diff --git a/cblexicon.py b/cblexicon.py index 2afaa4d..d07521c 100644 --- a/cblexicon.py +++ b/cblexicon.py @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +from __future__ import division import math import nltk from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn @@ -16,14 +17,46 @@ class cblexicon: def process(self): + def cluster(set1,set2,conjSet,defSet,dis): + for word in set1: + score1 = calcScore(word,set1,conjSet,dis) + #print "Score 1: %f" % score1 + score2 = calcScore(word,set2,conjSet,dis) + #print "Score 2: %f" % score2 + if score2 < score1: + print "swap" + set1.remove(word) + set2.append(word) + for word in set2: + score1 = calcScore(word,set1,conjSet,dis) + score2 = calcScore(word,set2,conjSet,dis) + if score1 < score2: + set2.remove(word) + set1.append(word) + return set1,set2 + + def calcScore(curr,set,conjSet,dis): + score = 0 + for word in set: + if word != curr: + cats = dis[conjSet[curr][0]][conjSet[word][0]] + score = score + cats + return score * (1.0/len(set)) + def normalize_word(word): return SnowballStemmer("english").stem(word) - def vectorspaced(title,CS,DF): - title_components = CS[title][1] - return numpy.array([ - word in title_components - for word in DF], numpy.short) + def vectorize(conjSet,defSet): + dis = numpy.zeros((len(defSet),len(defSet))) + dis.fill(.5) + for word in defSet: + similar = conjSet[word][1] + dissimilar = conjSet[word][2] + for sim in similar: + dis[conjSet[word][0]][conjSet[sim][0]] = 0 + for d in dissimilar: + dis[conjSet[word][0]][conjSet[d][0]] = 1 + return dis def word_feats(words): return dict([(word, True) for word in words]) @@ -44,24 +77,35 @@ class cblexicon: return positive,negative def getConj(): + # Set up the tuple (index, similar, dissimilar) f = open('conj.txt', 'r+') content = f.readlines() d = dict() i = 0 for line in content: current = line.split(' ') - #Add the first adjective - if current[0] in d: - d[current[0]][1].add(current[1]) - else: - d[current[0]] = (i,Set([current[1]])) - i = i+1 - #Add the second adjective - if current[1] in d: - d[current[1]][1].add(current[0]) + if current[2] == "but": + if current[0] in d: + d[current[0]][2].add(current[1]) + else: + d[current[0]] = (i,Set(),Set([current[1]])) + i = i+1 + if current[1] in d: + d[current[1]][2].add(current[0]) + else: + d[current[1]] = (i,Set(),Set([current[0]])) + i = i+1 else: - d[current[1]] = (i,Set([current[0]])) - i = i+1 + if current[0] in d: + d[current[0]][1].add(current[1]) + else: + d[current[0]] = (i,Set([current[1]]),Set()) + i = i+1 + if current[1] in d: + d[current[1]][1].add(current[0]) + else: + d[current[1]] = (i,Set([current[0]]),Set()) + i = i+1 return d #Get the Data# @@ -73,38 +117,29 @@ class cblexicon: sets = genSets() positive = random.sample(sets[0], min(len(sets[0]), len(sets[1]))) negative = random.sample(sets[1], min(len(sets[0]), len(sets[1]))) - print len(positive) - print len(negative) # Clustering Setup stopwords = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')) - # Create dictionary (adj, (index,[associated words])) + # Create dictionary (adj, (index, similar, dissimilar)) conjSet = getConj() - print conjSet # Create list out of all keys of conjSet defSet = conjSet.keys() - # Its Cluster time - cluster = KMeansClusterer(2, euclidean_distance) - print conjSet["young"] - z = vectorspaced("young",conjSet,defSet) - - for num in z: - if num == 1: - print "one" - + # Generate dissimilarity matrix + dis = vectorize(conjSet,defSet) - #cluster.cluster([vectorspaced(title,conjSet,defSet) for title in defSet if title]) - cluster.cluster(vectorspaced("young",conjSet,defSet)) - cluster.cluster(vectorspaced("stiff",conjSet,defSet)) - classified_examples = [ - cluster.classify(vectorspaced(title,conjSet,defSet)) for title in defSet - ] - print classified_examples + # Its Cluster time + set1 = defSet[len(defSet)//2:] + set2 = defSet[:len(defSet)//2] + for i in range(0,10): + sets = cluster(set1,set2,conjSet,defSet,dis) + set1 = sets[0] + set2 = sets[1] + print len(set2) # Can we classify and then run bag of words? #negfeats = [(word_feats(movie_reviews.words(fileids=[f])), 'neg') for f in negids] diff --git a/conj.txt b/conj.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e91d9f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/conj.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1851 @@ +fair equitable and +rural urban and +medical dental and +ambitious costly and +medical dental and +daily limited but +tentative exploratory and +military economic and +firmer tougher and +amateurish monumental and +burglary larceny and +limited vital but +democratic republican and +technical military and +long detailed and +administrative budgetary and +right many and +political governmental and +regular special or +genuine token or +green al and +old new and +eighth ninth and +third gentile and +streamlined workable and +modest happy and +american national or +major minor or +second third and +kentucky notre and +junior senior and +general mrs. and +vast lovely and +new fast-grossing and +bric-a-brac such and +second third and +national international and +tomato-red bright and +economic personal and +american british and +american british and +white jeremiah and +first second-degree and +medical funeral and +vicky sympathy and +ex-marine havana and +constitutional statutory and +intellectual moral and +orderly effective and +legal nonviolent and +little mrs. and +feted honored and +second baton and +french german and +u.s. foreign and +limited slow and +limited questionable and +one-third more or +simple elegant and +black white and +afro-cuban oriental and +danish straight-line nor +sanger-harris anderson's and +drs. mmes. and +bible pray and +traditional traditional but +big spacious and +cultural religious and +cardiac blind and +white blue and +soldier musician and +dull monotonous and +cheery gay and +economic ideological and +hard complex and +west neutral and +military diplomatic and +cocky aggressive and +timely convenient and +well-informed confident and +broad flattering and +first second and +useful artificial but +ordinary necessary and +marginal average or +wednesday friday and +moral logical and +effective rational and +effective rational nor +eighteenth- nineteenth-century and +officious improper and +forced artificial and +successful many and +military foreign-policy and +british french and +economic military and +french indian and +british french and +russian communist and +second third and +lean leathery and +moist soft and +flag-stick putt and +air-conditioning new and +tall weigh and +surprising pleasant and +left-handed right-handed and +old new and +pro amateur or +surprised pleased and +political historical or +british french and +belgian other and +military political and +economic social and +january february and +spanish portuguese and +county-wide regional or +informed concerned and +cultural spiritual and +fiscal social and +helpful inadequate but +british other and +trivial communist but +ecological statistical and +honest public-spirited and +australian thai or +unprovocative ready but +flamboyant theatrical or +political legislative and +economic social and +industrial military and +unsupportable wild and +un-american subversive or +brief hectic but +pro-trujillo pro-castro and +rare needed but +common cattle and +blue black-crowned and +political other and +administrative legislative and +broad little but +local borough or +more more and +individual national or +moderate unemotional and +open permissive or +oldest toughest and +peaceful progressive and +white negro and +surprised impressed and +courteous competent and +straight stiff and +4- 5-to-1 and +domestic foreign and +internal external and +conventional nuclear nor +political economic and +warm friendly and +more more and +key doorknob or +poetic beautiful and +second third and +british foreign and +soft light and +high little and +navy taffy and +overactive high and +listen learn and +german japanese and +ambitious useful and +simple honest but +confused unmoved and +cruel sad and +fleeting casual and +loose monstrous and +industrial commercial and +helpful good and +european asian and +able willing and +service-connected non-service-connected and +impractical out-of-step and +old young and +fairest least and +unwarranted unfair and +ethical professional and +geographic natural and +french british and +united neutral and +terrorized tortured and +thirty-ninth fifty-ninth and +general complete and +good bad or +bigger better and +inadequate tardy and +tiny innocent and +innocent dependent and +fair accurate and +30- 50-megaton and +common hydrogen or +sixty-five older or +sudden tragic and +new enlarged and +cynical irresponsible and +biological genetic and +physical mental or +neonatal childhood or +catholic protestant and +sharp abrupt and +eastern western and +economic military and +first foremost and +pro-western anti-communist and +more more and +more more and +greek turkish and +slow fast and +european u.s. and +angular knobby-knuckled and +dark murky and +immediate tangible and +direct active and +industrial agricultural and +secret genuine but +hot cold and +30- 50-megaton or +vietnamese north and +good bad and +political legal and +political legal or +reasonable fair and +beautiful light-hearted and +fair objective and +black white and +surprised sorry and +long detailed and +mysterious marvelous and +entertaining irresponsible and +table-tennis other and +fit contented and +odd ironic and +handsome impressive and +warm human and +technical detailed and +outfought outgeneraled and +chinese british and +able intelligent and +intellectual self-critical and +dramatic lively and +american chinese and +new desirable and +serious high-minded and +untrained unsettled and +young handsome and +high-spirited communicative and +exuberant sentimental or +flirtatious funny or +witty candid and +earlier delightful and +deep abiding and +sharp whipping and +fresh unstilted and +intellectual spiritual and +political diplomatic and +reliable readable and +critical pessimistic and +disloyal pro-communist and +admirable fascinating and +wily aggressive and +political domestic or +sweet sad and +delightful heart-warming and +delicate perilous and +intelligent natural and +non-sentimental ultra-efficient and +strong musical and +italian english and +charming elegant and +intense baroque and +evocative gracious and +bawdy mawkish or +attentive quiet and +soft lyrical and +second successful and +soviet nazi and +lyrical forceful and +vivid unabashed and +hostile quite and +mediocre lazy and +loud clear and +french american and +able ambitious and +courageous honest and +direct powerful and +large intimate and +solid sensible and +equal opposite and +intellectual spiritual and +dramatical musical and +musical poetic and +contemptuous ecstatic and +wide shaggy and +historical technical or +slow modest and +more more and +purple white and +dead wilted or +gentle nostalgic and +rich foot-loose and +new complete and +venomous pitiful and +green purple and +more more and +gusty undependable and +good creole and +pale low-key and +wartorn poverty-stricken and +able willing and +clear sensible and +public non-public and +vast vigilant and +psychological physiological or +vegetable animal and +mono-unsaturated poly-unsaturated and +populous real and +extraneous illusory and +important valuable and +great superficial but +positive negative and +steady methodical and +distinct separable and +present operative and +incredible irrelevant and +industrial technological and +incredible irrelevant and +long diverse and +american english and +strongest longest and +lapsed nonchurchgoing or +respectable friendly and +moderate real but +unique universal and +interminable irremediable and +tatian cyprian and +ecclesiastical social and +old new and +nearest dearest and +strong united and +large small and +large small and +religious philosophical and +pre-han han and +yin-yang five-elements and +loyal active and +unfair unchristian and +easy painless and +natural logical and +unconcerned inactive and +social recreational and +uniformity god nor +traditional indigenous and +political religious and +sacral secular and +fallible corruptible and +remote speculative and +good evil or +certain extensive and +extensive immediate and +moral political and +ethical theological and +objective explicit or +social professional and +legal political and +sociological psychological and +legal political and +negative positive or +legal political and +legal political and +cultural moral and +new difficult and +hundred fifty and +much empty but +smaller smaller and +greater lesser or +trinitarian unitarian or +immediate unconditional and +moral ethical and +moral material and +fourth third and +divine holy and +great precious and +miraculous mysterious and +immediate instantaneous and +honest sincere and +final extreme and +spiritual moral and +world-famous norm and +greater greater and +quick-wate super-protein and +longer longer and +short long or +healthy perky and +b-52 b-70 or +mobile hardened and +successful unsuccessful or +b-52 b-70 or +many frequent and +interesting effective and +open natural and +overage cannot and +regional local and +green yellow and +unsolder disassemble and +active successful and +scale much and +new better and +light sharp and +fine familiar and +small-game plinking and +seven- 12-shot or +bright light-reflecting and +french spanish and +jamestown yorktown and +fern other and +british french and +christian moslem and +famous excellent and +blue white and +red cream and +wine- beer-cooling or +white buff or +clear transparent or +top bottom and +wide 3-1/2'' and +glue one-inch and +final careful and +bottled l-p or +new-england new-york and +more more and +unexpected unsettling and +constant careful and +weekly bi-monthly or +colonial contemporary or +high low or +logical effective and +inexpensive available and +available interested and +stagnant dry or +quick easy and +fluent spontaneous and +young mature or +large circumspect and +large eager and +good solid and +large enthusiastic and +fatigue emotional and +high high or +upper lower and +slower slower and +higher higher and +artistic psychological and +upper lower and +warm friendly and +german danish and +medical pharmaceutical and +electrical magnetic and +bacterial fungal and +new exciting and +5- 10-yr. or +commercial institutional and +full complete and +prominent accomplished and +rare undeveloped and +severe separate and +larger fancier or +second- third-shift and +efficient necessary and +older disabled or +job- non-job-connected and +annual regular or +rural urban or +long ever-increasing and +new modern and +possible legal and +commercial private and +physical mental and +good bad or +many varied and +supervisory individual-contributor and +second third and +central satellite and +new future or +salary prestige and +unpleasant costly and +vacuum- pressure-formed and +large small and +thick thin and +quick economical and +human animal or +regular impact and +red black or +strange new and +german french and +economical satisfactory and +4- 5-passenger and +european american or +imperial cadillac or +monetary sentimental and +reasonable appropriate and +second third and +therapeutic diagnostic and +skilled sensitive and +geographical socio-economic and +vocal non-verbal but +literary scientific or +linguistic paralinguistic and +new modern and +terrible inhumane and +older wiser and +young energetic and +mantic prophetic or +realistic unbroken and +inaudible intactible and +assyrian cassite nor +german english or +quick-drying subject and +sulphured sprayed nor +green silver-painted and +complete unabridged and +calm relaxed and +wide varied and +many varied and +non-instinctive conscious and +nest hive or +new ever-changing and +new better and +freer easier and +thin fragile and +physical psychological and +physical emotional and +unpleasant difficult and +cold frigid or +understanding patient and +complex multiple and +bestial unworthy and +open direct and +more more and +vigorous assertive and +italian french or +electrical atomic and +scientific impressive or +hot cold and +upper lower or +thumb- finger-sucking or +normal excessive and +continuous intermittent or +personal specific and +conscious unconscious or +objective careful and +expensive specialized and +non-police non-party and +stimulated transformed and +divisive nettlesome and +political social and +economic social and +mechanical chemical or +secondary subjective and +powerful dominant or +evil sinful and +painful costly and +unnatural contrary and +open secret or +radical revolutionary and +profound far-reaching and +religious moral and +north south and +red assiniboine and +discontented disappointed and +colorful expressive and +short sweet and +fall-in close-up and +cultural political and +egocentric isolationistic and +economic governmental and +cultural political and +new ever-changing and +propagandistic commercial and +subliterary bogus and +isolated semi-isolated and +regional occupational and +regional occupational and +uncritical many and +ethnic occupational and +powerful most and +low rowdy and +clear syrupy and +moral financial and +municipal county and +bigger better and +high dry and +third fourth and +simple ingenious and +civil military and +plastic adjust and +chinese north and +sharp confident and +ready willing and +sharp military and +obvious overwhelming and +greater less or +greater less or +spectacular definitive and +good thick and +chinese indian and +religious ethnic and +social economic and +social sexual and +provincial overprotective and +psychological sociological and +best quickest and +sudden frequent or +cheap poor or +several more or +ten fifteen or +bitter acid or +noble humane and +free equal and +educational cultural and +deep awesome and +authentic aesthetic or +spacious beautiful and +favorite most and +shady undesirable and +free easy and +scientific philosophical and +lucy winslow and +quiet energetic and +vocational technical or +red white and +eastern foreign and +confident ulyate and +spun spurred and +short thick and +national international and +local ecumenical and +unspectacular indispensable but +introverted self-centered and +private domestic and +sick troubled and +economic industrial and +thick small and +more more and +higher higher and +able agile and +successful positive and +preliminary preparatory and +nursery- elementary-school and +different difficult and +enduring stable and +small simple or +present future and +dull unrewarding and +black white or +stable definite and +forceful overt and +previous present and +pronounced most and +dependent relativistic and +physical emotional and +long angry and +responsive relevant and +complex expensive and +actual potential or +interesting beautiful and +narrow dark and +largest best-preserved and +extensive expensive and +social economic and +social economic and +higher- lower-status and +social economic and +social economic and +social economic and +social economic and +social economic and +social economic and +social economic and +social economic and +social economic and +residential religious and +congregational parochial and +energetic resourceful and +french british and +english french and +slow difficult and +intensive thorough and +primary secondary and +non-violence good and +re-moralizing re-establishing and +violent non-violent and +additional more and +violent non-violent or +forced convict or +economic political and +north south and +individual local and +minor immoral and +social psychological and +social economic and +anglo-saxon celtic or +hot cold and +english scandinavian and +civil political and +educational cultural and +permanent unchanging and +technological industrial and +legal political and +quiet impressive but +quiet impressive but +clear quick and +separate deliberate and +lean tall and +tall angular and +constant unfulfilled and +difficult ambiguous and +australian i and +safe spacious and +blue yellow and +light-flared enormous and +energetic conscientious and +first fourth and +dramatic patriotic or +selfish parochial nor +french indian and +legal constitutional and +intellectual social and +respectable disinterested and +dramatic overwhelming and +cornbread mint and +useful reliable and +gradual abrupt and +major minor or +urban industrial and +narrative emotional and +spatial temporal or +pleased disturbed nor +legislative judicial and +obvious frequent and +terrestial celestial and +shorter shorter and +bio- physiological and +widespread quite and +dark light and +irksome i and +technological economic and +technological economic and +mysterious divine and +forthright earthy and +alive free and +good evil and +corner- gate and +rare delicate and +persistent longer-lived and +straw-colored transparent and +numerous distant and +ridiculous trivial and +destructive self-destructive and +light dark and +artistic erotic and +unknown empty and +philosophical religious and +personal spiritual and +sub-human quasi-mechanistic and +personal subjective and +religious philosophical and +new valid and +better worse or +artistic mythological and +serious important and +neutral rarified and +fresh primitive and +clear distinct and +isolated neutral and +positive negative and +positive negative or +elemental unavoidable and +abstractive rational and +such such and +broader full and +clear distinct and +partial local or +north south and +north south and +carolina georgia and +legendary historic and +shy solitary and +lively humorous and +nameless immortal and +first last and +intimate detailed and +desperate ill-fated and +independent self-reliant and +good bad and +legal illegal and +solitary difficult and +complete most and +social political and +radical conservative or +fourteen fifteen or +undeclared immoral and +limited precarious and +limited precarious and +clamorous confused and +uncertain uneasy and +democratic free or +economic religious or +economic philosophic and +industrial technological and +quarterly annual and +free untrammeled and +free open and +domestic international and +clumsy wasteful and +chaotic misleading and +national international and +practical legislative or +friendly hostile or +quiet deep but +spontaneous unanalyzed and +negative coercive and +stubborn simple but +unworthy trivial and +terrible ominous and +unspoken unconscious and +natural man-made or +more more and +arid cold and +pure elevated and +more more and +new beautiful and +familiar commonplace and +inadequate misleading or +political related and +mental physical or +english continental and +horse-trading eye-gouging and +supernormal extra-sensory or +political economic and +aesthetic cultural and +absent remain or +eternal perfect and +larger smaller and +disparate fervent and +physical mental and +shrewd ambitious and +high-spirited vivacious and +english german and +attractive shrewd but +temporary definite but +wright olgivanna nor +great universal and +sympathetic cautious but +great appropriate and +locked guarded and +overblown operatic and +arbitrary influential and +conscious unconscious and +few many or +precious luminous and +graceful simple and +intellectual spiritual and +secure prosperous and +spiritual material and +peaceful prosperous and +moral spiritual and +economic political and +worthy substantial and +rich poor or +easy quick and +new emerging and +own free and +costly necessary but +fine devoted and +investigative advisory and +wet cold and +new exciting and +vast elegant and +extensive bitter and +pretentious elaborate and +first longest and +memorable lasting and +versatile capable and +true false and +first last or +large small or +religious philosophical and +national international or +religious political or +public private and +legal civic and +harmonious inharmonious or +intellectual emotional and +important recurring and +close immediate and +persistent viable and +underprivileged undereducated and +continuous guided and +natural primary and +reflective thoughtful or +sensuous emotional or +poetic literary or +typical atypical or +difficult challenging and +thematic conceptual or +able willing and +central major and +revolutionary romantic and +powerful most and +old new and +spiritual cultural and +american journal or +past present or +open unblushing and +western southern and +stunning money-minded and +papal french and +long numerous and +industrial social and +economic social and +sharp clear and +economic social and +social political and +liberal humanistic and +wonderful helpful and +skillful brilliant and +new better and +workable slower but +deep brownlow and +tartary taurida and +french german and +fine pleasant and +deep brilliant and +soulful romantic and +blasphemous familistical and +more less or +high low and +unclean foul and +visible external and +uncivil inhuman and +laborious circuitous and +early complete and +late much and +brown sharpe's and +personal supra-personal and +greater lesser and +brown yellow or +general poetic and +serious important and +concrete factual and +sociological psychological and +more more and +varied wide-ranging and +arbitrary whimsical or +selective directional and +creative original and +expressive people-oriented and +familial other and +cognitive informational or +conformist traditionalistic and +complex large-scale and +economic political and +wary ambivalent and +intense deep and +personal social and +optimistic socially-oriented and +learned brilliant and +fine lovely and +kemble guest and +kemble lappenberg and +institutional agrarian and +gray finberg and +literary place-name and +archaeological place-name and +archaeological place-name and +great unexpected and +normal wholesome and +strong vociferous and +greek shakespearean and +brief dangerous and +noble hideous or +stable manifest and +nouvelle-heloise werther and +symbolic allegoric and +classic shakespearean and +private problematic and +moral poetic and +shakespearean romantic and +resonable conscionable and +good trustworthy and +impossible undesirable but +positive negative or +productive most and +west hugh and +intensive accurate and +industrial commercial and +old young or +black white and +political social or +political social and +necessary legitimate and +disorganized bewildered and +skillful unobtrusive and +political religious or +slow painful and +peaceful friendly and +goldfish pee-wee or +power-hungry money-hungry and +contemporary political and +humorous ironic and +secular religious and +academic literary and +white negro and +chinese japanese and +non-intellectual non-verbal and +active militant and +york-born jewish and +potent incredible and +third-rate modish but +unfortunate inevitable but +conscious unconscious and +natural upon and +nervous handsome and +tough square-built and +square-built adventurous and +full proper and +bold unsuccessful and +early spectacular and +absurd dramatic and +pleased enthusiastic and +prospective established and +personal real and +procurement technical and +current anticipated and +long- short-term and +substantial sustained and +fiscal monetary and +financial managerial and +economic political and +unwarranted unfriendly but +economic social and +political military or +economic social and +economic social and +social economic and +political military and +national local and +unpleasantness exciting and +great distinguished and +simple succinct and +national presidential and +progressive important and +personal professional and +characteristic most and +well-regulated pose and +rough dirty and +meaningful related and +tangible intangible and +tangible intangible and +fair equitable and +non-professional part-time and +staffed equipped and +different independent and +large larger or +real personal and +potential lucrative and +foreign domestic and +foreign domestic and +foreign domestic and +foreign domestic and +eastern midwestern and +foreign domestic and +complete comprehensive and +clear efficient and +uniform coordinated and +confused disgruntled and +due payable and +uniform coordinated and +transitional adjustment or +military civic and +strong effective and +present future and +large practical and +present prospective and +assemble maintain and +domestic foreign and +domestic foreign and +public private or +public private or +military civilian and +morphological experimental and +biological biochemical and +nuclear cosmic and +biophysical biological and +federal civilian and +medical scientific and +visual operable and +new projected and +nato south-east and +british canadian and +national international and +national international and +military civilian and +professional clinical and +larger smaller or +15- 25-liter and +necessary applicable nor +final conclusive and +final conclusive and +many complex and +central other and +dangerous harmful and +great authoritative and +military civilian and +low high or +33-1/3% more nor +upward downward or +maximum minimum and +heavy dense and +commercial industrial and +necessary appropriate and +automotive chemical and +1-a upheld and +full fair and +bureaucratic procedural or +unilateral multilateral or +ethnic other and +careful determined but +u.n. other and +diplomatic propaganda or +economic social and +young assist and +possible suppress and +new modern and +penetrating far-ranging and +intercontinental intermediate and +important difficult and +atmospheric manmade and +regional local or +military naval or +ordinary necessary and +ordinary necessary and +one- two-season or +intellectual artistic and +reliable imaginative and +optimistic resolute and +new important and +broader broader and +special semi-special and +noxious dangerous or +past future and +domestic foreign and +new improved or +moral religious and +graphic ceramic and +athletic academic and +industrial commercial and +industrial commercial and +electronic electrical and +printed modular and +electric musical and +scientific technological and +present future and +scientific technological and +accurate complete and +thermal non-thermal and +centimeter- decimeter-wave-length and +photographic schematic and +viscoelastic more or +gravitational osmotic or +x-ray experimental and +soft- hard-surface and +high- low-foam or +clean white and +lengthy expensive and +launder-ometer terg-o-tometer and +aqueous organic and +prepared analyzed and +more more and +visual radar and +daily diurnal and +second third and +solar-electromagnetic- corpuscular-radiation and +biological physical and +anatomical physiological and +neutral inversion or +toxic infectious or +partial low-grade or +anti-a anti-b and +complete incomplete and +anti-a anti-b and +homozygous heterozygous and +homozygous heterozygous and +third sixth and +anti-a anti-b and +anti-a anti-b and +continuous wide and +complete incomplete and +utah central and +initial ultimate and +anatomic physiologic or +short round and +long short and +early late and +mono- di-iodotyrosine and +mono- di-iodotyrosine and +sensitive precise and +chromatographic other and +fourth terminal and +atrophic irregularly and +small large and +glomerular interstitial and +direct indirect and +wolcyrz black and +specific nonspecific and +lee black and +ns af and +first second and +healthy crown or +black white and +littau black and +direct indirect and +first second and +direct indirect and +qualitative quantitative and +physiological pathological and +analeptic psychoactive and +autonomic clinical and +emotional perceptual and +physiological pathological and +physiological pathological and +experimental clinical and +functional reversible and +physiological pathological and +parasympathetic sympathetic and +experimental clinical and +neurotic psychotic and +diagonalizable n and +two-valued no-valued or +af af and +af af and +foresight careful and +disruptive dangerous and +technical other and +stable forward-moving and +economic social and +political social and +governmental private and +stable effective and +national local and +political administrative and +middle- upper-level and +centralized authoritarian and +more more and +rigid inflexible and +social professional and +open pluralistic and +democratic free and +american free-world and +legislative financial and +safe permanent and +ultimate eternal and +theistic humanistic or +self-contained self-sufficient or +highest ultimate or +intermediary subordinate and +unified strong and +extensive firm and +small large or +semi-public public and +deep disguised but +actual potential or +necessary healthy but +quick accurate and +medical financial and +individual collective and +important neglected but +early direct and +geographical social and +positive negative and +structural functional and +social non-social and +white negro and +physical social and +slight non-existent or +social cultural and +male female or +polygynous non-polygynous and +governmental royal or +economic social and +urban mixed and +political economic and +kohnstamm-negative kohnstamm-positive and +equal opposite and +internal environmental and +upper-lower lower-middle and +over- under-achievement or +high low and +strong weak and +military other and +high low and +quick accurate and +low intense but +varied intense and +chinese japanese or +chinese japanese and +difficult unsatisfactory and +simple straightforward and +loose-jointed complex and +compact uniform and +random unrelated and +diachronic classificatory and +concordant comparable and +geographical cultural and +labile vague or +greater less or +long earnest and +free unfettered and +democratic anti-nazi and +strong powerful and +russian western and +social economic and +internal international and +confidential known but +impartial standardized and +supplementary related and +louisiana several and +regional national or +regional national or +limited fragmentary and +public private or +available local or +long-run nation-wide and +unique individualized and +bullish bearish and +profound diverse and +easier easier and +cost-of-living productivity-share and +domestic international and +new different and +domestic international or +limited explicit and +immoral amoral or +static status-conscious and +needless inadequate but +beneficial detrimental or +statutory contractual or +bitter basic and +phony trumped-up and +conclusive issued and +physical intellectual and +unhappy insecure and +inferior insecure or +ethical moral and +actual pending or +actual pending and +white negro and +white negro and +white negro or +all-negro all-white or +all-negro all-white and +white negro and +white negro or +social economic and +upper-middle- lower-middle-class and +upper- upper-middle-class and +economic political or +upper-middle- upper-class and +upper- upper-middle-class or +middle- upper-class and +economic cultural and +economic cultural and +economic cultural and +common joint or +residential small and +residential commercial and +mathematical physical and +atomic subatomic or +philosophical logical and +empirical rational and +physiological biological and +descriptive empirical and +empirical mathematical and +slothful self-content and +analytical synthetic and +rational logical and +scientific delphic and +teleological prescriptive and +individual social or +ultimate irrational and +good bad and +true false or +good bad or +evil wrong or +ambiguous fail and +warm cold or +stable secure and +past future and +many more or +economic social and +necessary unfortunate but +old new and +aesthetic technical and +aesthetic logical and +social cultural and +ripe late or +dead alive or +aerial underground and +gay frivolous but +serious solemn but +poor dispossessed and +rich powerful and +peripheral central but +physical intellectual and +apostolic monastic and +spiritual religious and +positive municipal or +democratic secret and +eastern western and +generous philanthropic and +inappropriate savored and +fourth last and +new superior and +radical revolutionary and +eye-deceiving eye-undeceiving and +interchangeable contour-obliterating and +flat literal and +real sculptural and +highest best and +more more and +allegorical classical and +strong safe and +clear bright and +hard brilliant and +spotty uneven and +hot damp and +profound most and +irrelevant illogical and +constant indiscriminate and +aggressive warlike and +large friendly and +industrial scientific and +respective desired and +careful orderly and +large vigorous and +whole bright and +descriptive normative and +empirical analytic and +happy satisfied and +loose ambiguous and +firm clear and +quiet sturdy but +subtle well-educated and +direct unsophisticated and +calm protective and +grumble fight and +present time's and +personal private and +anglo-saxon greek and +common proper and +widest loosest and +verbal adverbial and +nominal adjectival and +frequent substantial and +grand exquisite or +ironic humorous or +handsome ironic or +ironic humorous or +germanic homeric or +useful pleasant or +symbolic mythic and +suggestive eccentric or +gothic mystery-story or +loose heavy and +moral psychological and +actual symbolic or +one- two-digit or +one- two-digit or +one- two-digit or +sectionalized multi-phase or +naval merchant and +enthusiastic vociferous and +more more and +astronomical current and +scientific technical and +ring-labeled carboxy-labeled and +electron-microscopical physical-chemical and +primary secondary and +hexagonal trigonal and +academic industrial and +inorganic organic and +x-ray electron and +inorganic organic and +atomic ionic and +useful revealing and +major desirable and +r af and +equal opposite and +fire-resistant self-extinguishing or +highest lowest and +wasteful uneconomical and +drip- line-drying or +pen indelible and +medical industrial or +magnetic electrostatic or +heavy bulky and +sensible practical and +small finite but +s-11 s-20 and +p-11 p-20 and +s-11 s-20 and +fundamental simple and +mechanical optical or +7-1 7-2 and +simple satisfactory and +tired full and +full calm and +slim-waisted spare and +small black-haired and +much didn't and +receptive interested and +poor ambitious and +underhanded furtive and +small dirty and +old dirty and +black white and +obsequious conciliatory and +magnificent beautiful and +dark ill-equipped and +larger more and +thin-lipped wide and +evil eternal and +blue cool and +reactionary lazy or +higher higher and +delighted jean and +better worse nor +tall short or +fine showy and +separate frozen and +terrible unreal and +cruel callous and +leavened unleavened or +old young or +fat thin or +good bad or +open close and +clear simple and +intense purposeful and +open eugene and +light bright and +old merry but +young sensitive and +careful detailed or +north south and +yellow black and +more more and +ukrainian baltic and +mysterious dramatic and +precious i and +smooth civil and +eileen i and +graphic impressive and +free unknown and +shelley mary and +small cheap and +social intellectual and +short stiff and +crowded unclean and +rough stupid and +complex reciprocal and +ripe full and +old dusty and +stern moralistic and +definite heavy and +spotless neat and +cool unwrinkled and +distinct audible and +reluctant alex but +empty alex and +young thin and +thin straight and +old gray and +mum nervous and +sweet schoolgirlish and +genuine unique and +dignified british and +undependable annoying and +loud clear and +loud clear and +first last and +steady clear and +loud clear and +wet hot and +damp mud-caked and +grunted slid and +sudden vicious and +vicious short but +one- two-line and +easy soft and +cold hot and +dark dry but +dry cool and +hysterical silly and +hysterical silly nor +silly sarah and +nervous worried and +colorful exuberant and +public police and +big-shouldered heavy-armed and +ruddy heavy and +heavy unlined and +big white and +white strong and +strong unquestionably and +long powerful and +solid heavy and +light-headed sick and +stiff glass-like and +respectable convenient and +good tired and +scarred ancient and +strong distinct and +quick urgent and +big tough and +old expensive and +open shut and +clean full and +black white and +young limp and +bright new and +lost tortured and +courteous casual and +small fine-boned and +high i and +gloomy unkempt and +small wiry but +large sad and +tired slept and +light gay and +gay clear-headed and +great glorious and +thin long but +logical deductive or +new different and +tentative most and +strange unfathomable and +strange alien and +rich unusual and +faulty i but +human instrumental and +visual sensory and +foolish snobbish and +companionable attractive and +dry hot and +red angry and +peaceful quiet and +red baggy and +white gold and +cold wild and +red black and +bigger bigger and +old young and +tall dark-skinned and +black deep-set and +careful methodical and +dewy-eyed soft and +calm peaceful and +mental physical and +proud unafraid and +dry hard and +hard stuck and +clung caressed and +low savage but +first second and +ready willing and +first most and +long narrow and +large powerful and +ormoc glide-bombed and +gray vanished and +open smashed-out or +white-shirted conservatively-cravated and +natural casual and +big dark and +young healthy and +large square and +major minor and +larger more and +noble pure and +flat featureless and +warm stale and +long graceful and +thirsty hungry and +higher stronger and +biggest strongest and +hazy uncertain and +sound light-headedness or +unhappy anxious and +hurried anxious and +different better and +high matsuo and +trigger-happy liquor-crazed and +dead injured or +full final and +tall skinny and +important enlightened and +nymphomaniac unobtrusively and +strong healthy and +older wiser or +new stirring and +oldest wealthiest and +bright friendly and +trusting inexperienced and +sweet sour and +low square and +high white and +wide long and +sallow time-cast and +dry comfortable and +comfortable fed and +sick tired and +beautiful haunting and +fifteen twenty or +attentive sweet and +sweet worried and +worried happy and +small pretty and +pretty gay and +gay papa and +white regular and +regular strong and +soft full and +upkeep shore and +natural important and +stern hopeful but +shorter fatter and +well-fed prosperous and +small cromwell and +safe sound and +ferocious desperate and +few suspicious and +mild-mannered respectful and +naive thick-skulled or +bad philip and +warmish foul and +numb prickly and +stupid crazy or +crazy immortal or +pale skinny and +unfrosted naked and +fine thin and +warm fat and +literary artistic and +large steady and +eloquent pleased and +proud indignant and +older younger or +thick clumsy and +deep warm and +short long or +brown fat and +red white and +blue kool-aid and +john linda and +bright handsome and +shallow frivolous and +frivolous scatterbrained and +attentive generous and +coy wouldn't and +flat dull and +busy i but +lean vital and +black slick and +anne george's and +young clean and +pink fuzzy and +small dainty and +dainty utterly and +black white or +chic splashy and +red black or +black green or +cold calculated and +flippant superficial and +twenty-two twenty-three or +clean bright and +multi-colored graceful and +arched tapered and +clear sharp and +sharp perfect and +green brown and +other interlaced and +clear bright and +alive warm and +clear black and +whole solid and +good satisfied and +strange wonderful and +wonderful somehow and +dry dusty and +dusty uncolored and +heavy i and +long dark and +warm newly-scrubbed and +dull gray-looking and +dead hideous and +tool-kit i and +laughed cady and +straight unyielding and +casual relaxed and +scabrous unclean and +lighthearted witty and +frothy deceptive and +bitter absurd and +hopeful better and +black white and +surprised dubious and +honest stupid and +evasive shifty and +bitter resentful and +pleasant charming and +helpful apologetic and +ungallant untrue and +distant irritable and +high dry and +rude insulting and +few unfavorable and +small most and +journalese vaudeville and +explicit precise nor +sick mad and +english american or +political intellectual and +foot-loose fancy-free and +screw-loose frenzy-free and +great noble and +normal predictable and +cordial loyal and +outspoken offbeat and +oriental african and +curious terrifying and \ No newline at end of file