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<h1>Marissa Mayer- From Grad To Google</h1>
<h2>Stanford University</h2>
<p>Marissa Mayer originally wanted to become a pediatric neurosurgeon so she started at Stanford taking pre-med courses. She realized she did not have the passion for it and switched to a Bachelor of Science in symbolic systems. She then went on to earn a Masters of Science in computer science with a concentration in artificial intelligence. When Marissa Mayer graduated she recieved 14 job offers with Google being the last. It was the height of the Dot Com bubble so many companies were looking for someone with her skills. At much thought and help from a friend, she chose Google becuase it was an ambitious workplace filled with really smart people.</p>
<h2>20th Employee at Google</h2>
<p>Marissa became the 20th employee at Google in 1999. Her time at Google was critical to the company and her. She had many roles ranging from product manager to Vice President of Search Products and User Experience. She helped to develop Google Search, Google Images, Google News, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Chrome, Google AdWords and Google Earth. When Google could not find people that they needed, they would go to Marissa to become that person. She developed Google's Associate Product Manager program which trained new hires to become effective product managers. She had a few controversies such as her brief relationship with Larry Page and she did not get along with other executives. By 2011, she had reached a "ceiling" at Google and needed to move on. She was being passed up for promotions and slowly seen less as a public figure for Google.</p>
<img src="img/marissa-mayer-google.jpg" alt="Marissa Mayer at Google">
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<h3>Works Cited</h3>
<a href="mayer-yahoo.html">CEO and President of Yahoo</a>
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