends owns Panasonic bread maker and showed it to me. I was so surprised at it as the thickness of the case is very different. She has never had such a problem which I have had. Then I decided to get Panasonic one although my first one is still working. The bread maker was delivered in 2 days. I tried same recipe which I often used for Cuisinart's. The bread came out amazingly nice and much nicer than the one from Cuisinart. Bread is nicely blown, crispy outside and soft, fluffy inside. It is just perfect. I guess these difference come from mainly these things: 1. The case is very thick so that bread can not be brown so quickly and keep the inside of bread soft and flavorful. 2. Pre heat cycle adjust the temperature of water well. I do not have to make appropriate temperature's water any more. 3. This machine has the special room for yeast. It works very well to keep yeast away from the water particularly using the timer.I think I never back to Cuisinart although I miss some points (Sophisticated design or the window on the rid which I can see inside of the case through) of Cuisinart a little bit. I highly recommend this bread maker.",neg "I was so looking forward to this machine. I am a long time machine bread maker and have had two other brands with not a problem. First, Yes it burns the crust on MED; Second, I made 4, count them, four batches of their recipe bread and my recipe bread and they were ALL awful. Could not believe it. Each time I followed the reciped and instructions to the letter.I'm giving up the ghost and going back to my el cheapo bread machines that work every time. Love the style and the loaf shape of the Cuisinart but don't like wasting my time and ingredients. Maybe I got a lemon",neg "I bought this rack thinking that I can now bake cakes with bigger size, or cool a bunch of cookies on the same rack; well...I am very disappointed. But let's start witht he good things first.PROS:1. It's big, I like the size a lot2. It's gridded, so I don't need to worry about cookies falling off the rack. They are steady right there.CONS:The biggest problem is the material, it is not strong at all!When the rack arrived, the middle of it was already bent (or sagging a bit). I was able to bent it backwards easily, yet that perfect posture didn't hold for long, it's back to its bad sagging position again very soon.Then it got way worse, when I try to cool cakes on it. Cookies aren't that bad, since they are light. When I have the moist and right out of the oven cake sitting on that rack, the middle of the rack is barely touching my kitchen counter top already. Of course, as soon as I lift my cake up, it goes back to the normal sagging position.I think unless you are planning on baking cookies only...this is not a rack for you. Pick something else, something stronger",neg I had to wash the comforter 3 times before it softened up enough for me to put it on my son's bed.The sheet is still crunchy.I was a little disappointed with the quality of the sheets. They are very thin. The comforter is however snuggly warm,neg "This is a gorgeous ice bucket. It is large and stylish. However, I cannot recommend it because of the lid. The lid is attached to the bucket and does not come completely off. Instead, it pivots and swings up. The problem with this is that you cannot fill the bucket all the way up with ice because you have to leave a good amount of room at the top for the lid to swing. And, because the lid is not removable, it gets in the way especially if you want to use this bucket as a champagne/wine cooler. Poor design flaw. I want an ice bucket that I can remove the lid and put it aside if I don't need to use it rather than having it sticking up and in the way. You'll notice in OXO's main picture of this bucket on this site it is shown without the lid sticking up. Why? Because it makes for a cleaner look not having the lid in the way. Hey OXO, that's the same look I wanted this bucket to have sitting on my bar!Would it have killed OXO to put a knob/handle on the lid and let the customer decide if they want the lid on or off? I swear sometimes I think manufacturers never bother actually testing out the things they design. If they had, surely they would have noticed how bad their lid idea was. Or they could have looked at every other ice bucket on the market to see that theirs is the only one in which the lid doesn't come off. That should have been a clue to them that there are obvious merits to having a removable lid.This bucket has a clear plastic lid. I don't understand why it's plastic at all. First of all, it's an ice bucket! I think everyone knows ice is inside without needing to peek through the lid. Secondly, a metal lid will keep the temperature inside colder longer than than a plastic lid. That is why the bucket is made of metal, not plastic. Metal is a better conductor of heat and cold.I wish I had noticed the lid before I purchased it. I didn't pay close enough attention. I suppose I assumed it was a normal lid that came off like all the others. Thankfully I got the bucket from my local Bed Bath & Beyond making its return very easy. I am sorry I have to return it because this really is a nice looking bucket. However, I don't intend to spend $40 on an ice bucket just to sit there, look pretty and receive compliments--that's my job as hostess :-). I want an ice bucket that is functional too.Oh, well...my search for the perfect ice bucket continues.",neg "I picked one of these up for my husband for Father's Day. It looked like a great idea, avoiding the mess of ice and rock salt. We followed the directions exactly and were very disappointed when chocolate soup emerged from the maker. We put it in a container in the freezer and ended up with a chocolate brick! Needless to say, we are not at all happy with this product",neg "I have a Profesional 6 model, and I did everything the recipe said for 1 batch of regular spaghetti pasta. It didn't kill the mixer, but the motor became very hot! I will never use it again. I also have the roto slicer/shredder, fruit/veggie strainer, food grinder & sausage stuffer attachments...none of these have even made my stand mixer very warm. --That tells me the pasta maker attachment is a bad product. I am thankful that my model is 525 watts...I could only imagine what would have happened if I had a classic 300 watt model!My best advice is to pick up an inexpensive pasta machine or an Emperia hand crank pasta machine. They run between $20-40 without a motor or $80-120 with a motor (that you can also buy separately for $50-80). --A very small price to pay, if you want to keep your KitchenAid Stand Mixer!",neg Have been wanting to get the pasta roller attachment and ran accross this plastic pasta maker at the store. Was really excited since it was in my price range. Took it home and tried to use it. My KitchenAid mixer starting smoking and so I let it rest for the hour. Upon removing the attachment I found oil and black rubber or grease was all over the inside of the attachment. (on the coil thing that pushes the dough through) Next time I wanted to use my mixer to beat egg whites it had no power. I sure hope this inexpensive attachment didn't ruin my wonderful mixer. Highly disappointed with KitchenAid on this attachment,neg "If you buy this this thing, be prepared to cut off about an inch off the tip, 'cause apparently the tip is just there for aesthetics. Plunging this thermometer into boiling water, it won't read accurately (15-20deg under) until at least an inch of the tip is immersed",neg Very annoying that you can't get the filters for this coffee maker anywhere,neg "The bag is narrow and difficult to fill. You invariably end up with a mess which gets even more messy because the bag is made from a very slippery plastic. I had no luck using this bag, even though I gave it two chances",neg I purchased a 14-cup Cuisinart some years ago. I have had nothing but trouble. First the handle stuck while I was kneading dough and I barely was able to pry it off. Then I had problems with the stem. When I tried to get a new one from customer service they told me that they were no longer servicing my older model and suggested I buy a new Cuisinart! Stay away from Cuisinart! I'm looking into Kitchen Aid for my new processor,neg "I recently purchased this product. The first time I used it, I thought it worked great. I made a pot of chili and let it cook until we were ready to eat it that night. The second time I used it, things were not as good. The outer shell where the controls are were literally melting. I had programmed this to cook for 10 hours while I went to work. I came home that night and the hours had not changed. I realized I didn't click the on/off button to start heating the cooker. This may have saved a house fire. I went ahead and changed the time from 10 to 4 hours. This set the unit to high instead of the original low setting. Not 15 minutes after turning on, the outer covering was melting. I immediately shut it off. I see the 4 quart units were recalled back in 2004 for similar issues. Whatever their problem, it has not been fixed. Be aware of this serious problem when using your slow cooker. I am returning mine and will exchange for a different brand",neg "Bought this for the kitchen and the only piece that truly does what it is supposed to do is the vase they give to hold all the pieces. The spoons both melted in pots of boiling water stirring spaghetti. The spatula bent and distorted while trying to lift something off a hot cookie sheet.If there was a choice to give a half star, that is all I would give.....you have to give them some credit, since the vase looks nice on the counter <Grin",neg "Stainless my foot! I received these from my wedding registry and only just used them for Thanksgiving this weekend. After one run through the dishwasher, several pieces are rusted, the finish has worn off, and they are even pock-marked in places! I too threw away the box when I first took them out, and cannot find *any* information on warranty or how to contact Cambridge Silversmiths. I've bought cheap individual pieces of stainless for *camping* that stood up better than this. I wish I'd put Oneida on my registry instead of this crap",neg These sheets are like 200 cotton count not 1200 cotton count. Do not order you will be sorry!!,neg "These silicone pot holders are indeed brightly colored, easy to wash in the dishwasher, and protective even when wet. They are also clumsily stiff at the same time as they are slippery, the net result being a miserable failure in the kitchen. They are useful for protecting a counter from a hot pot, but not for picking the hot pot up",neg "I just received my set. The glasses are so... beautiful! Yet, 5 out of 6 are defective!! What a big disappointment! I have been looking forward to receiving my first Riedel....Amazon.com provides great deal which I got $80 for 6 glasses, but they were obviously factory seconds! So disappointed! However, the design of the glass are beautiful!! I am still returning them! So sad!...... :",neg "Great sugar dish, fantastic colour, but Amazon's shipping time of 1-2 weeks is way off. I ordered this twice and had it take well over a month to arrive",neg "Amazon seems to experience a disproportionate number of pricing errors. Whenever you attempt to purchase anything at Amazon that represents a 50% or higher discount, don't expect to receive it. Poor business practices",neg "This is our second George F grill. The first one burned out after about 5 years. We liked but could not get the same size so we got this one. It was bigger than we wanted but we had no other choices. WHAT A MISTAKE!!!! After less than one year and not heavy use the connector to the thermostat (spade conn.) just fell apart. Being the handy man that I am, I fixed it. Today (9/6/2005) it burned out again. This grill is a fire hazard and should be recalled. It is a piece of junk. We will replace it with a different brand. Thanks for nothing George",neg "I wouldn't purchase anything from vision decour! I ordered this 3 piece set the same say I ordered pieces from three other companies. It took vision decour longer to just e-mail me than it did the other companies to ship and deliver the other three pieces I ordered. Apparently the set I ordered was out of stock, but vision decour neglected to update their web site. After they contacted me about this issue I checked their site and they still had the set listed as availabel and in stock. So now I have been waiting for weeks and have half of a living room with no prospect of getting the table set I needed to match everything else",neg "These bowls are wonderful - a great addition to my Winterberry collection, however they came packaged in the same packaging as they would in store, so during shipment they were broken. Amazon was great to send replacements, but some of those were broken too. I have finally received all dishes I ordered, but beware of receiving broken dishes",neg "My first and only use was to cook a roast in the oven at 275 degrees and within the first 30 minutes it started to give me the wrong readings. I have had it a while but have not used it as it is only good for the oven. The statement on the inside instructions WHEN COOKING IN A BARBECUE OR SMOKER, DO NOT USE AS A CONTINUOUS READ THERMOMETER, USE ONLY AS AN INSTANT READ THERMOMETER., 5. DO NOT USE THIS UNIT TO MEASURE COOKING TEMPERATURES OVER 392◦F. as well as WARRANTY EXCLUDES THERMOMETER PROBES. should be on the outside, letting people know this is only for the oven for continuous use and that the probes are junk. If you have to keep checking the meat in a smoker over many hours, a cheap $6.00 meat thermometer will work just fine other than letting out the heat. Why does the outside packaging say the reading range is 86◦ to 572◦ if you can only use to 392◦. I would say this is only a typo and they likely did a cut and paste on their lower temperature unit's instructions, but 275◦ in the oven killed mine so maybe not? Cut to the chase, look for a better unit and let me know when you find it",neg I've had 2 Polder Thermometers and both of them have had a VERY short life span. Don't waste your money,neg "This unit looks like it would be fun for the kids, but in fact, it barely works. Even when the insert is pre-frozen in a zero degree freezer, the maching has problems getting the mix even into a soft state, and even when it gets close to that, the ice cream does not dispense in a manner that allows for the classic soft-serve look in the cone. An email to cuisinart regarding the problem went unanswered. We used it twice, and gave up. One hint that's not in the instructions: you have to keep the machine running while dispensing -- or trying to dispense -- the ice cream. Another hint that's not in the instructions: don't buy this item",neg "The machine leaked after we poured in the liquid ingredients.The mix in dispenser did not operate properly, all we put in were sprinkles. The ice cream did not harden enough until about 25 minutes;kids cannot wait that long.We could of driven to the local ice cream store and back by this time. Save your money,buy a old fashion ice cream maker instead at least your kids will get a workout and be occupied at the same time",neg "Your freezer needs to at least zero degrees F in order to have the bowl freeze to a point the ice cream comes out a consistency thicker than a very thin milk shake. I needed a seperate chest freezer in order to achieve these temps.The ice cream maker is made of cheap plastic which caused it to break after two weeks of mild use. We attempted to correct the problem with Cuisinart via e-mail and phone calls and the issue still is not resolved and therefore we are returning the ice cream maker.Negative points aside, the ice cream maker did make great ice cream. (Thanks mostly to the Ben and Jerry's recipe book we ordered at the same time.) We'll look into getting a better quality ice cream maker in the near future. It won't be made by Cuisinart",neg This cooker made great rice...for a grand total of 3 uses before it broke! It also has a very thin and easily dented aluminum bowl that is NOT non-stick. There are better cookers out there for comparable prices. Don't waste your money,neg "That's right. I got taken twice. I bought this cooker for under $20 a few years ago, and it died after the second use. Considering it was so inexpensive, I just bought another one. It died again after only one use. I wish I would have read the reviews beforehand because it seems to be a common problem. I guess Salton just recycle their returns so they can afford to pay George Foreman the $90 million they owe him for endorsements",neg "I received this a shower gift a few years ago. Standard mixer, can't do anything too drastic with it, but I noticed the last time I took the beaters out of the dishwasher they had rusted. These are not stainless beaters and they will rust. I'm in the market for a new mixer",neg "this is clearly a case of you get what you pay for. for easy jobs this mixer works fine, but give it a thick batch of brownie mix or cookie dough and the motor will just di",neg "I've had this toaster for four years now. It just started going down hill recently.-It started toasting too darkly on the settings I had consistently used for years.-The digital setting knob no longer works, it is stuck on 4.-It only shuts off when manually popped up.I have to agree with other reviews that said it doesn't toast very even. I've noticed this in my four years of use.So if your willing to pay the price for it to last 4 years get it. If not, try another with better reviews",neg "Don't bother buying the pots. After only 2 months use, the inside edges are cracking off (I hand wash all the pots). I have a fry pan of another brand that I have used for over 3 years and this never happened. In addition, in spite of purchasing the 12 piece set and three additional pans, they refused to give me a $20.00 promised rebate. I'm ready to junk the set",neg "While these are pretty & feel good in your hand, they rust. I had them for 3 days when several of the forks began forming rust inside the swirly patterns.They are not 18/10 as advertised - they are only 18/0...which is why they are rusting.I returned them promptly.",neg You look at them in a picture frame.....the fish are crammed in there,neg "ok this is the stupidest thing i read all the reviews and all the nagitvive ones i agree with i wouldnt put a guggy just one guppy in the i have african cichlids mbunas to be exact and i have a 29gallon i over stocked mine but i dont carei have 15 if you count the two plecos ok i have a 60 gallon filter .does this thing have a filter???and if its only 6.34 gallons or 2.16 gallons idk its not worght it.if you want a small fish tank get a desktop or if you want a wall fish tank GET A CUSTOM THEY ONLY COST 1,000 DOLLARS spend it its worth it byebye and thank",neg "I was excited when I got the set, however after a few cuts/uses the knives are dull and the santoku has rust on the sharp end of the blade. For a warranty claim I have to pre pay postage to get a replacement. Not recommended at all! I'm surprised at the low quality with this brand",neg We own a set of 2-Man Pro series and this set did not even compare. Returned them the same day they arrived to my house,neg "I have a set of mid-range Henckels that I bought some years ago, and they are -much- better than this. I bought this set for my daughter because they were a good compromise between quality and price, and she won't ruin then in the dishwasher. I would have thought that Henckels wouldn't make any actual crap, but this set comes awfully close. The good thing is, boy are they sharp. But there's bad things too. Only the 8 chef's knife and the shears have any feel of quality at all, the rest are -very- thin and flimsy. 'Laser-cut' edges are overrated - make them another millimeter thick please, so they can make a precise cut without the blade bending and taking off in an unintended direction. A good knife is an extension of the cook's intention - it does what you want, and does NOT require thought and pre-conception and compensation in every cut. (...)is waaay too much for one adequate chef's knife and some toys. Very disappointed in Henckels, and in Amazon too, I don't feel I got what I ordered.",neg "we got this as a wedding gift and it worked ok for about 2 years, but there are 2 plastic parts that have broken in the last month making it unusable. would not recommend this machine or this brand to anyon",neg "I myself am not a coffee drinker but after watching the lengths that my husband has gone through to get keep his coffee hot, I will agree with other reviewers, this Delonghi is Dewrongi. My husband has to boil the water in a kettle to pre-heat the carafe before brewing. If he doesn't get a chance to drink it right away, he puts the carafe (filled with coffee) onto the stovetop on low. Well a couple mornings ago, we were both rushing around to get the kids off to school and off to work. Without thinking, he put the carafe on the burner but must have accidentally cranked it to high heat. Next thing I know I'm screaming from the kitchen because the carafe is on fire with 2 foot flames quickly spreading. He dumped a pot of cold water on it and hallelujah, no damage was done. (We are so lucky as we are selling our home in a few months.So after reading the other reviews, I'm no longer pursuing a replacement carafe but instead will buy him a whole new machine...and it won't be a Delonghi",neg "I went to Amazon after having several problems with this coffee maker only to find lots of others with the same problems. Yes, deLonghi makes a great product. No, this is not one of them. I have read the directions so often I have them memorized, and I can tell from the number of reviews that there is a serious quality control problem with this unit. I bought mine from Costco, and sometimes the manufacturers do something different for Costco product runs. I hope that is not the problem, but that is all I can think of that would be causing such a disparity of reviews. So...who else bought this unit from Costco? Because if that is the problem I'll bet Costco will be all over deLonghi to fix it. Until then, this is definitely not the coffee maker you will look forward to first thing in the morning, every day",neg "These knives barely cut.... and the title is misleading. This set has nothing to do with Faberware. Also, I have had this set for only a few weeks and already rust has appearred on them. Buy them if you intend it for one time use",neg "These are not Farberware, but Hoan -- which makes cut-rate kitchen implements like knives, measuring cups etc. I sent these as a gift, and was hugely embarrassed when I showed up for dinner and found out I'd sent this junk.This is deceptive advertising at its worst -- shame on you, Amazon!",neg "My Mom bought me this set for my anniversary two years ago. We use it regularly and run it through the dishwasher and it is just horrible looking. It spots and marks pitifully. I can't get most of the spots off no matter what I do. I wrote the company to complain and they said they would replace it if I mailed it in, but with the weight of the set (because it really is a heavy-duty set of flatware) it would have cost me a fortune to ship it to them and then all I would have gotten in return was another set of flatware that would probably look the same way in a short period of time. So, I am just putting my experience out there to help others make an informed decision",neg "Used this burner during a kitchen renovation. Doesn't heat very evenly for use with a skillet, but product is sufficient for boiling water for pasta and vegetables. Wish the base was heavier for stability",neg "Hi, I usually don't complain about the products that I buy because I consider myself a savvy consumer, but in this instance I was dubbed big time! A few years ago, we received a Krups coffee maker as a wedding gift and we love it! However, this particular toaster rarely worked. In fact, I would say that 85% time it would either not toast or would flip the toast prematurely e.g. 5 second or less. I have no idea if this is a fluck in quality control or not, but I highly recommend buying a different toaster. I know, I thought, Krups makes a toaster? Wow, I'll buy it, after all how hard can it be for a German company to manufacture functional a toaster? Well, evidently, they have issues.",neg "Although Consumer Reports rated this model as #2, I have found this a very disappointing purchase. The cheap aluminum parts inside bend all the time jamming the toaster. It toasts very uneavenly and inconsistently. I am very sorry I purchased this toaster. I was expecting much more from a toaster so highly rated but I've learned that Consumer Reports does not always get everything right. Listen to the other warnings and stay away from this toaster. As soon as I find another toaster, this one goes off to Goodwill.",neg "Nice, shiny, new, heavy, quality product.Two uses later...Warped and buckled tray bottom, shiny, heavy, poor-quality product.I am a keen cook and I don't expect to spend this much on an so-called quality item only for it to warp and buckle after two uses under normal conditions.1 star",neg "I've had this appliance since just before Thanksgiving but only able to fully use it twice.It's very cool the way the egg poacher works with the muffin toaster. BUT when I washed the egg poacher cup, a good bit of teflon came off. (I tried a second time and my poached egg was full of black teflon flakes.) The appliance came with a notice that implored you to please call the Back to Basics if there is a problem (rather than the retailer) so I did.I was told they would send a replacement cup immediately.I can boil eggs in it which is great but you can't toast at the same time so either your toast or your eggs get cold while waiting for the other.As I approached my 30 day return period, I called back and was told that the cups were being redesigned and they would send one out immediately.Today (now 64 days after the first call) I called again and was told that my cup was mailed 10 days ago (but only 7 business days so they won't even discuss tracing or resending until next week). They mailed it from Utah. I live in Seattle.I am so not happy with their service, their attitude and now I'm even getting annoyed at the appliance. Hopefully, no one else will have this problem. But, just in case..",neg "I have had this gadget for a little over a year as we got it as a wedding gift. I had not used it as it did not seem worth the trouble to plan on getting it out ahead of time and charging it for 15 hours when I could use a manual grater right when I needed it. Last week, I needed to shred some cheddar for a recipe. I read the instructions front to back, allowed it to charge the full amount of time, and I was pretty excited when it came time to try it out. Right from the start, I knew it was junk. You are supposed to be able to lift the piece of plastic up and have it stay in the up position while you change the blade. Not mine. The plastic piece kept coming off, and dozens of tries to keep it upright resulted in dozens of failures. I decided to look past that and judge purely on the shredding ability. Once I started trying to grate, I had a really hard time getting the thing to shred. I tried varying degrees of pressure. As others commented, the cheese does get stuck EVERYWHERE. Then, the cheese that does come out is in tiny little shreds. I did not get the nice big shreds that I am used to with my manual grater. My husband thought I was doing it wrong, so he tried it. He had the same result. I will not even sell this at a rummage sale or give it to goodwill, because people are better off without it. Since it was a gift, I'm glad I'm not out any money. It is going in the trash",neg i wish i saw the feedback before i bought this...this thing sucks you have to charge it 15hours just to get 23minutes of nothing.. it has no power and it just pushes the cheese it doesnt even grade it...please dont waste your mone,neg "To whom it may concern. Cheap assembly, binds up on internal hardwear, does not press fully, all in all, very poor product. You would be better off hand squeezing with you hand than you would with this item...Run",neg "After a couple of years of casual use, my bowl also cracked in the freezer. Fortunately I had it wrapped in a plastic bag so the mess was kept to a minimum. Now I'm in the market for one with a higher quality bowl.",neg "I received this as a gift for Christmas. It worked like a charm for ice cream and lemon slush 3 times. BUT then, the base burst in my freezer, spewing foul scented goo all over. I contacted the manufacturer to ask how to get it replaced, and NEVER HEARD BACK. Apparently they don't care about backing up their product. Now I have to buy another one, and it won't be this brand",neg "I bought this item on sale at Shopko, where it will be returned today. I froze the gel disk as instructed, bought all the ingredients listed in the recipe booklet for vanilla ice cream, cooled the ingredients after mixing as instructed. After 45 minutes of mixing I ended up with ice cream soup. You could let this thing run forever and never end up with ice cream that is set up enough to eat. I put it in a container in the freezer. The next morning I had an ice cream brick. Not to be deterred I microwaved it for 15 seconds until it was soft enough to actually remove with my metal ice cream scoop. This stuff gets harder than cement! After all this work the ice cream had a bad plastic-like aftertaste. I had to throw it all out.If this isn't enough to deter you keep in mind that the heavy cream called for in most of the recipes listed in the booklet costs a pretty hefty price. I paid $2.50 for the heavy cream listed to make 1.5 quarts of ice cream. That price doesn't even include the other ingredients listed.Buyer Beware",neg "I used this maybe a dozen times before I stopped using it out of disgust. The surface is fragile and hard to clean. I reheated pizza and the residue stuck so tightly it could only be scraped off with extreme care. I did a bone-in slow roast and the weight alone pierced the surface so the juices bled into the matting layer. What's the point if you can't clean it or let anything harder than Jell-O come into contact with it.Just to clarify--the mat was used to line an airbake cookie sheet for the pizza and to line a baking pan with the roast atop of a bed of carrots and celery. I like my pizza crisp yet moist so I reheat it in a skillet when I can. I bake thin or drier pizza on an insulated sheet to keep it from getting desiccated. When I make a roast--I don't need any gravy. I slow roast the Alton Brown way and the juice stays in the meat rather than ending up in the bottom of the pan. The meat literally makes its own au jus in your mouth. I put a bed of vegetables on the bottom to further reduce the heat transfer from the pan to the meat. Not cooking for a crowd? Try a 3 inch thick steak (stood on end) cooked this way. You won't want to share. I don't slow roast turkey but it only takes 2-1/2 hours to do a 14-16 pound bird if you temper it properly. My sister always gets comments on how moist and juicy it is.In fairness, when I gave my neice two of my unused large pastry/baking mats, she used them successfully to make her chocolate dipped strawberries, turtles, etc.",neg "Well reviewed on amazon but this kettle is lacking. The copper does, indeed, boil water fast; and that's the job of a kettle, I admit. However, the button/trigger that opens the spout is too close to the steam and you're forever guarding your fingers and shying away from the kettle. As you tilt the kettle to pour, you're also tilting the steam nearer to your fingers. It's uncomfortable at best and searing at worst.While you learn how to not get scalded, this kettle is always at least slightly irritating. There are better kettles around",neg Why would anyone rate these glasses more than 1 star if Amazon is refusing to credit for those broken in shipment,neg "The handles, although very cushioned, are TOO fat for my hands (which admittedly are rather small). I never really got to give either piece a true test though, because the blades on the parer and the vegetable peeler were way too dull to work well. I can't really recommend either, although the parer was a little better than the peeler",neg This bowl does not work with the ICE-45 ice machin,neg "I'm sure that this is a wonderful can opener if you can figure out how to use it. I recieved mine as a gift, and neither the giver, myself, or my husband can figure out how to use the thing. I was told that the instructions could be copied from the internet, but who can find them",neg "I bought this flatware in spite of the warnings about rust. Well, sure enough, rust started to form on the knives just after the first run through the dishwasher. The rust spots were small, but I returned the set anyways, as I am not willing to risk the severe rust problems reported by others.And just for the record, I did not use lemon detergent, and I only allowed the set to stay in the dishwasher a short while after the cycle completed. This set is at best a high maintenance proposition. Hand washing and drying is not for me!Its a shame, because the set really is beautiful",neg This DeLonghi toaster oven was not made as well as the previous one we had. The grey plastic on the sides made it look cheap. The stainless steel was very thin too. You could bend it easily.We returned the oven,neg I was pretty happy with this toaster oven until last night when it just stopped working while I was baking some potatoes. I have no idea why it would just quit working like that. I am not happy at all with this product,neg "This was a great toaster, until it starting turning itself on. After popping up the toast a few minutes later the heating elements will come back on. KitchenAid has a recall on their proline series with the same problem but there is no recall on this model, YET.Don't Bu",neg It spins on the counter and the juice always slips out of the cup! DO NOT buy this piece of junk!!!!! don't waste your money on this.,neg I bought this juicer last week from a local store. It is impossible to keep it steady when you use it. You are luckY if you get the half of the juice in the glass! The juice is all over the place. The unit started to make a loud noise after 2 days. I will return it this weekend and get my money back. STAY AWAY!,neg "I needed a compact cleaner to tidy up after my delightful cat decided to soil my couch. I had read other reviews of the Bissell Little Green Machine that were unfavourable, so headed off to the store to find something else . . . . the Atlantis Express looked interesting, and I hadn't seen it before.Suffice to say, it did get the cat stains out of the couch, but not after revealing itself as a really poorly designed product.- The machine is LOUD, very loud- The cleaning 'head' on the end of the hose has a 'flip-up' cover to make it easier to clean where it sucks in lint and stuff into the machine. That is a great idea, but there is no gasket to make the joints true and tight . . .. so while it may have 2 times the power of other machines based on sheer power of the motor, it looses some of this power when you actually use it to try and suck water and cleaning solution back up.- The option to spray water and solution or just clean water is part of what appealed to me about this machine. However to accomplish this, the cleaning head has 2 seperate spayers on the underside. Neither are centered, the one on the left operates when you have the slider set to solution and the one to the right operates when you have slider set to rinse. As they are not centered, they overspray quite a bit past the edge of the cleaning tool. Mine sprayed a wide swath of rinse water about 3 inches past the edge of the cleaning head. To top it off, when you release the trigger, the cleaning head continues to drip water for a few moments, meaning that you have to go VERY slowly or risk dripping everywhere.While it functioned well enough to clean my couch, it was a brutal and terrible experience. When I bought it I figured it could be used too on my car interior . . . . but the frustration of cleaning a small patch on my couch quickly quelled that thougt.I returned the Atlantis Express to the store and went out and bought a Hoover Steam Vac Jr. -- which I should have done right from the start--- the hoover runs circles around this machine",neg "The first, and only time, I tried to use this compact carpet cleaner was a total disaster. While removing an old sofa to make way for new furniture, the delivery men stained the new carpet. I whipped out our new Atlantis, filled the rinse tank and popped in the soap cartridge. With manual in hand, I tried to quickly clean the carpet as the new furniture was making its way up the stairs... The unit did not dispense soapy water, the hand-held wand leaked, and finally I discovered that the body of the until was leaking all over my carpet, creating a soggy new stain. So here I am with two stains on my now very wet carpet, furniture being delivered and an Atlantis unit sitting in my bathtub until I can find a large sledge hammer. Don't waste your money with this thing. There has to be a better answer",neg "Wish I had heeded the advice of most of the reviewers before I purchased this. I went ahead and purchased this because it was replacing a Braun coffee maker that we had had for 10 - 15 years. After it got the new plastic taste out of it, it made good coffee. Even without the Brita Filter. Just like all the reviewers indicated, the carafe leaked and spilled badly unless you poured very slowly and carefully. Unfortunately, it has quit working after only 2 1/2 months. The seller, Etronics, is declining to do anything about it saying it is now outside of their 30 return period. That will be the last thing I buy through them. Like uhh, since they sell Braun,one would think they would have some recourse through Braun and try to help their customers. So, here I am between the proverbial rock and a hard place, try to find a Braun warranty center and wait for it to get repaired or replaced, or just bite the bullet an go buy another. (want to bet it won't be a Braun?) Additionally, what do we do for coffee in the mean time? Such are the hazards of purchasing an electric appliance on the internet",neg "I've had two of these now, and they both had one serious flaw: the trumpeted brew and pause feature DOES NOT WORK. Pull the carafe out during brewing and treat yourself to a steaming hot waterfall of coffee that would almost be comical if it weren't such a relentless pain in the neck to clean up.Also, it's hard not to spill some water on the heating plate, either during filling or brewing, creating a consequent sizzling sound that adds a lot of ambience -- if you live in a steak house.Considering how many other coffee makers are available out there, these flaws make this machine a mistake.Too bad, because some things are done quite nicely: the controls are good and easy to set, and the overall styling is sleek, euro-cool, and compact. Unless you live in a community where calcified sewage runs through the taps, the water filters do about as much as a rain dance.Pass on this one",neg "I loved this coffeemaker, until it just suddenly stopped working and it isn't even 1 year old!! Previous coffeemakers I owned have lasted years and years. I expect more from a coffeemaker that cost over $[...]+. Now I have to find the warranty card and go through all that hassle. I am NOT a happy customer",neg "I returned this the day it arrived. I heated the obligatory 4 cups of water as per instructions. Left the room and came back in 20 minutes. The warning light was not lit. I moved the crock to the side to see if I had not properly plugged it in since the light was out. I brushed my hand against the exterior lip and received a first degree burn. Farberwear company customer service said the light is a little dim but you should be able to see it. Yes, you can see it if you look up from below the crockpot you will see a faint glow. The crock pot sits very loosely in its container leaving a large gap between the food container and the heater housing.Heat escapes through these gaps which accounts for the overheated exterior. I would advise those with kids, especially, to find another slow cooker",neg "I received my Taylor Professional [and] it appeared to be behaving normally except it shut itself off after 4 to 7 minutes even while its readings were changing. Now, it is supposed to save its battery life by shutting off if there is no change in its temperature reading for 10 minutes, but it should stay on if its readings are changing. The temperatures were no where near the extremes of the thermometer's range, so this wasn't a case of shutting down because of that. ... I e-mailed the manufacturer about the problem and was told I could return it to them for replacement. I did this and less than three weeks later received a new one from them. Surprise, surprise -- this one behaved the same way, shutting off after 4 or 5 minutes even while its readings were changing. I e-mailed Taylor again about this and suggested they check out their existing supply of this model, as I suspected they had many that were shutting down like this. ... Approximately two weeks later ... I received another package from them containing one of their model 9845 thermometers, a different model! I received no communications from Taylor about this, other than their original e-mail stating I could return my original thermometer to them for replacement. I don't know what I'll do now. I would like a properly functioning 9878 ...",neg "I own this pan and the Bavarian and Chrysanthemum models too. I think Nordicware makes very innovative designs which makes their flaw even more disappointing. After a few uses, everytime I bake with these pans the cake always stick. I grease AND flour these pans before baking and the cake still sticks. One reviewer said to LIBERALLY grease these pans, but I don't understand why there's so much work for greasing a non-stick pan. I had less worries when using a regular tin pan with no non-stick",neg "I purchased this item to be able to grill during the winter months when it's too cold to be outside. It looks very nice and clean up is super easy. The problem seems to be in what you decide to grill on it.The first time I used it, I grilled chicken breasts and they turned out fine and by keeping water in the drip pan, I had no problem with smoke.This is great, I thought. The next time I grilled hamburger patties and even though I followed the same procedure as before, it smoked up my whole house. (these were not high fat content burgers either) I added more water to the pan thinking it may have not been enough and it continued to smoke even more. It was not a pleasant experience. Right now it is sitting on top of my fridge and it may stay there until I decide to give it one more try. If it fairs better next time I will return and give it a better review..maybe",neg I finally just threw them out. They were apparently cured with some chemical and the smell was terrible.,neg There are only two mixers on the shaft. As a result it is very difficult to mix the ice cream into a thick milk shake,neg "We had registered for All-Clad pans for our wedding last year, and decided to go with a Calphalon commercial nonstick set instead. The person helping us highly recommended the Calphalon One infused anodized set instead, and said the demonstrations he had seen were fantastic. We bought that set and have had it for nearly a year. We hardly ever use it, however, because things stick so badly, even with oil. While the set looks quite nice and cleans up easily enough with soaking and Bar Keeper's Friend, I'm very disappointed with how it cooks and would love to be able to return it",neg "At first we loved this pan. We've used it quite a bit, but recently it has started to warp and it gets worse when it is heated. I can no longer sear a roast and then put it in the oven because the pan is so uneven. I've contacted All Clad and am waiting to see what they say. Needless to say, I would have been much happier with a less expensive pan. I am very happy with all the other All Clad pans that we have, but this one is a disappointment",neg This item is the black sheep of the All Clad line. It is NOT a triply pan like other All Clad products and is made entirely of stainless steel(no aluminum). It is also made in Korea where other All Clad products are made in the USA.There are better roasters out there for less than half the price of this roaster,neg "I liked the look of these pots. I bought several 2 and 3qt pots mainly for boiling water for pasta, potatoes etc. The stainless steel used is very poor quality.After just over a month all of them have rust spots on the bottoms and where the handles meet the pot. After the first use I noticed small discolored spots on the inside bottoms, not your typical discoloration from heat, and they would not polish out with bar keepers friend. These spots are now where I see rust forming after each use. These are definitly no where near the quality of my all-clad and calphalon stainless steel cookware, but then again neither is the price.All said I wouldn't buy them again. Even cheap stainless steel pots and pans shouldn't rust with normal use. Even the free Cuisinart Santoku Knife I received is rusting and I've only used it 3 times. I cannot stress how bad the steel is!As far as cooking goes, they work great. The aluminum core bottoms conduct the heat well. They also have a great look aside from the rusting",neg "I bought this coffee maker, because some people gave it high recommendation here. I think I wasted my money.It worked only for a couple of days. Finally, it just stopped working and I had to push the button at least three times in order to collect a small cup of coffee. That is ridiculous for an expensive coffee maker priced at $80 above. It makes me feel that this Japanese coffee maker is like Sony-made products, having a fancy looking but lousy quality.Save your money for some other coffe makers, and avoid this one",neg "I have to agree with the other negative reviews. This insert loosely fits the All-Clad 3-Quart Casserole Pan I bought with it (which I could understand if I were trying to use it with another brand). It being from the same line and company one would think that someone would have tested how well it worked. As with all All-Clad products it's built very well but who cares about that if it doesn't work properly. Someone else mentioned all the perforations are in the bottom of the insert, it would be better if there were holes in the sides as well. I think my artichokes would cook a little faster if tons of steam wasn't rolling out from in between the insert and pan. It works, just not very well.",neg "We're a small restaurant (16 seats), serving dinner 4 nights a week, and we use the blender for soups, Caesar dressing, etc., once or twice a week, but never use ice in it or anything like that. We've had two of this same model now, and had the same problem with both of them. The black collar, the part of the base where you set the container, is plastic, and on both blenders has broken. The first time it lasted almost a year, and we figured that wasn't too bad -- especially when you compare the cost to a true commercial/professional blender, which are $300+. Also, we really like the blender in terms of function, so we picked up another one. This time, the exact same thing happene, except that the collar cracked within 2 weeks!!My other complaint is that I found Waring Customer Service to be disinterested & unhelpful -- especially because I contacted them about buying a new model, not about problems with the one we had. I saw a model on their website but no purchasing info was listed; I emailed to find out where to purchase, and the rep seemed almost inconvenienced by my inquiry",neg No postives to report.The unit is:1.Too small to make enough cheese to bother with.2 Very difficult to clean.3 Poorly designed; the cheese sits in the whey.4.Overpriced. This should retail for under eight bucks. Four or five on sale.Faster and easier to use cheese cloth than this device.,neg "Unfortunately, I've ordered more than my share of FoodSaver products, having bought into the philosophy of vacuum storage, despite reading ample warnings from discontented consumers.What many of them claim is very much to the point: plastic containers frequently develop cracks and loss of vacuum. I've had many of their marinators and storage canisters prove defective after less than 10 uses. It seems to be related to the material properties and container size characteristics. The smaller containers seem to last longer. Those with thick walls relative to the specified volume or reinforcing structures seem to last just a bit longer.In plain language, the plastic containers are unreliable. FoodSaver should develop materials and designs that can handle the stress of the vacuum cycling placed on them, or quit the the business. Since their products have been on the market for many years, I can only assume they are more interested in recruiting new customers than satisfying existing customers. If you like filling out warranty forms every few weeks, more power to you.Bottle sealers are equally worthless. Every one that I bought lost vacuum in short order. In one case, a defective seal resulted in a spill of cooking oil that damaged a nylon tent and other camping gear.FoodSaver has done a good job with certain items in their product line. The vacuum unit is well designed and performs reliably, as long as the instuctions are followed. The bagging system is unassailable, even though the cost of the bags and rolls is quite high (read Consumer Reports reviews). And, to be fair, their Universal lids are excellent. Use them to seal small glass jars or stainless steel bowls, and there is no loss of vacuum due to cracked plastic.Bottom line? Be careful which products you buy. Some are excellent, while others are pure junk.",neg I was disappointed in this product. The butter slid out of the bell and into the water. I think it would be better if the inside of the bell wasn't glazed,neg I bought this set and was very pleased until the grater just snapped at the handle. This implies that there is a support problem with the manufacturers design,neg "This percolater makes great coffee and I was very happy with it until it broke within two years. Actually the first thing that broke was the little plastic knob on the top. I called the company and they were very nice about it. They quickly sent me a replacement part. I thought, what a great company. Then when it would not work one morning just a little over two years after I bought it I called them again. They explained that it was no longer under warranty (I think I missed the warranty term by a month or two.) They offered that I could purchase a refurbished one from them for about half the price of the original (I paid about $70.00, a refurbished one was, I think, $35.00) but it came with no warranty and I'd have to pay shipping. I was very, very disappointed. Thankfully, I had my old drip coffee maker in the attic. I pulled that out and have been using it although it does not make as good a cup of coffee as this percolator did.This product should have lasted me years. I am looking for another good cordless percolator but would not consider another product by this company. I gave it the two star rating instead of one because it did truly make a good cup of coffee but the two year life is just not worth the cost",neg First the plastic top broke off at 6 months. Then it stopped working at 9.I have one word: Junk,neg "Less than one month after puchasing this pasta machine all of the pasta dies have broken. The ring nuts cannot hold the dies in place and they break. Maybe it is because I was making semolina pasta, but that should not be the case. This machine has caused me way too much stress at dinner time. Knowing what I know now I would buy fresh pasta at the store",neg "After my Ronco machine broke, I bought this one. It never worked well for hollow pasta, and the bearings went out after about 20 uses",neg "I bought this on 8/4/06. When I first got the coffee maker, I ran plain water through the machine to get the plastic smell out. Afterwards, the machine still smelled like plastic, now I've ran vinegar through the machine and still no help. The horrible plastic smell is still there. Baking soda is no use also. The only thing I've not used is bleach. If you don't mind the plastic smell then this is a good small machine that works well with most coffee cups. Makes really hot cups of coffee and none of the leaking problems",neg "These are plastic-y, one cracked after 2nd washing, they look like the little fish bowls from the county fair, so big you have to use 2 hands to prevent sloshing it all over yourself :",neg This was the best toaster over I ever owned. But one of the infrared bulbs blew after about 4 months. Does anyone know where to buy a replacement,neg "I can not testify as to how well this unit makes toast. I basically bought this Toaster oven for it oven capabilities.* I like the fact that the oven cuts off after the timer expires. Things burn quicker in a toaster oven.* My major gripe: I often can not selected the correct oven temperature. For example, today I needed to warm up some bread sticks to go with Italian dish. The box told me to set the temperature to 375 degress. Guess what, there is no 375 degree temperature on this unit. There is a 355 and 390. Other frequently requested temperature settings missing on this unit are 350, 400, 450. 425 is the only relatively common temperature setting that is found on this Toaster Oven.As a don't fire up the big oven heating up the house on a hot summer day unit, this toaster oven comes up a little short",neg "The Sango Splash line of dinnerware is gorgeous, no doubt about it. It's got a lovely combination of colors and textures and it feels great in the hand. So what's the problem? It chips. I've had a set of eight place settings plus various serving pieces and other extras for about two years. At last count, there were five pieces with chips and one cracked cup. That doesn't say much for the set's longevity, especially since I don't use these every day.",neg "This machine does not make clear ice, just like your in-refrigerator does not make clear ice.Also, please read consumer reviews about function",neg "What I most like about this product is the crumb catcher feature. Unfortunately, I have a problem with the acrylic piece at the end of the cutting board popping out when I am using it. I would also recommend that the wood used be a harder wood such as is used normally with cutting boards as when I slice it leaves grooves in the wood",neg "I agree with other writers. This unit is very poorly designed and built. Cutting my third loaf of bread, the knife point came out of the guide, and on return, snaped one of the guides off. Not washable, end plate falls off while cutting all the time, unit slides over the counter when trying to cut (rubber feet would have cured this). I would look elsewhere before buying this unit",neg "Very disappointed in this product. It falls apart everytime you try to slice a piece of bread. The wooden crumb box gouges very easily as well. Just a piece of flimsy plastic. :( I ended up buying a much less expensive bread keepr that came with a slicing guide, about half the price and it works great :",neg The 17 piece set is a great value but quality of the stainless steel is poor. The mirror finish doesn't last long when you begin cooking on or even boiling water. The bond use to stick the bottom plate to the bottom of the pan is odd. When 1st heated it makes a few popping sounds. I didn't expect a great quailty product due to the cost of the set. Finding everything that I needed and used was more important. The set does heat evenly and cook well it's just overall spotting and stains are an eye sore. This product is great if looking for style and going to hand it up over an Islan,neg "I grew up with Corelle. My mom still has a complete set she got before I was born. It survived four kids--all boys--and three marriages. I thought it was indestructible.I was wrong.When I lifted the box from Amazon, I could hear shards of glass scraping around inside. I only needed to open one flap to see that, indeed, the entire set was destroyed. However, I should point out that the problem doesn't lie with Amazon. The damage is PURELY the result of Corelle, which clearly didn't intend for this box to be shipped solo. My advice: pick up a box locally at Macy's or Dillard's or something",neg "I like the Calphalon Contemporary line a great deal, and so I was pleased to find the steamer insert that fit my pan. But my first attempt to use it was a failure--the small steamer holes (and not very many of them) are easily covered by the food to be steamed, leaving the insert to function like a double boiler. After working for close to an hour to steam summer squash (which should take 20 minutes at most), I gave up and dumped the squash into the steaming water and boiled it. I'm sure that some foods will steam in this pan, but items that lay flat like sliced vegetables will be a problem",neg "This steamer was only useful to get the wrinkles out of clothes that had been really balled up... it gets them to a state where you can IRON them more easily, but basically saturates with the steam so the fabric is damp. Sure there is technique to learn, but I spent a good long time on several different items. It heats up quick and produces steam well etc, but it performed far below what I thought were reasonable expectations. It also has a low hanger so you constantly have to extend the hose to let the condensation run back down or else get gurgling and low output. I returned it, amazon was good about that, and the return shipping was less than what amazon charged me in the first place",neg "Sigh. Was so excited to receive this item and it arrived today via UPS in pieces. I should have heeded the previous reviewer's warning. Doh! Oh well. Live and learn. Live and learn. Refund, please",neg How durable can a pan be that arrives in pieces inside the box? I can't imagine breaking my old cast iron frying pan...this one had a huge chunk out of the side. I sent it back and will look for a better quality item. Shame on Mario for endorsing this thing,neg "With 3 different speeds you think you would able to make a shake or smoothie in this machine with no problems right? Nope, I am always running into problems with ice getting stuck around the blade assembly, and I do mean stuck! I have not had this blender for very long, and I really don't use it very often either so there is no reason I should be told my blades are probably dull - its not like I was making a brick smoothie! AHH.. Also why does the lid stain so easily - I have never made anything that contains purple in my blender ans now my lid is permantly that color! The best thing I can say about this is that it is heavy so it stays put, and the lid has a really tight seal which is not good if you have limited mobility in your hands. I have since purchased a differnt brand and have no problems! Looks the mixer is the only thing KitchenAid has perfected",neg "After going thru several $20 dollar blenders in the last 10 years I decided to splurg and go for the Kitchenaid. Well it didn't last even as long as the cheap ones. The motor is still good, and the blades are still good, but they used a little plastic coupler between the two and it lost all it's teeth one by one. We mainly like to make milkshakes and smoothies about 3 or 4 times a week.",neg I bought my first one about 14 months ago - it lasted about 8 months. Motor made a high pitched sound and blew coffee all over. I dismantled the whole unit - it then worked for about 2 days. I called Kitchenaid - (they are right about no hassle warranty) They quickly sent me out a new one. This new one lasted about 6 months - and now has the same symptoms. I really wish this was the grinder for me - I LOVE the Capacity for bean storage and LOVE the way it looks - I have been forced to look at other grinders.Hope this helps. By the way - I used grinders twice daily - in the morn and then in the evening - not like I was putting a whole lot of strain on them!Hope this help,neg "I was happy with the performance of the strainer...easy to clean, fit well over the edges of pans, etc. But only a month after I received it, the handle snapped right off. I was draining a can of vegetables, so it doesn't seem to me that was overdoing it. I'll definitely check the fastenings on the next strainer I buy",neg "I baked two batches of madelines side by side, one in this pan (set on a baking sheet), and another in a traditional pan with non-stick coating. I brushed both pans with canola oil before using. As per the package instructions, I allowed the madelines in the silicon pan to cool completely before removing them. The madelines in the traditional pan released easily, were golden and high, and had a pronounced design. The other batch were almost soggy (probably from cooling in the pan), flat, pale, and did not have the appearance of a madeline. To make matters worse, they did not release easily, and a few of them even broke as I attempted to remove them. I would not recommend this pan",neg "We were so looking forward to fresh lemondade. The moment the Salton arrived we opened the box, pulled out the lemons we had bought in anticipation and began juicing. On the 5'th lemon the gears stripped and the juicer no longer turned when applying even the slightest amount of pressure to the lemon. We were all very disappoined, my 5 kids and I : ( I had hoped for better after reading the great reviews written by some of the others.",neg "I also tried some cotton Wamsutta sheets from Bed Bath, and Beyond and they pilled the first time I washed them. I was able to return them to the store, but it was a waste of time. I wouldn't recommend these sheets or any Wamsutta sheets because I think they're poor quality",neg These knives are already showing spots of rust despite washing by hand & drying. Very disappointed in quality of finish,neg the blender looks very attractive but hardly works. quite a bit of time even crushing a tomato. hard to believ,neg This products is horrible. It burns the rice and the heat actually bend the insert so the lid would not fit anymore and after using it only a handful of times it stopped working. It is really terrible would give it zero but there is no option,neg "Don't waste your money. I bought this because it was small and I wanted a rice cooker that would make 3 cups and take up less storage space than the bigger ones.It burns the rice every time no matter how much I adjust the water ratio. And brown rice - forget it, even more burned on the bottom. You have to watch it instead of being able to rely on it doing what it says it will do. It has yet to turn out 'perfect rice.'If I could rate this a zero I would",neg "Bought it two months ago, used it only twice and suddenly it stopped working within a week. Called manufacturer, got return label, sent in for replacement, but three weeks passed and I still have not received anything. So I called them on Nov 17, 2006, and was told they don't have this model in stock. The worst part is that they also said they do not know when it will be ever in stock, maybe tomorrow or may in a year.I wish I had tried to return it to Amazon rather than called manufacture for return/replacement.Do not buy this model!!! and maybe we should not buy any Breadman branded products at all since the customer service from manufacturer is astonishingly bad.",neg "I was really looking forward to receiving this, but four weeks after purchasing online, I received an email from Amazon saying they did not have a supplier for my purchase! I am disappointed in Amazon. How can you sell something you do not have",neg "There is one huge problem with these sheets -- they are not permanently pressed. There is no way to get out the wrinkles, other than by ironing them. Otherwise, they are fine. But who in the world wants wrinkled sheets! You should be able to take them right out of the dryer and fold them with little or no wrinkles -- like your average sheet. These sheets are full of wrinkles and they look just terrible on the bed. I cannot believe you are actually selling these things on-line",neg "Great price, poor product. They are beautiful upon arrival. I washed them according to manufacturer's instructions. You would not believe the copius amounts of lint that piled up in the lint catcher of my dryer (usually a sign of poor fabric quality). While folding them up, I discovered that most of the hems had unraveled and frayed. And I hadn't even used them yet! Unbelievable. I returned them for a full refund, including shipping (and I stupidly purchased 2 sets). Goes to show you get what you pay for. Never again",neg "Works if you have COLD soda and it's frozen. After 2 cans it's done. Yes you get two of the sleeves, but I'm not pleased. Better luck with a 99 cent foam coozi",neg "This light is made of cheap plastic, has a faulty switch, and broke down within an hour of use. No good, waste of money, will not order from American Science again. Very bad experience. No response from company when I complained, would like my money back, and then some",neg "The timer worked great at first, but in less than a month, the alarm for the timer has stopped working and the magnet has fallen off. I am only keeping the timer because the clock and the stopwatch are still useful",neg "I was at first very excited with my new Zyliss salad spinner - it looks great, and it's much easier to spin than the older string-pull version (not to mention the old-school pump versions, which required a lot of effort). However, as another reviewer mentions, it simply does not get your greens very dry. I've been surprised and disappointed by the amount of water left on lettuce after spinning, and spinning, and spinning",neg Pan was what was expected but the muffins do not come out looking like a mushroom. I was looking for a pan where the muffin top came over the muffin so you could break it off. It's hard to explain.,neg "The interior of this pan got discolored after the very first use. It got yellow stains from cooking tomatoes in a little bit of oil. A lot of scrubbing and a cycle in the dishwasher lightened the stains, but the pan never got its new look back",neg "Bought this grinder after my Capresso grinder developed a crack in the plastic housing. After using for about two weeks, I have to agree with other reviews that mention static problem. The grinds cling to grinder and coffee end up all over the counter when trying to pour into coffee machine. The plastic cover also somewhat awkard to get on and off.I would not recommend this grinder",neg "For years I used my mother's cookie shooter to make my holiday spritz cookies. When I bought my first house I wanted my own cookie shooter. Boy, I wish I hadn't purchased this one.The first time I used it I thought, It shouldn't be this hard to use or take this long! But I was using it correctly. The motor is SO WEAK! My biggest grip however is with the threaded rod that twists to push the dough out. The rod has an indentation all the way down, so when it's twisting, it constantly skips back up and never eventually pushes the dough down the tube. If I do get a cookie out of it, it's misshaped and took at least 30 seconds to get out.What a piece of junk!",neg "I cannot believe what a WASTE of money this thing was. HUGE disappointment. I was all excited when I got it, made some cookie press dough, put it in, and... nothing. The plunger pretty much spins in place. I could PUSH the dough out manually faster than this thing can. I couldn't even get ONE FREAKIN' cookie out of it, onto the cookie sheet.DON'T buy this sorry excuse of plastic waste, and if you do, don't say you weren't warned. I probably would have more constructive criticism, but #1 This product isn't worth the effort, and #2 I spent ALL effing evening saying to myself, It CAN'T be this bad. It must work somehow. Ummmm... NOPE!!!!",neg i got the white color version and was happy about it but this one is half the goods/worth,neg We thought this was smaller than pictured and not comfortable. We were not pleased with this,neg "I have had this pan for a year. I bought it because it was on sale and was shopping around for a new pot set. I figured it would be a good test run on the Circulon brand. It grills great,but you will spend twice the cooking time cleaning the pan! I could not imagine how much food would be left on this pan if someone without great eyesight cleaned it. You have to go along each crevice on both sides of the grill gooves to get the food out. It is very time consuming and tedious and just not worth it. I wonder if the Calphalon pan is the same??? As far as the pot set I ended up buying-Analon Titanium 12 piece. Highly reccomend it",neg "While this was great to not scratch my non-stick pans, it melted while using it in an aluminum pan! Would not recommend",neg "Pros: The oven part works great. I like the fact that it is controlled by a timer, meaning that you can set somthing to cook for 20 minutes and then it turns itself off. For cooking things, the double rack is also handy, although you only get one pan (luckily, I saved the pan from my old toaster oven).Cons: The toaster part is horrible. This thing burns my toast every time, unless I watch it carefully and take it out at precisely the right time. Part of the problem seems to be that the timer doesn't work very well in small increments, and in some cases never turns itself off. Also, the bottom rack is completely useless when toasting, so the fact that they are touting this as a 6-slice toaster oven is misleading.",neg "The fan was great, with lots of breeze and circulation. It is loud, but who cared?The problem is that it only lasted for about 3 months before it just quit working, along with a little puff of smoke. Two weeks before the fatal puff, the fan arced, popped, sparked, and gave off a puff of smoke, but it still worked. Two weeks after that it sparked and puffed and has not turned on since.I live in Hawaii and it is currently in the rainy season. There has been a lot of humidity in the air during the last month, and I noticed that the back of the fan was actually getting rusty. I thought perhaps that moisture was the cause of the sparking so I was surprised to read in another review that the fan was good to use during heat and humidity!The fan was sitting in front of the living room window and it kept the whole small 2 bedroom house cool. We miss it, but I can't keep buying a new fan every 3 months!This is the first time ever that this has happened with a fan that I purchased. I have been living in Hawaii for 13 years and have been through a lot of fans. One of the best-lasting fans I had was a $10.00 Lasko box fan. It lasted and worked well for 7 years before it quit working",neg "Just bought this item this week, was very excited about using it for the first time. Turned out to be a huge mess. The stove turned black right under the grill, it took like 20 min to clean it up, burned up mess. Also there there is soo much smoke coming from the grill I had to shut off the smoke detector for a while. Overall the food came out pretty good but the mess with the stove really upset me.",neg "This product had the best reviews but the performance was not at all verygood. I found it very awkward to roll the litter box. You still have tobend down and tip the litter box all the way over to get the clumpsinto the pull out tray. And that's the clumps that aren't stuck in thelitter filter piece, which gets easily clogged and is not reallysomething I want to deal with cleaning. Besides not all clumps goinginto the tray, lots of unused litter ended up in the tray as well.Also, I bought the 'regular' size one and the filter piece goes almostright in the middle of the space so the usable cat space was verysmall. Needless to say I returned the litter box and was so glad tohave the old fashioned scoop litter box",neg "i own many kitchenaid appliances and love the brand. i even own a silicone muffin pan which i love. this pan, however, is terrible. the cake did not bake completely and i had a terrible time trying to get it out of the pan. (yes, i sprayed the pan effectively.) do not waste your money! stick to the metal pans",neg "This is a beautiful blue color, coordinates with my kitchen. However, I'll bake my poundcakes in my old, reliable metal pans. I tried to use this a few times, spraying every nook and cranny with Baker's Secret release spray. Without fail, each time the cake stuck to the pan in a few places.",neg "I loved the way the Vortex Digital Heater heated and the way it kept cool to the touch. But within a week, the one I had started cutting off when it hit the set temperature and did not come back on. I was worried that it was overheating all the time and called Vortex who told me I could send it in at my expense and pay $15 to fix it. I emailed my Amazon seller (Louise at Pinnacle Packaging) who was wonderful and paid to have it sent back to her, and is going to refund my money. I think I am going to buy another one only I am going to purchase it from a local store and make sure I can bring it back if the new one does the same thing. I guess I am a sucker but I really liked the way the thing worked when it worked correctly",neg "good size, good color but way too stiff .I washed these 5 TIMES with no change",neg I miss soy yogurts !!! I've been used to make soy yogurts in France. I've bought this yogurt maker. I've tried several times to make some but it never worked. I've followed the recipe using plain soy milk and one plain yogurt. Has anyone got a recipe for me ? I'm allergic to lactose...Thank you,neg Bought this item last Christmas for my wife. Worked fine until this Thanksgiving when rubber bulb split apart when basting turkey. She had complained when I bought this fancy one to replace her old ugly plastic one last year but I insisted this was better. Boy am I in trouble now. Old plastic one had lasted for 10 years and cost 1/10 as much. Did not look like much but it did the job,neg "And bit the dust. I use it once a year for 3 days. I'm estimating it made coffee 10 times. Now it wont brew anything but weak coffee. If you fill it to 55 cups it takes about an hour to brew. Now it perks for 30 minutes and walla it makes the coffee weak. I was going to call Faberware and noticed they charge 95 cents per minute. For what? Like the last guy said it's an expensive way to make a cup of coffee. It's a throwaway. So,this time I'll buy the west bend for 35 bucks and when it stops working I'll throw it away. At least I wont be thrwing away 150 bucks",neg "I agree completely with the review by Terry Gruggen. As she said in her Feb review,the cutting arm is attached to this indestructible case by an all too flimsy piece of plastic. A little extra pressure on the arm and this plastic attachment shatters....leaving you with a $49 die cast paper weight.Despite its rugged looks, the appliance was a real disappointment",neg "not incredibly impressed with it, but it does keep me warm for the price i paid.",neg "The way specifications were mentioned it sounded a very good deal, and price comparision made it very promissing, but after getting the item I found item is a trash quality I have ever seen in my life. If someone give me a free item like this I won't take it. Don't fall for this deal. I am very disappointed with this item.",neg "I ordered this thinking that I'd save a bundle, and have a really nice comforter set. Not! The product description promised Navy and Sage, but it is Black and Sage. It is the cheapest looking comforter that I have ever seen. I sent mine back yesterday--I just can't let the seller get away with the totally inaccurate description and the deception in claiming that this product was originally $200+ dollars",neg After operating the Petmate Fresh Flow Cat Fountain for a month my 2 cats won't go anywhere near it. Very disappointing!,neg "This has been used twice. The first time I used it, it made a great smoothie. I tried to use it this past Independence day and the pulse stopped and started continuously. After a while, something smelled like it was burning. On the bottom, there appears to be lots of specks of metal. Don't think I'll be buying a new one",neg "I used this smoothie machine once, and it made a nice smoothie. The second time it locked up and I could smell something burning in the motor. I used the exact measurements for liquids and frozen fruit, so I'm confident I didn't do anything wrong. I sent it back for a refund immediately.",neg "We also bought the FCP12 after years of hearing from satisfied Farberware users. Unfortunately it only worked about three months until it also made lukewarm, tea - like coffee. I removed the bottom and wiggled the wires and it worked great for another month or so. After a few times of this monkey business, I contacted Farberware and was told I had voided my warranty by removing a single nut from the base. The best they could offer was a refurbished unit at half price. Shipping would be on me both directions as well, I told them I would not pay any price for another one of their products, based on our experience and their lack of any desire to acknowledge the widespread problem or help to fix it. I am going to try replacing the thermostat, as I like perked coffee, but I am not convinced it will last any longer, time will tell",neg I never got to use this item. I turned it on and for some reason the heat seemed transfered to the screws in the hinge. It just fell apart and started smoking. The hinge was very cheaply made. I would not buy this product again.,neg "Stainless-steel and die-cast aluminum construction promises performance, but the undersized electric motor limits this slicer to very light intermittent household use. The Waring FS800 Pro Electric Food Slicer seems to have a barely adequate motor when brand new with a new sharp blade. Just think how it will perform when the blade gets a little dull. This is definitely not a professional quality food slicer, it is only a light intermittent duty slicer at best",neg "This liner is non-slip which is nice and even home made chocolate chip cookies dont stick BUT....it looks dirty and baking residue is sticking to it even after I have put it in the dishwasher. My other liner is a Chef's Planet Full size baking sheet non stick bakeliner and while it can slip a bit and dosn't have a finished edge it dose have the advantage of wipe-down clean up and it arrives in a large sheet that you custom cut to fit any baking sheet(s) you will be using it with. Don't buy this liner but do buy the non stick bakeliner from Chef's Planet. It's not as pretty but it works like a charm! After years of buying expensive parchment paper I'll never go back. Also, it's less wastfull to use a bake liner instead of disposable baking sheets or parchment paper",neg "I thought the four 4.5 inch springform pans would be equivalent to one 9.0 inch springform pan. After all, the areas are equal, i.e. 4 * 2.25 * 2.25 * pi == 4.5 * 4.5 * pi. I thought I could use the recipe for a 9-inch cheesecake and have 4 4.5-inch cheesecakes that tasted the same but were a more convenient size for giving as gifts.However, while the areas are the same, the volumes are not. The pans are not deep enough. While a 9-inch springform pan is 3 inches deep, these 4.5-inch springform pans are 1.5 inches deep. Therefore, if you use the recipe for a 9 inch cheese cake, you have a lot of batter left over. If you half the recipe, you produce baked goods that taste something like cheesecake but not as dense or as moist or as rich.I was very disappointed in these pans. They may be good for something, but I don't know what. They are well-made, so I won't throw them away, but right now I feel like they were a waste of money",neg I used my Hoover Agility for the first time and the suction quit after 5 minutes. I followed all the trouble shooting instructions and it still didn't work. I called Hoover and spoke with a rep who was basically reading out of the manual. I sat on hold for 21 minutes only to hear a manager tell me that they cannot give out technical information because it's against their policy. I guess this is to ensure their Hoover service centers get the business. I'm returning the Hoover and NEVER purchasing a Hoover again.,neg The cutting boards are not silicone but have a thin layer of silicone sprayed over one side of another plastic that is not heat resistant. I placed a hot pan on one and it melted onto the bottom of the pan which took a great deal of effort to clean the melted plastic off so the pan could be used again. I prefer a thick cutting board so I bought these thinking that they were heat resistant so I wouldn't purchase them again,neg "I bought this back in 1999, and I love the way it cooks chicken and salmon steaks, but it's not built to last. First, after about 3 years, the tracks where the door slips onto the bottom broke off due to the screws being too tight, and then the 5th year, the knob broke off, so I have to use pliers to turn it on. It still cooks chicken great, but after trying to superglue the feet back on and the knob, they broke again right away.Cleaning is a pain, and the non-stick stuff got scraped right off. The food tray that goes on top is hard to clean too. Don't try to cook burgers in the basket, because they shrink as the fat drips out, no matter how tight you make the basket, and they start sliding around and falling apart as they hit each other.Cooking times were always longer than the cookbook says.I used the skewers once to cook some ribs, and they're so flimsy, that they kept falling off the spit from the weight of the ribs.I still use it, but I wouldn't buy a 2nd one after reading all the reviews. I think I'll try a George Foreman one next time",neg "I really liked this spatula in the beginning, but after just 6 months of very gentle use its head developed cracks and chipped.",neg "After thoroughly checking toaster reviews and ratings (this got top ratings), I had to return it after several attempts to get it to produce evenly toasted bread. Very disappointing; my old Toastmaster (much less expensive) does better.",neg "We have not been able to use the sheets because they are so stiff and rough. They are wrinkled and no matter how many times they are washed they do not soften. The pillowcases are too narrow for our regular size pillows which makes the pillows too high and hard to be comfortable. We are totally dissatisfied and thoroughly disappointed and will be returning them if for no other reason than to get them out of the house. We do like the color, though",neg "I was so excited to buy these sheets as my husband and I have 600 thread count sheets that we love. These, I DO NOT love so much. This is why:1. They are increadibly stiff. I washed them 5 times before my first use and even tried vinegar and salt washes to soften them- it did not work. They are, however, softening as we sleep on them.2. They are so wrinkley!!3. They barley fit the bed. The description says that is fits extra deep mattresses but it is a STRUGGLE to get them on my bed.I just read consumer reports and they recommend that you buy between 400-600 thread count, they contend more than that is unnecessary for a soft, nice sheet. My 600 thread count sheets are much more soft and have very few wrinkles. Dont waste your money, buy something else",neg "Nice pattern, but you cannot find the glasses that go with it",neg "this breadmaker is not doing what I want. It is so touchy, you have to be very very precise to be able to cook a reasonable bread loaf. I am not satisfied with the product and will try to return it. also it works very noisy during dough process.look for something else if you want a breadmaker",neg I was very surprised at how large this grill was when it arrived; way too large for my countertop at least; it just seemed like more trouble than it was worth; it seemed easier for me to just broil food in the oven frankly; I mean the only thing you are going to get from using this grill is the grillmarks on your food; nothing can duplicate the flavor of cooking on an outdoors grill; the size turned me off as well as the inconvenience of using the product. It is one of those products that you will use once or twice and then it will end up lost somewhere in your cabinets,neg "I bought this to simplify making fries, it was a disappointment. It takes a lot of effort to push through a potato, and when it does go through it most likely won't go straight. Either save your money and use a knife, or spend more and get a mandoline",neg "I found the following issues which put this purchase into the local landfill:1.) Once you get a successful potatoe to cut through, the ends of the fries are stuck in the thick grids. Getting them out is a real pain, you need a lot of careful tugging and wiggling to remove them without breaking them. Just a mess.2.) If you are slightly off 90 degrees when you start pushing through the potatoe, you are in a very dangerous zone. Think of a lot of force applied to sharp blades that is going in the wrong direction.3.) Maybe my set was off tolerance, but the blade would not stay in the housing by itself. I had to hold the blade in the housing and push it on the potatoe simulateously. Not a big deal, but that for me sealed the 1-star rating.I guess the bottom line is, if you expect nothing out of it, you might use it, or if you are slicing something softer than potatoes. For me, I've decided to get one of those Vollcraft units. It's on order",neg "After cooking eggs this morning and having a layer of egg stuck to the whole pan, I'm sad to say that my non-stick pan sticks. We've had this pan for maybe 8 months and I just assumed that pans lasted for several years. We even bought this pan plus the 8 for my mother-in-law for Christmas. What a disappointment. Better begin research on a new pan...and I'll make sure to read the reviews.",neg "When I first bought this pan I was replacing a pan from a moderately priced set from Costco. That pan lasted about 3 years and I got my money's worth.The positive review from America's Test Kitchen is what pointed me in this direction. The Farberware pan was a joy to use when I first bought it and I loved the even heat. All of the positive comments are accurate at first.The problem is it only lasted 3 months before it lost it's nonstick properties almost completely. I never used spray on oil or subjected it to high heat. I was always very meticilous about the way I cleaned it and never touched the surface with anything but plastic. I even bought a special soft plastic cleaning brush so as to be very delicate with the surface.I have been using nonstick skillets since they first came out many years ago. With the exception of one ultra cheapo model I have NEVER had a nonstick that had its nonstick go bad so quickly. Of course I can send this back to Farberware but it seems clear that if it has lost it's nonstick properties they only have to say it was my fault. Why waste $10 in shipping costs? This is my last Farberware product.After writing this first part of the review I thought it would only be fair to email Farberware to let them respond. After doing some googling I have found that there is no email. It is also basically impossible to get someone on the phone. They sold their warranty service to a different company, All American Lighting in Berwick, PA. As it turns out this company gets terrible feedback for their service. If this isn't really Farberware what exactly is their incentive to provide good service? You can check on consumeraffairs dot com and other places and you'll get an eyeful. BUYER BEWARE",neg "After your pan starts sticking, you go to their web site to complain and you find .... A warning that you can't use high heat on this pan. They warn you if you use high heat or some sprays, the pan will then start to stick. Yes, you've just been ..... and you paid $40 for the privilege. Imagine, a frying pan that doesn't like heat. How much heat? They don't tell you. If your pan is sticking, then it must have been toooo much. Buy at your own risk",neg "If you are planning to purchase anything from getapc.com, the markeplace vendor selling this item, beware. I purchased the Delonghi 5-Quart mixer based on product description and customer reviews but found that it did not perform as expected. It froze up kneading a 2-loaf batch of whole grain bread. The design is beautiful and the mixer is probably good for non-artisan breads, but should you have any problems with it, you'll have to stay on the vendor to get any kind of response. I am still waiting for a refund on the product after 2 weeks. The last message I got was that it may take a bit longer. So be sure this is what you want before you buy it. Returning it is not easy. And getapc.com charges a $60 reshelving fee on top of the shipping you'll have to pay to send it back. My markeplace experience has been very frustrating. I won't buy through the marketplace again. If amazon.com or getapc.com processes my refund in the next day or two, I'll feel better and will edit my review, but for now, buyer beware",neg "I purchased this product 4 years ago and have replaced the probe three times for about $7 each. The latest probe just malfunctioned. I really loved it at first...perfectly roasted chickens,loin roasts, and turkeys. Oddly enough, the thermometer works great but the probe itself isn't designed to handle much time in the oven. If you like to roast your chickens in a hot 400 degree oven ,the probe will eventually stop working or will become completely unreliable. Even at lower temperatures, the heat finally takes its' toll...it just takes longer for it to happen. One would think that something designed to be left in the oven would be able to take the heat. I will buy yet another probe because when this thing is working, it is great. That is worth $7 a year for me....but not for everyone. Per another reviewers advice, I am calling Polder",neg This unit was a great addition until the probe went bad after only a few months. Not recommended,neg "When it worked it worked well. However, eight months into this -- and I only have used it maybe 6 or 8 times, it's broken. I have not done anything to it, and one day the the display is just messed up. I can see a line here and there, but nothing else. Replacing the battery did not help and Polder's website offers no information such as warranty information. It is defintely NOT worth $30",neg "I bought this air cleaner in March of 03 and was pleased with the thing until it just stopped working in January 04. There was no indication that anything was amiss, I was changing the pre-filters on the recommended schedule and then one morning nothing; no lights, no sound, no activity. Am sending it back to Honeywell (on my nickel according to their warranty policy). We will see how long the replacement lasts. I have read several reviews here that don't give me much hope. Amazon was nice, said I needed to contact Honeywell directly but suggested I post a review",neg I was dissapointed that this item arrived broken and I needed to send it back for a refund,neg "I purchased this as a Christmas gift in early December. It didn't ship until February, which was okay. By then I liked the way it looked so much, I bought one for myself. They both arrived within a week of one another.Both boards were treated with heated food grade oil and allowed to sit and soak it in. After wiping off the oil, my board had surface cracks, where the oil had pulled some of the glue out from between the bamboo pieces. Within the first month of use, both boards developed cracks all the way through them. Both boards were never soaked in water, but just wiped with a damp cloth.This board may be beautiful, but it quickly became unusable and a waste of money. Now I'm looking for a good hardwood cutting board. (I've already replaced the gift board with another.)All in all, this fiasco of a cutting board has cost me around $150...and I have yet to replace my board",neg this item is priced wrong It is not in line with the other Calphalon item,neg "Considering all the bells and whistles on the coffeemaker itself,(all excessive, by the way) the carafes have much to be desired. It seems as if they are made with spun sugar. EXTREMELY FRAGILE, awkward handle and like a comment already listed, I too have replaced the carafe twice...making three so far. My Krups carafe of 10 years is still intact. If they still made the filters, I would still be using that machine.The Cuisinart coffee bean container is hard to clean, still maintains rancid oils and leaves an oil slick on the top of the coffee. The carafe is poor at best",neg "Purchased this, expecting better functionality. Sure it doesn't rust, but my $5 Wustoff pealer works much better",neg "This sharpener seemed to work well, but that was before I noticed it was putting chips in the edge of the knife",neg "This chopper, if you can call it that, is terrible. I've tried chopping all kinds of foods from veggies to fruit to nuts to cheese. I've tried filling up the bowl, half full and barely anything at all. It doesn't chop. Plain and simple it just doesn't chop the food. I've had pieces of vegetables get stuck on the blade. Then, I'd have to stop and remove the piece and try again. It started to chop a little a couple of times, but then just stopped and the blade kept spinning while chopping nothing.It was horrible and I've opted now for a bigger 7 cup Kitchen Aid or Cuisinart processor based on reviews here.Lesson learned, you get what you pay for",neg "I was so excited at the prospect of having a 3-cup mini chopper. I thought it would be ideal for hummus, which I hate to scrape out of my blender. However, it was very disappointing. On either speed, it just seems to chop what is in the center, so the stuff on the inside stays on the inside and the outside stuff stays on the outside--unchopped. If I wanted to take the lid off every two seconds and move everything around, I'd use the blender, no? I nearly pureed some red pepper, trying to get it all chopped. I have a 2 cup mini chopper (Procter-Silex, I think) that is really much better at consistent chopping. I never had to take the top off of it. Unfortunately, the bowl got warped in the dishwasher (even though it claimed to be dishwasher safe) and the lid does not fit tightly now, making an occasional mess with liquids and crumbs. Still, even warped, I find myself using the old one instead of this new one--it is really that bad!",neg Openning a dog food can is nearly impossible without at least 6 or 7 tries to get the blade to catch. I bought it; I regret the purchase; I threw it out. This really hurts the cuisinart image,neg "Dont plan on cutting anything you need a sharp knife for. Other than that, it's ok",neg " This is a very nice small oven, but as a toaster it really drives me up the wall. As someone else said, three knobs to adjust just to make toast! Then you have to stand there and watch it and the toast still burns! I will keep this to use as an oven, but tomorrow I am going out and buy a nice small toaster. And guess what it will not be an Oster product. This is the last of their products I shall ever purchase. Joh",neg Ugly and Cheap looking Wife hated them now using as rags to wash the ca,neg These towels are very poor quality! I guess I can use them to dry off my dogs. If you really want cheap almost see through towels these are the ones for you,neg "The coating does not last - extremely poor durability. I've been very careful with this pan, using only wood or plastic utensils and washing by hand only. Didn't matter - within just a few uses, the coating flaked off and the edges on the underside are rusting. Waste of money",neg "I received two of these baking sheets for Christmas last year; by March, 1/3 of the teflon was gone in spots. By July, it was coming off in sheets when washed. These Never went through the dishwasher; always hand washed. I threw them away and purchased Baker's Secret which seems to be satisfactory so far",neg I would never buy this product again. The finish came off almost immediately. Don't waste your money,neg "I REALLY loved this baking sheet when I first got it, so I was supremely disappointed when the nonstick coating began flaking off, essentially rendering it unusable. I may have gotten a bad batch or something. The product has a lifetime warantee and I do intend to send it back in, but wanted to let folks know about my experience",neg "Have been using the set for less than a month. Rust has started to form on the knives just where the blades are fused to the handles - right at the seams. Looks like rust starts from the inside of the handle. Unless design is changed, don't know how replacement knives will be any different. Too bad since knives are sharp and set is designed beautifully",neg "I bought these plates after I already had the rest of the matching dishes. I already knew that I was not pleased with them but had to complete my set of dishes and will have to tolerate them as long as they last.They are really sturdy and go with everything BUT they get the 'knife-marks' - grey scratch marks from utensils scraping them. I imagine that there are white dishes out there somewhere that are not subject to this flaw, and if there are I hope to find them, but these are not them",neg "I thought this was the answer to my crock-pot prayers! I received it for Christmas and was heart broken to realize that you can choose high for 4 or 6 hours or low for 8 or 10 hours. (Look at the product image enlarged) Most things I cook take 6 hours on low! I occasionally have something that needs 8 hours but most of the time it is 6 to 7 hours. Unfortunately, if it doesn't do the time you need, it is completely useless. You would have to be home to turn it off or down. So I returned it and am making do with my Select Brands corningware programmable, (it doesn't do 6 hours on low either) and a regular 3 quart. I just make it home in time or I don't cook it",neg "I found this sealer to be difficult to use. It is very difficult to get a good vacuum seal due to the clumsy method of putting the bags in a nozzle. Extreme pressure is needed to hold down and lock the top in order to create the vacuum and seal the bag. If you let up on the pressure, the vacuum seal is broken. I returned mine and would never buy another Rival sealer product again",neg I accidentally ruined my father's old baking stone so I bought this on for him to replace it. Everything sticks to it! We thought maybe it just needed to be seasoned a bit before it stopped sticking. We've had it for over a month and we use it at least four times a week and it continues to make a mess out of anything we bake on it. That's not even the worst of it. It puts out a disgusting smell in the oven. Just last night we used it and had to sit it in the garage and open up the entire house because we all had headaches and our eyes burned from whatever fumes it was releasing. I definitely DO NOT recommend this item.,neg "I thought that 1200 thread count meant really soft.....while these sheets are really thick, they feel like sand paper. If you're looking for soft sheets, don't buy these.",neg "Even though I cleaned the machine between each empty and fill, if I did not have white carpet I would not have known this machine leaks the dirty water back onto the carpet. I had to shampoo the carpet two more times to remove the extra spots left in the carpet. A second time with detergent to remove the spots and then immediately with a rinse only cycle. My second gripe is the clean and dirty water reservoirs are in the same small space. I had to change it out about every 10 minutes. The machine gets one star for the dual brushes which I think are a positive for this machine. Unfortunately, that was not enough for me to keep it. It would have been cheaper for me to hire someone to come in and steam clean my carpet considering the fact I had to clean it three times and this carpet is in a low traffic area. I've had a Hoover for 8-10 years and will look to see what new machines Hoover has on the market.",neg "The V2 is one of the worst built appliances ever especially at about $250. Without exaggeration I have been back to the parts dealer about 10 times for replacement of the front suction piece (breaks), a number of times for the clear water and soap dispenser assembly. It seems to fall apart, leak, and requires constant attention. I now have to go to have a repair of the brushes - they don't rotate. And this is with use maybe once a month. Frankly, I'd be embarrassed to manufacture and sell a product with such miserable (and expensive) quality",neg "These were sent instead of the black-handled set I ordered so I thought I would give them a try. They are listed as dishwasher safe, but evidently are not. Brown stains (rust?) appeared on the tops of all the handles. I cleaned them with silver polish, but the stains reappeared with subsequent washings. I have returned them and received a refund",neg "I brought T-fal pans from my local Sam's Club wearhouse, and initially, the pans worked great. this is my review after about 1.5 years of use:1. the handle on the lid (plastic) broke after about a year.2. the non stick coating began to crack from regular use in about about 6 month, and it got so bad that i tossed the pan out in about a year and half.3. the handle broke twice on me and for both time i super glued them back on. on the third time, i just tossed them out and got an expensive Anolon titanium non-stick set.4. the pan is not made of aluminum and there are hot / cold spots on the pan. the hot / cold spot is caused by uneven distribution of heat. a good pan, generally with copper or aluminum core will evenly distribute heat. this pan does not.bottom line:do not use this pan in the oven eventhough the instruction said up to 400 degrees. the handle will and did crack on me for 3 times with occasional oven use.the pan is thin, and does not distribute heat well. and the worst: the non-stick coating is a joke.i found out that it's actually cheaper to get a expensive set and use it for like 10 years instead of getting a cheap set for a third of the price and replace it every 2 years or less.not recommended.",neg After very little use one of the glasses inner lining broke and is unusable,neg "I liked the mug's look, feel, & size. Then I took a drink of java from this mug... I never could get a lip lock on this mug. The rim is very thin & very wide. It would always spill a couple of drops on my shirt. Nissan mugs have what I call a lip ledge that prevents the dribble effect to which the Bodum is prone. Nissan mugs also have a much smaller diameter rim which also makes drinking from them less hazardous to my white shirts",neg This product did not even approach what was described. A bagutte pan needs to have a decent-sized curvature so a bagutte shape will be obtained. This pan would have produced a fairly flat loaf,neg "I am really dissapointed with this bread machine!I had a panasonic 1 lb. breadmaker which I loved--but wanted a machine with a bigger loaf capacity. Never had any problems with the smaller panasonic, and received the Oster 5838 fo Christmas and have had nothing but bad experience--how many times do you have to experiment with the thing to get a good loaf of bread--like the Panasonic, you should be able to follow the instructiona and get a good loaf of bread!!We also gave 2 of these for gifts --and really feel bad as they are a pain--all 3 are going back!",neg it's just bad looking plastic. if you want expresso buy nespresso machine with capsules,neg "Well reviewed on amazon but this kettle is lacking. The copper does, indeed, boil water fast; and that's the job of a kettle, I admit. However, the button/trigger that opens the spout is too close to the steam and you're forever guarding your fingers and shying away from the kettle. As you tilt the kettle to pour, you're also tilting the steam nearer to your fingers. It's uncomfortable at best and searing at worst.While you learn how to not get scalded, this kettle is always at least slightly irritating. There are better kettles around",neg My wife and I purchased the 40616 Hamilton Beach Perculator at K-Mart. After only 8 months of service the perculator would not keep the coffee hot--only luke warm.K-Mart refused to do anything about the problem because they only warranty the coffee pot for 90 days. This should give you an idea of what K-Mart thinks of the quality of the Hamilton Beach 40616 perculator.When I called Hamilton Beach customer no-service I was told to send in the cord from the coffee pot and a check for $9.95 and they would replace their defective equipment. The $9.95is 25% of the original price of the perculator so I will decline their offer. If their perculator only last for 8 months I don't even want to pay the $9.95 to get a new one. I feel that it should have been replaced for free! In their warranty booklet they tell you that the 40616 perculator has a limited 2-year warranty but that is only if you are willing to pay $9.95 to ship their defective equipment back to them. Because of this experience with the Hamilton Beach 40616 coffee perculator I will never purchase any Hamilton Beach equipment in the future.I will also not purchase anything else from K-Mart,neg "I feel it was an unlucky day when I bought this pot. As careful as I tried to be, it was extremely difficult to tell if I had correctly placed the stem (with basket) in the pit. It had to be by feel, and half the time it was apparently a hair's breadth off and would not perk. Or it would perk enough so that the light went on but that the coffee grounds were hardly wet. It was also difficult to correctly jam the plug into the pot. A hair's breadth off and again it wouldn't perk. So each day became a guessing game as to whether today would be the day I got real coffee instead of cold water or damp coffee grounds. I am returning to my old friend, the Farberware FC280. It may or may not last more than a year but at least I can depend on it",neg Not much to say about this item it sucks. very thin and cheap made. Does not seal at all and does not keep the bread freah This is the worst product i have every got from Amazon.,neg "I agree with the previous reviewers. The style is quite sleek and the ceramic, earthen material eliminates the metallic taste of the water.However, the handle is a huge problem and you have to be extremely careful when pouring the pot. I made a hot of tea only filling 1/2 way full and put pouring it the handle can apart from the kettle and smash went the kettle, leaving me standing with only the handle in my hand. Thankfully I was pouring this over the sink or I would've suffered quite a burn.Buyer beware",neg "Why would anyone want pots that can't be used on high heat, can't be washed in the dishwasher or can't be scoured for fear of removing their anodized finish. My Calphalon professional pots were very expensive and it makes me sick that they have preformed so poorly. I have noticed that many of the positive reviews were by people who haven't owned these pots for longI am a real cook and use my pots several times a day, I need them to work, not just look good and this cookware is ridiculously tempermental. After leaving them on the heat too long, just once, they warp. Food sticks easily to them and they are very hard to clean because you can't use steelwool or abrasive pads. After a guest put one in a dishwasher by mistake, the pot finish was ruined, and I had aluminum coming off on my food. I am someone who takes good care of my things, and it is impossible to clean these well without removing the finish. I had taken some comfort in the lifetime warantee, I tried to return them, but the warantee, like this cookware is absolutely useless",neg "I just received this knife yesterday & am sending it back for a refund. Upon first use, the forked metal tip broke off when I was chopping tomatoes for a salad. It took me a few moments to notice the lost tip (as it had ended up in the salad I was preparing.) Could have been very dangerous to swallow a sharp metal tip! The knife itself is flimsy, can't imagine that it could cut a bagel very well",neg I folowed the instructions and found that the coffee was very weak so I experimented with differint grinds and filter no filter. I found not useing the paper filter and grinding the coffee expresso and stoping the water when it starts to look pale makes a med. strong cup. A lot of work for a decent cup. I still think that my old krups drip makes a great cup. I will keep trying other alternets to the pods becous there very expensive. I am waiting for some one to start manufacturing a home pod maker. that you can fill & seel at home,neg I have had the blue ecopods for well over a year now. Ilove the taste of the coffee and it does give a fair amount of foam but hard to clean. I saw the Presto MyPod and leaped to try it. The coffee overfills the cup making it too weak and no room for creamer. There is absolutely no foam. I got hooked on the Senseo Foam. We will use it in a pinch but only on the 1 cup setting with 1 1/2 scoops,neg "I thought that this would actually be something that I would need when I registered for this for my wedding. But this is more of a toy for the kitchen than something that you will actually use. Sure kids might like to use it when they cook, but in all the time that I have owned one, I have only used it once. Its more of a hassle because you have to clean it out afterwards. You are better off without it",neg "It may work O.K. for melons, but the handle is extremely uncomfortable and ackward to grip when attempting to scoop ice cream. In addition, the shape of the scoop bowl makes it difficult to get a full scoop of ice cream",neg "I bought this coffee maker to match my KitchenAid blender and coffee gridner. The coffee maker is attractive but works terribly. If you make more than 1 or 2 cups it overflows hot coffee onto the counter top. There is almost always grounds in the coffee too. When I called KitchenAid customer service they said they made a revision to fix the problems and sent me another one. It has the same problems. This is NOT user error I have tried different coffees, grinds, and positioning the carafe differently. This coffee maker is just a distrastrous design mistake. Finally I got KitchenAid to buy the coffee maker back and got a Cuisinart one. It works perfectly, costs less, and has more features. I would recommend Cuisinart and highly recommend that you do not buy this shoddy coffee maker - you will regret it.",neg "I have several other Kitchen Aid appliances and they are all great - solid, hefty machines that do superior work, the type of items Kitchen Aid has built a reputation on. So that is why I bought this coffee maker (actually I have the previous model before this update). Boy, howdy! Was I blind-sighted! The quality of the housing is no better than a Mr. Coffee for 1/4 the price, and I too, have experienced the leaking problems like other reviewers have noted. And on mine, the spring that keeps the shut off unit down while you take the pot off the machine to have that first cup while it is still brewing - well, it decided to not do it's job only after about a month of owning it. The unit leaks coffee as if that is what it was designed to do. HEY, KITCHEN AID ENGINEERS - DO YOU READ THESE AMAZON REVIEWS? IF YOU DO, THEN GO BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD AND MAKE A COFFEE MAKER THAT IS IN LINE WITH YOUR OTHER PRODUCTS! AND GIVE THOSE OF US THAT BOUGHT YOUR PREVIOUS JUNK A FULL CREDIT TRADE IN TO UPGRADE TO IT ONCE IT IS AVAILABLE! HOW HARD IS IT TO MAKE A GOOD COFFEE MAKER? MY GRANDMA'S EARLY 70'S MR. COFFEE IS STILL PERKING STRONG - WHAT AN EMBARASSMENT TO KITCHEN AID. Nuff' said",neg "I got this on sale from Targets for $35. Eagerly I plugged in the unit, turned the variable dial to maximum steam, and increased the digital dial to 7. And then I waited, and waited, and waited, for 10 minutes. The iron never warmed up, let alone hot enough to iron anything. I can't say this is a bad product, but surely I got a non-working unit",neg This iron worked splendidly for over year before almost catching on fire while I was using it. I was pressing a shirt when suddenly the LED display on the iron shut off and started beeping repeatedly. I smelled smoke and the handle was hot to the touch. I lifted the iron off my shirt to discover a dark scorch mark ON MY BRAND NEW SHIRT!I do NOT recommend this iron -- you risk burning your clothes,neg "Both pads burned on the backside the first time I used them. They are still serviceable, but the burned areas are hard. They were used in a normal kitchen--no blow torches",neg "Be careful to buy products from compact appliance. They will not be responsible if the product is defective from the manufacturer. There is no return. You better think more than twice before you buy from compact appliance. They have the worst customer service including the manufacturer Edgestar.I agreed completely with the previous customer review that it is hard to get in touch with Edgestar customer service, which has the worst product I ever bought.",neg "Box arrived damaged. Opened product, scratched on front, dirty on the inside. After I cleaned it up it worked great for a week then poof. No power at all. Thought I may have ran it too much so I left it unplugged for 24 hours then plugged it back in and NOTHING. Additionally customer service for Edgestar is TERRIBLE. I have left 10 voicemails and sent approx 14 e-mails back and forth with their customer service (haha) reps and still have made zero progress. Buy with caution",neg "I ordered this cake plate and dome for my mother, shortly before Thanksgiving of 2002. The first time it arrived, after 3 weeks, it was in about 1,000 pieces. The UPS driver realized that upon delivery and returned the item. When it was sent the second time, which wasn't until around Christmas, it arrived with the handle to the dome broken off. So, long story short, no cake plate for Mom! Amazon.com should really examine how they pack items like this",neg "I wanted to like this toaster. It looks nice, seems sturdy enough, and stays cool to the touch. But it toasts poorly. One side of the bread toasts more than the other. So I have to pop up the toast 1/2 way through and turn it over. And now the pop up mechanism isn't working well",neg "If you prefer having bread that is toasted on both sides look elsewhere for a toaster. Even when it is not on the bagel setting it does not do any more than barely warm one side of bread.In addition if you are looking for a blue toaster (how I wound up with this one despite the warnings about its inefficiency) don't buy this one--it looks nothing like the picture on the internet. It is purple, so not only does it perform poorly it looks terrible in my blue/gray kitchen.I expected more from a KitchenAid product and if I could return a used toaster (albeit only 3 times) I certainly would.",neg "As soon as I opened it and tried to remove the lid for cleaning, it broke! No instructions provided on how to remove, replace the removable parts",neg "I finally gave up after trying three of the Hunter fans and got my money back. Even on the lowest speed, this thing rattles, shakes, and groans. I own five Hunter ceiling fans, which are great. This fan doesn't deserve the Hunter nameplate",neg "I like the cookware. Solid as Calphalon always is, If you follow the link on the Bonus item, it shows a 1-2 day availability. Today is Dec 26, ordered on Nov 9. Still waiting for the bonus.",neg "I had older 500 thread count sheets that were better, lighter, smoother. These feel like 200 thread count sheets. Complete waste of money",neg "This Fork Thermometer would have been great if it had lasted more than 3 usages. No way to notify the manufacturer to find out why the fork quit working. It's still useful as a meat fork, but not as a thermometer. Very disappointing and a bit expensive to be used only as a fork.",neg I bought T-fal's top of the line Avantis iron even though I only have light ironing to do. It broke in less than a year - losing heat completely. T-fal would not stand behind it. I wrote to them several times. They insisted on the original sales receipt despite the fact I had the charge on my American Express bill. They had no technical advise either. Read other Amazon reviews on their products breakdowns! I've paid half as much for irons that lasted for years. Avoid this turkey and this company. I'll never buy another T-fal product and neither should you,neg "A normal coffee maker requires a quick rinse; this machine requires a wash, rinse and a thorough drying of the grinding unit. You can't just rinse the grinding unit because the fine coffee grounds need to be washed out.If it wasn't for the fact that we spent nearly $100 for this unit, I would throw it away.SAVE YOUR MONEY - DON'T BUY IT",neg A friend bought a food saver by Tilia and told me that it would be wonderful for storing my bulk shopping in the freezer. I saved for it and got it. I used it a total of 10 times and not for long periods of time and it literally died. I sent it back to the factory asking for a refund and they refused and sent me a refurbished one in return - they will not refund your money on the poor quality items they sell. Just be careful and do not let this happen to you - Tilia looks much better on TV than it performs in real life.,neg The top portion of the freezer works great. The bottom drawer portion sounded great - no more digging to see what's at the bottom. The reality is that the bottom drawer is only useful as overflow from my refrigerator. I don't put anything in that part that I'm not willing to store at regular refrigerator temperatures. It's a disappoinment,neg "the product is an average product, do not think it is a top seller, another retailer has the same item cheaper.. the delivery and customer service is the wrost I have ever experienced.... would not order this item again with the poor delivery.",neg "The holes are really small. This grater is suitable for hard cheeses like Romano, but forget using it for a softer cheese like cheddar.",neg "This product simply does not work. The vacuum is so weak that it does not preserve the wine, even for a day. I have used a Vacuvin for many years and it is a far superior product at a far lower cost. We bought this item because it appeared to be easier to pump than the Vacuvin -- and it is. The reason: it doesn't preserve the wine. I am seeking a return and refund, either through Amazon or Metrokane",neg "I honestly liked the blender a lot. I received it as a gift and it matched the rest of my kitchen's KitchenAid appliances-- range, refrigerator, dishwasher, pretty much everything other than the toaster oven. At the time, there could be no better blender. It looked great. It promised professional performance. It had KitchenAid's brand and durability behind it.I use my blender for making tomato sauce and the occasional fruit smoothie. There is some amount of ice crushing required, but that shouldn't be an issue. I certainly was not a weekly let alone a daily user. So, 3 years after I got the blender, I went to turn it on and it is completely dead-- no light on the on button. Changed outlets and still nothing. It's done. What an incredible dissappointment.But, it seems to me that the KitchenAid brand has really taken an awful turn since it was acquired by Whirlpool(?). First, my dishwasher broke (3 repair jobs) then my stand mixer's seals are loose. I called customer service about trying to buy a replacement thermometer for my range and after endless re-routing, I got no where. The fridge has minor issues (loose rails, pieces not refitting) and is probably the best of the lot.I did some research. Apparently, KitchenAid is just licensing its name out on various products. So, realistically, there is no such thing as KitchenAid quality anymore since they don't make much of anything. Everything is just a re-branded product. Whirlpool is going to milk the brand premium until its reputation catches up to it.From a once KitchenAid loyalist, avoid this product-- yes it's beautiful but it's not going to last. Avoid all KitchenAid products because they really are not what they once were",neg Mine broke and started SMOKING while I was making hummus (not even something tougher like ice). Kitchenaid won't fix it. There are many MUCH cheaper but nicer ones on the market,neg "I find that such a well-known brand would have a longer warranty than 12 months. My blender broke (it was the coupler) after about 18 months of use. I emailed KA about it and all they did was give me two repair shops where I could pay to have it fixed. Both repair shops are more than one hour away. They also offered me [...] off a refurbished blender. Gee...what service. You'd think they'd at least work with me since the blender wasn't even 2 years old. For [...] I went out and bought a Cuisinart and that comes with a 3 year warranty. KA blender was not worth my [...]. It never blended fruit all the way, either; it always left chunks of bananas",neg My husband sweats a lot at night and I thought this would stop the problem. It didn't at all. It doesn't seems like it does anything for me either. It just feels like a normal mattress pad. Not exactly worth the price for a normal mattress pad,neg "I just purchased a glass top stove and bought this because of the protective bottom. However, after using it several times, I would choose a different grill because of the following reasons:#1 The spatter mess - there is virutally no way to prevent splatter when using this pan creating an unneccessary amount of post-cooking clean-up.#2 There is no option of purchasing a lid#3 The pan itself has an odd rectangular shape that does not fit on one burner or two for that matter. Thus, somewhere while cooking you have a cool spot",neg We've had 3 sets in just over 1-1/2 years. Return policy is great but it's a hassle. Can't Oneida make silverware that doesn't rust? I'm going to try a different brand,neg "I have numerous Le Creuset items, and this has to be the worst one. Everything sticks to the finish. Salsbury steak turns out horrible (can't make gravy), breakfast sausage patties become ground sausage pieces due to the sticking. And, like mentioned in an earlier post, it is hard to clean. Beware this new finish, (they have it on their grill pans also)it is not up to par",neg "I'm a huge fan of Le Cruest's products and own a few well chosen pieces. Having said that, this new satin finish is a disappointment. I was given this a gift a year ago and was thrilled - until I used it.I really wish they'd go back to their original smooth enamel finish. This must be an attempt to produce an interior more durable for using metal utensils with. An attempt that in my opinion is a failure. Things (like eggs and hamburgers) stick to this finish. You have to use a lot more fat to prevent sticking. It's hard to get clean, takes quite a bit of scrubbing even after soaking. It doesn't give the finish to grilled meats, etc that I want from a fry pan. Forget deglazing it to make a sauce. I find my All Clad 9 inch skillet to be a superior performer to this one.Since this is a 9 inch skillet, I haven't used it to saute onions, etc., so I can't say how it performs with these items.I do use it to make cornbread and to roast small portions of meats or veg in the oven, with good results (as long as I'm not going to use the browned bits to make a sauce). This to me though, is not enough uses to justify buying it.",neg "Door advance feature broke after several weeks. Lower heating element broke after six months. Customer service refused to stand behind the product, stating that the warranty was expired. Note to buyer- warranty is one year from time of manufacture- NOT the date you actually receive it as a gift or purchase it. The knobs on the unit are like a child's toy- cheap and plastic. This is a highly disappointing product- I doubt we will buy another Delonghi product again",neg The second one came today. It is also dead on arrival.Do not bother with this one,neg "I, too, own several KitchenAid products and have been delighted with previous products. When I needed a new coffee maker, I decided to switch brands to KitchenAid based on prior history with the company.HOWEVER, this is the WORST coffee maker I've ever owned, including cheaper models. I'm now on my second coffee pot after KitchenAid sent me a new one when the one I ordered failed. While the company has been more than understanding, I hesitate to call again because I don't even want another one. Getting my money back shouldn't lie with the hands of the seller I purchased it from.Here's the problem. After a week of use, the water and grounds kept spilling over and coffee was not draining into the pot, saturating the electric plate and my kitchen floor. When I could get it just right (standing there holding the carafe in place), the coffee tasted burnt.I thought I had a defective product, but the new one is starting to do the same thing. The carafe does not stay in place and slides forward when placed on the electric plate (until there is enough coffee dispensed. The coffee carafe is supposed to push (when it's in the right place) on the plastic piece that releases the coffee. It's a design problem. It's definitely cheaply made. I have to stand next to my coffee maker as it's brewing to make sure the coffee is dripping.Believe me, I wouldn't have bothered writing this if I didn't think it might save someone else the headaches. Buy something else! It's not worth the hassle.",neg "I'm usually a big fan of KitchenAid appliances and I own a Proline coffee grinder, which is excellent. But, I could not get a good full-flavored cup of coffeee out of this machine. I usually brew 4 cups at a time. They have a setting for 1-4 cups, but the coffeee still turned out slightly weak and slightly bitter. I returned it and will try something else",neg "I love Kitchenaid products, but this one failed miserably!!The taste of the coffee is excellent, but there were grounds and coffee everywhere. The Pause N Serve feature works as it brews!! I don't think that was the intention though. When I called the company the not so brilliant guy told me that they hear this all the time on this model and that you just have to push the coffee maker in far enough so that the pause n serve feature isn't activated...well, unless we put a heavy ceramic bowl in front of the carafe to hold the pot in place we have coffee soup all over our counter and floor.My husband and I love coffee and we like it STRONG! We feel coffee is very important to survival in our home as we have 5 kids and this helps us stay alive and energetic for the 48 hours a day we care for them!!My strong advice...don't but this model. Though Kitchenaid is a great product and I have never had problems with any of their other lines, this one should be junked! We are returning ours!",neg "The salesclerk told us that because of previous model recalls, that the new KitchenAid was sure to be a huge improvement, especially with it's price tag. We've tried 2 models and both had problems with error messages. The manual's suggestions do nothing to eliminate this. Also, we've had the same trouble with coffee spewing out. For the price tag, this is a seriously disappointing coffee maker. We finally took it back and are on the look out for a better quality model (NOT KitchenAid). Oddly enough, our other KitchenAid appliances (range and fridge) have also had electronic problems. I wonder what the quality control is on the parts that are being cheaply manufactured, no doubt, in some overseas location. I wouldn't recommend KitchenAid to anyone, regardless of the nice styling and supposed high-quality.",neg "ordered it in October, now it's January 8th!I give up",neg "This Krups espresso maker leaves water and steam all over the counter every time it is used. I think the built in safety features are to blame. The finer the grind, the more water leaked out. Keep in mind that fine grinds are recommended for espresso and cappuccino.Using a coarse grind, which is usually only used for cowboy coffee out on the trail or French press machines, I still get quite a bit of leakage. Using finer grinds produces more and more leakage leaving only about half a carafe of extremely strong espresso which is indeed more like cowboy or french press coffees. -I enjoy cowboy coffee but would prefer espresso from my espresso machine plus I hate all the mess.The Krups machine I had fifteen years ago worked well but this machine sucks big time. If you don't want to fork over a lot of bucks for a real espresso maker, try a Mr Coffee espresso machine. Mine, which I use when I travel, cost less than twenty dollars and does not leak.In the meantime I have ordered a Lello 45900 Ariete Espresso/Cappuccino Maker to replace the Krups. -I'll keep you postsed.Billy Bat",neg "I jumped on purchasing this machine when I saw it. I was tired of storing beans in the freezer. I put 4 AA batteries in it and a pound of beans, closed the lid and the sucking sound started...and it kept going, and kept going, and kept going. I started looking for places to store it so that it wouldn't wake me up at night or disturb me with it's annoying hum first thing in the morning. But I didn't have to worry, but the next morning the batteries were dead. I replaced them and within 24 hours they were all dead again! There is no place to plug it in so you're stuck with using batteries. I'm going to try buying rechargables but I don't know how long I'm going to want to keep this replacement going!!P.S. I found it interesting that after I post my negative review three 5 star reviews appear from people who have no review history and NONE of them address the battery issue. Sur La Table, is sending me a new unit but told me that they received an identical complaint about the battery life. Be wary. I'll try to update you",neg "I have two Roomba's, after one year of good operation they have been having battery problems. One Roomba was returned for refurbishment. They have good customer service, if you pursue them. The newly returned Roomba still has battery problems. The housekeeper which was very excited when I bought the Roomba now uses the vacuum cleaner.",neg Amazon took over a month in shipping me this roomba battery. It works ok. Also the list price is too high on this Amazon site.,neg What a shame that this appliance fails at its sole purpose in life. Let's hope there's a support group for mediocre toasters,neg "Recommended:No. The product is not very durableGood things:All in all, this caddy is great because it's versatile. It's huge and tall enough so a 12.5 round cake that's about 5 inches high can fit in easily. The locking mechanism is also pretty neat. There's 3 of them so it makes it very easy to carry without any fuss of the cake dropping on the floor. The handle of the carrier also gives a comfortable grip. Carrier is also see through so you'll notice if the decorations have been messed up during the transporting process.NOT so Good things:NOT very durable. Locking mechanism that holds the base of the carrier may crack making it non portable.This product is susceptible to breakage perhaps because certain stores just have had these items on their shelf for a long time-- that's only my assumption. Plastic should not crack unless it's placed in extreme temperatures or is abused. Should the temperature in the fridge crack a plastic? Very unlikely don't you think?The price is also far cry compared to other products sold by discount stores (i.e Linens../WlMrt. Other carriers are sold from $4-$9.The height is good but it can be problematic when storing it in the fridge, but aren't all cakes difficult to store regardless?In terms of cleaning the base, you'll need a brush to really get the bottom cleaned up",neg "A well made no frills percolator. It packs well,is quite simple to use and makes a great cup of coffee. The ideal coffee pot for camping or outdoor use. A superior product compared to the many flimsy coffee pots made for campers",neg "I would have given this no stars but it won't let me. This non-stick griddle has more things stick to it than tape. It is simply the worst product I have purchased in a long time. I have this non-Stick griddle for just about a month and it is ready for the trash. The non-stick is coming up on the flat end and the griddle is worthless, it ripped my chicken cutlets to shreds. Don't buy it!!! If you read this and still buy it may you have three horrible meals like I did before it met the old trash can",neg "FYI, those of you with square burners will not like this one. It is not stable because of the design, which is clearly meant for round burners.",neg The sheets arrived soft and after washing stayed colorfast but shrunk. They were difficult to get on the mattress,neg After one wash the fitted sheet shrank and color leeched onto it so it has grey splotches in places. We don't even have a deep mattress but now the bare mattress shows on the sides. It'll have to go in our next garage sale.,neg "I purchased this about 1 year ago and it's only taking up space in my house. It has very poor suction on carpeting. Works O.K. on hardwood floors but then again most of these will. I expected better force. The small openning may look cool but it doesn't allow for wide enough sweeping area and I find myself going over the same area again and again. Also, the charging holder is a little harder to place the unit in. I would consider look at others first",neg "The convenience tempted me to try this for $20 at my local grocery. Poorly executed & constructed, the pods were too expensive & bland. Will be donating this to charity",neg "The coffee maker was working fine as long as I was using the presto Mypods with no filter in them..Then, I tried using some pods in the regular pod holder. Coffee all over the counter every time.. I suspect that using the pods created back pressure that ruptured something internally.Based on the fact then when used as intended it fails miserably, I would have to say that it is an example of shoddy engineering.. Junk, Garbage, CrudBTW - If yours is working, I found that the secret to decent tasting coffee was to wash the pod holder (the presto mypod) with soap and water every time and throw the pod holders in the dishwasher once in a while.I guess they let some three year olds design the thing on a 'take your kids to work' day.",neg "I am on my third machine now, and it too is leaking. Dont get me wrong, the coffee tastes really good, always fresh. But after a while the machine starts to leak when you are making a cup of coffee. I guess the machine only cost 25 bucks now, so if you dont mind only using it for a month it is a great buy",neg "I bought this cookie press to make my favorite Christmas cookies-Spritz. I got the dough into the gun, squeezed the handle, kept squeezing the handle, and nothing. The mechanism that was supposed to push the dough out thru the disk kept slipping, and hence, no cookies. It was very frustrating, having everything ready to make the cookies, but with no way to properly form them. I would not recommend this cookie press",neg "This is a disapointment for me. I ordered these sheets in white, and recieved ivory. (unlike other reviewers I am not talking about a tinge of ivory, my package said IVORY instead of WHITE.) I would return these sheets, but they are a gift for my mother, and since they took so long to ship, I won't have time to get her anything else! I have never had a bad experience with Amazon products, some of the third party sellers could be better, but usually Amazon it's self is pretty good. Not in this case! The sheets do feel nice, and hopefully they work out for my mother, but I am keeping my paperwork and packaging just incase she runs into any problems!Buyer Beware: $200 dollar sheets for $30 is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE",neg "We purchased the George Foreman 8 in 1 with the thought we would get the toaster oven we needed and some other features that would be nice to have. The 8 in 1 does have alot of neat features, the issue is it doesn't do any of the features very well. The toaster feature takes about 2 times as long to toast as a smaller, more conventional toaster oven. The Rotisserie is difficult to use and the grease catcher woefully inadequate. We found out the hard way when we had chicken grease overflow out of the grill and onto the counter. I can see this being a very good item for those with very small kitchens and in need of saving space, however, be warned that this oven has many shortcomings",neg Fiesta Scarlet is a beautiful color and the Sugar and Creamer with Tray is really great. Mine arrived broken and I had difficulty returning it so I remain disappointed and unwilling to try again.,neg "Definitely not up to typical Cuisinart standards. While the roaster is a nicely polished stainless which makes for easy cleanup, it's relatively thin. In a 400 degree oven, the pan actually bows.Look elsewhere for your roaster",neg "I don't know what the other reviewers of this blender are blending...but this blender is junk. I have tried twice to make smoothies with it and this blender cannot do the job. All of the ingredients just sit there while the only part of the mix being blended is at the very bottom. So, you have to keep stirring and stirring and stirring the mixture to get it all incorporated. And then try adding the crushed ice. This blender is going back.If you need a blender to make smoothies, this is not the model to buy",neg We purchased a DeLonghi toaster oven and both the toaster and oven functions stopped working right after the one year warranty expired. We barely used this product. When contacting customer service we were told that there were no replacement parts available for our model and there was nothing we could do and nothing they would do for us. My $20 toastmaster lasted more than 15 years! This is the lsat time I buy a toaster based on appearance,neg "I received the DeLonghi XR640 Toaster Oven and was disappointed to find it unuseable. The wire rack inside was such a tight fit, it took 2 hands to pull it out! After a few times doing this, the enamel finish was starting to come off, which would soon result in rusting metal. I never turned it on, just returned it immediately.",neg "I've been happy with many other KitchenAid products, but this one is pure junk. The pasta roller attachment that KitchenAid also offers is great, but the width of it is so close to the size of this ravioli press, that the edges of the ravioli barely have enough dough to seal - and many of them pop open.It's worth noting that although this does in fact attach to a standing mixer, it does not use the mixer's motor. You have to manually turn the crank with your hand.I returned this piece of junk, and bought the VillaWare V5500 10-Square Ravioli Maker for $18. Save yourself some money and do the same",neg Firstly this set arrived with the small lid broken. Amazon of course sent a replacement set but then the large lid was broken on that one. I now have my full set however it feels kind of thin and fragile. It's an ok buy but when the time comes to replace them I'll be looking for something a bit more durable,neg "While the combined grinding and making of the coffee in one unit is a great idea, the mess that it created was a pain to clean up each day. The grounds would get caked in on all three removal parts and each part needed to be cleaned before using again. I had the product three months and it quit working. The good thing is that when we call Cuisinart's 800 number, they told us to just return the item to the store that we purchased it at and we got our money back.",neg "I think it is ALMOST a great idea! It would be super if made of glass. I don't want to be concerned with material for which I use it! I would buy a couple if made of glass, otherwise not",neg "For approximately six months I owned this knife. I used it everyday as it far outshined my other henkel chefs knife in balance, cutting efficiency and need for regular sharpening. Until a few weeks ago when I was peeling a clove of garlic with the knife. Lo and behold...I know have a two inch blade attached to the handle and five inches of steel sitting on the countertop. I am currently looking for other brands of this knife style as I was unhappy with the manufactures complete lack of response regarding my complaint",neg Every time I use the pan is twists as soon as it gets hot. It makes it very difficult to cook on and to move in and out of the oven. The non stick surface comes off very easily too.For the money I expected better!!,neg "I completely agree with the other reviewers. This product is so bad. It warps under the heat, the not-so-non-stick surface peels, and food sticks like glue",neg "I have used the steamer once, and was disappointed at how long it took. The steam comes out weakly and splattered water on the garment several times. I was just trying to take the store creases out of a new pair of lightweight cotton trousers, and it took a lot of going over to get it done. I used to have a small hand steamer that put out a real blast of steam and worked much faster. This one will probably work on heavier material like drapes, but it will take a very long time. I wouldn't buy it if you plan to use it for anything other than very delicate items, and it seems like a lot of equipment to lug out for that job. A hand unit makes more sense to me, and you wouldn't have to maneuver that long hose. This is just one more large thing to store. I wish I could return it to Wal-mart, but will probably give it away and buy something that is easier to use",neg "I hate to iron and despise the cost of dry cleaning...so, I was really excited when I saw this steamer at CVS. It was reasonably priced and sounded wonderful. I was bragging about how much I loved this steamer after using it just once! It was easy and fast....then, the second time I used it---Water everywhere!Water started to spit and spray out of the (sealed and closed) base of the steamer. I had turned the top to the locked position...but, the black rubber ring (supposed to keep the thing sealed?) was all twisted up---explaining why it wasn't working. Well, I fixed that rubber thing back into place, but it still kept spraying boiling water. SO, right now it's sitting in the corner waiting to be thrown out.I'm very frustrated with this product, but love the way that clothes steamers work. It looks like I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy an expensive one. But, how expensive should these things be? All they do is boil water and shoot it out of a nozzle, right?This product is a waste of time and money...I can't believe that there were any good reviews.",neg "I am a trained research assistant; therefore, I try to research products before I purchase them. In the case of this purchase, I saw the item during an early bird sale at Kohls, so I grabbed it. I owned a professional steamer that was purchased at a store that was going out of buisness, but it is really bulky, so I thought that the compact steamer would be a great choice. On the contrary, it was a big waste of time trying to dewrinkle a blouse, and although it was on sale, it was a waste of money. The problems I had were:1. The cord is too short: directions instruct user to hang nozzle on the door hook which hangs over the top of any door. The nozzle would not reach to the top of the door, and I live in a mobile home, so it is not like I have the tallest doors in a home.2. The most important thing in steaming a garment, for me, is to avoid the garment getting wet. I did not fill the steamer to the maximum line, because I know from past experience that this could sometime cause the spitting affect. After 2 minutes of waiting for the steam, I began to try it out on a silk blouse, and what a big mistake I made. The water spat out on the material. I thought that I should not hold the nozzle so close, but it did not matter, because water continued to spit out on the blouse.3. The steam pressure would not dewrinkle the blouse. The is not a case where the material was so hard to dewrinkle; it is silk, not that hard of a material.I have read other reviews, and if this machine worked for them, I don't know how, but I can attest to the operation of the steamer that I purchased. I dabble in selling clothing on another website, and I have owned my other steamer since 2002, and I will continue to use it; I will just have to deal with space that it takes up in my home. Conair GS4 Compact is a bust.",neg This is a dangerous steamer. Sometimes it will pour steaming water and burn you badly. definitely not recommended. I am throwing mine away,neg "This is NOT Aubergine, a dark purple like the color of eggplant skin, but it is a light, bright purple. Sitting on my kitchen countertop, it is a very formidable sight first thing in the morning; glowing, shimmering in kitchen flourescent lighting. Caveat emptor, unless you're color blind or really like bright purple",neg "Threw it in the trash! It was AWFUL!! Horrible to clean, didn't chop right. PASS ON THIS ONE!! Bought an unknown brand for $9.99 and love it",neg "I've been using a large Cusinart for over 10 years. It is marvelous, so I decided to get the mini-mate chopper for smaller jobs.WRONG IDEA!! This is a horrible little machine. It won't grind more than a couple of seeds at a time & forget chopping! The grinding unit won't rotate most of the time.It's going to the Salvation Army as a donation.",neg "I strongly agree with the last reviewer- this unit is EXTREMELY OVERPRICED. I also have a all-metal zinc alloy unit that included 2 extra worms, aluminum foilcutter, stainless steel bottle stopper and pourer and gift box for $25. This one, at $150, still has a plastic body",neg "I bought this blender to make pie pastry, and I was thoroughly disappointed. The wires don't cut because they just widen and the pieces of butter slip through..I spent a lot of muscle to obtain a very poor result. The handle is nice but it just doesn't get the job done",neg "I just bought this toaster (not on Amazon) to replace a Black&Decker toaster oven that had served well for more than 10 years. This new toaster oven burst into flames when making toast filling my house with rank smoke and nearly setting my kitchen cabinets ablaze. This is a very dangerous appliance that, based on my experience and other reviews here, should probably be taken off the market and recalled",neg This item fell apart the moment I took it out of the box. The sides literally came apart. Do not buy this product. The company should be ashamed for even selling it,neg "We have only been using the sheets for 2 months and it is already pilling (balling up) very badly. It is already affecting my husbands sleep so we are on a search for another sheet set. When you see 500 thread count, you expect more from the sheet but I guess we should have know what to expect given the low price. I suppose you get what you pay for. Take my advice and don't throw away this $$",neg I agree with the previous reviewer that these are difficult to clean and dry. I could never get mine really clean so I threw them out,neg "Although I like the concept of these storage containers, they crack very easily. The bottom of one of the largest containers had cracked during shipping. (Still useable for dry things like flour) Then as I was sitting on the floor putting the containers away in a bottom cabinet, I dropped on from 1-2 feet above a linoleum floor -- it too chipped and cracked at the point of impact. Also, when I first unpacked the containers, one of the lids came apart and the bottom half became stuck in the container. We had to use a knife/fork and 2 people to pry it out, doing some damage in the process. I believe the Click Clack folks have developed a second or even third generation of these containers. Perhaps they are sturdier. On the positive side, I did store some tomatoe sauce in one of the containers and it did not stain",neg "I purchased 5 of these dishes (at $9.99 each) to give as Christmas gifts. Spode is manufactured in England, but the sub-standard knock-offs I received came from China. The color is dull and grayish. Return shipping would be outrageous, so I'm stuck with 5 ugly dishes.",neg "This phone would be great if it did not have the worst static come and go several times throughout a call. It never fails, when I need to make a really important call-- the static is so loud I can't hear at all. Every time we use it the static interrupts our conversation because we can't hear. And Target wouldn't take it back without the box--How long are we supposed to keep the box- reasonably!",neg "The design is ok. Nothing fancy, nothing different, it looks just like any other teakettle. It works fine. The handle doesn't get hot, and the whistle isn't too loud. I gave it one star because of the black goo that came inside. I washed it before using it, and after the water was done boiling, I saw little black particles floating in the water and the water smelled weird. The smell may have been caused by that black stuff. I washed the pot again and saw more black stuff coming out. I took one piece and noticed it was gooey. I checked if there was something that had melted when I boiled the water, but I saw the kettle was intact. I boiled more water and again I saw the black goo floating in the water. I have boiled water 7 times and have washed the pot 4 times, and there is still goo floating in the water, they are almost unnoticeable, like very tiny dots, but they are there. At least the funny smell is gone. I don't know what that black goo is or what's causing it or where it's coming from. I'm afraid it may contain dangerous metals or chemicals that can be harmful. If I keep seeing black goo, I'm sending it back. I think I've learned my lesson. When it comes to buying cookware, it's better to buy good quality. It's not worth jeopardizing your health to save a few bucks.Update: After washing it two more times and boiling water one more time I got rid of the goo. And I've noticed that the handle gets very hot when I fill it all the way up",neg "I have read a few reviews about this machine and some how I am not sure what I missed. I purchased this machine about 8 months ago. I loved the look of it in my kitchen with all my stainless appliances. That is where it ends.This machine has been terrible, when you put water in it the filter part floats up and out of the slot letting water get into the machine unfiltered. When your filling your cup you have to bend down in front of the machine to see where the coffee is in the cup or it will overflow, making more for you to clean up. I just want coffee!!!Even though the inside unit that holds the coffee does come out, it is not designed to fit into the front of a refrig to put water in it. You have to use something else to catch the water from the refrig then dump that into this machine.They put little time into the design/research of this machine. I hesitate to add this as I don't want anyone reading this to think my home is dirty....living in Florida we tend to see Palmetto bugs. This machine has about 5 vent holes in the top of it, I had two bugs get in the machine. They had full access to the water reservior. Once I filled the water reservior the bugs came flying out. That was the end of this machine for me. POOR DESIGN ISSUES and not sanitary by any means. LOOK ON!",neg "I have had the Cuisinart DCC-2000 Coffeemaker for about six months or so and loved it. This morning, however, it decided to stop working correctly. I left the kitchen while it was brewing and all of the coffee leaked all over the counter. What a mess! I then made just 2 cups and put a coffee cup under the spout and watched it. Sure enough as the coffee was brewing the spout was spewing. I don't know what coffeemaker to buy now",neg "The cooking set looks great. However, once you heat the pot/ pan, the steel material handles become super hot. I have to return the huge box",neg "Granted I have never had feather pillows before so maybe this is what is to be eppected but they have no neck support whatsoever, they make disturbing crunching noises whenever I move my head and they positively REEK like a dirty henhouse. Gross! Home on the range ain't for me. I detest these, and threw them out",neg "I Love the way the Tefal deep fryer cooks, however, I am returning my second one due to a defective lid closure. The lid may close initially, but after a few uses it no longer stays closed. Since I have small children in my home, I will not be purchasing this one again.",neg Very disappointing! Spend your money somewhere else. I threw away a perfectly good but old made in the USA Thermos bottle and bought this made in China Nissan 0.79-Quart Stainless-Steel INSULATED Bottle back in June of 2005. Ten Months later this bottle stopped keeping anything warm and would feel warm to the touch after you poured warm liquids in it - evidence of the loss of its insulating function. I think it lost the vacuum in the cavity which I think is the method used to insulate the liquid inside. When you spend $25 one would think it's a good quality product - Think again,neg "I bought this thermomter after watching Goods Eats with Alton Brown, because when I make buttercream frosting I wanted to be able to clip on the thermometer to the pot and get an accurate reading. Well this themometer did a lousy job at staying clipped onto the pot, it kept falling off no matter how I put it on. I even tried using other pots, but no luck. I am so mad that I paid so much money for this crappy gadget, it sucks",neg "I used this thermometer fewer than 10 times before it stopped working. For the most part, it no longer registers any temperature, and when it does it reads 75-100 degrees too cool. While it was working, I definitely preferred it to my analog candy thermometer because it was less bulky, but I certainly can't recommend it now.The clip still works, though, and coupled with my wonderful Polder probe thermometer, I've got the best candy thermometer ever",neg "This is a neat idea ruined by shoddy manufacturing. First of all, this coffemaker is a lot bigger than most regular ones, especially the height. I can't fill this one without pulling it all the way out to the front of the counter. This takes up a lot of room for small kitchens or crowded countertops. The whole thing is also made out of plastic with a very cheap look and feel as soon as you take it out of the box. In just about 3 months of daily use, I've already had water or coffee leak out of the dispenser four times. Between the constant waste of space and having to watch out for leaks, I'd rather go back to pouring my own cups. The only reason I haven't thrown it out is because my wife bought it and I don't want to hurt her feelings",neg "I purchased this unit due to the fact that you could dispense without a coffee pot. In the past I have usually ended up breaking the glass carafe that comes along with traditional coffee makers. At first, I was very pleased with the unit and thought I made a great purchase. Eventually it started to drip and leak at random. The handle in the water/coffee holder broke. The top of the unit that lifts up broke off completely and now just sort of sits there precariously. Finally, this week it decided that it was not going to work at all. It will not make coffee. It will turn on, but not brew. I have only had this for a year and a half or so. Look elsewhere if you are looking for something that is going to last. (it was only used 2-3 times a week",neg "We received the Hamilton Beach BrewStation 12 Cup Coffeemaker as a gift from my sister-in-law. She loved hers and had used it for a few months so she bought one for us. Shortly after buying this for us, her coffeemaker started leaking. She thought it was just worn out from the six months of use and purchased a different type to replace hers.We used our BrewStation for the first time yesterday. The night before, I set it up and programmed it to make coffee at 5:00 AM - perfect, we could get up and have coffee already made. It worked great. A minor problem is that I enjoy coffee throughout the morning and the coffeemaker shut off after two hours. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, I just turned it back on and life was good.Now before I go on with my story, I need to explain how this coffeemaker works. You pour the water into the first reservoir (for water only) using the coffee tank to measure the amount of water. The coffee tank is placed back on the coffeemaker and the coffee filter and coffee is placed in a basket that fits on top of the coffee tank. The coffee is made and held in the coffee tank. To dispense the coffee, you place your cup below the tank and push on the dispenser button with your cup. Coffee pours right into the cup. Great idea, too bad it doesn't work as well as the concept!Today coffee was brewed at 5:00 AM again. That's the only thing that worked well. When my husband tried to get a cup of coffee it poured out and would not stop. The cup overflowed, the coffee ran all over the counter and continued to flow until he unplugged it and put the entire coffeemaker in the sink. It finally stopped pouring out when it ran out of coffee. I've cleaned the coffee tank and it continues to pour no matter what I do. Since this coffeemaker runs just under $ 50, the twelve cups of coffee we've made with it very expensive!I've emailed Hamilton Beach and am awaiting an answer to this dilemma. I need to purchase another coffeemaker today and it definitely won't be a Hamilton Beach brand. I can't afford to purchase a new coffeemaker every other day!My advice is to purchase a different brand and stay away from this one. Unless you don't have cups and want to slurp your coffee off of the counter!",neg "My spouse operates this vacuum daily until the rechargeable nickel-cadium battery is dead to avoid any memory issues. Like the Black & Decker 15.6V CHV1560 cordless hand vacuum, the battery life is 4 months tops.Perhaps Black & Decker should replace the nickel-cadium battery with a rechargeable lithium-ion battery on all of their cordless hand vacuums",neg "I have had this product for about 2 years. When we first got it, it worked great--lasted about 10 min. at a time. Now, we're lucky to get the floor cleaned up under the table before it starts to wear down. Also, the clip which holds it to the base just broke, and I see that I am not the first person to experience this problem. I don't see anywhere to buy a replacement base, at this time, so I may end up just throwing the whole thing away",neg "I am very disappointed with this product. I was carving my Thanksgiving turkey yesterday when the knife stopped working after it got hooked on bone in the wing. The motor continued to work, but the blades stopped moving. The knife has only been used 3 times, but I had to throw it out today. I opened the plastic case, and found a metal worm gear coming off the motor shaft,and a cheap nylon gear attached to it to move the blades back and forth. The nylon gear was stripped and the knife was useless. My prior knife, much less expensive, lasted for 18 years. The Cuisinart knife is not well made and only works well when it is not under any stress.",neg "We have had this toaster for approximately 3 yrs. It has had mimimal use as wevacation away from home in the winter ( 4 months at least). There are just twopeople using this toaster and on an average only use it twice a week. The toaster isa part time toaster, sometimes it will toast both sides sometimes not. It hasnow become a total pain as the mechanism to hold the bread down has stoppedworking. I thought that a Cuisinart would last for ever. I owned a very cheaptoaster for over 35 years, gave it to my sons to use in college. That toaster stillfunctions properly but is small and a 2 slicer. It will come out of the attic untilwe can find a better company than Cuisinart with a better product",neg "Zyliss makes different Shaker with different color. If you didn't catch this review, it is just because this color is n/a. They all leak.After 3 months of daily use, I feel bad that I have another thing to full up the landfill",neg "It has a terrible desing flaw. I use it to mix and carry protein shakes. I put the powder in, put the cap on and when i am ready put the milk or water, shake and drink. Too good to be rated 2 stars, isn't it? well that was the good.The bad is: the tread that hold the cap is inside the conteiner so when you mix, the mixture go thru the tread (it doesn't look nice), and it's supposed to be hold in by a clear tiny silicon-like band that is attached to the cap. If you tighten the cap too much, the band will be squeezed out of position and leak. If you do not tighten it enough the band won't seal and leak.Another thing, maybe not as important as the above, is that it is little uncomfortable to drink directly from the bottle, the lid keep closing everytime.So before you make your decision analize carefully. Despite all that.... It mixes, when you get it right(until the band break) and spray eventuall",neg "Unit is advertised as 5 quart............what arrived is 2 quart, and much too small for my purposes",neg "I have had the knife for a month, and now it is simply not sharp. The knife does NOT hold it's edge, and I have used it only on soft vegetables a few times.Acceptable at $19, but hardly high quality",neg "I bought this coffee pot after owning the older version of the grind and brew. Silly of me to think this would be an improvement. The front load basket design is terrible. It is a true pain to clean this section, you cannot get your hands or any tool I have in my kitchen to clean the mechanisms. Therefore, the brew basket sticks and at times the latch that holds the basket in will at times be gummed up. Then when you start to brew your coffee thinking that the latch is closed, its not - its gummed up. Not a problem until the heat and moisture from the brewing coffee loosen the gunk up and your basket shoots out and the coffee brews all over your counter. As many times as hubby and I try to clean this its become too much of a pain, this coffee pot is out of here... and on its way to the curb. I actually am contemplating sending it back to cuisinart in pieces!!!!!!Poor design. Did I mention the coffee itself does not seem to have the same flavor as the other machine. I think this one brews at a higher temp making the coffee bitter.My advise as a seasoned coffee maker/drinker. PASS save your money and your headaches",neg "I am not a fan of the pause and pour feature. IT is a button and if the pot is not directly under button the coffe over flows. On two occasions the machine stopped dripping coffee in the pot, casing grounds to overflow the filter. I can only assume the pot was not perfectly placed. I searched for a red coffee maker at a resonable price but could find none without this type of pause and pour. I may have to remove button for 100% satisfaction. But I love the red accents in my kitchen",neg "I have been using a Brita pitcher for years but with the last two boxes of filters, a green slime grew in the pitcher after less than a month of use. I've heard the Brita faucet filter attachments are worse. I'm looking for another product.",neg i have wanted a crockpot for a long time and this one was one of the cheaper ones i saw.i've read reviews about rival before but decided to go ahead and try it out.i really wish i would have kept my receipt and box!.the lid doesn't even fit and moves around most of the time making a bunch of noise and letting all the steam escape so all your liquid ends up being gone.the food is well done before the slow time is up. my chicken turns out SO dry and overcooked.,neg "Wish I had seen the reviews before purchasing this insane appliance. Nothing slow about it-- burns everything, even on the Keep Warm setting. Best you can get out of it is 4 hours before you absolutely have to return home and shut it off. If not, your evening meal is small burnt pieces of food welded to the bottom of the pot. I swear, this thing is possessed! My old Rival Crock Pot was the best appliance I ever purchased, this one is the WORST!",neg "I wish I had. This one goes to the Goodwill. Grill plates are fixed and a chore to clean. Grill leaves uncooked areas if height is irregular, like a chicken breast. Hamburgers work best. Watch out for burns",neg "I bought this iron based on the recommendations here and was terribly dissapointed. First of all, the iron is very big and heavy. That's not really a problem by itself, but when the iron leaves wrinkles on a shirt as much as it did, it becomes a big problem. The controls were hard to deal with. Turning the iron on and to the setting desired involved getting under the holder. I can see someone burning their hand on a hot iron by accidentally reaching underneath to get a grip in order to work the controls on a hot iron.The water receiver only accepts water when the iron is laying flat. Well, that's fine if the iron isn't hot, but what if you decide you need water while ironing? The steam controls either don't work on the unit I have, or they don't work similar to any other iron I've used.This iron is far worse than the Sunbeam I'm trying to replace due to inherent problems and leaks",neg "Maybe I just have stains that are too much for it, but this cleaner didn't seem to do very much, certainly not enough to warrant paying the extra for it versus normal cleaners. And I'm not using it on very old Le Creuset either, everything I have is less than a year old. Maybe it does better on older stains!",neg The size is nice for 2 people. Cleaning is easy. Seems to be a defect in that the unit has to sit just right on the base or it will not go on and off by itself. You have to juggle it to be sure it is seated just right to get it to come back on after the oil is heated up and then you have to be real careful that it stays seated just right.,neg These knives are terrible! The eversharp edge is finely serrated and tears the steak leaving pieces of meat hanging on the edges. It rips the food instead of cutting it. I thought the Henckels name would be better than this. Don't waste your money,neg "As mentioned in a lot of other reviews, my water tank leaks like a sieve. the unit is completely unusable. When you see how poorly constructed the water tank is, you realize Hoover has built a clearly defective product. Save yourself trouble, buy another brand of cleaner. I will never buy a Hoover product again",neg "Is this some sort of sick joke? Are you purposfully trying to be politically incorrect or WHAT!? Making fun of sombody's disability like that is not funny and can produce long term mental anguish. If you're not careful, I'm going to take you to court",neg My wife and I ordered 2 sets of the corelle ware. We even got a $10 discount automatically. The order came quicker than expected and everything was in excellent shape. We like this type of diningware better than china ware. It is virtually indestructible. I lkie Amazon's free shipping. I've purchased many things through Amazon and haven't been disappointed,neg "This grinder has a small capacity [not as advertised]. If you follow directions, it will only grind enough for 4 cups at a time. Also, for some reason it generates a static charge and there is coffee dust all over the counter after emptying it. The cord is stiff and the cord storage is inconvienient. Finally, it is much more noisy than my old one",neg "After reading the reviews here saying that the chemical smell mentioned by others was not a problem for them, I went ahead and ordered this rice cooker. After I received the cooker, I was a little disappointed to find that it was made in china, rather than japan, and that there were some very noticeable imperfections in the fit and finish.I made sure to remove the shipping paper under the pot, and wash the pot and lid thoroughly, but upon trying it out I was disappointed to find that my cooker did in fact emit an acrid chemical smell that filled my apartment. It was the kind of smell that you more feel in your nose than actually smell. The smell also flavored the rice, which was most noticeable after letting it cool and airing out the apartment. Aside from this problem, though, the rice, which was standard japanese style white short grain, came out perfectly.I returned this cooker and ordered the Panasonic SR-NA18, which should arrive tomorrow. I have compared a few rice cookers at my local asian store, and this Panasonic model seems better built than the newer (I believe) Panasonic SR-LA18, plus I believe it is made in Japan (I'll have to check when mine arrives). I also highly recommend the Zojirushi 10-cup Neuro Fuzzy model (NS-JCC18/NS-ZCC18). My parents have had one for several years and it works perfectly",neg "I loved this when I purchased it, then I noticed it did not do a perfect job, then it would take a while to get going, then it smoked and died. Not worth it",neg Took the blender out of the box. Cleaned the jar and lid and started trying to use. It ran for a few seconds and then I started smelling something burning and the blender quit. I attempted to contact customer support and couldn't get through. The telephone message suggested I leave a message and they would call back. I attempted to leave a message but it said the mailbox was full. Not a good sign,neg "We have had this garlic press for a number of years, but now its handles have turned so gummy from repeated dishwashing that they turn the kitchen counter black just by laying it down. Plan on buying a new one every couple of years",neg "It is a strong knife; and easy to grip; but, I am upset about the rust spots on the blade, especially because I gave 2 people this knife as a gift! It was very embarrassing! I can't return it since it was a long distance gift.Shame on Oxo! I gave it 2 stars because of the good grip; but, that is all it is....a good grip that looks like you bought it at Good Will",neg "I'm sure this is a fine pizza wheel. Unfortunately, I've not yet been able to use it, as the @#$!*$ sticker that came attached to the blade is vitually impossible to remove. Geez.",neg After many years of loving Rowenta irons I have to say I am very disappointed the DX1700. It has already died on me. The first few months it worked very well. The steam power that most Rowenta's have is great. But I am very disappointed that it will no longer heat up.,neg "The name Revere ware used to mean exceptional quality, now it means Just more Chinese crap.The bottom is so thin it can't have the logo stamped properly.The redesigned handle has an impossible to wash void in it. In all fairness it is better than most imported junk",neg I handwashed this one time and it filled up with water. I didn't expect to be able to wash it in the dishwasher but I also didn't expect it to fill 45% up with water the first time I washed it by hand. The water has since evaporated but I haven't tried to use the thermometer since and I won't use it without using a second one to calibrate this one to see if it is anywhere close to accurate. Not exactly what I was looking for,neg "This is warm, beautiful, soft and a fabulous bargain! I highly recommend it... and buy the matching sheets! They're a wonderful combination",neg "Only had this coffee maker ( second replacement) one year and it leaked from all over my counter. I asked for a replacement, crazy huh, and was told NO my time had run out. Well I am off on a hunt for a good coffee maker. THIS WAS NOT IT !! Do not waste your money",neg Amazon couldnt send me the correct cutting board and they tried 4 times and now they want me to review this item that they never sent m,neg "These towels are soft and fluffy, but the towels are not absorbent. Just as other reviewers have stated, the towels don't absorb water, rather the water rests on the surface of the towels",neg "I bought it because of the rotisserie function, which I use a lot. This model has no variable temperature control on that function. There are some things I cook at a lower temperature for a longer time to get the proper doneness. I don't know why when they wired the machine they didn't route that function through the temperature control.",neg I'm not sure who decided to put the word non-stick in the title of this griddle. It took me two days to scrape off the egg omelet that I tried to cook on it the first time. They should change the title of this item to Calphalon One Stick 10-Inch International Griddle. Do not buy unless you enjoy hand cleaning and scraping pots and pans,neg "This thermometer never worked correctly. For oven temps. over 350 the probe is worthless, it reads the oven temp., not the temp. of the meat.Save your money and buy and old fashoined one",neg "This thermometer worked flawlessly for the first 3 months, then the probe broke. Don't ask me how it broke because I cannot see inside the metal do-hicky. A replacement probe is $10-15 provided you can find one.It seems all these units have problems with the probes. Well, enough for me. I'll go back to my traditional thermometer",neg "First, when you use the temperature probe, the meat temperature shows on the display. Also, it is very easy to set the temperature alarm. However, there is a small switch that must be turned on to activate the alarm. Good for one burned roast. Granted, a mistake you will only make once.Second, when the timer gets to zero, the alarm sounds, and the timer switches to an elapsed timer. A very nice feature. However, there is no way to shut off the alarm without stopping the timer. It will eventually shut off after one ear-splitting minute.Otherwise, it works",neg "I was very unhappy with this product. I ordered several cannisters and 3 out of 5 cracked after the first use!!! I did everything that they recommended and they all cracked in the same manner. The people at Foodsaver were very happy to replace them because they are under warranty but I am surprised to see how fragile this product is. FYI, they will not warranty the products sold on E-Bay. I should have listened to the reviews and not taken a chance on this product.",neg I got one with my foodsaver. I like the foodsaver but their canisters crack after a couple of uses. Also the manufacture is not handy friendly. I was injured and can't speak. When I tried to get help by email they told me I needed to get friend or family member to call them if I wanted help. That just wrong. I guess they haven't heard about the equal access laws,neg "It says this is a 2 burner grill pan but that is so wrong. It does not cover 2 burners it sits in the middle of each burner causing the handles to be right ove both burners. Very dissapointing, I love the le creuset normally and was really looking forward to having a grill pan made by them. Unfortuanatelly due to the shape it will not work for just one burner either. Hopefully they will come out with an updated one, until then my search for a good 2 burner grill pan continues",neg Made good waffles when I got it but now it burns them to a crisp.There is no adjustment on it to compensate for the ageing of the internal components.,neg "These tools, although fun looking, are poorly balanced and fall over if they don't have enough room to rest on the counter. The handles are a little awkward in size and the bowls of the spoons slightly too deep. I like their look, but I don't like the design of them",neg "I wish I had. This one goes to the Goodwill. Grill plates are fixed and a chore to clean. Grill leaves uncooked areas if height is irregular, like a chicken breast. Hamburgers work best. Watch out for burns",neg "This was supposed to be the toaster to end all toasters.We had it for about 2.5 years, and now the toast brown on only one side. The outer heating elements still work. The inner elements work at about 1/3 capacity of the outer ones. We now turn our toast around after a couple minutes to cook the other side. Until we find the next toaster to end all toasters. This one was not it!",neg This is not a very good hot tea brewer. The tea doesn't steep hardly at all and there is no difference between the strength settings. The water is also not heated to boiling. It is really just a glorified coffee maker. You would be better off purchasing a more traditional teapot for far less money,neg "Worked like a charm until I put it through the dishwasher, and now it always exudes a fine black residue. Maybe some kind of rust? Can't use it anymore unless I want black grime on my ice cream. I have emailed the manufacturer to ask what's going on; haven't heard back yet",neg I bought a set recently and unfortunatley it is made in china. We have some older ones and they are much differen,neg I recently ordered a Pedrini Black & Satin Stainless steel Tomato Slicer through Amazon.com. The delivery was very prompt.The slicer came with a clear plastic cover for the blades. But the problem is that the tomato slicer is very dull. The tomatoes are literally torn up by the time they are completely sliced. I would not order another one by Pedrini. I am not pleased at all with my purchase,neg This is a complete waste of time. This thing takes a lot longer than a traditional knife. The tomato juice goes everywhere and its flimsy. You actually have to saw and the blades bend like crazy. Dont waste your time or money,neg "The blade broke after 14 months of use. And to take advantage of the warranty, I learned that I was required to send THEM a check for $4.00 for processing costs, not to mention the cost that I would incurr to ship it to them. It was an adequate grinder at best, so I'm definitely not going to bother returning it (I assume that this is Cuisinart's reason for having such a lame warranty in the first place). I wonder if the rest of their product line is like this. Until now, I thought Cuisinart was a name you could trust. I'm very disappointed",neg "I bought this vac to help clean up behind my 19 month old daughter and my 2 pets. I used it once without a problem, seemed to work reasonably well for a hand vac. The 2nd time I used it I was cleaning up kitty litter tracked from the litter box. The 1st pass went fine but then as i was getting ready to make a 2nd pass to finish the job it started whining and it stopped working. I turned the machine off, checked for any clogs or hair of any kind that may be causing the interference but i found nothing. I manually moved the brush around a couple of times without a problem, so i turned it back on. It was still not working and then within 2 seconds it started to smell like something was burning. I turned it off and it was smoking pretty heavily, which lasted for at least 2-3 minutes before cooling off. Don't waste your $$ on this and more importantly don't risk your safety with this fire trap",neg "Who had the bright idea with putting the spout so low that this thing will boil thru so easily? since it doesn't make any noise that it is boiling, you know when the water start to burst thru the spout area and it is not a good thing. And what is up with the leaky spout in the weld area anyways? Welding is a skill that if done right, it would NOT leak! The handle will get hot so wear your glove. On the plus side, the stainless steel looks very nice which is why i bought it in the first place. I use to have a cheap tea pot that cost half the price of this one and it was more reliable (lasted 2 years) so that just goes to show that just because it cost more, it don't mean it would last longer. Mine start to leak after 4 months. I am going to buy that cheap one again if they still makes it.Overall, i cannot recommend this tea pot due to the spout flaw.",neg This kettle has so many design flaws I don't know where to start. It doesn't whistle when it boils so if you leave the room you could have serious overflow before you get back. The spout is at such a steep angle that it often pours beyond the cup. The shape (especially the angle) of the handle means that it gets very hot -- I can't hold it without a pot holder -- and your hand gets scalded by the steam when you pour the water. Mine also already started rust on the outside.I purchased this kettle about six months ago and I'm going to have to now buy another one,neg "Look carefully at where the spout is mounted. If you fill above this line, with the lid on tight, when it boils, boiling water shoots out of the spout. And the lid fits so tight it is hard to remove without burning.I'm suprised to see this still being sold",neg "I received the Delonghi deep fryer on Friday evening and had it at the post office on Monday morning. I did everything EXCEPT stand on my head to get it to make potato chips...smaller batches, larger batches, shorter cooking times, longer cooking times. What I did get, consistantly, resembled more a potato cake which was soggy in the middle. I bought a Waring Pro at William Sonoma for $40 more and had beautiful potatos Monday evening. Bottom line...Delonghi may be a bit cheaper and a tad easier to clean, but I want good tasting food",neg "This board scratches really easily, and mine had dings in it when it arrived",neg "I returned three Incantos, all for the same reason. The steamer stopped working on all of them after 3-4 weeks. It sounded like the pump failed. I replaced it with the slightly more expensive, older Magic Comfort Plus, which has worked like a charm",neg "This machine is the only sub-$3000 machine I could find that would make a cappuccino with the push of one button. However, after an hour of trying, I could not get the machine to do anything other than display a message saying the grind was too fine. The DeLonghi service number blamed it on the plastic float in the water reservoir, the simplest and cheapest looking mechanism imaginable. I was having second thoughts about their quality control for a machine whose all-plastic construction did not inspire confidence to begin with, when the service person, after conferring with a colleague, decided there could be something more seriously wrong with the machine and that I should exchange it. Knowing that super automatics in general are not known for their reliability, I envisioned years of chronic problems with this machine. I opted for a refund from Amazon instead and am relieved I did",neg I bought one of your pans and I was so very careful with it only using plastic or wood utensils. The pan has got big bubbles in it and the nonstick finish is pealing off. I rate this very poor,neg "Please do your self a favor and do not buy this item. As a toaster oven it burns the bottoms of everything you heat in it. As a toaster to toast bread or bagels, well it still has yet to toast anything for us. You can run the toaster 6 times and it will never toast/brown. I was shocked that this item would be so bad being that Hamilton Beach is a good brand.Something is obviously wrong with the production of this product. Forget about purchasing this one. If there was a zero for the star option on this product I would have given it a zero",neg "Although I love the way it clips onto the oven rack, and it's VERY easy to read, it took about 15-20 minutes to register the temperature of the oven.",neg "Contrary to the description above, this is NOT a non-stick pan. I tried making eggs and pancakes on the pan. Everything stuck to the bottom. I used bacon grease on the pan before I made the eggs. They stuck. I used butter on the pan before I made the pancakes. They stuck.I could not get the pancakes off the bottom of the pan without destroying them.This might be a good pan for searing and the cleanup that comes with it, but it is definitely NOT a pan to make breakfast or any other meal that requires a non-stick pan.My 12-year-old T-Fal with a worn surface outperformed this pan making pancakes. I am definitely returning it",neg I ordered the orange and the red. The colors were much more drab in person. The cumin is actually burnt orange from the 70s,neg "Thought for years, I was missing something by not having a Cuisinart! What a laugh. In the few months I have had this unit, two pusher assemblies have cracked and broken. I did read the manual from cover to cover and watched the video prior to using. This is an obvious design defect. Guess I was lucky, in that first replacement was made without a hassle or having to return anything. Now they want the broken item returned, which is an inconvenience and a delay. I was without my replacement last time, at least six weeks. I plan to return this item and purchase a different brand",neg "I had a Russel Hobbs electric kettle, made in the UK, which worked well for 3 years. When it finally died, I ordered one of these, based on the glowing reviews. It arrived new from Amazon not working.LF Port Jefferson, N",neg "Maybe I just don't understand what this is supposed to do. KitchenAid attachments are usually wonderful enhancements to their basic appliances. But I haven't been able to create volume or foam in drinks with this attachment. Can't see that it does much more than a spoon, and certainly doesn't do as much as a plain wire whisk. It's not portable like those cheap, little drink mixers. When I'm at home, I have my immersion blender - a much better option for mixing liquids. Maybe this is good for something I haven't tried yet",neg "After 3 months of average use, this vaccuum stopped spinning the brushes. The canister is difficult to empty. I was very dissappointed because of the failure of this machine to last. I will never buy a hoover product again",neg I LOVE THE COLORS AND THE HEAT RESISTANCE BUT FOUND THE WOODEN HANDLE ON ONE SPATULA ROUGH AND SPLINTERY. ALSO THE SPATULA IS SHOWING NICKS ON THE EDGES OF THE SILICON....DON'T UNDERSTAND BECAUSE I DON'T USE IT ON ROUGH EDGED BOWLS OR PANS,neg "It picked up great but one month before the warranty expired the thing made terrible noises and didn't self-propel correctly. Sent it in for repair, took a month. They said nothing was wrong and sent it back, but now it works. I wouldn't buy another one. For $300 it should last more than a year before repairs are needed.Spend your money on something built better.http://www.candle-licious.comSu",neg Bought the vacuum on oct 1 2005. Brought it back to the store on Oct 7th. The belt broke! Thought it was a fluke. Tried one more...Brought it back after 10 days. A piece went flying after using the hose. the suction on the hose then did not work! Overall the cleaning was great.... while it worked.,neg "I bought this vacuum new and used it three times. For those three times, it worked like a dream. Never had the carpet been so clean. It even looked like a professional carpet cleaner had just visited.On the fourth use, the brush abruptly stopped rolling and the motor started smoking. It cost me over $100 to repair. Beware buying this vacuum; repair shop owners will laugh when you bring it in because they see so many of them with broken belts and motors. Ignore what consumer reports says on this one and most definitley do not throw your money away on this piece of junk",neg "First of all I'm a Dyson fanatic....I have a total of three (one on each floor). When we bought our cabin I couldn't stand to give one up and felt too cheap to buy another one (they are pricey) for carpet I'm on five or six times a year so I bought this. At first I was thrilled. It was wonderful. After using it a few times however it has completely lost suction. Keep in mind this is being used in a second home with no kids, pets or real dirt. I would doubt that it's on except that it's noisy and takes off without me. I have bought new filters and looked for blockages but nothing has worked. Also the dirt container is sometimes hard to remove and put back. Feels like it's catching on something. What a waste of money. Even in my college days I've never had a worse vacuum. I highly recommend the Dyson instead or even the $50 Dirt Devil I gave my niece as a wedding present- it cleans circles around this thing. To me Hoover spells DISAPPOINMENT",neg "This is the WORST vacumm cleaner I have ever had! It has continually broken down since I bought it and is now again dead. It's only 1 1/2 years old! While under warranty (the first year), I went through 5 belts, a roller brush, and the motor burned out. It is no longer under warranty, and of course, it broke down again. It smokes like it's on fire, and I believe that it's the roller brush *again*. Now mind you, my house is only 1600 sq ft, and half of that space is wood flooring, so I don't have an excessive amount of carpet. Nor do I vacuum excessively. Maybe once a week. I complained to Hoover and they basically told me too bad. And it's not like it's an inexpensive vacuum at $289!I will never again buy a Hoover product",neg "This one is doesn't work when it gets hot or wet (and where do you use YOUR thermometer?).Also, it is very easy to leave it on draining the batteries. Replacement batteries cost nearly as much as the thermometer itself.I have another Taylor (unfortunately, there is no model number on it). It is auto off and saves the MAX and MIN temperatures. The MAX is helpful when I want to check I steak on my HOT! grill. I can hold the thermometer with a pair of thongs without burning my hands.This one is just plain useless",neg "Mine worked reasonably well for about 7 months; then stopped switching itself off and eventually overheated the plastic bulkhead which holds the coil, giving off a strong (presumably toxic) odour of melted plastic, also affecting the taste of the water. Amazon does not sell this item in Britain, where it would never get through the safety tests required by consumer legislation, but apparently they are quite happy to put American lives in danger",neg "I bought this item in October 2005, by January it had developed a crack across the bottom and up the side of the pitcher. I contacted both Amazon and Emile Henry about it. Amazon will only give a partial refund and Emile Henry told me to go through the merchant and DID NOT offer that supposed warranty on their shoddy product. Don't buy this piece of junk",neg "I got them free with purchase of Wamsutta sheets. These blankets are of really cheap quality. Thin, mesh-like texture. Threads get loose at the ends. Leaving traces of fabric everywhere. I got rid of it cause I am afraid the loose ends and fabric may be swallowed by babies",neg "The tea kettle is inexpensive, but I'd spend more to get a tea kettle that whistles and also has a top that flips open from the handle instead of one where you have to manually pop it off. In addition, the handle gets hot, and you need an oven mitt to hold it",neg "Like many large wood surfaces, a peel is made from several strips of wood laminated together. However, this peel developed a split after just one use. The instructions indicate maintenance is achieved by wiping with mineral oil, so perhaps you should do this before using the first time. I imagine there are heavier peels available which may be worth checking out.I was rather dissapointed.",neg "This mixer has many speed settings, but they all pretty much go the same speed. The low setting is so fast that if you are mixing much liquid it spashes all over. I would not recommend this mixer, spend a few more dollars and get a better one!!",neg The glass is quite fragile. I had two break,neg "The Breville chiller works so so based on the 6 minute claim the company states. To get it cold like in your refrigerator it took more like 14-15 minutes--still faster than a fridge though. Also, the description is sort of deceptive since it says new freezer gel packs, no messy ice. I thought you just use these freezer packs and thats it--note you still need access to a freezer to freeze the gel packs before using. Also, you still need to add water and the freezer packs don't really last that long. If you want to chill more than 1 bottle, I ended having to use good old ice cubes since the freezer packs were spent. Its a bit messy trying to chill anything other than wine bottles since a typical drink can/bottle will be submerged under the water bath and the only way to retrieve it is to dunk your hand in the cold water. Also, if you are chilling allot of beverages, there is no way to pour out the excess water as the ice melts--they should put a drain spout at the bottom--I had to unplug the unit and dump the excess water over the sink. It does work being faster than your fridge or freezer, but the companies performance claims are a bit exaggerated",neg "I tried to chill my white wine in seven minutes and it was still warm. They say chill, but what does that really mean? They should say what temperature it chills to in 7 minutes. I guess that is why they have a 15 minute timer. Also the description does not state that you have to add water so it is just as messy as an ice bucket and as much work.",neg The description does not tell you that you still have to add water to unit in addition to the gel packs. I chilled my chardonnay for seven minutes and it was still warm. I had to chill it for 20 minutes to get it cold enough to drink. Gel packs don't allow you to chill several bottles without having to refreeze them or add ice to the machine.,neg "It's great, if it works!!! After keep exchanging it over and over, I gave up the 5th time. First time, spray didn't work, second time, power steam button didn't release the steam, third time, it was too strong fabric got stock underneath the iron and I couldn't clean the iron, fourth time, steam problem again, fifth time, steam problem again. Poorly tested product. I would've been really happy to keep it, if it was working properly. It actually had all the features I was looking for. Too bad for Rowenta for not testing their products properly.",neg "Cast iron is the only way to go when you are cooking on anything over 30,000 BTUs. Lodge has a lock on this market. Trouble with this wok is the sides are not high enough. As soon as you start mixing, your food goes sliding up and over the side. Also, for the extreme weight, the handle should be wider; distributing the weight a little more broadly for the weak hand hold. I gave mine away after three months. I wish they would change the design; I'd buy three",neg "I bought this thing due to my inablity to handle heat effectively anymore like I used to. The unit was not deffective or anything like that, but it also only works under very specific conditions and that window is small. While it is stated in the manual that it's not an A/C unit or super powerful and that it works off of evaporation. I found it to be nothing more than an inconvienance than effective. The fan at the back of the unit doesn't have enough power to move the lightest of feathers let alone allow one to feel anything. While the manual claims that the fan is for cooling the back of your neck I find it is more functional to the evaporation chambers. Overall, the unit just keeps your neck wet and doesn't really cool anything. I found that the unit did work a little more noticably if it was not that hot out and you stood still. Anything over 85 degrees and it fails.Don't waste your money on this thing until someone comes out with a better system",neg "I should have listened to the other reviewers, which I usually do. I followed the directions to the letter. Put it on in 95+ degree weather and never felt cool at all. In fact, after several minutes I actually felt hotter and was sweating as much as without this thing on. Even if it had worked, it was very uncomfortable. I am suprised that Sharper Image sells such a bad product",neg Very disappointed- Feels cumbersome around the neck and blows very little ai,neg first 5 minutes: feels like having a cold towel on your neckafter 5 minutes: feels like you are wearing a warm/hot wet block on your neck,neg I live in New York City where the temperatures and humidity are high. All this does is make your neck feel cold. I was still sweating after an hour! Try it if you want. The Sharper Image has a money back guarantee for 60 days. I dont know about Amazon,neg "After one wash cycle, these sheets split at the seams. Otherwise soft and comfortable",neg "I cannot recommend purchase of the refurbished Roomba Discovery 4210. While I think the product did a good job on BARE floors (not carpet), now after only 4 months of light use (we only used in the kitchen/den area of our home), the unit is trashed. The refurb warranty is only 90 days and that's apparently all the machine is good for. I purchased a new APS fast charger in an attempt to rule that problem out, but it did nothing. This seems to be typical of this vacuum since the Roomba rep I talked to told me that if the charger failed the Roomba was probably trashed. She was right. If you want to try this machine stick with the new one, at least you'll get a one year warranty. But I recommend staying away altogether",neg "Roomba was given as a gift to me. Not only is it noisy, but it took 2 hours to do my small house with 3 rooms closed off to it (about 1000 sq ft). It takes me 15 minutes to swiffer the house. It missed a LOT of areas. Yuck",neg "Works well and looks great but lifting is not fun. If you are a weight lifter always looking for a few more reps for your wrist elbow and shoulder get this kettle.This stainless WK600 one is listed at 6.4 lbs, and the white plastic WK200 is listed at 2.9 lbs. A big difference! The stainless one weighs empty close to what the plastic one weighs full. With a minimum fill of 1/2 liter The stainless weighs in at 7.4 lbs. and the plastic at 4.0 lbs.I'm returning my stainless WK600 unit and ordering the WK200 plastic one.",neg "I've had this kettle for less than 2 years. After reading good reviews, I decided to purchase this kettle because I wanted something that would last with daily use. I disliked it from the beginning. Why? 1) It's heavy. 2) When you open the lid to fill it with water (you shouldn't fill it just through the spout because then all the deposits are on the wrong side of the filter), water that has collected around the lid leaks out and runs down the outside of the kettle. 3) After less than 2 years of use, it is no longer working properly. It constantly switches off during heating. I've had better use from a cheap plastic kettle, and will be going back to using one of those",neg "What A JOKE!!! This whas a disappointing experience. The Garment Steamer never really worked. I wasted a valuable time in this deal. I bought one at target first missing parts then I went back returned it and came back home to use it and again never worked. What a WASTE of my time! The second GARMENT STEAMER ONE and OFF button kept turning off about one minute never producing any steam. I tried to contact customer service to find out if I was using it right and customer sevice is no HELP AT ALL! MY ADVISE IS: PLEASE DON'T EVEN WASTE YOUR TIME WITH IT. Sincerely,&#60;br /&#62;<br />Jackeline De Ranier",neg "Although I ONLY hand washed these pots and pans, somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd year, the nonstick coating on the pans started lifting. I also do not use metal cooking utensils.All that being said, I still use these pots and pans (been almost 5 years now).Overall, I originally bought this set for ~$300 5 years ago. The pots are still in excellent condition. If I was looking for pots and pans, I would consider purchasing another set at $150.I do cook a lot (used for business) so my 5 years with these pans may equate to 7-10 years of normal use",neg "I purchesed this product not too long ago and whoever disigned it should take a look at the silverware basket. They sould come up with a better way to drain the silverware because the silverware basket hangs over the counter in every position I tried. Needless to say, I took it back because the basket would have drained my silverware all over my counter and not in the drain board. I think its a nice dish rack but the basket has to be redisigned to drain in the drain board and not over the counter. Looks are very decieving, in the picture it looks like the basket is over the drain board but its not. I hope this helps others before they decide to buy this product",neg "I ordered 2 sets of four in case there was any breakage...and guess what...1 ramekin was broken leaving me with 7 dishes. To top it off, a few days later, I found a comparable set, slightly larger, at Big Lots, for only $7 for four. Of course this is always the risk we take through mail order...often it is not worth the time or trouble to get refunds or replacements",neg We had to return this item for a refund. It arrived and never worked.,neg "The first time I used this yogurt starter and it did not thicken I thought that it was my technique. After reading and making several sucessful batches using store bought yogurt for the starter, I tried another batch using the Rolmex starter purchased at the same time as the original failed starter. The results were the same: no thickening, just liquid.Others seem to have had good results so it is possible that the culture I received was not properly stored at some point before I received it or that it was just a bum lot",neg I get this thing and they forget to tell you about the big bulky power cord its impossible to feed the fish and a number of other problems,neg "I purchased the Melitta Mill in April, it's now July and the thing is shot. We used it daily to grind 2 tablespoons of coffee, first the switches stuck and then we had to plug and unplug it to run the thing. Sure it was inexpensive, but you should get more than three months out of the purchase. $6+ a month just to grind coffee? Don't buy this poorly constructed product.",neg "I received this grinder because I had purchased a defective Melitta Grind & Brew coffee maker through Amazon. The coffee maker had electrical problems and I sent it back to the manufacturer as the manual instructed. To make a very long story short---Melitta was not able to replace the coffee maker. They stopped making them. Amazon had my money and I waited over 4 frustrating months for a coffee maker. Amazon would not help me and after many, many phone calls Melitta sent me another coffee maker and the coffee mill to compensate for the Brew and Grind. Grinder malfunctioned periodically and finally died with in 9 months. WARNING--DON'T BUY MELITTA PRODUCTS AND RETURNS FOR DEFECTIVE MERCHANDISE SHOULD BE RETURNED TO AMAZON.",neg "I, too, am SO disappointed with this product. When our DeLonghi toaster oven died after 15 years, my husband and I went shopping for a new one. Numerous reviewers and salespeople informed us that DeLonghi toaster ovens just weren't as good as they used to be, so we decided to try the KitchenAid oven. It appeared to be solidly built and was a brand we'd always been satisfied with. The oven, which was bought from a major retailer, looked fine, but the timer and bell were out of synch. Even worse, while the top coils heated up nicely, the bottom ones heated very unevenly. KitchenAid Customer Service was friendly and helpful and offered to send a replacement oven along with a mailing label so we could return the defective oven to them at no expense. Less than a week later the new oven arrived. It looked perfect. But again, it didn't work. This time the top coils glowed brightly while the bottom ones barely heated up. After preheating the oven for 5 minutes and positioning bread for toasting exactly as instructed in the owner's manual, we found that the oven produced a piece of toast that was beautifully and evenly golden on top and absolutely white on the bottom. Now we'll have to return this oven as well, and we've pretty much given up on getting a KitchenAid one at all",neg "The product is labeled as a seed grinder, so you would expect it to be able to grind seeds, but it failed miserably. I tried grinding flax seeds (about the size of sesame seeds) but about half of the flax seeds made it through the grinder intact. I even tried running the ground seeds through a second and third time but still wound up with a large portion of whole or almost intact seeds. That was with the grinder on the fine setting. It seems to be a combination of poor design and cheap parts. The grinding wheels are made of plastic which is not the best material for friction and the design allows a lot of the seeds to drop off the wheel into the chute without having actually been ground by the wheels. If you're wanting to grind a very small amount of seeds, try a manual grinder. If you're wanting to grind a medium to large amount of seeds, spend more money and get a proper flour mill",neg "The decription says it is a 9x5 loaf loaf dish. I was thrilled. I have been looking all over to find one that size in glass. I was so mad and disappointed when I opened the box and it was 8.5 x 4.5. That wasn't what I ordered. And yes when baking bread there is a difference. I am still waiting on my postage-paid return label so I can ship this back. This would have been a great deal, except I already have the 8.5 x 4.5 pans. They need to change the dimensions in the description. Buyer beware!",neg "We bought this to replace our 25 year old can opener after the blade on it snapped. We looked around and quickly discovered that finding an inexpensive opener was easy but a quality opener was going to be a difficult task.Out of shear frustration we ended up selecting this Black & Decker. At first it seemed ok, but after just a few months we are back to using our old manual - hand wind opener. The reason is that the top lever is too cheaply made and it flexes. Over time (not much time!) it gets too loose to hold a can anymore. We lock it in place, it spins an inch or two and the can drops onto the counter. Repeat this scene over and over...! At the end, the lid is never (REPEAT - NEVER!) separated from the can - ever!It's back to the hand held and a search of a decent electric continues",neg "No I don't think it's the problem with my washer and dryer, they are new units. Now only with great difficulty can I put them on my queen bed. and they claim they have deep pockets! I do believe it is a quality problem",neg I was so happy when I received this sheet set. It looks beautiful (that's the reason why I am still giving 1 star). But after a couple of nights of use the fitted sheet became ruff. THEY PILE!!!! If you are looking for comfort - as anybody who buys a 1000TC sheet set is - don't bather with these. Spend your hard earned money someplace else,neg "I'm normally a fan of OXO products and own many of their gadgets. These measuring cups are the first problem product I've had from OXO...both the 2 cup and 4 cup sizes cracked on the bottom of the cup, right at the plastic injection point (that little circle with the tiny bump in the center of it), and they both now leak at the crack. These cracks developed very soon after I bought them, and I only ever washed them in on the top rack of the dishwasher. Because of the design of the cups, it's kinda annoying to wash them by hand - and they're not great for measuring dry ingredients for the same reason. So mine have gone into the garbage can, replaced by the KitchenAid cups of similar appearance (although without the handy interior measuring marks). My advice, keep your receipt if you buy these. Or skip them and get the KitchenAid, which have a non-slip rubber ring on the bottom, another nice feature. And they won't crack in the dishwasher",neg "I have bought flannel sheets from Amazon before but they were from Martex and they were greate. But, these are just bad. They are too thin to start with, left lint all over the bed and even after washing they have left fuzzies all over the sheets, I cannot even explain how bad it is. I should have waited for another Martex deal",neg Product not even worth a penny. Impossible to use after the first wash..Wont recommend to anyon,neg "I bought two sets to take advantage of the free shipping, despite the low reviews. (I plan to buy good sheets once they go on clearance at the end of the season...) When I took one set out of the package there was already a hole in it. Amazon replaced them, but when I washed them they feel like they are going to fall apart. The filled up the lint collector. I have red and green lint everywhere, even after washing them. You get what you pay for",neg "Very, very, disappointed and irritated. HUMBUG, I ordered this rice cooker and I just received it today. I really wish, I had read some of the reviews above. The description on this site clearly states that the rice cooker stays warm for 5 hours! The manual clearly states it does NOT. I bought it because of the keep warm for 5 hours promise. I can get a CHEAP, basic cook and shut off at Wal-Mart for $12 here in Georgia. I'll be sending it back tomorrow, and I'm very upset that I have to take the time to do it, HUMBUG!~ I like Amazon .com, but I'm really mad about this. No Christmas rice for me",neg "I have depended on my French White - the old style - for many years. I went to buy a few new pieces for myself, but discovered that Corning has changed the design. French White is now nothing more than cheap-cheesy-heavy-porous-breakable stoneware. I saw many chips and even a crack in the display models. STUPID Corning! They seem to have forgotten that Corningware was designed to be the smart alternative to that cheap-cheesy-heavy-porous-breakable stoneware! PLEASE SAVE YOUR $$$",neg "I have tried to like this pot - in theory it sounds great, but in actual usage, it is very problematic. The non-locking handles are the chief drawback - you need to awkwardly hold them closed with pot holders while draining - and the acute angle needed to remove all the water inevitably means leaking hot water on to the holders and hence on you. Back to the tried and true colander in the sink for me",neg "Although I ordered the juicer in the color black, I received the product in white. If not for the color I would have purchased it locally. After approximately 6 months of satisfactory occasional use the juicer is no longer functional. Some of the teeth on the gear that is connected to the press lever have broken off. I had expected a product this simple would have lasted for years. I am obviously totally disappointed",neg I thought I was getting a good deal with this deep fat fryer but the quality was really poor. I used the fryer only once because the lid did not seal properly and I ended up with oil & water from condensation dripping down the side. I returned the product and received a full refund. The safety plug was hard to use and the basket size is too small for more than two people,neg "it simply doesn't do the job. only bruises the herbs. i normally love oxo products, but this one is a disappointment",neg "I loved this when I purchased it, then I noticed it did not do a perfect job, then it would take a while to get going, then it smoked and died. Not worth it",neg "I purchased a few of these for myself and friends. From the day I got my spoon spatula it was my favorite kitchen tool, especially since I could use it when making sauces or frying onions and veggies. One day when making a non-meat tomato sauce the handle simply broke off leaving the handle in my hand and the spatula in the pot. I wrote to OXO about this twice in the last 2 months with no reply and this is most frustrating to me. Anyway, I am now using a KitchenAid product which feels much more sturdy and KitchenAid responds to e-mails IMMEDIATELY",neg "The very first cut I made on this cutting board left a huge gouge in the surface. Subsequent cuts also left deep marks. For something that's advertised as being harder than maple, I found this to be very surprising. Maybe it's the way it's put together? All I know is that this cutting board is on pace to be the shortest lived ever in my kitchen. Pretty much the only thing that I like about it is that bamboo is a renewable resource. Good thing because at the current rate, I anticipate needing a new one very soon",neg I have the large one tried to use it on coffee.... can't get it to work. Love the rest of the products,neg "I decided to buy this Riedel Sommeliers Bordeaux Grand Cru and Burgundy glasses from Amazon due to the the price and the name. When they arrived both were damaged. I returned them and wait for the replacements. When I got it, SURPRISE SURPRISE, they were all damaged again and Amazon said that they won't replace them anymore and I needed to return them again for the refund!!! The worst experience in online shopping ever!!!Tips: Buy these beautiful Riedel Glasses somewhere else. Trust me!!",neg ... I returned it without even using it because it did not feel like a quaility item. I would not recomend this product if you have any taste,neg "Like most reviewers, I found these glasses to be elegantly modern and sleekly minimalist. Like a number of other reviewers, I found that one of my glasses leaked. Unlike one other reviewer, I was unable to eliminate the water between the glass' walls in the microwave, and when I tried to do so the glass became very hot because of the steam produced. To my mind, elegance of form can never compensate for a failure of functional design. 5 stars for form, 1 star for function: 2 stars total.Addendum: I liked the form of these glasses so much that I bought two more at my local coffee house, knowing that if either leaked I could easily return it. Neither did, and they're a pleasure to use. I recommend local, rather than web, purchase",neg "I got this pasta maker as a gift, and after the first use the knob used to set the thickness of the pasta broke off and so did a piece of the handle used to turn the rollers. All it would make after that is a flat piece of pasta with varying thickness. The company is going to charge me to send it to them and back, even if they decide to exchange the product, and all correspondences must be done by mail (no call-in number) so I'm not even hopeful for an exchange",neg "Bought the Machine, and got the correct flour. Made up the dough, and that was a success. Followed the instructions, used the vice to hold the machine to the table, then started off by cleaning the machine with a small piece of dough to get rid of machine oil.All that worked well.Then I started to make pasta. Making the sheets was fine, but as soon as I cut them into noodles it all went wrong. They started to stick together. My wife and I ended up having to work together, flouring the noodles as they came out of the machine to stop them sticking.But the pasta was delicious. I guess it just takes a bit of practice. In future I will leave the dough longer in the fridge to rest before rolling it, and have a mini-production line ready to catch and flour the cut noodles.The machine works great, I have no problems with it. It is cheap, it may fall apart, but for this price who really cares?I can't wait to try making my own pasta tricolore. And I want to try lasagne, ravioli and canneloni. That way we can freeze our own pasta for easy re-heating. Healthy TV dinners here we come",neg "We purchased this corkscrew as a gift for our daughter. On her first attempt to use it at a holiday dinner party, we found that it required an unreasonable amount of strenghth to uncork a bottle of wine.After contacting Amazon.com customer service, our entire $39.95 purchase price was refunded in the form of a gift certificate under their extended holiday gift return policy.Recently our daughter had an opportunity to use a corkpuller of a similar design. It removed a cork with far less effort.In summary, we offer a rating of 5 stars for our Amazon.com buying experience and a rating of 1 star for the Metrokane Rabbit corkpuller.",neg "Doesn't work. Not worth the postage to return. The foil cutter works, though...so if you want a really expensive foil cutter with a free paper weight, this is for you!",neg I have to admit that this is not as handy as I hoped. It is big and clumsy and it's a little too flexable,neg "After me first coffeemaker began leaking- and it was a realtively new proctor-silex 12 cup maker- I decided to try one of these cute single serve ones. Why, oh why did I purchase this brand?? First, it does take around 3-4 minutes to brew a single cup of coffee or tea. This seems like a longer time than most. And now, after 2 or 3 frustrating weeks, it's leaking just like the old one did. Not user error, as the water comes from underneath the coffeemaker. Also, the coffee is not coming out as hot either, which causes me to wonder if it's the heating element... Even though this one can use loose grounds or pods, it is not worth the frustration! Try a different brand. My sister-in-law has really enjoyed her Sensao!",neg "Absolutely horrible! The worst $20 I've every spent. This machine is an absolute waste of money. I have had this machine fore 2 weeks and still have not found a cup small to fit it, they are all either too wide or too tall. A total headache when your rushing out to work",neg "When something says 'white' I sort of expect to get something close to the colour white. I ordered three of these plates but they are closer to beige. They also have an odd matte finish that made them seem cheaply. However, they are large plates and at this price, probably good for entertaining if you need quite a few. The large ones would be good for holiday meals - those times when you really need extra serving pieces that you don't use the rest of the year",neg "The tumbler that I have is sold in various places as the '360-degree Dribble-Proof Tumbler', I am not sure if that is the same as the JMT401 but on paper the specs and features are the same. It is not a good design for car use. On the plus side I like the no-handle design and it has a small base which should fit most cupholders. On the down side you need 2 hands to twist the lid open or closed. Also the 'dribble-proof' design means that the mug has a very deep lip, and even when it is full you have to tip it far up and into your field of view to get the liquid flowing",neg "Looks great in my kitchen but I, too, only use it for shakes & smoothies. It DOES smell like burning rubber nearly every time. I used to think something was wrong with it and now I just disregard it. And after less than two years or making smoothies, I'm replacing the blade & gasket assembly.",neg "We have owned this blender for about 3 years. If I had to do it again I definitely would not buy this blender. First, it is very loud. The timer quit working and the band rivets around the jar are rusty. The only things I like about it are that it is easy to clean and the jar is nice and big. Other than that don't waste your time",neg "This is our fourth new blender in the last three years. My wife and I prepare one large smoothie everyday that has no ice, but lots of frozen berries, fresh fruit, etc. Nothing else goes in the blender. This blender looked nice and was so heavy it implied quality. It even worked great for a few months. Then one day the gear that delivers power from the base to the jar stripped right off. Now it is out of warranty. This is not simple to replace since the plastic/rubber piece separated from the steel shaft. We paid close to $100 for this thing so spending a couple of hours bringing it to someone who will charge $25-$50 to repair it seems like throwing good money after bad.This blender,like many others that I will not waste anymore time reviewing, is described as heavy duty, industrial or commercial grade. None-I repeat-none of the ones sold at your retail store are comparable to the better commercial models. Save yourself time and money and buy the real commercial models that will last you a lifetime. You can easily find quite a few brands and reviews on the internet. The ones used in restaurants, bars and other food service businesses are constructed to a higher standard and have replaceable parts that are readily available over the internet. Be prepared to pay $200-$500.For someone who only occasionally will use a blender to make margaritas this may be a very useful blender.",neg It leaked from the bottom seam the first time I used it. But I guess you get what you pay for.,neg "This was the single worst set I've ever used. If zero stars would be an option, that's what I would have chosen. The pot broke before we could even dunk a peice of bread into the cheese. While it was warming on the stand it came with, I heard a sickening crack, so I immediately (tried) to take it the pot off the stand. The ENTIRE bottom of the pot and split away from the side...and cheese oozed everywhere on my counter top.Everything about this set is cheap. The pot (which was complete junk), down to the fondue forks it came with. They where metal with plastic. A complete waste of money.For your wallet's sake, save your money on this piece of junk and save up for a high quality set.",neg This item was broken when it was received. It was not packed properly,neg "It's not made in Germany that's for sure, it's made in China (like everything nowdays) and I was really looking for German quality.",neg "OXO usually makes great things, this sifter does the job, but if you're making something large be prepared to be there awhile. It's very slow and after awhile your arm will start to tire. I would not recommend this sifter, just too slow for even making a small batch of cookies.",neg "I have never written an online review for a product before, but I am so annoyed by this dumb sifter that I just had to. I am not a speed baker of any sort, but I have four kids and do like to make birthday cakes, muffins, cookies, etc. My old sifter was so old it was getting flecks of rust into the flour, so I started looking for a new one. I chose this one after reading all the online reviews, and even though I saw that a few people found it slow, I was not prepared for how slow it really is! I just sifted 3+ cups of confectioner's sugar for cake frosting and it took over five minutes. As another reviewer said, in order to make it go faster I shook more vigorously and then had to keep changing hands because they got tired. (I have never ever been tired out from BAKING before, fer' pete's sake!!!) I'm not convinced that the people who designed this product have ever actually USED a sifter. I'm stuck with the thing now, I suppose, so I'll learn to just go slower. But it is literally about one tenth the speed of my old sifter - which was just your typical grocery store thing with a crank on one side. The one thing I really like is the caps for both ends - an innovation I'm surprised nobody else has come up with. But that doesn't redeem the product for me. In fact, if I can put my hands on another one of those old-fashioned ones (at a thrift store, maybe) I'll snap it up and put this new one in the Goodwill bin.",neg Amazon should discontinue sale of this item as replacement batteries are not readily available,neg After using this product twice I was extremly disapointed.The drip tray does not catch all the dripping from frying bacon.The grease ends up all over the counter and melting the base unit that the drip tray fits in. You would think Wolfgang Puck would try this product under all conditions to make sure it is enginered corectly. My counters are level so this is not an issue. I am a dissatisfied customer.,neg "I purchased this item from a well known home shopping TV show. After 4 months, it's no longer working. Also, it is advertised as being able to be put into the diswasher. I have an average size diswasher and it DOES NOT FIT!! I have contacted the manufacturer and will return it for repair or replacement!Note, when it worked it was great! I mainly purchased it for the reversable grill",neg "Item was not the one ordered, I returned it and the reolacement you sent was also incorrect. I returned this second item for credit. You had placed your sticker with bar code over the manufacture's bar code and your label was incorrect. I hope you correct your error before you send several custmers the wrong ite",neg I bake a LOT of cookies. I love my mixer but and concerned and disappointed in this piece of equipment. It peels and chips constantly and those pieces of plastic paint mysteriously disappear into ??????? How can they sell this type of faulty equipment,neg I bought this product thinking that it would be better than the cordless spotlifter that I had previously owned. The powerbrush just grinds in the spot and water flow required to loosen the stain must be hand pumped a little squirt or more accurately a dribble at a time. The prevoius cordless spotlifter pumped large amounts of water under pressure and made the clean up much easier.Also the suction is lousy compaired to the old cordless version. Once the spot is wet and loosened there is not sufficient suction to pick up the water.I'm sorry I bought this product. It does a very poor job,neg "There's hardly any suction. I applied a full tank of cleaner on the carpet (which requires a little effort one squirt at a time), but it only sucked up a few drops of it. customer service was helpful and had me return the product",neg "The slow cooker worked well the first time I used it. The second time, the light turned on, but it never heated up. I was disappointed, because the size was perfect for me. I'll try another brand",neg "I have had these for about 4 months (I own every size made), purchased to go with the other Kitchenaid pieces (in red). It is impossible to get these white again after using them to cut cheese, carrots or anything with any natural coloring in it. I have tried cleansers with bleach, sprays with bleach and, in desperation, straight bleach! Scrubbing doesn't work either. I finally got some wood cutting boards and wish I still had my so attractive other ones on the counter.",neg "I'm surprised you requested this review because I returned the item. Theywere just what I wanted, color and all, but when I tried to put the dinnerplates in the dishwasher they only fit if I placed them using two spaces.This reduced the dishwasher capacity. Next problem surfaced when the samedinner dishes didn't fit in my standard sized kitchen cabinet",neg I bought a Haier RTC1700SS oven from Amazon about a month ago. I am still waiting for a replacement from Haier because the trays & spit did not fit.I hope by this summer I will know what it's like to cook on a con- vection oven. I'll let you know if I ever get a chance to use the one I've already paid for,neg "I bought one and the plate that diffused the air was off center so it baked unevenly. I called and was told it was a defect and would do a warranty exchange. I was under the impression they would send it out but when I called, I was told I was supposed to send in $14.95 for shipping or I could give them a charge card and they would charge it again to ship out a new one and credit when I returned it. The new unit I received has had problems with the digital timer displaying the timer but rather than to have a short so rat her than do the return thing again I just used a manual timer. It baked a bit more evenly and was fast but still needed to rotate pans. I just recently had a power spike that took out all electronics plugged in, including the oven but I doubt I will reorder this product. Too unpredictible.",neg "Beautiful to look at, BUT, I agree with other reviewers that buttons are difficult to operate and don't even work sometimes, plus be prepared to change batteries every few months--ridiculous for something that uses TWO lithium batteries and is not in heavy, or even everyday use",neg "I have this scraper and after just a few uses, it fell apart at the connection in the center. Normally, I rave about KitchenAid, but this product was truly a disappointment",neg "I have several other silicone spatulas, and this Kitchenaid scraper is, by far, the worst I've used. Most silicone scrapers are soft and flexible, but this one is very stiff and rigid, so you cannot scrape containers out very well at all. Honestly, it doesn't even appear to be made of silicone. Cheap grocery store spatulas work much better than this one. Very disappointing",neg when this arrived I was very pleased with its quality-color-packaging -everything.Only problems is that after a short time using the plates I noticed scratch marks-dark ones in the center of the plates-I would guess from where people used their dinner knives to cut their food--very disappointing-as I was ready to buy the entire collection-glad i waited.,neg "I bought this because it had such good reviews... I got one and used it a few times perfectly without problems. until it blew up in the microwave. yep, BLEW up. Now Im sure i did everything as i was meant to.. so i really am being objective about this review..what can i say? this was my experience, ive decided to buy a more reliable egg cooker which does not involve the microwave..",neg "I found this product cumbersome, and the instructions for assembly, battery replacement, etc. were not very clear. The vacuum didn't hold a charge well, and it was hard to remove the batteries for replacement. I finally gave up altogether and bought a different product",neg "I bought this and some other pans in the set. Very disappointed. I have a glass cooktop, and when the pans heat up, they warp. Then return to their normal shape when they cool down. Guess I got what I paid for",neg "The battery is way below standard, extremely disappointing. It's cheaper to buy another machine than to replace it",neg "This product stands up to heavy use without fraying or melting. My only complaint, and it's a significant one, is the shape of the handle. I find it awkward and clunky. It's probably great for people with larger hands. I've decided to replace mine with cheaper ones.",neg "The handle is big, bulky and heavier than need be. It's like picking up a hammer",neg "I must begin by saying my kitchen is 100% KitchenAid in Empire Red. I adore their gadgets and utencils...and then I came across this egg slicer.A good egg slicer is hard to find, and to find one matching my set..needless to say I was excited. But the first time I tried it, the wires simply popped out. It takes very little pressure to slice a hardboiled egg, but this poor slicer couldn't take itI am very surprised, considering the high quality of the other products that I own. I am on a hunt for another red egg slicer",neg "I bought one of these because I think that the idea of a slicer is good. Supposed to work with soft cheese, eggs, mushrooms and other soft items.The first time I used it I decided to try it with mushrooms and on the third mushroom the cutting wires broke. I would have returned it but for the price didn't think it was worth the trouble. So I just tossed it. Maybe mine was defective but I doubt it",neg "BUYER BEWARE! I agree with the other reviews, these plates are BEAUTIFUL! Great size and shape. However, I used them for the first time last night at a dinner party and the bottoms of the plates and cups are so rough they scratched my solid oak, espresso stained table! Each place a cup or plate was set that wasn't on a placemat there were small scratches left behind. If you always use a table cloth or have a granite or stone table they would be fine, but I wouldn't ever put them on a quality wood table again. Fortunately Amazon makes returning easy",neg "We like the features and performance of this oven quite a bit. We bought it to replace a regular old toaster oven. The T-Fal toasts very evenly and I can fit a whole frozen pizza in it!The bad part is that after about 2 weeks of service, the controls work only very intermittently. This means that all functions behave at their default settings--no temperature or time adjustments. Luckily, the default setting for toast is just barely on the brown side for us, still edible. It's annoying to have what is otherwise a fine oven so befouled by unusable controls. It would have received a 5.",neg "This brews great coffee; unfortunately I have gone through 2 of these in 3 years. Not heavy use either. On my first one it started to leak the water from the bottom, and now my second one doesn't grind anymore. Still makes a good hot cup of coffee thou",neg My knives started to rust after 3wks of use. I didn't put them in the dishwasher either. I just leave them in the sink w/the dirty dishes till I'm ready to wash. But that shouldn't be the problem. I have a cheap $3 butcher's knife from chinatown that hasn't rusted yet and I treat that one the same,neg "I used this dough blender for not even 6 months, and the handle snapped! (mind you, I am not a pastry chef, so I was not using it everyday. I used it a handful of times.) I understand it has a 5 year warrenty, so i will try to get it replaced. I have to say that it worked great before it broke",neg I am an avid cook and baker. I used this unit twice and it broke after the 2nd useage. I found it to be very slow; the charge didn't last long so I had to keep it plugged in. The dough had to be very very soft in order for the press to produce the cookies. I am very disappointed that such an expensive item would operate so poorly,neg "I was really looking forward to receiving this, but four weeks after purchasing online, I received an email from Amazon saying they did not have a supplier for my purchase! I am disappointed in Amazon. How can you sell something you do not have",neg I have to echo some of the other customers' negative sentiments below - this thing never really worked well. Recently I noticed it had completely died; I think I used it all of 6 times. There have to be better models out there - I wouldn't recommend this one,neg "My rack came with pieces warped, one screw and most screw holes missing. Wood split as I was putting it together. Used it once for drying pasta, then once for kindling. Hope you have better luck",neg "This blender is very weak. It has a small blade that cannot pull down anything of substance and I had to stir even soft fruit in liquid or it would never get cut up -- just the bottom part of the mix spins around. I used this blender four times since August 2006 (when I bought it) to make 'smoothies', always with poor results. As the other reviewer said, the fruit stays lumpy. The little blades aren't strong enough. Yesterday I wanted to liquify some cooked potatoes for soup. Of course they are thick and starchy, but after the usual 'stirring' to get them to move through the blender, the speed buttons started to vibrate and I could smell the unit getting hot. I wasn't overworking it -- mainly pulsing and then running it for about 30 seconds. All of a sudden, it wouldn't work any more. It just burned out. If you actually cook and expect a blender to blend things, don't buy this blender. I'm going to see if Amazon will take it back. (Note: after I wrote this, I was told by Amazon that I had to get in touch with the manufacturer, which I could do because it was within 90 days of purchase. However, the company wants me to mail in the plug and $5 for 'shipping' to get a replacement, which obviously I don't want. Why would I want to pay $5 more for a product that didn't work the first time? Why would I want the product again at all? Amazon would have taken it back, but they wanted it returned in the box, which I threw out. I'm even more dissatisfied with this product now than when I wrote this review originally. Maybe I can make it into an interesting planter and sell it at a craft fair . . .",neg "I suppose this will actually peel garlic, if you use it just right. Never, ever, ever get it wet. It will not work. Also, you must trim off both ends of the garlic, or it won't peel. And then, I still have to hand peel some of the more stubborn pieces. It's just not worth the money. If you look around, you can find much cheaper garlic peelers out there.....BUY THEM!",neg " Owned Four Diffrent Styles. All Of them Worked ok But!!! The Pitchers Cracked, All Of Them!!!!My last New Mr. coffee Pitchers Lasted 3 Months and cracked (tea went all over the counter and floor) If you just make tea once in a while It may be ok But i make 3 Pitcher's a day With three tea makers sitting in the kithen on a old compter desk. The Hamilton Beach Has lasted 5 Years With Only one pitcher,It works good I'm ordering 2 more to replace the 2 mr coffee Because all my pitchers Cracked. I know Most people don't drink That Much,But I do.",neg "I bought this teapot from Amazon in 2005 and used it numerous times. The material is great, heat retention is good, it looks very nice, and I had no problems cleaning it (I use a babybottle brush).The tea infuser is not very effective though. The holes are a bit on the large side, so any broken bits from whole tea leaves can still pass through. And the infuser is too small for my taste to allow proper steeping of all the tea leaves, especially when I'm not planning to fill the pot to the brim (it doesn't extend deep enough). So I don't use it at all (I put the leaves directly into the pot and use a strainer as I pour).However, my biggest gripe is that the spout does tend to dribble after you pour. So you have drops of tea trickling from the spout to the bottom in between pours, ending up with a wet spot on your table/counter. I have to make sure I either wipe the spout in between pours, or set it on a dishtowel/paper napkin (unless I'm planning to pour tea to multiple cups in one session). I found that pretty annoying.So in conclusion, for the price I paid for this teapot's supposedly wonderful features, I don't think it was a good buy.",neg "Yes, it is pretty. No, it is not a good teapot. I have made tea for over 40 years, in all sorts of pots, and this is right up there with the worst. It drips A LOT! Perhaps those who think it does not drip were just looking at the spout. And no, it does not drip from the spout. Rather, lots of tea runs down the underside of the spout and ends in a big puddle under the pot. This happens with both fast and slow pouring, with full and near empty pots. This teapot will most likely have to become a pretty red flowerpot. Just too much mopping up",neg "This is NOT Aubergine, a dark purple like the color of eggplant skin, but it is a light, bright purple. Sitting on my kitchen countertop, it is a very formidable sight first thing in the morning; glowing, shimmering in kitchen flourescent lighting. Caveat emptor, unless you're color blind or really like bright purple",neg "We love this machine, but it continually breaks down. The plastic parts are too brittle for the pressure that this pasta maker places on them. We have waited many times for parts, and we have waited too long on the service line needing help.Look for another machine that uses steel or metal parts that won't crack, chip or snap when making the machines pasta recipes. Best to you",neg "I sent it back because the shaft that was supposed to fit down through a hole DIDN'T, no matter how I considered the matter, so never tried it, sent it back, asked for a refund. :-(",neg "Took what I thought would be a nice set of sheets to my place in Costa Rica and have slept in wrinkles ever since. Hard to maintain, color is not vivid and am overall disappointed with this 600 thread count sheet set.",neg "You can buy this at Walmart for $78.00. The seller here is charging $89.00 plus $26.00 shipping. You can buy here for 115.00 or go to Walmart and get it for 78.00.Also, seller misquoted price on this item and when he realized this he cancelled my order through amazon.Will not buy from this seller again.This new seller who sells on ebay also is not getting off to a very good start",neg I thought KitchenAid this has to be a keeper. I was wrong. The handles are much too heavy. There's too much give with the spatulas. I find the utensils to be too bulky and uncomfortable. I'll stick to my other much cheaper temperature regulated utensils,neg "I bought this box about 4 months ago and stopped using it about 2 months ago. It turned out to be more work than just a regular box. At least you can wash out a regular box and start over clean. Good luck with completely cleaning all the poo crumbs from the sliding track and cheap gears. It gets to be a disgusting affair, more than with a regular box.As other reviews said the rake only goes over the top half of the litter so there's tons of sticky cement left at the bottom which you have to manually scrape out. It was often unable to push the clumps into the bin. So it would just very noisily push until it got stuck, back up, and then start over again like 10 times in a row. When it does get clumps into the bin, it also pushes tons of litter through the crack between the bin and the box and then you're left with a huge pile of litter underneath the box. To clean it, you have to take it apart. The top part houses a computer so you can't soak it which means there's poo always stuck in the crevices. Ever see Office Space? At the end of two months I was ready to bring this thing out in a field and bash it with a sledgehammer.Now we're looking for another box. Currently, we are just using the plastic box from the littermaid without the rake, etc. This is my worst investment to date.",neg "The Professional label on this product is a big misnomer.Ask frequent sewers and quilters what they hated the most about the last iron they replaced and they will almost invariably refer to leaking and the auto-shutoff feature if present. Typically, they press seams as a batch and go back to sewing... only to return to a iron that has shut off and requires a reheating cycle.The auto-shutoff on this model makes it poorly suited for the sewing room where the 'professional' label should apply.This (and other) Rowenta iron produces good steam and can burst steam to a certain extent. However, usually between 6 months and 1.5 yrs, Rowentas begin to drip. The valve design just doesn't hold up to water hardness that long. Failure number two.For garment sewers and quilters, a professional system with a separate water boiler (tank) works far better:* won't shut off on you* since the iron doesn't make the steam (the boiler does), the sole doesn't have the 'hot spot' where household irons drip the water to make steam, which tends to scorch fabrics* true professional models have a thicker sole which will maintain a more even temperature (still without the hot spot)I teach sewing classes (garment, home dec, totes, etc.) and have completely walked away from household iron designs like this one. You will not see this type of iron in a commercial workshop. Noone there would have the time to wait for the iron to get hot again every time you've been away from it.This iron is a better than average housesold model, designed for 'ironing' your laundry and not for pressing in a sewing room.For general ironing duty (like laundry), check out the T-Fal 1759 Ultraglide Diffusion Iron for about half the price. My t-fal irons (i've had 2) have outlasted my Rowenta iron, with just as good a performance and with the advantage of the ultraglide sole, a ceramic-like sole coating that does not scratch, even over metal zippers (the stainless steal sole on the rowenta WILL scratch over metal zipper)Rating this (and similar) Rowenta as a conventional household iron:Performance 5Durability 3 (before it begins dripping)As a sewing room iron: 2Overall Rating: 2 (because they label the product as professional, where it fails to the task)P.S.: for any household iron, be sure to empty the water tank after use to prolong the life of your iron. Leaving water in the tank leads to premature wear of valves and seals",neg "I had been looking for egg rings (without knowing what such a thing was actually called) for a long time before I happened upon these babies. As soon as I saw them I knew they were exactly what I had been looking for and ordered them on the spot. Unfortunately, my glee turned sour when I tried to use my new egg rings.A lot of people report they haven't had a problem with sticking, but that is not consistant with my experience. Eggs stick to virtually everything, and these rings are no exception. Trying to remove the ring and flip the egg is a pain, usually I flip the ring and the egg flips with it, and then I have to cut the egg away from the ring so it falls down to the pan",neg "Well, it started off a fairytale. This small vacuum has a lot of power. Unfortunatley, I think I have permanant hearing damage from the volume of this vacuum. It is EXTREMELY loud, it terrified my pets and I had ringing in my ears after using it. It worked very well for about 6 months and then pooped out on me. I'm not sure if the motor gave out or what, but the suction doesn't work even though the brushes still spin. THE FILTER IS A PAIN! I run a rabbit rescue and deal with a lot of pet hair, it just clogs up way to fast. If you have a small apartment with merely area rugs, this might be ok, just make sure you buy some ear plugs. YIKES.",neg "This egg slicer would seem to be a smart design since it will do slices and wedges. However, the wires consistently get snagged in the slots and break. Also, it does not accomodate jumbo eggs well.",neg "The way specifications were mentioned it sounded a good deal, and price comparision made it more real, but after getting the item I found that it's true: Low Price, Low Quality... Don't fall for this deal. I am disappointed",neg This product is junk. I like most oxo products but this one is poorly designed. The hadle is spot welded and can not hold any weight. My second one broke after shaking the remains of a stock out. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!,neg "I've used these type of units all the time until I got my own. It stopped sealing, and I haven't had a chance to use up the bags that came with it! When I called, they said it was probably the heat tape that went bad and they can't fix it. They offered to sell me a new one though! I have no idea where my receipt is (my fault). I have to have another one, so I'm going to buy the cheapest one so I don't feel so bad when I have to replace it in 6 months to a year",neg "When I received my set of Mini Springform pans I was very excited. I couldn't wait to get started on some wonderful deserts. And as expected the results were great. Only after the first washing did the problems reveal themselves. Not only did I notice rust on the release hinges, but the rims on the collars were warped. At first I thought I could live with this, but a friend pointed out it could only get worse. I am used to purchasing top quality kitchen equipment, but these definitely do not make the grade. Admitedly the results of my first time use were great, but I just don't feel these pans will last. I hate buying something and knowing I will have to replace it soon. And that is exactly the way I felt with these pans",neg "I purchased this after looking at all of the reviews. What a mistake! After using this to cook single cup servings of several types of rice, there was one thing in common - a huge mess. Even after rinsing the raw rice several times, the unit still spatters out to about a two foot radius. I may try it with a wet dish towel on top to contain the mess, or I may just stick it in the basement and forget about it",neg "This carafe keeps beverages warm enough. The problem I'm having is the push button on the lid sticking in the open position. The instructions that accompanied the carafe address this issue, although they were written for a different model that has the push button on the top of the lid. Despite following these instructions the push button still sticks. To get the lid to close now after I'm done pouring I have to release the button and smack the top of the carafe. Very poor design in my opinion. I wouldn't buy another Zojirushi product based on this experience.",neg "Simply put, it doesn't work. Well, perhaps it can work on some types of fabrics/garments in very specific (or limited) situations, but it didn't work on mine.You can't manage to get a continuous flow of steam, even if you keep on pumping the button frequently (what it doesn't support, as a matter of fact, because there's a limit of bursts of steam it can shoot out in a row before reloading).I returned it to seller (Brand Variety, that refunded me without problems, no question asked).Not recommended",neg "I have purchased this item twice. The first barely made it through a grill season and the second proved even less hearty. The grill gets too hot for the wire and it burns through leaving two pices of probe wire. There is no way to use this with a grill and get sustained use from it. The same is true of all brands.. Models sold as wireless are not wireless in terms of going from the meat to outside of the grill. Somebody needs to figure out how to make this tool without the probe wire. That said, before it becomes useless, it works really well. Maybe the idea is to buy these by the case?",neg "I've had 4 or 5 of these thermometers over the years and when they work they are great. But inevitably the probes fail. You will think its your fault and probably buy a new one. But the reviews show that the probes are not up to the temperature extremes they will be subjected to in a grill or an oven.One solution I've tried that works pretty well, is to keep your receipt, and when the probe fails, take it back where you bought it for a replacement.",neg "While it worked, it worked great. But then it stopped working. Only 10 months of use. Ordered a new probe, but that didn't work. Now, it's just an expensive timer. Would've received three stars, but the Polder site and service not helpful. Will try the Taylor model, good luck with analog Taylor thermometers. Once you get used to these types of thermometers, it's hard to go back. The precision in cooking, especially for chicken and pork, can make a big difference",neg "I purchased this wok for my husband's Christmas present. It was lovely, we cooked two meals in it Christmas day. Nice heat transfer, beautiful on the table (but big). That night, he noticed the handle was cracked where it meets the pan. It's considerably narrower than the normal Le Creuset handle. Back it went to Williams Sonoma, where there were a few other L.C. woks with similar cracks! Phooey to you, Le Creuset.I wish I could find another glass lidded Joyce Chen wok - my old one was the best, before it was dropped one too many times",neg "We received 3 sets of this for a wedding present. I really liked how the polished silver shined and how they felt in your hand. However, after just one wash there were quite a few that had rust spots. After two more washes the rust got worse. These are supposed to be dishwasher safe! There are recommendations to hand wash these and dry them, but who has the time for that these days? Despite the apeal of the set, we decided to try something else. It's a shame because it's such a pretty set (before the wash of course!).",neg "I bought two sets of these about 4 months ago. After the first time in the dishwasher I noticed little tarnish/rusty looking spots. They rubbed off fairly easily, but as time has gone by, they are looking very bad. Tonight while eating, I got a sliver in my finger from the fork! I have NEVER had a piece of flatware peel. I'm going back to my old flatware. Sure glad I saved it! DON'T BUY THIS JUNK",neg "True, these sheets do get rather wrinkled in the wash, however, that isn't my concern.......The description states that these sheets will fit a mattress up to 14 inches thick. My pillowtop mattress is about 11 inches thick and these sheets don't fit! I washed them in cold water and used the lowest dryer setting. What a pain",neg This press doesn't seem to work well. The top browns much more quickly than the bottom. Clean up isn't all that easy. I was surprised by how small the grill surface was,neg "We had this machine at work and made maybe 6 cups a day on a busy day. Within a month the machine broke - Keurig did replace it right away but then the second broke as well (a co worker bought one for his home and had the same problem!!). they gave us an upgrade on the model and this one is still going. The Coffee was good but the tea was not. Most importantly people is IT IS WASTEFUL. WITH LITTLE PLASTIC CUPS FILLING UP THE GARBAGE, AND IN OUR CASE TWO MACHINES IN THE DUMP. COME ON PEOPLE LETS HAVE SOME CONSCIOUS COMSUMERISM AND SLOW DOWN. What ever happened to putting the coffee in a paper filter and pouring hot water over it and letting the fragrance wrap around you. If you are that busy and needy for coffee instantly maybe you should be looking at the job ads or self help books and not over priced hunks of wasteful plastic for greedy americans",neg "I bought this pan because it was non-stick, plus it had the air cushion between the layer of steel. I bake my usual brownies and cookies and they all stuck to the pan. It stuck more than my glass pyrex casserole pans. It was not easy to get it off, I had to scrape it off and it took time and a bit of muscle. Definitely not non-stick. The air cusion works from preventing the bottom of the cookies from overbrowning, which is not exactly a great idea since the top of the cookie become significantly more brown than the bottom of the cookie, which sometimes is moist and not quite holding the cookie together.On the up side, this pan doesn't warp if you are baking at 350 degrees of below.I am returning this item, I wanted non-stick and this definitel was not.",neg "We just replaced our entire kitchen dishware with the Sango Brown - Mistake...even bought the added pieces...well, we ONLY hand wash them (we have a dishwasher but rarely use it). In the first week, a plate broke in half right down the middle...then a week later, a second...and tonight, a third..all three directly down the middle of the plate while HAND washing..(not rough washing either). I have a call into Sango and hopefully they will resolve it. After reading the reviews here, I would have to agree that its not worth the danger of broken dishes (My wife sliced her finger pretty good on the second broken one) to buy these. I am going to try to find a set that will go with ALL THE EXTRAS I bought from Sango..I am HOPING I don't have to replace everything! What a mess! Sango, why cut corners on such a beautiful set?? Im at a loss here to figure out that business logic",neg I was disappointed with the spatula. It is too flexible and too large for my hand. My husband thought the size was okay but he too thought it was too flexible. It reminded me of a diving board,neg These sheets are not quality. They are no way equal to the value that the seller has assigned to them. The jersey material is very thin and the construction technique is inferior. They are NOT a bargain,neg i agree these sheets are horrible.. i should have know better.. I have the same issues as every one else does.. I dont know what will happen after the second wash.. They will proably fit the crib..Dont waste your money,neg "I wish it was possible to give less than 1 star! Went through dishwasher once, came out rust! Save your money....or your packaging! I thought Chicago cutlery; how can I go wrong? so out the packaging went! I called Chicago Cutlery. Turns out some of their stuff is now made in China. Wouldn't that make it China Cutlery?",neg "I was very pleased with the Le Creuset baking dishes I have (I have the Poterie 10 x 13 deep dish baker, 14 oval baker, and 9 square dishes as well as this one). However, my 12 dish just cracked down the middle while I was cooking a pork roast in it at 425 degrees. It had only been in the oven about 45 minutes. I am sorely disappointed and now I am wondering if I wasted my money on the others. I have only had it for about 2 1/2 months",neg I have owned this breadman for one year. I make between one and two loafs of bread per week. Mostly whole wheat bread. I purchased the 900S because my previous machine was a breadman and it performed well (8 years).Pros:It makes a good loaf of bread.Good selection of cycles.Loaf is easy to extract from the pan.Cons:The motor is not very powerful. It lugs down when making whole wheat bread.After 7 months of operation the Teflon wore off the mixing paddle.At 11 months the bearing failed in the mixing pan.Overall I am disappointed in this bread machine and I could not recommend it,neg "Not sure how other people have been able to make a real loaf of bread with this, but I certainly could not. I made three attempts, all failures for various reasons. Either it did not mix, or the dough was so hard it knocked the pan off its base, or it created pebbles of dough. It definitely can not be left unattended, which defeats the purpose of delay start. It bakes OK though, but you better do all the upfront work yourself. PS. I was using the recipes that come with the maker",neg "We liked the idea that the caraffe didn't need to be heated from below... a big plus with this unit. But.... we have had some serious problems with the filter backing up and the water leaking over the top of it everywhere on the counter. A FLOOD of coffee. We thought that it might be the filter holes were clogged... so we made sure they were rinsed out well and could easily flow a stream through them. But then we had a flood again on the counter. So we thought that maybe our filters were'nt good... so we bought other ones. And them we had another big flood of coffee (this has proven to be very staining to our white grouting). So we thought perhaps we were grinding our coffee too fine and it was packing down too tight.... so we ground it coarser... and yet, ANOTHER DANG FLOOD. We have followed the instructions perfectly... and still these overflows.So now we are ticked... we have never had this headache with a coffee maker before.... and all we want is some coffee in the morning. So we're going to try and return the stupid thing (our reciept and box are long gone). Sure hope we can get an exchange... and certainly NOT another one of these.Oh... and the mugs that come with it don't have handles on them like the ones in the picture do",neg "From the start, it was apparent that the temperature displayed was 5 or 6 degrees higher than two other digital thermometers I had in the same room. So I followed the calibration instructions and was only able to get the display to read 34.1 degrees in a 32 degree solution... ok, so I can live with 2.1 degree inaccuracy. After calibrating, the room temperature was also only off by about 2 degrees. However, I decided to test it in boiling water and the display read 193 degrees (water boils at 212F). So, If you are counting on this thermometer to tell you anything important (such as if your meat is cooked suffiently or if your beer water is the right temperature for steeping), I would make sure it is accurate at the temperature of interest before using... or avoid it all together, which I wish I had done",neg "in defense of Amazon.com, the pan was not damaged during shipping. It appears that the nonstick surface has been gouged on both pans. I just got a refund. Poor Quality. Don't waste your time",neg "I wish I'd read the previous reviews! I ordered this for $14.99 as a bottom of the page special and it's going back. It is not two inches thick as described, but 3/4. What a disappointment! And now I see that the regular price has been changed from $25 to $40. YIKES! Don't bother..",neg All four glasses arrived broken. They are not packed for shipment. I have tried three times to get Amazon to refund my money but I have had no luck. Heed the warnings,neg "Now, i love the idea of having a chrome tub caddy until 2 months into having it, it begain to rust. Then the candle holder & the wine glass holder rusted off !!! I am now on the looking out for a plastic covered tub caddy. A caddy is awesome to have but not in chrome !!",neg "I bought three of these when I saw them in a local store, thinking them a great deal. They LOOK like the equivalent of the Henckels, solid and sturdy, at one-fifth the price. Looks can be deceiving. They are suitable for paper, skin, aluminum foil, etc., but do not try them on anything more substantial, like chicken leg bones. I broke these on items that I routinely cut through with my Henckels and Wusthof shears. The cost of sending them back under warranty was about the purchase cost, so I tossed out all three pairs.Sorry, Chicago Cutlery, but if you are selling office scissors, label them that way. I expect kitchen shears to be a LOT tougher, so I can't mark these more than one star. Chicago Cutlery makes a pair of scissors called the Insignia series, for only about $2-3 more. I suggest potential buyers look into these, or spring for the more expensive German brands",neg "This product is sick! If you get a delight out of seeing an fish hung like a Christmas decoration in a ball that is way too small too live in your sick! Plus a nightlight? Try sleeping w/ no eyelids w/ a light over your head. Fish sleep too, but they cant close their eyes. There does not even seem to be much air space above the water. It's the same problem with those silly bowls with the plants on top. They breath oxygen and sufficate witout fresh air. Get at least a five gal. tank and don't waste your $ on this cheap fad product. Bettas are so smart, fun and sociable and desarve just as much respect as all of our fellow pets and humans",neg "This mixer is so weak it couldn't mix air. It's horribly under powered. Seriously, it bogs down mixing mashed potatoes, and I'm talking INSTANT mashed potatoes! And mix protein drinks?? Forget about it. It leaves clumps because it doesn't spin fast enough. I'd do better twirling my finger in the glass.Consider using a spoon over using this contraption, and $20 will buy a lot of spoons. Or get a real mixer and leave it somewhere handy - same convience but it will actually work.If you don't believe me and the others here warning you, go ahead and throw your money away on it, and then you'll wind up here adding your own warning to others.Consider yourself warned",neg "I agree with the other reviewers; had the machine for a couple weeks, after 5 uses the machine didn't sit right on the base, causing the teeth between the base and the container to grind a bit. After that, it was all downhill. The base teeth were completely ground down within 2 uses. Interestingly, the new back to basics smoothie machines seem to have a better locking mechanism, and teeth that seem to be made of more durabe material",neg "I had this machine for about 3 years with no issues. But, how often do most people use their machine? I used it maybe 15 to 20 times. I went to use it yesterday and all of a sudden I see smoke and the bottom of the machine and that funny electric smell (We all know what that smell means) The plastic bottom of the base stuck to the machine and margarita's were everywhere (except in my glass). We had to throw the whole machine out. Now I will be buying a new machine, being that I enjoyed the convenience of the spout but if I can't find one thats non plastic I will use my blender. The smoothie maker makes less of a mess for drinks, a blender always doesnt pour as nice. I will not buy another plastic model again. (I believe this one was a gift to me) Do yourselfs a favor and spend the extra cash on a metal version or even glass if this exists, obviously the motor doesn't last long and the plastic parts break to fast according to other reviews I've read.",neg I bought the Back to Basics 600 smoothie maker about 6 months agos. I was pleased with it until the plastic toggle on the spout broke. It is made of plastic and apparently could not withstand the tension on the plug. I was very disappointed since I use it every morning but thought it would last longer. I will look for a better quality one next time,neg "I am a quilter and was looking for a good hot iron and lots of steam. I also hate the auto- shut off. Well I thought I had found it. The perfect iron for my needs. Well after only one days use it is put away for someone else to use I was very disapointed in the iron it spits water and boy do I mean spit my ironing board cover was wet. My fabric continued to to roll under the iron, the surface is not smooth and seems to grap the fabric. Not what I was looking for at all I would not recommend this iron",neg "I have had this iron for awhile now. The big problem is that gunk builds up on the soleplate that is almost impossible to get off. Except when you iron white shirts, when it seems to rub off of the collar and seams, permanently staining and thus ruining your shirts. Avoid this iron at all costs",neg "I was very disappointed with the Cookie Maker Plus and I believe I bought a defective product. The picture on the front of the box shows the person's hand on the big button to make cookies, I had to use the small button at the top to get it to work and the big button to retract the plunger. I have used the Cookie Maker Plus 4 times... twice to make twice baked potatoes, once to make candy but the 4th time I used their recipe for Classic Spritz Cookies the machine died after 16 cookies. I switched the batteries and it produced 2 more cookies , then died again. I finished the batch by rolling them out and using a cookie cutter. The Cookie Master Plus could use major inprovement. Don't waste your money.",neg "This is horrible.....as stated by the other reviews!!! Do NOT waste your money or time!!! My husband and I tried for several hours to get this to work, we let the dough come to room temperature, and still it would NOT work!",neg "If you're in the market for a used Nissan coffee mug, then step right up and order from Amazon.com!So you're probably thinking, yes, maybe I would like a used coffee mug. How about a used coffee mug with dried, brown coffee stains still in it...And how about with the fresh aroma of a...what does that smell like, ah, Vanilla Latte I believe it is.If you're still interested, continue ordering, but be advised as customer service will be unwilling to compensate you for any issues you may have with receiving a dirty mug in the mail. I think Nissan stainless makes a nice product, but I wouldsuggest ordering from SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!Hip, Hip, Boooooo",neg I've had two of these break on me now after normal use; the hinge gives way during the cleaning process,neg "Although this is a nice looking product, and it lives up to the 'good grip' promise, I went back to the company twice for a new one after the metal broke apart at the stress point (the hinge).I will say that OXO stood behind their product, shipping out a new one with no fuss. But after getting two replacements, and seeing the third break in exactly the same place, I'm done.",neg "My kitchen is entirely Kitchenaid, so I was very excited when Kitchenaid released their silicone bakeware line. I love the color and the way they clean up very nicely. I also love that they do not get scratched or clank around in my cupboards. However, I have noticed that when I bake in these, I can smell the silicone. It even dominates over the smell of the cake or bread that I am making! I have also noticed (especially with this bread pan) that the silicone gives your dessert a slight silicone taste. I own the muffin pans, so I use paper baking cups to prevent this from happening, but with the loaf pan, there is no way around it.",neg "Cup leaks out of the top closure part. I need one that does not leak at all, most of the time my hands are full and it's a balancing act. Very disappointed for this amount of money it is not worth the aggravation",neg "I am writing this to warn all of you cooks and bakers at home, that like me, prefer real commercial equipment in your kitchen. Anything less is just a toy. I had purchased the Waring Pro 1500 convection oven thinking this would be a quality convection oven to replace a Farberware convection oven that I have had for over 10 years and just plain wore out. I ordered the Waring Pro 1500 from a catalog/online store other than Amazon, I don't know if it is legal to say, but it does have the word Chef's in it. I was so excited to get it! I opened the box, set it up, and was so disappointed. It was made so poorly I was just sick. The stainless steel top was not smoothed out, the oven door was installed so crooked it scraped the metal off of the side of the controls, and it had been dropped or something before packing because the feet were up inside of the thing, and the top was bent down. The shipping packaging was fine, there was no broken packing and the box was fine. OK, so I sent that one back, got a replacement thanks to the wonderful customer service at the online store, and opened the second one, same thing!! I was so devastated, that I decided to give it a shot anyhow. While cooking with it, the door had such a bad seal that it just steamed out the front, sides and bottom. I was amazed that there could be such shoddy workmanship out there on what was being advertised as commercial quality. OK, so oven number two went back, and I tried one more, what the heck three strikes you are out right? Right!! Finally oven number three came and it was put together so much better, seal looked good, top and feet looked good, so I decided to give it a whirl. Once again, huge disappointment. The convection fan goes on and off with the burner coils. Thus not giving the cooking cycle a true convection. I called Waring customer service and it was confirmed by engineering that they designed the fan to come on and off with the coils. Bad design! It took longer to bake cookies in there than it would my regular oven, and then they were hard and dry. I rotisseried a chicken and it took over 1 and a half hours and when I cut it, the skin was soggy, not crisp, and it wasn't cooked all the way through after 90 minutes! The thing popped (sounded like it was going to blow up) every time it heated up because they riveted the rack holders in there so tight, also making it nearly impossible to go from racks to using baking trays. OK, that was it!! After extensive internet research, I finally found a convection oven that is truly a commercial oven made for residential use, and exchanged it with the wonderful catalog/online store mentioned before and got the Cadco Commercial (and I do mean Commercial) half size convection oven Model number OV-350 and have used it many times since it's arrival and absolutely love it!! I know it is twice the price, but as usual, you get what you pay for. There is a smaller size version of the Cadco/Broilking oven that is quarter size, for people that do not need to bake huge quantities like me, that is the same price as the Waring Pro. Please people, if you are at all a person that demands quality in your kitchen, do not waste your time on the Waring Pro, just skip right to the real commercial stuff and save yourself some major stress!! Thanks again to the wonderful customer service at the aforementioned catalong/online company for NOT making me be stuck with the worthless Waring PRO 1500!! Go for the Cadco!",neg "We never even plugged this sucker in. I wanted a countertop convection oven that would accomodate a pizza or 9 x 13 pan, and this unit was supposed to do that. What none of the product decscriptions mentioned is that this countertop unit should NOT be used underneath a cupboard. Don't most kitchen countertops have a cupboard over them? Also not mentioned is that the unit required a 4 clearance on the sides: so whatever the dimensions of the unit are, you need to add 8. I'm sending this monster back and getting something smaller",neg "Unfortunately, if you have an older gas oven like we do, the temperature of your oven may actually be higher than the temperature at which you set it on the dial. This led to problems determining a safe temperature in which to use the trays. We were all hesitant to eat the muffins I'd made because of the chemical/plastic smell. I'm back to using foil muffin cups on a cookie sheet",neg The FS150 food slicer is fine for very light duty work such as cheese or lunch meats providing you don't push this unit too hard or use it too frequently. Ours lasted a year and a half of very occasional use before it burned out. The two biggest drawbacks are the sliding rail and the motor/gear train. First the slider is simply a cheap plastic bushing on a metal rod that tends to bind up fairly quickly. We found that a little olive oil wiped on to the rod kept things moving well enough but it needs to be treated every time you use the slicer and then cleaned afterwards. Food grade Teflon or silicone spray did not seem to work as well as the olive oil.The big problem with this unit is the motor/gear train that drives the slicing wheel. The drive gear is plastic and will not tolerate any kind of continuous load and will strip out fairly easily if pushed too hard. We smoked the motor and stripped the gears just slicing up a couple of small roasts and we were not working the unit that hard.It does a decent job for the person that just wants to slice up a small bunch of deli foods for a party or do a weeks worth of cheese for the kids lunches but honestly a good knife will do just as well and not set you back ten minutes for cleaning every time you use it.If you are looking for a slicer to do more serious work you will have to spend the money and get something in the $400+ range. What this slicer is good for the deli counter can do for you for free when you buy your bologna.,neg "I was actually satisfied with this slicer until I needed to clean it. When you remove the blade, there is a plastic ring or seal that clings to a metal rim with brittle, plastic fingers. An intelligent engineer would have seated this ring in a channel rather than have it mounted by flimsy, brittle fingers to a thin semi-circle of metal.Mine broke on the 4th cleaning; now the blade is extremly difficult to align, and it wobbles if you leave the part off. Waring's website does not offer this part for sale, and customer service has not yet returned my call.Updated March 24, 2006: Customer service told me to clean this slicer by removing the three mounting screws rather than using the center screw. This is more difficult, and does not permit you to clean accumulated goop that gets behind the seal.They did send me a new ring or seal, but I had to eventually remove the whole blade when the smell of the goop became too strong. All of the fingers had broken off the seal, so I had to use duct tape to reapply it. And the blade really wobbles now.I see a few people really liked this slicer; I suspect they had not cleaned it before writing",neg "This thing slices well, then comes the impractical task of trying to clean it. The tray does not detatch from the base, which cannot be put in water because it containes the motor. Pieces of food work their way into the motor area. After removing the blade (using tools) you must remove a plastic cover with 3 screws and dig out the pieces of food. I could not believe how bad a design it was from a cleaning standpoint. The tray that slides back and forth with the food has a stainless top that is literally two-faced taped onto the plastic base. This was very poor from a quality standpoint, and came off in my hand the first and only time used. The plastic base for this tray has about fifty little half inch square honey-comb sort of areas that grease from meat or juices from food WILL get down into. This thing is a nightmare to adequately clean and not worth the trouble. It went back to the store immediately, and it was not all the way clean because after about thirty minutes I gave up. I'm looking for another brand now",neg "I bought this product because the box says no more ice chunks. There is even an icebreaker setting. I wanted a way to make slushies. However, the manual says you are to use the icy drink setting when crushing ice. I am not sure if or when a person is supposed to use the icebreaker setting! Also, the whole ice crushing process requires many steps and more than a blender. First, you have to pour water in before you can crush the ice. Once you press the icy drink setting, you pour out the excess water into a collander. Even after all that, there are chunks in the ice. No slushie for me! I gave this product just 1 star because I hate misleading advertising. I will now have to take time out of my crammed schedule to return this product",neg "The price of this iron was reduced to $24.99 with the purpoose of missing the $25 order for free shipping, then they trap you into buying another item or pay over $7 for shipping. Now, to make matters worse, they omitted the most important feature of the iron; that the soleplate is aluminum.",neg "These tools are made of high quality materials, and they look very nice. However, the ends of the handles are so thick and heavy that if you leave them propped on the side of a shallow pot or pan, or on the counter, they are very prone to flip out of the container or off of the counter, carrying food with them to the kitchen floor. This happened to me twice while cooking thanksgiving dinner. I will not throw them away, but I would never buy them again.",neg "Would look great if it lined up correctly. Goes together very crooked & doesn't line up 100% with other parts, & there are only three major parts. I ordered two holders, & both have the same problems. May redrill the screw holes to line things up better, but may just return both for a refund.I love the look, & it would be great if things were done correctly",neg " After getting the teakettle in January, I had to stop using it by June. The kettle was leaking water all over the kitchen counter and at time it would not turn off by itself. Delongi sent me a new kettle to replace the one that was broke but it was a model only worth $80.00. When I ask about the $50.00 difference in price of the two teakettles I was told they covered their warranty and I'm out of the $50.00. I won't be buying anymore of Delongi products!",neg "Like the other reviewers, I followed the instructions for this machine to the letter. I froze the canister in my deep-freeze for several days and took it out just in time to load it. Although the recipe provided was quite tasty, even after 60 minutes the stuff never even got cold enough to reach the slush stage, let alone ice cream. My kids pretty much drank it from the bowl. It's advertised to make ice cream in 20 minutes; no way. Returned it the next day (and paid for shipping)",neg "Let me begin with a positive note on the OXO Good Grips oven mitt: It looks great and the magnet is a good idea. Now for the negative aspects of this item: it's WAY over-priced, especially for how poorly it is designed. The way this oven mitt is designed does not give you a Good Grip, which is ironic since it's called the OXO Good Grips oven mitt. It's hard to explain, but the silicone part is somewhat stiff and when you put your hand in the mitt, you cannot easily grab things, especially if what you're trying to grab is small (like a pan lid) or narrow (like the handles on a roaster pan). It's like this mitt was designed as though the only thing anyone uses an oven mitt for is to take hot cookie sheets out of the oven. I decided not to give it one star ONLY because it does a good job of insulating your hand from high temperatures. I strongly suggest that if you are considering purchasing this OXO mitt, you should go to a store and try it on first to see what you think about the design.",neg I bought this pan as a Christmas gift for my husband. It would have been easier if I had just put a match to my money and burned it. He has given up using this pan. He even read the directions thinking he was doing something wrong. Every egg he placed in it stuck to the side of the teflon rings. What a shame. The only use would be to throw the rings away and just use it as a regular pan. Don't waste your money,neg "As of today August 19, I have not received anything on this plan. No paperwork,no backorder....NOTHING !!! I think maybe it's just a rip-off",neg We have had ours less than one year and we hate it for all the reasons everyone else have listed. It doesn't toast evenly etc. Don't buy it,neg "This unit from Cooking.com is made from China. Consider it to be a disposable unit. The threads on it are worthless. I got one single use out of them. I thought it to be a fluke. Ordered another one. Same thing. Frustrated!I located a German Made Cast Iron Rosette Iron online, from another reviewer. There is a world of differences, between the $10.00 China junk knockoff and the German made one. It is my opinion that the German Rosette Iron is worth every penny! The German Made Cast Iron Rosette will no doubt be handed down for generations to come. The threads alone are worth the higher price; however the quality is significantly noticeable. The German made set is a much heavier set than the China made set from Cooking.com. It is my opinion that it is worth your time to do a bit more research than for settling for this Chinese knockoff. Don't get me wrong - they are still better than Aluminum any day of the week - but if you have ever owned an Alfred Andresen & Co Cast Iron Rosette set - you'll instantly know what I am talking about.",neg I am very disappointed in this product. I followed all the mfgs. directions on how to keep this board in great shape but it didn't matter. the board bowed and cracked after about 2 months (30 days over the Amazon warranty of course....) it's so badly curved we are waiting for it to turn into a sphere.,neg "Assembling and disassembling this piece of equipment would discourage a person from ever using this item. It is far too complicated and has too many pieces that have to be washed each time it is used and then put back together again. One can expect to spend about 30 minutes to disassemble and reassemble the unit while following the assembly guide. In addition to that drawback, there isn't anything that should be placed in a dishwasher, so it has to be hand-washed and hand dried. An osterizer would be a much simpler and better choice!!!",neg "I purchased this egg cooker specifically for poaching 2 eggs. I used large, farm-fresh eggs. Whatever combination of water and timing I tried, I never got a perfectly cooked poached egg. The Cuisinart instruction book is confusing in its layout - specifically page 5. I called Cuisinart and after much back and forth, it was determined the eggs I used were too large and the directions were for MEDIUM-sized eggs. If considering this machine, be aware you might have to sacrifice the eggs you want to eat.",neg "The Cuisinart egg cooker:- over/under cook the eggs according to its measuring cup- plastic tray deforms after it's heated (and stays deformed)- the metal cover burns your hand- is $10 more expensive than the Krups 230-70 Egg Express Egg Cooker, which is a much better product than Cuisinar",neg "This stunning slice of kitchen couture is undoubtedly a tactile and aesthetic dream - built with quality materials like real metal (not silvery plastic), and sporting a sophisticated, drop-dead gorgeous retro appeal. It looks equally as impressive in the hippest New York loft kitchens as it does on the shelves of Williams-Sonoma.However, as is the case when function follows form, this is a horrible blender. Don't get me wrong - I'm more than willing to forgive a modicum of piss-poor functionality if the design is attractive enough to render the former irrelevant. But quite frankly, this blender is beyond bad.Most unfortunate is the blender's propensity to splash everywhere - even when the user deliberately reinforces the lid onto the jar by hand. It seems to make little difference how much or what type of liquid one is mixing; it inevitably overflows with explosive fervor. I suspect that the unit's quasi-industrial motor may be a contributing factor; it only supports two speeds: off, and jet-cyclonic. While I admit that the minimalist toggle switch is profoundly chic in its own right, the consequences of omitting ramp-up speeds are overbearing, consistently messy, predictably inconvenient, and potentially dangerous (as liquid tends to flow liberally into the motor housing). The irregular cloverleaf shaped jar also seems to play a role in splattering liquids upward; and the blender's poorly-sealed lid does little to stop it from overflowing in dramatic fashion. In fact, this blender splashes so profusely that it's nearly unusable.It's too bad, because superficially, this blender really is quite the objet d'art. But when it comes to meeting the minimum requirements for acceptable performance, it has a long way to go - even in comparison to a $29 Oster.If I had to summarize this blender as accurately, succinctly, and fairly as possible, I'd distill it down to one word - regrettable.",neg "Warring has a high reputation for being a powerful blender. I purchased because of its reputation. But it turned out to be actually not that powerful and may not be as powerful as the one I had before which only costed $30. So I asked myself why bothered to replace it when the new one, Warring, in fact does not really break ice any better than the cheap ones.",neg This steamer sucks. Puts white goo all over the outside of unit and on counter. Wish I didn't buy it,neg "We lived in Asia for five years and we eat a lot of rice. In Asia we owned a very cheap rice cooker that worked perfectly well (but different voltage). When we returned to the USA, I purchased the cuisinart 8-cup rice cooker (CRC-800) thinking I was getting top of the line. It made such an enormous mess every time we used it, so I called cuisnart to find out if somehow (despite meticulous reading of the instructions) we were doing something wrong. No, it seemed we were doing everything correctly. So we tried a few more times, and then in exasperation returned the rice cooker for a new one. We thought given the generally good quality of cuisinart appliances, this one must be defective.Well the new one does the same thing! I give up. Enough of the messes. I got so frustrated I sent cuisinart a picture. C'mon this is not high-tech stuff! Get it right or take it off the market",neg I would have to say that amazon gave me a good deal and immediate delivery.Unfortunatly i had to return this item . I havent been satisfied because the heating element heats up on the top rather than where it has to heat up. After ironing I could still see a lot of creases. They dont mention about the base being a wood plank either.I have used a Simplicity machine earlier and hence i know the quality of steam press but this machine is a waste of time and money. I would rather buy a normal iron to this or pay extra and buy a better one. But this is just my opinion,neg "Do not waste your time in purchasing this product. At first, I thought this would be a great kitchen gadget for making small cones for my kids or when I just want a little treat, but I was wrong. The manufacture didn't think that as soon as the waffles are done, you have to be quick and roll the waffles into cones for it too cool. Well, instead of making one, you have to roll three in enough time before it cools. I tried numerous times to roll each one quickly as possible, but by the second one the third waffle is cooled and has not had the chance to be rolled up into a cone. It really is not smart for the manufacture to sell this product, unless it comes with three cone makers to wrap the waffle in. And, to state that you need three people to make it or it will not work. Do not bother purchasing this product, unless you are an expert cone maker. I did, however, went ahead and purchased the regular sized cone maker. It is hard to perfect the perfect cone without having a hole at the bottom, but at least I have time to wrap up one cone at a time without having it cool on me to quickly. Also, the petite cone waffle maker is rediculously too small to try to wrap. It really is a waste of energy. You could put batter in only one of the cone indentions, and do it one by one if its what you are looking for. That could work. All in all, personally it wasn't worth my time and money spent on the thing",neg The item was not what I expected. The description said metal but it should have said Tin,neg "Cuisinart does not stand behind their products. We purchased a 10 pc set and after using the 1 � qt pan only once it formed a bubble on the bottom of the pan causing the pan not to lay flat on the stove. This actually renders the pan useless as it does not evenly disperse the heat and takes forever to even heat up.Upon notifying Cuisinart of the problem this is the response we got: Thank you for your reply.The cookware does have a limited lifetime warranty against anymanufacturing defects. However, if the pot has been over heated or damagedin any way it would not be covered under warranty. You may send the iteminto us for an evaluation. You may send it to the following address listedbelow, with a check or money order for $7.00 return shipping and we willevaluate the cookware for you:Cuisinart Corporation150 Milford RoadEast Windsor, NJ 08520Thank you for your use and interest in Cuisinart products.Very truly yours,Ann MarieCuisinart RepresentativeWhy should I have to pay for shipping their defective product?The cost of shipping the product just to have it evaluated makes it a wiser choice to just forget the warranty and buy a new one. However the wisest choice would be to steer clear of this company's products altogether. By the way the pan was only used to boil some eggs.",neg "I researched a lot before buying this slow cooker. I have a Nesco roaster that I love and use often. I needed a large slow cooker. I started researching. Started out with the all clad but everyone said it got really hot. I wanted a good one. The Cuisinart had good ratings elsewhere and I thought well even it cooks faster that is fine. I will just watch it until I get used to it and go from there. Every dish I have watched..they all cooked in LESS than half the allotted time. Today I made a crock pot mac and cheese casserole and it burned within ONE HOUR. Way too hot. I called Cuisinart several times and they said I may have a defective unit. Well I doubt it. I just think it runs hot. I really was dismayed because I love the size and the design of this cooker. Really was not up to par with Cuisinart products that I know and love.Let me also say that I am a good cook. I feel that I know my way around any appliance. I was not happy that I was not going to be able to leave this cooker all day but I was ok to give it a try. It is not at all what I expected. I read the other reviews here and wish I would have taken heed of them. I had read good reviews elsewhere and saw two articles in magazines on this cooker being the best.If you are going to spend 100 bucks on a slow cooker, stop, get one of the higher end rival ones with a timer and then get a nesco roaster. You can cook anything all summer without heating up your kitchen.",neg "Mine didn't hold up either. For what I paid for it, I expected more. One I picked up for around twenty is doing a much better job and lasted through more than four uses.",neg "I have gone through 2 of these now and both ceramic inserts have cracked in the same place! Cuisinart customer service is not interested in replacing the inserts even though I have only used it 2 times before they cracked and were unusable. I had to send the pot back for replacement and the replacement had the same trouble.My cheap Rival crockpot that I had for years before I purchased this one never had problems or I would think that this was operator error. I was really looking forward to using this because I love all my other Cuisinart products but I am going today to purchase a nice, inexpensive, reliable Rival crockpot.",neg "I own many Circulon products, but most of which are under the Circulon 2 line. So when this 2 pack became available, I went ahead and purchased it. I have only used it to cook eggs on and I must say, I was sorely disappointed by the results. Not only did my eggs stick, but I used quite a bit of oil on the 2nd batch to make sure they wouldn't stick, but they still stuck. My Circulon 2 skillet makes far better eggs than this non-stick version and doesn't stick!I'm not sure what I can use these skillets for now since my main intentions were for fish, eggs and items which have a tendency to stick to the pan. It also left a horrible look on the eggs like the kind on eggs cooked with a Teflon pan without oil even though I used quite a bit of oil.Highly disappointed and will not purchase the Circulon Elite line again",neg "After using my 3 new Circulon pots and lids for only 2 or 3 months, all the Circulon lids have broken plastic handles, including the lid for this 3 quart sauce pan.First noticed the problem when I got gouged by the broken plastic, I saw that all three Circulon lids showed big chunks of plastic off the underside of the plastic handles. I am very careful and do not own a dishwasher.Next, I saw that two of the faulty handles now had big chuncks off BOTH ends of the plastic handles. All the breakage occured where the plastic 'cool' handle attaches to the metal part of the handle. Just today, when I removed the hot lid from my Toss and Turn pan, the black plastic totally came loose from the metal part of the handle! Only fast dancing saved me from this big hot lid falling on my feet. But at last I saw the FLAW. Instead of these lids having a complete metal handle that is covered with the plastic for cool handling, the metal part only goes up an inch to meet the plastic. The black plastic only overlaps the metal part for A SCANT HALF INCH OR SO, causing the more sturdy metal part to undermine the plastic, and eventually causing the chipped plastic to separate from the metal with use. The lids are subjected to steam and heat on a daily basis, so no wonder the plastic broke off, the plastic has no backing. It is just carelessly and poorly attached to less than a half inch of the metal that is attached to the lid. This poorly conceived construction is why the handle broke away entirely after the plastic was chipped, A full metal handle covered with plastic would have been nice for the money spent and prevented the accident where the handle completely separated from the chipped plastic. There is no metal supporting that plastic folks.My enthusiasm for the Circulon was originally quite high, but now that I have lidless pots after less than 90 days, I'm pretty unhappy! This chipping happened to 3 out of 3 lids! AND the Toss and Turn lid is almost as expensive as the Toss and Turn pan! Now, after less than 90 days I must send in the Toss and Turn lid and my 2 smaller lids with chipped handles that go with the sauce pans. Because the Toss and Turn handle separated and broke away, this is not merely a cosmetic matter. Even before the lid handle broke entirely, the broken handles were uncomfortable to use with those sharp broken plastic edges digging into my fingers. Sending these lids back will leave me ill equiped in the kitchen after all the money spent to be well equiped. Further, I doubt their replacements will be any better, and they will probably need replacement every 90 days! Much as I love the Circulon pans, these lids make them a bad purchase. I would not buy this product again. Hopefully this review will help you make a good decision about Circulon pans and their bad lids",neg "I own 3 other Malibu Shores comforter sets and I just love it with no problem. But, with this particular set I'm so disappointed with the quality of the material is poor, the areas where two materials were sewn together is tearing apart, and the stitchings are coming apart in many different parts of the comforter. Not to mention the padding is already separating after two weeks of usage",neg "This set looks gr8 only in the foto. In reality, it has a very dull look. Not worth buying. I got 2 queen sets and greatly disappointed with this purchase from Amazon! Price is cheap, so is the quality of the Comforter set!",neg "I should have simply repaired our old toaster that worked well, and reliably, for eight years. Too busy, first I bought a Braun toaster (looked great, had major problems actually toasting), then I bought this Krup toaster, and guess what, it looks great but has trouble actually toasting. Starting with the first piece of toast all is well (hence two stars instead of one). However, after the toaster is warmed up, the timing/heat regulation becomes totally useless. You have to toast, toast again, toast again. Fancy digital count-down-timer doesn't help much at that point! In researching toasters, did I mention I should have repaired my old toaster when it broke, I read a review where it was suggested that 'toasters have been around a hundred years, it can't be that hard!' I thought it funny at the time, but having now spent over $150 on two worthless toasters I find myself saying toasters have been around for over a 100 years, it can't be that hard! I hope Braun and/or Krup don't make medical devices or we are in trouble.",neg "I put a fairly warm pound cake on the bottom of the cake keeper---apparently too warm. Cracks developed from opposite edges and met in the middle,creating a separation and thereby rendering the keeper useless",neg "Just purchased this blender & am returning it immediately. It has a number of terrible features: it's very difficult to remove the cover if you have carpal tunnel, arthritis, or weak hands. To change speeds you turn a dial (as opposed to the buttons on most others), which makes for rough transitions. Moreover, the dial feels very flimsy and I doubt this machine will last. I purchased this model because I thought its premium price would mean a premium product, but from the plastic gears to the flimsy dial, to the impossible-to-open cover, I hate it. Will go back to either an Oster or Waring, both of which served me well, each for over 10 years.",neg "I wish I had read the review by Mary Twain before purchasing the Pro Form Rose Bundt. Because it was made by Nordic Ware, I thought it would be the same as the cast aluminum but it's not. Don't be fooled b/c the cake will not look like a rose. The pan is more shallow & the ring is bigger than the cast aluminum. Since I only paid $9.99 for this, I didn't want to waste paying for shipping to get a refund",neg "Buyer beware! The item pictured is not what you will get! It contains the same information, but it is formatted differently. I asked for a replacement, asking for what is pictured and received the incorrect one again.What I received was smaller, about 5x 3 whereas the image looks taller (about 4). It was stainless steel as advertised. The information was listed in a grid, similar to a spreadsheet. Everything was written in CAPS which make it very hard to read (there is actually studies confirming this). Based on the image on the website, the information is the same, but the image lays out the information so it is easier and faster to find what you are looking for.If the formatting is not an issue for you, then these are great. I however have bad eye sight and the bigger and more spread out the text, the better! Had I received what was pictured, I would have given it 5 stars.I suspect that what I received was the older model and amazon.com is simply getting rid of the older items first.",neg "You get what you paid for. Nice pattern, but the bedding is somewhat rough to the touch. Wouldn't give it as a gift",neg "To start with, the one-star rating is actually for the customer service department. When it works, the product itself is fine.I bought the unit last Christmas and used it frequently until early summer. At that time it began functioning only intermittently, then soon quit altogether. Tilia assurred me that it was covered under a one-year warranty, that it would be replaced, and that I needn't return the original unit. Our next call was prompted by its failure to arrive in a reasonable time. We were told that they had no replacements, it was back-ordered, and would arrive within several weeks. When it didn't, I called again and was told that the replacements had arrived and would be shipping soon. Our next call yielded the information that the replacements had NOT arrived afterall and that Tilia had no idea when they would. The saga continues...Get a food saver--but from another company rather than Tili",neg We raved about making panini's. Introduced many of our friends to them. Then it died without warning in the middle of dinner. We paid $80 for the thing too,neg "We used our beloved panini maker probably once a month or so for about a year, but it died without warning, and way too soon",neg Thankyou for the reviews about quality. I wanted to share with krups why I wouldn't buy there panini maker. But when I tried to email customer service it was to complicated to let them know. I also read there warranty and it appears your grills should be covered under one year. But of course it adds at there discretion. I am still deciding which to get but cuisinart has a 3 year warranty,neg Very noisy and takes too long to brew. Boxed it up to return but I misplaced the packing slip. Will keep using mom's very old Corelle electric percolator,neg This item turned to rust after the first use. I do not recommend this product,neg The soap shoots straight out of the pump and can go about three feet. (Children would love this feature.) You have to hold your hand awkwardly in front of the spout to keep the soap in your hand or pick up the pump and pump it directly into your palm. Also the pump sticks and has to be pulled up manually. You cannot use this pump with one hand - not good for kitchen use,neg "I had one a few months ago. When I filled in water, the water just passed the filter quickly. I was not sure if the water is filtered. One day, I wanted to clean it. I put it in hot water for about 10 minutes. The pitcher was out of shape and I had to discard it. I believe the pitcher was made from cheap materials. I sent an email to the custom no service of Brita. I got no response. I will not buy Brita products any longer",neg "I also tried some cotton Wamsutta sheets from Bed Bath, and Beyond and they pilled the first time I washed them. I was able to return them to the store, but it was a waste of time. I wouldn't recommend these sheets or any Wamsutta sheets because I think they're poor quality",neg did not fit the pot I needed it for. too much money for shipping on small item to justify sending back.,neg "I purchased this knife, and when it arrived, the package said, Not recommended for left-handers. If Henckels chooses to design only for right-handed people, that's their right, but they should disclose it clearly. Second, [Amazon.com] should include such information in their editorial review. I'm left-handed, and I'll add this to my can opener and vegetable peeler as one-way kitchen gadgets",neg "The waffle baker (formerly waffle iron) works great. Make that 'worked great.' For an entire month, then it died. It was, of course, under warranty. No problem, we were told, we will ship a new one to your door.Great! we thought. That was three months ago. The latest is the honchos see no reason to hurry(!) our replacement. Customer service is hoping -- not guaranteeing, not promising, but hoping -- we will get our replacement in mid-January.If, and it is a very big 'if', we get our replacement in January, that will make the score 5 to 1 against us. For six months they will have had our money, and for one month of the six we will have had a functioning waffle baker.It would seem that it is difficult to do much worse than buy a waffle baker that dies after a month with no replacement on the horizon.Great when it works, but it doesn't work, so how many stars is it really worth? 2? 1? None? A negative number?And it really was a great toy. Drat!",neg "I spent several hours searching & researching rice cookers trying to find one that was designed specifically for brown rice. I finally decided on this one because it specifically mentioned brown rice, and had brown rice measurements which are different than for regular white rice. I am disappointed. First of all, the manual recommends NOT using the keep warm function when using brown rice. This means you have to unplug the machine when the cooking cycle is over. This defeats the purpose of an automatic rice cooker. But even this drawback might be acceptable if it did a good job of cooking brown rice properly. It does not. It is either too wet & mushy, or too dry and burnt. We have been unable to cook a proper batch yet, after much experimentation with slightly more or less water, and using 3 different types of brown rice. Look elsewhere, and let me know if you find one that works properly with brown rice",neg "The other reviewer was luckier than I was. Mine warped immediately, which forced off the end pieces",neg "We registered for a set of 10 WMF utensils for our wedding. They look great hanging in our kitchen and most all of the utensils are very functional. However, we are now on our second scooper and it has broken now for the second time. Its just not sturdy enough for its intended use...ice cream",neg "The first time I used it, the weld holding the scoop to the handle broke, leaving the scoop in the ice cream and the handle in my hand",neg "This product would not cut through a sweet potato. It barely went through a piece of a regular potato. While cutting through a potato it was bending and felt like it would break. It's fairly cheap, but you get what you pay for. I ended up using a knife instead. It's your $8.99..",neg "I loved this iron until it died after owning it for a little over a year. I bought this iron because Consumer Reports rated it #1. It was a great iron while it worked. (I iron about once a week - sometimes twice a month.) I've had irons last for years and I usually get rid of them because they lack the bells and whistles not because they fail to work. Black & Decker Customer Service acted like I was the only one whoever had a problem with one of their products and told me to go buy another iron because it was over a year old. I'm sorry, but I think with light use, an iron should last more than a year. Forget Black & Decker. I'm trying Rowenta or Bosch",neg This unit simply does not do the job. Press makes irregular shaped tortillas and they CANNOT be easily removed from the wax paper. Better job can be done with 2 dinner plates. Save your money,neg This is a cheap piece of junk. The base won't communicate with the remote even after extensive review of directions and trying different channel selections as directed. The plastic housings are so lightweight I don't think it'd survive ordinary outdoor use either. Certianly not a drop off your grill. Felt like I had to handle it gingerly so I didn't crush it with my hands. This one is going back -Sorry AZ.,neg "If the probe was not so fragile I'd give this unit 5 stars. The remote works well although I have had it lose contact with the sender if I was out in front of my house (my grill is on the back deck). This is a minor annoyance, but what really ticked me off was that the probe failed (indicating HIGH reading) in conditions where my MIU France unit keeps on going. Unfortunately the MIU France unit doesn't have the remote capability. I purchased about 5 extra probes for the Taylor unit directly from Taylor by mail. But within a few weeks several of those failed. I don't mind having to replace a probe once in a while but when you have to replace two in one cooking session it gets pretty annoying. I'd suggest staying away from this unit",neg "I LOVE to grill but I keep my grill a fair distance from my house while cooking so you can imagine the excitment I had in purchasing this item with the wireless transmitter. First, it took more than 1/2 an hour to get the two pieces to communicate with each other. Secondly, and worst of all, on just my second attempt using it I was watching my pork roast temperature from the comfort of my kitchen when the temperature value jumped to HIGH. I immediately went out to check it and the probe is DEAD!!! There's no way to purchase a replacement probe so the whole thing is just a fancy kitchen timer!! Taylor is NO HELP!",neg "This product is a disgrace. Nonstick is not one of its virtues, and those who are thinking of purchasing this waste of money should be forewarned. It is not even well designed for broiling with small openings for fat drainage that quickly clog up. I am honestly surprised that Amazon would allow such an unworthy product to be sold under its banner",neg "It looks like a Krups -- what with the stainless steel look and the fancy electronics, but, as a rice cooker, it does not perform as expected. The rice is passable but certainly not the best we've had - our very old National rice cooker produced better rice. Also disappointing is the lack of a retractable electrical cord - winding the electrical cord around a chintzy metal cord holder (unstrategically located at the bottom of the cooker) gets old very quickly. Lastly, the fancy electronic display is not very informative when cooking rice. (It may be more helpful when using the appliance as a slow cooker - but we thought we were buying a rice cooker.)Bottom line: it looks like a Krups, does not perform like one, and, with all its good looks, is decidedly un-ergonomic in its design. A disappointment. If we could, we'd return it.",neg "All the airbake products I have used thus far have proven awful over time. After only several uses, cookies stick (even after religious greasing of the sheet) and the sheets are impossible to clean without scratching or rubbing off the surface. Now I have to place a silpat on top to save myself the headache. I'd save my money and spend it on a heavier duty, higher quality baking sheet.",neg AirBake products are horrible! I have used the cookie sheets multiple times and I have had nothing but problems. There products over-brown everything you cook and the food sticks no matter how well you grease the pans. I have better luck using my old cheap non-stick bakeware than AirBake. Buyer beware! If you do choose to buy this brand of products grease the pans generously and cut the bake time and oven temperature,neg "The Fiestaware Scarlet mugs are beautiful but dangerous. The handle is much too small for this size mug. If you can get your finger through the small hole, your finger will soon be as scarlet as the Fiestaware. The first and only time my family used these mugs, two of us burned ourselves.Fiestaware really screwed up on this one, a shame given the beauty of the Scarlet Fiestaware",neg I love Vornado products but this doesn't qualify. Very little breeze. You have to turn the fan around to turn it off which means that about half the time I get whacked by the cloth blades. It should have a power switch on the cord instead. It's a trendy gadget that will only please people who are not Vornado customers,neg "I encounter too much resistance when trying to pull towel out for tearing. There is so much resitance that the base moves, unless I perform the procedure with both hands.",neg "I read all of the reviews and thought this was the paper towel holder for me. Boy, was I wrong. It looked beautiful when it arrived and I couldn't wait to use it. Well, I put on my first roll of paper towels and pulled one off. The racheting system worked ok until it came towards the end of the roll. The racheting stopped and jammed and the paper towels ripped in half instead of where they were supposed to. I am going back to the old paper towel holders that just have a stick holding the roll and not a racheting whisk like bar. Jesh, all I want is a paper towel not aggravation. Which is what I got with this item",neg "I bought the VillaWare Double Smoothee maker and it was a problem from the moment I pulled it out of the box. First, the silver lable was not glued on the product and wouldn't stick. Next when I made the product using THEIR receipe it wouldn't dispense from the spout and the spout connecting to the blender leaked. Tried calling the seller and emailing them about my problem and they wouldn't help. I called the manufacture and since I bought it HERE from a vendor they would help. So...now...its in the blender heaven of trash somewhere out there. WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY. THANK GOD FOR AMAZON'S ABC GUARANTEE!!",neg This attachment vibrates so badly that it about bounces the food processor right off the counter. I love the food processor but I regret having bought the juice extractor,neg "When I opened the box, I noticed corrosion on the lid. When I contacted Rival customer service via email, they told me I had to purchase a new lid. I called and spoke with a customer service representative and they told me that a lid was not covered under warranty. When I explained that I just opened it and it was defective they told me to just return the product that there was nothing that they were going to do.After being treated this way, I will NOT be purchasing any more Rival products if they don't stand behind their product!!!!! VERY VERY poor customer service",neg "When I received this item it was packaged with the wrong power cord, which didn't fit the unit. So I wasn't even able to use this unit.",neg "I have tried and tried but the thing just makes weak coffee.I don't know how many different pods I have tried but the thing just can't make a strong cup. I have tried 2 pods - I have even tried making my own pods. If you try to jam too much coffee in it, it leaks and will try to pop it's head off.I have not done the proper priming that folks have mentioned and I also have detected a bit of a metalic flavor so that may be associated with my lack of effort.Am going to try to return it because it is just too expensive to make a wimpy cupa joe",neg "My husband bought this machine because it was supposed to be fast and convenient, and with different schedules, easier to brew one cup at a time. It worked fine at first, but now after just 3 weeks it leaks hot water all over the counter. This has happened to both my husband and me so it's not bad technique on our parts. We follow directions exactly, but we keep having to stop it, open the lid, check the pods, reclose the lid and try again. This takes all the convenience out of it especially when you have to clean coffe puddles off your counter. This just isn't acceptable, but it's mostly plastic so probably to be expected. We have used other pods besides the Senseo pods (which don't produce good coffee) but that shouldn't be an issue as they're all the same size. Anyway, we're trashing it and have ordered the Bunn professional which will hopefully do a much better job. I'll let you know in a future review. My advice on this one is either don't buy it or if you do, based on other positive reviews, keep the box and the receipt so you can return it when it starts malfunctioning",neg "Given as a gift - same story: The fact that I primarily used high heat, it didn't last past 6 months. All-Clad said too bad after I emailed them, and called them several times leaving messages - took them 3 months to get back to me, and then that was it. I WILL NEVER BUY ALL-CLAD EVER AGAIN!!",neg "This item was ordered 1/4/06 it is now 2/25/06 and has not yet been shipped. Hard to rate the item, but for sure you can see the rating for delivery",neg "I purchased these pans based on my previous positive experiences with Calphalon cookware--have tons of it, but I experienced the same problem as two other reviewers--that is, the slumping in the middle. I have been cooking for over 30 years and have never experienced this problem, especially since I have a new Kitchen-Aid convection oven. Also, the non-stick is not so non-stick. At their prices, I think they have a little work to do to meet other Calphalon products",neg "I am sorry to say that I was not satisfied with this pan at all! The cakes I bake are browning, even burning on the edges BEFORE the middle is even done! The edges are rising but the middle is slumping down. I own the Calphalon cookware and that is nice but they have a STINKER in their bakeware. My recommendation= Look at a different pan",neg "yes, it looks good in my blue kitchen. but the water doesn't pour cleanly out of the spout - it's more like uncontrollable spewing, even when poured slowly, and boiling water splashes all over the counter. also very difficult to fully empty. sorry I threw out the box, or I'd send back",neg "This toaster at the lowest setting of 1 burns my toast. It also burned one side of a frozen bagel when I put it on defrost.Further, when plugged in, the dial is lit up by a red light. It makes me feel like the toaster is on, and needs to be turned off. I have to keep reminding myself that it is okay. If I can find the box, I'll probably return it. Maybe I just got a dud, since most reviews here are goo",neg "I have been grinding my own coffee beans every morning for many years and have gone through quite a few different grinders. I have always loved Cuisinart products and was very excited to purchase this one, what a mistake! The grinder itself is really noisy and heavy for it's size. The coffee grinds are never fine enough for my liking and they get stuck up inside the plastic top, making a huge mess and wasting a lot of coffee.DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY ON THIS ONE!!",neg "I was excited to upgrade to this coffee grinder after years of using a cheap Krups model, and I have to say that I am very disappointed with the way this machine grinds coffee. It takes way too long to grind, whether pulsing or grinding continuously. And then the grounds are very uneven. Although the manufacturer says it is grinding slowly to keep the flavor in, every coffee expert I've consulted with says the longer coffee grinds, the more it heats up and the more flavor is lost. Even after long grinding, there are large pieces of bean still visible. I was also excited about the machine's detachable bowl, which does make for easy cleaning. But only of the bowl. The rest of the machine is a pain to clean and no matter how carefully you remove the top, your counter is covered in grounds. I bought a second bowl so that I could grind spices in the same machine, and I think the coffee grinder works better on spices and seeds (such as flax) than it does on coffee. But you still have to clean the entire thing before reusing it, or your spices have a strong coffee flavor from the grounds that are stuck to the protective case. (That plastic case does make grinding quieter, however.) All in all I'm quite disappointed with this purchase. I should have gone farther upscale and gotten a more serious burn grinder, or stuck with my cheap Krups with the slanted bowl base which made even grounds quickly.",neg "Cuisinart is one manufacturer that has capitalized on its brand name and produced this inferior product. My criticisms of this machine:1. Its heavy and relatively large. It is awkward to place in and remove from a cabinet, and so it remains on the counter top where it takes up precious real estate with its large footprint.2. It's slow. With its weight, you would think the grinder would have a powerful motor that would quickly grind coffee. It does not. It takes a very long time to grind the coffee.3. The grind is uneven and actually clumps. The grind is fine at the bottom and course and clumpy at the top. The finely ground coffee sticks to the bottom of the bowl below the blade. I must use a finger to remove the ground coffee or pound the bowel against the palm of my other hand. Pulsing makes no difference. Grinding a full bowl improves the performance somewhat. Yet, grinding beans for up to minute still does not produce a grind fine enough for even a cone filter. Espresso is out of the question.4. I invariably spill ground coffee on the counter top no matter how carefully I remove the lid.Although the grinder looks cool with its stainless steel finish and it has a larger bowl than most blade grinders, those two alone do not even come close to overcoming its other deficiencies. Surely there must be better blade coffee grinders on the market",neg "The 4-cup coffee press is in actuality just 2 cups. The number of ounces is not listed in the sales blurb... What we wanted was 4 cups at 8 ounces each. The 4-cup coffee press is just a bit over 16 ounces. While it says so on the lid of the box it came in, the ounce-capacity is not in the Amazon listing. ...So we returned it..",neg The replacement filters for the SV726 do not fit and are not the same shape as the filter that came with the Shark Vac,neg 50% of the bags leak. The plastic is thin and rips easily. Don't even think about using these for uder the bed storage. The bags will get tears on them if you just breate on them heavy.,neg "This product was horrible. I ordered a queen size and expected a huge box to arrive carrying such. However, it was so small that a pair of shoes could have fit in it. When I took the featherbed out of the box, it was terribly thin. I currently have a featherbed and it is nice and fluffy. This item unfortunately felt as though I was simply lying on a blanket.",neg "it's 54.99 in last week, I'll wait till the price drop bac",neg "The only thing I do not like of this pitcher is its lid. The lid is not quite sealed so that the water could leak from the back and wet your sleeve. Even worse, sometimes the lid fell off. You have to be careful while using it. Not recommend",neg "I used a West Bend Triple timer for about 25 years and was well satisfied with it. It had a loud alarm. The new model has a clock (not very useful), a stop watch function (moderately useful) and a triple timer function (fairly useful). Unfortunately the timer functions are more difficult to set than on the older unit. The alarm is very weak, very difficult for me to hear. I am looking for another alarm.",neg "I saw the 3-star reviews here, but decided to ignore them as this pan was on sale for a very good price. That was a big mistake.1. The first problem is with the size of the muffin cups -- they are significantly more shallow than in a typical mini-muffin pan.2. The silicone warped from the heat while in the oven, spilling the meager contents of the tiny cups over the edges, making flat, crooked, ugly muffins.3. The silicone did not release the muffins easily. I did spray it with nonstick spray before filling, and allowed the muffins to cool completely before I tried to get them out.I didn't even bother to try and wash it, so I don't have any comment about the ease of washing. I won't be wasting any more time and ingredients in it, so I threw it away. I wish I could get my money back. This is not the quality you would expect from KitchenAid",neg "If I could give no stars for this, I would. I've been using electric skillets for more years then I care to say. I love cooking with them and when my last one simply wore out from so much use, I bought this one. What a mistake. After only minimal use, the middle of the pan began to burn extra hot and all the food was sticking and burning. Then the coating began to peel from the pan. The middle began to buldge slightly so the surface was not flat for even frying. What a nightmare!! This pan was less then two months old! And I do know how to treat and cook with electric skillets - just in case you were thinking I did something to cause this. I have never been so disappointed in a product before. However, it did have a new place in our home - the trash can. Guess I should have read the reviews first. Now that was my mistake!!",neg "I'm an old hand with kettles, I thought I'd give this one to my spouse for our anniversary, but it was a bit of a dud. When the kettle was ready to boil the lid would fall down, steam would go everywhere. And it would often take ages to turn itself off. Looked great but...Think I'm going to get the braun instead",neg "After 5 washings, these towels still shed like a mother. Grrr",neg "When I received this coffee maker, it worked long enough for me to run water through it to clean it out, then then heating element stopped working. It took numerous calls to Braun, then of course I had to pack it up and ship it off. Several weeks later it was returned to me and once again, it worked one time. Again, it took several phone calls and I had to pack it up and send it off again. I received a new unit that does indeed heat up, but has several other problems. The drip shut-off mechanism stopped working after a couple weeks, the permanent filter allows grounds to get into the coffee, and if one uses a paper filter, it tends to overflow the filter basket. This is the worst coffee maker I've ever owned",neg "We have a full line of Fiesta dishware and thought having the matching flatware would be nice. After a year of standard use and dishwashing, about 1/3 of the flatware is unusable. The upside is that it is cheap and replaceable. But count me among those who would rather pay more for something that lasts. We are in the process of ditching the Fiesta flatware line and moving to something more robust.PROS: Retro Stylish. Inexpensive compared to quality flatware.CONS: Very poorly made, Expensive if you need to replace 1/3 of flatware ever year",neg "The pepper lid seemed a little loose and I worried that it would fall off, dumping pepper everywhere. I probably would have kept them anyway because they are nice looking and a decent price, but I couldn't get the lid off the salt shaker at all",neg I ended up giving it to Salvation Army. Takes more than one cake mix. More like 1 and a half to fill it up. I didn't think it was worth the money.,neg "Look, the product plainly reads Oster Blender Blade with Gasket and the package that was delivered is titled Processing Unit with Sealing Ring. The blade was in the package but there was no sealing ring/gasket to be found. I'm sure there is the possibility that I got the one defective package off the line but what kind of quality assurance is that?! I'm not telling anyone to buy or not buy this product but just be aware that you may have a problem. I now need to buy a whole separate gasket which maybe costs all of $1.50 and will pay shipping of probably $3.",neg "This product will not work with home vacuum sealers that use a textured bag. This is a thin plastic sheet on a roll. You have to cut, fold and seal the sides of the plastic sheet.",neg "This gadget is better than nothing as a sink strainer ( unlike the miserable Sinktastic, which I find hopelessly misdesigned) but it's still far inferior to any good stainless steel mesh strainer. (Do a web search for sink mesh strainer.) This one slides around on top of the sink drain, letting gunk slide in around it. Yet it's impossible to pick up without using your (ewww) fingernails. And those fingernails will be picking up a rusting metal edge, if yours grows old at all like mine did.Well, grows old is overly charitable to this cheaply finished thing. I think I used mine for maybe the equivalent of 30 full kitchen hours before the paint along the edges began to chip and the underlying metal began to severely corrode.One way this might be made reasonably useful is if you sealed it in place with a waterproof nontoxic silicone caulk so it didn't move around. Then you could scrub it right there in the sink and never deal with prying it out for cleaning etc.Yechhh...",neg "I totally agree with the previous reviewer. This pan is terrible. I also ended up with only tops. I suppose you could put paper muffin cups in, but what would be the point of buying this pan then??? Also, these do not nest like a regular metal pan (the sled takes up a lot of room). DO NOT BUY THIS",neg I received the gelato maker in the mail and was eady to try it out. Got all the ingredients together and in the bowl and loaded it into the machine. I turned on the machine as per the directions and it beeped and flashed at my just like it is supposed to do when it has been on too long and the machine is freezing up. I was not very happy with this predicament at all,neg "Mine died after 6 months - half the heating elements stopped working, toasting only one side of the bread. Took it apart - no loose or broken wires, so must have been the circuitry. Chucked it in the garbage.While it was working, it would jam easily. The push-down handle has a flimsy metal tang that twists easily (when kids or oafish adults use it). The tang then rubs against the slot, incinerating the toast",neg "I have always had a percolator so having cuisinart products and another percolator by them I ordered this one. I received it the first of Sept. 2006 and on Nov. 10 plugged it in, it sparked at the pot and that was it GONE!! I am sick about this as I had thought Cuisinart was a step above the rest",neg "I am very pleased with the dishes. Years ago I owned Corelle dishes, and am now wondering why I went the way of the heavier dishes. They don't scratch or take up a lot of space. I bought two sets. I love love the colors and my table settings are so nice to look at, especially since I purchased table mats with big orange blooms to put the dishes on and celery napkins to match. It really makes for a beautiful table. I get compliments all the time. I was also very pleased with how quickly I received the dishes - in about 3 days. I am always happy with my purchases made through Amzon.com",neg "I expected the dishes to be more substantial. The plates are very light and thin, more like melamine in feel. The colors on the dinner plates and bowls are like in the pictures seen on the internet so they are what I expected. Very disappointed with the cups- I bought two sets, and only 1 of the 8 cups had ALMOST the same color intensity as the dinner plates-the others were so faded (kinda like when your color cartridge in your computer is outta ink) they looked like, either rejects,or they had gone through a heavy load dishwash 100 time",neg "We bought this to use at events for a chocolate-themed group at college, and used it several times before giving up.The cord is in the way, you need a shallow dish to pour the batter into so you can dip the crepe maker, and the crepes tend to fall off half-baked. We eventually gave up---now we just put chocolate on waffles",neg "The pad sent to me did not match the description or photo. The neck on the pad is very narrow. The photograph depicts a different type of ironing board than the one the cover actually fits. I bought two of these and had to return them both as they did not fit the board. I was stuck paying the shipping, thus penalizing me for a product that was misrepresented",neg "Arrived defective,right out of the box. Will not oscillate; something inside is obviously amiss.So why even bother with it",neg " The other reviews are correct,except they fail to mention that the fan does not move air.That is why it is so quite.I do suppose that I got 13 dollars worth of fan though.Think twice about purchasing this fan",neg difficult to start and difficult to maintain flame. would think twice before buying again. especially difficult if one is left handed,neg "My Son, who is a Culinary graduate, purchased a set of OXO knives for me as a gift. I know they were not inexpensive. However, within a year, three of the six knives seperated from the grips during use. While the grips are quite nice, the knives are dangerous to use and can cause serious injury in the kitchen. They should be removed from the market. In all three cases, the blades flipped upwards during slicing.",neg "Sorry to disagree with other reviewers, but my experience of the paring knife was that it's perhaps the softest metal I've ever seen used in a knife, and as a result, it's not very sharp and doesn't improve if you try sharpening it. My friend, a fellow cook who got it as a gift, doesn't like it; I hated it and would never choose to use it. There's a reason the price is so low",neg "This grinder worked well for about two months before the internal spring that holds the nutmeg in place became loose. Now there is so little pressure against the nutmeg, that the blade can no longer do any grinding. In addition, the size and shape of the entire mill are awkward for my small hands.I regret not having read the other reviews before buying this.",neg "This product has a cute name, but it is very difficult to use. I constantly have to take the nutmeg out and re-adjust it. Larger nutmegs do not fit in the storage area. It's a lot of work to get a little bit of nutmeg - disappointing",neg "Received this toaster as a Christmas present in 2004. From day one I was not very happy with it. The knobs and temperature control are difficult to use - sometimes it would bake good, other times it would not. About 6 months ago I noticed the numbers were rubbed off of the timer dial. About 3 months ago the timer dial became loose and it was difficult to set the time. Today the timer dial broke off completely. So I got about a year and a half of poor use out of it. So, don't purchase this product, it is not worth it.",neg "Unfortunately, I ordered these twice and received rectangular bakers instead. This was *not* Amazon's fault, but Emile Henry's for mislabling the box as oval bakers when they were not. In fairness to Amazon, they tried to make it right but had a difficult time doing so since the contents of the box were mislabled.Althought I would have preferred the oval bakers, I kept the rectangular ones and do like them",neg "It is really the worst coffee maker I had. It is too slow, the automatic stopper always breakes and the coffee pot is useless, because you can not pour in a cup without making a mes",neg The professional 5 qt. series has a wider bowl than the regular 5 quart. I was given no info. that it would not fit this model. I was dissapointed as I feel this attachment would be helpfu,neg I BOUGHT THIS ITEM FOR MY DAUGHTER FOR CHRISTMAS AND AFTER SHE REMOVED IT FROM THE BOX I TOOK A LOOK AT IT TO CHECK IT OVER AND I DISCOVERED THERE WAS MISSING PAINT WHERE THE BAND IS THAT GOES AROUND THE TOP OF THE MIXER. DO I GET THE FEELING THAT THE MIXER I PURCHASED WAS A DEFECT. I ORDERED ANOTHER ONE FOR MY OTHER DAUGHTER AND I WILL HAVE HER CHECK THAT OVER ALSO. I AM NOT HAPPY WITH THIS AND I WILL HAVE TO LOOK INTO THIS MATTER,neg I was so excited when i found a contemporary stainless pattern to add to my gift registry. When i received the 20 piece set at a shower I was very ecited until I washed them and never got to eat off them because they RUST!!!! I called gourmet settings and they are sending me another set but I am removing the 45 piece set from my registry. I will use them for picnic silverware not dining roon silverware,neg "I have tried to purchase this item since May 2006. Without explanation, after my order was processed and I was given a date of delivery the order was cancelled and I received a notice that the board was not available.How strange is that?If you call the company they tell you the item is availble through Amazon.Would really like to understand what has happened.I feel somewhat less unhappy since I read a review of this very pricey item saying it was not worth the cost.",neg "I recently got this set and the 2 piece carving set of the same series. I know I should not have expected much for this great price, but the knives do not have anywhere as good a feel as the classic line of wusthof or the henckels 4 or 5 star knives. They are very light in weight, mostly due to the handles. Much better than a target or kmart knife, and great to start, but I expect to switch mine out with 'real' knives as my budget will allow",neg I do not think any human being can fall asleep on this trash. Actually i can not even lie on this for more than 1 minute and I feel low back pain.it has good material but poor design.,neg "I baked two batches of madelines side by side, one in this pan (set on a baking sheet), and another in a traditional pan with non-stick coating. I brushed both pans with canola oil before using. As per the package instructions, I allowed the madelines in the silicon pan to cool completely before removing them. The madelines in the traditional pan released easily, were golden and high, and had a pronounced design. The other batch were almost soggy (probably from cooling in the pan), flat, pale, and did not have the appearance of a madeline. To make matters worse, they did not release easily, and a few of them even broke as I attempted to remove them. I would not recommend this pan",neg "What the heck is going on? I ordered this item 3 weeks ago, it has not delivered yet. So I can't even make a review on this item",neg "Why do manufacturers always have to change a good thing?I had a Rival crockpot for over 12 years. It always worked great. The idea behind a crockpot is to cood slow and low. My old Rival cooked at 150 degrees on the Low setting.I use the old Rival all the time, and decided to get a second one so I could use them both simutaneouly and cook two recipes at the same time. I looked at the reviews for the electronic Rival models. Everyone said they cooked too hot. So I finally purchased this 6.5 quart model with the simple knob control.Well, I filled the crockpot full of 8 lb.s of chicken. The next morning, I could smell the burning food. I looked in the pot, and the chicken was boiling on the Low setting.So, the next night I filled it full of a vegetable soup recipe. The next morning, the soup was boiling over ... again on the Low setting. The veggies were overcooked and mushy. I measured the temperature and it was 195 degrees.I won't buy anymore Rival products. I only gave this 2 stars because I guess you could conceivably use it to make soup ... If you're willing to stand over it and turn it off when it starts to overboil",neg "flimsy. mine started rusting after 2 months. but then again, what can one expect for this price",neg "Although this grill has all the design elements I wanted - easy to use, quick to clean, and very compact, it is very cheaply made. After just 3 uses, One of the joints that adheres the top to the bottom broke. Had I not reacted quickly, I would have been burned. We were very fortunate that our child was kept away from ever using it.Upon close examination, we found the weak joint to be made of some sort of brittle, composite material, NOT metal. It's such a disappointment to see such a terrific design implemented so poorly.",neg Good idea bad product. Worked great 2 weeks. Magnets fell off end of week 2. Probe quit week 3. Costs more to return for repair than it is worth,neg This thermometer is very cheaply made. It feels flimsy and the magnets on the back won't hold it secure on a metal surface,neg "I honestly liked the blender a lot. I received it as a gift and it matched the rest of my kitchen's KitchenAid appliances-- range, refrigerator, dishwasher, pretty much everything other than the toaster oven. At the time, there could be no better blender. It looked great. It promised professional performance. It had KitchenAid's brand and durability behind it.I use my blender for making tomato sauce and the occasional fruit smoothie. There is some amount of ice crushing required, but that shouldn't be an issue. I certainly was not a weekly let alone a daily user. So, 3 years after I got the blender, I went to turn it on and it is completely dead-- no light on the on button. Changed outlets and still nothing. It's done. What an incredible dissappointment.But, it seems to me that the KitchenAid brand has really taken an awful turn since it was acquired by Whirlpool(?). First, my dishwasher broke (3 repair jobs) then my stand mixer's seals are loose. I called customer service about trying to buy a replacement thermometer for my range and after endless re-routing, I got no where. The fridge has minor issues (loose rails, pieces not refitting) and is probably the best of the lot.I did some research. Apparently, KitchenAid is just licensing its name out on various products. So, realistically, there is no such thing as KitchenAid quality anymore since they don't make much of anything. Everything is just a re-branded product. Whirlpool is going to milk the brand premium until its reputation catches up to it.From a once KitchenAid loyalist, avoid this product-- yes it's beautiful but it's not going to last. Avoid all KitchenAid products because they really are not what they once were",neg "Well, I can't say that I didn't like this thing at first. It came with a little scoopy to dig out your coffee beans and grinds. At first it seems like a nice little unit. I poured a pot of water into it in order to do away with any oils left over from manufacturing. I say you should run 3 pots of water through it before use (filterless of course). After a few uses, I noticed that the carafe does spill out onto the counter if you do not pour slowly. If you want your coffee now and have no time to pour, don't get this item. After having this machine for 3 weeks now, and using it constantly every morning, I have finally decided that it is near total crap. I just made a pot of coffee this morning when the machine decided it would spurt some hot air & water which caused the grinds blow all over the place. Spilling out of the top onto the carafe and drooling hot coffee and grinds all over the counter. How nice. If you're going to buy a cheap coffee maker, spend the extra 5 or 6 dollars and get a semi-decent one. Toastmaster should stick to toasting. If you do decided to get this, buy some towels and a mop as well",neg "I should have listened to the other reviews!Point 1. This machine is not only just noisy, it CONTINUES to be loud, intermittently! Picture this: You are sipping your hot drink while reading the newspaper, relaxed, the house quiet, when like a knife cutting the silence, a loud grinding sound flies from the kitchen, your dog starts howling & barking, you jump and relaxation is out the window! It recycles as long as you leave it on.Point 2. It took me TWO cycles (20 minutes) before the stuff was hot enough for me. I like beverages to be as hot as coffee.Point 3. Take out your best scrubber & roll up your sleeves!! For every use, you have to scrub the thick coating off the bottom of the non-immersable pitcher PLUS totally take apart the spout, clean it & put it back together (it has 5 parts). Hope you have time for this!Point 4. Froth? What froth? That's froth?? Stirring my drink with a spoon makes it look like that.Final analysis: I can make the same thing in the microwave with less cleanup",neg Liked the product when it was working.I used the machine about 4 times a week for 18 months. It will mix the ingredients but does not heat up the drink any more,neg "I should have listened when the other reviewers said to stay away from this steamer. Now I wish I had spent the extra $60 and gotten one from Jiffy.The box the unit arrived in was pretty beat up and did not look like it had been professionally taped. It definitely looked like it had been returned by another customer, and lucky me, I got sloppy seconds.I read the instructions and assembled it carefully, but the performance is just awful. Even after letting it heat up for two minutes and then holding the trigger for 30 seconds, as the instructions indicate, it lets out a pathetic gasp of steam. Additionally, it sprays out great gobs of water all over the clothes, and I don't mean a few spots of water like you get with any steamer",neg I ordered this stupid thing one month ago and they delayed multiple times and kept saying delay. These things will never come. So never expect cheap things from Amazon although they tried very hard to convince you to wait.,neg "For fifteen years I've talked about getting a good stand mixer and my sweet husband went out and bought me this one. He bought it on sale at Cosco last Spring, then stored it until we moved back to the States from Europe and gave it to me as a housewarming gift in Nov. I've used it a few times but the paddle and whisk don't reach the bottom of the bowl and the screw meant for adjustment will NOT tighten any further. I can't get into the bowl at all while it is in the upward position... to scape or to add ingredients. I like to make crepes, which calls for adding sifted flour gradually over eggs while beating. It's impossible with this machine. I get a gluey mass at the bottom of the bowl, unmixed... and the batter is full of lumps. If I want to scape the bowl, (which is frequently necessary since the paddle or whisk doesn't reach all the way to the sides of the bowl) I have to stop the machine and lower the bowl each time, and even then, with the paddle or whisk attached, it's not easy to reach the sides of the bowl towards the back. You can't turn the bowl without removing it from the stand completely. You have to yank on the bowl and lift at the same time to remove it from the stand. This takes a fair amount of force to maneuver. It's impossible to remove the paddle or whisk without first letting it drop completely into the batter. The speeds are not variable enough. It seems to be either ploddingly slow or so fast that any liquid or flour flies out.It's a monumental disappointment and I'm frustrated because it's been so long since he bought it, I can't imagine they would allow it to be returned. So, I still mix everything by hand or use my stick mixer and feel crumby about the big white doorstop taking up counter space",neg "Rating should be 0 but that wasn't a choice. I ordered this item at beginning of July pending move to a place that didn't have a dishwasher. They backordered it until August 10. So I waited and didn't have sanitized dishes in the meantime for myself and my 12 pets. Then, on August 9, they sent me an email saying we can't get this item, we're cancelling the order. I have gone 5 weeks without a dishwasher! Now I have to go find another online store to order from. Target may advertise the cheapest price but THEY DON'T DELIVER",neg "This thing is a piece of junk! It's the only blender I've ever seen that comes with a stir stick to unclog the sides of the jar (where the stuff all goes instead of into the blades). This should have been a clue that the thing wasn't very well designed, and it wasn't. It ALWAYS needed to be stirred when making any kind of smoothie, several times, which made the process a real pain. Also, the drain spout is a great place for food to hide and get nasty. Except for the jar it's pretty cheap plastic. But it's in the trash now because the couleing fried itself after two months. Good riddance",neg "The brushed chrome is plastic. The spout leaks, and the motor burned out in one week. On top of that the store where I purchased it, Kitchen Kapers wouldn't let me return it saying it wasn't designed for drinks that require crushing ice. Why then do some of the recipes in the manual call for ice cubes?",neg I had received this set for my Birthday from a friend. When we unpacked the set we noticed the 8 Quart pot was scratched on the interior. This made the non-stick aspect of the pot worthless. I gave the pots back to my friend and he returned them to Amazon and had a new set sent out. When we received the new set the 8 quart pot again had scratches inside the pot. I thought I would contact Calphalon to inquire about the damage and see what they had to say. I called the Calphalon customer service number but was on hold for so long I gave up. In retrospect I would spend the extra money and stay away from the non-stick surfaces with teflon coating which are prone to scratch easily. If you get the Calphalon One Infused-Anodized pans which you will never have to replace let alone deal with the lack of customer service. Remember the old saying you get what you pay for. I don't think these non-stick pans will look very good after a years worth of use. If you do choose to buy these pans examine them when you open the box for damage,neg After many years of buying and discarding inferior knife sharpeners I have finally found one that sharpens even my dullest knives.,neg "This is a poorly made product. After a few months of use, the blade broke off. The handle is hard, brittle plastic covered with soft plastic. The blade extends into the brittle plastic only a little bit. The results were inevitable. Pure junk",neg We have had the coffee maker about 2 months. It makes good coffee but if you pour water too quickly into the left side of the reservoir you get air bubbles in the water level indicator. Told to pour on the right side...The heating plate covering has come off on about 1/2 of the surface. What gives with that???Time to take it back and get another machine,neg "We had a Krups for about 4 years at the office and the coffee was good. We needed to replace it because the Carafe broke and there was no replacement available (they discontinued the model and the carafe - thanks Krups). So, we replaced it with the FM4. I didn't like the coffee from the start - but I figured it would get better. Two weeks later, I dumped it for a Bunn B10-B which got good ratings here. Get the Bunn - it makes a good cup of coffee.We always use Starbuck's coffee",neg "My wife stopped me punishing any more innocent tomatoes when the Oxo Mandoline, my chopping board and the kitchen floor and walls were dripping with red 'stuff'.Captain Correlli could not have played this gadget. It is totally useless and now resides half way up one of our trees 50 metres from our kitchen door",neg "You have the bottom of the pan clad in stainless steel...the advantage of that? You can dishwasher stainless. But you can't dishwasher nonstick! You just have the disadvantage of slower heating than you would with straight aluminum underneath.And then you put teflon on something that costs over $100...the pan will last 50 or more years, the nonstick about five if you use it lightly and don't let some idiot put metal on it ever.There's no indication that they will resurface your pan either...the warranty just covers defects, not use.I think this is very wasteful economically, if not environmentally (because it is a massive yet not durable product, even if you recycle it). You can get a cheaper nonstick that will serve you for the five years just fine (e.g. Calphalon commercial), and better you can get this pan without the teflon and learn how to season your own cookware and make it even more nonstick than this can ever be and yet utterly indestructible, even with metal utensils.People will only buy this for the looks. After all, they don't know how to cook anyway",neg YOU ARE BETTER ROLLING YOUR WINDOWS DOWN! THIS THING DOES NOT WORK. I HAVE A SHARPER IMAGE ONE THAT IS ALOT BETTER. THIS ONE IS A GENERIC IMITATION THAT DOES NOT CLEAN THE AIR. CRAP!!!!!,neg "indeed, there is a glass bottom, the walls are nonstick, there are even two nice handles. The seal between the actual pan and the glass bottom leaks something terrible if you use it in a bain marie. apart from that though, it's fine",neg The spoon handle is crooked and there are marks/damage to the wood. Avoid,neg I bought 2 sets expecting them to be as good as the other Corning products I have used for over 30 years. 1 piece cracked in half while cooking vegetable in the microwave and one piece cracked in half while baking chicken in the oven! I wrote to the company and they have not responded,neg "These are substandard thin towels. They are cheap. The current price is far too much to pay, and they should be about a buck each.They are terrible in dealing with liquid because they are so thin.I find the pictures here deceptive...there is nothing here that you can't find in your grocery store cheaper.",neg "After 5 washings, these towels still shed like a mother. Grrr",neg "I bought this with a lot of expectations hoping to cook indoor healthy grilled meats during winter. As soon as I saw the pan I was a little disappointed with the ridges. They are deep (which is good) but very thin and not thick as it appears in the product photos. So your meats will be less brown.After rubbing it with a litlle oil before cooking I set out to make my first set of turkey burgers. Now the way I make my burgers is by adding some chopped onions, garlic, and green chillies to the ground meat. That is where the pan gave problems. The meat cooked ok but the small pieces of chopped onions, garlic, and chillies that fell out of the patties got burnt very fast and stuck to the pan making it difficult to clean. I spent about 20 mins cleaning each time.For cooking meat that is seasoned only this pan may be ok. For me it is sitting in the closet after two tries. I did not return it because the shipping costs would have made returning it too expensive in itself.Update (12/18/2004) I bought a Hamilton Beach 31603 Electric grill for around $20 which is tremendous. It is non-stick, dish-washer compatible and cooks great.",neg I got this with my food saver. It cracked in just a few uses. I'm not pleased with Jardian either. I was injured and can't talk when I tried to turn in a complaint by Email. They said I needed to get a friend or family member to call them on the phone in order to get help. What ever happened to equal access for the handicapped? Maybe we handicapped should take our business elsewhere,neg "I was not happy with this item at all. The pillowcases are really thin and after washing and drying them, they are extremely wrinkled. They also had pills on them after washing them before they were even used. Very unsatisfactory",neg "Read the one review,five stars,have no clue as to why.It is a piece of JUNK.First the handle closes on my fingers continously,next it barely heats ,even on high,very poor steam.The teflon soleplate is rough and drags on the fabric.I wasted my money on a piece of trash from China. Hope this does someone some good.BEWAR",neg "I realize I'm in the minority here, but I do not find this can opener comfortable to use. The crank does have a good grip, but I'm not trying to grip it, I'm trying to turn it. I do this by putting my right thumb under the near end and pushing up, with my index finger on the far end pushing down. The knob's shape (relatively short, fat in the middle and tapering to rounded ends) makes this cumbersome and tiring. It does open cans cleanly most of the time, but If i'm opening a large can or several cans, I reach for my old basic Swingaway (which sells, incidentally, for less than half the price of this OXO)",neg Image is not the cover we received and needed. Color was correct. The product seemed to be good quality. Very disappointed it was not what we thought it was. Still shopping for a cover to fit a board as shown.Poor Marketing,neg "I received this saute pan for Xmas. I have other Caphalon (no-stick) pans and was delighted, based on claimed attributes of their top-of-line pan. However, my pan did not have a flat bottom which is a problem on an electric range. I returned to Caphalon and hav'nt heard a thing. I tired to claim lost but ups has proof of delivery - I would like to get a known reliable brand. I dislike poor products, am extremly disappointed with the service and total inconvience of the warranty program.",neg "I love OXO products for the most part but this product just is not well designed. It does open larger jars but it is clumsy and difficult to use. My husband and I have arthritis and I was hoping this opener would open twist off soda or water bottles that always seem to give us trouble. The opening is way too big to accomplish that so, back it went to the supermarket. I had hopes this OXO product could solve our bottle opening problem but since it doesn't, I am rating this only one star.",neg I have a dead knife. This is a dangerous knife. As I was cutting something the handle and knife broke. I was only cutting cheese. This should not happen with a good knife. I loved it until it almost caused me major damage. So be careful with this one,neg "I am a man who loves his tea. I drink up to a dozen cups a day, so I use my tea ball quite frequently. My major complaint with most tea balls, and the reason I must always replace them is that eventually the clip begins to not fasten securely. Over time this gets worse, and the tea ball becomes unusable. There are other balls with clips that are a bit more sturdy.I just got this tea ball in the mail a week ago, and while it is still usable, the clip is already losing its grip. Look somewhere else for a tea ball.",neg "If you like scrapping food out of the bottom of a frying pan then this is the one to buy! Adding oil or cooking sprays did not help, even bacon slices stick to this pan! I finally gave up and purchased a professional non stick frying pan and love it. This pan is going in my next garage sale",neg "I bought a machine similar to this one late last year - it broke after about 30 cups. The 'tap' for the steam jammed. I'm still waiting for the repaired machine to be returned after 3 months - yes months, not weeks. According to DeLonghi service it will be another month before it's repaired. I have no faith this will happen, nor that it will work for any length of time after I receive it. Their service people, while reasonably pleasant, don't help - they know virtually nothing and seem reluctant to go beyond just answering your questions. If you're smart, you'll go buy a coffee machine from someone else",neg "I bought these classes earlier today because they are attractive and inexpensive. I placed them in the dishwasher to clean them all prior to use, and one was cracked and a small fragment of glass had broken away after the cycle was done. I then checked Amazon's reviews, and found that this was a common experience. They're going back to the store tomorrow.",neg "It doesn't break, chip, or even discolor, but the base has a compound kick (depression on the outside and protrusion on the inside. This makes a very messy exit from the dishwasher and precludes removal of debris on the inside.Why hasn't any one noticed? Where's the reviews? I own a dishwasher (gee-) and this is a very irritating function-having to drain the glass, dry again, and place in my cabinent-geez!Don't buy it unless you have maids and butlers. The again don't buy it because they'll get miffed too!",neg "I am simply amazed that anyone can be satisfied with this pan. I bought this pan last week. I fried bacon it on medium heat (as advised by salesperson). Bacon stuck. Fried eggs on medium heat. Eggs stuck. Ok, must be my fault--try low heat. I fried bacon on low heat. Bacon stuck. Fried eggs on low heat. Eggs stuck. Pan would not come clean with hand washing and mild soap (as the instructions advise). I promptly returned the pan and got a non-stick. My life is much better. Do NOT be fooled by the pan's good looks. Think its just me? My wife's sister bought the same pan. Her report: everything sticks. My sister has the pan. She hates it! Guess what? Everything sticks. How can a product be so popular and perform so aweful? You are hereby on notice.",neg "I've had this for about 2 months and the handle snapped right off. When it was working it was great, but for the price I expected to get more than 6 uses! I'm very disappointed",neg "This pan is a pure junk. There are already a couple of reviews and the people recognize that this is NOT a non-stick surface. This is true to the very end, I mean everything sticks like hell.So, if it sticks, why not buy a stainless steel pan instead. All this polymer invention is complete b**ls**t !!! It doesn't do anything ! I am returning this and I'll get a 1 yr-lasting nonstick calphalon from amazon.",neg I used this seemingly incredible product and accidentally left it in the oven during a self-cleaning. It completely evaporated and left teflon covering the entire interior of the oven. I had to replace the oven! It was toxic from the teflon powder. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!,neg "I was really excited to get the aluminum foil out of the bottom of my oven when I found this product, however, it didn't last very long.After less than two months use in my gas oven, this liner turned white and brittle because the non-stick surface had baked off! I have never baked above 425 degrees, so the claims that it will withstand 550 degrees are outlandish. Don't waste your money",neg "i have a lot of experience with steamers over the years - mine as well as others used in stores. stupid me, then, for not realizing that you get what you pay for. my jiffy steamer finally died after nine years, but it served me well. it is a machine of substance, solid parts, very stable. trust me - you don't want to scrimp when it comes to working with a device designed to produce streams of hot steam! i foolishly tried to save some money by getting the conair gs10rh, and i'm returning it immediately. the well into which the telescoping pole sits is just about 1 inch deep - not deep enough to keep the pole stable. the brackets to hold the telescoped parts extended aren't firm - any heavy jacket will make them slide. the housing itself is amazingly lightweight; i thought that was a good thing, but now i know why the jiffy steamer's housing seems like it weighs a ton - you really do want the unit to be solidly anchored. handling a steamer is a serious matter. don't take on unnecessary risk by getting an inexpensive, poorly designed, lightweight steamer like the conair. spend the extra money for the product that has been the standard bearer for years: jiffy. you won't regret it. and even though mine died after nine years, i have no regrets, and now i'll do the right thing and get another",neg "The design features for the on/off switch is a good idea if you have dry hands and are prone to dropping things. Otherwise, the on/off switch is not good at all. The button is hard to press down and is a trigger type switch that does not allow for the blade to be left in the on position. You actually need to keep a lot of pressure of the switch to keep it going. The blade was sharp for the one and only time I used it. I took it back right after Thanksgiving",neg "I was given Mr. Bento as a gift last summer. I was so excited! I bring a lunch to work every day, and I thought Mr. Bento would be the perfect solution to packing a well-organized, balanced, and easy-to-carry lunch. You can imagine my dismay when the Mr. Bento containers leaked day after day. Anything remotely soft came out from the containers, which do not seal in a tupperware sort of way. Cute? Yes. Impress your co-workers? Yes. But practical? No.",neg "I have owned this blender for two years now and will have to replace it due to one of the plastic mixer pieces snapping off, causing it to continually leak. Unfortunately it appears that I have to buy a whole new unit instead of just the pitcher portion.Overall, there were definitely questions of durability over the years as small pieces broke off one by one, but it did tend to blend things.As a blender alone: It was not the most effective blender I have ever seen but neither was it the worst. It was truly mediocre through and through.As a smoothie maker: the mechanism used for the pour spout didn't allow any chunks to pass through, and it never quite seemed to blend well enough to break up those chunks. So as a smoothie maker it was not a good choice.On the good side, the stainless does look nice... although it was a little tall",neg "This is the worst blender I've ever used. Bought it to make smoothies, but it has a hard time grinding frozen things. It never completely chops up frozen fruit, so I always end up sucking down huge hunks of semi-mushy fruit when I try to blend with this thing. Not pleasant. It's also loud and it moves a lot. Sometimes it vibrates so hard the carafe detaches slightly from the base, and when you lift the carafe to pour your drink into a glass you find a fruity puddle in the base's well. I strongly discourage anyone from ever purchasing this horrible thing",neg " I have brewed coffee with and without the ridiculously expensive filters and cannot tell the difference. If there was, I still wouldn't pay this much for plastic and charcoal. What were the designers thinking ??? It is just coffee, not fine wine !",neg "After checking every store I could think of and accepting that I'd have to go online, I laughed out-loud when I saw this price! What was Mr. Coffee thinking? I read the other reviews of these filters and became aware that I don't even need them! Duh, I have filtered water in our house! Thank you Mr. Train Man. The little carbon filter sounded like a good idea, but my coffee will survive without it. At least it's not a total loss because I like the coffee maker itself. Happy brewing.",neg "I am usually very pleased with Oxo products, but this one is a BIG disappointment. I have not found it to be good for or at anything. Wished I'd saved the five bucks",neg "I like the solid construction but I also like strong coffee. This machine does not spray the entire filter basket. Instead, water dribbles out of a 2-inch diameter ring, leaving dry grounds at the end of the brew cycle. I sent the first one back. The replacement does the same thing. KitchenAid customer service confirms that, despite the discription on Amazon, the unit does not spray the entire filter basket. I'm sending the replacement back also. If you love strong coffee, don't buy this machine",neg "I chose this set of knives because of the Calphalon name (I love my cookware!), German steel use, and the description, Hygienic fiberglass-reinforced poly resin handle will not absorb moisture, crack, split, or chip. I was disappointed to find that one of the sets I ordered was already showing signs of rust -- even though the set was unused and delivered in a sealed box, all four handles had rust marks",neg "I bought this set of knives 2 years ago. I have not experienced the rust or pock marks that other reviewers have, and I have been pleased with the way my knives have stayed sharp even with a LOT of use. The purpose for my buying this set was because of the locking feature. I have little children at home and wanted to make the knives inaccessable to them. Unfortunately the locking mechanism is a little too hard to open for me. Mine gets stuck on lock and then I can't get it open without pulling on it with great force. And when you are pulling on something full of sharp knives, that is a little uncomfortable to say the least. I have worried more than once that the force I have had to use to open it would cause the knives to all fly out when it came free. They never have, but it is unnerving. I tried to contact Cuisinart about it, to no avail. No complaints on the knives, and I love that there are extra slots in the block for expanding the set, which I have. But don't buy the product strictly for the locking feature, it is not worth it",neg This thermometer lasted about a month before going in to permanent Hi mode. What a ripoff,neg "Bought my first Vornado years ago, and is the best fan I've ever seen. Decided to get a second one... purchased this model. First unit had bad vibration, returned it. Second unit less vibration, but very noisy. Also returned. When I compare this unit to my original Vornado, the quality of construction is noticeably much inferior. I don't know if this applies to the rest of the Vornado lineup or not.",neg "More money then its worth. Makes alot of noise, small, no oscillation",neg Mine broke on the 3rd use! No need to say anymore,neg Worked great the first couple of times. I didn't keep it on the charger for 24 hours (not realizing that this is a problem) and now the battery only works for 10 minutes at a time. It's now basically worthless,neg "Sphere by Michael Crichton is an excellant novel. This was certainly the hardest to put down of all of the Crichton novels that I have read.The story revolves around a man named Norman Johnson. Johnson is a phycologist. He travels with 4 other civilans to a remote location in the Pacific Ocean to help the Navy in a top secret misssion. They quickly learn that under the ocean is a half mile long spaceship. The civilans travel to a center 1000 feet under the ocean to live while researching the spacecraft. They are joined by 5 Navy personel to help them run operations. However on the surface a typhoon comes and the support ships on the surface must leave. The team of ten is stuck 1000 feet under the surface of the ocean. After a day under the sea they find out that the spacecraft is actually an American ship that has explored black holes and has brought back some strange things back to earth.This novel does not have the research that some of the other Crichton novels have, but it still has a lot of information on random things from the lawes of partial pressure to behavior analysis.I would strongly recommend this book",pos "Dr. Oz is an accomplished heart surgeon in the field of cardiac transplantation. He describes how he combines complementary medicine (e.g. hypnosis, reflexology, yoga, message, acupuncture. Etc) with orthodox Western medicine. There is an excellent forward by Dr Dean Ornish, and an interesting epilogue containing an overview of the complementary medicine techniques. The bulk of the book contains stories of patients Dr. Oz treated using this revolutionary way. I am a cardiologist, and I have a great interest in combining western medicine with complementary medicine, which is the reason I bought this book. However this book was a bit boring to read and was also a bit of a disappointment. Nevertheless, those interested in this new medicine, which I think will be the medicine of the new millennium, will want to read this book",pos "The most gorgeous artwork in comic books. Contains the most extraordinary artwork of Alex Ross(Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Justice League, etc, even Hanna-Barbera!) A comics fan, I recieved this as a Christmas gift, and I read it again and again.A must-have for comic book fans.",pos "This book is for lovers of Robicheaux. His demons seem put to rest, redemption seems almost within his grasp - and yet the worst mayhem ever occurs within these pages. The poetry and sense of regret for lost innocence pervade Burke's prose as always, but his anger at humanity's shortcomings is bubbling volcanically just beneath the surface. Hurricane Katrina features as a force both of destruction and cleansing. A bit like Robicheaux himsel",pos "This is going to be a short and sweet review because many others have commented on this book at length. I want to contribute my two cents as a concise opinion based on its value as a powerful, engaging and thought provoking story.This book packs the punch of great fiction. It covers a broad territory from the ice age to the present with the drama of an epic. You certainly don't need to be a history major, biologist or anthropologist to be moved by the story of civilization as told by the author.Jared Diamond places a very strong emphasis on the role of geography, environment and other factors that relate back to nature in the rise of civilizations. I think the major shortcoming of his work is that he doesn't give enough credit to social factors and their role is history.If you don't know a lot about history or how physical factors in the environment contributed to the rise of agriculture, the need for armies, etc. You will find this fascinating reading. If you have a deep knowledge of these areas, anthropology and sociology, you may find the overly reductionistic stance annoying. However, most likely you will enjoy the well-written story if you can keep in mind that it doesn't provide the full picture.In short, this book magnificently illuminates Jared Diamond's specific areas of interest, while downplaying or neglecting others. It provides a valuable piece of the truth and it does so in a very engaging and thoughtful manner.",pos "Since I am a World's Fair fanatic I have read almost everything that I can on the subject. In general, this is an interesting and well researched book. The author has apparently attended most of the expositions that he writes about. However, I must point up three rather glaring errors in the book. In describing the Louisiana World Expo of 1984 he states that the unbuilt symbol tower was supposed to be 80 feet tall,just 150 feet shorter than the Eiffel Tower. Since the Eiffel Tower is actually over 900 feet tall,the New Orleans fair tower would have had to have been at least 800 feet tall.This may have been a typo which the author did not catch in time.The other error states that the US Pavilion at the Brussels World's Fair of 1958 was a large,squat,round concrete block structure. It was indeed large and round, but not squat and not made of concrete blocks.According to the excellent book about Edward Durrell Stone, the architect of the pavilion,the outer walls consisted of large aluminum panels which were latticed in intricate designs so that the interior would be flooded with natural light. I have seen photos of the US Pavilion, and it seems a beautiful and airy structure to me. (In comparison to the Soviet Pavilion, which resembled a large refrigerator!) Thirdly, the Spokane Expo of 1974 was not the first time that the U.S.S.R. exhibited at a U.S. expo. They had a large pavilion at the New York World's Fair of 1939. All in all, however, I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the history of World's Fairs",pos "This the one book that taught me more about how to use my SLR than the camera's manual itself. The step by step approach and the logical arrangement of chapters makes it a book that really teaches you photography. I also liked the way Mr. Frost uses two photographs to illustrate a filter. One take without the filter and then the same one with a filter. Also explained very well is how longer lenses reduce depth of the photograph and small helful tips on increasing your depth of field. An encompassing book, the last few chapters tell about how a slide show can be made more interesting and how to take care of your equipment. The peppering of photos and illustrations make you want to go out and take pictures using the methods shown. A good buy and money well spent. My only gripe is that I preffered the smaller size of the previous edition as it fit easily in my kit bag",pos "Tom Friedman is a engaging writer. He also writes from a very personal perspective, both as to how the world has changed for him and his family, and for his friends around the world. You get the feeling that Mr. Friedman is describing the world changing as he is watching. What a treat and a very easy read. Pick it up and learn about what is really going on outside the US shores",pos "John Crowley's well-deserved recognition as one of the best literary stylists writing in the English language is readily apparent in these four fantasy novellas that date from the late 1980's. His Great Work of Time is an intriguing Rashomon-esque time travel fantasy about Cecil Rhodes and British economic imperialism in East Africa at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. It was almost as compelling a read as the The Nightingale Sings At Night, which offers a fantastical twist on the Adam and Eve creation myth saga. The other two tales, In Blue and Novelty, I found much less compelling, but they are redeemed by the same lyrical prose Crowley uses in other tales. It was a wonderful surprise to find this book at a library; a surprise which I think many readers will also discover",pos "This story captivated me right from the outset, as Vivian copes with age-related loss of memory. Her scenes are tenderly drawn in sensitively described and insightful detail, and she is a very realistically portrayed.As Susannah packs up her childhood home and prepares to move Vivian into an assisted living apartment, she uncovers clues to her past concerning the mysteries of her brother's death and whereabouts of her long-lost high-school sweetheart. With just the right blend of drama, action, suspense and resolution of family issues, this enjoyable story is very uplifting and thought-provoking, providing reflections for my own midlife crisises. It is easily read within a couple of hours, and there is a subtle tie-in to the Blossom Street books, leaving the possibility that these likable characters may reappear in subsequent books in that series.",pos "I found this novel at a bookstore on the boardwalk I visit at least once every summer. I love going there and looking to see if I can find a book that I have never heard of, by an author I've never heard of, and buy it on a whim. This is the novel I bought last year. I has, unfortunately, sat on my shelf since then until tonight, because of many reasons. Tonight, however, I picked it up and read it cover to cover. The narrative was brilliantly told, the dialogue completely believable and the plot totally heartwrenching. If I had made it to the end without some tears, I would believe myself made of stone!Skip is a character many can relate to: a man unsatisfied with how his life has turned out, down about how his friends have really not been friends at all, that gets the chance to do something great by this little child. However, it is the change she makes in those around her which are truly the BLESSINGS of the title. Faith, a name not used lightly, restores her namesake in all those touched by her. She ultimately gives him the chance of making something of his life without even knowing it. Many BLESSINGS occur in this wonderful novel, and I found myself all at once sour about how humankind can be at times, but also proud at how humankind can be at others (which is a fact, in itself, that proves how well Quindlen has spun her tale). The fact is that just because a person has been to jail, has deadbeat friends, does not mean he is of that same stock; just because an elderly woman has become so dragged down by her own life does not mean she has no feeling left in her. Skip, Lydia, Nadine, Meredith, Jennifer...all have many dimentions to their characters that Quindlen has spectacularly drawn",pos "I checked out this cookbook from the library and as soon as I cracked it open I knew I needed a copy of my own. It is full of simple, tasty, and easy to prepare recipes. I really like how most of the recipes don't require many special ingredients and how simple the directions are. I was a little apprehensive having made the decision to become a vegetarian but this cookbook gave me confidence I'd still be able to enjoy a flavorful variety of cuisine",pos "I sit here with my two newly acquired volumes of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America in absolute awe! With almost 200 contributors, almost 800 entries and nearly 400 illustrations, editor Andy Smith and Oxford University Press have done a magnificent job of putting together what is clearly the most comprehensive work on this immensely broad subject ever undertaken. Whether you are a food professional or interested amateur, a historian, sociologist or anthropologist, a student or scholar, these volumes will no doubt become your most important resource for information related in any way to the history of food and drink in America. The scope is astounding, spanning some five centuries and ranging from events and trends to products, from ethnic, religions and cultural influences to political and social movements in American history, and also includes dozens of biographical entries of important contributors and influences on the development of culinary life and gastronomy in America. Despite the enormity of this work, it is refreshingly approachable, set forth alphabetically, written in clear language, translated when needed, and annotated and supplemented with bibliographical information for those wishing to explore further. As a food professional-recipe developer, food writer and culinary educator-there is no doubt in my mind that these pages will soon be worn and this seminal work will remain among my most valued and cherished resources for as long as my interest in food and gastronomy is alive.",pos "I borrowed this book on CD from the library and half way through, ordered the book so I would have it to refer to. Excellent book, highly recommended. Helps to put a realistic perspective on millionaires",pos "I saw the 1963 classic first, which happens to be one of my most favourite ghost movies of all time! (what a major disappointment the remake was). So as soon as I could a got a copy of this. It was an awesome novellete. I read it in one sitting, couldn't put it down! I do have to say I enjoyed the movie better...but this is a great journey as well.",pos "While expertly crafted, this is not a pretty novel, nor is it gentle. The subject matter -- abduction of a child -- is somber, as are a few gruesome descriptions of death and dying. The plot twists and turns, as befits a LeHane novel, and one way or another this complicated story finds its way to a denouement which the reader may not find satisfying. But you can usually trust Lehane to take good care of you in this, one of his finer books. And not only are there plot twists to wrestle with, there are more than a few serious moral issues that will have you squirming or at least scratching your head. All in all, this was a solid, enjoyable thriller. The reader will feel his time was not wasted",pos "Awesome. This book is worth its weight in gold for the insights and understanding it shares. With a professional background in finance, economics and a profound study of the Word of God, the author is well qualified to expose mammon for what it is, and to challenge the reader to a deeper surrender to the only real treasure worth having. Buy two and give a copy away. Can we have a new edition please",pos "This book does something I've never seen before. It shows a cool young homo boy who's punk rock and a skater, not some wishwashy queen-boy. Sam, the lead character, is really cool. I'd like to be his friend, and his boyfriend, but that's another matter. Also, the dude he likes, Clay, is really hot. He's a surfer, but he's not a stereotypical surfer, he's much cooler, and also a little punk rock. I love this novel. The ending is really sad, but I loved it",pos " Fear nothing is about Christopher Snow, whose parents die in supposedly innocent ways, but Chris soon finds out that what is seems is not really what it is, and even that his little town of Moonlight Bay is stranger, and scarier, than he thought. Chris then sets out with his friends, and his dog, to find out the truth about what's really going on.Fear Nothing is a good plot written in typical Koontz style. Fear nothing grabs you from the beginning and holds you all the way through. It keeps you guessing and just when you think you have it figured out, it throws something new at you and makes you guess some more. Koontz creates some very likable characters and by the end of the story, you like them, and feel as if you know them. Fear Nothing is very descriptive, Koontz describes his locations so well you feel like you're in them, and experiencing the plot right next to the main character. I have not read the sequel, but I am anxious to do so.",pos "I'm not even a vegetarian , let alone a vegan, and this book offers such flavorful and simple recipes. Some more time consuming than others but definitely worth the wait! Unless you hate veggies, this book is a must have! I just made the Herb Scalloped potatoes as a side dish and the author was right, it's hard to believe there's no cheese or cream! the pizza with caramelized onions, kalmata olives and tomatoes is fantastic too!. . . . .lots of yummyness",pos "Very good, easy, light & funny read! Although his best, by far, in my opinion was Running with Scissors. This was an enjoyable read & would recommend reading his work if you like David Sedaris, both have a similiar style",pos "Reading this book is like having a holy vision: I feel as if I should tell the world about it, but at the same time it seems so sacred and personal that maybe I should just keep it to myself and try to figure out why it came to me, into my life, into my head.The book is the story of Billy Parham, a son in a late-1930s New Mexican ranching family. Billy traps a wolf that has been killing his father's cattle but realizes he can't kill it and has to return it to its home in the mountains of old Mexico. Billy crosses the border into Mexico, and as he does he crosses from real life into a world of dreams, where everyone moves as if the air was liquid, where every ruin has an irretrievable story, where soot and heat and danger hang in the air, and where nothing ever goes as planned.The story is not as streamlined or as focused as its thematic predecessor, All the Pretty Horses, but that's not necessarily a shortcoming. The book sprawls out like a wide hot desert--curling north and south, east and west, across the present and into the past. The writing is as good as any writing I've ever read ever, and certain metaphors and feelings will stay with you for years. For example: the coals of a campfire seeming like an exposed piece of the core of the earth.This is a book that needs to be read. Pick it up, and let it seep into your skin, let it open you to other worlds and peoples and ideas, and let it change you. Let it open your eyes to the world, and to the West, and the goodness and the hope and the sadness that haunts the lives of all of us.This is a book made of all those ineffable things that most of us just can't put into words. But here, somehow, Cormac McCarthy has managed to do just that. Here is the intangible, but tangible. Here is the unnameable, but named. Here are the thoughts you could never express, expressed.",pos "Beautiful vineyards, fueding families, mystery, and an unlikely love story with a twist. Great read. Prepare to read this one through because it was hard to put down!!!",pos The book arrived as expected and was in great shape. Thanks,pos "Paul Sheldon,a very good writer famous for his books in the Misery series.A popular character in his book is someone named Misery.In his final book he kills the character off,therby ending the series.Paul's number one fan is Annie Wilkes,a retired nurse.(I would like to say,retarded). One day Paul gets into an accident and gets both of his legs severely damaged.Coincidently,Guess who finds him? Annie.Yes,she finds him and starts to nurse him back to good health.But when she soon finds out that Paul has killed the character Misery,Annie is pissed...She makes it her business to get Paul to write another novel in which Misery is not killed.It sounds simple,I know.But when Paul refuses to write the novel,Annie uses force,and she tortures him so much that he just gives in and begins to write a new novel. Meanwhile thinking of a way to escape,Paul writes the novel and suffers at the same time.He lost one of his foot,because she burnt it off!Yes,this Annie Wilkes is a lunatic.While Paul is under Annie's capture,he learns alot about things he took for granted.The ending of this book is a happy one,you won't be disappointed.I recommend this book as any other SK novel.It is a great Suspense,drama novel...enjoy...NigelHere is another version of the plot.(taken from wikipedia)...The story begins with Paul Sheldon slowly waking out of a coma. Gradually, his memory returns to him: he is a wildly popular romance novelist of the Misery series of novels (the main character of which is named Misery Chastain) who has crashed his car in a winter storm outside of Silver Creek in Grand County, Colorado, and has been badly injured. His rescuer, Annie Wilkes, is a former registered nurse and has taken him to her secluded country home to personally care for him.As luck would have it, Annie is Paul's number one fan and eagerly awaited all his publications. Almost immediately however, Paul realizes that there is a flip side to this coin: Annie is mentally ill, she has not told anyone where he is, and she has a violent past that includes a successful career as a serial killer.Annie begins to physically and psychologically abuse Paul when she finishes reading his latest published work, in which the heroine Misery dies. Annie later forces him to burn an unpublished manuscript of his new novel, Fast Cars he was carrying at the time of his accident, disgusted at its radical departure from the Misery series. Eventually, Annie forces Paul to write a new Misery novel just for her and bring the character back from the dead. Paul works on the book as Annie's violent mood swings and her psychosis deepens. Her insanity escalates as Paul tries to escape; she eventually chops off one of Paul's feet, one of his thumbs, and murders a police officer investigating his disappearance. As the authorities begin to close in on Annie, Paul's plight--both in his writing and his attempt to save his life--becomes more desperate.Paul eventually defeats Annie by smashing her over the head with the second hand typewriter she had given him to write her novel. After he escapes, he publishes the new Misery novel to great critical acclaim....enjoy...Nigel",pos "As I read, I kept trying to figure out whether this tale is a collection of reflections on how two religions can destroy a region and its people, whether the characters have broader agendas than their stories or whether it's just a good tale peppered with strong political images.And, a good story it is. How can you beat this writing?The pandits of Kashmir were left to rot in their slum camps, to rot while the army and the insurgency fought over the bloodied and broken valley, to dream of return, to die while dreaming of return, to die after the dream of reture died so that they could not even die dreaming of it, why was that why as that why was that why was that why was that (p. 297)The beauty approached him, beckoning. Her arm slipped around his shoulder, supple as a snake, and like a snake her leg coiled around his. Then like a third snake her other arm and like a fourth snake her other leg until she was slithering all over him.... She had as many arms and legs as a goddess, and multilimbed and irrestible she coiled and tightened around him and, finally, with all the power she possessed, she bit. The accidental death by king cobra snakebit of [the] General was announced ... the next morning and he was buried with full honors.... (p. 316) p. 31",pos "The Andromeda Strain tells the story of a bacteria growth in Piedmont, Arizona. This bacteria kills people in a matter of seconds and killed everyone in the town except for a 69 year old man and a baby. A top secret commission is formed to see how these bacteria kill people and to see how they can be stopped.This book has the makings of a real thriller. I couldn't put the book down through the first 250 pages. However, this book had a dissipointing ending.This book involves a lot of cool technology. This book could have taken place today (instead of 1969) because I could visualize a lot of the book. I found myself thinking Awesome technology more then I was thinking that Crichton is sure a great author. He seemed to involve a little too much foreshadowing.This book does involve a lot of research and up-to-date theories for 1969, but is a little dated today. This does not take anything out of the story.I would recommend this book because it is really interesting. Lots of research went into this book. The book is fast paced and has many modern aspects of a Crichton novel",pos "Still a great read, but not as good as Tender at the Bone and Comfort Me with Apples. Foodies will love the continued insight into restaurant review protocol, but the author really shines when she remembers early food experiences with her mom, dad and other relatives and friends. The highs are not as high, nor the lows as low in Garlic and Sapphires. Reichl has a long way to go to lose me as a reader; that said, I hope she has a few more early memories to incorporate in her next book",pos "very good writing done by both authors. i've always loved C.C. now with Du Brul, the story gets even more suspenseful. a really awsome page turner. get this one",pos "this is most definitely my favorite book on earth! i'm so serious, this is such a cool book. it really appeals to anyone. kids could read it because there are short sentances and pictures (some tough words though...start with epiplectic??) but teens and adults (i'm sure) can also appreciate the morbid and brilliant humor of edward gorey. for anyone that thinks that $10 is too much to spend on a little book, ((you may be right in some circumstances)) but this is such a fantastic book i know i am gushing but i love it soooooooo much!!!",pos "Even though you know before you start reading that this book will have a happy ending, it is a fun read. A well written and pleasant book. One of the best of this falls crop. I am already waiting for the next book in the series",pos I found this book to contain some really sound advice and I would suggest it for anyone that was contemplating risking their money on the ponies,pos "This was the first novel I read from Endo, and I have to confess to being hooked on it from the first. It is both interesting from a historical perspective, taking in an event that was singularly fascinating, and deeply profound from a psychological perspective. It is also a partial critique of ambition and desire in the clergy of the day.Hasekura is a deep character, and the reader spends a bit of time with Hasekura's thoughts. This is especially so as Hasekura confronts the emaciated, dying Christ that he sees on his travels toward Rome. The possibility of faith in this pathetic man, and the conflict that produces with his duty to Lord and ancestors, forms a a deeply emotional narrative coupled with Hasekura's desires, dreams and simple wishes. The psychological aspect of the book is very well presented and notable in its impact.A notable part of the book is tied up with Father Velasco, whose ambition seems to know no limits. His own struggles with ambition, and the self-justifications that he employs, are a lesson worthy of remembering.This novel is a great one, and I was hooked to the very last page. It will take you into the world of Hasekura, Velasco and their companions, as they themselves see it. It will take you into their dreams, their hopes, their fatalism, their fears and their struggles to cope with their situation. I totally, unreservedly recommend this novel. I love this novel",pos "I was given this book by a friend as a going away gift. The day I decided to read it, I was ill and lay on the couch reading it in one sitting. I was a bit drowsy, but I could not but it down...It made me nervous, excited, sad, and happy...all the emotions that a good book or movie can offer. Get this if you are a serious reader looking for a fictional escape",pos "Dry is anything but what the title of this work implies.The pages drip with boozy escapades and one can almost smell and taste the liquor on Augusten Burroughs breath.A must for drinkers who would like to stop or at least reassess what the heck is going on in their lives.Almost motivational in its honest appraisal of the difficulties inherent in this addiction. The writing style is clear and refreshingly down to earth,funny, yet foreboding and diary-like in its presentation.Burroughs clearly transmits via humor and self awareness the many dimensions of this destructive addiction and the problems that can come with it, especially the limited usefulness of rehab.The story itself is pretty hip with a good look inside the mind of what we could easily call, a hard core drinker as he anticipates the next one.Passages describe a variety of interpersonal dilemmas,job and sexual conundrums.Dry is also a good insightful look at how the treatees view the treaters and how quickly they can size up weaknesses and exploit them.This is a page turner but it does drag a bit in the middle, yet has a strong finish.An earlier work 'Running With Scissors' was apparently good enough for Hollywood, so take a shot with DRY.After all, when your liquor bottles occupy more living space in your place than you do, it might be time to slow down,stop and get a copy of Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, and a copy of Dry. CHEERS!!",pos "OMG!!! I could not put this book down... I am in my upper twenties and I am going thru a bunch of these symptoms already. Yes the book is bios about natural progesterone, so what... I have not personally used progesterone cream yet, because I am waiting for my saliva test results to make sure that's what I need. But even if I don't, everything else provided in the book is amazing information. Your diet, your vitamins, your stress level, your physical activity, everything is co-related to most woman's hormonal imbalances. They even talked about a case where a woman did not want to use the natural progesterone and how by changing all of the other stuff in her life, she achieved hormone balancing. If you are suffering from hormonal imbalances, I will strongly recommend this book. I also bought other ones that I will be reading after this one. But I started with Be Lean by Romy Seleznov, which is a story from her life and how she struggled to balance her hormones and gives all the details of what she did, then I continued with this book, and the next one I will be reading is Natural Hormone Balance for Women by Uzzi Reiss, which does cite this book as well.If you think you have a hormonal imbalance, please do not rely on your doctor 100%, I am not saying that you should not believe them or rule out everything they say, but do your homework. I have been telling my doctors since I am in my TEENS that I feel I have an imbalance with my hormones and since all of the results come back fine they have been telling me that my symptoms were normal... WRONG!!! Now they found a tumor in my pituitary gland, which causes an imbalance... The tumor grows slowly, so I am sure that it has been there for years, but they never checked it before. Now that I am treating it, all of my normal symptoms are almost gone. I am still on the process of getting everything in balance. If you feel you have something wrong, even if the results of your blood work comes as normal, READ more and look for healthy ways of changing your diet, exercising more, balance your hormones, and look for second opinions and definitely have a good naturopath that you can go to. Also Bikram Yoga, is an excellent exercise to helping you with hormonal balancing. At least that's part of what I changed.",pos "Whilst the book may seem a little dated when it talks of tweed in the country and a matching silk jacket for your cocktail dress, it does contain a lot of useful information about putting together a great career wardrobe on a budget, which colours match, which accessories never date, and how to dress for evening functions of any nature.I highly recommend it for anyone who thinks Jackie Kennedy was the epitome of chic, and who would like to know how to pull it off themselves",pos "The quirky illustrations done by the masterful Dave McKean at once contribute to the book's charm, but also lend to its dread. However, this is not a book for especially wee ones or children prone to nightmares. Some people may not appreciate Dave McKean's artwork as much as they should, because it is so different, at least to those not familiar with the Sandman graphic novel series written by Neil Gaiman in which Dave McKean did the cover art for all the books. At first glance the layout might seem confusing, even distracting, yet it somehow works here. Neil Gaiman has crafted an eerie tale that befits his style of writing. He introduces us to a charming young girl named Lucy, who suspects something is not right with her home. And though her pig-puppet seems to share her concern and understands her fear, the rest of her family do not...until it's too late. The action waxes and wanes until all seems resolved in the end, though perhaps it is not. You be the judge. This is a worthy book to read to third-graders and above, though some younger children may be able to stomach the tale without any concern. Neil Gaiman deserves praise for bringing his brand of storytelling to a younger audience, one so unfamiliar with his other work. I highly recommend this book",pos "If you are planning to become a landlord, buy this essential book before you purchase a rental property or hang that For Rent sign in front of your house. A healthy dose of legal reality will counterbalance any easy money ideas you may have and help you decide whether the work and risk involved in being a landlord is how you would like to make money. The legal concepts you learn may even influence which properties you buy and how you maintain them.If you are already a landlord, keep this book at your finger tips. The information is well organized and easy to find for quick reference. Legal concepts are presented in plain language and illustrated with scenarios showing how the concepts might play out in real life.The authors make dry legal topics as interesting as possible. Add the urgency of knowing a legal misstep could land you on the wrong side of a lawsuit, and you will find yourself eagerly turning these pages",pos "This is the story of another tragic episode involving a Native American tribe. That this probably happened under other circumstances, and happened to more than the Arapaho tribe, cannot be doubted. This is another in a series that has given us insight into tribal life and continues to leave us wanting more. The characters are strong, believable, and you want the best for all of them. The underlying plot--selling tribal babies and telling their parents they died--is heartbreaking. The reunion of one such child with her father made me weep. And Vicki's trial reconciliation with Ben gave me hope. This is a great work, written with deep feeling",pos "This book was extremely well written. It's a gorgeous story and not cliched at all. What totally gets me is that after searching the web for a time, I have not been able to find anyone that has written on the connection between her book and the eugenics movement taking place in the 20's. She most bluntly did not agree with eugenics at the end. For example, on page 233, And if all the gifts of Life are good, perhaps, too, are all the shapes she chooses to take, and which we cannot alter. The book is filled with hints at the time period even though, after looking at countless reviews, the reviewers keep commenting on how her other books took from the time period and historical events and that Lud-in-the-Mist did not and it was a fantastical piece of literature. In my opinion, this book was TOTALLY based on the time period. There's even a line by the blacksmith about how since he's not white anymore he has come down in the world. If you're looking for a cultural artifact of the 20's, this is an astounding piece",pos My husband bought this book for me and I have to say it is not a book I would normally pick up. I also have to say...I loved it! It was a very entertaining story with several plot twists along the way. I enjoyed the writing style and would highly recommend this book for taking on a relaxing trip this summer,pos "A team of highly respected scientists is recruited and sent on the most exciting mission of their careers - they are to explore and catalog an expansive system of tunnels and caves deep below the Earth's surface in Antarctica. They set off on their adventure only to learn that a team, like themselves, was sent on this same mission only 3 months prior and has never been heard from again. They also learn that what makes this set of caverns so exciting and sought after is that they contain diamonds larger and more plentiful than any mankind has ever seen. Wealth of this sort has attracted both dedicated scientists and individuals with more menacing plans in mind. But these dangers are nothing compared to the beasts that are native to this subterranean world who are numerous and life threatening to the mission and the team.James Rollins' debut novel sets the stage for what has become his successful career writing scientific thrillers. He does a wonderful job of incorporating biology, archeology, geology, and other various earth sciences into an exciting and page turning novel. Some of his subsequent novels are stronger than this first work, but Subterranean does not disappoint and definitively sets the stage for his many books to come.",pos "This rather strangely titled book is a tribute to the demand for Elizabeth Bishop's work. It is a set of pieces gleaned from some 3,500 pages in the Vassar College library collection. Not exactly random (but almost) here are 108 poems, some prose, notes she took, some sketches, some facimilies of her papers, some sketches she made, and other pieces harder to describe.Obviously this is a book that will appeal most to people who are already Elizabeth Bishop fans. This is more of a work in process. It tells more about her as a person, it illustrates the great effort she went to get her poems just right before sending them off for publication. It shows something of the way her mind worked.The work here is not Ms. Bishop's best. It's unfinished. Some of the shorter pieces, fragments really, make you wonder where she might have taken it.",pos This book brought tears to my eyes the first time I read it. It is warm and comforting. A wonderful message for children that their mama will always be there no matter what..,pos "My fav essay was about the River. Also, now when watching the evening news, the link between fire and flood makes alot of sense. Thanks for the enlightenment",pos "I was a reasonably big fan of the Wizard of Oz when I was a kid. I'd seen the Judy Garland film, the Return to Oz film, my parents had taken me to a theatre production, and there used to be a cartoon series about Dorothy and her friends that I quite liked. Here in Australia, though, you don't see an awful lot of the Wizard of Oz books, and I missed out on all that as a kid. I managed to find a copy just recently of the the original story, and I really liked it. It's really a shame I couldn't find it earlier.Dorothy is a girl who lives with her aunt and her uncle in the countryside of Kansas. In the midst of a cyclone, Dorothy, her dog Toto, and her whole house are swept away to the Land of Oz, a beautiful but strange world full of all sorts of interesting creatures, good and bad witches, and a very famous wizard. Dorothy tries to find her way home, and on the way makes many new friends, like the Scarecrow, Tin Woodsman and the cowardly lion. Will she ever make it home?It's rather different to the movie, I found. For one, the journey Dorothy and her friends go on takes many days, whereas the in the Judy Garland film it seems to all take place much shorter. The magic shoes Dorothy picks up in Oz are silver here, and not ruby red like in the film. There are also a lot of other creatures and things in the book, like the queen of the mice, the Hammerheads, and the Dainty China people. Though the world of Oz seems pretty big in the film, it feels a lot bigger to me in the book. Oz has a nice atmosphere too, I thought. It's very cosy and familiar, and kind of evokes a kind of America the way that say C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien evokes a kind of Britain, if that makes any sense. North, south, east, west... in Oz's every direction there's a new land to explore. You never know who you might meet, or how they'll do things there. I quite like how laid back everyone is in Oz. The way the Munchkins and the people of the Emerald City speak, for instance.I enjoyed finding out things about my favorite characters too, like how the Tinman became made of tin and how the flying monkeys became slave to the wicked witch of the west, which is all described here. That reminds me, there is a little bit of fairy tale violence here, but nothing worse than you might find in Little Red Riding Hood.All in all, a great read, I thought. Whimsical, colourful and fun. I do hope I can get my hands on some of the follow up books. Good thing there's amazon",pos "This book was wonderful. The rich grandeur of the south is alive in this story of unimaginable dedication and love. This book had me teared up more than a few times.Kobe Bryant bought his wife a million dollar ring, Noah simply wrote a notebook and read from it. Read this book and you will know why True Love cannot be bought, duplicated, or imitated with money.philli",pos "We know some things about Saul of Tarsus (later named the Apostle Paul) but a complete biography is always lacking because of sketchy and incomplete information. Most everything we know from Paul is from the Dr. Luke in the Book of Acts or Paul's epistles themselves. II Peter Chapter 3 makes some very intriguing statements. Peter, in some of his last earthly words before martyrdom, validates Paul's apostleship and states that some of his writings and teachings are difficult but that we should follow them.Pollock's book is presented as documentary-style reading since Paul's complete biography is not entirely clear. There is much the author states is inference or speculation. If you can respect that and not build doctrine and facts on where the evidence is fuzzy, I think this is an excellent book.One example of fuzzy facts that Pollock considers is the age-old controversy over the authorship of the Book of Hebrews. The author of Hebrews does not identify himself and scholars argue who wrote it. Pollock speculates that Paul, while imprisioned in Acts Ch. 24 for two years may have had time and motivation to write the book to the people he so desparately wanted to reach. With his imprisonment and his controversial style among the Jews, he may have left his identity anonymous so he himself would not be a stumbling block to reach his Jewish brothers. Eternity will reveal who wrote the Book of Hebrews but it is certainly a plausible theory.Overall, the greatest benefit in reading this book is to provide a better framework for understanding Paul as he travels among the early churches and wrote letters to them correcting the various false teachings and problems that developed.",pos I've been reading a chapter a day for over a yr. It's a great motivator for the day ahead. I've found this translation to be the best I've read. Other translations have been boring or too dense. This one was very powerful,pos "This is the first novel by Philip Roth that I actually like. Portnoy's Complaint was a good hundred-page novella, spread out over a three-hundred page book; the other pages were filled with the dross of his political opinions, and his kvetching about his parents. Operation Shylock was also too pre-occupied with pushing a political agenda (but just what agenda, we are never sure). This is Roth's primary fault as an author - he is too didactic. I find that I really don't care much about what Roth's political opinions are. Ironically, this is probably one of the attributes that make him a critical darling - it shows that he thinks deep thoughts.The Professor of Desire is blessedly free of politics. In it, Roth sticks with the subjects he knows best: sex and relationships. Young David Kepesh is a sexually frustrated young student. That changes while studying abroad in Swinging London, where he finds that what they say about Swedish girls is true. Things take a turn for the worse after the end of his disastrous marriage finds him crushed by loneliness in New York. With the help of a psychiatrist, Kepesh tries to discover if he will ever be able to commit to anyone or experience happiness.The Professor of Desire finds Roth at a more mature place in his career. Gone is the odious kvetching about his parents that polluted so much of Portnoy's Complaint; the parents in this book are treated with sympathy. At one point, a character points out to Kepesh that there is no point in mining the workings of a Jewish family for his fiction anymore. He is also less homophobic in this novel - but not much so. There are still things about Roth's style that take getting used to; I don't think there's anything profound in his refusal to offset dialogue into separate paragraphs - it just makes it harder to keep track of who is speaking. However, The Professor of Desire is a short, lyrical novel that is the best of anything I've read of his so far.",pos I am nearly finished with this book - I haven't been this mesmerized by a book in forever! I would certainly recommend it,pos "If you want to buy the book, go ahead, just be careful of superbookdeals, they take your money but don't deliver and don't answer emails. Caveat Emptor",pos "Hugh Hewitt is right on target encouraging Republicans to remain loyal to President George W. Bush. We are confronted with a long term fight against Islamic nihilists. The Democrats who dominate that party nationally are essentially pacifists trapped in the mindset of the countercultural excesses of the 1960s. Indeed, if the Democratic Party returns to power, the war on terror will be severely compromised---if not lost. Even theological modernists like myself recognize that the Republican Party also best represents the values required to underpin a viable social order. And yes, we need to purify our ranks and rid ourselves of back stabbers like Senator Lincoln Chafee. But what about the Republican crybabies who threaten to severely damage the party if it fails to cater to their excessive demands? These folks may be our greatest threat in the elections of 2006. Many of them possess a suicidal Nietzschean streak. In their heart of hearts, they idiotically believe we should let the Democrats win so that the Republican Party can be purified. The author has yet to sufficiently deal with this crisis. Hopefully, he starts to do so real soon before it's too late.The crybaby Republicans are particularly dangerous concerning the explosive illegal immigration issue. A number of them come across as nativists who despise Hispanics. We cannot, however, forget that the children of numerous illegal aliens are often American Citizens. They get to vote at the age of 18---and will most certainly seek revenge on the GOP for harassing their parents. Let's get something straight: we are also not going to send an estimated 10-12 million people back to their original homeland. But aren't these individuals breaking the law? Human law is not about the striving for utopian perfection. Yucky sausage making compromises are occasionally required. I may have a few complaints about Hugh Hewitt's newest book. Still, you need to purchase a copy. His overall advice is indispensable if you truly love your family and wish to protect the United States from ruin.David ThomsonFlares into Darkness",pos "Just when you think you've got Gemmell figured out, he turns the tables on you. Fans of Gemmell and Jon Shannow might find the book a bit slow at first, and something of a retread of previous Jerusalem Man tales, but be patient...the master has got some great surprises up his sleeve! Readers unfamiliar with Shannow are strongly advised to go back and read the previous Stones of Power books before this one. You won't be disappointed. Gemmell is one of the most important fantasy writers of the late 20th century",pos "I have spent my life wishing that I could change things over which I seemed to have no control. Rob explains that the reason for this is that my subconscious mind is holding on to old beliefs that are limiting me. He goes on to tell how PSYCH-K is a safe, powerful, and simple way to change those beliefs using balances that integrate the hemispheres of the brain. It is prayer coming true for me quickly and lastingly. I have followed up reading the book by taking the Basic and Advanced training workshops and am using PSYCH-K to find peace in my life and am helping others do the same in theirs. This book is written so that it is easy to read and very informative for someone like me who is looking for ways to improve their life",pos "This book is not only interesting but gives a great deal of insight into life on death row, at least in the state of Mississippi, and the appeals process involved with stays of execution and commutation of sentences. It touches on activities of the Ku Klux Klan. It was my impression that the author leans toward those who favor the abolition of the death penalty. However, some sympathy is found for the victims of crime. The story centers on Sam Cayhall who is sentenced to death after several trials over a number of years following the crime. Sam's grandson becomes his attorney during the last months of appeal from death row. The latter part of the book leaves one wondering whether or not there will be an execution. Meanwhile Sam shows repentance and response to the prison's chaplain.I found it to be one of the better John Grisham books.",pos "I just finished the book today and I will start out by saynig that this is a very good read. I will not spoil the plot if you have not read this book. Oh, and this book is NOT scary, but it really is creepy. Give it a go",pos "This is wonderful! It is for fans of Laura Ingalls Wilder, and also for those who are interested in historic cooking - from prairie and colonial days which have their basis in so many of the cultures which settled America in the early days, and adapted for use thereThis book is a very happy blend of the Laura Ingalls stories and the food which was eaten, interspersed with the recipes and how they would have been prepared and cooked. Of course Laura didn't include any of the actual recipes in her book and so they have gleaned from similar cookbooks and so on of the day. It has been adjusted to modern need for exact temperatures and measures.I found this book so lovely to read through, not just browse through. The interest factor is great - learning what things were available, and how they were used - baking soda, yeasts, how the oven was used, what cooking items they would have had access too as well as some of the stuff we should know but forget - seasonal food avaialble. But it is good as a simple recipe book. It is an incredible look at times gome pastone of my best reads in the last few years, I also bought a Prairie cookbook which I would highly recommend as well - it is more of a recipe book than this one, but a lovely complementary book to it",pos "We would expect a well balanced approach to writing about the work of the Holy Spirit in the church by the author who also wrote Tyranny of the Urgent and we get it! In this book, Charles E. Hummel, former president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, first reviews the history and growth of the various Charismatic groups within both the protestant and Catholic churches. He provides many valuable explanations of the meaning of related scriptures as well as observations of healings and prophecies that he himself has seen. He later gives his recommendations for keeping the Holy Spirit fire in the fireplace of a biblical church body. I came away encouraged in my own Spiritual gifts and reminded that the more extraordinary Spirit gifts have not disappeared and that to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.",pos "I'd definitely recommend it not only to the Knowledge Management professionals, but to the general public. It's a fun and easy read.",pos "Blanchard and Hybels and Hodges team up for an excellent perspective on leadership from a Christian point of view. While reaching out to the secular marketplace with valid concepts for servant leadership, they put together an excellent framework for leadership. The summary checklist, given on pp. 171ff., offer a helpful concise summary of the book. The glaring omission, and one that I can't believe that Hybels would make, is to clearly point out that following Jesus' style of leadership is absolutely impossible apart from first having a personal relationship with Jesus, in other words, you can't lead like Jesus if you don't have him in your life to help you. I can't believe that there wasn't at least an appendix for those who would like to pursue that issue further. I believe that the authors are posturing too much to get the secular audience to read the book. But for the Christian, it is an excellent book",pos "Many novels of the African-American experience in the United States use the theme of passing. These novels generally involve a light-complexioned African-American who can pass for white. Among other things, novels based on a theme of passing allow the character and the author to comment upon black-white relationships in the United States from both sides -- from the black experience and from the white experience.Both white and black authors have made extensive use of the theme of passing. The earliest novel involving passing of which I am aware is by William Dean Howells in his short 1891 book, An Imperative Duty which dealt with an inter-racial marriage. The African-American novelist Nella Larsen wrote a novel titled Passing set in the Harlem Renaissance. More recently, Philip Roth's novel The Human Stain involves the story of Professor Coleman Silk, a distinguished academic and student of the classics who passes for many years as white.Coleman Silk is the successor to the protagonist of James Weldon Johnson's only novel, The Autobiography of an ex-colored Man written in 1912. The unnamed protagonist of the book is an individual, like Roth's character Coleman Silk, with great intellectual and artistic gifts who is torn between the opportunities open to him as an, apparently, white person and his strong sense of black identity. Like Coleman Silk and the characters in most novels involving the theme of passing, Johnson's protagonist marries a white woman and lives a life plagued with guilt regarding his abandonment of his heritage as an African-American. Johnson's short novel is, to my mind, the best written on the theme of passing, and it is a fine novel indeed. The book initially was published anonymously. The writing is so powerful and believable that many readers took the book for a true autobiography until Johnson acknowledged his authorship in 1914. Many years later, Johnson wrote his own autobiography, titled Along This Way in part to show that the story of his own life was not the story of the protagonist in the Autobiography.Johnson's story shows how his protagonist goes back and forth, both internally and in the outward events of life, about whether to make his way in the white or in the black world. He ultimately finds himself successful but unhappy. In addition to the story line of the book, Johnson uses the passing theme to allow many reflective passages by characters in the book on racial relationships in the United States early in the 20th Century. The most famous such scene occurs as the protagonist travels in a smoking car for whites on a train in the segregated South. He participates in a discussion among several white men of varied backgrounds on the race question as it was viewed at the time. There is also a chilling scene in the book involving a lynching, the burning alive of a black person. Johnson worked fervently in the latter years of his life to secure the passage of anti-lynching legislation in Congress.But Johnson's novel includes a great deal more than a consideration of race issues. The book offers an outstanding picture of life in early twentieth Century America -- in the South and in Johnson's beloved New York City. The book is filled with pictures of dives and gambling dens and of the trade of cigar making in both South and North. It is filled with the love of the piano and of classical music. Most strikingly, the book has the spirit and feel of ragtime, which reached the height of its popularity during the years in which the book appeared. Johnson shows great appreciation for this product of American culture.The book also illustrates some universal themes. The protagonist is troubled, specifically, by the conflict between his identity as an African-American and his wish to succeed as a white person. But the broader themes of the book are the consequences of lack of self-knowledge, the role of chance in human life, and the consequences of a certain sense of purposelessness and frustration, which plague many individuals separately from any consideration of race. Johnson develops these themes eloquently and ties them in well with his theme of passing.Johnson's novel is an important work of American fiction which deserves to be read.",pos "You, the reader, are the subject and the hero of Calvino's novel, an exercise in reader-response theory gone mad. Calvino's lively experiment begins by describing a reader (that is, you) reading Calvino's novel and, after this opening, you settle in to read the novel that you were meant to be reading--a noir mystery with a cliffhanger at the end of the first chapter.But all is not fair in the Land of Fiction; the copy of the book has been misbound by the printer, so you have to rush to the store to get a properly printed book--only to find that the replacement is a different book entirely. After several tricks and machinations, you end up reading the beginnings of ten different books, written in ten different styles, yet all sharing place and character names and even themes. (Part of the fun is identifying the author being imitated: the most obvious segments mock Borges, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov.) While initially it seems that Calvino assumes you are male, soon you are introduced to the Other Reader and you see the story through her eyes. Both of you work to solve the mystery of the erratic book passages, and the pleasure of reading is heightened by romantic tensions between the two of you.The book alternates between the story fragments and the story of you. The repeated changes and interruptions in style and story can be baffling: You can't get your bearings: the characters have changed, the settings, you don't understand what it's about, you find names of people and don't know who they are. It's a bit like Groundhog Day, except that instead of being stuck inside the same day, you're doomed to repeat ten different but terrifyingly similar acts of literature interruptus.Well before the end of the novel, you realize that the real story is not to be found in any of the parodies (mysteries, fantasies, and romances) that you desperately try (and fail) to finish, but in the story of your reading experience itself--an experience made all the more complicated by the web of conspiracies engendered by the Other Reader, a reclusive popular writer, a charlatan churning out counterfeit books under the writer's name, a sloppy and conniving translator, and various officials of repressive dictatorships.For the reader who doesn't mind when an author attempts to describe your state of mind, Calvino's novel can be pure fun. The success of Calvino's task depends in no small part on whether the reading experience he describes recalls how you read a book; I know that some readers find some of these passages alien (That's not how I read books), but for me the various descriptions of the reading experience were both perceptive and eerily familiar. This reader, too, found the first half of the book far more engaging than the second half; later in the book, the gimmick inevitably wears a little thin and the detours that spoof publishing conglomerates, repressive governments, and state censorship were a bit more than this short novel could handle. And the solution to the puzzle, although fitting, has the oomph of the finale to a shaggy-dog story. No matter--if you enjoy metafiction, you might just recognize yourself in this clever book",pos This is my all time favorite book! I have never found myself going through so many different emotions while reading one book. It is definately one of Nicholas Sparks bests,pos "Deadly feasts: tracking the secrets of a terrifying new plague by Richard Rhodes is one scary book. It tracks the discovery of prions, the mishapen proteins responsible for mad cow disease, scrapie, and Creutzfeldt Jacob disease. Following human cannibals in the jungles of New Guinea in the fifties, bovine cannibals of the British Isles in the eighties, and the bizarre history of sheep scrapie from the 17th century on, Rhodes does a great job of presenting the history and discovery of this bizarre group of diseases. I especially enjoyed the characterizations of the scientists, from the Noble Laureate who so enjoyed the New Guinea that he often regretted rejoining civiliziation, yet brought thirty natives back to the USA and helped them through school, to the hyper-competitive scientist who named the molecules even though he wasn't quite certain what they were.But this isn't just a story of scientific discovery. As the foreboding subtitle blares, Rhodes explores some of the scarier aspects of prions. These include spontaneous formation, responsible for the known early cases of Creutzfeldt Jacob disease, trans-species infection, including mad cow disease and scrapie, the long long incubation period and lack of immune system response, and hardiness of the disease. One scary factoid: a scientist took a sample of scrapie, froze it, baked it for an hour at 360 degrees (celsius), and was able to re-infect other animals from this sample.For all the uneasiness this book inspires, it certainly doesn't offer any answers. A condemnation of industrial agriculture, a warning that it's unknown whether vegetarians are even safe, and a caution against using bone meal for your flower garden do not make a recipe for handling this issue. To be fair, it was printed in 1997--perhaps things are under control now.",pos "This book was very candid and well written. It shows that Bob primary goal was to build a business, and become rich and he succeed. The idea that he sold it as a media for African American pride is what got him in trouble. Pulley shows that it was strictly business Mr. Johnson need not so defensive, what he created made him rich, this book shows that wealth does not equal respect? Nevertheless he has $3 billion dollars and hopefully plenty of time to write a final chapter of which he can be prou",pos "A good and clear illustrated guide to exercises with both machines and free weights. Also the best methods for each body type outlined. You even get sample workouts for people at all levels of fitness and exercise development.The book shows exercises for each body part so you can develop your own routine and it also includes a log you can copy.The book includes routines for seniors and weight loss. There are some 300 color photos and you'll learn how to do each exercise and what to avoid that may cause injury.A good book for anyone at any level of fitness who needs a complete, handy guide. Being spiral bound it will go with you and you can easily use it daily.My one complaint is that some of the routines are devoted to using machines only and many people don't belong to a gym but work out at home. For them, this creates a real problem",pos I use this book and/or refer someone to it almost every day in my line of work. I highly recommend it to anyone who works with color,pos "Having spent the last year in the Near East, I found that reading this book gave me an incite that was most helpful to me and my collegues. While this book was written about the Isreal-Lebanon issue during the 1970's-1980's, though it just reared its ugly head once again in the last few months, it was as I said a great help to me to understand or at least better understand the arabic way of life and culture. With the world attention squarely on the Near East we all, weather American, European, or other cultures throughout the world, need to know and understand the Near Eastern mentality, culture, and to some extend how the Islamic Religion plays into the everyday life and politics of that area. With this book being written by a Jewish American and with Thomas Freidman's understanding of the Near East way of thinking gives the book a credibility others could only hope for. I recommend this book to anyone that is a student of the Near East, Politicians and Military Personnel, Religious Leaders, and anyone who wants a better understanding of the Near East in general.",pos "I just finished reading The Handyman's Dream, By Nick Poff. I was completely blown away! This is a great book. Its about 2 guys who meet one another in small town Indiana. After the first chapter you will want to have these fellas over for dinner. The story is very well written and has alot of innovative things in it that I havent seen in any other gay novels. I love the way the author integrates Music and songs into the story. From the Character Norma ( ed's Mother)and her quirky comebacks to the wonderful Mrs. Penfield, the novel will have you laughing and will touch a place deep inside you that few books do. This story also tells of the fears and struggles a gay couple had in the past, and one many still have today. I love the fact that its very g rated and a good read for not only gay folks but also straight folks...Anyone who believes in the power of love. I wish while growing up I would have had a book like this one to show me that there IS such a thing as good , healthy gay relationships. I Highly recommend The Handyman's Dream.",pos "I've always thought someone should do a retro coffee table book on A-frames. Someone did. It's perfect. The book has a great cover in cool 60s colors. Inside is a detailed history with pictures, illustrations and everything one would ever want to know about A-frames. Thank you Chad Randl!",pos "Anything by Dave Barry is genius - full of insight, uncannily funny, entertaining, and thought provoking. Dave Barry Turns 50 makes a perfect small gift for 50th birthdays (as does Dave Barry Turns 40 for those a decade younger.",pos This is not a book about management. It is a wonderful exploration about how and why groups of individuals can and do make better decisions than individuals. It sets out some necessary conditions for this wisdom to be able to take place and then does some excellent analysis of why that happens.What I got out of this book was some very important ideas about why collaborative decision making is important and how to assure that it is done well (If you want the other side Irving Janis' old classic on Groupthink is a good counterpoint.)Unlike a lot of other big idea books this one is very literate and readable. It is a joy to read but it also offers some very substantive ideas,pos Just LOVED this book!!! Enjoy Nora Roberts books but this one is now at the top of my list. It is so suspenseful you can hardly wait to turn the next page to see what happens next. This mystery/love story is great and so well written. All the characters are so well developed they seem to come to life and just about jump off the page. Very enjoyable reading!!!!,pos "If you're interested in reproducing authentic costumes, you won't find a better guide to hats and bonnets than this book. I haven't found anything close to it. Intended for collectors, it is full of photographs showing what women wore on their heads for the 200 year period covered. Today a hat is usually something worn strictly to protect from inclement weather. Until a generation or so ago, no woman felt dressed in public unless she wore some kind of hat. It's a valuable addition to any costume library",pos "To put this review into perspective for you, it is written by a serious student of cooking that has been actively studying food on their own for 25 years. I have been focusing on Italian food for the last 10 years. My favorite cookbook is The Professional Chef by the Culinary Institute of America.If you are a serious home cook you will love this book.The photography in this book is nice and the food styling is beautiful. If you love to entertain and/or you want the meals you serve your family and friends to be gorgeous you will get so many ideas reading this book.The directions for the recipes are very thorough and well written. I believe that a serious beginner could follow these recipes without a problem.I have tried many of the recipes in this book all to rave reviews. I particularly enjoyed the chapter on foams. The cream whippers are expensive, but they are extremely fun to use.This book does not need to be used just for small bites. It is as simple as just making fewer portions from the same recipe.This book is highly recommended for anyone that is serious about cooking.",pos "Syl Sobel is my nextdoor neighbor. This book is a wonderful resource for the whole family. It is illustrated, has a glossary for those hard to know terms and an index! Buy this book today!",pos "With Dead Watch, Sanford has delivered a political thriller that is fully worthy of mention alongside his popular police-procedural Prey series. I share the Booklist reviewer's sentiment that Sandford has produced a D.C. intrigue reminiscent of Ross Thomas (a VERY good thing!).My biggest beef with Dead Watch is the bland characterization of Jake Winter (though Sandford does do a good job of making Winter not be Lucas Davenport); nearly every other character has more personality-pizzazz. Not to worry though, the Madison Bowe character and the breakneck speed of the story more than make up for that shortcoming. If I'd been turning pages any faster, I'd have probably started a fire.",pos "Charlie Bone isn't your typical nine-year-old boy. Although he didn't know that himself. But when photographs get mixed up and he ends up with a picture of a man and a little girl that talks to him, he knows everything that was normal about his life is gone forever. Tracking down the picture, Charlie finds out it belongs to Miss Ingledew, a woman who owns a bookshop and has been looking for her missing niece for years. She gives Charlie a mysterious package (that he can't open) and sets him on his journey that will change everything in his world. As it turns out, Charlie is one of the descendants of the Red King, a mysterious person who had wondrous magical powers who went into hiding. The Red King's children have been equally divided between good and evil ever since. At Bloor's Academy, Charlie finds friends and enemies, and the challenge of his lifetime as he tracks down secrets others don't want revealed.Jenny Nimmo is the author of five books in the Charlie Bone series and has written several other children's books and fantasies.Many people compare Charlie Bone to Harry Potter, and that's a good comparison. But the two series are different. Harry's family is really non-supportive, but Charlie has a loving mother, a doting grandmother, and Uncle Paton, who turns out to be something of a hero. The book is a fun, fast-paced whirlwind of mysteries, magic, and friendship. Even at 400 pages, it feels like it's over much too soon.There are a few jarring instances where the point-of-view was disconnected, moving from one character and one scene into another without warning. They were easily overlooked due to the pacing of the story, but noticeable all the same.Fans who are waiting for the next Harry Potter book who haven't tried the Charlie Bone series are encouraged to do so. Charlie's story, although similar, has much to offer in reading excitement",pos this book sucks very badly! as soon as i was on the second page i threw it in the fire place!!,pos "Mr. Bones is a very special dog, a dog who understands Ingloosh and almost speaks it. A dog who is happy roaming about the country with his master, Willie G. Christmas. If Willie is homeless, probably schizophrenic, certainly eccentric; if they rarely have enough to eat; if he doesn't always understand Willie's metaphysical ramblings--what does that matter between a dog and his best friend? Alas, in the first chapter, Willie is coughing up blood, and Mr. Bones knows that Willie is going to die.The entire story is told through the point of view of this remarkable dog. Is it the story of a dog? Or the story of Willie? Or the story of life in America? Or a story about love, alienation, betrayal and loss? Well, it's all of these. And what is Timbuktu? For that, you will have to read the book. I'm not going to tell you.Author Paul Auster is a genius with language. Somehow he draws you into this improbable story and makes it believable. More than believable. Compelling. Does he really get inside the mind of a dog? Who am I to say? I can only say that for me he makes the mind of a dog as believable and understandable as any other mind.Some reviewers expressed disappointment with this book, but I thought it was wonderful. Just let it speak in its own voice and take it for what it is and you will love it. I recommend Timbuktu highly. Reviewed by Louis N. Gruber",pos "I bought this book for my son as a study guide, he is almost finished reading it for the first time, now he says he is going to go back and highlight key information that he will need on his exam. He is raving about this book, worth the money spent and a very good price",pos "I saw the second title of this series at my local Borders bookstore, and decided to try the first title. Do not be fooled by the Young Adult category; this book is also appropriate for full adults looking for a good read. Though a little adolescent at times, this novel is still excellent, and I recommend it as a fun and fascinating fantasy",pos "When Peter S. Lynch speaks, wise investors will listen. This book covers the famous fund manager's career at the helm of Fidelity Magellan from 1977 to '90, and post career into '92. It's far more introspective than One Up On Wall Street and it was no doubt meant to be for this purpose. For example, there isn't nearly as much fundamental principles for stock picking outlined in this book as the former. My belief is that the reader would do best by reading One Up On Wall Street first and follow up with this title, as its the newer of the two, regardless.Peter's style of writing (with John Rothchild) is no-nonsense and easy to take in. To my knowledge three books have been published by the duo and all three have been entertaining and never dry. The reader can comfortably take in some very important stock-picking principles from one of the greats without feeling intimidated at any point. I think this is a sign of a well written book that covers a topic that isn't child's play (unless you like playing with money).And although this book doesn't cover nearly as much technical information as the first, it still offers a lot of tasty tidbits for stock pickers. I made plenty of notes while reading Beating The Street, and I'm confident that I'll be well served by doing so. Peter reiterates many of the guidelines he mentioned in his first best-seller, such as scrutinizing company earnings and the balance sheets, and he gives his wise opinion of picking bargain stocks that have lower P/Es than their growth rates.Overall, this title definitely deserves four stars, and his first book deserves at least five stars. Lynch and Rothchild have authored several investing books that will stand the test of time. You'll sleep better with your investment decisions by having these valuable classics in your collection.",pos I purchased this book to read to my baby and it is just a sweet little tale about Mommies and their mischievious babies. I can't wait until she is old enough to sit on my lap and really understand the story when I read it to her. I highly recommend it,pos "Briggs has perfected the art of the wordless book, and this is a great title to use to teach older kids how to do storyboarding for video or movie-making. Compare the book to the video as a final lesson and students will see the intricacies of the craft. This newly reissued edition has a sparkly cover, and is sure to be a favorite for families with kids of all ages, as well.",pos "Never before have I been moved so completely by a simple reference book. The author skillfully weaves his understanding of our democratic system with a profound love for L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics -- not an easy task. I bought this for my grandmother... and she hates books. That's how good this is. Better than Cats, she says. I can't say I necessarily agree with her -- for starters, the private sector's influence on public policy and decision-making is nowhere near as entertaining as Mister Mistofellees' song and dance -- but who am I to argue with an old woman? Nobody, that's who",pos this book sucks you in from page one! it's entertaining and witty! no need for more detail,pos This is the real story about wall street firms and the way they look at their clients. Beware that you may not like the way they look at you. It is a good wake up call for those who think their broker is always looking out for their best interests. Very entertaining with great stories. You won't want to put it down!,pos "This fiction of a plot against American Jews is very interesting. It is well written and it holds your attention. The little boy telling the story and the intricacy of politics attached to the story make this novel a book you cannot put aside. This is about an era of American history, and it is well documented. I recommend it to everyone: the older generation who lived thru it and particularly to the younger generation of people who are not familiar with this period; it teaches that history is constantly in the remake and cultural differences are still a problem in our world.",pos " Lewis has written a fascinating study of the bean counter approach ,used by Billy Beane and the Oakland Athletics to construct a team of moderately priced players chosen on the basis of ,primarily, on base percentage for everyday players and the number of groundball outs and strikeouts for selecting pitchers. This approach generated a number of divisional championships for Oakland in the weakest American League division,but no pennants and world championships.There are omitted variables and misspecification problems in the sabermetrics(statistics) approach of Bill James used by Beane.First,James's system totally ignores the number of batter strikeouts.All outs are not equal.Hitting flyouts and groundball outs will many times advance the baserunner if any previous batters got on base.Hitting the ball also allows the baserunner to get on on an error.Strikeouts are thus the worst type of out.This omitted variables problem can be dealt with by simply deducting 1 to 1.25 points from the on base percentage for every strikeout over,say,100 for a regular,everyday player who gets 600 official at bats over the course of the season.The second problem is that the James system does not differentiate between walks due to the hitting skill of the batter and walks used by the pitcher to set up forceplays and double plays,especially if he is a pitcher who gets a lot of ground ball outs.Another category is needed-walks that are not followed by forceouts or double play groundouts and/or walks where the runner is able to steal second base.These walks are different from the walks given to a 40 homer player who strikes out 150+ times a year and hits .250 but has a .375 OBP. James's system needs to be adjusted to take into account these two factors",pos "I finally know what makes for good comic book inks after reading this book. Gary Martin comprehensively outlines all the elements of comic book inking including the various techniques, styles and methods that the pros use. Plenty of samples from his own work and that of others. If you want to learn how to ink comic book art or you just want to know what distinguishes good inking from bad, I highly recommend this book. The production values, art and cover are also very professional",pos "I am a longtime Jance fan and wasn't disappointed with Dead Wrong. Any complaints would be the overemphasis on Joanna's pregnancy with a concomitant under-emphasis on tension and suspense (great ending, though!). Butch is effectively out of the way in this installment as he promotes his book, but also comes across as overly self-absorbed, especially when his obnoxious parents show up and his wife is poised to deliver their child. Jenny, too has little to add to the story. But Joanna shines, as usual. Nice to see such a reliable, ethical, and strong female protagonist",pos "Don't get me wrong this was a really good book. And I am so close to giving it 5 stars. It was just a little too short for me. The story invloving the ball game was great and showed why baseball is so pure at its core. The only thing that was lacking in the story was the story outside of the game. You will fly through this book, it is a good story and you will feel satisfied after reading it, even after that mild short coming I mentioned. Just my opnion, I could be wrong",pos "I liked this book because it was quick and easy to read, but also had more in-depth information in the back. Each month, there is a chart of symptoms to let you know what is important to go to the ER, call your doc, or wait 24 hours to check. There were great decision guides that presented both sides. I like that I know a reputable hospital stands behind the book, as well. I have 6 pregnancy books, but this one is my favorite",pos "Background I read Isaac's Storm, by Erik Larson, around 1998. Recently I had occasion to thumb through it again which has prompted this review. Larson covered three killer hurricanes, two killer blizzards and one flash flood.Galveston and related Hurricanes My first impression was that anyone who had read this book, about a major hurricane, would never consider riding out such a storm. Larson painted a frightening story of brick homes and brick schools being torn apart by the surging waters.Isaac Cline was the U. S. Weather Service Chief at Galveston at this time. This book gives much detail on the Galveston storm. This hit the island in September 1900, with very little warning. Indeed it was the arrogance of the U. S. Weather Service in general, and Issac Cline, their station chief for this area, in particular, that essentially preempted any warning. Cline was one of the 'new men', a scientist who believed he knew all there was to know about the motion of clouds and the behavior of storms. First, the U. S. Weather Service refused to pay any attention to any inputs from Cuba. The U. S. Weather Service had men stationed in Cuba who said the storm was nothing to worry about. Cuban's own weather observers, who had pioneered hurricane detection, disagreed. Secondly the U. S. Weather Service insisted that, any storm warning had to come from the Washington office, with absolutely no exceptions. Finally Isaac had the conviction, and public position, that no hurricane could ever hit Galveston, as they would be steered north before reaching as far west as Galveston. With such a position Cline had no motivation to try and influence headquarters. Larson cited two older hurricanes in his book.* September 16, 1875 - The storm raised an immense dome of water and shoved it through Indianola, pushing the waters of the Gulf and Matagorda Bay inland until for 20 miles the back country prairie was an open sea. This storm took 176 lives.* August 20, 1886 - This storm completed the destruction of Indianola. So many residents were killed that the survivors abandoned the town completely. In 1891, in the wake of a tropical storm that Galveston weathered handily Cline was asked to appraise the city's vulnerability to extreme weather. Isaac wrote: The opinion held by some - - - that Galveston at some time will be seriously damaged by some such disturbance is simply an absurd delusion. He made this statement in spite of the fact that the maximum elevation of Galveston Island, at that time, was an almost trivial 8.7 feet above sea level. He made it also in spite of the two killer hurricanes hitting and destroying the town of Indianola, about 150 miles southwest of Galveston on Matagorda Bay. Cline had a model of Gulf hurricanes, namely that no hurricane could ever hit Galveston, as they would be steered north before reaching as far west as Galveston. His model of these storms was clearly fatally flawed, or politically influenced, and it resulted in 6,000 to 10,000 deaths. Larson suggests there was a scent of boosterism behind this article, and that he was writing an article that Galveston promoters would be happy to see. Could this have been a harbinger of things to come? Could Cline have been the first government weather scientist to prostitute himself by writing favorable papers on the weather for his sponsors? Then the storm hit. Both the U. S. Weather Service and Isaac Cline looked very arrogant before the storm, and also in defending their overall performance, after the storm.Other extreme weather events Larson also covered two blizzards and one flash flood in his book in this book.* Hail and flash flood, August 1885 - a severe downpour near San Angelo, including hailstones the size of ostrich eggs, killed hundreds of cattle and created a flash flood with An escarpment of water that Isaac estimated to be 15 or 20 feet high.* Blizzard, November 1888 - this surprise blizzard destroyed 150 vessels off New England, and caused the death of 450.* Blizzard, January 1899 - this blizzard swept much of the South. Icebergs 10 feet high flowed down the Mississippi past New Orleans. This storm even hit Galveston and piled snow on it's beaches and drove water out of the Bay into the Gulf exposing portions of the bay bottom.Conclusion Isaac's Storm shows the incredoble wrath of hurricanes, 105 to 125 years ago. It also depicts the incredible spectrum of extreme weather events, also of the same vintage. All in all a most interesting and rewarding book, one that I would recommend highly.",pos "Terrier will not disappoint Tamora Pierce fans! The narration is done through first person, told as a journal. This is particularily challenging for authors to do well as it is easy to loose the flow of the story, and difficult to account for actions the narrator hasn't seen. But Tamora has performed her usual magic, snatching up the readers' interest from the first page and holding it until the last (I even read all of the notes pages and the bio). Readers may find it difficult to put down. Once again it will be hard to wait for the next boo",pos "This is the third book I have read by Grisham, and so far I have really enjoyed each one. Grisham really knows how to write a good legal thriller. This book does not have any courtroom/court-case scenes, which I really enjoy, but it still kept my attention very well. Grisham gives you just enough inside details to keep you guessing without actually telling you the answer. For example: at one point, the clues seemed to point to Fletcher Coal being involved in the killings, but that was way off the mark in the end. This characteristic of Grisham's writings makes for a very enjoyable read.One of my few complaints about this book is the sudden romance between Gray and Darby. They had hardly even met before they seemed to become attracted, then it VERY quickly blossomed into an open show of affection, even though at the same time, Darby was supposedly mourning for Thomas. Even so, that is probably the main thing that seems wrong about this book, and it does not detract from the overall quality very much at all.Overall, this is a very captivating, page-turner book that really holds your attention. I highly recommend it, as well as Grisham's other books. So far, I have found Grisham to be an awesome writer of legal thrillers. I promise that you will not be disappointed. Read and enjoy",pos I bought this book because my mother is dying and I needed to know more. Kessler has a wonderful way of delivering this knowledge. He is thorough in imparting this knowledge and does so with total compassion for the dying and the living. I underscored many passages in this work and especially appreciated someone telling me (chapter 8) what can I expect in the way of physical signs as mom goes through the dying process. This book is very user friendly having a very readable quality. I strongly recommend it,pos " This collection of stories and essays by David Sedaris definitely contains a lot of variety. Overall, I found the way the stories were dripping with sarcasm delightful. Some stories were a bit dry, but others such as SantaLand Diaries and Diary of a Smoker had me laughing out load. However, the best stories I found were the ones such Season's Greetings to our Friends and Family!!! which I had to think about before fully understanding and laughing at their humor. I would definitely like to read more of Sedaris' works, especially those based on his real-life experiences as, overall, I found the collection of essays in this book more entertaining than the stories",pos "Guys and Dolls is a fantastic musical, and this vocal selections book is a good representation of it. Unfortunately, some songs like Marry The Man Today, My Time Of Day, Follow The Fold and The Oldest Established have been left out from the book, but that is the price you pay, or rather don't pay, when you don't buy the full vocal score. However, this book will satisfy fans of the show, complete with pictures from the original 1950 Broadway production, the 1955 film, and the New 1992 Broadway Revival. Definately, this book is a good buy",pos "Courtesy of CK2S Kwips and KritiquesNicolae Carpathia continues his reign of terror over the world, destroying any who dare to oppose him. Followers of Carpathianism suffer one indignity after another with their water supply being turned to blood and their bodies breaking out in hideous boils and sores.Angels of God appear to believers all over the world to encourage them and keep their faith strong. The tribulation Force continues to resist Carpathia as they prepare for what is expected to come... the ultimate desecration of the Church by the false god.This story started to pick up again after the two previous books failed to keep this reviewer's interest, who was glad to discover that continued determination to read the whole series was worth it. There are more examples in this installment of what attracted millions to the Left Behind series.Characters continue along the lines drawn for them by their personalities, with readers taking pleasure in experiencing the continued adventures along with the Trib Force and Tsion Ben Judah. However, be forewarned, the culmination of certain characters' individual stories will make readers sit up and shout What the heck was that? or THAT is what happens to them?The story continues with plenty of adventure for the players and the natural progression of their faith... or lack thereof. Desecration will captivate readers enough to make them hold on to find out what will happen next.? Kelley A. Hartsell, January 2006. All rights reserved",pos The author brought more than the story of the battle to light. He was able to give insight into the lives of the sailors and their thoughts during the battle,pos "I is for I think you would like this book if you read it. It was a little bit wordy at the beginnig but each page gets better than the one before. You will be glad you got past the first few pages because it gets a lot more interesting as you go along. And the ending of this book is really something else, it makes the whole book well worth reading. I really liked the book and I think you will too",pos "You know that guy down the street who acts awful snake-like? What about the cashier at Walmart who is catty? And there are always people in our lives that could easily be one of many species of monkeys. Neil Gaiman shows through fiction that there may be more to these strange characters in our lives than we realize. In this novel, gods (which represent animals) roam the earth in the bodies of humans. The main character is the clever, trouble-loving spider who interacts with other animal-gods in everyday human life. This book, along with other science fiction books, has given me an appreciation of the creativity of the human imagination.The strong point of this novel is the humor employed by Neil Gaiman. On par with Douglas Adams, the author of Anasi Boys fills the pages with quirky, pop-culture laden humor. The main character, Fat Charlie, I found much in common with. His awkward moments with friends, family and everyone else reveal a social insecurity that many are familiar with. The story, however, isn't anything special. I like witches and animal-gods as much as the next guy, but the plot is uninteresting. It is a rare book that combines wit with plot, and this is not one of those rare books.",pos "Wow..I LOVE this book! The recipes are creative and the presentations beautiful. I love the simplicity of each recipe, which give the warmth and richness of traditional old fashioned taste with a twist of the class & sophistication of today's refined culinary experience! Sara's food philosophy and the atmosphere she has created in her market has been my dream. I'm living it through her cookbook right now",pos "The use of an Integrated Development Environment [IDE] for a user to learn a language in, and to then program within, is well known. Microsoft has made powerful IDEs for its languages. And the open source Eclipse can be used for Java. Along these lines, Ducasse offers his book. It teaches Smalltalk using the Squeak IDE.The twist is that Squeak uses the visual metaphors of robots and robot factory, to convey the crucial concepts of objects/classes. As Ducasse explains, Squeak can be directed at an audience that is perhaps of high school age or even younger. So a clear visual feedback between example code and what the student sees then happen is vital, given her limited background and possibly limited attention span.Squeak uses Smalltalk in part because that is a very minimalist language. If you come from C++, Java or C#, you may be struck by its simplicity, compared to the oodles of classes and notational intricacies of those languages. Which of course also makes it easier for a young student to learn Smalltalk or Squeak itself.I wonder a little about the book itself, though. A motivated high school student could easily use it. But for some younger students? In that situation, it may well be that the book could be best directed at a teacher, who can then instruct from it",pos "A very straight forward book by Jim Otto. There is a price when one wants to achieve or aspire to achieve glory on the gridiron. Jim Otto is that person and he candidly tells us what he was willing to sacrifice to reach that plateau. For the Raider fan at heart, or a football fan in general, this is the book to read",pos "Skeleton Man is another success for Tony Hillerman. The usual well-planned mystery to solve, and more about three of my favorite characters, Joe, Jim, and Bernie who appreciate the desert so much",pos "In this fascinating collection of essays, Dr. Dalrymple proposes a compelling thesis. Over the last twenty-five years a new type of underclass has emerged in western societies, an underclass that uses the welfare system in all its forms, subsidised housing, free by-weekly pay checks, child support and free medical benefits. From a liberal political standpoint, this support for the nation's have nots is a compassionate gesture to take care of its own poor. One would logically assume that providing the poor with life's essentials would bring the crime rate down and provide incentive for these people to further their standing in society. In fact, as Dalrymple proposes, it has had an opposite effect: crime in his native England has skyrocketed; drug use is at an all time high and domestic violence is a wide spread common occurrence. Why? Liberal values not economics has created individuals that deny any responsibility for their own lives, it is always the rich, the government or societies institutions that is to blame, thus crime continues to rise while England's Welfare State has grown into an unwieldy Goliath.Dalrymple has worked in numerous countries and has been an attending physician and psychiatric consultant in London's prisons for many years. Thus his thesis is not born from some abstract social theory about human behaviour. He has treated thousands of victims of domestic violence, consulted thousands of prisoners who have been incarcerated for petty crime to murder. The common thread that runs through all these cases is a pathological denial of responsibility for their own circumstances or conditions.As Dalrymple explains:Like so many modern ills, the coarseness of spirit and behaviour grows out of ideas brewed up in the academy and among intellectuals - ideas that have seeped outward and are now having their practical effect on society. The relativism that has ruled the academy for many years has now come to rule the mind of the population. (P.85)In other words, this post modern notion that there is no high and low art, no good and bad, no subtlety and crudeness, only relative perspectives; taking this further, our behaviour too is not individually determined, but society and its oppressive inequalities that make me who I am, and a biological predisposition which causes me to steal from the old lady next door, beat my wife beyond recognition and consume drugs and alcohol like there is no tomorrow. The trickling down of these academic theories, biological determinism, Marxism and the post modern theory that there are no levels of hierarchical values, only difference, has created an underclass of victims who believe they should get something for nothing and commit crime because society has created them as victims as self-determinism does not exist.Dalrymple provides numerous real life examples from his practice working in a hospital in London. His writing style is straight forward, at times literary but never sentimental. The arguments in these essays are persuasive and push the reader to examine the underlying modern ideologies that have created and sustain a well provided for underclass of criminal victims.",pos "This is a pretty good book. However, I would have liked it better if the focus would have remained on the effect of Lincoln's depression on his life and that of his family rather than a psychological perspective",pos "A fraudulent marine biologist, whose wife is about to expose his cover-up of phosphate pollution of the Florida Everglades, tries to kill her by throwing her overboard from a cruise ship. Unknown to him she survives and haunts him to punish him.It's a wonderfully comic page-turner, although the plot runs out of steam towards the end and the practical jokes played on the would-be murderer become repetitious. A few ends are left loose. It challenged comparison with the Florida novels of Elmore Leonard, such as Maximum Bob and Stick but it does not quite live up to the master. Some of the humor contrasting weird and wacky Floridians with stolid Upper Midwesterners seemed to derive from David Barry (and Euripides, Ovid and Tasso used the maiden-rescued -from-sea-monster gimmick).I thought this was his best since Striptease. The intervening ones have been too incoherently plotted and (although I'm a tree-hugging whale- lover myself) overloaded with environmentalist politics. Incidentally, isn't releasing alien snake species into the wild an environmental no-no?",pos "I really don't understand all the negative reviews about this book. I found it an easy to read pleasant mystery, with a main character in midlife turmoil I wanted to sympathize with. J. A. Jance did an excellent job keeping the pace reasonably fast, while not losing the reader with extraneous characters.",pos "In the month that I have been puting the teaching into practice,I have felt better like I haven't felt in eleven years. My weight is going down and my energy is increasing. I am getting a lot of compliments, and someone told me I look more like 31 than 51 which is my real age",pos "This is a simple, yet heartfelt and elegant tale of the lives and struggles of women in rural China of the 1920s and 1930s. The story centers on Pei, who as a young girl, is sold by her parents to work in a silk factory. The story evolves as Pei befriends other women in the silk factory, participates in a strike for fair working conditions, reconnects with her family, loses loved ones, and escapes from advancing Japanese soldiers. The plot is succinct and the characters are interesting, varied, and believable, if perhaps lacking somewhat in psychological depth. Socio-cultural aspects of life in 1920s-30s China are elegantly woven into the plot. Themes of friendship, love, and courage are convincingly presented. Overall, the book is a captivating read, and strongly recommended.",pos "This thing sat on my shelf, half-read for the longest time. Only the notice of the upcoming release this November of Pynchon's next got me motivated enough to dig into it again. It's not that it isn't brilliant. No one else around can dazzle you with so much wit and wonder. The first encounter with the talking dog is as magical as anything you'll ever read.And it's not like this is the only Pynchon novel that takes some effort to get into. There are plenty of folks who have had to to take a couple cracks at V or Gravity's Rainbow before catching the wave.But Mason and Dixon is a lot of work, if for no other reason than the effort it takes dealing with the mid-18th century prose style. (Can you imagine the effort it took to produce it?) John Barth's Sotweed Factor is similar, and yet somehow infinitely more accessible (and highly recommended!). Pynchon's gift for rapid exposition is not necessarily suited to the constraint on verbal glibness. Especially in a work this voluminous.And yet the darn thing is consistently challenging, if one has the patience and energy to put into it. It seemed to me that the beginning and ending were the best parts, but this could very well have everything to do to the enthusiasm one brings to a new book, and the emotional satisfaction one gain's when reaching towards the conclusion. One thing for sure, for once Pynchon truly has plotted out and delivers a conclusion worthy of the whole work, as opposed to suddenly rushing out a trap door and leaving the reader in a state of suspension (which of course is also one of the many delights of his first three novels). This time one gets the sense that the author has a good deal of affection for his featured players.This book is a great as you want it to be, if you're willing to work at it. I'm just looking forward to the next one being a little more nimble. (Meanwhile, I've got a couple months to see if I can make more of a dent into The Recognitions.",pos "This is a great book. I will not go into so much detail as the previous reviewers, but I must give credit where it is due. Having read many books on the subject of the Bush White House including, Fiasco, and State of Denial, I did not think I would learn much more from this one. I bought the book a few days ago, mainly because I like David Corn. When I read it I was pleasantly surprised at how insightful it is. I think along with the two books I mentioned earlier, this trio make up the essential reading on Bush, Iraq, and everything that can be encompassed in those broad categories. If you could only read one, I would call it a dead heat between, Hubris, and, State of Denial. If pressed I suppose I would have to give the edge to Hubris, as the writing was much less tedious I thought.",pos "This audio-book was fantastic. It took off like a horse out of the starting gate at the Kentucky Derby and never let up.Vincente Callabrese is a part time enforcer/collector for the mob and part time movie producer student. When Vincente is asked to produce one of his classmates screen plays this is a start of a new career for Vincente.First a name change, from Vincente Callabrese to Michael Vincent. Then it's off to Hollywood where he rapidly becomes one of the hottest producers in the movie business.Unfortunately, Michael has a hard time shaking his past. When he tries to buy the movie rights to a novel and is refused, he asks his old friend Tommy Povenzano for help. Tommy assures Michael the he will help. This is the start of all of Michael's problems.In typical Woods fashion this novel is a mover. Though this novel isn't full of excitement, it will keep you on the edge of your seat wanting to see what happens next. It doesn't take long between incidents.The bottom line here is that this is a book not to be missed.ChokeDead In the WaterOrchid BeachThese are all other options by Mr. Stuart and I would recommend any of them.Though this book has not won any awards Mr. Woods won the Edgar Alan Poe award in 1982 and was nominated again in 1992. Once you have read or listened to this book you will understand why.",pos "Amy Tan writes about wonderful people.Amy Tan creates exceptional characters.Amy Tan will write you a story that is so rich and clear you can almost touch it.That is what I love in reading Amy Tan. As your average southern white female, I'm not exactly versed in the world of Amy Tan's characters. But she takes me there. I find myself so completely involved in the world she writes about that I forget where I am. Isn't that why you pedalled your bicycle to the library in the summer when you were a kid? Amy Tan will remind you of that sense of discovery you had back then, when you were reading all the great classics for the first time and the discovery of it all was an addictive thrill that kept your library card smoking and well worn with use.She has a gift in her storytelling for expanding the universe. Read this book.",pos "I fail to understand the complaints of two previous reviewers. This beautiful glossy volume is an excellent compendium of previosly publisned Cook's Illustrated recipes. In style and format it would make an excellent first choice for anyone wishing to be introduced to a selection of the best of the best recipes from America's Teet Kitchen (i. e. Cook's Illustrated) without the tediousness of having to wade through lengthy descriptions of how the recipes were arrived at.The cooks at America's Test Kitchen test each recipe up to fifty! times, often in several versions before arriving at the what they (and their taste testers) feel is the very best recipe. No other cookbooks offer this degree of security to the home cook.Chapters include: Starters and Salads, Soups and Stews, Vegetables and Side Dishes, Eggs and Breads, Pasta, Meat, Poultry, Seafood, and Desserts. Throughout, are guides and charts to everything from grains to the best bakeware (also kitchen tested). The recipes range from familiar comfort food (e. g. Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes, Glazed Meatloaf, and Deep-dish Apple Pie) to show-off company fare (e.g. Baked Brie en Croute, Grill-roasted Chinese Style Duck, and Dark Chocolate Mousse).If your looking for recipes that work everytime, do yourself a favor and purchase any Cook's Illustrated cookbook, including this one. You won't be dissappointed.",pos The book was very well writtem with great information on the amazing economy of China. The book is a must read for anyone interested in business or economy fields.,pos "I highly recommend this book. It has changed the way I look at life and spirituality. Nearly every line in the book is filled with profound meaning. Additonally, the style is clear and the ideas accessible for anyone who is truly interested in spiritual fulfillment. I am at greater peace with the world since having read this book.",pos "This Bible blew me away when I went hunting for one a few months ago to give to a youth who had come into my life. I was so impressed, I bought one for myself. This Bible is many things, but the first thing that I noticed, quite honestly, is that the colors were bright, the print readable, and the illustrations far less serious and far more engaging than your typical Bible. Without growing to an unwieldy size, the editors manage to throw in a wealth of study information, written in a modern, friendly style, that helps make even the dryest or most confusing parts of the Good Book both understandable and relevant to today's society. That is what makes it perfect for someone, like my young friend, who is unfamiliar with religion, Christianity, or just plain old Bible study. It's less intimidating that most Bibles and all material is presented in such a manner that you don't feel unprepared if you pick it up cold. Catholics are often les familiar with the Bible than many Protestant denominations, as we have a wholistic focus that is both valuable and worthwhile--however, a better relationship and understanding of the Word can only enhance one's spiritual life and experience as a Catholic. If that applies to you (which, I have to admit, it did to me) this is a wonderful way to get your feet wet in Biblical translation, discussion, interpretation, and modern relevance. Who won't like this Bible? 1 - Those more familiar and attached to more formal translations such as the King James Version 2 - Those already familiar with intensive Bible study, IF not working with youth or those less familiar 3 - most Protestants...the discussion is from a very clear Catholic viewpoint...not really controversial, just Catholic 4 - and traditionalists who are offended by the idea of making the Bible accessible and relevant through use of the lingo/parlance and point of view of today's under-25 set. I believe one reviewer felt that the Bible didn't need to be made culturally relevant, finding the sidebars on race, cultural differences, modern morality, and varying interpretations to be just another extension of the Political Correctness movement. I couldn't disagree more. The Bible should be the one book that everyone can see themselves in should they seek such a thing. This Bible does that for a new generation of Catholics and for a new, hesitant group of explorers. I'd ballpark the appropriate age for this version at around 13-35 years",pos "I handsold so many copies of this book that my local bookstore accused me of emptying out the warehouse so they couldn't order any more. Reid strives for a journalistic impartiality here but he is so excited by the current evolution of political life in Europe that he carries you along. I especially love the story of little Portugal, which has unilaterally decided that drugs are no longer a criminal matter but a medical one. The US could learn from that example, and from many other European examples in this book. When you read the story about GE and Honeywell, you'll realize we're going to have to, because they're going to teach us whether we want to learn or not",pos "Stephen King has made another novel full of horror and suspense. The biggest storm ever is about to hit a town called Little Tall Island in Maine. While this storm is occuring a strange gentleman named Andre Linoge stops to visit. He walks up to a home owned by an old woman Martha Clarendon. Linoge charges in the old womans home and brutily murders her. Later, he purposly lets the police department arrest him",pos "Currently, educational studies are being revealed, which are showing that students of minority heritage (particularly Black and Latino) have an affinity towards InterPersonal learning and Tactile learningInterpersonal = learning through being social and group workTactile = learning by building or constructing thingsOur current educational institutions, especially high school and below, cater to Auditory (hearing) and Intrapersonal (introverted, little group work) learnersSo in total, poverty and language barriers are likely not the biggest culprit towards our low school scores, in areas of economic problems ----- rather, it is the fact that teachers are not teaching to the strengths of our children - as a matter of fact, most children are being taught within the areas of their learning weaknessesWith that in mind, FRAMES OF MIND is one of the first books to distiguish the way we learn and how to cater to itWithin this book lies the best solutions to our educational system, and its only a matter of getting the teachers to facilitate their lesson plans differentlyI highly recommend this book - especially to those who are interested in seeing what the future of America is all abou",pos "I have purchased probably 5 business plan books and software packages over the last 8 years. None of them were clear enough or easy enough to get me through the process of writing a good, complete business plan. This one really works. I sat down with the book and software, and over the course of a week, wrote a business plan that has received great results. Every business owner needs a business plan and this is somethig that you really do have to do for yourself. Unfortunately, writing a good business plan does not come easily to many people. This book will get you through the process, and you will end up with a good plan.My only complaint is that the software is windows only",pos "I love this book. I listened to it on tape. The storey started out a tiny bit slow but oh is the story good! I recommend this book to anyone who likes romance, not real graphic but very sweet, and suspense. Oh this book is so good. Hammond Cross is the ideal man and Dr. Lad is just as sweet and classy as can be. The end is the best. Hammond struggles with doing what is right and what is ethical. Very good book! Two thumbs up to Ms. Brown!",pos "I found this book in a little store in a vacation spot. I thought is was the cutest, most unusal selection of dogs and sayings I've ever seen. It's the kind of book that just lifts your spirits and makes you feel good all over. A wonderful gift for any dog lover in your life. Wonderful photos and inspirational dialogue. You just want to keep picking it up and perusing the contents. Fun book",pos "The book was excellent, as I knew it would be because I like the author, Wendell Berry. And the service could not have been better: the book is in excellent condition (like new) and came in an amazingly short time",pos "My order arrived quickly and for a used book it was in excellent shape, looking like new. I won't hesitate to order from this company again. Thank yo",pos "This is the best Rich Dad book to date. The book is filled with priceless information that 90% of people in the U.S.(particularly baby-boomers) are clueless about today.Most Rich Dad fans will know that Kiyosaki's books tend to talk about the same general principles and don't touch on many new and groundbreaking concepts. This book, however, is the exception. I learned so many eye-opening things from this masterpiece. It has truly changed my life and the way I look at money. Do yourself a favor and BUY THIS BOOK.",pos Best of the series so far. Alternating the action between the two older siblings in one chapter and Sunny in the next really worked for me,pos "I listened to Isaac's Storm on CD while painting a room, and it made the time fly! The CD rendition was clearly spoken and had excellent production value. That said, I also loved the story. I am a weather-hound, and I enjoyed the detail of the way in which the nation maintained it's weather bureau. (I had recently read The Children's Blizzard and I would consider this as a nice companion book for we weather-hounds.) The descriptions from survivors was threaded effectively along with a panoramic view of the Galveston tragedy. I have not read the book, but I found the CD riveting.",pos "In his book Trading Risk, Ken Grant draws upon his experience as a risk manager for Tudor Investments and SAC Capital to create an insightful and surprisingly non-technical guide for traders and portfolio managers. As Director of Trader Development at a large proprietary trading house, I have been impressed with the role risk management plays in the success of the firm and its individual traders. Moreover, this is a scalable difference: risk management very much impacts the outcomes of individual trades, results of trading days, and performance across entire quarters. Where I believe Grant has admirably succeeded is in documenting that risk management is much more than simply cutting your losses. Trading Risk systematically breaks down elements of the process of managing trades, from the establishment of concrete objectives to the allocation of risk capital to specific trades and the use of correlation analysis in evaluating trading results. His discussions of adjusting portfolio exposure and evaluating the risk components of individual trades are highly practical and encourage a rigor of self-analysis that is rarely practiced.Perhaps an example from my own work with traders that overlaps Grant's ideas might be illustrative. I encourage traders to keep a log of all their trades that tracks time of day, position taken, position size, holding period, and profit/loss (P/L). Changes to the position are also documented, as traders scale into or out of trades. From this record, we can evaluate a host of performance statistics, such as position sizing as a function of market volume/volatility, the correlation of profitability with trade size/holding period, and patterns of activity within the trading day. While Grant's background is with portfolio management-appropriate to a manager who is holding a basket of positions in a variety of equities-his ideas are easily adaptable to the intraday trader who is trading a single instrument. By viewing each trade during a day as an element of that day's portfolio, we can ask important questions about the mix of position sizes, overall directional bias, and the management of volatility as a function of trade capital/loss limits.Written in an engaging style with bits of humor interspersed, Trading Risk ends with a practical chapter that summarizes the book's major points. He explains the importance of developing and modifying trading plans, defining one's trading edge, judiciously allocating risk capital, and improving performance at the margin. This latter point is a particularly neglected element in risk management. For the active, large trader, the ability to squeeze the extra tick out of trades is frequently the difference between a winning day and a losing one. Superior traders have an ability to read the very short-term patterns of price change and momentum to determine when it is prudent to hit the bid or let the market go offer in exiting a position. At such points, good risk management and good trading are indistinguishable.I have few reservations about Grant's book. A text of 250 pages is not going to provide many workbook-like examples, something that would help the more mathematically challenged master the ideas of value-at-risk and correlation analysis. Small retail traders who trade only occasionally will probably find the risk metrics less compelling than larger, active traders or portfolio managers, though the basic principles emphasized in the last chapter certainly apply to any serious trader. Considering the absence of serious discussions of risk management in the popular trading literature, Trading Risk is a major contribution and a worthy addition to a library. I plan to use it as a core reading in our training program for new traders, perhaps the best endorsement I can give.",pos "Once again I am amazed by the amount of controversy associated with a book addressing a religious subject. I bought this to get a better feel for the Old Testament [operative word is feel]. As a Roman Catholic, the Old Testament is addressed in the first reading at Mass, but then brushed over for the most part in a cursory manner. It is particularly confusing, hard to read, and difficult to understand in proper context, without some help. In fact there are portions of the Old Testament that just seem cruel and ridiculous. Davis's book helps to demonstrate that it was written by people, in a certain time and place, and within a historical milieu. It may not maintain the historical accuracy some may like, but it is sufficient to be effective.It is just too simplistic to look to the Bible for all answers; as if it were some sort of statutory code, with the answers to all questions. The search and answers for truth are never ending, and the Bible is a beginning. I get more from Catholic writers who explore the Bible and the traditions of my religion relative to our world, than I do from the book itself. Davis is throwing in his spin, as well as a pretty accurate assessment of the Bible in historical context, which I found quite helpful.Take it for what is worth, a spin in a convertible through the Bible. A nice ride, but nothing more.",pos "I was fortunate enough to have seen the now-legendary Vermeer exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. during the winter of 1995-96. 21 out of the 35 (or 36) extant paintings by Vermeer were included in the show, offering a unique opportunity to see the bulk of Vermeer's amazing works in a single space, something that no one has experienced since 1696, when @20 of his paintings were auctioned in Delft. Given the rarity and fragility of Vermeer's works, it is unlikely that such an event will ever be repeated. All who were unable to make it to the show, however, have this splendid book as a document of this unique event. This book will remain the standard work on Vermeer for many decades, and represents the fruit of several years' labor by art historians on two continents. Because so little is in fact known about Vermeer the man (in truth, we have no idea at all what Vermeer's education, interests, and personality were like), the catalogue essays fill this gap by contextualizing Vermeer's work within the history of Dutch painting, the development of perspective, and the fascinating tale of Vermeer's rediscovery in the 19th century and his richly-deserved rise to worldwide fame. The essays and catalogue entries may be too technical for some readers, as the authors have expended a lot of effort to reconstruct Vermeer's exact technique, something which can only be gleaned from careful study of the paintings themselves (no drawings by Vermeer have survived, nor have any statements he may have made about painting). This extensive scholarly apparatus, while illuminating and occasionally even riveting (the essay dealing with Vermeer's rediscovery is a great detective narrative!), tends to obscure the strange, even uncanny emotional charge that his images are suffused with. Vermeer's personal world - so limited in content yet unforgettably haunting and evocative - is one of stillness and peace suffused with tension. Each image contains remarkable spatial and temporal ambiguities that make simple scenes like a lady writing a letter while her maid looks away or two people standing near a piano (The Music Lesson) vibrate with dramatic tension. Sadly, the somewhat passionless writing encases the pictures (all of which are superbly reproduced) in a rhetoric that does not address the fundamental issue: What is it about these paintings that is so powerful that their maker was rescued from total obscurity and has inspired poetry, novels and countless studies? I was hoping to find some discussion of the psychological meaning of these images, but the traditional (overly scholarly and dry) art history within did nothing to help me understand my passion for the Sphinx of Delft. That said, the book is a masterpiece of empirical research on the artist (barring some new discovery, it is unlikely that we will ever have any more facts about Vermeer and his world than can be read here), exquisitely designed, and distinguished with beautiful reproductions. The volume is certainly one of the few bestsellers in the field of the art book - when I attended the show, the paperback print of the book was totally sold out and the hardcover was flying off the shelves (it is odd that the book has not been reprinted in paperback). Johannes Vermeer is THE text to have on this artist and is unlikely to be superseded anytime soon. Immerse yourself in Vermeer's world and you will be transformed. Seeing this exhibition changed my life, and I treasure this book as a means of recapturing the awe and joy that overwhelmed me at the time. I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I have",pos "In the New Work of Dogs,author Jon Katz expands his scope from focusing on his relationship with his dogs---a topic he has detailed in previous books---to examining the canine-human relationship on a broader scale.Informed by arduous research (a two foot stack of papers, books, journals), he sets out and succeeds in making a case that dogs, by-and-large, are doing different work from their traditional herding, hunting, and guarding. We have pushed our canines into new territory as emotional companions, therapy dogs, even extensions of our egos to help us cope with an increasingly complex world.The notion that we are growing increasingly isolated as a culture is not new, but seeing how humans are using dogs to cope with a society that no longer maintains the cultural bearings of the greatest generation is new (at least to me).Mr. Katz visits with many dogs and their owners of various social economic strata who inhabit the enclaves of Montclair, New Jersey. More often than not, he found that dogs are being used as emotional surrogate, a classic situation noted in attachment theory but hitherto mostly applied to other people. Many of these dogs are pampered, untrained, and confused. Others are abused to some extent, whether through deliberate actions or through negligence.The stories are alarming and informing. I see many of the mistakes I made with previous dogs laid out before me and wonder if my two Australian shepherds are as well-adjusted as they seem.Many reviewers have commented, and correctly, that anyone planning to own a dog needs to read this book. Sadly, I think Mr. Katz will largely reach those people who already possess a great deal of knowledge about dogs---those who train their dogs, who buy or adopt breeds suitable for their living conditions or schedules, and who treat their dogs with consistent, loving authority.Mr. Katz does not make harsh judgments on any of the circumstances he depicts but instead concludes by noting how many dogs are dumped in shelters where they languish or die. The numbers are staggering.And he takes matters a step further with the thought-provoking idea that if we have dog rescue groups, how can we not also have their counterparts to reach out to those of our own species in dire need.",pos "Quirky and creative pictorial portrayel of man's best friend. Makes the reader feel warm and fuzzy. A great gift book. Arlene Millman, author of BOOMERANG - A MIRACLE TRILOGY (The tale of a remarkable Boston Terrier)",pos I found this book on my own before going to get my MBA and was always a bit embarrased to admit that I had learned more from this book than any other (it's design makes it look a bit elementary). I was pleasantly surprised to see that my Finance professor at the MBA program (Babson - the #1 entrepreneurship program 11 years running) brought it out on the first day and said it was a must for any businessperson's library!It is a fantastic resource - don't let the look fool you,pos lIKE A MYSTERY NOVEL AT FIRST THEN LIKE A FICTIONAL JOKE BUT CRAZY AS IT SOUNDS IT WORKS. It is intresting to apply the guidlines Bob recommends for getting out of the rut of lifes financial strifes and other problems of life. I found it easy to understand and even if it challenges your lifes beliefs keep reading . Good Stuf,pos "I loved this story. It was written in true steel fashion...exciting, interesting, and fullfilling",pos " While this book had some minor flaws (I'll discuss those briefly later), it is worth owning, especially since it is one of the few books to truly discuss the creative process of Cirque Du Soleil and how the rest of us can learn from what the performers do every day- the type of risks they take in hopes of creating magic, the beauty and spiritual resonance of their performances.There is another book out there that explores one man's experiences with one performer and it is also intriquing but this new book reveals more about a wider variety of artists, directors, designers, etc. And, for all those who've watched and been entranced by a Cirque du Soleil performance...wouldn't we all like to create a little of that magic in our lives? Wouldn't we all like to ignite our own creative fires, even if they come out in different ways, perhaps in writing, perhaps in our work lives or the time we spend with our families or while alone. One of the main lessons I got from this book is that being fully open as possible to one's imagination, hopes, dreams and aspirations can lead in wondrous directions and affect even the most practical or mundane tasks of life. It just takes the willingness to take the risk, to accept failure and setbacks in return for spiritual and emotional growth and lifechanging experiences. This is more than a book geared to artists and peformers. It truly is for the rest of us. It can change your life. Having said that, I found myself wanting more, felt myself not quite fully satisfied by this book. I felt some of the sections were a little too pat or formulaic. But these are minor quibbles when the book offers so much and is one of the few books that really explores the Cirque du Soleil creative process. Until a better one comes along, I'd consider this a MUST for anyone wanting to know more about the secrets and techniques of the Cirque du Soleil spark, a spark that can affect us all.",pos "Yes, it's cliche. Yes, the plot is lifted directly from Star Wars. Yes, there are obvious references to Anne McCaffrey, Tolkien and other fantasy writers. But who cares?Eragon is, above all else, an enjoyable read. Despite underlying flaws in the writing, Paolini effectively tells a rewarding good-versus-evil story in a clearly-defined world, with a well-thought-out magic system and a realism Tolkien could never muster. Sure, Eragon has its critics (mostly aspiring writers that have not enjoyed Paolini's success), but if you can ignore their blustering and simply take the book at face value, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Although not as epic or impressive as some of the older fantasy works, Eragon is nonetheless, a great read",pos "I just read this book cover to cover on a flight back to NYC from Barcelona. My mouth watered as I read the included reprints of her past reviews of NYC restaurants - even after my five days of fantastic Spanish cuisine! But more surprisingly, I was drawn in by what seems to be quite an honest glimpse of the NYC restaurant experience seen through the eyes of many characters. The book left me such respect for the depths that Ruth Reichl went through in order to dine as the everyday person would experience, especially in NYC's best restaurants. Her recounts made me actually appreciate the research and dedication required to write a truly objective (as objective as food tastes get, I suppose) review. A very easy and enjoyable read.",pos "John Falk takes the reader on the journey of his escape from depression. And while medicine plays a key part in his freedom, we also see how a brutal and bloody war also plays a role.His description of his illness is juxtaposed nicely against teh atrocities of war and his insights into himself and the war are poingant.A good read",pos "Give up dieting forever! I have and I am now losing weight eating anything, yes anything, I want. Can you imagine eating anything you want and not being frightened? This is the book that will set you free, this is the book you need. Has it struck you that dieting is unnatural? Don't eat this, don't eat that, count this, count that, measure this, measure that, I can't have this, and I can't have that, ad nauseum. Which diet guru are you going to believe? Can you reall stay with a low-carb diet or a high-carb diet or calorie counting the rest of your life? Most importantly, do you want to stick to a restricted diet the rest of your life? The first day of my new eating pattern I ate two meals. The second day, I woke up with no hunger, no reactive hypoglycemia (nausea and shakes from hunger)! What a miracle. I have shifted to an apple for lunch and anything I want for dinner (I love to cook and desire to eat with my family). At maintenance, I may end up eating two meals a day; I don't know and it certainly isn't something to worry about. The diet gurus that say one meal will cause you to overeat later, etc., are wrong, wrong, wrong. Maybe it sounds theoretically correct, but it does not work that way. Listen, I have found out the less you eat, the less you eat. I do eat to satisfaction at dinner and it does not stretch my stomach. By the way, Dr. Dean Edell stated on his radio show that he only eats one meal a day himself. He says there is NO scientific proof that X number of meals are better than one. Also, I want you dear readers to know that I have four friends who are naturally slim (adult women - 30's and 40's). Two of them eat a small amount for lunch (like a small hamburger) and a good dinner (they are sizes 3 and 6). One gal eats at 2:30 PM, a huge amount, and a snack at night (she is size 7). One gal does nibble all day, like a potato chip here and there (no thank you, personally). Oh, and a relative who is size 4 eats breakfast and dinner, never lunch. Remember my comeback for sabotagers: Slim people don't need much food, even if we exercise. Who says a certain number of meals a day are better than one or two? The only negative thing I have to say about Diane's book is that I felt she took scripture out of context. God fed the Israelites manna 2X a day; they were supernaturally filled and nourished. He does not feed anyone manna today. Also, biblical gluttony is not overeating (I do believe a lifestyle of overeating is sin, but not gluttony). Biblical gluttony refers to the Roman-type parties where people overate, overdrank and went on to commit more sin. On the positive side, I do believe Diane tries steer away from legalism and authoritarianism. This book is an answer to prayer. You won't be sorry if you buy this book",pos I really liked this one because of the characters... and of course the background being about wine.. and the lifestyle of those who create it :) I definitely recommend this one.,pos James Patterson at his best. 5th in a series and I can't wait for the 6th.Page turning with characters I can relate to,pos "This book provides the reader with a clear, basic understandingof the grounding of popular opinion regarding gay life during the last50 years. While the history is too rich and detailed to be dealt within a book with this scope, this is a remarkably readable and valuable thumbnail of the currents of the public discourse on gay life, and should provide any reader with an understanding of how crucial and new gay civil rights really are. I only hope that it will inspire others whose experience of being gay is a relatively new one to realize how important political activism and community still is. Not only that, a very engaging read",pos Loved it. Highly suggest it. Couldn't put it down,pos "With over 1000 recipes, this cookbook is going to take some time to truly put through it's paces, but I've had great results with the few dishes I've tried so far. The Turkey Wraps with Chipotle Mayo rocked, with a gem of a condiment included - pickled red onion. I'd use that on any sandwich, anytime. The sauces for Halibut with Spicy Asian Vinaigrette (really a sambal vinaigrette) and Wasabi Cream were awesome. Veggie dishes like Asparagus with Shallot and sesame seeds add a special touch to everyday dinners.Granted, I haven't even put a dent in the vast amount of dishes represented in this massive cookbook - but so far so good! I picked this up a few months agao as a remainder and paid about 10.00 for it - about a penny a recipe! What a deal",pos "if you ever eat fast food after reading this book, you obviously didnt read it. it covers how the fast food industry has changed america for the worst. how they manipulate kids into eating fast food. the conditions of the animals that are raised to be eaten. the diet of the animals. what goes on in the slaughter houses. how they have made the farmers go out of business. how the restarunts are run. fast food in schools and much more",pos "I think this is really an excellent book, one that I would highly recommend. Everyone should read this and realize the words of wisdom. The authors do an EXCELLENT job of talking about why it is so important to eat well about all the benefits of proper diet and the dangers of improper diets. And so on, and so forth. Get the book and educate yourself",pos Ever since Tuesdays With Morrie I have been intrigued by ALS and the ways that people cope with its devastating debilitation. Morrie has given us so much with his aphorisms and insights regarding living life,pos "I am admittedly a terrible cook, so I follow recipes to the letter, often with nonmagical results. With Julia Child in my kitchen, however, things are looking up! Her recipe for roast chicken was so exact that even I could not mess it up. That and the sauteed beef steaks are now my go-to dinners because they are easy and reliable. I've also had great success with the quiche and biscuit recipes and look forward to trying breadmaking for the first time. This book is essential for anyone out on his or her own for the first time, newlyweds, or people like me who just don't get it (but really want to)",pos This is the best book on creating wealth that I've ever read. Study this book. It's full of action points... not a bunch of fluff,pos "What a wonderful book this author has written. It talks about developing interpersonal skills, public speaking skills, prospecting skills, networking etiquette, sales skills, marketing principles, and even customer service. It mentions the power of the Thank You note, and of giving more than you receive. It also devotes a chapter on some things about home-based businesses. And a chapter about the opportunities available through network marketing, and also a chapter on mail order and direct marketing as a business opportunity. I'm not sure the mail order chapter should have been included. Quite frankly, I think the author should have written another book about what he discusses in chapters 12 to 14 instead of including those chapters here. And I think Chapter 15 should have been saved for its own book, and not included in this book either. But who cares! Anybody interested in the main thrust of the book (endless referrals) is going to be interested in chapters 12 to 15 - and they are well written and informative.What I liked the most about the book was the chapter summaries at the end of each chapter. I did not have to wade through the book the first time through. I just had to read the summaries. The other thing that was really nice about the book was the recommended reading sections at the end of chapters 12 through 15 and the one at the end of the book. Those booklists were very thorough and helpful. 5 stars",pos " 'Conservatives Without Conscience' does nothing less than expose the matrix of political illusion with a comprehensive framework of science. There is much more that could be said about the authoritarian character structure and the history of the science, but John Dean does a good job of explaining the basics, and how it applies to our modern political landscape. This is not new information, it has just been sequestered in the hands of academics and the Carl Rove wing of the Republican party. The academics keep measuring and refining their understanding, and Carl Rove and his party keeps using the information to manipulate the american public. Finally, someone mainstream has laid it out for all to see. Knowledge is power, so everyone should read his book. However, one lesson to be learned from this book is that closed mindedness is a hallmark trait of the authoritarian character, so this is not a book written to convert anyone with strong authoritarian character traits. They don't tend to read books much anyway. It is a book for the open minded, that will put into context our mean spirited political landscape, the by any means necessary tactics of many named players, and the proto-fascist movement that has hijacked our country. John Dean pulls no punches. He names names and kicks butt. He gets a little dry when trying to define his wing of conservatism as opposed to neo conservatism, but even that is well worth the effort. If you have a shred of unease about the leaders of the Republican party and those who unquestionably support them, then read this book. It is an eye opener",pos "This is a must read for EVERY woman married or single who desires to have a better relationship with the men in their lives. We all have men in our lives husband, father, brother, son, friend or coworker with whom the relationship is worth improving.Keep in mind this is neither a marriage book nor a psychology book. It is a book about men written for the women who truly care about them and the relationships they have with men. There is a companion book written about women for men appropriately titled, For Men Only. Perhaps those who were offended by this book should give that one a try.I found this book to be both touching and challenging. Very Good book!!!",pos "From the beginning, Roberto was different. He loved his wood, but he'd always rather play with his food than eat it. More than anything he wanted to become a famous architect like his heroes, Hank Floyd Mite and Fleas Van Der Rohe. Belittled at home by the other termites and never taken seriously, Roberto sets off for the big city to build his dreams. Life in the city is hard, and not just for Roberto. He meets all kinds of bugs with housing problems, including roaches chased from a diner, a housefly with no place to go and a poor ladybug whose house is on fire and children are gone. Marshalling all his determination, Roberto decides to build a new community, that will meet the needs of these out-of-luck bugs and maybe make his architect dreams come true at the same time..... Nina Laden has written and illustrated a delightful and amusing story with a most improbable hero and youngsters will be rooting for Roberto as he chases and finally realizes his heart's desire, in his bug eat bug world. Ms Laden's witty text, full of creative wordplay, will charm adults as well as children and her outstanding collage artwork, so full of wonderful detail, really brings this story to life. A terrific picture book for youngsters 4-8, Roberto the Insect Architect lets everyone know that with hard work, your dreams can come true",pos "While the Brooklyn Bridge is the oldest of the bridges crossing the East River, it's one of the strongest, sturdiest and will most likely outlast the Manhattan and Williamsburg bridges. John Roebling and his son, Washington, did not know how the forces of nature and bridge loads would affect their bridge. Given this gap in their knowledge they overcompensated by building a bridge capable of withstanding forces many times greater than would ever be applied to their structure.But the Roeblings' gaps in knowledge also worked against them. One of the most interesting portions of the book is where McCullough discusses the pressurized caissons beneath the East River where Washington Roebling and many his workers spent their time. Few doctors or engineers at the time knew how high pressure environments would affect the human body. The quick changes in pressure killed workers and left many, including Washington, with a condition known as the bends. Washington's wife, Emily, was forced to transform herself into chief engineer while Washington struggled with the bends.There are lots of fascinating facts and tidbits throughout this book on the bridge and the people involved with its construction. McCullough's book is much more about the politics and people behind Brooklyn Bridge rather than the engineering. I would have preferred to read more about the engineering techniques, but I still found this book reasonably engaging.",pos This book gives insight to how the mind with a purpose (of being a millionare)looks at everything he does. An easy read and highly recommended,pos "I have bought many books in my life, but Randy Gage's Why You're Dumb, Sick and Broke is the first time I ever bought a book with a parental advisory warning for explicit language. Gage does things a little differently than anyone else, which is something I quickly discovered when reading this book. This book is brash, to the point and filled with insight and inspiration. I thought that Gage presented his points in a well thought out manner that really took the establishment on head on.Many points presented in the book are in other personal development books. However, I don't know of any book that has all these points in one book. Even Gage himself admits in an interview that this is a combination of Think and Grow Rich, The Secret, Ayn Rand and several other books and cd's.A lot of it you have heard before, like if you say you are broke, then you will always be broke. However, I didn't realize how much the mainstream media and the political establishment are contributing to our negative, broke thoughts. Most frightening of all, I learned why the establishment needs us to be broke in order to keep their power. I am taking Randy's lead and watching less TV, especially the news. That's the worst of all!There is also a nice introduction to Libertarianism and the works of Ayn Rand. As a Libertarian myself, I was delighted to see this included in the book. With recent reports circulating about Britain on the verge of becoming a police state, this warning about big government couldn't have come at a more appropriate time.As expected, Randy does make a plug for MLM, but this is by no means an MLM book. The MLM plug is just a few short pages. However, it is still a nice resource for MLM people to use for third party credibility. He also mentioned real estate and information marketing as good businesses as well. I must be smart, healthy and rich, as I am already involved in all three.I found myself nodding in agreement to this book. I also found a lot of places where I was thinking, Oh, I'm not the only one who this this way. Why hasn't this been mentioned before in the press? Other times, I thought, Oh my god, I am being really manipulated here. While he was preaching to the choir with me, I'm sure that many people with more mainstream views will feel more challenged reading this book.Bottom line, if you love MLM get 10 copies of this book, if you support the Libertarians, get 10 copies of this book. If you are like me and love them both, get 25 copies.About the authorCarlos Scarpero is the host of the Network Marketing Minute podcast and the creator of the Success Duplicator downline building system. [...",pos "King did an excellent job keeping you guessing in this one. There were some areas that could have been condensed and were sometimes confusing. For the most part, not bad. Would make a good movie",pos "The authors map out clear, effective and proven strategies for rewarding parenting in this excellent well-written guide. An imaginative approach was called for when my 16 year old boy Jonathan threatened to barricade himself in his bedroom using just twigs, leaves, and his own spittle and dung, and this guide provided just that. There's nothing wrong with setting parameters, the authors say, just as long as that are not arbitrary or capricious and they are clearly articulated - and for crying out loud why should he be allowed to act like a nesting African Hornbill under my roof",pos "Tony Hillerman once again takes us into the world of the Navajo with Jim Chee and the legendary Joe Leaphorn of the Navajo Tribal Police. I read this for the first time some years ago, and this entry in the long-running series is very exciting. It has a lot of atmosphere and Leaphorn and Chee are fleshed out more than usual in this terrific read.Both Chee and Leaphorn are dealing with personal issues as this one begins. Chee hasn't quite figured out how he feels about Mary leaving him because he could not leave his Navajo way of life behind and move to the city with her. He is smitten with a pretty Navajo attorney named Janet but she's with someone else. Leaphorn meanwhile, is on terminal leave and retiring after the unexpected death of his beloved wife Emma. Niether he or Chee can explain his obsession with finding a missing pot hunter named Eleanor Friedman-Bernal. No Navajo would be involved, as stealing pots like this would make one a Thief of Time according to Navajo tradition.Chee's letting a rather large backhoe get stolen right from under his nose will have ties to Leaphorn's investigation, and once more Chee will be helping Leaphorn all across the Navajo territory. This one will stretch all the way into Utah and down the San Juan River. Leaphorn will be reminded of a young boy's death by drowning before this one wraps up, and it will have unexpected ties to his search for Eleanor.It seems Eleanor was looking for pots made by the Anasazi, a tribe that simply vanished from the face of the earth. Pictographs and petroglyphs of Kokopelli, the Watersprinkler, will play a vital part in this mystery. But Eleanor's interest is also anthropological, and someone thinks what she's discovered is worth killing for.Leaphorn and Chee will be hundreds of miles apart when they reach the same conclusion in this complex mystery. One will have to race to the other as things turn ugly, and two very different men will find commom ground when Leaphorn asks the unexpected of young Chee.Hillerman's descriptions of the thousand foot cliffs along the San Juan River at night, under a sky filled with Navajo mystery, will enthrall you. This is a good mystery and quite possibly the best in the series. You don't want to miss this one",pos "Mark Levine really, really, really knows his stuff.Mark Levine is really, really, good at explaining what he knows.Note: This book is not for beginners, but if you're ready to expand your jazz skills, there is no better book I've seen (except for his Jazz Piano book!)",pos "The position enjoyed by Mohammed as a prophet of God is disputed by his unprovoked attacks on innocent people - Islam was spread by use of the sword. Because Americans are poorly educated on religious history in general and Middle Eastern History in particular, this book is a must read. It is a single source for how Islam became as powerful as it is today. The Editor uses multiple sources to document the facts necessary to allow the reader to support the assertion that Islam is a violent religion",pos "Reading WAR AND PEACE is an immense undertaking, which has less to do with page numbers and more to do with addressing some very fundamental questions about what it means to be human. The first time that I read it, I read it as a novel, for entertainment. Years later, I picked it up again but this time my task was more ambitious. I sought to know how Tolstoy could justify the ways of God to man. During this second reading, I was able to examine the Russian names, characters, events, and historical occurrences which occupied me the first time through. What I saw was that each of the hundreds of individuals was very much linked to the concluding Epilog, which I scanted then but studied now. Most readers of WAR AND PEACE find this part heavy going, which it certainly is, but in it, Tolstoy creates a key for unlocking the reasons who we are and why we do things the way we do. In essence, each human being is like an atom of gas floating in space, with one atom colliding at random with another, but when a sufficient number act in concert, such as Napoleon's invasion of Russia, their force is irresistable. When Tolstoy introduces world leaders like Napoleon or the Tsar, he does so in such a way as to depict them as no more than one more free floating atom, who can not see the Big Picture any more clearly than anyone else can. The tragic decisions of these misguided leaders are based on a collective illusion that they and they alone can use divinely inspired reason to affect lasting change. But when human beings act as if they acknowledge that their powers of reason are both limited and self-deluding--as when General Kutuzov relies on looking inward toward instinct rather than outward toward other circling and equally misguided atoms, then they are drawing closer to a universal one with nature. This one Tolstoy invests with religious overtones as synonymous with God. Tolstoy does not say that human beings are preprogrammed robots held in thrall by that one or any other deity, but he does say that history, time, and man are all part of a universal flow that swoops along all in its path, and that if any intelligent atom wishes to know which way the flow is likely to go, then he might wish to emulate General Kutuzov, who at least knows that humbleness in the face of chaos is the first step in finding a rational basis for who we are and where we are going.",pos Marvelous story with historical concepts and involment leading the reader to intrigue and fascination. Buy this book.,pos "(W is not really number one.)Ritter's book is best summed up by Ritter in these 4 paragraphs from the Epilogue;The notion of the war in Iraq resulting from an intelligence failure is very convenient for all parties involved. The intelligence community can simply say that intelligence is a tricky business, and sometimes you get it wrong. This, of course, provides a convenient excuse for the politicians, and compliant media, to contend that they were simply acting in the public interest based upon the information they were given......In the end, to accept the concept of Iraq as an intelligence failure, one must first accept the premise that the USA was implementing, as its primary objective for Iraq, the Security Council's resolutions on disarmament. This argument is simpy not sustainable. The behavior of the United States government and its intelligence agencies during my time as an inspector was not that of a government that was serious about disarmament. Support for UNSCOM's mission was, at best, tailored to the political imperatives at any given time. There was a total willingness to compromise the integrity of UNSCOM (and with it the whole notion of multilateral disarmament) for short-term tactical advantages in the battle between the US and Iraqi regimes. Towards the end of the inspections era, elements of the US government actively sought to make UNSCOM's job more difficult by cutting it off from intelligence sources. Disarmament was simply not the USA's principal policy objective in Iraq after 1991. Regime change was.The CIA was designated as the principal implementer of this policy. Therefore, when one looks at the March, 2003 invasion of Iraq and the subsequent removal of power of the government of Saddam Hussein, the only conclusion that can be reached is that the CIA accomplished its mission. Iraq was, in fact, a great intelligence victory, insofar as the CIA, through its manipulation of the work of the UN weapons inspectors and the distortion of fact about Iraq's WMD programs, maintained the public perception of an armed and defiant Iraq in the face of plausible and plentiful evidence to the contrary. We now know that both the US and UK intelligence services had, by July 2002, agreed to 'fix the intelligence around policy'. But the fact remains that, at least as far as the CIA is concerned, the issue of 'fixing intelligence around policy' predates July 2002, reaching as far back as 1992 when the decision was made to doctor the intelligence about Iraqi SCUD missile accounting, asserting the existence of missiles in the face of UNSCOM inspection results which demonstrated that there were none.As an American, I find it very disturbing that the intelligence services of my country would resort to lies and deceit when addressing an issue of such fundamental importance to the security of the USA. Intelligence, to me, has always been about the facts. When intelligence is skewed to fit policy, then the entire system of trust that is fundamental in a free and democratic society is put at risk. Iraq, and the role of the CIA in selling the war with Iraq, is a manifestation of such a breach of trust.We've been had. On the Grand Scale. The problem of politicization of intelligence is clearly a bi-partisan issue.I'm recommending this book for anyone who seeks the truth about Iraq's WMD's. I'm giving this book 5/5 stars just for delivering up the truth, damn the consequences",pos "It's been awhile since I had a really good crime mystery read. Therefore, I was excited when The Cold Moon by Jeffery Deaver arrived at the library. The latest Lincoln Rhyme novel delivered just what I was looking for... twists, turns, and plenty of forensic work.The plotline here starts out on two tracks. A killer nicknamed The Watchmaker is murdering people using slow torture techniques. His signature is leaving a particular clock style at the scene. Rhyme and Amelia Sachs, his partner, are put on the case in order to solve it before more people die. Sachs is also running her own case involving an apparent suicide that really turns out to be a murder. The murder points to a run-down bar where a group of cops meet on a regular basis. There's a strong chance that the cops are corrupt, so Sachs has to step carefully as it's not clear who she can trust. The two cases converge when The Watchmaker is captured but the reality of his killings turn out to be a carefully staged plan to expose the corruption that Sachs is investigating. But the layering of deception goes even deeper than that, and Rhyme has to continue to dig through each apparent motive and story to finally get to the core truth behind The Watchmaker...If you want plot twists and turns, this book will definitely satisfy. There are a number of scenes that appear to be transpiring in one fashion, only to be something else entirely. The layering of plots by the killer never seems to end, and each new revelation ends up being the start of a new level of distraction. A couple of the twists seemed to be a bit over the top, but not so much as to put me off the story. It's a book I really didn't want to put down, even though I had other things I should be doing..",pos "This was the first book by Johnson I read, though my mentors and teachers spoke of him often. The information about the mandorla was particularly helpful, giving a visual and archetypical model for holding the energy of the apparently opposite forces in a space of new possibility.Johnson writes that if I can be with the opposites, at the point of their intersection and stay with my conflicting thoughts and impulses long enough, the two will teach each other something and produce an insight that serves both... produce something utterly new instead of win, lose or compromise.The key appears to be that every real solution has to grow from the unique situation I face. Formulas, how-to's, devices and processes can never be enough in such moments. Referring to my own past for an experiential reference or to another's experience or advice can't do it, either, because it prevents or sidetracks the point of unlimited potential that wants to appear in and emerge out of each unique encounter.I liked what Maria had to say in her post: Meet your shadow, dated November 22, 2003. She said she gave it only 4 stars because he doesn't tell how to DO that is described as possible in the book... I felt a little of that, too. And I have since appreciated the blessing of not being told how until I've done a bit of my own struggle with my own opposites in many life situations.A book I found to be a perfect companion to this one is I of the Storm - Embracing Conflict, Creating Peace, by Gary Simmons. I highly recommend it in addition to this book. It addresses some of the questions I felt about the nature of conflict after finishing Owning Your Own Shadow, in a way that shed light into my life. I am very appreciative of both books.",pos "Liz Perle does a really nice job in Money, A Memoir of weaving statistics, professional studies, and other people's experiences with her own personal experience and insight. While many parts of her book sound familiar (e.g., women shopping when they're in a slump) it does look below the surface at some of the root causes of our unhealthy relationship with money and why we differ vastly from men in that regard. The other thing I appreciated about the book was that Perle doesn't claim to have all the answers, and explains how she was able to find a happy medium in her relationship with money, which to me sounded like something I could attempt and achieve. Thanks, Liz for a very important memoir that women of all ages should read",pos "On Nation, Underprivileged is a timely discussion of an issue that impacts us all. In his book, Professor Rank carefully crafts a compassionate, analytical and innovative approach for addressing poverty in our country. This is a must read for all (especially policy makers).",pos "This book is the most eye-opening, amazing, enlightening and practical work I have ever read. There were so many jewels of wisdom and edifying anecdotes in these pages. Anyone who is serious about improving their relations with others on the job and socially should read this work with the utmost attention. If everyone practiced these simple principles, this society would be truly utopian. That is why I bought 12 of them: to be able to give it to friends and associates who I believe would really benefit from it",pos "Michael Haller's life revolves around criminal defense, his an attorney operating out the back of his Lincoln town car. His appearance sharply dressed and charmed mannerism makes him a very approachable guy, people either called him Mick or Mickey. Tall, dark and Intelligent with his good looks and Irish blood lines made him a catch. In the court room he was very together with great timing, in his personal life it was a mess, at last count he had two ex wives and one daughter. His father long deceased was also a famous defense attorney; another pressure of expectation in life he felt he had to live up to, his father wrote books and practised law that didn't have room for innocent clients, so far Mickey had spent most of his life worrying that he just wouldn't recognize innocence if it came along. Being an Independent operator he ran his business with his own private detective on his bankroll, he was also chauffeured around by an ex client who couldn't afford to pay his fees. In total he kept four Lincolns for another enterprise on the horizon encase things turned sour, what he was really looking for was a franchise player, a case to keep the cash rolling, point blank a meal ticket.Louis Ross Roulet dealt in LA property he was a rich playboy, currently booked on charges of ag-assault, GBI, and attempted rape, and although his arrest charges looked bad these could always be dropped to something less by the time he made court. Mickey couldn't believe his luck not only a rich client but looking at the evidence it was stacked in favour to get him off the hook. This was all too easy, in fact with sharp tactics of negotiation and manipulation it was an open and shut case. Just as he was on a roll Mickey's close friend is murdered he begins to have second thoughts about his case something just didn't sit right, in his search for innocence had he instead stumbled upon something more sinister or maybe something just plain evil.This is the first time in a long time that I have picked up a book based on a court room drama; but this book is much more than just that. Michael Connelly has done a wonderful job; his close collaboration with real life defense attorneys has paid off with their knowledge shining through; well written and easy to follow so you don't get lost in the jargon of law, especially for someone like me who is not familiar with the US law system. I'm hoping very much that Mr. Connelly will be able to entwine the exciting lawyer Mickey Haller in other books going forward, Congratulations to Michael Connelly for a rollercoaster read.A.Bowhil",pos "This is the best book available on the Great Storm of 1900 and its effect on Galveston, Texas. An unbelievable amount of research obviously went into it. Very well written. Highly recommended",pos "McNeill calls American Indians and Africans little more than the victims of the West in this book. He explains that they have little role in the development of culture (which he sees as passing from society to society from Mesopotamia on, like some sort of conceptual Olympic torch) and some get it and others do not. It is an outdated and bigoted way to see cultural history, and difficult to read without cringing.That said, the book contains marvelous elements. Few writers will explain with his brevity and mastery how cultures have passed elements, one to another, over the expanse of time; few writers can convey the forward momentum of history as McNeil. So with all its faults, it is very worthy book, certainly worth reading while keeping in minds its somewhat dramatic shortcomings",pos " Red Lily is clearly the best book in the series. While reading this one I could visualize the scenes. This book would make a good movie, but I can't decide under what category it would fit into. Although it's clearly a romance portions of the book would definitely be considered a thriller. With all the talk of a ghost (as the rest of the series) this book it isn't a believable read as much as a fun read.",pos "For those that are avid readers of journalistic works such as this one, you would absolutely enjoy every moment rummaging through the pages. Statistics are provided but never to the point of being too dry and too boring for the readers to read through. The writer endeavours to shed lights for us ramifications of China and its muscle power. Instead of branding China as a villain, we need to understand that without support from purchasers who are looking for the cheapest bargains, China wouldn't be where it is now. Wal-Mart is covered in detail. The writer gives us a projection that if car manufacturing industry is heading the same direction of products manufacturing, it's only a matter of time before prices for cars would plummet quite considerably in the future when China has perfected its manufacturing bases just as Japan and South Korea had done before it. Then, there's another discussion about the shifting of population from countryside into urban centres where manufacturing bases are located, and how China is able to sustain the supply of cheap labour. China's progress isn't simply detrimental to other countries. On contrary, it benefits them as well. For example, Australia is having a boom right now due to exportation of natural resources to China. With increase of living standard in China, Chinese needs more nutritious food. As China couldn't provide enough, United States particularly the Middle States are enjoying a boom in supplying food to the Middle Kingdom. Then, there are also discussions about other foreign powers keeping United States in check by siding with China, and also the love and hate relationship between USA and China of controlling the currencies so as to keep the interest rates at an attractive rate to facilitate growth in China and so forth. Whilst nobody knows for certain the exact figures of information provided (since China has this tendency to manipulate figures since the beginning of time), suffice to say that the book explains how the mechanism works and allowing us to have an insight of how international trade ticks. Yes, some reviewers are fastidious and highly critical of figures provided by the writer but ultimately, I think they are missing the points. What's crucial from this book is that we need to understand better about China and learning how to work alongside it in order to share the gains it would garner over the years to come. Highly recommended",pos "Everyone should follow the advise published on the outside cover of this book...You live in this world, you use oil, you must read this book.",pos A Time to Kill and The Broker are my two favs from Grisham. Suspense is the name of the game. I like books that make me read them straight through because they're so suspense filled. Another great novel is Deadly Behavior by Dee Sullivan.,pos I love this series. I have every one of the books in this series and will never let them go.,pos "Here is a book written for literally anyone who wants to learn lessons for life on how to get rich. And for all those desperados out there dreaming of getting fantastically rich with ridiculously little effort: here is your guide. You will learn that making money and getting rich isn't hard at all, but it requires a little discipline. There are only a handful of tips given in this book, but they are sufficient to make a real difference in your wallet and a real difference in your life!The style is very easy to understand and very straight-forward. A child could read this book, even though the setting is that of the ancient city of Babylon, but that makes the story and the lesson all the more interesting. Five stars are awarded to this book and trust me, you'll agree with me",pos "I just finished the book last night, crying as I read the last few pages. I guess since Carole Radziwill and I are the same age and share a lot of the same interests helped capture me into this memoir and unable to put it down. It also gives you some unheard stories of the famous family. I felt like I knew Carolyn Bessette Kennedy better through this story rather than the tabloid press. She was a delightful and woman, filled with life, which makes her ending even more tragic. The book honors a beautiful friendship and a marriage tested by CANCER. It pays homage to Anthony Radizwill as well as John and Carolyn Kennendy as it lets you see them as real people rather than tabloid fodde",pos "I read this book after the authors (Scott & Omari) told me about it on one of the public forums (about GMAT). Excellent book, it's gives the overall picture of what an MBA candidate should look like to an admission officer at the B school. It definitely gives you an edge. This is book is like 'everything about B school applications in a nutshell'.There are some methods like drawing a 'grid' to see where you stand, really gives insight into what are your strenghts & the areas you should improve or 'cover' in the application essays.Overall, not the one & only but very good book.",pos This is book is collection of Interviews by Noam Chomsky given before and after the attacks on the WTC.I found this book a little too brief and would recommend to first time readers of this author to read some of his other work and then come to this particular book.This book is nonetheless an Interesting view to take on the events that are discussed in it,pos Nicely printed and bound - If you like James Allen you'll like this book,pos "How can people play the game if they don't know the rules or how to keep score? Open book management means you teach people how business works, you share financials and you reward them for improving the profits of the company. Good solid how to information if you want to set up a profit sharing plan and get people really involved in the success of the company",pos "Reviewed by Bette Daoust, Ph.D. for Reader Views (6/06)I find it interesting that I am reviewing a book I had read five years ago when it first came out. All this really means is that this book has definite longevity (and believe it or not, all of the predictions in the book are a reality today. Seth Godin set forth to spread his book like a virus to everyone he could through his connections, and their connections, and their connections and so on and so on. The truth is the idea virus is real and his book is living proof that ideas and other products can certainly be spread by word-of-(mouth, email, infrared, download, or whatever).I have always been an admirer of Seth Godin and although I have not read all of his books, I will make certain that I do. He has a keen sense of marketing like no other as in his Purple Cow as well as this book Unleashing the Idea Virus. Who better to write about spreading ideas around than Seth. His book has certainly hit the circuit and still has a long way to go before absolutely everyone who should read this book (and apply the information). This book is a must for anyone that touches the marketing function in their business.The Idea Virus is a book full of common sense items but with a twist that makes them more realistic than just theory. The real life situations described bring all the points to home. I just hope that the next time I sneeze, a new idea, the targeted hive picks it up and swarms around it and passes it on. I want to own the market in my defined hive and I want it to propagate and live on for a long time. This book is one terrific example! Go download it or purchase it at the bookstore.",pos "Every now and then a pivotal moment in history is witnessed and recorded by a master communicator. The mid-first century of Rome was such a time and Tacitus was such a communicator. The Histories will forever be a benchmark of good history with its observations on human nature and behaviour along with their impact on history. The historian will do well to read Tacitus not just for the historical lessons but for his approach to history as a record of human activity. While observing and commenting on the human element in history, Tacitus avoids making moral judgements and remains as objective as possible in the midst of turmoil, wars, and rumors of wars. His beloved nation and people were suffering under the barbarity of fratricidal war yet he remains above the madness and records the events with passion tempered with objectivity. His example is one that has remained difficult for others to follow.A word on this translation in particular - I found Mr. Wellesley's translation very readable and poetic. He seems to have captured the literature value of the text as well as the content. Well done",pos "Philbrick does an outstanding job of weaving an enthralling story from historical references. He gives the reader a wonderful sense of the social, religious and political forces that motivated the Pilgrims in their incredibly risky venture into the unknown. The book presents a fascinating view of the clash of the Native American and English cultures that tragically led to the near annihilation of the New England Indians.",pos "I enjoyed reading The Mark. It was definitely a page turner. Of course it makes me want to continue with the series. Tim F. LaHaye is a great author and story teller. I actually visualized the whole the thing. I would thank him in person if I could, for a wonderful job done...Thank you..",pos "First, the strengths: Andrew gives intelligent summaries and discussion of some major historical film theorists, with chapters on Munsterberg, Arnheim, Eisenstein, Balazs, Kracauer, Bazin, Mitry, Metz, and Ayfre, and Agel. He focuses on the debate between the formalists (who believe film art is defined by its formal properties including editing, framing, mise-en-scene, lighting, and etc.) and the realist tradition (who believe that film art is defined by its basis in photography, a physical impression of its subject). The highlight is undoubtedly Andrew's excellent discussion of the great French critic Andre Bazin, which is not surprising since Andrew's Ph.D thesis was on Bazin. The weaknesses: This was published in 1976, and so it completely ignores the vast body of criticism published since then, especially feminism, and the influence of Lacan and psychoanalytic theory. Still, this is not a bad starting point for students of film theory",pos "HI.. I would say most people should run, not walk, to buy this book. It doesn't matter where you are starting from, everyone can benefit from this stuff, and there are a variety of ways to compile wealth that the authors talk about. I found it to be very inspiring and well worth the money. I would recommend it to all my friends, especially those who are befuddled by the markets, because it has simple straightforward advice. good luck to all the savers and investors among us! for socially conscious people, they also tell how to help society (as well as get wealthy.",pos "Tony Sweet's photographs are breathtaking! As you look at each photo and associated rationale for how and why he chose a particular exposure or composed it in a certain way, you realize the keen awareness he has of his environment and the obvious care and patience he places in his work. I am so glad that he shares the technical side to his wonderful work. I think photographers of all levels will have much to gain by reading and studying this book",pos "Definitely one of the best books I have read. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon is a complex mixture of simple things. The simplicity of the language, style, ideas, characters and concepts is unique to this book. The expression of complicated life matters and situations in such a simple manner makes this book a definite must-have.In the book, Mark Haddon borrows the voice of his lead character Christopher, an autistic child, to tell the story. Christopher is an autistic and smart 15 year old boy. He's a math whiz with an unsatisfiable appetite to solve problems. His approach to all life issues is to convert them into a math problem of some sort and find out ways to deal with these issues.The story mainly revolves around Christopher's investigation to find out who killed his neighbour's dog Wellington. Despite his father's instructions to not pursue the issue, Christopher goes on to attempt to solve the mystery of who killed Wellington.The story unravels before Christopher and he is hit with a reality far more complex than his own understanding of life. His investigations result in only unearthing long buried secrets of his mother who, he knows, died three years earlier.Christopher's determination to solve the mystery of who killed Wellington and the mystery of his mother's death is something to be revered throughout the development of the story. The child's emotional roller coaster ride is witnessed first hand on every page. The reader experiences Christopher's feelings and emotions so transparently that it makes it extremely difficult not to feel attached to the story.The story in itself is funny at times, sad and miserable at others; complex in one place and extremely simple in another.This is a novel that you can be certain will change the way you perceive the things in your life once you are through. Your world will never be the same again. In a good way",pos This is one of the best -- and scariest -- business books I've ever read. Christensen clearly illustrates why many of the 'tried and true' formulas really don't work. His research is compelling and is presented clearly enough for non-technical readers. I can't recommend this book highly enough,pos "Being a dyed-in-the-wool Mcguane fan, I think he just keeps getting better. Not only is he the best fishing writer alive, but his non-fishing stories are bizzarely entertaining, have an interesting twist, and always explore human interaction. I believe his writing is based on his many and varied experiences, from crazy street people to ego-crazed CEOs, as well as the many places he has lived. Who else would know what a cabinet is, except a Rhode Island resident? What...no mention of hot weiners or coffee milk?",pos "I was anxious to try the Artisanal gougere recipe, and I was not disappointed! The cheese puffs were light and cheesey and beautiful to look at! I compared his recipe to Le Cordon Blue recipe, and his adds a pinch of baking powder and about 2-3 times the amount of cheese. Plus he give approximate mixing times, which was a blessing for me since I had never made cream puff dough before. The Cordon Blue version had no mixing times and with such a small amount of cheese compared to the Artisanal version I cannot believe that it would be anywhere near as good. This book appears to have Terence's personal touch, not just regurgitation of classic bistro recipes",pos "Based on 20 pages of an unfinished Charlotte Bronte manuscript, you forget that it was written in 2004 and are quickly enjoying what feels like a long lost Bronte! Ms. Boylan takes into consideration Charlotte's growing concern (at the time of her death) with children born into extreme poverty and deprivation. The plot involves a search for the true roots of an orphan (Emma) and introduces the readers as well as her main characters to London's back streets. Of course there are all the undying and unfulfilled loves as well as the unlikely coincidences that make for a great period novel",pos "You want to read a horror story? This is it. This is the shameful way our government dealt with AIDS in the first six years it appeared in the country- by doing nothing at all.EVERYONE ignored it. The CDC, the NIH, the National Cancer Institute, it was ignored by everyone but a handful of scientists and doctors, and they were ignored too. Over 2000 gay men (and hemophiliacs, and straight people, and babies) died before the government even acknowleged that yes, something new was going around. Newspapers and media did not report this, because it was too embarrassing talking about how it was a gay disease. Gay men didn't want to discuss that it might be spread through sex, and the ideas of shutting down the bathhouses and losing that little bit of hard-won liberation was unthinkable. Blood banks wouldn't even ACKNOWLEGE the fact that their products were contaminated, even after it was PROVEN that transfusion AIDS was possible and happening.By the time President Reagan FIRST uttered the word AIDS, over 25,000 Americans were dead from the disease.This book made me cry. The entire way through it, I wanted to scream, I wanted to throw things, I wanted to hit people until they realized that gay people deserve to live too. A university official that was denying AIDS researchers desperately needed funding had the nerve to actually remark, Well, at least AIDS is getting rid of a lot of undesirable people. How absolutely disgusting.This is a dauntingly large book- 621 pages of reading, all of it frustrating, angering, scream-inducing, and yet, still inspiring. They didn't give up. No one threw in the towel until their last breath, or until funding, sufficient funding, was finally granted. Sadly, the author himself died of AIDS in 1994. God bless everyone who worked so hard to make AIDS a household word, which finally happened, oh, about SEVEN STINKING YEARS after it first started killing people in the US. What the heck is wrong with this country? Why did people have their heads in the sand for so long? What's so stinking WRONG with us?Another book everyone should read, if only to know how our government helped spread AIDS around the world by ignoring it for six damn years. How many people did they kill by doing that? Far, far too many. We were the last civilized nation to institute an AIDS education/prevention program. This book made me dislike the bureaucracy of this country even more, and I didn't think that was possible.God bless everyone who is working to make life better for people with AIDS",pos "Having been born in 1981 I was educated as a teen about the importance of safe sex and the realities of HIV and AIDS. But, this book brought home the true horrors of the history of the pandemic. While lengthy, it is extremely informative and, if read with an open mind, refreashingly unbiased. I found myself taking extra time and care in reading And The Band Played On just to let the information sink in.",pos "It’s been two years since the recovery of The Amulet of Samarkand, and Nathaniel (now known as John Mandrake) is a Government official in the Office of Internal Affairs, apprenticed to Jessica Whitwell.His job is to hunt down a pack of rebellious commoners known as the Resistance, who have been causing a series of disturbances in London, aiming to destabilize the rule of the magicians. He suspects the involvement of a girl named Kitty and her friends whom we met in his previous adventure, and although correct in this assumption, it soon becomes obvious that there is deeper evil afoot, as a destructive force hidden in a black cloud begins attacking the city, destroying buildings and magical artifacts as it goes.When things start spiraling out of control, he is forced to call upon Bartimaeus again for help, and the adventure spirals into a saga of grave robbery, political maneuvers, foreign travel and ancient magic.Though certainly not as good as the first, and a little too long, The Golem’s Eye makes for good reading, but is sadly lacking the sarcastic witticisms of everyone’s favorite djinn that were the high point of book one.Amanda Richards, May 20, 2006",pos "This is an aweful story--you should read it, absolutely.I dread the turn of every page, so I'm recommending it to my closest personal friends as well.And since this is about terrible things happening to would-have-been-happy small children, I cannot in good conscience forget to recommend it to my brother so that he may read it to my nephews.The most terrible story I've ever read--five stars",pos "I am a manager for a Federal Govt Agency. I found this book informational and easy to understand. Immigration law is a complex subject. The book is easy to read and addresses many important aspects related to this subject. The sections related to inadmissability, removal are well written and easy to understand. The chapters related to the history of various classes of immigrants was intersting as well. I would recommend the book for persons who want to expand their knowledge of this topic",pos "Each Planet listed in this book has details on length of day, length of year, species, population, size, climate, terrain, & much more. Each one also has a picture of the planet accompanying it.There's also a map of the core worlds along with key location / site maps on nearly every listed planet(very cool).Coruscant has a huge 29-page entry to it. It also has the GM character Dexter Jettster, info on the Jedi Temple, and many more spots on this planet. Great for many, many adventures.Alderaan & Corellia get around 7-pages.There's also a few new species, many new creatures, and a lot of GM characters to throw at Players.Some starships are also in here, inlcuding : TIE/Ad Defender prototype & E-Wing.My only complaint is, there AREN'T more of these Planet books out there for this RPG. WotC could have done a series of Secrets of... books for each system (or something like that.) Otherwise, there ARE a lot of things in this book that will make players believe that their characters are in STAR WARS.So, yes, buy the book! Support this space fantasy RPG",pos "Sabuda is my all-time favorite pop-up maker! His stuff is so fabulous and intricate, it'll just blow you away",pos "I am so passionate about this book. It has answered all the life questions I have ever held. Although many people I have recommended it to have reported that they have not been able to get into it - for me, I would say it is the best book I have ever read.This is about the 5th copy I have purchased because when I lend it out, somehow it is not returned and I want to have a copy to re-read every now and then. (I will not be lending this one again",pos "I just read this book cover to cover on a flight back to NYC from Barcelona. My mouth watered as I read the included reprints of her past reviews of NYC restaurants - even after my five days of fantastic Spanish cuisine! But more surprisingly, I was drawn in by what seems to be quite an honest glimpse of the NYC restaurant experience seen through the eyes of many characters. The book left me such respect for the depths that Ruth Reichl went through in order to dine as the everyday person would experience, especially in NYC's best restaurants. Her recounts made me actually appreciate the research and dedication required to write a truly objective (as objective as food tastes get, I suppose) review. A very easy and enjoyable read.",pos "This is one of two or three must have books that every person interested in or practicing Smalltalk needs to read and keep on a shelf near by. Kent's writing style is clear, concise and often humorous. A very entertaining and informative book by one of the giants in the Smalltalk world",pos "We see a phrase a lot when we visit how-to sites for writers. World building. By this, we mean the setting, the characters, and everything else where our story will occur. For me, this often means maps, memories and visits, since I write about where I live. But if you'd like to see exactly what world building means, head down to your local library and grab SALEM'S LOT by Stephen King.Yeah, that's right, I'm reviewing a book by Stephen King. As if his career really needs my help.(I bought my copy at Foreign Language Bookstore on Yanan Lu in Hangzhou, with a new introduction that is a pleasure to read, but I mentioned the library to save you some money.)When Stephen King mania first gripped the English-speaking world, I missed it. I saw the film of CARRIE and hated it. Years later, at a guard desk on a long shift, scheduled so suddenly that I hadn't had a chance to visit the library, I read what was in the desk instead. THINNER. If I were Stephen King, I'd have put a pen name on that crap as well.One of King's fans brought me around. She recommended THE SHINING. Of course I thought of that Kubrick/Nicholson travesty. No no, she said, read the book. It's much different. Yes, it is. It's fantastic for its perceptiveness. Next up, PET SEMATARY, which scared the crap out of me. And that, my friends, is not easy.ON WRITING. I've gushed about that enough times. The films STAND BY ME and THE APT PUPIL. So, in the end, I appreciate King and forgive him for CARRIE, and I think he's forgiven himself. We won't talk about the Richard Bachman alias, although the film of THE RUNNING MAN was fun in a stupid sort of way.SALEM'S LOT. King's second book, and perhaps it should have been his first. I've been in China since 1999. If I ever want to visit a town in the US, I don't need a plane ticket. I can just real SALEM'S LOT. Consider it a clinic on world building. These are the places and the people I left behind, right there, recorded by a master. Well, except for the vampire. I don't recall seeing him in Watha. Maybe he moved into my old house.Actually, that's Stephen King right there. He creates an entirely real world, then throws in something unusual because it makes the story move and because he just thinks it's cool. A vampire here, a rabid dog there, a mind reader over there, a UFO crashing into Hickville...Nobody has defended Stephen King by mentioning that William Shakespeare trucked heavily with ghosts and witches and prophesies in his stories, so I'll limit myself to a single sentence.I believe that, just as I studied Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN in a Literature class, one day students will study Stephen King. Just nothing about cars that come to life, because those stories really suck. I will accuse Stephen King of being uneven, and he explains why in ON WRITING. But at his best, I recommend him highly.Oh, and here's a weird bit of trivia. I recognized the scene on page 50. Nothing before it, nothing after it, just that one bit. So I at least began reading this book. Probably at a guard desk. Tampa, Florida, has excellent libraries. At my guard desk, when I wasn't writing, I was getting drunk on literature, and I can't possibly remember it all. But I think SALEM'S LOT by Stephen King plus THE THANATOS SYNDROME by Walker Percy spurred me to write THE DEMONS WITHIN, which I later threw out but which gave DESCENT INTO MADNESS its back story.(For Madman trivia buffs: Terrence and Sandra Howell once had their own novel. It really sucked. Terrence had his own novel 15 years before that. It also sucked. He's a composite of two classmates, Terrence Cram and Ricky Howell, so I'm glad he finally showed up in some form.)In ON WRITING, Stephen King tells us that he was so drunk and stoned at one point that he can't remember writing some of his books. It seems I was so high on literature at one point that I forgot entire books I read, including SALEM'S LOT. So, I guess that getting old does have its advantages.",pos Simply Awesome! I keep having to stop the tape so it can sink in,pos " Were someone to write a biography of Carl Hiassin in fifty years it is hard to imagine that he or she wouldn't focus on the author's latest triumph, Skinny Dip. It is one of his seminal achievements. The book simply shines with humor, well drawn characters, action and as usual everyone gets their just desserts. It is also one of his smoothest rides. One gets the feeling that Hiassin was very confident in every sentence that he wrote. Here is an overview that will stimulate readers' interest Hiassin's. The book opens with Chaz trying to kill his wife by flinging her over the rail of their cruise ship, but by some twists and turns and luck Joey survives long enough to be rescued. Much of the rest of the book circles around the characters interactions and relationships as Joey and her team pursue vengeance. By the midpoint of the novel Chaz is already an emotional wreck and it doesn't look like Joey is about to let up any time soon. The moral backbone of the novel is twofold. One is the pitting of the Everglades Forest and her defenders against big business and her pollutants. The Everglades is quickly turning from pristine swamp into another type of ecosystem entirely and many Floridians want to prevent the remaining land from being destroyed, which means millions of dollars loss to the big agricultural business. Hiassin's two segments on the real life plight of this swamp standout a bit apart from the book, but also lends it a feeling of seriousness. And two is the pitting of criminals against victims who aren't going to take it anymore. Hiassin is at his when he reapetedly refers to the attempted murder as an insult to Joey. As most survivors of violent crime can ascertain there is a severe indignity attached to one's helplessness. There are six main characters in the book: Joey and her horny husband Chaz, Joey's rescuer Mick who is a kind and eccentric ex-policeman who lives alone on an island, Joey's brother, a rich expatriate who raises sheep in New Zealand, Mr. Hammernut, the owner of a large agricultural empire and Tool, the books muscled goon who undergoes a moral transformation. The small group of sub-characters is entertainingly populated in part with a hermit who lives in the swamp, a street-tough hairdresser, a slap-happy senior and a cowardly lawyer. Though similar elements live in many of Hiassin's works his books never feel like he has used a formula to create them more easily. This can't be said for all or most of crime writers and should be accredited to Hiassin's love for storytelling, his skill as a plot weaver and his ability to evoke so many different emotions. In this line of thought this reviewer took note of the characters subtle (except for Tool) character changes throughout the book. Joey for example seemed learn a bit more restraint as she calmed down a little and the same can be said even for characters that have appeared in some of Hiassin's previous works (Mick). Hiassin has never been a fan of superficial materialism, but the issue is slightly complicated by Skinny Dip and does not simply fall into place along character axes. While the villains all crave money some of the heroes are loaded too. Joey maintains a very frugal existence considering her $ 13 million trust, but her brother spends lavishly. Joey's rescuer on the other hand lives on a disability check. One may wonder if the only difference between Chaz and his wife is that she never had to work or hustle for a buck, but there is one other way in which the enemies contrast and that is the way they treat their associates. Chaz is continuously scrambling for something and in his desperation - be it for sex, money, or escape - uses other people as tools rather than relating to them as equals. On the other hand, Joey has a good sense of humor and she enjoys the companionship of her pals. Like most of Hiassin's work this book is not an overly violent one. Although it begins with an attempted murder, the event is quite peaceful. There is no struggle, no blood and the victim, Joey, does not die. After reading Skinny Dip I immediately lent it to my best friend Katie who has not been able to put it down. So, potential readers be warned: Like Katie you may not be able to get any work done for a day or two, but the time is not wasted on Hiassin's best work to date. One comes away gaining not only pleasant memories of laughs and smiles, but also the feeling that one has poured one more drop into the bucket of our minds that we must fill in order to make this world a better place. In short, Carl Hiassin puts us in touch with the good guys in ourselves",pos "I bought this reluctantly because it was decided upon by a discussion group I was partipating in, but I ended up being very glad to have read this wonderful piece of contemporary literature. Mary Lawson weaves an incredibly sad but totally compelling tale of life in a small community in Canada. Others here have given insight into the plot and characters, so I'll keep this short by saying that you won't be disappointed and that I eagerly look forward to reading more from this author, she seems to have exceptional talent",pos "As one of America's greatest presidents, Ronald Reagan will certainly be studied by historians for years to come and, like Abraham Lincoln he will likely be revered and discussed by people of all nationalities for many generations. This book and his earlier autobiography, Where's the Rest of Me, will surely be the touch stones for any such inquiries and discussions. This work, An American Life, however, will be of primary importance since it addresses his entire life and political career rather than simply the earlier part of his life, during which time he was primarily a sportscaster and actor. For anyone who had the pleasure of listening to Reagan's political commentaries on the radio, or hearing him speak as Governor of California or as President of the United States, the book will be particularly enjoyable; for it is written in the easy-going conversational style that Reagan used in life. What makes the book even more interesting is that you can not only catch a glimpse of the country into which Ronald Reagan was born but also see how that country was transformed into the nation as we know it today. You may also observe that the problems of Reagan's day are not much different than those we face today. I would highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to understand Ronald Reagan, how his many faceted character was formed, the inner workings of his mind, and the actions which led to his monumental achievements. In my view, it would benefit the country greatly if this book was made to be required reading for every American child.",pos "Jeff Shaara never ceases to amaze. I have absolutely loved everyone of his (and his fathers)books. I have been waiting awhile for him to delve into World War 2. and he did not disappoint me. First things first, I COULD NOT put this book down. Everything about it was phenomenal. Icant explain it in any other way. Please read this book. Even if you dont like books like this it is well worth your time",pos "I love historical fiction, and The March was one of the better historical novels that I've read. The characters are well-drawn, and the action moves along briskly, with no dead spots. The civil war background seemed very authentic, and unlike many similar historical novels that focus on the military actions or the civilian actions, The March blends the two to show that war really is hell.Doctorow is an excellent writer, and he obviously did a lot of period research to make the background so believable. My only objection was his implication that the civil war was only about slavery and that Union soldiers fought solely because of the slavery issue. That's not true, as studies of Union soldiers' letters and diaries have demonstrated that most soldiers fought out of patriotism or to join with other family members, or for other reasons than just slavery. That also applies to Confederate soldiers. A minor quibble that doesn't really hurt the book, but it does discredit the author for not sticking to real, documented historical fact.Highly recommended",pos "Are you ready to become a home gamer. Are you seriously looking to improve your current results in the stock market? Do you have a moderate level of knowledge about the stock market and our economic system? Are you equally concerned with preserving your capital while earning a better-than-average return? Do you prefer a system that incorporates probability and statistics as a tool to assess risk? Are you a believer in using fundamental analysis AND technical analysis in choosing growth stocks as your preferred investment? Do you have adequate time and interest to devote to actively managing your portfolio?If your answers to these questions (especially the final one) are yes then buying this classic might be the best 10 bucks you ever spent.This little gem is chock-full of information and practical advice garnered over 50 years of investment experience, coupled with an acute observation of human nature at work in the market",pos "The Pelican Brief is one of John Grisham's more fast paced and exciting book.Two supreme court justices are murdered by someone who does such a good job that there are few if any clues to go on. Darby Shaw and her lover/professor are intrigued by who could have done this so Darby does a ton of research and writes the Pelican Brief. Her boyfriend/professor is a good friend of someone in the FBI and the file gets distributed. The bad guys find out about Darby, who apparently has hit the suspects right on and the chase begins.This book is very entertaining with nonstop action. You'll be constantly turning the page to see how Darby and friends etc keep escaping and how the plot will unfold.The only problems with the book are as follows:1 - The book has so many characters that it gets confusing at times2 - The book is all action and adventure and little else. Once it's done you'll never go back and read it again. This would make a very poor book club book.3 - A little over the top on the implied sex etc between Darby and her professor etc... (but nothing compared to what you'll get in other books)Overall a very entertaing and exciting book but not a lot of soul. I would definitely recomend it to anyone who likes action books.",pos "I listen to books on tape constantly and when you get a reader and a story that can take you away, it is a find! Nothing annoys me more than a poor or monotoned reader or one who places inflections in inappropriate places, like news readers. I loved the sound effects coupled with an excellent reader and the two added to the experience of listening to this book. I also liked that the story was partly done in first person. The main character initially doesn't seem to have much to offer the world.....Anyway, there are others who have diagramed the story, I just wanted to say, I enjoyed it and the way it was presented in audio version.",pos I love this book in conjunction with Dr. Perricone's books. They compliment each other nicely. A great tweak to feeling and looking better,pos "For those of you who might find the first Found book or this second one offensive in its content -- guess what? -- life is offensive. And for that matter, life is also often tragic, poignant, ironic, hysterically funny, random, and sometimes all of these things at once... the Found books and the magazines reflect all of these aspects of everyday life. That's what makes it so remarkable. Indeed, how many books can cause you to giggle and feel emotionally vulnerable within two pages? This work by Davy Rothbart, co-editor Jason Bitner, and all the Found crew deserves praise because this is a cross-section of humanity stripped down to its beautiful bare essentials. If, several thousand years from now, (android? zombie?) archeologists study our current century, they might go through our trash. Think of Found as giving them a headstart.",pos "My sons, 4 and 8, saw this book at a well know book store and loved it. It costs $20.00 there, so $13.00 is a steal. They love the pictures and the book is very attractive and cool looking",pos My daughter received this book for her 7th birthday. She loves all the details and can read it over and over again. These pop-ups are amazing! I would highly recommend this book to anyone with a little princess of their own.,pos "I am from Romania and the book arrived in about 2 weeks. I am very pleased of it, it has no damages, it arrived quickly and, most important, it's a very good book. A touching story that will make you laugh and cry. I recommend it",pos Great book! It's comprehensive and easy to understand. Highly recommended textbook.,pos "Have read the whole Leaphorn/Chee series by Tony Hillerman. This is one of the better ones - the subject is topical and the characters take on more definition. The overall feel is that this time, the subject is of a more personal nature to Tony Hillerman? A good read",pos This is a great book about risk. Very valuable. Written in a clear and easy to understand style.A bargain at 5 times the price. You can't get this info and data anywhere else,pos John Lynch wrote a classic in Spanish-American Revolutions 1808-1826. He masterfully describes all the events that led to the independence of Latin America from Spain. The book starts in Rio de La Plata and ends in Mexico and Central America. Curiously one can note a common pattern of highly stratified societies lead by Spanish officials and merchants in not complete harmony with the Creole ruling class. The reluctance of Spanish Monarchy (and later even of liberals) led to independence basically motivated for the economic and social interests of the Creoles (Spanish born in America). For all of those who are interested in a better understanding of Latin American societies of today this great book is a must. Lynch cleverly combines historical and economic facts about the Hispanic American societies looking for free trade and in such a way clashing with the status quo of monopolies imposed by the decaying metropolis. Two thumbs up,pos "I can recite most of it from memory, I love it so! I tell people about it all the time and recommend it (along with Alexander Who Used To Be Rich Last Sunday) as a staple in every library. It's a great one to have even if you don't have kids (sometimes the little buggers show up for visits!) This book does a hilarious job of pointing out to kids that some days just stink and that you live through them anyway. The illustations have some great humor for the adults. Read it aloud to someone you love! Aura Mae, Author of Get Some Hairapy - a hairdresser's prescription for happiness",pos "I recommend that most people do NOT read this book. If you choose to ignore me and you read the work anyway, please first be remotely acquainted with and keep in mind a few things before you attempt to do so (and certainly before you try to express an ostensibly reputable opinion on Amazon): **magical realism**; Jewish history, religion, culture and humor(although the last is perhaps redundant); memory; folk lore; the English language; love; the nature of histories; sex; death; pain; narrative style and voice; the multiplicity of human, and likewise Jewish, experience; imagination. I will assert, because I hope it is true, that you don't need to all of these things to enjoy Illuminated, but you do need to be familiar with some of it. And you must be willing to spend some time with this book to enjoy it. All those with self-diagnosed A.D.D. need not bother cracking the spine. However, even if you qualify despite the rigor of what may be required of you, everything may be indeed sadly obfuscated. Or perhaps less disappointingly, only partly obfuscated. If so, don't get angry. Don't curse the gods or creative writing programs. And certainly, if you are going to write bad reviews on Amazon, preface it first with your own faults as a reader. Lastly, buck up. Read another book. Even the Bible (another little book high up on the best seller's list) is not for everyone.And for those of you out there who disagree to my approach with this review of Illuminated, that is fine. Dismiss it. At least, please don't take the advice of any other critic here who speaks in an equally perturbed voice. Moreover, don't read it for the reviews...Actually stop reading reviews. Now",pos "In my opinion, besides Beyond Bodybuilding, this book is the best value for money by Pavel so far. Two hundred something pages are saturated with information. Explanations on how and why are thorough and comprehensive. Description of techniques of exercises are not missing the smallest detail. Highly recommended for training freaks.",pos "It's been several years since I read the book. Saw it recently, the book seems to be a favorite, of the coffee-house, talky, chattering, left, Marx-Freud-Rousseau crowd.However, all this at talk of a just society and the underprivileged can and does mean only one thing: A POLICE STATE.Anytime, a so-called theory attempts to create a utopian state, there will be coercion. Anytime, there is coercion, you will infringe upon individual rights, freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom to govern one's own life.Instead of a police state in the form of a theory of justice. He should have written a book titled A Theory of Liberty Any society without liberty as the foundation will have coercion and hence the destruction of liberty. However, this book remains the coffee-house favorite.Rawls was an Ivory Tower Pinhead. A brief bio states that he was a professor all his adult life. What kind of adults spend their whole life having fake, phony, welfare for intellectual, make-believe jobs like being a professor of political theory. What dat????? Oh, Please get a real job.#1. THOSE CANNOT DO WILL TEACH.....So much for the ivory tower pinhead. A theory of justice will lead to a police state, a state of coercion. What we need is theory of LIBERTY",pos "Another beautiful contribution by this author. Love letters to make you weep, smile, laugh and imagine . . . or remember . . . how it feels to love and be loved",pos "What lessons, if any, do past social movements teach American citizens? Is change feasible in today's society? Howard Zinn attempts to answer these two questions, along with a number of others, in his book entitled 'You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times.' A beautifully written and inspirational book, 'You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train' is quintessential Zinn-direct, yet optimistic. Zinn's central argument is that we are all capable of participating in change, however, for change to occur, we must all experience a social and political reawakening. Zinn's book offers the reader a more hopeful version of politics and society. Yet, such a version is only feasible if we, as Americans, actively participate in the political process. This involvement will fill ones soul with a sense of meaning, and in the end will create a better world for all to live in. For those interested in the history of American society, politics, and social justice issues, 'You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train' is a marvelous book filled with inspiration",pos This book should be a mandatory read for every parent & parent to be. What an eye opener!!! This book gives you things to look for in predators...how they operate. There are comments from real predators as well as victims. The book can be difficult to read at times. People are truly sick! But it gives parents power in what to look for & how talk to your child(ren). MUST READ!,pos "I've been a Sendak junkie since I was a kid. His books have always been among my very favorites, and I'm happy to say they're among my kids' favorites as well. I also love pop-ups, so I was really excited to learn about this book. And I must say, my expectations have been surpassed.The story line is very simple: a young child looks for his Mommy, encountering various monsters along the way and defeating them in creative ways. There are only a few written words in the book. But the story that the pictures tell is wonderful. What child wouldn't be delighted by a book in which a kid defeats the wolfman by pantsing him? Nosferatu gets a binky! And there's a ton of detail in the pictures as well. My girls like to spend several minutes looking at each page spread.Then there are the pop-ups. This book is really a paper engineering marvel. The pop-up bits are enormously detailed and full of movement. My favorite part is when the boy unwraps the mummy. It's an understatement to say the pop-ups are spectacular.The only reservation at all I have about this book is that my kids will probably love it to death. Like another reviewer, I think I'm going to buy them their own copy and keep one for myself!If you have the least interest in Sendak or pop-ups, or think you might, buy this book",pos "First, a few words about each of the four different stories.The Man in the Black Suit - 3 starsThis is a story about a 9-year-old boy who meets the Devil himself. It's a very scary experience for the boy, especially because his older brother died the year before and now the Devil tells him that his mother has just died in the same way.This is the weakest of the four stories because the Devil, although being scary, doesn't really come across as a serious threat. What kind of second-rate Devil is it that can't even catch a boy who decides to run away from him?In Everything's Eventual Stephen King writes that this story won a prestigious best short story award in 1996, much to his surprise. That surprises me too, because in my opinion this story is not that great.All That You Love Will Be Carried Away - 5 starsThis is the shortest story (only 35 minutes) and one of the two best ones in this collection. Alfie Zimmer is a traveling salesman in the American Midwest. He has an amazing hobby and he's tired of life. But if he commits suicide, what will everyone think of his hobby?What makes this story so good are the very detailed and evocative descriptions of the conditions under which a traveling salesman lives. Alfie's strange hobby is also captivating, as are the descriptions of the landscape and isolated towns in the bleak and barren Midwest.In Everything's Eventual Stephen King admits that Alfie's strange hobby was actually something he did himself!The Death of Jack Hamilton - 4 starsThis is a very unusual story for Stephen King. It tells a mythical story about the 1934 death of Jack Hamilton, member of the John Dillinger gang. Homer Van Meter, another gang member, purportedly tells the story.John Dillinger, Jack Hamilton and Homer Van Meter were all real people. You can find a lot of interesting background information about them by doing an Internet search for John Dillinger.Despite the fact that these were all ruthless gangsters we find ourselves sympathizing with them. Stephen King's approach to the story is that gangsters are also human beings. The slow death of Jack Hamilton and the efforts of John Dillinger to get him medical help and Dillinger's distress as Jack Hamilton's condition worsens are powerful images.That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is in French - 5 starsThis is the best story in the collection. Carol was brought up as a strict Catholic, but then, during the first years of her marriage to Bill, she had an abortion. Now she and Bill are supposed to be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and Carol is being subjected to a horrendous punishment for what she did.What makes the story fascinating is that it is not God who is punishing Carol. No, it is Carol, under the influence of her Catholic upbringing, who has prescribed her own punishment. And this punishment Carol is inflicting on herself is much worse than a benevolent God would come up with, even assuming that God considers what Carol did to be wrong.In summary, two very good stories, one good one, and one that's just OK.The four stories are read by four different professional readers. The total running time is approx. 3 hours 40 minutes, not 4 hours as specified on the packaging.All four of these stories are included in the book Everything's Eventual, along with 10 other short stories by Stephen King. If you want to save money or if you dislike audio books then Everything's Eventual is a better deal.Rennie Peterse",pos "Fascinating exploration into the physics of cooking, written in an engaging and detailed style. Probably better for the scientist who cooks than for the cook who's into science, since the language is sometimes a little dense for the layperson. Worth working through, though, if only for the gorgeous and elegant formula for figuring out how long to boil your eggs to get them EXACTLY right.One caveat: the author is British, and recipes, measurements, and terms are geared for the British/European cook. This means you'll find a complete explanation of sausage rolls and nothing about popcorn. Just FYI",pos "Written by a senior business advisor in the fields of security, commerce, and governance with a senior strategist and communications consultant, Mapping Security: The Corporate Sourcebook For Today's Global Economy outlines how companies of today and tomorrow can effectively protect themselves against threats, remain fully accountable, and stay within the rules outlined by a hedgemony of global regulations. Detailed nation-by-nation drill downs on security in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the Americas, and the Asia-Pacific region are particularly helpful in framing what to expect and how to prepare for it. Written in plain terms, Mapping Security is a vital resource for leaders in any multinational business, especially in today's complex world inhabited customers of diverse cultural backgrounds, not to mention increasingly savvy thieves and worse.",pos "Every page is an eye opener. The author has done an excellent job revealing the side of Hillary that has so long been hidden.I think America could do better by picking a different first woman president. Someone with some morals and a love of our country. She has neither. It is an important first that should withstand the test of time. Historians are going to have a field day writing all the trash these two are involved in.Her mothering skills reveal a great deal about her character. Her child was always placed last. The only time Hillary showed any family unity was when it was necessary for the media to put her in a positive light.How did these two gain so much wealth in such a short amount of time? They did not even own property when they became president. There are still a lot of questions to be answered, and many more books to be written about this family.8 years of these two is quite enough.",pos Period,pos "An excellent, well explained art book, with beautiful and easy to follow illustrations. The book is a treasure chest of ideas suitable for the primary classroom. This book provides plenty of opportunities to explore the various strands of the visual arts field. A great resource for any teacher, parent or doting aunt",pos "A very good and indept look at Andrew Jackson. The author was very thorough including a very good look at early 19th century American. Andrew Jackson's a contraverisal President. On the good side he defeated the British at the amazing Battle of New Orleans, help in expanding into the West, a great soldier, clearly loved his wife Rachel enough to duel to defend her, and was probably the only president who could threaten a state with military force if it tried to leave the Union and tough enough to make it happen. On the flip side his percusion of Indians, the Trail of Tears, his many duels makes him a very complex and sometimes hard to understand person. But still a great biography",pos "Although the original Elements of Style was written in 1919 (or earlier), it still holds true that anyone who wants to learn how to write in a clear and concise manner will benefit from this book. After reading this book you'll know to avoid breaking elementary rules and principles that are made in writing: excessive use of adjectives and adverbs, writing in the passive voice, using different tenses in writing, using the improper case of pronouns (example: using who when whom should be used and vice versa).One of the most important things that the writer stands to gain from this book is an improvement in his writing style. After reading this book, you will know how to write in a way that comes naturally, write with nouns and pronouns (not superfluous adverbs and adjectives), write and then rewrite, but do not overwrite and overstate, use orthodox spelling, do not explain too much, avoid fancy words, be clear, do not inject opinions, use figures of speech sparingly, and countless other helpful techniques.To say that this book should be required reading for all writers is an understatement. This book should be required reading for anyone that writes",pos "I have read almost all of Greg Bear's books and loved EON and ETERNITY as well as THE FORGE OF GOD and ANVIL OF STARS. I found LEGACY a little disappointing compared to EON and ETERNITY, which preceded them. The narrative spends a lot of time on the human interactions of the characters, and not much time on the technological concepts of the flaw and gate openers, which I missed. I did finish this book and at times was quite spellbound by it. Not Mr. Bear's best work, but a must-read if you have read EON and ETERNITY",pos "Someday, I would love to travel to the places that Ann Rule writes about! As she is so discriptive, I usually feel like I have known these places, and the people she writes about, although...I have never been. These cases she presents in NO REGRETS, are as REAL to me, as if I'd known them, and felt the sorrow of their loss! My personal favorite was A Very Bad Christmas..I usually like her Christmas ones, like Black Christmas in Vol.2! I have always planned to review all her books (of which I own), they are all wonderful, and Amazon has them. Just buy them, you'll be glad you did",pos "My only caveat about this otherwise enjoyable installment in the Eve Dallas series is that the web site did not prominently state (i.e., I missed it!) that this had previously been published as part of an anthology. I made the mistake of only checking the publishing date, decided it was a new novella published independently (as would be deserved, given the track record of the series), and ordered it without checking further. My bad. But a reminder to readers who want to buy everything from the series -- be sure to read the description carefully enough to determine whether it is a previously-published-in-a-book-you-already-own item!",pos "I've been staring at a copy of Thomas Friedman's 'From Beirut to Jerusalem' on my shelf for nearly a year now, meaning to read it but always drawn to something else. Finally, recent events demanded that I learn more and I finally pulled it down, dusted it off, and read it. I'm so glad I did, especially now.The book is not the easiest read, since it delves into a lot of regional history and politics, which gets complex no matter what you do. Friedman's writing style, however, goes a long way towards making the text quite accessible for just about anyone, and his unique perspective on the events that he witnessed and covered in his role as a journalist keeps it interesting and always relevant.What I really appreciated about the way Friedman presents his story is that it really is HIS story. He is obviously a man gifted with a keen sense of observation, and so he picks up on many details others might miss, such as the faces of Israeli soldiers or the opinions of Lebanese taxi drivers. But still, the story is told mainly through events he observed directly -- he just happened to be there for many of the events that shaped the Middle East as it is today. He tells it in both large and small terms, from some of the politicians he met and interviewed to discussions he had with neighbors and colleagues while living in the region. The result is that you get the broad spectrum of what was going on in the region, particularly in the 1980's, a critical decade of events.I also appreciated Friedman's fairness throughout the book. From his perspective on the Lebanese government to the Palestinian intifada to the Israeli occupation to the American involvement in the region, he deals with all of the players fairly, whether big or small, famous or unknown. That's not to say he doesn't have criticisms -- certainly, he has plenty to say about everyone...but one is never left with the feeling that he has been too harsh on one side and lenient on the other. Friedman's willingness to observe with an unbiased eye and ear is key to the strength of this book.Even with the newer added chapters, dealing with the late 1980's and early 1990's, this book cannot be considered a complete history of the Middle East, or even of the events of the last 50 years. However, it is not meant to be that, I think. What Friedman has documented here is an excellent primer for anyone interested in learning more about how we got to where we are today in Lebanon and Israel and Palestine. The book is not an end in itself, but for someone who wants to learn more about the region that is in the news almost every day, this is an excellent place to start.The only way to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past is to learn from them. As such, 'From Beirut to Jerusalem' should be required reading today",pos "In The Year of the Jackpot, a statistician graphs the points of convergenceof cyclycal events. Overlapping his graphs, he notices that thewavy lines are approaching extremes. Interesting times.The story By His Bootstraps is not logically sound: How did Bob Wilsonget to the other side of the Gate so that he could operate the Gate beforesending for the first version of himself?The Menace From Earth tackles Earth Moon female jealousy.Sky Lift details the heroism of a rocket pilot carying an antidote to thePluto colony. Goldfish Bowl asks: What if humans were kept as pets bydisinterested intelligent beings? Project Nightmare is aboutPsionic humans who are able to locate nuclear devices and prevent atomicfusion -- using psi ability. Water is for Washing is about a megaearthquake that creates a new sea between the Pacific Plate and theNorth American Plate. The Gulf of California extends to Los Angeles",pos "My son (34) is currently incarcerated. He asked for this book so I had it sent to him. He holds on to it for dear life and swears, had he read this years ago, it would have changed his life for the better and he wouldn't be where he's at. He raved so much, he insisted I order one for myself. I did. In summary, what I derived from the reading was one must be callous in this life and put yourself first. Otherwise, you'll be no more than a stepping stone for others. It's a good book but I oftentimes got lost in all its references to those that preceded us by 500-600 years. Fellow inmates that have the book feel the same as my son. It's a Bible to them and they refuse to part with it for others to read for fear it will never be returned to them",pos "Serious genealogists hobbyists and professionals will be excited by this new resource, which thoroughly explains the new science of DNA testing and how it can be applied to family history research. Although this book is not for everyone, if you have successfully passed high school biology, you should be able to manage the information and its technology in this excellent reference. Wouldn't it be interesting for a man and his wife to go back in time to discover about when they might have had an ancestor in common? DNA testing and analysis had give you that and much more. It can even give you an idea what part of the world your pre-historical ancestors lived and migrated to. The authors practice what they preach and tell how we can do it too, with many DNA labs and companies listed and compared. We rated this book four hearts",pos " Dorothy Parker was a great writer and a great social observant who now gives us a clear window into the past. Her wit is biting and at it's best in this collection, favourite reads are for the individual to decide, however, for me, as well as cheering me up with her razor sharp observation and almost cruel wit. Parker also saddens me for her wit must have been based on the cynacism of one who viewed her life as overindulged and wasted by circumstance, as a wealthy woman and as a woman in her time. Reading her is alawys like laughing with a red hot tear in your eye, for her work is as much an insight into her soul as it is to her lifetime and lifestyle",pos I rented this book from the library about a year or so ago. I LOVED it! I'm back here now b/c I'm putting it on my wishlist for Christmas! I want to read it again and again. I'd never read Erica Jong or anything about Sappho. I saw Erica on The Daily Show and they talked about this book and I ran to the library. You should buy this book! Greatness,pos "This book is like a long short story that centers around Danny and a period that he is at Yale. He and his friends are preparing for a big party. The book goes on to follow Danny as he tries to start a relationship with Polly (who is sometimes on sometimes off in her relationship with one of her professors) while remembering about a local girl back home named Cindy who he kind of left in the lurch after they finally went all the way.Just before Danny is ready to go home for spring break and work on his father's mobile lunchmobile, Cindy arrives at the school with a big surprise. This changes Danny's view on things and makes him numb to the point that he even doesn't care when some toughs try to hone in on his father's lunch route and threaten him.Danny goes back to school after the break and after resolving his issues with Cindy to attend the big bash that his friend Matt was planning at the beginning of the book.This book like one of his later works, Little Children, shows Perrota's talent for creating intriguing characters in such short novels. This book like the other seems to end too prematurely and definately screams out for a sequel!Perrota is a super talented writer and I would love to seem him develop a much larger complete novel than leave the audience hanging at the end of another short one",pos "I read 1776 shortly sfter having read McCullough's John Adams so some of the same ground was covered but from a different perspective, I found 1776 to be an interesting and smoothly flowing read. Anyone who has enjoyed and appreciated David McCullough's other works will enjoy 1776",pos "Very good book but only buy it if you are looking for a book with a very strange sense of humor. In the first story he explains his job as an Elf at Santaland and describes his daily life. It is so funny, some of the things people do there are amazing and crazy at the same time.Don't buy this book if you are looking for a nice book to read to your young kids or just sit in front of the fire reading a romantic book while it is snowing outside.But if you are looking for something funny and odd at the same time, then by all means buy this book",pos "The twist here is that the reader knows while the characters do not.In a matter of minutes, nine people's fates are determined by three men sitting in a jail cell. Simply playing a game to pass the time, each man names three people he'd like to see killed. When the first man is released, three people become a target as he follows through with the game.The first in a trilogy, Dead Wrong gets it dead right. Mara Douglas is on one of the men's list, and it's up to Aidan Shields to protect her. While the book is decidedly light on the traditional sex part of a romantic suspense, it is implied.I liked both characters, and Aidan avoids being the atypical surly alpha male with surprising charm and affection.I can't wait for Dead Certain, which follows the second man as he is released from jail and takes up the gauntlet thrown down by the first man. I got this one from the library, but I certainly will buy the next two",pos "Would you like to bake Portugese Egg Tarts, Middle Eastern Pizzas with Lamb and Pine Nuts, Almond Milk Bread? Or how about Tender Potato Bread, Velvety Bean Bread, Dom's Italian Boules and Focaccia?There's also, Sweet Potato Rolls, Cranberry-Chocolate Sweet Buns, Chelsea Buns, Truck-Stop Cinnamon Rolls, Sticky Buns, Cathead Skillet Biscuits, Bangkok Waffles with Dipping Sauce, Snowshoe Bread, Ciabatta, Irish Potato Bread, New Year's Pear Cake, Naomi's Any-Day Skillet Cake, Brazilian Bolo, Martha's Mother's Cookies, and so on.Or, if you are ready for a trip to Tibet, Wales, Syria, Brazil, France, and/or Italy--it's here, too. Please enjoy this wonderful book--in the kitchen for those you care for, and on the couch with a cup of coffee--and one of these finished recipes, of course",pos "This book provides an excellent guide to finding and hiring the right people for your organization. If the procedures outlined here are learned and followed, one can be certain of consistently better hiring decisions in the future",pos Once again John Patterson has created a master thriller in the Alex Cross series.Character development is well done as is the plot line. One can't help but be drawn into the story and feeling the tension.This is another winner,pos "I read Six Frigates sailing south down the coast of Australia from Hamilton Island in the Whitsunday group.Keen to dodge a storm, we did a 48 hour dash down to the safety of Yepoon running a 3 hours on/3 hours off watch cycle. Problem was I didnt get any sleep. I was too deep inside Six Frigates. Back on deck, I'd update my watch on what I'd just read. They loved it. Sailing by instalments.Ian Toll's a wonderful writer. The man is a time machine. He drops you right into the middle of the smoke-filled, blood splattered action. Patrick O'Brian fans: this is the book for you.Toll's also a deft hand at dropping insights that get you thinking. Like the half-parargraph mention of Madison writing to Thomas Jefferson agreeing that a war with the arab states of north africa could easily be won, and in the process stop the attacks on US merchant ships but advises Jefferson that the issue will be the cost of then keeping the peace... Perhaps George W should have a read a little more history at college.You'll taste the sweat and blood and salt on every page. Best read I've had in ages. And my shipmates agree!cheersAndrew MaloneyAboard Sonne",pos "The author, James Surowiecki, lays out and explores a variety of general and specific cases of groups of people acting either wisely or stupidly. The examples are all easy to relate to, and I found them to raise meaningful questions in my mind which were answered in due course in the text.When I think of crowds, I think of unthinking masses moving together, led by tradition, habit, or an individual. How can that be wise? A more accurate title would be How some groups of people can make better decisions than experts, while others act like collective idiots, and what characteristics distinguish the two types of groups, although that's hardly likely to sell as many copies. :-)For me this really shed some light on my past experiences of participating in successful and unsuccessful teams at work. I'd sometimes wondered why I've been on a few teams that appeared to click (smart people who want to work together to achieve a common goal), but our results weren't great, whereas other teams have been successful. What was it that made a good team? I had some of the pieces, felt I still had some real gaps in my knowledge. This book certainly helped.To paraphrase the basic idea that I took away from the book, teams of people can achieve superior results if:1 Each individual on the team is well informed;2 The work of one individual does not influence the work of another;3 There is an objective method to aggregate individual conclusions into a group conclusion.As simple as they sound, there are many ways to fail, and the book does a great job of exploring a variety of phenomena that cause failure.",pos "This book is fun comical book for children who want to read something mysterious. This cute book gives the reader the enthusiasm in turning the pages to see what happens of the young boy going into a creepy house focusing on the search of his mother.Cynthia Marie Rizzo, author of Julie and the Unicorn and Angela and the Princess",pos "It's an easy read and can be applied immediately to you situation. The book brings the basics of leadership traits and principles to the reader similar to the military leadership books I've read in the USMC. So many times have I held jobs where a manager, although excellent in managing projects, through some lack of sensitity or judgement created an uproar that cause moral to fall and people to become resentful and leave. There are many stories in the press of managers and CEOs restricting bathroom breaks, playing favorites, freezing wages and laying off employees while taking huge bonuses like American Airlines and ENRON. What's present here is basic but essential information for anyone in a leadership roll whether at work, church functions, or managing a family trip. This should be required reading for everyone BEFORE you find yourself in a situation as leader. The boss could be out for a whole month tommorrow. Can you keep the team working smoothly while the boss is out or is it party time",pos "Again, Jodi Picoult is excellent. You are truly able to engolf yourself in the characters and thier emotions",pos "I've read this book four times through the years since I first bought it. The love between the two main characters, though a forbidden love, is so beautiful and magical it made me cry for Meggy and Father Ralph.Not only is this an unforgettable love story, it's also a great education about sheep farming in Australia. Magnificent description of a then harsh land. The dialogue is believable, the characters so very real ... I didn't simply read this book, I experienced it. When the characters laughed, I laughed, and when they cried, my heart broke for them.Poor little Meggy ... poor father Ralph. How bittersweet and memorable.I really can't get over the quality of this book and the sensitivity of the author.Review by Betty Dravis, author of a new epic love story, 1106 GRAND BOULEVAR",pos "This book has changed my life. It is amazing how much I learned about myself. Now I understand my wife and other people, and I don't judge them anymore. My relations to others is now easear and less stressfull. Thanks",pos "Good, high-level analysis of current US vs European international relations written from a conservative perspective. As with any book covering fluid world events this book can only provide a snapshot, circa 2000-04, of those events. But there are two significant underlying assumption in this book:First, as the single greatest world power, the US will project its power for decades in any region of the world it feels has long-term impact to its strategic goals, such as Europe throughout the entire Cold War, Southeast Asia in the 60's & 70's and in the Middle East today.Second, US historically has viewed itself as the proponent of the spread of liberal democracy through out the world.Rather than focusing on the snipping back and forth between the US & Europe, the two major assumptions of this book could serve as a litmus test to observe how current US foreign policy in the Middle East plays itself out over the next few decades. Is it merely a current political view or a historic shift in strategic focus to a different region of the world? Stay tuned.It is a well-written, quick read with meaningful subcontextual insights.",pos "In some ways KM Soehnlein's THE WORLD OF NORMAL BOYS reminded me of the teenage novels of Paul Zindel. There is that same depth of feeling along with characters that can break your heart and make you laugh at the same time. Zindel wrote specifically for adolescents. Soehnlein does not have those restrictions and has written a brutally honest book about homosexual experimentation among post-pubescent boys and its social implications. Although the book is written for adults, it speaks on a deep personal level to the adolescent in all of us.THE WORLD OF NORMAL BOYS is the story of a family that falls apart when a tragic accident befalls the youngest child. The story is seen through the eyes of the victim's 13-year-old brother as he tries to find something to hold on to while his mother drifts into alcoholism, his father goes nuts, his sister becomes a religious fanatic (and a kleptomaniac) and he finds himself smitten with two boys. One is Todd, the athletic and arrogant brother of his girl-pal confidante who lives next door. The other is Scott, a boy who deals drugs, cuts school and has an alcoholic father who beats him. All the characters are vividly rendered. If this were ever turned into a film, the actress who plays the mother would probably win an Oscar just for her final scene in the car.This is powerful and emotional writing. I found it very moving. It's tempting to want to recommend this book to a wide audience, but I am reticent because there are several scenes of furtive and unacknowledged sex between teenage boys that could upset some people.But I will never forget this book. Five stars",pos "This is a book about beauty, passion, a longing for the thing that a true artist or lover of the arts, especially music, craves and feels, the fire that burns within. A book that dares to take one, if one dares to take that step, on a journey deep into the bare souls of it's characters. The story that unfolds is not a story that has a specific plot, or develops into dramatic changes for the characters. That is not what the author wanted to convey, and one should approach this book as one would a tale of a little piece of humanity, and not expect the characters to travel actively without. The book gives us these people, the town, the surroundings. It brings us deep into the realities, the thoughts, the complexities of the human soul. The people are good, bad, ugly, beautiful, selfish, depressed, found, or lost. But from the moment the reader of this book feels the passion for music in Mick Kelly's soul, and her yearning to soar above the squalor and desperation of the small town, then the author reveals her own soul with her words, for those that pick up on what her words show. I am still amazed at the power this book has. Any other readers here who have written that they failed to understand why one should bother reading this book, should perhaps make due with fast moving action books or glossy novels about the rich and famous.For me, this book will always be the book that made me capable of understanding how a writer weaves words together with her soul",pos "GODS AND GENERALS is an extremely well done and fascinating book. The author, Jeff Shaara, did an excellent job of interpreting the characters. His task was a difficult one because his father's book, THE KILLER ANGELS is a classic in the chronicles of Civil War stories. This book precedes the one written by his father.GODS AND GENERALS takes the reader to the beginning of the Civil War and through many of the battles. The major players in the story are Winfield Scott, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Winfield Hancock and Lawrence Chamberlain. The career biographies of these famous men were striking. After reading of their early lives and service experiences, it gave me a better understanding of just how horrible a civil war was to all of these men who had formerly served together in the Union Army. They were an outstanding group of soldiers and the sadness that they all faced was to go to war against fellow soldiers and friends.I listened to the unabridged books on tape version read by Dick Estell. He brought the characters to life by his narration. This book is well worth the time and truly is an unforgettable part of our history.",pos "I picked up this paperback because my curiosity was stimulated by watching Mystic River, the film based on another LeHane novel. Darkness, Take My Hand did not disappoint. Different characters, same setting, and identical sense of insanity and irredeemable evil. LeHane's prose is intelligent and witty without being overbearing, a welcome change from many other authors who crank out formulaic , hackneyed language and stories in the crime genre. LeHane's descriptions jump right off the page at you. His characters are so human, so intense, their dialogue so sharp, that it's almost like watching a movie in your mind. There isn't a wasted word in this book. The suspense starts to build on page 1, and never lets up, becoming more and more menacing with each subsequent chapter. This is a stay-up-late read to finish only when you're NOT alone in the night.LeHane's other works top my summer reading list. I'd love to see what he could do in a different genre",pos "As a parent of an adolescent with Asperger Syndrome, I found this book easy to read and understand, with practical how-to instructions and guidelines for preparing my son to enter the work force. I really liked the emphasis on developing social and communication skills that are found throughout the book. This is one I will recommend to friends and relatives as well as my son's educators",pos This book was hard to put down.Can't wait for the next book,pos "oblomov is a guy who never quite manages to do anything. he has great difficulties managing to do anything. finally a friend manages to convince Oblomov that he must be active, otherwise he will never escape his laziness. the psychology in the story is great. the plot is always simple, perhaps too slowly progressing. there is much humour in this book. the characters are truly believable",pos "I loved this book! The authors share technqiues from carnival barkers, magicians, and tradeshow pros who know how to grab attention and captivate any audience. While some books provide only principles, this book gives you step-by-step magic tricks, persuasion mechanisms and techniques that anyone can apply.Written in a conversational tone, this entertaining book tells you the why and the how of persuasion.Diane DiResta, author, Knockout Presentation",pos "This book is a wonderful all-color rendition which has importantfactual information on the tallest man, the tripling of thepopulation in the past half century and the spectacularOlympus Mons on the Marsian surface- just to mention a few of the many features contained. The book is perfect forstudent projects in science and the arts. It well worth theprice charged",pos "Gilbert Ryle shows a great skill in condensing his whole argument in a succinct metaphor. On page 16, he writes: A foreign stranger visiting the Oxford campus is shown libraries, department buildings, and museums. Then he asks But where is the University?. This is the category mistake. Cartesian question Where is the mind? has a same confusion, he asserts.A famous epigram Ghost in the Machine is sometimes misinterpreted. His point is that there is NO ghost. What we think ghost (spirit) does not exist (therefore ghost!).Although the philosophy of ordinary language and the logical behaviorism, the British school represented by Wittgenstein and Ryle, had an its apogee in 50's, its crux of reasoning still has an important element. I still feel the current dominant school in cognitive science such as functionalism has a long way to go, before it can make it acceptable for broader spectrum of scientists whose prime mode of thinking is purely materialistic or physicalistic.",pos "The Concept of Mind is a great book for several reasons. The main reason to me is that Ryle clarifies the concept of being human, while he uses language in a natural way. In stead of constructing concepts based on (for example scientific) assumptions, he shows what we already see as obvious, just by pointing out what we mean with our ordinary language. He is far from reductionistic; mark the subtle irony: 'Man need not be degraded to a machine by being denied to be a ghost in a machine. He might, after all, be a sort of animal, namely, a higher mammal. There has yet to be ventured the hazardous leap to the hypothesis that perhaps he is a man.",pos "Different, refreshing, entertaining, funny, eye opening....even better than reading the book is to listen to it (buy the Audio CD!) on a loooooong drive..",pos "He is a nightwalker, a Navaho vampire who because he is only half Nosferatu has the strength not to succumb to the allure of the dark side of his nature. He is a New Mexico state police officer who is often teamed up with beautiful FBI agent Diane Lopez who not only knows what Lee Nez is but accepts him for his good heart. Right now they are trying to infiltrate a smuggling ring made up of skinwalkers (Navaho witches) who can shape shift at night and still retain their ability to think like a human.These smugglers known as the Silver Eagles go to Mexico in animal form, meet with their suppliers, and return with silver and turquoise for jewelry suppliers who get their products at black market prices. The two cops seek to arrest humans who are part of the smuggling ring and kill the shapeshifters so they no longer can carry out their evil plans. While Diane and Lee stalk the Silver Eagles, they are hunted by a vampire who wants to kill them because they murdered her nest including her husband and brother. They remain on guard at all times because beside each other they don't know who they can trust.Once again the Thurlos provide readers their interpretation of the vampire mythos unique to the Navaho culture. Lee can stay in sunlight provided he uses sun block while his speed, strength and night vision make him a better police officer. In the Thurlos world, skinwalkers are evil creatures who must be killed; a variation on the hapless victim werewolf legend. BLOOD RETRIBUTION is a fantastic horror mystery thriller that readers of these genres will want to read.Harriet Klausner",pos "Loved this book. I think that this is a must-read for anybody working in a shelter or rescue situation. The only negative comment is that the people who really need to read the book are not going to read it. Working in the field, we see first-hand the changes that need to be made in our thoughts on animals. I wish that reading this book could be required before obtaining any animal. I will say that I cried during parts of the book",pos "By a hypnotism that defies explanation--at least by a non-German--Hitler held the allegiance and trust of this remarkable people to the last. It was inevitable that they would follow him blindly, like dumb cattle but also with a touching faith and even an enthusiasm that raised them above the animal herd, over the precipice to the destruction of the nation.This remarkable book is based principally on the captured German documents, the interrogations and testimony at the Nuremberg trials of German military officers and civilian officials, the diaries and memoirs which some of them have left, and on Shirer's experience in the Third Reich. Shirer became one of the most respected journalists in wartime Europe.The book is exhaustive and detailed with extensive notes and bibliography. A bit of patience is needed to get through the dialect, often quoting Mein Kampf. Shirer brings forth wonderful descriptions of the people who played a role in those troubled times. The individual battles are not detailed, so one will need to refer to other sources for a more detailed look at these battles and horrors that ensued. This is an important book for those interested in Germany and life in the Third Reich at this time.The Reich rises with a quick run through of Hitler's youth and the German history, then the politics and Hitler's megalomania that led to national socialism and the rise to dictatorship. The Treaty of Versais and the fall of the mark lead to Germany's economic fall, allowing for the people to welcome in a dictatorship, a new messiah by deceit. The military buildup could now begin. The coups to overthrow Hitler and the Nazis had already failed and will continue to fail throughout the war. For the officers it was either death by Hitler or death by fighting. The massacres of the Russians began soon after the invasion of the East. The French and other countries were also caught up in the massacre, and William gives us the eyewitness reports. The Jewish cleansing started soon after the nazis took over their first countries. The Nazis kept developing more and more efficient means of extermination and experimentation. There is an exhaustive lead up to the start of W.W.II, the invasion of Poland. There was freighting information discovered on what would have been in store for Britain if invaded, not to mention the world and the slaughter of Russia. The Nazi's pinnacle arrives at about 2/3 of the way through the book where the fall begins with the Allied advance.It took military action eventually to stop Hitler's New world order, not the people. The lack of doing anything to stop Hitler from walking into the Rhineland should not be forgotten. Does not the blame fall partly on the people, Chamberlain, and the military generals? Maybe if more would have read Mein Kampf, and not disregarded it's contents millions would not have lost their lives. The Nazi propaganda took over the press, and soon indoctrinated the German people. There were many opportunities to stop Hitler by France and Britain early on. Have we not learned anything from the past? Is there not a parallel in our country?The Germans imposed the Nazi tyranny on themselves.Hegel was one of the many influences on Hitler and Marx. Hegel and Marxism is still very much alive today in humanism, nationalism, supreme state, racism, and mysticism",pos "After reading a book of Sandra Brown's that I horribly disliked, I was hesitant to give her another shot. I'm truly glad I did; The Witness was a first-rate thriller!The villains in this book are greasy, sick individuals that rather turned my stomach...just what you like when you want to get a taste of Why A Person Would Run For Their Life! Sandra Brown wrote these characters (and that of Ricki Sue-who I could easily picture!) particularly well. The baby was truly the icing on the cake: this infant motivated Kendall throughout the book and, like any mother, lived for the love of her child.I also loved the sexy, romantic element here-it was just enough that it didn't overwhelm the story...even better, it didn't change Kendall into a mindless goober (a state which many female characters in romance novels often achieve.)The Witness succeeded on so many levels yet fell short of a full five-star rating. Perhaps it was the Crooks...they came off a bit cliche, but were still necessary characters.Still, this book is an excellent, thought-provoking choice with a WOW ending. Very enjoyable",pos "Since reading this book in 1994, I have used it as a reference for my life AND work. Using a warm and witty style of writing, Allen teaches us the physiological and emotional benefits of mirth. My favorite chapter title is Strike While the Irony is Hot! So clever!! I recommend this book to friends who are facing life challenges and to everyone who attends my workshops. On a more personal note, since embracing The Healing Power of Humor, I felt freer to add a little levity to my Aunt Alice's funeral. My family was amazingly grateful. Me too",pos "While not written at the level of technical philosophical detail as Aquinas or Pannenberg (as another review here stresses), this text is still set apart from most general theological treatments by its philosophical clarity and coherence. This is in addition to the virtues of its serious treatment of the range of Scriptural data concerning each topic, its apologetic engagement with differing views, and its practical counsel for life and ministry. It is a great resource for thinking through major theological issues and positions. I recommend it highly",pos My pick for the finest book of 2005. (Ok Smith's on beauty is up there too) We know from page one that we are in the hands of a master craftsmen! Reading Ian McGawen is like watching a great pitching performance. It might be slower paced than you'd like but God is it beautiful. Fraught with elegance and grace Saturday is a great read and the work of a true literary giant. I highly reccomend this book.,pos "Book number three in the Outlander trilogy, the fantasy historical romance of the time traveling Claire Fraser, has Claire re-unite with her 18th century husband, Jamie, who she left before the battle of Culloden in Dragonfly in Amber. A time travel trip through the stones is once more necessary and Claire has to leave her beloved daughter Brianna behind.This trip is successful and Claire is now plunged into the complicated life of Jamie, who has survived the battle but now is dealing with the post-uprising difficulties of the Scottish. While Claire is involved with the difficulties of her re-union with Jamie, there is also a series of mysterious and violent murders in Edinborough, and the kidnapping of Jamie's nephew. Claire and Jamie sail the high seas and encounter pirates, voodoo and slave uprisings in the Caribbean.This colorful third installment in the series at times seems like it tries a little too hard to have Claire and Jamie caught up in every possible adventure of the time period. Nevertheless the foundation of the solid characters created and nurtured by Gabaldan weather the slightly torrid escapades of this timeless romantic couple. One of the new characters is a bit flimsy and caricatured; the giggling, bouncy, foot-worshipping Chinaman Mr. Willoughby. Although he later proves to be more substantial than his intial portrayal, the appearance of this character is contrived and jarring. A note I think the story would have been better without.Despite its flaws, Voyager continues the thread of a passionate romance and fascinating premise. The time travel fantasy is portrayed well--in particular the notion of what one would bring back to the 18th century if all you could carry was in your pockets. Combining historical romance and fantasy was a genius stroke that makes this series of continuing interest. Gabaldon's superior narrative, likeable characters and excellent research continue and keep her audience hooked. In light of the inherent difficulty of maintaining reader interest in a character and premise over three books, this is a highly sucessful sequel.",pos This book was stunning - I was enraptured with the writing and loved the story. So many emotions in one book. Looking forward to reading more from this author,pos "Angus Konstam's HISTORY OF PIRATES uses works from the Mariners' Museum in Virginia to provide a powerful visual impact. Piracy from ancient to modern times is surveyed in a series of maps, images, and discussions that cover specific events, regions, and pirates. Plenty of historical and political background to the events place each in perspective and provide an excellent survey of mariner events of the times. There are other pirate histories on the market - but none with the commitment to visuals of HISTORY OF PIRATES.",pos "Until very recently the subject of animal awareness has not even been approached with the correct questions. As Rogers clearly points out, most of the research on cognition has been directed at supporting the assumption that consciousness is an exclusively human phenomenon. An inherited predisposition to preserve a human monopoly on consciousness survives only because it appeases our omnivorous behaviors.In the early 1600's Spinoza correctly determined the existence of an emotional balance. He told us that one extreme emotion will dominate the senses until such time that an equally extreme opposite emotion brings us back to emotional center. Antonio Damasio provides a compelling case that consciousness is inextricably linked to emotion in his book The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness. Using Damasio and Spinoza as a frame of reference it follows that each and every decision we make is based on an emotion, not a uniquely quantifiable language infused thought, as the popular human interpretation might assume. Examples of this might be choosing the color of paint, a selection from a menu, the selection of a mate or which way to turn when unsure. Animals have provided us with an exhaustive and document able list of emotional behaviors. How is it possible to arrive at the conclusion that animals are not conscious when most animals will clearly display behaviors consistent with emotional stimulus?The last frontier of computer science is the quest for a conscious, non-human entity.Ray Kurzweil has spent the better part of his life predicting the emergence of an exponentially accelerating form of machine augmented human consciousness. In my view, it would be safer to assume that at some point technology will provide us with means to understand the different levels of consciousness that exist. While computers struggle to redefine consciousness by passing Turing Tests, visionary ethologists might find ways to interpret the world through different eyes.It is exceedingly difficult to discuss the subject of animal consciousness from the point of view of the animal and avoid emotional interpretations. Lesley Rogers has given us a glimpse of this vast subject by asking the correct questions and, providing the current objective answers from each available vantage point. At a disciplined two hundred pages the book stands out as a concise introduction to the subject of Animal Cognition.",pos "I am a professional photographer, and I was looking for a book on lighting technique - which this book supplied excellently.Their step by step approach is easy to follow and understand, and all explainations have images attached so you can see what they are talking about.They slowly build your general knowledge on how light works rather than supplying specific lighting diagrams, allowing (and suggesting that you do) you to adapt the knowledge to your own use. They then go into more detail with difficult lighting subjects such as metal, glass, and more, and how to deal with them.My only complaint is that the book is starting to feel a little old, especially when they talk about colour. It is almost exclusively film based with virtually no reference to digital technology. If they were to do an updated version with more emphasis on lighting for digital, I would provide 5 stars",pos This book was so different from what I thought it was about when I ordered it. It still was knowledgeable. It is hard to grasp as you must actually do the experimentation. I also thought the illustrations should be in color since that is what the book is about. It has some examples in the beginning of the book but I hate to keep looking around in books I personally like it to appear in front of me as I read. It was a very interesting book to say the least,pos "Over the years I managed a staff, I grew concerned about the ignorance of basic business behavior among employees. Asking a new staff member to read a book like this might head off some future conflicts. Worth a try... maybe even highlight some sections that you feel are most important",pos "Walter Boyne's The Influence Of Air Power Upon History is an informed and informative history which examines the nature and applications of air power from the early days of the balloon to current space warfare and jets. Air power exercised in both war and peace times survey the contributions made by people and technology of each era, drawing some important links between individual achievement and usage",pos "The insights here are simple, straightforward and profound. It explains how modern society can sometimes put men into a no-win situation, resulting in a feeling of frustration, impotence, incompetence, and depression. The only socially acceptable way to express it is rage (even though rage is vilified, I can tell you that showing hurt, pain and weakness invites scorn, distain and disrespect, even from those who purport to love us).By explaining how we get into this trap, it helps us to understand it and thus gives us a chance to find a way out. I wish I could give a copy of this book to every man and woman in the world. I see so much of it played out every day all around us, and the pain both men and women feel because of it does so much damage. Read it before you have a crisis if you can, but if you are already in crisis, make the effort to read this book even if you can't read anything else. It might even save your life. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.",pos "It was a cold and snowy February day when a stranger walked to a small country inn and ordered a meal and a private room. This stranger guards his privacy and desires solitude. His luggage consists of many bottles of powders and fluids as would be used by an experimental investigator. The local general practitioner visits the stranger, and sees something he can't believe. Then someone steals money from the Reverend Bunting although he and his wife see nobody. Later Mr. & Mrs. Hall, innkeepers, see the stranger's room is empty, until the chair moves around as if possessed by spirits. When questioned by Mrs. Hall the stranger removes his nose! Then the bandages and spectacles go, and the people see no head! When the constable comes to arrest him, the man removes all his garments and disappears into thin air. The crowd tries to grab him but he escapes.Mr. Thomas Marvel, a wandering tramp, is found by this Unseen and convinced to work for him. They return to the inn to fetch books and clothing. This sets off a commotion among the people there, and another chase. The panicked people fled from the streets and locked themselves in their homes. There was a story about flying money that was removed from shops and inns. At another inn Marvel seeks shelter, he has escaped from the Invisible Man. When this Unseen enters to take Marvel away, a bearded American fires at the Unseen with his revolver. Later the Unseen visits a physician for treatment of his wound (his blood can be seen). The Unseen has met Dr. Kemp at college, and is fed and clothed.The Unseen explains the scientific principles of optical density in a general way. If the refractive index of a substance was lowered to that of air it would be invisible in most cases (Chapter XIX). The Unseen kept his work secret because of the thefts in the scientific world of science. But the Unseen acquired money by foul means which cursed his work! Griffin tells of the previous experiments that led to invisibility (Chapter XX). The next chapters gives Griffin's history. But Kemp has written to the police, and they arrive. Griffin escapes once again, and Kemp warns the police about what must be done (Chapter XXV). Griffin is mad and inhuman, pure selfishness. His attempts to kill Kemp lead to his own destruction, and his body becomes visible after death (Chapter XXVIII).If accurate, this story provides a snapshot of life in London and its suburbs at that time. It also tells that carrying arms was nothing unusual. H. G. Wells shows his literary skills in making believable an impossible condition. There are those who still believe that describing something in words makes it real (like childproof guns, etc.). Readers of Wells' later works can judge how close to the truth his writings were. This fable warns against uncontrolled scientific experiments, from poison gas to atomic bombs, or the current craze for cloning or genetic modification The story of unseen theft of money can also be a warning against a Private Banking Cartel and its continual devaluation of the currency to help Big Business in its struggle against small businesses and working people. In this story the people unite to terminate the Unseen; this doesn't always happen in the real world.",pos "Nora's In The Garden Trilogy was great, but I must say not her best. Her characters are so life-like and you actually feel like you're part of the story. She's a phenomenal author and I have not come across anything of hers that I have not thoroughly enjoyed.I also highly recommend The Three Sisters Island Trilogy. By far my favorite.Happy Reading!",pos "The new economy is a global economy favoring intangible things: ideas, information, and relationships and is intensely interlinked. Today, the new information based sector occupies over 15% of the total US economy. In the postindustrial society, communication has become the economy and the cultural, technological, and conceptual impacts reverberate at the roots of our lives. The financial sector has reshaped the economy; the financial sector ownership involves only a small number of people; the financial innovations include: mortgages, insurance, venture funding, stocks, checks, credit cards, and mutual funds; the financial sector has given rise to corporations, market capitalism, the industrial age, and has influenced how all business has been done. Since communication is the economy, the net is the future. The net has accelerated in usage due to the increase in silicon chips and fiber optic data transmission; the net is weaving lives, minds, and artifacts into a global scale network; the result is the swarm of information, reticulating the surface of the planet; the new economy will increasing obey the logic of the networks and understanding the network will be the key to understanding how the economy works. In 1997, there were 6 billion non-computer chips and by 2005 the predicted usage was at 10 billion.The network represents connectivity. We are connection everything to everything. The network values the dumb power of bits in the swarm; the connectivity and usage of the dumb bits or parts in the swarm yield smart results; and we don't need advanced Artificial Intelligence to make an intelligent system. The network is a link of distributed, bottom up, data bits; it lets things communicate among themselves and takes a decentralized approach for communication, for example, manufacturing robots scheduling their own work based on incoming requests, as they bid on work dependant on their capability. The swarm aim is superior performance in a turbulent environment. Consider the power of the Wisdom of the crowds. In one case sample, 5,000 attendees, at a computer graphics conference were give individual access to a simulator and the task on how too land a plane. The attendee had novice knowledge about how to land the plane. The jet responded to the average decisions of the swarm. The group landed the jet with almost no direction. In another case example, the group was given the task to navigate a submarine and go look for buried treasure. The group could not initiate any movement until leadership from a loud speaker was given to go right. The leadership unlocked the paralysis of the swarm and the direction facilitated action.Technology success is measured on how invisible it becomes to the end user and how effective it becomes to the long term strategy in developing products and services that can't be ignored. The power of the network increases in value n power 2 where n is the number of members. Therefore, networks need to increase their critical mass of members to become effective. Innovation attracts members. Innovation is more important than price; price is the derivative of innovation; monopolies push up price and decrease quality and create a dangerous singular source of innovation; and the network destroys monopolies through collective innovation, such as, open source.",pos "Offers 10 rules for organizations to follow to benefit from the emerging Economy. The book is really just a condensed version of Kelly's earlier book, Out of Control",pos "The late Ed McBain left all mystery buffs a lasting legacy with his 87th Precinct novels but a worthy addition to this legacy is The Gutter And The Grave. Written in 1958, this hardboiled gem has been all but forgotten. But thanks to Hard Case Crime, a new generation can experience this incredible early work from one of the all-time masters.The hero, Cordell, is as tragic and harboiled as they come as he, soaked in cheap booze, wallows in the memory of an unfaithful wife. Until a favor for a friend draws him into a web of murder and deception. It seems everyone is lying and each lie twists the tail in new directions, leaving the reader's head spinning. The novel features McBain's usually excellent dialogue, the setting is well-drawn featuring the jazz scene in 1950's New York. There's humor, pathos, some great fights and enough broken dreams to fill Broadway.This little gem of a novel has been unavailable for far too long. I give it my highest recommendation. Fantastic!",pos "Greg Treverton has written a much needed overview of the national intelligence process and correctly identified the challenges which face the US, in a post-9/11 world. His views of the world beyond 2010 are quite revealing and his challenges to the intelligence community to assess threats to the US are precisely focused. His views on the major intelligence entities reveal urgent modifications of structure and process, if the intelligence community is going to regain relevance with national customers. As a teacher of intelligence process, specifically as it relates to strategic warning, I believe this book is essential reading for anyone who aspires to be a true intelligence professional. This book will help even the wisest analyst understand how to maximize available sources and methods. The quest to provide the best possible intelligence is a goal which must be achieved.",pos "Is this a book of New Yorker cartoons or a puzzle book? Well, it's a little of both, and the result is a novel way to laugh and exercise your brain at the same time. Most of the 83 puzzles consist of cartoons that are missing words, captions, or picture components. By figuring out the missing elements and sometimes combining them with acrostics, crossword puzzles, or other word grids, the cartoon humor is revealed.For the most part, the puzzles are of only moderate difficulty, although there are a few difficult ones (at least for me) that involve matching a cartoon with the decade in which it was created or matching cartoons from early and late in a cartoonist's career. Frequent puzzle solvers will recognize many of the familiar puzzle types from Games Magazine and other media that Puzzability publishes in. The foreword to the book contains a casual and loosely coupled conversation between New Yorker cartoon editor Robert Mankoff and New York Times puzzle editor Will Shortz.This is an entertaining book that you'll hate to throw away when it's been completed because of all the witty cartoons it contains. Enjoy!Eileen Riebac",pos "Videohound's Cult Flicks and Trash Pics is a book that I consult often. Not only is it informative, but it's very entertaining reading as well. This is a book that any cult movie lover should own. If the names Roger Corman, Lloyd Kaufman, Ray Dennis Steckler, David Lynch, Frank Henenlotter, Jack Hill, Herschel Gordon Lewis, Dario Argento, Paul Bartel, Russ Meyer, Terry Gilliam, Alex Cox, Edward D. Wood, Ken Russell, George Romero and John Waters mean anything to you then you need this book. In addition to reviews of hundreds and hundreds of cult films, the book has lengthy bios of many of the above filmmakers as well as actors and other important cult figures. Plus there are tons of photos, there's a big specific category index to help you find exactly what you're looking for and indexes for actors, directors and writers. One of my favorite features is that nearly every page features a quote from one of the movies featured in the book. This is a great book though it's far from complete. Lots of movie geeks will be able to look through the book and point out any number of movies that were left out. However, for every movie you know of that's not in the book there are probably five that you've never heard of. I recommend Cult Flicks and Trash Pics very highly",pos "Used this in medical school. Excellent resource. In my time google and yahoo were not around, so this was the quick source. now that [...] is around, not as necessary, but still valuable. There is a pediatric version as well.High yield",pos "This is a great book for those who have interest in modern economics. Vividly, the author used a lot of nice little stories to explain complicated theories proposed in academic papers (works that received the Nobel Prize).I'd strongly recommend this book to any undergraduate economics/business major as well",pos "Narrated through the heartfelt voice of Amy Tan, the Kitchen God's Wife illustrates a compelling story of heritage and self-discovery. As a young Chinese woman, Winnie Louie, the main character and the conduit through which Tan expresses her voice, must endure an atrocious life under the abuse and torture of her wicked husband Wen Fu, a pretentious, arrogant, and egregious man who not only cheated his way up the military ladder, but also committed numerous felons including rape, murder, blackmailing, and extortion. Day after day, beating after beating, Winnie slowly begins to realize that in order to escape from Wen Fu and start a new life free from violence and marked by love, radical and immediate actions must be taken. When dealing with someone without even a modicum of human decency, someone like Wen Fu, the usual, traditional, and orthodox actions are futile. Striking a perfect chord between concision and elaboration, Tan keeps the reader constantly engaged as the dramatic story of Winnie unfolds itself. Relying mostly on authentic voice and keeping the meretricious elements to a minimum, Tan narrates the novel with surprising precision and unmatched beauty. Against the magnificent backdrops of a WWII-era China, the novel reassures the universal nature of mankind, that the problems troubling people today are experienced by all generations, regardless of race, nationality, or social status. As you read this rare gem amount literature, open the introspective window and enjoy the novel with your heart.",pos "Imagine you're attending a career enhancement seminar and suddenly you're doused with a giant bucket of ice cold water. In essence, Fire Your Boss is just that. Stephen Pollan's discourse on the stark realities of the real world of work shatter all the hyperbole and fluff of careering in not just corporate America but any occupational arena. It's an easy, conversational and straightforward read that IMHO should be called Hire Your Boss. Pollan, a life coach with the style, chutzpah and hubris of a Donald Trump/Scott Adams hybrid, elaborates on the criticality of taking care of your number one customer in the microeconomic marketplace-your boss. Pollan supports the essence of this approach with references to how the economic landscape has changed over the last few decades and how it's helped to perpetuate agency activity in organizations. Simply put, managers will continue to act purely out of self-interest rather than an alignment with organizational objectives. With this in mind, what will avail those of the non-management cadre the most is looking out for the needs of supervision, with more of a hired gun approach rather than that of a sycophant. Many of Pollan's precepts will at first seem counterintuitive--such as work for the money, the love will follow or lose your career, get a job and may come across as trite and cynical. However when taken in context the underlying schema is this: a job is a means of providing income-no more, no less. Trying to find personal fulfillment therein is a recipe for self-destruction. The author does a fine job of using the experiences of his clients to help illustrate these key concepts and concludes by offering a seven-step roadmap to help one achieve the empowerment and independence in the modern job market.Although Pollan drives across some salient points about the contemporary world of work he does tend to oversimplify a bit with regards to some management behavior. Furthermore, some of his coping strategies have the guise of tactics that only a New York Attorney could formulate. Wait-Pollan IS a New York Attorney. In sum, this is as an island of sanity in a sea of Be a Star at Work banter that perpetuates the dangling-carrot-over-the-sea-of-cubicles syndrome. Finally, when you boil this down you realize that one as an employee should consider themselves self-employed. I find it a good affirmation of what work really should be and a refreshing rebuttal to all the careering pundits whose success is predicated on the management's mystification of office life.Not for the faint of heart!",pos "I liked this book, but I notice that all the critics seem to hate it. It did take me more than a year of picking at it on and off. I picked it up because Walter Laqueur referred to it in one of his books about terrorism. Written in 1886, it suggests that there is a pan-European anarchist underground, which the protagonist gets mixed up with. It is interesting in its depiction of liberal guilt among the wealthy, who support a political movement that would lead to their own extinction. The prose is wonderful, as is the depiction of the subtleties of the characters' personalities, if you have the taste for that sort of thing. All in all, it was worth reading and it passed the most important test for a novel: I finished it with regret. I had previously read and liked Portrait of a Lady, which is a superior novel. As much as I liked it, I would have to say do not start with Princess as an introduction to James. Incidentally, I have a theory about the omniscient narrator in James' books being a malign demiurge, but I will spare you that theorizing here",pos "This was the book that got me to enjoy reading back in the day. This was also my first Crichton, and I have to say I enjoyed it to the fullest. Easy to read adventure novel",pos "I think this is Harriet Lerner's best book. I has the clearest and most helpful chapter on family secrets that I've ever read. The chapter called A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Orifice is worth the price of the book. The chapter on affairs, even though controversial, should be helpful to all couples, especially if you think your partner will never cheat on you",pos "Lost in the Funhouse can be a very bewildering and irritating collection if you aren't in the right mood for it. If you aren't well-versed in post-modern fiction (barthelme, calvino, etc are good reference points) you might want to start somewhere else first. Even Barth's novels are more immediately digestible.With that said, though, this collection doesn't really operate on one consistent level. Perhaps this is because many of these stories were written by Barth much earlier in his career. The three stories concerning Ambrose's birth and development are very straightforward and enjoyable on a surface level until the whole series goes flying into left-field with the titular Lost in the Funhouse story (which Barth is probably most known for). From that point on, most of the stories are more about the process of writing and the relationship between the reader, writer, and the characters. Stories like Title and Life-Story work more as essays on the nature of fiction than actual works of fiction, and were (for me at least) a little tedious. The best moments occur when Barth combines his thoughful analysis on the nature of writing and art with a really good ground-situation, typically based on Greek mythology. The best of these are the utterly raunchy Petitition and the labyrinthine Menelaiad.Taken as a whole, though, Lost in the Funhouse is greatly satisfying, even if (like me) you really only understood about 20% of what Barth was talking about on your first read-through. It's the sort of book I'll go back to again and again to try and delve deeper into the mystery of the funhouse while appreciating all over the hilarious bawdy humor.Oh, and make sure to read Barth's seven additional notes at the front of the book (though maybe only after you've read the story that is being discussed in each note, so as not to ruin the initial experience)-- they really help to clarify some of Barth's intentions. I can't even imagine appreciating a story like Glossolalia without having read the note concerning it",pos "I ALREADY HAVE THIS BOOK AND I AM NOW BUYING FOR FRIENDS. IT DOES SPEAK TO ALL AGE GROUPS AND IS MAGNIFYING TO THOSE OF US GALS WHO GREW UP IN THE SAME TIME. ANNA QUINDLIN WRITES AS IF SHE BROKE INTO MY BODY AND STOLE MY THOUGHTS, MY DREAMS AND MY MEMORIES. IF SO, I THANK HER FOR THE INTRUSION BECAUSE SHE OBVIOUSLY LOOKED AROUND. IT SOMETIMES TAKES MY BREATH AWAY, THE WAY SHE PUTS INTO WORDS EXACTLY WHAT I FEEL. I THANK HER FOR THAT, BUT I WON'T ASK FOR ROYALTIES",pos "Though you may not immediately think that there is a connection between language and the places where you live and pass through, your sense of your surroundings and of language itself will be transformed after you read Gaston Bachelard's The Poetics of Space. Bachelard argues that language--especially poetry--can reveal hidden aspects of our experience of space, especially of our home space. For example, he considers how common phrases such as go up to the attic and go down to the basement are revelatory of our typical sense that stairs to an attic are stairs one ascends, while stairs to the basement are stairs one descends--in spite of the fact that both sets of stairs must be equally ascended and descended. As he does with other such observations, Bachelard extends his observation regarding the directionality of different staircases into a discussion of how the attic and basement hold different roles in our daily and imaginary lives. In addition to exploring how we experience space and place, Bachelard equally attends to the way in which language can function either as a daily and common means of communication or as a site of new and creative insight; roughly speaking, he argues that poetry happens when the motions of language itself open us up to a new way of seeing or understanding something. By reading this beautifully written and engaging book, you will likely come to understand or see anew experiences from childhood through adulthood that pertain to places where your have lived, grown up, felt comfortable or alienated, had a feeling of wonder or fear, etc. I recommend this book to anyone interested in the experience of place or space, in language and what it can reveal to us, or in what counts as poetry rather than as common everyday language",pos "Thank you, Dr. Null, for holistically addressing the health concerns that are predominant in women. The politics behind female healthcare are shocking and frightening. You put it all into perspective within these covers. You also saved me from the quandary of what to buy all the women in my family for Christmas. You're insightful and have a wealth of helpful information. Bless you",pos "Vintage McCourt! This is a good one but reminiscent of A Monk Swimming by the same author. Mallachy McCourt is good, but I prefer his brother, Frank. Poor man, I wonder how many times he has heard it. But it takes nothing away from the book. What genius of a family. Poverty in childhood has turned out into prosperity for posterity. Thanks McCourt Brothers",pos "As always, Jeffrey's book is worth reading very much. I have read the first version (edition), and I read this one again. If you want to know lots of inside out about CLR, this is the one to read. This is a must-read book before you go for a job interview, because you are expected to have read it by lots of interviewers.",pos "This plan actually works! In five months I've gone from a women's 2X to a 12 and I'm not finished yet! The basic plan is simple. Managing the exceptions is a bit more tricky, but of the three books I have by Michel Montignac, this one explains the exceptions the best. No counting calories! No extreme excercise! If you are looking for a balanced way of eating -- THIS IS IT",pos "I was surprised at some of the poor reviews given this book and have an idea that these stem from those picking up books from a list of Nebula Award winners. This book is not at all your typical SF story, indeed it feels much more like a mainstream story with some SF aspects than it does an SF story. I'm an avid reader of both science fiction as well as mainstream fiction, so this holds a good deal of appeal for me.Griffith's prose is wonderful and showcases a beauty of language seldom seen in science fiction. Her characterization is also near perfect. I won't spend time discussing the plot as that's been handled amply by the other reviewers, but I will echo one other person's thoughts: The storyline that has Lore working at a sewage plant is, surprisingly, every bit as engrossing as the ones that deal with her kidnapping and her high society upbringing. To me, that says a good deal about Griffith's talent as a writer.As for the sex scenes, which some people describe as being nearly constant in the book, there are actually about four or five scenes taking up somewhere around ten pages of the book (not each, but in total). Additionally, they're not placed in the story without purpose.Overall, an excellent book. Personally, I'm quite glad that it won a Nebula. It's certainly desereving",pos "This is a 4 CD set of meditations as a companion to The Inner Temple of WitchCraft book. Using the background of the book, the CD's set up an easy way to work with the material in the book without having to open the book to reference it during the mediations.Mr. Penczak's voice is perfect as far as I am concerned, it does not grate on you nor does it lull you into sleep. The light melodic fill is just that, filler for the spaces between words and does not distract from the words.I found the material covered to be good for meditation and it works well with the material in the book. If you find the book to be what you are looking for, the CD's are a good addition.I enjoyed the entire presentation, and Mr. Penczak gives us some very well based and solid material. boudic",pos A wonderful story of how even our smallest action can have great consequences that we can't even understand. A long book with fantastic memorable characters. My favorite of these characters were the two brothers who were fixated on Serial killers and natural disasters. This is the only way they know how to cope with the outside world.Overall-You will certainly get your money's worth. Enjoy this one.,pos "Have you ever been tempted to write pure nonsense? Maybe on some rainy first day of April? I once felt like writing:I sure made a mistake when I told the Goddess Minerva that She couldn't square the circle. In response, She drew a circle next to me, a truly beautiful and perfect circle. And right in front of my panicky brown eyes, She turned pi into four! Not just the circumference divided by the diameter, but the series expansion as an inverse tangent as well. What would She do next, make me unwell by dropping the first letter from my first name? i tried to apologize, but it was too late.I was not the only one to dream of mangling pi. In Contact: A Novel, Carl Sagan went me one better when he had aliens send messages to each other at infinite speed by hiding them in a numerical representation of pi and then, you guessed it, changing pi everywhere!Still, Alan Sokal went beyond even this, getting the following published in the journal Social Text:In this way the infinite-dimensional invariance group erodes the distinction between the observer and the observed; the pi of Euclid and the G of Newton, formerly thought to be constant and universal, are now perceived in their ineluctable historicity; and the putative observer becomes fatally decentered, disconnected from any epistemic link to a spacetime point that can no longer be defined by geometry alone.Sokal put this and many more whoppers into his hoax, which defended an equally absurd thesis: that physical 'reality,' no less than social 'reality,' is at bottom a social and linguistic construct.While this joke may not prove much, it does raise the issue of whether a few people in academia are misusing the vocabulary of science to create absurd statements in defense of an antirationalist point of view. This book shows that they are.The authors show that Jacques Lacan makes completely arbitrary analogies between topology and psychoanalysis. We then see some of the same irrelevance and superficial use of topology in the early works of Julia Kristeva. After an interlude in which Sokal and Bricmont seriously discuss the philosophy of science, there are more examples of academic nonsense. The next victim is Luce Irigaray, who in what I agree is about as ridiculously antifeminist a statement as one could make says:Science always displays certain choices, certain exclusions, and these are particularly determined by the sex of the scholars involved.That's rich: objective truth is different depending on whether one is a Woman or a man! I must admit that I half expected Irigaray to say that pi was different for Men and women.After that, we see Bruno Latour's idea that Einstein's Theory of Relativity has implications for sociology. The authors point out that this is manifest nonsense. Were we to discover tomorrow that the ratio of the mass of a particle to its energy were slightly different from what relativity predicted, there would be a revolution in physics, but no need to alter theories of human behavior.Later, we see Jean Baudrillard say, It is a sign that the space of the event has become a hyperspace with multiple refractivity, and that the space of war has become definitively non-Euclidean. And there are more, um, words, from Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, and Paul Virilio.Sokal and Bricmont conclude that all this inanity is a threat. That either it will lead to even more irrationalism in academia or to an academic abandonment of social critique. And I think it's worth warning us to avoid such a future. But I also think we simply need social journals to get scientists to review (and reject) papers that use big scientific words instead of making coherent statements",pos "Erin Hunter has once again created a captivating saga about the four clans of warrior cats...who could be living in your own backyard.This first installment begins where the last book left off. Firestar, the protagonist of the original series, is now the leader of his Clan, and his two daughters Leafpaw and Squirrelpaw, are now the main characters, along with a great cast of new cats and some familiar faces. Along with Brambleclaw, the son of treacherous Tigerstar, Feathertail and Stormfur, the kits of Firestar's best friend Graystripe, Brambleclaw's sister Tawnypelt, and the newbie Crowpaw, Squirrelpaw embarks on a journey to save the Clans. Meanwhile, Leafpaw is left to try to decipher mysterious messages from Starclan.This book is a great, fast-paced read for any cat lover or fan of the first series. The plot is well-developed and intriguing from the first chapter",pos "Peggy Noonan's Reagan has the texture of truth, unlike a recent Reagan bio by Richard Reeves that has the texture of slime. Noonan's Reagan is not hagiography; it's clear-eyed, clean, and palpably honest. I feel Ms. Noonan's honesty just as I felt the incredible lightness of Reeves' shallowness.Noonan wrote her story of a great man and the building of his character as Ronald Reagan lay dying. Now that he's gone, Peggy Noonan is our era's great communicator. Not every word of When Character Was King is the utterly necessary word at the absolutely necessary time -- a few of her words don't fit and an occasional fact is flubbed -- but all other words of hundreds and thousands fit perfectly into the best portrait we have of a good and great man, a description also used fittingly for Dwight Eisenhower.Noonan, I believe, is the only biographer of President Reagan who understands the import of a first-term footnote, an episode that most of the world has learned to forget or, like Reeves, has learned to diminish. That's the PATCO strike which, as Noonan shows, had world-historical implications. By the force of his focus, President Reagan used PATCO to reassert free-world mastery in our twilight struggle with an Evil Empire that was evil and that was an empire. Thank God we had Reagan at a moment of maximum danger. Thank God he had Noonan to tell his story",pos This book is excellent reading to inspire leadership. Its greatest asset is the fact that Connelly selects great leaders and writing that characterizes their personal leadership styles,pos "The first book in NR's 'Born In' series is wonderful, you don't want to miss it! Born In Fire focuses on Maggie Concannon, a tempermental and loyal woman who is also a gifted artist. Gallery owner Rogan Sweeney takes an interest in Maggie's fabulous glass creations, and soon after takes a personal interest in Maggie herself. Maggie is a wonderful character, stubborn and flawed, yet still caring. Nora does a fabulous job of developing Maggie, and does it in a way that she seems like a real person. Rogan is an extremely likeable hero. Maggie's sister, Brianna, is her complete opposite; quiet, sweet, and calm. The relationship between the two sisters, however, is very touching and very real. This book is full of colourful characters, some we love and some we hate. The romance between Rogan and Maggie is wonderful. Basically, I just can't say enough good things about this book. You will love it",pos "Cahill's writing is somewhat of an acquired taste. This is a compilation of outdoor stories which do not always seem self contained - some missing context, some missing closure. And they are not necessarily adventures in the conventional sense, as stories may focus on nature, archaeology, sociology, etc. While the book cannot be construed as an outdoor reference, there is good information (ex. wisdom of cave diving). Some stories hit the vicarious adventurer's sweet spot. The author is at his best in this book when relating his experience caving in Kentucky, engaging the reader with educational content (ex. barometric effect on air flow), spectacular descriptions(ex. lightening igniting bat guano), and hair raising suspense (ex. getting lost in a maze of passages). Not all of the stories held an equal level of interest for me, but they are short enough to peruse and ponder as time permits",pos "By far a very thorough and intelligent read. I could not put it down.The evidence that pyramids all over earth from a lost epoch of man align to specific star clusters is overwhelming in my opinion.Doesn't take a PhD to realize that if something looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.... chances are it's a duck.Everthing is presented via full color images and in an easy to comprehend format. It has changed my perspective and at the same time answered many questions for me personally; and of course will raise many more!An absolute must read",pos "Spring Snow is unquestionably one of the finest Japanese novels ever written, as well as being a masterpiece of world literature in its own right. It is an eloquent, moving story with a tale as old as time, that of star-crossed lovers who's love transcends social roles and obligations.In another culture, with another writer, this would be a romantic, if not happy, story. But this is Japan, and the writer is Mishima Yukio. In his hands, the lovers Kiyoaki and Satoko transcend literary stereotypes, and become agents of their own happiness and destruction. By the very nature of their relationship, raised together since childhood, playing a complicated cat-and-mouse game of love and sexual tension, their future is never in doubt.It is impressive that a writer such as Mishima, known for his right-wing politics and his samurai dreams, could craft such a tender love story. While knowing the eventual conclusion, the reader savors and hopes for each stolen moment of happiness between Kiyoaki and Satoko, and knows that even their despair is something to be treasured because it is shared. Not that it is a clear path. Even knowing Japanese literature, and the road it usually takes, there are surprises on the way. Things do not turn out the way one would expect.I was incredibly moved by Spring Snow. It is a novel that affects the heart of the reader, and lingers long after the last page is turned.",pos "I read the second edition of this book since it is enlarged with the study of the housing market. The phenomenon of bubbles and negative bubbles or collapses is described extremely well by means of statistical data of markets for over a century and a half. The raw data is adjusted to inflation to give a realistic perspective of the trends and patterns. Bubbles seem to be occurring at regular intervals typically based on the new era story and everyone believes at least during the heady days that good times are here to stay. But as shown by proven evidence of the past, no bubble has sustained itself permanently and good reason prevails sooner or later. When this happens, the bloated bubble collapses and the hangover is terrible. The story so far is quite simple. But what makes this book so interesting is the depth of research and the manner in which the phenomenon is studied and explained.The combination of mass psychology and market prices is at the core of this book. For bubbles to happen, information flow is the key. Media plays a significant role in disseminating information and bubbles seem to have originated in recorded history after the advent of the print media. In recent times electronic media particularly the television and the internet play a significant role in speeding up bubble formation and also the reversals. Media needs a storyline and this story needs to be continued to retain customers on a daily basis. Stock market is the ideal place that offers an opportunity to try one's luck if a casino is far away. Backed by on-line dedicated news channels and internet trading, well, it is not surprising that we have day traders in herds. In such situations fundamentals like industry analysis and P/E ratios take a backseat as explained by the author. Historical averages are breached and a euphoria of once in a life time opportunity prevails. What happens to the Efficient Markets Theory in such situations?. Since this theory says that markets are perfectly priced based on all publicly available information there cannot be a situation of either under pricing or over pricing. This book perfectly challenges the efficiency and accuracy of this theory.It is unfortunate that substantial amounts of investments meant to be otherwise risk free sources of income, pension funds for example, are getting diverted into risky markets. Here the author has come out with a list of some sound proposals to protect hard earned life long savings of innocent citizens who are exposed to the irrationality of markets.The bubble in the housing market is also discussed well. Housing seems to be isolated bubbles occurring in specific regions and not a global phenomenon. But nevertheless the damage can be the same. The party of low interest rate regime seems to be over and a spike in mortgage rates is sure to be the needle that will prick right through this big speculative bubble.What goes up has to come down ! But once you start reading this book, it is difficult to put it down. Intellectually stimulating and bound to be economically rewarding.",pos "A Late Divorce is one of my very favorites novels. This ordinary tale about the late divorce of a middle-aged couple, one of whom is in a mental institution, is told from the perspective of each member of the family: children, their spouses and mates, grandson,etc. I have rarely laughed so much, or been touched so much, by the insightful description of the Kaminka family and their travails over a failed marriage, real estate and conflict. The scene with the rabbis at the mental institution is literary hilarity at its best...A wonderful work, original, illuminating and FUNNY",pos "I agree with the first reviewer: this is what art criticism, politically engaged or not, should read like. Berger was an old-time Marxist; I am an Anglosphere conservative. He is a man of the Left; I am of the Right. No matter, his essays are the most wonderful introduction to art criticism, and at times philosophy, that I have read. Incredibly perceptive, sensitive, without empty sentimentality but filled with genuine sentiment and deep empathy for the human condition, Berger can make any painting or work of art say more than even its author may have intended. He uses history but is not a historicist, for he lets the works reveal themselves openly. The essay That which is held, a philosophic vindication of romantic love through an analysis of time is a near masterpiece of the essay form worthy of Montaigne. Berger will be missed in the barren landscape of contemporary Europe. Danto and the Americans are simply not in his league",pos " I have enjoyed all of David Gemmell's work but this one takes the prize. It contains sorrow, great sacrifice, courage, honor, and some of the best battles every written. It is easy to see the scenes and the people as you read, the characters are ones you will become attached to. If you love fantasy that involves warfare and courage with people making the best of a bad situation and with no magic items to save the day, you will love this book",pos "in order to properly understand the Jesus of the new testament, instead of making a Jesus of our own liking, it is necessary to understand Jesus as he himself indicated. Jesus himself, according to the new testament, made constant reference and allusion to the hebrew scriptures, ( old testament ), as he sought to explain himself, his actions, his teachings and his significance. Understanding the old testament is therefore of paramount importance for understanding what Jesus was and is about. This means far more than knowing some of the messianic proof texts or knowing about Noahs ark or the temple and sacrificial system of the ancient hebrews. Understanding the old testament involves knowing the overall aim and purpose of it, and how it all is held together by connected themes that form a unified whole. Christopher Wright's book, Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, is an absolute Godsend towards getting the drift of the old testament and how it carries forward to the Jesus of the new testament. This book is a little bit technical at times, it is not a devotional work, but reading this book will educate a person to accurately understand what the old testament is about and how it flows into the person of Jesus, thereby expositing the true meaning and intent of Jesus according to the background that Jesus himself referred to. Thanks Chris Wright for this fabulous book. Also see his forthcoming book, The Mission of God, due out in fall of 2006 by intervarsity press. It looks to be another bullseye!! For some other great little books on Jesus that are sane and sober, see: Jesus and His World by Peter Walker, The Original Jesus by N.T. Wright, and for a bit of a larger work see Jesus and The Gospels by Craig Blomberg",pos "This book provides a straight-forward approach to a raw-food diet, and the changes required to maintain the health of your pet through the process. It also helps to have someone who can assist you in locating the ingredients locally, but Schultze provides all the requisite information that you will need. A great resource to go to when you get a nagging question, or have a concern. Try not to let people talk you out of trying the diet, as you WILL see changes in the health of your pet; many veterinarians that I have spoken with are not particularly supportive. My 2 y/o Lab has a softer coat, clearer eyes, and better muscle tone since I have started him on the diet. This diet is slightly more expensive than feeding dog chow, but the reward of having a healthy, happy pet far outweigh the associated costs. Good luck, and enjoy your pet",pos "A comprehensive, entertaining and plainly written introduction to critical thinking. It should be in every school and public library (preferably next to the biology books that have been stickered with pro-creationist caveats).My only complaint is the title. Perhaps it should have been called The Critical Thinkers' Reference so as not to confuse those poor mites who cannot differentiate between rational thought and Cartesian Skepticism.Of course, if your world-view is not based on rational thinking and evidence, then the knowledge contained in this book may make you feel uncomfortable. You may even feel threatened to the point that you negatively review it. Guys - as Robert Park once said: Alas, to wear the mantle of Galileo it is not enough that you be persecuted by an unkind establishment, you must also be right. Please read this book (or even read the FAQ on Carroll's website) and learn how to reason.",pos Like so many of the books in the for dummies series it is well written and just gets down to business. The approach taken with this book is a nonviolent approach to training with training being enjoyed by both man (or woman) and beast. I have been training my Shiba Inu puppy based on this book for the last two months now and have had good results.,pos "sometimes when you read a book you are expecting to read some details,but a book like this blows the lid off the mother fully. Deborah Santana doesn't hold back at all. she takes you on a journey from her childhood to her teen years with Sly Stone.&then eventually with her Husband Carlos Santana. you read about a strong Woman who overcame so many obstacles&was grounded strongly&thrived despite some negative forces. a very powerful book that you simply can't put down. Deborah Santana is a Remarkable Soul Sister. this is a Must read book from start to finish.",pos "Only my second James Patterson book, When the Wind Blows, will keep me coming back for more. I was not disappointed and look forward to reading many more of his novels.Frannie, a veterinarian, and Kit, an FBI agent find themselves thrown together in the hopes of saving a few very special children. Surrounded by some mysterious deaths in the past few years, including her own husbands, Frannie now is trying to stop yet another murder. It all begins when she thinks she sees a girl with wings in the forest near her home in Colorado. From here we learn of genetic experiments and more heinous crimes than those.This book was written prior to the much acclaimed and popular Lakehouse with many of the same characters.",pos "Ordinary Joy reminds you that God is in fact all around you in your ordinary living if you just take a break from all the hustle and bustle and truly appreciate His beauty. Joe Campeau uses personal illustrations that we can relate to, and in turn, relates them to the teachings of Jesus. On a personal note, my own faith has waivered for quite some time that after taking a closer look, I am rediscovering God's presence in my life and I know that, no matter what, the sun will shine tomorrow and I will be kissed by Son again and again and it can never be wiped away. Peace and JOY",pos "The mysterious oriental mirror is ugly, and it has powers that wield themselves on the unexpected. It wreaks havoc and sometimes kills, as is the case with several people in this book. The rest are either thought mad or driven mad. Question: If you could, would you switch places with somebody else in a different time? I think I might, but I would like to be given a choice. Brandy McCabe and her granddaughter Shay Garrett aren't given that choice. Both are 20 years old and about to marry men neither love when the mirror transports them into each other's bodies.Marlys Millhiser has woven a complex and fascinating story of culture shock in which Brandy becomes her granddaughter and Shay becomes her grandmother. Shay is thought crazy in the early 1900s because she can tell the future, and she keeps a diary to tell her grandmother how she has lived out her life should she return to her own body one day. Her story and how she deals with a pre-citified Boulder, Colorado is the most interesting segment of the book, but I didn't feel sorry for Shay as much as I admired her strength of character. She also had her mother's stories of her ancestors to go on, but this was not the case for poor Brandy. The Garrett's and Shay's fiancee' don't know what to do with a pregnant Shay who is terrified and clueless about the year 1978, but they know after discovering the diary that she really is Brandy.The story is often heartbreaking, often times quite funny, and there are so many supporting and unforgettable characters--like the lovable Thora K., Brandy's first mother-in-law and the old man who takes care of Shay when she runs away from her family--that this book is not only compelling, but also makes you think about your own place in this world. What Shay and Brandy do have in common is Rachel, Brandy's daughter and Shay's mother. Now picture those two being in each other's place when you think of that!Somebody here called the book a literary classic; I wouldn't go that far, but it is excellent, regardless. The Mirror is magical storytelling any way you look at it, so let it weave it's spell on you.",pos This book provides a very interesting and informative detail of the history of birth culture in America as discovered through the study of birth chairs. In incluedes intriguing pictorial documentations of birth chairs and how they evolved into the modern maternity beds in use today,pos "Having read Katherine, I wanted to get my hands on another Anya Seton novel. Her words are beautiful and her accurate historical references in the Medieval and Renaissance eras are breathtaking. People recommended Green Darkness because of its timeless romance, historical feel and paranormal aspects centered on past lives and reincarnation. So I gave Green Darkness a whirl. This enormous book (a big trade paperback with over six-hundred pages) enthralled me from beginning to end and I wish it had been longer, that the magic hadn't ended. Despite its rather large size and intricate story, the novel ended too soon for me. (I like big books, but you have to make sure that you will enjoy the whole thing when getting a large volume.) I finished this gem in three sittings. The novel's setting begins in the late 1960s (around the year this was first published). Richard Mardson takes his beloved wife, the American heiress Celia Taylor, to his estate in Sussex, England. There he shows her around the ancient castle that had belonged to his noble family for centuries and introduces her to his friends and peers, all respectable noblemen and women like Richard. But something strange begins to happen between them. Celia is experiencing deja vu, as though she'd been there before. This happens the second she enters the castle. At the same time, Richard becomes restless and moody. Celia is bewildered by his abrupt change from the once loving man to someone who isolates himself and avoids her. Their lives and their marriage could be in shambles, and Celia has to go back to her previous life during Tudor England to figure out what had gone wrong in order to salvage their happiness at present time. Her past life is a woman named Celia Bohun who falls for a handsome monk named Stephen (Richard) Mardson. Their forbidden love is timeless and the things they go through are staggering. There are many twists throughout the novel.I have read few novels that had made me go through as many emotions as this one had done. Celia and Stephen's love for one another was something truly beautiful and tragic at the same time. This novel brought me to tears by the time I finished. The building of tension between the protagonists is almost palpable. Celia is a very complex heroine. She is proud and innocent, but also could be quite the vixen when she sets her mind to it, especially when Stephen is involved. Stephen is a tall, dark and gorgeous hero who has taken a vow of chastity for his religion, but his attraction to Celia is undeniable and it is something that torments him. This part of his personality makes him a tortured soul and he is very appealing as a result. The part in which Celia looks after him when he falls ill is one of the sexiest scenes in the novel. It has a mixture of eroticism and innocence, for it is the first time Celia sees Stephen's nude body. The romance is indeed wonderful, but the historical references make this novel all the richer and more palatable. We experience all of the things that occurred during Tudor England, from Henry VIII's reign passing on to Queen Mary and onto Queen Elizabeth I. I have been reading quite a lot of historical/biographical novels and finding this book was like finding hidden treasure. You feel the time period and the events that took place in those times. The most insightful things for me were those centered on Queen Mary's persecution of Protestants and all the historical things that occur while time passes after the scandal centered on Celia's love for Stephen. The ending is one of the best endings I have read. Green Darkness is a true treasure that all historical enthusiasts should own. The story is quite intricate, not an easy read by a long shot (I find that most novels that center on reincarnation are very complex), but the overall development of the story is extremely well woven and beautifully executed. There are numerous characters in this novel, but I never felt like I had to keep up with them in order to remember them. Each character serves his or her purpose and I loved them (or hated them if they were villains). The one thing that puzzled me was the emphasis on Mabel's weight. I thought plump women were considered prettier in those times. And Celia (the twentieth century one) sounds a little too British for an American who'd set foot in England for the first time. Other than those negligible details, Green Darkness is perfect. Anya Seton was a great author, one of the best in her time. I think I like this novel more than Katherine. I wonder if Anya Seton and this novel inspired Jude Deveraux to write Remembrance (which I read at the same time as this one), which is another romance centered on soul mates and past lives partly set in the sixteenth century. Anyway, Green Darkness is one of the best historical/paranormal novels out there and I cannot recommend this memorable gem enough",pos "A Jules Vernes classic, this is one of those novels that has stood up well against the test of time. True, there are some items that may seem a bit dated, and of course the whole scenario of the fantastic adventure to the depths of the earth is impossible. Yet, this novel is still a joy to read.With a stoic Icelander as their guide, a renowned professor and his reluctant and skeptical nephew descend into the depths of a volcano in the vast frozen tundra of the Arctic, as the adventurers attempt to retrace the steps of a renowned alchemist. Contrary to popular belief (and scientific reality), the party descends deeper into the bowels of the earth, which is remarkably of a mild climate and not a boiling inferno. I won't serve as spoiler, but sufficed to say, that they uncover vast new worlds and creatures living in the subterranean world hundreds of miles beneath the terrestrial crust of the earth.Vernes does attempt to make their descent seem plausible from a scientific standpoint. Their instruments, a crude electric light and others, would be considered state-of-the art for their time. Vernes also goes in great detail to describe the geological formations and fossilized remains contained in the earth. Vernes also attempts to explain how it is possible to travel so far under the surface of the earth without increased pressure harming the body. And if you take Verne's theories to heart (although modern science refutes them), their journey is plausible.However, I do have a couple minor gripes. Vernes goes into great detail describing fossils and rock formations, which no doubt lend scientific credence to his novel. Although this may interst a geologist or paleontologist, the rest of the masses (myself included) probably find this too tedious and distracting from the main story line. Also, there is one glaring scientific discrepancy with Vernes logic. During their rapid ascent (the details I won't reveal), the adventurers would have surely perished from decompression sickness (a.k.a., the bends). Although it was still a new phenomena at the time, I believe Vernes should have taken into account the rapid change in pressure, as he did during their slow descent into the abyss.The nitpicking aside, this is a superb novel that has withstood the test of time. A modern reader will no doubt be entertained and enthralled at Verne's vision of a subterranean world. Nearly a century and a half later, Vernes' works still inspire awe and imagination",pos " I was stunned to see so many critical reviews of this book here. Even more stunned by the criticisms. This is not a scientific treatise, and never pretends to be. This is not an introduction into the more abstract and obscure aspects of Emergence, nor is it a dry and tedious mathematical paper. This is an interesting, graspable, exciting and intelligently written book about a phenomenon which is absolutely, positively crucial to understand. To some people Emergence is a particular abstract in a particular field - those people were disappointed and found this light reading - which is really too bad, because they are the ones who NEED this book the most. Alas, we can expect it to be a while before these scientist can look outside their own shallow mud-puddles of their over-specialties to see how applicable emergent theory is to the world we are immersed in, both natural and man-made. If you didn't find this book exciting, you didn't read it. Sit down and read it without distraction and prejudice. Let Johnson do what he does best; take you on a journey of ideas and concepts. Sure, some of it is simplified for the lay-reader, but anybody who isn't a total couch-potato is going to find the content interesting enough to set-out and search for details on their own. It isn't Johnson's goal to elaborate on some trivial and fragmentary specialty that only people with masters degrees and secured positions in academia could possibly enjoy or tolerate. His goal is to show what emergence IS and why it is SO important, how vast the concepts are in their potential application in every imaginable field, and how elegant, simple, complex, chaotic, and BEAUTIFUL emergence IS ! And he does exactly this quite well. If you read this book and are not excited, you didn't get it. Read it again. And again. Look up the examples of emergence, and try to actually find your own examples of emergence in YOUR world, in YOUR daily experience. The enrichment you'll gain from it will be worth a lot more than any silly over-specialty in an obscure field of research that nobody has ever hear",pos A WONDERFULLY TOLD CAT-TAIL! THE ILLUSTRATIONS ARE LOVELY AND APPROPRIATE TO THE PLAYFUL THEME OF THE BOOK,pos "I love this cookbook. There are so many amazing recipes. As someone who is allergic to dairy, I am totally blown away at how creamy some of the dishes are. Besides the recipes, the book is filled with beautiful pictures and profound quotes that combine together to create a really special reading experience. I highly recommend this cookbook to vegans, vegetarians, people allergic to dairy and wheat, and meat eaters, as well",pos "i am a kindda new wife but struggling with learning how to grow up and not be a nag. stormie is very easy to understand in her book and can relate to almost anyone. like another person said i do feel like this book was written just for me. the written prayers help me bc sometimes i dont know how to pray for my husband and this gives u the words to say and scripture to back up everything she says. also, it helps me more importantly be a better wife. this isnt a book to try to get ur way and mold and change ur husband. i'd say its about giving urself up to The Lord to change u and make u a better wife . and praying for ur husband is selfless and probably one of the most important things u could be doing. i highly recommend this book, highly. it changed me almost instantly!",pos "I have read all of Van Gulik's murder mysteries and this is has to be my favorite. The characters are intriguing and some sinister. The end is satisfying and bittersweet, challenging integrity vs justice. I would, however, recommend you read the others first (chronological is good, Chinese Gold Murders is first) to get to know the main characters although this book can stand on on its own",pos "This is in my opinion John Bradshaw's best book. It encapsulates his thinking on the area of toxic shame and demonstrates how this phenomenon is at the core of compulsions, addictions, co-dependencies and our need to achieve beyond what is really necessary or serves our larger purposes.In this volume, John Bradshaw demonstrates how toxic shame develops and leads to the breakdown of families. He also talks about how this cycle is perpetuated through generations and actually covers a lot of ground in terms of family dynamics.Through affirmations, working with feelings, visualizations and other techniques, the author shows the reader how to work through toxic shame. As someone who has done the work himself, he comes across as compassionate, knowledgeable and very practical.Sometimes I get annoyed when I read this book because of unnecessary repetition of some key concepts. This is the explanation for my 4 rating, along with the fact that many of his books overlap each other with respect to content. Therefore, my overall rating is that this is a solid, well-written classic that certainly deserves its best-seller status. However, prepare yourself for some repetition and unnecessarily long examples of what he is talking about.",pos "I love this book! I love this series and it absolutely pains me to think that this may be the last (I say maybe because originally Buddies was supposed to be the last). It is such a difficult book to pick up and read because every emotion invested in the previous three books is tested. My love for Dennis Savage's irony becomes sorrow at the hope that he will lose face and stay with Little Kiwi. My love for Little Kiwi's innocence becomes concern for his actions. It's like watching your child make questionable decisions and knowing that no matter what the result, the choices that they make are theirs, and there's nothing you can do about it, but let them be chosen. It's hard letting Little Kiwi grow up and become Virgil Brown. I imagine it's the same way with a child, but at least then you get to see what happens! Mind you, the book like the other three is a comic genius with subtle, feeling humor that has you laughing one minute and crying the next. But just like Just Above My Head by James Baldwin (which I highly recommend), I have been unable to pick up this book and read it again. It simply leaves me realing with so many feelings, yet I would not trade the experience reading it with anything. How does one mix merriment with malaise so well? Read the book and find out",pos This book will be invaluable now as I am going to groom my dog myself. The instructions are easily understood,pos "I LOVE Joanna Brady! However, this introduction to her and her life in Bisbee is NOT the best book Jance has ever written. One thing that is terrific about Jance, though, is that she is from Bisbee and describes the town in exact detail. Bisbee is a quaint crazy town and Jance grabs all of the details of that small town oasis in the desert. Joanna Brady is a likeable character and the series gets beter and better as time goes by. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!",pos "This is a cute story about a spider who drops in on a farm. All the farm animals greet her and invite her to play. But the spider spends the day building her web instead. The book is fun and informative, and not at all scary. The pages are doubled so they are easy to turn, but be careful, because inquisitive little fingers may reach inside the pages and rip them. The book has about 350 words",pos "Collins' efforts with his justly famed The Moonstone and The Woman in White have perhaps overshadowed his very fine work as seen in Armadale. Lydia Gwilt (don't you love the last name?) is one of the great unsung characters in English (or any western) literature. Collins seems to delight in making her as full-bodied, as attractive to men, and as dangerous as he can without ever losing his grip and falling over the slippery precipice into satire. Given the tenor and social conventions of the time, her quest for revenge on the despicable Alan Armadale seems perfectly in keeping. Lydia Gwilt is like an early, English Scarlett O'Hara without the redeeming humor Scarlett was known to exhibit. All in all, an extraordinarily well-written and three-dimensional character study",pos "I evolved into a lower carb nutrition by finding first that I needed more protein than I had thought and that I reacted strongly to sugars. I bought this book when I decided to lose a few pounds, but wanted to understand any health implications related to a low carb diet. I was already having gall bladder and liver issues. I bought this book first and 2.5 years later, it is still the best reference I have. The chapter on hormones is a bit technical, but this chapter alone is worth the price of the book.Within three days of eliminating grains from my diet, I no longer cared whether or not I lost weight. My awful blood sugar drops and painful bloating were gone, my energy increased significantly and within weeks I noticed that the gall bladder pain was gone (and it hasn't come back). Within three months my intense hot flashes disappeared and I started sleeping better.The book first describes what low carb nutrition is, then goes on to discuss hormones and how insulin impacts the overall balance of the body's hormones in different ways. It addresses overall energy, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, vitamins and minerals, and weight control (one chapter - the rest is on health issues).",pos Three of my nephews and my son's favorite book. He wore it out and I had to buy another one.,pos I thought that the two books previous to this in the Duncan Kincaid/Gemma James series were slight disappointments. Kincaid seemed relegated to a side character with Gemma taking the lead. IN A DARK HOUSE is an excellent mystery that brings the two back to equal ground and re-establishes them as one of the best partnerships in mystery fiction,pos This is an excellent book. The anecdotal stories that the author includes make the book much more readable when compared to other parrot guides. The authors book on Senegal parrots and their family is also full of information.,pos "On the surface, Natsuo Kirino gives us a book loaded with nail-biting, page turning suspense. What lies beneath is a scathing commentary on the social climate for women in Japan. Women are seen as beautiful young pets, or useless old bags. Kirino shows a side of Japan that I didn't know existed.Kirino's brilliant characterization makes this book work. Every person is fleshed out within the context of the story, and flashbacks are only used when absolutely necessary. I never felt like the story was on hold while I learned about someone's childhood. I can't stand it when writers stop a story cold just to fill in holes that they have created. Kirino doesn't have that problem.The book has a bit of a slow start, but it is necessary for the author to paint a picure of the mundane world the characters live in before things start to heat up. The story picks up momentum and charges through to a brilliant ending (I have to disagree with other reviewers who disliked the ending. If you don't like the ending, you may be missing the point of the whole book). The plot twists manage to surprise the reader without feeling forced. Kirino's style is concise and well-paced.My one complaint is that it is difficult to keep the characters straight because of their similar names. With names like Yayoi, Yoshie, and Yoko it's hard to know who's who at times. This may show my American ignorance, but I have to admit that this was a problem for me.This minor complaint aside, I loved this book and I highly recommend it to all fans of crime fiction",pos "As a therapist (16 yrs), I have been using the material in this book for reframing the experience of depression for my clients. The clients I have introduced this book to are now reframing their illness as an intiation into a greater understanding of their relation to self/soul. While at times dry for most laypeople, It has become a reference book for my practice",pos "In response to the guy who said this book isn't scientific I say, it's as scientific as the diagnosis. (Which is essentially a catalog of behaviors that annoy teachers, but I digress.) There's no scientific proof that ADHD actually exists as a disorder. Since we don't understand the brain, or why it does things, how can we assume that brain scans actually tell anyone anything? Choosing a positive perspective about annoying behavior is a good start. The book is worth your time, but you should also check out Hallowell or Ingersoll",pos "Among all the theories of ethics with which I am familiar, I have always found Kant's system to be the best: carrying out one's duty for the sake of the duty itself. The problem with Kant, however, is that his theory of morality is grounded outside humanity, dependent on a source of which we can never, some may claim, have any understanding. Christine Korsgaard fixes, at least for me, this problem, by showing that one does not have to venture outside humanity in order to ground its morality. In short, the source of normativity is our humanity itself.I don't want to get into too much details and give away the main points of the book. Suffice it to say that it offers, in my opinion, some of the best arguments for the objectivity of morality. The conclusion I reached after reading the book was this: It is as much justified for a human to complain 'Why should I be moral?' as it is for him/her to complain 'Why should I have two eyes?' In both cases, the answer is 'Because you are a human being, a social animal with two eyes.'",pos Highly recommended! The text is engaging and very informative. Clear possibilities for implementation,pos I really enjoyed this book. It was a few good laughs over a few good dumps. What else can a Goomba ask from a book sittin' on the back of the cammode,pos "I found Lovemaps a valueable and insightful look at the way individuals relate to sexual behavior and establish their sexual identify and desires based on life experiences which as Dr. Money indicates occurs in childhood and which is unconsciously formed by the individual. I found this book extremely helpful while working on my Doctorate in Human Sexuality and now 6 years later as I continue my research and work as a Sexologist and Sex Therapist. I highly recommend this book to other Sexologist and Clinicians, as well as any man or woman who is interested in learning more about sex and sexual behavior; and in essence more about themselves. It definitely helps if you read a book before judging it. And this book should be in everyone's Sensual Library. Live with passion, Dr. Charley Ferrer, author of The Latina Kama Sutra, The W.I.S.E. Journal for the Sensual Woman, Para La Mujer Sensual, El Kama Sutra Latino, The Passionate Latina: In Our Own Words... www.instituteofpleasure.org",pos "The Art of The Table - A Complete Guide to Table Setting, Table Manners, and Tableware, is extremely thorough in covering all the details related to proper table etiquette. Author Suzanne Von Drachenfels makes it so easy, and entertaining in the process, finding the answer to any mealtime dilemma.In nine, worldly-wise written chapters, you will learn all about table fundamentals. Starting with the dining experience (formal vs. informal), then dinnerware, flatware, stemware, table linens, serving techniques, dining finesse, menu planning, Suzanne completes her mission with her undertaking of table manners in a changing world. Her history lessons compliment any given subject and are very enjoyable. Excellent",pos "Wells wrote The Time Machine (1895) rather furiously; it seems the author was short of money and exploited his idea of future time travel, summing it up in a tightly constructed, very short novel. Most works that I have read from the nineteenth century are long-winded, purple-toned, velvet-like effluviums. This one is short and for once I would have liked a book a bit wordier.Anyhow, the narrator, a sort of mad tinkerer, describes his visit 800,000+ years to the future. He finds two distinct inheritors of the human race: one smallish, simple-minded but joyful class of vegetarian people that live on the surface of the Earth (the Eloi), and one larger brute-like class of photophobic ground dwellers that perform most of the work for the Eloi, but unfortunately also eat them. Gone are most of the trappings of modern society. Humans have devolved into beautiful idiots and those that prey upon them.Darwin's theories of evolution and natural selection were just beginning to take hold at the time Wells was writing and they obviously influence the work. I read somewhere that Wells took a university course taught by the biologist T.H. Huxley, who highly regarded Darwin's theories. Socialism also influences the book, with the Morlock underclass literally kept in the dark until they devolve into creatures that cannot tolerate light and have to rely on human flesh for food. Part of socialist theory is conflict theory; so instead of cannibalizing their own, the Morlocks eat the Eloi as a sort of vengeance.Darkness, and the use of the dark as something mysterious from out which monsters may jump, is Gothic old hat for early writers of this genre. Wells uses the dark as the place where the Morlocks are banished, and where the Time-traveler believes the Morlocks have his stolen time machine. We feel the Gothic fear when he knows he has to go down there to attempt to get it back. Also, I wouldn't say Wells is the first to blend science with fiction either; see Hawthorne's Rappaccini's Daughter, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or Edgar Allan Poe. And is there something unsettling about the Time-traveler's undertaking with the childlike Weena? Her death at the hands of the Morlocks is tragic, but imagine the circus-spectacle she would make if the narrator brought her back to his time as he intended",pos "Rose Madder was one the first books that got me hooked on Stephen King. This story is phenomenal, in my opinion. I have to admit the first time I read it I was a little confused. I was not one to be to much into sci fi fantasy type stuff. This, like any good story or movie is best when it is read a few times. Then you really get to pick up the subtle hints that you may have missed before. Then again I am a bit biased. Rose Madder is right at the top of my list of most favorites (just below Bag of Bones",pos "I picked up this book hoping to fall asleep reading. Instead I was drawn in by page 3 and stayed up until I'd read most of it. The main character, in my opinion, is Janet, the mother. I think it's more or less in her voice, and that is why she is the most developed character.The book was very funny in an Oh no! kind of way. Sure, there are some outrageous stories and some things may seem unlikely to some people. They are lucky, I guess. I, for one, can really relate to the dysfunctional family and to a lot of the characters.But it isn't meant to be a character study or some huge philosophy assignment. It's meant to entertain you while you pass some time reading, and it does that just fine",pos "Carol Kuykendall --- author, speaker, and strategic projects director for MOPS International (Mothers of Preschoolers) --- has compiled what she considers the five-star winning components of a successful family. According to this mom of three grown children, the five key elements of a great family begin with love -- expressions that inspire and comfort; fun -- activities that recharge a family's batteries; loyalty -- lessons on sticking with family through it all; growth -- embracing new challenges and seeing the value of stretching; and faith -- holding close a relationship with Christ that shines vividly and practically into the lives of others. With many personal anecdotes, fanciful stories, and good common sense advice, Kuykendall does a marvelous job presenting a handbook for parents that is easy on both the eyes and the heart.The author's two-part text deals with family matters that focus on the beginnings of new family life when a young couple first discovers they're pregnant. Some of the practical points offered in this section include deciding who to invite to the actual delivery, naming the baby by taking into account potential teasing/taunting as a result of this all-important choice, hashing out basic parenting decisions regarding naps/nursing/discipline, dealing with those unmet expectations that crop up almost immediately after giving birth, and learning to fit into the extended family with the newest member without stepping on other siblings' toes or feelings.Kuykendall then delves into dreaming for a bit. Just what kind of family does the new couple want to be? The author discusses the value of looking back in order to glean the best of past childhoods while wisely leaving not-so healthy patterns behind where they belong. She also details the importance of taking a realistic look at where a family is today, accepting where people are, because this is the point from which everyone can move ahead. Finally, a brief segment on looking ahead with hopeful, faith-inspired enthusiasm closes out this foundational topic.To complete part one, Kuykendall does a lovely job presenting the gifts children bring to a family. Clearly, children are gifts from God, but with them come powerful life lessons on perspective. Consider the gift of do-overs, in which parents can relive the innocence and wonder of childhood discovery through their children's eyes. This important truth reminds parents that God is the giver of second chances. Kuykendall also cites the gifts of humility as children reveal us to ourselves as imperfect parents. Children also model sincerity of a simple, uncomplicated faith.Once this solid foundation is set, Kuykendall spends a generous amount of space re-defining her five-star qualities, each with its own separate chapter (Love, Fun, Loyalty, Growth, Faith). Every chapter opens with a lengthy discussion that includes biblical principles and selected bible verses, personal insights from the author's own family life, specific action points, and quippy yet powerful quotations for increased take-away reminders. One of the most telling quotations included in this timely text appears near the end, and it typifies Kuykendall's entire message beautifully. Family is...A soft place to land. --- Reviewed by Michele How",pos "Wow!!! This is a ton of great information from a 'been there, done that' Mom and Grandma.The author shares wisdom, humor and stories all wrapped in grace...(I loved that I could read it and be inspired to be better, encouraged for the great things I AM doing, but not feel guilty about all the stuff I'm NOT doing.)This is a celebration of the family. I think I might make it my new standard baby shower gift!!",pos "I got my copy of The Five Keys to Value Investing as a graduation gift from my dad who is a longtime professional equities investor. He thought this book would be a good way for me to prep before I start my career on Wall Street. I was not disappointed. The Five Keys is a very good summary of what I learned in business school and much, much more. The author draws heavily from his own professional experiences as a disciple of one legendary value investor and couples it with the value investment styles of other great investors like Buffett and Graham. The experience that the reader is drawn into is very worthwhile; but what makes this book very special is the framework. I have read several investment books over the years, but none like this one. Putting thousands of lessons and teachings of prominent value investors into a solid frame of mind is clearly the draw. In addition, reading along as the author analyzes and dissects companies and few special situations add gravitas to the body of work. The clarity in the concepts and the conversation-like tone was particularly attractive to me. In sum, this is a very coherent, practical book on the principles of value investing despite the fact that it is not too objective -- considering the authors' strong unapologetic bias towards value investing",pos "When I first started reviewing children's books on Amazon.com I gave myself a long list of rules to follow. And one of those rules stated that I was not to read other reviews of a book on the site until AFTER I'd written my own review. I wanted my little writings to remain unsullied and pure, filled only with my own thoughts (which I obviously mistook to be brilliant) and feelings. After a while though I gave up on this rule. By and large (and this is not speaking for all reviews... just 90% of them) a review for a children's book goes something along the lines of It was good, my four-year-old requests it every night, buy this book, etc.. Nothing too shocking or revealing. So I grew lazy. I started reading other reviews of picture books long before I sat down to actually write a review of my own. Just moments ago I went to do the same thing for the beautiful picture book, Martin's Big Words. This book was on my list of must-reads because it had garnered itself a Caldecott Honor years before. So I went to the appropriate Amazon.com page (much as you are now) and read the first review on the list. At the time, it was an unassuming July 18, 2002 review entitled, There's Something Wrong Here.... I read the review. I digested the review. And I came to the inescapable opinion that the points raised in the review were good ones. Ones that I should consider, dare I say, in my OWN review. This is unprecedented. Never has a review for a book, a children's book, really hit home for me like this one did. So to that mysterious reader who thought to make a point back in 2002, I commend you. And to myself, a mental whipping for breaking my own rules. It's a hard act to follow, but I've a point or two of my own to make and I'm gonna make `em.Now as a children's librarian I get a whole heaping helpful of small children coming in around January 17th (or just before) requesting books on Martin Luther King Jr. For the older children, such requests are usually easy enough to fulfill. But for little ones with short attention spans and even shorter vocabularies, the choices are limited. Fortunately, there's, Martin's Big Words. A beautiful encapsulation of the life of the great man, the book shows Martin as a child, first encountering the insanity of segregation. We see him grow up and preach a gospel of love and acceptance. Following this are small looks at the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott, civil rights marches, and his 1964 Nobel Peace Prize. Finally, while marching with striking garbage collectors (a fact not often mentioned in children's biographies of King), he was shot and killed. Says the book at the end, His big words are alive for us today.The book is stunning to look at, you know. The endpapers consist of pane after pane of brown, peach, amber, and umber stained glass. Taken together, the stained glass appears to be a variety of different skin tones all working together to make something beautiful. Using collage, illustrator Bryan Collier peppers his unique style with symbolic images (such as four lit candles placed in remembrance of the girls killed in the Sixteenth Street Baptist church). In the rest of the book, Collier's images leap off the page. They're bright, colorful and eclectic. Combined with author Doreen Rappaport's elegant eloquent narrative, children get a full understanding of the courage and greatness behind Dr. King's life and actions.So what about the complaints of this book? Let's examine them fully. First of all, one criticism is that in the image of the civil rights march there are thirteen men on display, none of whom are either white or female. This is true. And it is a little odd. Not don't-buy-this-book odd. Just why-did-the-illustrator-make-that-choice odd. From looking at the picture I can only assume that Collier was working off a snapshot of a portion of a march from the past and didn't notice that it was a bit skewed. The other criticism of the book is that whites are only portrayed as evil rednecks that want to kill Dr. King. I dunno. The book says plenty of things about diversity and the coming together of the races. As for the lack of positive white images, I admit they're not present in this particular book. However, the world is filled to overflowing with books that DO present positive images of white people. As a white person myself, I'm sick to death of 'em. And I'd gladly exchange four or five hundred such books for a single one that was half as beautifully illustrated and written as Martin's Big Words.So yeah, the book has a flaw here or there. But it also fills a need. However important you deem it that your children see positive images of whites during the Freedom Marches is your prerogative. But don't pass Martin's Big Words by because it fails to fully display the diversity of the 60s in your eyes. It's a great book with a great message. It's also one of the few King bios that'll capture your seven-year-old's attention for longer than a minute. A great addition to any library and a necessary purchase for anyone who wants to teach their small child about a magnificent man.",pos "I loved this book. I love it so much, I want to give copies to my sisters, my friends and to get my husband to read it. The ideas seem so simple and straight forward, that when you read it, you say of course, I can do that in my life.Much of it covers identifying your goals, focusing on those and affirming that you can achieve them. I found it very rational and not just wishful thinking.I really like the exercises included in some chapters. One exercise was to write a description of what would be a your perfect day. He explains the purpose of each exercise and ask questions/gives direction for carrying it out.It's the type of book that can be sampled and parts re-read at intervals to reinforce your efforts for a happier life",pos " I read this book and could not put it down. Mr Moyers will change the way of thinking for many as this disease has no limitations on the age in which this disease affects someone and all those around them. This book has insight and boundless wisdom for all generations involved. I would recommend all colleges make it madatory reading, and only wish somehow every adult knew it was available.",pos "Ibn Batuta describes his encounters with peoples and lands west of his native Tangiers (Morocco) in the 14 C. By avoiding to travel the same route twice, he comes to the same places a number of times (Baghdad, Delhi) spinning and zigzagging his ways through mountains and seas. As he explores with brio this world, he unfolds himself and as in most cross-cultural encounters, this maybe one of the most interesting features of the book. He accepts miraculous events with a candor I have not found in any other Middle Age traveler of those lands (from Marco Polo to the Jesuits). He gives little description of the way people live in the places he visits - which I regret - apart from detailed descriptions of the gowns and other garments he is given by some of the Sheikhs of the places he visits. The descriptions of how those sheikhs succeeded to govern illustrate how (extremely) fragile power was and is in those regions.Names are sometimes difficult to relate to those we know - which is regretful.Don't follow Ibn Batuta's advice, read (and enjoy) the book twice",pos "I lived in a situation somewhat like that Richardson describes. We watched VietNam from 1000 miles away, but the players were the same. It was like living at the far edge of the Welsh Marches in the time of the Roman Empire. Maybe if you haven't lived within a bureauocracy you won't understand, but everything he says is true",pos A must for any afterlife library.The chapter entitled Mothers Chapter is worth the price of the book alone. I know it will be hard to put this book down. A delightful 2 day read,pos "There are many books out there about the supposed strengths or weaknesses of globalization and free trade, but at least in terms of the international movement of capital, you'll usually find mere boosterism and ideology. At last, Paul Blustein has given us a look at the real-life effects of financial shenanigans and speculation on the lives of real people in a developing nation. Here we have an in-depth and incredibly informative examination of the global financial trends that led to the horrendous collapse of Argentina's economy in 2001-2002, which resulted in millions and millions of people descending into poverty and hardship. You won't be surprised to see the word bubble regularly, as Blustein covers the surprisingly slow-moving factors that added up to disaster over several years, with many mistakes made by all parties along the way.In addition to some financial mismanagement and damaging internal politics within Argentina itself, Blustein also explains errors made by the IMF and the Clinton and Bush administrations, and unhealthy speculation by foreign investors who had no regard for the outcomes of their actions. Not to mention, Argentina was the punching bag for an international monetary system that is built to ensure short-term rewards for speculators, plus an ideology that believes it to be acceptable when elites in rich countries profit while regular people in developing nations are left holding the bag when the bubble bursts. I would also recommend this book for those with a general interest in international monetary matters, as Bluestein does a marvelous job explaining phenomena like currency exchange rates, international debt and equity markets, and other financial concepts that you may wish to understand more deeply. If you're an ideologue in love with the supposed panacea of free markets, thinking that the unfettered movement of capital around the world will raise all ships, you might have your worldview shot down by Blustein and his excellent look at Argentina's misery. [~doomsdayer520~",pos I have a pile of thes books at home & this is the first one that ever gave me any useful information. I am physically challenged and I have a hard time getting around. This is the only book I ever read that features information for people like me,pos "I found this book to very informative. In a nutshell, it tells you how food is processed throughout your system and it's reaction. Like, fresh vegatables can be eaten with anything but starches don't digest well with meat. There are stages to going *Raw* that Ms. Rose has honestly and clearly put out there. Our bodies just can't go Raw over night. Yhere is a change in the digestive system. I know from my experience how my body feels when I eat raw for several days and then introduce the wrong combonation of foods. I feel like I'm suffering at the toilet.Sorry. Natalie gets you through the stages of developing this life style. It's a Detox program not a cookbook. It has recipes for all the stages to going *Raw. Ms. Rose hershelf claims it took several years for her to go completely Raw. The recipes are for those various stages. I don't find anything wrong with this book. As far as enzymes. All foods have them, and yes our body has them too. When cooking foods you are breaking down the enzymes that are packed with nutrients. That simple. We want to incorporate more enzymes or natural living food into our bodies.And if you read your Bible...you will know what it means to eat pure food. Eat what the Lord has provided for you. You best optimal health can continue and grow from eating more living foods.I was on this plan for a month. Without exercise I did the stage 3 and followed through the evening. I lost 16lbs in a month! I didn't even do an enema yet. My body was doing well everyday several times a day getting rid of the waste I've manage to occumalate. I didn'want to wear my food anymore. My insulin was way off from process snacks. This really help me feel the difference and pay respect to the best thing I could have done for myself. This book is a great beginning. I hope you see it the way I do",pos "I enjoyed this novel. It wasn't Hiaasen's best work but it was well beyond a lot of novels one could read.Hiaasen has the ability to look at the lower end of society and bring out the humour in how they conduct their lives. In this novel, two people win the Lotto. Ordinarily this would be a cause for celebration but when one of the winners bemoans the fact that they have to share their spoils with another and they are wanna-be white supremists, then the adventure starts.The shenanigans of the characters is both humourous and engrossing, this is a book that I recommend",pos "Only about two hundred pages, Jonathan Spence does a very noble job summarizing one of the most powerful, mysterious, fascinating, and frightening persons of the twentieth century. Though if one is looking for a book that goes into detail about any aspect of Mao's life or policies, it is best to look elsewhere. This book is a straightforward and unabashed introduction and quick overview of Mao's life and work and ideas. Perfect for people curious about Mao and twentieth century China who want to read more than an abstract, but do not necessarily need or want to tackle a big and detailed work. Just the facts and little commentary. Spence does a good job balancing any bias against or for Mao and his policies and deals mostly with the reasons for them and overall consequences",pos "This book opened up new database opportunities for me. Without it, I would never have unlocked the real power of MySQL 5",pos "This novel was amazing. It is just as good as Jurassic Park and I recommend it to anyone who loved Jurassic Park. This novel is much better than the movie so if you liked Lost World, then you should definitely read this. Crichton realistially extends this series and keeps you entertained throughout the book. Once you pick it up, you won't want to put it down",pos I really enjoyed this book. It was interesting and fast. It kept my attention and I did not want to put the book down.,pos "The Chronicles of Narnia by accaimled author C.S. Lewis is worth every penny. I bought a copy for myself, but I am saving it for when my son learns to read. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe will move you if are you 25 or 5 and the story is a of such a kind--that you are the better for reading it",pos "Through Forster's impressive command of the English language and advanced character development, the story of Helen & Margaret Schlegel unfolds. The sisters--who are highly educated, pensive, and artistic--become entangled with the Wilcox family--practical, unilateral capitalists--and the Basts--working class and unassuming. However, the initially subtle differences between the sisters (and how they approach love, misfortune, and personal relations) become more obvious as the novel progresses, climaxing in a scandalous ending that was unexpected from a high-brow English novel. (I think some of the 1 and 2 start reviewers never actually read the novel to its dramatic end) Human nature notwithstanding, the novel's refinement, gorgeous writing, and riveting story-telling prevail to the end. I loved it!",pos "The narrator of Joe Perrotta's novel Joe College is Danny, an English major at Yale. Stuck with the peculiarities of his roommates, and with a horrendous crush on a fellow student named Polly, Danny struggles to complete his junior year. While home in New Jersey on a summer break, Danny drives his father's lunch wagon The Roach Coach. And this is how he meets Cindy, a pleasant, chatty secretary. Danny compares her to the girls on the Yale campus, and the comparison is not flattering to Cindy. He's faintly embarrassed by her, and while she's ok to date when he's home in New Jersey, he's ashamed of the relationship when he returns to Yale.Once again, Perrotta presents the theme of escape from New Jersey, and in the novel, Danny's escape is temporarily through Yale, but ultimately through education. Cindy represents everything Danny is trying to escape--a lifetime driving the Roach Coach, and Danny knows far too many people who made huge mistakes and ended up trapped forever in New Jersey.Class is another theme in the novel--during the school year, Danny works in a cafeteria. The employees and the Townies are all too well aware that their lives are mapped out--whereas the Yale students seem to have vast, limitless opportunities. While Danny's background is humble, and his parents have made tremendous sacrifices to send him to Yale, he rubs shoulders with peers who come from incredibly wealthy homes. To them, Yale doesn't quite hold the desperate stakes that face Danny. When it comes to making some rather questionable moral choices, Danny nakedly examines his motives, and simply shrugs. While this does not make Danny a heroic narrator, it certainly makes him very real and very human. As a Perrotta fan, I hope that the author rediscovers Danny in another novel. In Joe College Danny's moral fibre is still quite plastic, and he may prove to be fascinating in middle age--displacedhuma",pos "THE BAND: James Hetfield (lead vocals, guitar), Kirk Hammett (guitars), Lars Ulrich (drums & percussion), and new member Jason Newsted (bass) formerly of Flotsam And Jetsam (replacing Cliff Burton, R.I.P.).THE DISC: (1988) 9 tracks clocking in at approximately 65 minutes. Included with the disc is a 10-page booklet containing song titles/credits, song lyrics, band pictures, one 'gavel' drawing containing band member faces, and thank you's. This is Metallica's 4th studio album. All songs written by Hetfield, Hammett, Ulrich and/or Newsted. Recorded at One On One Studios, Los Angeles, CA. This would be Flemming Rasmussen's last album produced with the band (Bob Rock would follow). The Japanese (import) version contains a bonus track - a Diamond Head cover, The Prince. Label - Elektra.COMMENTS: ...And Justice For All was the last classic Metallica album of the 80's. It was also their final attempt at thrash metal (once the 90's rolled around and producer Bob Rock entered the picture, the band took a more mainstream metal approach). The majority of songs are long with complex riffs... borderline progressive. Let me first say that for years, this disc sat on my shelf. I thought it was over-produced; I didn't like Ulrich's snare drum (sounded cheap and tinny) or his double bass (sounded shallow and metallic - partly due to a coin taped to the drum skin where the foot pedal hit); Newsted's bass was nonexistent (the standard explanation for this combines Newsted's absence from the mixing sessions where he could have voiced his opinion, and the lingering issue of his newness within the band following the death of Burton); there were three songs that I just could not get into (Eye Of The Beholder, The Shortest Straw and lightning fast Dyers Eve); and the articles I read about the 3 original band members hazing and not accepting newcomer Newsted was infuriating... call if fun, call it pranks, call it cruel - Newsted simply did not deserve this kind of treatment. Newsted (or anyone else who took the job) had two choices - put up with the crap or leave. From the outside looking in, Burton's loss was tragic, but the way Hetfield/Ulrich/Hammett handled the situation afterwards seemed uncalled for. As far as ...And Justice For All is concerned though, it's taken a decade to grow on me and finally realize there are some brilliant songs here. In my opinion, One is one of Metallica's finest songs in their entire catalog. One has an awesome slow beginning, tells a great story of an injured soldier, and ends in fine metal thrash form (not to mention one of the more memorable MTV videos)... all in all featuring great guitar work (intro, rhythm and solos). Blackened is an underrated gem of an opener. To Live Is To Die is the other masterpiece (almost 10 minutes long) - riffs and spoken words written by Cliff Burton (his last written testament) - this song has great riffs and 7 minutes of jamming before any vocals... reminiscent of something taken right off Master Of Puppets. The title track also resembles something from Puppets. ...And Justice For All chart success - hitting #6 on Billboard's Top 200 Albums from 1988, as well as the song One hitting #35 on Billboard's Hot 100. There's good and bad here... this album is still considered a classic and essential. If not only for the songs One, Blackened and To Live Is To Die (4 stars).",pos "I just finished my second reading of it.I really cannot add much to the great reviews already written. I've always loved Dickens' way with words, and this book is a treasure in that department. The English, the Era, the characters, the countryside.... it got to the point where I couldn't wait for the evening to come so I could continue reading.This also seems to me to be an important cornerstone book for other great English literature. The theme (though just a seed) for Scrooge in A Christmas Carol begins here, in a story called The Goblin Who Stole a Sexton, a story related during one of Pickwick's Christmastime visits to a friend in the country. When reading The Wind in the Willows or Tolkien's works, I cannot escape the feeling that they were also influenced by the charm, the sense of humor (okay, humour), duty to friends, and the simple but most important things in life which Dickens so impressively describes.The only negative thing is that I discovered that it had an effect on me which made me wish that I was free from the drudgery of daily work, was retired (with ample monetary means, of course, like Pickwick himself), and could devote the remainder of my life to similar ramblings, adventures, and pursuits.An excellent book",pos "I first read this extraordinary book in 1986, just two years after it was first published. Picking it up again, I find it eerily applicable to our current situation. There is a familiar old adage that teaches us that those who refuse to learn history are doomed to repeat it. THE MARCH OF FOLLY brings this message back to the forefront.Barbara W. Tuchman eloquently discusses the bizarre propensity of governments throughout history to pursue policies contrary to their own interests. Mind you, this is not a pacifist book but rather one that begs governments to beware of the reckless pursuit of policy that might prove to be dangerous. And, yes, I admit right readily that hindsight is 20-20.Beginning with the Trojans and their acceptance of the Trojan Horse to benighted Papal policy during the renaissance to Britain's stupidity during the American Revolution to questionable American policy during the Vietnam war, THE MARCH OF FOLLY invites the reader to consider the fact that as things change in historic chronology apparently nothing else does.Given our current war policies, efforts and mistakes in Iraq, Tuchman's masterpiece is a very poignant read and we must confess, regardless of individual political leanings, that the potential for history to repeat itself yet again is considerable. Who knows, there may yet be a sequel to this one appropriately titled THE MARCH CONTINUES.THE HORSEMA",pos "When my sunday school teacher gave us the challenge of reading through the Bible in a year, I thought it was going to be hard. So I started looking for a one-year Bible. When I came across this one I was really excited. It is by far my favorite traslation because it is so easy to read. I can get through the daily reading in about 15-20 minutes. It breaks down the hard to read old testament into easy reading. And one of the best parts is that it breaks down the reading by day, so you are not constantly going back and forth between the books. Truely one of the best Bibles I have purchased!!!",pos "Many stories in this book reminds me of the famous essay Silent Spring. The writing style is extremely accessible to every body and yet delivers a significant amount of knowledge, advice, and sometimes wisdom. The author carefully explains medical terms and implications, thus easing the reader's mind without using a medical book. This book is highly recommended to anyone who has a curious mind",pos "Kate White introduces us to the world of tabloid reporting in a sassy titillating crime novel--Over Her Dead Body.I could feel the slime drip off the characters that were responsible for keeping the Buzz and its rag competitors in production. While the mention of 'current' celebrities will date this book, Kate's spellbinding storytelling definitely hasstaying power.Over Her Dead Body is a fast-paced novel about the murder of the Mona Hodges, Editor in Chief of the Buzz, who had a long list of hostages in her wake, each one having good reason to hate her or perhaps kill her-with a sprinkling of romance for levity.Even though the main character, Bailey Weggins, a celebrity crime writer, gets discombobulated many times throughout the investigation, she is clever enough to pull together the pieces of the mystery to its conclusion.Right to the end Kate White keeps the reader guessing on who did this horrible crime.I am looking forward to reading more Bailey Weggins' mysteries. Don't keep us waiting, Kate!Armchair Interviews says: Sounds like another good summer read.",pos "As a health writer, I know that pharmaceuticals can be very dangerous compounds. But for years, I overlooked the fact that drugs aren't good for pets either. Your cat can probably benefit from safer alternative treatments. Martin Zucker has put together a wonderful book with top veterinarians. Don't keep alternative and holistic treatments to yourself -- share them with your pet",pos "I LOVED this book! I read it in a single day. I have read everything else of Maupin's and strongly recommend this novel, too. This is probably my favorite book of his.The author had more lyrical descriptions in this book than I remember from his past volumes. I found myself rereading lines and paragraphs simply for the sheer beauty of language. The falling apart relationship between Gabriel and Jess also hit me as realistic and at times almost too painful to read.A great book!!!",pos "The Regulators' is not quite on the literary level of 'Desperation,' but that makes it more fun in a way, especially as it's less preachy. I liked that 'The Regulators' adds a little more information about the mysterious Tak. Here we see a more terribly playful, oddly fastidious, and possibly younger Tak who loves spaghetti, chocolate milk, westerns, and Cassie Stiles. And while most of the characters of 'The Regulators' are flatter than those of 'Desperation,' 'The Regulators' gives us a glimpse of what some inhabitants of Desperation might have been like before Tak possessed them, particularly Audrey and Collie who were never shown pre-Tak in 'Desperation.",pos "A looming 21-year High School reunion has led me to ponder the past, especially the town I grew up in. I have been reading The Geography of Nowhere by James Howard Kuntsler, a book which explores the rise of suburbia and automobile culture in America. Kuntsler explores the effects of modernist design philosophy (Le Corbusier, Gropius, Bauhaus etc. ) . Although Kunstler's book is by no means a complete history, his insights are provocative. His basic thesis is that the rise of the automobile has led to the development of a banal and meaningless geography of nowhere. In other words, since the 1920s, Americans have pursued a single-minded vision when it comes to urban development: namely treating our built surroundings as disposable commodities to be bought and sold, with little regard to aesthetics. Growing up in a suburb, I experienced this sort of fake-non-reality-bubble of what a city should be, or what it should do for its residents. There was always nothing to do, nowhere to go. Fortunately, in those days, creative people created their own scene, no matter how lame it was. Such a naive scene based on our libertine tastes and overbearing ignorance. Of course, conformity was the rule. And we all nearly s--t ourselves when we got behind the wheel of our first car. It was almost like and 5-year-old's first trip to Disneyland. It was like that first sexual experience. It was an epiphany, of sorts. Little did we realize that our addiction to auto travel would bring such a high cost to our lonely empty souls. Who ever thought that being so cheap would cost us so much?",pos "Very few books can weave the historical narrative with an account of the subject as Mr.Derbyshire does it in this book.Whats more, he does total justice to the subject by making sure persons who should get their credit does atleast so. The author's canvas is huge and he almost reminded me of how much I missed undergraduate math.A must read for students of algebra as this one sets a context which is far brilliant than the dry subject textbook (I myself taught a class in Algebra aat University of New Orleans",pos "Extremely well researched. McChesney has been a key figure in the media debate and he approaches the subject with knowledge and objectivity. His disciplined, almost scientific investigation is an example of non-partisan coverage of a crucial issue. If only a few politicians were as concerned with the public interest as McChesney, we would be in a better world. I am a Mexican citizen so I couldn't care less about U.S. partisan politics, and if you care about the fate of public communications, you shouldn't either. This is a problem that affects every country, not just the U.S.A., since the big telecommunication companies are broadcasting all over the World. The interest of big advertisers is being protected by U.S. policy and their marketing messages are then blasted everywhere. Even the smallest community in the South-Mexican jungles knows Ronald McDonald. CNN has Latin editions of their biased news transmitted to most Latin countries. As an outsider, I hope the U.S. citizenry will realize that this is not an issue of Democrats vs. Republicans but a World-wide issue of the individual vs. the big corporations. In reality they don't care about your political affiliations, as long as you saturate your credit cards to buy their heavily advertised products, you can debate each other to death",pos "Woodward and Bernstein, famous reporters for the Washington Post during the Watergate scandal, chronicle their experience investigating and exposing the deceptive actions of President Nixon and his cronies during Watergate. This book takes the reader through Woodward and Bernstein's efforts at uncovering the truth, internal dilemmas about the information they were uncovering, and covert meetings with confidential sources. They tell a tale of mystery and intrigue that stands up to some of the world's best fiction except that this story actually happened and signaled the end of an era where the US Presidency was respected above all else.This book is a fascinating look at how investigative journalism once was. Instead of printing first and asking questions later, Woodward and Bernstein, along with their editors, took painstaking efforts at checking, double checking, and even triple checking their sources and information before putting something derogatory in print. It seems a sharp contrast to journalism today that appears to be publish now, ask questions later, and file a retraction in small print even later. This book also tells the tale of two very opposite reporters and how they pulled together to write about the crime spree of the century and topple a corrupt Presidency. It gets better with each reading",pos "A lot of the reviews I have read here, both positive and negative, have noted Smith's acerbic and sometimes hostile tone. In my own discussions on god, particularly when engaging Christians, I probably would not use SOME of the more harsh language found in the book. It tends to be devisive and unproductive, and also reinforcing many of the deragatory stereotypes that are applied to Atheists.That does not mean that any of Smith's arguments are not legitimate or powerful. They should be confronted by ANYONE who takes any position regarding religion or god.Perhaps the most revealing and important passage of the work comes at the beginning of the Chapter discussing the purported proofs for the existence of good posited by Christian Thealogians and laymen.Smith explains that Many times in the past, before knowing better, I would engage in arguments with theists who claimed to have a rational foundation for their belief. After several painstaking hours of pointing out flaws in the proposed arguments, I would receive some form of the following comment: 'well, it really doesn't matter if these proofs are invalid, because I have faith in the exstence of god anyway.'The Theist who resorts to this approach has no claim to rationality- only lack of integrity. Smith's frustration throughout the text at this type of intrangisence is palpable and, ultimately, entirely understandable.Some of the reviews on this page are illustrative of the general resentment which most Christians seemed to hold for the methods by which human beings acquire knowledge and distinguish truth from falsehood. As an outspoken Atheist, I have heard these types of decrees repeated to me ad nauseum- and they never stop being disturbing. Lean not on your own understanding, I have been told again and again. Trust in the lord and stop using all this silly logic, or god wants us to believe like children, they will say.All I hear is: I am happy being ignorant. You will be happy in this delusional fantasy land I live in, too. I know god is not just an inadequate answer to these questions, but no answer at all. Things don't need answers, or explanations, or anything. Everything is ok because I have faith in god.Hence, I sympathize with Smith's frustration. I urge all Atheists to read this book, which reads more or less like a conversation between an atheist and an extremely intellectual and sophisticad christian who spews (practically)every argument ever conjured to be a believer or to be a Christian, and has them overwhelmingly refuted. Smith understands the obstanince that Atheists will inevitably encounter when Christians (particularly unsophisticated Christians) are challenged. This is probably the reason why some of his repudiations seem unnecessarily expatiated. Any atheist who has offered apologetics in defense of atheism knows that trying to engage a christian is like playing Whack-a-mole, as soon as one battle is definitvely won the Christian will retreat into a sheild of ignorance. This act, Smith accurately points out, will usually involve the word faith being substituted for, but meaning the exact same thing as, ignorance. I assume this is why SMith so meticulously tears apart the idea of something that human beings call faith being an effective(or even theoretically plausible) conduit to fundamental truth. He also points out the common ways that Christians like William Lane Craig and J.P. Moreland use mangled science or language to misrepresent the issues at hand.As a small example of this that I found interesting, in Does God Exist?, J.P. Moreland states that he believes that people can actually perceive god through something he calls Numinous Perception. Moreland does not give an explanation of how an outside observer could ever deiscern whether someone was having a genuine Numinous perceptive experience, or how exactly numinous perception would actually work physiologically or psychologically. Conveniently, this would rule out any chance of Moreland's hypothesis ever being tested and shown to be accurate or inaccurate. When someone hears an argument like this, one can easily turn to Smith for excellent articulation of why they are absurd and illegitimate.Smith writes: My argument with the Christian is that he claims to have experienced god, but he refuses to explain the process by which he, a physical organism, experienced this supernatural being. I won't limit him arbitrarily to the traditional five senses, but I will demand that he present evidence for his new perceptual powers. Has he discovered a new sense? Fine, then let him tell us about it so we can test it. No christian has ever succeeded in explaining just how he perceives his mysterious god. He claims to have knowledge of a mysterious, unknowable being, having gained this knowledge in some mysterious unknowable manner. This is totally unacceptable.Moreland's clever creation of a scientific sounding title for perception of god does not help him.This book will help atheists with this type of argumentation through just about any thread of thought a theological argument can get into.Yes, the rhetoric 30 years later SOUNDS more sophisticated (with other clever titles like intelligent design theory), but it is not ACTUALLY more compelling or sophisticated than when Aquinas wrote his five proofs or Russell challenged Copelston. I reccomend this book and I can't wait to read Why Atheism?(Just as a curious note, does anyone know if SMith actually debated people in public? If anyone knows of any transcriptions id love to read some, please let me know if you do. Clark00018@aol.com )",pos "Golding is a deeply symbolic novelist who relies, especially in this novel and in The Inheritors (1955), on ideas from the viewpoint of evolutionary biology and anthropology. The central symbol of The Lord of the Flies is that of a pig's head upon a stick stuck in the ground, a totem in the making perhaps, but seen by Golding as Beelzebub, the lord of the flies, the devil, a head of rotting flesh enveloped by flies.The central idea is that without civilization we will degenerate into predatory animals ruled by superstition, the will to power, and the primordial need to survive. When Piggy's glasses, which symbolize the tools and knowledge of our culture are broken, it signals the degeneration, the return to the wild in which, as Thomas Hobbes has it, there are No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.That a group of English school boys could degenerate so quickly after crash-landing on a deserted island may be seen as a bit fanciful, or more exactly, as the artifice of the artist; nonetheless, the premise of this extraordinary work may well serve as a cautionary note for our times. Should we, through nuclear warfare, a runaway greenhouse effect, sectarian violence on a global scale, or through the exhaustion of the fossil fuels that power our civilization, regress to the state of savages, we have this warning.Instead of the noble savage, instead of a return to the Garden of Eden, instead of the Swiss Family Robinson or Robinson Crusoe, Golding takes us step by step from the world of the boy's school to life and death power struggles and a fascination with savagery to the beginnings of tribal warfare. As in The Inheritors, Golding sees not the good in humans, but the viciousness. In The Inheritors we homo sapiens murdered the gentle Neanderthal, here we children become gangsters of the island, on our way to becoming tribal chieftains as murderous and vengeful as the God of the Old Testament. I understand that Golding wrote the novel in part to answer the pollyannaish naivete of R.M. Ballantyne's The Coral Island (1857), which I haven't read.Clearly cruelty is one of Golding's main themes. Left to their own devices and without the restraint of civilization's justice, humans will be cruel sometimes just to be cruel and sometimes as a means of gaining power. The boys Ralph and Piggy naively try to set up a democratic sort of government, but are defeated by the brutality of Jack and his will to savagery.The loss of innocence that the boys experience is seen as not the loss of something they intrinsically had, but of something superimposed upon them by civilization. In reality, Golding is saying, there is no innocence in children, that is only a fairy tale idea to which we romantically subscribe.This is one of those novels that has found its way onto the high school or even the middle school curriculum because it is easy to read and because it is easy for young people to relate to. But the strength of this novel lies not only in its theme and readability but in the fine characterizations of the individual boys. As in all great works of literature, it is the combination of character and story that compels us to turn the pages, and invites our admiration.It should be noted that Golding deliberately left out one of the central drives of humans, probably because he did not want to muddy up his theme of savagery, or perhaps because he felt the task too great or perhaps because he didn't find the task palatable. I am referring to the lack of sexuality in the novel. Not only are there no girls on the island, but the boys do not, at least overtly, involve themselves in sex. We can see that Golding's artistry anticipated this criticism since it can be argued that the boys in this situation and at their tender age are not yet ready to express themselves sexually. I wonder if postmodern psychology would agree. Certainly Freud would not.Bottom line: a great read, a terrific adventure, but not a book in my opinion that should be read by preteens, in other words, you need to be older than the characters in the book in order to read the book without fear of nightmares",pos "A lot of these reviews say that they've read this book and it's done wonders for them and everyone they've recommended it to. The book itself will not do wonders unless you work on the things Gawain suggests. It's not a miracle cure-all book - it's about giving you the motivation to do something about your life instead of sitting back and watching the trail roll out behind you. I read this book in college when I was going through a little bit of a rough patch, figuring out what I wanted, etc. Now that I've graduated and am slowly becoming wary of the corporate world, I need more positivity in my life so I'm re-reading it in the hopes that I can zero in on my goals and start achieving them again. I highly recommend it to those who are open-minded enough to give it a chance",pos "Not only a terrific portrait of Louis B. Mayer, but a wonderful history of Hollywood movie-making. My caveat is the portrait of Dore Schary. While Eyman is fair in his depiction of the struggle between Mayer and Thalberg, Eyman found it necessary to choose sides in the Mayer Schary conflict in the last part of the book, possibly to correct the view of Mayer the Monster and Schary the savior in earlier Mayer bios. His portrait of Schary, a man I knew, bears no resemblance to that decent, fair minded, and gifted man. It is clear that he interviewed few surviving friends and family members of Schary. Eyman claims that Schary had no knowledge of the making of musicals, yet Schary in his post MGM days produced a successful musical, The Unsinkable Molly Brown. Whatever good flims came from MGM during Schary's reign are dismissed as the work of others. He creates a portrait of Schary as a talentless hack, forgetting not only the good films Schary wrote in earlier days but the successful Broadway play he wrote about FDR, Sunrise at Campabello. He writes that Schary only spoke of himself in retirement. I knew few older men who took such an interst in world affairs and the fortunes and misfortunes of his friends. If he can get Schary so wrong, it forces me to question his other judgments. Having said all that, I think this is a fine book, evoking old Hollywood with grace and style.",pos "If you are planning a trip to Italy, this is a book you should take with you",pos "Wow - I had to have this book. They are right, he explains everything wrong with Oracle and all about vulnerabilities and exploits.",pos "as soon as people see breton's name on a book, they immediately feel indignation and privately exclaim, the dictator of surrealism! what they don't seem to realize is that, despite being a flawed and somewhat ambivalent man, he probably had more passion in his pinky than they do in their entire body. nadja is simply one more delightful proof of breton's genius and his infallible flair for the surreal, the mysterious, the mystical, and everything that is profoundly divergent. in this tale of intrigue and obsession he travels the streets of paris with a ghostly, clearly insane young woman who calls herself nadja, which is the russian word for hope. the most captivating parts of the novel are the bizarre and surreal conversations he has with her. even though he found her incredibly fascinating and almost an ethereal enigma, things start to turn sour between them and breton grows bored with her. at the end of the novel, nadja is put into an asylum after the police are called because of her incessant screaming and apparently incoherent behavior, some of which suggested that she was living in a world of hallucinations and irrational fears. we do know that nadja was a real woman and not by means some fictitious creation of breton's, and we also know that she came to a somewhat unfortunate end. it may be true that breton's behavior and attitude of indifference and deliberate ignorance about her truly wretched fate (she died of cancer, insane and completely alone) is indeed nothing to admire, but those who put too much emphasis on this admittedly accurate fact forget that while he may in a sense have betrayed her, he also made a truly admirable effort to make the world see nadja and those like her as no one has seen them before, and immortalized her in a book that is absolutely unforgettable and breathtakingly beautiful. breton was a profoundly hopeful and truly revolutionary figure who exhorted humanity, even while the second world war raged and reaped it's devastating results universally on all of mankind, to recognize the miraculous and wondrous nature of our very existence, however 'absurd' or meaningless some felt it to be after the horrendous events of the twentieth century. it is true that he occasionally goes over the top with his optimism, but his iron will and determination to fight 'miserabilism', the philosophical justification of human misery, at all costs can only call forth our admiration. his exaltation of the imagination as the highest of human faculties and the sole organ of man that will allow him to attain felicity seems to be verified by direct, concrete experience of life. as we grow older and we come to realize that sensual pleasure is a big part of life but essentially empty and hollow, our inner lives (hopefully) become more vivid and we end up spending more and more time there. breton knows this and wants us to cultivate it to the highest degree possible. don't be fooled by the 'anti breton' rhetoric and take a dismissive attitude toward him, because you'll be missing out on some of the most fascinating books (to my mind) ever written",pos This is one of the most insightful books I've ever come across. The author is simply a genious. Embracing the principles of this book may be the difference between developing a successful business or not,pos "I realize that this is the only book currently on the market for the 993, aside from spending a small fortune on the actual shop manuals (on CD's), but after receiving the book and spending several nights giving it a good read, I have come to the conclusion that someone will be hard pressed to put together anything so accurate and complete. This is a must for any 993 owner!",pos "Mr Hargrave's book contains practical guidance to developing a sound, realistic and executable strategic business plan. Drawing from his wealth of business experience from working & leading various corporations and running his own consultancy practice, the book provides a detailed framework from which managers can follow to draw up their own plans. On top of that, explainations are given throughout the book on why certains steps are needful while others are superfluous, what key issues to consider and what pitfalls to avoid in formulating the plan. Three words that describe the content of the book will have to be: impactful, illuminating and practical. A must-read for managers and aspiring MBAs in strategic management. A second edition to bring in the role of IT in strategic planning would be great",pos We're all getting old and fat! This book just makes you feel less alone about the ordeal,pos "I always need tissues when I read this book! It has helped so much! I teach preschool and one of my students lost his dog. I gave him this book and Dog Heaven. His parents said how much both books helped. It is just so hard for children to understand death. I think this book goes a long way in validating a child's feelings. So often children don't know what to feel, they know grief, but there is so much more than that. It truly helps when children know it's ok to be confused, hurt, and just upset. I HIGHLY recommend this book",pos "If you don't know what you are doing then you need to get this book. If you think you know what you are doing, then you definitely need this book because you probably have no clue. Contrary to what one reviewer states, this text does provide a good balance between application and theoretical example. I use this book all of the time as a graduate student. It is a wonderful reference. If you are studying econometrics, then this is the first book you should buy.",pos "This book offers such a fabulous collection of ideas. The information and ideas one can gather from these pages is both a great way to trace the roots of feminism as well as to decide where we go from here.Each section and piece has introductory information giving a setting of time, place and situation before the writers present their views. There are so many ideas, ideals and beliefs that while not always agreeable or congruent, can be applied to today's feminist movement. There is virtually nothing in the book that isn't valuable as either an example of progress or the seed of a new branch for the feminist tree.To understand the position in which women today navigate life, this book is essential reading. Interesting, entertaining and informative, it ought to be required readin",pos "The story of Anne continues with this work and the author stays true to her style, story line and character developement. This, like the other books in this series, have a rather timeless nature about them and a comforting charm. The reader, of course, must remember the time they were written and the style and syntax used at that time. From my own point of view, this is great. I enjoy this type of writing and certainly enjoy Ms. Montgomery's story telling abilities. In this work, Anne goes off to Redman College and her adventure continues. Recommend these books for readers of all ages. Wish there were more works out there like it.",pos "NICHOLAS NICKLEBY is a significant Dickens in the uncannily absorbing way the narrative diversifies to various literary discourses. The protagonist's experiences and encounters in adverse milieu through life not only embody melodrama, comic relief, political satire, class comedy, social criticism, and domestic farce, they allow Dickens the opportunity to portray, to the minutest nuance, an extraordinary cast of rogues and eccentrics. The main frame of NICHOLAS NICKLEBY is a quintessential Dickens: a generic, virtuous man who concerns with the affair of establishing his identity as a gentleman and the pruning of whom entwines him in a checkered fate. Nicholas Nickleby has committed no fault and offenses, and yet he is to be entirely alone in the world, to be separated from the people he loves, and to be proscribed like a criminal. The more unbearable the ordeals and the more injudicious the deal of the hand from life, the more profusely the novel accentuates Dickens' outrage at the cruelty and social injustice.When Nicholas Nickleby is left exiguous after his father's death, he turns to his hard-hearted uncle to solicit succor. But Ralph Nickleby, a most unscrupulous and avarious man he is, demonstrates that he is proof against all appeals of blood and kindred, and is steeled against every tale of distress and sorrows. The man will never fail to exert any resolution or cunning that will promise increase of money for there is scarcely anything he will not have hazarded to gratify his greed. It's not that he is unconscious of the baseness of the means with which he acquires his gains. He cares only for gratification of his passions of avarice and hatred. He might have from the beginning conceived dislike to his nephew whom he brazenly places in Squeers' Dotheboys Hall, a school for unwanted boys, as an assistant master.The cruelty of Squeers, who's coarse and ruffian behavior even at his best temper, Nicholas has been an unwilling witness. The filthy condition of the school and the bodily distortion of the boys impart in him a dismal feeling. The thought of being a helper and abettor of such squalid practice fills his with honest disgust and indignation. The cruelties descend upon helpless infancy fuel this rightful indignation in Nicholas, who interferes with the schoolmaster's flogging a boy named Smike and astonishes everyone in school.Not only does Ralph persuade Nicholas' family to renounce him for the atrocities to Squeers of which he is guilty, he also betrays his niece Kate into the company of some libertine men who are clients of his and who speak of her in a most casual, lecherous, ribald and vulgar terms. She is roused beyond all endurance by a profusion of compliments of which coarseness becomes humor and of which vulgarity softens down to the most charming eccentricity. The mutual hatred between uncle and nephew aggravates as Nicholas overhears conversations about his sister. The hidden feud further percolates to the surface and leads to a pitch to its malignity as he tries to rescue a girl from a marriage to which she has been impelled.As the uncle insidiously hatches a scheme to retaliate against his nephew who has in every step of the way interceded and thwarted his plans for mercenary gains, Nicholas entwines with a cast of characters who are humorous, memorable, and true to life. Peripheral to his molding to become a gentleman are episodes of political satire, theatrical success, courtship, family farce, and chicanery. The most significant character is no doubt Smike, whom Nicholas saves from the hellish grip of the schoolmaster and has become his best friend. Nicholas' unfailing love and protectiveness toward the boy accentuates his being the novel's hero, whose domestic virtues, affections, compassion, and delicacy of feelings qualifies him to his later fortune and does him justice.NICHOLAS NICKLEBY is a flamboyantly exuberant work in which Dickens wreaks the tension of his social satire to a pitch. Details on the Yorkshire school offer such magnifying vision of the cruelty, filthiness, and despotism in the boarding schools. Nor does he spare the rogues and the greedy, whose squeamishness he sarcastically embellishes as a common honesty and whose pride as self-respect. NICHOLAS NICKLEBY also evokes the subtle problem of human nature in establishing boundary of one's remorse. Although Ralph might feel no remorse in his betraying his niece to the temptation of his libertine clients, he hates them for doing what he has expected them to do.In a sense, Nicholas is seen as the unswerving force that is determined to right the wrong of the society. He tries to appeal to the compassion and humanity of those who have gone astray and to lead them to consider the innocent and the helpless. Nicholas might embody energy for radicalism and ambition to challenge social injustice; his ultimate goal is the recovery of his ancestral position in the social hierarchy. But in the effort to undertake the good deeds, he is influenced by no selfish or personal consideration but by pity for the people he helps and detestation and abhorrence of the heartless schemes. In the same way he is determined to appeal to his uncle's humanity and not to wreak revenge on him. But Ralph's hatred for his nephew has been fed upon his own defeat, nourished on his interference with all his schemes.NICHOLAS NICKLEBY is a sober social commentary woven with social and domestic issues. Woven in one man's aspiration to restore family's ancestral dignity is Dickens' own musing, monologues, teachings on the soul, the life, and the moral. The discourse at times assumes a voice of despondency, sobriety and indignation.",pos "This book is highly informative, updated to include everything up to around Hero's Trial (New Jedi Order), which makes it a must even if you already have the more presentable Star Wars Encyclopedia. While the Encyclopedia has more interesting and fact filled entrys, it's also hideousely out of date, a problem that this one would easily correct! I read it cover to cover in a few days, and was quite impressed with how much research went into it, and how few errors were made. Even so, I have to say I'd recommend this book mainly to fans experienced with EU stuff, lest they quickly become lost and overwhelmed",pos "This book has everything from the SSD Executor,to the ISD Avenger,to the Emperor's resurrection.This book is the one you need if you are looking for information on people,planets,starships,fighters,space colonies,EVERYTHING!!!This book is da bomb wit a capital b",pos "Peter Mayle's breakthrough book remains the classic Mediterranean travel narrative. An elegant and witty writer, Mayle set the standard for travel writers of the 1990s, and he's difficult to equal to the present day. Reading and re-reading A Year in Provence is like coming home again and again to a faithful friend.Mayle is absolutely superb! The next best thing to actual travel.",pos This book is great for encouraging students to ask questions and infer meaning! Try it out in the classroom,pos This book provides you with numerous analytical tools that can be used to quantify the strategic decision making process. Not a real page turner but the models are useful and the case analysis provides real world examples of companies entering strategic crossroads. Overall I think it provides the reader with a pragmatic way of managing the abundance of information involved in the strategic decision making process,pos "The reader that keeps with this book will be rewarded. The conversations in the book are intelligent, the characters and dialogue are real, and the descriptions and settings are vivid. While the author provides a lengthy disclaimer at the end of the book explaining how the fictional university and town in the book are not based upon Yale and New Haven, it is sometimes hard to believe, especially given that the author has been a faculty member at Yale Law School for over twenty-years. This is not to say, however, that the descriptions in the book of the law school and town are inaccurate. Rather, they may provide quite an accurate description of a town torn between those affiliated with a prestigious university (Yale) and those that are not.In short, I enjoyed this book because it kept me guessing and the pace was just right. This is not a read-it-in-one-day thriller that Grisham might come up with. Instead, this is a much more intellectual read. What I enjoyed most about the book are its insights into life itself. Carter uses fictional characters to explore the good and bad sides to marriage and family life, careers, law, and racism in this country. If you are willing to keep reading when the story seems slow and to learn and grow with the characters (especially Talcott), believe me, this book will reward you, and you'll be glad you read it",pos "As a one-time practicing physicist (now just an arm-chair physicist) and lifetime music lover, I have found this beautifully-written little book irresistible over the 17 years it has been in my library. In 1983, when the original hardcover edition came out, this book was given to me as a gift by someone knowing my musical tastes, figuring that it would be the perfect gift. It turned out to be, but for reasons that are largely non-musical.As an arm-chair scientist, I've read and enjoyed more than a few popularizations by well-known scientists over the years. These include Richard Feynman with his wry humor in virtually everything he wrote (I number myself among those physicists who cut their eye teeth on the Feynman Lectures in Physics), Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Carl Sagan, and even Brian Swimme. (The Swimme of A Walk Through Time goes down easily, and covers much of the same ground that Thomas does, but in a quite different way; the Swimme of The Universe is a Green Dragon is a much harder sell for me due to its hard-pressed attempt to oversimplify.) But for sheer elegance and poetry and breadth of scope, and for essays that provoke thought on the part of the reader, none can hold a candle to Thomas.Everyone who reads this little masterpiece will have his or her favorites. Here are a few of mine:In Things Unflattened by Science (an essay on unaddressed and/or incomplete challenges that future scientists might well undertake), a paragraph on how biologists might endeavor to better understand what music is, and how it affects the human condition, starting with a rather small-scale assignment to explain the effect of Bach's The Art of Fugue on the human mind.In Altruism (an essay on the symbiotic interrelationships among species), how it is that such a condition actually exists, and a challenge to future scientists to better understand how our own species might become more altruistic (and adult) than it presently is.In The Attic of the Brain (a cautionary essay on the risks of psychiatry, most importantly psychoanalysis, in terms of performing total brain dumps), the need for all of us to carry around a little clutter in our lives, as insurance against the chance that we might inadvertently lose our ability to retrieve something truly important.In the title (and final) essay, another cautionary tale, this time on thermonuclear weaponry, the most lucid description I've ever read regarding the true meaning of this music as envisioned by Gustav Mahler. In a few brief but sublime paragraphs, Thomas has captured the essence of this remarkable opus in a way that no musician (and that includes such Mahlerites as Bernstein, Karajan, Klemperer, Rattle and Walter) ever had. Until very recently, that is, with the release a few months back of a staggering performance by Benjamin Zander, conductng the Philharmonia Orchestra. But that is another topic, and another review.In the seventeen years since the initial publication of this book, quite a bit has changed in our worldview, in some aspects of society and science. But not enough! The observations and challenges that Thomas lays out will endure for centuries, provided only that we endure as well.Bob Zeidle",pos This book has easy to understand & have up to date case. The Harley Davidson case is one of the cases that showing us how's struggling US to face Japanese company offensive. This is the good case to picturing the dawn to earth marketing strategy compare to arrogant & not efficient strategy willing by US Company,pos "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been argued as a racial controversy since the first day it was published. Shortly after it was accessible to the public, multiple committees banned the book, proclaiming it to be racist and trash. To this day, Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is banned in several school districts.In my personal copy of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, there is a helpful and informative introduction and notes throughout the text written by Robert O'Meally. He clearly states that the intent of Twain's word usage is needed in order to properly and vividly describe the setting and tone of the book. His usage of the racial slur nigger can be seen as offensive, but I believe it was necessary for it to be realistic. The dialogue that Huckleberry uses throughout the book stays very true to his character, time, and place, at which the slur was used casually.Besides the usage of the word nigger, characters in the book often loudly express their racist mentality. In the begining of Chapter 14, Huck and Jim are talking about all sorts of topics, both of them speaking their mind. Twain describes Huck's thoughts: Well, he was right; he was most always right; he had an uncommon level head, for a nigger. Obviously some would perceive this to be intolerable and crude, yet I believe that Twain is simply describing the way Huck thinks of Jim. The growing friendship between Huck and Jim is the basis of the entire novel. The book depicts the way Huck feels and thinks about several ideas and concepts about life, the way he feels about his friend must be present and elaborate.I strongly support Mark Twain's the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The book wins people over with it 's dialogue, plot, originality, and capability to express a realistic story that takes place in a racist and unjust America.",pos "This story gives me hope in mankind again. Despite the horrendous abuse, this woman gave herself -- all of herself -- to save a child from the torment she experienced. I wish there were more people like Torey Hayden in this world. I can only hope that I can touch lives in the way Ms. Hayden has. This book will open eyes to the terrors of abuse that does, indeed, occur in this world, despite the fact that we would like to close our eyes to it. It also demonstrates the hope that victims can overcome and the need for us to step up to the plate to end this war of terror",pos "Although not as fascinating as his PAPER CRYSTALS (a stellar work of modular origami), MATHEMATICAL ORIGAMI is a very solid work on the topic. David Mitchell again gives clear instructions in text and diagrams for a very intriguing branch of paperfolding. There are many books on geometric and modular origami, but Mitchell's are more than just look at this neat design. Instead, they are well thought out and very intelligently written. A must-have for fans of the art",pos This book is off the hook. Oh! my God this book will have you looking at your so-called straight man in a whole new light,pos "I just got a book out of the library. The author is a nut about recording songs and analyzing the sonograms (frequency intensity over time), and in his mind, when he hears a song, he identifies it by how it looks in his mental sonogram.This whole idea is amazing, and I think I'll never listen to birds the same way again - just after reading the first few pages!The writing style pulls you into the author's world as he tracks birds and ponders the meaning of their song. If you love birding, you will wish you had been there on every walk, and you'll want to wake up two hours before dawn the next day to discover the amazingly different pre-dawn songs of common birds.The book comes with as CD with 98 tracks of songs, and some of the tracks are slowed down, which really changes your perception and shows you the depth and richness of some of those blurt sounds birds make. The Woodthrush at 1/10 speed reminds me of a howling wolf. I know I'll never listed to this song the same way again",pos "I bought my first copy of this book about two years ago. Grabbed my brain and would not turn it loose...because the pages SCREAMED... THIS IS YOU!. I am now 51 years old, and have had the cross of ADHD ... or blessing... as you may see it all of my life.I found myself picking up the phone to call close relatives and grabbing friends to lecture them on what was going on...mostly reading straight from the book. My mother wondered if my father and older brother had ADHD. Dad is dead now, but this can help me put some of the dysfunction in our relationship together. Yes, I have been persecuted for having untreated, undiagnosed ADHD. Yes, this book explained an awful lot to me, gave me real solutions, and encouraged me knowing that the two authors are also blessed / victims of this malady / mental enhancement! I subsequently have bought copies for my aged mother in another state, and for my fiance. I have to say, my fiance read it through and studied it like a how to manual for fixing me! (She's a little scary, sometimes!) And of course I sent a copy to my brother, the doctor, who has added it to his trusted library of resources and textbooks.I am now on one of the medications for the neurotransmitter stimulus. I have opted out of the antidepressants, because of their scary side effect warnings. But the stimulant works to calm me and flush me with something I don't have without the medication. It makes a difference. I feel better and more confident, more able to concentrate and more up to meeting all the challenges of life. What more can I say? Their attention to all facets including proper medication and case history is fascinating, intriguing, and extremely useful. Hope is out there",pos "I'll skip the description since that has been done so many times here. But I would like to say that I don't have much time for reading, so make sure the books I choose are those by authors I consider 5-star. J.D. Robb a/k/a Nora Roberts is one of the most prolific authors I've ever read. How she manages to produce books that remain fresh and vibrant attests to her incredible talent and creative imagination. I've read this series out of order, but each book is written so that the book itself can stand alone. This one, however, revealed to me the reason behind Eve's sometimes belligerent attitude, her strong persona, and standoffishness. Robb is great at revealing subtle conflicts, inner turmoils. Great book",pos "McDonald's is one of the great symbols of America, and most countries around the world absolutely love McDonald's. If you want to know the history of the mega-giant corporation, this is a good starting place. We are capitalists in America - we love making money, and that can only be considered a good thing. McDonald's embodies much of the American spirit and American dream. Sure, the food isn't healthy - as if that's a newflash for anyone these days. But eating it in moderation is not harmful in any way. Oh, and westcoaster (below) didn't actually read this book prior to reviewing it - that person just has a problem with successful business-people earning money. If you don't have that problem, read the book and marvel at the entrepreneurial spirit. And to Hades with the naysayers - come to think of it, I'm outta here - gotta grab a Quarter Pounder with cheese, baby",pos "One of the best new authors to date, and possibly one of the best writers in the history of the English language! Jasper has a VERY firm grasp of the language and creates a..slightly...twisted version of reality where people jump into books, fictional characters jaunt around the real world (Hamlet) and books have a tendancy to re-write themselves. Characters include Jane Eyre (of course), the Cheshire cat, The Red Queen, Hamlet, and a slew of minor personalities from books out of print (for good reasons). If you like puns, you'll LOVE this series",pos "I loved THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by Don Miguel Ruiz, in which heshared wisdom from his Toltec ancestors . . . it helped me and I'm surecountless others develop a simple, yet effective code of personalconduct.So when I had the chance to listen to his follow-up book, THE MASTERYOF LOVE, I naturally was intrigued by the possibility of gaining somemore valuable insights from the author--this time dealing with thesubject of both developing and maintaining a loving relationship.Perhaps my only disappointment in this title was that it was tooshort . . . I gained so much from it that after one listening, Iimmediately felt the need to go back and listen a second time . . . methinksthat if you were reading it, you'd do the same, if just to master thisone concept:To try to change somebody is to try to change a dog or cat. You lovethem for who they are. If you're with somebody, don't try to changehim or her.Also, there were these other valuable tidbits:Let go of the past and begin every day with a high level of love.If you don't love yourself, you can change your belief and yourlife will change.When you hear your heart guiding you to happiness, make a choiceand stick to it.Forgive others, and you will see miracles happen in your life.And lastly, there was this one that really struck home:If your choice is to be in a relationship and your partner is playingthe same game . . . what a gift!",pos "Simon Winchester is a popular historian, in the modern mold. This means that he's socially and politically a liberal, and that he's interested in *everything* connected with a specific event. He'll examine it from all angles, and attempt to see it from everyone's eyes, look over everything connected with it, and then draw some conclusions. Usually, those conclusions over-reach some (I'm being general about this type of writer, not of Winchester specifically) and the point of view is relentlessly modern.Winchester has chosen as the topic of this book the explosion of the volcano Krakatoa in 1883. Interestingly, the author is trained as a geologist, though he has spent most of his life working as a journalist and writer. This means that he actually understands the terminology of geology and vulcanology enough that he can at least make an attempt to explain it to the rest of us in layman's terms, and the result is generally a happy one. Krakatoa was a complex event (the island had three summits, each a separate volcano: two disappeared in the explosion, but they erupted for a good while beforehand, and their effects lasted for years afterwards) and Winchester does a good job of relating what happened, the prelude to it, and the aftermath.The one criticism that people have which I agree with is that he tends to wander a bit, at times. There are discussions here of everything from Dutch Colonial policy to the habits of spiders to rather technical (though carefully explained) geology. While it's all interesting, sometimes it does stray a bit far from the chosen topic. The author also occasionally over-reaches, a bit. For instance, his assertion that the explosion of the volcano indirectly led to Indonesia's independance is a bit much. My edition included a magazine article he'd written just after the Boxing Day tsunami, in which he attempts to connect the San Francisco earthquake with George W. Bush's election as U.S. President...that seems and even bigger stretch, to be honest.When the author sticks to the story, however, what he writes is very interesting. I would recommend this book",pos "This is truely a funny book. It of course is the origin of the Ma and Pa Kettle movies, yet much more. I like to pull this one off the shelf every now and again just to be able to chuckle. When you read it, you must remember when it was written and what the racial and political attitudes of the time were, although, it is a good read on that level too, i.e. seeing were our culture has been and where it is today. I did read one or two reviews which compaired this work to some of the authors other work...good grief folks, lighten up..read the thing for what it is..a funny story meant to amuse. When I was a kid, I did not read Micky Mouse and analyze each comic book for political correctness, nor social commentary (although, being a dog lover, I was not always happy how Pluto was presented and treated) nor did I compair the Micky of 1949 to the Micky of 1952. Anyway, digging into a book like this for those reasons is fine I suppose, if you are into such, but for me, I just enjoyed the read and highly recommend it",pos "George DeWolfe sees the photographer as an artist, not a technician, yet his book provides the technical knowledge and shows how to use Photoshop to create consistently high quality fine art prints. Writing for the experienced photographer with a basic knowledge of Photoshop, DeWolfe begins by showing the photographer, with many examples, how to evaluate an image and decide what adjustments will bring out its special qualities. The experienced photographer has always used his or her understanding of how light, luminosity and color give life to an image, and has traditionally used various techniques in the darkroom to enhance them. DeWolfe begins by training the eye of the artist to see these elements and understand how they work. After showing the reader how to truly see the image and decide how to fine-tune it, DeWolfe then gives us a very detailed digital workflow which, once mastered, allows the photographer to produce excellent prints on a consistent basis. The workflow is clarified by many screen shots showing Photoshop techniques and before/after image adjustments. Those who think visually will find these particularly helpful.DeWolfe's approach is to use the simplest techniques that can produce consistently fine results. (Some Photoshop users will be surprised by his use of the history brush instead of masking; as a photographer who uses this tool, I appreciate its simplicity and controlled results.) His focus is not on tips-and-tricks in Photoshop, but on how to get the best possible prints in the simplest, most straightforward way. While a first reading gives valuable insights, the book's true value becomes evident when the photographer uses the workflow on his or her own images, and practices to become proficient. The proof, as they say, is in the print",pos "I received my first copy of this cute album as a gift when I had my first baby. I had so much fun putting it together that I tracked it down for my second and now for my third. Telling the story from baby's point of view is fun and gets mom thinking about how baby would really feel about all the firsts in his/her life. It is an easy album for moms and dads who want to record all the important events that the first year brings, but who haven't joined the scrapbooking craze quite yet. I love this album and plan to have one for each child",pos "Well, the name of this set does say it all. Fashion! That's the theme of this mix & match stationery set. I liked it a bit more than some of the other mix & match stationery sets out there. The paper quality is a teensy bit better with this set as the paper is slightly thicker.The illustrations are very colorful and pretty, it has drawings and he complements each with colors such as bright blue and fuchsia. The drawings are all bold and enjoyable ranging from a pattern of high-heeled shoes or little kisses to a close-up of a very Warhol-esque face. At the top of each sheet, there are little quotes of Andy's relating to fashion. Very cool for maintaining the overall theme, I think. The different colored-envelopes each have a flap that more or less complements one of the particular sheet designs but of course, as the name suggests, it's all open to a little mix&match. Finally, there are quite a lot of stickers to decorate your mail as your will dictates. They're very pretty too including purses, mannequins, kisses, and oh, they're the clear kind so they look a little bit more distinguished.All in all, a very good way to spruce up your everyday mail. Get it especially if you're a fan of Andy Warhol or a die-hard fashionista",pos "My sister, whom moved out and had never cooked a thing in her life, really enjoyed the benefits from this book! The moment she saw it on my shelf, she snatched it up and took it home and I haven't seen it since. I hear she's cooking some great meals and hope she'll invite me over for dinner sometime soon! ;",pos "This book has adrenaline written all over it! Michael Crighton did an excellent job of keeping readers on their seats. I was blown away. Not only did his novel have adrenaline, but it also had horror, which kept you waiting for your hand to turn the next page",pos "Lost World Knopf Inc., 1995, Hardback 393 pp., $18.87Michael Crichton ISBN 0-679-41946-2 What would you do if you were trapped on an island stuck with prehistoric dinosaurs that are ready to tear you to shreds? A group of scientists are stuck on an island are about to be torn to shreds. Ian Malcom and his three partners have gone to an island called Isla Sorna believing there are dinosaurs that are still on the island since the prehistoric time. When they get to the island they figure out that the dinosaurs are not from the prehistoric time but from a cloning company called Ingen that cloned dinosaurs in Crichton's previous novel. Lost World is a grabbing novel and will keep you reading for hours on end. Crichton gives great descriptions of characters, places, and objects that will keep guessing if he was really on the island. It makes you feel like you are a part of the story on the island or off. Crichton has made novels that continue this novel and start this novel. Jurassic park was Crichton's novel before this and Jurassic park III is the novel that continues this novel. Lost World is exciting, adventurous, grabbing, and will always be a great novel. I would recommend this novel to anyone who likes adventures and anyone who likes to feel like you're in the story. Lost World is the best novel I have read and will be for quite a while.Andy Pop",pos "I liked this prep guide because it's not one of those huge books that's impossible to fit in your carry-on or laptop bag if you're traveling. It has enough information to pass the test, which is good enough for me because that's all I needed to pass the test this month. But, if you're one of those people who has a need to get every single question right, this is not the book for you. The book doesn't cover every single thing you need to know for the exam, just enough to pass it. The only draw back to this book is that it doesn't come with a CD with a comprehensive set of sample test questions. I had to go to one of those huge books that I bought a couple of years ago for that, but I didn't read the huge book",pos "This is a retitled re-issue of _Invisible Republic_. For its content, then, it clearly deserves a 5-star rating (at least from here). However, you ought to know what you will be getting if you already have that classic",pos "Verla Kay has done it again! She's created a brilliant rhyming picture book that works great in the classroom and is also a delightful choice for a bedtime story. COVERED WAGONS, BUMPY TRAILS is the vivid, touching, enjoyable story of a pioneer family moving West. Readers will fall in love with Mother, Father and Baby John as they journey in search of a new home. Their struggles and triumphs come alive in sparse cryptic rhyme verse, such as: Plunging, slipping, Stuck in snow. Frozen wheels, Oxen, WHOA! And the art by S. D. Schindler is fabulous with colorful kid-appeal. This is a wonderful book that you won't want to miss! When you reach the final page, you'll smile at the absolute PERFECT ending",pos "I liked the book except the ending,I do not think she should have taken Sam back,He did not stand by her when she needed her most instead he went after another woman,The things he said and did to Alex were unforgivable,Sorry doesn't cut it.",pos "I wish I had put some kind of protection on my Transits by Hand. I did not buy the hardback and usage of the paperback over the years by me and my daughter has managed to deteriorate the 2 or 3 copies I've had to reorder! I always read other books about transiting planets and their influence, but for the final touch I always resort to the master himself, Robert Hand. I was lucky enough to hear a few of his tapes and he is absolutely fascinating to listen to; has a delightful sense of humor (Sagittarius influence), is a supreme story-teller, which makes it impossible not to learn as you listen. A lot of hard work must have gone into this work. If anyone is to break the barriers between astrology and scientific worlds, Hand would be the one to lead the onslaught! No astrologer or anyone learning astrology could do without this book",pos "Talk about a warm, fuzzy, heart touching book, this is it. Authors Allen & Linda Anderson have touched on the very core of the existence of our beloved pet, the dog.Taking accounts from numerous people they share with us stories of courage, love,loyalty, sacrifice and more that our four legged friends have bestowed on humans. After each story we have a short meditation that enhances the read.I am a dog lover so for me this just re-enforced their need in our world and helped me appreciate them more. Are they indeed sent from our Maker as messengers of love? I believe that may well be true. If you love dogs, or even if you just want to understand their unique service to man; this book is for you.Written in a tender, honest, interesting and absorbing way; you will find it difficult to put this book down. I recommend Angel Dogs highly. Absolutely amazing insight!",pos "Citizen explores just what freedom really is as it follows a young man, Thorby, as he matures from boy to man. Starting as a slave sold to a most unusual beggar, Baslim, we see the first aspect that many equate with the absolute opposite of freedom, though we see that in fact 'slaves' sometimes have more freedom of choice than 'free men'. The society he paints here is vivid and believable (though the economics of slavery in a star-travelling culture has always seemed a little dubious to me). Baslim is far more than he appears to be, and puts Thorby through a rigorous education, both academic and practical. How do you become a really good beggar? Here Heinlein falls in with Ayn Rand - whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability, from begging to juggling. Also there are several comments included here about the integrity of the self - lies to others and misleading yourself both come in for some dictums. These are items that may pass over young readers' heads, but perhaps planting seeds that all assumptions should be examined, nothing should be accepted on 'faith', that personal integrity is more important than 'success', that consequences of actions should be examined carefully before committing to that action.Later, Baslim calls in some favors and sends Thorby to live with the Free Traders, a group of space merchants that keep to themselves with their own unique culture. Here Thorby discovers another aspect of freedom: a person's ability to do as he wishes is severely constrained by the culture in which he lives. The Free Trader society (which owes much to Margaret Mead's seminal ideas, and highlighted by an anthropologist character named Margaret Mader - Heinlein was not usually so obvious with his names) of rigid matriarchal domination and separation into moieties provides security, peace of mind, and the ability through rigid rules of formalism to allow a small group of people to live together for extended periods without breaking any heads, but has as its downside great limitations on freedom of choice. This section of the book may be the best part, as the society is so different from today's American culture that it becomes fascinating in its own right, apart from its effects on Thorby. Thorby himself grows and changes significantly in this part of the book, from first love to determining just how he must balance the demands of duty and personal desires.The last section deals with Thorby back on Earth, within a society not much different from our own, and shows a third aspect of freedom: the internal courageousness to make your own decisions and act upon them. Freedom is just as constrained by internal timidity and/or defining decisions as by external forces. As this last section offers little in terms of new or different views of society (though it is a good mirror of some of the flaws of a capitalistic/lawyer dominated one), it isn't as engrossing as the first two sections, but is highly important in terms of completing Heinlein's thematic investigation of all aspects of freedom.Characterization other than Thorby and Baslim is pretty thin, especially for the females that appear in supporting roles. This was fairly typical for his juveniles, as they were basically strong adventure novels with their primary focus on their central character. But the thematic line on slavery/freedom is much stronger here than most of his messages in other books, and as this particular position is also stated in some of those other works (most especially Farnham's Freehold), has to be seen as one of Heinlein's personal beliefs (unlike some other positions he proposes in his books that seem mainly designed to stir up debate).This book is not Heinlein's absolute best, nor even the best of his so-called 'juveniles' (which are typically better reading than most 'adult' mainstream bestsellers), but still provides an engrossing, fun, and illuminating read. Recommended for all readers willing to look at life styles different from their own.--- Reviewed by Patrick Shepherd (hyperpat)",pos "Written all the way back in the mid-1980s, long before all the heated rhetoric about illegal immigration going on in the US today, this book has turned out to be amazingly prescient. I feel like I would have had a much better understanding of this subject (not to mention appreciation of the people involved) had I discovered it a long time ago, but I suppose late is better than never.Ted Conover did what I don't imagine very many other Americans would have the courage to do: Cross illegally from Mexico into the US with Mexicans doing the same thing. In doing so, he gives readers incredible insight into what compels some Mexicans to make that journey (i.e what life is like where they come from), what the journey is like, and what awaits them on this side of the border. I found myself exceedingly grateful for having been born American and simply in awe of the Mexicans who live such vastly disparate lives from their privileged neighbors to the north.Conover simply relates his experiences to readers without the kind of ideological commentary or other editorializing that can get in the way of the facts surrounding the contentious issues involved. Coyotes is a well-written, touching, informative, and inspiring book that should be required reading for all Americans before they open their mouths about illegal immigration",pos I checked this book out of our local library when I was teaching a unit on oceans to my preschool class. The children listened closely as the suspense built in this story and the surprise ending was wonderful. The children understood the food chain concept and have asked me several times to Read it again! It has also triggered a renewed interest in the children for using their own imaginations to create stories of their own creation. I am ordering a copy for our own personal library. This one is a keeper,pos What books you would grab as you ran out of a burning house? Remember that old parlor game? This is one on my list. My copy is stained and spine-cracked and I could not live without it. It's the standard by which all cookbooks should be measured,pos If you want to take your pictures to the next level this is the book for you. Fantastic and easy to follow .. for the advanced amateur and pro,pos You will either kill them or become a video on arabic television! Hows that for modern desensitization,pos "Many people remember the battle of Midway as the turning point of the war in the Pacific due to the sinking of four Japanese aircraft carriers, and rightly so. But would the American success at Midway been possible without the heroic actions of their torpedo squadrons? Probably not. In this eye-opening account of the battle, author Alvin Kernan sheds much new light on these intrepid airmen who, flying obsoloete aircraft and using defective torpedoes, cleared the way for the SBD Dauntlesses to deliver the crushing blows on the Japanese carriers.After sighting the enemy carriers, the three American flattops began launching their torpedo bombers, dive bombers, and fighters in the hopes of making a coordinated attack on the Japanese fleet. However, while en route to the target, almost all of the squadrons became separated and the USS Hornet's contingent of fighters and dive bombers never even made it to the Japanese fleet. Its aircraft either returned to the carrier or ditched in the sea. Meanwhile, ,the planes from USS Yorktown and USS Enterprise were not able to coordinate their attacks. Thus, the torpedo planes attacked without fighter protection.These planes were thrown into a virtual meat grinder of anti aircraft fire and pursuit from Japanese fighters. Out of a compliment of 51 planes, 44 were shot down. One man, Ensign George Gay, survived from Torpedo squadron 8. Not a single American torpedo hit the Japanese fleet. However, this sacrifice was not in vain, for a few minutes later, the SBDs found the Japanese and in the span of a few minutes sent three Japanese carriers to the bottom. The fourth followed later in the day.The author brings up some interesting points in the book. For example, he mentions the confusing flight plan of the Hornet's commander Ring, who, for some reason, chose to fly a course which would take him well north of the Japanese fleet. He then failed to write an after action report upon returning to the Hornet. The author also describes the inferiority of the American aircraft, specifically, there extremely limited range which, in the end, caused the American fighters to turn back. Also, the fighters that did make it to the Japanese fleet never flew down to help out the lumbering Devastators. In all intents and purposes, the SBDs happened to end up in the right place at precisely the right time. If they had not, the battle could have turned out much differently.This is a fascinating book. I've read several books about the battle of Midway, but none have went into the depth of exploring the destruction of the torpedo planes as this one does. The writer, a former member of the Enterprise's air group, describes the battle as only a true eyewitness could. He raises some alarming quetions which I had never thought about before reading this book. Although the book itself is somewhat short, it does a masterful job of covering the plight of the torpedo planes.I highly recommend this fine book. If you've read anything previously about the battle of Midway, you must read this book. It sheds some new light on the heroic sacrifice of the American torpedo squadrons and how their actions paved the way for the American victory",pos "Stimulating, compelling primer on the fallacies of naturalistic evolution. In a philosophical wrestling match, Phillip Johnson bends Richard Dawkins into a pretzel and pins his shoulders to the mat in three seconds or less.Macroevolutionary Darwinism is living on borrowed time. Within 50 years it will join the ranks of Geocentric Universe Theories, phlogistons, and phrenologies. A lot of guys with letters after their names are going to have to look for new work, or else be honest enough to convert from their naturalistic religion to a real form of science, that pursues Truth no matter where it leads",pos This is an integral desk reference for the reproductive health educator. This text outlines all that there is to know to date about contraceptive methods and their function. I don't inted to part with this until the 19th edition is released.,pos "Part geology, part biography, part history of Scotland, this excellent book is a tribute to James Hutton, the originator of modern geology. Starting with the status of geology in the eighteenth century and the use of the Bible as the basis for estimating the age of the earth, the author weaves the intriguing story of James Hutton and how he came about discovering signs of the earth's true antiquity. The political situation in eighteenth century Scotland is well described and illustrates the times in which Hutton lived. But the book goes further in that the evolution of geology after Hutton's death is also discussed, ending with modern estimates of the age of the earth and a brief description of the methods used to produce them. This is a very well-written and exciting book that should appeal to a wide audience",pos "The Challenge/Solution style of these books are great for security beginners as well as seasoned professionals. If you read carefully you can pick up many hints/tools which you can use in real life security scenarios.My only -ve comment about this book is its getting out of date now. Many of the incidents described are not relevant now, as security practices at most firms would thrawt these incidents. Having said that, the scenarios are still good for security beginners. For advanced readers I would suggest the Second edition or the soon to be released third edition",pos "I have looked high and low through countless new age books and Voyagers was the first book that really fofilled my sense of longing. After every other book I had read, I found myself still searching, but after Voyagers, I no longer needed to search. That is not to say that everything you ever needed to know can be found in this book, it is more of an introduction to a larger body of work where you can find information on everything you wanted to know, and then some. If you are genuinely looking for answers, then don't take my word for it, or any one else's for that matter... just read it for yourself and decide for yourself if it is right for you.",pos "I purchased this book to find out about the publishing industry and more effectively market my book. Without Mr. Kremer's Book I would have been clueless, however now I am well informed and continue to sell my book. It has been picked up for a second edition by another publisher, which was my main goal. ( I self published as a quick way to get review copies out to the public and get the book rolling)I knew the world needed my book and I needed it releasedquick. Mission accomplished. I keep 001 ways close to my side and continuously consult it as I continue my publishing journey. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to sell books and be successful and effective in the process",pos This book is execellent in explaining about fear and how to conquer it. My f0ur children loved it,pos "We got this book out from our library recently and within a week I had ordered a copy for us. My nearly 2 year old demands poems from it all the time (as only 2 year olds can demand!!) and her older brothers have also enjoyed them. The book has so many poems that struck a chord with us; just one small example: With recent cold weather I ended up sharing Dragon Smoke (about day being so cold you can see your own breath) with my oldest son's class at school. I have also suggested that our local pre-school buys a copy for the adult library so that the poems can be shared with the children when relevant themes / moments arise. The pictures are perfect for the poems creating a completely wonderful package. It is just an absolutely superb book and one I will be buying as a present for many other families. I think in a way the title is a bit of a pity, (although completly reasonable), as these poems will last a lot longer than just for the very Young",pos "Flip the Switch is an excellent book. I'm 29 and tired of being overweight. I bought this book months ago. I read half of it, then moved from Seattle to Valdez, Alaska. All the while I was moving, I could not stop thinking about this book. As soon as my shipment arrived, I found the book ASAP and finished it.I have seen that some complain about the resistance products he promotes in his books. I look at it this way: Spend a ton of money on a gym membership or spend around $10.00 for a resistance rope - PLUS - you get to do this in the privacy of your home. This is a great idea, especially for women that have children, a job and the home to contend with.Jim Karas was overweight for several years. He can relate to me. He revels on the fact that resistance training is the way to go and thank goodness because I simply cannot handle cardio workouts due to a bad back. The running and stepping in cardio is too much for me.This is a great book for anyone but women will especially appreciate the convenience",pos "This collection of shorts narrating the lives of the inhabitants of 44 Scotland Street - a Edinburgh neighborhood, full of quirky characters, both lovable and unlovable - is quaint and entertaining, striking a cord of truth in the mind and heart, like many of Smith's stories. A great addition to those previously delighted with Smith - for new readers I recommend The No. #1 Ladies' Detective Agency",pos "I'm not sure why Sony, which now owns I Dream of Jeannie, decided to colorize the first season of this series. Whatever the reason, you can readily tell by looking at the prices here on Amazon.com that the original black-and-white version of the first season is worth a lot more. The reason for that is simple--I Dream of Jeannie was originally broadcast in black-and-white. And for a television fan like myself, that's the ONLY way to watch the first season.The episodes themselves are just as I remember seeing them. Since I wasn't around in 1965, I'm pretty sure I've never seen these without the cuts that have been referenced here. But to me, they're still pretty good. The theme music, in my opinion, is every bit as good as the second theme, introduced when Jeannie went to color in 1966.The one thing that truly will drive the purists nuts is the fact that Sony stripped off the old Screen Gems animation from the end of every episode. That logo was attached to so many classic shows from the 1960s and 1970s, and it is consistenly rated, along with Viacom's old blue V of Doom, as the scariest logo in the history of television. The new Sony outro doesn't pack the same punch.Still, if you liked Jeannie way back when, you'll love it now, especially since you can watch it anytime you like, without commercial interruption",pos If you don't own this dvd you need to add it to your collection. In my opinion it is the best american animated film ever released,pos "Denzel Washington is great but Angelina Jolie he is even better. The movie itself is pretty scary, to tell you the truth it's not pleasant. There are some parts you don't really need to see. The plot of the movie is interesting and keeps you wondering what is gonna happen next. I recommend watching it with somebody, cause it's not pretty. But it's a good movie.",pos "I rediscovered this after a long time. This is a great series.I had never seen this in its entirety and look forward to seeing the third and fourth which I understand is not out yet.Its a gem, love the storyline and costumes.,so authentic looking and of the period,even the dialogue.I wish there were more of this genre",pos "I bought this movie for my coming of age daughter to watch with me. I enjoyed it so much in high school and was not surprised that she did also. Times and styles may have changed, but I believe that teens still go through needing the sense of belonging as these teens in the movie did. Simple, but great movie. My only regret is that it wasn't close captioned",pos "R.J. The Raccoon (Bruce Willis) was just looking for something to eat as he stumbles into his bear friend's (Nick Nolte) cave and accidently destroys his food, he has an entire week to find almost every scrap of food for him or else he dies. He finds a family of animals (Gary Shandling, William Shatner, Wanda Sykes, Steve Carrell, Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Avril Lavigne) and uses them for his scheme to go over the large hedge near their territory to the suburbs where they steal food from the humans. Later on, the home-owner Gladys (Allison Janey) hires professional exterminator Dwayne (Thomas Hayden Church) to kill them but can RJ save his own life or his new friends's?Extremely entertaining and fantastic CGI animated comedy from the makers of Shrek 1 & 2, Antz and Madagscar Dreamworks provides great realistic CGI and laughs for everybody. There's also heart in this movie and shows the meaning of what it is like to have friends and be one's true self instead of being selfish! Steve Carrell's character Hammy the Squirrel steals the show here as the best character in the movie, it's a wonderful and hilarious movie that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults.This DVD has some good extras like two sneek previews to Shrek 3 and Bee-Movie, audio commentary, behind-the-scenes featurette, VerneTech commercial, games, meet the cast featurette and gallery.Highly recommended! the best Dreamworks animated movie since Shrek 1 & 2",pos "9 to 5 was the first film to address the glass ceiling. It takes a look at the workplace from a woman's view.We first meet Violet (Lily Tomlin) who has been working for Consolidated Companies for 12 years and has been overlooked for most of them. She trained her current boss and has the bruises to prove it. Judy (Jane Fonda) is the new girl in the office. She is a divorcee (he left her for his secretary) and has never worked for a living. Rounding out the heroines is Doralee (Dolly Parton in the film debut). She is the personal secretary of Franklin Hart (Dabney Coleman) and everyone thinks she is banging the boss.But the fun starts when Violet is passed over for a promotion to a man she helped train. She then blurts out that Hart has been spreading rumors that he's been having an affair with Doralee. And an employee is fired for a small infraction. This sends the three women to the local bar to drown their sorrows and they bond.Each comes up with their fantasy way of killing the boss. Judy is a big game hunter with Hart as the prey. Doralee plays role reversal and Hart ends up on a rotisserie spit. But Violet wants it to be like a fairy tale where she is Snow White and the wicked witch and poisons Hart.The next day, Violet accidentally poisons Hart's coffee. When falls out of his chair and is knock unconscious, Violet thinks she killed him. This leads to an all out comedy chase with Violet steals the wrong corpse.The next day to the ladies surprise, Hart shows up. The ladies regroup in the restroom but Roz overhears them and reports it to Hart. Hart confronts the ladies but they wind up kidnapping him to find some incriminating evidence. The find something but it is going to take some time to get the evidence. Over the next six weeks the ladies run the office in Hart's absence. Hart escapes but the ladies changes have brought notice and Hart is not above taking someone else's glory.The subject matter here is very serious. So to do it as a comedy is very daring and it works perfectly. This is a film that many people identify with. Everyone has had a boss or a teacher that oppressed them. And this film is what we all would like to do to these oppressors. You will laugh until it hurts.DVD EXTRAS:Commentary by producer Bruce Gilbert and stars Lily, Jane and Dolly9 to 5 @ 25 - a 25 minute featurette with interviews with Gilbert, writer director Colin Higgins and stars Lily. Jane, Dolly and Dabney Coleman.Deleted Scenes - 10 mostly expanded scenes or alternate takes. The problem is without some kind of commentary we do not know why the scene was cut.",pos "I wanted to do a grad school paper on something I was interested in researching and I picked Hip-Hop. After working for an underground Hip-Hop magazine, I'd already familiarized myself with a lot of information that I was too young to understand (being born in '81). I visited the University of Hip-Hop in Chicago, interviewed underground artists, and went to breaking shows in the Illinois area. Although I thought I was very familiar with Hip-Hop, after working with this magazine, I realized I knew NOTHING.So when I was given the chance to do my research paper, I knew that I would be able to learn even more than I already knew from working for the magazine. I watched the three parts of Beef first and saw an ad for this movie in the Extras section. Honestly, the first thing that caught my eye was how gorgeous Mr. Wiggles was...but then after fully watching the preview, I realized this was the PERFECT movie for me to find out more about breaking.This movie documented the founding members, discussed the four elements of Hip-Hop, gave a lot of background information on Kool Herc and Grandmaster Flash, talked about the different techniques in breaking, the label breakdancing, the media's dilution of breaking, the first movies that breaking was showcased in, new breaking groups...just a bunch of firsts. It was a great reference for my paper, I enjoyed watching it, and I could watch it over and over again. I have a lot of respect for the founders because without them, headz wouldn't have this beautiful culture to express ourselves physically, mentally, and verbally",pos "Honestly, I wasn't certain about this film, in fact, at first I actually believed it was related to Chocolate. I was terribly wrong yet most pleasantly surprised. Upon first viewing, I did not laugh as much as the second time. Yes, I tend to watch a film twice for I know we miss much the first time with our opinions and own theories. I can be more relaxed and open minded the second time. Second viewing was a belly full of laughter.This is the best lesbian comedy I have ever seen. The acting was wonderful and the film was fast paced. Now that I decided that this film is exceptional, it was time to put it to the test on others (mostly women 20's - 80's years, some men.) Each person I shared this film with, either loaning it or viewing it together, all responded similarly: This is a hysterically funny film.What is even more amazing is the brief allotted time the director accomplished in completing the filming process - about twenty-two days. Congratulations, sometimes a tight budget can produce a true work of art. Many short films I have seen on the Spiritual Cinema Circle also have numerous low budget wonderful productions. Hoorah for the film art genius.I applaud the entire talented cast and crew, especially actress, Christine Cox, her performance was exceptionally wonderful. I would like to see her in more comedies...she's a natural. I fell in love with her and I am straight gal, as are all of the actresses except for Frances.A must see funny film. I always wondered why the comedy male gay films always had that edge of humor when the lesbian films appeared more serious. We need more films that are as pleasurable and diversified as Better Than Chocolate. Thanks bunches.",pos "If you like action, shooting, explosions, fire, pain, torture and revenge, this is a movie you'll love. And, it stars one of the best actors in the world who is completely believeable in this role. A great storyline with intriguing twists plus situations and settings that are very close to reality.",pos he kept it real thats all i can say. aw yeah those people talkin bout its too much cussin. what u expect im from the hood and every other word i say is a cuss word. i just cant help it. everybody in the hood cusses. but anyways..,pos "Frankly, the idea of a Secret Service Agent having an affair with the President's wife is way out there in the first place. (Michael Douglas not withstanding). If you like Keefer Sutherland (as in TV's 24) you will probably like this movie (his name could have been Jack Bower in this flick too. I thought it had good action, writing, acting and directing. I would not mind seeing Keefer and Michael teamed up again on the same side. I bought the dvd, but then again I collect movies for the actors.",pos i saw this show on PBS and was so enthralled with it that i just had to order it. the performances are priceless from folks who have passed on. i don't know of any other way to be able to see Yul Brynner's commanding King and I performance. Loved it,pos "I had been aware that once there was a show called Mr. Show, starring Bob and David, and that it had been on HBO. But I had never been compelled to buy any of their DVDs until this weekend, when the power of Satan...um, compelled me to pick up the first two seasons. All I gotta say is: Praise Satan for leading me to this glory!The first season, comprised of four episodes, is fantastic, with flashes of brilliance on The Gay Porno Video, but it's the second season that really will make you a fan. Such oddities as F.F. Woodycooks, Only The British Can Fly, Child-Labor Comedy Writers, the Iguana, and Jeepers Creepers: Semi-Star unleash the funny like you'd never believe.Mr. Show proves that there is a market for intelligent, hilarious sketch comedy...on cable, or in the case of KITH and Monty Python, imported from other countries. But Mr. Show is homegrown, it's comedy at a breakneck speed, and there's never a dull moment in either season. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll learn how to fight crime with a crime stick and ice cream, and enjoy tofu-based products while your business goes to hell...led by a red balloon.The security guard and I shared something in common...Me!",pos "This comedy volume is absolutely great. While I'm a fan of the series, I thought this volume was more cutting edge than the next. Definately don't watch Season 3 before seeing these seasons, because this is intellectual comedy that builds on previous episodes to some degree. It doesn't move as fast as some comedy out there, but it all fits together better than most of what is on TV today",pos "I have loved this movie ever since I saw it on television and watch it whenever it is on (it's been some time now) and I plan to buy it. Waterston has never been better as the understanding and loving father. I didn't realize when I first saw it that Reese Witherspoon was the daughter (that was before Reese Witherspoon became Reese Witherspoon). A heartbreaking, beautifully acted and must-see film. Rings true to life. They certainly don't make movies like this anymore, and it's a shame",pos "Some classic episodes indeed. All In The Family broke new ground in television sitcoms. The world ws changing and liberalism was making its presence in many households. Archie Bunker's old fashioned values were being challenged. It is certainly a bit scary how prejudiced Archie Bunker's views were. Organizing petitions against minorities moving into his neigborhood? Not willing to donate blood for the fear it will save someone of a different race or religion? Quite a shock to the system especially when its seen today where society is very sensitive to what you can say because it might offend someone.Certainly a great show that makes you think about differing points of view and how we have evolved since the 1970's. Carol O'Connor, Jean Stapelton, Sally Struthers, and Rob Reiner portray a slice of pie in ever changing times. All In The Family spawned off may other great shows such as The Jeffersons, Maude, and indirectly Good Times. This first season was certainly a reverred one. Just look at it with an open mind",pos "Great movie, great actors for such a sad part of the U.S. history ! It is great to see in this movie some men who really existed (especially Stonewall Jackson). We don't know if the personalities showed into the movie were really like this or if it is a pure fiction, but at the end of the day it's not very important, because the historical interest is preserved",pos ..without jessica alba.let's imagine the same film as the deep with jacqueline Bisset...a real sexy looking woman not a teenager chica lookalikewith very poor acting..It seems the same director had a better choice in blue crush.The rest is absolutly great and represents a great moment of adventures.buy i,pos "I grabbed this flick from the shelf on a very wet and miserable day at my local Target.... craving the Summer sun and needing an island vacation....The cover appealled to me for these reasons and I admit I was not at all disappointed in the movie. The scenery was indeed spectacular. The underwater diving/snorkling scenes were clear, crisp, and just what the doctor ordered. Even the sharks and rays made it all quite beautiful.OK, enough of the shallow stuff.... the movie was indeed much like the 70's flick The Deep which I enjoyed back then as well. The characters of Jared and Sam were pretty believable - poor, honest, and happy folks (most of us would love to really be this happy - let's face it!) The introduction of Bryce (played by Scott Caan) really created an interesting balance of characters and how each reacted to the many dangers, twists, etc.Overall, the bikinis and the buff guys added to the adventure many of us would love to have in our generally boring lives. Would I want to deal with Tiger Sharks? No, but a little excitement would beat the heck out of my boring 9-5 job every day.",pos "see thisit will shock youmove youthrill youexcite youchill youfreak you outit's one amazing, strange movieit really takes a while to understand it at timesbut it has many valuable lessons one can learnWitherspoons performance is shattering and remarkable among other things. a great movie. will be seen more times then I can count the next times I play it in my playe",pos "I liked this work out. It is very easy to follow. The instructor, who is very likable, gives good instructions. She gives each dance move a fun name, so it is easy to remember. I do this work-out when I want to work-out, but do not have as much energy as usual or I will do it as a warm-up to another work-out. It always puts me in a good mood. I liked that it contains a good warm up and an isolation section. If you are looking for a hard-core dance fitness work-out that leaves you grasping for air as you are drenched in sweat, this is not for you. If you are looking for a fun, easy work-out, then this is for you",pos "My 2 year old loves watching the DVD as well as listening to the CD in the car. I have to admit that I have memorized all of the songs on the CD and the dances on the DVD too...they are very catchy and I find myself singing them to myself when my daughter is not even around! The lyrics are really cute and the beats are great. Simple music but very creative. I signed up for updates on Laurie Berkner's website so I can find out when/if she ever comes to town so my daughter (and I, of course) can go see her. She is a great alternative to Barney and all of the other commercial characters, who I don't care much for. I have bought this DVD/CD combo for all of my friends who have kids",pos Good introduction to Qigong. Mirror image instruction would have been helpful for some of the more complex moves and even some moves with back to the camera would have been helpful. Overall relaxing and precise.,pos I loved the first and second season and was looking forward to season 3. WHERE IS IT? I hope that it is released soon. It seems unfair to release two seasons and hold back on the ending! A little unfair to the consumer don't you think! It is my understanding that 3 seasons is all there is. Is that correct,pos Ohhhh! I caught this movie on regular TV and even with commercials it was good. I bought it so I would get the whole movie. I have watched it a couple times myself and also a couple more times with friends or family. A really amazing and edge of your seat movie and the ending will totally shock you!,pos "This is definitely the best new anime series on the shelves. The storyline is great, but this should have been the last DVD. Things are getting noticeably dragged out at this point and what really steams me is getting only 3 episodes on this disc after paying over $20. That's bogus. DVDs can fit way more episodes on a single disc, and it's a rip off the way anime is being marketed lately. The Cowboy Bebop series had 5 episodes per disc at the start, then dropped down to 4. Now it's just getting worse. At this point I'm starting to regret buying the Stand Alone Complex series instead of renting it. I am going to buy volume 7 to see how things turn out, though. Throughout the series I think disc 4 was my favorite",pos "of course i enjoy this movie, i ordered it after so many years of searching for it... i love salsa music and the dancing..",pos "JULIE JOHNSON is a quiet little film that deals with the frustrations facing a New Jersey housewife and mother who married and birthed before she graduated high school and finds herself in a rigid relationship, longing for knowledge to change things. She considers herself stupid, sneaks Science magazines to read when her overbearing husband isn't around, and finally gathers the courage (while staring at the stars one night) to change her plight. She takes a computer course, passes her GED and with the constant support of her dearest girlfriend gathers the courage to get out of the stifling marriage with her husband and study to improve her lot in life. Along the way she discovers other secrets about herself, buried in the facade of a life she has led. She changes, relates to the world in a different way, and refuses to settle for returning to 'the old life' when her husband returns promising her change. Her relationship with her girlfriend proceeds to intimate levels, but in the end this friendship cannot last, as her girlfriend doesn't have the same goals.The story is simple, but in the hands of the writers Wendy Hammond and Bob Gosse and with Gosse's fine direction, the entire cast gives us an ensemble of disparate characters in whom we can all believe. Lili Taylor plays the lead with extraordinary skill and as her girlfriend Courtney Love gives a bravura performance. The remainder of the cast (Spalding Gray, Noah Emmerich, Gideon Jacobs, Mischa Barton, et al) is likewise strong. But it is Taylor's film and she offers one of her most poignant performances of her career. A thoughtful, sensitive, engrossing film. Grady Harp, September 0",pos "If you sort of like Edwin McCain, get this DVD, watch him live, and you will fall in love. He has such passion for his music that can only be seen, and felt during live performances. His amazing voice, is just as amazing live, and he and his band, can JAM!! The energy is high, and its a great time!I had the priviledge of meeting him, and blubbered like an idiot, but he is just as cool a guy as he seems. He really appreciates his fan base, and understands how important it is for us to see him live. Im glad that finally, I can share with my friends who have never see Edwin live, what an amazing artist he really is!!!!",pos "I purchased this unit due to frequent blackouts in my area and 2 power supplies going bad. It will run my cable modem, router, PC, and LCD monitor for 5 minutes. This is more than enough time to save work and shut down. Equally important, I know that my electronics are receiving clean power.I feel that this investment is minor compared to the loss of valuable data or the failure of equipment due to a power spike or an irregular power supply.As always, Amazon had it to me in <2 business days",pos "I ordered 3 APC Back-UPS ES 500s on the recommendation of an employee of mine who used to work at APC. I've had them for about a month now without any problems. They've functioned properly through a few unexpected power interruptions. I'll gladly order more if the need arises.Pros: - Large plug spacing, good for power adapters - Simple design - Long cordCons: - No line conditioning (usually an expensive option",pos "Wish the unit had a separate online/offline light. When power to the unit is missing, the single red light turns off only when the warning sounds. The warning sound is like a lot of sounds you hear in the house so it isn't always easy to tell what is happening",pos "Cheaper than thick CD cases and less prone to breakage, these slim cases by Memorex protect your CDs. Most buyers will get them for use in CD or DVD burning, and these are an affordable choice from a quality company for that purpose.You may want to consider larger cases depending on your tastes, but otherwise these will probably satisfy your needs",pos "HiI brought 256 MB Kingston SD card from Amazon.com recently. According to my openion Amazon is one of the best online shopping market, they deliver the products intime and the items i brought so far are working very well. 256 MB Kingston SD card working very good with out giving any problem.One can always go to Amazon for online shopping.byekira",pos This product was perfect. it's a sturdy case that holds my large collection of cd's and dvd's.My other cases were flimsy and wore out fast. This one has a hard outside shell and the inside holds my dvd's nicely.So i have no complaints. and at the price i paid i'd say this was a great deal,pos Great value for your money. Kingston has always been a reliable memory chip company and the same goes for this product.,pos "I like it very much, I use it in an outdoor trail camera for wild game and it hold several pictures and has been in the camera in all kinds of weather. I would buy Kingston again",pos I had no problems with this card and the delivery was prompt...Thank You Muc,pos "After going through the reviews, I bought this CF card for my Canon Digital Rebel. So far it has worked fine, though I don't pretend to be an expert digital photographer. When the card is empty, it shows 127 shots available. It seems to read reasonably fast, though it takes a bit longer than I was used to with my point-and-shoot Olympus and its SmartMedia card.",pos "I am very happy with this product. It folds super slim, so traveling with it is a breeze! Pretty good sound - not Bose quality, but for the price, very respectable! I've had it almost a year, and it has been along on many weekend get-aways, and works great. I use it alot, so it was a good purchase for me",pos "I bought this reader because I wanted to avoid having my camera and all its cable attached to my pc to download the pictures; and with this reader I could leave my camera (and its cables) in its case and just download the picture with the memory card, I recomend this product....",pos "It's a simple device, so there's not to say about it other than it does the job. You should note that the LEDs on the device remain lit as long as the device is plugged into your PC and the PC is powered (they glow a bright blue).",pos "I was thinking about buying a 1G card, but after reading one of the reviews,I bought two 512 card,just in case that somethingwent wrong. Which to me made a lot of sense. I'm please",pos I have always been very pleased with the SanDisk products. I would highly recommend them,pos "These earphones are great quality. The sound is good and they fit comfortably in the ear once you get used to them. Two minuses make them only 4 out of 5 stars: first, the customer support is weak. There is supposed to be a website for the product for customer support and replacement parts, but Altec Lansing his it linked to a seemingly unrelated product; second, the volume control is a little heavy unless you have somewhere to clip it to (this might be a problem for runners)",pos This CF card is so fast that I can run my shutter on my camera non stop until the card is full at a frame rate of 3.5 fps. No lag or slow down. That is amazing. It makes my camera perform better. (Canon Rebel XT,pos fast and reliable..well worth the mone,pos "Perhaps the ultimate addition to a good camera. I used my camera with a SanDisk Pro Duo (the blue one...) and while most times it was fine, when I needed to take pictures in quick succession - it let me down. The Ultra II is noticably faster. You will not regret buying this",pos "The Sandisk 512 MB Secure Digitial Ultra II (SDSDH-512-901) sent to me was not the item I ordered. I returned the item, unopened",pos "definitely recommend this memory card, download time is great . .",pos "I am happy to have several Sandisk products, and all of them are excellent.",pos The SanDisk SDSDH-1024-901 is absoultely worth the extra money if you love to take many pictures without worrying about how many pictures are left for you to take. It is great to use with mini-videos if your camera has this feature,pos The cheapest option I found at the time but an excelent pen drive. Small and with a good style,pos "It works great! I really like it. There is one small problem though. The lid is REALLY hard to take off! I've had it now for about a month and have gotten lots of use out of it and it has loosened up a little, but not much. There has got to be a way to make a lid that stays on, but isn't quite so hard to remove when a person wants to use it. I appreciate being provided with a forum to voice my opinion",pos Works well with or without software installed. Good for home use and school or traveling.,pos This technically works well. I am finding learning to use it difficult. I really wish I had spent a little more and gotten a bigger one!!!!! It is a lot smaller than I thought it would be and would be alot easier if it was bigger,pos "I was considering purchasing a tablet and Wacom was consistantly recommended. I was originally hesitant to buy the graphire line because I didnt think it would be very good for drawing compared to the top line (the intuos line). I was pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong. Installing a driver was a piece of cake and I began drawing away in minutes. It is very responsive and works with all my drawing programs (paintshop pro, painter, photoshop). The mouse is pretty useless however, and I would have preferred if they had included some extra pen tips instead (they seem to wear out, though I do press pretty hard). Other than that, its an amazing product",pos Great value for your money. Kingston has always been a reliable memory chip company and the same goes for this product.,pos "Great batteries for cameras. They charge quickly, and it's handy to keep the extra 2 spare in the charger and with me all the time just in case",pos "I bought the NuLOOQ product a few weeks ago with little expectation and actually with some doubts it'd do anything for me, as I'm a keyboard junkie. The product description was a bit confusing as it seems like ti does a lot. But what a surprise. Just adjusting the brush size using the ipod like scroll disc on the device is worth the price. The pop-up menu thing is cool. I don't use it as much for putting tools, but putting my files and folders into that menu keeps things in one place. I guess the product also lets you pan and zoom around, but I don't seem to use that as much. I still like using my mouse to pan and zoom around.Hey, I was skeptical about the product like anyone else, but found myself a rare surprise. Good job Logitech",pos "I've had this product for well over a year now and was using it with my XP machine and am now using it with my Apple Mac Mini. Works great with both Windows and Mac OS X, with no hassles. The removable stand is a nice touch, as you can pack the reader into a laptop bag or lay it horizontally if you prefer. Highly recommended",pos "I have burnt a few discs and so far no coasters, They are burning at 8X in my NEC 2500A burner. That is pretty considering that it is advertised at 4X. Hopefully the burn quality also will be good and will last for a few years",pos "shipping was outrageous, thought it qualified for free shipping since it is the size of a F'n postage stamp, but i ended up paying 1 cent less for postage than I did for the item, could have bought it at walmart for less this way. Buyer beware, I got took",pos "This is the second G15 keyboard I've purchased, not because the first one broke, because it's such a great keyboard. Now I keep one at home, and take one with me when I go LANning. The only issue with the keyboard is the LCD is pretty useless is fast paced FPS games, otherwise it's good for keeping the clock up so one doesn't lose track of the time",pos "I'm very happy with the set. Although not listed in the specs, it must have a QAM tuner, because I am able to watch unscrambled digital broadcasts through my cable service even though all I have is basic cable. I was thrilled when I made this discovery. Watching football games in HD, without paying for digital cable, almost made me weep with happiness.The picture quality for analog channels is only so-so. I really wish the remote was illuminated. Also, Amazon took much longer to deliver the TV than was promised. Other than these negatives, I'm very happy",pos "My new TV finally arrived and I am very pleased with it. I picked this one based primarily on all of the reviews I could find online, the vast majority of which were very positive (cNet has lots of reviews as well). Also, I have two friends who are cable guys and they see all kinds of TVs, all day every day, and both of them bought this exact set for themselves.My cable provider does not offer many High Def stations yet so the image quality of Standard Def video was the primary criterion for me. Most reviews were very positive in this regard but there were some that were the exact opposite. My first impression had me rather worried. I have since come to believe that poor quality Standard Def video is just a matter of garbage in = garbage out. I began to suspect this when I noticed that some stations looked much better than others. In fact, some shows and commercials on any given station looked much better than those which preceded or followed them. I became convinced as I watched a cable news show where the host and two contributors were each on different cameras being displayed at the same time. The video of the host looked OK, the video of one contributor was poor, and the video of the other contributor looked great. The video quality of the various individuals remained consistent when they were occasionally displayed individually on the entire screen. The set certainly has the ability of displaying fantastic Standard Def video. I expect that I just never noticed the variability of video quality on lesser TVs.The quality of the Hi Def Video is breath taking.Set-up was simple and I have not even bothered yet to read the manual. Of course the display can be adjusted in many ways, but it looks good to me with the factory presets and I do not intend to adjust the display anytime soon. Flipping through the on screen menu, I stumbled across the altitude setting which was a nice surprise since I live at 10,000 ft. above sea level.I was a little disappointed with the delivery situation. I thought I had ordered the TV in time to have it by opening day kick-off. Instead it arrived just in time for the third weekend of the football season, and I was told that it could easily have been another week beyond that. I blame the shipper (Eagle USA) for this, not Amazon. I say this because I could track the package enough to know that Amazon had the TV picked up right away. But then Eagle USA kept it sitting in Dallas for almost 2 weeks, and then in Denver for another week, before finally calling me to arrange for delivery. I believe that if I had not called and emailed Amazon to complain about the delay, it would have taken longer. Eagle USA told Amazon that they had tried to call me sooner but I know that this is not true for two reasons: 1) I had called Eagle USA the same day they told Amazon this and Eagle USA told me that they had no intention of calling me until a day or so prior to delivery, and 2) my livelihood depends on people being able to reach me at all times and I have a very good message and caller ID tracking system in place.All in all, a great set at a great price, I just wish I had ordered and started pushing the issue sooner",pos "So, I was a little weary to buy an iTrip after hearing some mixed reviews. It seemed that a perosn either had horrible luck with theirs... or the iTrip worked perfectly. Knowing my luck, it wouldn't work for me at all. I recieved my iTrip and my luck started right away. I tossed the iTrip onto my iPod and..................... nothing. A bad omen? Well, after I exchanged my iTrip for a new one I tried it out on a short drive. I live in East Lansing, MI... and we have a very crowded FM dial. I couldn't find a completely blank station as recommended... but it didn't matter. My iTrip delivered decent sound through the station. As others have mentioned, charging your iPod while you use your FM transmitter will really help. It's not a night-and-day difference, but it's a noticeable improvement. Sure, I got some static and the occasional interference from a strong signal, but you know what? Through a good 40 minutes of driving, the majority of the time I had satisfactory sound. This was also on the weaker-signaled LX mode, not DX. Supposedly DX provides a better, stronger signal.This product is dependant on several outside factors. The reception your car gets and the availability of a clear FM channel. To rate this product poorly because of factors out of it's control is unfair. There were times when I had downright poor sound... and times where it was comparable to a tape deck. I love good, crisp sound as much as anyone does... but I'll take somewhat degraded sound over trying to find good music on the radio anyday.My recommendation after owning this product for a short time *but it has been used quite a bit already, as I do a lot of driving*, I say: If you can, buy a tape deck adaptor... but if it's not an option and you don't want to put the money into an ipod to car setup, this is a viable solution indeed. In my opinion, an iTrip is a better option than listening to plain, old radio.",pos "I have used the 9510i for about 2 years and have found it to be flawless in performance. The Disaster Recovery software provided with this drive is it's biggest star. You can format your hard drive, put in the restore disk that you create for your system, and in about 15 minutes your system is put back to EXACTLY the way it was when you created the disk. Or you can simply replace selected files if you want. It does not miss a single thing. Fanstastic. The software is extremely user friendly and guides you through the process easier than an ABC book. I would highly recommend this drive for performance and ease of use",pos "Nice sound, I will admitt for the price, I get big sound, with quality. Only thing is a humming, hissing sound when machine is idle. Ohtherwise, worth it.",pos "I,ve seen complaints about the ac adapter you must plug in. Hey guys, try it without an outside energy source, I just hope I,m not gonna fry something but it seems to work fine just plugged into a powered USB port. I have a VERY high end system though with wattage to sprare, but no more PCI slots, Damn 7900 512 gtx graphics cards, why do 2 of em have to take up so much room. Oh well, trade offs are a bi---, but a reality and 7 extra USB slots are awfully nice",pos "It's a simple device, so there's not to say about it other than it does the job. You should note that the LEDs on the device remain lit as long as the device is plugged into your PC and the PC is powered (they glow a bright blue).",pos "I bought this TV for college, and it fits perfectly in my dorm. The picture quality is pretty decent, though compared to traditional TV, it is not as sharp.The audio quality is very good. I was able to play Final Fantasy 12 with this TV, and the audio lives well for my expectations.No lag while playing my Playstation 2 console...The only downside is that if you want to switch from AV mode back to TV mode, you need to press SOURCE on the remote or the TV 4 times...and it's annoying waiting for it...but besides that, it's a very nice budget TV for anyone that wants a TV that can save you some money and space",pos We used this charger with a DC inverter on a 6000 mile road trip to charge batteries for a Sony DSC-H5 camera and the batteries were almost unbelievable with lasting power between charges. The 2700mAh battery is great,pos "The intuos3 6x11 tablet is nice because its like having a giant mouse pad. The mouse itself has five buttons that can be programed to do different tasks, opening programs is one of them. It also has a scroll wheel. On the pad there are more buttons that can open programs among other things. Also there are touch sensitive strips on the tablet that can be used for scrolling. I use the pen inside of art progams and it is a real joy to work with. The pressure sensitivity is is a very nice feature alowing you to go from a thin line to a thick line and vice versa. Its main high point for me is the ability it gives to draw curved lines and detailed lines. It fits nicely in hand and has comfortable rubber grip. Also you can flip the pen over and use that side as an eraser. The only complaint I have is that on the pen there are two buttons and one of them (the lower one) is placed in a spot where when I'm drawing my finger frequently hits it, because of this I simply had to make the button inactive. Over all I feel that Wacom has done a very good job of developing this product. I feel that it is of high quality and well worth the price. I would definetly save up the extra few dollars to get this larger tablet, it is nice to have if you have the desk space. I've heard Wacom is the best in the pen tablet industry and now that I own one I believe it",pos Fabulous product --- now I can store over 700 photos in the 8 mega pixel range. Happy I purchased this one -- very trouble free,pos "I wouldn't be without this. When I first bought the 20d it was my first digital SLR and I spent a few weeks adding and removing the battery grip and this strap. In the end I settled for using both and wouldn't have it any other way. With the battery grip and hand strap in place I find the camera much more secure and comfortable to hold. That's all there is to it, that's what it does and it does it well.On the down side, and it's a small and transient down side, actually fitting it to the camera and getting it adjusted to the exact right length for your hand is a bit fiddly and you'd sort of expect it to be insecure. I think the trick, security wise, is to make sure the bottom strap goes through the center buckle first, then it is locked in by the top strap which is already held securely at the junction with the neck strap (if used). I also don't like the attachment to the neck strap, I don't like having a fairly sharp edged piece of metal where it can rub against the chasis of the camera in normal use.I use this on a 20d which typically has a 24-200 or 80-400 lens attached. You can only use this if you also use the battery grip, or buy a third party plate which attaches to the tripod mount and provides the lower mounting location. But since I always use the battery grip I don't have an issue.If Canon read this, you could do with a better solution for the attachment and adjustment on an accessory of this price, you normally pay close attention to detail and it's a bit lacking here",pos I have bought 50 and 100 pack spindles of Memorex and so far I have not had any problems. They work just fine on my Sony dvd burner,pos Memorex DVD+R's are the best. Price keeps dropping and never have a problem,pos "I have burned over 100 of these in the past 6 months, I have only had 1 burn badly. Haven't found a dvd player yet that they won't play in",pos "This is an excellent machine. I bought two of them. There are a few things you need to do. I have had 100% satisfaction using FujiFilm DVD-R up to 8x. I have had success with FujiFilm DVD+R up to 8x. I`ve also had tremendous success with TDK DVD+R up to 4x and 8x. Some other brands may not work. One thing I`ve learned about this machine is that you have to baby it a little. Don`t go recording 3 or 4 -R or +R DVDs every day. Give it a rest between recordings. One or two per day is okay. Definitely give it room to breathe. If you stack your machines on top of each other, put something in between so they can breathe. Be sure not to block the ventilation holes on the sides. You definitely need to buy a Panasonic DVD player to play back your DVDs - other brand DVD players may not play your recordings properly.One of the greatest things about this machine is that it records DVD-RAM. They are re-recordable for many, many times and each program can be erased when watched. You can even edit the recordings on the DVD-RAM. Cut out commercials and fit more on a disc or remove the commercials for when you watch the program. Only works on the DVD-RAM. I have over 50 DVD-RAM discs (Panasonic brand) - they sure take up less space than VCR tapes!Get one or two of these recorders and a Panasonic DVD player and you`ve got it made! Throw away your VCRs forever! Just remember to baby them",pos "I bought this for my folks for Christmas. It took no time at all to hook up, and making DVDs was simple. Everything from recording off the TV, to recording movies and shows stored on the DVR, to transferring home movies from the original VHS tapes. I'm sure for about $300 more you could purchase some higher end recorders, but for under $200, you really can't go wrong. The only flaw I could find is that the initial hookup (according to the book) didn't seem quite right. After taking a whole 2 minutes to look up the easy to read instructions online, everything went smoothly. Because of that, I'm still going to give it a full 5 stars..it's not as if those 2 whole minutes ruined our life. Really, if you're new to this technology, you're not going to have any problems..believe me..A++",pos "The other effusive reviews are spot-on... the picture is fabulous on new DVDs (Lord of the Rings, Nemo, Harry Potter). A $20 Cables to Go HDMI cable does a great job. We have the Sony KDF-42E2000 42 3LCD Rear Projection HDTV and are thrilled with the combination. A few annoyances: The machine responds and loads slowly, but that's not too bad; a minor sacrifice for the incredibly low price. And, certain DVDs of old movies (Some Like it Hot, The King and I) stretch the picture horizontally, making things look squat. I'm sure there's a solution, but just can't figure it out. Any tips",pos VHS to DVD disc is just one easy setup. I set mine to record and recode just before I go to sleep. When I wake up a finished disc awaits. With the software tools that are provided you can sharpen and correct VHS that has degraded and bring back life as when it was first transfered to tape. I have taken many VHS tapes that were never released as DVD and now have the start of a great library. Editing is a little tricky until you get the hang of it. The product works well. IPOD old music videos and movies for a real treat. Sound is perfect,pos "I've had this photo printer a few weeks now. I don't consider myself technically proficient. I totally scored despite gross ignorance with this machine. You cannot go wrong. The photo quality is astonishing. I've printed professional quality photos and framed them. The results are fantastic. For someone who is techno-challenged, I had this up and running very quickly",pos two of these jewel cases equal the size of a regular cd case. buy them and conserve space. there great,pos "Got my order quickly and found out that these cases are much BETTER than the ones sold here locally, and they were CHEAPER !!",pos "I like keeping all my stuff in one place, but don't like CD folders, so these slim cases are great. I accidentaly sat on one of them and although it did crack, the case didn't break, and the cd was fine. All in all, a great product",pos "I've used these (and similar) cases for years. No problems, even with the cats occasionally knocking them around and walking on them.1) I've never had one crack.2) They hold the disc securely, but not with so much force that you risk damaging the disc when removing it.3) As long as you open them properly - from the front (clear) side by pulling near the corner(s) while holding the back (colored) side - they open fine",pos "They are okay for eight or so dollars, but they don't last very long. Then again, I used these for a digital camera so maybe that's why they get drained so quickly. However, for the price I still would buy them again",pos "My daughter uses a Cochlear Implant that has the option of being powered by 3 AA batteries. We have tried several brands trying to find the ones that last the longest. We have tried Energizer, Duracell, etc. She needs to replace them every day and a half. Since the Implant is a high power draining device, every extra hour counts. These batteries are one of the best values out there.",pos "I have not had N.E.W. coverage for this Apple product however I had a washing machine covered by them. The washer turned out to be one of those machines that had one problem after another sometimes the same. N.E.W. used a couple of different service companies to repair it and finally wrote it off. Throughout, N.E.W. was great and made every effort to fix the machine. When the finally wrote it off they sent me a check for the amount that I paid for it. They did not try to discount the settlement price for the time that I actually had the machine",pos "Esaki si ta campion, un tremendo idea di e sistema pa por load up un potret digital ariba bo PC. hopi bon y facil. Esaki ta pone cu bo por saca bo potret digital y pone ariba bo PC via e systema aki di chip.(Tremendo",pos "Initial setup could be complex for some, but considering all it is capable of i'd say it's worth the time investment.",pos "I've had it for over a month now and it works as well as I expected it to work. I was expecting random quirks here and there as I continued using it, but none whatsoever",pos "These are great earbuds. I have alswys used Sony DJ headphones in the past, and these are the first pair of buds I have purchased - I am impressed.For the money, the sound quality is very good - full and well rounded with good bass and the treble is not too bright.They are pretty comfortable in the ears, but it does take a little getting used to. The cord is rather thin and very flexible, but seems to be sturdy enough for most use. The included 'case' is a little tough to figure out, but could be good for keeping them clean in a purse or backpack.Definitely recommended",pos I bought this for my kids to use with Nascar Racing. Controls are easily reprogramable. Nice product for the money,pos Great product for getting all those old home videos on DV,pos "This little unit is easy to use and ready to go!!!! Not one problem with it so far, I've been using it for over two months now",pos "I use these batteries when I need power immediately and I don't have a set of rechargeables ready to go. I also use them as backups - so I don't get caught without power and have to pay $1 a battery at supermarkets and convenience stores.Unfortunately, my kids keep stealing them instead of recharging their own set",pos "Excellent sound system, reminds you of being in a movie theatre. Great, Great system",pos "I've owned many Sony electronics in the past and have always liked their styling and functionality -- lots of hardy Walkmen, useful shortwave and portable radios, stylish TVs and high quality cassette recorders. I still have a Sony mini component stereo model FH-E656 (made in Japan) which I bought in 1992 for US$400+; but rather than pay to fix its worn-out CD player, I decided to purchase this new Sony MHCEC70 component stereo (made in China).PLUSES:decent soundgood functionalityeasy set-up and intuitive operationsimple remote -- but only covers basic functionsCONS:very short speaker leadsunattractive styling (for my tastes) -- resembles a boomboxonly holds 3 CDs vs 5 for comparable Panasonic unitsAt first glance, I was disappointed by the cheap construction, skimpy manual and very short speaker leads -- the manufacturer seemed to be counting pennies. But then I thought: in 2006 for $150, I can't expect the same quality as I received in 1992 for $400. Everything is made more cheaply now and almost all in China. So, for the money, it suits my purposes as a nice sounding stereo unit for the bedroom. The real test will be how long the CD changer works -- to be safe, this time I bought the 2 year replacement warranty. I haven't blasted it at full volume, but it seems to have plenty of power when needed.I originally bought a $300 Panasonic unit (SC-PM71SD MP3 SD Micro System) which was returned because it didn't have the full data recording feature as advertised (data recording was crippled by DRM limitations). This Sony stereo costs half as much, and has almost all the same functionality",pos A memory Stick is a s memory stick but when you put it in a Sony Camera - Fantastic,pos This portable cd holder is perfect for me. I work out regularly and it has been perfect for the gym. My cd player fit fine and there are 3 slots for extra cd's. I like the feature of the headphones attaching to the outside of the pouch. I would recommend it to anyone,pos "(Note to Brian: The WAP54G *can* be configured as a bridge. I have two of them in just such a configuration. Took me about 10 minutes to set them up.)Major modes of operation are:1. Wireless Access Point (its default set-up)2. Wireless Client (connect a wired ethernet device via cable to the WAP54G and you now have a wireless ethernet device)3. Wireless Repeater (extend range of wireless coverage)4. Wireless Bridge (connect two ethernet networks without running a cable between them -- acts as one end of a virtual cable; you need two to get the job done)A pair of wireless bridges is just what I needed but hesitated to buy the WAP54G because of Brian's comment that this wouldn't work. Because of my newness to the wireless world it took a bit of investigation to come to the conclusion that Brian was wrong. I bought a pair and they do work.I rate it 4 instead of 5 stars for a few reasons.1. I understand that higher-end, more expensive, equipment can be had with more range than this box. Gotta leave some room to rate more powerful equipment!2. One must dig very deeply into the users guide (a PDF on the CD) to find the default IP address in order to configure this device. Luckily I had read elsewhere what that IP address is ( Other manufacturers make this info readily available, even going so far as printing it on the device itself. This will be critical info to any Linux user. Also, the users guide says that the default userid for logging in is admin. Well, it's not. The only allowed userid is an empty field. This had me going for a few minutes.3. Something that 99% of the world won't care about -- I like to have more access to the firmware. For example other Linksys products allow one to telnet to the box and do low-level analysis of the box and the network it's attached to. I think there are third-party firmware loads that enable this",pos i love the mobilemate sd. I haven't had any problems yet. It's small compact and gets the job done,pos "I like it very much, I use it in an outdoor trail camera for wild game and it hold several pictures and has been in the camera in all kinds of weather. I would buy Kingston again",pos "The first peron to review this incorrectly stated that it doesn't come with software for handhleds. That person chose to buy it without and save some $$ and then complained about having to pay extra for it because he/she bought the wrong software package. Delorme did the right thing and offered us options. I just ordered mine and I have no plans on using with a HH so I'm very happy that I didn't have to buy the HH software. Just don't be dumb and read what you are buying before you buy it. Nemerous people have highly recommended this to me, although I have heard that MS Mappoint has better maps and should be used instead when you have it as an option. Storing 50,000 data points without a connection to a computer is awesome. I will be able to take the unit with me on a bike ride and analize the workout later hopefully looking at the route, elevation, etc. Too bad it is only in Yellow..",pos I got this jacket a month into having my ipod. I had to buy it because I had been using the one that comes with the ipod and when I pulled the iPod out of that case it was easy to drop. One time I did drop it and within a month of owning the iPod I had it in fro repairs.This case protected my iPod of another 11 months just fine. My complaint with it tough is the plastic peice that protects the screen and pod from falling out. It is stiched on the inside so when the ipod is in there is creates friction. Acrilic and plastic do not mux and you get a slightly scraped serface.It will protect your pod though,pos "The product works perfectly. The only problem is, the manual only includes directions for the most common setups. To use one port as an uplink to a router, for example, you need to plug the uplink into the ethernet port labeled 1 and then leave port 2 open. The directions do not state this, and I had to call Linksys to get it to work.Other than that, it is fast, reliable, and small. Perfect",pos "My setup:- Dell Latitude PP01L (Intel chip)- Win XP Pro- D-Link DI-624 Wireless Router (with two walls inbetween the laptop and the antenna)- Enabled the WEP featureI unplugged the old wireless card and simply plugged this in. Windows found the new card and did its Plug-n-Play thing. Not only was I was able to get on the Internet immediately, but the card picked up two other signals in the neighborhood that I couldn't 'see' with my 11MB/sec Cisco Aironet card. This I sort of expected, but was still a bit surprised being that my closest neighbor is beyond the range of most wireless routers.The CD installed just fine, but when I went to the D-Link site to check for an updated driver it said I was up-to-date. I ran Windows Update and it claimed I had an updated driver available for my new D-Link card. I've never had a problem with D-Link's website (or customer service, while we're on the subject), so I was a bit taken aback that Microsoft was ahead of D-Link's site.Either way... install the card and get onto the internet, then have Windows Update check for possible updates.Be sure to enable the encryption feature. If you are running a small network of computers where you are sharing folders then you want to be sure that your neighbors can't go snooping through your stuff. Or worse, lift the signal, and ultimately your personal information.I've had no problems with my current set-up. I HIGHLY recommend this card to bring your laptop/desktop up-to-date",pos "This review pertains specifically to the Targus PAUH217U 4 Port Ultra Mini USB 2.0 Hub.The cord is about 2.5 feet long - long enough to reach from my pc, which sits on the ground, to the top of the desk. It has a cable which is split into two USB plugs - one just to transmit data, the second to power the unit. The second plug does not need to be used unless you plan on using some heavy-duty hardware, and if so what are you buying a hub called the ultra mini for anyways? If you insist on trying to run a blow dryer off the thing, then it does have an input for a separate power source, which you will have to buy separately.In short, If you have an old school machine with USB ports which are inaccessible /inconvenient to use, this little hub will give you quick access while taking up minimal space on your desk",pos I had read the reviews of this mouse prior to buying it. It had gotten very good reviews. Ive ben playing with it for about a month now and i find it meets all my needs and then some. Highly recommend it,pos "I've been a gamer for almost 20 years. This is the best mouse I've ever owned. It is fast, accurate, well formed and constructed. I would definitely recommend it.The DPI adjustment is a nice touch. I prefer corded mice due to cordless being to heavy, this mouse is just right",pos "For those of you who bought MiniDisc recorders to move away from analog tape recording, this product is wonderful. Especially good for recording lectures, voice lessons, etc. It works quite well with the built-in mono mike, or you could use an external one.One of the few players that lets you record from a line input or an external mike -- you toggle which setting it is in the settings section.I record my radio shows by plugging in the line-out from the station's tape deck to my iRiver.For those who recorded live music with their MiniDiscs, it's a little trickier. You have to set the record input before -- you can't change it on the fly.I've recorded live DJ shows with the built-in and AGC on. Of course, the booming bass distorts horribly, but overall an easy record of the show. Very easy to keep in a pocket rather than to be obviously recording a show.I've also tried external mikes with the record input turned down very low with very good results. A bit of trial and error which I'm still refining with later iRiver products.The single AA batter lasts a good long time. Summer School involves 2, 2-hour classes, and I can record several days of them before battery is low. If the battery runs out during recording, fear not, the file is saved!The negatives are the requirement to go through the special iRiver music program, but there are now firmware updates that will change your iRiver into the typical USB external drag-and-drop drive.Files are recorded in a .REC file which one then converts to a .mp3 file after transfer to your computer. I don't know how different this format is because it takes up exactly the same amout of space as the .mp3 file. But you can't trasnfer .mp3 files off your iRiver, even if you made them yourself, so don't think you can use this to transfer .mp3 files from one computer to another.Also, the molding where the line-in input is sometimes gets in the way of certain plugs such as some RCA to 1/8 adaptors, so make sure you pick one that alows it to fit in securely all the way.I've had mine for just over a year now and use it every day, whether just playing mp3s or recording classes. I'm only just starting to have some trouble with the on/off/play/pause button. After so many presses, it's starting to wear out. But it's still working reliably. I just have to press a little more precisely and pay more attention.I have the 1G model (iFP-799) which is great. I was able to record a 12-hour radio show marathon I produced with it. Previous marathons required a stack of cassette tapes or minidiscs.I'm quite happy with iRiver and plan on buying from them in the future",pos "I got this for hubby and me over the summer. We used it for our trip to Rehoboth beach and we loved every minute of it. WE have a tape deck in the car and used it w/ a cassette adaptor. We had not problems whatsoever, in fact it sounds much better thru the cassette adaptor than over the fm transmitter.I did try it thru the fm transmitter and it was a pain to switch from one station to the next, but i don't think anybody can improve upon that. I had the same problem w/ my itrip.We chose sirius for several reasons...i liked the classic vinyl station, my dad introduced me to that and hubby likes nascar and this is switching over in 2007.The only problem i had was i couldn't read the red lettering in the daylight w/ the sunglasses on, but i didn't give them less than 5 stars because of this.this is the way to go, plus it has a suction mount, not a permanent mount.also, if you look on ebay, someone is selling something to adapt your mount to the bolt on your car seat!!definitely go satellite, the music is great and little/ no commercials depending on the stations.",pos "Works good, small, and comes with handy little stickers to put on so you can write contact info in case you lose it, though slightly costl",pos "I purchased this hub back in September. I plugged it in and I'm running two printers and my mouse off of it at the moment, I've had no problems. It doesn't take up too much room even with 7 ports.My only complaint isn't with Amazon, it's with D-Link. After I sent in the rebate info, I got a card from D-Link saying my request wasn't valid because I hadn't purchased it from the right store. But I called them, and in about 10 minutes I had the problem cleared up and had my rebate a week later. I HIGHLY recommend keeping copies of all the rebate info, just in case..",pos "Fantastic, take all the videos and pictures you want with the best quality",pos "The product is a good value. It performed well and was fairly easy to use. I only wish it would allow importing play lists from iTunes, all text had to be manually input. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the product",pos "I previously owned the 1GB Lexar 40X CF card and thought that was the fastest a CF could get. I was completely wrong. This card is one fast sucker, and it can hold an enormous amount of images. In JPEG mode I am able to store over 1000 images. In RAW mode, which I'm converting to thanks to this large capacity card, I am able to hold 444 images all on my 20D!!! If your thinking of buying this card, don't hesitate. It is one awsome piece of equipment, and one heck of an investment!!",pos This is an excellent buy and is a quality item. The service was fast and the card works as expected,pos "A lot of space -- My computer is over 5yrs old so I use these CD's as a great back up for storing all my old documents, my ebooks, and my pics.",pos "These earphones are the best I ever had. I never had to try other pairs of earphone because I absolutely loved these that I keep buying it! After 6 years I buy the same one everytime. Of course I never use the winding case and it just sits there but heck it usually stores my other earphones that I brought but can't seem to throw them out because it costed money. It seems that many people are complaining about the electrical shocks from the earphones and I can answer why thats happening. It's actually static electricity. I experienced it myself a couple of times because I was wearing a wool sweater and the wool peacoat jacket that caused static electricity to form. It's actually not the earphones fault but when your wearing lots of clothes or a scarf with the earphones I suggest you switch to headphones to prevent being shocked. The bass is pretty decent when comparied to panasonic or jvc earphones. Hey for 10 bucks or less you can't except Sony to go all out and improve their cheapest model. I abuse my earphones so for 10 bucks a year I think these are the best rather than buying something thats $100 dollars or over and later regret it because it got either lost, broken or stolen.",pos "After having two SanDisk card readers, and one LaCie card reader die on me, I invested in this Lexar card reader. For the money, it has worked flawlessy with Pro compact flash cards up to 4GB in size. I am very impressed with the transfer speeds, and the unit is not too big for traveling. The door that covers the slot, however, is very flimsy and easily deattaches (but fortunately easily reattaches too?) I use Mac OS X 10.4.8 and it works just fine. I also used it with Windows XP without any installation or transfer issues",pos "A simple, cheap investment. This CF reader actually does what it should, i.e. transfer info from compact flash to the computer. Previous Kodak 1.0 multi-card reader had issues after a few weeks, and stopped working after 2 months. This one is much faster and is still working. Ahhhhh",pos "Just some specs missing from amazon's description:USB 2.0 CompactFlash ReaderSmall and travels with easeLED status indicator indicates when files are being transferredData transfer speeds up to 480Mb/sBackward compatible with USB 1.1Ships with removable USB 2.0 cableFeaturesDesigned for large data transfers, like images, music and videoData transfer 5 to 6 times faster than using USB 1.1Portable - weighs only 1.5 ouncesProtective cover case keeps reader pins away from external hazardsCompatible with Windows 2000/ME/XP and Mac OS X and 9.1No drivers required with most current operating systems2-year Limited Warranty",pos "I purchased the Adorama Slinger Bag after first purchasing the Tamrac Velocity 5. The Tamrac bag is a nice bag and can be worn as either a shoulder bag or a waist bag. Unfotunately, it lacked sufficient support when worn as waist bag and did not have an attached pouch to carry a water bottle. The Slinger Bag addressed both of these deficiencies. When worn as a waist bag, it also uses the shoulder strap to keep the bag firmly in place which also helps to balance the weight of the bag. There are two water pouches on the Slinger Bag (which is a real requirement as I live in Arizona).The Adorama Slinger Bag is a great travel bag. It is light weight and has great utility. I highly recommend it.",pos This was the least expensive 1 GB memory card I have ever seen and it works as well as it should,pos "I have been trying to find a way to easily carry a lot of camera equipment for quite some time. I have tried backpacks, shoulder bags, duffel bags, but none of them really worked all that well. Then I saw the Lowepro Street and Field system with completely customizable pouches, vests, belts, and accessories. It works great, you only get the pouches you need so there is no waisted space and you can organize them however you want according to how often they are used (put frequently used items in easier to access places.)The variety alone of this system is worth the investment, but the quality and ease of use is also very high which is a big plus. You can get a case for any lens, camera body, or accessory you have. I even have cases for my cell phone and water bottle. One word of caution, be sure to measure your lens with the lens hood on backwards if you use them to make sure that the entire thing will fit into the pouch, because sometimes the lens will fit, but then the lens with the lens hood will not. I often carry 5-6 lenses, extension tubes, teleconverters, extra memory cards and batteries, and a bunch of cleaning supplies and other gadgets, which weights a ton. But when they are evenly distributed on this vest/belt Lowepro system it is actually very manageable.The only down side is that everyone will be staring at you because you have thousands of dollars of camera equipment strapped to your body. But if you can overlook that, this is the way to go. I have used this system at many zoos without ever having problems, in fact just unzipping a single lens and switching seems safer to me than opening an entire bag of equipment every time you want to switch lenses. Many of the cases also come with a built in rain/snow cover so if the weather changes all of your equipment is not destroyed. You can also put just a few pouches on a normal belt when you are just going to take photos in the back yard or don't need to take all of your equipment, which is nice. I really can't say enough about how much easier this makes traveling with a lot of equipment, if you have been hopelessly searching for a better solution, consider this, you won't regret it.",pos Great for if you are not near a computer and need to charge your Ipo,pos The Memorex DVD+R 16x discs are great. I have a LaCie external 16x burner that I use with my mac and I have not yet burned a bad disc. I would reccommend this product to anyone looking for lots of media for a good price,pos "Manufactured of a soft gray felt like material, a tough leather bottom, and draw string closure at the top, this lens pouch helps protect your lens from dust and the elements. I store my lenses in a camera bag, and these cases fit nicely around the lens taking up little precious space.This case is meant for use with the Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L USM, 17-40mm f/4L USM, 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 EF/EFS lenses. These L lenses normally come with the case when sold new. There is no need to buy one as Amazon often suggests. However if your case is worn, replacing it to protect your lens is recommended.PROS:Protects your glass investmentCONS:I cannot think of an",pos This CF card is perfect for anybody who needs a high capacity (e.g. for hi-res pics) but doesn't care about the transfer speed. It may be a bit annoying though - especially if you try to download all the 2GBs from the card to your hard drive because it takes some time. I do still consider it a real good purchase ;,pos "This memory card handles the job really well. Unless maybe you're a professional sports photographer, it's plenty fast enough. No problems using it with my Canon Rebel XT. It holds about 550 pictures (JPEGs) at the highest resolution (8.2 MP)",pos I have only had this monitor for a couple of day'sbut I am verry happy with it. It came well packaged and you cant beat the price. I shopped around and this was the one for me.I dont know about the other review but with in 5 min of opening the box I was using the monitor and it worked verry well!!THANK'S AMAZON,pos "I had a little trouble getting my system to recognize it when first set up...but after a little tweaking, it works beautifully. Previously owned regular CRT...what an improvement! Superb clarity and brightness. For the money you just can't go wrong with this one",pos "I use the pink circles to buff the cd/dvd, and it leaves the circular marks all over the cd, as I thought it would. Well, I thought that those marks would disappear after I used the repair paste with the yellow circles, but they're still there. Is it supposed to be like this? The reason I bought the thing was to make the cds look like new, but now they just look even more scratched with the buffer marks all over.Could someone answer this question for me please",pos "With boys aged 2 & 3, and some poor disc storage procedures when I'm driving, it appeared I was in need of one of these units. Generally my toddler boys are not permitted to handle discs, but it occassionally happens, and doesn't take long for scratches, damage and finger prints to hinder performance, and when changing children's cds in the car I don't always store the disc properly and that leads to damage also. I read through a lot of reviews on this item and the skipdoctor products, and finally decided on this unit because it runs on a/c power, is fully contained and automatic, and was about $10 less expensive than the most equivalent skipdoctor unit. Both items had mixed reviews - mostly positive, but I found that most people who tried to make the units work and put in some time and effort were satisfied with both products. I'm very satisfied with my purchase it has repaired two discs that could not be played at all, and one that skipped.This product repairs a disc to useable condition, it does not repair it so that scratches are not visible. I can still see, but not necessarily feel the scratches. It's also important to remember that some scratches do not affect performance. If a disc plays well, but shows scratches - I just clean off the finger prints with a cloth or use the unit to clean the disc and see if the performance is satisfactory before attempting a full repair.I agree that the instructions with the unit could be better. I saved the instructions provided by another reviewer to use with the provided instructions for clarity. Also, some severely scratched and damaged discs do take many passes to repair, so I agree it is time consuming to acheive a full repair for some items - but it is possible. I noticed that I could cut down some of the repair time and solution usage by repeating the buffing/sanding (pink disc) process several times in a row for deeper scratches before using the repair. I ran one disc through 3 times in a row, then used the repair cream solution with yellow pads and it played fine. My lesser damaged disc only required one pass with the buffer and one with the repair until it worked great. I usually clean the disc (manually with the cloth or with the machine depending on severity of grime), then buff, then repair. It can be time consuming to repair a disc to functioning, but it does save the disc and my discs play like new despite the scratches that are still visable. I think this was good purchase and not overly complicated to use.",pos So far I havent filled up my disc yet using it. Thedisc that came with it would fill up after 3 minutes oftalking. So far its great,pos "I've read other reviews for this product that have people complaining about losing their data when the batteries are changed. THIS IS NOT TRUE if you're carefull. First of all, my ebookman came with a bright blue warning flier stating that your ebookman needs to be turned OFF when you change the batteries. Pretty simple, huh? Also, don't wait for your battery to completely die before you change it. The main menu screen has a battery meter in the bottom right hand corner, and I just switch out the batteries when the meter reaches 10%. I primarily use my ebookman to read ebooks and I love it",pos I've been using these Memorex CD-Rs for years and have no problems with their reliability. Have used them with multiple CD and DVD burners without compatibility issues. This was another re-order and I continue to be happy with this product,pos "the product arrive to me in very good condition, will recommend this product to anyone who needs blank cd",pos For the most part I just want to keep it short. I usually always by Energizer cause they're reasonably priced and seem to last much MUCH longer then most other battery products that I have used in the past,pos "These batteries are great, and seem to fit my Rio 500 better than some discount batteries. Good price too",pos "I have been using this D-Link hub for about six months. The power light started flickering after about three months and now doesn't light at all. The hub works great, but I wonder how long it will last",pos I use my USB hub every day and it works fine with every device I plug into it,pos I'm very happy with this product. It's great value for the price. The corded phone with answering machine means there's always a phone that's not dead and perfect for the home office area. The cordless phone can be used to check the answering machine messages. Lot's of features,pos "The unit itself works great. Much faster transfers than using the usb cable directly to my camera. However, the software includes a monitoring feature, which checks every second or so, to see if you've plugged in a card. I opened up Windows Task Manager to discover that, each time it checked, it was consuming 25% of system resources (on/off each second). No wonder my computer has been slower lately, especially if I have my image editing software open (duh).My recommendation would be to skip the San Disk software and access the card reader directly from My Computer, as mentioned in another review below",pos "Great quality, excellent construction and strong RJ45 plugs. I have worked with a decent share of Cat5 and I have never had to cut and terminate a Belkin cable due to regular wear and tear",pos "MY HUSBAND & I SEARCHED & SEARCHED FOR DVD'S THAT WERE COMPATABLE TO OUR DVD RECORDED. NO ONE COULD HELP. THEN I THOUGHT, I'LL JUST CHECK ON AMAZON, AND SURE ENOUGH THERE THEY WERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A RELIEF!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD HATE TO OWN A DVD RECORDER & NOT BE ABLE TO RECORD ANYTHING!!!!!THANK YOU!!!",pos "This unit is a good buy. It is priced low, but functions like you paid a higher price. The negatives are that it isn't compatible with Itunes, and the earphones are not very ergonomically designed. Overall, it is a good product",pos "I'll try to keep this short and sweet. If you have been frustrated trying to get AM reception on the go, then you've found the right radio for you. I can't tell you how many pieces of junk I've bought that barely pulled-in even relatively close AM stations unless I constantly twisted the radio to the perfect angle needed to get reception. Luckily (?) those other radios also died pretty quickly. This Sangean product solves the AM reception problem and seems very durable. I also own their CCRadio and this pocket product lives up to its reputation. I love the fact that it also gives you the option to broadcast through the built-in speaker, just like transistor radios of the 50's and 60's--a seemingly forgotten feature. As for listening through the supplied earphones, forget it. Sangean should be ashamed to ship this product with the utter junk earphones that are supplied. Never have I heard tinnier sound, even for AM listening. Not not mention that the cord is annoyingly short. I immediatey invested another $35 in decent pair of Koss earbuds and stored the supplied earphones in the neareast trash bin. Now I happily and easily listen to AM and FM stations even over the roar of the lawnmower. There might be alternatives for those of you who plan on listening to FM exclusivey, but if you spend even a little time on the AM dial, I really don't think you have a choice but to pick up this radio",pos Sound great. Nice bank for the buck.Did the I-plop follower think they would fit inside his ear? Maybe he is bitter with the DRM and I-Tune scam that Job's is screwing people over with. He's worse than Microsoft. I love followers,pos "This was my second DLO transpod. I had an older white one that I bought used. I figured I would upgrade to this one since my iPod and my car's interior are black. overall the thing performed similarly to my previous one, but with a few little changes.For one the output of this unit is much lower than its older counterparts. That normally doesn't matter if you choose a good empty frequency, but as you start traveling you notice interference much more than you would expect.Next, I can't turn it up any where near the volume I used to be able to on the older one without getting hissing and static. It seems that the decreased level on the output also increased the amount of electronic noise when using it.Last, the most annoying part of this whole product, is that it turns off the radio transmitter after a period of no use. I have paused my iPod to take a phone call only to have very loud (since the level is so low on it you have to make up for it with stereo volume) static and sometimes radio stations coming through. Very embarrassing. Or when you stop your car and then come back, as soon as the radio turns on you are met with the same very loud noise.Since my car doesn't leave me many options for stereo replacement, this is the best product for my specific situation, though I may try and get that old one back from my friend...maybe an upgrade to a newer one will settle the deal",pos You must have received CA-709 (without the cassette component) by mistake. CA-706 is prepackaged with the cassette component,pos Worked perfectly. Battery does not run low after a few hours off the base,pos "I use this keyboard at work and as I am a medical transcriptionist, it is all I use all day l o n g . . .I really like it and I'm going to buy one for my home as well. It is very easy to type on and I like the wrist support",pos "This receiver is a replacement for an older, more expensive, defective Sony that I had. It was easy to install and performs comparably well with more expensive units. I am satisfied with the product",pos "The reviews sounded too good to be true. The reviews are right on. This system is perfect for home theater. I have the latest Panasonic plasma. This receiver is the perfect compliment. Here is why...I could only start with at 2.1 set up - L/C/R and no sub woofer. Great digital sound effects with a one button switch to stereo for easy comparison.Tons of input/output connectors. Unless you need HDMI, the available connectors are perfect. The speaker connectors are screw down/banana plug type for easy, secure connection. Lots of component video, S-VHS and RCA video inputs. Lots of analog audio connections AND two digital coax and one optical. I use the digital coax for my DVD/CD and for my cable box.Really easy set up. I could assign inputs to the various selections through the front of the receiver. The manual is written in easy to understand language with lots of pictures.Did I mention the sound. Frys offers Polk Audio R15 for an indecently low price. With this receiver the sound is rich - great bass and treble without any tweaking of levels. Adding a Cerwin Vega center channel brought out the digital sound effects and this has them all.Best of all, my fashion master wife pulled the receiver out of the box before I got home and pronounced it beautiful. It was the only low profile receiver I could find that fit in the armoire we use as an enterntainment station.The end result - I sat down and just watched Hellboy for the first time all over again in the middle of the installation. All for less than the cost of me and the Missus going to the movies for a few weekends. Get this receiver",pos "This item does exactly what it's suppose to do. It also makes the signal stronger therefore you get better reception. Worth the money. Only drawback would be, there is a lot of cord hanging around",pos "The Sony SS-MF650H are a low-cost solution to good directional sound for a very small room.Though I have not had the opportunity to test the ultra-high (up to 50kHz) frequency, the highs on these speakers sound very well, maybe only slightly boxy - note that the speakers are rather directional so the sound does not spread.The sound is very flat. The lack of depth makes it feel as if the sound is coming from a flat wall or a small box rather than from a space, especially if you stand further away (over 5 ft.) from the speakers. It seems that the speakers have a much lower than published sensitivity level. However, don't get discouraged because with most speakers/headphones it may be that the speakers need some time to burn in (loosen the diaphragm) to get a bit more sustain to their output rather than seem to have a very sharp cutoff.The bass is very punchy, and not deep. I would definitely recommend a subwoofer for these speakers, as their highs are very good, and midranges are nice but maybe a bit flat. The subwoofer will party compensate for the problem, and you could even completely cut off the bottom frequency band and suffer little ill effect (use the LFE on your receiver for the sub-woofer... don't worry, low frequency bass is not perceived by humans as directional so your surround or stereo won't suffer). In other words, you will need a lot of tweaking and additions to make these sound nicer than their out-of-the box quality.Ignore the 50kHz rating for ultra-high-frequency sound as a positive feature, as no receiver you will buy at the budget for these speakers will be rated for that output. Most are rated for 20 Hz - 20kHz, at a reasonable RMS.You get what you pay for... for the price tag on them, the SSMF650H are good. They perform reasonably well on highs and mids (but in no means studio reference sound), and are crisp and punchy on the bass. They do however seem to lack depth and have low sensitivity - especially so on the bass... the further you move away from them (and especially if you stand up above them), the sound quality suffers.I would recommend Wharfedale Diamond 8.4 speakers as a better choice if you're willing to expand your budget a bit. Polk is also not a bad choice for cheap sound.I also demo-ed the ~$100 per pair CAT SDAT LEB-404 (I think I saw them on overstock for $80 with free shipping). They are a bit shady, but excellent for the price - seems that the 20 Hz bass rating on them is actually somewhat accurate. If you're looking for deep and bass-heavy sound without a sub-woofer, and are willing to take a hit on mids and highs a bit this is your budget solution instead of the SS-MF650H. I was pleasantly surprised. They also have poor sensitivity though, so if you have a big room shop around for something better.",pos "I listen to a wide range of music, from hard rock, techno/electronic, to classical, and I've found it difficult to locate reasonably priced speakers that can handle all of this -- at least until I ordered this set. I was apprehensive about buying online (and also about the Sony brand for speakers), but I'm very happy with this purchase. I've been very impressed with the sound both at the high and low ends - the highs are crisp and the bass is tight, not boomy. The soundstage is expansive (of course, this depends a lot on your receiver as well) and imaging good. I'd definitely recommend this speaker set",pos This first time I use the HD product in my home video system and have the expected results. After I installed it and it immediately scan all the signal channels in my local area and have good quality. So far I place the antenna in door just in the first floor. I don't have too many channels in my living area in OH,pos "I bought my player Sep 2006 and the other region-free code did not work. It is actually a DVD-224M (see manual) though it says DVD-224 on the player. Here is how to do it:If you have the DVD-224M model (says DVD-224 on the box, DVD-224M on the manual...), the hack is:Make sure you have no DVD in the tray.On the remote control:1) Press TITLE2) Press 1 and then 9On the TV a large box with a small number will appear.The number indicates for which DVD region the machine has been set, for example 2 for Germany or 0 for no region code.3) Press the up arrow or down arrow to raise or lower the number.4) Press ENTERDone.",pos worked very well as planedjust heavy to carr,pos I would have given it a five star but sense it's the only one I have ever used I had nothing to compare with. I have used it nine tines and it worked perfect every time. Sturdily made.,pos "The idea is excellent, the execution is flawed. What is not made clear at the time of purchase is that you will need a bridge or gaming adapter as well as a high speed internet connection at home. The adapter should be built into the box.Another disappointing factor is that the quality of the video is almost unwatchable if the connection is not robust. There should be a cache memory built in so that a clear, unchoppy video and sound come through.",pos "One of the best gadget-products I've ever bought. The installation and connection was completely flawless. It worked the first time and has been working since (and I even used the Powerline ethernet adapter to connect back to my router). I have my cable TV on one input and my security system on the secondary input. Using my cellular Data connection on my laptop, I can watch tv or look at my security system from anywhere in the country",pos "Box worked perfectly as expected. However, it would be nice to be able to upgrade firmware to the new HD like performance or via a trade-in program to allow old customers to upgrade to the new Sling boxes",pos This box is perfect to have all the basic ipod accesories at once. I have the 60 mb video ipod and all the accesories works perfect,pos "(Despite some of the negative reviews of this item, it continues to perform well with my regular-sized iPod. In fact, it has more volume, depth, and presence than three other portable speakers--each costing 50 to 75% more--to which I've compared it. The only downside is that the item is no longer sold postage-free from Amazon, diminishing its bargain appeal somewhat.)These modest-sized and priced speakers perform as advertised: the sound is more than adequate; they're small enough that I can take The Stephen Colbert Report with me on walks; when not in use, they fold up into a mini Porta-John. My only misgiving is whether I should have spent 2-3X more for a unit with a dock connector. But for under twenty bucks you simply won't find a better sounding, more compact unit",pos I liked these speakers they are small compact they work great with my Mp3 Player and you can't really beat the price. My only complaint is that they don't come with an adapter but I just bought rechargeable batteries and the system work great I use them everyda,pos "These headphones are lightweight, fairly comfortable, and sound head and shoulders better than any pair of $20 headphones I've ever heard. Here are the aspects people always want to know about:BASS: these don't pound your eardrums in, but the bass that is there is infinitely cleaner and snappier than some of those boomy headphones I've heard. You can really follow the bass line with these, rather than just having your eyeballs fuzz out from vibration.MIDS/HIGHS: this is the reason to buy these headphones. Not too bright, but very clear, warm, smooth, soothing, and musical. The first time I listened to music on these I was able to pick out the click of the pick against the guitar string, something I'd never heard before on that song. In fact, I blame these headphones on my new addiction to, well, headphones.These obviously can't play as loudly as $200 headphones, and lack a little of the very lowest and very highest reach, but everything in the middle is VERY good. I don't think you can find headphones that are this nice to listen to for under $100. And being under $20, you can buy a pair to try without feeling like you might be wasting a lot of money. I should go work for these guys or something =)",pos I was wondering if anyone knew if this hub would work for linking Xbox's together so you can have more than 4 people play at once. I know that I could link 2 with a crossover cable but I want to link 4 together so that I can have a gigantic 16 player Halo match (It's a very popular Xbox game for those who don't know,pos Nothing much to say about them. They're high quality high speed rewritable discs that do what they are supposed to do. I've been using these kind of rewritable discs for a while now and I haven't had any problems with them what so ever even when I burn at higher than 10x. They come with cases too so you won't have to worry about scratching the CDs,pos "I matched this model number up with the phone I have, and it is a perfect fit for the phone and for me. I stay on the telephone for lengthy conference calls most of my workday, and the headset types that go in the ear ended up causing soreness. This headset sits gently over my head with the earpiece lying on my ear. I'm told I can be heard very clearly without echo or fadeout. I would highly recommend this headset",pos "I bought this because my windshield suction mount could not be trusted. I've had it fall off more than once. Then you drive around wondering if your $700 Nuvi is going to fall and break. Not Fun! The friction mount works for me. For everyday driving, even aggresive driving, it stays put. Someone on this site left feedback about using it with their Nuvi 360 and I used their review to make the purchase. I'm glad I did.",pos "I think this is as good as the expensive over $60 HDMI cables. I wouldn't spend money on the expensive ones. First of all, I'm not a cable junkie nor an expert. However, according to my research, there's no difference in performance b/w the expensive version nor the $12, $15, $20 version when it comes to HDMI since it's all digital.. hole buch of zeros and ones. The durability of the cables... I don't know. But unless you're someone who constantly plugs and unplugs the cables for some reason, it wouldn't matter. Normally, you'd connect the cable and keep it that way for a long period of time, so the durability is not really relevant. Bottomline: This is as good as the expensive ones. I first tried out the expensive Monster brand which was $85. Then I returned it after purchasing this, for the quality was the same. Don't buy the expensive ones",pos This is wonderful for laptop users that travel or like to move your laptop around a lot. If I leave my laptop somewhere I hate having to worry about tripping over wires and wires everywhere just look bad. This is really small and compact! Perfect for traveling too. I've used it for about 8 months now and it hasnt had one problem...it still recoils well,pos This product is a nice headset that did fit nicely on my ear (lucky fit I guess) and was easy to work with. It is compact and feels quite natural for me. Not to mention it is designed to work on either ear so in the middle of a conversation you can just change ears,pos "I am pleased with this printer. Considering the price, it is a good value. The cartridges are kind of expensive, but I guess most cartridges are these days",pos PROS:smallreliablevery good quality with picturesease of usegood softwareeasy installaffordableCONS:ink tends to run out quickly with picturesslow rate of printingusb cable not includedoverall: 5 amazonian stars for the average user,pos "This is truly a no-brainer, excellent headphones at a great price, wonderful all around phones, would make a great gift also",pos "I have been using these for a while now and they seem pretty good to me. (disclaimer: I am not an audio professional, nor do I have any expensive headphones to compare with.)They have great detail in both low and high end. In fact, I can hear things in some of my music that I never noticed before in either my small speakers or in the several foam on-ear style or earbud styles. This is good when listening to original CDs, or HQ mp3/AAC, but it did reveal some audio glitches and artifacts in lower quality mp3 that I had just not heard before...I tested these with a frequency response program on my Mac, show as having 25-15,600 Hz (in my ears, your ears may vary...) . This range is better than most of my other inexpensive headphones and earbuds.They do a good job of blocking out external noises-- great if you are in a bit of a noisy space.And, yes, they were a bit tight on the head initially. To fix that, I got a stack of cd/dvd cases that was a bit wider than my head and allowed these headphones to be expanded by them for several overnight stretches (pun intended). This has helped too lessen the pressure they put on my ears and head to the point that they are now OK to wear for long periods. NOTE: this procedure is at your own risk, as I do not think it is officially endorsed by the mfg. ;-) Do not overstretch them, as the headband material, while flexible, undoubtedly has limits to the stretch it can take.Great Bargain Headphones",pos "Not an audiophile, but someone looking to spend a decent amount of money on a quality set of headphones. This product nails all the requirements - great sound, great comfort, well built. I'll be buying more of these guys for friends and family.",pos "Don't let the reviews fool you. At this price, it's worth a little research. Apparently U3 is annoying a lot of people and the people at U3 have created an uninstall download for you to get. So Google it, download it, and buy the USB drive. The size of this USB drive and the fact that you'll never have to worry about losing the cap along with an excellent price make it worth buying. After you uninstall the U3 software, it works like any other drive. It works great, it just takes you ten minutes of a little extra work.I'm very satisfied so far and have carried audio, video, and a lot, lot more on a drive the size of a pen cap. Brilliant...",pos "I bought these headphones a week ago and I am very pleased with them. At the electronic store, I listen to 3 pairs of Sennheiser (HD-433 ; HD-437 and HD-457). I hesitated between the 437 and the 457 but went for the 457 (10 more buck$). At the store the sound was OK as they were playing from the Sennheiser display rack. When I got home, I plugged these in my computer soundcard jack and the sound was a whole lot better. I am very impressed of the volume and sound quality I can get from them on my computer. My soundcard is an onboard Soundmax AC97 on an Asus K8V-X motherboard. I set the sound option in Windows XP on headphones and played Metallica- Nothing else matters with WinAmp. WOW !!! I was really impressed with the bass response and sound clarity in general. I only use half of the volume available in Windows XP and it`s more than enough for me.I do agree with some other reviews that the bass could be more precise but I found out that it varies a lot depending of the sound source you`re using. The sound is better on my computer than on my Harman Kardon amplifier and is a lot better on my MP3 player than with the earbuds that came with it.Overall, I would say that these headphones are very good for the inexpensive price. They blow away all the competition in the same price range. Compared to my old Panasonic, it`s a drastic improvement especially for the bass response.When it comes to music, I love bass a lot but I would recommand to others that you would listen to them from a source that you could adjust the bass level (bass knob or equalizer), so that way you won`t get too much bass from them.Very good headphones ... Go get a pair ... at this price you can`t go wrong. I highly recommand them for computer users (music, DVD movies and games)",pos "This is one of the best wireless phones I've had -- good call quality, good speakerphone quality and good range",pos "Panasonic makes good quality products and this is no exception. Easy to use, very compact, no interference with cordless usage",pos "I bought this phone to replace my older Panasonic because I needed a new answering machine. I love that I can retrieve messages from the handset. The handset is a bit smaller than earlier models, but just took some getting used to. Would definitely recommend",pos "I picked this up for 50 dollars to replace a 75-dollar Uniden that had a sticky talk button and muffled sound qaulity. The Panasonic blows the Uniden away. The sound is clear, crisp, and intimate, the ring selection is varied (I prefer the nonobtrusive default setting). The controls are easy to use. The quality and finish of the materials is high. I am now a loyal Panasonic phone buyer",pos "It's hard to believe the quality of the sound from this very small device. MP3's sound great as do the voice recordings. With 1 gig of space you can record an entire day of seminar speakers and still have space left. The built in STEREO OR MONO mics are great...PLUS, YOU CAN USE IT TO CARRY FILES TO AND FROM WORK.The function buttons are logical and easily accessed, even with my big fingers. Priced right, I'm glad I purchased. Received it on time. Totally happy with my purchase.My only wish is that it came with a case and a neck or wrist strap. It's so small it gets tossed into whatever pocket is available and that can lead to scratches from keys, etc",pos "I am a success coach and I record all my coaching calls as a standard practice. This recorder has performed fantastically in all situations. I get about 9 - 12 continuous hours of battery operation (depending on battery quality) and the unit captures voices flawlessly during my calls (I have an adapter for the phone). I have used this in a seminar setting and have had great results. I highly recommend using rechargeable batteries (always have one extra on hand) when you are going to use the unit for extended periods of time. Recharge before your event each day and you won't miss a thing. The unit only uses one battery and it's always a great idea to have a spare. The unit does not audibly warn when the battery is about to expire, so keeping a fresh charge should provide you with uninterrupted recordings. Each stop and restart begins a new file. For me that works great! If you are looking for one continuous file, do not shut it off. You can also buy software that will let you merge the files for your later use. You would be hard pressed to find a better product for the money",pos A good stuff at great price and as usual Amazon was fast to send the item,pos "I decided to replace my iRiver 190T after a 3rd party cable adapter malfunctioned and fused the pin connection to the USB cable together. I wanted USB 2.0 for the faster connection and a larger capacity, but still desired standard user replaceable batteries on a flash based player so I picked this up on sale.I may still search for a used iRiver 190T after playing with the Lyra RD2315. I like the ruggedness of the 190T a bit more than the RCA Lyra RD2315.Pros:User replaceable AAA batteriesExpandable SD slot up to 512 MBDecent sound for biking and general yard workScreen is able to be positioned at 0 or 180 degrees for easy reading from belt clip/lanyardLine in recording and voice for short memos3 different color backlights for user preferenceDecent battery lifeCons:Headphones are worthless. Placing them in ear prevents clips from holding them in placeSlow reaction on interface compared to older iRiver player Please Wait...Belt clip is going to break after minimal usage (like ink pen cap clips do)Doesn't seem like USB 2.0 speed, just normal USB 1.1No armband or case availableI used firmware 3.11 for my testing after upgrading from version 1.11",pos "when I bought my Intel iMac w/20 LCD suddenly everything else looked dull in comparison. This Apple 20 is very close in spec to my iMac 20 screen. Stores like Best Buy do not have good quality 20+ LCDs in yet. You want the 16x9 profile also, the regular square LCDs look dorky in comparison and typically have lower brightness and contrast ratios. The newer stuff is very bright and clear. It is obvious when you go to a store and look at the LCD screens. The cheap $200 LCDs just don't look good in comparison to the new stuff.Intel iMac screen:1680x1050280 cd/m2 (brightness in candle power)800:1 Contrast ratioApple 20 LCD1680x1050250 cd/m2400:1 Contrast14ms response time (www.apple.com/displays/specs.html)Other comparables:Gateway 21 1680x1050 $599300 cd/m2 1000:1 contrastDell 24 2405FPW $8001920 x 1200500 cd/m21000:1 contrastYou should be aiming for at least 300 cd/m2 on brightness and close to 1000:1 contrast. These Apple LCDs have been out for awhile and are starting to show their age in comparison to the brand new products that have just started to come out. If you are using your LCD for a TV you may need the brightness, but for computer work the Mac 20 LCD is just about right.I paid a few $$$ more ($750 total price) for the Apple LCD, but I feel I made the correct purchase. I just didn't like the way the others looked and it had to look good against my iMac. I actually like this screen better than the one on my iMac and it seems just as bright even if the specs say that it is not. Amazon also boxes the shipment (besides the Apple box) so your screen should arrive undamaged",pos "I've been slowly making my way to the Mac side after nearly 15 years of unadulterated Windows/DOS use. The process has been slow mainly because of the price and availability of Apple products: High and Scarce.The best thing about Apple is that their customer forums are full of people like you and me, and if you have a problem, someone else has most likely had it, too. Those forums helped in my decision to purchase this monitor.I had been looking closely at the 23 monitor. When I read about a majority of the displays getting a pink tint after only a few hours of use, I realized I would either wait until Apple re-engineered the monitor, or look at other options.With the 20 Aluminum, I didn't have to look far. I wanted a monitor that would compliment my G4 laptop (Powerbook), but I didn't want to break the bank, either. The answer was turning to ebay. $600 out the door. Mint condition. Saved over $150, and the monitor works and looks great!The 20 and 30 models have had no problems. If you can buy them new, go for it. If you can buy new, but would rather spend that extra money on something else, check out the ebay auctions",pos I was looking for a basic cordless phone with out an answering machine and this one is great. It has good reception and I like the size of it. This phone is just what I was looking for.,pos "These are the best portable headphones in this price range. Good bass and smooth, natural sound. In fact they would probably still be the best bang for the buck at three times the price. If you can afford more, consider the Sennheiser PX100 for about 40-50 dollars. But if you're on a budget or don't want to worry about losing or breaking a more expensive pair of headphones, these are definitely the ones to get",pos Excellent mount for the 2 TV's I've purchased. Was suprised to buy one about a month ago from amazon.com for 149.95 then was able to buy this one for 124.95. Did I pay too much for the first mount? Ollie...........,pos This was needed for my Panasonic DVD recorder. Works well - hope it holds up as advertised.... Looks like high quality and works well. So far - everything is as expected - and THAT is good,pos "It's not listed in the product description but the Pico works with the iPod Mini too. Like the other reviewers, I found it easy to setup: tune the radio, turn on iPod, connect the Pico, tune the Pico, done). In my car, the static interference was less noticeable when the unit was placed in close proximity to the radio. I noticed this as well with my home stereo. Maybe the next generation Pico needs a larger antennae, or my iPod needed charging. Regarding sound quality, my other car has a built-in iPod connector. The Pico sound quality is comparable, somewhat muted, but enjoyable. The Pico does offer the advantage of displaying the iPod menu to select tunes. I've read mixed reviews on other FM transmitters, but I am pleased with the Pico",pos "I ordered this device to sit on a player piano, which can play ipod encoded MP3 files, once they are transferred from the special CDs that are designed for the piano. The remote is limited, as are all remotes for ipods, but for the special use I have, this is a great product. It allows me to sit across the room and pause the piano or select the next piece of music",pos "I was looking for an inexpensive, yet high quality, long lasting, and durable way to identify dozens upon dozens of electrical wires behind the instrument panel of my airplane. A fellow pilot made me aware of the family of small electronic labelers available in the marketplace. The Brother 1750 fits my needs perfectly. Offering two lines of crisp, highly readable print gives a professional appearance to all labeling needs. My experience is quite different than some reviewers who have complained about wasted tape. In fact, I found that little wasted tape is generated if you simply adjust the margins to a particular task and this option is clearly spelled out in the instruction booklet. Since I purchased the 1750, I have found many uses for it around the home office and I wonder how I got by without one in the past! My only complaint about the keyboard is that among the characters, it does not offer a dash or hyphen, so when one is required, I find myself using a star instead. That is a minor complaint though. The Brother 1750 gets considerable mileage on AA battery power alone, so I have not felt the need to purchase the adapter",pos "We recently purchased 4 of these phones and all of them work fine. The CID works perfectly for both lines. The interface/menu takes a few minutes to learn and get used to but I wouldn't call it non-intuitive.The Redial button (as you can see in the picture) is right above the number pad. If you can't find it, you might want to buy a phone with less buttons and less features. And it's pretty simple to redial a number in the CID display... when you see/get to the number press Enter twice (Once to bring up the MENU, and Once more to DIAL). In fact you can also save that number into the phone's memory through the menu (press Enter once and scroll through the options)",pos "At first, I was not sure about if this Windshield Mounting Bracket was going to stay in place while I drive trough the streets. However, I was very surprised when I found out that the Bracket stayed put all day going from one place to another, even under some vibration. The suction rubber system is quite strong. It has 2 angles for adjustment, and you can rotate the GPS clockwise/counterclockwise.Pros: Strong suction rubber system, GPS mounting systemCons: Lack of a 4th angle for adjustment (the GPS can only be adjusted in the windshield plane, so you can not turn it towards your face for easy viewing - that's why I give 4 stars",pos "Very strong suction cup provides secure mounting. Quick and easy clip in and release for taking the GPS with you. Product would be better if the pivoting arms were longer and able to swivel sideways. Otherwise, this is a well-designed and quality product",pos "The forums speak highly of these units-xr70, and I was going to get one because of the small form factor. Amazon's description for the height at 2.5 is incorrect, according to Panasonic's website. Should be listed as 3 9/32H. Makes a difference if you're short on space",pos "I was paranoid about having buyer's remorse from this unit. For such a cheap price I was sure I would end up regretting the purchase. What is the tradeoff? Shoot if know, but I haven't regretted buying it one bit. The receiver is perfect for home theater, particularly DD 5.1 shows. There is absolutely no discernable speaker hiss with digital content, which is important for TV watching that has a high range of both loud and silent moments.As for power, it's not an even match with some of the more power hungry and expensive analog amplifiers out there, but it easily crosses the threshold of annoying the neighbors.Digital is something to get used to. On conventional receivers, you turn the sound up high and it becomes somewhat sloppy, or what some call warm. Not so with the digital Panny. It's distortion free up to very high levels. I wouldn't call it bright, but the response is very linear and precise. I like hearing all the details in music and cinema, even at loud volume. Others don't.The weaknesses are very minor:-The FM tuner is nothing special.-It lacks fancy DSP modes of expensive receivers.-No fancy on screen display (must do most of the tweaking with knobs)-It does not upconvert video.-The remote control is an el cheapo.For this price, though, who cares",pos "I purchased this receiver from Fry's Electronics in San Diego, CA for $199.99. At first, I was a little hesitant about purchasing an all digital receiver. When I got it home, and connected it, I was amazed. This receiver will blow you away with the precision of it's home theater capabilities. I am using four Polk R30's as my fronts, and rear surround, and two Sony center channels for my front center, and rear center channels. I also have a KLH 10inch Tremor Series powered subwoofer. I estimate the entire system to cost about $650.00 total. I have colleague that has a Bose home theater system, and my little system blows his out of the water, and he paid much more for the Bose. If you want a great receiver a minimal price, this is the way to go. By the way, did I mention that it has four digital inputs, an optical output, and HDMI in and out connections. BUY IT!!!",pos "The logitech stereo usb noice cancelling headset is awesome... I never recieved the one I ordered from ANT online, but the one I bought later at walmart owns me",pos "I did a lot of research and finally ended up with this product.1) BOSE is an excellent piece - but main drawbacks - portability and lack of audio input from other devices2) Altec Lansing - basically a roun cylinder shaped one and I didnt get that in a black color for my 30 GB Black Video Ipod and the sound wasnt that impressive as Bose (or for that matter Logitech mm 50)3) Apple's ipod Dock - its a bulky one, that is definitely not portable and costlier than the Bose.I went to BestBuy to listen to everything and Logitech mm 50 really outweighs the other ones on these - price, portability and sound quality, yea, its not like Bose or Apple's dock - but really good for such a small piece.The only thing I find a little difficult is, I am not able to switch playlists with the remote, its just for play/pause/next/prev and sounds, would've been completely happy if had all that I could do in the ipod. But, I am very happy with the buy and will definitely recommend to bu",pos "I've had 2 other FM transmitters (A Belkin and a Griffin iTrip). Neither came close to the quality of this transmitter. Neither charged the iPod (The Belkin required batteries, which only lasted about 15 hours of use), while the iTrip worked OK at first, but then started getting static no matter what station I used. In fact, I had to have the iPod in hand for the static to go away (and then, it was still not clear). The sound isn't as loud as some (it takes over the volume control, so you cant use the volume on the iPod.) Still, it's not nearly as soft as some I've seen. I found most music came through at a good volume (I did adjust a few songs in iTunes to pump them up). This unit, although it seems cheap and flimsy at first, is able to get a consistant, strong signal, even on stations which usually come in clearly. It powers through them, and the result is a very clean sound. It is a little hard to read at the regular angle, but once you set the 3 presets, you don't need to see the screen. Just set your radio to the same 1-2-3 configuration. Also, turning it at a 90 degree angle lets you see the screen much clearer. In all, I couldn't be happier",pos "at such low price, this player is really pretty good.it gets the job done, even though the UI is a little bit basic.it can record in DVD+R and DVD-R, and has a 10 hour mode. Although in the 10 hour mode, image is not so clear but still pretty good if view on the computer using 320 x 240 resolution.and at such a low price, you can get two or three to record different programs and archive some shows, and it is still cheaper than the Media Center PC. Good thing is the disc is already a DVD playable in any player. No need to burn it as opposed to if you are using Tivo or Media Center PC.",pos Quite acceptable. In line with prior purchases at outlet where PIXMA was sol,pos "I've had these headphones for just over two years, and I'm happy to see that they're one of the few pairs marketed as surround sound that have done quite well. The reason behind that is because they're truly excellent headphones. The range is spectacular and the inputs even more so. You're given the option of RCA and Toslink (optical), which is all you really need.Movies really do sound like movies...you hear things behind, in front, and to your left and right when you're connected via optical. Take note that DTS also sounds 'boomier' and a tad crisper than Dolby D does, especially in Gladiator.Honestly, I've nothing to complain about. As a college guy, I couldn't bring my 1010 watt system from home. Which, I might add, never sounded as good as my headphones, mostly because headphones will always have the advantage of being closer to you physically. Listening to music at extremely high bit rates and using the optical connection from my Macbook Pro truly does some incredible things. You'd be amazed at Coldplay's The Scientist if you heard it on these headphones. It's indescribable.And by the way, I'm a slight audiophile.You seriously can't go wrong with these headphones. And $65 for each additional pair of headphones, allowing you to add as many as you want to one base station? Even better...good idea for families in apartments.Incredibly advanced technology, incredible sound, and incredible results. Can't go wrong here.Oh, and they're extremely comfy",pos "I just recently purchased the Quickcam STX for my sister who lives overseas in Greece. It's a great way for us to connect especially since we only see each other on an annual basis. Surprisingly, the video and audio is quite good. I do have a Mac and she doesn't have any issue calling me from her pc. We use Aol instant messenger (Video and Audio) or Yahoo Messenger (Video) to connect. I still prefer the iSight for Macs. Unfortunately, you can't use an iSight on a pc. Wish Apple could make the iSight compatible with PC's. Anyhow the STX is a great cam for what it's worth.",pos This samll web cam is doing a great job connecting my families overseas. The flexible shoe is really handy and the image and voice quality is beyond my expectation,pos "have had no problems with this item, and it's a good price for the powered kind of USB hubs, which I have found are pretty necessary for most USB items.",pos "I found the sound fantastic. Just got these after usinf Shure E3s for about a year. I liked those but find these even better. When I first tried them I found the base so much stronger than the E3s as many have alluded to. Now I run my iPod at normal equalizer settings. I find the balance of the set dead on. The fit is great, of course your milage may vary. In fact they are so good at excluding air conduction that bone conduction becomes very noticable. This means when I walk with them I can hear my footsteps. This would be a real problem if I jogged (low impact workouts such as elipticals and bicycles are not affected)",pos "This is my second FM transmitter and works much better than the Belkin that I ended up returning because it simply wasn't working.It plugs firmly into my cigarette lighter and stays there, unlike the Belkin (I drive a 2001 BMW 325ci). It is easy to use with the preset FM stations. It works right out of the box, you'll be ready to go within seconds. The sound is crisp, with some static interference, which can be expected in a big city. Unmounting my car's antenna helps a little but doesn't completely cure the interference. I have a factory BMW Business radio which picks up FM signals pretty much without an antenna.There is nothing to mount the iPod so you'll either have to set it in your cup holder or purchase a case separately.I wouldn't spend more than $45 on any FM transmitter as there will always be minor interference in urban areas. I won't be getting rid of my CD changer just yet",pos "I have had my Axim x51v for about three months. I purchased it from Dell for $480 with aluminum hardcase, extra 1100mAh battery, and auto power cord.Strengths: Just about everything. The processor is absolutely incredible. I heard (unconfirmed) that the Intel 624 MHz PXA270 is faster than a 2GHz Pentium 3! It sure seems like it. This PDA blazes through movies, photos, games, word processing, and anything else I can throw at it.The other definite high point for this PDA is the screen. Once you see a VGA screen like this, you will be astounded at the difference it can make over a QVGA screen. I have to get about 4 inches from the screen to even see the pixels. The screen is crystal clear.The battery life is phenomenal, even with the standard low capacity battery. Playing a movie at full brightness and full volume will last about 2 hours, extended to about 4.5 hours on low brightness and headphones. Turned off with a 1GB SD card drains the battery about 2% per day.WiFi is amazing. It connects consistently and is moderately easy to set up. Once connected, it keeps the signal well and is, while not fast, reasonable for speedJust about everything on this PDA is almost perfect.Weaknesses: Not enough programs to start with, Windows Media Player 10 (Download TCPMP, it's way better)Problems: Don't use Odyssey Client, it makes the PDA start up really slow. Also, in ActiveSync, On the PDA, select Menu, Add Server Source. On all of the screens, put random characters in each field, and deselect any check boxes that tell it what to synchronize. Then go to menu, schedule and select manual for both. Then go to menu, options, and delete the entry that you just added (the one that has no boxes under it checked) and delete it. It fixes a myriad of problems and makes the PDA run faster, and it still syncs automatically in the cradle.Conclusion: An awesome PDA that does just about everything. Combine it with a BT keyboard and perhaps even a BT mouse, and you have an unbeatable combination of power and portability. Everything works extremely well",pos "This phone has noticably greater range and clarity than our other wireless phones. The message center works well, and the intercom feature is useful. The phone is a little small, and similar to cell phones rather than a house wireless phone.There are two generic rechargable NiCAD batteries, I think they will be easier to find than some of the packaged NiCADs that come with most wireless phones",pos "This phone is small, great battery life, awesome range, and no interference. The features are subtstanial and the quality is amazing. From one that has always had Uniden Cordless phones this is a substantial upgrade.",pos "i bought one version from best buy, then i bought another with different buttons, then i bought this platinum one because its so cool looking, just make sure you save the code",pos "sent check for full price fairly promptly, but not including tax, which ads say they will d",pos Best earphones I ever had. Better then Sony MDR-EX51LP Fontopia Headphones. 2 years warranty,pos "Earbud fit system is comfortable, seals out noise, for many ear canal sizes. Sound is great",pos "I'm very pleased with this camera. I updated it with the new drivers and software on the Creative site (from January 2006) immediately and I have not had any of the problems others mention. The image quality is excellent with good lighting and the camera is fast since it is a true USB 2.0 camera. It will work with USB 1, but be sure you use USB 2.0 for better quality.Video calls run a bit choppy if there is a lot of movement, but for basic conversations, it is fine. I use 8 Mbs cable and I connect with people using the same or high speed DSL.This camera takes great video & photos and has an excellent one click panoramic option that does all of the stitching for you. If you want to take a large group shot, it is really cool. The other features like security and remote monitoring are very useful as well. I don't use the face tracking.The base deserves a mention too. I use this on my notebook and on my desktop. It's cool that the base works with both notebook screens and on flat surfaces. Highly recommended for the price now with the current rebate Amazon is offering",pos "I wanted a combo and this seems to be the best one on the market now days.The mouse is very good, a tad small, but still very comfortable. Not as good as Logitech� MX(tm)500 for my hand (I'd say I have a medium size hand), but still a very solid product. Side buttons are very useful. No need to install any additional drivers for XP if you are ok with the default behavior. Just plug it in and use.The keyboard is so-so. It is not bad, but just not very comfortable, especially compared to Microsoft keyboards. (I use Microsoft 4000 for work and it really shines). The labeling is very small, Insert/Delete keys are not standard and I hate Vista ready button, if you hit it in the middle of the game you are lucky not to crash.Would I buy it again? Yes. Would I recommend it? Yes, but with some reservations.",pos "Why settle for less, when you can get a brand new original Panasonic or Samsung 42 inch plasma TV for Free! I got mine from this web site: awesomestufffree.com/plasma-t",pos "Like most people here, I found the Bose Triport headphones to have excellent sound but the plastic on mine also broke in the recess next to the earcups. What I found is that this is caused by the tension of the headband frame pushing into the plastic. In fact, the plastic broke from just sitting in my drawer for a week with the headband fully extended.My recommendation is to store these headphones with the earcups fully retracted, to reduce the tension of the headband frame on that piece of plastic. Bose replaced them with no hassles, no receipt, no registration, just sent them back and got a brand new pair. I think that was well worth the money spent over 2 years ago",pos "I recently received the Zen Microphoto as a gift. Since I travel fairly often, I decided to purchase the Traveldock after reading the reviews. It's great. The Microphoto fits in easily and comes out just as simply. The sound is rich, loud enough, and better than any other travel speakers that I own. Many people comment on the bass issue. For travel speakers, the Traveldock has the best bass to date, in my opinion. True bass enthusiasts could purchase the subwoofer (for an additional $60 from Creative's website). I'm very satisfied with the sound and the convenience. The jacks are easy to reach and use, which are on the back of the unit. Also, the Microphoto charges while docked, whether it's playing or not. There's even an attachable FM antenna that plugs in to give you reception when docked (since you are not using the earphones which serve as an antenna also). By the way, it comes with a remote control which allows you to switch between FM and MP3's, adjust volume, and play/pause/FF/Rew. Overall, this is a very nice addition to the Zen Microphoto.",pos "Again, Creative Labs has combined all you need into one package: line in jack, usb port, fm antenna, and even a jack for a sub-woofer! for a small portable speaker, this system gets pretty loud and clear. The stereo effect button works great, the design is very stylish and the remote is a nice finishing touch. now for the cons;like most reviewers,i too, have to say the bass is lacking a bit, and the stand has a bit of trouble holding the speakers up due to small rubber feet that doesnt grip very well. and the last thing is the speakers itself doesnt have any grill or guard on it and it looks like it could be damaged easily, but these are minor things i can overlook and all in all for the price, this speaker system is very good.i tried the Altec Lansing portable speakers for the same price and i returned it the next day. it didnt even get half as loud without distortion and it didnt have as many cool features either.right now, im using the speakers with the zen nano plus and it works great! im saving up for the zen micro now and if it sounds good with the nano, then i know the TravelDock will sound amazing with the micro that it was intended for. one more thing, if your going to use the line-in cable for a device other than the zen micro, be sure to insert the BLACK end of the cable into the device your want to play and the WHITE end into the speakers line-in jack. i read a reviewer who said the speakers sounded tinny like a transistor radio and its because she had the wrong ends of the cable attached. i did it myself and i figured it out. unlike the reviewer who returned the speakers before taking the time to learn how to use it before returning it and giving it a bad review.I love these speakers and i even use them for my t.v and they sound great for that too",pos "I bought these speakers based on price because I just wanted to get some budget speakers to start off with on my home theater. It turns out that these speakers have amazing sound quality easily rivaling speakers that cost 10x the price.I really can't find one bad thing to say. Even at high volumes they have a crystal clear pristine sound. The sub woofer pumps a nice rich heavy bass. Take advantage of the low price on these speakers, you won't find a better deal.I'm using these speakers with a Harman Kardon AVR 240 receiver and I also have two Polk R15's as my front left and right",pos nice little system but only 4 ohms so doesnt handle a lot of power. Good sound for an apartment,pos "For the cost, you can't go wrong with these speakers from Jensen. We love them, and in shopping around found them to be one of the best home theater values. The sound is great, and the speakers are perfect for just about any home theater need",pos "Purchased this iterm for my HP8450 printer. Pictures are outstanding and the cartridge does the job.Only problem is the cartridge gets eaten up in no time at all. Cost per print no bargain. Problem isn't with the catridge, but with the printer and print process. Now we know why HP has printers at such reasonable price. They eat you up and spit you out via the price of cartidges. That's where the real profit lies. Amazon is tops in price and service delivery",pos "About 2 1/2 years ago I finally got into the digital age. I began printing my own pictures and have tried every brand of photo paper out there (Kodak, HP, store brands, etc. etc.). By far, the most superior paper is Canon. They make fabulous photo paper that is reasonably priced and prints GREAT photos.I did a wedding album using Canon photo paper and the couple I gave it to thought that the photos were as good as the photographer they'd hired, which speaks volumes to the quality of Canon paper.I'd highly recommend that people use this brand. You won't be sorry",pos "Echoing most other reviews here, this is an excellent set of earphones that are well worth the money. But buying them is a risk! If you don't wear these earphones correctly, they sound terrible, easily shown up by any pair of throwaway phones. Those unsatisfied with the sound quality (especially those complaining of lack of bass) either haven't put them in correctly or have oddly shaped ears.Learning how to put them in properly takes time. Be prepared to spend a few hours fiddling with them and trying the different included cushions. Once you teach yourself how to put them in, it will only take a few seconds. Some tips: Before inserting the earbuds, draw the phones up from behind your ear, holding the earbuds in the correct orientation (drivers pointing medially), so the wires fall naturally between your head and pinna and the earbuds are just outside your ear canals. With one hand, pull the superoposterior part of the pinna in a superoposterior direction while inserting the earphone with the other. This straightens the ear canal and makes it easier to insert the earphone. (Your doctor uses the same maneuver when he/she examines you with an otoscope.) You may also wish to twist the earphone during insertion so that it lodges itself better. If the phones are properly inserted, they will have sealed your ear canals and you may want to relieve pressure via your Eustachian tubes (that is, swallow), just as on a climbing plane or skyscraper elevator.It may seem like it takes a lot of work (and possibly learning a bit about anatomy) to get these earphones to work as intended. It does, and success is not guaranteed. But it's worth it! And to save your hearing, don't forget to turn down the volume, since your music will no longer have to compete with outside noise",pos "This was the largest set that would fit into my space. I also looked at the Westinghouse 37 inch HD moniter at Best Buy. The first time, I looked at the Westinghouse the picture looked a bit fuzzy. Then I read the review on CNET which said the Westinghouse picture was actually better than the Sharp. I went back to Best Buy and asked the sales person if the picture on the Westinghouse could be improved. He said it was as it good as it could be. He than said the Sharp was twice the price of the Westinghouse, so I should expect a better picture on the Sharp.In any event, I purchased the Sharp on Amazon during the recent Electronic Express Sale. On HD, the picture is amazing. It's also quite good on regular TV.My only regret is that Toshiba has just come out with a 37inch LCD with a DVD built in. If I had known, I would have waited to check out that model",pos "We bought 3 of these and every one has dead pixels. It's not a ton, but one monitor has three that are red in the center of the screen, and other has a few that are bright green in the corner. Not a huge deal, but there are some in all 3",pos This is my second purchase of these speakers.They provide great sound especially for the price.My kids use them with their computers and Ipods.I recommend them to everyone,pos "Really don't think you can get better sound for your dollar. Not only look cool, but sound great. Have only had for two months, but no issues.",pos "Before i bought this product, i was contemplating which brand name hard drive i should go with. I was told Seagate was top of the line. It truly is. No problems at all, easy to setup and use, and a fair price. I highly recommend Seagate over any other brand name (I've heard problems with other brands)",pos "This is a great little piece of hardware.I bought it for my MP3's and movies, and I'm very pleased. It's totally plug-n-play; there aren't even any drivers that need updating, assuming you have XP up to par.It gives 160GB (well, 149 in actuality) of space to work with. After moving nearly 50 gigs over to it at once, on the first day, it froze up. After that minor incident, I've had no problems, though, and my machine runs alot faster because of it. With my 100G of music already on it, I'm very happy with it. It has given me no fuss--it doesn't even give me any noise! It's as silent as a fart, and that's a big plus.I found mine at Wal-Mart for $114 and I think that I made a good purchase. If you're on a budget, this is about as good as it gets. Seagate's 300GB is also highly recommended, as I've worked with it before. A+",pos "This drive is whisper quiet, easy to install and use, and in my experience, plenty fast. I recently encoded my CD collection in flac format and am using this drive to store files. I also used foobar2000/LAME to convert the flac files to MP3, all on this drive. During the process of converting the files, which is pretty IO-intensive, I found the drive to be completely reliable and the speed to be more than adequate",pos I purchased this radio to keep on my kitchen counter. I chose Boston Acoustics over Tivoli because you can't preset the stations in the Tivoli and I like to flip through commercials. Other reviewers wrote that the bass can be overpowering. I listen to rock music and do not notice the bass. My complaint is that this radio advertises itself as picking up weak stations very clearly. It does not pick up stations much better then the other radios in my house. Also if you are listening to the radio you can't see the time display.This radio is great if you have limited space. It looks good and sounds like a much larger radio. It has a lot of power for a small radio.,pos "Excellent accessory, portable and you do not have to apply anything permanent to your vehicle....highly recommended",pos Wow! Now I can transfer all I have in my PC to my cellphone. It's awesome... I need no cable to transfer stuff from my PC to my cellphone and from my cellphne to my PC. You can get this item in a very special price. Get it!!,pos "I own a set of older Martin Logan speakers. Their quality is legendary with a price to match. So I was interested in maximizing performance. When I called their office for advice, one of the tech guys (excellent service, by the way) told me the Monster banana plugs were great, not the best or most expensive available, but a good value. That was enough for me. My speakers are bi-wired so I purchased two sets of four plugs. Installation was a snap and the sound is wonderful. Add to that the free shipping, no tax and a total price saving of $12.00 and you can't do better than Amazon!",pos "This ain't cheap, but it's worth it. I've learned my lesson buying cheaper toner cartridges, but they don't even come close to the quality and longevity of the Brother brand. You get what you pay for..",pos "No problems with these, and great price at amazon",pos This is an awesome little MP3 player. I enjoy both the MP3 player and the FM radio. It is very easy to use and syncs well with Windows Media Player. It is perfect for going to the gym because it is so small. It came with a great leather case that fits it well and prevents damage and scratches. My only problem with the player is that I can't fit more than 66-69 songs although it says there is about 70MB of space left on the player,pos "I've been using this router for a few days. I just had to set it up - I haven't had any cause to touch it since, it's very reliable. Highly recommended",pos "Unit works about as expected, with possible exception of a few areas of the screen that are not too sensitive to the touches from the stylus. So far I am working around that. This is my 3rd Deluxe and the 1st one to give any operational problem of any sort. Generally a good product",pos "Yeah, so apparently this was a really good PDA to buy. I BOUGHT THIS THREE YEARS AGO AND IT STILL WORKS! Ive been searching for a new PDA since I thought this one was so out of date, and when reading all the reviews I came across many new state of the art PDAs that broke after only a few months. This baby has been great to me for three long years, so if you are looking for a reliable buy, go for this. Definately NOT flashy, very basic. All I use it for is appointments, dates, and to-dos. GREAT FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO USE A PDA AS AN AGENDA!Good luck on your PDA search!",pos "I am working with my new PDA the Live Drive and is great to have akk ny videos, music and to write my notes and documents before my shift or meeting, and also the wireless connection is so great. I like the option that you can use it as an external drive",pos "I am extremely happy with this purchase and will most likely purchase another one of these, soon",pos "Netgear clearly has not figured out how to make their RangeMax adapter work well with the Microsoft XP operating system. If you're not a techie, I'd stay away until Microsoft has certified the WPN311. Here's what I experienced:1. Installed using the Netgear WPN311 automated configuration.2. After installation completion and boot up, CPU utilization was at a solid 100%. Executable from Netgear named WLANCFG5.EXE taking up a bunch of the CPU and Microsoft routines CSRSS.EXE, NET.EXE, and NET1.EXE taking the rest.3. Emailed Netgear and received response to use Task Manager to delete WLANCFG5.EXE. Did so for all users.4. Hey! CPU utilization returned to normal!5. Sent next email to Netgear pointing out that this solution is just a patch and WLANCFG5 would return when I re-booted.6. Received response to de-install and re-install software for WPN311.7. Did so, but then Netgear adapter software could not find my MIMO wireless router! And usage of the Netgear adapter software doesn't allow you to use the Microsoft Wireless Zero Configurator (WZC).8. Went to microsoft.com and looked up error 871122 Error message when you try to run the Wireless Network Setup Wizard and followed the instruction to allow usage of WZC.9. Then able to add my wireless router and everything is ok.The functionality works great. It's the getting there that's not too pretty good.....",pos "I lost my previous RadioShack surge strip and the various pieces of equipment attached to it in the Queens power failure and wanted something dependable. The price is great for its rating and all the stuff included, and it is kind of cool-looking too! Recommend without reservation",pos "I'm using the Monster Cable MP Home Theater PowerCenter HTS800 to remove line noise in the electrical current to a high-end tube pre-amp. The line noise is removed beautifully; however, the PowerCenter itself creates a high-pitched tone. The tone comes out of the PowerCenter device directly. If you are planning to use this product on a high-end sound system, I recommend placing it in a location that is acoustically isolated.",pos "For the background, I've owned & used various IEM (In-Ear-Monitor) headphones over the years: Ety ER4p, Altec Lansing iM716, Shure E2c, Sony EX71, Koss KSC75. Here's my quick impression after using these headphones for a week:Pros:1. Very good bass & well balance (not as bloated as the Sony EX71, the ER4p has tight but the least bass-feel/effect.) Mid-range is good. Treble is just a little bit harsh right out of the box (but can be tamed with EQ.)2. Easy to drive (with the iM716 phones, I'd need to crank up the vol.)3. Very light weight4. Comfortable tips (3 sizes included)5. Decent isolation from outside noise (the ER4p &iM716 have better isolation)6. Moderately priced ($50)Cons:1. Cables are thin so handle with care.2. Some people may not like the phonendoscope effect (cables frictions.) This is very common with IEM headphones, some are more than others.3. No pouch or casePS: For bass-heads, you will like these IEMs - from an owner of Beyer DT770-80's experience :",pos "All in-ear headphones will make some noise when the wires brush up against something. Sound travels along wires... it's physics, there's nothing you can do about that. Now, these earphones are incredibly light-weight and the wires are thin so that actually reduces the noise traveling through the wires.These headphones are called asymmetric, meaning that the right earbud is on a longer wire than the left. You wear this by putting the wire on the right earbud BEHIND your neck. This leaves the area in front of you clear of wires that could get tangled up in your hands. This also makes it easy to each lunch while listening to music so your food doesn't spill on the wire.I paid about 60 bucks and for that price, I love these headphones. Face it, these are low to mid-range in terms of price, but perform more like mid-range to high range if you ask me. The cable is thin and flexible yet seems pretty resistant to damage. The buds are comfy and I like the asymmetric design. People need to realize that there are premium headphones for $500 or more. I think people need to keep perspective and not have TOO high expectations from only a $60 pair",pos This is the 4th spindle I've ordered and I haven't had a problem with any of my DVDs.,pos This little charger works great. It is the second one of it's kind that I have purchased. The last one took a lot of abuse and therefore I needed to replace it. Would buy it again. Charges quickly and is quite handy,pos "The Fang is amazing!!!!! I just got it,theres nothing like it. The keyz are in the perfect spot to kill all your fellow gamers. all you need is the fang and a mouse and your good to go. you have to get this if you want to stand a chance in FPS games.",pos "I love the new nanos. I don't think I have anything bad to say about it besides it not having a radio. It is small and very thin. You barely feel it in your pocket, which might annoy some people but not me. I'd rather get this than any Zen products or Sandisk Sansas because it looks way better and it way thinner. The screen is really bright with the full color display. The new earbuds are A LOT more comfortable than the old ones. The new ones aren't as bulky and actually fit in my small ears with out them slipping out. I don't know why people hate the sound of the earbuds but they are certainly loud and good enough for me! The new color coating is scratch resistant, but not the click wheel and the Apple symbol. But you don't notice the scratches on the white parts. The longer battery life is twice as long as the first generation nano, 24 hours! The new 4 GB color nanos are the same price as the 2 GB of the 2nd gen nanos. I'm so happy I waited after the 1st gen nanos came out. I would never get the 1st gen nanos now since they scratch easily, have a dark screen, and have a short battery life. The new nanos are great deals and great gifts. I recommend this mp3 player to anyone that wants a good, reliable, scratch resistant, cool looking music player! 5/5 star",pos I am satisfied. Works great with my Phone Nokia E6,pos "I have to say, when I first purchased this little goodie, I just assumed I was buying more memory for my Motorola Q. I had no idea just how useful and reliable this would be. It has proven to be not only invaluable, but a very good investment, based on price and usage. Buy one, no TWO. These things are great",pos I'm a big fan of trackballs and this one is my favorite on the market right now. Just love it,pos "I thought I'd weigh in, as the reviews suggesting noncompliance with Apple products seemed ominous. I bought a Passport, and the USB outlet on my Macbook powers it perfectly well. I don't need an external power supply.Btw, I get a transfer rate of about 2 Mb/s, or 1 Gb/5 minutes. This seems a little slow, but it doesn't bother me much. The Passport is small, has a nice rubber coating to prevent shock, and overall is worth the purchase price",pos "These Verbatim discs have the DataLife Plus layer of protection that will allow them to last 100+ years. I'm a professional photographer and it's crucial to store my client's digital photos and artwork onto a disc that will remain stable in years to come. I've tried many brands and types of discs and have lost data (read errors) many times but so far with the hundreds of Verbatim discs I've burned so far, I haven't had a problem yet. The Kodak brand discs were also excellent, but Kodak discontinued making them. SONY also makes a good disc. These discs can be printed on directly with an ink jet printer such as the Epson R200/R300/R320, and the surface area is printable right up to the hub! I have no reason to switch to any other brand as long as Verbatim continues to make a great disc",pos "These Verbatims are terrific. As you may know, working with DVD-R media is almost a gamble...cheap media will save you a few pennies but either give you coasters or media that plays on few players. Sticking to name brands helps, but even then, some brands rely on outside sources for their media and while one lot/batch may be good, the next batch from the same brand may be from somewhere else. Usually, you're safe with media made in Japan. These Verbatim's are made in Taiwan but, they are great..I've bought one every couple months and I'm on my 3rd spindle now.They have a wonderful printing surface that as mentioned, dries nearly instantly in Epson printers (I use an R200). Hub printable so you can print all the way to the edge which gives your discs a terrific look when printing nice disc art or photos. Not one coaster so far, burned with Apple Powerbook 2X Superdrive as well as a Lacie D2 Firewire writer. Though the media is 8X, it works in my Panasonic DVD Recorder (DMR-E55) which recommends up to 4X media perfectly). So far, I have not encountered one person who has not been able to play the discs (Samsung, Sanyo, Panasonic, Sony, Apex, Toshiba DVD Players, PS2, XBox, no problems) . Over 134 discs so far, and they look great, play great, and are a great price for hub printable discs. Highly recommended...I'm ordering more!",pos "Notebooks Pro is the highest rated webcam (for notebooks) on the market and for good reason. Audio and Video quality is excellent. You can talk normal and be 2 or 3 feet away with no problem. The echo cancellation feature is a true must for webcams, especially with the use of video. On the negative side the USB cable is too short which limits interchangeability with your desktop. Also, I have the Quickcam Fusion for my desktop which is a 5 star rated product and without doubt the best of the best webcams overall. Logitech ships that product with Quickcam 10 software which is probably a nice update to Quickcam 9 the Notebook Pro uses. Unfortunately, Logitech provides little detail and info on these technical and software issues. B",pos I had the previous version also. It is so far the best webcam I ever owned. Don't even bother to compare it with cheap creative ones. The frame rate and picture quality is awesome. Works in very low light conditions and has great software which can even make gieco or alien out of you.They keep on working for years. My old one Quickcam for notebooks Pro still a champion after use of 3 years now. I got bored and gave it to my uncle. And boy he loves it too. Newer one as mentioned by other reviewers holds much better.Do I sound Like a logitech sales person? Well I must admit that I am very happy with their webcams. Amazon offers get price and you should get it.One more thing. It's features outweighs its small size :). My Parents back in other part of world can see even tiny things in my room which they shouldn't :).,pos I got this mouse because I have developed carpel tunnel pain in my shoulder from years and years of mouse activity. I'm happy to say it is nearly gone (the pain) - I ordered one for my office and will now get one for home. It does take a bit of getting used to (after years of movable mouse action) - but it can be done.Good luck,pos "Unlike many other cables that splice A/V output, this cable does so while retaining the details of that output. I.e., both Left and Right channels are extracted and outputted, not simply the Left channel with audio mixed down to mono. Also, it works on some computers, too!On the minus side, I haven't gotten it to work on the television. In order to do so, you also have to buy the adapter for the Creative Zen player.I bought this so my Creative Sleek Photo would be compatible with an X-Rocker chair with built in speakers, and found that CD players and many other audio units became compatible, too. For that, it was worth the cost",pos "I am running the RadioShark on a G4 PowerBook w/ Mac OS X 10.4. I am very happy with the programmed recording - saves to a variety of formats, etc. Very handy! The unit did all that it promised, but it could have had much better software. A Dashboard Widget is also included that controls basic operation, but not recording or EQ.Needed additions:1. Station presets are selected from a drop down menu??!? One has to go to the RS menu bar (top of screen) to find the favorite Stations - kind of klunky. Better to have radio buttons associated with the App window. To be fair, the Widget does have better station selection, but the button is labeled with a 'heart'...2. No station scan function. One has to dink through the entire spectrum manually - wow - hard to understand this lack of functionality.3. Some additional audio filter/edit functions could be included. There is a multi-band EQ that works well, mostly (see comment below). At minimum there should be a hiss filter and a hum filter with variable levels of effect. Also, one should be able to edit out unessential material from an audio file. Though, for Mac OS X there is a nice freeware app that can do this: AUDACITY.Oddities1. When first installed, the output had static in it which was worse with the EQ on. Griffin Tech Support was not very helpful - as with most tech support offerings, they failed to grasp the actual problem and replied with unhelpful suggestions. Re-installed software and it began working well.2. Initially did not seem to work well thru an external (powered) hub; now has no problems. Though, unit does work okay with a USB extension cable",pos "This is a total bargain. Not only was the price right, it works perfectly in the car, at home converting every radio to a stereo system for my iPod Nano. When they're put together it looks like one unit and if, by chance, you use a Motorola Rzr phone the charger works with he iTrip and recharges the Nano, eliminating the need for any other charger devices",pos "The over-the-air picture is crisp, colors are bright and the size is just right. Pretty good viewing angle as well",pos I totally recommend this mouse. I purchased the 1st mouse a few months about and just now bought another one for my other laptop. I like it that you have an assortment of colors you can chose from also. The battery life is pretty good also,pos "I use this with an iMac. It does not come with drivers for Mac OS X, nor does D-Link offer any help. They refuse to admit it will work with Macs. I was pointed toward a driver made available at [...]. I remember having trouble getting it to work, but once it was working it has worked well and consistently. The iMac connects to an AEBS a couple rooms away through the D-Link",pos "I have been going nuts trying to find a decent set of headphones for my new iPod. All I wanted was decent sound for a decent price, but after trying various models of ear-buds and standard phones and returning them all I figured I was going to have to shell out some big bucks after all. But, then I decided to pull the trigger on some cans made by a great old company from my youth that used to be THE only choice for headphones- KOSS of course! And man- they still have it. These aren't the greatest phones I've ever heard, but for $20 (and it seems you can now get them for half that!) they easily compare to some well-known sets costing 3 times as much or more. Finally, no awful hi-mid peaks that threaten to end my career as an audio engineer *cough cough Sony cough*. They are fairly comfortable- I think I would rather have the traditional over-the-head band but you get used to these pretty quick. These sound nice, full- the bass doesn't thump like a lot of people like but to my ears it's smooth. And most important, you can listen for hours without ear fatigue. Without a doubt, these are the best budget phones I've ever owned! My bottom line- anyone who doesn't grab these for $10 bucks a pop is insane. Period *g",pos "I've tried several different brands of headsets and this one wins. It reduces noise, has excellent sound and is comfortable for hours at a time. My office is between the shop, where we make rocket engines, and the flight line on the airport, where airplanes are tested. Sometimes jet aircraft sit outside my window and perform engine run-ups, or idle the APU for hours. This headset reduces the white noise while still allowing me to hear the phone ring even when a local F-4 Phantom II tests the afterburner.",pos Good price. Good company. I use this on my Kodak CX7300 and it's fine. Good product to buy,pos "Works as advertised, have not had a single problem with it since installing it in my Tungsten T",pos Bought this a few months ago for my 3yr old son. He loves it. We have used it in the car as well as when he goes to meetings with me. Never had a single problem with it,pos We bought this product for a long car trip and the kids loved it. I've also used it and thought the sound and picture were wonderful. It was exactly what we were looking for and for a fantastic price! We are very happy,pos "I've bought several of these cables and have been very happy with my purchase. I've used them for hooking up my Gaming Systems, TV, Cable Box, and Receiver/DVD Player. (Note: I had to buy a small 3 in 1 Fiber Optic Switch Box to handle all these cables -my Receiver and TV only had one digital audio connection each.)I believe that these cables are the best name brand VALUES currently around for Fiber Optic Audio.What do you REALLY get for a high end fiber optic cable that is triple the cost of this cable? I don't know. I purchased one (which was top of the line) and obscenely expensive, and of course it sounds great, but these cables sound great too. Plus, these cables ARE Monster cables, AND they are THX certified!What does THX certification mean? Below is a blurb taken directly from the THX website describing it:---THX is on the forefront of entertainment technology, offering products and services of unparalleled quality for post-production, distribution and playback of audio and visual content. THX Certification is considered a mark of excellence in the presentation technology industry, offering consumers a promise that the cinemas they visit and the products they purchase have been evaluated and tested to meet the highest standards for picture and sound performance.---A digital signal is a digital signal. This is fiber optic cable -it uses light to transmit the digital data -it doesn't degrade like analog based on the quality of the cable. So these cables are NOT likely to give you a worse audio signal than more expensive cables, they just are going be a little less durable, and probably use slightly less high quality materials. Are they fragile? Not at all, but the top of the line cable that I purchased was so thick that I probably could have stepped on it on cement and it would have been fine. This THX cable is thinner and I could imagine it breaking more easily. If you work somewhere (like a studio) where there is a good chance of rolling things over the cables from time to time on a hard floor then you might have a good reason for a more durable cable. (Same goes for cables that are going to be manhandled regularly -i.e. a lot of plugging/unplugging and bending of the ends).Overall, I'm very happy with these cables and can I afford to buy a bunch for all the fiber optic audio connections I am now using (i.e. Receiver, TV, Cable Box, Xbox/Playstation/Gamecube)(P.S. for first time users, don't forget to pull off the tiny plastic coverings on each end of the fiber optic cables. These are there to protect the cable during transit/storage and will prevent the light from passing unless removed. Throw these tips away; you'll never need them again.",pos "I have had this phone now about 3 months and I am VERY HAPPY with it. IT has all the things and want and many more, The hand sets are very clear and I love the fact I can check voice mail on any hand set that goes with it I do not have to run to the main answering machine to check the voice mail. The range of the hand sets is great had no problem at all with this. So far I love everything with this phone, It is much better than either of the last two phone I have had. I have walked over a 1/2 block from the house and it still works clearly, I have never had a phone that worked so far away from home",pos "I purchased the Notebook Cooler approximately one month ago, after reading online testimonials of laptops becoming damaged from overheating. Thankfully, the same time I read that, Circuit City was having a sale on this item for only $15, after mail-in rebate. Fast forward one month and my opinion of the Cooler so far: not bad...My laptop is noticeably cooler to the touch now, and the internal fan rarely comes on. The Notebook Cooler itself is smartly designed, with an aluminum topping and two fans that draw away heat. I'll admit, the USB connector cable is a bit flimsy, and I can see why some folks have complained. For those users who travel frequently (or anyone who foresees plugging and unplugging the cable often), you may want to exercise extra caution. The blue LED light that some reviewer claims is too strong is a minor quibble--if you really wanted to, you could always tape over the light and problem solved. As for the fan noise, I would say the low setting is comparable to white noise, which you don't really notice until you purposely try to listen for it! The high setting, on the other hand, is a bit loud, and I can see people having to turn up the volume on their speakers or TV to compensate. Usually, though, I only use the high setting when it's really hot in the room, or if I'm running intensive programs like Photoshop or some video game.Overall, I'd say I'm very satisfied with this product. (Though, I am somewhat disappointed that Antec needs 3 months to process my $15 rebate check.)",pos "The Logitech MX 400 mouse in my opinion was a good buy. It is very reliable, accurate, scrolls smooth, and is precise and responsive on every surface I have used it on. It is also light weight and comfortable, making it the purfect mouse for the price",pos "I bought two pairs of these when I saw them in a store on sale for under $15 each. They've both gotten extensive use over the past couple years. The cushioning on the outside is cloth inside a black material that I suppose imitates leather in looks and feel. This outer material on the cushions has worn off in flakes on both pairs, which makes it look raggedy, but the comfort and sound quality isn't affected by it so I don't consider it a big deal. The headband adjust on one side of one pair seems to have had something break inside it which lets that earmuff go farther down than it should, but likewise, it's something to be expected with this much use and hasn't affected comfort.The cable is also thicker than most headphone cables I'm used to, which is good news for people who find themselves constantly rolling over cables with their chairs and such.I've compared the sound quality to the Koss QZ-50's (which I own) and a library's Koss UR-10's or 15's (can't remember which). Though the QZ-50's do sound better when they have their active noise cancelling feature turned on, the UR-20's are the most comfortable of the three, have the richest bass, are the most durable, and won't eat up your AAA batteries like the QZ-50's",pos "I recently bought these speakers because I wanted to play my iPod in the office. The sound is better then expected. While I would get a better speaker system for my home, for the office or on the go, these will do very nicely",pos "Myself and my grandchildren love to hold these adorable pets, their fun. lifelike and surprisingly sturdy. Get one!",pos "What a relief to find this mouse after having bought a Microsoft 6000 lazer mouse which caused my tendonitis to flare up again really bad. I had originally gotten really bad tendonitis from another Microsoft ergonomic mouse a year ago, which became chronic, but barely noticeable until I tried the 6000.I also tried a Logitech V200, which is a good mouse, just not nearly as comfortable as the 450. The buttons on both of these Logitech mice press down really nicely and are effortless. This was not so on the MS 6000.If you are looking for the ultimate in a mouse for a notebook, the Logitech V450 is it. My hands are fairly large, and for the $15 more than the v200, it is definitely worth it as I spend a lot of time on computers",pos "This laser version tracks much better on odd surfaces compared to the Logitech V200 I have.The Setpoint software allows you to use Setpoint's mouse sensativity independent of the touchpad settings. Finally!!! I dont have to change mouse sensativities when I unplug it. The Setpoint sensativity is an offset to window's sensativity setting for the touchpad. So basically, set your touchpad sensativity first, then adjust the Setpoint sensativity. They will be work just the way you want everytime you unplug/plug the mouse and going back and forth between touchpad and mouse.Perfect product",pos "JBL speaker system for IPOD is an outstanding product, I would highly recommend it",pos "This is a product too unique for me not too try. I've struggling with lost receipts and always in a panic mode when tax day comes. There's just no other easy way I've found to keep track of all my receipts.Even with some of the negativity about the accuracy on the receipt recognition, I still wanted to try this out for myself.I noticed the following will increase the accuracy of the receipt scanning:1) Scan your receipt ASAP once you have it. Receipts are pretty cheap in quality and will fade over time. Also for that matter, you risk the chance of loosing the receipt the longer you don't scan it in. =)2) Ink quality on the receipt matters.It does the best job when the dots of the letters/number are together and dark.3)wording on the receipt.e.g. the receipt can say visa/mc then scanner will pick it as visa.Business card scans have been excellent for me. Be sure to upgrade your sw to the lastest version. Mine is 2.55 at the time of writing",pos "I have used this and the optical cable. For $20 less, it sounds just as good. Monster cable is a great price point investment for anyone who wants to get the most out of their home theater system",pos Excellent antenna. Why pay so much more for other indoor antennas such as Terk or Samsung. I tried both of those but ended up with the Zenith at a fraction of the price and with much better reception,pos I live in Manhattan on the 7th floor of an apartment building surrounded by taller buildings on all sides and this antenna provides great reception. I use it hooked up to an HP 3200 lcd tv with built-in tuner. It took me less than five minutes from package being opened to finding the best place for the antenna to sit for reception. The cable is a few feet long and the antenna itself light. I have it resting atop my center channel speaker. $20 is a great price to watch the hd content the major networks provide- especially for football,pos "This is very comfortable and works very well. It's heavy enough that it doesn't move around or push the keyboard, as some of the other types of wrist rests that I've used have done. Yet it's cushiony while sturdy enough to provide support.",pos "I type medical reports for a living, up to 10 hours a day and 7 days a week. Without the wrist rest, my wrists would not be able to hold up. The wrist rest is the perfect size. It stays in place on the desk. The gel continues to be supportive, even after a year of working on it. The only reason I did not give it 5 stars is because of the back of the wrist rest that lays on the desk has a horrible smell. I can't smell it while typing, only when I pick it up for cleaning. I wish there was the option for half stars - I'd give this 4-1/2 stars",pos "Works well....Customer support from Garmin....more than excellent...One complaint..Very short battery life...Requires a 12 volt charging adapter...Windshield suction cup charge adapter is a must to use as a G.P.S....Also...Get a minimum 512 MB SD card for combo marine and street navigation....One plus is the brightness,unit size,and screen size....Do not keep it in your breast pocket while on the boat...Dont float..not waterproof..nuff said",pos "This product took less than 5 minutes to unbox, install, and work properly. Well built, and functions exactly as I would have hoped. I am impressed with the ability of the suction cup to stay attached, even in the summer heat of Las Vegas",pos "This is a very simple product that works as advertised. Easy to set up within MacOS X. I use the AirTunes functionality which is very cool. I don't use the USB printing. While more expensive than other 802.11g routers/access points, the simplicity + AirTunes functionality make it worth the extra money",pos "This Uniden phone/answering system has been trouble free since we bought it three months ago. Here's a list of the other things about this phone that I like most:1. The corded handset base unit can be used to make and receive calls even when the electricity is off. This, along with price, was the main reason I bought this phone system. This feature is unusual for a cordless phone system.2. The controls on the answering machine are simple and intuitive enough so that you don't have to refer to the manual when you need to set the clock or change the outgoing recording.3. Also, the answering machine has operated flawlessly so far.4. The battery life of the cordless handset has been excellent between charges. At least a week, sometimes more.5. Voice quality of the cordless handset and the corded base handset are very good.However, there is something about this phone system that I don't like.--The cordless handset has a pretty limited range. I had to locate the base unit in a central location in my 2,300 square foot house to get the handset to work in all rooms.But overall I think the phone is a good buy, if you can live with the distance restrictions of the cordless handset",pos "Very effective inside a plane comparing to the other noise cancelling headphone I have. Sound is ok for what it does. However, in a moving vehicle, it actually distorts the music which is a surprise. My other noise-cancelling headphone does not do that. It appears to have a relative long lag time in creating the opposite noise-cancelling wave. By the time the opposite wave applies to the music, the intruding noise is over. Otherwise, no complains",pos "I was debating over the PictureMate, Kodak Printer Dock 3, Sony DDP-FP50, and the HP Photosmart 475. I made the choice of the HP and I LOVE IT! The prints are 4800x1200dpi and look like real lab prints. I use the HP 4x6 boarderless Premium Plus photo paper with the HP Ink and the prints are just wonderful. Forget the other bad reviews because this printer beats them all. (...) The HP produces bright, vivid pictures designed to last a lifetime. The PictureMate is also alot larger than the HP 475. The 1.5GB hard drive is a plus as well. HP said that the remote is not included but they lied, they come with the remote and battery. Overall, this printer is the best I have own",pos "These DVDs are absolutely top quality, and you really need to use bad DVDs to know how bad they can get. I ordered a pack a while ago and have burnt 7 discs so far. Not a single coaster, and Nero data verification (I always do that for DVDs) has not brought up any errors ever. BTW, the discs had a mixture of both large and very small files. The burner is the DVD multi drive on my Dell Inspiron Laptop (1505).However, I should mention (to those who haven't bought this product) why they are called Shiny Silver. You know that print on the top of DVDs with lines and that matte finish? Well, there's no such thing on these DVDs. The top looks a lot like the writing surface on the other side (other than the characteristic DVD color). Anyone who has seen unbranded DVDs will know exactly what I'm talking about- No special surface; however a felt tip marker works nicely to label the disks. Huge cost cutting here I guess, but definitely not in the quality department. I will buy again",pos "I burn a ton of DVDs and have used almost every brand out there. Many have errors, even the top brand names like Memorex...etc.I have found the least amount of errors with this brand and the shelf life seems to be lasting.I've switched all DVD media purchases to Verbatim. They are by far, the best of them all. Would recommend to everyone",pos "First off, these puppies sound good! However, there are things anyone intending to buy these earphones should know:The sound is loud and crisp but definetely mid-trebley, as with most in-ear headphones. The low end is there, but for full effect, it takes to position the earphones just so in your ear canal at the right volume. Since they tend to slide out of the ear canal as one moves, this sweet spot is not very wide. That said, however, I recognize the difficlulty of delivering earth shaking bass in a device this small. Most bass-rich systems utilize either massive speakers/ woofers or chambered enclosures (or both) to deliver. Since the size of this type of headphones doesn't permit for either big speakers or special chambers, maybe the thing to do is to use the human cranium as the resonating chamber! I am yet to find any in ear headphones that really deliver bass to die for. Such is the difficulty to get big bass in so compact a package. Maybe the 5 and 7 series are better in this regard (for the price they better be). So if you really need earth shaking bass in your playback, look into buying those pricey phones. The lack of such bass is the only reasoni didn't give it five stars.Also, the lack of colored LEFT (blue or white) & RIGHT (red) tags on the earphones make it tricky to put on for the first time. I didn't realize I had them reversed until the pain got so unbearable I just had to check. So be careful.Riding while using them can be dangerous, since the sound isolation is so great one can barely hear jets thundering overhead.Bang for the buck, ( I paid $69.99 on amazon), I really recommend these headphones to all but big bass aficionados.",pos I purchase two of these phones to add to our base unit. Very easy set up. Quality product,pos "I had slight confusion whether to choose the sony 64 MB memory stick, which is nearly the same price or this one, which has twice the memory capacity of the previous one. I choose this one for the better deal and to add to my surprise J&R Electronics shipped it so quickly(You guys Rock!!!). This one comes par with sony memory media in every field. So why choose the one with lesser memory capacity. Choose this one and feed your camera with some memory space",pos "Delivered on time, no problems setting it up (just followed the instructions to format it because I didn't want the default format it comes with, which is less safe). It's been running fine ever since I bought it. I can't comment on the speed of access because, since I leave it backing up over night, I don't really care. It's all done in the morning anyway, so I don't really need anything faster",pos "I like this unit. It is hooked up to an S-Video in from my Digital Cable Box, and uses a component video out to a Mitsubishi HDTV. Picture quality is very good; I'm very used to my high-quality Sony DVD player DVP-NS700P, but this one is very close. There is just a touch of graininess to the picture from the Cable box, but then I've not compared with other units. I think its more than acceptable. A DVD I burned played fine on the Sony..but...when I recorded one program, deleted it, and then recorded again, it would only play on an older Sony DVD player. My Sony DVD player is kind of touchy, anyhow.All told, I'd recommend this DVD recorder without hesitation",pos "I don't normally write reviews on products but in this case I feel I must share the value and features of this product. You can't go wrong in selecting this player/recorder for your DVD needs. The quick start guide is just that quick and well planned. The people at Samsung know how to write manuals and this manual is the best I have seen well documented with pictures (in full color) and just that step-by-step for the novice. The setup diagram is excellent. The features are numerous you can throw any discs you have left over from other recording machines and through it in takes three seconds to intialize (any disc) and away you go. One touch record starts immediately. The quality is superb especially in High Definition. I couldn't wait to get it after reading the reviews from the last Electronics Trade Show so I was able to get it from back East about three weeks ago. Finalizing discs is a snap and easy I have had difficulty formatting on other machines but the Samsung is so easy the on-screen menu is good and the remote is easy to navigate even with my big fingers! It will play mp3s, CDs, computer made DivX movies, Region 1 DVDs, Picture discs from your computer and you can make your own movies from your camcorder or video camera and burn on the fly. You can also program your other electronics into the remote but you must know the manufacturer's codes which they list in a handy guide. If you are shopping for a multi recorder/player search no more get this one you won't be disappointed",pos "I bought this set of speakers expecting a piece of junk...I WAS TOTALLY WRONG!!! These are great, they give the bass right where you want it. Sometimes i have to turn the bass all the way down and it is still too much. Watch out these come on sale instores for around $8.00 sometimes. That's where i got my 1st pair",pos "The sound range and clarity is quite good, they are comfortable. My only hesitation is the cord is too short for my purposes, I'd like to use it with my computer not a MP3 attached to my belt",pos "I got my mini about nine monthes ago right before they were discontinued (which, in my opinion, was a big mistake on Apple's part) and I absolutely love it! Mine is pink, and the color is so nice, the design sleek and seamless all around. It's smooth metal casing is really nice and different. The clickwheel is smooth and I have had no problems with it.It holds a little less than 1,000 songs due to different formatting, but it's still a good amount; iTunes is easily understandable and functional as well. The ipod mini is approx. 1/2 of an inch think and slides into pockets easily, while not being as flimsy as the nano feels to me. The clickwheel is a great and fast way to scroll through hundreds of songs, raher than, as on my brother's mp3 player, needing to press next everytime you change the song. The backlight is fine, and does it's job; my one complaint on that would be that, as I mainly use it on the bus at 6:00 am, it is quite bright and hurts my eyes.Another huge plus to owning a member of the ipiod family is the countless accesories that have become availible exclusively to them. I myself have a case, an iSkin which I have come to adore, high quality headphones and the iBass, which is another great speaker product for ipods. I've actually invested waay more on accessorites for my mini than it cost itself, but that's how much I love it!For having so many great features, this is priced very reasonably. Even when I got it and it was $200, I still felt that it was well worth the money. BUY THIS NOW!!!! it's amazing!",pos "I haven't written any reviews for Amazon before, but when prompted for my feedback on this trackball, I had to respond. I've been using one of these or its predecessors since the early 90's when Kensington first came out with the Turbo Mouse. It was great then, and now it's better. This is as solid, smooth, and precise of an input device as you can get. I don't understand those others with buttons on the side that when you press them the trackball slides across your desk. This baby stays right where you put it because your button presses go straight down. You can use it with just the tips of your fingers or your whole hand -- your choice. The optical version is far superior to the old mechanical ones that needed frequent cleaning to stay in tip top performance. The only drawback is the $100 retail price, but frankly it's worth that. It's a no brainer at $80 which is what I paid through Amazon to Tiger Direct. If you need (or want) a high performance trackball that you'll be able to use with many computers to come, get this one",pos These speakers are awesome for the price. They charge your ipod even when the unit is off. The sound quality is great for around 50 bucks. I bought these for traveling and they are small enough to fit in a suitcase without taking up too much room. They also stack so they don't take up much counter space. I can't say enough about the sound quality. They are great,pos "I work for a small sized consulting engineer's firm where everyday we have to scan some hundreds of pages of text (magazine articles, old projects, letters from the client, books, etc).We got four years ago our first fujitsu scanner ( still working ) and we have been impressed with its speed, small size and since it wase easy to use to obtain good quality PDF files.A couple of years we moved to the scansnap series. We now have four of them.PROS :- incredibly easy to use ( you don't need to teach anybody )- fast for PDF scanning- great value for money ( includes acrobat 7.0 bundled )- very small, perfect for a desk- good construction quality, no one of our 4 scanners ever brokeCONS :- quality of the feeding roller is good but not professional. If you have to scan hundreds of pages you have to be on the scanner to avoid paper jams, double-feeding that some time occurs.- not great quality for photographs scanning ( however difficult because it is not flatbed ).I strongly suggest it for small-medium sized businesses to scan documents.If you have to scan hundreds of pages everyday or you need a high quality scanner for photos you can find something better.",pos The CD sound is like being at the concert. Hooking the radio up to a television makes the home theater experience even better. The fm radio receiption is even clear. Great quality product. Worth the money,pos "These are some great headphones with a few minor flaws:Pros:1. Great sound quality2. Very comfortable3. Light4. Worry-free chargingCons:1. Achieving good wireless connection is not always easy, could require pressing the tune-in button several times2. Interference noises could sneak into the broadcast3. Turning them off could be annoying (requires precise timing)My experience: I've had two pairs of these for over a year and I like them very much. I enjoy great sound watching TV or listening to music while everybody is asleep. This is really great, I can enjoy music at comfortable levels at any time of the day or night. The sound is much better and clearer than the sound produced by the speakers of the TV. You have the same clarity and volume even though you might be moving around the rooms away from the TV (closet or the garage for example). The headphones are light and very comfortable. I tried other brands and the aw771 were the most comfortable by far. So, overall wonderful product. However, there a few flaws to be aware of. Consider the following before buying. It might require several attempts before the unit tunes in at the right channel. Sometimes, turning the headphones ON results in poor reception if any at all. To correct this, you have to press the only button (power, search, and turn off) and wait until the unit picks the signal at the right channel. You might have to repeat this operation two or three times and it is a bit annoying. Once you get good reception, everything is ok although you might get some interference (alien noises) when you turn your head or move around. The last problem is with the turn off button (again the only multifunction button). You need to press and hold the button for a certain amount of seconds and release it in order to turn off the unit. That is not always easy and usually the unit comes back on. You think you turned it off but it is still on and if it's not in the charger base you drain the batteries completely. Well, I hope my description is helpful.Regardless of the flaws, I recommend the AW771. I use them every day and best of all I enjoy great sound when other people are asleep.",pos "I have always run all of my media through my pc and my former speaker set (a Midiland 5.1 system) was thoroughly aged and falling apart I decided it was time to upgrade. I wanted something that had incredible sound with both music and dvd's. I shopped around and came to the conclusion I would aim for the form factor speakers. When considering this bose system, this MUST be taken into account.First off, this system is expensive. For just under 1000 dollars (doesn't 999 sound sooo much better than 1g?) you get 5 bi-directional midrange speakers, the subwoofer unit, and speaker cable. At this price it is very disappointing that bose does not include some sort of receiver, but no matter this leaves room for the customer to customize his/her choice to suit any personal needs and/or budget. Bose includes 3 colors (white, silver, black) and all the speakers are well packaged and aesthetically pleasing with the exception of the sub unit (a large rectangular box meant to save space but does not).What brought me to look into this system was the specific size of the speakers and there general attractiveness. For their size the bose do a very good job of reproducing any sound-granted they are paired with a competent receiver. Anyone who has any qualms about this system should first consider what they are running their sound through, without competent equipment these speakers will not be on par with what you heard in the store.Once I got the system home it was very easy to set up and install. Bose packages the speakers with clear instructions and all of the wires are meant to be hidden and include markings as to what speakers they belong to-a very handy feature especially when one is trying to hide this system. The only serious issue I have with this system ended up being with my receiver (an Onkyo) and not related at all with the speakers.Since I do run this through my computer (presently a laptop) I had a few troubles setting up a new sound card and getting it too mesh with my receiver, but when that was all said and done, I was extremely please with the system. With a bose the tweaking one needs to do is very minimal and thus why this deserves the higher price tag-its target audience is usually those more affluent and unable to spend hours tweaking individual speaker levels and sound ranges.My test soundtracks included: Gladiator, Matrix (II or III), Snatch, and music tracks ranging from techno, rock, classical, and alternative. Everything sounded great with enough low, high, and midrange response. The second complaint I have with this system is not differentiating in the least between any of the satellites. I found myself turning the response on the center channel up so the front speakers weren't drowning out the voices. That was solved with a little tweaking so nothing major there.All in all this speaker system is a great investment in my mind satisfying all of my needs (though draining my bank account) and providing me with great surround sound.Good: Great range and volume of sound. Easy set-up. Well built speakers-aesthetically and physically. No interference or feedback.Bad: Subwoofer awkward, no dedicated center channel, pricey, no included receiver.For their size these speakers more than compete with any full-blown tower 5.1 system. Here is one satisfied customer",pos "Ladies and Gentlemen,Just a quick note to say that it is a pity that people buy 'toys' before exploring what it is that they're buying. I have seen people knock the SanDisk U3 drives, as well as U3 drive made by other companies. Well the reality is that:a- The U3 software has a way of stopping the software's auto-boot.b- There is Uninstall software available at at SanDisk.com and at U3.com, and I'm guessing that those company's that offer U3 and have a web site probably have the 'Uninstaller' on their site.c- There is a great deal of U3 software available (free and pay-for-it) at U3.com. I know that SanDisk has a software site, so do Verbatim & Memorex.d- For those who want portable software but don't want U3 or don't have a U3 drive, go to http://portableapps.com. Note: some of the software here is the same used by the U3 folks, without using the U3 LaunchPad.e- Quality of drives: remember that when you buy most of the electronics 'toys' available today, you are buying Chinese c*** (junk). Both the manufacturing and Quality Control (QC) are garbage. Unless you are paying serious change for something ($500+) you will get passable junk. If you are expecting made in Japan quality your kidding yourself. This is the reason you will see many Brand Name goods, also selling with No-Name labels (i.e Coby). Same production line, different labels. It is also one of the reason folks are impressed with Apple iPods. Apple demands excellent QC, and the destruction of goods that don't meet the standard. In exchange you are willing to pay a 20% premium for this level of QC. Like everything in life, ya gets whats ya pay for.g- Since the beginning of Windows (v1.0, et al) there have always been buggy and uncooperative software programs, there will always be pain in the a** software. One of the reasons XP has such a prominent 'roll-back' feature. And also the reason many, if not MOST, power users run multiple machines. Of course, these days we have to fill Billy G's pockets by having to buy multiple paks of XP. Most of my power-user friends run at least three or four machines, each one with a different use. It shouldn't be this way, but the reality is that for folk that use or explore a great deal of software, for many purposes (MP3's, scanning, Video, controlling radios, composing music, et al), one machine won't cut it because XP ain't as stable as folks think. The more programs, and the more varied in type, the more instability is introduced into ANY Windows installation. Why do you think businesses run Win2000 or Win2003, because there are less software 'toys' that run under 2K, and the 'admin' can prevent you from loading a lot of software 'toys'.h- In the end, understand what you are buying before you buy so that you'll have better luck getting what you want, and you won't look so ignorant when you say something that anyone who has bothered to go to the web site(s) knows is dead wrong, or just plain stupid.i- When you truly understand the product, you'll be able to write TRULY useful reviews, and that what all readers want, useful information.To one and all, may your 'toys' keep you happy",pos Very easy to use. Expend my wireless network access from two marginal to five with very good signal level. No external power required. Highly recomend it.,pos "Could not have been easier to install - literally just put the included CD in the drive, and plug the device into your USB 2.0 port. Installed and self-configured in minutes. Very small, light, no additional power cords to worry about, no additional software (beyond the automatically installed drivers) to install - quick and easy. Only issue I found is that the antenna is permanent, so you could never swap for replacement/better antenna like you can on some other wireless NICs",pos "This cover is very durable, however it is somewhat difficult to get the ipod into the case. The case covers the entire ipod except for small vent holes so it is very water resistant, but the case covers the locking button making it harder to lock and unlock the ipod",pos "I purchased this answering machine with the intention of expanding the quantity of phones to cover the entire house. To start, I bought only one additional phone. I'll buy the rest later. So far I am very pleased. The sound quality is excellent and there are numerous bonus features that I have found very useful. Like the talking caller ID and being able to screen messages from any of the phones. I also like being able to program a phone directory into one phone and transfering (download) a single entry or the entire list to the other phones. And each phone is also a speaker phone and a full intercom.You can name the phones for the rooms they will occupy which will help when you use the intercom to call a specific room. So you would page the Living Rm rather than phone #3, etc.If you have caller ID, you can program special rings and special call ID colors for the callers in your phone directory but that information must be programmed into each phone. It doesn't transfer when you download the directory to the other phones.Also, on another Panasonic wireless phone that I own, the incoming call displayed the name I had programmed into the phone directory. Just like your cell phone will say home, etc. On this phone, the caller ID displays the telephone company info only.I think the phone is great, I just wanted to clarify some points that are not crystal clear in the literature.",pos Kingston's 2GB Data Traveler USB drive is perfect to storage files. I have looked for a 2 GB USB and found this one to be the cheapest based on its characteristices. I think it is a bargain price,pos I love these speakers and the price was great,pos "I'm very happy with the Kensington SX 2000. I listen mostly to jazz and the midrange is as good as the higher end Bose or Apple speaker systems. Pumping up the volume does not distort in any way either. Plus, I have my speaker on a divider that equally services both ends of the open space",pos I love Belkin and their surge protectors are top quality. I specifically look for their brand and I am always very impressed. This model has been especially good to me over the last 3 years and I would highly recommend it,pos "I am a camcorder buff. Ever since my children were born, I havehad the camcorder attached to my hand most days because I knowthat life is fleeting and memories are too precious to be lost.I had a huge collection of video tapes and was able to transferthe entire collection to DVD. Now I know that they will last atleast through my life time.. Also, I find that using the Showbizapplication, I can create customized DVDs for my friends andthat has saved me a ton of money in gifts..The only problem we had with this product was that we hadlimited hard disk memory and had to acquire some more.And I have probably created more than a 100 DVDs by now.Thanks HP!",pos "This little device is a great invention from HP. I had problems installing the unit and was on the telephone with HP Tech support (India) for 1.75 hours, I spent very little time on hold.The largest draw back to the unit is my computer acts like the DC4000 is not there from time to time and required me to reboot the computer in order to use this nifty device",pos "I recently began upgrading my home audio by buying at Ebay 2 pairs of JBL E20s and 1 Pair E30s, an E25 center speaker and a Harmon Kardon AVR. I got the first pair of e20s a week ago and the 2nd pair of E20s and the E30 yesterday and the remaining stuff should be delivered by the weekend.The E20s and E30s are listed as Bookshelf Speakers. The E20s ARE bookshelf speakers. As I wrote in my review of the E20s, the E30s can only be thought of as bookshelf speakers if you last name is Kong and your first name is King! The E20s are heavy at 7lbs each, not flimsy little boxes as some cheapo bookshelves are. The E30s are HEAVY. HEAVY! 16 lbs each. (That is what my 7 qt lodge cast iron dutch oven weighs!) They are 15 inches high and 12 inches deep. They need to be placed on small end tables or speaker stands 18 to 24 inches off the floor.I am very pleased with both the E20s and E30s. For small speakers, the E20s have some oomph and can be cranked up. The E30s have OOOMMPHHHH. They WANT to be cranked up. Yesterday I tried them out by listening to my mp3 files of the Animals Singles and Paul Revere and the Raiders Kicks. When cranked up, the E30s sound at least 1000% better than the the E20s. I hooked them up to my vintage JVC AV receiver circa 1989 that has 80 watts front and 20 watts rear power. At a little over half volume my ears began to hurt. You can really feel the bass and the drums kick.I also listened to about 2 hours of The Doors via Rhapsody with the audio out from my computer to the audio in on my receiver. I have been listening to this music since it was first played on the airwaves back in the 60s. The E30s are simply incredible! They brought some very familiar tunes to life and made them new and fresh.My biggest surprise with the E30s is that they sound very good at lower volumes, not as good as the E20s, but still very good. As I write, I am watching/listening to a DVD of Vivaldi's 4 Seasons concertos performed by Herbert Von Karajan, the BPO and Anne-Sophie Mutter on fiddle and am running the E30s and E20s at about 15% volume--pretty low since the 4 speakers are sharing the front 80 watts of my receiver. Yet I can still HEAR everything at low volumes including the resonating violins and the harpsacord. Since we normally do not rock the house down all the time and we do often listen at lower levels, I am very pleased at how good they sound without having to blow out my eardrums.I bought the E30s for under $90 including s/h. Back in the early 80s or late 70s I spent more than four times this amount (adjusted for inflation) for 2 large, heavy Advent Loudspeakers with 8 woofers. The E30s clearly sound better than I ever remember the Advents sounding including better bass response, and I liked the Advents! Over time, our audio choices have gotten better and cheaper. You still can spend mega bucks and buy a $10,000 McIntosh system (or even drop that much on a turntable magnetic cartridge as I saw at one website!) It all depends on what your budget is. The JBLs are a great value offering tremendous perfomance for those who are budget minded",pos I repartitioned the disk so I have a Macintosh partition and a Windows partition. I back up both my Mac and my PC to this disk. It is fast and easy to use,pos I use the drive to back up important data. I write a few GB to the drive each time. I was surprise by how fast data transfered onto the hard drive through the USB2.0 interface. It is quiet and I have no complain,pos "Used for backing up a huge quantity of high resolution digital images. The drive is fast and quiet in it's operation, while taking up very little space on the desktop. I highly recommend this drive and this brand of drives",pos This equipment is simply and perfect a viable connection to the world where you are!. My work forces to me to travel to very distant sites where the communication was difficult and this creates a access point to me for connected to the world via Interne,pos "Noel Lee's Monster Cable products Inc., come up with the goods here! A cable of stunning, high resolution that snaps the picture into such clarity that you'll think you're watching scenes through a glass window and not through a television/monitor, a bold claim indeed, BUT, quite true never-the-less. I was totally unprepared for such a dramatic change for the better. This cable brings to the viewer ALL the picture, and, yes, that does mean Warts and allso, be prepared to see the smallest of detail, like strings and wire that enabled special effects crews to do their work Un-seen. Who really needs HDTV when cables like Monster's MVS3-1M are this good and can bring a vastly superior standard to an existing television/monitor for only a minute fraction of the cost. Thanks Noel, well done",pos I stretched them till they fit comfortably on my wide head. They sound great to my ear and I use them alot,pos "I have searched and searched and searched for a pair of portable headphones that sound as good as these with lots of failure. IMO, you cannot beat the sound of a set of over-the-head headphones. I have tried all styles: earbuds, behind the neck, clips, even the ear plugs. Nothing gives the sound and comfort of the KTX Pros (granted, I have never tried the sportapros or portapros, but from what I have read, they are the same headphone. Except they are UGLY!). The KTX Pros have both great lows and great highs. Plus, you can't beat that price",pos "This is an affordable option that provides a lot of memory and allows USB 2.0 protocol for very fast transfer. If you need to transfer data from one digital product to another, this is very handy and I think that every person dealing a lot with data should have one.",pos "I basically bought these because they were cheap. Cheap things are not always bad and these headphones are a great example. The UR-20 provides excellent sound for both music and movies. It has excellent bass and sound isolation. I am by no means an audiophile but I know good sound when I hear it and these headphones produce great sound, especially for its price.",pos "Not a bad battery deal. While they don't last as long as some other batteries I've tried, their cost per battery more than makes up for it. For those that care about such things, they contain no mercury, no cadmium, and are made in China",pos "I've had this keyboard a number of years and would never go back to anything else. I have (or had) severe carpal tunnel syndrom. This keyboard has eliminated that problem entirely. I can't think of a downside. Yes, it takes a bit of getting used to and yes, the keys are a bit noisy. But I have no problem with that. It just reminds me I'm working.The number pad is excellent too.I'm getting ready to get another one to use with my laptop.You can't destroy this keyboard. If you value your wrists and hands, get this",pos "We previously had an AT&T cordless w/answering machine (1 handset) and always had trouble locating the one receiver - kind of like misplacing the TV remote. With 3 handsets, we are spoiled. Also our house has a few phone jacks but they are all located where we did not want a phone and no jacks in our den or living room. With the abilty to locate the phones anywhere in the house where there is an outlet, we were able to place one in our living room and another in our bedroom (which we can turn the ringer off).",pos "Corded phones with features are becoming harder to find now-a-days. My home needed one corded phone for sure fire communications during power outages, mobile phone down for whatever reason, etc. This is one of the few corded phones with caller ID and no answering machine built in. The greatest feature of this phone is it has a HOLD button so one can place a call on hold while one gets high tech cordless, etc. Also with the built in speaker phone this phone is great in the kitchen. Highly recommend this for your one corded phone in the house",pos "Wow, who would've thought that you could get such amazing products, at affordable prices. The staff's friendly and responds quickly to any questions that you may have. This is one amazing phone system (Uniden TCX905), I forgot that it's a cordless.",pos Bought this for my son who is in Iraq. He doesn't leave his tent w/o it!!Stands up fine to the dust and heat with no problem. Has more room than he expected. The price was LESS than the smaller one he wanted from a competitor to Amazon.com.SO glad I found this one on Amazon instead,pos "I'm going to cover compatiblity, sound, and comfort.OVERVIEW.Although I wish these were as cheap as the IPOD, $39 + $6 shipping isnt bad either. I have done the heat treatment (using boiling water) and the headphones seemed to open up more. When the headphones came in the box, the ear pieces were really close together. So I can easily see how these bands can crack easily when put on your head.I plan to heat treat these again to spread them out more.SOUND.Sound quality is excellent.COMFORT.The only thing I don't really like is this style of headphone. I don't really like the band to go around the back of my head, causing my ears to support the headphones. I like the ones that go over the top of your head.COMPATIBILITY.I have a Inspiron DELL Laptop and these suckers can connect to it easily without using a transmitter. These can also connect to just about any MP3 player of all sizes (PSP also) because it comes with a small 8 mm jack extension cord.FEATURES.Coolest features with this compared to my other IR sony wireless headphones is that this can go through walls! About 3X feet away",pos "I am overall quite pleased with these headphones. The sound quality is excellent. I've not had any problems with interference, background hiss or anything of that nature.Battery life has been excellent. I have not actually ran them all the way down to see just how long they'll last, but I use them to listen to music at work for the better part of 8 hours a day and they haven't failed me yet.The only reason I would not give them 5 stars is that they can be a little uncomfortable after prolonged use. I'm not really a big fan of this sport style of headphone, and probably wouldn't have tried these if I hadn't gotten them on clearance. But, I found that after experimenting a little I was able to get them situated to feel pretty comfortable, even wearing them the better part of a workday",pos The keyboard is good quality and the best product I could find for the price. I recommend if you are looking for a low profile keyboard w/numeric entry pad that takes a mimimum anount of desk space. The keypad has the feel of a large notebook computer. So makes a great docking station keyboard if you are used to the slim kepads on most modern laptop computers.,pos "First off, let me say that this is a VERY impressive monitor. My points of reference for that statement are my other three LCD monitors: three Samsung models, two of which are 913Ns and the other is a 712N. These two Samsung models are advertised to have the same contrast ratio rating as this ViewSonic, and their advertised brightness ratings are 20 points higher than this ViewSonic. Surprisingly, I actually can see the brightness difference between the Samsungs and this ViewSonic, but, for my taste and needs, the Samsungs are simply too bright, and I end up turning down their brightnesses anyway. For high light, daytime use, I have found that I do like to have the brightness all the way up on the ViewSonic, but I truly do not see any need for it to be any brighter than it is capable of being.Installation was simple: in fact, something that might be helpful to those of you who are buying this would be that, interestingly again, the drivers that are on the ViewSonic website are actually older than the ones that came with my installation CD, even though the driver package that is posted on the ViewSonic website claims to have been posted only a few weeks ago. When I first installed this monitor and turned it on, I truly do not think the picture was as clear, or the graphics as rich, as any of the Samsung monitors that I own. But, and this is another tip for new users of this product, the default setting for the ViewSonic screen contrast was set MUCH lower than the maximum setting. When I increased the contrast up to its maximum setting, I believe the clarity and quality of the picture to be nearly equal, if not fully equal, to those on the other LCDs that I own.One big plus about this monitor is that it comes with a DVI cable included, so you save that added expense (this isn't true with all ViewSonics). And, especially with the digital connection, I have no doubts about ViewSonic's claim that this monitor has nearly twice (5ms versus 8ms) the refresh rate as the Samsungs. I have to admit that I wasn't sure I needed a widescreen display, but I believe it's going to be a challenge going back to the standard ones! This is a really a fine monitor!Now for a few small negatives. One reason I haven't purchased ViewSonics in the past is that they put a fairly tall bar on the bottom of these screens to accommodate speakers. I already have a fine speaker system set up and connected to my computer, so I really have no use for monitor speakers. Additionally, those ViewSonic speakers always raise the monitor height up much higher than I'm comfortable with. Strains my neck. The reason I really didn't worry about it on this monitor was because, while there are speakers, they appear to be nearly half the height of the normal ones on other ViewSonic monitors. With that said, I have to admit that even this speaker accommodation bar added a bit more to the screen height than I had expected. For example, on the 17 inch Samsung monitor, the bottom of the screen is 3 3/4 from the desktop. On the 19 inch Samsungs, it is 4 inches. On this ViewSonic, the bottom of the screen is 5 1/2 inches above the desktop. It's not bad, but it's going to take a bit of getting used to. If all else fails, other monitor stands are available.As with most electronic products these days, there is very little in the way of documentation. The 87 billion language installation card tells diddly. The .PDF manual that is installed on the computer simply says the standard self-explanatory things. However, I found the interactive help program on the manufacturer's website be quite useful in helping fix a few small problems, surprisingly.All in all, I'm very impressed so far, and I'm really looking forward to using this monitor! By the by, shipping from Amazon.com was amazingly fast: it shipped the next day, and it arrived the day after that. I can't complain about that speed! My only question is why they would need a weight surcharge on this but could ship an extremely heavy wood lathe for free? Go figure! Anyway, a solid four stars for this monitor",pos "I'm using this AP, along with a Netgear 802.11g PC Card to test streaming live/recorded TV to other parts of my house. Seems like a capable product even if I didn't use the 108Mbps feature.However, be sure to update the firmware or the AP might not work correctly. When I first received it, configuration was easy enough but it had trouble working with my Netgear and HP Centrino notebook. Both notebooks will get a signal and even connect be failed to obtain an IP address from my network's DNS server. A firmware upgrade solved the problem and the AP now streams TV realibly from my living room to the kitchen.I noticed that there is are hordes of wireless APs around my house, I guess most neighbours are using some form of 802.11 wireless as well. However, this D-Link AP is able to function correctly abeit all the other APs around (2 using the same channel as mine I've found).Overall, recommended if you want a good AP. Just be sure to update the firmware",pos "The sound quality is pretty darn good, except that if you pace around while talking/listening, there are these annoying clicking/scratching sounds. They are quite, and, if you stand still they go away. I've had other phones that click/scratch while pacing around, and they actually dropped some of the sound during the clicking - at least this phone doesn't do that.My 900 MHz DSS Uniden didn't have these sounds (while pacing or otherwise), and still had greater range. I don't know why the new technology can't measure up. Still though, this is the best 5.8 I've tried. (Yet I'd rather buy another 900MHz DSS if there were any on the market anymore. All of today's 900MHz are analog instead of digital.)Another annoying thing is that you can't recharge the phone with the belt clip attached, so the clip goes on and off (and on and off). (Many (cell) phones have a charger that allows this.)The plastic is a bit cheap. Don't drop this phone. My friend has one and it hasn't worked since it was dropped.(I haven't tried the bluetooth yet, and have yet to see how good the battery life is.",pos "I got this base and added 6 TCX805 handsets to it. The whole setup works great. I got this base because it supports bluetooth through to my cell phone. That features works well, there's a slightly longer pause as it connects through to the cell phone but that's trivial. I will say this, you need to keep your cell phone within about 20' of this base. I just take mine off, turn on Bluetooth and it automagically pairs up with the base.So if you want the cell dialing feature and like the more traditional upright handset, get this base and expand it with other handsets.",pos This product is great - allowed me to connect a distant printer to my computer by hooking two of the extension cables together. Worked right away - no problems,pos "This is a great headset for my use. It is very clear. I use it for work, and I only make use it periodically throughout the day, making about 10 calls daily so I don't wear it all the time",pos "Researched a lot before I bought this TV and for the money, this one was hands down the best 32 LCD. Also, Amazon had the best price by far and it shipped to my house in a timely manner with no major issues.I mainly use this TV for my XBOX 360. You will NOT be disappointed if you are planning on doing the same. The game mode does enhance the picture a great deal as well. I provides sort of an Anti Aliasing effect smoothing out some of the rough edges. All in all, after owning the tv for about 2 months now, I couldn't be happier. To get around the poor speakers, I just plug in a nice set of headphones and games sound GREAT.I've also hooked up an HD antenna and regular cable. HD channels have a very good picture over the air. Some football games almost look better on this than on my 42 Samsung DLP downstairs with the HD Cable. There's also a nice Antenna button on the remote which quickly swaps between cable and the Over the Air Antenna.The only drawbacks to the TV are the 1 component input and the fact you can't use the PIP with the cable connected, only the antenna.",pos "I had a Zen Vision:M but I returned it because I decided I didn't need quite that much storage capacity and the hard drive seemed to sputter and whirr too often and I wanted the peace of mind that comes with owning a flash player compared to a hard drive player, so I decided to go with the Zen V since it's interface is almost identical to that of the Zen Vision M's(which I liked).The first thing you will notice is the physical design. Initially I wasn't that impressed, but it's really grown on me. The height x width dimensions are comparitively much much smaller than the iPod nano. You can actually wrap your entire hand around the device, and the soft finish feels very nice in your hand. The second color that fills the seams of the player is a very nice touch as well.The music is organized your standard Artist-Album-Song interface that is becoming quite a bit stale in my opinion. Still, it's as simple as you can get I suppose. The device officially supports album art although it seems to be very hit-or-miss in that regard in my experience. The screen is vibrant and colorful but is very hard to see in bright sunlight. The middle joystick is used for navigation and it works very well in that regard, although wedging your thumb underneath to move upward can be tricky sometimes and result in an accidental button push. A dedicated volume control switch is found on the side and a hold switch on top.The player syncs with WMP11 via USB connection. Syncing it is a snap although I was not impressed with the transfer speeds. Also, if you sync the tracks on your player back to another computer, album art will not be attached to the music tracks.If you are a newbie to buying MP3 players make note of the different sized models. The 2GB model for instance advertises that it holds 1000 songs but these figures are theoretical maximums based on low quality files. Most of my files are mid bit-rate WMAs and I can fit about 500 songs on the player, half as much as advertised.Summary:Pros:Excellent physical designEasy to use interfaceGood navigationGreat sound qualityCons:On-the-go playlist creation is flawedAlbum art support hit-or-missSlow transfer speeds from WMP11Accesories rarely available in brick-and-mortar storesUltimately, I recommend the Zen V over the iPod nano mostly on the strength of it's vastly superior physical design.",pos I have had these speakers for over a month and I love them they sound awesome. They were delivered quickly and they were brand new as described,pos I read the other reviews for these speakers so I had very high expectations. I can only say WOW! The premium price (compared with lesser 2.1 speaker systems) is absolutely justified,pos "For reference, I've owned a set of Labtec APX-6420 2.1 speakers for about 6-7 years now. With the purchase of a a new computer (Mac Pro + Cinema Display) I decided it was also time to upgrade my speakers. I spent a very long time mulling over different brands and models, listening to them in stores whenever possible. Of the major PC speaker makers, I recall sampling Altec Lansing, Logitech, Klipsch, Bose, Creative, and JBL. Aside from listening in stores (a poor environment) I also took into account personal experience with the brands (mostly the first three I listed) in regular home situations.I initially wanted the Klipsch ProMedia 2.1's because of the fantastic reviews they've gotten on Amazon and elsewhere, but was turned off to them because of the apparently poor build quality (parts breaking very quickly), along with reports of buzzing, the power switch being on the back of the subwoofer, my impression of them in stores, and experience with a friend's ProMedia 4.1's (which neither I nor him really cared for, and which recently broke).I tried as many Logitech speakers as I could in many different situations and decided I HATE ALL OF THEM (with the sole exception of the Z-5500's which I own and love)! The bass especially sucks on their speakers.So... through all this I eventually came to the conclusion that Altec Langsing was the brand I wanted to go with. And if that was so, it had to be the FX6021's which I had been eyeing for years. The first time I heard them in a store I declared them my favorite of the selection at the time and the same is still true. These are probably the best sub-$200 2.1 PC speakers you can buy. Even at their MSRP of $250 they're probably worth it. These speakers a very nice!The sound is very clear and sharp. Get ready to hear all the distortion in your low bitrate digital audio files. The speakers especially shine when listen to live recordings or anything that was produced by real instruments (i.e. not techno, though that sounds good too).Subwoofer is NOT boomy or buzzy like others have reported. I never use the equalizer in iTunes and have the bass at about half. It's very deep, rich, and discrete. Doesn't shake the floor or cause my neighbors to complain--yes, I live in an apartment too and bass is a concern of mine. For those who complain about the bass: maybe you shouldn't have gotten 2.1 speakers? Maybe your units were defective? Or perhaps the subwoofer was placed in a very poor position? I know sound is highly subjective, but those reviews just don't sound right to me.PROs:* Tall, sleek, and sexy satellites provide a nice wall of sound and match the Cinema Display perfectly.* Bass and treble have a *large* range of adjustability. 50% of either is plenty enough for me.* Power button on control pod* This is important: NO BUZZING. Not while they're on, not while they off. 100% silent.CONs:* Volume adjustment is digital and moves in notches; these notches aren't always small enough. I much prefer a regular analog knob.* Remote is a bit useless* While they look good and perform well, they feel a little cheap* Get ready for lots of cables hanging from your desk and all over the floor (on the other hand, long cables are a PRO as well)And finally, don't be fooled by specs. Yes, other speakers may have more watts of power and THX certification, but that really doesn't matter as much as it might seem. These are more than loud enough for any sane person (100% volume would probably wake up the neighborhood). I really didn't pay any attention to the specs, I bought them because they sound the best",pos "I've owned these Altec's for over three years now, and I have yet to ever coming close to replacing them - as a matter of fact, when facing the decision of buying another set of speakers for a new computer, I went ahead and still purchased these babies!SOUND QUALITY --- the sound quality is very crisp and excellent overall - I have used mine for video editing, and I'm very pleased with how clear the dialogue audio has come through, in addition to the special effects sound - unless you need a five speaker system (or comparable) then I'm confident that this is the most crisp sound you'll find in any speakerVOLUME --- these suckers can get LOUD - just take my word for itCOMPATIBILITY --- This is the part I love most - there is no software to install and no special plugs - the speakers plug right in, and very easily, into the audio jack, just like a pair of headphones would --- thus, hooking in a computer, iPod, cd-player, etc, is easy as heck, making these speakers extremely universal for any sound equipmentCONTROLS --- the speaker system comes with a seperate remote, giving one access to adjust the volume, bass, and treble, all seperately from the computer's controls -- the knob to control the volume, and other functions, is easy to use and makes for quick adjustmentsSIZE --- the speakers are extremely thin and the subwoofer is a very manageable size -- placing these speakers is easyPRICE --- believe me - it's a bargain at under $200!!!Overall, I give my full recommendation here -- you'll love these speakers",pos "My sound improvement wasn't as dramatic as many people describe, likely because I already had my computer wired to a good reciever and speakers, but I did notice an improvement over the integrated system I have once I made some adjustments. If you listen to rock, pop, blues or jazz, this card can make everything seem a bit brighter and punchier. It also seems to improve Pandora internet radio streams even more than my mp3's, though I have to keep the volume at about 3/4 in the Pandora player to prevent distortion. If you mostly listen to classical on a good stereo, I'm not sure if this card will do much for the sound, but it might",pos "I wondered what kind of mouse I would get for $60. I kept thinking, what could be so special about it. Well, I don't know where to begin. I like it so much, I'm getting ready to purchase another one just to use at work. I used a Microsoft Explorer mouse prior and thought I'd never find a mouse that was as comforable to use and had all the extra buttons I needed. This mouse completely puts the Explorer to shame. It took me a few minutes to get used to how quickly it responds but I soon caught on. I really didn't care for the glowing or the chameleon paint on it. That's not why I got it, although it does look pretty cool. As for gaming, I really didn't notice much improvment in my skill but it REALLY does feel better in your hand. The bottom of the mouse it curved in so you can grip it much easier.My only negative comment towards it is how cheesy the driver and gui is for it as it looks homemade.I would highly recommend this mouse for anyone who spends any time at all on a PC",pos "I got the Razor Diamondback a few months back and have been very pleased with it's performance. For gaming it's great, but I do not recommended it for everyday mousing around.The resolution on the Diamondback was the selling point for me, and if that's something your interested in you will NOT be disappointed. It's really super sensitive and has improved my accuracy quite a bit. I do have a few gripes with it's design, but with 1600dpi that can be overlooked! Oh, it looks cool when the lights are out the chameleon green paint is a trip.Design problems that I have noticed... Buttons squeak, button placement is not optimal, it's kinda small for people with big hands, programmable buttons take to much force to operate which can cause erratic mouse movement. If you have a second mouse to do your work with this makes a great gaming specific mouse, highly recommended",pos "I decided to upgrade my laptop with the wpc54gs from the wpc54g. I did this because the g card would randomly disconnect when the WEP or WPA security was activated. Living in a home near about 6 other networks I really wanted the router and wireless network secured. So, I purchased this card to see if it would fix my problem. I can happily say it solved the random disconnect with WPA security turned on. The range is just fine and all my network connections seem solid. Have not had a disconnect yet, over the last 5 hours.The reason I took away one star is the fact on the Wireless Network Monitor V2.1 there seems to be a flaw. When I connect to the network and internet the monitor says it is hooked to the network but unable to find the internet. Obvious by my submission of this review, the internet can be found and used.All in all a good product that functions just fine in my A45-S121 Toshiba laptop.Phil (Mesa, AZ",pos This was easy to set-up and use. It receives the signal from the router in all the rooms in my house,pos "camera works great! the first one I ordered did not function correctly but Amazon promptly replaced it. resolution is good and audio is a great bonus that works very well. a great feature for me that I found was not available on all other devices was the ability to have video stored on a network folder. additionally, there is no software required to run this",pos A device like this either works or it doesn't. This one happens to work,pos I had no problem with the product. The directions were pretty simple.Problem: I never received my rebate information!!!,pos "The first week I had these, the left earpiece's plastic rails which hold the earpiece in its slot broke. The parts that seem to need the most strength structurally are fasioned with cheap plastic.Sound quality is great, with music playing and noise cancelling active, a normal conversation is barely audible in the background; great for crowded offices. Battery life is good, I've gotten 24+ hours using a NiMH rechargeable",pos "I ordered these headphones from Amazon based primarily on user reviews of a number of noise cancelling headphones. I am quite pleased with my purchase. Though not stellar audiophile quality, the sound is pretty darn good, and with some minor EQ it's excellent. The noise cancelling effect seems to work very well: much better than I expected. Furthermore, the headphones are very comfortable and seem to be solidly constructed. I highly recommend them",pos "I recently bought a new 6.0 megapixel digital camera (Canon PowerShot S3 IS) which came with an extremely small and practically useless 16MB secure digital card so I bought a couple of these 1GB PNY PSD1GRF3 secure digital cards since they were on sale for less than $20 apiece. These SD cards are made in Japan by Toshiba (they are then rebranded and sold by PNY, Lexar, DaneElec, etc.) and I have been very pleased with them so far. They work flawlessly with no write-speed delay in my new camera while shooting still pictures or while shooting video with stereo sound, and the card reader in my HP Pavilion M7480N Media Center PC (running Windows XP Professional service pack 2) reads the pictures and video into my Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 and Premiere Elements 2.0 software programs with no problems. The only drawback is that the read-speed on these standard SD cards is a bit slow when compared to the newer and faster SD cards...it takes several minutes to transfer all the pictures or video from a full 1GB card onto my PC...but I find this to be a small inconvenience rather than a big problem. So, if a little longer read time is not a problem for you, then save yourself some money and buy this card. Overall, a very good standard SD card at an excellent price!",pos There isn't too much to write about this except is delivers as stated. Great product for the price,pos "I set up a small security program with my Macintosh. Intially I needed a PC to place the settings in the camera, however once I got it hooked up to my security system it works beautifully. I would recommend you leave the lights on though because if you don't you will be getting just a black, fuzzy dark image back if you are using this camera for security. This camera is a very simple easy to use camera without the fuss of zooming, pan, tilt etc. If you need a simple camera you can't go wrong with the D-link DCS-900 (Wireless or wired version)",pos What can you say? I placed my order with Amazon.com. A few days later the product arrived at my door. Perfect,pos "The quality of materials: zipper, hard case, strap and lightweight are outstanding. When I connected my MP3 player, thesound was impressive for a-carry along- portable stereo speaker.Next, I took the MP3 out of the speaker case and loaded my DT200V pocket radio; again the sound was very good and even loudat a low volume setting.Now the minor negatives: changing the volume, etc.requires going into the zipped case.Other than the ipod, be careful inselecting this speaker. The player, radio... cannot bemore than 4 high, 2.5 wide and .75 thick;larger and you may not be able to zip closedthe speaker case, which is necessary.My items just do fit. So the Quality Soundand Materials make this a fine product,especially for the money.OTHER PRODUCTS REVIEWS HAVE GREATLY HELPED MEDECIDE WHAT TO BUY, THIS IS WHY I DID THIS REVIEW.PLEASE DO THE SAME FOR OTHERS AS YOU BUY PRODUCTS.",pos "I bought this package purely for the keyboard. I wanted a new one with wireless technology and I was driven to Bluetooth just because it is so reliable. I do not use the keyboard and mouse together, however.The keyboard is one of the most comfortable keyboards I've ever used. I am a computer programmer so having a nice keyboard is essential. The pad at the bottom is very comfortable and the keys are very well spaced and organized. The only real compliant is they cut some corners with the home, end, page up, page down, and delete keys. They moved them around from the conventional way which I still haven't gotten used to but it's fine.I have experience no lag with either the mouse or the keyboard. I play a game called StepMania (a sort of Dance Dance Revolution clone for PC) which requires very accurate timing with the keyboard. I've experienced no problems here, it's spot on and probably the fastest ever. The only problem, really, is it takes a while to register if you haven't use the keyboard for a while since it must turn back on from sleep mode and reconnect. After that however, there are no problems at all.I do not use the mouse with the keyboard. I decided to use it as a mouse with my iBook since it had built-in bluetooth. I had absolutely no problems connecting the two devices and it works flawlessly. I don't use the mouse very much, but the times I do use it I experience no problems.Both the range on the mouse and the keyboard are extremely nice. I can go anywhere in my room with either the mouse or keyboard and experience no problems.The battery life on the keyboard is also very nice, esspecially since it has the built-in sleep feature. I have had to replace the batteries once since I got the unit in January of 06 (currently June of 06). I have not had to replace the mouse batteries yet, but I do not use it very much.Others complained about not being able to use the keyboard in the BIOS or startup screens, but I haven't had any issues with that. It depends on how recent your motherboard is, and mine is relatively new so I had no problems.I highly recommend this setup to anyone wanting a wireless keyboard or mouse, or if you want to split and use the mouse with a laptop and keyboard with a desktop. Either way, you cannot go wrong with this package, it is extremely excellent",pos " i recently purchased these speakers for my patio setup. the sound quality wont blow your mind, but it does not sound bad. its large and lound enough to hear for an outdoor speaker for the price. it has a switch in the back for outdoor/indoor. not really sure what that does. very easy installation with the brackets included. (no screws provided) overall great unit for thye pric",pos "I agree that these cables are way too expensive!! However that being said, they really do perform well. I have been using them for almost a year and they are just solid. Colors always look their best. I know it was a silly purchase but my DVD's look great.",pos "Overall, a good phone. Low cost. Well built. Many features. Speaker works OK for the price. Features such as caller ID and the speaker phone are powered by batteries. As stated by another reviewer a set of batteries only lasts a few months, even if you do not use the battery-powered speaker phone often. This phone would be a great phone (for the price) if it did not use batteries, but was a plug-in model",pos "For a long time I was looking for a phone to use with skype. For the price and convenience, Actiontec Internet phone wizard was the best I found and ordered it from Amazon ($42.99 with free shipping). After receiving the modem I have been using it for almost a month now and I am extremely happy. I have connected my codeless phone to it and everything seems to be working fine",pos This headset is everything that I hoped it would be and the seller rates 100,pos "you can never go wrong with this paper. I always buy it here, the price in stores is outrageous",pos My experince shows that it is always better to use paper from the same brand as your printer. Then the result is really outstanding print after print. The paper is really top quality and regardless of your needs it will satisfy them. Bravo Canon for this first class product,pos "Agree with the reviewer who called this a 'Perfect Product'. It is.a) Take it out of boxb) Plug it inc) You're networkedElapsed time - approximate 15 seconds.Compared to the pain I went through trying to get my SlingBox working with a Linksys game adapter, installing SlingLink renewed my faith in technology. Awesome",pos I purchased this to use with my newly acquired Slingbox Pro. All I had to do was plug these into wall outlets and connect the Lan wires. Worked like a charm...couldn't believe it was that easy. Great performance and good price from Amazon,pos "Bottom line up front:Works very well, very low price, works much better with theincluded drivers than with the generic windows xp driverDetailed review:I bought this so I could use my new Treo 700w with my non-bluetooth-enabled laptop. The price was my main motivation in buying it.Initially I just plugged it in and used the default windows xp drivers and it worked okay, however it didn't always work and i'd have to unplug/replug for my phone and the device to find and talk to each other.After getting tired of that, I decided to install the drivers that ship with the product. I've had a much better experience since i did that. I was afraid the software would be really clunky given the cheap price, but it's actually quite good and gives you a TON of options that the standard XP driver does not provide.If you use a this with a laptop and you dock/undock it, you'll have much better luck if you stop the adapter prior to docking/undocking. Otherwise, you'll probably end up having to unplug/replug it",pos "This is a corded mouse; fits comfortably in your hand. Moves smoothly across table surface; works well on a mousepad as well if you need wrist support.Worked out of the box (except for the application button) for the different buttons on the mouse. The Internet buttons allow for a page forward/ back with your thumb. There are also line up/down buttonw above and below the scroll wheel that allow for more control in scrolling.The scroll wheel feel good, better than some other mice I have used.I opted to use the native Windows XP mouse driver, so the application button does not work, but the Windows taskbar is not much of a hardship :-); and I prefer not to clutter up my system with another set of marginal utility software",pos "It has very good definition but is slow, even in the night is not that good and is slower",pos "While the product description states this battery is Compatible with Motorola T5320, T5400, T5420, T5600, T5620, T5700, T5720, T5800, and T5820 2-way radios the 53615 is compatible with many more. To bad Amazon couldn't put this online for us.From the packaging:T4800 SeriesT4900 SeriesT5000T5320T5400 SeriesT5500 SeriesT5600 SeriesT5700 SeriesT5800 SeriesT5900 SeriesT6500 SeriesFV500 Series",pos "I purchased this phone system as a gift. I set it up and used it extensively. The handsets have features that you are used to finding in a cell phone. Many different ring tones to choose from, the antenna lights up when a call comes in. You can even set special colors and ring tones for specific callers so you'll know when they're calling without picking up the handset.Talking caller ID is great too. No more rushing to find the phone only to discover it's a sales pitch or a call that could wait.I set this phone up on a voice over IP cable modem phone and the calls are loud and clear.The phone is running next to an 802.11b/g wireless computer network and has NO interference at all.One suggestion to make the batteries last longer: Do NOT leave the phone sitting in the charger all the time. This will basically be constantly charging the batteries and will wear them out MUCH faster. Instead leave the phone off the charger until the battery alert beeps and the phone displays recharge on the screen. Then let it get a full charge. You'll find that the batteries will not need to be replaced for a year or more instead of 6 months or so",pos "I was looking for a new pair of headphones to compliment my brand new ipod nano when I ran across these on a website. I was a little hesitant at first because I don't think I ever spent over $40 on a pair of headphones. I finally decided to invest in these because I spend most of my free time listening to music. I received these the other day, and immediately plugged them into my ipod. Please don't let the breaking in period discourage you! After these become comfortable, you will hear music you have never heard before even when you are listening to songs you have heard thousands of time.I started with all my heavy bass tracks, and couldn't believe how they sounded with these headphones. I then wanted to try some of my jazz and blues tracks to see how these tracks sounded. This is the first time in my life John Coltrane has given me goosebumps!If you are debating on whether to spend this kind of money let me make it easy for you. If you are just a casual music listener, I would say just go with a good pair of cheap ones, you will save a lot of money. However if you are a passionate music lover and collector, these headphones will change your music completely. After getting comfortable with these, I would have paid much more than I actually did",pos "This is the Ultimate Ears Super fi model especially designed for bassheads, featuring a disproportionately large bass driver complemented by a more conventional driver for the middle and high frequencies. I don't think UE would ever claim that what results is a balanced sound signature. Yes, the mids and highs are present and the quality is clean and reasonably detailed, but these frequencies are definitely recessed and with some kinds of music this can result in an unnatural kind of reproduction.On the bright side, however, the bass reproduction is marvelous. Not only is the quantity/extent of the bass frequencies as powerful as any headphones or earphones I've ever used, the quality is excellent. The bass is tight and pleasant, neither boomy nor thumpy. This overbalance toward bass frequencies renders the UE 5 EB's ideal for use when listening to music in which the bass is presented front and center, including techno bass (aka car audio bass), drum n' bass, and many types of rap/hip-hop. For music in which the basslines are prominent but comprise part of a more balanced presentation overall, opinions will vary. With rock music, for example, the strong bass is certainly a plus, but I have found that sometimes the bass overpowers the middle frequencies too strongly, and some detail is lost.It should be noted that this bass-dominated sound signature renders the EB's a good choice for people who own iPods and feel that their music player is weak on bass. Without any EQ adjustment, the iPod suddenly is transformed into a player where the bass is PRESENT.In terms of build, the EB's superficially seem well-constructed and designed. I have heard complaints, however, that the thinness of the wires and earpieces render them vulnerable to breakage. Be careful out there! Thoughtfully, EB has includes a variety of ear tips with these IEM's (including foam, flanged, and plain) so that users with different sized ear canals can get a good fit. The EB's don't extend deeply into the ear canal, which is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, this means that if you get a good fit of the earpiece into the entrance to the ear canal, comfort is good and isolation decent. However, if the fit is not quite right both comfort and isolation will prove frustrating. Making the right choice of ear tip is absolutely essential when using the EB's.Oh, and some people think that the EB's look kind of strange when worn. Larger than the higher-priced Super fi 5 Pro model, the EB's stick out a bit. Your call as to whether this is a problem.Like all of the UE IEM's in this series, the EB's are packaged with a nice set of accessories, including a 1/4 adapter plug, a sound attenuator, a soft travel case, an earwax loop, and a silvery metal storage case which includes a winder that helps head off what is always a problem with IEM's, cord tangling.It's unlikely that the EB's will prove satisfactory as your everyday earphone unless you listen solely to bass-dominant types of music. The truth is, however, that even for bass-heavy music the overall sound signature of the Super fi 5 Pros is likely to be more satisfactory for most users (I own both). But as a second pair specifically for use with bass-y music, the EB's are well-designed and definitely fun",pos we have this for our 30gb ipod and it works fine in both our cars.....very handy and a must buy!!,pos "This is the 2nd Gamepad I've owned (My first PC was in 1993). The 1st gamepad was the Gravis Gamepad (4-button + D-Pad). I recently upraded and there is no GAME/MIDI port on the new system, plus I need more buttons for Need For Speed Most Wanted, etc.I love this controller. I've had it for two days and have had nothing but excellent results. I've only used it in NFS games (I have them all).The WiFi works flawlessly and I have a WiFi network in my house. Installation is simple and takes maybe 3mins.The rumble only works on games which have forced feedback software. This is totally understandable. The feedback in NFS-MW is very slight but that's not the controllers fault, it's a matter of programming by EA Games.I like the weight of the controller. It's not feather light, so with that motor and battery weight added, it feels more like a premium device (just like the 67$ with tax I paid for it - canadian dollars). I didn't like how my gravis gamepad as so light, so this is a step up.The analog sticks are a great for racing as they are progressive like a steering wheel. They are rubber gripped for non-slip action. I am used to the D-Pad, so I have mine setup in NFS to use both as a directional control without having to press the MODE button to switch because you don't have time during a race to press a button before switching.It works as well as my old gamepad, but feels betetr and has extra buttons and the other features listed make it worth the money. If you in the USA, you'll be getting a much better deal. It lists for 60$ cnd here but only 30$ US in the states.CONS:It's not as comfortable to hold as I would like but its much better than my Gravis Gamepad and the buttons are easier to hit on the new one.CONCLUSION:I'm very satisfied overall and I knew I may have to get used to the way it feels when I hold this controller since changing from the old SNES style Gravis Gamepad.4/5 rating only because it could be easier to hold",pos We have had this phone for almost a year and I love it. We have the base station which is also an answereing machine plus we have a sattelite phone. I wish we had more satelite phones. I love the talking feature because I just listen and know who is calling. I also love the programming feature. I never have to look aup a tel number that I call regularly anymore. I just wish the extra phones were not so expensive to add on.Great phone buy it,pos "The system worked out of the box allowing me to quickly link up additional devices in an in-home office which had a single network connection. Haven't measured simultaneous throughput to multiple computers yet, but from simple observation connectivity seems transparent. Should allow for movement to gigabit switching in the future as well",pos "This cable is of the best quality, quick shipment and at a price that beats all the retail stores - you can't go wrong",pos "I did buy a set of 2 Base station and extra handset. Its a great design, tons of features, MP3 ring ton, Picture Caller ID, Sync with your PC for phone book, Answering machine, etc.I am very happy with.Thank you so much for such great product with a great price",pos "I work at a home office so I am on the phone lot. I always buy cordless phones I can use with a headset so I can have both arms free while I talk with a min of background noise intrusion. In other words, I don't talk with the phone cradled between my shoulder and ear. And I don't use speaker phone features. Let's just get that out of the way now since those are things some have complained about that I couldn't care less about.This phone first of all looks good and FEELS good. It was built with high quality plastics and metals on all surfaces. It has a nice solid weight to itself. Nothing tacky or cheap about it. It looks far better in person than it ever did in pictures. And it looks pretty good in pictures. I like how the bases are designed such that the antennas serve a double purpose as cradle supports for when the phone is docked. Clever design. The charging base light and back-lit buttons all look very slick.The screen is attractive. A big step up from back-lit LCDs or no screen at all like my previous phone.I like that you can very quickly find and hit Mute, adjust volume, and page through your caller history.The belt clip goes deep so the phone stays snugly attached to you pocket when you are walking around.I know many 5.8 GHz phones don't mention that only one direction of communication is at that frequency vs. both directions (as 2.4 GHz sometimes gets used too). I don't know for sure if this phone falls into that category, but I was in the market for a 5.8 GHz phone to avoid interference with my WiFi networks as well as to avoid microwave oven interference with my calls. One thing's for sure: this phone definitely is immune from MY microwave oven. In the past when I was on a call heating up my coffee, static and voice quality went way down unless I got far away from the oven. With this new phone I can stand right by it while on High w/o ANY impact on voice quality.One other very cool feature is the spare battery charger. While it's nice that the battery can replace a unit that runs down in a handset right away, the best part is if you have a power failure. Your phone will keep truckin' and there is never a need to replace that battery with some short lived 9volt waste of time.Finally, I like how the phone by a bedside basically doubles as a digital clock. The phone base unit picks up the current time from the caller ID info provided by the phone company and uses that info to automatically set and broadcast the current time to all headsets and base station. No need to manually set the clock. And when not in use, sitting it is dock, the phone's screen displays the time.So far I've found the voice quality to be best of any cordless phone I've owned",pos I bought this for my kids computer when I bought a new one for hubby and myself... these speakers sound better then the more expensive ones I have.... I highly recommend these speaker,pos "i wanted a top quality palm with the bells and whistles. this is pretty close to it but i had a few problems with the email and web features. granted i am not a techie, but connecting and checking email should be more straightforward. all the other features are top notch and overall i love my palm",pos I purchased this item for a long trip so I could charge and/or play my Zen mp3 player in the car without worrying about battery life on the trip. It worked great. I am also planning to use it for my notebook in the car the same way because the car adapter for my notebook costs $100,pos "I have searched and searched and searched for a pair of portable headphones that sound as good as these with lots of failure. IMO, you cannot beat the sound of a set of over-the-head headphones. I have tried all styles: earbuds, behind the neck, clips, even the ear plugs. Nothing gives the sound and comfort of the KTX Pros (granted, I have never tried the sportapros or portapros, but from what I have read, they are the same headphone. Except they are UGLY!). The KTX Pros have both great lows and great highs. Plus, you can't beat that price",pos For the price is is great.it's working fine but the plastic is not solid and has a feeling of low quality.,pos "I thought that this flash drive was above average in performance. Works well between a Macintosh and a PC. I liked the feature--missing from my last flash drive--of easily emptying the drive after use without having to some fancy erasing techniques. In other words, the PNY worked like a real hard drive. I would like the manufacuters to explain in detail how to attach the tread to the laniard. It took me a while to figure it out",pos "With so many of these ipod speaker docks on the market, it was sort of struggle to decide. Ultimately, I felt very comfortable going with the Bose brand. Plus, in my opinion, this is about the sleakest and best-looking unit out there (I went with black; I'm not an Apple-white drone). The sound is very, very good for small to medium size spaces. There are not a lot of features to the unit, which I think is a good thing - it just focuses on the sound and the small footprint. Mini remote control work well and again the small size makes it unimposing in this world of too many remotes. Power cord is plenty long and I like the fact I can easily move the thing to a different room if I need music there",pos "Well, the bose sounddock is a wonderful music dock. Its VERY simple. just put your ipod on there and ROCK OUT TO THE BEAT. The bose quality is very obvious, and it looks like you could spend 300 dollars on it, which brings me to my next point. ITS TOO EXPENSIVE. my recomendation is to buy an FM transmitter and listend to your ipod on any Fm raido. The only disadvantage of an Fm transmitter to this is that this will charge your ipod, and its slightly easier(but thats what iPod is all about, isnt it...?)Basically, im saying buy it if you have a lot of mone",pos "I'm a jogger, and like to listen to All Things Considered while I run miles and miles. This radio is great because the light weight is unobtrusive. It has a convenient lock button to prevent accidentally changing the station with a bump. I previously had a similar size unit from Aiwa, this Sony has MUCH MUCH better reception",pos "This works well, allows you to view imported photos, but it is a slow proccess best left for the hotel room. Just plan on taking plenty of batteries and the charger for your ipod.",pos "This card is the largest size that will allow clean video with FinePix cameras from 2004 or earlier. The picture-to-picture lag time is minimal with this card and video is excellent.From Fuji Website - NOTE: for owners of FinePix cameras made before 2004, check notice below for the operating compatibility of older FinePix cameras with Type M and H.",pos "I was devout in my belief that I could get similar photo output from my Canon S800 with less expensive paper. I bought those big boxes of 100 sheets of Kodak's photo quality glossy from Costco. My prints were blotchy. Then I got my hands on some of Canon's Photo Paper Pro, and my pictures were magically crystal clear. The difference is amazing. I never would've thought paper would make this much difference. I've since bought Canon's 15 sheet packs multiple times. I now use the Kodak stuff for drafts or to give prints to people who don't care much about the quality of the output, while I save the Canon Photo Paper Pro for prints we want to frame",pos "This stick is fantastic for high resolution photos and is lightning quick. Do you need the extra speed the MSX-M1GN gives you? Maybe, maybe not. But at least you have it when and if you need the feature. Highly recommend it for the money.",pos "Those people giving these speakers low reviews because they don't have enough bass are idiots. I don't know what people expect of these little speakers, but it is difficult to imagine them delivering as much bass as they do. These are amazing little speakers that have accompanied me in all of my travels; from Paris to camping in Northern California. I cannot imagine going everywhere without them. They are not equivalent to a $10k stereo system, but they are not meant to be. All I need is my Zen touch or Zen micro and these speakers. Do not listen to the other reviews, these speakers will make a decent stereo of your MP3 player. Enjoy them anywhere",pos I have used VoSKY Skype Call Center (USB07051C-01) for about a year now as my only home Skype In phone (paying $3.16 a month) after getting rid of Verizon (for which I was paying $50.00 a month).PROSIt works most of the time although sound quality is not as good as regular phone.Easy to set up.CONSOnce in a while the phone will keep on ringing even after you hang up and then you have to exit out of the Vosky software and start again.You need a computer.In summary good value for money and the best way to use Skype as your phone until phones that can be used without computer like Skype Wi-Fi phones Netgear and Belkin come down in cost and their bugs are worked out; or a phone adapter like this product comes out that plugs directly to the router,pos "Although I could go on and on about how Skype has changed my life forever, I will try to address the issue at hand, and that is the Polycom Communicator. Basically I love the concept of the Polycom Communicator! When I first started using Skype I used a USB headset that works great. The problem is that it is a serious PITA to put the thing on when someone calls because I have to either a. Try to untangle the cord before accepting the skype connection, or b. answer the skype connection then try to untangle the cord. If I chose option a. envariably I would miss half the calls, if I chose option b. everyone would always comment that I sounded so desheveled when I tried to answer the call. Well, now with the new Polycom communicator all I have to do is answer the call.As far as the quality and performance of the Polycom communicator...that is the only reason I didn't give the item 4 stars. It seems ocasionally that when you are in large conference calls that the Polycom communicator will cause feedback to other peoples lines. It is really sporadic though, and I can't seem to reproduce it consistently. Also, the driver for the Polycom Communicator has crashed on me a couple of times.So despite the downfalls that I mentioned above, there is no way I could give up my Polycom Communicator now. I simply love it, I just wish those other issues never happened",pos "Well, actually I bought this nice cable, at Amazon Marketplace great offering that it was, for an HDTV Tuner, which bombed in my neighborhood. So, I never did get to unpack the cable. But it's in the closet, and it knows it's a good cable. Great cable, @ great price, thru Amazon",pos "I'm a Creative fan so these are the first Logitech speakers I ever bought and I was pleasantly surprised. I was looking for a set of speakers for my laptop but since the portable models are more expensive (and probably will not sound as good since being portable means no sub-woofer) I decided for this not-as-portable model.Well, these are perfect to keep on your desktop (though the ideal placement of any sub-woofer is on the floor close to a corner), as it has a small sized sub-woofer all controls in one the speakers.These speakers sound really nice, slightly superior sound to Creative's corresponding model (SBS 350) but with less output power (Creative's SBS 350 sub-woofer is larger and more powerful)Pros:- Headphone jack and POWER button in the left speaker- No wired remote (which adds more clutter to your desktop)- Nice design for the price- Even cheaper than Creative's SBS 350Cons:- Small sub-woofer- No wired remote which means you have to keep one of the speakers close.- No bass control (which usually means too much bass if your audio source has no equalization control",pos "I bought one of these to replace the standard 32MB card that came with my camera. Wow, now I can store a ton of pictures. The price on the EP Memory cards are awesome too",pos "I have the Quest 2, but I've heard that this also fits the Quest. I bought it because, while my Dell laptop backpack is well padded, I wanted to make sure that my Quest 2 GPS was protected just in case. This case fits perfectly, literally like a glove. When I got it, I was sceptical; it looked to small, but I was wrong; the dimensions are perfect. And there is more than enough padding to protect the GPS from harm, yet it is small enough to stick in a jacket pocket, which I sometimes have to (late day meetings where I leave my backpack at work). All in all, it's another great product from Garmin",pos "I have been using these fans for the stalls in our horse barn for years. It keeps the flies away and cools down the whole barn. The barn is dusty and the fans collect a lot of dirt. I wash them down each year and they are like new. The fans I have now are on their third barn year. In a normal house I'm sure they would last forever. They are a little noisy, but the horses don't care",pos "I purchased this dashmount so I could swap the GPS between vehicles without having to install a permanent mount. I don't know what the feet of the base is made of, but it is basically like a rubber version of a lead blanket - it is heavy yet is very pliable. This is useful since my dash (a 2004 F-250) has an uneven surface. I can press and mold the feet to put the base in a certain position and under most circumstances it'll stay there. Occasionally, on long or bouncy trips, it'll creep out of position a couple inches and I'll have to move it back. I've seen some comments complaining of that - but I don't see it as a problem since common sense says it won't stay perfectly still since it isn't bolted in place. Overall this mount has worked very well.My wife is going on a business trip next week and will be borrowing the GPS - I don't recommend she take the mount though - since the thing must way at least a couple pounds - too bulky and heavy to put in a suit case in my opinion",pos "I got the dash mount because a friend recommended it. I thought the windshield mount worked fine except it was difficult to remove from the windshield. I felt like I should remove it each time I parked somewhere. Also, there was a fair amount of vibration since it usually was dangling. The dash mount is very heavy and flexible enough to mold to fit the surface of the dash. However, it kept slipping off the surface of my Toyota Avalon until I found a little sticky pad to put it on. That solved that problem. Anyway, it is very easy to move it to the floorboard and cover it up when I stop, thus effectively hiding it from the temtation of a robber",pos "This is my first HOTAS, but I did a good bit of research. It is very easy to set up, and the SST Programming is very helpful setting the shift key. The joystick is easy to move, which is nice in a close dogfight. I am very glad that I bought this HOTAS, because I have had NO problems with it. I highly recommend this system to anyone",pos "...for a surge protector. But as far as I can tell, it's doing its job. Plus it looks kind of neat",pos "We bought this drum set for our 2 year old who is obsessed with the concept of drumming & marching. This is a first class set and as noted is almost too nice. This is a huge step above the tupperware and pan lids our little guy used to use for his personal parades. The drum is a bit heavy,large, cumbersonme for a two year old and of course is LOUD. The cymbals are also loud but do have a professional sound quality. Do recommend this purchase. It does come a bit steep at $30 but is a very nice looking and performing set. If you little one gets hooked on drumming via the pots and pans, spoil him/her with this first-class set that they should be able to use well into their childhood",pos "I found this as the perfect solution to fill in some dead airt space in my house downstairs given the internet connection is upstairs and so far, other wireless solutions have been marginal. I really wondered if the Ethernet over powerlines would really work or if the 802.11G would really work.So I get my new Extender kit, unbox it and plug everything in without bothering to read the directions. Lets be real, this stuff SHOULD be plug and play and IT WAS. It came right up and worked and has worked for the past three months flawlessly. I have decent range downstairs, it works with the Macs and the PCs and doesnt seem to care a whit. I can highly recommend using this product as the primary connection or as I did, extending an existing network without having to pull cable or put in multiple 802.11 bridges",pos I have had no problems with my Mini Cruzer USB flash drive. It has been recognized without exception by multiple computers and has performed flawlessly,pos I actually bought this for a friend of my mine. He says 'Sony Never Disappoints',pos "If you've got a Treo 650, You Don't Need A GPS Device. Simple as that. The smaller-than-a-small-filet-mignon gps device talks via bluetooth to your 650, which attaches to your windshield via a well-engineered holster. The charger charges 'em both, or not, as you see fit. The instructions are clear and to the point. The installation instructions are slightly out of date - you don't need a card reader to make it happen, after all - and the user experience is, in my case, outstanding. If you've got a 650 and you ever drive somewhere unfamiliar, BUY IT",pos When I purchased this product a couple weeks ago I wanted to make sure this purchase was worthwhile. I studied many other speaker stands and it just didn't seem I would have been getting the same quality.I received this pair a few days ago and originally thought they may be a little complicated to put together. They only took about twenty minutes to assemble and put my cube speakers on. The stands look great and go well with the cube speakers. I am happy I made this investment and will enjoy these for years to come.,pos I have this drive and been sucessfully using it with Backup on my Mac. I would recomend it for off line storag,pos "just enough space to save video, photo, music etc... all your files in one place and also is compatible with mac... i love it.",pos "Look around in your local electronics stores and you'll find either HUGELY expensive players or single tape units.This player allows tape-to-tape duplication as well as the ability to put two of your old collection in and listen uninterrupted. Sure, it's not a 100-disk CD carousel...but how else are you going to listen to some of your best stuff (that you probably taped yourself?).This, or the other TEAC dual-cassette units, should find a place on your shelf",pos "After having used CRTs roughly the size of small cars for my entire life, I finally jumped on the LCD-flatscreen bandwagon. This Acer 19 LCD makes me happy I did!Mostly using my computer for gaming and movies the color, brightness, and size of the screen really matters to me. This monitor really nails all three of those areas. It provides vivid, crisp colors; it doesn't wash out the picture with super-brightness (what my old monitor did), nor is its display too dark to catch the action; and the 19 screen seems to have the perfect balance of immense screen size yet incredibly low desk size",pos Monster has went over the top on this THX component video cable. Instantly noticed a superior picture,pos "e'nuf said - Epson always leads the way with printers and papers. You can't go wrong!!!Order was filled exactly as requested, and arrived in better than expected time. The packaging was excellent.I'll be back for more soon",pos "I have bought 2 packages of them, 100 sheet each. Quite satisfied.The printing are really excellent and professional.",pos "I bought this paper after my mom gave me a box of Epson 8.5x11 paper she didn't need. I was really impressed by the quality of the pictures rendered on that paper by my printer. When the paper ran out I looked for an economical replacement and found the price of most photo papers to be prohibitive - on the order of 40 cents per page. Since you can only get 2 4x6 pics from a letter-sized sheet of paper, that comes to about 20 cents per print, not counting the cost of ink. Finally I stumbled upon this paper - Epson S041727 - and the price per print was around 12 cents, which rivals the cheapest Internet photo printing services I've found.If you print a lot of 4x6 pictures, this is a great value for a great product",pos Hands down Epson Paper is the best photo paper on the market.At this price its a no brainer.A++++++++++,pos "This adapter is functional, is easy to use, enables continued use of backlight, and saves the batteries for walking with the eMap after arriving in a strange town. When I want to connect other media while driving with my family, I use a 12v 3-Outlet Car Power Adapter. Despite another wire, it's a worthwhile accessory",pos "I have no complaints about this flash drive. It does what it should, is easy to use, has enough storage to backup all my digital pics from my hard drive (so far!), and is not expensive.",pos "Yup... They connect my cable modem to my router, and my router to my computers. They transmit data back and forth. So far they have failed to burst into flames or snap off and poke me in the eye. So go patch cables (yay).",pos I love it but its been a battle trying to get used to the sensetivity and pressure of holding the pen. I'm glad I bought it but it is something I cannot use all the time,pos "This has helped me significantly in drawing in the computer, for programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Flash. Drawing with a mouse is like drawing with a brick - so buy this piece of equipment if you need to draw in the computer!It also works well as an overall mouse for your computer. It even comes with a mouse if you prefer to use that instead of the pen. Plugs right into your USB drive and works almost instantly",pos "I bought this to illuminate the keyboard on my 12 Apple Powerbook when I work in the dark. It works well, and shines impressively bright and wide. I even use it to read by simply sitting it on its back on my lap as I read in bed and pointing the lamp at my book. It's too bad the lamp's arm isn't telescopic or it'd make for a perfectly good clip-on booklight right out of the box.This device is well built, folds into a form that protects it from damage, even when thrown in a laptop case full of stuff that might crush something built less solidly. And it has a nice retracting USB cable. The retraction device for the cable, like most I've seen on devices like this, can be a bit finnicky but with the right pulling technique works correctly about 90% of the time.Update, May, 2005. The light died. No idea why. So, maybe it's not as good as I thought. :",pos "...to really take advandage of this. Installation was super easy, although I ran into the TI thing like another reviewer. Oh well. Not much more I can say about this product; it works and that's all that really matters",pos "I found this device to be relatively easy and comfortable to use (one-handed, no less), and accurate to within 15' +/- under tree cover of greater than 90% mature alder and fir - once locked onto satellites under clearer overhead conditions in Seattle WA and using an external Gilsson antenna mounted atop a hat. Satellite aquisition under the trees did not happen the few times I tried. The display is excellent under sunny conditions. Downloading waypoint data into a text file was simple. I haven't used it yet under driving conditions, so I can't speak to using related features. Were it damaged or stolen, I'd buy another one without hesitation",pos "There are so many times where the actual ink, can be the difference between a good copy, and a not-so-good copy on paper. With HP black ink cartridge #21, it is very convient, and easy to setup into your HP deskjet 3930 series printer. This cartridge is very inexpensive, and affordable for HP printers. I think of it as a must for your HP printers. While there are cartridges that are difficult to open, and install into your printers, this one installs in a snap. I really recommend this for my new HP printer, and so will you if you own a HP printer for this ink as well.Price: BConvience: B+Overall: B 1/2+",pos "It works with all my devices, it has several outputs for your different devices, no complain with it...",pos "So far it has been terrific. Radio and downloads are easy to sort out and use.Downloading was hard, but I finally got it. The sound quality is the best thing, however. It is better than my big stereo.Napster doesn't do this mp3 however",pos "Let's just say I am 39 and holding and have wanted an MP3 for years. My birthday was last week and I bought myslef the pink 4GB Nano. It is easy to use, but I have to agree it takes some time on itunes to import CD's, the ipod updates fast but the CD import is slow. The sound quality is good. I like that it is small and lightweight. The screen is bright and easy to read...even with not so young eyes. I looked at other brands but am glad I went with the leader. I didn't need or want to watch movies on a tiny screen...just tunes. I'm sure 1000 songs will hold me.I looked all over at prices and Amazon wins! The free shipping is a great bonus also.The case may look delicate but it feels very sturdy to me, I have had it in my pocket and it is just fine. Would highly recommend this MP3. It is cute to boot! This not so young person thinks it is WAY COOL",pos "I had been storing my music on a 2GB card in my palm pilot. I was having a lot of trouble transferring the music, with many errors, not to mention how long it took to transfer. I finally decided to get an MP3 player. A friend kept telling me about the Sandisk Sanso. There were some great features, but the bad far, far outweighed the good. Too many of the same problems over and over, and many people returning them.I got my Apple iPod last night and have hardly put it down! I did a lot of research first and was hard pressesd to find negative feedback about this item. This thing is great! I was up till 3AM listening to my music. The sound quality is so much better than I had expected!I really like the case I got (Tuffwrap Accent by XtremeMac- Walmart and Radio Shack) because it is really tough rubber and all of the holes are in the right place for the new nano. The only thing is that the unit does not slide up into it completely because of the square corners of the nano. The case has more rounded corners in the top, so the nano does not line up just right in the case. It is good enough and you can still use the controls. It is only about a 1/4 of an inch at most. I am just picky about it lining up correctly so this is a bit annoying. But the case is still great as far as protection.I also bought the Belkin TuneBase FM transmitter for the car. It is similar to the Monster version. I did not like the Belkin version at all. I ended up going and getting the Monster FM transmitter at Radio Shack. It works great! I like the fact that my Ipod lays in the console rather than sitting in a dock (some of you may prefer the dock). I like that I can pick up the Ipod and use it sort of like a remote to the radio because I can operate it easily without looking down at the dock. I can even hold it while driving if I want to flip through the songs while driving rather than having to reach over to the dock. The sound of this transmitter is great. Some areas you might get a bit of static or station bleed through while driving, but this is minimal and is usually not a problem. I find this happened a lot less with Monster than with the Belkin. The Belkin had a nasty hiss over all of the songs.People are talking about this unit not having a radio on it, but I find that I have so many favorite songs on it that I do not need a radio. When I do have a radio, all I do is channel surf for songs I like anyway. This way, I already have all the songs I like at my fingertips!I think these headphones really make this nano great! I was so surprised when I first heard this little unit play! For something so tiny, it rocks! I am really glad I followed my gut and went with this unit instead of dealing with frustration first by getting the Sanso. This new nano is a must have!",pos "Well the most important thing about buying ink and toner for your printer is price, and Amazon.com has beaten every on-line price I have seen. As for the toner itself, Hewlett Packard toner is top. I buy this product for two reasons, 1. It's what fits in my printer, and 2. I know when I buy the C3906A, I am getting what I payed for, a quality cartrige that lasts. One last note, twords the end of the cartrige life, a small line appears in the content of my page letting me know its allmost time for a new one. simply shake the cartrige, reorder, and by the time the new one arrives, the old one is finished",pos "I'm not much of a techie. But, I do have lots of documents and pictures that I can't bear to lose should my computer decide to konk out one day.I used to back up my most important files on CD: an overly complex and tedious process involving multiple CDs and lots of time. But, with this 2GB flash drive backing up my important documents is just a matter of plugging the device in and selecting which files and folders to synchronize. The files are copied over to the device quickly, and easily.The 2 Gig storage capacity allows me to backup all of my most important photos and documents on one handy removeable drive.ScanDisk even includes a Synch software that simplifies the process of identifying and copying your important data. (The software also helps you copy over your Outlook messages, folders, appointments, tasks, and other data that used to be difficult for me to find on my hard drive.)Also, I can imagine that the use of the Synch software with this little drive would made it very easy to keep the data on your work machine syched up with the data on your home machine.Physically, the unit is small, sleek with a case that feels substantial. The retractable connector functions smoothly and allows the case to protect the connector when not in use.This thing is great. I only wish I'd started using it sooner.",pos "I ordered the apple ipod shuffle sport case because I wanted something to protect my ipod from the elements and just general bumping and scraping. It works great, and you can use your ipod without taking it out of the case. I haven't taken my ipod out of the case except to charge it, or to change my playlist. It's a must have item for anyone with an ipod shuffle",pos "After reading the Dec. '04 review in Computer Pilot I ordered it. Fine tuning is a bit involved but repetition makes the curve easier. Configuring from one a/c type throttle to another is easy with the downloadable manager from CH prod. Compared to the GoFlight modular system this is great value. Unless $$ is no object and you're not interested in building a home cockpit, the CH line of av-sim controls is well suited to the aspiring and advaced flt. simmer",pos "I have had my Pocket PC for quite some time now, and I love the convenience that it offers.Plus:- Great color screen- Fast and easy to use.- Cradle adaptor is nice so you can able to sync files from pc to pocket pc.- Includes Word, Notes, Calender, Calculator, Recorder, Window Media Player, etc... (HELPFUL)- ExpandableCon- Although it is expandable, you can't use your memory card to do anything but save materials. I am unable to listen to 256 mb songs... but i have to copy and paste song from the card to the pc every time I get sick of listening to the same song.- Low battery life!Other than that... it is great... user-friendly... and helpful if you are busy student or a college student...I use it to:1) types notes in class (why carry a laptop when you can get this)2) MP3 player... besides the issue above, music quality is great... easy to transfer from pc to pocket pc.3) calender and agenda... (keep important dates in check and be on tops of things",pos I found out the way to copy photos from my CompactFlash card onto the iPAQ. It's not hard but more complex than necessary. I also found out how to send the iPAQ in to have its screen replaced. A hassle. Its screen and/or stylus should work together so they don't produce scratches in the first place,pos "Excellent service, five days is all I had to wait and saved a lot of money. Couldn't be happier.Im a new Razr owner so everything is new to me. CD installed without any problems (Windows XP). I had a cable so I now have a spair. I just wanted the Phonetools CD.I would gladly do business again-Thanks",pos "I also ordered the Antec SX-1030 (which has yet to be shipped! arrgghh!!). According to Antec, the 1030 includes 2 fans, but has space for 2 more, which is where this one comes in! For those of you wondering what size small is, it's an 80mm fan. Good airflow (don't know actual CFM) and pretty quiet",pos "I'm a D-Link refugee and this card has been just great. My home connection has been very good, I'm in a basement and have no idea where the router is!Swapping wireless networks is a breeze as I travel around - it can be easily configured to automatically find one wherever you are.Very reliable, quality construction, easy to install and no problems with W2K.This is my 2nd Netgear card; also have the FA511 wired adapter about which I can say the same things (except the wireless bits).Definitely recommended and worth the extra cost if there is any",pos "I had originally bought a Linksys, without doing any research beforehand... thinking all routers were more or less equal... oops! Hardware was poor, the interface was wonky, customer service was a joke. I was re-booting it every few minutes under moderate usage, because it keep dropping my DSL connection or completely locking up. I just replaced it with a DGL-4300 based on all the positive reviews, and have been very happy so far. I don't need or use any of the advanced features for gaming; but already I've been very impressed with the DGL-4300 since it hasn't dropped any connections since I bought it last week. You get what you pay for",pos "I don't get why other mounts cost twice as much. I bought this to hang my 42 Panasonic and it is great. Can someone tell me why the Omnimount costs so much more? I don't see any functionality differences. And with the Mustang Tilt mount, I have been tilting it at least 10 times for either adjustments or disconnecting/reconnecting cables...It is so simple",pos "I got this phone about 1 month ago and I like all the features of the phone,Volume control ,Caller ID,Large display window and you can add up to 10 more hand set",pos "Handy traveler accessory. Retractable USB cord very nice. Had a small problem with Moto adapter, one of the locking pins would not release. Was able to get release wire reseated under release button and all working fine now",pos "I found this on clearance at another retailer (I guess not everyone likes pink), and it's fabulous. I thought it might be just for skinny-armed people, but not so! I've got plenty of room, it fits great, and it doesn't move. Still looking for a solution to keep the earbud cord out of the way, though. Makes mowing the lawn WAY more fun",pos "I have been a Dj for a almost 5 years, and this are the best headphones I've ever had. The H250 headphones are light, confortable, and great acustic properties. It is true that the bass is a little loud, but thats exactly what you need if you're playing in loud and crowded clubs",pos When i first came across this particular microphone i had my doubts. Considering the price of it i just couldn't see it holding up for what i wanted to do. to my surprise this mic exceeded my expectations. For recording vocals this mic is amazing. a real professional sound for a extremely low price. i definitely recommend this mic to anyone out there looking for an in expensive way to make professional sounding material,pos "I have some decent mics in my cabinet, as well as a nice preamp, A/D converter and fire wire interface for my home multitracking setup. I wasn't expecting as good or better quality than I can already get, but I hoped the Samson C01B USB Studio Condenser would at least give me a decent sound. The idea was to have freedom and portablility that my studio set up prohibits. I was not disappointed. Installation was no more complicated that plugging the cable into a USB port on my laptop running XP and the other end into the mic. It is far from the best mic I have, but it is certainly not the worst. I have read reviews that say the recording quality is too thin, but I found that not to be the case. The noise floor when recording with the Samson is a little high, and it is lacking in headroom compared to any traditional mic through my Millenia preamp. I have to record at slightly lower levels than I am used to, but for $79, I am not complaining. There is no significant latency recording 16 bits at 44100hz in Fasoft N-Track Studio. The ability to plug this thing in and record at a whim is quite liberating. Way to go, Samson",pos "Couldn't get any SW stations, but AM and FM worked great and the hand crank charged up the cell phone, after a lot of cranking",pos "No problems so far; does its job.(if you are setting up a wireless network, get windows XP. 1 click and you're set up.",pos "I bought this to scare away the opossums that come into my back porch at night. I used a 3 prong adapter with this to plug in a lamp and a radio.When they pass it, suddenly music and a light goes on and they scoot away fast. It is great to use if you want a lamp turned on when you walk in front of it, or anything else you want to use it for",pos "Product-wise, the card has worked fine, but then memory cards generally either work or they don't. Product was shipped in a timely manner, and the price was reasonable",pos "Originally purchased to supplement & provide a tangle free connection topower source.After reading product manual,PowerSquid should be connectedto dedicated power source 110 volt outlet.It is not recommended thatPowerSquid be used with temporary power strip application...with or withoutsurge protection. Use of Power Sentry 5-outlet PowerSquid should be used inaccordance to sound electrical application. Do not overload or connect groundingcheaters in non-grounded 110 volt systems.Use with stand alone generators should be closely monitored and PowerSquid not be used beyond generator'scapacity",pos very good case for the price. Actually looks more expensive. Can't go wrong,pos "I wanted a case that was small, slim, and just carried the laptop. Perfect! I have a briefcase for files. I didn't need anything bulky. This case was exactly what I was looking for, for the right price. I have a new Gateway Tablet P.C. and with the larger battery and battery placement, this is a snug fit, but at least I know the computer isn't loose inside. I really like this case",pos "Cuando compr� una Toshiba Satellite M105 con pantalla de 14, eleg� este maletin porque lei que sus dimensiones se ajustaban al equipo. El interior est� forrado y cuenta con las divisiones suficientes para llevar el cargador y los cables de poder de la notebook. Asimismo puedo incluir documentos, mouse y otros accesorios. El asa es c�moda y la correa incluida es ancha y ajustable al largo que uno desee. Estoy satisfecho con esta compra",pos "The 6500B was the last one I tried of three. I've had cordless Panasonic phones break too often in the past so was reluctant to buy one again. But the other choices had major drawbacks. I really needed a two-line phone that wasn't 2.4Ghz.The first I tried was the Uniden TRU8866. It had a bad echo on the extra handset and other people complained about that too. This phone uses phone company voice mail (no built-in ans mach) - which is fine - but I had the VM system go bonkers so lost all trust in it. For over a week messages accumulated but we got no stutter-tone so didn't know there were any new messages - arrgghh. Not the phones fault I know but it required VM for messaging so nope.Next I tried the new Motorola MD7081. I really wanted to like this phone. It's a 2-line 5.8Ghz ans machine like the Panasonic 6500B. I liked it's simplicity and easy switching between line 1 and 2. Had battery backup for use during power outages and the best voice quality of the three. But, it's answering system has no message counter. That alone is no big deal but it didn't have any indicator to say whether you had any saved messages. When a new message arrived it blinked and such - all good. But, if I got home, say, and listened to a message for my wife, the blinking stopped and no indication of 1 saved message or anything. So, I would have to write a note to her to check the messages. We're so used to relying on seeing a message counter and just listening to them if it's not zero that we thought this would become a nuisance. I also would have liked an auto-line-selection so it would automatically answer the ringing line or select a non-busy outgoing line. But, that would have messed up their simpler style button function - hmmm.The Panasonic, I am surprised to say, ended up being my favorite. Hopefully it will be reliable. I was always bothered by Panasonic's phones losing the date/time with any little power outage. Happily, this phone sets its date/time from caller-id info even though the manual implies it wouldn't work quite that way. With the right settings and phone company options (busy-forward), it elegantly supports two lines as if they are one. I really like not thinking about which line is what - just pick up and talk.The 6500B has good voice quality and reasonable range. It's much lighter than earlier caller-id handsets which I like. I also like their shape of handset the best. My gripes are the limit of 4 handsets - I would like 6 or 7. Also, can't name the handsets so with intercom you have to remember each number",pos I love my new Monster FM Transmitter! It's very easy to use and the reception is great,pos "Besides all opion regarding this new calculator, I would like to say, it is very nice, good design, options, features, a huge screen and modern color. So far, I haven't navigate deep inside it, it is not similar as 48GX, so you've got to expend some time to know how to use it. I bought it since there is not a better calculator than this (48GX is UNIQUE but obsolete",pos "Easy to install, gret price and now I have surround sound on my PC. woowho",pos I thought I was going to have to try to track down some headphones for kids until I ran across these! They are super comfortable and seem to block the world out. I've been using them for about 3 months now and couldn't be happier eventhough I've got a healthy dose of ear wax building up on them,pos "This isn't my first mp3 player. I have a couple of the years and since my last one died I was looking for a quick, cheap replacement. I also needed a flash drive for work. Don't underestimate this, if you use the net at a library or cafe then you'll realize that 1. not all players/drives are recognized as drives and/or 2. you've got to carry an extra cord with you to plug into the usb port, which gets annoying quickly. when you clean out your purse and discover you don't have it with you. With this you get both in one. It has a built in usb port which is recognized fine in most operating systems, even win98. The sound quality is good, I can't tell the difference between this and my $100.00 player. The controls do take a few seconds to get used to, but once I did I find I preferred them. They are easy to use one-handed.An unexpected bonus is that its great for audiobooks! If you turn off the player, it starts back up exactly where you left it, be it in the middle of a song or in the middle of a chapter! Its small without being too tiny, its design is simple enough that there is nothing to fall off or get lost and technophobes won't have a heart-attack. Its doesn't hold a lot of music at only 128mb or have a shuffle feature, but if you need to carry more than an album or 2, or need extra features then you'll want more than this player anyway.The best feature is the price. I found this one at my local ToysRUs for $15.00. It also plays both mp3's and wma. It won't play AAC but if most of your music is this format you'll better off with an ipod.This would make a good first player for a kid or for someone who needs a usb drive and music without all the bells and whistles.I'm giving it 5 stars because it does exactly what I need it to do without any hassle",pos "I decided to purchase this item because I needed to get SD memory for my g/friends digital camera, so I chose this one because of the price and the brand. SanDisk is known for their memory. Well, no need to say more, this thing works great. I will buy another one but with more space anyday. Thanks alot San Disk",pos "just got this one at sears, and was only $20 so i grabbed it. the Canon A400 i have only came with 16mb so i needed more space. the 128 is much faster and easy to format than my old one. love it!!! go out and buy one today! GET SANDISK NOT LEXAR, THEY BREAK ALL THE TIME!!!!!",pos "How many pictures will it store? It is the most commonly asked question from digital camera enthusiast but usually the question that is the most difficult to get a straight answer about. Well, considering I worked in the memory industry for over 7 years I can help clarify this perplexing question and do so unbiased as I have since changed industries.The SanDisk SDSDB-128-A10 Secure Digital 128MB, like most 128MB cards, will store on average 142 pictures when used with a 2 megapixel camera, 106 images when used with a 3 megapixel camera, 64 pictures when used with a 4 megapixel camera, 51 images when used with a 5 megapixel camera, and 40 pictures when used with a 6 megapixel camera. These numbers are based off the assumption that you are going to shoot your images at the highest quality JPEG setting available for the camera and understand that they are estimates and may be off by as much as 10 percent due to numerous factors including the complexity of the scene being shot and the compression algorithm used by your specific camera.I truly hope this review was helpful to you in determining whether this card is the right capacity for your specific needs",pos "If you buy this service plan, print out the contract (found at the top of this page) and keep your receipt. I did not purchase the plan, but looked over the contract intensely since I nearly got it.Some notes on the contract:1. It is only good in the United States (including Washington, DC, but MINUS MAINE), but it does not include Guam, Virgin Islands, etc. So if you are in another country or outside the 50 states + D.C., this contract will be nothing but a waste of money.2. This contract is transferable and the directions to do so are simple.3. They will only fix/replace/etc IF the manufacturing warranty no longer covers the item. That is, if the manu. warranty is still good, you have to use it.4. If the item needs to be shipped, shipping/handling will only be covered if the manufacturer would cover those costs in their warranty period. If the item is being replaced, You will be responsible for the delivery or cost of delivery of the covered Product to Our authorized service center. Reimbursement will be issued in the form of a check payable to You. I'm uncertain if that means you cover those costs or they reimburse you.5. No lemon policy of 3 service repairs for the SAME defect, and a upon the time of a 4th repair, as determined by them, they will replace it with a product of comparable performance. Repairs performed while the Product is under manufacturer's warranty DO NOT APPLY. (Doesn't sound like a great no lemon policy... your product would have to breakdown in the same way 4 times in the number of years they cover you -- many electronics are typically already covered by the manufacturer for 1 year.)6. There are numerous conditions that they will not repair for, but they all sound typical of such plans (such as, they don't cover accidents and they don't cover the elements or acts of God ... sorry, I had to note that second one since it stuck out to me from the other things). But, in all seriousness, read the list before you purchase.So, now that I have summarized much of the contract, if you want to get the service warranty, PLEASE READ THE CONTRACT SINCE I DIDN'T COVER EVERYTHING!!! (Don't hold me liable since I don't have much money anyways.) Also, I think this is typical in warranty contracts, but you will occassionally see the phrase at our discretion in the contract.Assuming they aren't jerks with their discretion and aren't too tough to deal with, I would give the warranty 4 stars (minus 1 star for the crappy lemon policy). I didn't get the coverage because the product I was going to get it for had just made into the next price category (so it was pricy for my product, being at the lower price end of the scale)",pos There is absolutely nothing that we don't like about these Panasonic phones. The sound quality is excellent as is the range. Very happy customers,pos "I have had mine for a week. I had a non mapping garmin gps 12 for years, which was misplaced. I bought the navigation kit at the same time I ordered a 60 CS. It makes what I bought for backpacking usable as a car navigation tool both in the city and out in the boonies. I had no problems loading software and maps, upload or download from/to my gps.I am impressed by the softwares ability to recalculate in navigation mode. If I ignore the suggested route, it continually adapts to suggest a new route based on where I am.I am sure that some portions of the database is not current as far as new roads etc. are concerned but I am impressed with the degree of information that is currently contained. I have gotten messages regarding keeping right for example (to avoid being caught in what becomes a left turn only lane), and knowledge of one-way streets etc.The real test is yet to come to negotiate San Francisco's endless no left turns, one way streets, construction and limited freeway on ramps!!",pos "Three months later, I'm still amazed at how cheap this amazing piece of hardware was. Granted, it doesn't vibrate, nor have a zillion buttons, but it definitely performs admirably. It is comfortable and the buttons respond well. The unit feels well-built, and connects to the computer easily via USB. And as a bonus, it looks pretty too. :",pos "I bought this based on the overall positive reviews. Good sound quality, and a comfortable fit. I didn't find them to be too tight at all. For a low-end pair of headphones, I think they're pretty impressive",pos "The cups of these heaphone are a little small and they do fit snuggly on my head but after stretching them out a bit I must say they are very comfortable. If you dont like them at first wear them for a while, they will grow on you.",pos "If you went to circuit city, you would see this is $30 there. Here its only 8.99! With fast shipping I only paid about $16 total, half the price of circuit city. Those type of stores (best buy, circuit city, compusa) are a total ripoff when it comes to these cables. Buy from Amazon.com (eektech will ship) and you save lots of $$. Thanks eek for great service",pos "Works great, good quality from Belkin as usual. Hard to beat for the money",pos I'm using the product as I respond to this request for a review. Sufficiently compact for ease of packing in my laptop case. No technical issues (so far). Tracking is excellent. Has worked flawlessly under daily working conditions. Recommend highly,pos This mouse works perfectly fast and easy without problems even if you don't install the software.If you need a cordless mouse this is what you have to bu,pos "As the title states, this is an excellent wireless mouse. Works right away with Windows XP, no driver install or software needed for two-button and normal scroll capabilities. Software allows for extra button assignment, but could use some work. I have had some trouble finding the menus I want when I want to find them. For example, I have an issue where I cannot find the extra button assignment menu after plugging in the USB receiver after a system start-up, however I am able to find those menus in the software if I remove and reinsert the receiver.But as I said before, superb mouse function and tracking...this thing works on upholstery, leather, my jeans, and thick carpet!!",pos "The V200 is another great Logitech product. It is far from the king of the mouse, but when it comes to the notebook it doesn't get much better than this. It takes two AA batteries (so get some rechargeable batteries to save on costs) which slide into the top of the mouse by pulling back on the palm rest to reveal two slots. The mouse doesn't weigh too much heavier than the two mouse batteries themselves. This is a two button mouse with a tilt wheel. With the setpoint software you can alter what the buttons do. Overall the design is good. There could be a problem installing setpoint. It may hang on install. If so you need to use the task manager to quit the install and then try it again. It should work. The USB receiver is 2.4 GHz and has a 10 Meter range. Wow. However there is one major problem with a wireless mouse for a notebook. USB dongles and receivers that are plugged into the side of the laptop are just begging to be snapped off. For this reason you should have the USB receiver on the side opposite the mouse hand, if you can, to avoid accidental contact. It should also not be hanging over the edge of the table. If you press it down lightly, then that is it, game over for the receiver and you will have to get a new 2.4 GHz receiver. So okay you will have to spend on a new receiver, if you break the old one. The receiver plugs into a small slot under the mouse using a magnet. When it is in the holder the mouse turns off. It doesn't fit in smoothly. It creates a block shape in the bottom of the mouse. Anyway you are not going to be using it when it is clipped in. The other thing is that it can pop out sometimes. Just happens if the mouse just gets knocked a certain way. I am sure most notebook users are cautious with their notebooks and devices. If you are then a mouse like this and USB should last for a very long time. There is really nothing wrong with it. Wireless mini mouse. FAB! However there is one last thing to say. If you don't like the idea of a USB receiver then GET A BLUETOOTH VERSION OF THIS MOUSE INSTEAD. It is called the V270. That is if your notebook has internal Bluetooth or else you will need to get a Bluetooth USB receiver and be in the same boat when it comes to watching your USB receivers. But if you have a Bluetooth internal receiver with your notebook then by all means head over to the V270 and forget about this USB option. The USB design isn't a fault with the mouse; it is just a fault with all notebooks that is not really a fault. You just got to switch to internal Bluetooth or learn to take care of your receivers.",pos "When I purchased this product I was a little sceptical, however, once I unpacked it and started using it, it was so absolutely easy to use, and the pictures have such a fine quality, and you can insert 4 different sizes of memory cards in addition to computer connection. So, I see it as a win/win product. The only draw back is the weight and size. I just do not regret this purchase with the price an added bonus as wel",pos "First and foremost--I am not an audiophile, so I can't comment with any authority on the quality of the headphones themselves. They are fine for me and my listening habits--I find myself increasingly listening to podcasts when commuting via bus for which these headphones are perfectly fine, although when I do listen to my music the bass and treble response seems fine to me.That being said, what I wanted was a convenient way to carry my 2G Nano so I could listen and manipulate the controls with the iPod handy yet out of the way. This lanyard does an excellent job of providing that and I would recommend it to anyone.So why four stars? Well, for a few reasons:--Only available in white. I have a black 2G 8GB Nano. I'd have liked to match it.--No lock or release on the base that connects to the Nano. While the connector does fit snug with the Nano and doesn't disconnect so easily from the Nano that I'd fear it might fall off while walking about, I would have felt more secure with some sort of lock or release mechanism holding it in place.For this reason I would not recommend the lanyard to anyone doing any sort of strenuous activity or exercise--but hanging loose around the neck really isn't the best place for the Nano then anyway. The armband would be more appropriate.--NOWHERE on the packaging did it say this was for the 2G Nano! I had bought a 1G Nano lanyard at a local store and had to return it when I discovered it was incompatible (the dock connector and headphone jack on the 1G and 2G Nanos are NOT the same distance apart). When this 2G lanyard arrived, I could find nothing on the package that said for 2G Nano, so I opened it very gingerly thinking I had received the wrong lanyard and would need to repackage it and send it back. I was very relieved when it did fit! Regardless, there should be a very clear For 2G Nanos only! label on the box to alleviate 2G Nano owners' fears and to warn 1G Nano owners.All in all, I am very happy with the lanyard. It keeps the Nano handy while leaving my hands free, and that was what I was looking for",pos "It's been through the wringer, and has had no problems after about a year. I came here looking for a replacement cap, but can't find one on Amazon",pos "I downloaded the driver from Trendnet's website before installing the adapter. I did not encounter any problems at all, including the issue that some users had with it disconnecting when they plugged in another USB device",pos "The Sennheiser HD600s have only one thing wrong with them: they'll change you from someone who enjoys good audio... into an audiophile! I've been known as a videophile for many years over on one of the top AV forums, but I've always been satisfied with merely decent audio. Until now.I'd previously ripped all my CDs into the (previously quite impressive) Windows Media format at 192K bps, but that's now useless. With the phenomenal ability of the Sennheiser HD600s to reveal all the subtle nuances of your music, listening to compressed discs is like listening to your music through a thick layer of vaseline. Here we go again... it's time to rip everything into lossless format.I cannot recommend these headphones more highly - they are simply extraordinary. When your tastes become accustomed to this level of quality, though, life's going to get a lot more expensive, as you try to update everything to match your new level of sonic differentiation.Still, this is a bloody miracle. My ears have finally been opened. Wow",pos "Having been a buyer of Sennheiser products for over 10 years, I feel it is time I endorse a product I truly believe in, and have never been let down by. Including service and customer satisfaction.Each time buying a Sennheiser product, I found myself stepping up to the next level of their headphones, because they simply keep improving their technology to the point that what you used to own by them gets overwhelmed by the latest headphone they offer. When I bought the HD-600's, I had just come away from years owning the HD-25. When these encountered a technical problem, I replaced them with a backup choice, the HD-25SP's. The difference in sound going 'lower' down their scale of products was just too much to bear. So I bit the bullet and went higher.Whether you use Sennheiser's merely for pleasure, or for studio work, the accuracy of their sound, and what you get for your money cannot be beat. My HD-600's ran into a small technical glitch (and Sennheiser were extremely helpful in getting this fixed and replaced within 2 days of receipt), and I swear I nearly cried in their absence. HD-600's give you a clear idea of how things were recorded, how good your system is, and what truly sounds inferior. You never listen to things quite the same way again.The reason my reviews of Paul McCartney and John Lennon albums from the 70's all comment on how inferior the recording quality is (especially compared to the so called ''Economy Class Beatles'' George Harrison's and Ringo Starr's albums from the same decade), is down to what HD-600's reveal. My main source of media tends to be Vinyl, because Compact Discs and DVD's still cannot capture what analogue/turntable equipment captures. Vinyl is simply warmer and more 'round' in comparison to its digital counterparts. And when listening to badly recorded albums, HD-600's make you wonder if you spent more on your headphones than the artist did using a studio. HD-600's are the reason I mention time and time again you are not getting value for money when buying Lennon and McCartney solo albums. Listening to ''Take IT Away'' from 1982's Tug Of War reveals an annoying tape hiss coming from the left side of the stereofield. Which sounds much like someone forgot to 'silence' a track that had a recording on it, before the instrument actually showed up in the song. It sounds totally like electrical / amp noise coming from equipment, and Geoff Emerick or George Martin just simply forgot to keep this track silent until the instrument that occupied that track appeared in the song.It gets much worse than 'Take It Away' on Paul McCartney albums, and even more painfully so on John Lennon albums. But listening pleasure can be found recording wise on their solo albums BACK TO THE EGG, RAM, DOUBLE FANTASY, MILK AND HONEY, and some portions of BAND ON THE RUN, and WALLS AND BRIDGES. #9 Dream is simply a gorgeous recording, it's just too bad the rest of the album doesn't sound as good as that one song.When you listen to your CD's, vinyl, DVD's in whatever room of your house your speakers are, the room dictates what you hear, no matter what you've spent on speakers, power amps, woofers, sub-dividers, etc. Whether you have wall to wall carpeting, high ceilings, low ceilings, plaster or cement, wood floors, a more long than wide room, it all affects how sound reaches your ear. Which is why on a great set of headphones, you are more likely to hear HOW those sounds were meant to be heard, how they were recorded, and how much time was spent doing it. On speakers, McCartney's JET sounds quite full, though the snare is a little thin. But when hearing the album with HD-600's, the drums nearly become non-existent, and all the inconsistencies of the recording become so apparent, you wonder if the mix was sabotaged by someone. McCartney on drums is not a miracle, especially when you hear many of the mistakes being made by someone not as confident on that instrument as they are on Bass.Can I review anything without bringing up Lennon and McCartney? Quite possibly Dog Food. But so far, they come up pretty regularly. Makes you wonder if I'm trying to prove a point doesn't it.Albums that are phenomenally recorded get due justice with Sennhesier HD-600's. They truly do. Some noteworthy recordings from the 70's and 80's when recording technology (for popular music) was just beginning to reach new highs, that are all HD-600 friendly:Isao Tomita's The Firebird (1976)George Harrison's eponymous album (1979)Steely Dan's Gaucho (1980)Joe Walsh's The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get (1973)10CC's The Original Soundtrack (1975)Godley & Creme's Consequences (1977)Supertramp's Crime of the Century (1974)XTC's Black Sea (1980)Peter Gabriel's 3rd album (1980)Kate Bush's The Dreaming (1982)Earth Wind and Fire's All 'n' All (1977)Level 42's The Pursuit of Accidents (1982)Billy Cobham's Spectrum (1972)Frank Zappa's One Size Fits All (1975)Ringo Starr's Goodnight Vienna (1974)and a truly incredible sounding album from the 90's, Prince and The New Power Generation's ''Symbol'' album from 1992.Albums NOT HD-600 friendly:Todd Rundgren's Hermit of Mink Hollow (1978)Blue Oyster Cult's Agents of Fortune (1976)Paul McCartney's Venus and Mars (1975 - and quite a few others)John Lennon's Imagine (1971 - and avoid 1970's Instant Karma like the plague, the piano track will hurt you . . )Yes's Fragile (often the guitars and keyboards hit frequencies that cause a lot of crackling and clipping)and surprisingly enough, many remasters of albums once on vinyl or antiquated CD reveal the errors of fixing something that ain't broken.If you have to save up for a pair, or do some heavy searching for HD-600's that are affordable, do so. In over 10 years I have never been disappointed by anything Sennheiser distributed, especially when I kept up with their pace.",pos "I just purchased one of these and was a little sceptical after reading some of the reviews that stated how difficult it was to load the information into the unit. I had no problem at all. In fact it was quite simple. I am truly amazed at how acurate and easy to use this unit is. For the price, you can't beat it",pos I bought the Transcend 1 GByte card for my PDA. My Axim x51v immediately recognized it and is working flawless for the past few weeks. I am planning to get the 4GB model too which is currently retailing for $90 to $110 elsewhere.Har,pos "I was mislead with Amazon review which said it supports conversion to MP3 format with the software supplied, it does not. The help quite clearly states You cannot convert a file into an MP3 file. It will convert to .wav then you can use a 3rd party program to go to MP3.If it had MP3 support (at least conversion on the PC from the Sony proprietary format which is .msv) I would have given it 5 stars due to the good software supplied and the amazing sound quality possible. It you record in full quality mode (1.25 hours with built in 32meg memory) and listen to it again with good headphones it does sound amazing. The Voice Up (so you hear each person in a conversation) works very well as do other nice features.But it is let down with the software supplied not performing MP3 conversion. Going to .wav then .mp3 with another program is a pain and simply converting to .wav to get away from proprietary .msv takes up too much space.But I would buy one again, as it is very easy to use, small, and very high quality. I just hope Sony would listen to consumers and support MP3",pos "This is the same cartridge I can purchase elsewhere, but cheaper. It works well in our printer with no issues whatsoever and my HP printer prints fantastic photos when I use HP ink and HP premium photo paper",pos No complaints - I'm pleased with the quality and price,pos "Before I bought this device, I was trying to enjoy the Hearts of Space website, This American Life and other NPR shows available for online streaming. Only problem was, I didn't like being shackled to my computer in order to hear them. I did some research on the internet, read a lot of reviews and ultimately decided on the Logitech Wireless Music System. I would like to echo all the positive comments recorded here.It was indeed quite fast and easy to set up. No lengthy manuals to read (thank goodness.) I did not find it necessary to load the CD software that came with the device. If I want to listen through the stereo, I plug in the USB. If I want to listen through the computer, I simply unplug the USB. It's very simple.I am 100% satisfied with the sound quality. I would not be able to tell the difference between FM radio and the online streaming. However, I do have to turn up my stereo about twice as loud when I am sending internet audio streams to it using this device, than when I am listening to a CD or the radio. On my stereo (which isn't fancy), this does not cause diminished sound quality, so I'm perfectly OK with it. I just have to remember to turn down the volume before switching back to CD or radio listening.If you are wondering whether the device will be compatible with your stereo, check for two things. First, your stereo has to have a set of two holes side-by-side that are for the twin plugs generally colored white and red. I'm sorry I do not know the technical names for these things, but there's a picture of the red-and-white plugs on this Amazon page in the Manufacturer's Product Description section (just scroll up until you see it.) Second, your stereo has to have a button that will let you switch to Auxiliary input. My stereo has this, but my portable CD player/cassette player/radio (AKA boom box) does not. If it is important to you to be able to use this on a portable player you can carry around the house and/or outside, be sure to check your player for these two things.Overall I am very satisfied and quite happy with the product",pos The HP12C has been an essential in my personal productivity tool kit for over 20 years. I bought my first one when I was a consultant and it lasted until August 2006. It withstood all the travel and constant use well. I use it for simple and complex math; statistical analysis and financial analysis. It is much faster and simpler to operate than a PC. My new one has all the same great features. I highly recommend this for someone who is frequently required to perform mathematical and financial analysis.,pos "I bought this mouse and have used it for over a year now. The nice part about this mouse is the range and the fact that when it works, it works beautifully. When it doesn't work, it is erratic and locks up. Turn it on and off and while the LED will light up, it will still not work well. This is the hint that the battery is low. The mouse comes with two rechargable NiMH AAA batteries. These are 650mAh batteries and are not the best. I bought 4 1000mAh AccuPower NiMH batteries. I keep 2 in the charger. These batteries work great and when fully charged will give me a month of use at about 8 hours a day. But as soon the mouse starts to get erratic, you have to swap the batteries. Do this and you will really like this mouse.Another nice feature for this mouse is the range. You can use your laptop as a DVD player connected to your TV and sitting out of the way. The mouse makes a nice remote control",pos This is a great printer. I have used it several times and it makes great pictures. I had some pictures taken at a low resolution and the print still turned out looking great. Tried this on a regular printer and the print didn't look near as great. A great feature is proof sheet print of the pictures you have. You can also add a border to your pictures which makes things nice for postcards.Colors are great and vivid. Also the prints look like that purchased from a photo shop. I have not tried printing to non Epson paper so I can't say how prints would look. I know that Epson printers look the best printed on Epson paper.,pos The camers is good in picture quality and easy to install and use. It's multi utility for desktop and notepad is a very good feature which I personally expected. I have a complete satisfaction,pos "Although the rear speakers need a power plug, this system solved my problem of being unable to run a signal wire to the back speakers from the front. The sound is OK, not awesome, but not bad. Better than the TV speakers by a long shot. They can also be nicely controlled with my Harmony remote",pos "very good, worth the money. If you want a louder one, go for Z 535",pos "Never been game player much since pong-Purhcased BF2 last December for the PC and loved it. Flying was limited though-util I purchased my G7 from NE and have been enjoying MUCHO fast speeds, easily adjusted, and for internet parusing it has a built in back button. Have to change out battery every two days but gives plenty of warning and is always charged when I need to replace. Absolutely the best mouse I have ever owned.",pos "I love this keyboard.After searching through just about every keyboard available, I was torn between this and a gaming keyboard that was triple the price. I'm so glad that I chose this one.It is excellent! The quick access buttons are great and you can set them up almost any way you want. It's a great keyboard for gaming, office use, media or just ordinary, everyday use.They keystrokes are effortless and near silent. The slide zoom feature is cool, but I don't use it much. It's better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it though.I really love the quick access buttons which allow me to pull up my files, e-mail or web pages with immediate ease. The only thing I don't like about this keyboard is the sleep button. I NEVER use this and I can't see any way to reasign it. However, it is out of the way and not a big enough deal to lower my rating of this sweet keyboard.Aside from all of that, how can anyone complain about a keyboard of this quality for such a great price. And it was delivered the day after I ordered it.To top it off, it feels sturdy and well made. I would reccomend this keyboard to anyone. It is a great all around keyboard with either USB or PS2 connectability",pos "I have been into MP3s since 1996 - I used winplay, and l3enc, and thought it was the most amazing thing ever. I bought one of the first CD based MP3 players, and then a Nomad Jukebox with a whopping 6 gig hard disk... next was the 10 gig model, and then I upgraded to the Nomad Zen 20gig with USB 2.0. The Zen went with me everywhere - Africa, Europe, My living room.After about 70,000 hours of use and abuse, it finally died.I needed a replacement, so I looked at iPod, and Zune, but why would I stray from Creative Labs? Besides, it's better in every way - better screen than the ipod, better interface than the Zune, and a better battery than either one.When I plugged it into my computer, I was blown away. XP found the player, and without any drivers or proprietary (think iTunes) software, I was able to drop my non-DRM ;) mp3 files right onto the generous space available. I was listening to my music in mere minutes without installing anything, or ever being forced to reboot my PC. I transferred a couple of movies and I'm looking forward to my next flight",pos "This is my first time ever buying a really expensive MP3 player. I bought it three weeks ago. If I hadn't seen the Creative Zen Vision:M, I probably would have bought the Sandisk Sansa E260. I love being able to bring my cartoon/tv shows over to a friends house so we can watch them on the tv. There is one problem I've had with it. I'm not sure if anyone else has had this, but there is some slight static noise that happens once in a while when I'm listening to music. I don't think it's the MP3s, because I've never ran into the problem with my other MP3 players. If only they would've added the video cable for the TV and kept the charger, then I would've rated it a 5",pos Bought this DVD player 4 days ago and have enjoyed it ever since. It has many features and a good picture. You can't beat the large screen. I like the zoom feature especially. Another feature I like is that the battery fits flush with the dvd player in back so that you don't have a bulky protrusion when it's attached.The sound is not loud as others have said but I have yet to find a portable DVD player that has good sound. You'll have to use external speakers or ear phones(included). Another thing I notice is that DVD-RW or DVD+/- R are not supported. They play but the menu system does not work. You have to access the file manually. That being said I cannot find this size dvd player anywhere else for less than $299. The shipping was fast and free. There is a stamp on the manual stating that the unit is sold as-is but the unit I got was brand new and not refurbished. So far so good. I don't thonk you will be disappointed,pos "I have been using this card for last 6 months, no problem so far. Rebate takes some time to arrive",pos "I was really pushing the limits of my mid-range Monster surge protector with 2 TVs, a 2.4Gig P4 with desktop TV, DSL, two printers, and .....drumroll please.....a fridge all crammmed into a corner office setup about 7' wide. The Belkin Gold unit with RF/EMI suppression up to 75db cured all the rattle and hum problems with speakers, satellite signal, the dirty line into my modem, and a week later I haven't had to reboot my system once. Amazing!I had already had a great experience with a Belkin SurgeMaster on my Home Theater setup, so I went one level up with this Gold unit. One of the better investments I've made lately. I paid $60 at the local Office Depot, the price Amazon is advertising is ridiculously low at $35. Belkin.com's price is about $70 so my advice is to buy this unit now before somebody at Amazon wakes up and jacks the price.",pos "I bought this recorder to use as backup for real-time event video recording. I have also used it concert settings. The record quality is astounding, full range of dynamics, using both the stereo mini-plug input and the 1/4 inputs. It is mostly being used now to plug into sound boards to record long event audio. First thing I did was to upgrade to a 4GB Compactflash card. The provided card is too limited.Battery life is adequate for hour plus recordings, and connection and downloading to PC is a breeze. The WAV files are really high quality.It all works as advertised. The only minor glitch I have had, is that when you first try to start a recording, it gives a media full message, even tho the media is empty. Then you select record again and it records just fine. I went several iterations with Tech Support, who were very friendly and helpful, but the problem has not been resolved. I also suspect the 3rd part flash card may be contributing to this glitch. I would buy this recorder again",pos I am glad I bought this backpack. It exceeded all my expectations. I strongly recommend this one,pos #NAME?,pos "I got this less robust remote because I only wanted to use it on one system. And I was able to set it up and program all the different buttons, and it all fits nicely in my hand. They have great customer support available on the weekends. The best part is everything goes on and off with one button!THE DRAWBACKS: a couple of buttons you can't program or use for anything. And my goofey tv has 3 component modes and this thing is set up for 2, so getting it to sink up right is tricky, and it's constantly getting out of sink.",pos I must say Moster XP speaker wire makes a huge sound inprovement on mt 6.1 home theater setup my side and rear channels are so clear and crisp .I have these runing threw my walls and ceiling and the intall was a brezz do the jacket by these cables you will love them for your surond speakersWayne mn,pos "I am a soldier serving in Iraq. I bought an Ipod while deployed and figured it would get ruined by the dirt, dust and my combat duties. I was fortunate to find the iSkin Eclipse. It is perfect for this environment. It completely encases the ipod to protect it from dirt and dust. It also has a hard exterior faceplate the protects the ipod from damage.The Eclipse also makes it easy to use the controls; even when playing the new games put out by itunes.To put it simply I am one happy soldier, thanks to the iskin Eclipse",pos It helps proteck your ipod veary well. I already broke one ipod some how but with this case it well never happen agai,pos "Ok, so I upgraded form a 30 inch LCD to a 50 Plasma screen, all the sales guys kept trying to get me to buy a power center. I came home did some research and chose this one, if it didn't improve sound or picture at least i knew that the equipment was protected from power surges.I hooked everything up last light and turns it one. OMG!!!! amazing, my Yamaha receiver and Wharfdale Diamonds 8.2 no longer sounded muddy but insted bright and even toned, the kick from the sub was tight no sloppy and precise, it turned a good system into an eye opener. The Sony progressive scan and LG plasma now are like looking at real people no a screen , the HD stiff is simply the best , digital cable it good and the dvd's are quite near HD. All in all I would highly reccomend this to anyone.The blue light is quite bright but i placed a piece of blue painters tape over it and it is no longer a problem. the voltage meter light is adjustable and not an issue. I now know the voltage in my home ranges between 123.5 to 121",pos "Needed better protection than my $10 surge protector for my HT setup now that I have a couple DVRs & a plasma. Filtering would be a nice side benefit too. Very little $$ more than the power-strip design units I was looking at (& now I see it dropped even lower!).Pros: Build quality, fit & finish, plenty of outlets & diversity of outlets for me, nice form-factor compared to power-strip design, cool looking LEDs & meter.Cons: Those cool looking LEDs cannot be dimmed & are too bright (esp the blue one!) if facing HT viewers. I just blocked the LEDs w/a black card. CABLE/SAT cable filtering no good for my digital cable provider (Cablevision)... Caused more artifacts on HD channels, so couldn't use the cable line filter.Bottom line: Seems a great deal esp at the new even lower pricing @ Amazon",pos Actually 4 and a half stars...I borrowed one of these Logic3 amplified Ipod speaker systems for a weekend camping trip and was impressed with the sound and portability. I decided to buy one of my own after looked at several other makes and models all of which were more money. Plenty of connectivity along with base adapters to hold most Ipod models securely. The little subwoofer and 'ambiance' switch make decent sound even at non-annoyingly low volume levels. Close to being a steal at the $59.00 I paid for i,pos Excellent sound from phones and microphone. Comfortable on head and ears. Plenty of cable. On cable controls are handy.,pos "I was looking for something suitable to house my sansa, and this fit the bill better than most. The leather case is superb, looking sharp, snug and protective. I enjoy the fact you can still easily access the buttons and menus through it. Both the leather case and the larger case have an atachee on the back, if you wished to connect them to the cord that comes with it. The cleaning cloth works as well as any lense cloth, great for cleaning. The screen protector is a pain in the rear to apply without bubbles, still haven't figured out how yet, and I may trim it to make it more visually appealing. But, really, if you invest in a product such as this, it really makes sense to protect the easily scratched screen! The larger case is compact and protective, having a small storage area, yet the cover is a bit unsightly because of the cheap, generic looking Sansa logo. Only other complaint is that the leather case goes on a belt, but not as a removable type. Only if you put it on when putting on the belt, which can be impractical in some circumstances. This way, I suppose, it wouldn't be able to fall off",pos I wasnt sure how these Iron-Ons would work since one of the ratings on them was negative. But I just did a practice iron-on on my daughters shirts. It was so easy and they peeled off very well. My girls love their shirts with their own pictures on them. These are a great buy and worth their money,pos "While thinking of ideas for my church's 75th anniversary celebration, I decided to make T-shirts and sweatshirts using iron-on transfers and my ink jet printer. I chose the invent it! brand from Hammermill papers because it was the most cost-effective (cheapest). I created the design on my computer and tried it out on the transfer paper. The results were outstanding for a do-it-yourself project. I followed the instructions included with the transfers and it was a piece of cake. One thing that I did find out - keep the transfers dry after they have been printed. One got wet in the rain and it spotted very badly wherever a rain drop came in contact. This product also does a very good job in black and white, not just in color. The shirts that I did, laundered according to the instructions, came out of the wash lookin' good. I won't hesitate to use this product again in the future. However, I am now having trouble buying it locally, since my previous source no longer handles this product",pos "We purchased the YSP-1 in August as a companion to our Hitachi Ultravision wall-mounted television. What a fabulous piece of audio equipment!When we began searching for a replacement for our Infiniti surround system, my husband and I had different concerns. He is an audiophile that demands wide range digital sound with full depth of field and I was ready for aestethic simplicity (no speakers throughout the room and wires everywhere). When we found the YSP-1 we thought it was too good to be true. One speaker instead of five? Wall-mounted? Doesn't take up any floor space? We visited two Yamaha dealers to see it for ourselves. One had the YSP-1 set up in a room environment. The other, on the salesroom floor. In both set-ups it performed consistantly. In both demonstrations however, my husband felt the low-end sound could use enhancement. So, we made the purchase and opted to use the YSP-1 with our existing subwoofer. Installation was fairly simple, provided you have the necessary tools. The most important, and time-consuming part was leveling and centering the speaker under the television. Now that it is installed and in use in our home, I feel the low-end sound is quite adequate and prefer not to use the sub-woofer. My husband though, prefers the earth-shaking action sequences in movies to mimic their intended theatre quality sound. More than movies the sound quality you get when listening to CDs is absolutely stunning. Overall, we both got what we wanted. Expert sound designation and sleek, minimalistic styling (with the added bonus of more floor and wall space).",pos "You bought the IPOD Nano basically for its looks. Buy this for the same reason. Its so cute and fits your Nano exactly as you wish. I bought an item from another company and though it was cheaper, it looked dirty on my computer table. This one has the Apple look",pos "I chose these by reading other reviews on Amazon. I am pleased with them and recommend them. Good sound, light weight. The best feature is that they do NOT leak sound yet you can still hear loud noises around you. This is perfect for an ipod-using NYC subway rider. Don't want to annoy others by leaking sound, but you have to be able to hear if there is exterior noise, at least enough to know to turn down the sound and find out what's going on.Only con - Once you lose or wear out the removable spongy pieces I'm not sure where you can get replacements",pos These ear buds are great for people with small ears. I've tried several and these are by far the best. It comes with 3 sizes of buds and the smallest work best for me,pos This is a terrific phone. It has a ton of great features and the three handsets is very convenient. This is the only phone that I use now. I only keep one analog phone for power outages. If you're looking to clean up a little bit of phone clutter this is a great way to do it,pos "We are very satisfied with our purchase. This phone system is great and very easy to use. Super clarity, volume, etc. Also, super fast shipping from Amazon. I chose Super Saver shipping and it arrived in less than 24 hours",pos "I saw the other reviews and was hoping I would have the same experience as the happy reviewers. Well, I got the cam and it was easy to install like they say. It just takes a little tinkering, with the PC options before you use it. With the mic and software it comes with, you get a lot for your money! If I bought a cam in the store, I would have been mad to lose out on this PC camera. It is SWEET",pos "ok mimo is becomming popular ....i dont give a darn.my home net work relies on a cable modem(moto4200)+wlanRoutermy house is 2 story high and it's made of steelbar re-enforcedconcrete... with brick wall here and there...since the internet performenc is lower then 9mbits max...all i wanted was penatration through the concrete floor..i 'v used pen type? usb adapters and so on ...but they werealways short in range ...but g120 was another demention ...allover the house allrange !when i put this close to the walladjacent to the negihbor's house, i was able to update myneighbor's router firmware (i've done it twice already)speed is not the main concern in my case .but you guys should know about it's response speed . its alittle slower then pcmcia types even if i use usb2.0 connectionbut i think thats because my lap top is running xp-pro onceleron 800/256mbram. as long as you have a good pc(faster then mine~!)you wont have any problems. it's not that hot dont worry!i wont give this product 5stars because it's not small enough.who needs mimo. !ps: use the zero config not the stupid utility",pos This extension cord did what it was supposed to do and did it just fine. No problems whatsoever,pos "As soon as I bought this from Amazon, the price went up from $21 to $ 37. I was going to buy another one, but the price is too high. Overall, this is a great product it has everything you need.However, I wouldn't buy it at the current price, I'm waiting for the price to go down before I buy another one",pos work fine with my hp pavillion zd7050. increase the performance of my laptop,pos "I tried all the rubber vinyl plugs that came with the E3C's, but they all had the shortcoming of not effectively sealing the ear canal making bass very poor, and they were uncomfortable. The yellow foam plugs are easy to use and work just like the ear foams many people use in industrial applications. They effectively seal the ear canal and are very comfortable. Although they seem a bit expensive I've found that once they get dirty you can use water and a bit of dish detergent to clean them. Just soak, squeeze, rinse and let them air dry and they are as good as new. You can do this three or four times, then just toss them away.Highly recommended",pos "Once THE speaker of choice for every hard rockin' audiophile with a big enough garage, Klipsch fell off the landscape for a while after being sold to a corporate conglomerate that didn't know the real value of what they'd bought. But after another buyout by a small group of genuine audiophiles, Klipsch is back on top, from a sound quality standpoint -- and it shows in the ProMedia 2.1 THX.I have my trio connected to a new Mac Pro desktop unit and the sound is absolutely magical. Yes, there are more complex set-ups, with 5 or 7 speakers spread out across the room, but if you just want the magic without the madness, the Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 THX is an incredible (and very affordable) solution that's quick and easy to configure in about 5 minutes.Of course, there are other 3-speaker desktop systems by makers like Logitech, Cyber Acoustics, and Intec, but here's the difference: Klipsch is a true speaker company that connects great speakers to your computer, while those others are computer peripherals companies that one day decided to make speakers. NOT the same thing. The only brands that are true competitors to Klipsch in this area are Bose, Harman Kardon, JBL, and Altec Lansing. I find that the Altec Lansing and JBL 3-speaker sets both sound nasal and tinny on the high end, while the Bose and Harman Kardon sets sound great, but are more expensive. So, after a good look (and listen) around, I went with Klipsch.In any case, this is an incredible sound set-up for your computer-based music player and should not be overlooked. Enjoy",pos "This splitter was set-up as part of a configuration that splits one line from the street into three and then into sixteen ports and a line to the cable modem for a fraternity house. I used this brand of splitters and a moterola amplifier all the way through, and the results were amazing. The picture quality is crystal clear, even when almost all of the ports are in use, and the internet is blazing fast. Compared to the set-up we used to have, with some cheap splitters and a radio shack amplifier, these pieces are WELL WORTH THE SMALL EXTRA COST",pos "These cables are super with my new DVD player. There is absolutely no interference from my other home theater equipment. The picture is soo clear, and vivid. The cables themselves are really made well, they could hold up 100 pounds of weight no doubt. If you get these Monster cables you won't be sorry",pos "I previously had a 2.1 sound system for my computer, that were pretty good a few years ago when I bought them. When I decided to replace them with these I was rather happy with my choice. The sound is extremely clear and crisp, whether it be music or games, and I am very pleased with them. The only downside to them is how many extra cords there are behind my desk, but you have to expect that with a 5.1 sound system",pos I am glad I bought this backpack. It exceeded all my expectations. I strongly recommend this one,pos "These are really great. Super noise cancelling. Affordable. They cover my ears completely without problem. At first, the headset was a bit tight, so I stretched the top headband upwards a little to relax or slightly loosen it. No more problem, while still having a snug fit. These headphones also fold up very compact, have two plug adapters and a nice durable sack for storage.If you buy these, just make sure they fit well for your ears. If so, these are great; if not, try another type. Like all things that touch the body, it is best to try at a local store, before you buy it.This is the lowest price I have seen for this product.",pos "I am happy with my purchase. I only bought it because I don't like the idea of going deaf listening to loud music through earphones. I would not use this product to entertain at a party, but it serves my needs",pos "On a recent trip, I was 23 hours in transit and couldn't have made it without this little device. It powered my movies and TV shows for at least 12 hours or so without a flicker. I was worried that the four AA batteries would make it heavy to carry but it didn't matter when the device was sitting on my tray table. Besides, it was comforting to know that AA batteries are ubiquitous throughout the world. By the way, I substituted the original batteries with Duracells on the advice of previous reviewers",pos "I bought this battery pack for a 10 day trip to Italy and I am very happy with it. I never had to change my batteries once and I listened to it all the time. Reading other people's reviews I threw out the batteries it came with and used different ones and it worked great. The only complaint I have is the suction cups aren't that great. Several times my Ipod came off the suction cups and being on a plane with minimal room and people sitting next to me trying to get my ipod off the floor is not fun.Overall, I recommend this product. It is a little bulky, but if you're someone like me who cannot live without music, it's a great product to have if you aren't going to be able to charge your Ipod",pos "I have seen many reviews about problem with the volume control. I experienced the same thing until I realized that I mistaken the up & down buttons with the + & - buttons. The volume works just fine on my wife's old Sony receiver. The remote is quite nice and it does everything the iPod control could do. As stated in others' reviews, you can't read the screen from a distance, thus rendering the ability to scroll through the menu with the remote a bit pointless. However, it would be worse if the remote couldn't scroll through menus.It is compatible with the latest video iPod. I have the 60 gig iPod but I do notice a slight hiss coming out from the speakers. I listen to classical music and the hiss bothers me. I bought this for my wife and she is not as picky as I am in terms of sound quality. Then again, I don't expect high fidelity quality from this small setup. Since I have this little gadget for my wife, I bought the Squeezebox for myself from Slim Devices to stream music which sounds a lot better.In summary, this dock does a good job and the design is not bad. The construction is solid and I like the light on the remote. If you are looking for great sound quality, I haven't encountered any dock that is better than this one, so this might be your best bet. The Apple A/V cables work fine as well but it is more expensive than the dock and I see more value in this dock",pos "I'm really happy with this purchase. I was worried that it would not work with Rhapsody (which is the media player I use the most), but it proved to work well with it. In fact, it works with all the media player I've thrown at it, including Windows Media Player, MediaLife, RealPlayer, iTunes, Rhapsody, DivX Player, WinDVD, and PowerDVD.All the buttons are functional (and I worship functionality - hence the 5 stars), although Firefox users have to deal with extra configuration steps to make the back and forward button work. No biggies, though, since setting up is really easy. Basically all you have to do is open the SetPoint software that was installed with the driver, point to the intended buttons that you want to program, and assign a corresponding keystroke to it. In this case, it's Alt+Right for forward button and Alt+Left for back button. Click Apply and you're good to go a-browsin'!!Battery life so far is really good - it's been going on the same set of Duracell AA batteries since I got it 3 months ago, and still going strong.The RF range is really good, although admittedly my room isn't big enough to really put its range to the test. Dorm-dweller users should be happy with the range, though. You could just lie on your bed and only lift one finger to control your music or movie.This mouse is also great looking; not cheap-plasticky but actually sharp and slick. It does feel a bit odd to the grip when using as a remote control, but as a mouse it's really sturdy and ergonomic.I can't comment on installation since it's been a while since I first used it, but I guess no impression is good impression - if it was troublesome I'm sure I'd remember.I'd second the other reviewer's gripe about how most cordless keyboards come with a mouse, and this fantastic mouse doesn't come with a cordless keyboard... But it's a great buy, all in all",pos "It would seem, even to a non-tech, that someone has switched your Uniden mobile/base tech. data around. Secondly, terms such as standard mean less than trustworthy when applied to sensitivity and selectivity. Please don't feel I berate these 2 fine products.However as I am a com/tech. I would like the actual bench test measurements for an informed recom/purchases.Also I would like to know If Cobra 1000 or 2000 series are availible as they still have the best selectivity and sensitivity that I have had on my bench yet.Thank Yo",pos "Until an accident caused one bud to stop emitting sound, these were my favorite pair of earphones. They were comfortable (I often left them in when I went to sleep), affordable, lightweight, durable, and had good sound quality. I used them with my Sony CFD-V5 boombox, my Oritron OP5034 portable CD player, and my RCA RP2410 MP3-CD player. On all three, bass and detail was great, and there was no distortion at a higher volume. All in all, these earphones were a great value; the only possible downside is a bit of fuzziness in the sound, which I got used to rather quickly and began to prefer over my other earphones (it lent a bit of warmth to the music). I plan to buy another pair in the near future, and I highly recommend that you do so as well",pos Ordering was fast and easy. Could not detect any inferiority in the cartridges and will order them again,pos "I received it today, and it's a monster. If you've seen one in a store, it looks twice as big on your desk. Until a few hours ago, I was running two 20 aluminum cinema displays on a PNY 6600GT. After doing online research about using the 30 display under Windows XP, I found that the functional cheap solution being used is in fact the PNY 6600GT (Verto 128MB DDR3 with two DVI connectors). Considering that the other two most noted solutions, QuadroFX 4000 AGP or Parhelia DL256 PCI, are going for $600+ on ebay, I was willing to give my old beater a try. Besides, I didn't feel like buying another AGP card with PCIE taking over the world, or sacrificing the only PCI slot in my Shuttle XPC (SB75G2).To my great relief, the monitor worked on the card right away, even showing me the POST and Windows start-up screen (it did for the 20 displays, too). But to my absolute delight, the card is actually running both the 30 and a 20 in 32-bit color. The 20 looks absurdly small next to the 30, like I didn't water it enough or something. The 30 is enormous enough that I think it might be better were it curved! Maybe I'm just sitting too close.The only problem with the 6600GT is that the DVI jacks are so near each other that I had to take the plastic housing off of the 20 plug to fit it below the 30. I'm not a gamer, so I can't say whether the card performs well for that. It feels as zippy as with the 20 on regular windowing tasks. I use Eclipse, Flash, Photoshop, etc., but no video editing or 3D stuff.The screen had a slight warm cast that I didn't like. Nvidia's control panel let me adjust it manually, and now my 30 and 20 look almost identical. My biggest fear was of course dead pixels. By the good grace of lucky ducks, this is the third panel I've gotten from Apple with no dead pixels. Brightness is uniform but for a very very subtle drop in the far lower left and right edges. It's not apparent unless you put white there and actively look for it.In any case, I bought it to get more programming panels on the screen at once, and it does a fine job at that. I'm using the 20 for browsing and, alas, a few panels that STILL don't fit. Apple, where's 3840 x 2400?? I strip one star cuz it's crazy expensive.",pos "This screen is great.Upgraded from a 23 and the increase in realestate is awesome.You can play games with crystal clarity; have so many pages up and read them clearly.You will need a graphics card that supports Dual-link DVI, not a card that says dual DVI.I installed the GeForce 7800 GT on my PC and it works flawlessly!The Quadro cards are great, but big $$$.The 7800GT can be had for under $300!Here's a list of cards for PC and Apple:NVIDIA Geforce 6800Ultra DDL AGP for Powermac G5NVIDIA Geforce 6800GT DDL AGP for Powermac G5NVIDIA Geforce 6600 PCI Express for Powermac G5(PCI Express)NVIDIA Geforce 7800GT PCI Express for Powermac G5(PCI Express)NVIDIA QuadroFX 4500 PCI Express for Powermac G5(PCI Express)For the PC Windows platform, the following graphic cards support the Apple 30 Cinema Display:NVIDIA QuadroFX 2000NVIDIA QuadroFX 3000NVIDIA QuadroFX 3400NVIDIA QuadroFX 3450NVIDIA QuadroFX 4000NVIDIA QuadroFX 4400NVIDIA QuadroFX 4500NVIDIA Geforce 7800GTNVIDIA Geforce 7800GTXNVIDIA Geforce 7800GTX 512",pos "Outstanding item. Plenty of room to carry dvds. Enough padding to protect the player, but not too bulky",pos "I ordered v8 as soon as it was advertised by Garmin but they shipped v7 instead. Six weeks later I got the v8 update dvd. My wife and kids had to make due with v7 while in Madrid. She was pleased with the accuracy and said it enabled her to travel around with confidence. However, she noted that Madrid was undergoing quite a bit of major road construction and she got stuck in multiple traffic jams on the major highways. In the end, she would veer away from the major roads and let the unit re-calculate her route.",pos "If you understand this product's limits before you buy it, you'll be happy. It shows topographical contours, rivers and most streams for the entire United States. In addition to that, it shows roads that were in existance 10-20 years ago. These major roads are also named.The limit is that newer roads don't show up. It also doesn't support auto-routing, even if your GPS does. Garmin sells other products that are tailored for road navigation but you have to do some independant research or logical deduction to figure out that this package isn't suited for it.The product support could be better. Neither the manual nor web site tell you how to load all 3 CDs on your computer so you don't have to swap CDs when transitioning between zones. The company's web site doesn't give a good explanation of what the software can and can't do.You'll be disappointed if your expectations aren't grounded in reality. Garmin could help alleviate this problem by making this information readily available",pos "I am very pleased with my purchase of the Envision EN-7100 monitor. It arrived in perfect condition, no dead pixels. I resisted spending the money on a new monitor for a long time, but now I'm glad I made the switch to LCD. The color and clarity is wonderful. Most of all, I love having all this extra space on my desk. For the money, this is a great monitor",pos "I just recently bought a Sony DVP-S560D model DVD player to replace my older, more out of date player. I hooked it up, and to my surprise, it wasn't any better than my old player as far as quality. Then I purchased S-Video cables from Monster Video and now the colors are more vibrant, the picture is in higher-res, and I can see every little detail on the screen. The picture quality that these S-Video cables produce are surpassed only by component video cables, which cost many times more the price. If you are considering buying these cables then just consider that for the price of only one DVD, you can get better performance and picture quality",pos "I wanted to thank amazon for their quick response to my first order not arriving. within a week they sent me another. I have been using it everyday, and have not gotton lost. I install wood flooring in NJ PA NY, works like a charm. I use it with my palm treo 700P.",pos "For the most part, I do find HP ink to be the best. However, every now and then a new ink cartridge is bad. One of the colors doesn't print for some reason. My opinion is that these ink cartridges are just too expensive to be getting any bad ones",pos "I used this card on my Nokia N70 for storing mp3 files. Granted I can't fit my entire music collection on it, but if I wanted to, I'd buy an iPod. This is perfect for listening to my favourite songs on the go, as well as taking pictures and video clips! Highly recommended",pos I purchased this product to use with my Camera. The charging lasts very good time. Would recommend this product to others. Good work Amazon,pos "I love sound systems. So when I got my new reciever (Sony STR-DE898/B) I hooked up the new speaker wires with the THX Certified Gold Plated speaker connectors and wow what a difference. I miscalculated how much wire I needed so my rear right speaker does not have the new speaker wire, I can hear a light and day difference in sound quality. Needless to say I'm ordering more to complete the job. The monster fiber optic cable is a must as well. I can hear sounds that I normally couldn't on my old system. I like testing sound with: The Hulk (the scene were he tears up the tanks), Saving Private Ryan (taking the beach), and Open Range (Gunfight at the end of the movie). In all these movies there are small sounds that you can distinctly hear now that I could not before the new wire and connectors. Excellent product",pos "This is my first mp3 player so I researched it carefully before making my decision. The gorgeous screen, the wide number of codecs it supports and the 30gb hard drive were all selling points. I'm so glad I bought it. Videos look great on the screen. Some need to be converted over which is a slow process but in general I love it. The built in speaker doesn't do it justice. Even on the included earbuds the sounds quality is amazing. Making playlists with the creative software is very easy. My biggest problem is the lag of accessories for it. No case, no screen protectors out for it. I'd love to see a docking station that lets you record to it as a dvr the way the archos players do. But for the money it looks to me to be a far superior player to the Ipod or the Zune.",pos This adapter can not be used with the Garmin 330,pos "A little bouncy while running, but a convenient product. Fits perfectly around all of my MP3 players (large and small)",pos "This is a great phone. Memory is easy to progam. The phone has 3 memory keys for emergenies and 9 additional memory keys for personal numbers. It can be used on a desk or hung on the wall. The only thing I don't like about the phone is the buttons on the handset. However, I knew about this feature before purchasing the phone. I would recommend this phone to anyone who is looking for a good basic phone",pos "I did a lot of research on Amazon.com before I finally decided on this mouse. I wanted to replace my (extremely) small Kensington USB mouse with a retractable cable. At home, I use a Wacom tablet. Next month I am traveling abroad, so I wanted a slightly bigger mouse that can handle more frequent use than the Kensington. Wireless was key for portability. I also wanted something rechargeable, and I didn't want the USB adapter sticking out.I received it today, and I'm on my first charge. So no comments on batteries (which can be replaced with other AAA NiMH for optimal performance if desired anyway).- I have large but skinny hands. Mouse is small, but its long length helps in terms of where to place your fingers. Of course convenience is not comparable to a full-size mouse, but if you want portability, this is about the right size.- I have a PowerBook that runs Tiger (10.4). Excellent Bluetooth connection. Also very good response, very little delay. Only reservation is for the scroll wheel, which requires subtle pressure for accurate scrolling - this is ever so slightly uncomfortable if you have large hands, because the mouse is flat and your hand is adjusted over the mouse so that it is a bit hard to apply adequate vertical pressure on the scroll wheel from that position. It is hard to explain, but not a big issue for me.- USB charger works well. The added size of the USB adapter helps with comfortability (still flat, but becomes an otherwise full-sized mouse) - despite the fact that the cable attaches to the bottom of the mouse.- As mentioned by others, installing the batteries is a challenge. Pull the notch on the bottom of the mouse as you slide the top (part with the Anycom label) away from the clickers. Once I figured it out, not so hard.Overall, I don't seek perfection anyway, so this mouse does the job adequately for me. I haven't tried any other Bluetooth mouse before, so I'm more or less in awe",pos "This card has been working great for me so far after over a month of heavy use.512 MB is more than enough space for anyone with a 5 MB or less camera, assuming you transfer photos off your camera fairly regularly and are not shooting hundreds of photos at a time. With the 1200x1600p setting I use on my camera most often, this card holds over 400 photos, and it will hold even more for those using a more email-friendly setting. Do the math to figure out if 512 is the number for you, but I've had no problems with SanDisk products",pos "I have to admit, I'm a GPS junkie. I've had a variety of GPS units over the past decade and currently own 3 - the c340 being my latest acquisition for use solely when driving.I am greatly impressed with this unit. It was fast to get going right out of the box and after the initial satellite acquisition and almanac download (for those who are interested, when a GPS unit is turned off and moved a significant distance, say 300+ miles, from where it last thought it was, it needs to recalibrate itself by downloading the current almanac of satellite positions from the GPS satellites. This can take a few minutes.) In any case, after the initial automatic recalibration, the unit acquired satellites quickly whenever I turned it on.The user interface is very easy to use. I've used Hertz NeverLost systems for years and have always thought they had a good interface. I think Garmin's is better.One highly useful feature is the ability not just to search for Points of Interest (POI), but to have the unit search for those points of interest that are along the route you are currently navigating. This allows you to identify, say, hotels along your route while you are driving and then, using the telephone info provided by the unit, to call the hotels up and see if you can negotiate a lower rate before you arrive - let your fingers do the walking...If you don't tell the unit where to look, though, it can take quite a while to search for a Point of Interest. I didn't know which city to specify and I did a search for Eagle Rock Rec (I was too lazy to spell out Eagle Rock Recreation Center which turned out to be about 175 miles away) and the unit chugged away for several minutes but eventually came back with the right entry for me to navigate to. I later realized that even though I didn't know the exact city the destination was in, I did know a city that was near the desired destination. When I specified that information, the c340 took only a few seconds to find the right location.The advanced user can also create your own POI lists complete with custom icons and load those into the c340. I have done this for all In-N-Out Burger and Krispy Kreme locations. The advantage to having your own custom POIs even though these places are in the built-in POI list is that the custom POIs are visible on the c340 map screen at certain zoom levels. If you are a Geocacher, you can do the same with geocaches, but you'll still need your handheld unit to find the cache.The newer (and more expensive) c5xx units evidently have the Sirf circuitry in them which is more sensitive, allowing signal acquisition indoors, but I found the sensitivity of the c340 to be fine - especially since I have limited my indoor driving lately :-). I haven't tried the c340 under a thick tree canopy with cloud cover yet, so I might change my tune. The comparable c5xx unit at this price point, the c530, lacks the c340's text-to-speech capabilities (this prevents the c530 from announcing street names).Since I already have a Garmin handheld GPS unit as well as Garmin's MapSource Topo mapping software, I used the unlock code that came with the c340 to unlock my MapSource maps for the unit. I then loaded the topo maps for the entire Western US onto an SD card (between 300-500 MB) and plugged it into the c340 to see what would happen. It worked! So now I have the c340's excellent built-in maps and POIs for on-road trips *and* Topo Maps available to me for off-road adventures.One thing you should do if you are in the US is enable the unit's WAAS capability (the default is for WAAS to be disabled). Enabling this capability increases the accuracy of the unit when certain satellites are in range.Also, since this unit has a touch-screen, fingerprints on the screen are inevitable. You should *never* use an ammonia-based product (like most window cleaners) to clean electronic screens - it will cause them to fog. Instead, use those little antiseptic alcohol towelettes. They are cheap and if you don't use them for cleaning your touch-screen they might come in handy for first-aid.I give this unit a highly positive rating. I like it",pos "This paper works excellent in the hp series printers. I have tryed many other makes of Photo paper and they just don't cut it. Some other makes don't dry in a timely manner, others have a dull finish them, some have a red tone. This HP Photo paper allows you to print store developed quality photos from your hp printer. You get what you pay for... This product is worth the money....",pos "I've used this card for a while now and i'd say that i like it overall. the power usage is great. the drivers have been vastly improved and now you are able to scan for networks. Those of you who are interested in wardriving should look elsewhere. If you want to use netstumbler or pocketwarrior in windows or kismet and airsnort in linux, either go for the linksys wcf12 (prism based) or lucent orinoco based pcmcia card. if you're looking to run just 802.11b and check email, stream music, browse the web, etc, this card will be perfect plus it'll save you some battery power",pos "I am a typical college student, I am not a photgrapher to be or anything, so this digital card was perfect for me. I get about 330 pictures on my second best setting and have never come close to taking that many pictures. I believe this card is great for anyone who is not obessed with taking pictures, or to someone who loads them on quickly. :",pos "Easy to use, nice (in appearance), very comfortable (lots of space) and at an excellent price! I highly reccomend it",pos I recommend this product! is an excellent purchase option. Excellent product quality in performance and looks. No product out there in the market looks as good as this one,pos "The sound is fine, but the mic is not so good, too much background noise. The headset is quite loose but it's ok when you get used to it.",pos "These are the only earphones worth buying for your iPod. I tried to get some cheapies after I lost my originals, but they were horrible. These are a little expensicve, but so worth it.I don't use the pause/skip attachment thing though. It makes the cord too long",pos I'm using them a lot.Never failed - keeping up to 16x speed,pos High quality disks. Never a bad burn. Fast delivery. Buy this from this selle,pos "I opened it, I put it in my PSP and that was it. I had plenty of space on the memory stick and I personally didn't have to do any special formatting I just popped it in and that was it.I did want to add, buy this online because in my comparison shopping it was much more expensive in brick and morter stores I visited",pos Easy to install and use but the remote does not have an on/off switch,pos "The cd player works well, just wish the random play would work for all of the cd's instead of only one",pos The product is fine however when i ordered i added a gift card to the payment. The gift card was not used and the purchase was paid in full with my credit card. Is my gift card still valid,pos The Microsoft optical wheel mouse is a great product. It is worth every penny of the purchase price. A great value! It is so much better than my old mouse with the ball in it. The optical wheel mouse is much more accurate too. The best purchase I ever made,pos "Great quality. I had a problem initially with XP Media Center compatibilty, but it works now after downloading an update from Logitech's website. Recently, the sound is cutting out when communicating with my girlfriend across the country. I think it might just be her interet connection though (we both have the same web cam). As long as we restart the video call, then the sound comes back. I am using Windows Live Messenger as the video call program. I have never used the cartoons that it comes with. The video quality is very good when recording a video for email",pos "The headset works great, comfortable. I just wish they had better sound quality...for instance when playing music",pos "I bought these headphones on the recommendation of a friend, and he was sooo right! The moment when the noice-cancelling algorithm kicks-in on a noisy flight is just sublime. I frequently use them without input, just tuning out the background noise on the aircraft...they even work well on squalling rug-rats a few rows away...",pos "This amplifier works as stated. Increased my modem downstream from -7 to +9. No obvious loss of noise ratio and upstream signals. All TV channels are much sharper! The cables came with the amplifier are two RG59 cable lines. For minimum loss of broadband signals, I suggest you replace one of them with R6 cable to carry the cable signals. Use the RG59 for the power supply only",pos If you want very basic capability this is the wireless adapter for you. Slow but steady and inexpensive,pos "I bought this for my Tivo, hooked it up the day it arrived and haven't touched it since. Great value",pos People buy expensive av cables because of most people would think that more expensive cables will work better and last longer. I've found that it's more a matter of quality control. I'll roll the dice with cheap (price) cables untill they fail on me,pos Great cable that works as advertised. Why spend $80 on a name brand cable which performs no better or no worse. Connected a third gen Mot 6412 DVR with HD to a Sony 36XBR800. Great picture. A name brand cable will not transmit your digital signal 6' any better than this Cables Unlimited brand will,pos The only thing you will need when you buy this package is some extra paper! I love the fact that Epson advertises realistic figures for this package. Some other printer makers do not do this!,pos "I installed the roady in my car a few days ago.my wife has a xm radio in her new vehile so i was some what familiar with the xm radio.the only reason i didn't give the roady 5 stars was that the signal to the indash radio is poor.on the front of my in dash stereo there is a aux. input which i plugged my roady into and the roady plays crystal clear,however this connected is not mentioned in the roady instruction manual.i have three vehicles and all three have an aux. input on the front of the cd player that i plug my mp3 player into.xm radio was running a special and i got the unit and the car kit for 40.00.all in all the roady is awesome",pos "I have purchased these and other rechargeable batteries in the past. Generally I like the PowerEx batteries the best, but these Energizer batteries have really outdone the others. The seem to have the best capacity and last the longest of all the batteries I have. I have used them in my Canon S2-IS digital camera and have taken over 400 pictures during a weeklong vacation with no problems, and no recharging during the vacation",pos "There's no need to take anybody else's word for specs on this Sony DVD player when you can view or download, for free, the user's manual at http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl/model-documents.pl?mdl=DVPNS90V&LOC=3. I've been running this Sony DVP-NS90V player through a Sony widescreen HDTV and a Pioneer amplifier/receiver for several days now, and I find almost none of the problems and limitations mentioned by previous reviewers. One, for example, states that there is no bass management, yet you can (a) route more or less signal to the subwoofer by selecting small or large for the front speaker size (see page 76 of the user's manual), and also (b) increase or decrease the bass from -15 dB to +5 dB (see page 77 of the manual). Whether you prefer analog to digital audio, or you think SACD's are tops, is a matter of opinion, taste and choice and not an objective evaluation of a playback unit. I, for one, prefer DVD-Audio, and I mention this for an important reason: Some product ads and the user's manual clearly warn that this unit will NOT play DVD-Audio discs. Happy surprize: it most certainly will! For my DVD-A's that have optional Dolby 5.1 and/or DTS tracks, the player simply ignores the primary DVD-A format (normally output via the 6 analog cable connectors) but still plays the Dolby or the DTS via the digital audio (optical or coaxial) connectors. For pure DVD-A's (without Dolby 5.1 or DTS tracks), it conveniently outputs the audio BOTH via the 6 analog AND the digital connectors. And in all cases above, the audio is full multi-channel surround, and not downmixed to 2-channel PCM, nor Prologic pseudo-surround. The only DVD-A function it lacks is the video slideshow often included on DVD-A's, and so displays only the jacket image onscreen. The Quick Setup allows any DVD newbie to be up and running in a short time. And the Custom Setup is so detailed with so many fine tweaks and trouble-shooters that it's bound to please even the high-end audio-video geek-freaks. In short, you'll find this to be a superior universal player, provided you read the user's manual (all 84 pages of it!), follow it, and connect equally high-quality, compatible equipment capable of exploiting its many fine features",pos "...what it has that the xr55 does not: HDMI, dual-amping of front mains now available during 5.1 playback, one extra set of component inputs, and all-channel stereo (called party mode on other receivers).Otherwise the internal components are identical, so expect similar performance---in other words, outstanding SQ when matched with the right speakers, blows away all other receivers under five hundred bucks and most under a thousand.See my lengthy review of the xr55 for more details.Boutique audio shops do not want you to know about this product, because it'd put them out of business...they make much higher margins selling you receivers costing several times this Panasonic's prices, since their profits are usually a fixed percentage of the street price.",pos This is the second Brother HL-2070N printer ive owned. The first died during a storm and I forgot about electrical surges. The only negative on this printer is a slight curling of the pages. It is fast and reliable. The prints are crystal clear. I would recommend this product to everyone,pos "Much cheaper than other Sony machine. Works fine -- then again, I wasn't looking for anything fancy. Don't have problems with the speakerphone or message recording as the others did. I like the dual keypads",pos "I've had my Epson 1280 for over two years now and consider it money well spent. I run exclusively on Linux (currently Gentoo) and the Linux support for this printer (using CUPS) is superb. All modes, resolutions, etc. are supported. I use this printer a lot for engineering work printing B-size (tabloid) drawings and it works great for that.Like just about every review states, this printer slurps ink like Homer Simpson slurps beer. Because I don't print many color photos this is not a problem for me--if I was doing that I'd get the Niagara system other reviewers cite. I've researched the Niagara system and it looks like a good deal for heavy users.My main complaint with this printer--and the reason why it only gets four stars--is the ease with which the heads clog up. This printer wants to be used constantly. If you let it sit for a day or two it's almost guaranteed that one or more of the jets will clog up and you'll get streaks in the output. Then you have to either press the front-panel control or, in more extreme cases, run the head-unclogging utility (on Linux I use mtink) to force the printer to 'blow out' the plugged jets. When the printer does this it blasts ink through the heads wasting even more of the pricey ink. Do this enough and the reservoir the printer blasts the ink into (a sponge-sandpaper-like thing) will overflow and cause the head to smear ink all over the paper. That's when you get out the Windex and paper towels and clean up the mess (google the web for details.) Because of this 'trait' I would not recommend this printer for casual users.Still, for B-sized printing and high-quality photos, and considering how well supported it is under Linux, there's not much else better out there",pos "Having owned a 1280 for a year and a half thus far, I can say that this printer is for somone who wants a reliable and problem free large format printer that produces on target results. The drivers at least for Mac OS X are easy to understand and reliable. The ability to manage the printer such as doing a nozzle check and a head clean right from the application that is going to be printing, is a vey nice touch as well. However, it is the colors that this printer gets high reviews from me. By using mat or glossy photo paper and making the proper print settings, one can get nice rich colors that are on cue. Thus this printer makes good for doing proofs. As an artist and Graphic Designer, having this quality is a blessing since this print cost $ 400 at the time of parchase. Compare that to profesional quality workhorses going from $2000 on up. Also being able to print up to 13 x 19 save me loads of time since that cuts down on the number of trips to my local print service to have them do my print outs on there large format printers. The only minuses are that one needs a generous amout of desktop realestate to acomadate the 1280 as it is almost twice the size of a normal 8 1/2 x 11 printer. Also one needs be prepared to shell out some payolla as the ink cartriges can get pricey. But what inkjet dosen't have that problem? Anyway that little expences is nullified by savings of not having to go to my print service so often. So any one looking for a good large format printer that produces some good printouts and not have to pay an arm and a leg for it, the 1280 is a very good cadadate for that job. So I'm giving 5 stars on the Epson 128",pos "I ordered the 4 meter cable which was pictured with 24 pin connectors and received one with 18 pins. Found out that the missing middle 6 pins are used to transmit audio which my monitor doesn't support anyway. Originally, the DVI-D specification allowed for both a video signal and an audio signal, but most manufacturer's have only used the video portion. If you need a DVI-D cable, an 18 pin connector will most likely work since most devices won't process the audio signal anyway. There are a few (very few) devices that do use all 24 pins, but with the advent of HDMI, nobody really makes them anymore",pos Product came in as describe. Super clear picture quality as it's supposed to be as Monster Cable brand,pos "The Sennheiser HD 205 is great value for money. The design is not only comfortable, but takes out a lot of ambient noise. This headphone does not have active noise reduction but does a good job with its closed design headphone.The right-side is able to swivel backwards, so you can answer a phone call and not need to remove the whole headphone. This swivel was designed for DJ's to do sound mixing, but works well for other purposes as well.I also like its strong bass and great clarity, where I could hear sounds in music that I did not hear before. This headphones not only works well for music, but does great with your favourite action movie. You will hear how close the sound is, and have bullets whizzing past you and swords meeting like they are just around you.Below are the technical specifications:Acounstic principle: Dynamic, closedEar coupling: Supra-auralFrequency response: 14-20,000 HzMax SPL at 1kHz, 1 Vrms: 112 dBTHD at 1kHz, 100 dB SPL: < 0.5%Impedance: 32 OhmsWeight (without cable): 206 gSingnal cable: 3 m copper cable (OFC), single-sidedConnector/adapter: 3.5 mm stereo jack with 6.3 mm adapterThis headphones comes with a 2 year warranty and a protective pouch for the headphones",pos "I bought this phone at Amazon, and I am happy with it. Provides very good sound quality, comfortable navigation,address book and Caller ID.With its 5.8 GHz frequency speed, it is much better than my previous one which was Panasonic 2.4GHz and did not have light signal on handset when you have a new message.",pos "takes a little time to start operating, very good for the price a little trouble using it inside ca",pos "This simple device is reliable for fixing positions. And If you know about coordinates, you can set it in, and bingo. You can compensate what it lacks of by using coordinates from a map while you paid unexpensive",pos "What a wonderful surprize. It took about ten minutes to install them to my HP Media center computer. They replace speakers that came with my 19 monitor which were lousy to say the least. (speaker make with held) But the vs 4121s surpassed all my expectations. While I am not an audiophile, I do admire and expect good faithful sound reproduction and these speakers more than do the job. I don't understand how the more expensive ones can do any better. Suffice to say I am completely satsfied and would highly recommend them to anyone looking for their moneys worth",pos "This was a breeze to setup, even with WPA2 to ensure privacy. I also hooked up an Xbox360 and it has never failed in since I bought it about 6 month ago.Much better value then your average gaming adaptor since it has multiple ports so you can hook up all your gizmos at the entertainment center rather then buying a wireless adaptor for each (i.e. Tivo, PS2, etc...)I love it, and for the price, you could not beat it.",pos "Having a TV in the car make the carpool-commute a little easier. Obviously, the driver can't watch it, but the passengers can. All of the chords and connectors are included. Great price",pos "This is my first time ever buying a really expensive MP3 player. I bought it three weeks ago. If I hadn't seen the Creative Zen Vision:M, I probably would have bought the Sandisk Sansa E260. I love being able to bring my cartoon/tv shows over to a friends house so we can watch them on the tv. There is one problem I've had with it. I'm not sure if anyone else has had this, but there is some slight static noise that happens once in a while when I'm listening to music. I don't think it's the MP3s, because I've never ran into the problem with my other MP3 players. If only they would've added the video cable for the TV and kept the charger, then I would've rated it a 5",pos "Earlier this week I received the factory referbished Samsung HD841. I have had a few days to use it and compare it to my other players, mainly my Philips 642, which have been excellent players for me. This Model does well. I don't understand why this model has such a rough reveiw. Note, this model has the DVI output, If your TV has an HDMI port, you will want to check out the Samsung HD 850 (identical otherwise). First, this model has component, composite and S-video hook ups, as well as the DVI port (still have to run seperate sound out with DVI). Also, this model does feature digital coax sound out and optical sound out as well for systems that can handle 5.1 THX. Many upconvert models do not have the digital outs on lower priced models. The picture quality is great, at 480p comparable with my Philips. Again, The upconvert works well out the DVI hook up to my TV, but to be honest, it is hard to tell any difference between it and a good 480p progressive scan player, at least on my tv which is a 23 720p LCD. Menus also are a bit difficult to figure out at first as well. The user manual is less than impressive at explaining thing, in fact, it does not have an index. But, it the main thing is that the player is does perform well, and is a name brand product from samsung (I have had some offbrand experience and have had perfomace problems). THis player also appears to have DivX available on it, not noted in the product discription, so that was a suprise as well. This will allow the use of MP4 movie files. The remote again is bigger and at first more difficult than my other players, but after a day or so it actually is better because many of the features are available to change at the push of a button instread of going through the menus. In all, I will continue to explore this new player, but in all it seems to be a quality product that has received some bad flack. So give it a chane, the prices are good currently, quality has been good, and it is a Samsung.Note to the technosavy: I have not had luck using the component upconvert code that is available on other web sites, so I am using my DVI input for upconvert. Also, the new Blue ray (HD 1080p) DVD players are out, so if you have the expensive hi res tvs that can handle this, you might want to wait and save till you can get the new DVD players.Note 2: the factory referbished models come with a DVI cable, a 20-30 dollar value that many don't come with",pos "This was one of the cheapest tv mounts and it had all the options the expensive ones had it will pull away from the wall as well as allow the screen to pivot up and down.It also compacts up close to the wall.I dont know what other features someone would want in a mount.It is also very smooth when it moves and there is not any deflection or sloppiness in the construction, altough I only put a 14 lcd on it",pos "There is a light that ALWAYS stays on and it is distracting, as others have noted. Otherwise, it is great. Good design, works well, no complaints. But that light...WHY did they design it with that?",pos "Protects the Garmin's 60 screen from scratches, but interferes with the button operations a little. Worth the hassle to protect the screen",pos "This unit works very well and we are very pleased with it. Nice construction, good sound quality on both ends. We're concerned about battery life as in # of recharges before performance decreases, but no indication right now that is an issue. I would have give the product 5 stars if it had been cheaper. This class of device is overpriced in general. Amazon's price was very good, but overall still seems over priced. I would definately buy another from Amazon as these are 25% more at other places.",pos "This cable does improve the image quality but not by much. I was dissappointed to see very little difference between my standard PS2 stock cable and the moster cable I bought. This is not to say that the Monster cable is bad, but it just isn't worth the asking price. If you see on for under $20 then I recommend picking it up, but other than that, just avoid them because there isn't much better out there",pos "BREAKING NEWS: If you are buying a new video playback capable iPod, please look for the new iPod Universal dock, which has s-Video output for both photos and video. It is also ready to accept a control remote so you can control your iPod from your sofa.Is this expensive? The answer is probably yes. This dock was included on the original iPod Photo of late 2004 (priced $500-$600), the dock was removed as Apple lowered the prices this year to their current levels for color iPods. However, for a couple of uses: high quality home audio and Slide Shows on hi-res TVs, it is a great alternative.This dock basically serves three purposes:- The traditional synch & charge function available since the early days.- It helps you get Line output out of an iPod. Line output is a cleaner, higher quality sound output than the usual headphone output out of the miniplug jack. It is the best way to connect your iPod to a home stereo or home theater.- The super Video out for color iPods. This function is something you cannot get without the dock. So, if you like to show your pictures to your friends & family using a hi-res TV (Plasma, LCD or a Flat Screen) this is a great tool to use. As an alternative, if you do not want to use s-Video and are OK with regular digital video out, a cheaper alternative is the Apple iPod AV Cable at $19 from the Apple Store or similar alternatives.In summary, buy this if you hook your iPod to high quality audio equipment or if you regularly do hi-res slide shows on your TV. If you don't do it, it's just too expensive as a synch/charger, since anything you need is in the iPod box",pos "I bought this backpack for walking to work each day with my laptop and various other items I need to carry back and forth (umbrella, lunch, spare battery, paper, etc). It's well designed and constructed and has fulfilled all my expectations. Its size allows me to carry a hefty foldup umbrella which can lie horizontally. I was concerned it size might make it intrusive or awkward, but it's not.My only minor complaint is that the buckles on the shoulder straps slip gradually and need to be tightened every couple of days",pos "This bag is fantastic,comfortable to carry, fits loads in,protects my laptop,doubles as hand luggage.No complaints at all. Best bag I've ever bought",pos "Seems nowadays everything uses AAA batteries so this 30 pack is perfect for just about anyone that needs them. You know who you are. The ones with the video games, remote controls, clocks, and whatever else you need. Expecially good to get during the holidays, you should never be without",pos "Received it pretty quick, but it was SDSDQU-1024-E10M. There isn't any difference just it comes from Europe instead of the U.S. That was pretty odd but otherwise it works",pos "My experience, with several repetitions: The adapter, continuously plugged in, continuously on, works for about 10 days, then stops working and drops the connection. It won't restart. The only way to recover is to unplug it, plug in your spare (you do have a spare, of course), and let the Netgear WG111T cool off for a couple of days. Then you plug it in again, and it works for about 10 days...",pos "A super picture with this cable! For the price, you've got to try this before spending hundreds of dollars on others. I give it 2 thumbs up",pos I purchased my first Roadmate in August 2004. Since then I have taken it to various places in North America. It's gotten me out of some tight spaces. I've never gotten lost while using it.I purchased the second one when the voice interface on the first failed. I sent it in for repair. (The extended warranty had just run out about 2 weeks earlier) The new RoadMate arrived in two days and has worked fine ever since. The old Roadmate was returned to me repaired in about a week.I gave the first one to my wife and she has used it with success ever since.Pros: Easy to use. Amazing detail.Cons: Sometimes takes a long time to acquire satellites Original mount is useless after about a month. I got aftermarket tripod for each unit and they seem to work fine. Software updates are expensive.,pos I have case logic CD wallets from 7+ years ago that are still in good shape...despite the abuse I put them through. I bought this one only because of CD collection expansion. I find simply wiping off the outside cover with a wet sponge keeps it clean. The nylon covers really hold up over time. Remember- the 128 cd capacity refers to CDs without their accompaning booklets. It's really 64 CDs with booklets.,pos "This charger is designed for every iPod EXCEPT the Shuffle. The Shuffle connects via USB, this charger uses FireWire.Every iPod charges while connected to a computer via FireWire or USB 2.0, but this charger allows you to charge your iPod in a wall outlet. In addition to the charger you will need a connector cable. You can use the one that came with your iPod or buy a second one. Hook 'em up, plug it in the wall and get on with more important things while your iPod charges.For international travelers, the plug pops off and you can purchase the correct plug for the country you will be visiting. Great feature!I have an iPod Dock connected to my stereo and use an extra connection cable along with this plug to ensure that my iPod doesn't run of of juice durring parites and long playing sessions. I highly recommend the Power Adapter to iPod users who want the flexability to use their iPod on the road or in conjunction with a stereo",pos I didn't buy this on Amazon but wanted to say this device is great. The only bad thing was MY laptop is old! Can't go wrong with this one,pos Our new VCR/DVD player is wonderful. Set up was easy and I am even able to record-- something that the set-up configuration on my last model was unable to do. Delivery was even faster than expected! Quality is teriffic and price was reasonable,pos "My old DVD would not play some of the many new formats, i.e. DVD-R, etc. This unit plays every DVD I've put in it with no hassles. The VCR has an auto tracking adjustment feature that seems to be fool proof, no stutters or static in the sound. And the icing on the cake is the remote. I understand it! Plus it controls my television functions. Excellent price and standard excellent Amazon service. Well done",pos I bought these speakers some time back. I was a bit skeptical because the sub woofer looked a little wierd. but once I plugged it in they sounded really good..the remote control is really handy.......If you are looking for nice speakers for dorms or not an apartment these are it....they are really awesome......They go really loud...I owned JBL Creatures 2 before and I prefer these to my old ones.... These Altec Lansings are the best speakers I have ever owned and trust me I have gone through the lot of the,pos "I've been using SBL soundcards for about 3 years. I use it for recording live and with sound fonts. This usb device is easy to set up and the sound quality is great! One installation tip. Initially after I connected it and installed the software, I was not getting any sound, although the software was installed successfully. I rebooted, and everything was detected and has worked fine since. So just remember to reboot after installation.",pos I am a audiophile and am very picky when it comes to buying my toys. I bought these by accident when i was acually trying to buy the hd650's it was too late to cancell my order and since it was half the price i decided to try them out. I first hooked them up to my denon amp and listened to some cds and they sounded awesome. i could hear things in songs i have never heard before. I then hooked them up to my cheapy portable philips cd player just to see what it would sound like. to my surprise it sounded just as good as hooking them up to my denon amp. There was plenty of bass and highs and mids came out very good. the only draw back is that it is open and it bugs people that are sitting close to you. I am glad i got these instead of the 650's cause my friend owned the 650's and if you don't have a amp hooked up to it your out of luck,pos "This little doohickey is exactly what I needed to read my memory sticks. Load the software, plug it into the USB port and you're off and running! The MobileMate is SUPER SPEEDY! The files/pictures pop right up with no lag time. And you can read all forms of memory sticks with this one reader.Excellent value for the price",pos "I'm very happy with this model. I use it mostly as a VCR replacement to record broadcast TV shows. You can't beat the price for this feature-set. I'll try to describe some aspects that aren't mentioned in the other reviews. The owner's manual can also be found online in PDF format.It can schedule upto 16 programs. It does not support VCR+ or a TViO-style program guides. You can enter a title into each schedule that appears both on the schedule list and direct navigator chapter menus. It even sorts the main schedule listing and indicates which events are on the current disk. Every on-screen menu shows you which remote control buttons are functional on that screen.The commercial skip button advances about 60 seconds which isn't quite granular enough, but 2 clicks and a little fast forwarding works well. The remote operations have a very fast feeling response compared to tape players.My only complaint: The remote sensor on the recorder seems to be all the way on right-hand side. When the unit is in our video cabinet, the sensor is in a deadzone for half the room. We can't shift the position much because the disk tray slot is all the way on the left side and won't open if it's too close to the wall. Of course this probably means nothing to you.At the highest quality setting (XP) it made a very good (near perfect I'd say) copy from a 8mm video camera using analog inputs. At that setting, only one hour of content fits on a DVD. The next lower setting (SP) which can hold two hours per disk, the copy from the video camera had some contrast problems. Most TV shows recorded in EP (8 hrs) are acceptable quality although you do see the blockiness and some motion blur at times. This is especially pronounced on animated shows. The four-hour LP setting had no apparent digital artifacts on recorded TV. It also has a Flex-mode option I haven't tried yet in which you tell it how long to record and it will fit the recording to the freespace available on the disk at the highest possible quality. Probably would be good for recording a TV movie.It's too bad other vendors haven't adopted the -RAM format because most of the features on this box only work on that kind of media, but it won't play on most other equipment. The other formats seem lame by comparison, but this unit can play and record on them.Watching one show while another is recording (or the same show that's recording, but from the beginning) is very easy to do. Most of the operations are very sensible and explained on-screen pretty well, but you should spend some time in the manual if you've never had a dvd recorder before. It can do a lot of stuff.One interesting feature is that no matter what input you are using, the signal is sent through the s-video output.It can't burn music CD's which seems like it would have been a trivially easy feature to add. That and a battery backup (so I won't lose my schedule) and wider angle of view for the remote sensor would required get the fifth review star",pos "I purchased the Monster Cable MP HTS 1000 without reading the reviews,(which I don't usually do) for the simple reason of where I purchased my hdtv, Samsung HLS-5687w they were trying to sell me but for a $150, which was too much. I plugged in my equipment to the monster and at first there was no picture only sound. I have directv and they have a connection which allows you to receive digital and analog signals through the same cable. That connection needs to be placed after the monster in the connection loop. After switching around the cables I had a picture again. I can't really see an improvement in the picture quality (HD is beautiful) I bought the monster basically for the protection",pos The 50G is the successor to the HP 49G. They both accept only a maximum of 1GB SecureDigital flash cards since they only have an approximate 1GB operating system file address space. Only about 0.9GB of the SecureDigital flash cards (a little more on the HP 49G than on the HP 50G) are accessible. The manuals only vaguely state that they recognice FAT16 and FAT32 SecureDigital flash cards. The HP 50G has a black case with a black metallic faceplate. The white and orange shift key labels on the metallic black faceplate have much better contrast and are easier to distinguish than the HP 49G red (or tomato) and turquiose shift key labels on the tan anodized faceplate. The black HP 50G looks tastefully geared for serious users. They still have no display backlighting or a color display. The HP 50G keyboard feels a little more compliant than the HP 49G but it would be nicer if they were as buttery smooth as the original early 1970's series of the HP hand held calculators,pos "The convenience of this product is terrific. Whenever I show people how it snaps in half, they're amazed at the ingeniousness of it and they say how they want to get one. Now that all computers have USB ports, I can put my photos into any computer anytime I want without worrying about the docking station. A must-have product for every digital camera!!",pos "Great product. It's two in one. You have it in your camera and take photos, next you can plug it into the USB port and download data. It's worth the money",pos "First time I heard these I was floored by the output. Nice high, mid and low bass sounds no matter what you have going thru them be it music, games or movies. Definately worth the low low price...First person WWII shooter games like Call of Duty sound awesome with these speaker",pos "I am going to strictly comment on the Linksys PAP2. A lot of the reviews on here have been for the Vonage service. The Linksys PAP2 is NOT THE Vonage service, but one of many adapters you can use.I am extreamly satisfied with my Linksys PAP2. It is small, light weight, and perfect for those who need to travel. The voice quality is excellent and people say I do not sound like I am talking over VOIP. There is no line noise, static, popping, etc.I am giving this product 4 stars. Why? Because there is only ONE ethernet port. If you have a router, just connect the PAP2 to one of your available ethernet ports and you are good to go. If you do not have a router, consider getting another Vonage phone adapter with built in 4-port router. There are several.",pos "I read the other reviews and don't understand where they are coming from UNLESS they are all by AT&T or BELL employees. I've had Vonage for 3 years and have nothing but good things to say about it. I have local numbers for Seattle, Salt Lake City, Boston and San Francisco so my friends can stay in touch. These numbers only cost me $4.99/each a month. Customer service is excellent. They stay right on the phone with you until everything works perfectly. This is especially nice after they added 911 service",pos "I'm using Monster optical cable as well, but with different reasons behind. Anybody with a basic knowledge of physics or optics should know that under normal condition light is not susceptible to interference from magnetic field or EMF",pos "This is the best lock you can find for laptops, but I am still not very confident with it. It looks flimpsy but better than others",pos "Installation on a normal home network setup is very easy. My setup was a little more complex due to voip router, and 2nd wireless router. Sling has instructions on their web site but I still had to mess around with my settings in order to get it to work. To work on multiple routers you have to do port forwarding on both routers to port 5001. Once I worked this out everything is great.Video quality is good in the house, haven't tried it from another location. I'm running the Sling AV with Netgear Ethernet power adaptors to my router and then watching TV via wireless to my laptop. Now we can watch TV in any room of the house. My wife loves being able to watch the news in the morning while in the kitchen. She also loves being able to surf while having a show running in a small window on the side.Control of my Dish DVR is very good. We can manage any feature of our Satelite/DVR box. This will come in handy when we travel as we have our sons Seaseme Street shows on the DVR and now we can take those with us on the road.Overall, I'm pleased with the Sling AV. It offers good performance at a great price point. Now Sling just needs to get the Mac version out so I can watch TV on my beautiful 15.4 inch Mac Book Pro",pos "This is a quality built toner cartridge, but for the money, it should have a great toner capacity",pos "I bought this item about 4 months ago and do not have a single complaint. I use it in Chicago. A lot of reviews say it takes a long time to acquire a satellite signal, not true at all. I think the longest I have ever waited was 20 seconds. It does have trouble getting a signal downtown sometimes, when I am surrounded by tall buildings (Wacker Dr.) But this is expected and can be corrected with the purchase of an external antenna.Overall, this GPS works perfectly. The auto-reroute is fantastic, it is very quick to recalculate my route if I miss a turn, and the voice prompts give you plenty of warning in advance of a turn. You will not be disappointed with this purchase",pos "Soundwise the Klipsch Promedia Ultra 5.1s were everything that they were supposed to be. The bass is very powerful and can even be overpowering if not adjusted. The sound is crystal clear and with a decent sound card all of the settings can be tweaked until perfection. Setup was a breeze and no instructions are needed although they are provided just in case.Something to note is the speaker wire that comes with the speakers is a little on the small size and thicker wires should be be purchased if you are picky about your sound. The wires themselves are long enough and there shouldn't be any trouble reaching anywhere assuming you are putting these in a normal sized room. One last thing to know is that there is no optical input for these speakers and only 1/8 plugs for hooking up the sound source. If you want optical you're going to have to go elsewhere.Please note that buying these speakers will not make up for having a mediocre sound card or poor music quality. If you are using most types of on board sound or an ancient soundblaster card it is time to upgrade or else you are just throwing away your money. Same goes for music quality, if you are listening to an mp3 that is below 128kbps the poor sound quality is because of the shoddy encoding, not the speakers. If you can't spare the hard drive space for 192kbps its time to get a new hard drive.Overall these speakers are a great deal. While the price tag does seem a bit steep it is well worth the money for anyone that is serious about their music or movies. For those of you who like to game these speakers will treat you good, however in my past experience a good set of headphones is better than a full blown sound system. Lastly for those of you who like to play your music and bass full blast, don't bother spending the money. These speakers should only be purchased by people who actually care about sound quality. If you are more worried about loudness, do yourself a favor and buy some cheaper speakers, you won't even notice the difference",pos It has some very useful addition from the previous model. It has cut the time of doing my homework in half,pos "Great for frequent air travel to pass the time. Minor complaints - instructions are sparse (had to get my son to show me how to use iTunes & load songs), but still haven't figured out how to arrange songs on the iPod. My problem",pos "This backpack has been such a useful companion for me. There are lots of space inside even for huge text books, and compartment is arranged just right to hold variety of stuff---CDs, DVDs, paperback books, pens, cell phones, water bottles, etc., etc. There are numerous creative ways of storing stuff. Indeed my whole life as a student can be inside at once.As a notebook backpack, this would not provide the best protection. Padding is fine, but depending on how much stuff you have a notebook inside could be squeezed a bit more than you desire. Also, the clip to fix the cover flap onto the backpack almost is broken after a year of daily use for me. I have had Dell 14 and 15 laptops with the backpack and fitting was just fine for securely hold it inside. Wearing comfort is pretty good, and things are quite adjustable for your body.I would recommend this backpack if carrying more than a laptop, e.g., testbooks, is essential for you.P.S., I ended up using a warranty support to fix the buckle. Targus's customer support is first rate---prompt, courteous, and reliable. They actually replaced the backpack with a newer version of the same product. Their service totally make them highly recommended",pos I had to 'fix' this ipod holder with a bicycle hand grip to stop it from shaking my ipod. I have a decent car and the roads are just ok but this thing shakes and shakes. I also put one of those beer coolers around the base of the foam hand grip and its now rock solid. Oh yeah and it holds the ipod just right too. I also put some of those velcro dots on the bottom for a little more security from my cup holder,pos "I hadn't seen this product in stores as I usually would see the white TuneDok which seemed pretty cool but I decided to buy this one online to go better with my black car (I have a white 40GB 4th generation iPod).The holder is everything you would expect and it did work a little better than I expected. It's very easy to just place the iPod in the holder and very easy to take it off. You can do it with one hand. You just pull back the small tab of the suction thing on the back and your iPod is easily removed and ready to go. The additional cup adapters is an added bonus for those who need them, but the standard one was enough for me.The part that is black and holds the iPod is what seems to be the best thing about the product. As far as I know the cups are the same grey color for both the white TuneCok and this black version, so the difference is only in the iPod holder and not the cups.The only bad thing I could say is that the cup itself is made of a rubbery plastic that scratches easily. In fact when I was trying to figure out what the adapters were for (before reading the manual..oops), I scratched it quite a LOT trying to fit the two additional cups together. That doesn't affect functionality so it doesn't make me give it less than 5 stars. A small issue you might want to consider as well is that the TuneDok doesn't hold iPods in their cases. So if you're like me and carry your iPod everywhere in a case you might wan to consider having a case that is easy to put on the iPod and remove it to avoid the hassle everytime you want to place the iPod on the TuneDok.I like how the black TuneDok looks with my white iPod. It kind of makes the iPod stand out more than the TuneDok itself. I think the $15 price is pretty reasonable for the white TuneDok, and this one is too if you're willing to pay the extra $5 for it to go with your U2 iPod. But as I said, I think my white iPod looks cooler in my black car with the black TuneDok anyway.Edit: I bought it for $20, but now it's $15. One more good reason to get this one.I'm not too sure, but it seems like the new 5G iPod fits in the TuneDok. If they do, I bet this product is going to turn into a top seller soon enough as the demand for the black iPods is greater than the white one. Maybe someone who gets their 5G iPod can confirm this, so don't buy this for your 5G iPod unless you're already sure or can try it before you buy it",pos Works better than any other glossy paper I have used with my Epson 960,pos "I purchased this for my wife who wanted a case for herHP Pavilion Notebook PC (DV5139US), screen size 15.4, ht 1.8, wdth 14.1, depth 10.4 . The bag is for personal use, not business, and use will be moderate. She did want some extra compartments for organization.This case has met all her needs, it is light weight, constructed of durable material, well organized. Her notebook fits in this top loading case with ease. She is satisfied with this purchase. We would recommend purchasing this case.",pos "I have owned many Sony cameras in the past and am currently using two right now. The only problem I have encountered with any digital camera is that when you think you have enough memory, you run out when you need it most. That is why I upgraded all of my cameras from 256 and 512 meg memory sticks to the Sony 1 gig. Actually I carry a spare 1 gig too where ever I go.Look, when you take video with your digital camera or you use a high file size (3-6 megapixels) per picture, which you should always do to get the best possible prints made, your camera will need a ton of storage space. Especially if you are on vacation or encounter a great photo moment or maybe even something you hadn't expected like a wildfire, a plane crash, a bank robbery or maybe even a cat in the park having kittens. You can always resize you photos to a smaller size later when you save then to your computer if you want to save space. Trust me, take large megapixel pics now and you will be amazed at how many shots came out better that you expected.You never know. I have tons of pictures that people ask how did I ever get such good pictures of such amazing things. I have a helicopter crash, police car up a power poll, deer in downtown Oakland, house fire before the Fire Dept got there, tons of wild animals, any many more things I saw while I was driving somewhere or walking in a park. If you want great photos you have to be prepared when the moment arrives!Matching a camera with its name brand memory is also a great idea. No problems ever!! The Sony memory sticks I have from 5 to 6 years ago still work great with no problems. They make it fast and easy to transfer data from your camera to your computer. They are tiny wafer thin and extremely light weight and durable. I have first hand knowledge that products with the SONY name on it are first rate and high quality. If you want quality buy SONY",pos "at first, the keyboard looked cheap and the keys were in slightly different places than normal, but after time, I got used to the layout, and found that the keys actually work surprisingly smooth. It probably helped my game a bit. The extra bit on the front of the board did break off after 2 weeks, but I didn't like using it anyway",pos "I bought this speaker cable because I wanted it to fall in a straight line and hug the walls without curling all over the place. This cable does just that. I'm very happy with it. If that is your goal too, I can recommend this cable.Regarding the long standing debate of whether Monster cable sounds better than cheaper cable, I'm not an audio engineer and don't have an opinion",pos "I've used the iTrip by Belkin, the TunecastII by Belkin, and this Monster iCarPlay for getting my tunes to my car speakers. This is the best design and works the best of the three. I like that it can charge my iPod and that the transmitter itself is inline. The signal seems to be decent enough, though of course it crackles sometimes or you hear a bit of static. This gets more pronounced the louder you make it.I think this is the safest for car use. The iTrip is a nightmare because you have to change the station through the iPod. So if you're taking a car trip (I live in NY but went to college in MI -- that's a 12 hour drive) and signals are coming in and out and you need to adjust, you really can't do it safely with the iTrip. The Tunecast is a bit better, but that runs on batteries (the optional charger/power supply that I got for it didn't work). Also, you can tune into any FM station with the up/down buttons, which is good, but you really only need the lower stations. The iCarPlay has 8 frequencies it can transmit over and only 1 button. Though I feel limited by the 8, I don't think going higher would help because there's more congestion. I like the single button because there's no confusion whether you're going up or down and you can press the button, then easily tune the radio up a notch. The other limitation I see is its iPod specific (uses dock connector) whereas the Tunecast just hooks into the headphone jack and it only works in cigarette lighters so you can't use it without a car (or something else with that power source). But considering I bought it to use in my car, it does what it should and does a decent job of it",pos "Works precisely as advertised. None of the complaints in previous reviews hold for my experience. Specifically, battery backup works and sound quality of messages is excellent. Only negative: too many words spoken by the machine and they sometimes seem to overlap",pos We replaced a tape unit with this one and are so pleased. No more waiting for the tape to rewind and this one keeps the messages once played until you remove them. Also very accurate on time. We love it!,pos "The things I like most:1. My recorded greetings (two greetings allowed) and my caller's messages are clear and clean.2. The unit's appearance and styling is sleek and modern. The controls layout is good with everything in view and accessible on the top. My last machine had some of its controls on the sides causing me to have to pick it up and turn it around and around looking for a particular control. This machine is better in that respect.3. Learning to use it is a very easy and intuitive process especially if you have used other machines. The included instructions clearly explain how to use its less obvious features.Things I didn't like: Nothing, really.But some minor annoyances include:1. The electronic accent of the generated voice of the machine was a little hard to understand at first. But I quickly learned its accent. Your callers will never hear it after you record your own greeting which will be clear and sound like you. Otherwise, your callers will hear a default message in the machine's voice.2. I installed the 9 volt battery first and the unit would not turn on when plugged into AC. Removing the battery, then plugging in the AC, then installing the 9 volt battery allowed it to power up and work normally. The battery installation instructions and general installation instructions did not indicate any particular installation sequence requirements regarding the battery",pos "Bought it for my elderly mother, who is getting hard of hearing. The volume control on each handset has helped her a lot. She also says that the clarity from the handset is better than anything phone she's had before. The extra large size base unit dial buttons are also very helpful for her",pos We received our DLP TV stand in record time. We had wanted to get it for a new tv that was being delivered that weekend. We ordered on I think a Tuesday and it was at our office on Friday. It was in excellent shape and we had no trouble putting it together. The tv fit perfectly!,pos The numbers on the clock are not bright enough to see in the day light I wish they were brighter and bigger,pos "Just a note to future readers -If you take Gemstar up on their offer to upgrade this model you will receive some nice new features, however what they don't tell you is that your machine will become PROPRIETARY! All the books you had before will become unreadable and your ebook will only be able to read Gemstar books in the future. This means you are force to buy all future books from the Gemstar catalog only!The new features that come with this upgrade to the 1150 model are hardly worth being locked into one ebook vendor forever. The openness of this little model is it's beauty - it's the last one of it's kind, as all future models are proprietary",pos This was a very highly rated item on CNET. At the price I paid for it at Amazon it was like they were GIVING it away,pos Just spent the weekend photographing and video recording lots of activity and didn't even get close to capacity.This is fantastic,pos "2gb of flash memory will not be destroyed at high altitude or dropped short of shattering the memory stick. A 30gb hard drive as in the iPod 30g (that my son has) is subject to air pressure, shock and temperature domain that a flash memory device will not be subject to. Because the hard drive spins to lift the heads above the disk, moisture from condensation will cause the head to crash if, brought in from a cold car and turned on. I do not know about the iPod but some larger devices have dew point detector that will not spin up unless the air in the device is at safe temp.THAT's WHY..",pos "I am pleased at the sound of these speakers. I feel that for the price, it was a good purchase. The carrying case that is included is a nice addition. You can use the included A/C adapter or run it on batteries. Not only do I use these speakers with my iPod, but also for my Mac Book laptop. I don't need an overbearing sound, but these portable speakers are just right",pos "Kit completo para colocar una peque�a red inal�mbrica casera, sin problemas. Sencillo de instalar, tanto que cualquier bolsa sin experiencia puede hacerse con este kit. Tiene se�al fuerte, sin atenuaciones.Saludo",pos "I purchased a Sony WEGA 27 inch tv. I took advantage of it's rear component input labeled video4. I connected my Sony DVP360 Dvd player. With dvd viewing, the movie Dinosaur, Bug's Life, Toy Story 1 and 2, and Vegas Vacation, the colors were very vibrant, details were dynamic, and the picture quality was very accurate in at least 480 lines of resolution. I have viewed these same movies on larger screen HDTV's such as the Pioneer Elite and was disappointed??? Glass picture tubes provide a more realistic picture. I can't imagine that I can do any better for my television than these cables. I am completely happy with dvd movie watching on my Sony WEGA with these Monster component 3 cables",pos I had a game that would not even play on the xbox because it was so scratched. After using the Game Dr. It works perfectly. It is like i bought a brand new game. The Game Dr. was pretty easy to use too,pos "This is a fantastic home projector. I am a very picky electronics fan. This exceeded my expectations. The colors are RICH, bright & great.Panasonic produces best colors. I own their camera, camcorder & now this. I am going to buy their HDMI DVD playe",pos I have paired this with my Linkysys wireless-g router and I have not had any problems with either. The modem installed without any issues. Prior to this modem I was using an RCA which began having connection problems. Since the Linksys install I have rock solid connection to the internet and a more stable wireless network. Previously I would expirience intermittant drop outs and would have to reboot. Currently I couldnt be more satisfied has been a good 3 month,pos "The product was easy to load onto my Windows based computer using Windows XP. I connected everything as instructed and as soon as I plugged in the TV cable to the back of the modem, My internet explorer picked up the signal and put me at the log in page for new accounts of my cable provider.The modem comes with both a USB and 100T ethernet adapter port, so use whatever way works best for you. I tried them both and they appear to work at the same speed. I am guessing it all depends on the speeds your cable provide is delivering.Amazon had the best price on the product if you have the time to wait for their free shipping. I ordered some stuff from them in the past and the free shipping seemed to take forever.You may want to factor in paying the additional cost for shipping when buying this product if you need it right away. The price, even with the additional shipping charge is still a little less expensive than Best Buy. The cost difference between buying it at a Best Buy store and Amazon online will not be much, and you'll have to wait a few days to have it in your hands, but you get to avoid the drive to the store. I went this route, paid the extra shipping and waited for my package to arrive. If time is not an issue, then use the free shipping method and you will discover that Amazons Price can't be beat, it is the lowest price anywhere.",pos "I bought these for my dvd player. They work wonderfully! The old analog cables that came with the dvd player looked alright but [didn't measure up}. These monster cables definately enhance the sound of my dvd movies, especially the dialogue. The old cables that I had made my movies sound a bit muffled. But the monster cables intensified the clarity from the dvd player to my reciever. For those of us who cannot afford 5 speaker digital surround sound, I would definately recommend these cables if you use regular 2 channel stereo for your movies or CDs",pos I PURCHASED 2 CARDS FOR ABOUT us$ 42 FOR MY psp they work Ok. I had other sandisk products and dont have any complaints. Best of all these cards came with the Adapter Memory Stick Pro duo to Memory Stick. So I could use it with my videocamera. Its nice when one company starts addresing the multiple formats problems.,pos "I just bought a refurbished Roadmate 700 a few days ago. It took minutes to locate my current location, which was totally normal.I kinda feared that I would have the GPS with the older version 3.2, as some people said earlier. But in fact, the one that I got is with firmwave version 4.32, the newest version. The voice is working good too.I am happy with this product, even though it is a refurbished one",pos "If you go through a lot of AAA batteries, this is one of the best deals on the market, short of investing in a recharging unit and a couple of rechargeable batteries. A very good value",pos "A sore back and a sore shoulder forced me to search for a better means to carry my laptop. I took a month to research laptop backpacks and finally settled on the Kensington Contour. I didn't want to buy a Kensington. I wanted a backpack making company with a name I knew, like Jansport,or Kelty. I've been a backpacker and was familiar with their products. I settled on the Kensington because it had the qualities I was seeking: comfort, quality materials and design, water proofing, laptop padding, urban black, rugged exterior, sophisticated appearance, lots of pockets, adjustable lumbar support with back padding and a water bottle pocket. I write and work in media for a living. Mostly I work at home, but once a week I travel to cities. This pack does exactly what I want it to do - have places for everything I need, protect my precious laptop, and look hip.So now it is a few months later. I still like my pack, but twice now the hardware has broken. The first time it was just the zipper-handle on the little outside pocket. It fell off. Kennisington immediately replaced the pack for free. Last week at the airport the tab that holds and adjusts the left shoulder strap-- broke when slung the pack across my back. I haven't contacted them yet",pos "As a journalist, I need to tote around a microcassette recorder with me wherever I went. Now, with the Zen's microphone/recording feature, I'm able to use it to record my interviews, and it's easier to transcribe because of its clear, crisp recording quality.You can also play .avi files, so unlike iPod users, there's no need to convert them in order to view them.Many might find it a bit bulky compared to the new iPod, but with its added features, it's a small flaw that's easy to overlook.",pos So far I used one tape of this pack. The video quality is pretty good,pos "Short review: Have burned about twenty disks, all work perfectly. Have made home dvds out of them, all work in three different regular dvd players that I've tried. Very satisfied with them",pos "To avoid burning a coaster, update the firm ware on your dual layer compatable drive first ([...]). The Verbatim discs seem to have fewer compatability problems than the other brands I've tried.If your home DVD player is not dual layer compatable, you may experience some problems. It's normal for the movie to stop momentarily when it switches to the second layer. For best results with movies, I burn these as slow as possible. For data storage, they will burn at 8X no problem.These discs work as advertised. If you're torn between Verbatim and another brand, I would opt for Verbatim discs. They really do work the best",pos "The SanDisk Cruzer TI is the most durable thumb drive on the market. I had a 512MB Cruzer TI before this one. I dropped it stepped on it and was just not too careful with it. Through all that it never failed me. I needed an upgrade and picked this one, because the 4GB was not available. It move data fast and the new U3 stuff is very interesting. I am not all that used to the U3 stuff yet, but I am sure I will start to use it to its fullest soon. Co-workers of mine buy the less expensive USB drives and break them. The SanDisk Cruzer TI is the absolute best",pos "I had a small 512 Sandisk a while back, so when I saw a review for the Titanium 2GB Cruzer in a popular computer mag, I decided to upgrade from my Lexar 1GB. So far, I'm very impressed. Just did a 1.26GB transfer that took 140 seconds. I was a big leery of the included software, but was pleased to see that if I didn't care for it, it was easily removed. I have not had an issue with either the software or the drive, and am very impressed with the design of the retractable interface that requires pressure to expose or retract. This is a very good drive, and contrary to the negative comments, I would encourage anyone looking for a fast, stylish, practical jump drive to seriously conside the Titanium Cruzer",pos "I am satisfied by the purchase of this Targus CVR600 15.4 Groove Notebook Backpack since it is super wide, comfortable and with many compartments to keep objects apart of the laptop. I recommend it to you",pos Great buy for a wonderful speaker system. Works beautifully with my MAC Mini for great sound. Would not hesitate to purchase again. Great contemporary look on my desk. So easy to turn the volume up or down either from my screen or the subtle touch control on the Creature. I highly recommend,pos I recommend these speakers - have had them for 3 months now and they are great - sound quality is great.Power converter gets pretty hot though so i suggest putting it on something non flammable - don't think it would catch anything on fire but just to be safe. Speakers are not super loud but are great if you just want quality sound.,pos Recently bought a Analog Big Screen TV. Switched from S-Video to Component cables. There is a big difference. The picture looks more film like with Component cables. Do not hesitate to upgrade. Stay away from cheap Wally World brands. You get what you pay for. The S-Video cable I used was Monster Cable M1000 sv,pos "I got one of these a few years ago. It's been to several countries, on camping trips, bicycle trips, subways, etc etc and held together very well. I pop this and the handspring into my pocket and off I go, not lugging around a huge laptop anymore.The typing is comfortable, this is just like a laptop keyboard, and while I too have worried about the little popup part where you connect the handspring, it's taken a beating so far. I'm buying another preemptively because I'll be so bummed when I do eventually manage to break the current one.The hinge in the middle is annoying - you have to put the thing on a book or other flat surface to hold it in your lap. I think that when the new one comes, I'll try to create some kind of deadbolt mechanism to hold the middle hinge when it's open and then it will be the single most perfect gadget ever",pos "Let me just preface this review by mentioning that I read many customer reviews(here and elsewhere) on this product before purchasing it. I focused on the negative reviews as to develop a good idea of any potential design flaws. After using this keyboard for almost 6 months I believe that Saitek delivers an attractive design with solid quality.Command Pad: Many reviews bash this feature. It is quite a basic pad as compared to some, but it gets the job done. My only main gripe with the pad was how it failed to deliver some windows macros such as ctrl-alt-delete. During games such as WoW and CoD2 I had no problems whatsoever. The rumor about the horrible software and it being buggy was nonexistent for me. The customers who claimed it to be impossible and buggy seem to be computer illiterate at best, and judging from the frequency of grammatical errors in their reviews, possible English illiterate as well. If you are familiar with computer hardware then you will be fine with this software and pad.Keyboard: The quietness, response, and overall feel of the keys rival any Logitech design. I am a huge fan/customer of Logitech equipment, and thus can confidently state that this board is of equal material quality. Saitek took a more simple route with this design(no LCD screen etc...) and the price shows it.*I almost laughed out loud after recently reading some of the passionate and disgruntled reviews concerning the lack of key-symbol illumination. It is obvious that these reviewers did not know much about the product they purchased. Unfortunately failing to be informed about a product one buys totally demerits any kind of negative opinion resulting from that lack of knowledge. I would guess that 90% of the negative reviews about this board capitalize on this point resulting in a much lower overall rating than deserved.Last and probably least comes the aesthetics, of course the most subjective part of any review. I found this setup to be very sharp looking. In the dark, the vivid key definition from the backlights allows any experienced typist to quickly find whatever he/she is looking for. This eliminates the need for symbol illumination. Although symbol illumination might be a nice touch, especially for the keyboard deficient, I feel that Saitek sacrificed this option to provide very durable lettering. I have lost some lettering on Logitech keyboards sooner than the 6 months I've been using this one(Although frequency of gaming has fluctuated). Saitek Engineers probably figured that most gamers would know the keyboard well enough to not need both key definition and symbol illumination, apparently an oversight on their part.I will recap this lengthy review by recommending this keyboard to any capable computer enthusiast who desires a good value.",pos "Upgraded from 19 Viewsonic CRT. This monitor is superb! Recommendation: go with native resolution, enable Clear Type through display settings, and download the monitor drivers from Viewsonic (XP uses standard drivers, not as good as Viewsonic's imo), then restart, makes a huge difference over settings out of the box.",pos "I love my Shure E3C earphones and up until recently was pretty happy with the foam sleeves. However, I was constantly having to reset them in my ears when engaged in strenuous activities.The first time I tried these triple flange sleeves I thought I had wasted my money. Later I pulled my ear up and they slid in a lot further... and suddenly I was in heaven. I get the full sound that I love so much complete with throbbing bass line AND the things stay in my ears until I pop them out!! These are the perfect complement to a wonderful headset :",pos "It says the keyboard is supposed to be easier and more comfortable to type with. I don't think it is that comfortable. It's a little hard getting used to, so be prepared to hit the backspace a couple of times. The keyboard is 100mA and uses USB connection. There is a USB to PS/2 converter included. Overall, it is an ok product for the money, as it is the cheapest USB keyboard I've found",pos "Arrived in time, decent quality for the price. Is a bit difficult to close though, as the zip isn't awesome. But as I said, it's good for the price",pos "Works great, just like ti should, can add more sheets to store more.",pos This is a very good skin for 60 GB & 80 GB owners. It completely covers the entire iPod without sacrificing functionality. What separates this skin from other skins it the Visor (a plastic shield which protects the screen). My only problem with this skin is the belt clip. It is impossible to remove and difficult to use. A better belt clip would make this the perfect skin. This is a very good price from TechGNet.,pos "I have this card for a week, and what I can tell you is that this card has a quality that I've never heard from any sound card - the sound is so clean, balanced and accurrate.of coure, you will need a good set of spekaers.the CMSS surround is much better than Dolby Prologic 2 and DTS neo 6 for both music and movies.if you plan to connect the DIN cable for Integrated speakers control with the Megaworks or Gigaworks, you should know that it's not working, but Creative is going to add support for those speakers in the following drivers.I didn't like the new 24-bit Crystalizer sound, but belive me you will not need that feature, just use good mp3 player like Winamp 5+ MAD mp3 decoder plug and ASIO plug for the output.I had many sound card like the Audigy 2 , Audigy 2 ZS, Audigy 4 Pro, ESI Juli@, M-audio Revolution...and none of theme even close to this card!!!worth every $$$!!!!I recommend you buying from amazon beacuse of thier great service and warrnty, I could't do that because I am outside USA",pos "The Belkin cassette adapter was my 2nd attempt at a product that would allow me to play my iPod through car cassette deck. The first, non-Belkin, product (can you say Monster here?) was crap...stopped working properly after two weeks. The Belkin adapter has performed flawlessly for 2+ months now",pos "I have long struggled to find the perfect remote. The URC9910 isn't it, but its pretty good. Its no match for my Harmony 880 but it also costs a whole bunch less and works through walls. I have 2 URC9910s, both programmed identically for my main HT. The cabinet also contains a second reciever and a sound distribution center for the other rooms in the house. The kids can be using one URC9910 with the TV/HT and I can be in the basement or outside and control the volume of my music with the RF part of the second URC9910 remote. For the price you can't beat it. All buttons AFIK are progammable or mappable. Setting it us is a pain and I had to find some pretty obscure codes on the internet to get my TV to do its thing so that is where it looses a star. Otherwise its a great performer and with the price, I don't mind if my kids use it, whereas, they aren't allowed to use my Harmony 880.If cost is no object, then there are better remotes. For the price, I can't find one better",pos "Only thing I did not care for was the design on the top of the disk. Other than that, these are quality DVD",pos "I bought this to replace an Epsom printer that refused to print accurate color, and an old Canon scanner. I am very, very pleased! It looks terrific (my daughter said, Wow, cool new printer!). Set up was easy. And the printing is fast and absolutely beautiful, even in draft mode. Better yet, the cartridges are much cheaper than my Epson ones. Scanning is easy and good, too. I don't use fax, so can't rate that function.Overall, I am thrilled with this printer. It was well worth the $180",pos "I received the correct Q5949X cartridge.My calculations for cost per page is only 2 cents per page, which is contrary to another reviewer's claim of 12 cents per page.$120.00 divided by 6000 pages equals 2 cents per page.",pos "If you are like me and dont really care about the best sound quality you can possibly have, and don't mind the tiny bit of static (keep in mind I live in a city) then this is for you. Its simple, it works, and Im glad that I bought it, and that it didnt break the bank. I like it",pos "I have a Gateway CX2610, and it always got hot in my lap after about 10 or 15 minutes. Enter this Targus lapdesk. When folded out, it provides a nice buffer between my lap and the heat of the laptop even when using the laptop for upwards of two hours.But wait, there's more! I had also found my laptop awkward to use at a desk because of the poor ergonomics. However, I use this lapdesk folded with the adjustable leg to reposition the keyboard to a better angle for typing. It also puts the screen at a better height as well.The desk also works well folded in half with my laptop converted to tablet mode. So, it's a very versatile accessory to go with my versatile laptop. I highly recommend it",pos "I got the newer model of these, with the blue light on the speakers . All I can say is that these speakers are worth the money. You get what you pay for. These speakers have pretty good highs in them, bass wise there decent. They hit alright, and sub decent. You pay more money, you get a better system you know. This system here isn't much money, so it isn't going to be the best. So there isn't no reason for the bad reviews. I think they work really good for the price their tagged at. So if your looking for a system with some good highs, and decent bass these are for you",pos "I recently purchased a PNY 512 MB Secure Digital Card from Best Buy when it was on sale for $29.99 each card. I had been given a SanDisk 256 mb card for christmas the past year, which had gone curropt. The PNY is so much better and so much cheaper for virtually the same quality or better than my old SanDisk. I would recommend this product to anybody who is fed up with SanDisk or any other high priced memory manufacturer.Steve",pos "This was part of my Stereo update. I selected this receiver for quality, value and ease of operation. I matched it up with the Sony CDPCX355 300 CD player and a fresh pair of those Bose 301-V speakers. Years ago I used to be an audiophile and I now think I'm going to enjoy getting back into my hobby",pos "I bought a 32 inch 5 years ago. in 2003 when movie I was trying to move it across the room and it flipped face first in the floor. Mind you I had paid like $200 for Sear's sorry 3-5 year? warranty and it turned out they wouldn't have replaced it or probably fixed it even though my sister worked there. I heard a sickening crash (like the picture tube/glass breaking). It still works and only has a dent it the top left. I think I got the remote a little wet years ago and it never worked again. Not a big deal since I have a directv remote,but I forgot I even had PIP because of no remote. From now on if I can afford it I will buy sony only. I bought an xplode cd player 2 years ago with no problems except a dead remote that I never use",pos "This TV weighs a ton, took three adult males to pick it up off of the floor and load it into an entertainment armoire. I have owned several Sony TVs and really thought hard about this purchase because of firmware issues that I have had with a 27 Sony. Mainly compared this model with the corresponding Panasonic Tau, absolutely hated the Tau remote and am very familiar with the Sony. Note that the remote was not the deciding criteria, but it was a consideration. I have no real complaints about this TV, the menu system is nice and the picture very good. I do not normally use the built-in speakers so really can't comment about their sound. This TV has a 16:9 enhanced mode that must be selected from the menus, I tried it once using a DVD as source input and liked the widescreen format that the DVD player provides better than the 16:9 mode. The 27 Sony that I have has an auto-volume feature, this 36 does not and I do miss it. I would purchase this unit again. Note that there is a very similar Sony model that has upgraded sound, but not consider it because the added width would not fit in the armoire",pos These are amazing products for low freq. they'll really get down word of advise don't use them for higher bass freq sounds more like a grinding noise after about 75 htz. Enjo,pos The 4GB high speed memory card is the best it is fast and it can store so much data I cant even imagine using all of the memory but the only reason I gave it 4 stars is because it's over 700,pos I bought these here and have had the for a little bit now. they work great. I will buy more when needed.,pos No problems w/ the phone. There is no mute button and it's annoying to hit two buttons to mute/unmute. I also couldn't find a way to change ringer volume but it's easy to change the ringer melody and there is one that's really soft.The menu is not as intuitive as it could be but overall it works just fine as a phone.,pos I really like this mouse. It is easy to use and is one of the most comfortable on my hand. I have gone through a lot of mice and have finally found the one for me,pos This stand works great for bringing the monitor up to eye level. If you want to sit comfortably...get rid of back and neck strain...this Targus Stand is definately the way to go. And...the price is right,pos "This monitor stand is worth every penny, and considering the price, that really isnt that many pennies. What a monitor stand does is it raises the monitor to make it easier on your neck to view. I have an IBM laptop and I place it on top of the stand. With the stand, I probably have to look down at most about 10-15 degrees. Before the stand, I would have to look down at about 35 degrees. This does not seem like much, but if you spend alot of time staring at a computer screen, your neck will be sore. Buy this stand and your neck will thank you.",pos "The case itself fits very snug around the IPOD, and even gives it a better look. The only complaint that I have is that the plastic window that covers the dial pops open, and even falls off at times. I still give the case a 4 star rating, because I am a soldier in Iraq, and this case is doing a very good job of keeping my IPOD clean. If a product can keep something clean in Iraq, then I am guessing that it can keep things clean anywhere.",pos "What can I say, it's a rubber case that stretches over my Ipod. There's little room for malfunction. White would've looked better but isn't available through Amazon or its merchants without paying more than the product cost for shipping. It has little hard clear plastic windows over the screen and dial, the dial covering pops open. so far (several weeks now) they work fine without scratching",pos These speakers were purchased for office use and occasionally for on the road. They are a great look and compact. The sound is decent and should not be confused with higher end speakers. They serve the purpose for which they were intended as far as I am concerned as I purchased them to play my NANO I-pod. I do recommend them.,pos "I agree with most of the reviews here. The PC155 is a great headset overall. The sound quality is great. Volume is more than adequate and fidelity is excellent. I've listened to a great deal of MP3 music through these babies and I am very impressed. Spacial/stereo imaging is great and I've actually heard things in the songs that I have never heard before! It actually shows the imperfections of my MP3 and makes me realize that I probably need to turn up the bit rate when ripping my CDs. The controls are also simple to use, both on the cord and on the PC.Audio recording quality is great as well. I have tried it with Dragon and recognition works great with it. Playback of recorded sound shows that the sound is a little on the dark side, however. Ps and Bs are a little too hot even though I have tried different mike positions and used the included wind sock.My biggest problem with the set is in the comfort department. I first feel obligated to tell you that I do not normally wear full coverage headphones. Usually, I wear high-quality buds. So, perhaps I just have to get used to it. However, I feel as though my ears are being squeezed too much with these headphones. Instead of feeling like they are comfortably secure, they feel as though they are too tight and they make my ears hot... even after only 15 minutes.So, despite my positive review of the sound quality, I am going to send these back and try the PC165. They supposedly have bigger ear cups, which will hopefully translate to more comfort? Other people here have not had problems with the comfort of the 155s so it is probably just me.UPDATE: I received the PC165 set and there is a big difference. The sound is fuller and bigger (not louder) on the 165s. Also, the comfort is much better. They don't pinch my ears like the 155s. The cord going to the headset is also thicker, which means fewer tangles and less chance of damage. If you're thinking of the 155s, I would get the 165s instead",pos "I purchased this headset for use with my Mac dG5 and Skype internet telephone. The combination is killer. I cannot compare to other similar equipment as this is my first and only, but for me, the quality is far better than what I have with my phone, and it was really as easy as plug and play. I wish that the headset had thicker and stronger wires; I wish that the headset was more sold. On the otherhand, I have not had any problems with the equipment up to now. And the sound quality during telephone conversations is steller, which is important to me, especially as my hearing starts to deminish. I saw some comments about the headset as an audiophile listening headphone. IMO, this is too complementary. For its price and features, a good buy and good sound quality, but IMO, this is not an audiophile headphone.",pos "All 3 kids have a Tunebase. It works great, easy to use. It also charges the iPod while we travel",pos "I've gone through a ton of headphones in recent years. They've included Koss The Plug, Sennheiser PX100, Koss UR29, Koss SportaPro and a few others. All had their strong and weak points. So far, this has been the closest I've had to a good balance.For my tastes (not necessarily anybody else's), strong bass is one of the most important things. The PX100 felt very weak in this area, despite what everybody else seemed to say -- weaker than my old Sony MDR-NC20 (which are still going strong after 6 years and remain my backup headphone of choice thanks to their decent sound and folding ability). I had problems keeping The Plug sealed in my ears, despite the hold the outer ear while the Plug seats advice. They're also a very a bad choice for iPods because their very low impedance overdrives the amplifier circuit. The SportaPros had great bass, but leaked way too much sound. The UR29 had good bass and very good isolation, but were a little uncomfortable, warm, heavy and too bulky to use on the go. Going back a few years, I had a pair of AKG K240s that had disappointing bass. Ditto for a pair of Sennheiser HD-420s.The K26P seems to combine the better aspects of all these phones. The bass is among the strongest. When I listen to the 1812 Overture, the cannon blasts come through loud and clear, even at moderately low volumes, with no distortion at all. Isolation isn't as good as the UR29, but not too bad. Certainly a lot more portable, easy to stow in my bag at all times. The PX100s fold smaller, but they're a pain in the neck to stow in their hard case. The higher efficiency of the K26P means I can set my iPod at a lower volume. Instead of 55-60% of max volume with the UR29 or the stock earbuds, I now run at 35-40% comfortably. In terms of comfort, they're comfortable enough for hours of wearing, after a couple of slight modifications. If they press too hard on your hears, first extend the headband all the way, then GENTLY straighten each half a little bit by gripping a couple of inches of steel band at a time and unbending it. After a few tries, it should be perfectly fitted to your head. Don't bend too hard or grip the plastic parts or you can break the phones. Be patient. So it takes a couple of days of trial and error, but in the end, you get good-sounding phones that are wonderfully comfortable. You'd be surprised how little pressure is needed to produce a good seal. You'll know if you've unbent too far because either the phones will slide down or you lose bass. Here's an easy test: with a finger on each side, press the earcups harder onto your ears. If the bass doesn't get stronger as you press (the way it does with all open-air headphones), that's as good a seal as you need. I hated the little, square foam pads on the plastic sliders and quickly peeled them off. All they seem to do is create two pressure points on top of the head. Other phones with similar headbands (like the Koss SportaPro/PortaPro) don't use these pads, so I don't think they're really necessary. Better to let the headband rest directly on the scalp and distribute the pressure over the entire headband, and so far my suspicions seem to have been correct. It has been far more comfortable for me without the pads, especially after more than half an hour. In fact, without the pads, I barely feel the headband at all.Overall, I'm satisified, especially at its low price point. I hope to use these for many years to come until either they break or something better comes along. By the way, don't be put off by comments about the warranty being invalid in the US and Canada. Read the whole warranty sheet! A separate section on the sheet covers a limited warranty for these countries, so yes, it is covered",pos I had been wanting a nice color GPS unit for a while. My wife purchased this one for me and I love it. I purchased the City Select Maps to use with the autoroute system. It would be nice if the maps were included with unit. I've had it out on several caching trips now and it hasn't let me down yet. Make sure you take the time to read through the instruction book so you will know how to use the many features that the unit has built-in,pos "This is a overall convient carrying case. IT DOES NOT SCRATCH you ipod in anyway. This is a great case for jogging or everyday use, it has a belt clip that works very well. great and simple case, i highly recommend it for everyday use",pos This is a wonderful product. The surround effect is phoenomenal and I just love it. The extra $50 is worth it for the quality sound that it delivers,pos "I initially purchased this model then returned it in favor of the Sony SRF-M37V because of its five one-button pre-sets which make it a no-brainer to use while exercising. However, the SRF-59, perhaps because of its analog tuning, suffers less from co-channel and adjacent channel interference on FM. It's audio is slightly brighter and more musical with a decent pair of headphones or earbuds than its digitally tuned cousin. With this in mind, I purchased another SRF-59 yesterday and spent all last evening listening to it. I literally could not make myself shut it off and go to bed I was having so much fun scanning the FM dial. There was a program which aired last night on a local channel which featured bass-heavy 12 remixes of eighties new wave hits with, blessfully, very limited commercial interruption. Over the course of a three hour listening session, I gradually cranked up the volume. As I was too lazy to fish out decent earbuds, it became apparent that with bass-heavy audio at very loud volumes the SRF-59's tiny amplifier was insufficient to drive stock Walkman style headphones and peak audio was clipped which simply necessitated turning the volume down a tad to restore full musicality (I understand that decent quality earbuds require less power to achieve the same level of high sound output, therefore there will be no audio clipping). Nevertheless, the sound quality from this bargain-priced Walkman through less than ordinary headphones was astounding. The party is literally in your head, and the soundstage ranges from ear to ear, which is somewhat disconcerting when it is located above your sinuses. I also made one pass through the AM band and there the SRF-59 was no slouch either. I hauled in 1200 WOAI San Antonio which is approximately 1000 miles from me. Though no true DX machine, after all how could it be, it is at the least a competent performer on the AM band as well (I suspect early in the evening AM DXing conditions were as good as they have been in a long time). For more on this model and others visit Xin Feng's website. I highly recommend this model for cheap thrills!",pos "A good basic AM/FM radio. Not digital tuning, but it works fine. Reasonably good reception",pos "I bought this item rather than the cheaper products advertised because I trust Toshiba and because the picture quality was better than average. Overall, I am very satisfied with the product. We have used it on several aiplane trips and my toddler is very entertained. We haven't had any problems with the mechanics of the player. We also bought a case (which I highly recommend) so that we have enough Baby Einstein to keep her happy to our destination. Also, the battery has never run out, and charges quickly. My only problem with it is that the volume doesn't go up loud enough without earphones to hear it very well in a roaring commercial airliner. But, my daughter mostly looks at the pictures anyway, so it wasn't that big a deal for us.",pos "This DVD player is great for the road, and even at home when you don't want to be bothered. Unless the are much loud noises happening around you, the players' speakers work fine. It comes with all of the accesories you'd want, including a car outlet, wall adapter, remote, and the battery. It charges in under 4 hours, and plays for over 3 hours.The player is sleek and so is the battery, but together are a bit bulky, not bad. Screen quality is good, great for a portable. Made of good quality materials. I've had it for a month and nothing is showing signs of wear-n-tear.A recommended accessory to purchase is a carrying case, which will haul all your add-ons that are included. I bought the targus sport, which is great also. For 160 bucks, it's well worth it!",pos "I do not have a hearing problem, but my previous cordless phones were inaudible even at high volume.. this phone fills the bill -- at least so far! The only caveat: no speakerphone, which would be handy considering the amount of time most of us spend on hold.",pos "This car kit works very well. The screen is a bit larger than other DVD players of similar type. The only down side is that the battery only charges for about 2 hours (shorter than many movies). So, if you are going to use this in the car, you need to be able to charge it",pos "We bought this unit from Sam's Club right before a trip to Disney World. (8 hours in the car with a toddler--eek!) However, it was/is perfect! We still use it for trips around town when we're in massive traffic or our son is being really fussy. The case that keeps the dvd player on the back of the seat needs a little work, but we figured out a way to make it work for us. Also, the remote doesn't work well, but we don't really need to use it as a DVD usually lasts long enough between stops",pos "The cable was a good price, and it fit my printer perfect. Worth the few pennies I paid",pos "These speakers are great for the common traveller and have great clean music. the only reason I did not give this 5 stars is because it doesn;t fofill the height of volume I wished. It is pretty loud, but I like really loud. I do not own this but one of my friends does I hoe to get logi3 i station for my ippod it seems awsome according to the reviews",pos "These speakers are not what i had expected from their size, price, and looks. Their quality, even at high volumes, exceeds many other speakers i've seen at double the price tag. The reason I bought these was because of the other reviews and the size. Another reason was the proposed battery life, 35 hours on 4 aaa batteries, not bad at all. So far its been very close. I have heard the other speaker (systems) and yes the JBL OnStage and the Bose Sounddock are both very good and do live up to their reputations, but your stuck with using them only when there is an outlet nearby",pos "I spent a lot of time reviewing Toaster Ovens to replace our 8 year old Delonghi Alfredo one. Most of the others had so-so features or bad enough reviews that made me pass on them; however, with the 5-star review and Cuisinart name, I chose the TOB-30BC. It toasts, it bakes, it looks nice and it has the knobs that my hubby likes in lieu of digital. Overall, it's a great oven and we have no complaints with it's cooking abilities or the sturdiness of the unit; but less than a month later, one of the knobs broke off the unit. They are completely plastic and no metal reinforcement to prevent this from happening. My hubby sent an email to Cuisinart and they are sending a replacement knob, but one would have expected better engineering from a name like Cuisinart",pos "When we needed speaker systems for a batch of new workstations, price was the main consideration. The price for these units was well below budget. Since our main application for them was for audio-enhanced CAT (Computer Assisted Training), High fidelity and volume were not issues. They worked admirably for the purpose.The use of a USB port for the power supply was a clever twist. One of my aggravating support woes is keeping speaker power adapters matched up with corresponding speakers. I had been buying unpowered (unamplified) units with no manual volume control. The USB trick gives me just what I want",pos "I've purchased several Logitech mice(cordless optical)and I've been satisfied with all of them, except for the battery life. I had to change the batteries in my previous mouse once a month. This new Logitech mouse is terrific. It's been several months and I have not had to change the batteries yet ... and I am not even using the on-off switch (I want to test the battery life without the switch first). Battery issues aside, the mouse is smooth, light and accurate. It was simple to install and I'd buy it again in a heartbeat",pos "this stereo works great and its cute and small so it doesnt take up alot of room, it lights up blue when u turn it on in the dark and i love the remote, now i dont have to get up to switch the station",pos "I bought this headset and I must say it's a great buy. First off it's lightweight weighing in at about 16 grams. It's small which definately helps when your wearing it around. At times it's like you don't even feel liek your wearing anything. Exactly how a headset should be. I've place and recieved many calls with it already and having been using the the traditional wired headsets of the past this headset sound better and has no wires. The only problem I have found so far is that it takes some time getting used to the button placement and answering calls with the headset. Not to mention you only hear the standard ringtone rather than your custom ringtones. But that a small price to pay for such a great, inexpensive headset like this one",pos "I was looking for comfy earphones to replace my Phillips one I got awhile back cos the rubber coating had fallen off and I stumbled on this one. I was a bit skeptical about the volume control thinking it would give out after a few times of sliding up and down but it works wonderfully and is so light and responsive to touch as well as being sturdy.I started out using the foam that came with it but that proved to be a bother and pretty much useless as the plastic earbuds are comfy enough. And they stay in your ears like glue. No more readjusting and I loved that.For the price, this SO worth it.",pos I bought These earbuds for the first time 3 years ago for $15 now u can get them for under $10 They last more than six months of hard wear and tear before they need replacing awsome i've been using them for a long time and don't plan on changin,pos "Lenmar Is great to work with, When Beach Audio will not do exchanges for faulty equipment. Beach Audio told me I would need to purchase another one then when they get the faulty one back they would refund my money for the second one that I had to purchase. POOR RETURN POLICY. So I just sent it to Lenmar under the warranty and they sent me a new one. Only took one week to get it. GO LENMAR.I've been able to watch on a 10in. Portable DVD Two (2hr) movies on just this battery with a little to time to spare. ***NICE BATTERY***",pos "I really likethe design on this Protector, and bought 3.It allows you to plug multiple transformers in, and still have room for regular plugs. Slipping plus in is a firm push, but not that tough.I also like the fact that it gives you a warning light if you get up around 12 amps.. Cool, but you have to keep in mind a 15 amp circuit shoulldn't have 12 amps to one plug..The cord restraint system slides out to hold all the cords, then wedges backin to hold them in place. A bit hard to set up, and a zip tie could achieve the same thing, altough this is way easier if you change things",pos "Overall, I like this surge protector and would buy it again. I bought it primarily because of the 11 outlets, six of which are spaced out to accommodate big brick-style transformer plugs. I did a lot of digging to find the surge protector that had the most outlets in this configuration, and this unit always came up. It has worked just fine for the month or so I've owned it. I particularly appreciate the angled plug, which allows you to use the second plug in a wall outlet without a problem.I only have two quibbles with the APC--the color and the stiffness caused by the plug-activated safety shutters. Plugging and unplugging cords requires some force to overcome the safety shutters, which could be a problem if you are trying to get something plugged or unplugged while the unit is in an awkward position or hard-to-reach location. On a much more minor note, the black unit and cord stand out quite a bit against light-colored walls and carpets, even when tucked behind a desk.I don't use the phone or coax plugs, so I don't know if my unit has the problem (or feature) other reviewers have reported with Internet signal degradation",pos "My mp830 has performed well in the time that I've had it. My family members have found it easy to use as well. I was saddened at the early demise of my Epson cx6400 which suffered from a common problem of dried ink clogging the feeder tube. I chose the Canon after reading good reviews, and I got it for an excellent price right here on Amazon plus free shipping. It still sells for more at my local Office Depot and Best Buy. In truth I haven't tried all of it's claimed capabilities, but I'm happy with what it's been able to do thus far.",pos " I use this in my videography business, primarily for weddings. So far I've never had a problem, and the mic has always given me a clear recording of voices from a lapel position. I use it in conjunction with my iRiver-795, to record the sound directly, and it's worked like a dream... recommende",pos "These 2.0 speakers sound great (and not just for their size), are adjustable, small, and good looking. I'm about half deaf and every speakers with a separate woofer had too much bass when I turned the volume up so I could understand human speech. I'm happy I spent the money. These are real quality in my opinion",pos I recently bought an altec lancing headset for $20 and it was the worst headset investment I've made. Horrible support for the ears and very uncomfortable to wear and they eventually broke within a week or two. So I bought this headset and I have been quite pleased with it. The mic output is extremely crisp. While talking with clients they said that it sounds like I'm talking on the telephone with them or better. They are very comfortable and rest on the top of your head unlike many headsets like my prior pair which have a support on the back of the neck which does nothing. All in all a good headset.,pos Works good for me. Some time one can hear some interference but over all a pretty good product,pos "This product is awsome, i intalled it on my car with a sony stereo system, i placed the end of the ilink cable inside of a compartment of my car so i could put my ipod in, the sound quality that the cable delivers its outstanding, besides, it does not look like a cheap cable, it has a thick rubber coating that gives it some stiffness....If you are realy thinking on connecting your ipod to your home or car stereo this is the right solution",pos "I've been using this CF card on my Nikon 4300 for a couple of months now. It writes fast compared to my other CF (Canon stock, from another camera). However, start up of the camera takes longer (because of the size), and as more pictures are stored, there is a noticeable degradation in speed in writing. I've also used this on a Dell Axim, and it worked great! No problem in formatting",pos "I'm still discovering the power of this program - at least when teamed with the Garmin 60CS. Auto routing, waypoints, detailed maps, assistance in finding the nearest gas station... the list is nearly endless.I've recommended this combination to several of my friends who are also consultants and who operate in a broad geography",pos "Well, I have used 3-4 cassette adapters, till i heard this one, only words that i can say is you have to hear it to identify the difference.i have been using it with my cd player and also with IPOD, with others i had to make sure that the volume on ipod was 100% but with this one hey 85% is too much.Well i showed it to 1 of my friend and he also loved it, and took mine and told me to get another.Don't hesitate to buy this one",pos I bought this from amazon for $15 and it works great with my car audio.It is easy to use and working fine till now. The audio quality is decent and surely recommend this,pos "There are lots of reviews here and most appear to be on-target relative to my experience with these headphones. But here are my 2 cents:I got these to replace some aging Sony MDR-V2's that I purchased maybe 10 years ago. The ear cushions of the MDR-V2's had begun to deteriorate, and I figured it was time to see what had improved in 10 years. I just compared them to the older V2s and I can say that the V6 is definitely better. They fully surround the ears (V2s just sat on your ear, pressing on them). The V6s also seem to offer more detailed sound. I concur that they sound a little bright, but I can take care of this on my iPod by setting the EQ to ReduceTreble (but I like the brightness, so sometimes I don't do that). I do NOT concur with other review comments about weak bass. They appear to have the right amount. (IMHO - it is a shame that bass has been overemphasized in the past decade, at the expense of flatness and non-coloring of sound). I also concur that the sensitivity of these is quite good (plenty loud for me with the iPod - and I listen at good levels - albeit not ear damaging ones).As a last comment, I notice Amazon has these for about $65. I paid $99 at a local store. Buy from Amazon ! (no - I don't work for or invest in them ;-",pos "I bought these after reading over a hundred reviews for them, and I agree with the consensus that they deliver a flat, uncolored sound with tight, but not boomy, or overpowering bass. By the way, I've owned the Sony MDR-V600's for a couple of years now thinking they had replaced these, but they are actually more of a consumer model that seem to be comparable in terms of price and specifications, but are actually quite inferior to these in my opinion. These have been used by Musicians, studio engineers, and on air talent for 20 years now",pos the razor diamondback is awsome no problems with install. and great sensetivity when doing everything,pos "Although there are more expensive options, if you're just looking for something to keep your iPod from sliding all over in the car, the iSqueez is a great option.I use this with the Monster iCarPlay FM Transmitter/Charger, which uses the dock connector. I can't get my iPod mini to fit all the way down in where it should because of this, but it still fits in there well enough to stay in place.I find that it holds the iPod at a great angle for viewing the screen from where you're sitting (though I'd recommend putting the passenger in charge of finding music)",pos "This player is very convenient for long trips. If you want to save the money, you can get it Free from this web site: awesomestufffree.com/portabledv",pos "I'm a section editor at a high school newspaper and I have used this drive every day both in that class and in all my others for over a year and it has never let me down. It's small, sleek and elegant and has a quick transfer rate.The only issue is with the caps ans skins, which get annoyingly loose over time. I carry it around on a little pouch on my keys that I keep on my belt loop. When I pull it out of the pouch it will sometimes pull off the cap and skin. It's a minor annoyance for an otherwise great flash drive.I just went out and bought the 1GB version and I use them both",pos Awesome product for the price. You need to get a SMALL ring (like from a key fob from a car) to use it on your own key ring,pos Good sound quality for the sub-$150 (per pair) price tag. Easy to install,pos "i can't believe the unbelievable prices of flash drives these days. i just bought this one from Wal-mart for $20.00 dollars. that's way cheaper than on amazon.com. plus i've noticed that amazon.com has switched to third retailers and some don't even ship to hawaii, or do ship to hawaii at a hefty price. this switching of amazon having the lowest price to third retailers is really turning me off. possibly even towards purchasing books.",pos "Small, convenient and classy. I love the Netgear Wi-Fi phone. Yes, it isn't perfect, but due to the uplink with Skype, they can update the software in the phone. I'm hoping they will be able to make the phone more compatible with Starbucks and hotel wi-fi. That would make the phone perfect. In the meanwhile, I'm enjoying making phone calls all hours of the day to my friends round the world",pos It certainly did. Excellent color qualit,pos "After I read some folk's horror stories, I was really reluctant to purchase this device. Well, it took me only 5 minutes to configure the DWL-G710, and another 10 minutes to find the best place for it in the house. It was really simple and it worked well with our Comcast/Netgear wireless cable modem.Excellent product",pos "I'm not entirely sure how other people are finding ways to damage their earphones, but I have used the same pair since the summer of 2000 (purchased from Amazon), and I have never had any difficulties besides losing the essential earpiece covers, which were easily replaced. When they are wound up in their little yellow case, the headphones' wires are well protected from stress unlike other models that don't offer such security.Compared to other headphones I have used, especially noise cancelling of both active and passive varieties, these phones have superior bass response, and all levels of sound seem reasonably clear.I have used these earphones with many different devices over five years: CD players, MP3 players (including iPods), Pocket PCs, desktops, and notebooks. They always sound great, EXCEPT - due to their greater sensitivity to sound, I often am able to detect the hiss caused by poorly designed audio hardware, which I otherwise wouldn't hear with over-ear phones. Pocket PCs especially seem prone to this, as their audio hardware is crammed so tightly in with noisy backlit screens and processors",pos "Unit performs well, is reasonably fast, and has on-board security software that will allow the setting of a password. If you choose this option, loading each time upon insertion is a little slower, and you must 'stop' the unit prior to removing it when operating under the password protection. The few times I have forgotten I've not lost any data, but it scolds me for doing so upon the next use.",pos purchased the unit 9/05 because there wasn't a tele jack near the t.v.... thus far has worked w/o a hitch connected to my direct t.v. black box to show caller i.d. on the screen...,pos "These cables are super with my new DVD player. There is absolutely no interference from my other home theater equipment. The picture is soo clear, and vivid. The cables themselves are really made well, they could hold up 100 pounds of weight no doubt. If you get these Monster cables you won't be sorry",pos "I purchased my iTrip about 4 months ago and now can give an objective review of the product. The iTrip is a good choice over competitors' products and offers a good value for the money. Radio reception is good; I especially like the changing channels feature. The fact that it charges the iPod while in use even makes it better. The only negative thing that I've discovered is that sometimes it disconnects from the iPod slot and I have to push it back. That's mostly due to rattles and I imagine will get worse with time.Overall, good product, good value for the money, and if carefully handled, will last a long time.",pos I bought mine about a week ago and I haven't had any problems with it. The only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 was because it's a little hard to plug in & take out. But other then that I'm 100% pleased with it. It's not CD quality but it's very close. Good buy,pos "This review concerns the v3 hardware and firmware v3.0_20 - I did not purchase from Amazon.For the most part, everything works pretty well. I have discovered a bug where the log is not cleared after a scheduled-email out, which leads to strange behavior for the log-emailing function. I can always go into the web-interface to view or clear it with no problem. Another thing to note regarding the log is that VPN (not pass-thru) has its own separate log area, which does not get emailed out.As expected, Netgear support is mediocre. Level 1 support can only handle very simple issues and Level 2 support is VERY slow. I recommend you use the incident-submission area of the My Netgear website, so you can more easily track/respond to support incidents.For those of you using the FR114p model, this is basically the same thing with 8-connection VPN service minus the printer port.I figure, after a few more firmware revisions, this will be a really good unit",pos "The navigation kit works well although you do need a mostly flat area to set it on. Our Toyota Highlander lacks enough room between the windsheild and the dash to set it up on top, but we placed it below the gear shift on the center console and it worked quite well. The Ique was able to hold signels with no problem. I think the suction base might be a better solution for cars with out a low flat dash area",pos "I love the iShuffle. It does the job. Not many features, but makes my 2-hour commute livable.i put all my podcasts up top and list the songs in alpahbetical order (by artist name) so all is organized. It's like flying blind, but who said blind was impossible? Certainly not Helen Keller",pos I just thought people should know that you can by the shuffle from Apple and have it engraved and shipped for free for $79.00 (everyday price). So Amazon is not really offering a great deal here,pos "This is the best device I have bought for at least a couple decades. I am a degreed engineer, and I love gadgets. Just the best. I have had it about 3 months, and I love it. Attractive base, all the connections, removable speakers, picture quality is among the best LCD that I have viewed. I highly recommend it",pos the speakers sounds excellent for it's price but the power button has a defect. you need to push it a certain way to power it on,pos "It doesn't have spectacular bass power, but I am happy for the product I got at such a feasible pric",pos "Pro:Very clear, stylish, eazy assemble.Con:None I can think of",pos "I have had and used two pairs of these headphones over the last year. I have been very happy with them, and even bought the second pair to keep as a backup.The Good: They are not only noise-cancelling, but they also are rubber earbuds which fit snugly and comfortably in the ear, blocking more noise. If you put them on without any audio source, in only dulls background noise, but I think that's the best you can expect from any pair. While listening to audio, nearly everything is blocked out unless you really listen for it. There is a neck strap with the noise-cancelling component in the middle and the two earbuds hanging from each side. You put it around your neck like a necklace, put the buds in your ears, and use the power and volume controls on the noise-cancelling piece.The Bad: Nothing is actually bad about them, but they're not quite perfect. The earbuds will easily slip out if you're sweating, or if they get at all greasy from your skin or earwax. However, they pop right off and you can wash them with a little soap and water in about 10 seconds. I do this daily when I use them. However, that doesn't make them the best solution for walking or jogging. Once one starts slipping, it generally won't stay in well until it (and your ears) have been cleaned, which detracts from the noise-cancelling effect.Other Thoughts: The cord is plenty long enough to reach an iPod or whatever at about belt level. However, if the player is in a pants pocket, it could be a little close. Also, I often wear it when I'm not using it, because you can forget it's there, and also it beats putting it into a pocket to get tangled. I had an issue once because I was sitting at a desk, and it dangled to the floor. When I stood up, I stood on the end and the force of my neck going up while my foot held it down damaged the wiring -- I began to get a slight buzz in one ear. However, I blame myself for that -- it was a mighty tug.I bought mine at Target, where they were labelled $24.99, on clearance from $49.99. A couple of months later they were back to $49.99. Once they dropped again to $34.99 (another clearance price), I bought a second pair as a backup. I'm glad I did -- I'm still using the second pair. Battery life is great. I don't know how many hours I get, but I can go at least a couple of weeks using my iPod for at least a couple of hours per day, listening to podcasts and audiobooks",pos "Works great in my Cingular 8125 phone. I can't believe how inexpensive these have become! More space than I'll likely every need, and no speed issues (noting that the 8125 is no speed demon itself; I can't attest to this product's performance in something that's inherently faster)",pos I ordered the 2 gb card twice....Fast shipping and both worked perfectly,pos "This phone has excellent voice quality, including in conference mode. The only reasons it doesn't get 5 stars from me is that :a) it is unable to operate if there is a power outage - as opposed to perhaps just losing some of its functionality . Just make sure it isn't the only phone in your home.b) there is a bug which occasionnally renders it unable to operate. I can't figure out what causes it. It may be my cats that walk on it at night and press a weird sequence wit their paws :). The only cure I have found is to pull the power plug, which reboots it",pos "Amazon has a nice price on the JBL Duet Speakers (July 2006 - 36.95) dealmac is a site I used and returned to amazon.I purchased these for my office desk where I wanted a crisp sound for low volume daily listening. Anything from Ambient, to Rock and Jazz. They produce sounds nicely, nice tight crisp. If these came with a woofer unit these would be ideal speakers, as the 2-pieces alone do not produce any significant bass at all. Just the hints of bass in the music but no thud, if that's what you are hoping for. I did turn these up loud to listen to their full sound and they do sound good. These are perfect for offices and just daily music, sound is superb. Not for audiophiles or for people who are expecting to shake everything on their desks.Build quality is ok. I got the white speakers and they are the nice Mac white plastic. The JBL logo on the speaker itself is awfully big. And the silver volume knob is made of that cheap silver flake paint over plastic which is abit tacky. One of the soft rubber pads on the bottom of these (meant to not scratch your desk) did fall off during opening but they are glued on so no big deal in placing it back on.The design is very modern and cool tho. They look nice on my desk.You will need to keep these on for abit to let the speakers fully... break in. They sound awful right out of the box and after maybe one hour of keeping these on they will sound better.On the low end of speakers out right now, these will probably sound the best and are most modern design, compared to the black boxes out there",pos "I bought this laptop stand when I found out that my laptop could drive dual screens so I could have different items on the two screens and drag stuff between them. So now I have the center of the screens at the same height, side-by-side. It is really nice to have twice the screen real-estate.I figured that mostly I would put background stuff on the laptop screen (like email) and use my big hi-resolution screen for what I was activly working on. But, now that the laptop screen is up at eye level, I tend to use it just as often as the big monitor! It turns out that my dislike of the laptop screen had more to do with having to look down at it, even though I was not aware of that until I got it raised.",pos "One of the least expensive ways out there to raise your computer screen to eye level. I am 6'3, so when I sit I am still pretty high in the air. With this stand I am able to sit with great posture and look straight ahead to my screen. I would definitely suggest getting one of these if you've ever thought about raising your monitor up off the desk",pos "I'm overly critical of sound quality. At home i have the Tritton surround sound headset running off optical connection. this doesnt' compare to that but the Tritton is $99 too.For the $ this is really nice. Sound, microphone and wire quality are all good. Controls are easy to use and the software is easy to use too. They're also fairly comfortable. Good headset for work",pos I love this printer. I purchased it to print 8X10s from my digital camera. The ink doesn't fade over time like my HP did.,pos "As you may already know, this is an accessory handset which will only work if you have one of these Panasonic models: KX-TG2700/KX-TG2720, KX-TG2730/KX-TG2740.The Panasonic KX-TGA271V, does not need (or use) a telephone jack. It simply plugs into any standard electrical socket and works off the base unit with one of the models mentioned above.This phone was also very easy to register. (It had to be charged for about 2 hours before it could be registered...) I simply had to press the MUTE button on my base unit and then press the PLAY button on the phone (the registration directions were even displayed on the LCD display on the phone!) Please know that I did find the Panasonic instaltion manual/registration directions to be a little confusing.Some features that are NOT mentioned in this description which ARE included are: finger grips/ergonomic sizing on the sides of the phone, the opportunity to play your answering machine messages off this phone (the base unit to the KX-TG2730 has a digital answering machine, and I suspect the other Panasonic models do as well) ---- THIS WAS THE MAIN REASON WHY I PURCHASED THIS PHONE, YES THE KX-TGA271V WILL PLAY YOUR ANSWERING MACHINE MESSAGES OFF THIS PHONE THROUGH THE SPEAKER ON THE BACK OF IT!!!, a separate call waiting dedicated button is also included.Also, this phone will use any standard headset, it does NOT need a Panasonic branded headset. This was very important for me because I ofen use a headset and I do not want to purchase another one. I have since learned that ALL cordless phone headsets can be used on ANY type of cordless phone!Please know that the batteries on this phone are not interchangeable with the KX-TG2730 system (that is the model that I have.) Also, the KX-TG2730 phone can't be charged in this charger, and vice versa. That is (likely) because the KX-TGA271V phone is slightly smaller and weighs less.The face of the phone is white with a purple trim. The back of the phone is also purple on the bottom and white on the top half. The white in the phone is sort of a shiny metalic white, and the purple is not shiny at all. Some of the buttons are also slightly smaller than the buttons on the KX-TG2730 model. And the LCD screen is not flat, it is indented slightly, and bordered in silver.I purchased this phone from an Amazon.com merchant and am very pleased with it. I noticed that another Amazon.com merchant is selling the same phone that I purchased for less ($30.), however that merchant has HORRIFIC feedback and I was only too glad to pay a little extra for the confidence of knowing that I would receive a phone in a timely manner that would work!Panasonic makes very good phones. The only (big) problem is the battery life. The batteries often die after less than 90 minutes. I have solved this problem by purchasing a second set of batteries. However, this is still not a perfect solution. So, I had to purchase another set of cordless phones (Uniden.) I now keep two phones in each of the rooms that I had each of the Panasonic phones, and so far have not run in to any problems. I hope Panasonic will offer batteries with longer lives soon.All in all this is an excellent phone. I hope the extra details that I provided will help a prospective buyer make the right decision. Amazon.com rarely provides specific details to these types of questions (does Amazon.com only employ braindead dimwits?) and the Panasonic Website does not offer this info",pos "I recently bought an HP 17 widescreen laptop and needed to find a case for traveling. This case is all that and more...on one side is a detachable cell phone case...the other side a HIDDEN drink holder. It has a pocket that it slides into if not needed- that came in handy in the airport.This case looks extremely sturdy (well built!)and dirt just seems to wipe right off of it. It holds my 17 laptop, PDA, Cell phone, computer mouse, one-time-use cameras, Ipod, and all the wires and chargers for those electronics. I even fit two books, keys, a folder filled with directions and plane tickets, a notebook, and two dvd's in here. (all of that at the same time) Granted, all that stuff makes it pretty heavy to lug around the airport, so if you are doing that routinely you are going to want something with wheels or backpack form. The strap on this bag is extremely sturdy and cushiony. The strap was long enough for me to wear it diagonally accross my chest if I wanted, but it is not detachable (which means it isn't likely to fall off easily).This bag is extremely well-designed. There is a strap for attaching it to wheeled luggage...it even fits under the window seat of the airplane and those areas for storage are much smaller than the aisle seats. Very well padded..I knocked my brand new computer around a bit during the travels and kept opening the case to make sure it was okay! Of course it was fine because there are 3 heavy duty layers of padding.Because this bag does all that and more, it is large. It becomes larger the more you stuff it (obviously). However, I am 5'1 and I carried it fine from North Carolina to New York. It looks great, if I needed to go to a meeting with my laptop I would gladly take it in this case. It looks professional enough.happy buying!ps. let me add that finding a decently priced case for a 17 laptop that has all the features this one does is nearly impossible. Also, in the stores I checked this was sold for about 30 dollars more than here on amazon!! If you have a smaller laptop, this case will work just fine too! It has an adjustable divider. You will just gain more room for other stuff. I look foward to long usage of this case.",pos Very reasonable price and a must have as a spare for those that leave affixed to windshield year-round. Fast shipping. A great shopping experience,pos "I've read the other reviews of this product and feel a need to defend this gadget. I've owned mine for about three years and I love it. I use it nightly. The application I find this perfect for is Audio Books stored on MP3. This of one of the only small, portable MP3 players that has it's own speakers. I go to bed listening to audio books and I don't want to wear a pair of earphones or lug a set of extra powered speakers around. However just slightly larger than a CD Walkman when folded closed it is small enough to work great on an airline trip, where headphones are preferable to the endless roar of the planes engines.The big gripes I've seen repeated in the other reviews are: 1) Poor radio reception. 2) No Bass from the mini speakers. 3) Short Battery life.1) I never use this to listen to the radio, so I won't comment on it good or bad. But there are thousands of good and cheep radio's on the market so if you need a radio, go buy a radio.2) I'll agree with the poor bass reproduction in the speakers. Small cone's yield small bass. It's a physics thing. However when I travel and use this to play music in a hotel room, it's been good enough to satisfy the want of a little background music.3) Battery Life. I'm surprised by the times listed by other reviewers. I get about 30-35 hours of use when I'm on the road using the AA's. When at home or in a hotel, the AC adapter removes the concern about battery life completely.Perhaps this is because I primarily play MP3 disks which it spins up to read into it's buffer then spins down until it needs more data.Anyway I wanted to toss in my two cents, as this is a great gadget for audio book listeners, and I would hate to see someone miss out on it because some reviewers expected the performance of a boom box or home stereo out of a Walkman sized device.. It's my hope that we'll see more devices like this on the market and the price point to come down a bit. But bottom line, I've got my monies worth, and if anyone doesn't want theirs, I'd be glad to take it off their hands.",pos I have used this 128 MB XD Memory card and it works fine. The pictures are good. I have had no problems. I now have this memory card and the standard 16 MB card that came with my camera. Good deal.,pos "Review this product over the internet, and it is just what I was looking for my daughter of twelve years of age, pros. is portable and rechargable; cons. the sound is not as good as the Boose but with less volume it is quite acceptabl",pos "I had bought one of these five years ago when I was in the States and am still happily using it at home. Unbelievably durable for a mouse pad heavily used for hours everyday for five full years. Fed up with giveaway mouse pads sliding with my hand movements, I was searching for something decent to use in the office and amazingly found the exact same item. It is a good example that how little things make a big difference",pos "I bought this Ipod 4G to replace my 2G one that got stolen and chose more memory as the 2G got filled up too quickly. Can say that this is probably the best size in terms of memory. Otherwise, as usual with Macs, very easy to use, even for low-tech people like myself, beautiful design, small and light, not too fragile, just great on the go",pos "Just what I expected - good quality, convenient and holds lots of musi",pos "I researched cases upon receipt of my 20 GB iPod and deemed this the best. This case consists of a thin plastic sleeve inside a separate clear, hard shell. The hard case protects the iPod from scratches and minor falls while still allowing easy access to the controls and inputs. It also does not obscure the screen. An enclosed plastic belt clip attaches to the back of the unit.This case is not compatible with a Bose Sounddock as the user must remove the iPod from the case. Also, Contour Design only enclosed one of the thin plastic sleeves. I spent $5 at their website for 5 more sleeves and gave some to friends with the same case.The price seems high for a couple pieces of plastic but a case is essential and this is the best one for the 20 GB iPod.",pos It's great if you have High Speed enabled devices. It's very fast a 2GB is sufficient for almost purpose,pos "I've had this controller for over a year now, and it still works great and reliably as ever. After many months, the analog sticks occasionally drifted a little, but a quick jiggle and they'd be back to center.The profiler software is excellent, allowing you to fully map the controller to your keyboard and even mouse. This allows you to play any game with the controller, even ones which don't naturally support gamepads like Splinter Cell. With the shift profile function, you can effectively double the number of buttons which I found great for playing a complicated flight sim like X-Wing Alliance, completely keyboard free, using only the gamepad.Only downside: The D-pad is hard to control precisely. It's difficult to press only Up, Down, Left or Right. You almost always end up pressing a diagonal direction instead. This made the D-pad more or less unusable for games like Street Fighter, but then the analog stick was a perfect alternative anyway",pos "First, I should say that I'm surprised at how sharp and clear the image is. The display card at CompUSA said this monitor has a 1000:1 contrast ratio, and I'm not sure what that means, but it definately seems to translate to a crystal clear picture. The contrast ratio is higher than most other flat-panels I looked at, which have a contrast ratio of around 500:1 to 700:1 (including Samsung's own 20.1 non-widescreen model). Everything is crystal-clear, which makes it easy on the eyes and good for watching movies. It is also good for gaming - Half-life 2 and Unreal Tournament 2004, for example, both look great.Its wide-screen resolution of 1680x1050 is more than decent for most tasks. It also has a feature that lets you change the aspect ratio to 4:3 (which makes a square picture centered on the screen), so if you have any games or other applications that don't support widescreen modes, you can use 4:3 mode so that the picture doesn't look stretched and distorted. Plus, the monitor has DVI, analog VGA, S-Video, and RCA inputs (which would allow you to plug in a DVD player if you want). The monitor can also rotate 90 degrees, and it has built-in speakers and a headphone jack.Being a flat-panel display, it is also lightweight and compact, which is ideal for areas where space is limited. This is my first flat-panel display, and I was surprised at how lightweight it really is.All of these features, especially the sharp image, make this a great monitor, and it is worth the money",pos This was a defective unit. Got new unit and it works as expected,pos The den of horrors that is the Magellan car bracket requires you to have this power cord. If you don't then you will be fighting to change batteries and remount your GPS and that is no fun at all.I have used mine for over six months and it works without a hitch. A nice improvement would be a retractable cord facility so that you don't have excess cordage lying around your dashboard. Right now I loop the excess around the steering wheel but then again I never change the adjustment on the steering wheel so no problem with the wire getting caught up in the adjusting mechanism. Others may run into this problem. The alternative is a shorter wire but then it would make the power unit useless for some vehicles. A minor hitch but not earthshaking.,pos "Pluged it in and good to go, I skipped the installation disk in fear of what nonsense is loaded on that... went to the admin screen, a little overwhelmed with ALL the features, it could be more stremlined, for a novice user they would be entirely lost, perhaps that is whats on the install disk (easier setup), but my experience self, got through just fine, enabled the maximum security features (more so then the easy setup button, which itself is good but does not suffice my network requirments).Heard lots of issues, was weary, but out of the box works great, no issues, no dropped connections. And for that reason, since it works I do NOT intend to flash the firmware to the latest, as the saying goes if it isnt boke don't fix it.BTW home network is a mix of print server, wired PC, wireless Apple powerbook, everything running smoothly",pos "I'm glad that I bought the carry case with my Garmin eTrex, because it has kept it clean and easy to hold and carry. I haven't used the belt clip yet, but I liked that option",pos "After reading the online reviews of this product vs. the portable product I went with this one. Portability is not much of a need, I plan on being around a power outlet. The sound is in line with a radio/boom box of the same size and it's about the same weight. I have a lot of trees around my house so I have to extend the antenna several feet out the back door in order to get a good signal. Keep that in mind if you have signal issues with your satellite unit. I have my unit placed next to the back door in the kitchen and I can hear it all over the first floor of my home. So far I'm happy that I bought it",pos "I was surprised at the sound quality of this small speaker system. I purchased it to use in my bedroom on my nightstand and am very pleased. You can hear the music in several other rooms if the volume is turned up, without distortion.I am very pleased with my purchase and would recommend the speaker system to others",pos "This case is a veritable dirt magnet. It attracts more lint than I ever knew existed on my desk. However, it protects very well. One thing I was worried about was the possibility of the hard plastic front of the case scratching my screen. However, it doesn't even touch the ipod. Also I worried about a loss of sensitivity for my clickwheel. While it isn't quite as sensitive, it makes it more precise in my opinion, seeing as how I all of a sudden found myself at the end of my artists lists when I wanted in the S range without the case on. This blue case even looks good on my black ipod, even though I was worried the color would appear muted. It's still vibrant.One complaint that some have already brought up is the covered hold button. Truthfully this doesn't bother me, because I have long enough fingernails to dig in and push the button. But those without could have a great deal of difficulty. Also, the hole for the headset isn't quite large enough, and sometimes my headphones will pop out (I'm not using the earbuds that came with the ipod, so I do not know how those would fare).Overall, it's a great case that you won't lose your grip on. It protects well, and you never have to take it off, even to plug it in. I would recommend it, though it is a bit pricy.In a bit of an update, with this case on, my iPod survived a ferret attack, with only one little tiny puncture mark on the outside of the case. I think this case is well worth the money. My iPod could have been destroyed, but it's perfect",pos "Printers have gotten inexpensive. Let's face it; the game is, cheap printers and then the consumer buys cartridge after cartridge of ink refills. I'm fine with that.For the $149 Amazon price, this machine actually *does* do everything I need it to: a fax machine for those rare occasions I need to fax a physical piece of paper. A great inkject that doesn't consumer *that* much ink. It copies and scans. I have used every function, am pleased with them all.Sure, it feels a little flimsy; it is a small machine meant to do work that you are used to seeing a huge piece of hardware accommodate in a standard office. However, it has held up well to some serious use in the past couple months, so that flimsiness isn't really even a complaint. And I work from an office in my home three weeks out of each month, so I am more than glad I can reproduce all the functionality my real office provides me.All in all, worth the money",pos "We bought this phone and two additional handsets eleven months ago. One handset gave us problems from the start, but was promptly replaced when returned for service. The system works fine in our 2-story, 2,300 sq. ft. home. I did notice some reception problems carrying the handset into the closed garage with the base station upstairs on the opposite end of the house. As a test I took the handset down the street about 100 yards away - it still got a clear dialtone to the base located in upstairs bedroom facing the street. I like the features, including paging system, call transfer, and handset speakerphone. Being able to have a phone at any 110v outlet location is a big plus. I think the sound quality is very good, and the controls well laid out and pretty intuitive. I agree that having to enter memory numbers into each handset is a drag.Overall I feel it works as advertised, and we'll be using it for a long time",pos "I bought this phone over 6 months ago and absolutely love it! It has great sound quality. I love the features it has such as speakerphone, caller ID, and it's phone directory. The only thing that is not great about this phone is that the base and the headset each have their own memory and you will need to enter people twice-into both directories. Oher than that, this is a GREAT phone. I have owned panasonic and GE cordless phones in the past and had problems. I even bought and returned 2 phones before trying and keeping this phone.",pos amazon attempted to extort second payment for undeliverd items claiming they would refund late,pos "This FM transmitter is the bomb diggiti!!PROS: The clarity it great and the fact that it has a long neck makes it the best!PROS: If you own a Chyrsler PT Cruiser, you will love this device. The neck brings the IPod even with the top of the steering column. So it right into view on the right. You don't have to look down or fumble for you I-Pod in between the seats.PROS: Very stable once it is in the outlet.PROS: GREAT reception!CONS: Would be nice if it had a on/off switch on the base for those outlets that stay on even when the car is off. The green light on the device my attract unwanted attention.CONS: I have to take off my protector everytime I use the IPod in my car",pos "On the plus side, it's a great value for the games that do work on the T5. SimCity alone is probably worth the price.On the down side, although Amazon claims it's compatible with the Tungsten Series that was probably written before the T5 came out. Four of the games appear to act as trial versions, although it's impossible to enter the registration codes. See (...) for an explanation.Even with only 4 working games past the trial period, it's a good buy. Just know you're not getting what's advertised if you have a T5",pos "HP Premium Plus photo paper is the only way to go if you desire tremendous photos from your home printer without any scratching, scuffing or blemishes. I have tried less expensive paper from HP as well as other manufacturers. The difference in quality is obvious. If you want friends and family to think you know what you are doing, share photo's on HP Premium Plus glossy paper.Jay Shahee",pos "Excelent, hard drive, good price and good time for seller.thanks",pos "I ordered one from an Amazon partner for $ .01 plus shipping, then with my A9 discount the price was even lower. So I got one for less than the shipping cost. True, the seller made a little on the shipping - maybe $4.50 not counting time. Think how much Apple must be making! The packaging didn't mention Nano so with a bit of trepidation I plugged it into the wall and my iPod and my Nano liked it! Charging happened - it must have been made before the Nano came out. As other reviewers have said, buy this one and avoid a HIGH price elsewhere",pos "I purchased the pouch & the carring case shortly after. I own more than one car and have four family menbers that are always on the go.The case holds the GPS, mount and all the different cables.The foam insert holds the GPS while still in the pouch or without.The velcro staps hold the mount & the ac cord.This way when you are looking for it,everthing is in one place.The case is made well and very plain looking on the outside,so not to draw any attention",pos "Very easy to set up, great product. Picture is great on my samsung 50 inch plasma",pos "It is a pleasure to use this DVD player. The quality of the image is superb. It upgrades definition on DVDs and the difference is very (favorably) noticed. As compared to that obtaibed from a less than a year old Sony player (with HDMI), the difference in image quality absolutely huge.Yes, it is more expensive. But the extra quality is worth every penny; and then more",pos I had a problem with my Sunrocket VOIP and I read that someone had bought this modem and that it solved her problem. I gave it a shot and guess what no more dropped calls. Thank you Motorola!!!!!!!!!,pos "I ordered the 4 meter cable which was pictured with 24 pin connectors and received one with 18 pins. Found out that the missing middle 6 pins are used to transmit audio which my monitor doesn't support anyway. Originally, the DVI-D specification allowed for both a video signal and an audio signal, but most manufacturer's have only used the video portion. If you need a DVI-D cable, an 18 pin connector will most likely work since most devices won't process the audio signal anyway. There are a few (very few) devices that do use all 24 pins, but with the advent of HDMI, nobody really makes them anymore",pos Product came in as describe. Super clear picture quality as it's supposed to be as Monster Cable brand,pos I am not really a big tech person so I don't have the mega system hooked up to my computer and DVD/TV but I do know that since I got this I have been blasting my music like crazy. I don't really mind too much that the power and volume is under the desk because I have enough space down there and all I have to is lean down... Anyway I personally feel the only way it could be better was if there was a remote for it and it gets hella loud (considering its computer speakers) I don't even have to turn them all the way up to hear them when I'm in the shower so I am pretty much happy with them,pos "These speakers are amazing, I am truly shocked to receive something so sweet at an unbelievable price, amazon thank you for the hook up, my speaker system rocks. My delivery experience with amazon was great. Can't thank you enough, keep up the great service, truly",pos "I needed new computer speakers after my Cyber Acoustics died after only 3 months. SO i wasn't going to buy the same brand since it died so fast. I use a Mac i wanted some nice sounding speakers, but couldn't decide to go with either the Sound Sticks, Creatures, or these. Well since i am saving up for a new Laptop, i wanted to save as much money as possible. Plus me and my dad had bought this brand over 7 years ago and they STILL work and sound great so i decided to give these a chance. Well first thing i did when i got them was turn the volume up to Max and Sub base up to Max. (Yes i underestimated these speakers) When i turned a song in in iTunes i nearley got blasted out of my chair! I was supprised by the sound clarity was pretty good even at higher volume, and sub was powerful shaking my whole desk!Moral one: Do not underestimate speakers my good brands even with low wattage.I highley suggest these speakers for people who don't have much to spend or don't want to spend alot of money. If you want better quality i would go with Sound sticks or Creatures. But these look like they will serve me well",pos The camera is perfect. If using the camera for keeping in touch with friends and family this is the camera for you. The picture is clear not to grainy. The only heads up is lighting. Try to use the camera in a well light area. We are stationed in Japan and use the camera almost daily to spend time with family back home. The camera has added great joy to the family especially when feeling homesick. The best part is the price won't break the bank,pos "Around here Canon ink is difficult to locate and expensive when you actually find someone who carries it. It may take a week or two to arrive using Amazon's free shipping option, but I get fantatstic results from my Canon Pixma MP780 (that I also bought from Amazon). Most of my printing is borderless 8 1/2x11 and the quality is always great. Definitely worth it. If turnaround time is a problem, buy two so you always have a spare.",pos "Gave as a gift. Excellent value. Tune capacity more than sufficient, easy to use and sound quality is right up there. Must get one for myself",pos Outstanding product as you would expect from Panasonic. Incoming calls loud and clear. The scroll telephone directory is convenient and easy to use. I do not like the beep sound when the hand-set is placed back in the cradle (it cannot be turned off,pos I often have problems with memorex brand but have never had a problem with Verbati,pos I don't think I would have used my i5 without this. I just wish it came with the GPS instead of having to buy it separately. Great to easily move my GPS from car to car. Highly recommend,pos "A great solution to theft prevention for this GPS. The legs fold up to make a compact unit that easily fits into the glove box.As for the grip on the dash, it works very well. There is a little bit of creep on slick dash boards, but it sticks better than the Garmin bean bag on my 2720.",pos "The reader is fast. Example: I took 56-2MP images from my camera recently. I plugged this reader into my G4, plugged in the card, the card mounted, I dragged the images to my Pictures folder, and they copied immediately. No waiting. I was amazed, because with my [MIA] USB reader, it could take a while to transfer that many images, over a minute. A copy dialog didn't even pop up, because it transferred so fast. It doesn't hurt that it's a cutie too. 5 stars",pos It's a Canon product made for another Canon product -- how can you go wrong?,pos "Good printer ink, always try to use factory ink and these are with a good price. I bought all the colors and paper at the same time all good price and free shipping. Save gas driving to local stores",pos "Operation of the Sony DVPNSS550/B single disc DVD player has been straight forward. Picture quality is very good, and the desired basic features have functioned without problems. In other words, in the 2 1/2 months since we have owned this player, quality and reliability have been high. Price too was very reasonable. That means durability is the last quality to consider, which is why I have given the player a 4 rather than a 5. There is no reason a machine like this should not be problem free for years. But we won't know that for years.",pos These mini CD-Rs work great in our Sony Mavica CD Cameras at a cost of only .42 cents apiece,pos "This is a great multi-function printer/scanner/copier/fax machine for a small office or home business that has a light to moderately light document workload.Print quality is excellent, scanning quality is excellent, copying quality is excellent, faxing is faxing.The control software is fine; not great, but it does the job. The networking features, including built-in wireless, makes this printer a snap to integrate into your office / business using a wireless network.Some concerns: after heavy usage the top document feeder, used for scanning, faxing, or photocopying a stack of loose documents, begins to jam. The rollers need to be cleaned to avoid this, and getting jammed paper out of the top document feeder is very difficult.However, the fact that this piece of equipment even has a document feeder for this sort of functionality is pretty good.The fax log keeps a record of outgoing faxes and you can re-send them easily enough, but you can't re-print faxes received; the fax log merely logs their reception, but not the fax itself.Overall it's a good multi-function at a reasonable price with a lot of functionality built into it. Would recommend to anyone who only has a light document load, with maybe the occasional large document scanning / copying requirement",pos "As long as I own a pair of these headphones, I will never use bass boost or a graphic equalizer again. They sound PERFECT. I cannot fathom a more balanced, natural sound. These babies put you in the recording studio, or in the concert hall! Bass is crisp, taut, and strong. You can feel it. Yet it is not overbearing or boomy. Midrange is balanced so well that you'd swear you were standing next to the lead guitarist, and the treble is so crisp and clear that you will rediscover the percussion sections of your favorite tunes. The folding feature is handy.The only things to be aware of are the following: First, you have to break them in. They start sounding better after a few hours of use. Second, they don't have an inline volume control, which I will dearly miss from my Koss KTXpro1s. Finally, plenty of sound escapes. So don't crank them too much in the library or at Grandma Edith's funeral.Other than that, you have no excuse. Put your iPod's lousy white earbuds in the garbage disposal where they belong, and order these (or if you don't want to fork out $40, order the Koss KTX Pro titanium phones - which are almost as good as these, and definitely the best in the sub-$20 price range.)",pos "Good sound for the price, and very durable. Discrete design. I prefer the plug design to other headphones. They don't fall out, and I can listen to music at low volume at home or in a plane, it makes almost no difference. Just be careful in the traffic ;-)The sound is good, especially for music where the bass is most important, but the treble is also good for pop and rock. The middle range is a bit dry for e.g. classical music, but still good enough for an mp3-player.I have two pairs.",pos "These earphones are excellent quality. Noise that gets in from outside is so low that I can barely hear what someone next to me is telling me. In addition, the frequency response and quality of the sound is comparable to the much larger and bulkier insulated headphones.These earphones do in fact rest in your ear. It can be slightly uncomfortable to put them in the first time, but you quickly get used to it, especially when sound is playing. In addition, the package includes three sets of differently sized earpieces including the default mid-sized piece shown.",pos "I just got my NANO last week and the minute I turned it on (before even transfering any music to it) I could hear a faint noise/buzz from the nano. It comes on when the power is on and goes off as soon as I turn off the unit. Has anyone experienced this with theirs? My first generation nano does not experience this noise. I plan to take it to an Apple store and try to get a replacement.Just a bit frustrating when you plopped down the $250 and the new toy already appears to be defective. Lesson learned for everyone else, if you don't have to get a new toy right when it comes out...wait...let them get the bugs sorted out first on new adopters like myself",pos "I have never been a fan of the Ipod. I have been an Iriver H120, H320, and H340 owner. I had a Toshiba Gigabeat and currently own an Archos AV500. The reason for owning a Nano is because of the size of the AV500. It is too big to pack around unless I am on the bike or have a backpack or coat on. The Nano solves this problem and other than not having a remote, (soon), I am very happy with it. It loads from Itunes very easily and I have had no problems with it not playing certain files, (and I would reencode them if there was a problem.) Apple, don't let me down",pos "The KOSS Pro-4AA's were not made for iPod/MP3 headphone users. TO begin with, they reveal the low fidelity of MP3 files (compared with LP's or CD's). Also, they require a 1/4-to-3.5mm (or other) adapter in order to plug into most recent audio playback and computer equipment.These Headphones have been around a long time. Check out the old photos of the Watergate hearings from 1973/1974, and notice that the Senators & attorneys were all listening through KOSS Pro 4AA headphones. Their longevity is mainly due to their extermely high fidelity audio reproduction. Unfortunately, their age has made them somewhat inconvenient for most listeners, since they are very heavy and a bit cumbersome.NEGATIVES:1) Weight (about 3 or 4 times as heavy as most contemporary studio-reference headphones)2) Tight headband - as noted, the fit is fatiguing if your 'hat size' is greater than 7 1/2.3) The coiled cord is extremely difficult to replace (it's actually less expensive to replace the entire set of headphones of you can get a good discount).POSITIVES:1) AUDIO FIDELITY. Unless you want to spend at least $300 for a set of headphones, the sound quality and fidelity of the Pro-4AA's is almost impossible to beat.2) VALUE. As noted above, for the price you pay, these are vastly superior to any other headphones that are comparably priced.3) DURABLE. My first pair lasted 30 years. They were dropped and knocked around, and finally gave out when (It think) a voltage spike surged in the left earphone, fusing a coil.4) ISOLATION. THe paddded earphones block out external sound very well.The sound fidelity is preserved over a wide volume range. These sound great at low and high volumes.The biggest Positive (and the reason why I prefer to use Pro-4AA's for audio mixing, other studio applications, and serious listeining) is that they are extremely unlikely to be stolen. Size matters: they are heavy, and bulky so they're not easily concealed; and since iPOD or MP3 players use the mini plugs, these require additional hardware. If you just want 'jogging/exercise music', then these will not work well. If you want hi-fidelity at a bargain price, the Pro-4AA's are still the best choice around.",pos "Bought this mouse over 3 months ago, and its still going strong. The batteries last forever (I've never replaced them yet). My only problem is that at times, I will turn off the mouse by attaching the receiver to the bottom, but it won't seem to turn off! I reset the mouse and then attach the receiver again, and this always does the trick. Other than that, very ergonomic, extremely smooth and precise.I like the solid feel of a slightly weighty mouse, and with the batteries, this mouse feels just right. If only it weren't for the mouse not turning off sometimes, I'd give it a 5",pos this is a great little product to take the place of the builtin finger pad on a laptop.....the USB just plugs in and the mouse is the perfect size for comfortable us,pos "I previously had purchased a different brand of wireless mouse, I can'trecall the brand, but it was awful (battery contacts wouldn't stay in contactand it was hard to use). I was using my laptop at my brother's house and helent me his Logitech V200. It was AWESOME! Just plug in and use!I went home that nite and looked it up here and saw that others had hadsimilar experiences, so I bought one. I've had it for about a month nowand love it. The scroll wheel being able to lean left & right for sidewaysscrolling is a nifty feature.I recommend this product highly",pos "I have not used this device all that much but it seems to work well.It lives up to its claims. The face tracking feature is not always fast and accurate, but generaly works (in good light).This camera does require a significant amount of light to give good results, but then again what camera doesn't.Image quality is about as good as you will get from this type of device",pos "My first purchase of the Q9b resulted in a return as the display wasn't mounted properly within the plastic housing. This resulted in the screen being tilted downwards about 1/4 and made the viewing unpleasant. The screen also wasn't very bright even with the brightness controlled up at 100%. Having to disassemble the unit to place it back in the box required the base stand to be taken apart but that was next to impossible without breaking it. Suffice to say, quality control missed this one.After getting a new Q9b replacement, I unfortunately had a bad pixel. After using the Q9b for a week now, I noticed some red aliasing between characters. The crispness of the display is fine but I changed display fonts to 120dpi to make it look better. The control buttons on the monitor are too small. The built-in speakers leave less than desired and useless.The Q9b does not have DVI ports. At 1280x1024 mode its fine for doing basic computing like web surfing and office applications. Viewing DVD movies at full 1280x1024 mode was difficult to watch. At smaller sizes (400x300) was fine.All in all, the Q9b is not a bad monitor for the price for general computing work",pos "You idiot, its not only for PSPs - the card can go in anything that has a memory stick duo slot [phones + cameras + PSP + TVs + computers",pos "After ordering non-OEM inks from several different places on the web (and having some problems with them), I discovered that Amazon sold OEM at great prices.I went to my local office supply store and purchased a complete set of 5 inks for my Canon Pixma iP4000 at a cost of $75. Later that day I found them on Amazon at almost 1/2 the price!Also, when it comes to OEM inks, I discovered that they seem to last almost 3 times as long as the generic and refilled versions.",pos "HP didn't make 13x19 paper when I bought my 13x19 HP printer. Way to go, HP. They may make it now, but I never check, b/c I'm totally satisifed w.this paper. Runs smooth and looks great",pos Product was as described...reception was strong and weak depending on your location...was able to receive all frequencies..rated this a 4 instead of a 5 only because when the wind blew the reception would get fuzzy...could get annoying on a very windy day..radio is bulky and heavy..,pos "I have used GPS units from Cobra, Garmin, and Lowrance. I consider this Cobra unit to be one of the best. I started with the Cobra but it was stolen after a month. Then I bought the Lowrance but it was too heavy and the mount was a sgood as the Cobra. I returned the Lowrance and bought the Garmin 340.Advantages of the Cobra is that it has a large screen and a solid mount (despite its size). The interface isn't quite as intuitive as Garmin but once you learn it it is actually better. The traffic service is also nice (costs more with the Garmin). The Cobra is the most capable of the GPS units I mentioned but overall I am happier with the Garmin because of it's smaller size and lower price",pos "The unit operates as good as any other GPS system available, plus it has a great big screen of 5 inches. I am very impressed with the GPS, but the mount used to attach the unit to the window or dash is very poorly designed. The unit falls off the window and from the dash, plus the power cord comes out too easily. The unit deserves a five star rating, but because of the mounting system and power cord coming out too easily a four star rating was provided.",pos "I would highly recommend reading the BusinessWeek review on this product that came out on September 12, 2005. BusinessWeek as reviewed all the major GPS navigation options on the market and ranks the Cobra NAV ONE 4500 as number one. Here is an excerpt from the BusinessWeek article:Cobra's NAV ONE 4500 and Garmin's StreetPilot 2720, which each sell for $800 to $1,000, use a more straightforward approach. The traffic info travels along with FM radio broadcasts from Clear Channel stations in 48 of the top 50 markets. An FM antenna and receiver pick it off the air and feed it to the navigation system.I preferred the Cobra, mostly for its big, bright 5-inch screen and its built-in radio receiver. (The Garmin receiver is $200 extra and needs to be installed between your car antenna and radio.) When you encounter traffic, a pop-up on the screen and a voice give you three options: Keep driving, reroute me, or give me a couple of new routes and let me pick one.",pos "If money was no object, I would prefer the totally wireless headset phone, however, this has been a great alternative. I have TMJ, and activities like talking with the phone crooked in my neck, while holding my toddler, while preparing dinner, compound my pain...go figure! I find that having the phone clipped on my hip with the cord hanging is kind of a pain, but, the product works great. I have had no problems hearing anyone, nor has anyone had difficulty hearing me. The earpiece is comfortable and easy to get on and off, even for someone with elfishly small ears like me!",pos "I've owned this headphone for about a year now, and I've got to say, after going through multiple headphones, this beats all others I've tried. If this one ever broke (I doubt that'll happen anytime soon), I'll surely buy another one again!Pros:- Comfortable to wear. The ear cushions are indeed comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Even if you wear glasses, you won't feel uncomfortable.- Clear treble, middle, and bass. You can hear all the subtle sounds in your song clearly. Even with completely flat EQ setting, the headset does very good job with sound (provided you increase the volume up a bit more). As with any headphones, take time to 'break it in' to have it function the best it can (it means, to leave music playing on the headphone for very extended period of time non-stop, about 24 or 32 hours).- Sturdy wires. This headphone seems to have been designed based on recording studio-level headphones in this regard. The wire is very thick and long. Also, it's single wire format.Cons:- Ear padding is perhaps, too soft. This means it won't fully cover your ear area, and some of sound may leak out. So note that when you listen to your music loud in public places. Although, at first few weeks, the ear padding is relatively hard. If you are looking for a headphone that will ensure your music will never leak out, look into getting in-ear canal type headphones instead.- As some others have pointed out, tilting your head too forward or backward will make your headphone just drop from where it is at. So be cautious of your movements.- You might not want to wear this kind of headphone during summer due to poor ventilation. But this affects all closed headphones, so it's not a huge negative point.- The headphone is quite big and on a small head, you may have a difficult time keeping it up on your head. The size of the headphone is designed for a fully grown average adult head.That's all I've got to say, and overall, this headset is definitely worth your money",pos I think everyone knows that these drives have become invaluable. Mine has become a necessitiy between my computers at work and at home and any where I can get an open computer. I have W2K at home with USB 1 and XP Pro at work with USB 2. Never had any type of compatibility issue. This 128 MB size is the minimum most can get by with in my opinion. I plan on upgrading to at least the 256 soon.The amazing this is that I have just removed my USB drive from a clean pair of pants that went through the wash and dry cycle. And this was the second time. I can't believe it still works.Maybe I'll have to start using that ridiculus cord and wear it around my neck.Through away your zip and floppy disks and get one of these things. Just make sure you back it up often,pos "I am very pleased with the quality of the product. I have burned about a dozen discs and have had zero coasters. After the rebate, the price was very competitive",pos "Hey, don't listen to those other schmucks. So maybe there are a few of these that are exceptable, but the rest just complain too much. I love this thing! I got it for Christmas, and now for $20, you can't beat that. I use a standard charger for it in my car, so I never have to worry about batteries. It seems that the best way to get it to sound the best, is work with your mp3 player or whatever your using (equalizer). I have also used it on my portable DVD player in the car and it sounds awesome! For the price, I highly recommend this product",pos "I've used the keyboard/mouse for a little over a month now and have generally found it to do all I would wish. Of course, any wireless keyboard will at times not be as responsive as a wired keyboard/mouse setup, but this is more than offset by the lack of wires and the ability to pull the keyboard to wherever I wish.The only drawback, and it is minor, is getting used to the fact that there are no lights on the keyboard to indicate when CAPS LOCK or NUM LOCK is on. I have to look over at the wireless receiver for this. Additionally, it would be nice if there was an option for the keyboard to be backlit. Yes, it would draw down batteries more quickly, but as an option it would be user selected.All in all, a good wireless keyboard/mouse combination, and one I am quite glad I purchased.Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body.But rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming,WOW, Lord! What a ride!",pos "I read about these headphones in a magazine and i was intrigued by the reviews. having a headphone fetish (odd, i know), i decided to order them seeing that they were relatively inexpensive.. this is a decision i am thoroughly glad i made. these little headphones are absolutely incredible and they even outmatch, in quality, my larger studio-size headphones i have at home. the bass is the best i've ever heard in a headphone, rich and deep and true. the mids and heights are also brilliantly emulated. the mere fact that it is portable with its own compact and innovative carrying case, means that you can take the excellent sound with you wherever you go. i definitely recommend these pones to anyone who values outstanding quality in their music and games.....5 stars",pos "After buying my ipod, i felt my stereo system wasnt geting anyuse. So I felt that instead of buying the Bose Soundock, which is about $300, your better off only spending about $25 and getting just as good quality",pos "I was unsure at first if this product would work with my iPod nano, but after checking out Griffin's website, I decided to go ahead and order it. It works great! I like to play Solitaire and read text files on my nano, so the battery charge runs down much faster than it would if I didn't use the screen so much. TuneJuice means I don't ever have to worry about that again. I just keep a couple of 9V batteries with me, and I can keep listening, playing, reading or whatever on my nano as long as I want. Love it.-------I posted the above review on May 22, 2006 after having had the TuneJuice for almost 3 weeks. Two of those weeks were spent on vacation and this little gadget got a *lot* of use.Now, about 5 months after first receiving the TuneJuice, I'm about to order my second one - to replace the first one. I still love it, and did get a *lot* of use out of it, but snapping 9V batteries on and off so many times caused the wires leading from inside the battery compartment to the 'snaps' that connect to the battery itself to break off. Despite that, I feel like I got my money's worth and I'm buying another one",pos "I have been using my Sandisk player with no problems downloading songs or pictures. I have also made some observations that makes this player function more efficently.-use MTP music files because they use less file space.-adjust the file size on pictures to use less memory.-use the Speck toughskin case to protect display window (extra).-use the AC Sandisk USB charger instead of the computer USB port(extra).I do not use the raio or the video settings because of no interest, and the large amount of memory the video consummes.This player does fine using the earphones or hooked up to a audio center.I think that the 2MG card will be on my list of upgrades.The only upgrade I am made was to buy a better set of earphones. I did not like the pair supplied with the unit. My earphones have a volume control on the output cord which makes it much easier to control.I am not sorry about buying this item from Amazon.",pos "Pros: Easy to use, last for days without charging (depending on the use, of course... but i was traveling for 5 days and used it a lot without charging, and it lasted the trip), enough memory space, has radio, works as a recorder, smallCons: Stopped working, froze twice since i bought it 3 month ago. When it's on, tunes that i had deleted will still appear on my play list. If I hit play on such song, the player just skips and plays the next song on the list.But overall i'm happy with my MP3. I'd recommend it",pos "I didn't want to spend the money on this either, but it IS better. I really don't know why, but it IS. No question about it. PERFECT picture and sound! I have a Yamaha RX-V2700 receiver which has HDMI hookups. I tried a HDMI cable that came with my DirecTV box (from my Toshiba HD DVD player) and it was seriously lacking. This hookup is MUCH better! I have a Monster Cable HDMI hooked up to the new receiver that runs to my Sony 46 flat panel as well (more $ but....). I'm finally satisfied. I'm watching (and listening to) Batman Begins (In True HD sound) on HD DVD and it is superb!!!! This is just awesome! The stuff of fantasy. You only have to buy this/these cables once, so why not buy the BEST?! I highly recommend this move.",pos "This remote will do everything you need or want. Simple to use and great customer service. I had a couple of glitches (buttons that didn't work quite right) when I first programmed the device, but the Harmony support team helped me through those areas. The changes needed are now permanently in my data area on the Harmony web site so if I ever need to, all I have to do is reload the info.Like another reviewer, I also have a TiVO (2 actually) and the only button that wouldn't work on my Harmony 680 was the clear button. Customer service fixed that in a jiffy, too.I have owned several multiple device remotes over the years and never had one so good that I could really put away all my other remotes. I now only use one - the Harmony 680. Fantastic device! I'd give it 6 stars if I could",pos I paid about a dollar for this holder. Holds and protects the iPaq nicely. Can hold some credit cards as well as ID. Overall a decent product for a low price,pos This is perfect for anyone who travels with a laptop. It's small and fits nicely next to the ac adapter in my laptop case. It protects my laptop from surges through the AC outlet and phone jacks. I have been pleased with APC products for about six years. They provide excellent customer support. I highly recommend their products,pos "It also seems like the product goes a long way and will last a long time. I've used it four times already on two different laptop screens and the first opened bottle (out of two that come with it) still looks almost full. If the price was a little more consumer friendly I'd give it five stars. I mean come on. When you can currently buy other computer accessories like a brand name 50-pack of CD-R's for less than $14, the profit margin on something like this is probably 200% or more",pos "I found this keyboard to be very helpful. I am a graduate student and spend a lot of my time typing papers. While my laptop can be used to type, when you type for hours at a time it gets very uncomfortable. This keyboard is a great size and has a nice feel for long days spent typing. The bluetooth is also reliable and allows me to get some distance from the computer if I would like without stopping the connection. I would suggest getting a mouse to accompany it. Overall, a very useful and reliable product that makes my life much easier",pos "I had it now for 12 months and no problems with it. Its tiny lightweight and great speed. My old computer has to work quite hard to recognize it, but my laptop has no problems.One minor detail.. You cannot hook too many other stuff on the USB at the same time.I just ordered another one",pos "Have been using them for a week now.Incredible sound for the size. Bass is incredible.... mids are accurate, highs are accurate. These are the way to go if you're using an MP3 player. I use them with the Creative ZEN Vision M 30 (The Ipod killer)While walking, riding a bus or train in in N.Y.C. seals out external noise amazingly VERY WELL!!!Pros:Awesome accurate sound / Incredibly light / don't protrude out of your ears / comes with 2 sets of three different sizes of silicone plugs / plugs are ultra soft, comfortable and fit perfectly / secure well built storage case / cleaning tool / barely uses battery power! / Not the yup-tard WHITE COLOR.... much cooler BLACK!Cons: None so far.I bought them directly from Amazon for $75.99 with free 4 day ultra fast shipping",pos "Excellent sound, much much much........ better that the one that comes with any players, Zens or ipod.For those that have ever used safety earplugs in the industry, they feel like them and really isolate the noises.After that the sound is excellent compare to many others and amazon offers a very good price here.also good to have 3 sizes. 2 pairs of each + airplane adapter, case, cleaner, very good product.",pos "I just recently move from dial-up to DSL. Going DSL was not enough; I did not want to have cables running though the house so I started looking into going wireless. To make a long story short, after a little investigation I decided to make the leap into wireless technology. I purchased the WAP55AG router and the adapter cards, WMP55AG and WPC55AG.Once the WAP55AG router was installed and set up, the installation of the WMP55AG PCI Adapter on each of the desktops were simple.I had no difficulty setting up the hardware and software and with a few hours, I was on the net through the router. One desktop is running XP professional and the other desktops are running XP Home edition.The LinkSys Web site has all the documentation you need for installation and setup. There is a Knowledge Base page that covers a lot of the products and answers to a lot of questions about various products and configurations; I found it to be very helpful.Pulled from LinkSys Web Site:----------------------------------------The Linksys Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI Adapter installs in most desktops and lets you put your computer almost anywhere in the building, without the cost and hassle of running network cables. Now you don't have to drill holes in your walls and climb through the attic or cellar to get connected to the network. Once you're connected, you can keep in touch with your e-mail; access the Internet, use instant messaging to chat with friends, and share files and other resources such as printers and network storage with other computers on the network.The Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI Adapter connects you with Wireless-A (802.11a) and Wireless-G (draft 802.11g) networks at an incredible 54Mbps! And for added versatility, it can also interoperate with all the 11Mbps Wireless-B (802.11b) products found in homes, businesses, and public wireless hotspots around the country. And whichever mode you choose, your wireless communications are protected by up to 152-bit encryption, so your data stays secure.Features of the product:--------------------------------One adapter connects to either 2.4 GHz (802.11b or draft 802.11g) or 5 GHz (802.11a) networksAdvanced security features with up to 152-Bit WEP encryptionDetailed monitoring and performance utilityIEEE 802.11a, 802.11b and draft 802.11g compliantSystem Requirements (Minimum):---------------------------------------------200MHz of Faster Processor64MB RAMAvailable PCI SlotCD-ROM DriveWindows 98SE, Me, 2000 or X",pos "I am very happy with this mouse and would recommend it to everyone. It looks good, but more importantly, it feels good. Button placement, weight, smoothness, everything was done well. Coming from wired mice, the lack of a wire is very freeing. I am also especially happy with how small the USB radio receiver is. I am using this mouse on a laptop and love how inobtrusive it is.What's strange is I bought the S 530 desktop set for Mac at the same time. The mouse in that set looks nearly identical (except for color). However, it has a different weight and simply doesn't feel quite as comfortable to use. It only fits the hand the same but once you move it, it lacks the same comfort and ease of use as this mouse",pos Received this speaker as a replacement for the Advent AW-810 which did not work at all. This one was much easier to install and calibrate! Very happy with range and sound quality. Highly recommended,pos "These are very comfortable to wear, and the sound is great. I use them out jogging, and they stay put, without any pressure on the ear. The tight fit blocks out any outside noise, so be careful around traffic, as you cannot hear cars. I would highly recommend these to anyone",pos "I bought these Ear Headphones primarily to use when running and biking at the club. The sound quality is acceptable, not exceptional. The construction is a little flimsy and the big issue is that the cord is shorter for the left ear than the right. That places all the force on the left side and that one tends to pull out. I have no idea why Sony thought that this was a good design. For the money they could also have included a case rather than a clip for the cord. I would give these a B- good/not great",pos "The Logitech Cordless TrackMan Wheel was purchased in Sept. 2006. I have had this for two months at the time this review is being written.I bought this to replace the corded version of the same item. The cordless works as well as the corded one. The trackball doesn't has quite as smooth a roll to it as the corded one did, but the difference is minimal. I wonder if this may be because it is new and the other one had had years of use.I find the shape of the Logitech Trackman to fit the hand very naturally. It is also much less strenuous on the wrist than a normal mouse, which is why I use it.I replaced the corded one so that we could easily move the mouse to different locations for use. This is for home use with multiple users, with different mouse location preferences. I took the corded one to use at work, where it still performs flawlessly 8+ hours a day.I also have a Logitech cordless keyboard.There are two places where both these items could be improved:- Each one of these items needs it own receiver. It would save some of my limited home desk space if these could be combined into one unit.- I initially had the receivers out of sight behing an LCD monitor. I found that it was necessary to move them away from the monitor to get them to work reliably. This is a documented requirement in the owners manual, but that necessity takes away from the convenience of the wireless. The receivers, as stated earlier, take up space I would rather not spare",pos "We have a TrackMan corded model and loved it so I got this one for my work computer. It works just as well as the corded one when I'm in my office. For travel, the part you plug in is a little bulky so I usually leave it at home when I travel. It's not a small, USB stick that goes in the back. It's a long, corded, mouse looking device that sends/recieves the signal to the TrackMan. I don't think they market it as a portable device so it works just as advertised but it would be nice if it just had a USB stick instead of the other for travel. All that said, I love the trackball over a mouse so this is just perfect for me",pos "my canon 510 got glowing reviews just about across the board, but not this printer. i have very little space, and needed something small just for photos. so, even though there were many negative reviews i went ahead and bought it. couldn't be happier! colour fabulous! and when you print on stock paper you can use photo to do some extra artwork on. I LOVE IT",pos "Product nicely made , looks like quality product and performs fine",pos "My wife and I used the FR300 during the week-long Queens blackout this past summer and this little radio delivered. One 2 minute winding lasted for an hour on medium volume. The cell phone charger is cool, but it takes a lot of winding. The light is good in a pinch, but not particularly useful",pos "This map set met all my expectations, and was far more current than I had expected. Software for turn by turn directions on roadways while driving works great with the Garmin Ctrex GPS. Recommended. To load many states you will need large memory card, 1 GB.",pos "If you buy this service plan, print out the contract and keep your receipt. I did not purchase the plan, but looked over the contract intensely since I nearly got it.Some notes on the contract:1. It is only good in the United States (including Washington, DC, but MINUS MAINE), but it does not include Guam, Virgin Islands, etc. So if you are in another country or outside the 50 states + D.C., this contract will be nothing but a waste of money.2. This contract is transferable and the directions to do so are simple.3. They will only fix/replace/etc IF the manufacturing warranty no longer covers the item. That is, if the manu. warranty is still good, you have to use it.4. If the item needs to be shipped, shipping/handling will only be covered if the manufacturer would cover those costs in their warranty period. If the item is being replaced, You will be responsible for the delivery or cost of delivery of the covered Product to Our authorized service center. Reimbursement will be issued in the form of a check payable to You. I'm uncertain if that means you cover those costs or they reimburse you.5. No lemon policy of 3 service repairs for the SAME defect, and a upon the time of a 4th repair, as determined by them, they will replace it with a product of comparable performance. Repairs performed while the Product is under manufacturer's warranty DO NOT APPLY. (Doesn't sound like a great no lemon policy... your product would have to breakdown in the same way 4 times in the number of years they cover you -- many electronics are typically already covered by the manufacturer for 1 year.)6. There are numerous conditions that they will not repair for, but they all sound typical of such plans (such as, they don't cover accidents and they don't cover the elements or acts of God ... sorry, I had to note that second one since it stuck out to me from the other things). But, in all seriousness, read the list before you purchase.So, now that I have summarized much of the contract, if you want to get the service warranty, PLEASE READ THE CONTRACT SINCE I DIDN'T COVER EVERYTHING!!! (Don't hold me liable since I don't have much money anyways.) Also, I think this is typical in warranty contracts, but you will occassionally see the phrase at our discretion in the contract.Assuming they aren't jerks with their discretion and aren't too tough to deal with, I would give the warranty 4 stars (minus 1 star for the crappy lemon policy). I didn't get the coverage because the product I was going to get it for had just made into the next price category (so it was pricy for my product, being at the lower price end of the scale)",pos Easy enough to pop off the normal ant (RoadMate 700) and pop on this magmount version... and what a difference it made! Signals really are remarkedly improved. **HIGHLY** suggested for folks in hilly areas to nearly guarentee you'll get the birds,pos "A lot cheaper than model-specific docking stations, and 'does what it says on the tin'. Quite stylish too, as docking stations go",pos "We used the GTX600VP4 to stay in contact with two vehicles while traveling. The 5-watt power gave us ample range. Does it reach 18 or 20 miles, don't know. But 5 to 8 miles between cars was not a problem. Range was somewhat reduced over hilly terrain and varied from poor to good in the Rocky Mountains. It's a great way to stay in touch when traveling. The batteries are rechargeable, both A/C & D/C. The ear pieces were very good for privacy. Very easy to use and well worth the price. A good investment.",pos "I was hesitant to get this, since other reviewers gave it poor ratings on reception. Now that I bought it, I'm very glad I have it. It does all the things you might want in a disaster, inluding a flashlight, red flashing light (especially if your car breaks down at night), a siren (if you're trapped in a building), AC, battery, and crank power, and multiple radio bands. While some reviewers complained of not getting a lot of stations, in a disaster, you only need a few stations, as everyone will be broadcasting disaster news. Between the AM, FM, TV, and NOAA bands, my radio will received a huge number of stations--many more than would ever be needed in a disaster. (I didn't try the cellphone charging function.) It comes in a carrying case.Only minor criticisms: The case seems like an afterthought: it doesn't hold the AC adapter; the knobs tend to turn the radio on when putting it in the case, and the knobs could get broken off if the case is hit (not that protective). However, it comes in a strong box which is perhaps better storage for everything.Overall, this is all you should need for light, siren, and broadcast information from multiple power sources in a disaster",pos I just recieved my HDMI cable and am very impressed. The price is just what it should be about $5 and makes me wonder how somebody would spend over $100 for this cable at a store. The service was excellent and the cable arrived in 4 days! I highly recommend this cable. I just plugged it into my cable box and the other end into the TV and WOW what a great picture all around. The color is just so much more vivid using HDMI compared to component 3 wire connectors. Get this cable for your system and stay away from those high priced others,pos This is the perfect keyboard ( I know cuz I am typing on it right now ) I recommend if you like media boards,pos "SanDisk has done it again. They never seem to let me down with their products. I was in the market for another memory chip since I kept filling up my smaller 128 MB chip. The price was the deciding factor for me, as being a college student the financial situation was tight. But this product was perfect, right price, excellecnt storage space, good name. Get this product if you need more space for your digital camera",pos "Fast shipping, Very happy with the GARMIN. Their tech support is good..they answer all questions....WILL buy from AMAZON again... will buy a GARMIn agai",pos This is great! My only problem is the knob for adjusting. It's to loose,pos "I bought this mouse originally as a replacement for a $9.99 mouse, and I'll never turn back. THIS MOUSE IS OUTSTANDING FOR GAMING. It's pretty damned accurate, and it easily fits in my hand. Good price, too",pos "I you own a SmartPhone, you'll need one of these. Also happy this came with an adapter card, to plug in the MicroSD into it to move data from my Mac to the phone.",pos "The SanDisk 1GB Micro SD Card arrived quickly with intact sturdy packaging. I installed it in my Motorala RAZR V3m as expanded memory for my music library. Be sure to remove the RAZR battery to clear the access slot for the Micro SD. The V3m recognized the expanded memory without any problems. I used Motorola Phone Tools to transfer my entire music library. The program converts the mp3 file formats before transfer. The entire music library...a full 1GB...transferred reasonably quickly. The V3m is slow to access My Music using menu function #3 under Get Tunes & Tones. Function #6 Manage Music accesses the library reasonably quickly and works well. The new corded Motorola SYN1301B stereo earbuds work well in this configuration. Sound quality is surprisingly good, but the large diameter earbuds are flat...not tapered... and do not seat very well in the ear canal. The SanDisk 1GB MicroSD Card provides great value at a very reasonable price for full optimization of the V3m as cell phone with MP3 player",pos I upgraded from some speakers I purchased when I built my system. The sound difference was wonderful. It is a clean crisp fresh sound. Worth every penny,pos "Pros:Great battery lifeCompact, but not too smallNo extra dongleCons:Included software is worthless, but you don't really need to use it$40 is a bit much considering that you can get cordless keyboard/mouse sets for around $30 nowaday",pos "Okay so it was about 8:45 at night. I was coming on to a 1/2 mile long bridge that goes over a lake where I live. I was doing 60mph, the speed limit is 40. As I start to approach the bridge I start getting a small K-Band warning. I instantly slow down to the speed limit. As I start crossing the bridge the warning keeps increasing so I slow down even more to 35 mph. Then it gets to full K-Band. I look to my left where there is a service parking area, and in the pitch dark I see the reflectors of the one and only Crown Vic Police Car. As I pass the police car, I start flashing all the oncoming cars to tell them that there is a cop ahead.If I didn't have this detector he would have gotten me doing 20 over the limit. Thank you Escort!",pos "This is my second Escort Passport 8500 X50. The first one is in another car. It saved me many times for getting caught though I'm not maniac driver. The detection range is very good, it gives you plenty time to adjust your speed before you see the police car. I love the blue color and it only costs $30 more than red. The only problem that I have experienced on my first one is sometimes I got laser false warning signals, especially on raining day with defog is on. I heard someone mentioned that turbo charged car can causes X50 Pop and Laser false warning signals, and my first X50 is in my turbo charged car. I'm not sure if Pop alerts were false but since it won't help much, I have it turned off. Overall, it's very good detector, you will get payback if you own one.",pos "The best headphones I ever had, good fit excellent sound on my SoundBlaster X-FI!!",pos "I got mine to work in about 30 min following S Huffs directions below (followed exactly). There was only one thing not mentioned that I had to do to get it to work. Once you get into the settings on the range extender to enable WEP and put in the key and passphrase, I had to turn WEP back on on my router before saving the settings on the range extender. Basically just put step 6 before you save settings in step 5, this is what worked for me at any rate.I've had it for about 4 months now and it has worked as advertised. I gave it 4 stars because set up was still kind of a pain.From S Huff: The tips that Anthony Taylor left helped me get it working... but I still had some issues. I've added onto his tips from his review below1-Disable WEP on your Router or AP2-Hold the auto-configuration button for 30 seconds(if everything goes well both lights on the expander will turn blue) and unplug while still holding button. Plug back in after 10-15 secs.3-open your Internet explorer browser and type (default ip of expander), a window will pop up. leave the user name blank and put admin as a password (this is default password).4-make sure that the default gateway and subnet mask settings are identical with your Router or AP,change password on the expander if desired & save settings. (all settings should be correct due to auto configuration)5-Enable WEP on the expander, once again remember use same settings that you will be putting in your router or AP in step 6 -- aka same passphrase), save settings again.5.5 - As soon as you enable WEP on your expander - you will loose your connection to it as it's now setup for WEP and your router isn't - keep this in mind - drove me nuts.6-Go to your Router or Ap settings and enable WEP.7 - UNPLUG your expander for 10 to 15 seconds and plug it back in -- Bang you're DONE. Enjoy",pos "Works with Ipod skin,no need to take off cover.Looks good.Has connections for Audio,TV. Cables and remote are additional. Included are 5 adapters for all Ipods that have doc connector. Paid 29.95 from Amazon including shipping.It is what it is.It's a dock",pos "This is a great storage device. I use it to store documents to take with me when I travel and I keep it in my purse. I love the lanyard, that helps me to keep track of the drive. Worth every $$$ I paid for it!",pos This is a very nice set of paper and envelopes. The price is really great. The paper is a little lighter than the ones that cost almost double. The colors come out very bright and the folding is easy. Overall it is a good deal,pos "I have always had uniden cordless telephone and have always liked them. I had purchased this one to replace my 2.4ghz uniden cordless telephone which would interfere with my wireless modem on my computer. This one doesn't. I also like the feature of the intercom feature. My daughter has one of the handsets downstairs in her room and if she isn't on the phone, I can contact her to talk to her.My daughter also likes the mute feature where she can put somebody on hold if she is on the phone to ask me a question so that person on the other end doesn't hear her.The phone has many other features but those are 2 usefule ones I like along with the caller ID",pos I am extremely pleased with the purchase. I am using it in my office. Simple plug and play (no brainer)!!If I get the MIR the cost comes to $5. None can better that. Transaction with Amazon was flawless as usual,pos "Like most other reviews, I will agree and say it make take a try or two to get the right feel and the right fittings. What helped me is when I looped the wire around my ear and put the earphone in. Now it is crystal clear sound and a perfect fit. Movies are amazing! My music collection never sounded so good. If you want to get away from it all for awhile, slip these babies in your ears and chill",pos "I bought USB rudder pedals and yoke for use with X-Plane on a Mac Dual G5.Plug and play (no drivers needed), easily configured in x-plane, works beautifully.Great price! Thanks Amazon! Shipping was 2 days early! Kudos to Fedex!I am a private pilot, and recommend this product",pos "I needed a simple solution for my office. I wanted to be able to use the phone, but not get tied down by the handset, or the headset. Here was my solution, Since the TS105B has the 2.5mm port for a headset, I purchased a Jabra A210 Bluetooth adapter along with this phone and used one of my spare bluetooth headset to stay on conference calls and yet be able to move around my office. So far... WOW!!! its worked out great. The phone is also good by itself, plus it was inexpensive through AMAZON. For anyone interested in going the route I took... you will not be disappointed.Oh yes... you are limited to about 25 ft, or in my case as I work in a hospital where there are alot of other signals and lead lined walls... 15ft with max length at about 20 before you begin to hear static.The phone was a great buy, as was the Jabra A210 adapter.",pos "I have had this TV since Mid-March 2006. I absolutley love it!! I did extensive research before I bought a large screen TV and found that this Samsung seemed to give you the most bang for your buck. I read some reviews saying that DLP technology was plagued with problems from the rainbow effect, especially in movies with lots of dark scenes and lots of moving action. One reviewer specifically said to try playing Bourne Supremecy to see an example of the rainbow effect. This was the first dvd I played on this tv and I did not once have a problem with rainbow effect. Overall I have no complaints with this TV. Samsung has produced an excellent product. I recommend either satellite or HD programming for the best picture. Regular cable comes in sort of grainy.As far as where to buy it, I recommend Best Buy. I originally was going to buy from Amazon because when I first looked they were offering free shipping. When I decided to buy their was no longer free shipping, so off to Best Buy I went where they price matched me with amazon's price no questions asked. Best Buy offers an extended warranty for around $400 that covers bulb replacement or any other problems. It will also cover the rainbow effect on the slight chance that you have any problem with it. Overall a wonderful product",pos "There is a little story before this:I bought a pair of Sony MDR-XD100's (they are full cup headphones) because I lost the earbuds which came with my mp3 player (Sony HD5). I took them out of the package and found that, even at full volume on the player, it cannot drive the headphones sufficently. I went to a few electronics stores then found the KOSS EQ50.On with the review:Yes, there is a slight hiss, but I find it alright. The biggest gripe I have is that whenever someone within about 2-3 ft (IE, on a bus or subway) uses a cellphone, this devices picks it up. You can get the same effect by using a cellphone next to an unshielded pair or speakers. I do most of my listening at home so this won't bo too much of an issue.It also does a great job of amplifying the signal, it works very well, I can now listen to my XD100's properly (and they are very good!). I haven't used the EQ much but what I can say is that it is very, very sensitive. Raising the bass slider a third above normal makes a massive difference. At a half, my headphones start to distort.If your looking for a nice little EQ and/or preamp this is the product for you. It has its drawbacks though, mainly the problem with cellphone interference and of course, the hiss but it isn't too loud & I can live with it.I reccomend this product if your looking for a budget portable equalizer or headphone amplifer",pos "This does what it's advertized too. I like not having wires. The iPod in my bag, and just the headset. It would be a bit better if you could control the power on the ipod from the headset, ie turn off the headset, receiver and ipod all from the headset. Instead, I have to get the ipod back out, turn it off, turn the receiver off, then turn the headset off.Otherwise, the sound is good and the headset hasn't broken for me yet",pos "I picked up 4 pairs of these on Amazon, and have applied the CA and Nylon tape fix to the first pair (took about 10 minutes to do, let it cure overnight). Headphones look ok, with just the right amount of Geekhood proudly announced afterwards (reminiscent of the last generation of Geeks with the tape on the glasses). Sound is very good (better than most earbuds), they establish link quite quickly with the dedicated Logitech transiever, and range is outstanding. My only beef is how long I have to hold down the power switch to turn them on, and so far I have not successfully established a connections with my Treo 650. 1 star held back because of need of customer applied ECO, and they are only partially functional with the Nano (can't use the advance track feature of the headphones)",pos I am ordering my third of this capacity and have one in the 200 capacity range from Case Logic. This is a great product and is manufactured well. Holds the discs well and is easy to take them in and out. I don't transport them so I can't comment on that. Like others have said it is not easy if you want to move pages around but you can do it and it does make it nice for organizing as you fill it up. Get this if you need a lot of storage,pos This headphone extension is perfect! It is not as long as described (about 15 feet) but that's O.K. with me. The connections are tight (the plugs don't pull apart). It maintains sonic quality. It also retains it's elasticity. Using this extension cord my Grado SR-60's sound better than any wireless phones. You won't be dissapointed!,pos "This is a pretty decent cheapo case. If you want something that you'll use every day in the car or at your DJ gigs, then you may want to get something a little sturdier. For my [archival] purposes, however, it works just fine",pos "Purchase/Service:For $2,200 at Amazon, this was a great purchase since it would have cost over $2,700 at a retail store (including tax and shipping). Eagle arrived 10 days earlier than the Amazon estimate, unloaded the TV right to the TV stand, and after hooking it up and making sure the controls worked and the picture / sound worked, I signed for it. And, Eagle asked if I wanted the packaging carted away.Very pleased with the service part so far.....My Set-up:S6187 61 HDTVSony AV and 5.1 surround (this is not a digital unit.....I wasn't sure it would work but there are three options to hook-up a home theater: 1) Basic connection; 2) Optical; 3) HDMI)Sony DVDMotorola HD-CATV box (We use Comcast)Sony VCRExperience:As far as the tv, the HD channels look sharp and clear, however the non HD channels aren't as sharp as my 36 Sony CRT TV (there are several settings on the Samsung for 16:9, 4:3 and wide format; setting to 4:3 or wide for non HD channels improves the picture quality a little). But it doesn't effect the enjoyment since I purchased this for the HD, and it blows me away.The TV controls are simple to use, and the on screen menu's are easy to navigate.The sound out of the TV is not adequate for surround sound, but I hooked up a 5.1 reciever and it makes HD come to life.I like the fact that you can connect components to an AV and/or the TV, so there is room for 3 additional components with my set-up.I also hooked up my laptop (there is 2 connections for the video and audio on the back of the TV). After changing the video settings on the Laptop (the mannual does a nice job for XP users), it was incredible!The camcorder hooks up to the side of the TV, so there is no need to move the unit away from the wall. It was a simple set-up, and again, the picture quality just blew me away!!!I highly recommend this TV to anyome looking for a 50 plus TV",pos The ink toner I received was exactly as described and was delivered in a timely fashion.,pos A very good in supply is obtained at all times without leakage of ink or smudging of the paper or clogging of the printer. The reason it is not rated 5 stars is that the ink supply is utilized too rapidly and the expensive cartriges have to replaced too frequently,pos This was by far the easiest computer peripheral I have ever setup! Works flawlessly with my Netgear wireless router,pos "It is remarkable that, even though there are hundreds of iPod cases in existence, none of them are near-perfect. I tried four different cases, both hard plastic and silicone variants, and the iskin case comes the closest, protecting the ipod but at the same time not rendering the ipod less enjoyable to use.The case is basically a hybrid of hard plastic and soft silicone. The ipod first slips into a silicone sleeve, which covers every part of the ipod except for the earphone plug and the screen. In addition, there is a hard plastic plate that is then inserted into seems on the front of the silicone case, and this provides the screen protection. Due to the double-seam in the silicone, the plastic plate never comes in contact with the ipod, so you don't have to worry about it scratching.The case even has a flap that covers the dock connector, preventing dust from entering, yet you can still use the universal dock without removing the case.The most unique part of this case is that it covers the clickwheel, but the silicone is so thin that it hardly impedes the scrolling. Actually, I think it provides just enough resistance so that you will overshoot your target much less than with the bare clickwheel.The only real downside I found with the iskin is the clip that comes with it--I would not trust it at all, so I took it off. It would be nice to have a better clip that you can actually use, and it would be really great to have an armband available for it as well, but as I said above, I have yet to find a perfect ipod case. Like most silicone cases, this one does also attract lint in your pockets, etc., but it is not as bad as other cases.Unfortunately, even though this is a great case, it is not readily available. I couldn't find it in any store, and Amazon only sells it through Marketplace sellers. I ordered from Applelinks, and they delivered it to me in four days. Whatever you do, don't order from the iSkin company directly. I have heard countless horror stories of people waiting a month for their cases. They should re-dedicate themselves to manufacturing these great iskins and let others worry about selling them",pos Ordered the ink cartridge and had it within 4 days. Love the service at Amazon,pos These are the BEST. PERIOD! Look no further.. because you will not find a better value in rechargable batteries,pos "i used canon ink and then decided to try one of the cheap imitations. it worked well for a few months and then my photos came out of my canon i900d with color changes. after 3 conversations with canon customer care, we decided it was not the printer, but the cheaper ink. i switched back to canon, bit the bullet on the price, and everything is fine. i found decent prices on amazon, particularly at eek industries",pos this is a nifty very small musical device that I use when exercising. its great - holds all the songs I can listen to and is so portable. I really like i,pos I was so happy with my Creative Zen Nano that I bought one as a gift. I love the color choice and the sound is great. Love the pause button. It came with a protective case that attaches to the arm band. You do not need to buy one!! Amazon delivered it in 2 days,pos "This printer was purchased for my wife's birthday and arrivedin two to three days. Considering money spent the printerworks quite well. Pictures come out very good overall. AnHP 95 or HP 97 cartridge is used for color photos. It containsthree color inks but no black. Still, photos will easilysatisfy the average owner. An HP 100 cartridge can be usedfor black and white photos. Yes, the color cartridge must beexchanged for the black one when converting from color toblack and white and vise versa. Even so, we find the printerfun and very simple to use. Just keep in mind that the priceof ink will soon exceed the price of the printer if usedoften. What we do is use it for special occasions or whenthe grandchildren come over.Gary",pos This is perfect for use in kitchen space and has incredible pictue quality,pos "I'm using Monster optical cable as well, but with different reasons behind. Anybody with a basic knowledge of physics or optics should know that under normal condition light is not susceptible to interference from magnetic field or EMF",pos "Sound quality is very good, and I haven't run out of battery so far. The base is somewhat smaller than what I expected from the pictures. The handsets are well designed; on my previous phone it happened that the mute function became engaged when I kept the phone between my head and my shoulders - this did not happen with these so far. Speakerphone on the base is a nice feature and makes the phone usable even during power outages. Answering machine works well. Easy to copy phonebook entries between phones.",pos "This does exactly what it is supposed to do. It is light, easy to pack, easy to use, and probably difficult to crack.(Though would-be PC pilferers haven't tried taking a hacksaw to my cable lock so I cannot comment as to its ability to withstand saws, blow-torches, or any other criminal's tool.)Other reviewers baffled me as mine is as described by Amazon. There is neither an alarm nor batteries. Why bother with an alarm if the PC is locked with steel cable? Seems like overkill",pos "I tried both Microsoft's LifeCam VX-3000 and VX-6000. Had 'em both home and ran trials with my Intel Pentium D Dual Core 3.00GHz CPU with 2 gigs of ram and, with both of those, the video lagged the audio (distractingly so). Spent the better part of an hour on the phone with a friendly Microsoft customer service rep one evening (got through on their toll free line)and he pointed me to new software for the VX-6000. Downloaded the 50 meg plus file, installed it, but the VX-6000 still produced out-of-sync video vs. audio when I created a simple 640 by 480 video file for viewing on Media Player or editing in Windows Movie Maker.So, I talked to some technicians at our company and then talked to the webcam guru at the local assembler that built my, I believe, excellent computer. All recommended Logitech when buying webcams. I then marched back to Best Buy and traded my $99 Microsoft VX-6000 for a Logitech Quickcam Orbit MP for BB's price of $139.95. You can find this Logitech unit cheaper all over the place, including, of course, here at Amazon. The package I bought included an inexpensive headset, which I haven't used so far.Although I haven't tried the Orbit in a video phone call yet, from the moment I turned it on I had that satisfing good feeling that I bought a winner. Installed fairly easily with a couple of bumps. Got a USB composite device has not passed Windows Logo testing screen a couple of times..BUT..I received the SAME screen on, get this, the Microsoft cams! I just continued installing and have not experienced system problems so far.The audio sync with video in making a recording is right on (remember, that was primary reason for taking back the Microsoft cameras) AND the picture clarity on my LCD flat panel monitor at the 640 webcam capture setting produced a gorgeous picture. Excellent detail and smoothness of video. Besides the superior audio sync with video, the Orbit MP is remarkably better than the VX-6000 and way above the $49 Microsoft VX-3000 in all other criteria too, in my opinion after comparison testing.The Orbit's special effects are interesting and fun. The pan, tilt, etc., excellent. The face tracking is vigorous and alive - fun to watch the little Orbit camera turn - but I haven't tested in actual live conferencing yet.All in all - for webcams, I'm now saying what more experienced webcam users told me - head for Logitech. They've certianly hooked me with their apparent superior performance. The Orbit MP is a keeper! Not going to waste anymore time searching and testing. And, my advice to Microsoft, you'd better talk to the outfit that bought your name for those Lifecams. I've relied on the Microsoft name on peripherals, keyboards, etc., and I've generally been very satisfied. But, in webcams, with me, the Microsoft brand now takes a back seat to Logitech.",pos Easy to operate and good focus. Just a little problem with tracking for the goofy faces but overall a nice little cam,pos "Garmin iQue M5I'm very pleased with my little iQue M5 GPS/PDA. While it's not perfect, it's pretty darn amazing. I had actually purchased a Lowrence iWay 350 GPS, but then my husband discovered the iQue on sale at Costco for about [...] more. With the iQue offering so many more features, I returned the Lowrence and purchased the iQue. With my husband and I both having the same machines, we can beam information to each other or send them over Bluetooth.It has taken many hours of playing around with it to get to learn the device, as it isn't very intuitive and the manuals, especially for the PDA, are limited. My husband has spent a lot of time learning to use the GPS, and he's learning its idiosyncrasies as far as planning routes and getting it to avoid routing through construction areas. It's very sophisticated and the maps are great - better detail than the Lowrence. We purchased a 2 Gig memory card and downloaded the entire map database onto it, and there were still 300 gigs to spare. I had no trouble downloading the maps or the Active Sync software. The basic GPS functions are easy to use once you get the hang of it, the voice directions are clear and concise, and it re-routes quickly if you go off course. You can plan your route in advance without having the GPS activated. This is a good idea, since it can take up to 5 minutes for the unit to locate the satellites, and you can be on your way if you've viewed your route before starting out.I used the GPS on a trip Stratford, Canada, and it was wonderful having the Canadian maps as well as the US maps available. I even used it handheld while walking to my bed-and-breakfast from the theater. Every once in awhile there is a glitch (it said the theater was on the left, which would have taken me into the Avon River!), but it's generally right on target and I find most of the problems are operator error, such as turning too soon. The Route to Home feature is very convenient. Granted, the iQue doesn't always take you on the shortest route, but it will get you where you're going and if you're directionally challenged like I am, it becomes indispensible.The car mounting bracket works fine. It's popped off occasionally in hot weather, but generally stays put. The bracket would be easy to move to another vehicle. The GPS would work in a cup-holder if you needed to use it in a rental car.I've spent more time learning the PDA portion, which uses Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition. The iQue uses Outlook as its interface, so you'll have to have it installed on your computer. Not having used Outlook before, I installed Outlook on my laptop and spent some time getting familiar with it, which was helpful.The PDA has so many functions that it's hard to even describe what this little machine can do. It will organize all of your calendar functions and contacts, checks e-mail, accesses the Internet if you get a Wi-Fi card, recognizes handwriting, has a voice recorder, interfaces with other Bluetooth units, sends alarms, has Word and Excel, even has a couple of good games. I got a separate SD card for music and downloaded a lot of songs, and the sound through headphones is quite acceptable (it has bass boost). It uses Windows Media Player so you can organize all of your playlists. You can download any programs that are available for Windows Mobile 2003, including TV shows and videos. I never thought I'd find much use for a PDA but I'm using it every day. No more little notes on scraps of paper or a separate pocket calendar, address book or even an IPod. Everything is in one handy-dandy little machine. And even though it isn't that intuitive, once you've learned the basic conventions they translate to most of the programs.We've called Garmin Tech Support a few times and, although they are only open during regular business hours, we found American staff who are very knowledgeable about the product. Since a good GPS will run at least [...], this was a great bargain at around [...] We've purchased screen protectors and are hoping it won't wear out too quickly, as I've heard Palm Pilots tend to do. I'm really enjoying the iQue.",pos "We bought this about a month ago from Amazon. The product itself seems fine - we used it on a vacation drive from NJ to Myrtle Beach and back. At times, it was a help (like when there was a traffic jam on 95 in VA and we needed an alternate route). However, you definitely have to keep an eye on it as it doesn't always recommend the best or shortest route. Also, it was missing certain stores, restaurants, etc. that had been around for awhile.We liked that it is a PDA though. My husband drives limos so he wanted a mapping device for help but we hope to load some games into it. This way, when he has to wait around, he will have something to do.CONS:- You should be tech-savvy to get one of these set up- Match sure you get patches as unit will lock up- Manufacturer has DISCONTINUED this model. They still offer some support but be warned that this is a DISCONTINUED model.- Since it became DISCONTINUED, it dropped in price about $60 two weeks after I bought it which annoys me somewhat- Will be spending extra to get bigger memory card- Came with EXPIRED Outlook coupon - why bother including this?PROS- Nice display and controls- Came with mount and dock (some don't - you have to buy extra)- We had no trouble with the suction cup mount (had to pry it off the window with a knife one time) but agree that most placement seems to block driver view through windshield- Also a PD",pos "This phone was an additional phone for the Model IP811-2 phone system used for Vonage. This system has every feature that I could want, including range and quality, there are no negatives. I am highly recommending this phone and system",pos "Not much said about the fantastic quality of the video picture. You wouldn't think that you would actually be able to watch video on a screen this small but the resolution and quality of the picture is amazing. I have shown it to an I-Pod owner and was told the video on this player is definately better than the I-Pod.The unit is not perfect, it does freeze occasionally, but the re-set function has always unlocked it. The video sometimes converts in a jerky fashion also. But the conversion software was able to handle very large files. I suspect a little tweaking might fix the conversions.Sound quality is great. Combine this with Sennheiser CX300-B Earbuds and you'll love it.This is my forth MP3 type player amd the extra money over the lower end players definately yields a better product. The previous player, Creative Zen Nano Plus 1 GB MP3, quit working the week the warranty ran out.Thumbs up on this one",pos "I purchased this cable solely to connect my GPSmap 76S to my HP laptop. So far it has performed perfectly. I have not tried to use it for other applications yet, so I can't comment on how well it would work in other situations.",pos "I find this printer to be better than HP or Epson as there are not a lot of bells and whistles, just a solid printer that performs as I anticipated",pos "The zen micro is brilliant I have dropped it a load of times and it still works fine i've dropped it on the kitchen tiles twice, i've dropped it a few times in the yard and it still works perfect. I had to buy new headphones for it which made the sound quality much better. It is very easy to transfer files to it I always use windows media player to transfer files as it is easier to use than the creative software. I use it everyday and the battery lasts a good while for me.Overall the zen micro is a very good product",pos "I bought four of these. So far they appear to work well. They do not work with compact flourescent lights well, but are fine with incandescent bulbs",pos "I bought this screen as a replacement for my 8ms 17 Hyundai L90D+(which is a great low-priced screen for gaming), which was the replacement for a Dell fp2100 (that I gave to my wife). Anyways, this is an excellent monitor with excellent color reproduction and response times (more than enough for my flight sims). Movies are beautiful and the rather weird resolution hasn't been a problem. The design is probably the neatest looking out there (subjective I realize). The ONLY gripe I have w/ this monitor is lack of swivel (sigh). Other than that I'm very pleased with everything about this screen",pos "Wow...just got one of these at a great price, hooked it up to my Mac G4 via a DVID cable, and it boots up at native resolution (1680 x 1050) automatically - no muss, no fuss. Text is crisp and clean",pos "My favorite thing about this phone is that the caller ID captures 11 digit numbers (1-xxx-xxx-xxxx) which are then very easy to store into the phone book and call. My old phone only captured 10 digits (xxx-xxx-xxxx) which meant I had to reenter everything manually because of course you have to dial a 1 first. This new phone also allows me to toggle between 11 digits and 7 digits on the same number. I put together my phone book just by capturing calls as they came in. Very handy. As far as being a phone, it does everything well and after a couple of months I am still as happy as could be with it",pos This is the rockinest think i've ever seen or buyed dudes!!! check it ou,pos "This is my first GPS and I wanted a unit that could be used in a variety of environments such as biking, hiking, kayaking, and in the car to. I found this unit to be easy to use with a large display and convenient controls. Also the 2 times I called Garmin with questions I was able to talk to someone who is in the USA as opposed to a person in a foreign country which can be frustrating to some. On the down side to get the most out of this unit you still need to buy additional mapping software",pos "Ok.. here's the deal. I've been an avid Magellan user for the past 3 years. I love my Magellan. I've never liked the Garmins because of their clumsy interface (the buttons placed above the display NEVER made sense to me) and how the menu structure was built.However.... We're planning a 2000 mile road trip from Utah up to the Oregon coast. We needed something with expandable memory so we could upload more than one state map at a time. My wife bought me the Magellan eXplorist 600 for Fathers Day. I forced myself to use it for two days (and believe me, it was torture). I could go on and on about why I sent it back.What I ordered as a replacement was the GPSMap 60Cx. Now keep in mind that I felt like someone who had turned to the dark side.I couldn't be happier with my decision.While I agree with most of the other reviews about the lack of base maps, and the expense of additional ones, this unit ROCKS! It acquires satellites within seconds. It has expandable memory. It has a color screen. It manages Geocaches. It auto-routes. It stores 1000 waypoints. It has SiRF Technology. It is a USB interface. It has a belt clip. It changes display contrast at night (automatically). It slices... It dices....Suddenly the Dark Side isn't so dark!!This is a great unit that I would recommend to anyone.",pos "I had been talking about wanting an MP3 player, but I did NOT want an iPod, as I heard you cannot add files in Windows format and that's what all of my music is. I received this e260 4 GB MP3 player for my birthday in June 2006, and this is the first MP3 player I have ever owned. Although there are a few little quirks, overall I am not disappointed and would recommend this MP3 player.Like many rechargeable battery-powered items, it required a lengthy initial charge before first use. After that, the future charges don't seem to take as long. The MP3 player plays for hours on end without needing a new charge. Although I've never run it completely down, I have used it continuously for about 4 hours with no battery issues.I installed the software on my computer, and the disk is where you will find the owner's manual. I was a bit irritated that there was no hard copy of the owner's manual, and just a few weeks ago it came up as an issue when my MP3 player froze and I had to turn on the computer to look up the troubleshooting guide (turns out if the player freezes you need to hold the power button down for about 15 seconds to reset it).It came pre-loaded with 20 songs, only one of which I had ever heard of (and it was one of those no-name bands that played once on Saturday Night Live). Although my first instinct was to delete the songs to make room for my own choices, I decided to leave them on there until I need the space. About three of the songs have grown on me a little bit over the past 5 months. I currently have 517 songs on there and still have room for more.As far as performance goes, it performs pretty well. The buttons are a little difficult to get used to, as you navigate through the functions and the song lists by scrolling a wheel. Not too bad, but when you turn on the player and it begins at the beginning of the list and you want a song that's in the middle and you have a lot of songs on there, you will be scrolling a lot.I do not use all the functions that came with this MP3 player. It has music, fm radio, photo, voice, video and a settings option. I have used the music function and the voice recorder option, both with good results. The only downside to the voice recorder is that you can't get the recordings you made off the MP3 player and onto your computer. It would have been nice to be able to record things and sync them onto your computer. As for syncing music files, I have not had any problems, although I did have one instance where it shows a song was downloaded, but when you try to play it, it skips to the next song alphabetically in the list. I don't know what caused this. Also, you can only store a song as one genre, which is a little annoying. Be sure you have your genres picked before you sync because once the song is on the MP3 player, you cannot change the genre.It came with a headset, but I have never used it. Instead I purchased some Panasonic folding travel speakers to use with it.I do wish the MP3 player had some alternate form of charging other than needing to be connected to my computer's USB drive to charge. Another con is that a scratch of some sort appeared on the inside surface of the screen. I can't remember it being dropped or anything, so I don't know what caused this, but it's pretty noticeable. It doesn't seem to affect the operation, just the aesthetics.Overall, the cons are little irritations to me and I would recommend this player to someone who doesn't want an iPod",pos "Pros: Easy to use, last for days without charging (depending on the use, of course... but i was traveling for 5 days and used it a lot without charging, and it lasted the trip), enough memory space, has radio, works as a recorder, smallCons: Stopped working, froze twice since i bought it 3 month ago. When it's on, tunes that i had deleted will still appear on my play list. If I hit play on such song, the player just skips and plays the next song on the list.But overall i'm happy with my MP3. I'd recommend it",pos "I've never written a review, but I've relied heavily upon the voluntary opinions of other Amazon buyers, so I felt a really good product like the Anycom Bluetooth mouse deserves an unsolicited review.I know experience and taste vary by individual, but this mouse is awesome from my viewpoint.Pros:- Bluetooth - connects immediately; provides smooth accurate tracking- Size - very portable; some may find it too narrow; I have a hardtime going back to a wider mouse- Battery life - I get at least 2 days out of it before charing and I'm a fairly heavy user- USB charge attachment - allows you to continue to work while recharging- Product Design/Quality - Nicely engineered; good quality material- not tinny - it's built to take abuseCons:- Haven't really found any - It took me awhile to figure out how to connect until I read the manual line by line (I don't tend to do that) then I realized it was pretty straight forward.If you're looking for a quality bluetooth traveling mouse this is the one.",pos "I was in the market for a new inkjet and finally settled on this printer. The photo output is awesome and it's very fast!There are only two things I would comment on that new users might not be aware of. I was ready to return the printer as I thought it was defective until I found out what the problems were.1) When the cartridges dry out, it will tell you that the cartridges are incompatible. This was confusing as I did have the correct cartridges in the printer. A replace cartridge message would have been less ambiguous.2) The printer has so far appeared dead once. When I went to turn it on, it would not do so. The solution is on HP's website - you must remove the rear door and do a hard reset. I did this and the printer worked fine again.The printer does not come with a USB cable, but those can be easily bought for $14-20.",pos "I'm a skeptic. No, I mean I'm REALLY a skeptic... especially in today's marketplace (because nothing is built like it used to be). I don't buy anything without checking it out first, and even then, I expect that it's probably going to fail me when I do. Yeah, wonderful view there, huh?Well, needless to say, I was pleasantly (and quite happily) surprised when this device didn't fail me out of the box. I've been using my speedpad for almost a year now, and I have to say that it has been by far more solid, responsive and intuitive than I ever expected it to be. I will not play a PC game without it plugged in now, that's how well this gamepad has worked for me.Here are the ins and outs:1) Solid construction. As others have stated, this device feels very solid and is just generally sturdy as hell. This, alone, surprised me. Not too many electronic devices are solidly made these days (not too many at all!)... so I'm glad to see that this one was. Belkin did an excellent job in this department.2) Software. Do yourself a favor, when you get this device home, don't bother putting in the CD that comes with it. Instead, go directly to Belkin's website first-thing, download the newer version of the software (which is near exactly the same as what's on the CD, but updated) and install that *before* plugging in your speedpad for the first time. Do that and you'll have everything updated immediately with little to no trouble at all.I've had no problems with the software for this hardware (and that's generally the part I have trouble with the most). The applications (profiler and button editor) function perfectly, and macros are a snap to program. Kudos to Belkin's programmers on writing the software suite for this, they did a good job.4) Sticky keys. Most people have experienced this.. myself included. Being possibly a byproduct of the solid construction of the product, basically, what happens is the keys stick just a little bit coming out of the box. Though just excercising the device (pressing the buttons down quickly and solidly over and over) for a few seconds after plugging it in each time I went to use it cleared up this issue within the first week of using the gamepad, and I've never had it happen since.5) Other buttons.* The mouse scroll wheel can be an annoyance, and I don't use it much at all because it's hard to scroll up and down with it (Belkin may just have made that particular button a little *too* solid).* The orange button above the d-pad also isn't that easy to press, though if you keep you pinky finger positioned on the side of the keypad for leverage, it's not impossible to press this button (in fact, I use it as my default map button in most of the games I play). It's perfect for those functions you use enough to need a button for but not enough to need an easy spam button.* I haven't experienced any problems hitting the 'space' button below the d-pad that others have experienced. My thumb taps that button as easily as it taps the space bar on a standard keyboard. My only complaint with it is that I can't simply twist my thumb a bit to hit the key, I have to actually lift my thumb off the d-pad to do it - and that's not much of a complaint at all, really.The d-pad itself is a godsend! I'm a true console gamer, having used nothing but d-pads for movement since all the time spent playing my old NES as a kid (and using a joystick before that with my even older Atari). D-pad is all I know, really. In fact, the one thing that's kept me away from PC gaming all these years is I've never, ever been able to accustom myself to using arrow keys or WASD for movement (and probably never will get accustomed to that either). For the longest time I was looking for a device that could allow me to keep the sensitivity of mouse aiming (to keep up with other PC players) while giving me an actual d-pad for movement... and that is EXACTLY what this gamepad did for me.As I said at the top of this review, I will never play a PC game without my Nostromo speedpad plugged in. This gamepad has provided the one benefit that other pads haven't and that I really needed - a controller interface that's actually functional and intuitive enough to use that I forget I'm using it most of the time, allowing me to immerse myself completely in whatever game I'm playing... which is really the point of gaming in the first place, isn't it?The Nostromo Speedpad gets 5 stars from me. I would recommend it to anyone who's looking for the type of benefits I've listed. And, for that matter, I'm recommending it right now in fact...",pos "The sound of these earbuds are great..and they are a value for the price.However the in the ear design causes them to catch sweat, and they won't last when you sweat into them alot. After 9-12 months of wearing them in the GYM they will stop working. I have gone through 3 pairs in the last 2 years",pos Using this Kingston chip on my Pearl 8100 phone and it has worked flawlessly.And eSmartBuy delivered it within about 3 days of my order. Can't beat that,pos "I work in a computer lab where we constantly re-image devices (using Norton Ghost). I have 3 laptops and 1 DELL GX620 desktop and all of them have Gigabit connection. When I connected those 4 to this switch and run the imaging process simultaneous, I get the same performance (0 differences) as I run 1 laptop to the GX620. This testing was done with Cat5 cables that I pick randomly from my lab. I can't wait to add more devices and using Cat6 cables to get my work done faster",pos "The antenna works well and obtains more satellites than the GPS units internal antenna. This easily solved the issue of poor reception when the GPS is inside of a car; however, the best accuracy I am able to obtain is 13 feet with this external antenna vs. the 9 feet using the GPS's internal antenna when in an open area. Garmin's external antenna connector plug does not attach very firmly and can disconnect easily when the units are moved around (on my GPS). I feel the antenna was worth purchasing",pos I use the Suctions Mount Antenna because I remove from sight whenever I leave my car which is idea for my purposes. The antenna does greatly improve the reception and maintain a satilite lock. The only draw back is keeping it attached to windshield in cold weather untill the car warms up,pos "this unit has a/v in. my thought was that one could play video games on it, or view images from a camcorder/digital camera. however, all video sent to it gets distorted to fit the wide screen. so it does not allow me to do all i wanted. it is also a bit on the loud side. if your getting this for the car i suggest the coby 7050 unit. i got one of those also, and it works much better for the kids being a tablet form factor. it also does not make much noise",pos "This is a great swicth with low price. I use it together with D-Link DI-704 4-port internet sharing router to build my home network with 1 PC, two servers, one PowerMac and a laptop connected to cable modem ISP. Connecting via the swicth for internet sharing doesn't show any noticeable slow-response as compared to connecting via the router directly. It works well by itself as we as with D-Link DI-704",pos I would highly recommend this phone set. Easy to program and crystal clear reception. A definite 5 star,pos "Works well with Canon 10D, 30D, and S40. Fairly fast write speed. And 4GB - pretty big (1600 JPGs in the 30D!)",pos "For the Epson Photo 1270, the photo quality and color are excellent. I have printed digital photos that people cannot believe come from an inkjet printer",pos This product was very easy to set-up. Hooked up 4 computers and had all up and running in no time. Been running 3 months with NO problems what so ever. Would highly recommend,pos I am amazed by the quality of the guitar. The product is extremely good. The service by amazon was ultimate. Thanks a lot Amazon,pos "Since there are very few cases that fit iPAQ PDAs, I recommend you get this one. Depending on type of your iPAQ (1900 series vs 3000 series), you might have varying degrees of comfort trying to shove your PDA into the case. Once you're done, however, it's very easy to use and carry. It comes with a belt clip that you may or may not use. The case itself is slim enough to fit snugly in your pocket, unlike so many other cases. The obvious disadvantage is that if you drop it on a hard surface, this case won't provide much in a way of side protection (klutzes be warned). The leather feels surprisingly good, almost a lambskin kind of quality. The credit card space is not very useful, but you can shove a couple of business cards in there. A solid 4 stars until anything better becomes available",pos This is the perfect product for someone who travels with portable computers. You don't have to tote around long phone cords it retracts with no jamming! Excellent travel accessory,pos Works exactly as advertised - I travel a lot and I can finally enjoy those long travel hours in planes calmly.Worth the relatively high price tag,pos "Unit's range shorter than expected, but I feel that I got what I wanted, and paid for. Shipping and delivery were great",pos I was looking for a very basic palm that would become my calendar and contact list and this is perfect for both!! It's very easy to learn and enter stuff. I'm a first time PDA owner and this is an excellent product!,pos "If you ORIGINALLY & NEWLY unlocked a NEW locked MapSource CD-ROM/DVD-ROM product ON or AFTER the release date of an update for that same product, you are eligible to unlock on that specific update what you unlocked on the original for no charge. In other words, you can update to the latest data for free! visit the garmin web site for more inf",pos "If you're looking for isolation from ambient noise, these are great. I use them as In Ear Monitors for my onstage use (rock band), and if I use the foam inserts, I can stand right in front of the horn section and not get my head knocked off.I've read some people complain that the bass response is not quite what they expected, but frankly it doesn't bother me a bit.The only thing that's awkward is removing them when they're fully inserted for a while. They're rather small, and getting hold of them can be a bit tricky. I'm using small bits of tape for pull tabs, and it seems to work pretty well.Overall, I'm impressed with this product since it's affordable and does exactly what it's advertised to do",pos "I found this on clearance at another retailer (I guess not everyone likes pink), and it's fabulous. I thought it might be just for skinny-armed people, but not so! I've got plenty of room, it fits great, and it doesn't move. Still looking for a solution to keep the earbud cord out of the way, though. Makes mowing the lawn WAY more fun",pos "The phone works great!. I have three of these and a base. The best phones I have had. The other phones I have are the TCX800 model (previous version), equally good.I had trouble deregistering one of the phones, as it has to be close to the original base (kept telling me out of range). I found out that pressing END and #, also deregisters",pos "I just use the keyboard like a business user. I don't use the media stuff. I really like the tactile feel of the keyboard and how it works. I like that it's not huge and doesn't have all those extra ridiculous buttons that I never use. The rechargeable mouse is handy as well. Prior to this, I had two Microsoft wireless combos in a row, and in both cases the mouse gradually began flaking out on me. I don't know if it's because it's Logitech or it's bluetooth, but the keyboard/mouse are as responsive as were they wired (after they wake up).",pos I used the Tripp lite to charge my PowerBook and digital camera during a cross country trip to grad school. It worked great and I had no problems. The only thing I could have used was a second outlet,pos Esactly what I was wanting. When you turn there is resistance (springs I think) and everything works great. If you use flight sims you need this product. Works awsome,pos "nicely designed leather case w/ belt clip. i bought this for my hp hx2415. pockets good for SD memory cards. belt clip hooks very tightly to belt, so you don't have to worry about dropping pda.",pos "For those of you unfamiliar with the A Series of Unfortunate Events books, they detail the absurdly tragic lives of the fictional Baudelaire orphans, and their struggles to overcome adversity (after adversity, after adversity, ad infinitum). Hovering in the background of their tragedies and occasional, brief glimpses of happiness, is their distant cousin, the scheming, greedy, conniving, ruthless cousin, the Count.Given the concept of the story, this poster fits perfectly, with the orphans, standing together but otherwise alone, in the middle, with the shadow of the Count casting gloom upon them. It is a perfect fit, as is the casting of Jim Carrey as the Count",pos i absolutely love this product. my neighbor has four little yippers and my shepard/chow mix was antogonized by the yipping on our side of the fence. I hung the device on my side of the fence and the noise keeps the neighbors dog from picking arguments with my dog. all barking and fighting has ceased. all the surrounding neighbor as well as me can get a good nights sleep now,pos "I purchased 3 units and they work well for us. I have 2 units in children's bedrooms on AC power and the 3rd in the kitchen on batteries for portability. The sound is clear and set-up and use is very easy. The best thing about these units is the VOX answer option. I have this option turned on in the kid's room and they merely have to answer back when I talk to them first without having to push the talk button. This is very handy when you are talking to a 3 yr. old that doesn't quite understand how to use this. I attached a large, very thin magnet on the back of my kitchen unit and I keep it on my fridge; but can bring it with me to other parts of the house if necessary. The only small annoying feature is every time the talk button is pressed, a beep occurs. But the other features outweight that small annoyance for me",pos "I've always wanted a deep fryer, and finally decided to take the plunge. After doing quite a bit of research, I decided on this model - picked one up at Bed, Bath, and Beyond with a 20% coupon. In my opinion, you generally get what you pay for - so the extra cost vs. competitors wasn't a real concern.I must say, overall, I am quite pleased. While I am new to frying, I found it extraordinarily easy (it is pretty hot though, so be careful). Only complaint would be that the capacity is a little on the small side, say if you're cooking entrees for a larger family (for example, you can really only fit 3 (MAYBE 4) pieces of chicken at a time). But since the chicken needs to cool down anyway, this wasn't such a major issue. It came out nice, crispy, and golden brown - not too soggy, not too crisp - perfect.I figure if it can handle the chicken, vegetables and smaller portions will be a piece of cake. Although I've only fried a couple of batches, I am beyond pleased - but I'll let you know if I have any problems... Great item so far though.",pos "Easy to use, easy to clean. Two major requirements for a kitchen appliance for me to be happy. This thing is easier to clean than my old George Foreman Grill (and that to me was a pain in the neck). The only time it can be a little messy is when you change the oil, which I do every 2 to 3 weeks depending on how much I've used it and what I've cooked. If I'm doing just veggies, I keep the oil. If I do a meat or seafood, I'll change the oil right after.Very pleased overall.",pos "I've been a German knife snob for years. But this 8-inch chef's knife by Japan's Global is the finest blade I've ever owned. Period.Maybe it's not as easy to sharpen as a Wustof or a Henckel, but then again, it holds its edge ten times longer.I've spent ten years and hundreds (and hundreds and hundreds!) of dollars collecting German steel. Global is so good that it has me thinking of starting all over again",pos "I have a number of booklites, different vendors, different styles, some AC adapter, some straight battery, cheap to higher prices, and this one is the best, the brightest, the one I will most often use. It is connected to adapter and kept near computerat all times. I am careful with such items, don't expect any problems, most booklites are not meant to be manhandled",pos used vet's RX to treat my dog's ear and it didnt seem to work. After reading reviews I decided to try this . After only 1 week I noticed a considerable amount of change in her ears for the better. would recommend to others,pos "I was so thrilled when I unpacked my processor. It is so high quality and professional in both looks and performance. It has so many features that I love, especially the triple bowl which allows you to process more than one substance at a time. The egg beater attachment is excellent also. I am one happy customer and recommend this processor to all",pos "The KitchenAid KFPW760 is exactly as advertised. It has three nested work bowls. The inner, smallest one takes a special blade (a smaller version of the standard processor blade). It's perfect for pulverizing/mixing small quantities of things. Pulling the used bowl out leaves the next one ready for use without having to stop and clean something. The same is true for the next one until you reach the largest, 12 cup bowl.A number of blades come in a well designed transparent and strong storage box (finally, a way to keep everything together). The unit even has with a fruit juicer accessory that replaces the bowl. It's the kind with the rotating hub (two hub sizes are included, one for lemons and a larger one for oranges, etc). While it seems to work, it's not as convenient as a low cost dedicated version such as the Black & Decker, but what the heck, it's worth trying.The motor is quiet and you get a real feeling of professionalism when using it. At first I was disappointed that there weren't any fancy front panel switch options, but after thinking about it, you only need the provided On, Off and Pulse.Would I buy it again? Absolutely. Would I buy it again from Amazon? Again, absolutely. The transaction was without difficulty and the shipment actually came earlier than promised",pos "I love this bookcase. My only problem with it is that the bottom right side slat of wood arrived split (a bit), but it still fit together, so I kept it (excuse the rhymes, please). It's amazing that despite being somewhat broken it still holds 60 books, including some big heavy hardcovers, 20 DVDs, 3 DVD box sets, 12 videotapes, and a few pictures and knicknacks. And yet it takes up hardly any space in my tiny bedroom. Best part: the ease with which you can put it together. I have MS, so being able to put furniture together by myself is a very big deal. Highly recommended",pos "As a tea lover for 30 years, I have to say this electric kettle is the best one in terms of cost-benefit and performance. I've used this kettle for more than 1 year and it's still working perfectly. It boils water very quickly and keeps warm for a while. A+",pos "My only reservation is for safety sake, it would probably be better to get the version that is wireless, because when you fill this in the sink you must be very careful not to get the electrical prong that connects to the cord wet.",pos "This kettle is amazing. It's simple -- you plug it in and flip the switch (a light turns on to let you know it's working).It heats very quickly, <5 minutes for a full kettle of boiling water and if you only want a cup or two for tea, it heats in about 3.For students in dorms, you can use it for oatmeal, soup, tea. Automatically cuts off after boiling for a minute, so no worries about fire hazards. Great product, I use it every day.",pos "I love using them and when washed in fabric softener they are great. It is a great deal. Was kind of worried before purchase from reading some of the other reviews but after having had them a week, my whole family loves them. They are much better than the more expensive famous designer towels that I have. For people who are complaining about these towels, go price similar items at your local high end department stores",pos Braun makes the best coffee makers and this feature makes it even better. The coffee tastes more smooth because of this filter. I love it,pos great kit however the book that comes with the kit needs some work. The photos in the book are NOT accurate with the descriptions. I recommend that if you need canning instructions or recipes you get a separate book,pos "When I first saw this pattern on-line, I was truly impressed with the design. This pattern was exactly what I had been searching for such a long time.However, after I received the shipment, I couldn't believe how even more beautiful these dishes were...and they compliment the wallpaper that's in my dining room!Best purchase I have made in a very long time",pos "As a mathematician, game theorist, and proud Chi Omicron Chi (XOX, aka Xocks) brother, I have always been interested in this the simplest of m,n,k games, i.e. games in which players alternate placing markers on an m x n board with each player trying to place k of his or her markers in a row. As every game theorist knows, perfect tic-tac-toe play by both players results in a tie game every time, with neither player achieving victory. The clever child will figure this out on her own, as I did at an early age, and I lost interest in playing tic-tac-toe before I turned five. I never lost interest, however, in studying tic-tac-toe and similar games, which began my pursuit of mathematics and game theory, and partly accounts for my joining Chi Omicron Chi as a college freshman. As part of our initiation, pledges had to play a modified form of tic-tac-toe with vodka-filled shot glasses for markers. Each player had five glasses, and as he placed his marker, he would empty his glass. The loser would drink the remaining shot glasses. Most of us knew how to play perfect games of tic-tac-toe, so really the point of the game, as with most fraternity games, was to see who could best hold his liquor. I do remember one unfortunate pledge, Bob, who never figured out how to play perfect tic-tac-toe and nearly drank himself into catatonia.All these thoughts came rushing, so to speak, back to me when I saw the Shot Glasses Tic-Tac-Toe available for so reasonable a price at about a dollar per component. I have a four-year-old son who has yet to perfect his tic-tac-toe game, so I bought this set to educate him. We play the same way I did in the Xocks fraternity house. Of course I don't give him pure vodka in his shot glasses; he only weighs 35 lbs. As 35 lbs represents approximately a fifth of my own weight, I dilute his vodka in a 1-to-4 dilution with orange juice. I know what you're thinking: what happens when he loses and must finish off the remaining shot glasses, including mine? I am nothing if not fair, so when he loses, I give him an equivalent amount of diluted vodka to however much pure vodka I have remaining in my shot glasses. Since I, knowing how to play perfect tic-tac-toe, never lose to my son, the reverse problem, my having to drink his remaining shots, never occurs.My son loses more often than not, and he usually ends up walking into walls, falling down, and later becoming violently sick. You would think all this negative reinforcement would promote rapid and forceful mastery of tic-tac-toe, but his cognitive development must be lacking. I can only surmise that the time delay between his losing tic-tac-toe games and the negative effects of alcohol poisoning inhibits his forming the negatively reinforcing connections. He still loves to play, however, but his game, if anything, seems to be getting worse, almost as if he is trying to lose",pos These knives are great. They are very sharp and of high quality.,pos "I thought I couldn't live without my Cuisinart or Kitchen Aide - this product goes on the same list!!! This was the easiest, best performing kitchen gizmo I have ever had. A must for entertaining and holiday baking - simple, easy - no mess! Gone are the days with the one at a time with the gas burner!! Love it, love it!!",pos "This is my third pair of kitchen shears. The first was $10 and lasted a week. I thought the second pair was just fine until my Shun shears arrived. These cut well and are also very smooth while cutting. They fit my hand nicely. I can really feel the difference in quality. These can perform different functions -- opening bottles, jar opener, nut cracker -- one blade has a curve in it to accomodate bone. I love that they are dishwasher safe.I probably wouldn't have purchashed these if I were not completing a Shun set. But now that I have them, this is what I should have been using all along",pos "The knife is solid and very comfortable in hand, however, when I got it new, the blade is slightly bent. I expect it to be in almost Perfect condition, but it's not",pos "This knife is well worth the money. It is not only sharp but it behaves in your hand begging to be tuned loose on meat vegetables, fruit you name it. Honestly, I felt it was too much for me but as I got better accustomed to its heft, I knew it was me that did not possess the skills to wield the tool. Do not doubt yourself, learning to use it is a joy. Treat yourself",pos I really like this tea press. It is the perfect size for one person.,pos "I made plenty of pizzas on several types of thin metal baking pans, and the results were consistenly mediocre.Now however, with this pizza stone, I no long find myself ordering pizza for delivery.1 cup water or beer2 1/2 cups flour (maybe a 1/4-cup of whole-wheat flour mixed in)1 package of dry yeast1 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon sugar1 tablespoon butterKnead and let rise twice (I used to do it by hand, but now I have a bread maker which works perfectly for this purpose on the 'dough' setting). This makes two pizzas around 14 inches in diameter. Either roll them out with a rolling pin, or press them into shape by hand. The dough seems to be too elastic to throw it into shape - I think it's a skill that takes a long while to master.I make pizza sauce with a can of tomato paste, some red wine and/or water, chopped parsley, chopped basil, dried oregano, chopped garlic and chopped onion. I've also used pasta sauce (prego or ragu) with acceptable results.I almost always top with mozarella and thinly-sliced mushrooms.I use parchment baking paper under the pizza. I slide it on and off the stone this way, without resorting to corn meal. This works perfectly for me every time.Heat the oven up _HOT_ (500 degrees). It will only take 5 minutes to bake at this temperature. When the cheese is beginning to brown around the edges, it is done. The crust is golden-brown on the bottom, with just a bit of crunch. If I let the crust rise a bit after preparing the pizza, it will be softer and thicker.Store-bought frozen pizzas are also better when cooked on this stone.I'm giving only 4 stars because of the price. There must be a cheaper alternative to this stone, but I'm not complaining too much, because I've thoroughly enjoyed the pizzas it's produced",pos "I had never used a pizza stone but, thought they might be fun so, I put one on my registry. I made pizza on the stone using store bought dough and got rave reviews from friends. Would definately reccomend this to a friend! Just remember to let the stone heat thoroughly before using.",pos "I purchased this machine for my father, who is completely blind, but a complete coffee fiend. He finds this machine easy to use, and loves the fact that he can make as many or as few cups. I highly recommend this machine",pos Heavy duty and scratch resistant (my husband always tests this with his house key). Good value for the money,pos "I just received my Jiffy Steamer J-4000 Pro-Line. It was missing a funnel which would be no big deal if they had not printed the words USE ENCLOSED FUNNEL in caps every where. I sent an email and they said they will send me one (they seem to have a good customer service).Now that we have dispensed with the whining, lets talk about the product itself. If you need sharp lines on your pants or shirt stick with your iron, this is not for you. However if you would like to take wrinkles out of your clothes and you don't want to bother with hanging them in the bathroom while you take a shower or taking them out of the dryer on time, this does do an amazing job.I have also purchased a JIFFY personal hand held steamer that works fairly well and provides adequate amount of steam for most of your needs. However if you take wrinkles out frequently and have the space go for J-4000. You get the wrinkles out faster.If you have a concern about startup time, you do have some control over that. I just put enough cold water in there for a few shirts and it started steaming in 4 minutes. If you put hot water out of the tab and reduce the amount of water you can get even quicker startup time. Or you can put it on standby in the morning before you go to the shower and put it on steam when you are ready to use it. Standby setting uses a thermostat to keeps the water temperature at 90C degrees (close to boiling).If you can afford it, buy one. It would make a great re-gift item if you find out that you don't like it",pos "I absolutely love my KitchenAid mixer. I like to bake and always use my mixer. I use it to mix cake batters and knead dough. Cakes come out perfect every time. The mixer is a necessity for every baker's kitchen. It is a durable product and will last a lifetime. The mixer is well built and well designed. Cleanup is easy too. Just remove the bowl and beater and wash by hand or in the dishwasher. The mixer comes with one bowl, kneading hook, flat paddle beater and whisk-type beater. There are also many accessories available for the KitchenAid mixers.I recommend the KitchenAid mixer for every kitchen. The more you use it, the more you will love it.",pos "This is a perfect machine for the office. It takes up very little space,is very simple to use, cleaning is a breeze.You can fill the water tank so that water is ready when you are for a cup of delicious coffee.I purchased this coffee maker for my husband's office and for my wallet.In his building there is a coffee shop but at $[...] a cup and time away from the desk 1 half hour per cup this was an expensive habit.The Melitta paid for itself in a few days. You can't go wrong with this produc",pos "I ordered all three colors of these mugs - red, blue and white. The blue and white mugs have a shiny, even glaze. The red glaze is mottled and has more of a matte finish, giving it a more rustic, country look. The mugs are great but the three different colors look very different and really don't match each other.",pos "Works well, well built and easy to clean. Have no problems after a few months of use",pos "I have used this filter daily for over a year and love it. At first I tried using it in a Mr. Coffee style machine, but found that my coffee grind was too fine and the water would filter through too slowly and overflow if I made more than 2 cups.Since I make coffee for one or two people usually, and don't like to leave the coffee on the hot pad, so this was okay for me.Then I switched to single-cup method using a drip filter holder that fits over the cup. I bought it along with a cup at a Starbucks about 3 years ago.One thing that is great about the SwissGold filter is that it cleans so easily. The first time I rinsed it out I took a paper towel to the inside and it came out clean. I was very surprised. (Not so with the plastic filter holder.)The taste is great, and I haven't purchased coffee filters in 3 years. Once I tried it with a coarse grind coffee in my coffemaker, which I received as a gift, and that worked out okay, too.Currently I am using it with my caffiene free Teeccino herbal coffees (help me keep my blood pressure normal under stress), and the filter works very well with those blends.So I highly recommend it. It pays for itself if you are looking at it from that aspect.",pos Me being an avid coffee drinker I will have to say if you want a quick cup it does the job. For the money its cheap and provides a quick cup but you better have good coffee I used the pods and found it to be weak at time and sometimes you need a stronger cup I think more brewing is better. Sometimes was a bit messy water all over the place but maybe Im a bull in a china shop would recommend the item I spent more on starbucks in a week,pos "This may sound odd, but this is the first steamer that I have ever had. So needless to say, I do not have others to compare it to. However,I find that I use it more than I thought I would! The unfolded steamer fits perfectly in the pot that I most use for vegies and the like, and when I pull out the sides (the steaming tray) it fits nicely up the sides of the pot. Besides your basic steamed vegies, I find that it's perfect for warming up leftovers like rice, leaving it hot and fluffy. I like that the handle extends, so you can keep the cover on it while cooking, but you can extend the handle for easier lifting. And you can't beat the price",pos "So I read all your reviews previous to my purchase on this AND was skeptical. There were many reviewers that complained about cracks and problems holding an air-tight seal. MINE WORK PERFECTLY! They are invaluable and I'm glad I bought two of these canisters. Are you people sending the canisters through the dishwasher? If so, stop it! The intense heat will eventually crack anything made of plastic. Do you have an OLD model vacuum sealer? Maybe that's the problem - a performance issue. I have the newer stainless steel V2860 and you couldn't pry that out of my hands! I would give it 10 stars if there was such a rating.Today, I give this product 5 stars. Like most products - only time will tell how well they will hold out in the long run",pos "At first I thought I wouldn't be able to decide what to use this for, but right away I remembered that I just bought a six pack of onion rolls and they always seemed to have to be frozen and were just not the same later or went moldy in the fridge, so I vacuum sealed them in this and they were good to the last one with no flavor change at all. Yummy! ;7",pos I love this wok. Heavy duty compared to woks you buy at oriental stores. I highly recommend it,pos "At first I was turned off by the bright (gaudy) colors. However, I have learned to appreciate that these knives are color-coded! They stand out in the knife drawer, and you can always find the one you are looking for. Consequently, the right knife is used to get the job done.The knives are indestructable and durable. We have owned ours 4-5 years and they show no unusual wear. Put them into the dishwasher! We don't do that with another knife (regretted it when we have), but these can take it. The knives are well-designed for function, comfortable to handle, strong, & sharp.We love them and gave sets to our adult kids who always are commenting on how useful they are. Friends that visit and use ours comment favorably on them.These aren't showy knives for formal dining nor will they impress anyone with your classy style. However, they do impress everyone who uses them. And, the price is nice",pos "I have had these knives for about 6 months now and could not be happier. They have excellent balance and feel. A major improvement to the stamped knives that comes with the Calphalon 15 piece set. The wood storage tray that comes with the knives is not very nice (light pine with no finish), but I don't use it anyway",pos "Delighted to have it for my wood floors, tile and area rugs. Works great picking up cat fur and other organic and non-organic detritus that collects. Does require emptying the fur catcher and cleaning the brush regularly - gosh darn! So much easier to do that than taking a broom or dust mop to the entire house. Also have to set up the virtual walls and carry it upstairs and down, when I want to change areas being cleaned. Again, gosh darn! Can't totally eliminate ALL the work, no matter how much I might like to.Don't know what was wrong with it initially that it needed to be reconditioned, but its fine now",pos "This Dutch Oven is a workhorse in my kitchen. I purchased it pre-seasoned because I've never had a factory-seasoned piece of cast iron cookware. Bottom line: While the pre-seasoning was a plus, it's not necessary. Just follow the seasoning instructions that come with all the Lodge cookware, and you'll be fine.My family has had cast iron for generations, and I won't pay the exhorbitant prices for those upscale, professional dutch ovens that are all the rage these days. This Lodge oven browns spectacularly, and while the dark interior may not show the developing fond as well as a lighter one, that's not a problem if one simply uses one's nose. We can all tell when enough is enough...I particularly like the spikes on the lid of this oven which aren't present on the more expensive ones. These spikes allow condensation to fall back only my roasts while they cook and I don't have to worry about a dry product. The lid on this oven also fits the 12-inch skillet which I own, and that's a plus. It conducts heat well and when I use it camping as an oven, breads and biscuits come out as well as at home.Yes, it's heavy, but that's the nature of cast iron, no?? If you want something lighter that comes close to the quality of this Lodge piece, be prepared to shell out big bucks",pos "This is the second one of these I've purchased (the first was a Thermos branded one without the cover). It keeps my can of soda, etc cold throughout and adds a touch of class to keeping it on my desk. Both of these are VERY rugged and I would highly recommend over a standard foam cooler. Absolutely the most functional, effective, and classy cooler I've ever had!",pos "The Nissan Multi-Function Can Insulator is a lightweight versatile stainless steel holder that effectively keeps canned beverages cold. My mother and I find the product allows our soft drinks to remain cold after more than two hours. I have two conveniently stored in the center console of my automobile, 1 at the office, and 1 in my luggage for travel.",pos Just used my pan last night and as always with Lodge Logic Pans they were awesome! I highly recommend them. =,pos "I'm sure that you will love this set as much as my family and I do!Each piece is durable and good looking! My original set was also by Sango, and I gave it away after 20 years only because my decor had changed dramactically. Now my neighbor is enjoying my original service for 12. I expect to enjoy my new Gold Dust set for at least, the next 20 years",pos "When we got married 7 years ago, we were given a hand mixer of another brand (Sunbeam, I think) that had seven (or was it nine?) speeds and lots of different attachments (dough hook, wisk, etc., none of wich worked well). I have a hard time remembering exact spefications because it died after 6 months, and I hadn't even mixed anything heavy with it! I always mixed most of my flour into things by hand to try to spare the motor (my mom had burnt through several mixers).So we went to the store, and for $30 we could get another cheap brand with many speeds and fancy gadgets (several brands & models available), or we could get this Kitchenaid with one set of beaters and three speeds. I chose this simple Kitchaid and have never been sorry.This little hand mixer takes it all--even stiff cookie dough like roll-out sugar cookies. And it mixes every last bit of the flour in. Beaters don't clog, dough mixes up smooth.I plan on someday getting a bigger kitchenaid, but so far haven't needed it. If you are on a budget, and need to get the most power for your penny, this is the best purchase you could possibly make",pos "I have owned a lot of crappy toasters and actually haven't gotten another for the past 6 years. I've resorted to pan toasting in order to avoid another bad purchase. Finally got tired of so much effort for toast and broke down and got this toaster. It's so easy to use and it even defrosts frozen bread and can warm up an already toasted slice without retoasting. Worked amazingly well to heat a cold slice of pizza but I'm sure Braun is cringing if they read this! I love the little pull out tray, you don't have to pick up the whole darn thing and hold it over the sink and beat it to death! The toast comes out very even and perfectly toasted every time. Slots are wide too so a bagel is no problem. It is fast too, so you won't miss it not being a 4 slice toaster. I think you will be pleased with this great toaster, I am",pos "The Braun HT500 is one of the best designed toasters I have ever used. What I really like....1. A single long & wide slot, allowing you to toast large or unusually shaped pieces of bread. I have used it to toast very thick pieces of bread, long hoagee rolls, and those huge hamberger buns that won't fit in a standard toaster slot.2. Very clean, modern appearance. Looks great sitting on the kitchen counter, whereas many of the other toaster models today look like ugly chrome spaceships from the 1950's. Personally, I'm not into that kind of retro look.3. An led light that is clearly visible when the toaster is on, allowing you to quickly see the status of your toast from the other side of the room.4. When the toast is done, it pops-up only part way. This helps keep your toast warm prior to you extracting it. You then pull the lever up a notch higher and it raises the toast up very high, making it easy to pull-out even very small pieces of bread.5. It toasts evenly. Of course, you would expect this. But you'd be surprised how some very expensive toasters I've used in the past were often poor in this area.Of all those items, the first one is by far the most important. Strangely however, few manufacturers today make a long & wide toaster any longer. Braun is one of the few that does. That fact combined with the great design is reason for me to give it a hearty recommendation",pos Great blender! I use it daily to make smoothies and it never fails. Powerful motor purees frozen fruits great!! Simple--only two speeds. Easy clean-up,pos "I have only used this blender once, but already I love it. I will update my review if anything changes. No more cheapo blenders for me! I have tried Oster (really bad), and Black and Decker from Walmart (a tad better, but it didn't work on frozen fruit and ice).First, with the Waring, I made a frozen Island Oasis mix using ice, and the consistency was amazing.Second, since I'm single, I absolutely love the small size (I think it's like 24 oz or so).Third, it's not really that loud. I mean no louder than any other blender I've used.Fourth, there are no cheap plastic parts! Yay! Only high quality parts. The jar is stainless steel. If the two top pieces are plastic or polycarbanate(?), they are of very high quality.Fifth, the blades are built into the stainless steel container, and it's a snap to clean. Just add a cup of water, a few drops of cleaning liquid, run the blender for 30 seconds or so, rinse, dry and you're done! Cuts my cleaning time down considerably. Moreover, there's no unscrewing and cheap plastic round things that always tear. There is absolutely no way that you would have problems with a leaking jar.Last, I didn't have any problems with a burning smell. I am sticking with Waring products. My mother has one (at least 32 years old), and it still works",pos "The temperature readings were spot on.There are multiple ways to display it, hang it from the shelves in your oven, place it on the bottom of your oven. it's very stable, doesn't fall over, mostly because of it's 4 inch length.BUT... as with all things in the oven, this will become splattered with grease, and harder to read, and you'll want to wash it....DON'T!any type of cleaning, be it abrasive , or chemical, such as Simple Green, will erase the temperature markings... and make it useless",pos "This ice cream Maker is GREAT. The fact that I can use an industrial motor (my kitchen Aid mixer) is fantastic. It is my belief that the ice cream maker itself is as near perfect as you can get, contrary to other reviews. If you read the description and instructions, you will find that it is not the biggest maker on the market AND that it does EXACTLY what it says it will...IT MAKES GREAT ICE CREAM.",pos "I love this pan. As for cooking: This pan does a great job on steaks, burgers, chicken, whatever. Leaves really nice grill marks. The only thing you will need to do is have a cover or splatter shield for it. I use a 16 round cover from a much bigger pan just to avoid some of the little drops of grease spattering out on my range. This seems to work just find for me.As for Cleaning: I let it cool a little after cooking and pour some water (no soap!) into the bottom of the pan while it is just hot enough for the water to boil a little, and using a wooden spatula (only use wood in this pan), I scrape all the fond away (burnt tasty bits stuck to the pan) and pour into the sink. I repeat this once or twice and put the pan back on the heat and wipe it down with a paper towel. I then use some supermarket brand canola oil spray and lightly coat the inside while the pan is still warm. Takes about 2 minutes to do this. I store this pan in my oven since it tends to have a light coat of oil on it all the time. This pan is so well worth the hand cleaning to have especially since I live in an apartment and don't have access to a grill",pos "The Diadem cooking set roughly meets the WMF criteria, though there are slight imperfections on the metal and the top. The products are made im China. At first I thought something was wrong, then I looked at the WMF site and indeed they have a factury in China, so they must be genuine, however, I think Amazon should clearly state if they are made in China or Germany, I ordered another WMF kettle last week, made in Germany and I think there is a differenc",pos "I did not find a problem with the balance, as previously mentioned by another reviewer. The only thing a potential buyer needs to be aware of is, that if they are planning on tossing their food, they had better be strong because this unit is heavy! Other than that, it proves to be very useful for large portions. It heats quickly, heats evenly, holds the heat and leaves plenty of room to stir. Yes, it does heat evenly and allows the heat to drift up the sides. The purpose of a stirfry pan is to allow heat to move the sides of the pan to allow food touching the sides of the pan to cook as well. Now keep in mind, there isnt a perfect stirfry pan out on the market if you are cooking on a traditional gas top, flat top or coil range. True frying ala Asian style is done on an open flame!",pos "Calphalon Katana knives excel in balance, efficient design, sharpness, and in good looks. I look forward to using them every time I prepare food",pos "This is simply the best pan I own. *IF* you follow the directions on how to cook with this pot, you won't have a problem with sticking. It's easy to use, easy to clean, works for just about everything (except maybe making pancakes - for which you would want a non-stick griddle). I just love being able to use metal utensils with this pot and not having to worry about scratching it. LOVE it",pos "Reliable, easy to use, rice always comes out perfectly, no burning, easy to clean - what more could you ask of a rice cooker",pos "Le Creuset's grills, woks, and frying pans come with a textured black enamel that needs to be Seasoned like tradiitonal cast iron. There are instructions in the product pamphlet as to how to do this. Basically after removing the stickers using a warm water and soap soak and drying the pan, the pan is coated with a thin layer of vegetable oil with a paper towel and heated at medium heat until the oil smokes. Let the pan cool, remove the oil with a paper towel, and repeat two or three times. A surface patina builds up that is quite non-stick. From now on the pan can be cleaned with a moist towel. In the case of burned-on food, a brief soak in soapy water works well. As the pan is used the patina continues to build. Le Creuset's omelete pans do come with silverstone non-stick if you like non-stick. The textured enamel works well and is stable at higher heats than non-stick coating. I own a Le Creuset Wok, a square grill pan, and three frying pans with this textured finish and I find that they work fine after being seasoned this way. I also own a Le Creuset Omlete pan that has a good non-stick coating. This pan work fine for delicate foods like egg and pancake preparations. The textured finish pans work well for grilling meats, stir fries, and other hardier preparations. If you use good non-scratch silicone or nylon tools in your Le Creuset wares and a small amout of PAM or a little oil spread with a paper towel you will have no problems.",pos This is a super convenient item. I don't lock it so messing with the lock is not an issue. The lock could probably be a little more user friendly. It stores everything just great. It keeps the dust off of my Cuisinart goodies. I have another three-blade disc holder too. That one came with my Cuisinart. This one is a must-have.,pos I am glad that I finally have a storage unit to hold my sharp Cuisinart Blades. I have three little kids and the thought of them getting their little hands on them always had me worried. The only design flaw is that it can be difficult to open and then lock back into place. I knew this going into my purchase and decided to take the chance as the flaw was better then not having to worry about my children.Hopefully Cuisinart is aware of the design flaw and working to fix it,pos "I got this as a gift from my mother when I moved to my first apartment away from home. She already had one, and loved it. I use mine quite frequently, and makes quick work of dicing onions and peppers for philly steaks or burgers. My brother and father have also since purchased these units. I have had mine going on 5 years now, not a problem with it. great value, good gift for cooks for one or two, who do not need a huge unit to chop stuff.",pos "My mother-in-law got me one of these when I started feeding my first son baby food. Before, I would just mash up our food with a fork. This is much easier. I've had it for three years now and it's still working great.I use it for everything, now. My husband doesn't like veggies, and I when I cook I usually put onion, celery, and bell pepper in everything. Now we get the taste of my beloved vegtables, and he doesn't have to deal with the chunks. Great product!",pos Heads and tails above my 8 year old Hoover wind-tunnel bagged unit. Never did understand the 8 bucks for 3 bags. Hoover should have given the vacuum away due to always having to replace bags every week (adds up to big bucks quickly).The Dyson kicks butt... Three times the dirt is picked up every week when compared to Hoover bag replacement size of dirt removed.Wish the Dyson had self propelled system... The house keeper wouldn't be so tired after 3 hours ;o) Handy hose and a really well thought out system.Hands down the best unit I've ever owned. Time will tell if it holds up like the hoover unit did. Won't miss the belt replacements (2) or the bag cost on the Hoover.Would I buy another? If it holds up like my Hoover did... You bet... Like I stated before: Kicks butt at picking up dog fur-!,pos "I received this tea kettle as a replacement for a Nova teakettle (the former model) that I purchased in October 2005.Part of the quality of a product is how the company stands behind it, and Breville is excellent in this area. My former kettle developed a short in the on/off switch. I notified the company by email, and I received an email response in 3 hours asking some questions and for more detail. In 3 more hours, I received an email with a fed-x label. They indicated they wanted to see the product, and they would either repair or replace it. Within a week, I had this new model as a replacement, since they no longer make the Nova.I then received a follow up phone call from Breville to make sure I got and liked the new product, which I do. The warranty period for the new product starts again, so it has a full one year warranty. I also asked about the switch, since I was concerned that this could be a problem, and they assured me that this is a problem they just don't have with the applicances. The customer service rep indicated that in 10 years, he had seen about 6 of the type of problem I had. It seems that a customer service rep that has worked for a company for 10 years also says something about the company.The new kettle heats quickly and to a full boil. It also has the sharp looks where you can use for entertaining. I am happy with the product, and very happy with the company's service",pos "This electric water heater feels very solid and well built. When filled to 1.7 liters, it takes about 6 min 30 seconds to boil. The kettle automatically shuts off when it boils and makes a nice bell noise when finished. I thought this would be annoying, but it is not! Also, when switched on, there is a nice white LED lighting up the water supply making it easy to read.My only complaint about this kettle is that it is rather loud (which is why I only gave it 4 stars) when it is on. A few moments after the switch is turned on, it makes this rumbling noise for the entire duration of operation",pos I love this fryer! Its just the right size for my kitchen.Its not big and bulky like other fryers. Its easy to clean too. Its a winner in my book,pos "I knew going in that these were not thick, but I am pleased with these sheets. Would I buy them again? Yes, aslong as the price is as low as I got them for (under 20 bucks)",pos These sheets are soft wash well and set the pace for a great night's sleep. I love flannel sheets and these are the best so far.,pos "This thing tears through meat, I hate to chewy beef and stringy chicken, so this attachment is my new bud. Works fantastic on cereal to (dry not wet). Buy it, you won't regret it",pos I ordered this item when it was not available at that time so it took a while for me to get it-but I was impressed at the careful packing and the product itself-very elegant looking cake set and can be used as a punch bowl too-would certainly recommend it for all hosts,pos I recieved this cake plate a couple weeks ago. it's very heavy and well made. it came boxed extra well. The box was inside another box surrounded by air bags. There was no way this thing was going to be broken. I am happy with my purchase,pos "Lodge logic has exploded from a small corner shop in one lonely town in Vermont, to a nationwide powerhouse ready and eager to bust down to the door to your house and fill your kitchen with finest in waffle press technology. I'm of course referring to the cutting edge Finnish design that lodge has presented here. I'm able to pretty much press out an entire course of breakfast in well under an hour with this thing, easily producing a feast fit for the third reich.",pos "Pyrex is always the best! This enormous measuring cup is great for melting in the microwave and for a homemade double boiler in any pot. The lid is a hard plastic top with flexible sides that seal up tight so you can use it to store things in the fridge and to carry things places. Also the cover is safe for both freezer and microwave use (but not the oven) and is dishwasher safe in the top rack. The cover has three pouring choices, a regular pour spout, a slotted spout, and a spout with seven little holes. An extremely useful item to have in the kitchen",pos "Even if you aren't worried about the possible negative effects of drinking out of plastic or nalgene this is the best water bottle ever. If you want a water bottle that keeps your water cold all day long, doesn't sweat, is unbreakable, doesn't spill and won't let water dribble down you chin put your nalgene and plastic ones away and buy this one now.",pos "Ok, this is obviously not the same as the traditional All Clad stockpots, if it was it would be more then triple the price of this one. It is part of the disk bottom collection, however it is still top quality stainless steel and very well made. I certainly would not consider it secondary. It is a little lighter in weight than the traditional All Clad but it is not a light weight pot by any means. It is great for sauce, soup, stew, etc. You will love it and you can't beat the price. It is very easy to clean. A+Keep an eye out, there is always some kind of rebate or gift with most cooking purchases both on Amazon and in department and cooking stores. I actually got this stock pot free when I purchased my All-Clad Roti Pan set which also came with a rack and turkey lifters in Filene's. I would have bought it anyway, it is an excellent stockpot and the price can't be beat.Tip: If you should get something stuck to the stainless steel use a product called Bar Keepers Friend to clean it. Most supermarkets have it and Kitchen Etc. and Bed, Bath and Beyond carry it too. The container (like a Comet can) is gold with blue and white writing. All Clad recommends it for cleaning stainless steel and it works like a dream and is very inexpensive.",pos "This cover is very rich looking. The fabric is wonderful. I have a kitten that was pulling himself onto the bed and snagging it, but I just snipped the snags and you cannot tell. It is easy to wash and looks great on the bed",pos "I have enjoyed using my Mario Baltali enamaled cast pot very much, it cooks beautifully and holds a large amount",pos "I searched for years trying to find a nice, plain white butter dish. This one is perfect -- it blends in well with all my other dishes. It is study, attractive, and holds a stick of butter. What more could you ask of a butter dish",pos "Fiestaware ROCKS. A few years back, I started my Fiestaware collection. The butter dish, in turquoise, was a recent addition. I like the vibrant colors available which allow for a cheerful, eclectic mix or a more coordinated theme. It is of the highest quality and very durable in the oven as well. I am going to put glass doors on my cabinets to showcase my Fiestaware because not only is it practical and beautiful, they are individual pieces of art!",pos "This grater has quickly become the favorite in my kitchen. It's very solidly built, unlike the old ones I have, and the non-skid base is pure genius. The grating surface is nice and sharp. I love the container that catches whatever you've grated and then stores any extras with an airtight lid. Although the container faithfully catches the grated material, there will be some spillage - from the outside of the grater - especially with cheese. One caveat: Since the container stores upside down inside the grater when not in use, you have to remember to remove it and flip it over before grating. Yup, I realized this the hard way, and boy was it a mess! Despite this, I highly recommend this kitchen essential",pos "This set has 29 tips, a flower nail and one coupler in a plastic case. All the tips and more to decorate just about any cake you would make.",pos "This knife works nicely. The blades have remained sharp after carving roasted chicken and turkey, roast beef, and yes even cakes over the past year.The handle wipes off cleanly after use and doesn't suffer from the extreme electric motor vibration that so many electric knives have. The handle stays cool as well. I don't have anything bad to say about this item, it has been a true performer",pos "This is a very nice set of small measuring spoons-- excellent for measuring baking soda, salt, etc for recipes. They are very sturdy and much better than the inexpensive plastic products you find at the discount stores. This set also comes with 2 things not shown, a nice ring to loop these together, as well as a matching S hook to hang them up when not in use. I really like this set and would recommend this to everyone",pos "This Toastmaster breadmaker is pretty basic, makes a good-sized loaf and is really easy to use. If the first loaf isn't perfect, the troubleshooting section of the book tells you how to correct the problems and the corrections work.It's been in use constantly for weeks now and never fails to produce a good loaf",pos "Had I known what a difference this would make with my cooking, I would have bought one a long time ago. Everything is faster, now, and everything I mix, from potatoes to icing, comes out smoother, too.There are a variety of things you can make with this mixer, and I use mine a lot. Perhaps not every single day, but almost. I bake bread with it every few days, and I decorate cakes for parties and special occasions on the side. My mixer has never let me down. In fact, I am buying an extra bowl just for convenience, too.Sometimes you do get a strange smell when you use it to whip something up. They even tell you in your mixer's manual to expect it and that it is normal.I've had mine for almost a year, now, and was waiting until I had it awhile before I reviewed it. But I have yet to have any problems with it.It's cut preparation time more than half for everything I've made with it. From cakes to meatloaf and bread. It's sturdy and somewhat heavy, which means it's not going to easily be knocked off your counter.It does have a slow start to prevent flour from going all over. However, if you are using a lot of powdered sugar or flour to the point of it being more than half full, you will still want to use the stir speed until it's a little more settled and moist or you will end up with a mess. Not a big one, but a mess nonetheless.It comes with a book of recipes, but I've only used a few. I've never had any issues with it handling all the cookie dough and other heavy doughs I've mixed with it, however. In fact, I've made more cookies just since getting this than I did for years before. It's just so convenient and easy that I don't mind. I mean heavy doughs, too, like monster cookies and peanut butter m&m cookies, etc.I don't know what else to say about it. I don't think you will be disappointed in this purchase. I'm usually someone who doesn't like to spend a lot of money, but this was more than worth it, and I will be buying my daughter one someday, too",pos "The KitchenAid Professional 5 Plus (KV25G0X) is a great product, but you should buy it elsewhere. We ordered it from Amazon, and got the Commercial (KM25G0X) instead. We did not want that, so contacted customer service. They said they'd exchange it, but they sent us another KM25G0X. No good, obviously. Then, the customer service representative claimed they could not reliably get in touch with the warehouse, so they had no idea whether they ever actually would get the item they advertise. They said they sometimes substituted similar products. Great.At this point we gave up, and ordered instead straight from the manufacturer",pos "You'll feel like crazy diving foreigner Jacques Jacky Cousteau when you strap on this amazing new device from Microplane. Scuba dive* safely** up to depths of 30cm!*** Marvel at the previously unimaginable variety of aquatic life present in your kitchen sink! Develop contact dermatitis as a result of prolonged exposure to washing up liquid!*Using this slider as a scuba mask may invalidate the manufacturer's warranty.**Scuba diving using this Microplane Slider Attachment may not be safe.***At depths grater than 30cm the plastic mask has been known to crack under the extreme pressure, causing soaping of the eyes and shards of plastic to perforate the skin.A fantastic addition to the 35000 Series, you'd have to be micro minded, plane crazy or inslide a mental institution not to develop a serie(s)ous attachment to this grate grater. 35000 marks out of 10",pos I purchased this mug for my wife as a Christmas gift. She just loves it. She useds almost everyday. It has been 4 months now and as good as new.,pos "These pans are great, nothing sticks to them. I baked a pie, set on top of the pan, and the burnt overflow stuff just slid right off",pos "These sheets are wonderful and very well made. I really like they way they feel. Great, great value!",pos "Great price for beautiful, high-quality sheets that get softer with every wash. Fabulous color! Sheets fit well over a mattress with pillow-top. Recommend 100%.",pos "OK, for twenty bucks it works reasonably well. We like the storage container to hold the attachments. But if you're looking for a lower speed to blend ingredients like flour or pancake mix, buy something else. The #1 speed setting is way too fast. Anything higher than #4 will decorate your kitchen walls at no extra charge.",pos I cook for a family of 5.I make a lot of mashed potatoes that need whipping.I have gone through my share of hand mixers.So far I don't have any complaints about this hamilton beach model. It is powerful enough to whip up the potatoes. It comes with a case that fits right onto the bottom of the mixer that holds the cord and the beaters. This is wonderful since I no longer have to search through the drawers looking for the beaters.Over all a wonderful mixer for the money if your just looking for a normal household hand mixer,pos "I love this spatula. When it comes to getting the last bit of dough or sauce out of the bottom of a bowl, it's perfect. The soft silicone head easily contours itself to the bottom of the bowl to get every last bit. It's also incredibly stick free. I made fondue last night and after pouring it all into the serving dish, I wiped the cheese off the spoon with a finger, rinsed it, and it was clean! It is also incredibly heat resistent. My household has a lot of spatulas with burn marks all along the handle from resting on the side of a pot on the stove. I've had this spatula for over two years and it's still burn free. I love it",pos "Cleaning up is so easy now. The other roaster pan we used would allow the juices to bake on and it you would have to soak it, scrub it and scrape it. I love this stuff!",pos "This is one great tool. I have this as well as the scoop and they are both great items. I like the spade better since I LOVE ice cream and it makes it easier to fill the bowl quicker. The style is great and the functionality is superb. Now that Kitchenaid is making tools and gadgets, I am finding myself getting all new sorts of items I never knew I wanted or needed. I'm even replacing other brands of tools with Kitchenaid ones",pos "Super easy to use, put in rice and water. Out comes perfect rice every time. Haven't experimented with any rice cooking recipes yet but it makes incredible white and brown rice with no though.",pos "Just go for new shaped cookies, these cutters are great and so simple to use",pos The only reason I bought this is because I visited my sister over the Holiday Season and she had one and I liked it. I liked it even more after I bought it. Nice toaster!!,pos Its the perfect size pan and easy to clean. I've cooked Thai stayle Chicken Satay sticks and salmon on it and it makes those awesome grill lines. I love using this pan...its so much easier & faster than using then firing up the outdoor grill.,pos This handheld vac works great. There is awesome suction and longevity. I had two dustbusters that didn't come close so I am now a convert. Only complaint is the stand used for charging. It's not easy to push vacuum into just the right spot,pos "This vacuum is rather good. It meets or exceeds the dustbuster versions. I've got only one gripe, and that's the base. It isn't exactly easy to put on and take off.It could also do with a bigger compartment, but that's really minor. After all, this is just for small tasks.Love the motorized sweeper attachment",pos "I HAVE USED DIFFERENT BRANDS OF DUST BUSTERS BUT THIS ONE BY FAR HAS OUT DONE THEM. THE BATTERY LASTS AND THE POWER IS VERY GOOD. ALSO SHIPPING WAS PROMPT. NOTHING ELSE I CAN ADD. ALL OVER VERY GOOD. THANK YOU, I SHALL RETURN. A.F. ISLAND PAR",pos "I have bought over 6 of these for friends and family, everyone that sees it, has to have one, we make alot of our own jewelry, so we have plenty of bracelets and earrings. This keeps it organized so you can match colors to the outfit you are wearing. It is the best! Very good quality too",pos I am happy with the product quality and with the prompt delivery.The organizer is made of sturdy materials and comes on a very nice chrome hanger,pos "This grill is awesome! I ordered it to replace my old grill, which didn't have the removeable plates and was worn down. The removeable grills make this so easy to clean...maybe takes 5 minutes. I had looked at a couple of other contact grills from different manufacturers, and though this one was more expensive, I thought it had a better design than some of the others I looked it. Definitely recommended, don't hesitate to buy this if you're thinking about it",pos "I bought this item and had it delivered about a month and a half ago. It arrived in perfect condition with all the items it says it will come with. It's very easy to use and extremely easy to clean. So far I have only cooked whole chickens, chicken pieces, shishkabobs, and sausages. If I only ever used it to just cook chicken, it's still a great price. If you can follow simple instructions, you can't go wrong with this",pos "When I was searching for something to simplify my life I came upon this product. I thought I would give it a try as I love egg mcmuffins. It is everything I dreamed of and more. Easy, convient, done in less than five minutes and a breeze to clean up. I love it and can't stop telling family and friends about it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have",pos This is great for making poached eggs on toast. My family has enjoyed using it so far,pos "My cats absolutely love this fountain. It works great, and takes very little to keep clean. The resovoir is a must though",pos "Like many homemakers, I generally leave fixture installation to the man of the house. My husband refused to drill into our metal doors in order to install conventional curtain rods. I went without curtains over our kitchen doorway for years and always felt that something was missing. These magnetic curtain rods solved that problem. The rod holders attach magnetically without screws or bolts. The holders have never shifted out of place and have not scuffed or scratched my door. The curtain rods are stable enough to hold heavy canvas curtains. I installed the set in a moment's time with very little effort. My husband was surprised and thrilled that I found a way to hang curtains without marring the metal surface of the door.",pos "I saw this unit on vacation and came home and bought one. That was several years ago. Finally, our beloved brewstation gave up the ghost and went on to coffeeland in the sky. So, I promptly bought another one. Morning is just not the same without our brewstation",pos "Tried this on my favorite but often dull chefs knife and after 4-6 strokes was very very sharp. Works great as promised. casing cheap so not sure how long that will last or if it will hamper it's operation. compact, stores well, would be great for motor home or other small kitchen. For $29, makes me wonder what the $99 version does that Amazon also carries. knocked a star off for the cheap plastic case",pos "3 swipes and your knife is sharp on both sides of the edge. The sharpener folds up neatly into a little case the size of a man's wallet and is easy to store. The Handy House ships immediately..I got my package within 3 days. I love the knife sharpener, and love the service I received. Thank",pos "I bought this knife sharpener because I was tired of knives that would not cut & the vender I brought it from, The Handy House, told me that it worked and I had bought things from her before on her word. And it works. My knifes are old & dull. A few swips through the sharpener blade & I had a brand new knife & the price is also good.",pos "These spoons are great. They are very sturdy and easy to use, and the finish on the metal is a nice touch. Overall, practical and attractive",pos "this set of knives is simply incredible - a MUST for any kitchen, especially a small one or if you just do a lot of quick small tasks. these things are SHARP, and, as standard for henckels, supremely made.",pos "I know that purists don't like serrated knives, but these are great! The weight of these knives is perfect--they feel like very expensive utensils. The chef's knife is rarely out of my hand, and the block makes the whole set very handy",pos "Was thrilled to find pieces to replace ones mistakenly thrown out, rather than have to buy another blender. The only drawback is the cover is white and my blender is black",pos this set of blender accessories was just what i needed to update my old blender. seperatly these items become more costly but here they are at a great value and shopping is made easy because this set has it all,pos "this is my first Le Creuset casserole. When I first received it, it was smaller than i was expecting. But after cooking with it couple times, I really fall in love with it! Now I always clean it after using, and have it on my stove top in the kitchen! it's so cute and fun",pos "This is probably the most used tool in my kitchen. The cost of the machine and bag material are more than repaid in food savings. I like the rolls as opposed to the bags because I can make the size I need without waste. Watch for sales on meat or fish; buy large quantities at reduced cost, and cut your bags to a portion size, vacuum and seal, and freeze. I have taken hamburger, steaks, fish, pork, and chicken out of the freezer after being stored for two years or longer, and they are as fresh as the day I put them in",pos "I got this pan set a few years ago. I love making checkerboard cakes--they are so simple with this set. You can use boxed mixes, but I find the thicker consistency of the sample recipe makes a more distinct checkerboard design.My favourite variation is to make blue and pink for baby showers instead of brown and white. (I make the white cake and just use food colouring).",pos "Jeez, everyone, yea, they cost a buck each, ok, a buck! but they can be reused, how often do you go to the dollar store and spend a buck on a totally usless piece of something that breaks as soon as you bring it home, hmmm? or you buy a pack of paper plates and they are gone in a couple of weeks?? Well, at least these are serving a purpose, and are reusable....I don't have to scoop anymore, and I have 2 cats, I change it maybe every 3rd day, and it's not a chore, takes less than a minute, less time than scooping and smelling it as it sits there, and speaking of, I do not smell their poop at all till it's changed. so I'm happy and I think it's more than worth it!",pos "We were more than pleased with our purchase of this item, and it arrived sooner than expected.It was very very nice and well worth the great discounted price we received it for.",pos for the money this is a way for the novice cook to experience the quality of wustof. This knife went into my daughter in law's stocking for Christmas and was a great hit,pos "My old blender went kaput it was a kenmore. We decided to buy this blender since it also had a small food processor.The food processor has become our most frequently used tool. Preparing salsa, omlettes, indian food which requires vegetables chopped into small pieces, pancakes and numerous other tasks have become so easy that we make more vegetarian dishes now and they taste better since the pieces are well and evenly chopped.Really enjoyed the blender during the summer months when we made fresh juices etc. Unlike the old kenmore one this one blends much better.I recommend this to any one who does not want to spend money on an expensive food processor or does not have the counter space in the kitchen for all the apparatus that comes with a big food processor.",pos This is a jewel. Takes the skin off nice and clean. Just the tool to get rid of those tough skins on a few tomatoes and no more fuzzy peaches. Just bought 6 more for family and friends.,pos This is a great shredder. Absolutly the best out there. It is a lousy slicer. Take the bad with the good I guess.My wife and I shred lots of cheese because pre-shredded cheese has chemicals added that change the taste and chemical properties of the cheese. This attachment works wonderfully for cheese.A note on disassembly. Some people have difficulty getting the cone off the plug (if you own one you know what I'm talking about). The very easy way to remedy this is to remove the cone from the plug before removing the plug from the machine. If you follow this one rule you will have very easy setup and take down.,pos "First, the good stuff: this peeler is sharp, requires little effort in peeling away even the toughest skins and seems quite durable. I like having it, but I'm also holding on to my cheap little Oxo peeler for a couple of reasons: first, the Rosle produces very thick peels, which is a bit wasteful. Second, I tend to be a switch hitter in terms of peeling direction and really like having a peeler that can either peel toward me or away from me. The Rosle peels in only one direction and thus sells both a right-handed and left-handed peeler. That said, I do appreciate its sold stainless steel construction, which will resist rust for many more years than lesser models",pos "Le Creuset manufactures porcelain enameled cast iron cooking vessels as well as other quality products. These cooking vessels are cast from molten iron poured in sand moulds which are used only once. For this reason, one pan may look like another, but each is unique in its own way.Cast iron is a highly efficient material which absorbs and distributes heat. Due to this efficiency, it is recommended that cooking with cast iron is done on low to medium heat. Over heating may cause foods to stick to the pan, or worse burn and can cause the enamel to appear stained. Remove cast iron from the heat and it does not cool off quickly. This helps your food stay warm while serving. The opposite holds true as well, chill the pan and it will retain its chill for a surprisingly long time. Beware; iron tends to be heavy so these cooking vessels tend to be heavier than other pans made from alternate materials.Cast iron is an effective material for cooking so why cover it with enamel? Iron tends to rust; iron oxide (rust) doesn't add any complimentary flavors to your food. If your cast iron cooking vessel was not enameled, you would have to season and maintain its cooking surface. Adding the porcelain enamel not only looks good, but has multiple benefits. The enamel, being a solid coating, is one of the most hygienic surfaces to cook on, does not stain, absorb odors, retain flavors, and is easy to clean. The enamel can be damaged, so limit contact to heat resistant plastic or wood utensils to eliminate the scratching and scoring the porcelain.The benefits of cooking with Le Creuset cast iron are many, but lets get down to the French oven, Cocotte or as it's also referred to, the Dutch oven specifically. French ovens have been manufactured by Le Creuset for over 75 years, and were developed well before then. In all this time the design has stayed constant, affirming the relevance of its cooking qualities. These ovens come in either oval or round shapes. The oval shape works well for roasting whole chickens and porkloin roasts, otherwise the differences are minimal.This pan holds 6 3/4 quarts of food, measures 9 1/2 x 12 inches or 24 x 30 cm internal diameter, 4 3/4 inch or 11 1/2 cm deep, and weighs 13 pounds. The domed lid provides a tight seal, trapping in moisture to roll back into the dish. The lid may alternatively be used as a holding plate for chopped vegetables or meat during initial preparations. Be sure to lift the pan off of cooking surfaces to reduce damaging either the pan or the surface. French oven tends to do best if at least 3/4 full. Any less and you may overwhelm your food with heat evenly dispersed in the pot.French ovens were developed for slow cooking by stewing, braising or boiling. Some typical dishes include roasts, and stews. Other possibilities include gumbos, chili, dirty rice, baked beans, Swedish meatballs, osso bucco, or curing ice cream to name a few.One feature that people tend to complain about is the cost. The cost does seem steep compared to other pans made from other materials. Heck, cast iron doesn't seem like it should be expensive when comparing to the old cast iron pans past generations have used for cornbread and camping. However the manufacturing process requires making a mould for each and every pan produced. They then go through the enameling process before shipping these heavy pans. If you take what goes into making and distributing these high quality cast iron products, the cost tends to make sense. Then consider that this pan will easily last a lifetime when taken care of.PROS:Efficient absorption and distribution of heatHygienic enamel cooking surfaceDoes not stain, absorb odors, or retain flavorsCleans easily when not abused or misusedCan be transferred from stove top to the oven to the tableEasily lasts a lifetimeCONS:Its heavy, as cast iron tends to be weighing in at about 13 pound",pos "This pot rocks. You'll fall in love with it the first time you cook with it. It browns well, cleans easily, and goes from the stove to the oven to the table in style.My only complaint is that mine arrived slightly chipped, but the chips don't seem to affect its performance, so I didn't send it back",pos "This product is great for making mashed potatoes. I love it, it is well made and sturdy. My kids like to turn the handle and I do not have to worry about any electric blades cutting their fingers. The price is very good for this item. I prefer non electric kitchen gadgets, (to save space) and this one is great.",pos "I used the four large slider discs to move an 8' x 10' gambrel roofed framed shed a few feet on a cement pad (after building the mini-barn & painting it). The move placed it against the fence. It wasn't easy, but they did the job and......the slider discs are still useable though scratched up",pos I like the amazon customer service as they replaced my order when I got the damaged one,pos "Le Creuset made a decent effort in making a cast iron Chinese-styled wok. It looks like a Chinese wok, and it is made of iron, but essentially it is not Chinese.The wok is much thicker than a Chinese iron wok, and therefore takes much longer time to warm up. Some American users praised the wok by saying it does not need much fire, yet the essence of Chinese stir-frying is cooking through large fire: one heats a thin Chinese carbon iron wok with large fire, puts in vegetable or animal oil, and then does the entire stir frying in less than a few minutes.Still, I liked the wok after purchasing it. The Chinese food here in the US usually is not really Chinese food in essence, but people like it. Why should I be so critial to a French cast iron wok which looks like a Chinese wok?",pos "I've stir fried in this pan quite a few meals, including carmelizing onions with soy sauce. When used with medium heat, cleaning is very easy. Soaking it for a few minutes and then scrubbing with scotch bright for a minute works. I've done this also with high heat, it needed more scrubbing but after a few minutes it looked new.If you don't mind the extra scrubbing, as I don't, you'll be happy with a healthier alternative to non-stick pans. My experience shows that with a few minutes of scrubbing the advantages of nonstick can be matched even in the worst case scenario.I'm a bit ambivalent about the size. I cook for myself and thought 9 would suffice, but I didn't take into account the fact that I cook for 2-3 days at a time. This pan is a bit too small in that capacity. On the other hand, my stove top is tiny so it fits fine.The handle is beautiful and well designed. I have no problem holding the pan even when full in one hand and it's well insulated. In contrast, I also own the Simply Calphalon sauce pan with a handle that's barely suitable for the weight. The quality of this pan is evident.All in all, a very high quality product that will serve me for years",pos "Regarding the glue issue. The cutting board came to me as described in Lisa Dryer's review below: shrink-wrapped in plastic. However, the product's label was adhered to the surface of the cutting board with a big glob of what appears to be that clear sticky stuff they use to hold inserts in magazines, etc. .....and it adheres to bamboo, for sure. I managed to get most of it off, but a thin layer remains. I figure that Goof-Off or some other solvent would get rid of it, but I don't want to put poison on something that'll be holding my food.One solution is to use only one side of the cutting board.Otherwise, it appears to be a perfectly fine product",pos "We have been using these for several years now. For refrigerator storage and reheating, we use these containers almost daily. I remember the lids were a bit stiff at first, but not impossible unless you are over 80.After 5 or 6 times through the dishwasher, they were prefect and remain so. They nest nicely and they fit in the dishwasher and come out looking good. The vent is not that exciting a feature, but if it wasn't there you'd have more microwave clanup.Regardless, I highly recommend these",pos "So far I have made several different ice creams in my new machine. This is the first I'd ever had and the hard part is making the different recipies and deciding what you like and what you don't. The machine is very efficient. You just put the mixture in and it does all the work. You may want to check on your mixture a few times because some thicken earlier than others. You just stop it and give a taste to see if you like the consistency. I made one mistake of putting the mixture in before it was completely cooled and it didn't thicken and I wasted all of it, so be sure it is completely cool before you put it in the machine. The machine is a little noisy but I expected that after reading about it, not as bad as I thought it would be though. Overall, very happy",pos It was the perfect price and the cheapest that i found anywhere and i would recomend it to anyone,pos "This color of Fiesta is just gorgeous and a great addition to any collection. My sister-in-law, for whom this was a gift, just loves it and I'd be tempted to buy a set for myself if I didn't already have a ton of dishes. The Fiesta line are all well made, solid dishes that can be used for all occasions. If you know someone needing dishes, the Fiesta line is the way to go. These dishes increase in value regularly and add a lovely touch of color to your table",pos I looked for somewhere to find these Corelle plates and found them on Amazon. My favorite dish and plate design should last a while and withstand my abuse,pos "This plate, the 10 inch is the normal size dinner plate, just so you know. It's easy to buy the wrong size with these because they come in so many sizes. My aunt has had the Winter Frost White as long as I can remember, and now I am slowly building my own collection. I love them - they are very light and strong. I tried throwing a plate on the kitchen floor and it is still intact. The material feels like a combination of porcelin and pyrex as weird as that sounds. They are so thin and light that I could probably carry at least 35 of them. This is perfect for your everyday meals. Highly recommended",pos "The combination of the great price and incredible durability makes this stuff perfect for just about everyone. Both I and my parents have been using Corelle dinnerware for over 15 years, and are amazed at how well they hold up",pos Pretty good product. We have not changed the batteries yet & it does get quite a bit of usage. It's easy to use & not an eye-sore in my kitchen. Very fast shipping! I would order again,pos "I recently received this pan as a gift, and have been extremely impressed with it! The infused anodized surface performs as advertised, providing a terrific hybrid between regular and non-stick cooking. I love the 14 size -- it's great for those times when I used to have to split things up into more than one 10 saute pan, as well as for one-pan stovetop-to-oven dishes.That said, this is definitely not the right pan for you if you prefer non-stick surfaces. You will need to use oil, butter, etc. when cooking in this pan, and things will sometimes stick. Cleanup is very easy, though!It is very well-constructed, and I would expect it to last a lifetime",pos "This is one of my favorite knives - and I have quite a collection of them, believe me. It's sturdy, sharpens easily, and seems to contour to my hand when chopping. I'm a faster sous chef for myself and others with this knife. Great price, I might add. This brand across the board is one of my all-time favorites. I've never been disappointed with a knife I purchased from Victorinox",pos The Food processor has many many organized accessories that were sent with the purchase. I know I was buying a good brand but it was not just a good product it's an Excellent food processor and worth more than the money. My wife LOVES you know guys waht that means. Also it has a juice maker not mentioned in the add woooow. The seller was more than Excellent.,pos "This low cost loaf pan does everything you would expect a loaf pan to do. It's dark color absorbs enough heat to produce desired browning. It also releases cleanly. The protruding lips serve as handles (although if they were a little bigger they'd be easier to grip while wearing oven mitts). All in all, this is an excellent buy for a loaf pan - you should buy two since many recipes call for making two loaves",pos "I love my Duvet cover. It's extremely soft, softer than I expected. The large buttons add to the charm. I would buy another duvet cover in a heartbeat.Denis",pos These bags and all of the Foodsaver brand bags are flawless. The only way they would fail is if they are being used wrong. If you do Ebay you can get these same 32 count gallon bags for about $10.99 + $5.50 for shipping. And sometimes you can find a seller that will combine shipping for multiple boxes. I purchaced 3 boxes of gallon 32 cnt bags for $32.97 + $9.00 for shipping. Also keep in mind that you can wash and re-use these bags as long as they did not hold any kind of meat and that they have never been boiled. I have used them multiple times for things like corn on the cob,pos Solidly built with easy to read numbers. Looks like it will last a long time although it was a little pricey.,pos "I've only had this thermometer for about a week, but so far, it does exactly what it's supposed to -- stays in place at the back of the oven and displays the temperature using numbers large enough that I can read them easily without opening the oven door. Very satisfied",pos "OK so I got this set for free, but I would have paid something for it. The little peeler works fine but the parer isn't the sharpest knife in my knife block. I've attempted to sharpen it but it doesn't hold an edge well",pos "I suppose color choices would be nice; choice is almost always good. But my smaller Golden loves it. She likes the view it gives her and it's room and she doesn't paw at the sides. My larger Golden (118 lbs - and no he's not fat; he's just a tall, tall Golden) would paw at the sides and that could spell disaster with this crate. She thinks is very cool and I like the weight of it for being prepared to hit the road when the next hurricane is announced. He has a big folding metal crate and that suits him",pos "What you see is what you get. It works just fine, there isn't really much that could go wrong. The only thing is I should have gotten the larger size. What they call a cup and what I call a cup didn't really measure up. For me it makes two regular mugs",pos "This teapot was a good buy all in all. It's true about how the leaves container doesn't stay in a static position... this concerned me at first, but it hasn't been a problem. The tea press will slide down over time without leaves in the pot, I put it in the leaves container on an angle and this stops that from happening. I have never had a problem loosing heat to fast from this pot, contrary to previous reviews. Yeah, some things could be better quality... but considering the price I'd call it a good buy",pos "I think you could do just about anything to this bottle opener and it would come out just fine. As noted by other reviewers, this opener has a wonderful substantial weight. It has Kitchenaid's signature quality and great color! Goes well with my other utencils and gadgets. Oh, it opens bottles very well too",pos " All the hype is true. The sensations are sinful, but totally legal. I'm still embarrassed that I spent that much money on a dessert maker, but I don't regret a penny of it. When I clean the machine, I only wish I had a tongue long enough to lap up every drop. I hide from the kids so I can lick the paddle blades alone. Normal ice cream from this machine can send you into another realm, but Italian-style gellato will deliver you to a level of transcendence previously thought impossible here on earth. Slowly heat four cups of fresh cream in a large pot to just below a simmer (surface will start to shimmer). In a small pot, melt four ounces of best bittersweet chocolate on lowest heat. In a large, deep bowl, beat four fresh egg yolks on high speed and gradually add 2/3 cups sugar. Slowly pour the hot cream into the yolks and sugar. Mix in 1/2 cup of ground chocolate (Ghiardelli, for example). Add melted chocolate and return to large pot. Heat mixture to about 160 degrees, stirring frequently, and cook until it thickens (about fifteen or twenty minutes). Don't let it get above 165 degrees, or it might burn. Remove from heat, cool, and place in refrigerator for at least an hour. Pour into Musso, turn on machine, and prepare yourself. Tell only your closest, dearest loved ones",pos "I've had this cookware since 1991. It has performed exactly as promised. Regardless of all the use (this is the hardest working piece in the set) It's in great shape. I use it for so many things, sauteing vegetables, a large omelette (to share).A 10 skillet is a must have and more than one is even better. Please never use aerosol cooking sprays.A pumped spray is recommended or just pour a little oil or a pat of butter for more flavor. Great even heat and total release, even when cheese is used. Fast easy hand wash",pos "So far our food processor has been great. We bought it to make our own baby food, and since then we have used it to make many other things as well. I'm very happy with it",pos "These scissors are ideal for the kitchen. The size is nice, good grips fit well in the hand. They are sharp and appear to be easy to sharpen for the future.I especially like that they come apart easily for cleaning... and go back together easily also.Highly recommend if you're looking for a good quality, all-purpose kitchen scissor",pos "These shears are indispensable. First they are sharp and stay that way---definitely not to be used by children. They will definitely bone a chicken all by themselves (but I spare mine a little by using poultry shears to cut heavier bone).Easy to handle. But best of all, they come apart and go back together with extreme ease, yet stay together for use. Contrary to the description, it is not necessary to use the cap and screw to get them apart. They are well designed with a slot and protrusion arrangement that allow them to be separated for CLEANING with a single motion and to be rejoined the same way. The cap and screw are only necessary for sharpening. You'll wonder how you ever got along without them",pos I just love Fiestaware and this is the perfect chili bowl! It is a great size for chili or soup! The quality is fantastic adn the price was very good,pos This item was ordered to replace a Kitchen Aid unit used extensively for a number of years. I am a heavy gourmet baker and cater to very discriminating clients. I first heard of the DeLonghi Mixer when it was branded Kenwood -in an Australian magazine.What a nice difference! The Kitchen Aid now appears to be so antiquated by comparison!!I love the very practical easy to clean design and construction of the DeLonghi as well as the physical ability of the unit to mix more content in a more complete manner.I am very pleased with this purchase and would recommend this product.,pos I was a KitchenAid fan. I had the Special Edition 350 watt and burned the motor out twice in just a couple of years. When it burned out the 2nd time I decided not to spend another $100+ on repairs. I bought this Delonghi and love it.The splash guard is great and convenient to use (I'd never used the KitchenAid splash guard because it was too much trouble). Now I don't know how I ever lived without one--no more white dust all over my counters.The power is more than I'll ever need but at least I don't have to worry about burning the motor out.It is very easy to change attachments. You can even change them while the splash guard is on.It is also very easy to clean.Great Buy,pos "These dishes are beautiful and very nice quality, I will be buying more",pos "If you like your Friday cocktail, and enjoy having people over to enjoy it with you, then get an ice bucket and some tongs. I purchased this one when my old one rusted out and like it much better. It's just classy enough, without seeming snooty, and holds a nice amount of ice. Just fill it, stick it on your bar or table, and then you don't have to worry about continually opening up the freezer",pos i love this dutch oven. don't even debate whether or not you should buy it .... just buy it. you will not regret it. i'm consistently amazed at how well food turns out after cooking in it. after buying it i tend to use it in place of my all clad pieces. amazing,pos "I absolutely LOVE this cookware. Don't be put off by the seemingly high price. You will hand this stuff down to your kids. What's so special about it? It out performs all of my other cookware (yes, even All-Clad) on the stovetop and in the oven. The even heating is better than I could have imagined. It will even perform despite the crappiest cooktops. And, as an added bonus, it's the easiest to clean. I use mine for most everything . . . pot roast, soup, stew, pasta sauces, braising, slow-cooking, etc. It's great",pos This stockpot is the best of all the Visions offerings. The worst being the skillet.It's great for popping corn too.,pos I find this timer very easy to use. I'm not a rocket scientist.I have never been disappointed with Kitchen Aid. I don't understand why it has gotten bad reviews. I think some people should stick with a sun dial,pos I received this item last week and immediately tried it. It was easy to use and worked quite fast. Needed much less marinating juice to get the job done. I wish it was also available in a bigger size for a larger group.,pos Use it keep to store and keep food fresh as wel,pos "I only use the Brisk Brew for heating water while on vacation....I'm a tea drinker. My Ex husband got custody of the first one we bought, so the search was on. When I couldn't find it in the stores I went on line. As soon as I saw the exact same I ordered it. It works great, and travels light!",pos "Having now owned this device for three months, I found it to be a very useful device to have around if you need hot water and there isn't any or no way to get any. Its lightweight, very portable and compact. While listed as a coffee maker, it brewed very slowly and not all that well. But as a hot water heater, it served fantastically well. The typical 8 oz water will heat through the system in about 4-5 minutes, so little patience is needed. The device seem to overheat a bit so cool down period would be wise between uses.There's an automatic shut off, the machine come with two plastic containers that fit inside the water hold. It also come with a small spoon. Machine often come on by itself even before you hit the on button, probably if you hit the button before you plug it in. I would recommended that you have everything set up before hand.I used this device at work quite a bit and found it to be super handy thanks to the small size. The following products could be considered as tailored made for this device: Lipton Cup a Soup (sheer perfect for this machine), General Food International coffee mixes and various kind of hot chocholate brands. It also great for tea bags as well. I am not sure about brewing tea though.Overall, this device come highly recommended for anyone who might like to have a hot drink when there's none available",pos "This baster is big enough to accomplish most tasks, and it even makes a great costume accessory on Halloween. Except that when I used it as part of my Halloween party costume along with a doctor's lab coat and stethoscope, all the women blushed and left the room. Oh well, maybe next time I'll come as a proctologist",pos I have Le Creuset and Calphalon pots and pans but I find myself constantly reaching for this Farberware pot. The design is why I bought it. I would have been willing to pay $100 for one just like it from Calphalon or Le Creuset but this is the only one of its kind I could find anywhere online.It doesn't have the weight of my other pots but the sheer practicality of being able to strain your food without worries of burning yourself (the spouts are great) or using another dish far outweights any reservations on possible durability.Kudos to Farberware for coming up with such an ingenious and sensible design. It makes one wonder if the other brands out there ever listen to their customers,pos "I bought this as a birthday gift to myself and I love it. I thought I would miss being able to preset my coffee timer at night to wake up to coffee, but this makes it so quickly that has not been a factor. The taste is unbeatable! Even if you leave the warmer on the entire morning the coffee never tastes bitter. Highly Recommended for coffee lovers!",pos "This is an outstanding device. in several I've had before the cutter blades were not fastened to the center piece. They would flex as the coring progressed and the slices would be rendered a mess. This corer has rigidly attached blades and therefore cuts clean, perfect slices every time",pos This casserole dish has some minor inconveniences. It's made of some sort of pottery so it cools down very slowly and it's easy to let something sit for 15 minutes and come back and burn your hand. I also learned through this dish that square casserole dishes are easier to cut brownies out of than round or oval ones. It does however cook things just fine and is not too large for what I need it for,pos "Le Creuset baking dishes are an investment in good cooking for a lifetime. This 11 1/2-Inch size oval dish is similar in size and shape to a medium-sized au gratin. It is large enough to bake two large fish fillets or four boneless chicken breasts or a casserole. Many times, I double a casserole recipe and put half in this dish and then freeze it for later use. I bring the dish right from the oven to the table for serving, and I find its clean-up is easy afterward",pos "The only complaint from the other reviews that I can agree with is that the amount of froth on the milk is hard to control. I certainly don't have any trouble getting hot milk. My taste in coffee is probably not very sophisticated, but this machine produces espresso and latte as good as I've had in America.I've had my EspressoPro for 3 years and it's still working well. When I first bought the machine, it didn't work, and the Capresso people were wonderful and immediately sent a new machine. Then there was a mixup over the color (silver vs chrome), and again the Capresso people were wonderful and sent a new machine. Both times they sent me a machine immediately, with packaging to send my old machine back, so I had a new machine within two days of calling them.I always use Espressione coffee pods, and filtered water. That's just what is most convenient for me. I've never actually cleaned the machine's innards, and I haven't noticed any degradation in performance over the years.The milk attachment is very convenient. We wash ours about once a week, although we do have to wash the little siphon/nozzle thing every day. It's about as much work as a stainless jug I guess, with the advantage that you're not wasting milk every time you make a latte.The downside to the milk attachment is that I haven't found a way to get a lot of froth out of it. It's got a little knob on top that is supposed to control the amount of froth. It does a good job of controlling the temperature of the frothed milk, but no matter what I do, I almost always end up with around 1/2 inch of froth on my latte. Occasionally I end up with a lot more or almost none, but I have no idea why. That's my biggest complaint.The bit where the coffee comes out into your cup (you can see my level of sophistication there) has two holes, so it can pour into two cups at once. This is worthless. The coffee never comes out evenly, and if you use pods you can only make a single shot at a time anyway. The end result of the two holes is that whenever I make an espresso, some of it dribbles down the side of the cup instead of going in. It's also a bit short for any latte glass I've ever found, and you have to tilt the glass to get it under.Despite the fact that the EspressoPro doesn't look particularly tough (it's mostly plastic, and not really heavy plastic at that), Mine is still going strong after three years. Much to the dismay of my grandparents, three years is considered long enough to classify something as durable thesedays.So there you go. I'm sure there are machines that make better espresso, but for convenience, I haven't seen any machines that can touch this one for less than twice the price. There are a couple of things I'd like to change (milk froth control and height of coffee dispenser), but I would still recommend it",pos